Different Planets Lagna

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Guru in Lagna Bhava for different


Guru’s placement in the Lagna is highly extolled as it is the

greatest protection for all evils in the horoscope. Having said that,
the level of its blessings and its protection varies depending on the
Lagna of birth.

1. Mesha Lagna: Guru is the Bhagyesha and Vyayesha for

Mesha Lagna and its placement in the lagna in a friendly Rasi
is highly welcome. Guru behaves more of a Bhagyesha because
of its Bhagya bhava holds its mulatrikona. The native can be
somewhat corpulent, but is usually handsome and healthy.
Placement of Bhagyesha and Dhanakaraka Guru in the Lagna
in a mitra Rasi blesses the native with abundant wealthy. The
native is good natured and charitable due to the benign
influence of Guru. Positive influence of Guru on the lagna
makes the native widely famous. Guru and Chandra are the
primary karakas of fame. Hence, their placement in the lagna
with strength gives wide fame. This position is somewhat
negative for wife as the 7th house is governed by inimical
Shukra. Guru gives some health problem to the wife especially
relating to matters governed by Guru viz., ears, stomach,
delivery of children, chest etc. There is no doubt that Guru’s
dasa is just outstanding. In this Dasa the native native attains
high office or position and excellent success in professional
2. Vrsha Lagna: Guru and Shukra are at loggerheads with
each other, especially Guru is more inimical towards Shukra
than the reverse. Shukra being Uccha in Guru’s Rasi is neutral
towards Guru. Thus when Guru occupies Vrsha and Tula, it is
bound to give some negative results. Even though Guru is the
best benefic by nature, its occupation of Vrsha Lagna is not
conducive in longevity matters, i.e., at most it is inert in this
matter. However, that does not means that it causes infant
mortality. On the other hand, true to its nature, it protects the
native from any danger to his life in infancy and childhood.
Guru is the 8th and 11th lord for this Lagna, both are extremely
punishing and injuring. Placement of such Guru in the Lagna
gives much troubles with regards to matters governed by Guru
i.e., matters of progeny. The native either has difficulties in
begeting children or he has to suffer some miseries on that
account. This is also true due to Guru’s aspect on the 5th house
owned by Budha, an impotent Graha. Guru being such a
functional malefic, its aspect on the 7th house of marriage does
not give happiness from that either. Its aspect on the 9th house
in its Neecha Rasi also gives adverse results with regards to the
3. Mithuna Lagna: Guru is the lord of two Kendras 7th and
10th, hence suffer from kendradhipatya Dosa. Guru is also the
Badhaka for this Lagna. Thus Guru causes some obstacles in
life, especially those pertaining to matters governed by Guru.
Usually childhood coinciding with Guru dasa is difficult and
full of instability and challenges. Stability and prosperity comes
only after marriage, thanks to Guru’s aspecting its own Rasi in
the 7th house and occupation of the 7th lord in the Lagna. For
Gemini Lagna, this is perhaps the best position for the 7th lord
to be in for stability in marriage. Being the 10th lord, Guru’s
placement in the Lagna is harbinger of success, after initial
difficulties and obstacles (Badhaka effect). But since Guru is
not positive towards Budha, the status and position granted by
the 10th lord in the Lagna is limited.
4. Karka Lagna: Perhaps this is the best position for Guru to
be placed in the Lagna among all the Lagnas as this also gives
rise to the Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga. Among all the Kendras
Hamasa Mahapurusha Yoga in the Lagna is best, because Guru
attains Dikbala in Lagna. Here, Guru is the lord of 6th and the
9th houses, where 6th holds the mulatrikona Rasi. While there
are blessings of the 9th lordship, there are ample challenges
posed by the 6th lord in the Lagna. The exaltation of the 9th
lord and Guru in the Lagna is simply outstanding. There is
abundant Purvapunya (merits of the past births) due to such a
grand placement of the 9th lord in the Lagna and it can also
means that this could be the last birth for the native. This is the
only Lagna where the 9th lord is exalted in the Lagna. Just
imagine what a blessing! The strong influence of the 9th lord
and Guru on the lagna indicate that the native will take a
leading role in propagating Dharma and the righteous path.
Depending on the overall theme of the horoscope, the native
can either be a highly successful in worldly achievements or
become a spiritual giant. For instance, if Shukra is strong and
favourable, the native can be pulled in the direction of material
success. However, strength and favourable influence of
Sanyasa Karaka Shani or Ketu, can pull the native in the
direction of spiritual success. The strength of the other planets
and the overall theme needs to be judged before making the
final judgement.
5. Simha Lagna: For Simha Lagna, Guru is the lord of 5th and
8th house, with 5th hosting its Mulatrikona Rasi. Hence Guru
behaves more as a 5th lord and less as the 8th lord.
Nonetheless the blemish due to the 8th lordship is not removed
altogether. The occupation of the 5th lord in the Lagna, being
Guru, is a excellent combination for power and influence. A
great Rajayoga is formed provided the child passes his Guru
dasa, if that dasa happens to operate at birth. The 8th lordship
of Guru poses danger to the life of the child if its dasa operates
at birth. The child however, is free from danger after 12 years
(for 12 Rasis) even if the dasa of Guru continues thereafter. The
placement of 5th lord in the lagna in a male sign, ruled by male
grahas indicate Plenty of male children. This is made even
certain as Guru aspects its own Rasi in the 5th house. Guru
aspects the 7th in Kumbha and 9th in Mesha indicating some
troubles in married life (aspect of 8th lord on the 7th) and rise
of grand fortune due to its aspect on the 9th. The positive
placement of the 8th lord (of Meena Rasi) and its aspect on the
9th house of fortune also indicate gain of fortune from
underwater sources (under= 8th, water= meena rasi).
6. Kanya Lagna: Guru is inimical towards Budha while
BUdha is neutral towards Guru. For Kanya Lagna, Guru being
the 4th and 7th lord, suffer from Kendradhipatya Dosa,
however that is removed by its placement in the Lagna.
Occupation of Guru in Dikbala in a Shubha Rasi is going to be
positive in most counts. The native becomes very prosperous in
Guru Dasa. Overall, he is blessed with good fortune, long-span
and also happiness in marriage. Guru is also Badhaka for this
lagna and its occupation does pose some occasional troubles
for this Lagna such minor skirmishes in Marital life etc.. The
ideal situation is when Uccha Budha conjoins Guru in the
Lagna, whereby the native acquires great wealth and fortune.
7. Tula Lagna: Tula is not a great place for Guru to be in as it
is Guru’s Shatru Rasi. For this Lagna Guru is the lord of 3rd
and 6th Bhavas, hence a dire functional malefics. The results
are somewhat similar to Guru in Vrsha Lagna. Although Guru
protects from child mortality, the longevity can be curtailed.
There will be frequent troubles with regards to health, enemies
etc. due to Guru’s rulership of 6th. Aspect of 6th lord on the 7th
house can cause diseases to the wife and there can be frequent
fights. But the marriage stays on as Guru aspects its mitra rasi
in the 7th house. On the positive side, Guru being the 3rd lord
and its placement in a Rasi governed by another preceptor i.e.,
Shukra gives talent in writing and communication. The native
is however not fortunate with regards to children and divine
8. Vrschika Lagna: Guru and Mangal are good mutual friends
and Guru is also a functional benefic for this Lagna, being the
lord of 2nd and 5th. But since 2nd house holds Guru’s
mulatrikona, it can indicate some troubles as well. This
placement of Guru in the Lagna blesses the native with overall
good life and fortune. Being the 5th lord in the Lagna aspecting
5th house in Svakshetra gives happiness with regards to
children. Its aspect on the 7th house in Vrsha gives happiness
in marriage but with occasional misunderstanding due to
aspect on a Shatru Rasi. Guru being the lord of family, its
placement in a mitra rasi in the Lagna is conducive for the
family. However, due to the influence of Maraka Guru on the
Lagna, the native may suffer from diseases pertaining to
Vrschika Rasi such as hernia, swollen testicles etc.
9. Dhanu Lagna: This is another excellent place for Guru to
be in, being the Lagna and Sukha lord. Like being in Karka, this
generates a powerful Hamsa Mahapurusha yoga. The native
has abundant blessings of the divine. From here Guru aspects
the 5th Mesha and 9th Simha falling in mitra rasi indicating
happiness from children, father, guru etc. However, its aspect
on the 7th on a Shatru Rasi gives a minor blemish with regards
to marital life. There is a school that believes that the native
either seeks relationship with other women or will marry twice.
In my view, Dhanu Guru Lagna native will have very strong
ideals, hence they will not seek extra-marital relationships.
However, if Budha and Shukra are unfavourable and occupy a
dvisvabhava rasi, then there could be more than one marriage.
10. Makara Lagna: Guru is adverse to this Lagna as it holds its
neecha Rasi. Here, Guru owns the 3rd and 12th houses, hence,
very negative. 3rd house carries the energies of the 8th, being
its Bhavat-Bhavam. Hence, this placement is considered
negative on many counts. There is usually miseries pertaining
to co-borns (3rd), heavy expenditure (12th), children (5th
aspect on a shatru rasi), and fathers and gurus (9th aspect on a
shatru rasi). The marriage is however protected due to aspect
on its Uccha Rasi. But because of aspect of 3rd and 12th lord,
occasional skirmishes can’t be ruled out. If however, Jupiter
gets Neecha-bhanga, the native becomes very famous and
11. Kumbha Lagna: Kumbha Guru is akin to Karka Guru as
per Varahamihira i.e., Guru is akin to Uccha. This is an
excellent position for supreme knowledge especially on
philosophy, and other hidden areas. Guru is the lord of 2nd and
11th. 11th lordship is not considered auspicious as it carries the
vibrations of the 6th house indicating diseases, enemies,
opposition etc. The 2nd lordship makes Guru a Maraka. This is
not a favourable position for happiness from children due to its
aspect on the 5th on a Shatru Rasi. Also the blessings of the
gods and gurus are lacking due to aspect on the 9th in another
Shatru Rasi. However, the marriage is protected due to aspect
on a mitra rasi in the 7th, but again occasional skirmishes can
be seen due to 11th lordship of Guru. From another angle, Guru
is the lord of two important houses of finances, hence, its
placement in Kumbha can give good finances, but for that Guru
need to be placed in Good Navamsa. According to Saravali,
when Guru occupies Kumbha, the results are “tale-bearer,
spiteful, interested in evil Jobs, chief among his clan, attached
to base men, malicious, miserly, suffer from diseases, lose
wealth on account his speech, devoid of intelligence and virtues
and violate elder’s beds”. These negative results can be felt if
Guru is weak in navamsa and / or afflicted. However, if Guru is
strong, then the native can become the chief of his clan or a
great leader, especially on account of his knowledge.
12. Meena Lagna: This is one of the most outstanding
placement of Guru as Guru is the 10th lord in addition to being
the Lagna lord. The placement of the lord of the strongest
Kendra is always extolled and even more so when it is causing
the Hamsa Mahapursha Yoga. The native attains very high
position of leadership and authority. In addition, the excellent
placement of Guru and Lagnesha in the Lagna promises long
lasting fame. Meena Rasi being the Rasi of the Maharishis and
Guru being the karaka for knowledge and Lagna the intellect,
this combination blesses the native with supreme intellect and
knowledge. The native is also physically strong and the live is
full of overall joy and happiness.

Shani in Lagna Bhava for different

Shani in the Lagna is not positive as it is inimical to the Karaka for
Lagna, Surya. Lagna is also said to be the the Marana Karaka
Sthana for Shani, a Bhava where the graha feels extremely weak.
Lagna is also the Neecha Bhava for Shani, as it gets Neecha in the
1st house of the Natural Zodiac. However, there are times when
Shani is positive in the Lagna. According to Saravali, Shani
Svakshetra or Uccha in Lagna gives status equal to a King, which is
true to Tula, Makara and Kumbha Lagna. In such cases, the native
attains a authoritative position as the head a country or a city etc.
in other Rasis, Shani in Lagna gives misery in childhood, a dirty
disposition and indolence. Shani is a lame graha, is highly
traditional and conservative, and is the governor of sorrow and
lethargy. Positive Shani on the other hand makes one highly
hardworking, having great perseverance and patience.

1. Mesha Lagna: Shani is the lord of 10th and 11th house and

is neecha in the Lagna. Shani is the Badhaka for Mesha lagna
and is also spoilt by Trishadaaya lordship. Its occupation by
being both natural and functional malefic, in Neecha is the
worst possible placement of Shani in the lagna, among the 12
Lagnas. The results of Shani’s occupation of Neecha Rasi is felt
fully viz., “misery due to vices and hard labor, deceit, hatred
towards relatives, blameworthy, garrulous, ill-tempered,
unprincipled, poor, unpleasant appearance, vicious, immoral,
jealous and sinful.”. The debility of Ayushkaraka Shani in the
Lagna curtails the longevity to short-life and the native can die
even within his 36th year. If he does not die, the life is full of
miseries and tragedy.
2. Vrsha Lagna: Shani is a Yogakaraka for this Lagna being
the lord of 9th and 10th. However, it is also mildly inauspicious
as it is also a Badhaka for this lagna. Being a yogakaraka, its
placement in the Lagna, both a Kendra and a Kona, in a
friendly Rasi is highly positive. This native normally earns
abundant wealth, fame and reputation. He can also look
forward to occupying dizzy heights. However, being the
Badhaka, its occupation of the Lagna, in Marana Karaka sthana
comes with a cost. Usually the health is a drawback for the
native, especially in the childhood. The health improves in the
later years provided Shukra is well strong and favourable.
3. Mithuna Lagna: Shani is the lord of Randhra and Bhagya
Bhava. The lordship of Randhra Bhava takes away the
auspiciousness due to the Bhagya Bhava to a large extent.
When Shani occupies the Lagna, Shani as the karaka and the
lord of Randhra takes a leading place. Shani in the Lagna is in a
friendly Rasi, but even then the results are mostly negative.
This makes the native ugly, the native falls in bad company,
becomes one with a wicked disposition. The native is usually
devoid of happiness and is miserable. The occupation of
Randhresha and the Randhra Karaka in the Lagna can also
cause defects in some limb from birth, unless there is some
blessings coming from aspect or conjunction or aspect of a
Shubha graha or Lagnesha Budha is very strong and
4. Karka Lagna: Shani is highly inimical towards Chandra,
although Chandra is neutral towards Shani. For Karka Lagna,
Shani is the Saptamesha and Randhresha. The Randhresha
ownership makes Shani highly evil and inauspicious and it
being inimical to the Lagnesha is highly unwelcome. The native
is usually ugly and often suffer from bodily discomforts. The
native may also be disposed by others for his unforgiving
demeanour. There is high likelihood that that the native suffers
from diseases pertaining to head, tooth and rheumatism. Shani
being Randhresha and Randhra Karaka afflicting Karka Rasi
(and Chandra) also indicate that the native loses his mother or
separates from her soon after birth. The mother could also be
suffering from some chronic illness.
5. Simha Lagna: Shani and Surya are highly inimical towards
each other. Shani is additionally the lord and Karaka for Shatru
Bhava as well as the lord of Saptama Bhava. Like Karka, Shani
in Simha Lagna is also highly unfavourable. This gives a
repulsive appearance and a sick physique. The affliction of
Surya by Shani causes poor intelligence and fickle mindedness.
Placement of 7th lord in the lagna gives an ordinary Married
life. Similarly, Surya alone in the 7th house in Kumbha can give
health troubles to the wife and a strained relationships. If
however there is exchange between Shani and Surya, the
married life is relatively smoother. The 10th aspect in
Vrshabha, a mitra Rasi, is somewhat positive for Career and
6. Kanya Lagna: Kanya Lagna has Shani as the Lord of Suta
and Shatru Bhava. The 5th lordship should have been positive,
but it is spoilt by the 6th lordship. Here the 6th is highly active
as Shani’s Mulatrikona falls here. The native is sickly and
suffers from diseases will very frequently. Shani being the lord
and Karaka for the 6th house, its impact on the Lagna gives an
hateful personality, as the native is inimical towards almost
everyone, including his family members. Looks wise, the native
will have a darker complexion and an unpleasant appearance;
he will have long black hair but the teeth will be protruding
outward. Additionally if Shani also rises in the Drekkana i.e the
1st drekkana of Lagna Rasi, there there could be some
peculiarity in the appearance viz., excess fingers, blunt or no
thumb, uneven eyes etc.
7. Tula Lagna: Shani is the Yogakaraka for Tula Lagna similar
to Vrsha lagna. Here Shani governs the Sukha and Suta Bhava.
The placement of such Shani in the lagna is extremely
auspicious, especially when it is also Uccha. The native is born
to a wealthy family and the family property increases with the
flow of time. 5th lord in Uccha in the Lagna indicate prosperity
to the child children. The yogakaraka occupying its Uccha Rasi
in the lagna makes the native extremely fortunate. The lord of
the 4th and 5th, both linked to learning, in the Lagna indicate
high learning . Uccha of the 4th lord of conveyances in the
lagna, in the Rasi ruled by Shukra, the karaka for conveyances
gives many and high quality conveyances. The yogakaraka
uccha in the Lagna in the Rasi ruling trade and commerce
indicate vast business undertakings. There could however be
some minor issues due to Marana Karaka avastha of the native,
i.e., the native may not have the best of intellect. Why? Shani
being the lord of 5th house, its occupation of the Lagna does
not contribute to intellect. Intelligence is governed by Guru for
which Shani is not positive. The native also behaves in a
peculiar manner once in a while.
8. Vrschika Lagna: Perhaps the worst position Shani in
Lagna, after Mesha is Vrschika. Shani in Vrschika Rasi is
extremely hostile and inauspicious. Shani is highly inimical
towards Mangal, while Mangal is neutral towards Shani. For
this Lagna, Shani is the lord of 3rd and 4th. The Trishadaaya
lordship makes Shani evil for this Lagna. The affliction of the
Lagna by Shani causes curtailment of longevity, making the
lifespan short. The occupation of the lord of happiness,
Sukhesha in a hostile Rasi makes the native very miserable. He
has to suffer due to much ill health and poverty. Shani in Lagna
governed by Mangal is not at all good, be is Mesha or Vrschika.
9. Dhanu Lagna: Shani is said to give auspicious results in
Rasis ruled by Guru. For this Lagna, Shani is the lord of 2nd
and 3rd and suffer from Trishadaaya lordship, thus causing
affliction to the Lagna. The native suffers much health troubles,
especially in childhood. However, the positive results of Shani
in Guru’s Rasi cause things to take a better turn later in life.
The native flourishes later in the matter of both health and
wealth. He becomes fortunate and happy in the later part of
10. Makara Lagna: Shani is the Lagnesha and Dhanesha for
Makara Lagna. So its placement in the Lagna in svakshetra
should yield positive results. Isn’t it? Although this position
promises Rajayoga in Shani’s Dasa as mentioned by Saravali,
but there will also be troubles galore. Many believe that Shani
in own Rasi in the Lagna causes the veritable Sasa
Mahapurusha yoga, but in real fact, the yoga is effective when
Shani is in Dikbala in the 7th house. Shani is the karaka for
sorrows, hence its placement in the Rasi representing sorrow,
miseries and handwork will also manifest some of those
results. The placement of Dhanesha Shani in the Lagna
indicate that the naive will find his earnings in employment but
with obstacles. He will suffer from some sickness and is usually
deprived of his parents. The Shani dasa will however be
favourable as the native will experience Rajayoga.
11. Kumbha Lagna: Another Shani’s Lagna, where Shani is the
lord of Lagna and the 12th house. Placement of such Shani in
the Lagna gives mixed results. While the native experiences
Rajayoga as promised by Saravali, especially in Shani’s Dasa,
there will also be troubles galore. However, there could also be
some maraka results in Shani’s Dasa and Antardasa. Shani
being the lord and karaka for the 12th house, its placement in
the Lagna can cause heavy expenditure or loss of health. Here
Shani is also a maraka, being the 12th lord, which is especially
true when Shani is weak. Any association with maraka Guru or
Surya makes it a very strong Maraka, and it can cause death in
its Dasa or Antardasa. The native may also lament over many
deaths in the family.
12. Meena Lagna: Shani is said to give positive results in
Guru’s Rasi. For this Lagna, Shani is the lord of 11th and 12th
Bhavas, hence evil due to Trishadaaya lordship. The native
suffers from ill health and lack of happiness. Like Mithuna
Lagna, there could be some physical defects, uncontrolled
growth in some body parts etc.

Shukra in Lagna Bhava for

different Lagnas
Shukra graha is the lord of beauty and harmony. When it occupies
the lagna it confers beautiful eyes and face and an handsome
physique and appearance. Being a Shubha graha, its occupation of
the Lagna blesses one with happiness and long life. Being a master
seducer it makes one attractive to females. But it gives timidity as
well! Given below are the results of Shukra’s placement in the
Lagna holding various Rasis.

1. Mesha Lagna: Shukra is the lord of 2nd and 7th. While it is

a key planet for wealth and trade, it is also a powerful maraka.
Mangal and Shukra are neutral to each other, however, Shukra
is specifically inimical to Mesha Rasi, hence its placement here
can cause health troubles. On a positive note, Shukra blesses
the native with a handsome appearance. The natural
characteristics of Shukra are fully granted here, making the
native soft natured, learned, full of joy and sensuality. The
combination of Shukra’s energies with that of fiery Mangal and
Surya makes the native good in poetry and having a keen taste
of fine arts. Shukra is the karaka for eyes and also being the
2nd lord and its placement in the Mesha Lagna can cause
weak-sightedness. This is especially true when it conjoins
Neecha Shani in the Lagna, which can cause blindness right
from birth. Shukra is a maraka for this lagna, and its placement
in the lagna alone can prove a maraka in his own dasa bhuktis.
However, being a Shubha graha in the lagna, and also being the
karaka for the life giving mrtyunjaya mantra, he wards of the
danger to life in the dasas of other grahas.
2. Vrsha Lagna: For Vrsha Lagna, Shukra is both good and
bad, being the lord of Lagna and the 6th house. The lordship of
6th house always carries some blemish even if it happens to be
the lord of a Kendra or Kona. Lagnesha in the Lagna generally
gives good health throughout life. But the 6th lordship can’t be
ignored, which causes susceptibility towards urinary diseases
and venereal diseases. Shukra being the karaka for eyes, its
placement in the Lagna, being the 6th lord can also cause
minor vision defects. Occupation of the 6th lord in the Lagna,
representing head can indicate injuries and wounds on the
head. If there is affliction by other krura-grahas, there can be
injuries in the entire body. Shukra in the Lagna, being in its
own Rasi can cause Malavya yoga, but the results of this yoga is
more predominant when Shukra occupies the 4th house in
Dikbala while being in its Sva or Uccha Rasi. The results of
Malavya yoga is thin lips, even physique, thin waist, splendour
that of Chandra, majestic voice, pleasant body odour, piercing
sight, even and white teeth etc. and he is bestowed with an
authoritative position.
3. Mithuna Lagna: Shukra and Budha are friends, hence
Shukra’s placement in this Lagna should be auspicious. Shukra
is the lord of 5th and the 12th house, 5th being its Mulatrikona,
is a functional benefic no doubt. But the 12th lordship will also
play some part. The native usually has a short or moderate
height, but is blessed with an attractive appearance. The
occupation of Shukra being the 5th lord in the Lagna confers
high intelligence. Shukra being a Shubha graha, its occupation
blesses the native with a strong immune system and a long-life.
Mithuna being Rahu’s Uccha Rasi, is a highly materialistic
Rasi, hence Shukra being the graha of material pleasures and
also the lord of manas (5th), its placement here makes one
enjoy the worldly pleasures to the fullest. Budha is the graha of
learning and Shukra is a Guru and the knower of all shastra, it
being the lord of knowledge (5th), it confers talent in poetry,
writing etc. There could be a mole on the face which may add to
the beauty.
4. Karka Lagna: For Karka Lagna, Shukra is the lord of a
Kendra and Labha. When a Kendradhipati also rules a
Trishadaaya, it becomes a functional malefic. If that graha is
also a Shubha graha, then it becomes a dire malefic due to
kendradhipatya Dasa. However, since placement in teh Lagna
cause cancellation of the Kendradhipatya dosa, shukra can’t be
negative on that count. But nonetheless, the 11th lordship of
Shukra can cause troubles and diseases. 11th lord also behaves
like 6th lord due to Bhavat Bhavam. The native can suffer from
urinary or water based diseases or mental anxiety of problems.
But this can be remedied if Guru conjoins or aspects Shukra,
which then becomes a great yoga for wealth and fortune,
especially through legacy and sudden gains.
5. Simha Lagna: Shukra and Surya are highly inimical
towards each other but surprisingly the results are mostly
positive. Shukra being the lord of Surya’s Neecha Rasi, its
strength is important for Surya to function smoothly. Simha
being a Agni Rasi, Shukra placed here gives a handsome and
attractive appearance. Due to the combined energies of Shukra
and Surya, the native is charitable but spendthrift. Shukra’s
aspect on Kumbha in the 7th promises a happy married life and
cordial relationship with wife. Surya is the king and Shukra is
an advisor, a key combination which catapults the native to be
the chief among his people. This position also gives great fame,
which is even better if Guru aspects with its 5th and 9th aspect.
Conjunction with Budha, the 2nd and 11th lord makes the
person known in the field of knowledge, literature etc. and
confers honours, titles etc. Shukra. All the good things come
with a minor cost, some diseases pertaining to watery and fiery
element in the body i.e., those pertaining to Kapha and Pitta.
6. Kanya Lagna: Shukra neecha in the Kanya Lagna is not
auspicious at all. The results are miserable on all counts.
Shukra is the lord of 2nd and the 9th and the debility of the 9th
lord is quite adverse, indicating many difficulties in life. The
native is the repository of many diseases. The neecha of
bhagyesha indicate that the the native is of vicious nature and
indulges in evil deeds. However, all these weaknesses are
removed when Shukra attains neecha-bhanga. Also, if Shukra
is placed in a Shubha Navamsa, the results are less negative.
Also aspect of Guru removes all the evils.
7. Tula Lagna: For Tula Lagna, Lagnesha Shukra is also the
8th lord, whose placement in the Lagna is not conducive to
long life. However, it is said in Laghu Parashari that when the
lagnesha also becomes 8th lord, its placement in own sign
removes the blemish of 8th lordship. Hence, this placement of
Shukra can be considered auspicious. The native can become
famous, a great advisor, minister or a leader. Tula being the
Rasi for business trade and commerce, the native can attain
success in this fields. However, the 8th lordship of Shukra will
always give results in a very sudden and unpredictable manner.
If Shukra is afflicted by other Krura grahas, there can be
diseases such as urinary troubles or venereal diseases.
8. Vrschika Lagna: Shukra is the lord of 7th and the 12th
house and and is not well placed in Vrschika Lagna. Vrschika
being the place of Neecha for Chandra and the natural 8th
house, it is not good for life. Shukra being the giver of
longevity, its placement in Vrschika does not help much. The
native is usually given Short-life by Shukra, which can be
increased by the other grahas. Being the 12th lord, this indicate
heavy expenditure, especially in childhood, perhaps in health
matters. There could be diseases on account of deficiency of the
immune system. The aspect of Shukra on the 7th house on its
own Rasi, can only grant moderate happiness from marriage.
Why? because its ability to grant happiness is curtailed due to
its placement in the Navamsa.
9. Dhanu Lagna: Shukra is neutral towards Guru as it gets
Uccha in Meena Rasi. Here, Shukra is the lord of 6th and 11th,
a dire functional malefic for this Lagna. However, due to is
placement in a Shubha Rasi, some good results are obtained.
Especially in the financial matters, the native is blessed with
abundant wealth and fortunes. The native is handsome and
attractive in appearance, highly learned and famous, all due to
combined energies of two Shubha grahas. However, due to the
functional maleficence of Shukra, there will be frequent health
troubles. Thus, there is a cost to the good things experienced in
life due to this position of Shukra. It is easy to notice that
Shukra gives excellent results being in Agni Rasis in the Lagna,
although, there is a cost attached to it.
10. Makara Lagna: Perhaps the best position of Shukra is in
the lagna ruled by Shani, as here Shukra becomes the
yogakaraka. For Makara Lagna, Shukra is the lord of 5th and
10th house, hence a superb yogakaraka. Its placement in the
Lagna blesses the native with great wealth and fortune right
from birth. In addition, thanks to the vivaha karaka Shukra and
the lordship of mantra bhava (trines= wealth), the wife brings
added fortunes after marriage. Thus from a financial front,
there is no troubles to native with this yoga, as there is influx of
wealth throughout life. However, like always one needs to
judge the navamsa placement as well to get the complete
picture. If Shukra is neecha in Kanya Navamsa, the native will
see utter poverty in the last leg of life.
11. Kumbha Lagna: Another Shani Lagna where Shukra gives
outstanding results. Shukra is a yogakaraka being the lord of
4th and 9th, hence placement in the lagna in a friendly Rasi
confers the native with abundant wealth and fortune. On more
positive note, the native is modest as Shani being the karaka for
servants indicate modesty. The influence of the 9th lord on the
Lagna makes the native highly learned and highly fortunate.
12. Meena Lagna: Besides the Lagna ruled by Shani, another
Lagna where Shukra gives just outstanding results is the Meena
Lagna, where Shukra attains uccha. The native is born with a
silver or golden spoon. He also enjoys a long lifespan. However,
not everything is positive here as Shukra is the lord of 3rd and
8th house. Thus there is a strong 8th house energy on the lagna
making the native reckless, risk prone, secretive and even
prone to bad thoughts, provided there is influence of some
other krura grahas. Shukra being the 8th lord can cause danger
to the life if its dasa operates at birth. But being uccha it offers
protection, which means, that with some remedies and good
care, the danger can be averted.

Budha in Lagna Bhava for different

Budha and Guru attains dikbala in the Lagna, and being a Shubha
graha, its occupation of the Lagna is considered favourable.
However, the results vary depending on the Rasi hosting the
Lagna and the ownership of Bhavas by Budha. Given below are the
results of Budha occupying the Lagna, for all the 12 Lagnas.

1. Mesha Lagna: Budha being the Sahajesha and Arisha is a

deadly malefic for this Lagna. So, being a Shubha graha, will it
do good to the Lagna or being a functional malefic, it will do
bad? The results are actually mixed. Lagna represent infancy
and childhood and placement of a dire functional malefic in the
Lagna causes either early demise of mother or father, or
separation from them. Why? Because Budha is the karaka for
infancy and childhood and if it were to give trouble, it causes
the child to be separated from the parents. The are frequent
troubles in childhood. After the initial bout of troubles and
challenges, the later period of life could be successful, due to
the dikbala position of Budha. However, it will require support
from other favourable yogas in the horoscope. The native is
usually God fearing, pious, spiritual and religious due to the
strong influence of a Shubha Graha on the Lagna.
2. Vrsha Lagna: Vrsha Rasi is favourable towards Budha,
Shukra being a good friend to Budha. Functionally Budha is the
lord of 2nd and 5th and thus has the ability to bestow great
wealth when favourably placed. True to the Vrsha Lagna,
governed by the graha of beauty, the native is blessed with a
handsome appearance. The good placement of a natural and
functional benefic in the lagna, the seat of health and fortune
confers on the native good health and a good zeal in life. Budha
being the lord of Mantra Bhava it makes the native spiritually
inclined. Budha is the lord of two important houses for learning
2nd and 5th indicating that the native is highly learned. Vrsha
is governed by a shubha graha and occupied by another shubha
graha indicating that the native is humble and modest. Budha
is an impotent graha and its occupation of Lagna, a key bhava
for childbirth would naturally indicate difficulties in begetting
children or impotence. However, that is not true for this Lagna
as this is a feminine Rasi, governed by the graha for sex and
potency. Hence, instead the native begets many children.
3. Mithuna Lagna: Mithuna is Budha’s own Rasi and for this
Lagna Budha owns Lagna and Sukha sthana. Budha being the
Lagna lord does not suffer from Kendradhipatya dosa and is
highly favourable to this Lagna. Budha attains dikbala in the
Lagna and being in Svakshetra it confers a strong Bhadra Yoga.
All the benefits of Bhadra yoga can be seen for this native,
especially in the area of learning. Budha alone in the Lagna
proves to be very auspicious. With this yoga, the native is
blessed with good health, wealth and a happy family. He is
highly intelligent but obstinate and stubborn due to the
childish nature of Budha. However, the native is pleasant and
well mannered. According to Bhrgu sutras, Budha in Mithuna
or Kanya Lagna gives happiness from brothers and attainment
of heavens after death.
4. Karka Lagna: Chandra is the cause of bastard birth of
Budha, hence Budha is not well inclined towards Chandra.
Although Chandra loves Budha, Budha hates Chandra. For this
Lagna Budha is also ill disposed functionally, being the lord of
3rd and 12th Bhavas. 3rd lordship carries the energies of 8th
lordship due to Bhavat-Bhavam, hence it can trouble a Bhava if
not well disposed. Thus Budha in Karka Lagna is an
undesirable position for good health. Chandra and Budha are
the key graha for mind and intellect. Hence, Budha’s placement
in this lagna with an spiteful attitude afflicts the mind causing
mental instability. Budha governs the nerves due to its ability
to communicate, causing nervous or emotional breakdown. If
Budha conjoins Shani, the lord of 7th and 8th, in the Lagna, it
sets the stage for a great trouble which can immobilise the
native. In such case the native can suffer from paralysis.
5. Simha Lagna: For Simha Lagna, Budha is the lord of 2nd
and the 11th house, both connected to wealth. In Simha Budha
is well placed as Budha considers Surya as its friend, while
Surya treats Budha as a neutral. Budha here can give rise in
wealth and fortune provided there is influence of other Shubha
grahas, especially Guru, the lord of the 5th. The native is
however bestowed with high learning (2nd) and he can make
good money through trade and commerce. Since Surya and
Budha are likely to be placed together, occupation of Surya in
Lagna or the 2nd house is considered highly favourable in this
case. While its placement in the 12th house in Karka is not
considered auspicious, as there will be loss of earned wealth.
6. Kanya Lagna: Another Lagna which is extremely
favourable for Budha. Budha attains Uccha here and being
Dikbali and the lord of Lagna and Karma Bhava, its placement
in the Lagna is considered par excellence. The native becomes
very famous in life due to the supreme strength of the Lagna
lord on the Lagna. Budha is the karaka for learning, indicating
that the native achieves very high learning. Budha also governs
over currency or flowing wealth, indicating that the native is
also blessed with abundant wealth. Usually the native attain
very high position in life in Budha Dasa due to the strength and
influence of 10th lord on the Lagna, causing Siddha Yoga. Due
to the same reason i.e., strength of the 10th lord, the native also
does very well in profession throughout. However, usually the
10th lord in the Lagna gives many diseases till the 10th year, if
it is also afflicted by krura grahas.
7. Tula Lagna: Unlike Vrsha Lagna by the same graha Shukra,
this Lagna is somewhat lesser favourable as here Budha
governs the Vyaya bhava, a Dusthana. Budha being the
Bhagyesha is excellent in the Lagna, but not favourable being
the Vyayesha. The occupation of Vyayesha in the Lagna
indicate that the birth may not be in good circumstances of the
family, meaning that the family may be in financial distress
during the native’s birth. However, the potency of the
Bhagyesha’s placement in the Lagna is not reduced. It rises
eventually in the middle part of life. The native’s life is
favourable, profitable and fortunate in the middle portion. The
occupation of the lord of losses also indicate high expenditure,
albeit after a good earning. The coming together of the 12th
lordship with the 9th lordship indicate either misfortunes to
father through the native or vice versa. Due to the influence of
the Vyayesha Budha on the Lagna, there usually a death of a
significant person, or a distant relative in the village at the time
of birth.
8. Vrschika Lagna: Budha is the lord of 8th and the 11th
houses, hence extremely malefic for this Lagna. Although being
a natural benefic, its placement in the Lagna in a Shatru Rasi is
not welcome at all. Budha is highly inimical to Vrschika Rasi
and will surely torture it. One born with this yoga is fraught
with sickness in childhood. He suffers from many diseases due
to the influence of 6th and 8th Bhavas. 6th because 11th is
Bhavat-Bhavam for 6th house. The diseases can be in the area
governed by Mangal. There could be even some kind of
physical deformity. Vrschika is also governed by Ketu who is
also highly inimical to Budha. Usually Budha Ketu combination
cause breakage of bones. Hence, if Budha conjunct Ketu here,
there is a possibility of lameness, and in addition there could be
unobstructed thievish disposition. Budha governs the
processing of thoughts and when corrupted by Ketu, especially
in Vrschika can indicate one who does things very secretly, and
who can even steal. This is because Vrschika is the most hidden
Rasi in the zodiac and all kind of secret activities goes on here.
The native can even be tortured by unseen energies, spirits,
ghosts etc.
9. Dhanu Lagna: Budha is the 4th and 7th lord for this lagna
and is supposed to suffer from Kendradhipatya Dosa. However,
its placement in the lagna in a Shubha Rasi in Dikbala is highly
welcome. Budha and Guru are generally neutral to each other,
but Budha is favourable towards the Dhanu Rasi while not so
much towards Meena Rasi. This is considered a highly
favourable position. The native is endowed with happiness,
great wealth and success. If Budha conjunct Guru or Shani, the
native can even become a millionaire or billionaire. Why Guru
is the karaka for wealth and Shani is the lord of the Dhana
Bhava. If Budha conjoins both Guru and Shani, there is no
limits to the native’s wealth.
10. Makara Lagna: Budha is the lord of a Shubha Bhava as
well as an Ashubha Bhava for this Lagna. But it being a good
friend of the Lagnesha Shani, it is more inclined to gives
favourable results. This placement of Budha is known to be
very fortunate. The native is blessed with good wealth. great
happiness and overall prosperity. However, the 6th lordship of
Budha does show up in some or other way, causing the native
to suffer from some irrecoverable sickness. The sickness can be
in area governed by Shani i.e., muscles, stamina, fatigue,
rheumatism etc.
11. Kumbha Lagna: Budha is the lord of 8th house while also
being the lord of 5th house. The 5th house lordship makes its a
good placement of Budha in the Lagna, in a Mitra Rasi.
However, 8th being the Mulatrikona Rasi of Budha, it prevails
in its effects causing short life-span to the native. The native
faces many obstacles in life, while none of the work are
successful in first attempt. The 5th lordship does show its
influence occasionally giving occasional success, provided the
Dasa and Transits are highly favourable. Overall, this is not a
favourable position for Budha, although being the 5th lord. It
creates more troubles than bestowing blessings.
12. Meena Lagna: Budha is the lord of two Kendras 4th and
the 7th house and is also Badhakesha. Budha attains Neecha in
the Lagna, hence can’t be considered favourable to the native.
This is in fact is highly miserable position. The placement of
the 7th lord and Badhakesha Budha in the Lagna indicates
difficulties in marriage. They usually don’t marry because of
some or other reasons. If however, marriage is ever
consummated, happiness is lacking in the married life. Success
in life comes after much struggle and lack of support. Overall
this is a highly miserable position for Budha to be in the Lagna.

Mangal in Lagna Bhava for

different Lagnas
1. Mesha Lagna: Lagnesha and Randhresha in Svakshetra in
the Mesha Lagna should indicate auspicious results. Isn’t it?
Yes, but there is a blemish attached to it. The blemish of 8th
lordship which can cause some troubles pertaining to the
Lagna. However, to a limited extent only. The trouble is more
accentuated only when there is other affliction i.e., Shani or
Rahu aspecting or conjoining the Lagna. Usually because of the
8th lordship, there is lack of physical comforts. Usually such
natives are overworked due to their high energy level and thus
suffer from fatigue. Mangal dasa is not usually out of ordinary.
In the 2nd half of the Mangal’s dasa, the results due to the 8th
lordship is felt i.e., the results are adverse. If there is affliction
to the Mangal in Mesha Lagna, it can indicate death like
2. Vrsha Lagna: Mangal being the 12th and the 7th lord, its
occupation of Lagna in a neutral Rasi is not that welcome. The
vitiation of the watery element in the Vrsha Rasi can indicate
immune related problems or troubles due to high fever, usually
from smallpox, chicken pox or other such as fevers. Krura
Grahas put too much of stress in life when they occupy the
Lagna, even if they occupy their Sva or Uccha Rasi. Then, what
can be told if they occupy not their Sva, Mitra or Uccha Rasi.
Happiness is something difficult to obtain by these natives.
There is some or other trouble that keep surfacing. The Mangal
Dasa is usually very painful. Depending on the other factors
and the condition of Shukra and the 7th lord, there could be
two marriages.
3. Mithuna Lagna: Mangal being the 6th and the 11th lord is
highly inimical for this Lagna. Mangal is also very inimical to
the Lagna lord. The influence of the 6th lord and 11th lord who
is Bhavat-Bhavam of the 6th house indicate strong influence of
Shatru energies in the Lagna. This makes the native full of
hatred and of malignant disposition. They don’t know how to
love and have empathy for others. They are usually cruel and
Unkind. Again, influence of a Krura as well as 6th lord makes it
difficult for the native to enjoy good health. He is forever
distressed due to some or other physical ailment, wounds,
injuries, burns and the likes of it. There can be skin diseases
due to Mangal causing inflammation to Budha governing over
4. Karka Lagna: Karka Rasi is friendly towards Mangal but
Mangal gets Neecha here. So the results are mixed. Lagna
represent the body and Chandra is also the Karaka of body.
Mangal afflicting the Lagna due to its Neecha placement. The
native has a grotesque and ugly in appearance. There is usually
health troubles in childhood and they generally lack physical
comforts. They could suffer from brain tumours as this Rasi
has strong influence of Guru indicating growth and expansion.
The neecha of Mangal can indicate failing of the logical aspect
governed by Mangal, thus indicating lack of intelligence to
some extent. This is usually remedied when there is neecha-
bhanga of Mangal or Mangal occupying a good Navamsa, or the
dispositor of Mangal i.e., Chandra is strong. The native may get
into company of mean and vicious people as Chandra represent
5. Simha Lagna: Mangal being the foremost yogakaraka for
Simha Lagna, its occupation of the Lagna in a Mitra Rasi is
excellent for rise in life and financial prosperity. However,
being too much of Agni influence on the Lagna, it can affect the
health. There is usually little or no physical comforts depending
on the other shubha or krura influences on the Lagna.
However, Mangal Dasa is outstanding in the matters of
prosperity. In this Dasa, the native attains high reputation,
recognition and fame, wealth and high position.
6. Kanya Lagna: Another Budha Rasi where Mangal becomes
the lord of the 3rd and 8th lord. 3rd lord is the Bhavat-Bhavam
of 8th house and is equally troublesome. The strong influence
of the 8th lord on the Lagna, that too a Krura graha Mangal
being placed in a Shatru Rasi can’t do anything positive. The
native with such Mangal in lagna experiences various kinds of
obstacles, dangers, difficulties and evils in life. The Lagna is
badly afflicted causing too much of stress on the body and
mind. The health suffers from various kinds of sickness. Like
Mithuna Lagna, there can be inflammation of the skins or other
skin troubles.
7. Tula Lagna: Mangal is highly inimical to Tula Lagna. It is
the Dhanesha and Daresha for this Lagna, hence a Maraka.
Placement of Mangal in Tula Lagna cause lack of physical
comforts. The Rasi governs over the urinary and procreative
organs. The Krura influence of Mangal on this Lagna makes the
native suffer from urinary disorders. There is discord with
mother and also obstruction to learning as Mangal aspects the
4th house of mother and education from the Lagna being a
negative bhava lord afflicting the Lagna.
8. Vrschika Lagna: Usually one would expect occupation of
Lagna lord in the Lagna will protect the body. However it is not
for Vrschika Lagna, it is not so. Why? Because Mangal is also
the 6th lord indicating injuries and wound in the body. Lagna
also represent the head, indicating that there could be scar or
injury in the head. The aspect of Mangal on Vrsha Rasi
governed by Shukra on the 7th house indicate either two wives
or addiction to other women. Note that Mangal in Vrsha Rasi
also indicate two marriages. On the positive note barring
occasional injuries and scars, the health will be good due to
strength of Lagnesha. One should however watch out of
occasional breakdown due to influence of 6th lord. Should
there be other afflictions, the native suffers from venereal
diseases, poison, blood disorder etc. Blood disorder is indicated
by influence of Mangal (Blood) and watery element on the
Lagna. The venereal diseases and troubles from poison is
caused by influence of natural 8th house and the negative
influence of Chandra.
9. Dhanu Lagna: Dhanu Rasi is a friendly Rasi for Mangal
and Mangal rules the 5th and 12th house for Dhanu Lagna. The
influence of 12th lord on the Lagna indicate Weak body.
Influence of dusthana krura graha Mangal indicate injuries and
wounds in the body. Dhanu represents cliffs and fall from
heights indicating frequent accidents and falls. The influence of
5th and 12th lord indicating mantra and pilgrimages
respectively on the Lagna indicate attempts to embrace a
spiritual path, however, this usually meets with failure unless
Guru and Chandra are strong and favourable. The influence of
12th lord on the Lagna indicate expenditure with regards to
Martian affairs, such as litigations, conflicts etc. The aspect on
the 7th house to a Shatru Rasi indicate Marital discord and
10. Makara Lagna: One of the best position is when Mangal
occupies its Uccha Sthana in the Lagna in Makara. Here
Mangal rules the 4th and 11th house, hence of mixed nature. It
gives positive results when other indications are positive. The
native lives in aristocratic circumstances. However, influence of
a Krura Graha cause lack physical comforts. The native is
highly short-tempered due to aspect on the 8th house on
another fiery Rasi. Guru is negative towards Makara, hence the
native is devoid of virtues. This is remedied when Guru and
Shani are strong and favourable towards the lagna. The native
is however always after other women due to its Neecha Drsti on
the 7th house. There is lack of commitment towards the
marriage as the native has a strong urge to satisfy his carnal
desires. This is again remedied if Guru is strong and
11. Kumbha Lagna: In Kumbha Lagna, Mangal placed in its
inimical Rasi is not positive. Although it indicates an active
personality, the native is highly irascible. The combined
influence of 3 Krura Grahas on the Lagna make the person
unhealthy i.e., devoid of physical comforts and also be casual
towards health. Mangal is the 3rd and 10th lord and its
placement in the Lagna in a Shatru Rasi indicate that the native
will be highly casual in his spending and be extravagant. The
aspect on the 4th house in Vrsha Rasi indicate a strong urge to
associate with other women.
12. Meena Lagna: Meena is a Mitra Rasi of Mangal, while
Mangal is 2nd and 9th lord for this Lagna. Being a 2nd lord, it
is a Maraka and its dasa occurring in childhood can inflict
death. Mars dasa occurring later part of life confers great
Rajayoga due to the ownership of the 9th house. The native
however lacks physical felicity due to influence of Krura graha
on the Lagna, however, this result is only moderate. It is not a
very healthy placement for Mangal as it aspects 3 of its Shatru
Rasi in the 4th (Mithuna), 7th (Kanya) and 8th (Tula),
indicating difficulties at home and also married life.
Chandra in Lagna Bhava for
different Lagnas
1. Mesha Lagna: Sukhesha and Kendradhipati Chandra in the
Lagna in a Mitra Rasi is an auspicious placement. This causes a
good Rajayoga giving power and influence. Moon even if weak
in paksha bala is still good in Mesha and Karka Rasi identical
with the Lagna. The native is conferred with Wealth, virtues,
quadrupeds etc. If Chandra is weak in paksha bala, the native
may enjoy good fortune, but not outspoken, also they earn
wealth through bad means. Full Moon on the other hand confer
physical strength, beauty in appearance, good qualities and
lasting wealth.
2. Vrsha Lagna: Sahajesha Chandra Uccha in the Vrsha Lagna
is excellent for enterprise, drive and courage. If Moon is full or
otherwise strong in Paksha bala, the birth happens in an
affluent and noble family. The native becomes a famous
personality whose fame is wide-spread. On the other hand
when Chandra is weak in Paksha bala, the native suffers from
rheumatic diseases, cough, tuberculosis etc. The longevity is
also curtailed. Lord Krsna had Chandra in Vrshabha Lagna in
Rohini Nakshatra.
3. Mithuna Lagna: Dhanesha Chandra in the Lagna in a
shatru Rasi is not considered auspicious. If Chandra is strong
in paksha bala, the native can still attain some wealth and
growth in the family. However, if Chandra is weak in paksha
bala, it shows financial difficulties and many obstacles in life.
In either case, this indicate anxieties and frequent changes in
fortunes. Lord Sri Rama had Chandra in Karka Lagna conjunct
with Guru.
4. Karka Lagna: When lagnesha Chandra occupies the Lagna
it is a very auspicious placement. If Chandra is Purna or strong
in Paksha bala, the native rises very high in life. Also, the life is
without many obstacles. However, if Chandra is kshina, it
indicates occasional downfall. The native may also suffer due to
eye diseases, blood disorders etc. Eye diseases because Karka
and Simha are related to the eyes, so does Chandra and Surya.
Blood disorders because of predominance of Jala Tattva. Karka
is also a negative Rasi for Mangal, the karaka for blood.
5. Simha Lagna: Chandra being the Vyayesha occupying the
lagna can adversely affect the Longevity. However, it also
depends on Ayushkaraka Shani and other factors such as
strength of Randhresha Guru. If Chandra is weak in paksha
bala, it can indicate night-blindness right from the childhood.
However, if Chandra is Purna or otherwise strong in Paksha
bala, the eye defects happens only in the later part of life.
6. Kanya Lagna: Placement of Labhesha Chandra in the
Lagna in an inimical Rasi in Budha Kshetra gives adverse
results, only when Chandra is weak in Paksha Bala. If Chandra
is Purna or strong in paksha bala, the native is endowed with a
handsome appearance. He is very affluent and eloquent.
Chandra weak in paksha bala gives adverse results, especially
in Chandra Dasa.
7. Tula Lagna: Karmesha Chandra in an inimical Rasi in Tula
gives mixed results. If Chandra is Purna or strong in paksha
bala, the native becomes a highly notable personage. He
becomes very wealthy and famous. If Chandra is also aspected
by Shukra, it confers extraordinary wealth. Chandra weak in
paksha bala makes it highly miserable for the native. He suffers
from rheumatic or blood disorder and early demise of the
mother. When Chandra is weak in paksha bala, the lifespan is
curtailed to short and the native is not conferred the promise of
high position.
8. Vrschika Lagna: Placement of Bhagyesha in the Lagna is
one of the best placement in a horoscope. However, it is not the
case for Vrschika Lagna as Bhagyesha Chandra attains Neecha
in the Lagna. What kind of Bhagya can be expected from the
Neecha Chandra? The native is usually dull-witted, foolish and
poor. However, what happens when the dispositor of Chandra
is strong, there is cancellation of Neecha or Chandra is strong
in Paksha Bala. This means that the native rises in life after
initial difficulties and setback. The blessings of the Bhagyesha
shines after the initial setback due to the Neecha.
9. Dhanu Lagna: Randhresha in the Lagna is not considered
good as it brings many obstacles and uncertainties. If the
Randhresha is weak, it can also curtain longevity. In this case,
if Chandra is Purna or otherwise strong, the native enjoys only
moderate lifespan. On the other hand if Chandra is weak in
paksha bala, the native suffers many adverse results, perennial
diseases right from childhood. The life can also be short, if
there are other adverse yogas or Chandra is under affliction.
10. Makara Lagna: Placement of Saptamesha Chandra in the
lagna in a highly Shatru Rasi is not considered auspicious at all.
There is much difficulties and unhappiness in married life. The
troubles are even greater when Chandra is weak in Paksha
Bala. The native may indulge in independent trade or business,
which will not be successful. There will always be tendency of
the native going towards extramarital affairs, an element of
cunningness, devoid of courage and afflicted by windy diseases.
The situation is somewhat better when Chandra is strong in
Paksha Bala.
11. Kumbha Lagna: Chandra being the Shatruesha in the
Lagna, being in a Shatru Rasi is not considered auspicious at
all. Even if Chandra is Purna or strong in Paksha Bala, it does
not give much respite from the ill results, the native suffer from
windy complaints and has a sickly disposition. Usually in this
case Chandra Dasa is not at all auspicious. On the other hand if
Chandra is weak in Paksha bala, the results are even adverse,
the mind is crooked and he suffers innumerable difficulties and
obstacles in life.
12. Meena Lagna: When the Mantresha Chandra occupies the
Lagna in a Mitra Rasi, the results are par excellence. Perhaps
this is one of the best position of Chandra among the 12 Lagnas
(others being Mesha, Vrshabha and Karka). The native attains
very high position in Politics or Business. If however, Chandra
is weak in Paksha Bala, the results are just ordinary.

Chandra in Lagna Bhava

Key words: Pleasant appearance, Fickle minded, Solace from ill
health in watery places, Performs many travels in the 15th year,
Liked by women. Aries, Taurus or Cancer: well versed in
shastras, Very wealthy, Contended, Looked after by the King, Soft-
spoken, Handsome, Tender body but Physically Strong, Clever,
Virtuous, Charitable, Pure, Virtuous, Chief of the clan, Prosperous,
Endowed with many luxuries, Much happiness and comfort.
Powerful and influential, Long-life. Karka: Happy,
Wealthy Vrsha:Prosperous, Wealthy, Mesha: Wealthy, many
sons. Uccha or Sva Kshetra:Wealthy, Famous, Very
handsome. Other Rasis: Intensely passionate akin to madness
(unmatta), Anxious mind, Immoral, Dull-witted, Indolent, Deaf,
Muted, Disabled, Physically Weak, Emaciated body. Sickly, Suffer
from Coughing, Respiratory syndrome and Rheumatism, Suffer
Poverty, Lack gratitude, Anxious mind, Shrewd, Sinful deeds,
Servitude. Danger from horses and other animals, Danger from
the King and Thieves. Purna Chandra: Scholar, Long
life. Shukla paksha: fearless, Strong body, powerful, wealthy,
long life. Krsna paksha: Deaf, Disabled, Servitude,
Messenger. Shubha Drsti: Very strong, Handsome, Intelligent,
Good health, Good orator, Wealthy, Soft natured. Afflicted
Kshina ChandraShort-life, Dull witted, Weak, Powerless, Suffer
poverty, Unclean, Highly inauspicious, Suffer separation from
wife. Weak Lagnesha: Ill health.

1. Pleasant appearance: Chandra is the most pleasant

looking among the grahas. Such is his charm that he was able
to seduce the guru patni Tara, and had a child from this
relationship, Budha.
2. The 27 daughters of Daksha Prajapati are wedded to
Chandra, who became the 27 nakshatras through which
Chandra passes through once every day, staying with each of
3. The most favourite among the daughters is Rohini where
Chandra attains Uccha. Those who have Chandra in their lagna
have a unique seductive ability, which is strongest when
Chandra is in Rohini.
4. Lord Krsna who was born in the Rohini Nakshatra is the
enchanter of the world, one who has the capacity to attract all
the jeevatma (individual souls.)
5. Fickle mindedness: Chandra is highly changeable as it
changes its phase once a day. The changeable nature of
Chandra makes the native fickle minded.
6. During 15 nights of Shukla Paksha, Chandra is seen to glow
higher in its effulgence, which ends with Purnima. While
during the 15 nights of Krsna Pasha, it wanes down and
becomes exceedingly darker that ends with Amavashya.
7. During Shukla Pasha Chandra gains strength and becomes
increasingly of the nature of Guru, while in Krsna paksha, it
loses strength and increasingly becomes that of Shani. Guru is
the bestower of happiness while Shani is the bestower of
8. Chandra although a Saumya graha, its nature actually
depends on its Paksha Bala. Purna Chandra behaves like Guru
and Kshina Chandra behaves like Shani.
9. Timidity: Chandra is a soft natured graha, hence its
placement in the Lagna make the native shy away from war,
battles and conflicts.
10. In the natural Zodiac, this is exemplified by the fact that
Mangal, the god of war gets debilitated in the Chandra Rasi
Karka, and Guru, the god of peace and harmony gets exalted in
this sign.
11. However, when Chandra is in full strength, the native does
not become coward although, he may shy away from war. In
the Horoscope of Sri Krsna, who was born in Krsna Ashtami,
Chandra, the 3rd lord is placed in Lagna in Exaltation, thus
giving him strength. This did not made him coward, but he was
peace loving. He resorted to all means to avert the war, but
when all his effort failed, he showed exceptional courage in
leading the Pandavas to the war and also lead them to victory.
12. Thus when Chandra is in Lagna, the native resorts to all
peaceful measures before resorting to any kind of battle. The
mental weakness and cowardice manifests only when Chandra
is weak.
13. Dishonesty when the Lagnesha is weak: Chandra has
this quality through which it makes the native very seductive,
diplomatic and resort to nefarious means to get their work
14. Since it is the karaka of mind, it gives the native an unique
ability to control others mind and mesmerise them. The native
does not usually resort to such means, when the ideals are
strong. The ideals are strong when the Lagnesha is strong and
well placed in the horoscope. On the other hand, the ideals are
weak and can be easily compromised when the Lagnesha is
weak and badly placed.
15. Solace from ill health and from watery
places: Chandra is a Shubha graha and rules watery places.
When the native suffers ill health, strengthening the watery
element will bring blessings of the mother on the Lagna and
protect against the ill health.
16. Mesha, Vrshabha, Karka: Chandra is very well placed in
the mentioned three Rasis. Mesha is the Chara and positive
sign of its friend Mangal, where Surya gets exalted.
17. Vrshabha is its Uccha as well as Mulatrikona Rasi, while
Karka is its own sign. Mangal, being the Karaka for strength,
gives strength to the mind. However, in the other sign of
Mangal, Vrschika, Chandra gets into Neecha, rendering it
Weak. Hence among the two signs of Mangal, Chandra is fond
of Mesha and hates Vrschika.
18. When Chandra occupies the 3 Rasis, it bestows upon the
native all its best qualities, thus making the native well versed
in shastras, wealthy, contended with life, looked after by the
King. The native is however, soft spoken, dull witted, has a
tender but strong physique. These are the nature of Chandra
who is soft spoken and tender.
19. Vrshabha, Karka: Chandra in these two signs of its
exaltation, Mulatrikona and Svakshetra makes the native
expert in shastras, especially when it is strong in Paksha Bala
and aspected by Guru and Shukra. However, the native may
suffer due to false pride of knowledge.
20. Chandra is the karaka for Mind, which has a tendency of
getting into negative thoughts and become anxious. When
mind gets positive support of Mangal or Guru or other Shubha
Grahas, Shukra and Budha, it counters the mental and physical
weakness of the native, making him very strong, intelligent,
eloquent, endowed with good health and wealth.
21. Health troublesWhen Chandra is weak and placed in the
Lagna, the native is susceptible to health troubles. This is even
more accentuated when Lagnesha is weak and badly placed and
Chandra is also conjoined with or aspected by papagrahas,
especially Shani, Rahu or Ketu.
22. Conjunction of Surya makes Chandra weak as it gets into
Amavashya, while its opposition gives it strength as Chandra
gets into Purnima. The weakness of the Lagna and Chandra can
be annulled, when they aspected by a Shubha Graha. The
aspect of Guru is the greatest protector. On the other hand
when Chandra is strong in Paksha Bala and Lagnesha is well
placed, the native is protected from ill health.
23. Travel long distances: Chandra is fond of travelling which
can be seen from its willingness to travel through the zodiac,
changing one nakshatra each day. Thus when Chandra is
placed in the Lagna, such native likes to travel long distances.
This is especially true when Chandra is placed in Dvisvabhava
Lagnas, as then the 5th house of fondness falls in Chara Rasi,
which symbolises movement.
24. Vayu Rasi = Leadership: Chandra in the Vayu Rasis
Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha, the intellectual signs, gives them a
eagerness or drive to become a leader. Whether or not they
eventually become one, nonetheless they put all their effort in
becoming one. However, such people can be selfish and always
think about meeting their own ends.
25. Jala Rasi = Fairness, Justice: Chandra is highly
emotional in the Jala Rasis, which represent the feminine
nature of the universe. These signs are ruled by the Deva
grahas and its friends Mangal and Guru. In these signs,
Chandra becomes unbiased, just, non-judgmental and does not
interfere in other’s work.
26. Vrschika = Blockage of Emotions. When Chandra is
placed in Vrschika, it should be endowed with strong Paksha
Bala, else, the mind may suffer due to blockage of emotions.
27. Agni Rasis = stable minded, less spoken,
energetic: Fiery signs are owned by Chandra’s friends
Mangal, Surya and Guru. Chandra in these signs indicate
balanced energies due to intermingling two complementing
principles of fire and water, male and female. Such people are
stable minded, less spoken but energetic.
Impact of Rasi placement

(1) Mesha: lustful, heroic and grateful; (2) Vrsa: attractive,

charitable and forgiving; (3) Mithuna: proficient in gambling and
shastras, pleasing women; (4) Karka: effeminate, short-stature; (5)
Simha: hates women, short-tempered, egoistic, valiant, happy,
steady-minded; (6) Kanya: pious, tender, wise; (7) Tula: learned,
tall-stature, wealthy; (8) Vrschika: sickly, respectable, susceptible
to injuries; (9) Dhanu: poet, artist, wealthy; (10) Makara: lazy,
wanderer, possess beautiful eyes; (11) Kumbha/ Meena: stealer of
others wealth and wives.

Narada Purana: When the natal Sign and its lord are strong,
and when the Chandra also is possessed of strength, all good
results will accrue to the native; otherwise they will be the
opposite of what has been given above.
Impact of aspect from other Grahas

1. Chandra in Mesha aspected by other Grahas, (1) Kuja:

kingship, (2) Budha: learning, (3) Guru: virtues, (4) Shukra:
mayorship of a city, (5) Shani: penury, (6) Surya: poverty.
2. Chandra in Vrsha aspected by other Grahas, (1) Kuja:
poverty, (2) Budha: thievish, (3) Guru: kingship, (4) Shukra:
learning (5) Shani: messenger-ship, (6) Surya: sickness.
3. Chandra in Mithuna aspected by other Grahas, (1)
Kuja: living by working on metals, (2) Budha: kingship, (3)
Guru: scholarship, (4) Shukra: fearless, (5) Shani: weaver, (6)
Surya: penniless.
4. Chandra in Karka aspected by other Grahas, (1) Kuja:
warrior, (2) Budha: poet, (3) Guru: learned man, (4) Shukra:
respected teacher (or a king), (5) Shani: metallurgist, (6) Surya:
suffering from eye-disease.
5. Chandra in Simha aspected by other Grahas, (1) Kuja:
astrologer, (2) Budha: wealthy, (3) Guru: respected teacher or
king, (4) Shukra: king, (5) Shani: barber, (6) Surya: great king.
6. Chandra in Kanya aspected by other Grahas, (1) Kuja:
pure and virtuous, (2) Budha: king, (3) Guru: an army
commander, (4) Shukra: skilful, (5) Shani: landlord, (6) Surya:
7. Chandra in Tula aspected by other Grahas, (1) Kuja:
king, (2) Budha: goldsmith, (3) Guru: merchant, (4) Shukra:
king, (5) Shani: goldsmith, (6) Surya: merchant.
8. Chandra in Vrschika aspected by other Grahas, (1)
Kuja: father of twins, (2) Budha: fond of water, (3) Guru: king,
(4) Shukra: defective limbs, (5) Shani: wealthy, and (6) Surya:
9. Chandra in Dhanu aspected by other Grahas, (1) Kuja:
protector of kinsmen, (2) Budha: king, (3) Guru: leader of men,
(4) Shukra: leader of men, (5) Shani: showy person, (6) Surya:
10. Chandra in Makara aspected by other Grahas, (1)
Kuja: king, (2) Budha: scholar (or ornamented) (3) Guru:
friendly, (4) Shukra: sacrificer (or teacher), (5) Shani: king, and
(6) Surya: taking a boy in adoption.
11. Chandra in Kumbha or Meena aspected by other
Grahas, (1) Kuja: humorous, (2) Budha: learned, (3) Guru:
king, (4) Shukra: learned, (5) Shani: virtuous person, (6) Surya:
intelligent person.

The Chandra confers beneficial results, when she is joined or

aspected by planets that are posited in the Rasi or Amsa of the lord
of the Lagna. The same result will follow, if she is combined with
or aspected by those that are posited in a Rasi that is owned by a
friend of the lord of the lagna Drekkana.
References from the Jyotish Classics

Bhrigu Sutras: rūpalāvaṇyayuktaścapalaḥ vyādhinā

jalāccasaukhyaḥ.. 1.. paṁcadaśavarṣe bahuyātrāvan..2..
meṣavṛṣabhakarkalagne candreśāstra paraḥ..3.. dhanī sukhī
nṛpālaḥ mṛduvak buddhirahitaḥ mṛdugātraḥ balī..4.. śubhadṛṣṭe
balavān..5.. buddhimān ārogyavān vāgjālakaḥ dhanī..6.. lagneśe
balarahite vyādhimān..7.. śubhadṛṣṭe ārogyavān..8.. Pleasant
appearance, fickle minded; solace from ill health and from
watery places (1); Performs many travels in the 15th year (2);
Chandra in Aries, Taurus or Cancer: well versed in shastras
(Holy Scriptures) (3); Wealthy, contended, looked after by the
ruler, soft spoken, dull witted, tender body but strong (4);
Aspected by benefics: very strong (5); Intelligent, good health,
good orator, wealthy (6); Lagna lord devoid of strength: ill
health (7); Aspected by benefics: good health (8).

Saravali: Mesha, Vrsha, Karka: Charitable (vaakshinya),

handsome (rupa), wealthy (dhana), virtues (guna), chief
(pradhaan). Other Signs:intensely passionate, akin to madness
(unmatta), immoral (neecha), deaf (baghira), disabled (vikala),
muted (mooka), weak (kshina).

Narayana Bhatta: Mesha, Vrsha, Karka: Wealthy like

Kubera, much happiness and comfort, Other Rasis: Poverty,
weakness, dull witted, deaf.

Jivanath: Mesha, Vrsha, Karka: Very strong, wealthy,

much happiness, Other Rasis: Sickly, dull witted, poverty,
weak, deaf.

Kashinath: Dull witted, indolent, pure, wealthy, religious,

Liked by women, Lack gratitude.

Jayadeva: Dull witted, mute, anxious mind, shrewd, blind,

sinful deeds, servitude, emaciated
body, Karka: happiness, Vrsha: prosperous
(aishvarya). Mesha: Wealthy, Weak in paksha bala and
afflicted by papagrahas: The good results are toned down.

Varahamihira: Mute, dull witted, blind, sinful deeds, deaf,

servitude, Karka:wealthy, Mesha: many
sons, Vrsha: wealthy.

Mansagara: Long-life, comfortable, wealthy, prosperous,

enjoyer of luxuries, powerful, handsome, Neecha or afflicted
by papagrahas: Dull witted, powerless, poverty,
Mantresvara: Shukla paksha: fearless, Strong body,
powerful, wealthy, long life, Krsna paksha: opposite results.

Dhundiraja: Karka, Vrsha, Mesha: Clever, handsome,

wealthy, virtuous, endowed with many luxuries, Other
signs: Mad, sinful, deaf, anxious mind, mute, weak body.

Vaidyanatha: Kshina Chandra: Deaf, disabled, servitude,

messenger, Kshina Chandra afflicted by papa-
grahas: short life, Uccha or Sva Kshetra: Wealthy, famous,
very handsome, Purna Chandra: Scholar, Long life.

Garga: Handsome, wealthy, soft natured, Krsna Paksha,

Shukla Pratipada to Ashtami: Unclean, weak, Mesha,
Vrsha, Karka: wealthy, handsome, Other signs: Dull witted,
sickly, poor, suffer from coughing, respiratory syndrome and
rheumatism, danger from horses and other animals, danger
from the sovereign and thieves.

Mahesha: Karka, Vrsha, Mesha: Clever, handsome,

wealthy, prosperous, endowed with many luxuries, Other
signs: Madness, sinful, anxious, mute, Kshina
Chandra: highly inauspicious.

Yavana: Strong Chandra: Very clever and shrewd, suffer

separation from wife, respected by women, valorous, attain
kingly prosperity.
Few important pointers

1. Lagna Chandra usually gives a pleasant appearance and

handsome body. However they are fickle minded and cowardly.
2. In Dvisvabhava rasi, the native is fond of travelling.
3. When Lagnesha is weak, there is danger from water and the
native also becomes a liar.
4. In Vrshabha and Karka, the native becomes expert in
shastras, but has false pride for knowledge.
5. In the Agni Rasis, Mesha, Simha and Dhanu, the native is
steady, less spoken and energetic, low sexual drive, does not
like to move much, easy angered, careless about money.
Dhanu: lesser material comforts.
6. In Vrsha, Kanya, Makara: Snobbish, consider self to be above
others, thinks that he is knowledgeable in all the shastras.
However, lacks courage to speak in assembly.
7. In Vayu Rasis, Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha, the native is
eager attain a leadership position in life and puts all his effort
towards that. However, he could be selfish.
8. In Jala Rasis, Karka, Vrschika and Meena, the native is
unbiased, just, non-judgmental and he does not interfere in
other’s work.
9. In Vrsha Lagna: Less material happiness, difficulties in
marriage. If get married, then does not get the worldly pleasure
for long time, because the wife dies in the middle age. Since the
native is usually evil minded, he does not mind going to other
10. Chandra in Lagna can make one a liar, hence it becomes
difficult for them to attain trust in other’s eyes. The native is
also eccentric.

Surya in Lagna Bhava for different

Please share your thoughts and experiences on Surya in Lagna
Bhava for people born in different Lagnas.

1. Mesha Lagna: Uccha mantresha in the Lagna indicate a

great Rajayoga. Lagna relates to reputation indicating that the
native will have name and fame within the clan.
2. Vrsha Lagna: Surya is highly inimical to Shukra’s Rasis.
However, for Vrsha Lagna, Surya is a Kendresha, which being a
Krura graha will give some good results. Vrsha being a Rasi of
beauty and Surya being the karaka for form, health and vitality,
this gives a handsome appearance. The native is endowed with
sativa guna as it is also the Ucchakshetra of Chandra. However,
the negativity of Surya towards Vrsha Rasi is shown in terms of
urinary diseases. Urinary diseases because of the strong
influence of Shukra and Chandra on that Rasi.
3. Mithuna Lagna: For Mithuna Lagna, Surya is the 3rd lord
and is inimical towards this Rasi. The affliction to the Rasi
falling in the Lagna indicate that the native suffers from lasting
sickness (due to high pitta). The native will also suffer
difficulties on account of enemies and debts.
4. Karka Lagna: Surya is the 2nd lord for Karka Lagna and is
a friend of Lagnesha Chandra. However, Karka being a Jala
Rasi, there will be some physical ailments. The calmness of
Chandra is vitiated giving the native an irascible temper. The
affliction of Karka and Simha by Shani and Mangal can cause
blindness or eye defects. In this case the native is one eyed, or
perhaps, one of the eyes have some defects.
5. Simha Lagna: Lagnesha in the Simha Lagna makes the
native highly virile. He either marries twice or seeks extra-
marital pleasures. Lagnesha in the Lagna in a royal sign
however make the native handsome, having a well
proportioned physique and also famous.
6. Kanya Lagna: Vyayesha Surya in the Lagna, although in a
friendly Rasi is not good for longevity. Placement of the lord of
expenditure also indicate Heavy expenditure.
7. Tula Lagna: Surya being the Labhesha is Neecha in the
Lagna. Krura graha Neecha in a Bhava is excessively
troublesome. The native has an unhappy and miserable life.
The native is in-fact the source of miseries galore.
8. Vrschika Lagna: Surya being the Karmesha in the Lagna in
a Mitra Rasi is excellent. The native has great enjoyment,
success in various endeavours and he enjoys great wealth and
9. Dhanu Lagna: Dharmesha Surya in the Lagna is perhaps
the best position in the Lagna among all the Lagnas. This
confers great Rajayoga, power and influence. And also the
native is very famous and world renowned.
10. Makara Lagna: Placement of Randhresha Surya in the
Lagna in a Shatru Rasi is not good at all. Weakness of the
Randhresha curtail longevity. Shani being the karaka of
diseases, the native suffers from some or other sickness
throughout. He has an extremely miserable life. A favourable
Shukra is the only remedy. Shukra is the friend of Shani, a
yogakaraka and is the lord of Surya’s Neecha Rasi. Hence,
Shukra has the ability to provide strength to Surya.
11. Kumbha Lagna: Surya being the Saptamesha in the lagna
in a Shatru Rasi is not welcome. This gives a wandering
disposition. If Surya is having an exchange with Shani the
native may live in his in-laws’ house.
12. Meena Lagna: Surya being the Arisha, its placement in the
Lagna should cause some problems. However, its placement in
a friendly Rasi can also gives some good results. The native is
although famous, he is prone to sickness especially those
related to water. Conjunction of Chandra with Surya in Meena
can indicate utter poverty.

Surya in Lagna Bhava

Key words: Tall-stature, Emaciated physique, Scanty hair, Lazy,

Indolent, Sharp intellect, Eats less, Less talkative, Good natured,
Glorious in all deeds, Righteous, Honourable, Fight from the front
in battles, Rise in life due to self-effort, Endowed with knowledge
of future, Beautiful eyes, Eye diseases, Courageous, Impatient,
Unkind (lack empathy), Irascible, Dull witted (lack sense of right
time and place), Dramatist, Knowledge and mannerism,
Wandering nature, Wander around frustrated, Foreign travels,
Can’t settle in one house, Contented, Happy from childhood,
Sickly in childhood, Unhappiness on account of spouse-children-
kinsmen, Fluctuation in finances, Loss of wealth due to
international trade, Less children, Devoid of sons, Bereft of
children and grand-children, Beget wicked children, Disgraced by
women, Attached to prostitutes. Health:Bilious constitution,
troubled due to vata-pitta-roga, Hyperacidity. Neecha:Valorous,
hatred towards scholars, poverty, financial distress, blindness,
Loss of children, Serve sinful people, Overpowered, bereft of
honour. Aspect of benefics: dosa are annulled. Svakshetra,
Svanavamsa: Authoritative position. Shubha yutidrsti: Good
health, Wisdom. Krura yutidrsti, Shatrukshetra,
Neecha: High fever in 3rd year. Shubha drsti: dosas are
annulled. Mesha: Famous, Honoured, Weak eye
sight. Karka: Leader, boils in the body, swollen
eyes. Simha: Night blindness, Power, influence and
Authority. Kanya: Many daughters, loss of spouse, lack
gratitude. Makara:Heart diseases. Meena: Subservient to
1. Surya = powerhouse of the horoscope; Surya is only graha
who has own light.
2. Although it is endowed with Sattva Guna (benevolence), it
too fierce for others to withstand. However, it is auspicious as it
removes darkness and evil.
3. Although its occupation of the Lagna comes with many
blessings i.e., high position and status, its fierce and Krura
nature also causes distress and discomfort to the Health.
4. Surya is the storehouse of all the knowledge as he is the
representative of Sarvatma, the soul (atma) of the Kalapurusha.
All forms are knowledge are imbibed within the Atma, which
reveals itself depending on the readiness of the Jeeva. This is
akin to the fact that a tree is contained in a seed, although in a
potential state. Only when the circumstances are right, the seed
germinates and grows into a tree.
5. The Drsti of other grahas on Surya facilitates revealing of the
knowledge. Among the aspecting Grahas, Guru is the most
potent, followed by Shukra, Chandra and Budha in creating
circumstances through which the Knowledge manifests from
the Soul.
6. Guru and Shukra are the Gurus of the Devas and Daityas
respectively and are the most knowledgeable ones. Even
Maharishi Vyasa extolls this quality of Shukra by addressing
him as “Sarva-shastra-pravaktaram”, one who is able to
eloquently narrate all the Shastras.
7. Surya= naisargika 5th lord = intelligence. Agni Tattva (Surya,
Kuja, Ketu) makes one sharp and intelligent while Vayu Tattva
(Shani, Rahu) makes one dull.
8. Faculty of intelligence is governed by Guru. Hence when
Surya occupies Guru’s sign or associated with him, this gives
the native superb intellect (Dhimanta yoga).
9. Association of 3rd, 5th or 6th lord with Lagna also also
confers superb intellect. Thus, for Mithuna, Mesha and Meena
Lagna natives Surya in the Lagna makes one exceedingly
10. Surya is the karaka of energy and vitality, and he is a dear
friend of Chandra, the karka for health. Hence, should it not
promote one’s health and vitality? However, since it is a Krura
Graha, endowed with very high pitta, it gives good health only
when it well placed and aspected by Shubha Grahas.
11. Surya is well placed in watery signs Karka, Vrschika and
Meena, as here the high pitta of Surya is subdued by the watery
12. Surya in Lagna = High Pitta. The native suffers from high
fevers due to high pitta, during bad dasas and in the antardasa
of Surya or vice-versa, or during inauspicious transits.
13. Strong Agni Tattva = muscular build like that of an athlete.
Also they rush to conclusion very fast. Also the bodily
temperature is usually higher and they have strong
14. Strong Agni Tattva = strong digestive fire, strong
metabolism. Surya’s Agni is stronger in Agni and Vayu Rasis
and weak in Prthvi and Jala Rasis. Hence the Hyperacidity
troubles are heightened in Agni and Vayu Rasis. This is also
true when Lagna Surya have Yuti-Drsti with other Agni or Vayu
tattva Grahas, Kuja, Ketu, Shani and Rahu.
15. Uccha Surya = Fame. Lagna = seat of fame. Fame is
conferred by the Sattva guna Grahas Guru, Chandra and Surya.
Surya is the brightest luminary that cause the person to be
noticed among people. Surya gives prominence and capability.
Surya in su-avastha and aspected by Shubha grahas makes this
indication even stronger.
16. Sattva Grahas are important for fame as Sattva Guna sustains
the universe, while Rajas creates and Tamas Destroys.
17. The indication of fame becomes even more promising when
Lagnesha occupies a good avastha, endowed with strength in
Rasi and other Vargas, occupy Kendra-Kona-Labha, conjoined
or aspected by Shubha Grahas, devoid of any papa yuti-drsti or
attain vaisheshikamsa.
18. Sva or Uccha Navamsa = Leadership skills. Attain very high
position in life or associate with influential or powerful people.
19. Neecha = Valour, hateful, poverty, blindness. Negative
qualities of Surya are accentuated. Negative Surya =
dominating, aggressive, tamasic, tamas Agni. Valorous like the
warring Kuja, eager to fight when it can be avoided. Restless
and egoistic nature. Consider self as most intelligent and
ridicule other scholars.
20. Neecha Surya gives financial hardship as it governs all the
resources of the world in the form of Dvadasa Aditya.
21. Surya being the Karaka for eye-sight, it can also cause weak
eye sight or blindness when Neecha and Afflicted. Conjunction
or aspect of Shubha grahas can reduce the negatives. Guru is
considered as he best Shubha and a great friend of Surya.
22. Svakshetra or Svanavamsa = Power and influence. Simha
Rasi = royal sign of the horoscope = confer blessings of
Authority, Power and Influence. Lagnesha in Lagna in Simha, a
royal Rasi = strong influence of Rasi and Graha = Strong
leadership qualities, eager to assume leadership position.
23. Shubha Drsti = freedom from diseases. Surya as Lagnesha in
Simha Lagna = protects the native from sickness, but can still
have some pitta problems. Pitta problems are countered with
Shubha Drsti.
24. Affliction of Surya in Leo by Shani or Rahu breach the shield
protection (of Lagnesha in Lagna), causing diseases. Combined
influence of Shani and Rahu can also give heart diseases,
bringing the influence of Aquarius on Surya.
25. Karka Surya = Swollen eyes, Glaucoma. Karka = Mitra Rasi
for Surya. Karka = Strong vibrations of Chandra and Guru =
Wise, scholarly, knowledgable but sickly. Water and fire
incompatibility = only ordinary wealth, glaucoma, boils in the
body. This is countered when Surya is under Shubha Drsti, of
especially Guru.
26. Kanya Surya = Predominantly girl children. Kanya = Little
girl, before puberty. Surya = progenitor, important graha for
pregnancy and childbirth. Alpasuta rasis = Vrschika, Kanya
and Simha = less children.
27. Dhanu Surya = Religious Scholar. Arguably the best Rasi for
Surya. Scholar, knowledgeable in scriptures, religious texts. On
the flip side, devoid of happiness from wife and children.
Children can be a major concern, as there is no children even
from many wives. Also suffers some or other sorrow
throughout life. Good for lawyers, judges, those holding high
and authoritative position.
28. Makara Surya = Heard Disease. Surya governs the ability to
pump blood as it is the spark in the heart causing the heard to
pump blood. Surya in Makara = Shatru Rasi = 6th from its
mulatrikona = Suffer due to sluggishness of heart beat. Yuti-
drsti of Shani or Rahu aggravates this. Shubha yuti-drsti can
help in keeping this under check.
29. Meena Surya = Subservient to women. Meena = Jala Rasi =
relationship = Uccha Rasi for Shukra, karaka for relationships.
Fond of company of women. Meena = Stri Rasi = Reduction of
Surya’s fierceness, masculinity and independence. Relations
with many women, more so when Surya conjoins Shukra.
30. Difficulties in begetting children. Fiery graha does not
promote child-birth. Childbirth governed by Chandra and the
Jala Tattva. Surya and Lagna are important significators of
Childbirth and need to be well placed for promotion of child-
birth related matters. Ill placed Surya Weak and / or afflicted =
Challenges pertaining to child birth.
31. Less talkative. Surya = Royal and independent Graha,
symbolised by the Lion. Surya is not much relationship
oriented, hence talks less. Influence of Budha or watery planets
Shukra, Chandra on Surya can counter this. Influence of
Mangal on Surya make them talk even lesser.
32. Wandering disposition. Surya indicate fond of wandering in
the jungle like a Lion. Also Agni Tattva = mobility, does not like
to stay at a place for long time, adventurous, fond of travelling
for adventure, mountain climbing, trekking through the forests
33. Contentment and happiness. Surya in Langa gives
contentment and happiness when Surya is in good avastha viz.,
exaltation, mulatrikona, own sign, friendly sign or aspected by
saumya grahas Guru, Shukra, Budha or Chandra.
34. Dull wittedness. Surya confers sharp intelligence, but such
natives can be too straight-forward. Grahas such as Budha and
Shukra makes the native adept in adapting one’s thoughts and
behaviour based on circumstances, however, Surya is too
undiplomatic. Hence, such people can come across blunt and
35. Shubha Drsti = Wisdom. Wisdom = Guru. Surya = source of
knowledge. Yuti-drsti of Shubha Grahas confer wisdom.
Quality of wisdom depends on the aspecting Graha; Guru =
highest wisdom. Best situation, Surya in Uccha-Sva-Mitra
kshetra and aspected by Guru from a trine.
36. Weak and afflicted = fever and severe health troubles.
According to Maharishi Bhrigu, afflicted Surya in the Lagna
cause high fever in the third year. Why 3rd year? Because of
Mithuna Rasi, the Ucchakshetra of Rahu. Mithuna = 3. Surya
in Neecha, Shatru, Yuti-Drsti of Kruragrahas, or Papakartari
causes this.
37. Agni Rasi Lagnas = good nature, trouble to the eyes. Stri Rasi
= Beautiful eyes. Vayu Rasis, Karka, Simha, Dhanu and Makara
= Fondness or talent in in Drama. Jala Rasis, Dhanu =
Knowledgeable and righteous. Agni Rasis, Karka, Vrschika =
Resplendent (strong Aura), rise in life due to self effort,
especially in the Jala Rasis and somewhat in Agni Rasis, and
not in Prthvi Rasis.
38. Agni Rasis = Ambitious, peevish, dominating, serious and
less-spoken. Prthvi Rasis = Arrogant, belligerent, eccentric,
ordinary sexual drive. Vayu Rasi = just, good hearted,
interested in art and craft, religious scriptures. Jala rasis =
Relationship oriented and can put oneself into trouble due to
39. Stri Rasi = Auspicious. Purusha Rasi = Inauspicious. Stri Rasi
= smoothen rough edges of Surya, gentle, calm and steady.
Purusha Rasi = Extremely brilliant and fierce. Agni (Purusha)
Rasis = Mainly auspicious results, but suffer great deal of pain.
Vayu (Purusha) Rasis = Mainly inauspicious results, as these
signs are governed by the Asuras, Budha, Shukra and Shani.
40. Purusha Rasi = Independent profession from the beginning.
Stri Rasi = Independent profession only after initial stint of
serving others.
41. Karka Lagna = Adept in home matters. Vrschika Lagna =
Success and fame in medical profession i.e., doctor, pharmacist
or chemist.
42. Conclusion. Usually Lagna-Surya is good for growth and rise
in life. Such people are self-confident, determined, generous,
having exalted thoughts, dignified, generous and genuine. On
the negative side, they deride trivial work, are hard-hearted
and, judgmental. The results of less children is true in odd
signs, on the other hand, Surya in the even sign in the Lagna
indicate many children. Its placement in the even sign also
indicate happiness, while in the odd signs, it indicates some
kind of miseries throughout life, either lack of children or
health troubles. The natives eat less when Surya is in even
signs, however they become voracious eater (strong
metabolism) in odd signs, especially fiery signs as their
digestive power is very strong. The are fond of fighting battles
from the front.
Impact of Rasi placement

Narada Purana: (1) Mesha: fame, (2) Vrsha: hatred for women,

(3) Mithuna: wealth, (4) Karka: cruelty or sharpness, (5) Simha:
wisdom or learning, (6) Kanya: poetic gift, (7) Tula: selling liquor,
(8) Vrschika: riches, (9) Dhanu: honour and reputation, (10)
Makara: avarice, (11) Kumbha: penury, and (12) Meena: devoid of
References from the Jyotish Classics

Bhrgu Sutra: ārogyaṁ bhavati..1.. pittaprakṛtiḥ netrarogī..2..

medhāvī sadācārī vā..3.. uṣnodaravān..4.. mūrkhaḥ
putrahīnaḥ..5.. tikṣnabuddhiḥ..6.. alpabhāṣī pravāsaśīlaḥ
sukhī..7.. svocce kīrtimān..8.. balinirīkṣite vidvān..9.. nīce
pratāpavān..10.. jānadveṣī daridraḥ andhakaḥ..11.. śubhadṛṣṭe
na doṣaḥ..12.. siṁhe svāṁśe nāthah..13.. kulīre jānavān..14.. rogī
budabudākṣah..15.. makaro hṛdrogī..16.. mīne strījanasevī..17..
kanyāyāṁ ravau kanyāprajaḥ dārahīnaḥ kṛtaghnaḥ..18.. kṣetrī
śubhayuktah ārogyavān..19.. pāpayute śatrunīchakṣetre tṛtīye
varṣe jvarapīḍā..20.. śubhadṛṣṭe na doṣaḥ..21.. Good health (1);
Bilious constitution, eye diseases (2); Intelligent, righteous (3);
Hyperacidity (4); Dull witted, devoid of sons (5); Sharp intellect
(6); Talk less, wandering nature, contented (7); Exalted:
honoured (8); Aspected by benefics: wise (9); Debilitated:
valorous (10); Inimical towards scholars, financial distress,
blindness (11); Aspect of benefics: dosa is annulled (12); In Leo,
Own Navamsa: Authoritative position (13); Cancer: leader (14);
Boils in the body (15); Capricorn: heart diseases (16); Pisces:
subservient to women (17); Virgo: only daughters; loss of spouse,
lack gratitude (18); Own sign, benefic conjunction: good health
(19); Conjoined with malefics, inimical sign, debilitated: high
fever in 3rd year (20); Aspected by benefics: dosas are annulled

Saravali: Scanty hair (alpakaca), indolent (kriya-alasa),

intelligent (mati), irritable (krodhi), prominent personality
(prachandonnato), honourable (maani), soiled eyes (lochana-
ruksha), emaciated physique (karkasha-tanu), courageous
(śūro), impatient (akṣamo), unkind (nirghṛṇ), Karka: swollen
eyes (sphoṭākṣaḥ), Mesha: weak eye sight
(timira), Simha: night-blind (niśāndhaḥ), Tula: poverty
(daridri), distressed (upahata), loss of children (vinishta-

Chamatkara Chintamani: Tall-stature (tungayashtim),

Unhappiness on account of spouse-children-kinsmen (manah
santapet daaradaayaadavargat), Troubled due to vata-pitta-
roga (vapu peedayate vata pittena nityam), Foreign travel
(paryatana), Fluctuation in finances (hraasa-vrddhim-

Jivanatha: Unhappiness on account of spouse-children-

kinsmen (tapet kaantaa-vargaat nija-sahaja-vargaadapi
manah), Troubled due to vata-pitta-blood roga (vapuh kashtam
pitta-anila-rudhira-rogena paramam), Loss of wealth due to
international trade (videsha-vyaaparaad vrajati dhanam-

Vaidyanatha: Less children (alpa-tanaya), Happy from

childhood (sukhi), unkind (nirghrnah), Eats less (svalpaashi),
Eye diseases (vikalekshano), Fight from the front in battles
(ranatalashlaaghi), Good natured (shushila), Dramatist (natah),
Knowledge and mannerism (gnanaachaararatah), Beautiful
eyes (sulochana), Glorious in all deeds (yasha), Rise in life due to
self-effort (svatantryakastucchage), Pisces (meena): Relations
with many women (strijana-sevitah), Leo (harigate): Night
blindness (raatryandhako), powerful (veeryavaan),

Mansagari: Sickly in childhood (shaishave vyaadhiyuto), Eye

diseases (nayana-gadasu-dukhi), serve the sinful people (neecha-
sevanuraktah), can’t settle in one house (na bhavati grhamedhi),
endowed with knowledge of future (daivayukta), wander around
frustrated (bhramati vikalamurti), bereft of children and grand-
children (putra-pautro viheena). Notes: In fiery signs, the
native suffers from chicken pox etc. In earthy sign, the native
suffers from eye defects and also serve sinful people. In Airy
signs, the native suffers from malaria, dryness, troubles from
disembodied spirits. In watery signs, the native suffers from
leucorrhea, cough, diarrhoea etc.
Phaladeepika: Scanty hair (alpakacaḥ), lazy
(kriyālasatamaḥ), irritable (krodhī), fierce (pracaṇḍonnato),
honourable (mānī), soiled eyes (locana-rūkṣacaḥ), emaciated
(kṛśatanuḥ), cruel and impatient(śūro’kṣamo), valourous
(nirghṛṇaḥ). Karka: cataract in the eyes (sphoṭākṣaḥ). Mesha:
eye sight problems (sa-timiraḥ). Simha: night blindness
(niśāndhaḥ). Tula: poor and overpowered (daridry-opahato),
loss of children (vinaṣ-ṭatanayo).

Khankhana: Emaciated (laagara), Disgraced by women

(kaaminidushita), Beget wicked children (duspraajo), Wander in
marketplace and gardens (panyaraamarato), Attached to
prostitutes (raashimijaan-gato), bereft of honour (maanahina),
jealous (heersho), defective eye sight (vidrshti). Notes:The
negative results are predominant when Surya is neecha.
Few important pointers

Results such as eye diseases, heart diseases, health troubles etc.

need to be validated with other yogas in the horoscope. For
instance, eye troubles can be predicted only when the 2nd Bhava is
afflicted. Similarly, power, influence, authority etc. can be
predicted when the Lagna, 5th and 10th houses are strong. When
the 4th house is afflicted, Surya in the Lagna makes it almost
certain that the native can’t settle in one place. Similarly
connection of Lagna and the 12th house, with Surya in the Lagna
makes the person leave homeland. Thus one can’t depend on the
results of only one Graha to conclude anything. One needs to look
for at least 3 independent factors before concluding anything. One
should also be mindful of factors that counter the indications of
the Graha placement in a bhava. Given below, some important
pointers pertaining to Surya’s placement in the Lagna.

1. Surya in Lagna is generally auspicious as it is a royal graha

and gives rise in life, endow with high position and status.
2. Surya in Uccha Kshetra makes the native famous.
3. Surya under Shubha drsti makes one a scholar.
4. Surya in Neecha Kshetra makes one powerful and valorous,
but the native hate scholars, suffers due to poverty, eye troubles
and even blindness.
5. Surya in Svakshetra bestows on the native authority.
6. Surya in Dakshinayana bestows upon the native good nature,
7. Surya in Uttarayanana makes the native belligerent and
8. Lagna Surya is auspicious in even signs and somewhat
inauspicious in odd signs.
9. Surya in Karka Lagna makes the natives a scholar but sickly.
The native suffers from glaucoma, ordinary wealth. The
negative does not manifest if there is shubha drsti on the
10. Surya in Makara Lagna causes heart disease.
11. Surya in Kanya Lagna blesses the native with many girl child.
12. Surya in Meena Lagna makes the native attached to women
and be subservient to them.
13. Surya in Dhanu Lagna makes the native a scholar,
knowledgeable of scriptures and religious texts.
14. Surya in Dhanu Lagna causes lack of happiness from wife
and children. The native has no children even after he marries
multiple times. There is some or other miseries troubling the
native throughout life.
15. Surya in Dhanu is good for lawyers, judges and those holding
high and authoritative position.

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