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Jorhat Engineering College

ME 181403 - Fluid Mechanics - I

Assignment - 3 (CO-5)
Instructor: Divyaprakash

1. For the case of flow between two parallel plates, the velocity is defined as follows.

Draw the velocity profile for the following three cases.

Comment on your results for the second condition.

You can make use of the following link to answer this question.

2. For the case of flow between two parallel plates, derive the following relationship.


3. Water at 10 o​​ C is flowing steadily in a 0.12 cm-diameter, 15 m long pipe at an

average velocity of 0.9 m/s. Determine (a) the pressure drop, (b) the head loss, and
(c) the pumping power requirement to overcome this pressure drop.

4. Water at 15 o​​ C is flowing steadily in a 30 m long and 5 cm diameter horizontal pipe

made of stainless steel at a rate of 9 L/s. Determine (a) the pressure drop, (b) the
head loss, and (c) the pumping power requirement to overcome this pressure drop.
The missing information for this problem can be found in the following link.
Additional resource:

5. Oil with a density of 850 kg/m​3 and kinematic viscosity of 0.00062 m​2​/s is being
discharged by a 8 mm diameter, 40 m long horizontal pipe from a storage tank open
to the atmosphere. The height of the liquid level above the center of the pipe is 4 m.
Determine the flow rate of oil through the pipe.

1. The Bernoulli equation for a viscous fluid flow is as follows.

Where h​L​ is the head loss between point 1 and 2 in the pipe flow.
2. Since the flow is very viscous and through a very small diameter pipe, we can
assume the flow through the pipe to be laminar.
3. You will obtain a quadratic equation in terms of V​2​. You’ll have to solve this
equation for the positive root of V​2​.

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