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Basic principles of

infection control
When coming into contact with patients,
it’s vital that we prevent the spread of infection.
Learn how to keep your patients safe and
minimize your exposure risk.
By Chris E. Patterson, MSN, RN, CNE

28 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2015

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A new nurse orienting on your renal unit regarding the use of personal protective
admits a patient with bed bugs. When she equipment (PPE) when providing care
notifies the charge nurse of the patient’s for a patient with methicillin-resistant
infestation to find out the hospital’s policy Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), stating
regarding bedbugs, she witnesses an im- “Everyone has MRSA.” The new nurse
mediate meeting of nursing administration, wonders why there’s a difference in attitude
the infection control officer, and house- toward the bugs you see versus the “bugs”
keeping—all discussing the steps required you don’t see, when the bugs you don’t see
to avoid the spread of bed bugs to other can be fatal to patients.
patients on the unit. The charge nurse tells Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs),
her, “I’m glad that I’m not taking care of also known as nosocomial infections, are

that patient. Just the thought of bed bugs infections acquired following admission to
makes me itch.” a healthcare facility that weren’t present
The new nurse remembers watching before admission. The CDC estimates that
the charge nurse ignore hospital policy 1 in 20 patients will develop an HAI. These May/June 2015 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 29

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

infections are contracted by an estimated food, water, or feces. Humans and other
1.7 million patients annually and responsible animals can serve as carriers—reservoirs of
for 99,000 deaths each year. The estimated specific agents with little or no clinical signs
cost of these infections ranges from $35.7 to of disease. For example, shellfish are reser-
$45 billion. voirs for hepatitis A and the anopheles
All patients are susceptible to HAIs mosquito is a carrier of the malaria parasite.
because of potential exposure to microorgan- The carrier state of a reservoir may be
isms while in the healthcare setting. And temporary or long term.
because of frequent contact with patients
who harbor these microorganisms, nurses Link 3: Portal of exit
have a higher occupational exposure than The microorganism has to leave the reser-
other healthcare professionals. As nurses, we voir to establish itself as an infection. The
can serve as leaders in preventing HAIs by portal of exit depends on the body area
modeling behaviors to prevent transmission where the organism is located. Portals of
of microorganisms between patients, includ- exit include the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
ing proper use of PPE, following agency pol- (mouth or anus), respiratory tract (nose or
As nurses, icies, and understanding the vulnerability of mouth), genitourinary tract (GU) tract (ure-
we can serve our patients. teral meatus or urinary diversion), blood
as leaders in (open wound, needle puncture site, or any
preventing Chain, chain, chain break in the skin or mucous membranes),
You have to understand the chain of infec- and tissue (drainage from a wound).
healthcare- tion and ways to disrupt this chain to
associated protect your patients. Links of the chain Link 4: Mode of transmission
include the microorganism (causative The microorganism has to have a means
infections agent), reservoir, portal of exit, mode of of transmission after it leaves its reservoir.
by modeling transmission, portal of entry, and suscepti- There are three methods of transmission:
behaviors ble host (see Chain of infection). direct, indirect, and airborne.
Direct transmission is through direct
to prevent Link 1: Microorganism transfer from one person to another. This can
transmission of (causative agent) be through biting, touching, kissing, or sexu-
microorganisms. The rik of infection by a microorganism de- al intercourse. Sneezing, coughing, spitting,
pends on several factors. There are microor- singing, or talking can also transfer microor-
ganisms that are highly infectious, such as ganisms from one person to another if the
smallpox. But there are also microorganisms person is close to the host and the organism
that have the potential to infect a limited is transferrable by droplet spray into the
number of people, such as tuberculosis. mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eye,
Factors that influence the ability of a micro- or conjunctiva.
organism to cause infection include the Indirect transmission can be either vehicle
number of microorganisms present, the or vector-borne. A vehicle is anything that
potency of the microorganism, the ability serves as a way to transfer a microorganism
of the agent to enter the body, the suscepti- from the host to the susceptible person.
bility of the host, and whether the organism Inanimate objects (fomites) such as toys,
can live in the host’s body. soiled clothes, eating utensils, handkerchiefs,
surgical instruments or dressings, and
Link 2: Reservoir stethoscopes can serve as vehicles for indi-
Reservoirs are sources of microorganisms, rect transmission. Vector-borne transmission
including other humans, plants, animals, is when an animal or insect transports the
or the environment. Reservoirs can also be infectious agent. Transmission occurs when

30 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2015

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Chain of infection

Causative agent
A causative agent for infection is any
microbe that can produce disease.

Susceptible host The reservoir is the
Transmission of infection requires environment or object in or on
a susceptible host. The human body which a microbe survives and, in
has many defense mechanisms to keep some cases, multiplies. Inanimate
pathogens from entering and multiplying. objects, human beings, and other
When these mechanisms function animals can serve as reservoirs,
normally, infection doesn’t occur. In a providing essential requirements for
weakened host, an infectious agent the microbe to survive at specific
is more likely to invade the body stages in its life cycle.
and launch infection.

Portal of exit
The portal of exit is the path
by which an infectious agent leaves
its reservoir. Usually, it’s the site where
Portal of entry
the organism grows. In human reservoirs,
The portal of entry is the common exit portals include the respiratory,
path by which an infectious GI, and GU tracts; skin and mucous
agent invades a susceptible membranes; and placenta (in transplacental
host. It’s usually the same as
the portal of exit.
Mode of transmission disease transmission from mother to
fetus). Bodily secretions, such as
The mode of transmission is
blood, sputum, and emesis, can
the means by which the infectious
also serve as exit portals.
agent passes from the portal of exit in
the reservoir to the susceptible host. The
five modes of transmission are contact,
airborne, droplet, common vehicle, and
vector-borne. The transmission mode
varies with the specific microbe.
Some organisms use more than
one mode. May/June 2015 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 31

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the animal or insect either injects saliva generally the same as the portal of exit
through biting or by depositing feces or from the host.
other materials through broken skin.
Airborne transmission can include drop- Link 6: Susceptible host
lets or dust. Evaporated droplets and dust Any impairment of the body’s natural
particles containing the infectious agent can defenses makes an individual a susceptible
remain in the air for long periods. Clostridium host who’s at risk for infection. Risk factors
difficile and Mycobacterium tuberculosis are include:
examples of microorganisms that can • age (very young and very old)
become airborne. • immune suppression treatment for cancer
or organ transplant
Link 5: Portal of entry • immune deficiency conditions
The microorganism must enter the body • chronic disorders, such as chronic obstruc-
before a person can be infected. The por- tive pulmonary disease and end-stage renal
tal of entry to the susceptible host is disease, and disorders that require
immunosuppressive therapy, such as
rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn disease, and
consider this multiple sclerosis.
Ebola However, you should expect that any
Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a rare, but deadly, disease that wasn’t diag- hospitalized patient is at risk for infection
nosed in the United States until 2014. Four cases were confirmed between because of the physical stress of illness or
September and October, including three healthcare workers who were surgery and the prevalence of microorgan-
exposed while caring for EVD patients in the United States and in the isms, including HAIs.
African nation of Guinea.
Because of the impact that EVD can potentially have in the United
States, the CDC established guidelines for the care of these patients,
Taking precautions
As a nurse, you must know how to protect
including a tiered approach to prevent serious outbreaks in the United
States. This includes the establishment of frontline healthcare facilities,
yourself and your patients from exposure to
EVD assessment hospitals, and EVD treatment centers. Although the risk harmful pathogens by understanding your
of exposure in the United States is minimal, thorough assessment and organization’s infection control policies and
identification of persons who’ve traveled to parts of the world where EVD following them. These include standard
is prevalent are imperative to prevent the spread of this disease, as is strict precautions (hand hygiene, PPE, injection
adherence to infection control guidelines specific to EVD. safety, environmental cleaning, and
The disease is spread through direct contact with the blood or body respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette)
fluids of a person who’s sick with EVD or objects that have been contami- and transmission-based precautions
nated with the virus. The CDC issued guidance for agencies with sus- (contact, droplet, and airborne).
pected cases of EVD, which includes the importance of training, practice,
competence, and observation of healthcare workers regarding the donning
and doffing of PPE.
Standard precautions
All healthcare workers involved in the care of EVD patients must have Standard precautions are guidelines that
training in the proper use of PPE equipment, specifically in donning and were established to break the chain of
doffing the PPE selected by the facility. No skin should be exposed while infection and reduce the risk of pathogen
working in the PPE. A trained observer must supervise every step of the transmission in hospitals. Standard precau-
PPE donning/doffing procedure to ensure that the established protocols tions apply to blood and body fluids, secre-
have been followed. tions and excretions (except sweat), nonintact
Although the confirmed cases of EVD in the United States didn’t result skin, and mucous membranes. Following
in an epidemic, such as has occurred in parts of Africa, they created an standard precautions not only protects
awareness of the importance of following infection control policy. For more patients, but also healthcare workers.
information about EVD and the guidelines established by the CDC, visit:
Hand hygiene is the number one weapon
in preventing the spread of microorganisms

32 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2015

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and includes alcohol-based hand rubs and
hand washing with soap and water. Alcohol- Donning and doffing PPE
based hand rubs containing 60% to 95% Proper donning and doffing of PPE protects your clothing and skin from
alcohol are the preferred method for decon- exposure to harmful microorganisms.
taminating hands, except when hands are Donning PPE
visibly soiled or when a patient has infec- • The gown should fully cover the torso from the neck to the knees, the
tious diarrhea. C. difficile and norovirus arms to the wrist, and wrap around the back. It should be tied at the
aren’t affected by alcohol-based hand rubs; neck and the waist.
soap and water should be used in suspected • Nonsterile gloves should be used for isolation and should cover the wrist
or confirmed cases of infectious diarrhea. of the isolation gown. They should be put on after the gown, if one is
Hand hygiene should be performed used. Select the glove size according to your hand size.
before and after contact with a patient; • The mask’s ties or elastic bands should be secured at the back of the
immediately after touching blood, body head and at the neck. The flexible noseband should be fitted to the
fluids, nonintact skin, mucous membranes, bridge of the nose. The mask should fit snugly to the face and extend
or contaminated items (even when gloves below the chin. If a respirator is needed, you should be fitted to ensure
are worn during contact); and immediately proper size and fit.
after removing gloves. Hand hygiene should • The goggles and face shield should be adjusted to fit the face.
also be performed when moving from con- • After the PPE is in place, you should work from clean to dirty and
taminated body sites to clean body sites dur- limit the surfaces touched. Keep your hands away from your face. The
ing patient care, before eating, after using the equipment should be changed if torn or heavily contaminated. Perform
restroom, and after handling equipment in hand hygiene before and after putting on PPE.
the vicinity of the patient. In addition to Doffing PPE
maintaining strict hand hygiene practices, • Remove all PPE before leaving the patient room or anteroom. Remember
patients and their family members should that the outside of all equipment is considered contaminated.
also be taught the importance of washing • To remove gloves, grasp the outside of one glove in the palm of the
their hands. opposite hand and peel off. Hold the removed glove in the gloved hand,
The CDC recommends scrubbing hands while sliding fingers of the ungloved hand under the remaining glove at
for at least 20 seconds, using soap, water, the wrist and peeling off.
and friction, and paying special attention • To remove goggles and face shield, handle by the clean headband or
to the areas between fingers, the backs of earpieces.
hands, underneath fingernails, and the • Remove the gown by unfastening neck and waist ties and peeling it from
thumbs. Humming the “Happy Birthday” each shoulder toward the same hand, turning the gown inside out. Hold
song twice or the “Alphabet” song or the removed gown away from the body, roll it into a bundle, and discard.
“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” once can help • Without touching the front of the mask, remove the mask or respirator by
count the time. Alcohol-based hand rubs grasping the ties/elastics.
should be rubbed into all surfaces of the
hands until dry. for any activities involving vascular access.
PPE includes gloves, gowns, masks, A face shield or mask and goggles should be
respirators, and eyewear that create barriers worn if you anticipate a splash or spray of
to protect skin, clothing, mucous mem- blood or body fluids that might come in con-
branes, and the respiratory tract from tact with your nose, eyes, or mouth. If you
infectious organisms. The item selected expect your skin or clothing might be
depends on the infectious agent, the type exposed to body fluids or blood, wear a
of interaction, and the method of microor- gown. Knowing how to put on and remove
ganism transmission. PPE can help prevent cross-contamination
Gloves should be worn when touching (see Donning and doffing PPE).
blood, body fluids, nonintact skin, mucous To promote injection safety, gloves
membranes, and contaminated items, and should be worn when administering May/June 2015 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 33

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injections. Puncture-proof disposal systems container as soon as possible. These patients
are recommended to dispose of uncapped should also perform hand hygiene with
needles and sharps. Never recap needles alcohol-based rubs, soap and water, or an
following administration of medication to antiseptic hand wash after being exposed to
reduce your risk of being stuck with an respiratory secretions or contaminated mate-
unclean needle. You should engage a needle rials or objects.
safety device immediately after performing Healthcare facilities should ensure ade-
an injection. quate and readily accessible supplies of
Environmental cleaning includes medical tissues and hand hygiene stations. Visual
equipment and environmental surfaces. alerts should be posted in facility entrances
Any reusable equipment, including stetho- to remind patients and visitors to inform
scopes, bandage scissors, and hemostats, healthcare professionals of respiratory signs
that’s used on multiple patients must be and symptoms. Patients with respiratory
cleaned between each patient contact, fol- symptoms should be masked to contain
lowing organizational policy, with a broad- respiratory secretions.
spectrum antimicrobial agent such as
chlorhexidine—a commonly used antimi- Transmission-based precautions
crobial agent for disinfecting topical and Use transmission-based precautions in
hard surfaces in healthcare agencies. It’s addition to standard precautions when
effective against Gram-positive and Gram- the standard precautions aren’t enough to
negative bacteria and fungi. Nursing staff protect you from communicable disease
should work closely with environmental transmission. There are three types of
services to ensure that rooms are thorough- transmission-based precautions: contact,
ly cleaned and disinfected between patients droplet, and airborne.
to prevent the spread of infection through Contact precautions are used in addition
inanimate objects. to standard precautions when caring for
Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette patients with known or suspected diseases
are infection control measures that should be that are spread by direct or indirect contact.
implemented when contact is made with a Contact precautions include gloving and
patient who might have an upper respirato- gowning when in contact with the patient,
ry infection. Patients with signs and symp- objects, and surfaces within the patient’s
toms of a respiratory infection should be environment. All reusable items should be
taught to cover their mouth and nose with cleaned and disinfected according to organi-
a tissue when coughing or sneezing and zational policy, and disposable items should
dispose of the tissue in the nearest trash be thrown away immediately after being
Droplet precautions require the use of a
consider this surgical mask in addition to standard pre-
MRSA cautions when you’re within 3 ft (6 ft for
MRSA is a multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) that’s labeled as a smallpox) of a patient known to have or
“superbug” because it’s resistant to many antibiotics. The first case in the suspected of having a disease spread by
United States was identified in Boston in 1968. Although it isn’t possible to droplets. These include influenza, pertussis,
predict which patients will contract HAIs, as healthcare professionals we and meningococcal disease. Healthcare
can’t make the assumption that “everyone has MRSA” because this puts personnel should observe droplet precau-
all patients at risk, especially if an exposure to MRSA or any other MDRO tions when examining a patient with respira-
in the hospital by a patient who’s immunocompromised might result in that
tory symptoms, especially if the patient has
patient’s death.
a fever. These precautions should remain
For more information about MRSA, visit
in effect until it’s determined that the

34 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2015

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symptoms aren’t caused by an infection that
requires droplet precautions.
consider this
Airborne precautions are used in addition Measles
As a result of a multi-state outbreak of measles that started in December
to standard precautions when in contact
2014, healthcare professionals have been advised by the CDC to consider
with patients with known or suspected
measles when examining patients who present with fever, malaise, cough,
diseases spread by fine particles transmitted coryza (an upper respiratory infection), conjunctivitis, and Koplik spots
by air currents, such as tuberculosis, mea- (small, white spots that look like tiny grains of white sand that occur on
sles, and severe acute respiratory syndrome. the inside of the cheeks early in the course of measles). A maculopapular
You must wear a National Institute for rash usually is present approximately 14 days after exposure to an infected
Occupational Safety and Health certified, person and spreads from the head to the trunk and lower extremities.
fit-tested N-95 respirator just before entry The CDC estimates that approximately 90% of susceptible individuals will
into an area shared with a patient suspected develop measles after close contact with a person who has measles. The
or known to have one of these diseases. disease is spread when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes;
Because there are several sizes of N-95 respi- through direct contact with infectious droplets; or by airborne contact.
Measles patients should be isolated for 4 days after developing a rash.
rator, healthcare personnel must be fit tested
Those at greatest risk for complications from measles include infants
according to organizational policy or at least
and children younger than age 5, adults older than age 20, pregnant
every 2 years to be sure you’re using the cor- women, and immunocompromised individuals. Complications include
rect size. If eye protection is needed, wear acute encephalitis, which can result in permanent brain damage; respira-
goggles or a face shield during all contact tory or neurologic complications; and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
with the patient, not just if you predict which is a fatal disease of the central nervous system that can develop 7 to
splashes or sprays. 10 years after measles infection.
Implementing standard and contact Measles was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000, but
precautions doesn’t guarantee that patients controversy surrounding immunization has reduced the numbers of chil-
won’t contract an HAI, especially if mem- dren receiving the vaccine in recent years. There’s no antiviral therapy for
bers of the healthcare team don’t follow measles; only treatment to alleviate symptoms. The best way to prevent the
disease is through immunization, which is approximately 97% effective in
those policies. My students have heard that
preventing measles after two doses.
“they have to follow contact precautions
For more information about measles and the recent measles outbreak,
because they’re students.” What does it visit
convey to students that they have to follow
hospital policy but staff members don’t?
constraints, provision of nursing care to chil-
Overcoming barriers dren, psychological factors, working experi-
The behavior of the charge nurse at the ence as a nurse, and physician influence.
beginning of this article wasn’t in compli- In emergency situations, nurses report
ance with standard precautions. In my prac- that they have to make the decision to take
tice as an RN, I’ve heard “everyone has the time to use PPE versus taking care of the
MRSA” as a way to explain noncompliance patient, despite the chance that they’ll be
with infection control policy in many exposed to microorganisms. Nurses have
healthcare facilities. This is vastly different stated that they neglect their own safety to
from the attitude toward MRSA when pa- save a patient.
tients were first diagnosed over 40 years Nonavailability of equipment can occur
ago. What caused the change? for several reasons. The first is that the
Many studies have shown that compli- required equipment isn’t available because
ance with standard precautions, including supplies weren’t ordered. The second reason
hand hygiene, is low. Reported barriers is that the equipment is located too far away
to compliance with standard precautions from where it’s needed. Nurses have also
include emergency situations, availability encountered a lack of equipment because it
of equipment, patients’ discomfort, time wasn’t restocked after all supplies were used May/June 2015 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 35

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on an earlier shift. Nurses should evaluate didn’t use PPE when caring for a patient
that all required equipment is available to with MRSA. If all nurses on a unit are out of
carry out standard precautions and ensure compliance with standard or contact precau-
that supplies are restocked as needed. tions, the behavior may start to affect younger
Some nurses state that they don’t use PPE nurses’ compliance. If nurses honestly
for a patient in contact isolation because of believe that they aren’t at risk for developing
patient discomfort. They don’t want the an infection or passing a microorganism
patient to feel uncomfortable because of from one patient to another who’s a suscep-
the potential negative impact of seeing his tible host, this belief indicates a professional
or her nurses in gloves, gowns, and face and institutional culture that can be difficult
shields. When I used a gown and gloves to to change. The statement I’ve heard most
care for a patient early in my career, a often is, “This is the way they teach you in
nurse came in, asked why I was doing so, school, and this is the way we do it in the
and said, “This poor man!” as though I real world.”
was harming him psychologically. Like Experienced nurses may believe that they
the nurse with whom I worked, other nurs- aren’t at risk because they’re more capable
es have indicated that patients may feel of avoiding the risk of transmission than
offended. They feel that the use of PPE will less-experienced nurses. However, experi-
have a negative impact on their patients’ enced nurses serve as role models for less-
psychological stress. experienced staff members and must model
Lack of time and nursing personnel have safe behavior, which will help change a cul-
also been used as reasons for noncompli- ture of noncompliance.
ance. Nurses who are taking care of multiple Lastly, it may be difficult for nurses to
patients have said that the amount of time it model proper infection control practices when
takes to put on a gown when caring for mul- physicians go from room to room without
tiple patients is a barrier. following standard precautions. A colleague
When providing care to children, nurses recently stated that she was surprised when a
have stated that they’re reluctant to use PPE physician followed contact precautions while
because they don’t want the children or their rounding on a patient. This behavior should
relatives to have negative feelings that may be standard procedure, regardless of position
be associated with the use of PPE. These in the healthcare system. Nurses must be will-
nurses indicate they understand that stan- ing to act as patient advocates and insist that
dard precautions apply to all patients, but physicians and other members of the health-
still report that providing nursing care to care team follow standard and transmission-
children is a barrier. based precautions, if needed, when they make
Psychological factors play a part in a their rounds.
nurse’s decision not to follow standard pre- Many facilities have anonymous reporting
cautions. In the beginning of this article, a systems in place for any nurse who’s uncom-
new nurse had noticed that her mentor fortable confronting a peer who demon-
strates unsafe practice. However, the best
and most immediate way to initiate change
on the web is to address noncompliance as soon as the
• CDC: Chain of infection: behavior is seen. Any deviation from policy
ss1978/lesson1/section10.html regarding standard precautions, or any other
• CDC: Example of safe donning and removal of PPE: aspect of infection control, should be report-
ed to your facility’s infection control officer,
• Institute for Healthcare Improvement: How-to guide: Improving hand
who can provide valuable resources for
continuing education of staff.

36 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2015

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Powerful impact CDC. Handwashing: clean hands save lives. http://www.
As nurses, we have the ability to impact the
CDC. Interim guidance for U.S. hospital preparedness for
lives of our patients in many ways. Patients patients under an investigation or with confirmed Ebola virus
trust us to make decisions that will keep disease: a framework for a tiered approach. http://www.cdc.
them safe from harm, including infection.
CDC. Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette in health-
We have the power to change the culture care settings.
of noncompliance and reduce the number infectioncontrol/resphygiene.htm.
of HAIs. ■ Efstathiou G, Papastavrou E, Raftopoulos V, Merkouris A.
Factors influencing nurses’ compliance with standard
precautions in order to avoid occupational exposure to
REFERENCES microorganisms: a focus group study. BMC Nurs.
CDC. Basic infection control and prevention plan for
outpatient oncology settings. Jacobs A. Hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant
settings/outpatient/basic-infection-control-prevention- Staphylococcus aureus: status and trends. Radiol Technol.
plan-2011/standard-precautions.html. 2014;85(6):623-648.
CDC. Cases of Ebola diagnosed in the United States. Potter PA, Perry AG. Fundamentals of Nursing. 13th ed. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Co.; 2013.
africa/united-states-imported-case.html. Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Infection control
CDC. Guidance on personal protective equipment to and prevention—standard precautions. http://www.dhs.
be used by healthcare workers during management of
patients with Ebola virus disease in U.S. hospitals, includ- Precautions.htm.
ing procedures for putting on (donning) and removing Chris E. Patterson is a Nursing Instructor at Muskegon Community
(doffing). College in Muskegon, Mich.
The author and planners have disclosed no potential conflicts of
CDC. Guide to infection prevention for outpatient settings: interest, financial or otherwise.
minimum expectations for safe care.
HAI/settings/outpatient/outpatient-care-guidelines.html. DOI-10.1097/01.NME.0000462644.52688.6a

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