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Publisher: Julie Levin Alexander Art Director: Maria Guglielmo Walsh

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bassett, Kathy B., author.

Local anesthesia for dental professionals I Kathy B. Bassett, RDH, BSDH, MEd, Professor/Clinical Coordinator,
Dental Hygiene Program, Pierce College, Lakewood, Washington, Arthur C. DiMarco, DMD, Director, RIDE Program
at Eastern Washington University, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, Professor,
Department of Dental Hygiene, Eastern Washington University, Spokane, Washington, Doreen K. Naughton, RDH,
BSDH, Affiliate Instructor, Department of Oral Health Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Washington.­
Second edition.
pages em
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-13-307771-1- ISBN 0-13-307771-3 1. Anesthesia in dentistry. 2. Local anesthesia.
I. DiMarco, Arthur C., author. II. Naughton, Doreen K., author. III. Title.
RK510.B367 2014

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

PEARSON ISBN 10: 0-13-307771-3

ISBN 13: 978-0-13-307771-1
Bridging the Gap As experienced and passionate educators, they recog­
nize that the success of local anesthesia requires that oral
More than 70 years ago, two young enthusiastic Swedish healthcare providers be knowledgeable, prepared, caring,
chemists, Nils Lofgren and Bengt Lundqvist, created a and skilled. Through this text, readers are provided with
compound they designated "LL30." Their discovery, later comprehensive materials, excellent graphics, and complete
to be named lidocaine, and marketed as Xylocaine, was descriptions of common and advanced techniques. Patient
the first of the amide local anesthetics. Within a few de­ health issues are clearly addressed, and the need for care­
cades, practitioners throughout the world found lidocaine, ful attention to patient fears and phobias is provided. The
and the subsequently developed amide anesthetics, to be presentation is up to date and comprehensive, and can eas­
the most effective and safest local anesthetic agents for ily serve as one's primary source for applying anesthesia
dental practice. It is understandable why so many have and pain control in dentistry.
declared lidocaine to be "God's gift to dentistry." These Future research may develop needleless delivery sys­
safe and highly effective local anesthetics have permitted tems and effective non-pharmacologic methods for pain
our profession to develop the advanced dental procedures control. Until then, pain control is in the hands of practi­
now routinely and safely provided to our patients. The tioners and relies on their unsurpassed skills, as presented
amide local anesthetics used today in dental practice ap­ in this comprehensive text. The goal of these educators
proach the ideal for anesthetic agents, being non-irritating and the goal of the profession are identical: the elimina­
to tissue, minimally allergenic or toxic, and completely tion of pain and discomfort when receiving dental care.
An excellent anesthetic agent does not necessarily Paul A. Moore DMD, PhD, MPH
translate to effective pain control. This chasm, between Professor, Pharmacology and Anesthesiology
pharmacology and pain management, has been identi­ Department of Dental Anesthesiology
fied by these authors and successfully bridged in this lat­ University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine
est edition of Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals. Pittsburgh, PA

For Educators by Educators This text has set a new standard for not only North
American dental professionals, but also abroad. Within its
Effective and comfortable pain control with local an­ first year, it was chosen from a number of texts for publica­
esthesia has been practiced by dental hygienists in tion in China, which speaks volumes for its value.
Washington State since 1971. It has become a matter of Now in its second edition, the up-to-date information
pride and principle for hygienists to become not only pro­ on pharmacology, dosages, and delivery systems, such as
ficient but highly skilled in providing this valuable clinical computer-controlled local anesthesia delivery (CCLAD)
procedure, so it has been with great anticipation that we devices, helps guide successful implementation of this tech­
looked forward to the publication of the second edition of nology. Students and clinicians alike appreciate the review
Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals.
of head and neck anatomy included in the appendix. In ad­
It is the first textbook that I have thoroughly enjoyed dition, the inclusion of a chapter on nitrous oxide-oxygen
reading, and we have used it from its first publication. It sedation was brilliant.
was obvious from the beginning that this textbook was This textbook is a must-have for all dental profession­
written by educators with an understanding of how to als when studying this important skill.
teach and sequence concepts in ways that create maximum
learning. The diagrams, photos, and explanations in each Lynn Stedman, RDH, BS, MEd, MA
chapter make for easy and interesting reading for students, Dental Hygiene Program Director
instructors, and practicing clinicians. Our faculty paid out Associate Professor, Dental Hygiene
of pocket to have their own copies-a first in my experi­ Columbia Basin College
ence as an educator and director. In fact, it is the one text­ Pasco, WA
book that graduates have refused to sell back at the end of
their education program.


Expanding Your Local giving both of these injections! They have been a great
addition to my anesthesia tool kit, as has this wonderful
Anesthesia Tool Kit textbook! I recommend this text to practicing clinicians
After 25 years of practice, I got tired of not knowing how seeking to update their skills and as a chairside resource
to give a Gow-Gates block or an AMSA injection. I lec­ for patient assessment and drug selection, dosing recom­
ture at numerous dental schools only to find that very few mendations, and injection troubleshooting.
teach their students these injections. When I found out that
these authors have been teaching these injections to their Michael C. DiTolla, DDS, FAGD
dental hygiene students for years, I felt cheated! I ordered Director of Clinical Education & Research
Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals and thanks to Glidewell Laboratories
the excellent clinical photographs and precise descriptions; Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Editor

within 3 weeks of purchasing the book, I was successfully Chairside Magazine

Comfortable and effective pain control is expected in den­ enabling the safe, comfortable administration of local an­
tistry. To meet this expectation, dental professionals who esthetic injections and nitrous oxide sedation. Updates in
administer local anesthesia and nitrous oxide sedation must pharmacological agents and technological advances and
be able to think critically and integrate concepts and theo­ modifications for medical compromise are included that
ries from multiple perspectives. Regardless of the nature of emphasize the importance of evidence-based practice
individual practice acts, no clinician is exempt from under­ highlighting efficiency and safety.
standing and performing allowed techniques to the highest Together with ancillary materials and a companion
standards. In other words, patients should reasonably expect DVD, Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals pres­
that all credentialed dental professionals are equally knowl­ ents concepts and techniques with students, instructors,
edgeable about the techniques and drugs they administer. and practicing clinicians in mind. Ancillary materials in­
This second edition represents a broad-based, col­ clude case studies, in-depth references, clinically applica­
laborative effort of a well-respected, diverse group of ble appendices, an anatomy review, editable Power Point
dental hygiene and dental experts. Local Anesthesia for templates, workbook exercises, a library of text figures,
Dental Professionals continues to focus on a high level of video clips, skill evaluation forms, word games, and figure
knowledge and technical skill for students and clinicians, identifications.

We wish to recognize the many exceptional educators and clinicians who contributed to this second edition of Local
Anesthesia for Dental Professionals. We are incredibly grateful for the vision and expertise of this diverse and talented
group of professionals who not only share our enthusiasm for pain control but also understand the profound significance
of clarity and accuracy of content. In addition to the many contributors and reviewers who worked tirelessly with us to as­
sure accuracy and readability, we wish to thank the following individuals and companies that so generously shared with us
their time, talents, expertise, and unique resources, all of which have allowed us to enhance this work significantly before
bringing it to press.

Paul Moore, DDS Elizabeth Pratt Ron Oyama

Vance Bingham, DDS Jordan Mikel, RDH Karen DiMarco

Michael DiTola, DDS Sheila Norton, RDH Jack Naughton

Blake Davis, DDS Laura Schaffner, RDH Brian Loke

Keavin Mcintosh, DMD Laura Stoddard, RDH Jon Roberton

Stanley Tang, DDS Megan Harkness, RDH Lee Clement

Aaron Shepard, RDH

Samantha Shira, RDH

Lynn Stedman, RDH

Pierce College Dental Hygiene Students

Eastern Washington University Dental Hygiene Students

Aseptico, Inc., CAO Group, Cetylite, Inc., DentalVibe, Dentsply Pharmaceuticals,

Gebauer Company, Injex, LED Dental Inc ( Velscope) , Milestone Scientific, MMJ
Labs, Onpharma, Practicon, St. Renatus, LLC, Septodont USA
We appreciate the considerable contributions of Sean Boynes, DDS and
Royann Royer, RDH to the 2nd edition of this text, especially the addition
of the Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen chapter.
We extend a special thanks to Patrick McKeown, Dysfuntional Breathing
Practitioner, Asthma Care Ireland, Republic of Ireland for his contributions to
our understanding of breathing and anxiety.

We thank our publisher, Pearson Education, for their invaluable

assistance and support. Special thanks to Nikki, Patty and Saraswathi for
all your help on the "home stretch':

We acknowledge the lifelong vision and commitment to safety and comfort in

oral healthcare of Dr. Stanley Malamed, DDS, and dedicate this edition to the
memory of a truly brilliant modern pioneer, Dr. John Yagiela, DDS, PhD.

Section 1-Pain Control Concepts Dental Hygiene Program
Johnson County Community College
Chapter 2-Fundamentals of Pain Management Overland Park, Kansas

Ann Eshenaur Spolarich, RDH, PhD Chapter 17-Local Anesthesia Complications

Clinical Associate Professor and Management
USC School of Dentistry
Los Angeles, California Sean G. Boynes, DMD, MS, DAs
Course Director of Clinical Medicine and Pharmacology Director of Dental Medicine
Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health Public Health Dentistry
Mesa, Arizona CareSouth Carolina
Clinical Instructor, Dean's Faculty Society Hill, South Carolina
University of Maryland Dental School Chief Consultant/Owner
Baltimore, Maryland Dentist Anesthesiologist
Dental Medicine Consulting
Jackie Foskett, RDH, BA, CHT Florence, South Carolina
General and Periodontal Practice ( Retired )
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Holistic Counselor and Educator
Section V-Special Considerations
Founder/Owner of Healing Hypnotherapy for Local Anesthesia
Newcastle, Washington
Chapter 18-lnsights for Fearful Patients

Section Ill-Injection Fundamentals Marilynn Rothen, RDH, MS

Clinical Assistant Professor
Chapter 9-Local Anesthetic Delivery Devices Associate Director Dental Hygiene Master of Science in Oral
Biology Program
Mark N. Hochman, DDS
Department of Oral Health Sciences
Private Practice Limited to Periodontics and Orthodontics
Manager, Regional Clinical Dental Research Center and Dental
Specialized Dentistry of New York
Fears Research Clinic
New York City, New York
School of Dentistry
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Washington
New York University, College of Dentistry
Seattle, Washington
New York City, New York
Clinical Director and Consultant Agnes Spadafora, RDH, BS
Milestone Scientific, Inc. Department of Dental Public Health Sciences and Dental Fears
Livingston, New Jersey Research Clinic ( Retired )
School of Dentistry

Chapter 1D-Patient Assessment for Local Anesthesia University of Washington

Seattle, Washington
Sean G. Boynes, DMD, MS, DAs
Director of Dental Medicine Chapter 19-lnsights from Pediatric Dentistry
Public Health Dentistry
CareSouth Carolina Gregory L. Psaltis, DDS
Society Hill, South Carolina Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry

Chief Consultant/Owner Olympia, Washington

Dentist Anesthesiologist
Sean G. Boynes, DMD, MS, DAs
Dental Medicine Consulting
Director of Dental Medicine
Florence, South Carolina
Public Health Dentistry
CareSouth Carolina
Chapter 11-Fundamentals for Administration Society Hill, South Carolina
of Local Anesthetic Agents Chief Consultant/Owner
Dentist Anesthesiologist
Kimberly Stabbe, RDH, MS Dental Medicine Consulting
Professor of Dental Hygiene Florence, South Carolina


Chapter 20-lnsights from Specialties: CareSouth Carolina

Society Hill,South Carolina
Oral Surgery-Melanie Lang, DDS, MD Chief Consultant/Owner
Specialist in Oral Surgery Dentist Anesthesiologist
Spokane,Washington Dental Medicine Consulting
Florence,South Carolina
Periodontics- William C. Lubken, DMD
Specialist in Periodontics Royann Royer, RDH, MPH
Gig Harbor,Washington Educator,Consultant,Clinical Hygienist
Public Health Dentistry
Periodontics-Mark N. Hochman, DDS
Southcentral Foundation
Private Practice Limited to Periodontics and Orthodontics
Specialized Dentistry of New York
Advisory Member,Retired Faculty
New York City,New York
University of Alaska Anchorage
Clinical Associate Professor
New York University,College of Dentistry
New York City,New York Fred Quarnstrom, DDS, FADSA, FAGD, FICD, CDC
Clinical Director and Consultant Dental Anesthesiologist
Milestone Scientific,Inc. Private Practice
Livingston,New Jersey Beacon Hill Dental Associates
Endodontics-Albert (Ace) Goerig, DDS, MS
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Specialist in Endodontics
Department of Oral Health Sciences
Dental Public Health Sciences
School of Dentistry

Section VI-Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen University of Washington

Chapter 21-Fundamentals for the Administration
of Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation

Sean G. Boynes, DMD, MS, DAs

Director of Dental Medicine
Public Health Dentistry

Reviewers Elaine Madden,AS,BS,MEd

Cape Cod Community College
Sheryl Armstrong,RDH,BSDH,MEd©
West Barnstable,Massachusetts
Mohave Community College
Colorado City,Arizona Julius N. Manz,DDS
San Juan College
Sandra Beebe,RDH,PhD
Farmington,New Mexico
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale,Illinois Linda Munro,RDH
Portland Community College
Roderic Caron,DMD
Portland, Oregon
New Hampshire Technical Institute
Concord,New Hampshire Debra Sidd,RDH,RF,MEd
Normandale Community College
Kathleen Di\mbrisi,RDH,MS,PhD
The Community College of Baltimore County
Baltimore, Maryland Marsha Voelker,CDA,RDH,MS
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Terry Dean,DMD
Kansas City,Missouri
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green,Kentucky Paula Watson,MS,RDH,RDH,AP
University of the Pacific
David Lund,DDS
Truckee Meadows Community College
Kathy Bassett, BSDH, RDH, MEd, is professor and clini­ Doreen Naughton, RDH, BSDH, has more than 30 years
cal coordinator in the Department of Dental Hygiene at of clinical experience, including sole proprietorship of
Pierce College, Lakewood, Washington. She has more than Dental Hygiene Health Services for the past 25 years.
35 years of clinical experience in both local anesthesia and She is an affiliate instructor in the Departments of Oral
restorative expanded functions and currently serves as Health Sciences and Periodontics at the University of
course lead for the Local Anesthesia curriculum at Pierce Washington, School of Dentistry. Additionally, she served
College. Along with student researchers, she is investigat­ 6 years as administrator and instructor of dental hygiene
ing the effectiveness of using CCLAD technology as pri­ pre-licensure courses, including local anesthesia and restor­
mary devices when teaching local anesthesia techniques. ative functions, for the University of Washington's Continuing
Ms. Bassett actively teaches dental hygiene pre-licensure Dental Education program.
courses in local anesthesia and restorative expanded func­ Ms. Bassett, Dr. DiMarco, and Ms. Naughton have pre­
tions for the Pacific Northwest Dental Hygiene Institute, also sented hundreds of local, regional, state, national, and in­
at Pierce College. In addition, she is an affiliate professor in ternational continuing education programs on topics that
the Departments of Oral Health Sciences and Periodontics include didactic and clinical courses in local anesthesia
at the University of Washington, School of Dentistry. for dental healthcare educators, professionals, and corpo­
rate clinical educators. In addition, Ms. Bassett and Dr.
Arthur DiMarco, DMD, is director of the RIDE program
DiMarco have collaborated on numerous publications on
and affiliate faculty of restorative dentistry at the University
the topic of local anesthesia. Between them, they have re­
of Washington, School of Dentistry at Eastern Washington
ceived numerous honors and awards in recognition of out­
University (EWU), Spokane, Washington, where he is also
standing contributions and dedication to dental hygiene
professor in the Department of Dental Hygiene. A veteran
and dental education, characterizing excellence in teach­
of nearly 30 years of clinical practice and more than 20 years
ing, mentoring, and devotion to student achievement. Ms.
of dental hygiene and dental education, he is course direc­
Naughton has received significant state and national rec­
tor for the Pain Control curriculum for both dental hygiene
ognition for her outstanding contributions to the profes­
and dental students in Spokane. His most recent research
sion of dental hygiene.
involved the method of application of a fast-acting topical
anesthetic before administering AMSA injections.

Techniques for Successful Local Anesthesia:
For Dental Professionals DVD

Techniques for

for Dental Professionals

Royann Royer
Carlene Paarmann

Royann Royer & Carlene Paarmann

ISBN-1 0: 0132725398 • ISBN-13: 9780132725392

Techniques for Successful Local Anesthesia was developed (Unit 4), which include a periodontal ligament in­
in conj unction with the authors of this textbook as a j ection and a video on Adjunct Techniques and
companion to the text and is calibrated to the recommen­ Equipment. Unit 5, Supplemental Videos, contains
dations and guidelines specified throughout. additional video clips provided by the authors of
This DVD provides clear, easy-to-follow visual learning Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals. A Resource
components divided into several units: Unit (Unit 6) contains a presentation on injection tech­
niques for pediatric patients as well as two "Summary
The first unit discusses Basic Injection Techniques
Charts" to print and use as a reference in the operatory.
that should be utilized when administering any type of
local anesthesia injection. It is further divided into The DVD will assist the reader of this text by demon-
Maxillary and Palatal Injections (Unit 2) and Man­ strating the techniques presented by the authors and will
dibular Injections (Unit 3). The video then provides enhance the learning process of providing successful and
demonstrations of Adjunct Injections and Techniques comfortable injections to your patients.

Sold separately at

Chapter 1 Perspectives on Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Pain Management

Chapter 3 The Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Pain Control

··························································· CD ························································· ·

Pe rspectives on Loca l An esth esi a

for Denta l Profession a l s


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the key terms i n t h i s cha pter. d e nta l l oca l a n esthesia
p rovi d e rs 3
• Id e n tify a vari ety of denta l l oca l a n esthesia providers in North
fu n d a m entals of p a i n
A m erica . m a n a g e m ent 3
• D i scuss the respo n si b i l ities of loca l a n esthesia providers. tro u b l eshooti n g 3
• 3

Introd u ction
A recent Gallup p o l l focusing on honesty a n d ethical
standards placed dentists at the number 5 spot out of 22
professional occupations, ahead of police officers, chiro­
practors, and members of the clergy (Gallup, 2012). High
levels of confidence are likely similar for dental hygienists,
as well.
As trustworthy as patients may find dental profes­
sionals, it only takes a little pain for patients to begin to
lose confidence, a circumstance that is wholly avoidable.
This text is designed to leverage knowledge and skills in
order to optimize patient confidence. It represents a col­
laboration of experts in the field of dental local anesthesia
and nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation to focus clinicians on
the relevance of technique factors, on appropriate integra­
F I G U R E 1 -1 Mastery of Techniques. Mastering a wide variety
tion into clinical decision making, and on troubleshooting
of techniques is critical to safe and effective pain control.
strategies (assessment of inadequacies and their resolu­
tions). These are critical skills every dental professional
can and should have. Confidence in pain control strategies, responding to patient factors, integrating evidence-based
ready troubleshooting skills, and familiarity with pain con­ knowledge, and understanding relevant drugs, their effects,
trol alternatives are within the grasp of every clinician. indications, and contraindications. Fundamentals also
include developing clinical decision-making skills and
Local Anesthesia Scope of Practice mastering a wide variety of techniques and appropriate
modifications (see Figure 1-1 •) .
Local anesthetics have been available in dentistry since
Factors critical for safe and effective local anesthesia
1884. D entists have been able to deliver local anesthetic
are well within the grasp of any individual who adminis­
drugs in cartridge form since 1921. Dental hygienists were
ters local anesthetic drugs regardless of their ultimate
first licensed to deliver local anesthetics in the state of
degree or educational pathway.
Washington, in 1971.
The roles of non-dentist clinicians have expanded in
recent years. Today, in most states and provinces, dental
local anesthesia providers, including dental hygienists (and
-�.h. ()J>.t.e. r.. 9. LJ.E! �� i_() .':1 � ........................................... .
in some states and provinces, mid-level and/or expanded These questions are provided to generate discussion.
function providers) are allowed to administer local anes­
1. Identify a variety of local anesthesia providers in
thesia for effective pain control of the oral cavity.
North America.
Specific requirements for dental hygienists and mid­
level providers vary regarding the type, degree, or extent 2. Identify and discuss the importance of the
of inj ections, as well as the required extent of supervision, fundamentals of pain management.
education, and examination. Clinicians must be knowl­
3. Identify and discuss the responsibilities of local
edgeable regarding the specifics of the practice acts gov­
anesthesia providers.
erning their particular practice locations (Bassett, Boynes,
& DiMarco, 20 1 1 ) .
Refe re n ces
Philosophy o f Responsibility
Bassett, K. B. , Boynes, S . G. , & DiMarco, A . C. (201 1 ) .
Providing safe, effective, and appropriate pain control Understand the rules. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 9(7),
is a responsibility of all dental local anesthesia provid­ 38, 40-41.
ers. This requires knowledge of and competency with Gallup. ( 201 2, December 3) . Congress retains low honesty
the fundamentals of pain management, which include rating. Retrieved July 31 , 201 3, from
conducting comprehensive assessment, recognizing and poll/1 59035/congress-retains-low-honesty-rating.aspx

Visit to access the student resources that accompany

this book. Simply select Dental Hygiene from the choice of disciplines. Find this book and you will find the
complimentary study tools created for this specific title.
··························································· ® ··························································

Fu nda m enta l s of
P.a i m IMia m agemilemrt!


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the key terms i n this cha pte r. a cute p a i n 6

c h ro n i c p a i n 6
• D iscuss the va l u e of p a i n as a p rotective response.
cogn itive d istra ction 1 0
• D iscuss fa ctors that ca n contri bute to a n i n d iv i d u a l's response d e b riefi n g 9
to a pai nfu l experi e n ce . fig h t or fli g h t 8
• D iscuss t h e t h ree g e n e ra l types o f p a i n . n e u ropathic p a i n 7
nociceptive p a i n 6
• D iffe renti ate betwee n acute a n d c h ro n i c pa i n . nocicepto rs 6
• Explain the d ifferences between pain perception a n d nociception. pain 5
• D iscuss the physio l o g i ca l reactions of the sym pathetic n e rvou s p a i n d isord e rs 8
p a i n t h res h o l d 5
system re l ated t o pa i n .
p a i n to l e ra n ce 5
• D i scuss a n xiety a n d fea r as they re l ate t o su ccessfu l a n esthesia . p o l ym o d a l 6
• Give exa m p l e s of strate g i es that ca n h e l p patie nts cope with PREP 9
fea r and a nxi ety. p rotective res ponse 5
• D i scuss the i n fl u e n ce of p revi o u s p a i n expe rien ces on the psyc h o g e n i c fa ctors 8
re l axati o n response 1 0
a b i l ity to a d m i n ister loca l a n esthetic i n jecti o n s.
sensory m o d a l ity 6
somatic p a i n 6
sym pathetic n e rvous
system 8
viscera l p a i n 6
visua l izati o n 1 0

• 5

Introd u ction Protective Respo n se

Pain control i n dentistry requires the study o f local anesthesia As a physiological reaction to the environment, pain is a
and an understanding of the science of pain. This chapter will protective response, protecting the body from harm. This
provide an introduction to the fundamentals of pain. It will protection is rapid, reflexive, and subconscious.
focus on pain as having both physiological and psychological An example of a protective response to pain is known
aspects. Categories of pain and factors that have an effect on as a withdrawal reflex. This reflex prevents damage by
the ability to tolerate pain will also be discussed. removing tissues from harm when harm is sensed or is
imminent. When a hot stove is touched, for example, hands
Pain Pe rspectives are quickly withdrawn from the stimulus (heat) . Without
protective reflexes, the ability to maintain a healthy body
Pain Experience would be seriously compromised. This is the case when an
Pain is unique and is reported subj ectively. Even within an individual with a spinal cord inj ury is not able to feel sen­
individual's unique experience, the perception of pain on a sations or initiate movement below the level of injury. The
given day at a given time is not necessarily identical to a pre­ normal protective neuronal activity and subsequent mus­
vious or future perception of pain in response to an identical cular reaction are absent, and there is a constant need for
stimulus. Pain perception (and reactions to the perceptions monitoring and repositioning in order to avoid pressure
of pain) cannot be described as necessarily proportional to sore injuries or injuries caused by thermal stimuli.
the intensity of physical injury or to the degree of harm. The protective response is also linked to behavior.
An individual's pain experience is influenced by a If an individual has been stung by a wasp in the past, the
number of variables. For example, gender provides both mere sight of a wasp might cause the individual to react
genetic and hormonal influences. Gender also may add in order to avoid a sting. This withdrawal is governed by
many complex components, including socially constructed memory (Howard, 2007).
roles and relationships, personality traits, attitudes, behav­
iors, values, and degrees of power and influence. Other Pain T hresho l d ve rs u s Pain Tole ra n ce
variables, such as age, physical health, mental health, emo­
The terms pain threshold and pain tolerance are not syn­
tional status, expectations, previous experiences, learned
onymous. Pain threshold may be defined as the point
responses, and ethnic and cultural norms, also impact the
at which a stimulus first produces a sensation of p ain
experience of pain and individual reactions to it.
( Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary [Taber's], 1997 ) .
The definition of pain provided by the International
Pain thresholds a r e innate a n d a r e highly reproducible
Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) describes it as a
in individuals. They do not usually change appreciably
negative experience (see Box 2 1 •) (Merskey & Bogduk, -
over time. An individual's p ain threshold is a function
1994). While the experience of pain is accurately described
of their physiological reaction to painful stimuli. For
in negative terms, rapid s e quences of perception and
example, in dentistry a pulp tester is used to determine
response that make up the experience also serve a protec­
viability of teeth. Patients will respond when estab­
tive function, a decidedly positive benefit.
lished levels of stimulation are perceived. This identifies
Avoidance of pain is a strong, innate trait. In dentistry,
threshold of pain.
painful experiences can lead to a strategy of avoiding pain
Pain tolerance may be defined as an individual's reac­
and, therefore, treatment. Pain can lead to anxiety and fear,
tion to painful stimuli. It indicates the amount of pain an
which may result in heightened perceptions of pain, which
individual is willing or able to endure. Tolerance can vary
in turn may cause further avoidance of dental care. The abil­
from day to day and from appointment to appointment,
ity to identify factors that can contribute to painful expe­
and may be influenced by current events and stresses. It
riences and proactive strategies to avoid unnecessary pain
can also be altered by environment, experience, and social
can ensure patient comfort during treatment (Howard,
attitudes. Research has shown that gender and genetics
2007; Pappagallo & Chapman, 2005; Spitzer, 2004) .
also play key roles in understanding individual variations
in pain perception and stimulus processing ( D i onne,
Phero, & Becker, 2002) .
Common pain stimuli produce highly variable reactions
from individual to individual. When using pulp testers, for
The I nternatio n a l Association for the Study of Pa i n defines example, pain is elicited at reproducible levels, but individu­
pain as "an u n p l easant sensory and emoti o n a l experience als may react to the electric current in markedly different
associated with actual or potentia l tissue damage, or described ways. Both emotional and psychological factors influence
i n terms of such damage" (Merskey & Bogduk, 1 994). their reactions. These factors are modified by the signifi­
cance individuals place on their present circumstances.
"Defini t i o n on Pain". Copyright© 2014 by Internationa
Association for the Study of Pain. Used by Permission of lnterna-l
The terms pain tolerance and pain threshold are often
tiona I Associati o n for the Study of Pain.
• •
• used interchangeably despite distinct differences. Patients
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • may state that they have very low pain thresholds while

they are actually relating that they are not able to tolerate S e n s o r y receptors that d e t e ct inj ury are c a l l e d
a lot of pain. nociceptors ( s e e Figure 2 - 1 •) . Unlike o t h e r sensory
Pre-appointment medications such as anti-anxiety and receptors, nociceptors are activated by inj ury and relay
anti-inflammatory agents, and local anesthesia adminis­ sensory input whether or not individuals are aware that
tered during appointments, are used to modify a patient's inj ury has occurred. This process is influenced by an indi­
tolerance to treatment. It is also important to recognize vidual's age, general health, and genetics (Nani, Mellow,
that an individual who suffers from long-term pain may & Getz, 1999).
have altered responses and an intolerance to pain of any Nociceptors differ in another important way from
nature. Pre-treatment assessment in this area can improve other sensory receptors in that they are polymodal, re ­
clinical experiences (American Psychiatric Association, sponding to all types of stimuli. In addition to activat­
2000; Pappagallo & Chapman, 2005 ) . ing receptors specific for them, thermal, mechanical, and
chemical stimuli can all activate nociceptors, which relay
pain information to the CNS. Despite obvious differences
Pain D u rati o n between these stimuli, all can be perceived by nociceptors
Pain may b e categorized i n a variety o f ways. A common as painful.
classification categorizes pain according to its duration, Nociceptors also differ from other sensory recep­
acute or chronic. Acute pain may last from a few seconds tors in that nociceptors never adapt to stimulation. In the
to no more than 6 months depending on causative factors. presence of constant stimulation, nociceptors will always
It is generally caused by tissue damage from injury or dis­ respond to stimulation. This is a key aspect of the protec­
ease. Individuals suffering from acute pain expect to get tive response to pain. Sensory warnings are constantly pro­
better and adopt behaviors that either remove or ease the vided when injury is pending or occurring.
cause or causes of pain. For example, a patient experienc­ As previously noted, experience or perception of pain
ing postoperative dental pain may rely on pain relievers does not lend itself well to obj ective measurement. While
or ice packs to stop the pain. Pain is often a strong motiva­ this is an accurate statement, pain intensity rating scales
tor for seeking treatment, regardless of a patient's level of nevertheless can be useful for both patients and clinicians.
dental anxiety and fear. They provide patients with a means of communicating
Chronic pain may be defined as pain that persists for the degree of pain experienced, and they provide clini­
more than 6 months with or without an identifiable cause. cians with an opportunity to respond appropriately. An
The longer acute pain continues, the more likely it is to example of a subj ective pain intensity measurement tool
become chronic. Occasionally, patients who suffer from is the Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale. This simple
chronic pain tend to lose hope of getting better, providing numeric scale (with associated facial expressions) uses "0"
an unfortunate pathway to depression. to represent no pain (very happy face) and "5" to repre­
Individuals suffering from chronic pain may be re­ sent severe pain (crying face) (see Figure 2-2 •) . Other
ferred to specialized clinics with experience in managing scales use similar graduated numbers to report the degree
long-term patterns of pain. Pain clinics provide a wide of pain experienced.
variety of services, including evaluation, education, and
treatment (physical therapy, massage, and acupuncture) .
They also teach coping skills that can influence reactions Pain Classification by Etiology
to pain and modify behavior through appropriate use of
Pain may b e categorized according t o its etiology (American
medications and techniques such as biofeedback (Howard,
Psychiatric Association, 2000; Howard, 2007), as follows:
1. nociceptive pain
2. neuropathic pain
Pain a n d Noci ceptio n
3. pain disorders associated with psychogenic factors
Sensory receptors detect a variety of stimuli that are then
relayed to the central nervous system (CNS) for interpreta­ In addition, in response to nociceptive input, fear and
tion. Specific receptors are associated with each type of sen­ other physical conditions can alter the ability to receive,
sory input. For example, there are specific taste receptors on transmit, interpret, and respond to pain.
the tongue that detect sweet, sour, bitter, and salt. In the eye
there are two types of photoreceptors: cones and rods. Nociceptive Pain
The ability of a stimulus to be detected by a specific Nociceptive pain is caused by inj ury or disease in body
receptor is known as a sensory modality. Sensory modali­ tissues. This pain may be constant or intermittent and
ties include hearing, sight, touch, taste, and sound. Changes often escalates with movement. Nociceptive pain can
in temperature are detected by thermoreceptors. Changes be further subdivided into somatic and visceral pain.
in pressure are detected by mechanoreceptors. Altera­ Somatic nociceptive pain o ccurs on superficial struc­
tions in body chemicals are detected by chemoreceptors tures such as skin and muscles and is caused by trau­
(Howard, 2007; Pappagallo & Chapman, 2005). matic inj uries. The resulting pain may be sharp, aching,
• 7

perception point -- --i�---'----.:<T'---;;..__... 1

@ Dorsal horn; location of

Substantia gelatinosa
(pain signal modified)

Spinal ganglia

A-delta fibers
(last transmission of
sharp, localized pain)

F I G U R E 2-1 Nociceptors. Nociceptors are sensory receptors that detect when a body tissue has been injured.
4th, © 2008. Printed and Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

or throbbing. Visceral nociceptive pain occurs in internal Neuropathic Pain

body cavities and is caused by compression, expansion, Neuropathic pain is caused by nerve injury or dysfunction
stretching, and infiltration. It usually produces squeez­ of the sensory nerves in the central or peripheral nervous
ing or gnawing sensations (Howard, 2007; Pappagallo & systems (Howard, 2007 ; Pappagallo & Chapman, 2005 ) .
Chapman, 2005 ) . There are numerous types o f neuropathic pain, most of

0 2 3 4 5
No Hurt Hurts Hurts Hurts Hurts Hurts
Little Bit Little More Even More Whole Lot Worst

F I G U R E 2-2 Wong-Baker FA CES Pain Rating Scale. Instructions: Point to each face
using the words to describe the pain intensity. Ask the child to choose face that best
describes own pain and record the appropriate number.
Source: Copyright 1983,Wong-Baker FACES® Foundation, Used
with permission . Originally published in Whaley & Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children.
© Elsevier Inc.

which are complex and frequently chronic in nature. They rate and blood pressure ; dilation of the pupils and the
may have inflammatory, noninflammatory, and/or immune bronchial and skeletal muscle vasculature ; and constric­
system components. Pain may be generated in the CNS tion of mesenteric vessels. B oth anticipation of pain and
such as phantom pain from a missing limb or tooth, or it the perception of pain stimulate this response.
may occur because of what is referred to as peripherally If these reactions occur, they can be exacerbated by
generated polyneuropathy, as seen in diabetes. Mononeu­ the psychological state of a patient during a dental appoint­
ropathy is usually associated with a single nerve injury or ment. Fearful patients often demonstrate similar sympa­
compression, which is seen in trigeminal neuralgia, carpal thetic nervous system reactions before, during, and after
tunnel syndrome, and post-herpetic neuralgia. injections. While physical manifestations are similar and are
typically of short duration, all adverse reactions to dental
Pain Disorders Associated with Psychogenic Factors anesthesia require prompt and appropriate management,
Pain disorders associated with psychogenic factors are re­ regardless of their etiology (Dionne, Phero, & Becker, 2002;
lated to mental or emotional issues that affect the experi­ Howard, 2007; Pappagallo & Chapman, 2005).
ence of pain. They are diagnosed only after other causes
of pain have been eliminated . They are also diagnosed
far less frequently than nociceptive and neuropathic pain.
Pain Ma n a g ement Impli cat i o n s
Although not attributable to specific inj uries or pathol­ fo r Dentistry
ogy, the experience of pain is real and can occur at any age, The maj ority of patients willingly schedule and attend
manifesting as head, stomach, chest, or muscle discomfort, their dental appointments. Previous dental experiences
or it may occur in any other location or combination of have been generally positive. Some avoid dental treat­
locations. Individuals with depressive or anxiety disorders ment, primarily because of fears surrounding the admin­
may experience complications with any type of pain. These istration of local anesthesia. Their experiences have been
individuals may report pain beyond typical intensities and negative, and they are convinced there is little reason to
durations. In some instances, previously diagnosed physi­ expect better. In other words, fears override the need for
cal pain from known pathogenic origins can be increased dental treatment. In order to develop positive treatment
or prolonged by psychogenic factors. interactions, it is important for clinicians to understand
Pain is multidimensional and often requires more than the etiology of the fear and pain experience. B oth physi­
one treatment modality. These may include psychotherapy, ological and psychological factors contribute to difficulties
biofeedback, hypnosis, and antidepressant and nonnarcotic related to treatment.
analgesic medications. Patients with pain disorders may re­ It has been reported that the main reason individuals
spond differently to dental pain (American Psychiatric Asso­ avoid dental appointments is fear (Naini, Mellow, & Getz,
ciation, 2000; Howard, 2007; Pappagallo & Chapman, 2005). 1999) . About 40 % of patients report some level of anxiety
related to dental treatment, and roughly 5 % avoid den­
tistry because of fear of inj ections. Patients experience fear
Sympathetic Ne rvo u s System a n d Pa i n on a continuum ranging from mild anxiety to phobia.
In response to pain, the CNS simultaneously directs acti­ Fear can be a barrier to obtaining adequate anesthe­
vation of the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic sia. Fearful patients are typically no less concerned than
nervous system stimulates the adrenal medulla, resulting in others about their need for dental treatment but fear can
release of norepinephrine and epinephrine (see Chapter 6, prevent them from experiencing successful treatment.
"Vasoconstrictors in Dentistry"). These neurotransmitters Some patients are fearful only of inj e ctions and report
mediate so-called "fight or flight" mechanisms, resulting their anxiety and fear subsides following the inj ection. As­
in a host of potential reactions, including increased heart sessing and addressing fear before inj ections can improve
• 9

the results of anesthesia. Clinicians need to be aware of

strategies associated with treating anxious and fearful
patients (Dionne, Phero, & Becker, 2002; Fiset, Milgram,
& Weinstein, 1985 ; Milgram, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009).
To h e l p patie nts cope with a n x i ety a n d fear:

1. Prepare by uti l iz i n g re l axati o n tech n i q u es s u c h as

Patient Ma n a g ement Pe rspectives focused b reath i n g , d i stract i o n s u c h as music o r visu a l ­
Everyone working in dental settings can offer support to anx­ izat i o n , a n d m u s c l e re l axat i o n .
ious or fearful patients. Dental personnel can identify fearful 2. Rehearse proce d u res a l l o w i n g patie nts to p ractice
patients at the time of initial contact whether by telephone co ntro l and s e l f-ca l m i n g tech n i q u e s .
or in person. As with nondental-related fears, it may not be 3. Empower patie nts w i t h strate g i es that g ive t h e m con­
easy for fearful patients to acknowledge their dental fears or tro l d u r i n g p roce d u res s u c h as ra i s i n g a hand to ask
the degree of their fears. Deliberate behavior by clinicians t h e c l i n i c i a n to sto p .
can be helpful in developing successful patient experiences 4. Praise patie nts fo r u s i n g s pecific cop i n g tech n i q ues
• •

and can create an environment that encourages discussions t ta � ul h

of fear. For example, using controlled, calm speech and posi­ : • • • • � � :� � � : : :� : ��.. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
tive demeanor conveys comfort and instills confidence. Signs
of impatience or disapproval should be avoided.
A standard protocol for all patients including those particularly if they rely heavily on patient input when
with specific fears, will incorporate the following: determining how ambitious the next appointment should
be. Plans for modifying aspects that were identified as
1. Ask about previous dental experiences and be attentive not going well can be discussed and then applied to sub­
to responses sequent appointments. By proceeding in this manner, the
2. Assure that difficulties during past experiences can be patient not only agrees to go to the next step but also has
managed and overcome an active role in determining the content of the step.
3. Involve patients when identifying strategies to help It is important that adequate time is scheduled for the
manage anxiety and fear debriefing process. Rushing through discussions does little
to reassure patients that recommendations will be heeded.
Some strategies to help patients cope with anxiety and
fear include a sequence of steps the authors refer to as Power of Suggestion and Vocabulary
PREP (Prepare, Rehearse, Empower, and Praise). Apply­ Positive communication and establishing trust are impor­
ing a PREP strategy can build trust and provide reassur­ tant with all patients but especially important for those
ance. These steps can be found in Box 2-2 •, and when used who are anxious or fearful. Trust provides a foundation for
along with a process known as debriefing can further build relieving anxiety and fear. The power of suggestion is well
trust and reassurance. Clinicians may find the use of these documented in the literature. Both pediatric and adult pa­
stress-reducing techniques helpful for themselves as well. tients can attach broad interpretations to the terminology
The debriefing process can be useful when managing that is used during dental inj ections. Careful selection of
fearful patients. This process allows for discussion periods words can reduce negative imagery that may be associated
at the end of appointments to give patients opportunities with words such as "poke," "pinch," " sting," "burn," and
to relate which aspects of treatment went well and which "hurt" (Milgram, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009). Additional
aspects did not go well. Discussions of treatment to be ac­ strategies to enhance positive communication are sug­
complished at future appointments can be quite helpful, gested in Table 2-1 •·

Table 2-1 Strategies to Enhance Positive Communication

• Display a genuinely warm and caring attitude

• Review treatment plan addressing fears, including of the unexpected and of loss of control

• Obtain permission to begin, addressing fear of loss of control if necessary

• (
Establish patient control strategy time-out signal such as raising hand to stop )
• (
Direct the focus on positive outcomes "You may feel a bit of pressure." )
• (
Acknowledge and compliment success "You did great with the anesthesia today!" )
• (
Create positive expectations "That went well today and I expect your next appointment will too." )

COG N ITIVE DI STRA CTION The practice of distraction that guided visualization techniques enhances patient coping
actively shifts a patient's focus away from a stressful situ­ skills (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009) .
ation to a less stressful point of focus is considered cog­ When patients are well informed, better management
nitive distraction. Distraction is thought to be one of the of stress is possible. Explaining the benefits of relaxation to
easiest and most familiar coping strategies employed by patients ahead of time is an important component of success­
dental professionals (Milgrom, 2009). Distraction is more ful relaxation response strategies. Securing permission and
useful for short-duration procedures on patients with mild consent before guiding patients through a relaxation process
to moderate anxiety; however, it may be less effective dur­ is necessary. (See Table 2-3 •: Suggestions for Preparing
ing the administration of local anesthetics compared with Patients for Guided Relaxation and Guided Visualization.)
other procedures. Table 2-2 • suggests a variety of distrac­ Guided visualization usually starts with guided physi­
tion techniques that can be useful for dental patients. cal relaxation or focusing patients on what has been re­
ferred to as their "inner world" (Naparstek, 1994) . The
VISUA LIZATION Visualization (also referred to as guided concept of an "inner world" of thoughts relates directly to
visualization and guided imagery) is a cognitive strategy feelings and can be focused toward positive outcomes. It
to help patients reduce stress and can be especially ben­ can distract from specific circumstances such as glancing
eficial in dentistry to manage fears, particularly fear of at a needle by guiding attention away from the needle to a
needles. Patients who are mentally and physically relaxed pleasant daydream or vacation that has been pre-selected,
usually experience less discomfort compared with those for example (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009) .
who are tense (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009 ) . In this technique, clinicians guide patients to focus on
Visualization often accompanies physical relaxation, a scenarios of choice (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009;
behavioral strategy. Naparstek, 1994; Rossman, 2000) . Clinicians support guided
Tension can reduce the supply of air reaching the lungs. visualizations by verbally cueing patients with details of
Reduced oxygenation contributes not only to anxiety and images such as colors, sounds, and textures (Milgrom,
stress but also to fatigue and depression, increasing the Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009) . This helps engage imagina­
perception of stress (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009) . tions while allowing patients a pleasant inner experience,
What is known as focused breathing can increase oxygen­ away from any currently stressful experience. Speaking
ation and help patients relax their muscles; at the same time in a slow, soft voice can enhance pleasurable experiences
it can help provide an overall sense of relaxation. Visualiza­ (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009; Naparstek, 1994;
tion can enhance this relaxation by distracting patients from Rossman, 2000) . Clinicians can preface relaxation exercises
sources of stress and can provide the relaxation needed to by informing patients that they are going to do something
cope with physical discomforts or their expectation. different today to help them feel more at ease. It is impor­
tant to seek permission before proceeding by asking if it is
Relaxation Response okay to proceed. Suggestions for guided visualization are
The relaxation response is a restful state that modifies provided in Table 2-3 and a guided relaxation and visual­
physical and emotional responses to stress (Benson, 2000) . ization sample script can be found in Appendix 2-1 •.
Parasympathetic pathways that allow recovery from stress
(fight and flight) are activated by this response that low­ Hypnosis
ers heart and respiratory rates, blood pressure, and mus­ Many are intrigued by hypnosis, particularly how it works
cle tension. Physiological relaxation when incorporating and its applications. Growing evidence suggests a strong

Table 2-2 Suggested Distraction Techniques*

• Light, casual conversation or guided relaxation

• Gate control strategies and devices

• pressure applied with cotton swab to palatal tissues
• gentle lip shaking during needle insertion
• the use of vibration devices

• Audio devices with headphones for music, audio books (selected by patient)

• Television, video devices, and audiovisual glasses (not for highly anxious)* *

*Adapted from: DiMarco, A. C., Bassett, K.B., Foskett, J.M. (2012). Mind over Matter. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. Santa Ana,
CA: Belmont Publications.
**Frere, C.L., Crout, R., Yorty, J., McNeil, D.W. (2001). Effects of audiovisual distraction during dental prophylaxis. Journal of the American Dental
Association, 132(7): 1031-1038.
• 11

Table 2-3 Suggestions for Preparing Patients for Guided Visualization

and Relaxation

• Demonstrate confidence in a positive outcome

Speak and act with confidence even if you feel awkward or new at using these tools
(patients look to you as a professional for guidance)

• Ask the patient to focus on breathing "(Name), I'd like to invite you to focus your
attention on your breathing."

• Explain that slow breathing allows more oxygen to get into lungs

• Explain that oxygen allows the muscles to relax better, releasing tension

• Explain that it is easier for the whole body to relax when muscles are relaxed, heart rate
slows, breathing slows, mind and body calm

• Use your voice as a tool by speaking slowly and softly maintaining patience and calmness

link between hypnosis and the physiology of pain for effec­ warrant. Pharmacological solutions are especially help­
tive management of pain and anxiety (Beck, 20 12). When ful for anxious patients who avoid dental treatment and
in a state of hypnosis, patients usually feel calm and relaxed present only for emergent care. In these situations, phar­
and are able to concentrate intensely on a specific thought, macological agents may be incorporated into treatment.
memory, feeling, or sensation while blocking out distractions. For some patients, medical consultation may be necessary.
In this state, individuals are more open to suggestion and These individuals often must resort to emergent care be­
become more aware of their inner worlds. Thoughts and im­ cause of their intense fear and avoidance of routine dental
ages from this inner world can be used to create a sense of care, and pharmacological agents can be incorporated into
comfort and pleasure and help reduce fears and anxiety. treatment when indicated.
Brain imaging studies have demonstrated that while
parts of the brain are registering painful sensations the Considerations for Clinicians
anterior cingulate cortex (responsible for attention) is less The phenomena of anxiety and pain related to dental in­
engaged in painful sensations. This type of research may j ections are not limited to patient experience. Clinicians
have significant implications for dental local anesthesia. should also consider their own personal experiences with
Although the formal practice of hypnosis requires spe­ pain. Learning to give inj ections can be unsettling for clini­
cialized training and certification, untrained clinicians can cians, especially those who are fearful of receiving injections.
nevertheless use suggestive words to help promote posi­ Previous experiences and perceptions can interfere with the
tive experiences. Equally important is avoiding words that learning process and limit confidence building. On the other
may focus attention on anticipation of pain, as previously hand, a painful past experience can also provide a positive
discussed (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009). motivation to provide comfortable injection experiences for
An alternative to pharmacological approaches, patients others. If necessary, psychological therapy may be helpful in
with unmanageable levels of anxiety can also be referred recognizing personal inhibitions that may delay learning and
to qualified hypnotherapists who can help them overcome can undermine clinical success in the delivery of injections.
their fears. A more in-depth discussion of dental fears can In some cases, it may be appropriate to recommend in­
be found in Chapter 18, "Insights for Fearful Patients." The tervention with a professional psychologist. More in-depth
benefits of hypnosis for both patients and clinicians before strategies for management of patient fear and phobia are
and during local anesthetic administration may include en­ discussed in Chapter 18.
hancing pain management while reducing anxiety, stress,
and salivation. Hypnosis can also help reduce stimulation
of the gag reflex. In addition to hypnotherapy sessions, self­
� �� P.tE! r. q �.E! ���.�.�� ...........................................
. . . . . . .

hypnosis is also typically taught for patients to use at future 1 . Which statement best describes pain as a protective
dental appointments. response?
a. Pain is a physiological, conscious reaction.
Pharmacological Intervention b. Pain is a psychological re action based on blood
For some patients, pharmacological intervention may be flow to the injured site.
helpful and necess ary. Nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation, c. Pain is a rapid, reflexive, subconscious reaction.
oral conscious sedation, intravenous sedation, and general d. Pain is a slow, deliberate reaction to avoid further
anesthesia should be discussed with patients as situations tissue injury.

2. Which of these groups of variables does not affect the Refe re n ces
experience of pain?
a. Sex, genetics, mental health American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and
b. Personality, age, hormones statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington,
c. Attitudes, learned responses DC: Author.
d. Body weight, height Beck, M. (2012). Medical hypnosis: You are getting very healthy.
Health Journal. The Wall Street Journal,
3. Which one of the following statements regarding no­ news/articles/SB10001424052702303815404577333751488988824?
ciception is true? mg=reno64-wsj&
a. Nociception is polymodal. 2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303815404577333751488988824.
b. No ciceptive receptors can distinguish between html, accessed May 17,2014.
chemical and thermal stimuli. Benson, H. (2000). The relaxation response. New York: Harper­
Torch; 1st Avon Books Printing.
c. Nociception is a physiological and psychological
Dionne, R., Phero, J., & Becker, D. (2002). Management ofpain
and anxiety in the dental office (Chapters 1, 5). Philadelphia,
d. Nociceptive pain is identical in somatic and visceral PA: Saunders.
structures. Fiset, L., Milgrom, P., & Weinstein, P. (1985). Psychophysiological
responses to dental injections. Journal of the American Dental
4. Which one of the following is an example of neuro­
Association, III, 578-583.
pathic pain? Foskett, J. M. (2007). Calming dental anxiety relaxation script.
a. Fractured bone Calming Dental Anxiety Seminars. Author.
b. Psychological disorder Frere, C. L., Crout, R., Yorty, J., & McNeil, D. (2001). Effects of
c. Postsurgery pain audiovisual distraction during dental prophylaxis. Journal of
d. Trigeminal neuralgia American Dental Association, 132, 1031-1038.
Howard, M. (2007). Chronic pain. Institute for Natural Resources
5. Which one of the following will help patients cope Educational Program. Seattle.
with anxiety and fear? Merskey, H., & Bogduk, N. (1994). Classification of Chronic Pain
a. Avoid discussions about anxiety and fear. (2nd ed). IASP Task Force on Taxonomy. IASP Press, Seattle.
b. Only the dentist should ask about anxiety and fear, accessed January 20, 2014.
to avoid patient embarrassment. Milgrom, P., Weinstein, P., & Heaton, L. (2009). Treating fearful
c. Assure the patient that difficulties during past den­ dental patients: A patient management handbook (3rd ed.).
tal visits could not have been avoided. Seattle: Dental Behavioral Resources.
Naini, F. B., Mellow, A. C., & Getz, T. (1999). Treatment of dental
d. Prepare, rehearse, empower, and praise patients to
fears: Pharmacology or psychology? Dental Update, 26, 270-276.
reduce anxiety and fear.
Naparstek, B. (1994). Staying well with guided imagery. Wellness
6. In the process of debriefing, which one of the follow­ central. New York: Hachette Book Group.
ing is not useful when managing fearful patients? Pappagallo, M., & Chapman, C. R. (2005). The neurological basis
a. Patient and clinician discussion period at the end of ofpain (Chapters 1, 11). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Rossman, M. (2000). Guided imagery for self-healing. Novato,
each appointment.
CA: H.J. Kramer & New World Library.
b. Patient gives input on the duration and plan for the
Spitzer, D. (2004). Gender and sex-based analysis in health re­
next appointment. search: A guide for CIHR peer review committee, final report.
c. Future appoints are modified based on the insights Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ottawa, Ontario,
from the patient/clinician discussion. Canada.
d. Clinicians select strategies for the patient for his or Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary. (1997). Philadelphia, PA:
her next appointment. F.A. Davis.

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Guided Relaxation and Visualization Sample Script

The following script can be used to facilitate a guided re­ This is a place where you feel very safe, secure and
laxation or visualization session. B est practices suggest strong . . . a place where you can be alone and yet
that this activity be prefaced with a statement explaining never feel lonely . . . a place where you feel very
to the patient that this may be a new experience to help calm a n d p e a c e fu l . S i m p l y imag in e b e i n g t h e r e
him or her relax. B efore beginning the activity, ask the pa­ now . . . n o t i c e the c o l o r s h e r e , n o t i c e a n y sounds
tient's permission to proceed (such as "Is this ok? "). you might hear in this b e autiful place, and notice
Once permission is granted, guide the patient as follow: how the air fe els on your skin . . . you may notice
aromas o r smells . . . e s p e cially notice now, how
I'd like to invite you, (NAME), to simply bring your
calm and peaceful you feel being here, in this beau­
attention to your breathing.
tiful place.
When you bring your attention to your breath, you
Simply allow yourself to be there . . . completely . . .
begin to naturally bring in more oxygen, which then cir­
culates through your body to your muscles. Your mus­ I'm going to be quiet now . . . as you keep your focus
cles will begin to relax, release and let go. That's a good on this beautiful place . . . where you feel so calm . . . so
thing because as your muscles begin to soften and let relaxed . . . so peaceful . . .
go, you feel more relaxed, and when you feel relaxed, If the patient has told you beforehand about their
everything else shifts to help you relax more deeply . . . scene, you may keep talking and describing all the aspects
even if just a little bit. So, simply by breathing a little he or she has told you, or simply repeat:
deeper, down into your belly, now . . . you may notice
how your belly expands when you inhale . . . and then " . . . feeling calm, feeling peaceful, feeling relaxed."
notice how as you exhale, it seems as if your naval is When you're ready to complete, begin again with sug­
falling toward your back . . . that's all you have to do gestions that "anchor" his or her pleasant relaxed experi­
right now . . . simply notice your breathing . . . notice the ence to the dental chair, the dental office, and the dental
rise and fall of your abdomen. That's it . . . good . . . (as procedures.
you watch his or her abdomen rise and fall) .
So, (NAME), we're almost finished for today . . . you
If the patient hasn't already closed his or her eyes, can simply keep your focus on your bre athing for
guide him or her by saying: now . . . in a few moments, I ' m going to simply ask
If you are comfortable, and when you are ready, you you to come back into alertness . . . but for now, sim-
may simply close your eyes, allowing you to focus even ply focus on your breathing . . . as you remember this
more on your breathing. You may even notice how pleasant experience today . . . remembering now that
comfortable it feels now to simply let go . . . sink into it was different, better, easier than ever before . . .
the chair, allowing the chair to fully support you. As remembering now, every time you think about our
the dental chair supports you now, you can continue dental office, you'll be reminded of this relaxing
to keep your focus on your breathing . . . noticing how experience . . . every time you are driving on your
natural and easy it is now . . . each breath allowing way to our office, you'll again be reminded of this
you to relax into your body . . . each and every exhale pleasant experience . . . and even when you put your
allows any tension, any worries, any concerns . . . to hand on the doorknob, you'll be reminded of your
simply be released. pleasant experience today.
Now, you may imagine a be autiful place in nature, And when you see any of the staff, you immediately
someplace you've been to (you may ask about a favor­ think about and also feel this very pleasant experi­
ite vacation spot before you begin) . . . or simply create ence . . . it feels good now . . . when you sit in the dental
a place now in your own mind. As your body further chair, so supporting, so relaxing, so pleasant . . . as you
relaxes, your imagination becomes fluid . . . allowing imagine your beautiful place. So now, every time you
you to create a place in your mind. even make a dental appointment, you remember and


feel this pleasant experience . . . you remember it's eas­ smooth muscle, reduced oxygenation of tissues and organs
ier now . . . every time you sit or lie back in this chair, it including the brain, and heightened p ain p e rception
reminds you to relax, release and let go . . . you remem- (Chaitow, 2004), none of which induce relaxation.
ber it is safe to relax, release and let go . . . and you do. To help deal with stress, instructions to take a deep
Now I am going to ask you to simply began to wiggle breath are actually correct, but a true deep breath is dia­
your toes, wiggle your fingers - stretch - and when phragmatic, gentle, and quiet-the exact opposite of the
you are ready, open up your eyes gently . . . GREAT ! ! ! big breaths usually taken in an attempt to calm down.
Other effects of deep breathing include increased sa­
Anchor in the relaxation by commenting o n how liva production, which is an indicator of activation of the
" soft " and relaxed their face looks. Acknowledge him parasympathetic nervous system.
or her for experiencing something different, and again Furthermore, soft and gentle breathing through the
remind the patient: nose helps ensure that nitric oxide (NO) is carried from
"Now, every time you sit or lie down in the dental the nasal cavity into the lungs and the blood (Lundbergm
chair, you are reminded to relax and let go, and your 2008) . Nitric oxide plays an important role in vasoregula­
beautiful place will be here for you." tion (the opening and closing of blood vessels), homeostasis,
Acknowledge him or her for trusting you: and neurotransmission (Chang, 20012; Rabelink, 1998). All
of these functions are directly influenced by breathing and
"Wow . . . great" That's awesome job ! , "Thank you for
evoke the relaxation response and improve delivery of oxy­
trusting me" (a gentle exclamation to acknowledge
gen to all organs and systems, including the brain. The ben­
the patient's coping, trust, and success)
efits of a better oxygenated brain include reduced brain cell
Source: " Guided Relaxation And Visualization Sample Scrip t" from excitability and anxiety (Rabelink et a!., 1999).
Calming Den tal Anxie ty relaxa tion script . Calming Dental Anxie ty
Seminars. Copyright © by Jackie Foskett. Used by permission of Jackie It is no coincidence therefore that those individuals
Foskett. who breathe through an open mouth experience greater
fatigue, stress, and anxiety, and reduced concentration
in comparison to their nasal bre athing counterp arts
What Is a Deep B reath ? (McKeown, 20 14) .

U nve i l i n g the Myth

A common approach to stress reduction and relaxation Refe re n ces
is to take a deep breath. This often results in a big breath
Chaitow, L . (2004). Breathing pattern disorders (BPD), motor
of air being drawn into the lungs, often through an open
control, and low back pain. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine,
mouth, by activating the muscles of the upper chest. Such 7(1) 34 -41.
bre athing is both big and shallow, but not deep, and is McKeown P. (2014). Anxiety free: Stop worrying and quieten
counterproductive to activating relaxation and to deliver your mind- Featuring the Buteyko Breathing Method and
more oxygen throughout the body. mindfulness. Ireland: OxyAt Books.
Taking a deep breath means to draw air down into the Lundberg J.O. (2008, November). Nitric oxide and the paranasal
full depth of the lungs using the diaphragm. During rest, ba­ sinuses. Anat Rec (Hoboken), 291(11): 1479 -84.
bies naturally take deep, silent breaths. With each inhalation Chang, H.R. (Editors) (2012). Nitric Oxide, the Mighty Molecule:
and exhalation the tummy gently expands and contracts. Its Benefits for Your Health and Well-Being. 1st ed. Mind
Conversely, many adults habitually take noticeable Society.
breaths during rest through the mouth, by activating the Rabelink, A.J. (1998, December 26). Nobel prize in Medicine
and Physiology 1998 for the discovery of the role of nitric
upper chest, typically characteristic of dysfunctional
oxide as a signalling molecule, Nederlands tijdschrift voor
breathing. Upper chest breathing evokes a greater stress
geneeskunde, 142(52): 2828-30.
response, whereas nasal breathing helps ensures regular, Huttunen J., Tolvanen H., Heinonen E., Voipio J., Wikstrom H.,
calm, steady breathing using the diaphragm. In addition, Ilmoniemi R.J., Hari R., Kaila K., Effects of voluntary
breathing greater volumes of air than needed for metabolic hyperventilation on cortical sensory responses. (1999).
requirements results in a variety of negative biochemical Electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic
influences, including respiratory alkalosis, constriction by studies, Exp Brain Res, 125(3): 248-254.

• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the key terms in this cha pter. absol ute refra cto ry state 24
action pote ntials 2 1
• Exp l a i n the n orm a l mech a n isms of n erve i m p u lse g e n eration
axo l e m m a 1 8
and co n d u cti o n . axo ns 1 6
• Defi n e t h e eve nts i n su ccessfu l n erve i m pu lse g e n erati o n , axo p l a s m 2 1
i n c l u d i n g t h e resting state, slow depolarization, firing ce l l bodies 1 6
th reshold, rapid depolarization, a n d recovery. conce ntrati o n g ra d i e n t 25

co re b u n d les 20
Exp l a i n the s i g n ifica n ce of Schwa n n ce l l sheaths a n d nodes of
d e n d ritic zo n e 1 6
Ranvier on the a b i l ity of l oca l a n esthetic ag ents to b l ock n erve
d e ntal n e u ra l p l exus 20
i m p u lses. d e p o l a rized 26
• Descri be the s i g n ifica n ce of the a n ato m i ca l d iffere n ces d u ra b l e b l ocka d e 27
between sen sory and m otor n e uro n s . e l ectrica l pote nti a l 2 1

endoneurium 19
D i scuss the differe nt types o f n erve fi bers re l ated to p a i n
e p i n e u r a l sh eath 1 9
percepti o n .
e p i n e u ri u m 1 9
• I d e n tify t h e n erve fi bers that n orm a l ly tra n s m it p a i n sensati o n s extrace l l u l a r 2 1
from denta l a n d peri odo nta l structures. fascicu l i 1 9
• Differe ntiate a n ato m i ca l ly and fu n ctio n a l l y between fi ri n g t h res h o l d 23
mye l i n ated a n d u n m ye l i n ated n erves. ganglia 16
hyd ro p h i l i c 1 6
hat is meant b anatomic barriers to the diffusion i m p u l se exti n ction 27
l tltons a n d those that present the greatest i m p u lses 1 6
1ffusion . i ntrace l l u l a r 2 1
• Descri be the l ocati o n of the i o n channels 21
p l exus. lipophilic 16
local a n esth esia 28
m a ntle b u n d les 20
m otor n e rves 28


KEY TERMS (contin ued)

n e rve fi b e rs 1 8 re p o l a rizati o n 26
n e u ro l e m m as 1 6 rest i n g state 2 1
n e u ro n s 7 6 sa ltatory co n d u ction 1 9
n o d es o f Ranvier 7 8 Schwa n n ce l l sheath 1 8
n o n mye l i nated ( u n m ye l i n ated) 1 8 Schwa n n ce l l s 1 7
p e ri l e m m a 1 9 sensory n e rves 2 1
p e ri n e u r i u m 7 9 sensory n e u ro n s 7 6
p o l a rized 26 slow d e p o l a rization 23
propagation 2 1 sod i u m i o n p u m ps 25
ra p i d d e p o l a rization 23 specific p rote i n receptor sites 22
refra cto ry state 24 syn a pses 7 6
re l ative refractory state 25 term i n a l a rbo rizati o n s 1 6

Introd u ction synapses, contain numerous organelles. These organelles,

when stimulated by impulses, release neurotransmitters
Before administering local anesthetic drugs it i s important to that convey information to excitable tissues, including
review the anatomy and physiology of nerves and the normal other neurons. In the terminal arborization zones of
mechanisms for the generation and conduction of pain sig­ sensory neurons, impulses or signals are transmitted to
nals to the central nervous system. This chapter will discuss processing nuclei called ganglia.
these topics as a foundation for understanding the inhibiting
effect of local anesthetic drugs on these processes. Nerve Axons, Cell Bodies, and Membranes
The mechanisms for the normal generation and con­
Following their initiation, impulses travel along axons, the
duction of pain signals to the central nervous system
processes or fibers of individual nerve cells that transmit
(CNS) will be discussed in this chapter as a foundation for
signals to the central nervous system. Neuronal processes
understanding the effects of local anesthetic drugs upon
may span considerable lengths. In the case of the sensory
them. In addition, it is important to understand the anat­
nerves that innervate oral tissues, cell bodies are located
omy and physiology of nerves before administering local
within trigeminal ganglia.
anesthetics (Daniel, Harfst, & Wilder, 2008).
Regardless of the type of neuron, sensory or motor,
the cell body provides metabolic support. In motor neu­
Ne u roa n atomy rons, the cell body is closely associated with the axon and
conducts nerve impulses. In sensory neurons, cell bod­
U n d e rstanding the m e chanisms involved in periph­ ies are farther away from axons and do not participate in
eral nerve anesthesia requires a sound knowledge of impulse transmission (see Figure 3-1 ) .
anatomy (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995; Seeley, Tate, Nerve membranes, called neurolemmas, a r e bilay­
& Stephens, 2008) . It has been suggested that the most
ered phospholipid membranes. The function of a bilayered
important aspect of delivering profound and reliable local membrane is to act as a barrier. Lipid membranes are
anesthesia comes from a solid understanding of neuro­ comp o s e d of p h o s p h o li p i d s having b o t h lip o p hilic
anatomy (Blanton & Jeske, 2003). ("fat-loving") and hydrophilic ("water-loving") ends. The
membranes are held together by the attraction of the
Nerve Cell Anatomy lipophilic ends at their centers.
Nerve cells, called neurons, are the basic units of nerves. The hydrophilic ends face outward along a membrane
All neurons have four structural areas, their dendritic and the lipophilic ends face inward to create a fatty core at
zones, axons, cell bodies, and terminal arborizations (see the center (see Figure 3-2 •) . This fatty core allows small li­
Figure 3-1 •) . Although similar in some respects, sensory pophilic molecules, such as local anesthetic molecules called
and motor neurons differ in both structure and function. neutral bases, to pass through freely, whereas water soluble
A primary distinction is that sensory neurons carry in­ substances, such as sodium ions, are able to pass through
coming signals, referred to as impulses, from the body to the the membrane only by means of designated channels
CNS for processing, whereas motor neurons carry impulses (Disalvo & Simon, 1995). Other hydrophilic local anesthetic
away from the CNS to effector cells, tissues, and organs. molecules, known as cations, are unable to pass through
Nerve impulses are initiated in dendritic zones of either the membranes or their channels. These lipophilic
sensory neurons in response to stimulation of tissue. The and hydrophilic local anesthetic molecules will be explained
terminal zones of nerve axons, known as j unctions, or in more detail in Chapter 4, "Pharmacology Basics."
• 17


Sensory N e rves

N e rve

= Neu rotransmitters

Axo n

M otor N e rves

FIGURE 3-1 Anatomy of Sensory and Motor Neurons.

Nerve Myelination are specialized connective tissue cells that surround and
Nerves are classified as myelinated or nonmyelinated protect peripheral nerves (cells that perform this function
according to the extent of the surrounding connective tis­ in the central nervous system are known as oligodendro­
sue (see Box 3-1 •) . Schwann cells, which produce myelin, cytes) . By producing myelin and forming extensive myelin
sheaths around axons, Schwann cells insulate and protect

M ye l i n is a p rotective cove ri n g fo r n e rves. It is a p p roxi­

mately 80% l i p i d , 20% p rote i n , and a very m i n o r p e rce nt-
• age carbo hyd rate in n a t u re ( B e n n ett, 1 978). M ye l i n is
res p o n s i b l e fo r what is known as the "wh ite" m atte r of t h e :
b ra i n a n d h a s a p r i m a ry fu n cti o n of p rovi d i n g e l ectrica l
i n s u l at i o n to n e rves to p rotect t h e i nteg rity of i m p u l s e
tra n s m iss i o n , m u ch as t h e i n s u l at i o n a ro u n d e l ectri c a l w i res

FIGURE 3-2 Anatomy of Neurolemma. Hydrophilic p rotects a g a i nst cross-ci rcu iti n g .
and Lipophilic Components of Nerve Membranes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

nerve membranes from their surrounding environments.

Axons and their associated Schwann cells are collectively
referred to as nerve fibers (Pogrel et al., 2003).
In addition to providing insulation, S chwann cells
isolate neurons from changes in their environment, minimiz­ The signs and symptoms of certain diseases such as mul t iple
scl e rosi s (M S) are thought to be the resul t of an unexplained
ing exposure to injury and, in the event of injury, facilitating
demyelination of oligodendrocytes that occurs in certain
healing. Although these protective features are important to
locations in the central nervous system. Without their myelin
proper nerve function and health, they are also responsible
protection, these nerves cannot function or heal properl y,
for significant obstacles to the diffusion of local anesthetic
solutions. These solutions cannot diffuse through myelin­
• typically transmitting impul s es at greatl y reduced speeds •
ated nerves except in the areas where they come into direct : .(��� ��:c� .�a.n��/•o•f �:a•g•n ��i� ��� ��e:��y: �0.1 �): • • • • .
contact with nerve membranes at the nodes of Ranvier.
Nonmyelinated neurons, also known as unmyelinated Tetzlaff, 2000). Nonmyelinated nerves are less isolated
neurons, have Schwann cell sheaths but groups of unmy­ from extracellular environments. They are more vulnerable
elinated neurons share the same sheaths. Myelinated neu­ to injury and less able to heal if injured (see Box 3-2 •) .
rons are enclosed by multiple spiral layers of Schwann cells. I n myelinated nerves, there are minute gaps consist­
These spiral layers wrap around myelinated neurons as ing of unprotected nerve membranes between adj acent
many as 300 times creating what is known as a Schwann Schwann cells called nodes of Ranvier (see Figure 3-3 •) .
cell sheath providing some of the most efficient cellular The outer membrane o f a neuron underlying its sheath is
protection in the body (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995; referred to as its axolemma or neurolemma.

Peri neurium
( i n n e r layer of perineu r i u m )

l l Myelin Sheath
Schwahn Cells

F I G U R E 3-3 Anatomy of Myelinated Axons.

• 19

Saltatory Conduction Nerve Fiber Types

Nerve impulses in nonmyelinated nerves, which have very Nerve fib ers are typ e d as A, B, or C, with numerous
thin myelin sheaths that cover groups of fibers, have been subcategories falling within these classifications ( s e e
described as "creeping" along their membranes. While by Table 3 - 1 •) . By far the most numerous fiber type of the
no means a slow process, this requires activity over the en­ peripheral nervous system is the C fiber. C fibers, which
tire length of the membrane of the axon from the point of are nonmyelinated, conduct more slowly, providing the
stimulation to the point of registration in the central ner­ sensation of dull and aching pain. Some A fibers, known
vous system. The incremental passage of impulses can be as A delta fibers (A8), are lightly myelinated and bear
visualized as multiple rows of falling dominos, each trans­ primary responsibility for the experience of sharp pain.
ferring its energy to the next to propagate the impulse (see Note the difference in Table 3-1 between the conduction
Figure 3-4 •) . speeds of the A8 fibers, which convey sharp, stabbing pain
S altatory conduction refers to t h e process whereby information rapidly, versus the C fibers, which convey dull,
impulses are more rapidly conducted along myelinated aching information slowly. Both A and C fibers have been
nerves (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995; Narhi et al., found in dental pulps with a greater distribution of C fi­
1994; Seeley, Tate, & Stephens, 2008). In saltatory conduc­ bers than A (Narhi et al., 1994; Pashley, 1990; Seeley, Tate,
tion, impulses have been characterized as "jumping" over & Stephens, 2008).
S chwann cells from one node of Ranvier to another, at
times having enough energy to j ump over several nodes Peripheral Nerve Anatomy
at once. Although skipping nodes has been demonstrated, Peripheral nerves are made up of many axons that are
particularly in larger, more heavily myelinated nerves, the bundled, protected, and provided with metabolic sup­
impulses do not accomplish this by actually "jumping" over port by layers of connective tissue. The anatomy from the
Schwann cells. Instead, they have enough energy to travel deep to the superficial aspect of a peripheral nerve starts
through one or more internode region (the portion of an with individual nerve fibers separated from one another
axon covered by a Schwann cell) before another impulse is by an endoneurium, a structure that insulates the electri­
generated. It is impossible for an area of myelinated nerve cal activity of individual nerve fibers (see Figure 3-5 •) .
that is covered by a Schwann cell to respond to changes in The perineurium bundles these fibers into what are known
its environment because it lacks exposure to extracellular as fasciculi. The inner layer of the perineurium is referred
fluids and sodium ion exchange is prevented. With increas­ to as its perilemma. A very loose connective tissue layer,
ing degrees of myelination there is often enough energy the epineurium, surrounds all of the fasciculi, their associ­
to bypass the next node and travel directly to a subse­ ated supporting connective tissue, including blood vessels
quent node (up to 8-10 mm) increasing conduction speeds and lymphatics, and the perineuria. The epineurium has its
(Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . In general, larger, more heavily myelin­ own sheath on its superficial circumference that surrounds
ated nerves transmit impulses more rapidly than smaller, the entire nerve called the epineural sheath. Of these lay­
nonmyelinated nerves (see Figure 3-4). ers, the two most significant barriers to the diffusion of

Nodes of Ranv i e r
Reg ion

O mm 2 mm 4 mm S mm B mm 1 0 mm

F I G U R E 3- 4 Impulse Conduction and Nodes of Ranvier. A - Nonmyelinated nerve;

B - Myelinated nerve.

Table 3-1 Nerve Fiber Types

Cond uction Velocity

Fiber Type Function Diameter (mu) (meters/second m/s) =

Aa Proprioception, body movements 12-20 100

A � Touch, pressure 5-12 30-70

Ay Motor to stretch receptors 3-6 15-30

Ao Pain, especially cold, touch 2-5 12-30

B Preganglionic autonomic <3 3-15

c Thermal pain, tension, pressure, 0.4-1.2 0. 5-2

displacement receptors

c Postganglionic autonomic 0. 3-1. 3 0. 7-2. 3

anesthetic solutions and the development of anesthesia which anesthesia develops when exposed to local anes­
are ( in order ) the perilemma and the perineurium ( see thetic drugs ( see Figure 3-6 •) . The significance of core
Box 3-3 •) . The larger the nerve, the greater the signifi­ and mantle bundles on local anesthesia will be discussed
cance of these barriers ( Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, later in this chapter.
1995 ; Noback & Demarest, 1981 ) .
The outer region o f a nerve i s referred t o a s its mantle Dental Neural Plexus
and the central region is its core. Fasciculi located in the A dental neural plexus is an interwoven, interconnect­
mantle region are called mantle bundles. The fasciculi in ing network of nerves supplying the teeth and their sup­
the central region are referred to as core bundles. The ar­ porting structures ( B ennett, 1978) ( see Figure 3-7 • ) . The
rangement of bundles into outer ( mantle ) and inner ( core ) superior ( maxillary ) dental plexus derives from terminal
segments in larger nerves has an impact on the order in branches of the second division of the trigeminal nerve
and includes dental, interdental, and interradicular divi­
sions. The inferior ( mandibular ) dental plexus derives
from terminal branches of the third division of the trigem­
inal nerve. These extensive networks of nerves innervate
the maxillary and mandibular teeth and their supporting

Of all the structures through which local anesthetic drugs

must diffuse to provide anesthesia, the perilemma presents
the greatest obstacle to di ffusion (Jastak, Yagiela, &
Donaldson, 1 995) . Schwann cells are not among structures
that slow the diffusion of drugs in myelinated nerves.
Rather than decrease the rate of a l o cal anesthetic drug's
diffusion through a nerve membrane, they simply do not
allow it. Schwann cells protect axons from exposure to
Schwa n n C e l l s
� extracellular substances, including local anesthetic drugs.
These drugs are effective onl y at the nodes of Ranvier,
Axon , where they are able to make direct contact with exposed ,
ra ·
F I G U R E 3-5 Anatomy of a Neuron. : . �� � � . � � � • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• 21

M antle

Schwann Cells -[; Bundles

F I G U R E 3-6 Mantle and Core Bundles.

to fire nerve impulses ( Malamed, 20 13). The process of se­

quential impulse generation to the processing areas in the
CNS ( ganglia and relevant centers in the brain ) is referred
to as propagation.
When a nerve is receiving little to no stimulation its
membrane is said to be in a resting state. In reality, nerves
respond to some degree of stimulation almost constantly
and seldom, if ever, rest even when providing little more
than sensory feedback ( Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson,
1995). This is accomplished by ion exchange through nerve
membranes via designated p athways or ion channels
through which ions selectively pass on a continuous basis
(Tetzlaff, 2000).
The inner environment of a nerve is known as its
intracellular environment or axoplasm, whereas the
outer environment is designated the extracellular envi­
ronment ( see Figure 3-8 •) . The axoplasm of a nerve at
FIGURE 3-7 Dental Neural Plexus.
rest is maintained in an electrically negative state rela­
tive to the more positively charged extracellular envi­
ronment. It has been determined that the resting state of
Ne u rophys i ology
the axoplasm averages -70 m V ( millivolts ) . This resting
Nerve impulses are electrical i n nature and depend entirely state electrical potential represents the difference in the
upon changes in ionic activity along nerve membranes electrical charge across the membrane. An imbalance of
for their generation and conduction. Specific thresholds electrolytes on either side of the membrane, primarily
must be achieved before transmission of impulses to the sodium ( Na+ ) and potassium ( K+ ) ions, is responsible for
CNS occurs. In sensory nerves, energy from an impulse is this difference.
duplicated and transferred to succeeding impulses along
the axon in the direction of the CNS. These successive
impulses are identical in size and nature to the original G e n e ration a n d Co n d u ction
impulses ( also known as action potentials) . Impulses do
not lose any of their strength in the transfer of energy from of Ne rve Impulses
one section of membrane to the next; in fact, it has been The generation and conduction of nerve impulses oc­
demonstrated that the current flow at successive areas of cur over a series of phases or " states." In the resting
nerve membranes actually exceeds that which is necessary state, gates in the Na+ ion channels remain closed. This

Extrac e l l u lar Envi ro n m e nt


(intracellular environment)

FIGURE 3-8 Intracellular and Extracellular Environment of Nerve. In response to

stimulation, Ca+2 ions are released. Na+ ion channels open, allowing Na+ influx into the

prevents significant influx of Na+ ions, either via sodium ions, which can enter the axoplasm only through selec­
ion pumps or along their concentration gradient or electri­ tive channels in the nerve membrane called ion channels
cal attraction. (see Figure 3-9 •) . Chloride ions participate in a more
In response to stimulation, Ca+2 ions release and open minor way by concentrating in the extracellular fluid with
the channels to Na+ ion influx into the axoplasm, slowly at the sodium ions, helping maintain the resting membrane
first. Once there are sufficient Na+ ions in the axoplasm to potential.
reduce the electrical potential by approximately 15-20 mV, Ion channels are closed or gated by Ca+2 ions bind­
the firing threshold for impulse generation is reached and ing to specific protein receptor sites within the channels
Na+ ions flood the axoplasm. In sensory nerves, successive in the resting state (see Box 3-4 •) . There are numerous
impulses propagate to processing centers in the CNS. electrolytes in both intra- and extracellular environments
Upon successful impulse prop agation to an adj a­ of nerve membranes. An imbalance is the result of differ­
cent site, the previous site is unresponsive and unable ences in the concentrations of these electrolytes, primar­
to generate an impulse. This pattern continues along the ily Na+ and K+ ions on either side of the membrane. Na+
length of the membrane, which forces all subsequent im­ ions are small enough to pass freely through ion chan­
pulses to be generated in one direction only. While the nels. B ecause of their high affinity for water, however, the
impulses that are propagated toward the CNS eventually maj ority hydrate and are too large to pass through the
prompt efferent responses, impulses are also generated channels. Even though somewhat larger than Na+ ions,
from sites of stimulation in a direction away from the K+ ions have a lower affinity for water and the maj ority
CNS. Unlike the impulses propagated in the direction of easily pass through the channels unhydrated. The nega­
the CNS, these impulses extinguish once they arrive at tive electrical charge of the axoplasm, however, prevents
peripheral destinations that have no ability to respond. potassium ions from leaving the axoplasm in significant
B ecause the unresponsive period lasts only about one numbers despite their smaller size and the substantially
millis econd, the membrane in the area may be stimu­ larger numbers of K+ ions in the axoplasm. The net result
lated again quickly. is an excess of extracellular Na+ and an excess of intra­
These stages are discussed in more detail in the next cellular K+. Along with the contribution of Cl-, this ionic
section and are presented as a group in Appendix 3-1. imbalance maintains the resting electrical potential of
It is the imbalance between K+ and Na+ ions on either
Resting State side of a membrane that largely accounts for the uninter­
The electrical potential of nerve axoplasm in the resting rupted maintenance of the resting potential. This is aided
state is approximately -70 mV, although the range can ex­ by protein pumps in the membrane, which actively pump
tend from -40 to -95 mV for some cells (Jastak, Yagiela, ions both in and out of the axoplasm against resistance.
& Donaldson, 1995 ) . This potential is maintained relative If undisturbed, the resting state ionic imbalance will con­
to the extracellular environment primarily by Na+ and K+ tinue indefinitely.
• 23

Resti n g Potenti a l - - 70 mV

+ Charged

FIGURE 3-9 Nerve Membrane Ion Exchange - Resting Potential ( Resting State ) . In a resting state, the electrical
potential of nerve axoplasm is approximately -70 mV. This potential is maintained primarily by K+ and Na+ ions.

Slow Depolarization and Firing Thresholds

Once a nerve is stimulated, the ion channels respond by
opening their gates (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
The mechanism of the speci f i c binding of protein si t es is This is accomplished by the release of calcium (Ca+2) ions
based on the knowledge of vol t age-gated sodium chan­ from receptor sites on the gates (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Ca+2
nel s , of which nine di fferent types have been identi fied. ions may be thought of as the gatekeepers of the rest­
Higher densities of sodium ion channels are found in ing state. Once the gates are open, the channels are now
the nodes of Ranvier. Not all types of sodium channels wide enough for the p ositively charged and hydrated
are equal. Some are more susceptible than others to the Na+ ions to enter the negatively charged axoplasm. Slow
actions of local anesthetics. These differences may explain depolarization occurs until the axoplasm has depolarized
some failures of local anesthesia. For example, in the approximately 15 to 20 mV, from -70 to somewhere be­
presence of inflammation, the development of al t ered tween -55 and -50 m V, which is the threshold for impulse
channels may be responsible for failures. generation. This is known as the nerve's firing threshold
Sodium channels consist of three subuni t s. Onl y one (see Figures 3-10 • and 3-1 1 •) .
of these subunits allows the exchange of sodium ions.
Within a subuni t there are four zones containing six protein A s long a s this threshold i s not achieved, the nerve is
segments. When the nerve is at rest, the channel is blocked said to be slowly depolarizing and no impulses will be gen­
by one of these proteins. erated. If stimulation proves insufficient to depolarize a
Once the threshold is reached, rapid depolari z ation membrane, no impulse will be generated (see Figure 3-12 •) .
begins and sodium ions fl o od the channel. During this A n example o f "failure o f impulse generation" occurs
phase, these protein segments twist into the body of the when someone tries to tickle an individual's ear with a
pore by an action known as a "sliding heli x ." feather. If the action is insufficient to gain the individual's
After depolari z ation, when the refractory phase begins, attention, the nerve is not receiving a strong enough stimula­
a protein loop extends into the channel and continues to tion to raise the threshold to conduct an impulse to the CNS.
block sodium ion entry. Local anesthetics further block the In this case, this is insufficient Na+ ion influx to depolarize the
entry of sodium ions by maintaining the position of the pro­
tein loop in the channel during the refractory phase.
membrane 15-20 mV to its firing threshold (see Figure 3-12).
Understanding this mechanism and identifying the
nature of the binding si t es may lead to the development of Rapid Depolarization
drugs that target cri t ical sodium channel pathways as well
as drugs that are able to function better in the presence of
Once the firing threshold has been achieved, the nerve
inflammation. I t may al s o reduce the unwanted effects of quickly depolarizes at the site of stimulation because of the
the current local anesthetic drugs. flood of positively charged Na+ ions into its axoplasm in a
process known as rapid depolarization (see Figures 3-1 1
and 3-13 • ) . The impulse propagates along the entire
length of the nerve, the ganglia, the nerve synapses, and

D e p o l a rizat i o n -50 to -60 m V

(Slow Phase)
.. ..
+ Charged
Extrace l l u l a r

F I G U R E 3-1 0 Nerve Membrane Ion Exchange - Depolarization (Slow Phase). Once a nerve i s stimulated,
ion channel gates open in response to calcium (Ca+2) ion release. Slow depolarization occurs until the axo­
plasm has depolarized, approximately 15 to 20 mV, to -50 to -55 mV (firing threshold).

successive nerves along the pathway to the CNS. This is The inability to successfully restimulate a section of mem­
not an isolated process. It occurs simultaneously on many brane after impulse generation and conduction is known
adj acent sites on the membrane. Sensory impulses travel as a refractory stat e . Initially, the membrane is in an
only toward the CNS, because once the impulse or ac­ absolute refractory state and the previously fired section
tion potential has transferred to an adj acent site on the of membrane cannot be restimulated no matter how great
membrane, the previous site is temporarily unresponsive. the stimulus (Malamed, 20 13).

S u ccesfu l N e rve I m p u l s e G e n e ratio n

A ,\ A � -� .� -� A

dmsec v
2Vmaac v
�maec �msec imaac 10� sec
8 c

+40 mV
:;:; O mV
:::2: -70 mV

l/ \ \
-55 to -50 mV = F i ri n g Th reshold


A - S l ow Depola rizat i o n , B - R a p i d Depola rizatio n , C - Repola rizati o n

F I G U R E 3-1 1 Impulse Generation Firing T hreshold. T he firing threshold i s reached once the axoplasm has
depolarized to -50 to -55 mV.
• 25

F a i l u re to Ach i eve F i ri ng Th res h o l d

A � .� .� .� .� .� A

dmsec v 2vmsac v rmsec �msec i'msac 10� sec

0 +40 mV

.. 0 mV

.c -55 to -50 mV = F i ri n g Th res h o l d
:::E -70 mV
/ "'-

Impulse Generation F ailure. When Na+ ion influx is insufficient to depolarize the membrane
F I G U R E 3-1 2
15 to 20 mV, no impulse is generated.

At this p oint, the nerve axoplasm has attaine d a forces of the now positively charged axoplasm . As ions
potential of +40 mV (Hodgkin & Huxley, 1954; Jastak, continue to move out, the axoplasm eventually returns to
Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ) . After impulse generation its resting state of -70 m V.
and conduction, additional Na+ ion influx is prevented. D uring this return to the resting state but before
Instead, Na+ ions are actively transported out by sodium its complete r e e s tablishment, stimulation m ay once
ion pumps, which enhance the outward movement of Na+ again prove to b e s u c c e s sfu l . With the resting state
ions now in greater excess in the axoplasm along their only partially attained, a larger stimulus is required to
concentration gradient. This is also facilitated by the vigor­ achieve a successful firing. This is known as the relative
ous extracellular movement of Na+ ions due to repulsive refractory state.

D e p o l a rizat i o n - +40 mV
(Rapid Phase)
- Charged
Extrace l l u l a r

FIGURE 3-1 3 Nerve Membrane Ion Exchange - Depolarization ( Rapid Phase ) . Once enough Na+ ions have
flooded the axoplasm, the firing threshold is achieved and the nerve quickly depolarizes, generating an impulse.

Once a nerve has attained a potential of approximately
+40 mV, the process begins to reverse. The reversal of ion
concentrations in this recovery phase is called repolariza­
tion. The axoplasm has an excess of positive charge and
an excess concentration of Na+ ions. As previously stated, The potential across a nerve membrane is identified as
pola rized whenever i t is not 0 mV. For example, the normal

Na+ ions exit the nerve by passive diffusion through the

physiol o gical resting state of a nerve averaging about -70 mV
ion channels along their concentration gradient, by repul­
is polarized and a stimulated state of +40 mV is also, by
sion due to the positive electrical charge of the axoplasm, •
strict definit ion, polari z ed. A nerve is said to be d e p o l a r­
ized when the potential across the membrane is 0 mV.
and through active transport of the Na+ ion pumps. As the
passive forces of Na+ ion movement out of the axoplasm Thi s is the case regardless of whether it is becom-
weaken, further movement is assisted by the ion pumps ing less posi t i v e or less negative. Stri c tl y speaking for a
which continue to remove Na+ and K+ ions until a poten­ nerve, any change toward 0 mV is a depolarization and any
tial of -70 mV is reestablished. Na+ ion movement is then : change away from 0 mV is a polarization . •

limited to resting state levels by the rebinding of Ca+2 ions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

to receptor sites. This closes the ion channels and assures

that Na+ will not continue to depolarize the axoplasm (see
Figure 3-14 •). stimulation. As described, this process may seem long and
For purposes of this discussion the terms depolariza­ tedious. In reality, however, it requires only one millisecond
tion and repolarization are used to define processes; de­ for a nerve membrane to react and recover after a success­
polarization referring to a potential change across the ful impulse-generating stimulation (Malamed, 20 13).
membrane from -70 mV to +40 mV and repolarization refer­
ring to a return to a resting state from +40 mV to -70 mY. Act i o n s of Local Anestheti cs
Box 3-5 • provides a discussion of the strict definitions of
these terms. o n Ne rve Impulses
Two important factors to consider when discussing the im­
Return to Resting State pact of local anesthetics on nerve impulses are the inter­
With the reattainment of a potential between -60 m V to ruptions of those impulses (impulse extinction) and the
-90 mV, the nerve membrane has now fully recovered and is diminishing effects of the drugs on the nerve bundles (core
ready to repeat the process in response to another sufficient and mantle bundles).

Re pol a rizatio n = -60 to -90 mV

(Return to resting state) ..
.. + Charged
Extrace l l u l a r

Exit assited by Sodium Pump

F I G U R E 3-1 4 Nerve Membrane Ion Exchange - Repolarization ( Return t o Resting State ) . The reversal of
ion concentrations in the recovery phase is called repolarization. Once a nerve has attained a potential of
approximately + 40 mV, Na+ ions exit the nerve by passive diffusion through ion channels and through active
transport of Na+ ion pumps. Repolarization is complete when the potential is -60 mV to -90 mV.
• 27

Impulse Extinction The Significance o f Core and Mantle Bundles on

When discussing nerve impulses and local anesthesia, Local Anesthesia
the likelihood that impulse propagation may be inter­ Nerve fib ers h o u s e d in mantle ( outer ) bundles tend
rupted at a particular are a of a nerve by local anesthe­ to innervate structures in close proximity to them ( see
sia is known as nontransmission, or impulse extinction Figure 3-15 •) . Fib ers housed in core ( inner ) bundles
( Tetzlaff, 2000) . This is somewhat analogous to crimping tend to innervate structures at some distance away from
a hose to stop the flow of water ( extinction ) ; uncrimp­ them. For example, in the case of the inferior alveolar
ing the hose will reestablish the flow ( propagation ) . Lo­ nerve at a location near the entrance to the mandibular
cal anesthesia is a deliberate method to achieve impulse canal, fibers from the mantle layer tend to innervate the
extinction. When discussing impulse extinction due to lo­ molar region whereas fibers from the core layer tend to
cal anesthetics, it is directly related to the volume of local innervate the anterior mandible including the chin and
anesthetic delivered, the concentration of the drug, and lips. Molar regions anesthetize e arlier and more eas­
the length of nerve that has been exposed to the drug ily in this example, whereas the lips, chin, and anterior
(Tetzlaff, 2000) . dentition and supporting structures anesthetize later and
Upon administration of local anesthetic drugs, Na+ with more difficulty. This is because anesthetic solution
ion influx through the nerve membrane is blocked and reaches the core only after the solution has penetrated
sodium-dependent depolarization is prevented. B oth the through the mantle layer. It takes longer to reach the
generation and conduction of nerve impulses can be inhib­ core and the solution does so in a diluted form primar­
ited by local anesthetic drugs. Decreased responsiveness to ily because of the binding of drug molecules to receptor
stimuli and the failure to transmit an impulse toward the sites in the mantle bundles. Once at the core, there are
CNS are direct consequences of impulse extinction due to fewer molecules remaining to bind to sites in the core
local anesthetic drugs. ( Malamed, 20 1 3 ) .
Impulse extinction is also related to the presence or A lack o f labial and mental soft tissue signs and symp­
absence of myelin ( Tetzlaff, 2000). As previously noted, toms of anesthesia after administration of what is known
in myelinated nerves, local anesthetic drugs are effective as an inferior alveolar nerve block indicates that the core
only at the nodes of Ranvier and multiple nodes must be bundles have not yet been adequately anesthetized. While
exposed to the drugs to block impulses. It is considered the absence of signs and symptoms of anesthesia is a good
that a minimum of 8-10 mm of the nerve membrane indication that profound anesthesia has not been achieved,
must be flooded by an anesthetic solution to achieve an­ the presence of these signs and symptoms is not necessarily a
esthesia particularly in larger more heavily myelinated guarantee of profound anesthesia. The lack of profound anes­
nerves ( Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Greater volumes of solution thesia may be due to incomplete penetration of the local an­
are required to accomplish impulse extinction (durable esthetic drug to the deepest core bundles (pulpal fibers tend
blockade) in the presence of these nerves, an example of to be more centrally located ) and to accessory innervation
which is the inferior alveolar nerve. (see Chapter 16, "Troubleshooting Inadequate Anesthesia" ) .

m Mantle Bundles
.... Core Bundles

CNS Periphery

Proximal D i stal

F I G U R E 3-1 5 Distribution of Core and Mantle Bundles. Mantle

bundle fibers in a particular location tend to innervate structures
in close proximity. Core bundle fibers in that same location tend to
innervate structures peripheral to the location. In the example of
the inferior alveolar nerve, posterior teeth are innervated by mantle
fibers. T his results in molars being anesthetized earlier and more
easily than anteriors.

Introd u ctio n to Local An esthesia Chapte r Q u esti o n s

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Local anesthesia may b e defined a s a temporary loss o f sen­

sation in a specific, usually small area of the body (Malamed, 1 . Which of the following statements most accurately
2 0 1 3 ) . A primary distinction between local and general describe(s) the major differences between sensory
anesthesia is that when local anesthesia alone is in effect, and motor neurons?
patients remain conscious (Daniel, Harfst, & Wilder, 2008). 1 . Sensory neurons are afferent and conduct impulses
This distinction is important when procedures are to be toward the CNS.
performed while a patient is under the influence of sedation 2. Motor neurons are efferent and conduct impulses
or general anesthesia, because in the absence of specific to effector tissues and organs.
procedures to anesthetize local tissues no local anesthesia 3. Sensory neuronal cell bodies do not participate
exists. For example, a third molar extraction under general in impulse conduction and they are located away
anesthesia is typically performed after the administration of from the axon.
local anesthesia. It is important to add that, in the majority 4. Motor neuronal cell bodies participate in impulse
of dental procedures, sedation and general anesthesia are conduction and are located along the length of the
seldom necessary to achieve good pain control. neuron at their terminal arborizations.
Local anesthesia can be induced by various methods. a. 3 only
The applications of pressure, cold, electrical stimulation, b. 1 and 2
and trauma have the potential to cause temporary losses c. 1, 3, and 4
of sensation. Although not commonly thought of as local d. All of the above
anesthetics, some of these alternatives to inj ectable drugs 2. Which of the following sequences best describes the
are frequently utilized in medicine. In dentistry, combina­ events in a successful impulse generation?
tions of commercial preparations of topical and inj ectable a. Stimulation, slow depolarization, firing threshold,
local anesthetic drugs are more commonly used when dis­ rapid depolarization, recovery
comfort is anticipated. This is accomplished by anesthetiz­ b. Stimulation, firing threshold, rapid depolarization,
ing specific teeth and tissues without anesthetizing all of slow repolarization, resting state
the teeth and all of the tissues. It is important to note that c. Resting state, stimulation, slow depolarization,
even when all of the teeth and their surrounding tissues rapid depolarization, firing threshold
are anesthetized, the anesthesia is still described as local. d. Resting state, stimulation, slow depolarization,
rapid depolarization, slow depolarization
Local Anesthetic Drugs and How They Work
3. How are Schwann cells and nodes of Ranvier related?
Local anesthetic drugs all work similarly. Local anesthetic
a. Schwann cells are nodes of Ranvier.
molecules have a greater affinity for protein receptor sites
b. At the nodes of Ranvier, S chwann cells are one
within the nerve membrane compared with Ca+2 ions and
layer thick.
subsequently displace them. Different local anesthetic drugs
c. Gaps between Schwann cells are called nodes of
have varying affinities for these receptor sites, which account
for clinically significant differences in drug action. One drug,
d. They are not related.
for example, bupivacaine, aggressively bonds to the recep­
tor sites resulting in the longest duration of action of all local 4. Which fiber types are responsible for providing sen­
anesthetic drugs in current use in dentistry today (Danielsson sory information from dental and periodontal tissues?
et al., 1986; Fawcett et al., 2002; Moore & Dunsky, 1983). a. C and B fibers
Local anesthetic drugs are effective on both sensory and b. B and A delta fibers
motor nerves. They typically anesthetize smaller nerves be­ c. Gamma and C fibers
fore larger nerves and sensory nerves before motor nerves d. A delta and C fibers
(Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995). While the desired ef­
5. Which of the fibers in question #4 are myelinated?
fects of these drugs are localized, their inevitable systemic
a. Both A delta and C fibers
absorption exposes other tissues to their potentially toxic
b. Both B fibers and C fibers
actions, including the central nervous system (CNS), the car­
c. A fibers
diovascular system (CVS), and skeletal muscle (Easson &
d. None of the above
Carlson, 1980; Dudkiewicz, Schwartz, & Laliberte, 1987). All
of the currently available injectable dental local anesthetics 6. What are three divisions of the dental plexus?
interrupt the transmission of nerve impulses. The five local a. Interdental, interradicular, and periodontal
anesthetic drugs packaged for inj ection in dentistry today b. Inner dental, interradicular, and dental
include articaine, bupivacaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, and c. Interdental, interradicular, and dental
prilocaine (see Chapter 5, "Dental Local Anesthetic Drugs"). d. Inner dental, interradicular, and periodontal
• 29

Refe re n ces Hodgkin, A. L., & Huxley, A. F. ( 1954 .

) A quantitative descrip­
tion of membrane current and its application to conduction
Basson, M. D. , & Carlson, B . M. (1980 . ) Myotoxicity o f single and and excitation in nerve. Journal of Physiology (London), l/ 7,
repeated injections of mepivacaine in the rat. Anesthesia &
Analgesia, 59, 275-282. Jastak, J. T., Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995 .
) Local
Beers, M. H., & Berkow, R. ( 1999 .
) [The] Merck manual of anesthesia of the oral cavity. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.
Malamed, S. F. (2013 . ) Handbook of local anesthesia (6th ed.).
diagnosis and therapy (17th ed. , pp. 1474-1477 . ) Hoboken, NJ:
St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
John Wiley & Sons.
Bennett, C. R. ( 1978 .) Manheim's local anesthesia and pain 1983 .
Moore, P. A . , & Dunsky, J. L. ( ) Bupivacaine anesthesi a ­
control in dental practice (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. A clinical trial for endodontic therapy. Oral Surgery, 55,
Blanton, P. L., & Jeske, A. H. (2003, June). The key to profound 176-179.
local anesthesia, neuroanatomy. Journal of the American Narhi, M., Yamamoto, H . , Ngassapa, D., & Hirvonen, T. ( 1994 ) .
Dental Association [JADA], 753-760. The neurophysiological basis and the role of inflammatory
2008 .
Daniel, S. J., Harfst, S. A., & Wilder, R . S. ( ) Mosby's dental reactions in dentine hypersensitivity. Archives of Oral Biology,
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hygiene: Concepts, cases, and competencies (2nd ed.). St. Louis:
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No back, C. R . , & Demarest, R. J. ( ) The human nervous
Danielsson, K., Evers, H . , Holmlund, A., Kjellman, 0., system: Basic principles of neurobiology (3rd ed.). New York:
Nordenram, A., & Persson, N. E. ( 1986 . ) Long-acting local McGraw-Hill.
Pashley, D. H. (1990 . ) Mechanisms of dentin sensitivity. Dental
anaesthetics in oral surgery. International Journal of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, 15, 119-126. Clinics ofNorth America, 34, 449.
Disalvo, E. A., & Simon, S. A. (1995 . ) Permeability and stability Pogrel, M. A., Schmidt, B. L., Sambajon, V. , & Jordan, R . C. K.
( 2003 .
) Lingual nerve damage due to inferior alveolar nerve
of lipid hi/ayers. Boca Raton, F L: CRC Press.
Dudkiewicz, A., Schwartz, S. , & Laliberte, R. ( 1987 . ) blocks. A possible explanation. Journal of the American Dental
Association (JADA), 134(2), 195-199.
Effectiveness of mandibular infiltration in children using the
local anesthetic Ultracaine (articaine hydrochloride). Journal 2008 .
Seeley, R . R., Tate, P. , & Stephens, T. D. ( ) Anatomy &
of the Canadian Dental Association, 53, 29-31. physiology (8th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
2000 .
Tetzlaff, J. E. ( 3-8 .
) Pharmacology of local anesthetics (pp. )
Fawcett, J. P., Kennedy, J. M., Kumar, A., & Ledger, R. ( 2002 . )
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Comparative efficacy and pharmaco-kinetics of racemic
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Events in a Successful N erve Impulse G eneration

Resting Potential = -70 mV

+ Charged


Depolarization = -50 to -60 mV

(Stow Phase)

+ Charged

Depola rization = +40 mV (I)
(Rapid Phase) .�

Repolarization = -60 to -90 mV

(Return t o resting state)

+ Charged

Chapter 4 Pharmacology Basics

Chapter 5 Dental Local Anesthetic Drugs

Chapter 6 Vasoconstrictors in Dentistry

Chapter 7 Dose Calculations for Local Anesthetic Solutions

Chapter 8 Topical Anesthetics

··························································· @ ··························································

P h a rm a co l ogy Basics


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the key terms in this cha pte r. a bsorption 3 7

a m ides 3 5
• An a l yze, eva l u ate, a n d be p repared to d iscuss the
b i otra nsformation 3 3
p h a rm a co l og i c p roperties of l oca l a n esthetic d ru g s and b i p h as i c 4 0
vasoco n strictors. cati o n 3 7
• Eva l u ate the d iffe re n ces betwee n the specific rece pto r c h o l i n este rase 4 1
theory a n d the m e m bra n e expa n s i o n theory a n d exp l a i n why coca i n e 33
neither theory acco u n ts fo r local a n esth etic effects on n e rve d issociation consta nt 39
m e m b ra n e s . d istri bution 3 7
e l i m i n ation 3 7
• Exp l a i n why t i s s u e i nfl a m m ation affects the su ccess of l o ca l e l i m i n ation h a lf-l ife 42
a n esth esia. e p i n e p h ri n e 33
• Eva l u ate the re lati onsh i ps between p H a n d p Ka a n d d iscuss este rs 35
the c l i n ica l re l eva n ce of both . H e n d e rs o n - H asse l ba l ch

e q u ation 3 9
D iscuss the p h a rmacodyn a m i cs a n d p h a r m a cokinetics of loca l
intermed iate chains 3 5
a n esth etic d ru g s .
m e m brane exp a n s i o n
• Eva l u ate the s i g n s a n d sym pto ms of a n d d iscuss the effects theory 3 7
of l o ca l a n esthetics on the centra l n e rvous system (C N S) . m eta b o l i s m 3 7
n e utra l b a s e 3 7
n ovoca i n e 3 3
p450 isoenzyme system 4 1
p h a rm a codyn a m i cs 36
p h a rmacokinetics 36
p Ka 39
p roca i n e 33
specific p rote i n recepto r
theory 3 7
vasoconstricto rs 3 4

• 33

Introd u ction drugs (Holroyd, Wynn, & Requa-Clark, 1988; Wilwerding,

200 1 ) .
Local anesthetics are t h e most common drugs u s e d in I n 1 884, cocaine's potent local anesthetic effects o n
dental practice (Ayoub & Coleman, 1992). These agents are the eye and its benefit i n eye surgery were identified. That
used to control pain during oral procedures. When vasocon­ same year, local anesthetics were introduced in dentistry.
strictors are added, drug actions are enhanced, local bleed­ Of parallel interest, in 1885, the original formula for Coca­
ing is controlled, and safety is increased. The pharmacology Cola (which contained cocaine) was developed (Jastak &
of local anesthetic solutions in dentistry includes the phar­ Yagiela, 1981).
macology of local anesthetic drugs and the vasoconstrictors S everal years later, in 1 90 1 , a Japanese rese archer,
used in combination with them. Understanding the mecha­ Jokichi Takamine, isolated epinephrine for pharmaceutical
nisms of action, biotransformation (metabolic pathways), use, which was followed by Heinrich Braun's observation
and toxic effects of each drug on local and systemic tissues that adding epinephrine to cocaine solutions decreased
is necessary for safe and effective administration. its systemic absorption (reducing toxicity) while increas­
It is also important to understand that pharmacology ing its anesthetic duration. Braun described this effect as
is far from a static discipline. Clinicians are encouraged to a "chemical tourniquet," which allowed lower doses of co­
follow developments in this area as new drugs, new drug caine to be administered while achieving similar or better
combinations, and new delivery technologies are intro­ therapeutic effects (Jacobsohn, 1992). The euphoric and
duced to clinical practice. Upon mastering the principles in addictive properties of cocaine continued to trouble both
this chapter, clinicians should be well prepared to integrate researchers and clinicians, and the search for a nonaddic­
future developments into clinical practice. For historical tive alternative eventually led to the development of the
perspective on the evolution of dental local anesthetic local anesthetic drug procaine, in 1904.
drugs, see Box 4-1 •· Procaine was first synthesized in Germany and was
The current practice of local anesthesia owes its marketed in the United States in 1905 as novocaine. Lack­
existence to the pioneers of modem techniques and drugs, ing the addictive properties of cocaine, procaine repre­
including Niemann, Koller, Hall, Halsted, Freud, B raun, sented an important improvement in safety. D espite its
Einhorn, Takamine, Cook, Lofgren, and Lundquist. Their replacement in dentistry in the latter part of the twenti­
combined contributions span more than two centuries. eth century by more effective and less problematic drugs,
Cocaine was the precursor to modern dental anes­ procaine is recognized as the prototype of modern local
thetics. In 1860, cocaine extracts from the coca leaf were anesthetic agents. Procaine's almost universal acceptance
observed to cause a numbing effect on the tongue, leav­ in dental anesthesia is demonstrated by the observation
ing it ne arly without sens ation. The local therapeutic that many patients still refer to the local anesthetic they
effects of cocaine were explored for dental applications receive as novocaine, regardless of the actual drug admin­
at the same time that Sigmund Freud was studying its ef­ istered (see Figure 4-1 •) .
fects on the central nervous system (CNS) . His research
uncovered cocaine's toxic and highly addictive properties.
In papers to Dr. Carl Koller, Freud also reported "imme­
diate unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting,
and collapse" (Jastak & Yagiela, 1981). These significant
adverse effects stimulated the search for more acceptable

Earl y civilizations experienced the effects of oral disease,

including pain. Evidence points to primi t i v e methods
having been used to alleviate dental pain. In the ancient
Middle East, for example, root canals were performed us­
ing malleable gol d and poul t ices made of fi g s to replace
diseased pulps. The Incas, Egyptians, and Chinese used a
variety of obtundents to control dental pain, including coca
leaves, henbane, mandrake, arsenic, and opium. Centuries
l a ter, nerve compression devices, exposure to cold, and
hypnosis were all used to control pain (Wil w erding, 200 1 ) . FIGURE 4- 1 Novocaine with NeoCobefrin
Al t hough some aspects of these remedies were success- Local Anesthetic Can, circa 1940s.
ful and a few are still used, most have been replaced with
: more effecti v e drugs and techniques.

Source: Used with permission. The Dr. Samuel
D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • University of Maryland .

In order to overcome procaine's somewhat unpre­ Five local anesthetic drugs are packaged for inj ec­
dictable anesthetic effects and a disturbing incidence of tion in dentistry today. Although this number may seem
allergic responses, lidocaine was developed and approved small, it has proven to be adequate for most applications.
for use in the United States in 1 948, followed by mepi­ In addition to these drugs, others that are not available in
vacaine (1960), prilocaine (1965), bupivacaine (1983), and dental cartridges will be discussed due to rare occasions
articaine (2000). where patients may be allergic to all five. In addition to the
inj ectable drugs, topical anesthetics provide an important
adjunct in pain management.
Local Anesthesia
The obj ective in using local anesthetic drugs during treat­
ment is to produce anesthesia for a specific area and, in Routes of Delive ry
some instances, to reduce localized bleeding. The primary There are two primary routes of delivery for dental local
benefit of local anesthesia is that pain sensations can anesthetic drugs, topical and submucosal inj ection. Topi­
be suppressed without significant central nervous sys­ cal application of local anesthetic drugs is more effective
tem (CNS) depression (D aniel, Harfst, & Wilder, 2008; on mucosa than on skin because of the ease of penetration
Hardman et al., 1996). As mentioned in Chapter 3, this al­ through thin mucosal barriers in order to reach underlying
lows the maj ority of dental procedures to be performed nerves. Submucosal (and subcutaneous) injections produce
under local anesthesia without exposing patients to the more profound anesthesia than topical routes of adminis­
risks of general anesthesia. tration due to the direct placement of drugs in proximity to
Regardless of the particular type of healthcare proce­ nerves.
dure, loss of sensation due to local anesthesia is produced
by preventing the generation and conduction of nerve im­
pulses. The purpose of these impulses is to alert the CNS Des i ra ble Prope rties of Loca l
to localized stimulation or tissue injury. Although there are
many techniques to produce local anesthesia, the majority An esthetic D r u g s
are used in medicine and some are non-pharmacological. A n ideal local anesthetic would have the following spe­
This discussion will be confined to local anesthetic drugs cific properti e s : a high level of biocompatibility with
used specifically for dentistry. no systemic effects; a rapid onset; no toxicity to tissue,
A sound understanding of local anesthetic drug ef­ including nerve tissue; and a therapeutic duration and
fects and specific techniques is the foundation for safe and potency without inducing hyp ersensitivity or uncon­
successful administration. Considerations of the impact sciousness (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Further, it would be ster­
of compromised physiologic function, the potential for ilizable, readily biotransformed, and provide adequate
adverse reactions, and an awareness of drugs and supple ­ topical effects at low concentrations (Malamed, 20 1 3 )
ments the patient may be using, whether prescribed or not, (see B o x 4 2 •) .

are equally important. Legal and ethical principles man­

date that practitioners licensed to inj ect drugs into the
human body are responsible for these considerations and,
ultimately, their consequences.
D e n t a l l o c a l a n e s t h e t i c d r u g s u s e d t o d ay a r e
remarkably s afe (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . F e w pharmaceuti­
cals, in fact, h ave such extensive s afety records; how­
e v e r, this d o e s not mean that clinicians can ignore Biocom patibility:
m anufacturer s ' r e c o m m e n d atio ns, n o r does it mean 1. Nonirri t able
that information provided by experts in the field may 2. Nontoxic to neural structures
be ignored. For example, disregard for maximum rec­ 3. Nonallergenic
o m m e n d e d d o s e s, e s p e cially w h e n c o n s i d e ring age, 4. Biotransformable and easily eliminated
body weight, and physiologic compromise has l e d to 5. Completel y reversible effects
serious and even fatal consequences in the past (Moore,
Safety and Efficacy (at therapeutic doses):
1999). Failure to take appropriate steps to avoid depos­
iting s olution into blood vessels has met with equally 1. Effecti v e in tissues and mucous membranes
regrettable c o n s e quences (Aldrete & Narang, 1975 ) . 2. Short onset of action and no residual effects
3. Reasonable duration of action
Vas o c o n s t r i c t o r s ( d r u g s t h a t c o n s t r i c t p e ri p h e r a l
4. Adequate potency
b l o o d v e s s e l s ) gre atly incre ase t h e overall s afety of
5. Sterilizable
local anesthetic drugs by slowing their entry into the
systemic circulation; however, to avoid adverse events
6. Patients remain conscious
their use must be carefully considered (Okada, Suzuki,
& Ishiyama, 1989).
• 35

Table 4-1 Injectable Dental local Anesthetic Drugs

Generic Drug Drug's Trade Name* Suppliers

Articaine Zorcaine Cook-Waite (Kodak)

Septocaine Septodont
Articadent Dentsply

Bupivacaine Marcaine Cook-Waite (Kodak)

Vivacaine Septodont
Bupivacaine Hospira Worldwide

Lidocaine Lidocaine Cook-Waite (Kodak)

Xylocaine Dentsply
Lidocaine Henry Schein
Octocaine Novocol
Lignospan Septodont

Mepivacaine Carbocaine Cook-Waite (Kodak)

Polocaine Dentsply
Mepivacaine Henry Schein
Isocaine Novocol
Scandonest Septodont

Prilocaine Citanest Dentsply

Citanest Forte Dentsply

Procaine Not available in dental cartridges

Products and suppliers current as of 2014.

*All trade names are the property of their respective parent companies.

All five available dental local anesthetic agents in the P h a rmacology of Local An esthetic
United States have reasonably low systemic toxicities with
adequate onsets and durations of action. All are readily Ag e n ts
biotransformed and relatively nonallergenic. Only two are Inj ectable local anesthetic drugs in dentistry are classified
acceptable as both topical and inj ectable agents in den­ as either amides or esters. Each has two separate and very
tistry (lidocaine, prilocaine) and all are minimally irritat­ different chemical components linked by what are known
ing with the potential to damage nerve tissues (Pogrel & as intermediate chains. The distinction of these drugs as ei­
Thamby, 2000). Table 4-1 • and Table 4-2 • list the drugs, ther amide or ester is based on the chemical nature of their
suppliers, and basic formulations. intermediate chains. A relatively easy way to distinguish

Table 4-2 Available Dental local Anesthetic Drug Formulations 201 3

Drug Concentration Vasoconstrictor Mode of Del ivery

Articaine 4% 1:100,000 epinephrine Injectable

4% 1:200,000 epinephrine Injectable

Bupivacaine 0.5% 1:200,000 epinephrine Injectable

Lidocaine 2% 1:50,000 epinephrine Injectable

2% 1:100,000 epinephrine Injectable

Mepivacaine 3% None Injectable

2% 1:20,000 levonordefrin Injectable

Prilocaine 4% None Injectable, Topical

4% 1:200,000 epinephrine Injectable

For additional information on specific drugs, consult the manufacturers ' product inserts.

between the two formulas is that the amide chain contains lipophilic property allows the drug to pass through bio­
a nitrogen atom whereas the ester chain does not. The logic membranes of nerves and the hydrophilic property
chemical formulas of these drugs and their components allows the agent to disperse in extra- and intracellular
are demonstrated in Figure 4-2 • highlighting the maj or fluids. The second is to provide for maj o r p athways of
distinctions between them. An easy method of identifying biotransformation.
the drug classification by naming conventions is presented
in Box 4-3 •·
The amide and ester linkages between sep arated Pha rmacodynami cs a n d
chemical components serve two important functions
(see Figure 4-2 ) . The first is to provide proper sp acing Pha rmaco k i n etics
between the chemical components, an aromatic (lipo ­ The two activities of a drug are referred to as its phar­
philic) end a n d a secondary or tertiary amine (hydro­ maco dynamics and p harmacokinetics . Pharmacody­
philic) end, which allows the anesthetic to be effective namics refers t o t h e actions o f a drug o n t h e b o dy
in the tissues (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ) . The (local anesthesia) discussed in this chapter and to a lesser

Drug I ntermediate
Hyrd rophilic Drug
Name Chain
Portion Portion Class

P roca i n e Ester

Lidoca i n e Am i d e

B u p ivaca i n e

M e p i vaca i n e

Pri l oca i n e


Artica i ne S
C31 17


F I G U R E 4-2 Chemical Formulas of Amide and Ester Local Anesthetic Drugs.

• 37

An easy method to identify the cl a ssi f i c ation of dental l o cal anesthetic drugs is to observe that the word amide, as well as all
names for these drugs, contain a letter "i" in the first and second syllable of the name. In contrast the word ester has no letter
"i," nor does the first syllable for any of the ester drugs. Esters and amides do share the common ending "-caine."

L i do-caine Co-caine
Bup i va-caine Pro-caine
Mep i va-caine Benzo-caine
Pr i lo-caine Tetra-caine
Art i caine* Chloropro-caine
Metabolism: primarily i n the liver Metabolism: b y cholin esterase

: *Articaine is primaril y metabo l i z ed by cho l inesterase.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
extent in Chapter 17, " Local Anesthesia Complications The Specific Protein Receptor Theory
and Management." Pharmacokinetics refers to the man­ The mechanism for the effect of local anesthetic drugs on
ner in which the body manages a drug, specifically the nerve membranes is best explained by the specific protein
m e chanisms of absorption, distribution, metabolism receptor theory. During normal nerve function calcium
(biotransformation), and elimination, discussed primarily ions are bound to receptor sites in ion channels and are
in this chapter. displaced when a membrane is stimulated. This allows
A major difference between local anesthetics and the sodium ion influx, impulse conduction, and stimulation of
maj ority of drugs is that systemic effects are undesirable the CNS.
with local anesthetics (Malamed, 20 13). The primary em­ As discussed in Chapter 3, sodium ion influx appears
phasis in this chapter therefore is the localized tissue ef­ to occur through selective channels with higher densities
fects of anesthesia. of these channels found in the nodes of Ranvier (Tetzlaff,
Although the intermediate linkages in local anesthetic 2000). The opening (and closing) of sodium ion channels
drugs provide an easy way to categorize them, it is the dis­ is referred to as gating and is controlled by changes in the
sociation of anesthetic molecules in solution that deter­ structural proteins of the nerve membrane adj acent to the
mines the effects of these drugs. Those commonly used in ion channels (Covino & Vasallo, 1976; Haydon & Kimura,
dentistry are prepared as acid salts. Once dissolved in ster­ 1981).
ile water, the drugs dissociate into two forms, a positively The action of local anesthetics on nerve membranes
charged molecule or cation and an uncharged or neutral is largely explained by the binding of local anesthetic
molecule the neutral base. In solution, the cation is more molecules to these structural proteins known as specific
stable. protein receptor sites in the ion channels. Only one mol­
Local anesthetic drug actions are dependent upon ecule can occupy a receptor at one time (see Box 4-4 ) .
the actions of both the neutral base and cation molecules. These receptors temporarily transform nerve membranes
D espite the greater stability of cations in solution, it is to nonexcitable states in which impulse propagation is
the behavior of both the neutral base and cation within a prevented. Sodium ions cannot pass through channels
nerve membrane that determines the potency, duration, blocked by anesthetic molecules. Receptor binding re­
and overall efficacy of local anesthetic drugs. Solutions in sults in closing of the channels, preventing the influx of
dental cartridges are designed to provide an optimal ini­ sodium and blocking the transmission of impulses. It is
tial balance of cation and neutral base molecules for stable estimated that approximately 90% of the actions of local
and effective local anesthetic action. anesthetic drugs are due to the binding of specific pro­
tein receptor sites by local anesthetic cations (Malamed,
Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetic Drugs 20 13).
The pharmacodynamics of local anesthetic drugs include
their actions on peripheral nerves, the CNS, CVS, and other The Membrane Expansion Theory
tissues. These actions interrupt the normal generation and A second theory, the membrane expansion theory, de­
conduction of nerve impulses and will be explained in the scribes a modification of the membrane structure in the
following section. presence of local anesthetic drugs that is not explained by

In the formula RN + H+ � RNH+, RN represents

the neutral base, RNH+ represents the cation, and H+ is
the hydrogen ion. This equation describes the equilibrium
between neutral base molecules and cations in local an­
Drug molecules bind to protein receptors to cause drug esthetic drug solutions (ADA/PDR, 2009; Bennett, 1974;
effects (agonist effects). Onl y one mol e cule can occupy a Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
receptor at one time. Depending on the pH of the tissue,
drug molecules can exi s t in both the lipophilic or hydro­ As previously mentioned, cations (RNH+) repre­
philic form. Receptor-drug interactions occur as a result of sent the predominant molecules in local anesthetic drug
the lipophilic or hydrophilic nature of the drug molecule. solutions because neutral base molecules (RN) are far less
: ( � � �k� : � . . � � ·. �0?�)
• •
. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
After inj e ction into the tissues, the drug remains
briefly in a predominantly cationic (RNH+) form; however,
more neutral base molecules typically develop in response
the specific receptor theory (Lee, 1976; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . to normal tissue pH. Once at the nerve membrane, hydro­
These membrane modifications have b e e n demonstrated philic cations (RNH+) must convert to lipophilic neutral
along affected nerve membranes, which may be caused by bases (RN) in order to pass through. In the environment
diffusion of local anesthetic molecules to lipophilic regions of normal tissue pH, the equilibrium in the previous equa­
of the membranes. This alteration causes a narrowing of tion shifts to the left to favor an increase in neutral base
the diameters of ion channels, further limiting their per­ production outside the membrane:
meability to sodium ions (Seeman, 1972) . Although nei­
RN + H+ � RNH+
ther the specific receptor nor the membrane expansion
theory is able to explain the actions of local anesthetic This provides more neutral base molecules for mem­
drugs entirely, both emphasize the actions of local anes­ brane penetration. As neutral base molecules (RN) pen­
thetic molecules on nerve membranes (Jastak, Yagiela, & etrate the membrane, fewer exist in the extracellular fluid.
Donaldson, 1995). The dissociation of anesthetic molecules This temporary extracellular depletion of neutral base
to cations explains the maj ority of the actions of local an­ molecules fuels an equilibrium shift that favors neutral
esthetic drugs in the specific receptor theory ( -90% ). The base production.
actions of neutral base molecules in the membrane expan­ In order to provide cations (RNH+) to bind to recep­
sion theory explain approximately 1 0 % of the anesthetic tor sites, neutral base molecules pass through the nerve
effect (Malamed, 20 13). membrane. Once exposed to the axoplasmic environment,
the equilibrium shifts to the right, resulting in the forma­
tion of cations (RNH+):
The Ionic Basis o f Local Anesthesia
RN + H + � RNH +
Local anesthetic molecules in their natural form are weak
bases, poorly soluble in water, and of little clinical value. Hydrogen ions (H+) are available for this association
In cartridges solution is acidified with hydrochloric acid to RNH+ molecules in the axoplasm (pH - 7.4).
to form stable salts of local anesthetic molecules. The salts To summarize, neutral base molecules (RN) must
exist in two forms, a non-ionized molecule (neutral base) first penetrate nerve membranes before they convert
and a positively charged ionic molecule (cation). For local to cations (RNH+) in the axoplasm. Cations, and only
anesthetics to be stable in solution, they must be formu­ cations, are able to bind to receptor sites in sodium ion
lated at a pH that favors water-soluble cations at the time channels. If adequate numbers of neutral base mole­
of inj ection, allowing dispersal of the anesthetic within cules for any reason fail to penetrate the membrane and
mucosal tissues ; however, this form will not penetrate convert to cations, profound local anesthesia will not
nerve membranes. develop.
The process by which anesthesia is induced accord­
ing to the specific protein receptor theory may be ex­ Inflammation and Local Anesthesia
plained as follows. Neutral base molecules are lipophilic When tissues are inflamed at sites of deposition of local
and pass through nerve membranes. Once beyond the anesthetic drugs, the lowered pH inhibits the produc­
influence of the extracellular environment, neutral base tion of neutral base molecules. This inhibition may result
molecules combine with hydrogen ions to form cations, in insufficient numbers of neutral base molecules (RN)
which are hydrophilic. Only cations are able to bind to penetrating nerve membranes. Profound anesthesia may
receptor sites in the sodium ion channels of nerve mem­ become difficult to achieve or, if initially achieved, to sus­
branes in order to block nerve impulse generation and tain (Keetley & Moles, 200 1 ; Quinn, 1998; Wong, 200 1 ) .
transmission. Neutral base molecules are necessary to In addition t o t h e incre ase i n hydrogen ions, localized
provide adequate concentrations of cations in the sodium edema and increased circulation may also contribute to
channels. In order for anesthesia to develop, cations must failure of profound anesthesia by removing drugs from
displace calcium ions. the delivery site.
• 39

The Relevance of pKa and pH to Local Anesthetics Table 4-3 pKa of Injectable Local Anesthetic Drugs
Manufacturers manipulate the percentages of cations and in Dentistry
neutral bases in local anesthetic solutions by adjusting the
pH of the solution for optimal therapeutic benefit. The Drug Onset
inclusion of more cations than neutral base molecules in
solution has other specific benefits, including greater sta­
bility, increased solubility of the initially powdered local pKa = 7. 7 2-4 min.
anesthetic drugs in water, and ease of sterilization (Jastak,
Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995). Increasing the pH in solu­ Lidocaine
tion will increase neutral base molecule concentrations,
whereas lowering the pH will favor cation concentrations. pKa = 7. 7 2-4 min.
These adjustments are calibrated for inj ection into normal
tissue pH. Prilocaine
The equilibrium concentrations of cationic and neu­
tral base molecules in solution are described by the pKa, pKa = 7. 7 2 min.
also known as the dissociation constant. When pKa pH, =

there is an equal distribution of cations (RN+) and neutral Articaine

base molecules (RN) in solution.
pKa 7. 8 1 -6 min.
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is an expression =

of pH as a function of the concentrations of weak acids

and bases in solution. It may also be thought of as a for­
mulaic definition of the dissociation constant, pKa. The pKa = 8.1 2-10 min.
Henderson-Hasselbalch provides manufacturers a means
of determining the percentage of cations and neutral base Procaine
molecules in solution at a specific pH. It is written:
pKa 9.1 6-10 min.
Log (Base/Acid) = pH - pKa =

Alternatively, it may be expressed in this manner: Source: http ://dailymed .nlm.nih .gov/dailymed/lookup.cfm ?setid=
C80C810A-60E0-49BD-139C-95AE C3A286F C.
pKa = pH - Log (Base/Acid)

CLI N I CAL APPLICATI O N OF pKa In local anesthesia, nar­

row pKa ranges of around 7.7-8.1 are common and include while increasing their toxicity. Vasoconstrictor drugs are
all five of the inj ectable amides available in dentistry. added to local anesthetic solutions to oppose vasodilation
These values provide clinically useful onsets of anesthe­ and block the rapid uptake of drugs into systemic circula­
sia. As a general rule, the higher the pKa, the longer the tion. Some amides, such as prilocaine and mepivacaine, are
onset of anesthesia. pKa values for the five amide dental successfully used without vasoconstrictors because of their
local anesthetic drugs and the ester, procaine, are listed in weak vasodilative properties. Others, such as lidocaine, are
Table 4-3 • · Procaine (pKa 9 . 1 ) has a relatively long not particularly useful in dentistry without the addition
onset ( 6-10 minutes). Despite falling outside of this range of vasoconstrictors because of their potent vasodilative
(7.7-8 . 1 ) , some agents used only as topical anesthetics in properties that lead to rapid uptake into the circulation.
dentistry are clinically effective, such as benzocaine (pKa Vasoconstrictors help retain drugs in areas into which they
3.5) and tetracaine (pKa 8.4). have been inj ected. Local anesthetic drugs that remain in
deposition areas for longer periods are less available to
Vasoactivity of Local Anesthetic Drugs the systemic circulation, thereby reducing the risk of rapid
Vasoactivity is an important property of dental local an­ uptake, which can lead to rapid overdose.
esthetic drugs. All are peripheral vasodilators. This means
that vessels in areas of deposition will dilate when these CNS and CV S Actions of Local Anesthetic Drugs
drugs are inj ected. This promotes entry of the anesthetic It has been estimated that 5 % to 1 0 % of all reported ad­
into the circulation, leaving the local are a of inj ection. verse reactions to anesthetic drugs occur because of the
Each drug expresses a different degree of vasodilation. administration of local anesthetic drugs (Atanassoff &
Articaine, bupivacaine, lidocaine, and procaine are potent Hartmannsgruber, 2002). The CNS is p articularly sus­
vasodilators and systemic uptake will be more rapid com­ ceptible to the effects of these drugs in the circulation.
pared with mepivacaine and prilocaine, which are weak Unbound (free) drug molecules are distributed to local
vasodilators. tissues or absorbed into the systemic circulation. It is im­
Vasodilation is not a desirable characteristic of local portant to note that molecules absorbed into the systemic
anesthetic drugs as it limits their duration and efficacy circulation are quickly distributed to highly sensitive cells

of the CNS and CVS. All of the dental local anesthetic phase of excitation ( phase I ) may be explained as an early
drugs, with the exception of bupivacaine, affect the CNS depression of the normal inhibitory pathways of the CNS.
well before they impact the CVS and require significantly This early loss of inhibition may be absent in some cases
higher blood concentrations before they affect the CVS ( see Box 4-6 • ) . For further discussion on the impact of fear
( Levsky & Miller, 2005). and anxiety, see Chapter 18, "Insights for Fearful Patients."
Factors that can precipitate toxic overdose from local
anesthetic drugs include excessive doses, intravascular CVS E F F E CTS Similar to local anesthetic drug effects on
administration, rapid delivery, and/or slower than normal the CNS, at therapeutic blood levels there are usually
biotransformation or elimination. Other factors that may no clinically significant CVS effects ( Jastak, Yagiela, &
contribute to overdose include an individual's age, weight, D onaldson, 1995 ) . The CVS effects of local anesthetic
health status, and routes of administration ( Malamed, drugs at higher blood levels can be both h armful and
20 13). therapeutically beneficial. For example, toxic overdose
of both lidocaine and procaine can ultimately cause car­
CNS EFFECTS At therapeutic blood levels, local anesthetic diovascular collapse, while at the same time both have
drugs usually exert no clinically significant effects on the proven to b e quite us eful in treating cardiac arrhyth­
CNS (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995; Malamed, 20 13). mias ( s e e Box 4-6) ( American Academy of Pediatric
At high blood levels, local anesthetic overdose manifests D entistry, 2005; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) .
as CNS depression. The symptoms of CNS depression Similar t o the CNS effects of local anesthetic drugs,
have been characterized as biphasic ( occurring in two typical CVS events are biphasic. Initially, heart rate and
phases ) and are consistent with a progression from early blood pressure may increase. As dosing continues, vaso­
signs of CNS excitation ( phase I ) to signs of CNS depres­ dilation occurs, leading to depression of the myocardium,
sion ( phase II ) that can lead to tonic-clonic convulsions, which may result in a fall in blood pressure. The contrac­
coma, and respiratory arrest ( ADA Council on Clinical tility of the myocardium may be so impaired that cardiac
Affairs, 2005). output is reduced. When combined with CNS seizure
An important consideration when identifying CNS activity, cardiac and respiratory arrest may result.
effects is that temporary signs of excitation which may be With the exception of bupivacaine, this is the usual
seen in local anesthetic overdose are also unfortunately course of local anesthetic overdose ( Prilocaine hydrochlo­
seen in non-overdose-related psychogenic reactions ( fear ride, 20 1 3 ) . B upivacaine is nearly equally toxic to both
and anxiety ) in dental settings. In order to distinguish the CNS and the CVS ( see B ox 4-7 • ) . It is more likely
between a fear reaction and a true overdose, a clinician to induce an overdose and once that overdose occurs, it
must be alert to the development of signs of CNS depres­ is typically more difficult to reverse compared with other
sion. If the excitation represents an early phase of overdose agents. For example, when comparing bupivacaine to lido­
and the excitation is replaced by signs and symptoms of caine, it has been demonstrated in animal studies that bu­
CNS depression, it is due to an overdose ( see Box 4-5 • ) . pivacaine is up to 16 times more cardiotoxic than lidocaine
This means that the excitatory pathways of the CNS are ( Levsky & Miller, 2005).
being depressed by the drug, leaving only signs and symp­ Fortunately, most overdoses are self-limiting. The
toms of CNS depression ( Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . The initial drugs are continuously biotransformed. Their effects on

(in alphabetical order) The presentation of symptoms of lidocaine and procaine

Apprehension, excitedness, talkati v eness overdose is the notable exception to the biphasic pro­
Bilateral numbness of tongue gression of local anesthetic overdose of the CNS. Often
Disorientation patients do not present with phase I signs and symptoms
Drowsiness more common with lidocaine of excitability; instead, they present with ini t ial signs and
Elevated BP, pul s e, breathing symptoms of phase I I depression only.
Headache Al t hough bupi v acaine has specific benefits for longer
Lightheadedness periods of anesthesia, i t is the most toxi c of the five local
Loss of consciousness anestheti c s. Both CNS and CVS toxi c i ty thresholds are
Muscl e twit ching/tremors in muscl e s of face, extremi t ies lower, and unlike other local anesthetic drugs, CNS and
Perioral numbness CVS susceptibili ty is nearl y equal. This characteristic, along
Shi v ering, chilled feeling of skin with bupivacaine's prolonged duration of action, limits its
Slurred speech choice as a primary drug for routine use in dentistry.
Visual /auditory disturbances
r f s ei k Source: Levsky & Mi ll er, 2005; Ma l amed, 201 3 .
• •

: .v:'� �. !� ��� �� ! �: �� � :�• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •

• 41

Effects on myocardium result in depression of:

Electrical excitability
Conduction rate
Force of contraction
Effects on smooth muscle resul t in vasodilation* of:
Peripheral vasculature
Effects on blood pressure resul t in:
Hypotension with increasing doses (more frequent with
procaine and lidocaine)
*Except wi t h cocaine, when used as a l o ca l anesthetic, which
produces vasoconstriction.
� •S.o �r.c: .J :s�a.k� �a :i� l.a •&• ��n� l�:o.n : :9��; .T:t�l��· ��0.0� • • • • Ji
the CNS and CVS, similar to those on the skin, mucosa,
periodontium, pulp, and other tissues are transient, and
disappearing rapidly once their concentrations fall below
FIGURE 4-3 Systemic Circulation, Absorption, and Distribu­
depressant levels. This explains why many mild overdoses
tion of Local Anesthetic Drugs. Local anesthetic drugs are ab­
may go unnoticed.
sorbed into the systemic circulation, and distributed throughout
Pharmacokinetics of Local Anesthetic Drugs the body. Highly perfused organs such as the lungs, brain, heart,
and kidneys will receive more systemically distributed drugs
B efore discussing the pharmacology of each specific drug,
than less perfused tissues. Muscle by mass receives the highest
pharmacokinetic properties common to all of the available
percentage of drug.
inj ectable dental local anesthetic drugs will be discussed.
This facilitates a better understanding of the similarities
and differences among them. Once metabolites reach the kidneys, they are eliminated
in the urine along with any unmetabolized fractions of a drug.
Absorption and Distribution
B I OTRAN S F O R M AT I O N O F A M I D E S B upivacaine, lido­
Once absorbed into the systemic circulation, drugs are dis­ caine, and mepivacaine are primarily biotransformed in
tributed throughout the body (see Figure 4-3 •) . Organs the liver by hepatic enzymes. This pathway is complex and
that are highly perfused with blood such as the lungs, involves a number of steps. Mepivacaine is less easily bio­
brain, heart, and kidneys receive more of systemically dis­ transformed compared with lidocaine, and bupivacaine is
tributed drugs than those with less perfusion (Pickett & more slowly biotransformed compared with either mepi­
Terezhalmy, 2009). Similarly, inj ection into highly vascular vacaine or lidocaine.
regions results in faster absorption and distribution away In addition to the liver, prilocaine is biotransformed in
from sites of deposition. In contrast, deposition into less the kidneys and lungs with very little excreted unchanged
vascular regions with slower vascular uptake prolongs the (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995; Prilocaine hydro­
local actions of drugs. chloride, 20 13).
Articaine is an exception in its biotransformation
Biotransformation and Elimination
pathways. Product monographs state that only 5 % to
Biotransformation, or metabolism of local anesthetic drugs, 10% of articaine is metabolized via the liver's isoenzyme
reduces or eliminates their toxicity. This is accomplished system. It is a true amide, yet in intraoral administration
by biologically breaking the drug down into components the maj ority of its metabolism is nonhep atic, prim ar­
called metabolites. This process occurs primarily through ily via cholinesterase, similar to esters (Jastak, Yagiela, &
one of two pathways, either in the liver or in the blood. The Donaldson, 1995).
pathway of biotransformation in the liver is known as the
hepatic p450 isoenzyme system. This is a slower process B I OTRAN S F O R M ATION O F E S T E R S Benzocaine, procaine,
compared with metabolism in the blood by the enzyme, and tetracaine are esters. Similar to other esters, they are
cholinesterase (also referred to as plasma cholinesterase). biotransformed in the blood via cholinesterase. Procaine
This is the enzyme responsible for breaking down esters undergoes rapid metabolism by cholinesterase, while tetra­
and articaine. Manufactured primarily but not exclusively caine's metabolic pathway is similar, but slower, compared
in the liver, cholinesterase is widely distributed. with procaine and benzocaine.

Box 4-8 Elimination Half-Life

Drug Reduction
M a xi m u m reco m m e n d e d dose (M R D) re p rese nts t h e maxi­
1 00% mum q u a ntity of d r u g that can b e safe l y a d m i n iste red in
1 st Y2 l ife .!. most situati o n s . These va l u es a re p rovi d e d by m a n ufact u r­
e rs p ro d u ct i nserts fo r each d r u g . P revi o u s conservative
2 n d Y2 l ife 50 50%
reco m m e n d at i o n s i n this text were based o n the l owest
3rd Y2 l ife 25 50% va l u es fro m seve ra l s o u rces w h e n co n s i d e ri n g M R D va l u es
4th Yz l ife 1 2.5 50% fo r the d r u g s . Cu rre nt FDA a p p roved M R D va l u es wi l l be
fu rt h e r d iscussed and a p p l i ed in C h a pter 7 , " Dose C a l c u l a -
5th Yz l ife 6.25 50% •

I An t

6th Yz l ife 3. 1 2 50% : � � �� ��� �� � �� � :� ��� �

t on
. .
r L
. · ·
i � ns "
. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

E L I M I NAT I O N HALF-LI F E (t1!2) The elimination half-life

of a drug may be defined as the rate at which it is removed
D uring biotransformation, ester local ane sthetics from the systemic circulation by the kidneys. Within the
break down to para-amino benzoic acid (PABA), a metab­ kidneys drug elimination occurs over time, as blood re­
olite that is the most likely source of their relatively high circulates through the organs (Pickett & Terezhalmy,
antigenic tendencies (Eggleston & Lush, 1996) . PABA has 2009) . Elimination half-life has also been expressed as
been an oral supplement for a number of conditions in the the time necessary to metabolize and excrete 5 0 % of a
past and can also be found in a few sunscreens because of drug (Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Pickett & Terezhalmy, 2009) (see
its ability to block UVB rays (WedMD, 20 1 3 ) . Its use in B ox 4-8 • ) . Lidocaine, for example, has a half-life of 1.6
both situations has declined in recent years. hours. This means it will take more than six half-lives to
B enzocaine and tetracaine are used in dentistry as clear this drug or more than 9 hours before only a trace
topical anesthetics. Inj ectable esters, such as procaine, remains. In dentistry, a variety of drugs with different
may be administered submucosally when there is docu­ half-lives are currently used. Understanding these differ­
mented allergy to amides (a rare occurrence) . Although ences can impact drug selection and treatment planning
e s t e r local anesthetic drugs are n o longer packaged (see Box 4-9 •) . B ased on pharmacological principles,
in dental cartridges, they are still occasionally used in elimination half-life values may become important when
inj ectable form in dentistry and somewhat more fre ­ calculating additional dosing after maximum recom­
quently in medicine. Ester topical anesthetics are com­ mended doses (MRD ) have been administered (see B ox
mon in dentistry. 4-1 0 •) . Shorter half-life drugs may be readministered
sooner with less risk of overdose.
A list of the elimination half-life for each of the five
local dental anesthetic drugs available in dental cartridges
is provided in Table 4-4 •·

C o n s i d e r t h e situati o n of a n u rs i n g m o t h e r. S e l e ct i n g a
d r u g that wi l l q u ickly c l e a r h e r system red u ces the l i ke l i ­ Table 4-4 Elimination Half- Life Value
h o o d o f t h e d r u g b e i n g passed t o t h e ch i l d wh i l e n u rs i n g .
If a rtica i n e is a d m i n istered fo r treatme nt, its h a lf- l i fe is t h e Drug Ha lf-Life (h rs)
s h o rtest o f a l l a m i d e s at a p p roxi m ately 45 m i n utes after
maximum d os i n g . It was d e m o n strated i n o n e study that Articaine* 0. 75*
a rtica i n e 's h a lf- l ife , after ora l a d m i n istrat i o n , was a p p roxi­
mately 1 6-20 m i n utes when n o m o re than 1 20 m i l l i g r a m s Prilocaine 1.6
(a p p roxi m ately % - 1 Yz cartridges) were a d m i n istered (Oe rtel
et a l . , 1 997).
Lidocaine 1.6
It s h o u l d b e n oted th at, desp ite d i stri b u t i o n i nto
b reast m i l k, t h e re is no d o cu m e ntati o n of adverse events
Mepivacaine 1.9
fo l l ow i n g l i d o ca i n e use in l a ctat i n g fe m a l es . This is l i ke l y
t r u e o f the oth e r l o ca l a n esthetics as wel l .
Bupivacaine 2. 7-3. 5

Source: ADA/PDR (2009) and Oertel et a l . (1 999) .
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

*Septocaine® Product insert.
Source: Malamed (2013), Oertel et a!. ( 1999) and Septodont (2013a).
• 43

Chapte r Q uestio n s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refe re n ces
1 . Elimination half-life refers to which one of the ADA/PDR guide t o dental therapeutics ( 5th ed. ) . (2009).
following? Montvale, NJ: Thompson PDR Corporation.
a. The time it takes for a drug to be half-metabolized Aldrete, J. A., & Narang, R. (1975). Deaths due to local anesthe­
b. The time it takes for half of a drug to be out of the sia in dentistry. Anaesthesia, 30, 685-686.
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical
Affairs. (2005). Guideline on appropriate use of local
c. The time it takes for half of a drug to be out of the anesthesia for pediatric dental patients. Pediatric Dentistry, 27,
circulation 101 -106.
d. The time it takes for a drug to be out of half of the Atanassoff, P. G. , & Hartmannsgruber, M. W. B. (2002). Central
circulation nervous system side effects are Jess important after IV
regional anesthesia with ropivacaine 0.2% compared to
2. Ester local anesthetics are metabolized in which one lidocaine 0.5% in volunteers. Canadian Journal ofAnesthesia,
of the following pathways? 49, 169 -172.
a. In the liver Ayoub, S. T., & Coleman, A. E. (1992). A review of local anes­
b. In the blood thetics. General Dentistry, 40(4), 285-287,289-290.
c. In the kidneys Becker, D. E., & Reed, K. L. (2006). Essentials of local anesthetic
d. In the brain pharmacology. Anesthesia Progress, 53, 98-109.
Bennett, C. R. (1974). Manheim 's local anesthesia and pain
3. CNS toxicity occurs because of: control in dental practice ( 5th ed. ) . St. Louis: Mosby.
a. The expected response of neurons in the CNS to Covino, B. G., & Vasallo, H. G. (1976). Local anesthetics: Mecha­
the drug dose. nisms of action and clinical use. New York: Grune & Stratton.
b. Frank neural tissue damage due to the excessive Daniel, S. J., Harfst, S. A., & Wilder, R. S. (2008). Mosby's dental
dose. hygiene: Concepts, cases, and competencies ( 2nd ed. ) . St. Louis:
c. Compromised vascular supply in the CNS due to Mosby.
Dentsply Pharmaceutical. (2010). Prilocaine hydrochloride
vasoconstrictor doses.
injection and prilocaine hydrochloride and epinephrine injection,
d. None of the above. Rev. 12110 (2730-0), prescription information. York, PA: Author.
4. CVS toxicity occurs because of: Retrieved January 19, 2014, from
Eggleston, S.T. , & Lush, L.V.V. (1996). Understanding allergic
a. Compromised vascular supply.
reactions to local anesthetics. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 30,
b. Frank tissue damage. 851 -857.
c. D ecreased myocardial contractility, vasodilation Hardman, J. G. , Limbird, L. E., Molinoff, P. B. , Ruddon, A. G. , &
and hypotension. Goodman, A. G. (1996). Goodman and Gilman's the
d. D ecreased myocardial contractility, vasoconstric­ pharmacological basis of therapeutics (9th ed. ) . New York:
tion, and hypertension. McGraw-Hill.
Haydon, D. A., & Kimura, J. E. (1981). Some effects of n-pentane
5. Which portion of the anesthetic molecule is on the sodium and potassium currents of the squid giant axon.
responsible for binding to the receptor site inside Journal of Physiology, 312, 57-70.
the nerve membrane, thereby preventing Holroyd, S. V. , Wynn, R. L., & Requa-Clark, B (1988). Clinical
depolarization? pharmacology in dental practice, ( 4th ed. ) St Louis: Mosby.
a. Calcium ion Jacobsohn, P.H. (1992). Victory over pain: A historical perspec­
b. Anesthetic free base tive, Anesthesia & Pain Control in Dentistry, 1(1), 49-52.
c. Anesthetic anion Jastak, J. T., Yagiela, J. A. (1981). Regional Anesthesia of the Oral
d. Anesthetic cation Cavity, (1st ed. ) St Louis: C.V. Mosby Co.
Jastak, J. T., Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995). Local
6. Which part of a local anesthetic molecule determines anesthesia of the oral cavity. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.
the classification of the drug as an ester or amide? Keetley, A., & Moles, D. R . , Eastman Dental Institute for Oral
a. Lipophilic portion Health Care Science, London. (2001). A clinical audit into the
success rate of inferior alveolar nerve block analgesia in gen­
b. Hydrophilic portion
eral dental practice. Primary Dental Care, 8(4), 139 -142.
c. Intermediate chain Lee, A. G. (1976). Model for action of local anesthetics. Nature,
d. Caine linkage 262, 545-548.
Levsky, M. E., & Miller, M. A. (2005). Cardiovascular collapse
7. Which of the following is not a systemic reaction to an
from low dose bupivacaine. Canadian Journal of Clinical
overdose of a local anesthetic agent? Pharmacology, 12(3), e240-e245.
a. CNS stimulation Malamed, S. F. (2013). Handbook of local anesthesia ( 6th ed. ) .
b. Depression of myocardium St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
c. Vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels Moore, P. A. (1999, April ) . Adverse drug interactions in den­
d. Respiratory arrest tal practice: Interactions associated with local anesthetics,

sedatives and anxiolytics series. Journal of the American Den­ Quinn, C. L. (1998). Injection techniques to anesthetize the diffi­
tal Association, 541 -554. cult tooth. Journal of the California Dental Association, 26(9),
Oertel, R . , Rahn, R . , & Kirch, W. (1997). Clinical pharmaco­ 665-667.
kinetics of articaine. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 33, 417-425. Septodont. (2013a). Articaine hydrochloride and epinephrine
Oertel, R . , Ulrike, E., Rahn, R . , & Kirch, W. (1999). The effect of injection, Rev 05/2013 (2552-3), prescription information.
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Pickett, F. A., & Terezhalmy, G. T. (2009). Basic principles of Woburn, M A: Butterworth-Heinemann.
pharmacology with dental hygiene applications (pp. 11 -24). Wilwerding T: History of dentistry 2001, http://cudental.
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the American Dental Association, 134(2), 901 -907. Association, 67, 391 -397.

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Denta l Loca l An esth etic D ru g s


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the key terms i n t h i s cha pter. a rtica i n e 55

b u p ivaca i n e 64
• D iscuss s i m i l a rities a n d d iffe re n ces betwee n denta l local
e p i n e p h ri n e 46
a n esthetic d ru g s . l evo n o rd efri n 59
• Exp l a i n how s i m i l a rities a n d d iffe re n ces between denta l l oca l l i d o ca i n e 46
a n esth etic d ru g s p ro m ote c l i n i ca l ly safe a n d su ccessfu l local maxi m u m reco m m e n d ed
a n esth esi a . dose ( M RD) 48
m e p ivaca i n e 58
• S e l ect a p p ro p riate l oca l a n esthetic a n d/o r vasoco n strictor
m eth e m o g l o b i n e m i a 50
d ru g s fo r vari o u s types of cl i n i ca l situati o n s .
p a resthesia 55
• D iscuss a n d d eterm i n e situati o n s i n w h i ch specific d ru g s a re prilocaine 6 7
i n d i cated or contra i n d icated . proca i n e 66
• D iscuss w h i ch loca l a n esthetic sol utions a re effective without
vasoco n stri ctors .
• Exp l a i n w h y l o ca l a n esthetic sol utions with out vasocon stri ctors
a re m o re effective in certa i n cl i n ica l situati o n s .
• Exp l a i n when a n d why s o l u t i o n s w i t h e p i n e p h ri n e a n d
l evo n o rd efri n a re i n d i cated or contra i n d i cated i n c l i n i ca l


Elena Gagarin
E l e n a G a g a r i n , a 3 0 - y e a r- o l d m o t h e r of a n u rs i n g S h e is cu rre ntly n u rs i n g eve ry 3-4 h o u rs a n d h a s
i nfa nt, i s i n n e e d o f d e n ta l treat m e n t t o re l i eve p a i n m a d e n o p rovis i o n s fo r rese rves fo r t h e ba by, w h o is
i n two o f h e r t e e t h . H e r m a i n c o n c e r n s a re to b e n ot able to co n s u m e fo rm u l a .
r i d of t h e n a g g i n g p a i n s h e h a s exp e r i e n ce d fo r t h e Wh ich o f t h e d e nta l local a n esthetic d ru g s is a b l e
l a st s e v e r a l w e e ks a n d to m a k e s u re s h e d o e s n 't t o p rovi d e a d e q u ate p a i n re l ief a n d w i l l n ot be passed
p a s s o n a n y of t h e l o c a l a n e s t h e t i c d r u g s to h e r o n to the baby in s i g n ificant q u a ntities 2-3 h o u rs after
i n fa n t . her a p po i ntme nt?

Introd u ctio n Lidoca i n e

The inj ectable local anesthetic drugs intro duced in Background
Chapter 4, "Pharmacology Basics," share common charac­ Lidocaine was the first amide local anesthetic drug, de­
teristics in their chemical structures and properties. These veloped by Lofgren in 1943. D espite the introduction of
characteristics help explain similarities in the manner in other amides since that time, lidocaine remains the stan­
which they may be used. dard against which local anesthetic drugs are compared. It
Local anesthetic drugs are selected by balancing pa­ has a long and impressive record of reliability, with a rapid
tient factors with the requirements of treatment. In order onset, rare reports of hypersensitivity, typical pulpal dura­
to administer the most appropriate agent, it is important to tions of 60 minutes or more, and soft tissue durations of up
recognize the differences among the drugs. For example, a to 5 hours (Moore, 1999; Noormalin et al., 2005). Lidocaine
drug may provide safe and reliable anesthesia in a maj or­ has been described as a versatile drug because of its nearly
ity of individuals, yet may wear off so quickly that it proves universal applicability in all areas of healthcare delivery
to be of limited usefulness for others. In these situations (Harn & Durham, 1990; Haugen & Brown, 2007; Jastak,
the use of a longer-acting drug may be beneficial. Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1 9 9 5 ; Moore, 1 9 9 9 ; Noormalin
This chapter will highlight similarities and differences et al., 2005 ) . D espite its universal appeal, it is particularly
in injectable local anesthetic drugs for dentistry in an effort well suited for dentistry. Combined with various dilutions
to promote clinically safe and successful local anesthesia. of vasoconstrictors, lidocaine has made profound and du­
Maximum doses that appear in previous editions of this and rable pain control a routine expectation in clinical practice
other texts differ significantly from the values used in the (Carestream Health, Inc., 20 13; Malamed, 20 13).
FDA guidelines when calculating drug dosages for patients. Lidocaine has been noted to have anticonvulsant
Although some clinicians may not know they exist, the properties and has been used to terminate seizures or de­
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center crease their durations. Similar to other local anesthetics
for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Pharmaceutical with anticonvulsant properties, lidocaine acts to prevent or
Science, Informatics and Computational Safety Analysis terminate seizures by depressing the excitability of corti­
created and consistently updates maximum recommended cal neurons, thus raising seizure thresholds. Mepivacaine,
doses (MRDs) for local anesthetic drugs. Two established prilocaine, and cocaine have also demonstrated anticon­
sets of recommendations for the use of the same drugs can be vulsant properties and, similar to lidocaine, at blood levels
confusing for clinicians. In order to minimize this confusion, that are well below seizure thresholds (Malamed, 20 13).
lower non-FDA-established values have been eliminated in
this text; however, although this is an important consideration, Formulations for Use i n Dentistry
not all published policy and recommendations have adopted
Lidocaine is provided in the following formulations:
the higher FDA values. For example the American Academy
of Pediatric Dentistry still lists the lower values in its mono­ 2% lidocaine plain* (without vasoconstrictor)
graph, "Guideline on Use of Local Anesthesia for Pediatric (see Figure 5-1A •) (*Not available in dental car­
Dental Patients" (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, tridges in North America since August 20 1 1 )
2005 ) . Similar to the AAPD, others may elect to observe 2 % lidocaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine
MRDs lower than the FDA standard to provide an extra layer (see Figure 5-lB •)
of safety without compromising treatment or comfort.
2 % lidocaine with 1 : 50,000 epinephrine
In all situations it is important to note that local anes­
(see Figure 5-1 C •)
thetic product inserts contain similarly worded advice recom­
mending that clinicians administer the lowest dosage needed Drugs with vasoconstrictors are written in two common
to provide effective anesthesia. A summary of the properties conventions; for example, lidocaine with epinephrine
of each drug discussed is provided in Appendix 5-1. may be written as either 2% lidocaine with 1 : 1 0 0,0 0 0
• 47

�r ·-

_ ._

,, __.

20 m��fmL

.. ....

...... ..... ,_ ... .... _

2-(diethylamino)-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl )acetamide


2-(diet h y lamino)-N-(2,6-dimethylphen y l )acetamide


...- ���'1?.::-.-=:::- . ��
. ....�
....- -· --


cf CH3

2-(diethy lamino)-N-(2,6-dimelhy lpheny l )acetamide


FIGURE 5-1 A - 2% Lidocaine Plain. B - 2% Lidocaine, 1:100,000 Epinephrine. C - 2% Lidocaine, 1:50,000 Epinephrine.
Source: Courtesy of Dentsply PharmaceuticaL

epinephrine, or as 2 % lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine constricting local vasculature, are discussed in Chapter 6,
(epinephrine is a vasoconstrictor added to increase the "Vasoconstrictors in D entistry."
safety and duration of local anesthetic drugs). These con­
ventions are used interchangeably throughout this text. Similarity to Other Local Anesthetics
Lidocaine's formula has less similarity to the other amide
Duration of Action drugs discussed than to etidocaine, a long-acting amide
no longer packaged for dentistry and formerly marketed
2 % lidocaine plain* (without vasoconstrictor) (*Not
as Duranest. Etidocaine is still available for use in other
available in dental car-tridges in North America since
healthcare settings.
August 20 1 1 )
A detailed discussion of lidocaine's properties fol­
Very short duration = 5-10 minutes pulpal; 60-120 lows, with a brief summary of properties, dosing recom­
minutes soft tissue mendations, and uses provided in Box 5-1 •· Appendix 5-2
2% lidocaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine provides a complete reference table for lidocaine and a
maximum dose reference is provided in Appendix 7-2.
Intermediate duration = 60 minutes pulpal; 180-300
minutes soft tissue
M RD (Maximum Recommended Dose)
2% lidocaine with 1 :50,000 epinephrine 3.2 mg/lb (7.0 mg/kg); 500 mg absolute maximum (previously
Intermediate duration = 60 minutes pulpal; 180-300 2.0 mg/lb; 4.4 mg/kg; 300 mg absolute maximum)
minutes soft tissue The maximum recommended dose (MRD) of a local an­
esthetic drug represents the maximum quantity of drug that
Local anesthetic drugs are commonly classified as short,
can be safely administered during an appointment in most situ­
intermediate, or long acting based on the duration of pulpal
ations. The absolute MRD for lidocaine is 500 mg per appoint­
and hard tissue anesthesia (ADA/PDR, 5th edition, 2009)
(see Table 5-1 •).A short pulpal duration in dentistry typically ment (Malamed 20 13; National Library of Medicine, 2013 ).
lasts from approximately 20 to 40 minutes. Intermediate du­
rations last up to 70 minutes and long durations up to 8 hours
depending on the inj ection technique. Soft tissue durations
are usually much greater, even when no vasoconstrictors are
used (ADA/PDR, 5th edition, 2009; Malamed, 20 13).
Formulations fo r Use in Dentistry: 2% with 1 : 1 00,000
The receptor binding strength of a local anesthetic
e p i n e p h ri n e ; 2% with 1 : 50,000 e p i n e p h r i n e
and its vaso activity are key considerations in its dura­
• D u ration o f Action: I nterm e d i ate, 6 0 m i n utes p u l p a l ;
tion of action. Lidocaine without a vasoconstrictor has a
moderately strong binding strength to affected protein re­ 1 80-300 m i n utes soft tissue
ceptors; however, it is a vigorous vasodilator. B ecause of M RD : 3 . 2 mg/lb (7 .0 m g/kg); 500 m g a b s o l ute m a xi m u m
its strong vasodilating effects, it provides only a very short (previ o u s l y 2 . 0 m g / l b ; 4 . 4 m g/kg; 300 m g a b s o l ute
duration of action when used without a vasoconstrictor. m axi m u m)
When inj ected with a vasoconstrictor, lidocaine pro­
Relative Potency: Twice p roca i n e ; s i m i l a r to m e p iva­
vides profound and durable anesthesia, enough, in fact, ca i n e and p r i l o c a i n e ; l ess than a rtica i n e ; m u ch l ess t h a n
for most dental procedures (see Appendix 5-1 ) . Vaso­ b u p ivaca i n e
constrictors, which prolong local anesthetic durations by
Relative Toxicity: Twice p roca i n e ; g reater t h a n p r i l oca i n e ;
s i m i l a r t o m e p ivaca i n e a n d a rtica i n e ; m u ch l e s s t h a n
Table 5-1 Local Anesthetic Duration Comparisons
b u p ivaca i n e
Drug Classification (Duration of Action) Meta b o l i s m : Liver

Excretio n : K i d n ey; l ess than 1 0% u n c h a n g ed

Articaine Intermediate
Vasoactivity: M u ch l ess vasod i l at i o n t h a n p roca i n e ; g reater
Bupivacaine Long than m e p ivaca i n e and p r i l o ca i n e

pKa: 7 . 7
Lidocaine Short (without vasoconstrictor)
Intermediate pH: 3.3 to 5.5

Onset: 2-3 m i n utes

Mepivacaine Short (without vasoconstrictor)
Intermediate H a lf- L ife : 1 .6 h o u rs (96 m i n utes)

Prilocaine Short (without vasoconstrictor) To pical Prepa rations: 2% to 1 0% fo rm u l at i o n s

Intermediate Preg nancy Categ o ry: 8

Procaine Short
� La
• • � � ��: �� a.i l � � � � .i � � �e� �t. � i� k: �: �r� i � � � a.u� i ��
a i
• • • . IIi
• 49

Lidocaine-induced overdose reactions may differ from Relative Potency

other amides in that the initial excitatory phase may be Lidocaine is twice as potent as its predecessor, procaine, equal
short-lived or nonexistent (DeToledo, 2000). For more de­ in potency to mepivacaine and prilocaine, approximately
tailed information on MRD values, see Chapter 7, "Dose two-thirds as potent as articaine, and approximately one-fourth
Calculations for Local Anesthetic Solutions." as potent as bupivacaine (see Figures 5-2 • and 5-3 •).

1 0 0 % rep resents
a n equal value to th e g i ven d ru g

Exa m p l e :
" E q u a l l y as potent a s "

200% represents
a va l u e two times g reate r tha n
the g iven d rug.

Exam p l e :
"Twice as toxi c as"

50% represents
a va l u e one-half the g i ven drug

Exam p l e :
" H alf as vasoactive as"

1 40% rep rese nts

a val ue 40% g reater tha n
t h e g iven d rug

Exa m p l e :
"40% more potent, toxic,
vasoactive than"

F I G U R E S-2 Comparison Values. This scale will be applied for the purpose of discussion and comparison of
potency, toxicity, and vasoactivity.

Lidoca i n e

Arti c a i n e

B u p ivac a i n e

M e p ivacai n e

Pri l oc a i n e

P roc a i n e

tl l l lt tl l l lt tl l l lt tl l l lt
0 100% 200 % 300 % 400 %

FIGURE 5-3 Relative Potency. Potency values for local anesthetic drugs
compared with lidocaine.

Many dental procedures require extended durations system (CNS) and cardiovascular system (CVS) than prilo­
of profound anesthesia that are often significantly longer caine but far Jess toxic than prilocaine in patients with blood
than for many medical procedures. These extended dura­ oxygenation deficiencies, such as methemoglobinemia. These
tions may be unpleasant and may increase the risk of self­ deficiencies are discussed in Chapter 10, "Patient Assessment
inj ury. As is the case with all the local anesthetic drugs, for Local Anesthesia." Lidocaine is approximately equal in
lidocaine is not ideal in this respect; however, it has a ther­ toxicity to mepivacaine and is considerably less toxic than
apeutic potency that balances the need for profound and bupivacaine (approximately four times less) (Levsky &
durable dental anesthesia without excessive duration. Miller, 2005; Septodont, 2013b) (see Figure 5-4).
All local anesthetic drugs, if administered intravas­
Relative Toxicity cularly, may be potentially life threatening, particularly if
Lidocaine is approximately twice as toxic as procaine and they are administered rapidly. The relative toxicity values
prilocaine, similar in toxicity to mepivacaine and articaine, of the drugs discussed in this chapter assume that drugs
and far less toxic (approximately one-fourth) compared have not been administered intravascularly. Comparisons
with bupivacaine (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1 9 9 5 ; take into account the normal mechanisms of metabolism.
Tetzlaff, 2000) (see Figure 5-4 •) . For example, the drug procaine, which will be discussed
These statements are accurate but, similar to toxic­ later in this chapter, is the least toxic of all drugs men­
ity statements for other local anesthetic drugs, do not com­ tioned. If administered intravascularly, however, it may be
pletely address lidocaine's relative toxicity in all areas. For as toxic as the other drugs discussed.
example, although reported to be similar to articaine in toxic
potential, lidocaine has been demonstrated in studies to have Metabolism
greater toxic potential (Oertel, Berndt, & Kirch, 1996; Simon Lidocaine is metabolized by hepatic enzymes also known
et al., 1997) . Lidocaine is more toxic to the central nervous as oxidases and amidases (Tetzlaff, 2000). This process is
• 51

Lidoc a i n e

Arti c a i n e

B u p ivacai n e

Mep ivacai n e


P roca i n e

100% 200 % 300 %

FIGURE 5-4 Relative Toxicity. Toxicity values for local anesthetic drugs
as compared with lidocaine.

complex and involves multiple steps. Hydrolysis accounts

for about one-third of lidocaine elimination ( Jastak,
Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995; Tetzlaff, 2000). Several of
lidocaine's byproducts ( metabolites ) are pharmaco­
logically active. For example, lidocaine's primary initial Patie nts m a y s o m et i m e s ask a b o ut o r refe r to sou rces of
metabolite, monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX), retains i nfo rmation that te n d to i n d i ct certa i n p h a rm a ceutica l s .
most of the pharmacological activity of lidocaine. Another These s o u rces m a y i g n o re, m isstate, exa g g e rate, o r
of lidocaine's biotransformation products, 2, 6-xylidine, has m o d ify scie ntifica l ly based evi d e n ce , especi a l ly re g a rd i n g
t h e dose-re l ated n a t u re o f d r u g toxicity. Lidoca i n e, fo r
raised concerns in the past and has been investigated as
a carcinogen in rats ( Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995)
exa m p l e , h a s b e e n m e n t i o n e d as a ca rci n o g e n fro m t i m e

( see Box 5 2 •).

to t i m e b e c a u s e of i t s d e m o nstrated t e n d e n cy to cause
m a l i g n a nt t u m o rs i n rats . It i s i m po rtant to n ote that the
i n d u ct i o n of m a l i g n a nt n a s a l t u m o rs i n rats occu rred o n ly
Excretion after very large doses were a d m i n iste re d . N ot o n ly wo u l d
Less than 1 0 % of lidocaine is excreted unchanged by the co m p a ra b l e dosi n g i n h u m a ns fa r exceed m a n ufactu rers'
kidneys. reco m m e n d e d m a xi m u m doses, but concerned patie nts
Higher excretion rates may be more common when can b e rea s s u red that t h e re is no evi d e n ce to s u p p o rt
the pH of urine is low ( Tetzlaff, 2000) ( see Box 5-3 •). s i m i l a r carci n o g e n i city in h u m a n s (J astak, Ya g i e l a , & •

na s · 1 9 )
: �� �� �� :: :
. . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lidocaine is a potent vasodilator with a very short dura­ greater compared with prilocaine and mepivacaine, which
tion when administered without a vasoconstrictor. It is limits its use to very short procedures if used without a
a less potent vaso dilator compared with procaine but vasoconstrictor ( see Figure 5-5 •).


The pKa of lidocaine is 7.7.

Values for pKa in dentistry range from 3.5 for benzocaine to
H i g h e r co n ce ntrations of n o n m etabol ized l o c a l a n esthetic 9.3 for procaine. pKa is a valuable measurement of the rela­
m o l ecu l es i n u r i n e confi rm that h i g h e r p e rcentages of the
tive numbers of neutral base and cationic molecules initially
drugs h ave avoided m eta b o l i c b re a kdown, re n d e r i n g t h e m
available in local anesthetic solutions as affected by their
potentia l ly m o re toxic. L o w u r i n e p H va l u es ca n be p resent
i n a s u rprisi n g n u m b e r of co n d itions, m a ny of which do n ot
pH. The most useful pKa range for inj ectable anesthetics
p recl u d e denta l treatment. For exa m p l e , low uric pH va l u es falls between 7.6 and 8 . 1. Drugs with pKa values in this
may be p resent in a n o rexia a n d sta rvati o n , e m p hyse m a , range provide more rapid onsets of anesthesia. Lidocaine,
go ut, d i a rrhea, p e rsistent fever, fre q u e n t kidney sto n e mepivacaine, and prilocaine all have pKa values of 7.7, whereas
fo rmation, i nfections, a n d hyperka l e m i a (increased l eve ls of articaine's is 7.8 and bupivacaine's is 8.1 (Carestream Health,
potassi u m in the b l ood). S o m e vegeta rians a l o n g with other Inc. (2013); Malamed, 2013) (see Table 5-2 •).
denta l patie nts with susp ected o r confirmed n utriti o n a l
deficiencies m a y b e a ffected, as we l l as i n d iv i d u a l s ta k- pH
i n g drugs such as c h l o roth iazide d i u retics, m ethen a m i n e
m a n d e l ate, a m m o n i u m ch l o ride, a n d a l dostero n e . I n The pH of lidocaine plain solutions is 6.5.
additi o n , u n co ntro l led d i a b etics a n d those with m eta b o l i c The pH of lidocaine solutions with vasoconstrictors
syn d ro m e , i n g e n e r a l , can h ave low u r i c p H va l u es (Ka m e l , ranges from 3.3 to 5.5.
Cheema-D h a d l i , & H a l perin, 2002; Luthra e t a l . , 2004;

� �:
• �. . . � �I�, :��7� �� � � : � � � : �� � � � ��0�).' . IIi
a l uf e k s h t a . , o ; e z a ff
. . . . . :
When a vasoconstrictor is added, the pH of local anesthetic
drugs is decreased.

lidoc a i n e

Arti c a i n e

B u p ivac a i n e

M e p ivacai n e

Pri l oc a i n e

P roc a i n e

100% 200 % 300 % oOO%

FIGURE 5-5 Relative Vasoactivity. Vasodilation activity for local anesthetic

drugs compared with lidocaine.
• 53

Table 5-2 Comparative pKa and pH Values

Drug pKa Onset Time pH

Articaine6 w/ epinephrine 1:100,000 7.8 Infiltration: 1 -2 mins 4.4 -5.2

Block: 2-21Jz mins

Articaine6 w/ epinephrine 1:200,000 7.8 Infiltration: 1 -2 mins 4.6 -5. 4

Block: 2-3 mins

Bupivacaine5 w/ epinephrine 8.1 Up to 6 -10 mins 3.0-4.5

Lidocaine1 w/ epinephrine 7. 7 2-3 mins 3.3 -5.5

Mepivacaine4 plain 7. 6 2-4 mins 4.5-6.8

Mepivacaine4 w/ levonordefrin 7. 6 11/z-2 mins 3.0-3.5

Prilocaine3 plain 7. 7 2-4 mins 6.0-7.0

Prilocaine2 w/ epinephrine 7.9 2-4 mins 3.0-4.0

Procaine 7 w/ vasoconstrictor 9.1 6 -10 mins 3.5-5.5

Sources: Product inserts for 1Xylocaine®, 2Citanest®, 3Citanest Forte®, 4Carbocaine®, 5Marcaine® and 6Septocaine® and for procaine, Malamed, S. F. :
Handbook o f Local Anesthesia, 6th ed ., St. Louis, Elsevier Mosby, 2013; National Library of Medicine, 2013.

Solutions containing vasoconstrictors are more acidic hemostasis is desired in order to control bleeding, there is
in order to preserve the vasoconstrictors, which would questionable rationale for the routine use of dilutions of
otherwise oxidize, shortening shelf life considerably. Car­ 1 :50,000 epinephrine (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
tridges with vasoconstrictors that are approaching their
shelf-life expirations typically experience an additional de­ Half-Life (t1f2)
crease in pH value that reflects the ongoing and selective
The elimination half-life of lidocaine is 1.6 hours
oxidation of bisulfite preservatives over the vasoconstric­
tors (see Table 5-2 ) . In addition to potentially compro­ (96 minutes).
mising their effectiveness, this decrease in pH can cause The elimination half-lives of all dental local anesthetic
increased burning sensations upon administration. drugs are considered to be relatively short. Some bisphos­
phonates prescribed for osteoporosis and malignancies, for
Onset of Action example, have half-lives approximating 10 years.
The half-life of lidocaine falls between the much
The onset of action of lidocaine is approximately 2-3
shorter half-life of articaine and the much longer half-life
of bupivacaine (see Table 5-3 •).
The onsets of most inj ectable amides available in dentistry
are considered to be rapid. There is little clinically notice­ Topical Preparations
able difference in onset between the amides, with the ex­ Lidocaine is effective as a topical anesthetic. It is available
ception of bupivacaine, which has a much slower onset. for use in concentrations ranging from 2% to 1 0 % in vari­
ous ointments, viscous solutions, and mixtures. When used
Vasoconstrictor topically, the onset of anesthesia occurs within 1-2 minutes,
with peak effects available from 2 to 5 minutes (Daniel &
Lidocaine is available with epinephrine in dilutions of
Harfst, 2007; Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995 ) . For
1 :50,000 and 1 : 100,000.
further discussion on topical preparations see Chapter 8,
A general pharmacological principle holds that when­ "Topical Anesthetics."
ever a drug maintains its therapeutic value in lower con­
centrations its use should be considered. Lidocaine with Pregnancy Category
a 1 : 5 0 , 0 0 0 dilution of epinephrine contains twice the
Lidocaine is in FDA Category B.
quantity of vasoconstrictor drug as a 1 : 100,000 dilution.
Although there may be therapeutic benefit to higher Lidocaine, in all formulations, is safe to use in pregnancy
concentrations at times, such as when more vigorous once a patient's physician has confirmed that there are no

Table 5-3 Elimination Half- life Values

Drug H alf-Life (h rs) Compa risons

Lidocaine 1. 6

Articaine* 0. 75*

Bupivacaine 2. 7-3. 5

Mepivacaine 1.9

Prilocaine 1. 6

= 1 Hour
Procaine 0. 1 \1.1

- = Time l a psed H r/M i n

- = U n used T i m e

*Septocaine product insert

Source: ADAIPDR (2009) and Tetzlaff (2000).

exceptional risks. The FDA Pregnancy Category B rating Table 5-4 Summary of F DA Pregnancy Ratings for
does not suggest that there are no risks to the use of a cate­ Dental Local Anesthetic Drugs
gory B drug; rather, it suggests that the risks are acceptable
in most circumstances ( ADA/PDR, 2009; Meadows, 200 1 ) . Dental Local Anesthetic Drug FDA Pregnancy Rating
Category B status means either that:
Articaine c
1. studies have concluded that there were no demonstrated
risks in animals and no human studies available, or Bupivacaine c
2. there are demonstrated risks in animals but well­
controlled studies fail to demonstrate those same risks Lidocaine B
in the human fetus.
Mepivacaine c
A summary of local anesthetic drugs used in dentistry with
their FDA Pregnancy Category ratings may be found in Prilocaine B
Table 5-4 • · FDA Pregnancy Categories are discussed in
further detail in Table 5-5 •· Source: ADA/PDR (2009) and Meadows (2001). Current as of May 2014.
• 55

Table 5-5 F DA Drug Categories in Pregnancy*

U . S . Food and Drug Ad m i n istration

Category A Adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not shown an increased risk of fetal abnormalities.

Category B Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus; however, there are no adequate and
well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Or Animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but adequate and
well-controlled studies in pregnant women have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus.

Category C Animal studies have shown an adverse effect and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant
women. Or No animal studies have been conducted and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in
pregnant women.

Category D Studies, adequate, well-controlled or observational, in pregnant women have demonstrated a risk to the fetus.
However, the benefits of therapy may outweigh the potential risk.

Category X Studies, adequate, well-controlled or observational, in animals or pregnant women have demonstrated positive
evidence of fetal abnormalities. The use of the product is contraindicated in women who are or may become

Source: ADAIPDR (2009) and Meadows (2001). Current as of May 2014.

Safety during Lactation Effective Concentrations in Dentistry

Articaine is provided in the following formulations:
Lidocaine enters breast milk (small amounts) ; use
caution (ADA/PDR, 2009) . 4% articaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine
(see Figure 5-6A •)
M o s t drugs are available in b r e a s t milk once intro ­
4 % articaine with 1 :200,000 epinephrine
duce d . Product information generally states that cau­
(see Figure 5-6B •)
tion must b e exercis e d when nursing after lidocaine
administration. New local anesthetic drugs are required to be as s afe
and as effective as 2 % lidocaine. Although articaine
c o n centrations o f l e s s than 4 % w o u l d certainly be
Artica i n e desirable from a safety standpoint, they are not as reliably
effective as 2% lidocaine.
Articaine , synthesized in 1969 by H. Rusching, is the Duration of Action
most recent FDA-approved inj ectable local anesthetic
drug (2000) (Malamed, 20 1 3 ; S eptodont, 20 1 3 a ) . It is 4 % articaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine
roughly equivalent to lidocaine in both safety and efficacy Intermediate duration = 60-75 minutes pulpal;
(Malamed, Gagnon, & Leblanc, 200 1 ). See Appendix 5-1. 180-360 soft tissue
Although classified as an amide, articaine has a dis­ 4% articaine with 1 :200,000 epinephrine
tinctly different aromatic ring structure with an ester
Intermediate duration = 45-60 minutes pulpal;
component attach e d . This unique configuration pro­
120-300 soft tissue
vides several beneficial pharmacologic behaviors. Un­
like other amides, the addition of the ester component Although the product insert indicates a slightly decreased
promotes rapid biotransformatio n . The presence of a duration with 1 :200,0 00 epinephrine solutions, they are
sulfur atom within the ring structure makes it highly roughly clinically equivalent to durations with 1 : 1 00,0 00
lipophilic, easing articaine's p a s s a g e through neural solutions.
Offsetting these pharmacologic advantages is artic­ Similarity to Other Local Anesthetics
aine's controversial association with a higher than typical Articaine is most similar to prilocaine. It has few similari­
incidence of postoperative nerve injury (paresthesia) , par­ ties to the other dental local anesthetic drugs, however,
ticularly during inferior alveolar nerve block inj ections. including prilocaine.
This concern will be discussed more in depth in Chapter A detailed discussion of articaine's properties follows,
17, " Local Anesthesia Complications and Management." with a brief summary of properties, dosing recommendations,

Septocaine" with epinephrine I : I 00,000

I: /00,000 Injection
Articaine hrdrochloride 4% with Epinephrine

Conta ins sodeum metab
of .nsert lor delatls.
See warnlflgS section

so cartridges: 1 . 7 ml each


methyl 4-methy l -3 - ( 2-propy l a m i n opropanoy l am i n o ) t h i ophene-2-carboxy l ate hydroch l oride


ne I :200,000
Septocain e" with epinephri
1 :200,000 lnJe<:tJOn
4% \lith Epinephrine
Articaine hrdrochloride

Con tains sodtum metabis

of tnsert fOt" detaJis.
See wamJOQS seclion

50 cartridges: t 7 mL


methy I 4-methy 1 - 3 -( 2-propy lam i nopropanoy lam i n o ) th i ophene-2 -carboxyl ate hydroc h Iori de

F I G U R E 5-6 A - 4% Articaine, 1:100,000 Epinephrine. B - 4% Articaine, 1:200,000 Epinephrine
Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical .

and uses provided in Box 5-4 •· Appendix 5-3 provides a Relative Toxicity
complete reference table for articaine and a maximum Articaine is more toxic to the CNS and CVS than procaine,
dose reference is provided in Appendix 7-3. slightly more toxic than prilocaine, slightly less toxic than
mepivacaine and lidocaine, and far less toxic compared
with bupivacaine (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995;
3.2 mg/lb (7.0 mg/kg) ; no absolute maximum provided Oertel, B erndt, & Kirch, 1996) (see Figure 5-4).
(previously 500 mg absolute maximum) While articaine is considered nearly equal in toxicity
to lidocaine, it has been characterized as being less toxic
Relative Potency than lidocaine in intraoral administration and as causing
Articaine is more than twice as potent as procaine, ap­ less severe reactions when overdoses have been induced
proximately one-third more potent than lidocaine, mepi­ (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995; O ertel, B erndt, &
vacaine, and prilocaine, and approximately one-third as Kirch, 1996).
potent as bupivacaine (Malamed, 20 13) (see Figure 5-3).
Even though articaine is more potent than lidocaine, Relative Toxicity: Special Considerations
its potency does not necessarily translate into increased with Articaine
clinical efficacy. As with all drugs, variability in response In addition to potential CNS and CVS toxicity, articaine
among individuals can offset any predicted benefits based may induce methemoglobinemia when used in higher
upon pharmacological activities. than therapeutic doses (Haas & Lennon, 1995; Septodont,
• 57

partial or complete loss or alteration of sensation. Fortu­

nately, the vast maj ority of paresthesias are transient.
Many clinicians are concerned that paresthesia will
develop after the use of 4% drugs in dentistry (articaine
Formulations fo r Use in Dentistry: 4% with 1 : 1 00,000 and prilocaine ). It is possible that risk may be lessened by
e p i n e p h ri n e ; 4% with 1 :200,000 e p i n e p h ri n e reducing volumes administered, adhering to slow injection
D u ration o f Action: I nterm e d i ate, 4% with 1 : 1 00,000 rates, and avoiding inferior alveolar nerve blocks although
e p i n e p h ri n e , 60-75 m i n utes p u l p a l ; 1 80-360 soft tiss u e ; consensus on these and other strategies to lessen risk are
4% w i t h 1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h ri n e , 45-60 m i n utes p u l p a l ; far from confirmed. In addition to these uncertainties,
1 20-300 m i n utes soft tissue there is considerable debate on the extent of the risk or
M RD: 3 . 2 mg/lb (7 .0 m g/kg); n o a b s o l ute m axi m u m
that the increased risk actually exists (D ower, 2003 ; Haas
p rovided (previ o u s l y 500 m g a b s o l ute m axi m u m) & Lennon, 1995; Malamed, 20 13).
Since it is known that an inferior alveolar block is the
Relative Pote ncy: Twice p roca i n e ; 1 . 5 t i m es l id o ca i n e a n d
primary technique associated with paresthesia, avoiding
m e p ivaca i n e ; m u c h l ess t h a n b u p ivaca i n e
this block when administering articaine is recommended
Relative Toxicity: S i m i l a r t o l i doca i n e a n d m e p ivaca i n e ; by some authorities, not due to any proven increased in­
m u ch l ess t h a n b u pivaca i n e cidence of paresthesia with articaine ( s e e B ox 5-5 •
M eta b o l ism: 90%-95% p l a s m a c h o l i n este rase;
and Chapter 17) but due to the opinion that articaine
5%-1 0% l iver may cause paresthesia more frequently than other drugs
(Dower, 2007; Haas & Lennon, 1995).
Excretio n : K i d n ey; very l ittl e excreted u n c h a n g ed

Vasoactivity: S i m i l a r vaso d i l at i o n co m p a red with l i d o ca i n e Metabolism

Compared with other amide drugs, articaine has a rapid
p Ka : 7 . 8
half-life. Not only is additional dosing safer but should ad­
p H : 6.0-7 .0 p l a i n ; 3 . 0-4.0 with e p i n e p h ri n e verse toxic reactions occur, they generally resolve quickly
Onset: 1 -2 m i n utes (infiltration); 2-3 m i n utes ( b l o ck) (Atanasov, Popivanova, & Yochev, 198 1 ; Jastak, Yagiela, &
Donaldson, 1995; Chan, 2007; Oertel et al., 1999; Septodont,
H a lf- L ife: 43 . 8 m i n utes ( - 6 . 5 ca rtri d g es); with 1 : 1 00,000
20 13a; Vree et al., 1988).
e p i n e p h ri n e 44.4 m i n utes ( - 6 . 5 ca rtri d g es); with 1 : 200,000
Articaine's metabolism is unique. Five to ten percent
e p i n e p h ri n e
is metabolized via hepatic p450 enzymes. The maj ority of
To pical Prepa rations: N o n e i n d e ntistry articaine's removal is accomplished by rapid plasma cho­
Preg n a n cy Category: C
linesterase metabolism to articainic acid, its inactive pri­

mary metabolite, before reaching the liver. Articaine is

� � ��� ��a: l � � � � .i � � �e.a �t- � i� k: �:� r� i �� � a.u� i ��
a i
• • • • • further metabolized to articainic acid glucuronide, a minor
metabolite, also considered to be pharmacologically inert
(van Oss et al., 1988, 1989).

20 13a). Articaine has also been associated with a higher­

than-typical incidence of nerve damage (paresthesia) but
the actual tendency is unknown. Some experts have sug­
gested relatively low rates for all paresthesias, including
those that are transient, possibly as low as 3 per million Desp ite the exte nsive sco p e of one retrospective s u rvey, it
for articaine, which is the highest rate when considering all is i m po rtant to n ote that n ot a l l stu d i es h ave d e m o n strated
inj ectable dental local anesthetic drugs (Haas & Lennon, statist i c a l i n creases in the i n c i d e n ce of p a resth e s i a due to
1995; Harn & Durham, 1990; Hawkins, 2006; Xylocaine a rtica i n e ( H a a s & Le n n o n , 1 995). S o m e h ave d e m o n strated
hydrochloride). Pogrel and Thamby have suggested that even g reater risk ( P o g re l & T h a m by, 2000) . Oth e rs, s u c h
the incidence of permanent nerve damage may be much as a 200 1 ra n d o m ized, d o u b l e-b l i n d i n vesti g a t i o n of the
greater than previously thought, at between one in 26,762 safety of a rtica i n e i n 1 ,325 su bj ects, d i d n ot d e m o n strate
any except i o n a l risks. Two-th i rds of the s u bj e cts received
and one in 160,571 in inferior alveolar blocks, for all drugs,
a rtica i n e and o n e-th i rd re ceived l i d o ca i n e fo r i nfe rior
including articaine (Pogrel & Thamby, 2 0 0 0 ) . The true
a l veo l a r n e rve b l ocks. T h e i nvestigators rep o rted that " the
neurotoxic potential of all the local anesthetics, including tota l n u m be r of su bje cts w h o re p o rted these sym pto ms
articaine, is unknown at this time (Park et al., 2005 ; Pogrel [of p a resth esia] 4-8 d ays after the proce d u re was eight
et al., 2003). ( 1 %) fo r t h e a rtica i n e g ro u p and five ( 1 %) fo r t h e l i d o ca i n e
g ro u p " ( M a l a m e d , G a g n o n , & Le b l a n c, 2000) .
PAR E STH E S IA Paresthesia may be defined as a variable

For a m o re deta i l e d d i s c u s s i o n of p a resth e s i a a n d •
set of symptoms resulting from nerve inj ury that may be
further defined as prolonged temporary or permanent, .
: :� � :
a ne
. : :� �
a pt r 1 7
• • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .

Excretion onset is comparable to lidocaine but slightly slower than

Very little articaine, about 2 % , is excreted unchanged mepivacaine's, 1.5-2 minutes.
(Septodont, 2013a). Metabolites excreted in urine include
articainic acid and small amounts of articainic acid gluc­ Vasoconstrictor
uronide (Septodont, 2013a). As with other local anesthetic Articaine is currently available in North America with
drugs, higher excretion rates are more common when the epinephrine in dilutions of 1 : 1 00,000 and 1 :200,000.
pH of urine is low.
B o t h of t h e s e f o r m u l a s p r o v i d e c l i n i c a l l y u s e fu l
Vasoactivity vasoconstriction (see B o x 5-4).
Articaine is approximately equal in vasodilating activity
compared with lidocaine, greater compared with mepi­ Half-Life (t1f2)
vacaine and prilocaine, and much weaker compared with
At 476 mg ( -6.5 cartridges) with 1 : 100,000
procaine and bupivacaine (see Figure 5-5).
epinephrine articaine tVz 43.8 minutes

B ecause of this activity, articaine is not considered to

be useful without the addition of a vasoconstrictor; how­ At 476 mg ( -6.5 cartridges) with 1 :200,000
ever, a recent study of 4% articaine plain found it to be epinephrine articaine tVz 44.4 minutes

as effective as 4% articaine, 1 : 100,000 epinephrine when A recent study suggests that the elimination half-life of
used for single tooth mandibular extractions. Four percent articaine may be age- and dose-dependent (Oertel et a!. ,
articaine, 1 :400,000 epinephrine was investigated in a dif­ 1999). When administering 60-120 mg or approximately
ferent study and found to be equivalent in effectiveness 0.8-1.5 cartridges using common dental local anesthetic
to 1 : 100,000 and 1 :200,000 epinephrine solutions. In both techniques, the observed half-life of articaine was re­
studies, the new formulations were described as safe, al­ ported to range from about 16 to 20 minutes, depending
though it should be noted that the durations of action with on the age of the recipient ( O ertel et a!. , 1999; O ertel,
the plain and reduced epinephrine concentrations were Rahn, & Kirch, 1997). Although not as specific, product
briefer compared with 1 : 1 00,000 and 1 :200,000 epineph­ inserts agree that articaine's half-life may be age- and/
rine (Daublander et a!. , 20 12; Kammerer et a!. , 2012). or dose -dependent ( S eptodont, 20 1 3 a ) . Until 2 0 0 6 , a
worldwide supplier of articaine listed its half-life as 1.8
pKa hours. The revised half-life value in product inserts since
2006 represents a major adjustment to this value that con­
The pKa of articaine is 7.8.
tinues to impact clinical dose decision making (Septodont,
Articaine's pKa is slightly higher than lidocaine's (7. 7 ) , 20 13a). See Appendix 5-1 and Table 5-3.
which translates t o somewhat fewer base molecules avail­
able initially. Articaine is more lipophilic, however, and Topical Preparations
its base molecules have higher affinities for nerve mem­
branes, which may contribute to a reported slightly faster Articaine is not available as a topical anesthetic.
onset of anesthesia than lidocaine (see Table 5-2).
Pregnancy Category
Articaine is in FDA Pregnancy Category C.
The pH of articaine with 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine Category C suggests that there should be strong rationale
ranges from 4.0 to 5.2. for the use of a drug before administering it in pregnancy
The pH of articaine with 1 :200,000 epinephrine (ADA/PDR, 2009; Meadows, 200 1).
ranges from 4.6 to 5.4 (see Table 5-2).
Safety during Lactation
Onset of Action Caution is recommended. S afe use in lactation has not
been established (Malamed, Gagnon, & Leblanc, 200 1).
The onset of action for articaine in infiltration anes­
thesia is 1-2 minutes.
The onset of action for articaine in nerve block anes­
Mepivaca i n e
thesia is 2-3 minutes.
Articaine's onset of action is variable depending upon Mepivacaine was introduced in Sweden (1957) as an alter­
the technique, although in all techniques, articaine pro­ native to lidocaine by A. F. Eckenstam. The pharmacology
vides a rapid onset (Malamed, 2 0 1 3 ) . In infiltrations, ar­ of mepivacaine is similar to lidocaine's despite its closer
ticaine provides the most rapid onset of all five inj ectable chemical resemblance to bupivacaine (Malamed, 20 1 3 ;
drugs in dentistry, 1-2 minutes. In nerve blocks, articaine's Septodont, 2009). Its duration, onset o f action, potency,
• 59

and toxicity are all similar to lidocaine's (Tetzlaff, 2000) Formulations for Use in Dentistry
(see Figure 5-6 and Appendix 5-1 ). Mepivacaine is provided in the following formulations:
Unlike lidocaine, mepivacaine is a weak vasodilator
and is effective for short durations without a vasocon­ 3% mepivacaine plain (without vasoconstrictor)
strictor. The 3% formulation without vasoconstrictor, for (see Figure 5-7 A •)
example, is capable of providing approximately 20-40 2% mepivacaine with 1 :20,000 levonordefrin
minutes of pulpal anesthesia compared with plain solu­ (see Figure 5-7B •)
tions of 2 % lidocaine, which provide only 5-10 minutes of
(Levonordefrin is a vasoconstrictor used to increase
pulpal anesthesia. In individuals for whom vasoconstric­
the safety and duration of mepivacaine.)
tors are contraindicated, 3% mepivacaine solutions are
particularly useful.
Duration of Action
As with lidocaine, mepivacaine has been noted to
have anticonvulsant properties and has been used to ter­ 3 % mepivacaine plain
minate seizures or decrease their durations (Malamed, Short duration = 20-40 minutes pulpal; 120--180 soft tissue
20 1 3 ) . Similar to other local anesthetics with anticonvul­
sant properties, mepivacaine acts to prevent or terminate 2 % mepivacaine with 1 :20,000 levonordefrin
seizures by decreasing the excitability of cortical neurons Intermediate duration = 60 minutes pulpal; 180-300
(raising seizure thresholds) (Malamed, 20 13). minutes soft tissue

- _,.... -- -- ·-

� ICAl

3 % P o l oc a i n

HC I ln iection ,

[Me p .tv OCO ·I ne

30 m g/ mL
Store 91 room t�mp
(71 F). STERIL E A��lli'eCTION
belOW 2s·c
Rx only D!NT5flY f.,der 1. 3�1
ml oo<h
SO (mtridges, J .l
-(2,6-di methylphenyl )- 1 -melhyl-piperidine-2-carboxamide


_;;;:;:;::: -::!!§:=
:; =

N-(2,6-dimcthy lpheny 1 ) - 1 -mcthyl-pipcridine-2-carboxamide

F I G U R E 5-7 A - 3% Mepivacaine Plain. B - 2% Mepivacaine, 1:20,000 Levonordefrin.
Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical; Carestream Health Inc.

Mepivacaine provides durable, short-term anesthesia in Relative Potency

both infiltrations and nerve blocks without added vaso­ Mepivacaine is twice as potent as procaine, equal in po­
constrictors. Mepivacaine prepared with a vasoconstrictor tency to lidocaine and prilocaine, two-thirds as potent as
provides durations similar to lidocaine with a vasoconstric­ articaine, and approximately one-fourth as potent as bupi­
tor (ADA/PRA, 2009; Malamed, 20 13). vacaine (see Figure 5-3).

Similarity to Other Local Anesthetics Relative Toxicity

Mepivacaine is chemically similar to bupivacaine. Despite Mepivacaine is twice as toxic as procaine, approximately
this similarity, mepivacaine lacks the duration of action of twice as toxic as prilocaine, similar in toxicity to articaine
bupivacaine. (equal to or slightly more toxic), similar in toxicity to li­
A detailed discussion of mepivacaine's properties fol­ docaine (equal to or slightly less toxic) , and far less toxic
lows, with a brief summary of properties, dosing recom­ compared with bupivacaine (approximately one-fourth as
mendations, and uses provided in Box 5-6 •· Appendix 5-4 toxic as bupivacaine) (see Figure 5-4).
provides a complete reference table for mepivacaine and a Solutions of mepivacaine without vasoconstrictor are
maximum dose reference is provided in Appendix 7-3. available only in 3% concentrations for minimal effective­
Mepivacaine is most similar to lidocaine in its pharmaco­ ness. There is 50% more drug in each cartridge of any 3 %
dynamic and pharmacokinetic behaviors. For example, both drug compared with 2 % drugs.
drugs express anticonvulsant properties (Malamed, 20 13). S o m e published m aximum r e c o m m e n d e d d o s e s
for mepivacaine reflect a higher toxicity compared with
M RD lidocaine (Tetzlaff, 2000). Mepivacaine tends to produce
3.0 mg/lb (6.6 mg/kg), 400 mg absolute maximum higher blood levels than lidocaine initially after inj ection;
(previously 2.0 mg/lb; 4.4 mg/kg; 300 mg absolute however, studies suggest that patients tolerate higher lev­
maximum) els of mepivacaine before toxic effects become evident
(Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
Studies suggest that both prilocaine and articaine are
tolerated better than mepivacaine largely because of their
avoidance of liver metabolism (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donald­
Formulations fo r Use i n Dentistry: 3% p l a i n , 2% with
son, 1995; Oertel, B erndt, & Kirch, 1996; Septodont, 2009;
1 :20,000 l e vo n o rdefri n
Tetzlaff, 2000).
D u ration of Action: S h o rt, 3% p l a i n 20-40 m i n utes p u l p a l ;
I nterm e d i ate: 2 % with 1 :20,000 levo n o rd efri n 6 0 m i n utes Metabolism
p u l p a l ; 1 80-300 m i n utes soft tiss u e M epivacaine is metabolized in the liver but the path­
M R D : 3 . 0 m g / l b (6.6 m g/kg); 400 m g a b s o l ute m a xi m u m ways are different compared with lidocaine. Unlike li­
(previ o u s l y 2 . 0 m g / l b ; 4 . 4 m g/kg; 300 m g a b s o l ute docaine, amidase activity is insignificant. Its elimination
m a xi m u m ) half-life of 1.9 hours reflects its less efficient metabolic
p athway (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1 9 9 5 ; Tetzlaff,
Relative Potency: Twice p roca i n e ; s i m i l a r t o l i d o ca i n e a n d
p ri l oc a i n e ; l ess t h a n a rtica i n e ; m u ch l ess t h a n b u p ivaca i n e

Relative Toxicity: Twice p roca i n e ; g reater t h a n p r i l o c a i n e ; Excretion

s i m i l a r to l i d o ca i n e a n d a rtica i n e ; m u c h l ess t h a n
Excretion is variable with anywhere from virtually none to
b u p ivaca i n e
up to 16% excreted unchanged. As is true with other local
M eta b o l ism: Liver, oxidases, i n s i g n ificant a m i d a s e a ctivity anesthetic drugs, higher excretion rates are more common
Excretio n : K i d n ey; l ess t h a n 1 6% u n c h a n g ed
when urine pH is low.

Vasoactivity: Wea kest vaso d i l ator of a l l 5 a m i d e s Vasoactivity

p K a : 7 .6 Mepivacaine is a weak vasodilator, characterized as pro­
ducing only slight vasodilation, which allows it to be used
p H : 4 . 5-6 . 8 p l a i n ; 3 .0-3 . 5 with levo n o rd efri n
without vasoconstrictors. It is the weakest vasodilator of
Onset: 1 .5-2 m i n utes the five inj ectable drugs available in dental cartridge form
H a lf- L ife : 1 .9 h o u rs (1 1 4 m i n utes)
and provides useful short-term durations in both infiltra­
tions and nerve blocks in plain (no vasoconstrictor) solu­
To pical Prepa rations: N o n e in dentistry tions (see Figure 5-5).
Preg n a n cy Categ o ry: C
: La ctation: Ava i l a b l e i n b reast m i l k; exercise cauti o n
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• The pKa of mepivacaine is 7.6 (see Table 5-2) .
• 61

pH Safety during Lactation

The pH of 3% mepivacaine plain solutions ranges It is not known whether mepivacaine is excreted in human
from 4.5 to 6.8. milk. Caution is recommended.
The pH of 2% mepivacaine solutions with vasocon­
strictor ranges from 3.0 to 3.5.
Pri loca i n e
In certain situations, 3% plain solutions of mepivacaine
may have an advantage over other drugs because of their
Prilocaine was first prepared by Lofgren and Tegner
higher pH. This distinction is further discussed in Chapter 16,
in 1953 and approv e d by the FDA in 1 9 6 5 . Pharma­
" Troubleshooting Inadequate Anesthesia," B ox 1 6-7,
cologically, prilocaine is very similar to mepivacaine
"A Theory on the Use of 3 % Mepivacaine in the Presence
(D entsply Pharmaceutical, 20 1 0b ; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . See
of Lowered pH." These advantages may also extend to plain
Appendix 5-l.
solutions of prilocaine (see Table 5-2).
Prilocaine entered the market with the promise of
Onset of Action providing similar clinical effectiveness to lidocaine with
significantly decreased toxicity (Tetzlaff, 2000). Unfortu­
The onset of action for mepivacaine is approximately nately, prilocaine can reduce the blood's oxygen-carrying
1.5-2 minutes. capacity, which may lead to a specific anemia known as
Mepivacaine's onset of action is rapid and similar to methemoglobinemia. This will be discussed further under
most of the other available inj ectable drugs in dentistry. "Relative Toxicity" and in Chapters 10 and 17.
S o m e clinicians elect to administer 3 % mepivacaine
Formulations for Use in Dentistry
plain as an initiating drug before the administration of
bupivacaine, which has a much slower onset. This tech­ Prilocaine is provided in the following formulations:
nique allows treatment to begin while bupivacaine is 4% prilocaine plain (without vasoconstrictor)
taking effect. (see Figure 5-8A •)
4 % prilocaine with 1 :200,000 epinephrine
(see Figure 5-8B •)
2 % mepivacaine with levonordefrin is available in a
dilution of 1 :20,000. Duration of Action

With the addition of levonordefrin, the 2% formulation 4 % prilocaine plain

of mepivacaine provides adequate depth and duration of
Short duration (infiltration) = 10-15 minutes pulpal;
pain control for most dental procedures equivalent to the
90-120 soft tissue
anesthetic effect of 2% lidocaine with 1 : 1 00,000 epineph­
rine. Levonordefrin, however, is far less effective as a he­ Intermediate duration (block) = 40-60 minutes;
mostatic agent and epinephrine remains the drug of choice 120-240 soft tissue
for that purpose. 4% prilocaine with 1 :200,000 epinephrine
Intermediate duration = 60-90 minutes pulpal;
Half-Life (t1f2) 180-480 soft tissue
The elimination half-life of mepivacaine is 1.9 hours D espite prilocaine's weak vasodilative properties, it is not
( 1 14 minutes). effective at providing long durations in infiltrations without
The elimination half-life of mepivacaine is prolonged com­ a vasoconstrictor. This phenomenon, whereby infiltrations
pared with lidocaine (96 minutes), prilocaine (96 minutes), are far less effective compared with nerve blocks, has also
and articaine (44-45 minutes) (see Table 5-3). been observed in more potent drugs such as bupivacaine.
It is suggested that the 4% formulation with 1 :200,000 epi­
Topical Preparations nephrine be considered whenever prilocaine is to be used
There are no topical solutions containing mepivacaine for for longer procedures with infiltration anesthesia.
dental application.
Similarity to Other Local Anesthetics
Pregnancy Category Prilocaine's aromatic ring is linked to a secondary amine,
unlike lidocaine, mepivacaine, articaine, and bupivacaine,
Mepivacaine is in FDA Category C. which all are linked to tertiary amines.
Category C suggests that there should be strong rationale A detailed discussion of prilocaine's properties fol­
for the use of a drug before its administration in pregnancy lows, with a brief summary of properties, dosing recom­
(ADA/PDR 2009; Meadows, 200 1 ) . mendations, and uses provided in Box 5-7 •· Appendix 5-5

N -(2-methylphenyl)-2-propylamino-propanamide


- 4"C;t;�i0rie""J'Jr....::= ·
- ;·.=:=··· · ···-

N-(2-methylphenyl )-2-propylami no-propanamide

F I G U RE 5-8 A - 4% Prilocaine Plain, B - 4% Prilocaine, 1:200,000 Epinephrine.
Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

provides a complete reference table for prilocaine and a Relative Toxicity

maximum dose reference is provided in Appendix 7-3. Prilocaine is approximately twice as toxic as procaine,
slightly less toxic than articaine and mepivacaine, and ap­
proximately half as toxic as lidocaine. It is far less toxic
4.0 mg/lb (8.8 mg/kg ) , 600 mg absolute maximum compared with bupivacaine ( approximately one-fifth or
(previously 2.7 mg/lb; 6.0 mg/kg; 400 mg absolute less as toxic as bupivacaine ) ( Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson,
maximum ) 1995; Tetzlaff, 2000 ) ( see Figure 5-4 ) .
When considering CNS and CVS toxicity, prilocaine
Overdose reactions with prilocaine are uncommon. Prilo­ is reportedly less toxic compared with lidocaine largely
caine at 4% contains twice the amount of drug as 2% solu­ because of the availability of multiple extrahepatic meta­
tions and 1.5 times that found in 3% solutions. bolic pathways ( Dentsply Pharmaceutical, 20 10b; Tetzlaff,
2000 ) .
Relative Potency
Prilocaine is twice as potent as procaine, equal in potency Relative Toxicity: Special Considerations
to lidocaine and mepivacaine, two-thirds as potent as ar­ with Prilocaine
ticaine, and approximately one-fourth as potent as bupiva­ As previously described in the toxicity discussion of li­
caine ( Malamed, 20 1 3 ) ( see Figure 5-3). docaine, not all toxicity is related to the effects on the
• 63

alternate sites of metabolism when the liver is not utilized

(Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995; Dentsply Pharmaceu­
tical, 20 10b ).

Formulations fo r Use in Dentistry: 4% p l a i n , 4% with Excretion

1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h r i n e
Only small percentages of prilocaine and its metabolites
D u ration o f Action: I nterm e d i ate, 4 % p l a i n 1 0-1 5 m i n utes are found in the urine (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
p u l p a l (i nfi ltrati o n ) ; 40-60 m i n utes p u l p a l ( b l ock); 1 20-240 As with other local anesthetic drugs, higher excretion rates
soft tissue 4% with e p i n e p h ri n e 60-90 m i n utes p u l p a l ; are more common when the pH of urine is low.
1 80-480 m i n utes soft tissue

M RD: 4.0 mg/lb (8 .8 m g/kg), 600 m g a b s o l ute m a xi m u m

(previ o u s l y 2 . 7 m g / l b ; 6 . 0 m g/kg; 400 m g a b s o l ute Prilocaine is a weak vasodilator, making it effective with­
m axi m u m ) out the addition of vasoconstrictors, although prilocaine
is a stronger vasodilator compared with mepivacaine (see
Relative Pote ncy: Twice p roca i n e ; s i m i l a r t o l i d o ca i n e
a n d m e p ivaca i n e; l ess t h a n a rtica i n e ; m u ch l ess t h a n
Figure 5-5).
b u p ivaca i n e
Relative Toxicity: Twice p roca i n e ; l ess t h a n a rtica i n e ; h a lf
l i d o ca i n e a n d m e p ivaca i n e ; m u ch l ess t h a n b u p ivaca i n e The pKa of prilocaine is 7.9 (see Table 5-2).
M eta bolism: S i m p l e r l iver m eta b o l is m t h a n l i doca i n e a n d
m e p ivaca i n e; m u c h o f t h e d r u g is c l e a red b efo re it is a b l e
t o re ach t h e l iver The pH of prilocaine plain solutions is 6.0-7.0.
Excretio n : K i d n ey; very s m a l l p e rcenta g e u n c h a n g e d The pH of prilocaine solutions with 1 :200,000 epi­
nephrine is 3.0--4.0 (see Table 5-2).
Vasoactivity: We a k vas o d i l ator

p Ka : 7 . 9 Onset of Action

p H : 6.0-7 .0 p l a i n ; 3 . 0-4.0 with e p i n e p h ri n e The onset of action for prilocaine is 2--4 minutes.
Onset: 2-4 m i n utes Prilocaine has a slightly slower onset of action compared
H a lf- L ife: 1 . 6 h o u rs (1 1 4 m i n utes)
with lidocaine, mepivacaine, and articaine as might be pre­
dicted from its pKa.
To pical Preparations: In co m b i n at i o n with oth e r d r u g s ,
p r i m a r i l y l i d o ca i n e Vasoconstrictor
Preg n a n cy Category: B
Prilocaine is available with epinephrine in a dilution
� La
. . � � ��: �� : � � � � � : � � � � �:� � �� � � ��
a i a l �
i ea t
. -
i k r i au i
. • • • • • of 1 :200,000 epinephrine.
B ecause of prilocaine's weak vasodilative effects, less vaso­
constrictor is required. Dilutions of 1 :200,000 epinephrine
CNS and CVS. B ecause of prilocaine's metabolite ortho­ are sufficient to provide profound and durable infiltration
toluidine (a-toluidine), some individuals are at increased and nerve block anesthesia (see Box 5-8 •).
risk of developing a potentially life-threatening anemia
known as methemoglobinemia. Cautions apply when Half-Life (t1f2)
treating patients at risk for methemoglobinemia as well
The elimination half-life of prilocaine is 1.6 hours
as any patients with oxygenation difficulties, especially
(96 minutes).
those taking medications that are independently capable
of inducing methemoglobinemia (Hj elle, Grauer, 1986;
Prescott, 1996). More in-depth discussions regarding met­
hemoglobinemia may be found in Chapter 8, " Topical
Anesthetics," Chapter 10, "Patient Assessment for Local
Anesthesia," and Chapter 17. Drugs with 1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h ri n e d i l ut i o n s co m p a red with
those with 1 : 1 00,000 fo rm u l at i o n s ca n b e b e n efi c i a l when it
Metabolism is n ecess a ry to l i m it vasoconstrictor doses. S o m e situations
i n w h i c h vasoconstricto rs s h o u l d b e l i m ited o r avo i d e d
Prilocaine has a simpler hepatic metabolism compared a ltogeth e r i n c l u d e s i g n ificant card i ovascu l a r co m p ro m ise,
with lidocaine and mepivacaine. Much of the drug, how­ tricyc l i c a nt i d e p ressant use, and i n s u l i n -res ista nt d i a b etes
• •
ever, is cleared before it is able to reach the liver (Jastak,
Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995 ) . The lungs and kidneys are : � � � : : � : � � � : �� � : � : � �
i h nde l i
. • •
r ov cu a
. .
s se
. :
• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Although similar to lidocaine and mepivacaine half-lives, 2. In situations where profound and durable anesthesia
the initial amount of drug becomes a factor in this calcula­ have proven to be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve
tion because each cartridge of prilocaine delivers 72 mg with all the other available drugs.
of drug, twice as much as 2% lidocaine solutions and one­ 3. For extended procedures requiring longer than 60- to
fourth more than 3% mepivacaine plain solutions (see 90-minute durations.
Table 5-3).
Self-injury is an important consideration when using
Topical Preparations bupivacaine, particularly if the individuals are at higher
Topical use of prilocaine is found only in combination with risk of self-inflicted postoperative trauma such as young
other drugs, typically lidocaine. Concentrations of 2.5 % children (see Box 5-5).
lidocaine with 2.5 % prilocaine are found in two popular
Formulations for Use i n Dentistry
products, Oraqix (D entsply Pharmaceutical, 20 1 0a) and
EMLA (Astra Pharmaceuticals, 1999). See Chapter 8. Bupivacaine is provided in the following formulation:
0.5 % bupivacaine with 1 :200,000 epinephrine
Pregnancy Category (see Figure 5-9 •)
Prilocaine is in FDA Pregnancy Category B. The strength of bupivacaine's receptor site binding allows
B oth inj ectable and topical solutions of prilocaine are for lower concentrations of epinephrine to be used.
classified as Pregnancy Category B (ADA/PDR, 2009;
Meadows, 200 1 ) . Duration of Action

0.5 % bupivacaine with 1 :200,000 epinephrine

Safety during Lactation
Long duration = up to 12 hours; pulpal and soft tissue
It is unknown whether prilocaine is excreted in human
milk. Caution is recommended. D espite bupivacaine's intense vasodilating characteristics,
it is capable of producing prolonged anesthesia due to its
strong protein receptor binding in sodium channels. When
B u pivaca i n e used for lengthy dental procedures, pulpal and soft tissue
anesthesia may last up to 12 hours. Bupivacaine may pro­
vide sufficient anesthesia to relieve pain overnight and is
Bupivacaine was prepared by A. F. Ekenstam in 1957 and
often used for that purpose when postoperative pain is an­
approved by the FDA in 1972. It is related structurally to
ticipated. In patients who metabolize other drugs quickly
lidocaine and mepivacaine (Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Septodont,
and in those requiring extended management of postop­
2013b ). See Appendix 5-1. B ecause of its long durations,
erative pain, or for unusually long treatment times, bupiva­
bupivacaine may not be appropriate in many clinical situa­
caine has proven quite effective (see Box 5-9 •) .
tions, but it does have several important clinical indications:
1. When extended postoperative pain control is needed Similarity to Other Local Anesthetics
(bupivacaine can provide up to 12 hours of relief). Bupivacaine is chemically similar to mepivacaine.


1 -butyi-N-(2,6-d imethylphenyl) piperid ine-2-carboxam ide

F I G U R E S-9 0.5% Bupivacaine, 1:200,000 Epinephrine.

Source: Courtesy of Carestream Health Inc.
• 65

Postoperative Pain M a n a g e ment: B u p ivaca i n e i s Formu lations fo r Use i n Dentist ry: 0.5% with 1 :200,000
fre q u e ntly a d m i n istered fo r p a i n m a n a g e m e n t w h e n epinephrine
s i g n ificant posto p e rative p a i n i s anticipated. I n t h e s e
D u ration o f Action: Lo n g : va ri a b l e , u p t o 1 2 h o u rs p u l p a l
s i t u a t i o n s , it is a d m i n istered after treatment h a s b e e n • a n d soft tissue
com p l eted . The va l u e of t h i s strategy i s that t h e patient
can b e n efit fro m a n exte n d e d p e r i o d of pain re l i ef, u p to M R D : 90 m g a b s o l ute m a xi m u m ( U n ited States : n o body
1 2 h o u rs . T h i s ca n a l low t i m e fo r o r a l pain m e d i cati o n s to w e i g h t i nfo rmation) ( H e a lth Canada [ F DA e q u iv a l e nt]
take e ffect. 0.9 m g / l b ; 2 . 0 m g/kg) (prev i o u s l y 0 . 6 m g / l b ; 1 . 3 m g/kg;
90 m g absol ute m axi m u m)
Postoperative Self- I nj u ry: An i m po rtant fa ctor w h e n
co n s i d e ri n g t h e use of b u p ivaca i n e is that it i s n ot Relative Potency: F o u r t i m e s l i d o c a i n e , p r i l o c a i n e , a n d
• a p p rop ri ate fo r i n d ivi d u a l s fo r w h o m t h e re is s i g n ifi cant risk • m e p ivaca i n e ; l ess t h a n t h ree t i m es a rtica i n e
: • • . � � � � : �� � :� � � �� ��� �� :
of s l - n u r
ro o n g
. • • .
a t s a.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Relative Toxicity: Less t h a n fo u r t i m e s l i d o ca i n e a n d
m e p ivaca i n e

A detailed discussion of bupivacaine's properties fol­ M eta b o l ism: Liver a m idases

lows, with a brief summary of properties, dosing recommen­ Excretion: K i d n ey; 1 6% excreted u n c h a n ged
dations, and uses provided in Box 5-10 •· Appendix 5-6
Vasoactivity: G reater vaso d i l at i o n t h a n a l l five a m i d e s but
provides a complete reference table for bupivacaine and a
l ess t h a n p roca i n e
maximum dose reference is provided in Appendix 7-3.
pKa: 8 . 1
p H : 4 . 5-6 .0
90 mg absolute maximum United States: no body
weight information Health Canada FDA equiva­ [ Onset: 6-1 0 m i n utes

lent 0.9 mg/lb; 2.0 mg/kg ) H a lf- L ife : 2.7 h o u rs (1 62 m i n utes)
previously 0.6 mg/lb; 1.3 mg/kg; 90 mg absolute To pical Prepa rations: N o n e in dentistry
maximum ) Preg n a n cy Categ o ry: C
Bupivacaine will not metabolize as quickly in the presence
of a compromised CVS. Overdoses tend to be more severe
and less easily reversed because of bupivacaine's greater
cardiotoxicity circulation is more likely to be compro ­
mised and cannot reduce blood levels as quickly, prolong­ more difficult to reverse because of early CVS involve­
ing the overdose . ) ment, which slows the removal of bupivacaine from the
circulation Levsky & Miller, 2005).
Relative Potency In dentistry, adverse events have been rare with bu­
Bupivacaine is eight times more potent than procaine, four pivacaine for two important reasons: easier tracking of
times more potent than lidocaine, mepivacaine, and prilo­ total doses with cartridges and lower MRD s compared
caine, and nearly three times more potent than articaine. with medicine where MRDs run as much as 2.5 times
This helps explain the dilute concentration available in (
greater Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995; Levsky &
dentistry, 0.5 % see Figure 5-3). Miller, 2005 ; Younessi & Punnia-Moorthy, 1 9 9 9 ) . Al­
though precautions based on toxicity are recommended
Relative Toxicity when considering bupivacaine, there should be no hesita­
B upivacaine is nearly eight times more toxic than pro­ tion to use it when circumstances clearly indicate an ad­
caine, five to six times more toxic than prilocaine, and vantage over the other drugs, such as inadequate duration
nearly four times more toxic than lidocaine, mepivacaine, or the need for longer periods of pain relief Younessi & (
and articaine. Punnia-Moorthy, 1999).
Bupivacaine toxicity is nearly equal to both the CNS
and CVS Levsky & Miller, 2005). In overdoses, two main Metabolism
factors contribute to the increased risk versus other drugs, B upivacaine's metabolism is complex. The liver provides
bupivacaine's lengthy half-life and early CVS involvement j
the ma or amidase metabolic pathway Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . (
(see Figure 5-4). Biotransformation of bupivacaine is much slower com­
Reports of overdose have been characterized as un­ pared with the other local anesthetic drugs Tetzlaff, (
common but when they do occur, these events tend to be 2000).

Excretion Pregnancy Category

Very little, to up to 16 % , is excreted in the urine un­ Bupivacaine is in FDA Pregnancy Category C.
changed (Tetzlaff, 2000). As with other local anesthetic
drugs, higher excretion rates are more common when the As previously stated, bupivacaine is not appropriate for
pH of urine is low. routine use in dentistry, including in pregnancy (ADA/
PDR, 2009; Meadows, 20 0 1 ) . Careful consideration and
Vasoactivity compelling rationale are necessary before using any
B upivacaine is a very potent vasodilator; nevertheless it Category C drug.
has long durations due to its strong protein receptor bind­
ing strength (see Figure 5-5). Safety in Lactation
In contrast to lidocaine, mepivacaine, articaine, and prilo­ It is unknown whether or not bupivacaine is excreted in
caine, bupivacaine is a more aggressive vasodilator. It is distin­ human milk. Caution is advised (see Table 5-4).
guished not only as being the second most potent vasodilator
of those discussed in this chapter (procaine is the most potent)
Proca i n e
but as the most durable of all drugs in dentistry, as well.
pKa Procaine was introduced by Alfred Einhorn in the early
1900s as an alternative to cocaine due to the desire to
The pKa of bupivacaine is 8.1.
eliminate addictive tendencies when using local anesthetic
Bupivacaine's higher pKa translates into slower onset times. drugs as well as the systemic toxicity and local tissue injury
When bupivacaine is to be used, other rapid onset drugs that too often accompanied cocaine's use (Tetzlaff, 2000).
such as mepivacaine and lidocaine may be administered first See Appendix 5-1.
in order to allow treatment to begin sooner (see Table 5-2). Procaine is no longer available in dental cartridges;
however, it is included in this discussion to represent the
pH ester class of local anesthetics, none of which is currently
The pH of bupivacaine solutions with 1 :200,000 packaged for dental administration. Procaine's proprietary
epinephrine 3.0-4.5.
name, Novocaine, has been synonymous with dental anes­
thesia for many years (Malamed, 20 13).
See Table 5-2. In the rare event a patient is allergic to all of the amide
dental local anesthetic drugs, procaine or other selected esters
Onset of Action may be substituted. Although not packaged for dentistry,
The onset of action for bupivacaine is 6-10 minutes. procaine and other esters may be obtained in medical vials
for use with hypodermic needles (see Figure 5-10 •).
B upivacaine has the slowest onset of all the inj ectable
drugs in dentistry and is up to five to ten times slower than Formulations for Use i n Dentistry
mepivacaine and articaine in some situations. Although not currently available in dental cartridges,
procaine can be obtained in medical vials in the following
formulations (Malamed, 20 13):
Bupivacaine is available with epinephrine in dilutions
2 % procaine plain (without vasoconstrictor)
of 1 :200,000.
4% procaine plain (without vasoconstrictor)
Bupivacaine in dentistry is prepared with epinephrine be­
2% procaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine
cause of its vigorous vasodilative activity.
Despite inducing vigorous vasodilation in tissues, bu­ 4% procaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine
pivacaine requires minimal epinephrine concentrations
due to its potency. Duration of Action

2 % procaine plain (without vasoconstrictor)

Half-Life (t1fz)
4% procaine plain (without vasoconstrictor)
The elimination half-life of bupivacaine is 2.7-3.5
Very short duration = no pulpal, 15-30 minutes soft
hours (162-210 minutes).
B upivacaine has the longest half-life of all dental inj ect­ 2% procaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine
able local anesthetics (see Table 5-3).
4% procaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine
Topical Applications Intermediate duration = 60 minutes pulpal
There are no topical applications of bupivacaine available Procaine is a vigorous vasodilator and is rapidly metabo­
in dentistry. lized by plasma cholinesterase. D e spite the 60-minute
• 67

/ C,H;
1-1 2

-o- COOCI-I 2C l-12 -- N

C,H ;

2 - ( d i et h y l a m i n o )ethyl 4-aminobenzoate

F I G U RE 5-1 0 2% Procaine, Epinephrine 1:100,000, by prescription only.

duration that may be available when combined with a inhibit plasma cholinesterase activity, which may actu­
vasoconstrictor, results have been variable with a greater ally increase its potential for toxicity (Tetzlaff, 2000) (see
number of individuals experiencing incomplete pain Figure 5-4).
control during dental appointments compared with Procaine is a derivative of para-aminobenzoic acid
lidocaine. When considered along with procaine's relatively (PABA), which is also its primary metabolite. PABA is
high incidence of inducing allergic reactions, procaine's thought to be responsible for procaine's relatively high
disappearance from the dental market is understandable. rate of allergenicity (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
The recorded incidence of allergy to procaine is significant
Similarity to Other Local Anesthetics more for its rate of occurrence compared with the amides,
Procaine is similar to tetracaine. Both are esters. As is true than for its high overall rate of occurrence (Fuzier et al.,
of many of local anesthetics, procaine is an anticonvulsant 2 0 0 9 ; Gall, Kaufmann, & Kalveram, 1 9 9 6 ; Gonzalez­
(Tetzlaff, 2000). Delgado et al., 2006; Wilson et al., 2000).

M RD Metabolism
Consult product insert. Procaine is rapidly metabolized via plasma cholinesterase.
The potential for overdose is very low as long as solu­ There are no hepatic pathways for its biotransformation
tion is not deposited in vessels and doses do not exceed (Malamed, 20 13; Tetzlaff, 2000).
the MRD (Tetzlaff, 2000).
Relative Potency More than 2 % is excreted unchanged by the kidneys
Procaine is significantly less potent compared with all of (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Higher excretion rates are more com­
the inj ectable amides in dentistry (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . This mon when the pH of urine is low.
property, along with procaine's relatively high incidence of
inducing allergic reactions (see Relative Toxicity discus­ Vasoactivity
sion), accounts for the decision by manufacturers to cease Procaine is a potent vasodilator (see Figure 5-5).
preparing procaine in dental cartridges by 1989.
It is half as potent as lidocaine, mepivacaine, and prilo­ pKa
caine, and approximately one-third as potent as articaine.
It is only about 1 2 % as potent as bupivacaine. Except for The pKa of procaine is 9.1.
situations in which no amides may be used, procaine is not As might be expected from procaine's high pKa value, on­
desirable in dentistry (see Figure 5-3). set of anesthesia is slow. Few base molecules are available
initially. In addition to the availability of fewer base mol­
Relative Toxicity ecules, procaine has poor lipid solubility (Tetzlaff, 2000)
Procaine is significantly less toxic compared with all of the (see Table 5-2).
amides in dentistry. Its rapid metabolism and complete
avoidance of liver metabolism make it the safest drug of pH
the six. Despite this advantage, however, if high plasma
levels are reached quickly, as may happen in successive The pH of procaine plain is 5.0-6.5.
intravascular administrations, procaine has the ability to The pH of procaine with a vasoconstrictor is 3.5-5.5.

Procaine is virtually worthless as a plain preparation in F D A P reg n a n cy Categ o ries

dentistry; therefore, its higher pH in plain form is not sig­
nificant. When vasoconstrictors are added, pH levels drop In determining the safe u s e o f a drug i n pregnancy, FDA
to those approximating pH levels in other similar solutions guidelines and prescribing information should be con­
(see Table 5-2). sulted. The FDA provides guidance in the form of drug
categories in pregnancy (ADA/PD R, 2 0 0 9 ; Meadows,
Onset of Action
200 1 ) . This information can be readily accessed online at
The onset of action for procaine is 6-10 minutes. The following interpretations describe the categories
The onset of action of procaine is similar to bupivacaine. for local anesthetic drugs included in this chapter:
Procaine's pKa is high at 9.1. Category A - No demonstrated increased risk of fetal
Category B - No demonstrated increased risk in animal
Procaine can be obtained with epinephrine in dilu­ studies but no studies available in humans or animal
tions of 1 : 100,000. studies have shown an increased risk, but well-controlled
studies in humans failed to demonstrate any risk
Half-Life (t1fz) Category C - Not enough information to determine
at this time
The elimination half-life of procaine is 6 minutes.
A complete list of FDA Pregnancy Categories and their
B ecause of its rather rapid hydrolysis via plasma cho­ rationale is included in Table 5-5 .
linesterase, procaine is one of the safest drugs available D ental local anesthetic drugs, including topical anes­
(Tetzlaff, 2000). The elimination half-life is shortest of all thetics, generally fall within Categories B and C. Inj ectable
dental local anesthetic inj ectable drugs (see Table 5-3). and topical lidocaine and prilocaine fall within Cate­
gory B although it should be noted that both drugs are
Topical Applications at most only minimally effective in infiltrations without
There are no topical applications for procaine in dentistry epinephrine. Articaine, benzocaine, bupivacaine, mepiva­
(Tetzlaff, 2000). caine, and levonordefrin are Category C drugs, similar to
Pregnancy Category What does this mean? In pregnancy, lidocaine and pri­
Procaine is in FDA Pregnancy Category B. locaine have demonstrated no increased risk of inducing
or contributing to fetal abnormalities and, although not
Procaine is equal in safety during pregnancy to lidocaine proven absolutely safe, are considered safe to use. Articaine,
and prilocaine. (ADA/PDR, 2009; Meadows, 200 1 ) . bupivacaine, levonordefrin, mepivacaine, and epinephrine,
although not necessarily unsafe, cannot refer to studies in
Safety during Lactation pregnant women demonstrating fetal safety, and they may
It is unknown whether or not procaine is excreted in hu­ actually have caused harm in animal studies. Careful con­
man milk. Use with caution (ADA/PDR, 2006). sideration must be given before using any Category C drug.

Elena Gagarin
W h i l e m ost d r u g s may be fo u n d in b reast m i l k, th is is safe d o s e s h a ve b e e n a d m i n istered i n t ra o r a l ly, t h e
n ot seen as a p a rti c u l a r p rob l e m . Amides a re fi rst pass h a lf- l ife h a s b e e n d e m o n strated to b e e v e n l e s s . I n
d ru g s , w h i c h m e a n s they pass t h ro u g h the l iver fi rst 3 h o u rs , reg a r d l ess, l eve l s d ro p to a fract i o n o f w h at
a n d o n ly l esser q u a ntities wo u l d be ava i l a b l e in breast t h ey w e re i n it i a l ly (o n l y a b o u t 1 /8 to 1 / 1 6 t h e i n it i a l
m i l k. Even though the a d m i n istration of loca l a nesthetic d o s e ) . T h i s co m p a res w i t h l i d o ca i n e w h e re t h e re is
d rugs to n u rs i n g mothers is not t h o u g ht to be s i g n ifi­ nea rly h a lf the i n itial d ose p resent at 3 h o u rs . The p e r­
cant, mothers who a re co ncerned can be reass u red if c e n t a g e of a n y d r u g th a t a ctu a l ly e n t e rs b re a st m i l k
a rtica i n e is used because a rtica i n e possesses the a n es­ i s u n known a n d probably va ria b l e . I f n u rs i n g mothers
thetic efficacy of the oth e r a m ides, yet it is m u c h m o re ti m e th e i r d e n ta l a p p o i ntme nts ca refu l ly a n d a rtica i n e
q u ickly biotra nsformed by pseudocholinesterase. i s u s e d , o n l y i n s i g n ifi c a n t t r a c e s wo u l d b e p re s e n t
o n ce n u rs i n g co m m e n ce s . If b l o c ks of t h e m a n d i b l e
Case Discussion : The h a lf- l ife of a rtica i n e , eve n w h e n a re n e e d e d , G o w - G a te s o r Va z i r a n i - A k i n o s i t e c h ­
m a xi m u m safe d o s e s have b e e n a d m i n iste red , is a p ­ n i q ues a re reco m m e n d e d beca use o f t h e possi b l e i n ­
p roxi m a t e l y 4 5 m i n utes . W h e n l e s s t h a n m a xi m u m creased risk o f p a resthesia i n i nfe rior a lveo l a r b l ocks .
• 69

Chapte r Q uestio n s 8. Arrange the inj ectable local anesthetic drugs in de­
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
scending order of overall CNS and CVS toxicity .
1 . The definition of the maximum recommended dose a. B upivacaine, mepivacaine, lidocaine, prilocaine,
(MRD ) of a drug best fits which one of the following articaine
definitions? b. B upivacaine, mepivacaine, lidocaine, articaine,
a. A safe dose to administer in all situations prilocaine
b. A dose that a 150-lb individual can have c. B upivacaine, mepivacaine, articaine, lidocaine,
c. A d o s e t h a t c a n n o t be e x c e e d e d u n d e r any prilocaine
circumstance d. B upivacaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, articaine,
d. A s a fe g u i d e l i n e w h e n a d m i n i s t e r i n g l o c a l prilocaine
anesthetic drugs
2. Which one of the following best describes articaine's
metabolism? Refe re n ces
a. Articaine is metabolized approximately 25 % in the
ADA/PDR guide to dental therapeutics ( 5th ed. ) . ( 2009) .
Montvale, NJ: Thompson PDR Corporation.
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cholinesterase. use of local anesthesia for pediatric dental patients. Retrieved
c. Much of articaine is excreted unchanged. September 28, 201 3, from
d. Articaine's metabolism is similar to prilocaine's. Guidelines/G_LocalAnesthesia.pdf
Astra Pharmaceuticals. (1999). EMLA Cream and Anesthetic
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cular compromise who suffers from significant liver from
damage. Which one of the following drugs would be Atanasov, N. , Popivanova, N. , & Yochev, S. (1981). Liver carbo­
most appropriate for this patient when you are anes­ xylesterase in the serum of viral hepatitis patients. Folia Med
thetizing the maxillary right quadrant? (plovdiv), 23(3-4), 61 -63.
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b. 3% mepivacaine plain epinephrine injection, Rev 06113 (2285-5), Cook-Waite pre­
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b. 4% prilocaine, 1:200,000 epinephrine
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a. Potency
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beta-blocker, which one of the following drugs would
be most appropriate to administer?
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of Nephrology, 2, 883 -888. lidocaine and (+I-) prilocaine in 20 patients undergoing
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S u m m a ry of De nta l Loca l An esth eti c D ru g s*
Relative Relative
Local Anesthetic Half-Life Soft Tissue Potency Toxicity

(Reference value = lidocaine @ l 00%

Drugs MRD MRD MRD t� Pulpal Anesthesia Anesthesia Duration
Color Coded Box (mg/lb) (mg/kg) Absolute pH minutes) (in minutes) (in minutes) Vasoconstrictor Category

4% Articaine 3.2 7.0 4.4-5 .2 30 75 1 80-300 1 50% 1 00%

1 : 100,000
Epinephrine Intermediate
(w/ vaso)

3.2 7.0 4.4-5 .2 30 45 120-300 150% 1 00%

1 :200,000
Epinephrine Intermediate

90 3.0-4.5 270 90- 1 80 240-540 400% Less than 400%

1 :200,000
Epinephrine Long

3.2 7.0 500 6.5 96 5-10 60- 1 20 None 1 00% 1 00% Very short

3.2 7.0 500 3 . 3-5 .5 96 60 1 80-300 1 00% 1 00%

1 :50,000
Epinephrine Intermediate

3.2 7.0 500 3 . 3-5 .5 96 60 1 80-300 1 00% 1 00%

1 : 100,000
Epinephrine Intermediate

3.0 6.6 400 4.5-{;.8 1 14 20-40 1 20- 1 80 None 1 00% 1 25% Short

3.0 6.6 400 3 .0-3 .5 1 14 60 1 80-300 1 00% 125%

1 :20,000
Levonordefrin Intermediate

4.0 8.8 600 4.5-{;.8 96 10-15 infiltration(!) 90-1 20 (I) 1 00% 85%
40-{iO block (B) 1 20-240 (B)
None Short (!)
Intermediate (B)

4.0 8.8 600 3 .0-4.0 96 60-90 1 80-480 1 00% 85%

1 :200,000
Epinephrine Intermediate

*FDA maximum recommended dose and drug insert information for each drug should be consulted prior to use.

* * * No FDA weight-based recommendation, MRD ; 90 mg. Health Canada weight-based recommendation 0.9 mg/lb or 2.0 mglkg.
* * No FDA absolute maximum recommended dose.
Lidocaine-D rug Facts

Proprietary Names Alphaca i ne, Octocai ne, Xyloca ine

Formulations/Durations of Action (pulpal ) 2% lidocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine 60 minutes (intermediate )

2% lidocaine, 1:50,000 epinephrine 60 minutes (intermediate )

MRD 3. 2 mg/lb 7.0 mg/kg 500 mg absolute maximum

Relative Potency 2X procaine

1 X mepivacaine and prilocaine
2/3 X articaine
l/4X bupivacaine

Relative Toxicity 2X procaine

1 X mepivacaine and articaine
l/4X bupivacaine

Metabolism Liver (oxidases and amidases; several active metabolites )

Excretion Kidneys (less than 10% unchanged )

Vasoactivity Weaker vasodilator than procaine

Stronger than mepivacaine and prilocaine

pKa 7. 7

pH 3. 3-5.5

Onset of Action 2-3 minutes

Half-Life 1.6 hours (96 minutes )

Topical Preparation 2% to 10%; 1- to 2-minute onset; - 2- to 5-minute effect

Pregnancy Category B

Lactation Enters breast milk (use caution )

Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

Articaine-D rug Facts

Proprietary Names Articadent, Orabloc, Septocai ne, Zorcaine

Formulations/Durations of Action (pulpal ) 4% articaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine 60-75 minutes (intermediate )

= Septocainc•
- e �==.::�:·::.:-::. _.

4% articaine, 1:200,000 epinephrine 45 -60 minutes (intermediate )

MRD 3.2 mg/lb 7.0 mg/kg no absolute maximum provided

Relative Potency 2X procaine

3/2X lidocaine, mepivacaine, and prilocaine
113 X bupivacaine

Relative Toxicity More toxic than procaine

Slightly more toxic than prilocaine
Slightly less toxic than mepivacaine and lidocaine
1/4 X bupivacaine

Metabolism 5%-10% Liver

90%-95% via cholinesterase

Excretion Kidneys (very little excreted unchanged )

Vasoactivity Similar to lidocaine

Stronger vasodilator than mepivacaine and prilocaine
Much weaker vasodilator than procaine and bupivacaine

pKa 7. 8

pH 4.0-5.2 1:100,000 epinephrine

4.6 -5.4 with epinephrine

Onset of Action 1 -2 minutes infiltration

2-3 minutes nerve block

Half-Life 0.44 hours ( 43.8 minutes 1:100,000 epi.; 44.4 minutes 1:200,000 epi.
after 6.9 successive cartridges administered )

Topical Preparation None available in dentistry

Pregnancy Category c

Lactation Enters breast milk (use caution )

Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

M epivacaine-D rug Facts

Proprietary Names Arestocaine, Ca rboca i ne, lsoca i ne, Polocai ne, Scandonest

Formulations/Durations of Action (pulpal) 3% mepivacaine plain 20-40 minutes (short)

2% mepivacaine, 1:20,000 levonordefrin 60 minutes (intermediate)

MRD 3.0 mg/lb 6.6 mg/kg 400 mg maximum

Relative Potency 2X procaine

1 X lidocaine and prilocaine
2/3 X articaine
l/4X bupivacaine

Relative Toxicity 2X procaine and prilocaine

1 X lidocaine and articaine
l/4X bupivacaine

Metabolism Liver (primarily oxidases; slower than lidocaine)

Excretion Kidneys (up to 16% unchanged)

Vasoactivity Weakest vasodilator of all 5 amides

pKa 7. 6

pH 3%: 4.5-6.8; 2%: 3.0-3.5

Onset of Action 1.5-2 minutes

Half-Life 1.9 hours (114 minutes)

Topical Preparation None available in dentistry

Pregnancy Category c

Lactation Enters breast milk (use caution)

Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

Pri locaine-D rug Facts

Proprietary Names Citanest, Citanest Forte

Formulations/Durations of Action (pulpal) 4% prilocaine, plain Block: 40-60 minutes (intermediate)

4% prilocaine, plain Infiltration: 10-15 minutes (short)

4% prilocaine, 1:200,000 epinephrine 60-90 minutes (intermediate)

MRD 4.0 mg/lb 8.8 mg/kg 600 mg maximum

Relative Potency 2X procaine

1 X lidocaine and mepivacaine
2/3 X articaine
1/4X bupivacaine

Relative Toxicity 2X procaine

Slightly less than mepivacaine and articaine
1/5X bupivacaine

Metabolism Liver (much of prilocaine is cleared before it can reach the liver)

Excretion Kidneys (very little excreted unchanged)

Vasoactivity Weak vasodilator, although not as weak as mepivacaine

pKa 7.9

pH 6.0-7.0 plain; 3.0-4.0 with epinephrine

Onset of Action 2-4 minutes

Half-Life 1.6 hours (96 minutes)

Topical Preparation 2.5% in combination with other drugs (usually lidocaine)

Pregnancy Category B

Lactation Enters breast milk (use caution)

Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

Bupivacaine-D rug Facts

Proprietary Name M a rca ine

Formulations/Durations of Action (pulpal) 0.5% bupivacaine, 1:200,000 epinephrine 90-120 minutes (long)
(may provide up to 12 hours of non-pulpal

MRD 0.9 mg/lb* 2.0 mg/kg* 90 mg maximum

Relative Potency S x procaine

4X lidocaine, mepivacaine, and prilocaine
3 X articaine

Relative Toxicity 8X procaine

5-6 X prilocaine
4X lidocaine, mepivacaine, articaine

Metabolism Liver (amidase; slow)

Excretion Kidneys (up to 16% unchanged)

Vasoactivity Strong vasodilator

pKa 8.1

pH 3.0-4.5

Onset of Action 6-10 minutes

Half-Life 2.7 hours (162 minutes)

Topical Preparation None available in dentistry

Pregnancy Category c

Lactation Enters breast milk (use caution)

* No F DA weight based recommendation, MRD = 90 mg. Health Canada weight based recommendation 0.9 mg/lb or 2.0 mg/kg.
Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

··························································· ® ··························································

Vasoco n stri cto rs i n De ntistry


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the key terms in t h i s cha pter. a d re n e rg i c 79

adverse events 8 1
• D i scuss the overa l l s i m i l a rities a n d d iffe re n ces between
e p i n e p h ri n e 79
vasoco n strictors. catech o l a m i n e 79
• D i scuss and identify c l i n ica l situ ations i n which the ch o ice of fe lypress i n 86
vasoco n strictor may d i rectly affect a n esth etic su ccess. l evo n o rd efri n 79

n o re p i n e p h ri n e 79
D i scuss and d eterm i n e situations in w h i ch specific vasoco n ­
p h e n y l e p h r i n e 86
stri cto rs may be i n d i cated or contra i n d icated .
sym path o m i m etic 79
• Describe the diffe rence in pote n cy between e p i n e p h ri n e a n d vasop ressors 79
l evo n o rd efri n .
• D i sti n g u ish between c l i n ica l s i g n s a n d sym pto m s o f vasoco n ­
stri cto r overd ose a n d a nxi ety/fea r responses.
• 79

Unlike epinephrine, Ievonordefrin is a synthetic catechol­

CAS E S T U DY amine. B oth epinephrine and levonordefrin stimulate
adrenergic receptors, the targets of the catecholamines
Elena Gagarin within the tissues. They belong to a larger group of drugs
E l e n a G a g a r i n re cently started a n ew p rescri ption that includes both catecholamine and non-catecholamine
fo r a tri cyc l i c a nt i d e p ressa nt t h a t s h e ta kes d a i ly. adrenergic stimulators known as sympathomimetic amines
She s u bse q u e ntly fra ct u red a cusp o n # 1 4 that has (see Table 6-1 •) (Malamed, 20 13) .

a l a rg e rest o r a t i o n . S h e i s exp e ri e n c i n g no p a i n Epinephrine (adrenaline) is both a hormone and a

a n d h a s n o oth e r d e ntal p ro b l e m s . neurotransmitter, one of many vasoconstricting substances
that are referred to as sympathomimetic drugs, which
means they mimic sympathetic nervous system mediators
such as norepinephrine. Other sympathomimetic drugs
Introd u ction used in local anesthetic solutions include levonordefrin
Vasoconstrictors enhance local anesthetic drugs i n a num­ (Neo-Cobefrin) and phenylephrine.
ber of important ways (Agency for Healthcare Research S y m p a t h o m i m e t i c d r u g s m a y be c l a s s i fi e d a s
and Quality [AHRQ] , 2002; Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, direct-acting, indirect-acting, o r mixed-acting. These clas­
1995; Yagiela, 1999) . They constrict local vessels, increasing sifications refer to the manner in which the drugs exert
safety by slowing systemic absorption. This constriction their influence on adrenergic receptors. An example of ad­
also prolongs the local actions of the drugs, provides he­ renergic receptor activity is found in their effects on the
mostasis, and increases profoundness of anesthesia (Jastak, smooth muscle walls of peripheral blood vessels. An initial
Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995). adrenergic (sympathomimetic) receptor effect on these
Vasoconstrictors are p articularly useful in dental structures results in vasoconstriction, slowing the uptake
s e ttings where long durations a n d more profound of anesthetic drugs into vessels (see Table 6 2 •). -

anesthesia are routinely require d . Th eir u s e fulness, Direct-acting drugs are similar to endogenous epi­
however, requires an understanding of their physiological nephrine and norepinephrine, providing direct stimulation
and pharmacological considerations. A 1999 report pre­ of adrenergic receptors on susceptible cells and tissues.
pared for the American D ental Association, for example, Examples of direct-acting sympathomimetic drugs include
states that vasoconstrictors have been associated with synthetic or exogenous epinephrine and norepinephrine,
more drug interactions than any other drugs in dentistry levonordefrin (Neo-Cobefrin), dopamine, isoproterenol,
(Yagiela, 1999) . A frequently overlooked fact is that the methoxamine, and phenylephrine.
systemic uptake of vasoconstrictors is increased by the Indirect- acting drugs generally block the removal
vasodilating properties of the local anesthetic drugs with or recycling of epinephrine and norepinephrine, result­
which they are combined (Yagiela, 1999) . In other words, ing in a buildup of both in synapses, which in turn causes
while vasoconstrictors decrease the risk of systemic toxicity overstimulation of adrenergic recep tors. In addition
of local anesthetic drugs, local anesthetic drugs increase the to decreased reuptake, indirect- acting mechanisms for
risk of toxicity of vasoconstrictors (Yagiela, 1999) . the accumulation of these neurotransmitters in the syn­
When clinicians are knowledgeable about the physi­ apses may include a stimulation in their synthesis, an in­
ological and pharmacological effects of vasoconstrictors crease in their release, and a decrease in their metabolic
and administer them appropriately, the benefits usually breakdown. Indirect-acting drugs include amphetamine,
outweigh the risks and they remain an essential part of the methamphetamine, and hydroxyamphetamine. Cocaine,
practice of pain control in dentistry.
This chapter will discuss the pharmacology of vaso­
constrictors used in dentistry with an emphasis on epi­ Table 6-1 Common Sympathomimetic Amines
nephrine and levonordefrin.
Catecholami nes Non-catechola m i nes* *

Vasoco n stricto rs in Dentistry Epinephrine* Amphetamine

There are two vasoconstrictors, also known as vasopressors,
that are routinely included in dental local anesthetic Norepinephrine* Methamphetamine
drugs in North America - epinephrine and levonordefrin.
Epinephrine represents the benchmark for vasoconstric­ Levonordefrin Ephedrine
tors in dental local anesthesia. Levonordefrin is a suitable
substitute. Dopamine* Phenylephrine

*Naturally occurring chemicals

Adrenergic Actions of Vasoconstrictors
**All are examples of chemicals found in street drugs, diet pills, and cold
Epinephrine is a naturally occurring catecholamine or neu­ medications.
rotransmitter, along with norepinephrine and dopamine. Source: Malamed (2013).

Table 6-2 Sympathomimetic Drug Influence on Adrenergic Receptors

D i rect Acting I n d i rect Acti ng M ixed Acting

Epinephrine Tyramine Metaraminol

Norepinephrine Amphetamine Ephedrine

Levonordefrin Methamphetamine

Isoproterenol Hydroxyamphetamine




Source: Malamed (2013).

an ester-type local anesthetic drug, also has significant their impact on blood pressure alone, for example, may
indirect adrenergic stimulating effects. be misguided. Plain drugs, such as 3% mepivacaine, may
Mixed-acting drugs have both direct and indirect ef­ not always provide profound and/or durable anesthesia.
fects on adrenergic receptors. Mixed-acting drugs include A lack of profound anesthesia can result in unmanageable
metaraminol and ephedrine. pain that in turn can lead to unpredictable spikes in blood
Vasoconstriction is provided by the temporary actions pressure due to the endogenous release of epinephrine.
of these drugs on smooth muscle walls of blood vessels. Although unlikely, endogenous release can exceed admin­
In areas where local anesthetic drugs with vasoconstric­ istered doses of epinephrine.
tors are deposited, the slowing of vascular uptake allows When discussing vasoconstrictors, it is helpful to
more time for drugs to enter nerve membranes and block remember that dental appointments can be stressful and
receptor sites. This increases the duration of anesthesia. that endogenous epinephrine released from the adre­
In addition to enabling more efficient activity of local an­ nal glands may increase before and during appointments.
esthetic drugs within nerve membranes, there is at least Endogenous release can compound the adverse adren­
some direct action of epinephrine that results in decreased ergic effects of exogenous (inj ected) epinephrine. It has
sensation (Tetzlaff, 2000) . This effect may contribute to the been suggested that exogenous epinephrine may actually
profoundness of the anesthesia. stimulate endogenous release by its direct action on ad­
Two types of adrenergic receptors were identified renergic receptors of the adrenal glands (Takahashi et al.,
by Ahlquist in 1948, alpha ( a ) and beta (/3) (Ahlquist, 2005 ) . This type of release might occur, for example, if a
1948) . Since that time, subcategories have been identi­ patient who is particularly fearful of dental appointments
fie d that explain spe cific actions of vasoconstrictors is given modest amounts of epinephrine yet displays signs
based on differences in their locations and functions and symptoms of an epinephrine overdose where none
(Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Alpha ( a ) receptors are responsible technically exists. The endogenous release can be signifi­
for smooth muscle contraction in peripheral arterioles cant enough to be responsible for any excessive amounts
and veins throughout the body (peripheral vasocon­ of epinephrine in circulation. Current protocol recognizes
striction) (ADA/PD R, 2009 ) . B eta 1 (/31) receptors are that exogenous epinephrine from dental cartridges causes
responsible for cardiac stimulation and B eta 2 (/3 2 ) re­ more significant stimulation than endogenous release
ceptors are responsible for the smooth muscle relaxation (Malamed, 20 13). The impact of the potential endogenous
that results in bronchodilation and vasodilation (ADA/ release is far less predictable because of the difficulty in
PDR, 2009) . B oth a and f3 receptors contribute to the anticipating quantities that might be released (Cryer, 1980;
potential for cardiac dysrhythmias (ADA/PDR, 2009 ) . Lipp et al., 1993; Yagiela, 1991 ) .
A summary of selected effects and affected organs can Adrenergic vasoconstrictors u s e d in dental proce­
be found in Table 6-3 •· dures typically d o not produce noticeable effects but
are capable of causing undesired local and systemic
Use or Avoidance of Vasoconstrictors reactions (Yagiela, 1999) . Local effects may include isch­
The use of vasoconstrictors in some situations remains emia and necrosis, whereas systemic effects may include
a controversial topic (Agency for Healthcare Research changes in arterial blood pressure, palpitations, dys­
and Quality, 2002) . Avoiding vasoconstrictors based on rhythmias, and even permanent inj ury or de ath due to
• 81

Table 6-3 Selected a and f3 Adrenergic Effects o n CVS and Respiratory Systems*

Cardiovascu lar System

Receptors Affected Action(s)

Heart rate Increased (may be blocked or reversed by vagal reflex activity)

Contractile force Increased

Coronary arterioles Constriction/Dilation (subject to local control)

Peripheral resistance Increased/Decreased

Respi ratory System

Bronchiole smooth muscle Relaxation

Pulmonary arterioles Constriction/Dilation (subject to local control)

ventricular fibrillation, heart attack, or stroke (Yagiela, In both medicine and dentistry, epinephrine has other
1999). Overdose, intravascular administration, and drug important uses, including the reversal of generalized ana­
interactions and intolerance increase the risks of these ad­ phylaxis and bronchospasm. In ophthalmology and op­
verse events (Yagiela, 1999). tometry, epinephrine-induced mydriasis (dilation of the
Fortunately, most adverse events associated with the pupils) augments diagnosis and treatment.
use of vasoconstrictors are short-lived. This is due to their Epinephrine provides nearly equal a and {3 effects,
efficient reuptake in synapses and the rapid removal and however not at the same time. Initial a vasoconstriction of
biotransformation of any residual portions that enter the peripheral vasculature allows time for anesthetic drugs to
bloodstream (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ) . The bind to receptor sites. Later, {32 vasodilation predominates.
term adverse events refers to the undesired effects that This has been observed after surgery where epinephrine
occur in response to the physiological and pharmacolog­ has been administered. Initially, a effects enhance pro­
ical actions of a drug, including the events surrounding found, durable anesthesia and reduce hemorrhaging at
its administration. surgical sites. Postoperatively, the dominant {32 effects can
Although highly unlikely, clinicians must be aware of result in increased bleeding approximately 6 hours after
the possibility of more serious consequences when using surgery (Malamed, 2013; Sveen, 1979).
these drugs. A j oint statement on vasoconstrictors of the B ecause of its nearly equal effects on both a and {3
American Dental Association and American Heart Asso­ adrenergic receptors, epinephrine is the drug of choice in
ciation provides the following advice: responding to generalized anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis pres­
ents as peripheral vasodilation and bronchial constriction.
Epinephrine's a adrenergic stimulation provides periph­
Vasoconstrictor agents should be used only when it is
clear that the proce dure will be shortened or the anal­
eral vasoconstriction (reversing the vigorous vasodilation)
gesia rendered m ore profoun d . When a vasoconstrictor
and its {3 adrenergic stimulation provides bronchodilation
is indicate d , extreme care should be taken to avoid
(relieving breathing difficulties).
intravascular injection. The minimum possible amount of
Vasoconstrictor concentration is expressed as a dilu­
vasoconstrictor should be used. (Malamed, 20 13)
tion ratio of milligrams of drug to milliliters of solution
(mg/mL) into which it is dissolved. A dilution ratio of
1 : 1000 epinephrine is equivalent to one gram in one liter,
Epi n ephr i n e expressed as 1,000 mg/1,000 mL 1 mg/mL. A dilution

A s previously mentioned, epinephrine i s a naturally occur­ ratio of 1 : 100,000 is equivalent to 1 gram in 100 liters, ex­
ring catecholamine. Epinephrine is used in dentistry as a pressed as 1,000 mg/100,000 mL 1 mg/1 0 0 mL or 0.0 1

potent vasoconstrictor that both enhances profound an­ mg/mL.

esthesia and increases the safety of local anesthetic drug Epinephrine is added to local anesthetic solutions in
administration. North America in concentrations of 1 :50,000, 1 : 1 0 0,000,

� OH

(R)-4-(1 -hyd roxy-2-( methylamine)ethyl) benzene-1 ,2-diol

FIGURE 6-1 Epinephrine Dilutions. Epinephrine is added to local anesthetic solutions in dilutions of 1:50,000,
1:100,000, and 1:200,000.
Source: Modified courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical .

and 1 :200,000 (see Figure 6-1 •). Dilutions of 1:50,000 con­ administered to a cardiac p atient undergoing den­
tain four times the quantity of vasoconstrictor as 1 :200,000. tistry is based on sound scientific evidence. Given the
Although there may be therapeutic benefit at times, such as population and the risk of an untoward event, ethical
the more vigorous hemostasis provided by this higher con­ considerations likely preclude a study to obtain such
centration to control bleeding during surgical procedures, evidence.
there is questionable rationale for the use of dilutions of
Other dose reductions may apply in selected situa­
1 :50,0 0 0 epinephrine in a maj ority of clinical situations
tions, including elderly populations and in the presence
(Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Its use may be more common in dental
of a number of specific drug interactions (Lindquist &
specialties. All dilutions contribute to profound and dura­
Ettinger, 2003 ; Special Committee of the New York Heart
ble anesthesia in combination with local anesthetic drugs.
Association, 1955; Yagiela, 1999).
The maximum dose of epinephrine for use in dentistry
in healthy individuals has been determined to be 0.2 mg per
appointment (Budenz, 2000; Special Committee of the New
Summary of Actions on Specific Systems
York Heart Association, 1955; Working Conference of ADA
and Tissues
and AHA on Management of Dental Problems in Patients
with Cardiovascular Disease, 1964). In significant cardiovas­ Myocardium: Increased cardiac output and heart rate
cular compromise (ASA categories III & IV), the maximum
Pacemaker cells: Increased incidence of dysrhythmias
dose is reduced to 0.04 mg, which is 20% of the standard
maximum dose of epinephrine (Special Committee of the Coronary arteries: Increased coronary artery blood
New York Heart Association, 1955; see Chapter 7, "Dose flow
Calculations for Local Anesthetic Solutions"; see Chapter Blood pressure: Increased systole; decreased diastole
10, "Patient Assessment for Local Anesthesia") . However, (except increased in higher doses)
application of this maximum value in all significant car­ CVS: Decreased cardiac efficiency
diovascular (CV) compromise is not necessarily optimal.
Vasculature: a vasoconstriction in skin and mucous
Clinicians should consider all relevant factors when deter­
membranes; {3 2 vasodilation in skeletal muscle vascu­
mining safe doses of vasoconstrictors for these individuals,
lature (lower doses); a vasoconstriction (higher doses)
including an increased potential for endogenous release of
epinephrine. In some categories of CV compromise, shorter Hemostasis: a vasoconstriction initially (higher
appointments, conscious sedation, as well as the use of stress doses), then {32 vasodilation after 6 hours
reduction protocols help reduce risks (Rose et al., 2002) . Respiratory: {32 vasodilation of bronchiole smooth
The following statement appeared in a recent issue of the muscle
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association (Davis, 20 10) : * CNS: In therapeutic doses, not a potent stimulant
Unfortunately, n o current recommendation regarding Other noncardiac effects: Increased oxygen consump­
the maximum amount of epinephrine that can be safely tion in all tissues may occur
*Excerpt from "What dose of epinephrine contained in local anesthesia
can be safely administered to a patient with underlying cardiac disease In addition, epinephrine can decrease the hypogly­
during a dental procedure ? " by Ben Davis from Journal of the Canadian cemic effects of insulin, resulting in elevated blood sugar
Dental Association, 76:a36. Published by Canadian Dental Association. levels (see Box 6-1 •) .
• 83

Termination of action: Reuptake by adrenergic nerves

and once absorbed, catechol-0-methyltransferase
(COMT) and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inactivation
Effect on endogenous epinephrine release: The
Oth e r i m po rtant co n s i d e rati o n s b efo re t h e use of vaso­ exact mechanism is unknown although it has been
constrictors i n c l u d e eva l u ati o n fo r situati o n s w h e re specific suggested by some that adrenomedullary stimulation
tissues of t h e body a re m o re s u scepti b l e to i nj u ry due to by exogenous epinephrine on presynaptic {3-receptors
vasoconstrict i o n . For exa m p l e , t h i s may b e the case w h e n may be responsible for endogenous releases
t h e re is a h istory of stro ke, ra d i at i o n t h e ra py, o r u n co n ­ (Takahashi et al., 2005 ) .
tro l l e d (britt l e) d i a betes w i t h u n d erlyi n g ca rd i ovascu l a r
Sources:Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson ( 1995), Malamed (2013),
disease. Sveen (1979), and Takahashi et a!. (2005).
A h i story of a cere b rovascu l a r accident (CVA) o r
stro ke i n creases t h e r i s k of exp e r i e n c i n g a s u bs e q u e nt
CVA d u e to i n creases i n b l oo d p ress u re i n res p o n s e to Levo n o rd efri n
vasoconstrictors. Levonordefrin is the only synthetic catecholamine available
R a d i a t i o n t h e ra p y i n cre a s e s the risk of oste o n e c ros i s in dental cartridges in North America. It is considered to
(a l s o k n o w n a s oste o ra d i o n e c ro s i s a ft e r i rr a d i a t i o n of have about one-sixth the potency of epinephrine and there­
the b o n e) d u e to a res u l t a n t co m p ro m i s e of the vas­
fore more concentrated dilutions are needed in dental car­
cu l a r b e d . Va s o c o n st r i ctors can fu rt h e r co m p ro m i s e
tridges (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Formulated as 2 % mepivacaine,
t h e v a s c u l a r b e d d e p r i v i n g t h e b o n y t i s s u es of oxyg e n ,
n u t r i e nts, a n d b o n e -fo r m i n g ce l l s n e e d e d to m a i nt a i n
1 :20,000 levonordefrin (the only dental solution available),
vita I i ty. this drug is considered to be equal in both clinical and sys­
E p i n e p h ri n e c a n d e cre a s e t h e h y p o g lyce m i c effe cts temic effects to 2 % lidocaine, 1 : 1 0 0,000 epinephrine. It
of i n s u l i n . T h i s m a y be a p a rt i c u l a r p ro b l e m in i n d ivi d u a l s provides no systemic advantage over 1 : 1 00,000 epineph­
w i t h d i a b etes t h a t req u i re l a rg e d o s e s o f i n s u l i n , p re v i ­ rine concentrations (Hargreaves & Cohen, 20 1 1 ) . Some
o u s l y refe rred to a s brittle diab etics, e s p e c i a l l y t h o s e patients sensitive to epinephrine, however, may not be sen­
w i t h s i g n ifi c a n t c a r d i ovascu l a r d i s e a s e . I n d i vi d u a l s w i t h sitive to levonordefrin. It also differs from epinephrine in
u n co n t ro l l e d d i a b etes h a ve d iffi cu lty m a i n ta i n i n g co n ­ its actions on adrenergic receptors. Unlike epinephrine's
s i st e n t b l o o d s u g a r l e v e l s a n d c a n a l t e r n ate b etwe e n 50% a and 50% f3 effects, levonordefrin's action is primar­
severe h y p o - a n d h y p e r g l y ce m i c e p i s o d e s . A co n s u lta­
ily a, 75 % versus 25 % f3 (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson,
tion with t h e p a t i e nt's p h ys i c i a n c a n h e l p d e t e r m i n e t h e i r
1995 ) . As a weak stimulator of beta adrenergic receptors,
stat u s . E p i n e p h r i n e c a n g e n e ra l l y b e g iv e n to i n d iv i d u ­
a l s w h o s e d i a b etes i s we l l c o n t ro l l e d with o u t s p e c i a l
it is similar to norepinephrine, which is approximately 90 %
a (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995 ) . Despite levonor­
p reca uti o n s .
defrin's major effect on a receptors, epinephrine is a more
powerful vasoconstrictor of peripheral vasculature, thus
providing good hemostasis (control of bleeding).

4-[(1 5 ,25)-2-amino- 1 -hydroxy-propyl)benzene-1 ,2-diol

F I G U RE 6-2 Levonordefrin Dilutions. Levonordefrin is added to local anesthetic solutions in a dilution of 1:20,000.
Levonordefrin is much weaker than epinephrine and is formulated in a dilution that is five times more concentrated
(less diluted ) to provide similar efficacy of the local anesthetic drug.
Source: Modified courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

Levonordefrin is less potent compared with epineph­ Dosa g e D i scussion

rine and is formulated in dilutions of 1 :20,000, which are
five times more concentrated ( less diluted ) than 1 : 100,000 D etermining the dose o f vasoconstrictor drug i n a given
epinephrine solutions ( see Figure 6-2 •) . Two percent volume of solution requires an understanding of dilution
mepivacaine with 1 :20,000 levonordefrin provides a good ratios, standard cartridge volumes, the defined maximum
alternative to 2 % lidocaine with 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine in recommended dose for each drug, and relevant patient
most clinical situations, and in specific situations in which health factors.
epinephrine may be contraindicated, including when other A thorough discussion of methods for calculation of
specific drugs ( such as beta-blockers ) are being taken vasoconstrictor doses can be found in Chapter 7, "Dose
( Zhang et al., 1999). Calculations for Local Anesthetic Solutions."

Summary of Actions on Specific Systems Toxi city a n d B i otra n sfo rmation

and Tissues of Vasoco nstricto rs
In general, levonordefrin has less effect on the adrenergic Vasoconstrictor toxicity results from excessive stimula­
receptors of the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary tion of adrenergic receptors. High plasma levels of epi­
systems compared with epinephrine ( Jastak, Yagiela, & nephrine have been described as inevitable soon after
Donaldson, 1995; Malamed, 20 13). The lack of significant administration and typically result in increased heart rate
{3 stimulation tends to negate the advantages of levonor­ and systolic blood pressure ( Clutter et al., 199 1 ; Tetzlaff,
defrin's weaker adrenergic stimulation and its inability to 2000; Tolas, Pflug, & Halter, 1982). Peak plasma concen­
significantly dilate the smooth muscles of the bronchioles trations, for example, have been shown to occur within
precludes its use for anaphylaxis. Epinephrine also pro­ the first few minutes ( Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson,
vides much better hemostasis, as previously mentioned. In 1 9 95 ) . Outward signs and symptoms of transient high
the concentrations found in the single dental formulation plasma levels are only occasionally noted clinically but
(2 % mepivacaine, 1 :20,0 00), levonordefrin provides an tend to be quite frightening when they occur ( Jastak,
equivalent duration of local anesthetic activity compared Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ) . These signs and symptoms
with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine. include nausea, restlessness, a racing heart, severe head­
aches, palpitations, tremors, and shakiness. Fortunately,
Myocardium: Increased cardiac output and heart rate
these unpleasant effects are usually short-lived because
but less than epinephrine
of the efficiency of vasoconstrictor metabolism ( Jastak,
Pacemaker cells: Increased incidence of dysrhythmias Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1 9 9 5 ) . Levonordefrin is similar
but less than epinephrine to epinephrine in this respect although to a lesser extent
Coronary arteries: Increased coronary artery blood ( Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995). Table 6-4 • dem­
flow but less than epinephrine onstrates typical signs and symptoms of vasoconstrictor
Blood pressure: Increased systole but less than epi­ overdose and adverse events. Note that many of the signs
nephrine. D ecreased diastole, except increased in and symptoms of overdose mimic those observed in anxi­
higher doses ety and fear as discussed in Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of
CVS: Decreased cardiac efficiency
Vasculature: a vasoconstriction in skin and mucous Table 6-4 Adverse Events in Vasoconstrictor
membranes but less than epinephrine; {32 vasodila­ Overdose
tion in skeletal muscle vasculature ( lower doses ) ;
a vasoconstriction ( higher doses ) but less than Compa rison of S i g n s a n d Sym pto ms
epinephrine Vasoconstricto r Overdose versus Anxiety and Fea r

Hemostasis: Much less effective than epinephrine

Vasoconstrictor Overdose Anxiety/Fear Responses
Respiratory: Vasodilation of bronchiole smooth mus­
cle but much less than epinephrine Nausea Nausea
CNS: In therapeutic doses, a less potent stimulant Restlessness Restlessness
compared with epinephrine Heart racing Heart racing
Intense anxiety Intense anxiety
Metabolism: Elevated blood sugar but less than epi­ Weakness Weakness
nephrine. Increased oxygen consumption in all tissues Tremor Tremor
but less than epinephrine Severe headache Headache
Termination of action: Reuptake by adrenergic nerves Hyperventilation Hyperventilation
and COMT inactivation Palpitation Palpitation
Shakiness Shakiness
Effect on endogenous epinephrine release: Unknown Fainting
mechanism but less than epinephrine
• 85

Pain Management," and Chapter 18, "Insights for Fearful Table 6-5 Contrasting Overdose versus Allergic
Patients." Responses
The absorption of vasoconstrictors from areas of
deposition is slowed by their own actions and may take Compa rison of S i g n s a n d Sym pto ms
several hours (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995). Once Vasoconstricto r Overdose versus A l l e rgy
absorbed, however, biotransformation of adrenergic va­
soconstrictors is rapid with expected plasma half-lives of Vasoconstrictor Overdose Allergic Response*
only about 1-2 minutes (ADA/PDR, 2009).
Nausea Hives
Epinephrine is recycled in the synaptic j unctions. The
Restlessness Rash
enzyme catecholamine - 0 - methyltransferase (COMT) Heart racing Bronchospasms
is responsible for the biotransformation of any epineph­ Intense anxiety Vasodilatation
rine that is not recycled. Further breakdown may oc­ Weakness
cur via monoamine oxidase (MAO ) (Jastak, Yagiela, & Tremor
D onaldson, 1995, Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Levonordefrin is also Severe headache
biotransformed by COMT; however, it is not subj ect to Hyperventilation
significant MAO metabolism due to its chemical struc­ Palpitation
ture (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1 9 9 5 ) . Its systemic Shakiness
effects and the termination of its actions are similar to
*Allergic response to epinephrine is nearly impossible; signs and
epinephrine's (Jastak, Yagiela, & D o naldson, 1 9 9 5 ) . symptoms of allergy may be in response to other contents of the
Responses t o suspected overdoses o r other reactions to cartridge.
vasoconstrictors and local anesthetic drugs are discussed
in Chapter 17, " Local Anesthesia Complications and
" allergic" to the " adrenaline" in the anesthetic. Although
D espite the administration of only very small doses
it is possible this was the result of intravascular deposi­
of vasoconstrictors, signs and symptoms of overdose
tion, it may actually reflect a hyper-response to absorbed
or other adverse events may occur in some individuals
doses, particularly if it has occurred on repeated occa­
either during or shortly after administration. These ef­
sions (see B ox 6-2 •) . It is important to note that this
fects pass rather quickly. Individuals affected in this way
type of sensitivity is not allergenic because it lacks hu­
may state or record on h e alth histories that they are
moral, cell-mediated, and/or antigen-antibody reactions
(see Table 6-5 •) . Instead, it relates to a rapid, direct,
and vigorous stimulation of adrenergic receptors. These
events can be dramatic and frightening and provide con­
vincing rationale for limiting or avoiding epinephrine­
containing local anesthetics in these individuals. They do
not, however, reflect a true epinephrine allergy, which
is not possible because epinephrine in local anesthet­
Some confu s i o n exists a m o n g patie nts re g a rd i n g t h e i r
ics is identical to endogenous epinephrine (Pickett &
exp e r i e n ces w i t h e p i n e p h r i n e a n d w h a t constitutes a n
Terezhalmy, 2006).
a ctu a l a l l e rg i c res p o n s e . Wh i l e a l l ergies h ave occu rred to
exo g e n o u s e p i n e p h ri n e preparations, t h ey a re c h a ra cter­
ized as h a v i n g b e e n extre m e l y rare a n d l i ke l y d u e to t h e
s pecific form u l at i o n that was used, e i t h e r e p i n e p h r i n e
Othe r Vasocon strictors U sed
hydroch l o r i d e o r e p i n e p h ri n e b ita rtrate (Ko h a s e & U m n io, in Dentistry
2004) . These e p i n e p h r i n e-re l ated a l l ergies i n d e nta l set­ Norepinephrine, phenylephrine, and felypressin are not
t i n g s a re n e a rly u n h e a rd of. It is fa r m o re l i ke l y that i n d ivid­
currently available in dental local anesthetic preparations
uals re p o rti n g past expe r i e n ces of e p i n e p h ri n e a l l ergies in
d e n t a l sett i n g s h ave a ctu a l ly expe r i e n ced a hyper- res p o n s e
in North America; however, all three vasoconstrictors
to the d r u g . The term hyper-response refers to overdose have been in use in other regions of the world for many
m a n ifestati o n s to doses that typ ica l ly wo u l d n ot res u lt in years.
n oticea b l e e ffe cts . I n these i n d iv i d u a l s , t h i s is their n o rm a l
res p o n s e t o doses that oth e rwise fa l l wit h i n a ccepted Norepinephrine
g u i d e l i n es fo r m ost. Norepinephrine is a n atural-occurring catecholamine
H y p e rs e n s itivity refe rs to an a l l e rg i c p rocess that i n ­ whose activity on adrenergic receptors is approximately
volves h u m o r a l , ce l l - m e d i ated, a n d/or a nt i g e n-antibody 9 0 % a (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . It is similar to levonordefrin
rea ct i o n s . Tru e a l l e rg i c res p o n ses a re n o t dose-re l ate d .
in its actions o n t h e s e receptors and quite different
compared with epinephrine in that norepinephrine's
v a s o c o nstrictive acti o n s lack significant {3 2 activity;
thus, they are virtually unoppo s e d (Jastak, Yagiela, &

D o naldson, 1 9 9 5 ; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . The vigorous and

sustained vasoconstriction ( h e m o s t a s i s ) induced by CAS E MA N A G EME N T
norepinephrine may induce necrosis, especially on the
palate (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Elena Gagarin
Because of p reca utions surro u n d i n g tricycl i c a ntide­
p ressa nt u s e , i t i s d e c i d e d t h a t a d r u g w i t h o u t a
Phenylephrine is a synthetic non-catecholamine with v a s o c o n st r i ct o r o r w i t h l i m i t e d v a s o c o n st r i ct o r
weak vasoconstrictive effects, approximately 95 % a ac­ d oses w i l l be used . T h e fi rst c h o ice, 4% p r i l o ca i n e
tivity (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . It is formulated in much higher p l a i n , fa i l ed t o p rovi de a d e q u ate a n esthesia o r d u ­
concentrations ( 1 :2,500) compared with epinephrine and ration fo r a crow n , w h i c h was t h e treatm ent a g reed
levonordefrin in order to overcome its weaker vasocon­ u p o n . The s e co n d c h o i c e , 3 % m e p ivaca i n e , p ro ­
strictive effects (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . It has been described as v i d e d p rofo u n d a n esthesia of # 1 4 but it l asted o n ly
an excellent drug with few significant side effects; however, 5 m i n utes. F o u r p e rc e n t a rtica i n e with 1 : 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
plasma levels of lidocaine were found to be elevated when e p i n e p h ri n e was s e l e cted, because it p rovides a d ­
phenylephrine was administered for epidural block com­ e q u ate p rofo u n d n ess a n d d u rati o n , it h a s a v e ry
pared with similar solutions with epinephrine (Malamed, s h o rt h a lf- l ife , a n d it h a s t h e l e ast a m o u n t of e p i ­
20 13; Stanton-Hicks, B erges, & Bonica, 1973 ) . This directly n e p h ri n e p e r m i l l i m eter ava i l a b l e .
relates to its weak vasoconstrictive action. Phenylephrine
was previously available in North America in a 4% pro­ Case Discussion : A severe s p i ke i n b l ood p ressu re

caine, 1 :2,500 dilution. With the elimination of procaine as a n d refl exive b ra d yca rd i a c a n o cc u r in t h e p res­
a primary local anesthetic in dentistry, this formulation is e n ce of tricyc l i c a n t i d e p ressants if vasoconstrictors
no longer available. a re u s e d . The r i s k with l evo n o rd efri n i s a p p roxi­
m a t e l y five to t e n times t h e n o rm a l r i s k and with
Felypressin e p i n e p h r i n e the r i s k i s a p p roxi m at e l y two t i m e s
t h e n o r m a l r i s k . I f a v a s o c o n st r i ct o r i s n e e d e d ,
Felypressin is a synthetic hormone that has vasoconstric­
l evo n o rd e fr i n s h o u l d b e a vo i d e d a n d e p i n e p h ­
tive properties with more smooth muscle effects on the
r i n e m ay be a d m i n istered b u t t h e tota l q u a ntities
venous, rather than the arteriolar, microcirculation. It has
s h o u l d b e l i m it e d . A 1 : 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 d i l u t i o n i s s a fe r
a wide margin of safety, with little to no effect on the myo­
t h a n a 1 : 1 00,000 d i l ution because it conta i n s
cardium and no adrenergic nerve influence. It is therefore
h a l f t h e a m o u n t o f e p i n e p h ri n e . T h ree d r u g s a re
safe to use for patients with dysrhythmias or hyperthyroid­
p a c k a g e d i n t h i s d i l u t i o n : 4% p r i l o c a i n e , 0 . 5 %
ism, and for patients using tricyclic antidepressant medica­
b u p i v a c a i n e , a n d 4 % a rt i c a i n e w i t h 1 : 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
tion (Inagawa, Ichinohe, & Kaneka, 2005; Jastak, Yagiela,
e p i n e p h ri n e . A n y o f t h e th ree m i g h t w o r k i n t h i s
& D onaldson, 1995; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Felypressin is not
situati o n , h oweve r, i f E l e n a is sti l l n u rs i n g , t h e h a lf­
available in the United States.
l ife of p r i l o ca i n e ( 1 . 6 h o u rs) a n d b u p ivaca i n e (2 . 7
For additional information on norepinephrine, phen­
h o u rs) a re s i g n ifica ntly g reater t h a n t h e h a l f- l ife of
ylephrine, and felypressin, the clinician is urged to consult
a rtica i n e (l ess t h a n 45 m i n utes) .
the references for this text.

3. Which one of the following statements is true?

.�.h. �. P..t.E! � . 9.LJ.E!��.i.e>.". � ........................................... . a. Levonordefrin is more potent compared with
1 . Which one of the following vasoconstrictors is most epinephrine.
useful in providing hemostasis? b. Cardiac stimulation from levonordefrin is greater
a. Phenylephrine compared with epinephrine.
b. Epinephrine c. Cardiac stimulation from levonordefrin is less com­
c. Levonordefrin pared with epinephrine.
d. Felypressin d. Levonordefrin is equal in potency compared with
2. A patient has significant cardiovascular disease and
4. Epinephrine's metabolism is relatively rapid after
requires a restorative procedure on tooth #5. Retrac­
local anesthesia administration.
tion cord and hemostasis are needed in order to keep
a. True
the restorative site dry. Which one of the following
b. False
drugs would be most indicated in this situation?
a. 4% articaine, 1 :200,000 epinephrine 5. Metabolic enzymes for epinephrine include which of
b. 2% mepivacaine, 1 :20,000 levonordefrin the following?
c. 2% lidocaine, 1 :50,000 epinephrine a. COMT and MAO
d. 4% prilocaine plain b. Hepatic isoenzymes
• 87

c. Renal isoenzymes Kohase, H., & Umino, M. (2004). Allergic reaction to epineph­
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the upper and lower right quadrants. She is well volved with managing the care of an elderly patient. Journal of
controlled and otherwise healthy. Which one of the the American Dental Association, 134, 593-600.
following represents the safest and most effective lo­ Lipp, M., Dick, W., Daublander, M., Fuder, H., & Stanton-Hicks,
cal anesthesia regime? M. (1993). Exogenous and endogenous plasma levels of epi­
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Little, J. W., Falace, D. A., Miller, C. S., & Rhodus, N. L. (2013).
and 2 cartridges of 3% mepivacaine plain
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(8th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
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tained in dental local anesthetics aggravates myocardial oxygen. Orofacial Pain Management, 1, 5-8.
Tokyo Dental College: Chiba-shi Chiba, Japan. Retrieved July Yagiela, J. A. (1999). Adverse drug interactions in dental practice:
26, 2007,from Interactions associated with vasoconstrictors, Part V of a se­
abstract_63639.htm ries. Journal of the American Dental Association, 130, 701 -709.
Jastak, J. T., Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995). Local Zhang, C., Banting, D. W., Gelb, A. W., & Hamilton, J. T. (1999).
anesthesia of the oral cavity. Philadelphia: Saunders. Effect of {3-adrenoreceptor blockade with nadolol on the
Jones, J. H., & Mason, D. K. (1990). Oral manifestations of sys­ duration of local anesthesia. Journal of the American Dental
temic disease (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. Association, 130(12), 1773-1780.

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· · ······ ·············· · ················ · ········· · ······ · ·· 0 ······· ······ · · · ·· · · ··········· · · · · ······ ········ · · · · ·····

Dose Ca l cu l ati o n s fo r
toea I Am estf.l e�i·e �a l l!J�i·o·m s


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the key terms in t h i s cha pter. ca rd i a c dose 94

cartri d g e vo l u m e 90
• Defi n e a n d d i scuss the s i g n ifica n ce of the maxi m u m
C l a rk's R u l e 95
reco m m e n d ed dose o f a d ru g . d i l uti o n ratios 92
• List m axi m u m recom m e n d ed doses fo r each l oca l a n esth etic d r u g co n ce ntratio n 90
d ru g and vasocon strictor. d r u g p e rcenta g e 90

d r u g ratio 94
Id e n tify a n d d iscuss the re l eva nt i nfo rmation a n d
l i m it i n g d r u g 94
m athematica l operati o n s req u i red t o ca l c u l ate d ru g doses.
maxi m u m reco m m e n d e d
• Id e n tify re l evant i nfo rmation n ecessa ry to co m p ute reco m ­ d o s e ( M RD) 8 9
m e n d e d d ru g doses. Yo u n g 's r u l e 95
• Ca lcu l ate the reco m m e nded doses of fo r local a n esth etic
d ru g s and vasocon stri cto rs i n c l i n ica l situati o n s .
• Ca lcu l ate the reco m m e nded d o s e s when m u lt i p l e d ru g s with
d iffe ri n g concentrations a re a d m i n iste red .
• D i scuss recom m e n d e d d ose mod ifications fo r vasoco n strictors
i n patients with s i g n ificant ca rd i ovascu l a r co m p rom ise.
C a l cu l ate the recom m e n ded doses of fo r local a n esth etic
ugs and vasoco n strictor fo r patients with s i g n ificant
r co m p rom ise.
c rfe nded doses of local a n esthetic d ru gs
l a rk's R u l e a Rule.

• 89

lliana Gagarin
After a d m i n istering one ca rtridge of 4% priloca i n e with a n d t h e seco n d is t h a t t e m p o r a ry fa b ri c a t i o n wo u l d
1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h r i n e fo r a crown o n # 1 4, which l i m its req u i re o n ly brief a d d itio n a l a n esth esi a .
the tota l a m o u nt of e p i n e p h ri n e a d m i n istered to ! I ia n a ! I i a n a G a g a r i n w e i g h s 1 2 0 l b s a n d i s ot h e rw i s e
G a g a r i n , i t w a s later decided that a d d ition a l a n esthetic h e a l t h y. C a l c u l a t e t h e t o t a l v o l u m e o f 3 % m e p i ­
wo u l d be necessary because # 1 4 was beco m i n g sensi­ vaca i n e t h a t s h e can receive at h e r a p p o i ntment.
tive d u ri n g the p l acement of a te m pora ry crow n . H ow m a n y m i l l i g ra m s o f d r u g d o e s t h i s re p re s e n t ?
T h ree p e rcent m e p ivaca i n e p l a i n w a s selected fo r W h a t is t h e tota l dose of e p i n e p h ri n e t h a t s h e
two reaso n s . The fi rst is that it h a s no vasoco nstrictor rece i v e d ?

Introd u ction Definition o f Maximum Recommended Doses for

Local Anesthetic Drugs
Treatment planning and accurate documentation o f local
anesthetic agents require careful calculation and recording As introduced in Chapter 4 , "Pharmacology B a sics,"
of drug doses. Local anesthetic solutions used in dentistry maximum recommended dose (MRD ) represents the
contain one or more drugs (a local anesthetic drug with or maximum quantity of drug that can be safely administered
without a vasoconstrictor) . The maximum recommended during an appointment in most situations. Dose recom­
dose for each solution is dependent on the drug which mendations are provided by the FDA and manufacturers
limits the total volumes that may be delivered. in product inserts.
Table 7-1 • provides MRD values for all five inj ect­
able dental local anesthetic drugs.

Ca lcu lati n g Local An esthetic Factors Required for Drug Dose Calculations
D ru g Doses Clinicians commonly express and document doses of local
Calculations in the previous edition of t h i s t e x t used anesthetic drugs as the number of cartridges, milliliters of
values that added an additional level of safety, despite solution, and/or milligrams of drug administered. Regard­
sometimes conflicting with manufacturer recommenda­ less of the manner in which they are expressed, these doses
tions. The calculations have been adj usted throughout are all calculated based upon milligrams.
this edition of the text to conform to current U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) -approved maximum
recommended doses (MRD ) . Clinicians should note that
current recommendations are significantly different for Table 7-1 F DA-Approved Maximum Doses of Local
some drugs than previous recommendations in this text. Anesthetic Drugs

Clinicians who prefer to use previous, more conservative

Maxi m u m Dose per Appoi ntment
recommendations to guide their clinical decision mak­
Based on Loca l Anesthetic Drug O N LY*
ing regarding dosing can continue to do so because the
previous recommendations do not exceed FDA-approved Drug mg/lb mg/kg mg per appt. *
MRDs. Administering the least amount of drug that pro­
vides the desired level of anesthesia is advised by all man­ Articaine 3. 2 7. 0 NA
ufacturers in product inserts.
An understanding of the following information is Bupivacaine 0.9'' 2.0" 90mg
necessary in order to calculate the recommended doses
and/or to determine the dose of local anesthetic drugs Lidocaine 3.2 7. 0 500 mg
Mepivacaine 3. 0 6.6 400 mg
1. Concentration for the selected anesthetic drug
Prilocaine 4.0 8.8 600 mg
2. Dilution percentages for vasoconstrictors
3. Standard cartridge volumes '
Note: "per appt ." values represent dosages for healthy individuals;
values must be adjusted for children, elderly, and medically
4. Defined maximum recommended dose for each drug compromised individuals.
5. Relevant patient factors, such as weight and general "Canadian recommendations. No U.S. recommendations available.
health status, including medications Source: FDA, ADA/PDR, 5th ed ., 2009; Malamed, 6th ed ., 2013.

The drug concentration of a local anesthetic in a

cartridge is expressed as a p ercentage, 0 . 5 % , 2 % , 3 % ,
or 4 % . The percentages refer to the number of grams in
100 mL of solution; for example, a 2% solution contains
1 00% s o l uti o n = o n e g r a m (1 ,000 m g) of d r u g p e r m i l l i l iter 2 grams of drug in each 100 mL and a 3% solution contains
of s o l u t i o n = 1 ,000 m g/m l 3 grams in each 1 0 0 mL. The drug percentage is there­
1 0% s o l uti o n = o n e-te nth t h e m i l l i g ra m s (1 00 m g) of d r u g fore an expression of the relative amount of drug in a
p e r m i l l i l iter of s o l u t i o n = 1 00 m g/m l cartridge. A 4 % drug contains twice as much drug as a
1 % s o l uti o n = o n e - h u n d redth t h e m i l l i g ra m s ( 1 0 m g ) of 2 % drug.
� • • • • • • •

• � � : � : � : � �: � : �
il il t f s o u ti o = 1 0
. . . • . .
• •
� :��� • .li In order to understand the percentages on which the
contents of local anesthetic drug solutions are based, it may
be helpful to begin with a 100% solution, which, by defini­
tion, contains 1 gram or 1,000 mg of drug per milliliter of
solution. This may be expressed as 1,000 mg/mL. A 1 0 %
solution therefore would contain one-tenth the milligrams
per milliliter, expressed as 100 mg/mL, and a 1 % solution
would contain one-hundredth the milligrams per milliliter
T h e re is n o i nt e r n a ti o n a l sta n d a rd re g a rd i n g ca rt r i d g e or 10 mg/mL ( see Box 7-1 •) . Considering that a stan­
vo l u m e . C a rt r i d g e s d i st r i b u t e d i n N o rt h A m e r i c a a re dard North American cartridge contains 1.8 mL of solu­
d e s i g n e d to c o n t a i n 1 . 8 m l of s o l u t i o n . I n m a n y c a s e s ,
tion, not 1.0 mL ( see Box 7-2 •), at a concentration of 1 % ,
t h e m a n ufact u re r 's i n s e rt, i n co m p l i a n ce w i t h F D A re g u ­
one cartridge would contain 1 8 m g o f drug ( 1 0 mg/mL X
l a t i o n s , w i l l state t h a t t h e c a rtri d g e l i q u i d c a p a city i s
1.8 mL/cartridge 18 rug/cartridge ) . =
1 . 7 m l. T h i s re p re s e nts a m a n ufactu r i n g v a r i a t i o n o f
± 0 . 1 m l a n d a s s u res t h a t n o less than 1 . 7 m l i s p re s ­
Box 7-3 • and Appendix 7-1 •, " Local Anesthetic
e n t i n e a c h c a rt r i d g e . T h i s w i l l n o t a l t e r t h e b a s i c Solutions - D ose Calculation Facts," provide a compre­
fo rm u l a s fo r ca l c u l at i o n a n d a l l ows fo r vo l u m es u p t o hensive summary of key factors for determining drug
1 . 8 m l o f s o l u t i o n (wh i c h m a y b e p re s e n t i n a n y sta n ­ dosages.
d a rd c a rt r i d g e , e v e n if it i s n o t g u aran teed to b e t h e re ) . Inj ectable local anesthetic drugs for use in dentistry
T h e sta n d a rd fo r ca l cu l a t i n g d o s a g e s i s c o n s i d e re d to b e are provided in concentrations of 0.5 % , 2 % , 3 % , and 4 % .
1 . 8 m l. T h i s i s a n a s s u m pt i o n t h a t i n cre a s e s safety b e ­ Compared with a 1 % solution with 1 0 mg/mL o f drug, a
c a u s e t h e ave r a g e vo l u m e of s o l u t i o n i n d e n t a l c a rtri d g e s 0.5 % solution, for example, contains half this quantity, or
h a s b e e n fo u n d to b e 1 . 7 6 m l; i n oth e r w o r d s , a n y p a rt i c­ 5 mg/mL of drug. A 2% solution contains twice this quan­
u l a r c a rtri d g e is l i ke l y to d e l ive r l ess t h a n b u t n ev e r m o re
tity, or 20 mg/mL; a 3 % solution contains three times this
t h a n 1 . 8 m l of s o l u t i o n ( R o b e rtso n et a l . , 2007) .
quantity, or 30 mg/mL of drug; and a 4% solution contains
Cartri d g e s i n t h e U n ited K i n g d o m a n d Austra l i a typ i­
ca l ly conta i n 2 . 2 ml of s o l u ti o n . In J a p a n , s o m e h ave b e e n
40 mg/mL of drug. To determine the dose of drug per 1.8
n oted to b e 1 .0 m l. De nta l c l i n i c i a n s m ust b e awa re of t h e mL cartridge, multiply the mg/mL by 1.8 ( see B ox 7-3 ) .
ca rtri d g e capa cities i n t h e cou ntries i n w h i c h t h ey p ra ctice Appendix 7-3 •, "Estimating D rug Volumes," provides

� •
. . . .
d o s c rd n g 1
� �� � � � �: �: � �� : �
an c c la e r
. . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • .li
visual cues for determining total volumes of solution

Drug dose an d "per cartridge " facts:

1 ml = 1 cc
1 ca rtri d g e = 1 . 8 ml s o l uti o n (1 . 8 cc)
1 % sol ution = 1 0 m g/m l
1 ca rtri d g e of a 1 % l oca l a n estheti c = 1 0 m g/m l X 1 . 8 m Ucartri d g e = 1 8 m g/ca rt

Common Dental Concentrations: Ca rtrid g e Conversions:

0.5% s o l ution m l/ca rtri d g e = 5 m g/m l 0 . 5 m g/m l X 1 .8 = 9 m g/ca rtri d g e

2% s o l uti o n m l/ca rtri d g e = 2 0 m g/m l 20 m g/m l X 1 . 8 = 36 m g/cartri d g e
3% s o l ut i o n m Uca rtri d g e = 30 m g/m l 30 m g/m l X 1 . 8 = 54 m g/cartri d g e
: 4% so l ut i o n m l/ca rtri d g e 40 m g/m l 40 m g/m l X 1 . 8 = 72 m g/cartri d g e


: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• 91

Calculating Local Anesthetic Drug Doses 248 mg + 36 mg/cartridge of 2 % lidocaine =

Methods used to determine the number of milligrams 6.8 cartridges

of local anesthetic drug delivered vary among clinicians. This patient may receive 6. 8 additional cartridges of
A common method will be demonstrated for the follow­ lidocaine.
ing situation. Assume that two cartridges of 2% lidocaine
plain have been administered to a 100-lb patient. The first Calculating Additional Doses of Different Drugs
step in calculating the dose is to identify the key factors. The following discussion assumes that the toxic effects of
For this situation these factors are: local anesthetic drugs in combination may be synergistic.
1. In a 2 % solution, there are 36 mg of drug per cartridge. When considering additional administrations of differ­
ent drugs, the toxic risks would be greater than the sum
2. Two cartridges have been delivered. of the individual toxic risks of the drugs. In addition to
3. The MRD for lidocaine is 3 . 2 mg/lb or 5 0 0 mg administering 0.5 % bupivacaine after administering 3 %
maximum. mepivacaine plain, for example, there would b e a greater
4. The patient's weight is 100 lbs. potential risk associated with their combined use than
simply the sum of the individual risks.
Milligrams Delivered It may be s af e s t to a s s u m e , t h e r e fore, t h a t t h e
To calculate the milligrams of drug delivered, first multiply potential toxic risks of local anesthetic drug combinations
the total number of cartridges by the total mg of drug in are synergistic rather than additive, which would have the
each cartridge for 2% drug: effect of increasing the combined toxic potential beyond
that which would ordinarily be expected when using
2 (cartridges) x 36 mg = 72 mg more than one drug at a single appointment (Pickett &
This patient received 72 mg of lidocaine. Terezhalmy, 2006). Although the extent of this synergy (if
it exists) is not known at this stage, clinicians are advised
Dose Related to M RD to use caution and to follow closely the recommendation
of using the absolute maximum dose of the most toxic
To determine the maximum dose for this patient, multiply
drug when calculating maximum doses of combinations
the MRD for this drug by the patient's weight:
(Pickett, 2006). In other words, this assumes that all drugs
3.2 mg/lb X 100 lbs = 320 mg delivered are as toxic as the most toxic drug. It is impor­
The MRD for lidocaine for this patient is 320 mg. tant to remember that manufacturers are not obligated to
supply information on the risks of additional administra­
Although the absolute MRD for lidocaine is 500 mg, when tions of different local anesthetic drugs.
adjusted for weight, this patient may receive only 320 mg Assume therefore that 4 % prilocaine plain will be
of drug. The maximum dose should not exceed 500 mg added to the two cartridges of 2% lidocaine plain that
for lidocaine, regardless of body weight. This would mean were administered in the previous example. B efore adding
that an individual weighing more than about 156 lbs could another drug, additional key factors are:
receive no more than 500 mg of lidocaine.
Appendix 7-2 •, "Local Anesthetic and Vasoconstric­ 1. The 1 0 0 - l b p at i e n t initially r e c e i v e d 72 m g o f
tor Dose Reference," provides a comprehensive look-up lidocaine.
table for determining total cartridges of drug by body 2. The MRD for lidocaine for this patient is 320 mg.
weight. A conversion formula for kilograms to pounds is 3. In a 4 % s o lu t i o n , t h e r e are 72 mg of drug p e r
also included in Appendix 7-2. cartridge.
4. The MRD for prilocaine is 4 mgllb or 400 mg maxi­
Calculating Additional Doses of the Same Drugs
mum for this patient.
This patient has received 72 mg of lidocaine and can safely
receive a maximum of 320 mg. Subtract the total dose When multiple drugs are administered with different
already delivered from the MRD for this patient to deter­ MRDs, the lowest MRD (most toxic drug) is applied when
mine the additional allowed dose: calculating total drug doses. To determine the MRD of pri­
locaine for this patient, multiply the MRD for this drug by
320 mg - 72 mg = 248 mg the patient's weight:
An additional 248 mg of lidocaine may be delivered.
4 mg/lb X 100 lbs = 400 mg
Converting Milligrams to Cartridges The MRD for prilocaine for this patient is 400 mg.
To convert this number (248 mg) into clinically useful Although the MRD for prilocaine is 600 mg, when ad­
terms, determine the number of cartridges this would rep­ justed for weight, this patient may receive only 400 mg. In
resent. To do this, divide the additional mg allowed by the this example, the absolute MRD for lidocaine (the most
mg per cartridge: toxic drug) is 500 mg, which is lower than the MRD for

prilocaine (600 mg ) and will be used for calculating dose Table 7-2 Examples of local Anesthetic Doses in
limits. Total mg per Cartridge(s)
This patient has received 72 mg of lidocaine. Since the
MRD for lidocaine will limit this example, they can safely % Loca l An esthetic D r u g
receive a maximum of 248 mg of drug. Subtract the total
dose already delivered from the MRD for this patient to 0. 5 % 2% 3% 4%
determine the allowed additional dose: Cartridge = Volume ( x 5 mg) ( x 20 mg) ( x 3 0 mg) ( x 40 mg)

320 mg - 72 mg = 248 mg
1 = l.S mL 9 mg 36 mg 54 mg 72 mg
For this patient, 248 mg of 4% prilocaine can be
delivered. 2 = 3.6 mL 18 mg 72 mg 108 mg 144 mg
To convert this number (248 mg ) into clinically use­
3 5.4 mL 27 mg 108 mg 162 mg 216 mg
ful terms, determine the number of cartridges this would =

represent. Divide the additional mg allowed by the mg per

4 = 7.2 mL 36 mg 144 mg 216 mg 288 mg
248 mg + 72 mg/cartridge of 4% prilocaine = -3.4 cartridges
This patient may receive 3. 4 cartridges of 4% prilocaine Now, multiply this result by the mg/mL based on the drug
in addition to the two cartridges of 2 % lidocaine percentage (2 % drug = 20 mg )
already delivered. 3.6 mL X 20 mg = 72 mg
It is important to note that individuals do not react This patient received 72 mg of a 2 % drug.
in the same manner to drugs. Some respond to so-called
For one-half cartridge, the calculation would be:
safe doses with signs and symptoms of overdose ( hyper­
responders ) . These doses, for these individuals, are not 0.9 mL X 20 mg = 18 mg
safe. Others respond to administered overdoses as if safe
For two-thirds cartridge, the calculation would be:
doses had been delivered ( hypo-responders ) . These doses,
for these individuals, are, indeed, safe. Others fall within 1.2 mL X 20 mg = 2.4 mg
these extremes but do so with wide variations of response.
Table 7-2 • provides a summary of the milligrams of
It cannot be assumed that s afe doses are necess arily
drug based on drug concentrations and cartridges delivered.
safe for an individual patient, nor can it be assumed that
exceeding a maximum dose for another individual will
result in an overdose. Ca lcu lati n g Vasoco nstricto r Doses
Determining the dose of vasoconstrictor in a given volume
Alternate Method for Calculating Doses Delivered
of solution requires an understanding of dilution ratios
Another approach to calculating doses of local anesthetic or percentages, standard cartridge volumes, the defined
drugs administered applies only the mg/mL values previ­ MRDs for epinephrine and levonordefrin, and relevant
ously discussed for 0.5 % , 2 % , 3 % , and 4% drugs. After patient factors such as general health status.
determining the total volume in milliliters of solution ad­ Calculations of vasoconstrictor doses are different
ministered, multiply the total volume by the mg/mL for compared with those used to determine local anesthetic
the concentration of drug used. For example: drug doses. The main differences are that vasoconstrictors
1. A 2 % solution contains 20 mg of drug per milliliter. are expressed as dilution ratios rather than concentration
percentages and maximum doses of vasoconstrictors are
2. A 4% solution contains 40 mg of drug per milliliter.
not weight dependent.
3. Two cartridges of 2 % lidocaine ( 3 . 6 mL ) and - 3 . 4
cartridges o f 4 % prilocaine ( -6.2 mL) are allowed. Definition of Maximum Recommended Doses for
4. Total of 2% lidocaine = 20 mg X 3.6 mL = 72 mg. Vasoconstrictor Drugs
5. Total of 4% prilocaine = 40 mg X -6.2 mL = -248 mg. Limits on vasoconstrictor doses ( MRDs ) are based on rec­
ommendations of the 1954 Special Committee of the New
Given the prevision example, 72 mg of lidocaine were
York Heart Association and subsequently the American
delivered, and 248 mg ofprilocaine are allowed.
Heart and D ental Associations, for patients with ische­
Milligrams Delivered
mic heart disease ( Budenz, 2000; Finder & Moore, 2002;
Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Special Committee of the New York
To calculate the milligrams of drug delivered, first multiply
He art Association, 1955; Working Conference of ADA
the total number of cartrid g e s by the total mL p e r
and AHA on Management of Dental Problems in Patients
with Cardiovascular Disease, 1964). Table 7-3 • provides
2 X 1.8 mL = 3.6 mL values for epinephrine and levonordefrin.
• 93

Table 7-3 M aximum Safe Doses for Epinephrine and medicine and in some non-North American dental jurisdic­
Levonordefrin tions). Compared with a 1 :100,000 solution with 0.018 mg of
drug, a 1 :20,000 solution contains five times the quantity or
Maxi m u m Safe Dose per Appoi ntment 0.09 mg of drug; a 1 :50,000 solution contains twice the quan­
tity or 0.036 mg of drug; and a 1 :200,000 solution contains
Drug Ratio Healthy Patient Ischemic Heart Disease half the quantity or 0.009 mg of drug (see Box 7-4 •).

Epinephrine Calculating Vasoconstrictor Drug Doses

In order to calculate the total milligrams of vasoconstric­
1:50,000 0.2 mg 0.04 mg
tors in local anesthetic solutions that are administered ,
1:100,000 0.2 mg 0.04 mg
start b y identifying the k e y factors. Assume that two car­
tridges of 2% lidocaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine have
1:200,000 0.2 mg 0.04 mg been administered to a 1 0 0-lb female. For this situation
these factors are:
1. For a 1 : 100,000 dilution there are 0.0 18 mg of vaso­
constrictor drug per cartridge.
1:20,000 l mg 0.2 mg
2. Two cartridges have been delivered.
Source:Special Committee of the New York Heart Association (1955) 3. The MRD for epinephrine in a he althy p atient is
and Working Conference of ADA and AHA on Management of Dental
Problems in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease (1964). 0.2 mg.
4. The MRD for 2 % lidocaine is 3 . 2 mg/lb or 5 0 0 mg
Vasoconstrictor Dilutions maximum.
To understand vasoconstrictor dilutions, ratios are ex­
Milligrams Delivered
pressed as milligrams to milliliters. A dilution ratio of
1 : 1 ,000 epinephrine is equivalent to 1 gram in 1 liter, ex­ From the previous local anesthetic drug calculation, it was
pressed as 1 ,000 mg/1 ,000 mL 1 mg/mL. A dilution ratio
determined that this patient received 72 mg of lidocaine.
of 1 : 1 00,000 is equivalent to 1 gram in 100 liters, expressed To calculate the milligrams of vasoconstrictor delivered,
as 1 ,000 mg/1 00,000 mL 1 mg/100 mL, or 0.0 1 mg/mL
multiply the total number of cartridges by the total mg of
(see Box 7-4 •). drug in each cartridge for a 1 : 1 00,000 solution:
Since each cartridge contains 1.8 mL of solution, one 2 X 0.018 mg = 0.036 mg
cartridge with 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine contains 0.0 18 mg of This patient received 0. 036 mg of epinephrine.
epinephrine (0.0 1 mg/mL X 1.8 mL!cartridge 0.018 mg =

per cartridge). Vasoconstrictor dilutions used in dentistry DETERM I N I N G T H E LIM ITI NG DRUG In the previous edition
are provided in ratios of 1 :20,000, 1 :50,000, 1 : 100,000, and of this text, MRDs for some local anesthetic drugs were
1 :200,000 (currently, 1 :400,000 epinephrine is available in lower than current FDA-accepted maximum doses that

Drug dose and "per cartridge" facts:

The re l ative a m o u nts of vasoco n strictors i n ca rtri d g e s a re co m m o n ly refe rred to as d i l ut i o n ratios.
1 : 1 ,000 = 1 g o r 1 ,000 m g of vasoconstrictor p e r 1 ,000 ml s o l ution = 1 m g/m l
1 : 1 0,000 = 1 m l of 1 : 1 ,000 vasoco nstrictor + 9 m l water = 0 . 1 m g/m l
1 : 1 00,000 = 1 m l of 1 : 1 0,000 vasoconstrictor + 9 m l water = 0.01 m g/ca rtr i d g e
8 m l cartri d g e of 1 : 1 00,000 = 0.01 m g/m l X 1 .8 m l = 0.01 8 m g/ca rtridge
Common Dental Concentrations
1 :20,000 = 0.05 m g/m l or 0.05 X 1 .8 m l = 0.09 m g/ca rt
1 :50,000 = 0.02 m g/m l or 0.02 X 1 .8 m l = 0.036 m g/ca rt

� .
1 : 1 00,000 = 0.01 m g/m l or 0.01 X 1 .8 m l = 0.01 8 m g/ca rt
:� � �� �- �� 5 �:��� � r �- ��5. � 1 �8 �: �. �- ��9. �:/c� rt
1 0 �0 .=. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

. . . . .

have been adopted in this edition. The limiting MRD for Table 7-4 Maximum Cartridge Calculations per
each anesthetic solution was typically the local anesthetic Product Inserts"'
drug. The number of cartridges that could be administered
for a he althy adult based on the epinephrine content Local Anesthetic Limited by Local Lim ited by
was greater than for the local anesthetic drug content. Drugs Anesthetic Vasoconstrictor
Previously, for example, when calculating the dose for a
healthy adult, 150 lbs or greater, a maximum of approxi­ 0.5% Bupivacaine
mately 8.3 cartridges of 2% lidocaine, 1 : 100,000 epineph­ w/ 1:200,000 epi 10
rine could be administered (150 lbs X 2 mgllb 300 mg

absolute maximum 7- 36 mg lidocaine/cartridge -8.3

2% Lidocaine
cartridges ) . Eleven cartridges could be administered based w/ 1:50,000 epi 5.5
on the epinephrine content alone (0.2 mg maximum in the
same healthy adult 7- 0.018 rug/cartridge - 1 1 cartridges ) .
= 2% Lidocaine
Fewer cartridges based on the lidocaine content could be w/ 1:100,000 epi 11
administered; therefore, the limiting drug was lidocaine.
When calculating using current recommendations, the 2% Mepivacaine
limiting drug in the same situation has reversed. For exam­ w/ 1:20,000 levo 11 11
ple, at a weight of 150 lbs the current MRD would be 480
mg or - 1 3 cartridges (150 lbs X 3.2 mgllb lidocaine 480 = 3% Mepivacaine
mg maximum; 480 mg 7- 36 rug/cartridge -13 cartridges
Plain 7
based on the lidocaine content ) . The epinephrine is the
same at - 1 1 cartridges in both calculations since vasocon­ 4% Articaine
strictor recommendations have not changed for 1 : 100,000
w/ 1:100,000 epi 6.5
epinephrine dilutions; therefore, the limiting drug is now
the epinephrine (11 is less than 13). 4% Articaine
Maximum cartri d g e v a l u e s for local a n e s th e t i c
w/ 1:200,000 epi 6.5
a n d vasoconstrictor drugs prepared for u s e in dentistry
illustrate this point and may be found in Table 7-4 • ·
4% Prilocaine 8
Consult Table 7-1 for M R D s in milligrams for local
anesthetic drugs and Table 7-3 for maximum safe doses Plain 8
for epinephrine and levonordefrin.
4% Prilocaine
M RD Related to Both Local Anesthetic and w/ 1:200,000 epi 8 8
Examples in this table are calculated for a healthy, 150-lb person and are
It was determined that the MRD for lidocaine for this pa­ rounded down to half cartridge volumes based on the limiting drug.
<I>Administering the maximum number of cartridges as listed in this
tient was 480 mg. Assuming this is a healthy patient, the
established recommended dose for epinephrine is 0.2 mg table for routine clinical procedures is not recommended . All product
per appointment. inserts make similar statements recommending that clinicians administer
the lowest dosage needed to provide effective anesthesia .
It has been calculated that the patient received 0. 036 mg
of epinephrine, which is well under the established
recommended dose for epinephrine of 0.2 mg. dose of epinephrine (0. 164 milligrams ) into clinically use­
ful terms, determine the number of cartridges this would
Calculating Additional Doses of Same
represent. Divide the additional mg allowed by the mg per
Vasoconstrictor cartridge:
This patient received 0.036 mg of epinephrine and can
0. 164 mg 7- 0.018 rug/cartridge 9 cartridges
safely receive a maximum of 0.2 mg. Subtract the total dose =

already delivered from the recommended dose for this This patient may receive an additional nine cartridges
patient to determine the allowed additional dose: based on epinephrine.
0.2 mg - 0.036 mg = 0.164 mg Cardiac Considerations for Vasoconstrictors
This patient may receive an additional 0. 1 64 milligrams of Vasoconstrictor doses for patients with ischemic heart dis­
epinephrine. ease are restricted as previously noted. This reduced value
or amount, also referred to as the cardiac dose, is 0.04 mg
Converting Milligrams to Cartridges per appointment for epinephrine and 0.2 mg levonorde­
It was determined that this patient may receive an ad­ frin. Table 7-5 • states the maximum number of cartridges
ditional 0. 164 milligrams of epinephrine. To convert the this represents for each drug ratio.
• 95

Table 7-5 Cardiac Doses of Vasoconstrictors by Drug Ratio

Ca rd i a c Doses of Vasoco nstrictors by D r u g Ratio

Tota l M i l l ig ra m s Ava i l a b l e
Ca rd i a c Dose = 0 . 04 m g e p i n e p h ri ne, 0 . 2 m g l evon o rdefrin
Shaded boxes indicate excessive doses of the drug by total cartridges

N u m ber of Epi nephrine Epinephrine Epinephrine Levonordefrin

Cartridges 1 : 50,000 1 : 1 00,000 1 :200,000 1 :20,000

1 0.036 mg 0.018 mg 0.009 mg 0.09 mg

2 0.072 mg 0.036 mg 0.018 mg 0.18 mg

3 0.108 mg 0.054 mg 0.027 mg 0.27 mg

4 0.144 mg 0.072 mg 0.036 mg 0.36 mg

Source: ADAIPDR (2006), Davis and Vogel ( 1996), and Malamed (2013).

Ca lcu lati n g Ped iatric Doses Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 2009). These values are used
in the following examples as listed in Table 7-7 •·
Calculating drug doses for children applies the same
principles as determining adult doses; however, there may Clark's Rule
be some exceptions with obese children (see Box 7-5 •) .
Clark's Rule is based upon a child's weight and states that
The k e y to correct dosing for children is to determine
the child's weight (in pounds) is divided by 150 to get the
their actual weight rather than rely on "guessing." Clini­
approximate fraction of the adult dose to give to the child.
cians can deliver overdoses to children both by failing to
For example, to calculate the maximum safe dose for a
make appropriate adj ustments based on weight and by
6-year-old, 50-lb child, using 2 % lidocaine:
making erroneous estimates of weight. An available scale
can eliminate any problems due to overestimating a child's 1. 50 -:- 150 = 0.33 (113)
weight. 2. 300 mg X 0.33 = 100 mg (child's dose)
There are two approaches frequently used for deter­
mining pediatric drug doses in addition to the calculation The dose would be approximately 113 of the adult MRD of
methods already discussed. These are Clark's Rule and 300 mg (8 cartridges), and the child's dose would be 100 mg,
Young's Rule; Clark's rule is applied in this text. or about -2.8 cartridges (100 mg/36 mg per cartridge = -2.8,
As of 2014, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry which rounds down to 2 . 5 ) . It is important to remember
(AAPD) recommends lower MRDs compared with current that this is a maximum dose for this example, not a routine
FDA-approved maximum recommended values (American or recommended dose.
This method is most similar to the methods discussed
previously. Knowing the child's weight and the MRD in milli­
grams per pound allows for easy calculations. For example, for
2% lidocaine the MRD is 2.0 mgllb, for a 50-lb child this is:
2.0 mg/lb X 50 lbs = 100 mg
The MRD based on the standard method for 2 % lidocaine
C h i l d h o o d obes ity m ay pose a u n i q u e c o n cern w h e n
for this child is 1 0 0 mg.
ca l cu l at i n g safe d r u g d o s e s . R e l y i n g s o l e l y o n a c h i l d 's
w e i g h t to esta b l is h safe doses i n obese c h i l d re n ca n b e Young's Rule
p rob l e m atic. Ass u m pt i o n s that these ch i l d re n can re ceive Young's Rule is based on a child's age regardless of weight.
doses that corres p o n d to t h e i r w e i g h t d o not take i nto This "rule of thumb" states that the child dosage is equal to the
acco u n t the i m m atu rity of t h e i r o rg a n deve l o p m ent. An adult dosage multiplied by the child's age in years, divided by
obese 7-yea r- o l d , fo r exa m p l e , ca n n ot m eta b o l ize d r u g s the sum of 12 plus the child's age. For example, to calculate the
as effi ciently as a 20-yea r-o l d of t h e s a m e w e i g h t (Ba l l & dose for a 6-year-old, 50-lb child, the adult MRD for 2% lido­
B i n d l e r, 2008) . I n t h i s situati o n , it m ay be u s efu l to c o n s u l t
caine would be 300 mg. The calculation would be:
sta n d a rd p e d i atric a g e s pecific h e i g ht-w e i g h t c h a rts
(see Ta b l e 7-6 •l . For fu rt h e r discuss i o n see C h a pter 1 9, 1. 300 mg X 6 = 1800
" I ns i g hts fro m P e d i atric Dentistry, " Box 1 9-1 , " S p e c i a l

� ��
2. 1800 -:- (12 6) = 100

�: �� � :� � �� � : : :
n s i d a ti o n il st ·
. . • . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The child's dose would be 1 00 mg.

Table 7-6 Child and Adolescent H eight-Weight Average*

Male Female

Age Height Weight Age Height Wei g ht

(yea rs) (inches) (pounds) (yea rs) (inches) (pounds)

1 year old 28-29 22 1 year old 28-29 - 22

2 years old 31 - 28 2 years old 30 - 28

3 years old 33 33 3 years old 33 -31

4 years old 37 35-3 7 4 years old 37 -35

5 years old 40 - 42 5 years old 40 - 40

6 years old 42 - 46 6 years old 41 - 46

7 years old 44 - 51 7 years old 43 - 51

8 years old 45 -57 8 years old 45 - 57

9 years old 49 - 62 9 years old 47 - 64

10 years old 51 - 70 10 years old 51 - 70

11 years old 52 77 11 years old 52 - 80

12-13 years old 58-62 85-100 12-13 years old 60-63 95-105

14-15 years old 63 -66 105-125 14-15 years old 63 -64 105-115

16 -17 years old 67-70 130-150 16 -17 years old 64 115-120

18-20 years old 68-70 150-160 18-20 years old 66 125-130

'This data is based on averages from CDC tables for child and adolescent height-weight averages (2000 CDC Growth Charts for the United
States: Methods and Development, and is provided only as a conservative average for making clinical judgments
of appropriate dosages of local anesthetic drugs for children.

Table 7-7 AAP D Maximum Recommended Doses

Maxi m u m Reco m m ended Dose per Appointment

D r ug Ba sed on Loca l An esthetic D r u g O N LY*

mg!lb mg/kg M g per appt. *

Articaine 3.2 7.0 500 mg

Bupivacaine 0. 6 1.3 90 mg

Lidocaine 2. 0 4. 4 3 00 mg

Mepivacaine 2. 0 4. 4 3 00 mg

Prilocaine 2. 7 6.0 400 mg

'Values adopted for children by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (2009),
current as of April 20 14. Dose should be based on child's weight and should never exceed
maximum recommended limits.
• 97

lliana Gagarin
l l i a n a w e i g h s 1 2 0 l b s . S h e received o n e ca rt r i d g e of No m o re t h a n 400 mg of m e p ivaca i n e is a l l owed
4% p r i l o ca i n e with 1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h ri n e , w h i c h h a s reg a rd l ess of weight.
a maxi m u m d o s e o f 4 . 0 m g p e r l b . B a s e d o n this l i m it,
/Iiana, however, weighs 1 20 lbs; therefore,
/Iiana can receive up to 480 mg of prilocaine ( 1 20 lbs X
she can have only 360 mg of mepivacaine
4 . 0 mg/lb MRD).
( 1 20 lbs X 3.0 mg!lb MRD).
/Iiana received 72 mg of prilocaine (the mgs
Each c a rtri d g e of 4% p r i l o ca i n e c o n ta i n s 7 2 mg
contained in one cartridge).
of d r u g . 3 6 0 m g ( m e p iv a ca i n e M R D)-7 2 m g (i n it i a l
Switc h i n g to 3% m e p iv a ca i n e m e a n s t h a t a b s o ­ p r i l o ca i n e d ose) = 2 8 8 m g (a d d iti o n a l d ose a l l owed) .
l ute maxi m u ms m ust be identified fo r b o t h d ru g s a n d T h i s is t h e a d d itio n a l n u m be r o f m i l l ig ra m s o f m e p iva­
t h e l owest m u st b e s e l e cted w h e n d r u g s a re c o m ­ ca i n e I I i a n a can h ave fo l l owi n g the d ose of priloca i n e .
b i n e d . The a bsol ute maxi m u m fo r m e p ivaca i n e is 400 To b e c l i n i c a l l y u s efu l , t h i s i n fo r m at i o n c a n b e
m g , a n d the a b s o l ute m a xi m u m fo r p r i l o ca i n e is 600 converted t o ca rtri d g e s by t h e fo l l owi n g ca l c u l ati o n :
m g p e r a p p o i ntment. The lower maxi m u m of 400 mg 2 8 8 m g (ava i l a b l e ) + 5 4 m g ( d o s e i n a 1 . 8 - m l ca r­
(3 . 0 m g/l b) fo r m e pivaca i n e wi l l be used fo r all ca l c u ­ tridge of 3% m e p ivaca i ne) = 5 . 3 a d d itio n a l cartrid g es
l a t i o n s after the i n itia l d ose of p r i l o ca i n e . of 3% m e pivaca i n e .

5. A n individual has received 4 cartridges of

-�.h. ()_ p_t_� r.. 9.l1.��� _i_().rl � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% lidocaine, 1 : 100,000 epinephrine, and is not
1 . All of the following are correct when considering profoundly anesthetized. How many cartridges of
MRDs, except: 4% articaine, 1 :200,000 epinephrine, may be adminis­
a. Articaine (3.2 mg/lb, 7.0 mg/kg )
tered if the individual weighs 160 lbs?
b. Bupivacaine 90 mg (0.9 mg/lb, 2.0 mg/kg )
a. 2.5
c. Lidocaine 600 mg ( 4.0 mg/lb, 8.0 mg/kg )
b. 3.5
d. Mepivacaine 400 mg (3.0 mg/lb, 6.6 mg/kg )
c. 4.5
d. 5.5
2. Relevant information and mathematical operations
required when calculating drug doses for local 6. How many cartridges of 4 % articaine, 1:200,000
anesthetics and vasoconstrictors include all but which epinephrine may be administered to an individual
one of the following? with significant cardiovascular compromise?
a. Dilution percentages a. 1
b. Standard cartridge volumes b. 2
c. Defined MRD for each drug c. 3
d. Height and weight d. 4

3. Which one of the following is not related to the MRD 7. Which one of the following accurately describes
for 2% lidocaine, 1 : 100,000 epinephrine? available formulations?
a. - 1 1 cartridges absolute maximum a. 2 % lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine; 3 % lidocaine,
b. - 1 3 cartridges absolute maximum 1 :200,000 epinephrine
c. 3.2 mg/lb b. 2% lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine; 4% lidocaine,
d. 500 mg absolute maximum 1 :200,000 epinephrine
c. 2% lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine; 2% lidocaine,
4. What is the MRD for vasoconstrictors when admin­ 1 :50,000 epinephrine
istering 2% lidocaine, 1 : 100,000 epinephrine to a d. 2% lidocaine, 1 :200,000 epinephrine; 2% lidocaine,
healthy individual? 1 :20,000 levonordefrin
a. 0.02 mg
b. 0.1 mg
c. 0.2 mg
d. 1 mg

8. The maximum dose per weight of 4 % articaine, Ball, J. W., & Bindler, R. C. ( 2008) . Pediatric nursing, caring for
1 : 100,000 epinephrine for children is: children ( 4th ed. ) . Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Prentice
a. 2 mg/lb Hall.
b. 3 mg/lb Budenz , A. W. ( 2000, August ) . Local anesthetics and medically
complex patients. Journal of the California Dental Association,
c. 2.2 mg/lb
28(8), 611 -619.
d. 3.2 mg/lb
Davis, M. J., & Vogel, L. D. ( 1996) . Local anesthetic safety in
9. 0.5 % bupivacaine, 1:200,000 epinephrine con­ pediatric patients. New York State Dental Journal, 62(2) , 32-35.
tains how many milligrams of anesthetic drug per Finder, R. L., & Moore, P. A. ( 2002) . Adverse drug reactions
cartridge? to local anesthesia. Dental Clinics of North America, 46( 4) ,
a. 9
Malamed, S. F. ( 2013) . Handbook of local anesthesia ( 6th ed. ) .
b. 1 8
St Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
c. 36 Pickett, F. A., & Terezhalmy, G. T. ( 2006) . Dental drug reference
d. 5 4 with clinical applications. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams &
Robertson, D., Nusstein, J., Reader, A., Beck, M., & McCartney,
Refe re n ces M. ( 2007) . The anesthetic efficacy of articaine in buccal
infiltration of mandibular posterior teeth. Journal of the
2000 CD C Growth Charts for the United States: Methods and American Dental Association, 138(8), 1104-1112.
Developments. Available at http://www. Special Committee of the New York Heart Association. ( 1955) .
cdc_charts. htm. Accessed January 25, 2014. Use of epinephrine with procaine in dental procedures.
ADA/PDR guide to dental therapeutics ( 5th ed. ) . ( 2009 ) . Journal of the American Dental Association, 50, 108.
Montvale, NJ: Thompson PDR . Working Conference of ADA and AH A on Management of
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. ( 2009) . Guideline Dental Problems in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
on use of local anesthesia for pediatric dental patients. 1964. Journal of the American Dental Association, 68, 333-342.
Available at:
G_LocalAnesthesia.pdf. Accessed January 25, 2014.

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Local Anesthetic So lutions-Dose Calculation Facts

Local Anesthetic Drugs-Volume of Drug per Cartridge

Loca l a nesthetic d rugs used i n dentistry a re d i l uted and com mo n ly referred to as a concentra tion

Drug dose and "per cartridge" facts: 1 mL = 1 cc

(all facts based on 1.8 mL cartridge volumes )

1 cartridge = 1.8 mL solution (1.8 cc )

1 % solution = 10 mg/mL

1% = 10 mg/mL X 1.8 mL!cartridge = 18 mg/cart

Common Denta l Concentrations-1 .8 m L Cartridge Conversions:

Concentration Drug per mL Drug per cartridge

0.5% solution � 5 mg/mL � 0.5 X 1.8 = 9 mg/cartridge

2% solution � 20 mg/mL � 20 X 1.8 = 36 mg/cartridge

3% solution � 30 mg/mL � 30 X 1.8 = 54 mg/cartridge

4% solution � 40 mg/mL � 40 X 1.8 = 72 mg/cartridge

Vasoconstrictor Drugs-Volume of Drug per Cartridge

Vasoconstricto rs used i n d e ntistry a re d i l uted and com m o n ly refe rred to as a ratio

Drug dose and "per cartridge" facts:

1 : 1 ,000 1 g or 1 ,000 mg of vasoconstrictor per 1 ,000 mL solution (1 mg/mL)

1 :10,000 1 mL of 1 : 1 ,000 vasoconstrictor + 9 mL water = 0.1 mg/mL

1 : 100,000 1 mL of 1 : 10,000 vasoconstrictor + 9 mL water = 0.018 mg/cartridge

1 : 100,000 = 0.01 mg/mL X 1.8 mL = 0.018 mg/cartridge

Common Dental Ratios-1 .8 m L Cartridge Conversions:

Ration Drug per mL Drug per cartridge

1 :20,000 � 0.05 mg/mL � 0.05 X 1.8 mL = 0.09 mg/cart

1 :50,000 � 0.02 mg/mL � 0.02 X 1.8 mL = 0.036 mg/cart

1 : 100,000 � 0.0 1 mg/mL � 0.01 X 1.8 mL = 0.018 mg/cart

1 :200,000 � 0.005 mg/mL � 0.005 X 1.8 mL = 0.009 mg/cart


Append ix 7-1 Loca l Anesth etic Sol utions-Dose Ca l cu l ation Facts (Continued)
Maxi m u m Doses for Vasoconstrictors
Doses Based SOLELY on Vasoconstrictor

Epinephrine Levonordefrin

Healthy patient - 0. 2 mg/appointment Healthy patient - 1 mg/appointment

= 10 mL of 1:50,000 = 20 mL of a 1:20,000

= 20 mL of 1:100,000 " Cardiac Dose" - 0.2 mglappointment

= 40 mL of 1:200,000 = 4 mL of a 1:20,000 (2 cartridges)

" Cardiac Dose" - 0.04 mglappointment

= 2 mL of 1:50,000 (1 cartridges)

= 4 mL of 1:100,000 (2 cartridges)

= 8 mL of 1:200,000 (4 cartridges)

Note: " Cardiac Dose" 20% (115) of healthy pt. dose


"Reduce" for Compromised/Geriatric Patients

(based on professional judgment)
Local Anesthetic and Vasoconstrictor
Dose Reference
Previous Recommendations Updated Recommendations 2013
articaine 3.2 mg/lb 500 mg articaine 3.2 mg/lb
bupivacaine 0.6 mg/lb 90 mg bupivacaine 90 mg
lidocaine 2.0 mg/lb 300 mg lidocaine 3.2 mg/lb 500 mg
mepivacaine 2.0 mg/lb 400 mg mepivacaine 3.0 mg/lb 400 mg
prilocaine 2.7 mg/lb 600 mg prilocaine 4.0 mg/lb 600 mg
*No recommendation provided
LA Drug A bsolute MRD Vasoconstrictor MRD
Limiting Drug Cardiac Vasoconstrictor MRD*
Healthy Individual
epinephrine= 0.04 mg
Plain formulations are limited by pt. epinephrine= 0.2 mg
levonordefrin = 0.2 mg
weight, health status, and local anesthetic levonordefrin = 1.0 mg
drug mgllb. epinephrine 1: 50,000 = 1 cartridges
1:50,000 & 1:100,000 epinephrine 1:200,000 = 2 cartridges
Formulations w/ vasoconstrictors are
The MRD for LA drugs is frequently met epinephrine 1:200,000 4 cartridges
limited by pt. weight, health status, and =

before the MRD for vasoconstrictor with epinephrine 1:200,000 = 8 cartridges

vasoconstrictor concentration.
these formulations.
Most formulations reach the MRD for the 1------1 levonordefrin 1:20,000 = 2 cartridges
vasoconstrictor before meeting the limits 1:200,000; 1:400,000
for the local anesthetic drug. These maximums are calculated solely on
The MRD for LA drugs will be met well
vasoconstrictor. Individual pt. weight may
Converting Pounds to Kilograms
before the MRD for vasoconstrictor with
restrict doses even lower. These doses are
lbs --+ kg lbs + 2.2 these formulations; therefore, the MRD
= rounded down to nearest 112 cartridge.
kg --+ lbs = kg X 2.2 for epinephrine will never be approached.

2% lidocaine 4% articaine
3.2 mg/lb = 7 mg/kg 3.2 mg/lb = 7 mg/kg
Absolute MRD = 500 mg Absolute MRD =Not Provided
2% = 20 mg/mL= 36 mg/cartridge 4% = 40 mg/mL = 72 mg/cartridge
vasoconstrictor epinephrine vasoconstrictor epinephrine
Formulations Formulations

w/o vasoconstrictor! w/ epi 1:50,000 w/ epi 1:100,000 w/ epi 1:200,000 w/ epil 1:400,000

!Provided for comparison only, not currently available in the United States2013
2% mepivacaine 3% mepivacaine plain
3 mg/lb = 6.6 mg/kg 3 mg/lb = 6.6 mg/kg
MRD =400mg MRD =400mg
2% = 20 mg/mL= 36 mg/cartridge 3% = 30 mg/mL =54 mg/cartridge
vasoconstrictor levonordefrin vasoconstrictor = none
Formulations Formulations
w/levonordefrin 1:20,000 I · I I

4% prilocaine 0.5% bupivacaine

4.0 mg/lb = 8 mg/kg 0. 9 mg/Jb+ = 2.0 mg/kg+
MRD =600mg MRD =90mg
4% = 40 mg/mL= 72 mg/cartridge 0.5% = 5 mg/mL = 9 mg/cartridge
vasoconstrictor epinephrine vasoconstrictor epinephrine
Formulations Formulations
w/o vasoconstrictor w/ epi 1:200,000

+No U.S. recommendation available;

Canadian recommendation= 0.9 mg/lb, 2.0 mg/kg
Estimating Drug Volumes

Visual Cues for 11Guestimating" Volumes Delivered

Total Drug Volume = 1.8 ml

1.6 • • • •
1.2 0.8 0.4

Drug Volume Expelled by 1 stopper= 0.2 ml

Partial Cartridge to ml Volumes

1 full 3/4 1/2 1/4

cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge

ml 1.8 ml 1.35ml 0.9 ml 0.45 mL ml

ml 1.8 ml 1.2 ml 0.6 ml ml

1 full 2/3 1/3

cartridge cartridge cartridge

Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

································ ·························· ® ··························································

Topical Anesthetics


• Define and discuss the key terms in this chapter. benzocaine 106
butamben 112
• Demonstrate and discuss the most common methods of
compounded drugs 105
application of topical anesthetic drugs.
dyclonine hydrochloride 110
• Identify and discuss indications and contraindications of topi­ eutectic mixture 112
cal anesthetic drugs. lidocaine 110
tetracaine 111
• Discuss dose and application considerations when maximum
recommended doses of topical anesthetics are not provided
by manufacturers.

• Describe and recognize the signs and symptoms of adverse

topical anesthetic drug reactions, both local and systemic.

• Discuss the properties of eutectic mixtures that determine

their effectiveness.

• Discuss the FDA guidelines for formulation and use of

compounded drugs.

Elena Gagarin
E l e n a Gag a r i n b e l ieves that s h e h a s a h i g h t o l e ra n ce d u ri n g t h e i nj e cti o n . S h e s a i d t h a t s h e was fi n e at
fo r p a i n . Desp ite t h i s b e l i ef, w h e n p a l ata l i nj e cti o n s t h e t i m e b u t req u ested an a ltern ative to t h e p a l ata l
w e re n e cessa ry fo r t h e p l a c e m e n t of a r u b b e r d a m i njections at s u bseq uent visits, if possi b l e .
c l a m p o n the r i g h t poste rior p a l atal tissues, s h e cried

I ntrod uction Topical agents are widely accepted based o n a n exten­

sive history of safe and effective use. Despite this history,
Whether used alone o r i n combination, topical anesthetic there have been rare deaths associated with the excessive
agents have many applications and are important options in use of topical preparations. Adverse reactions are primar­
current pain control strategies (see Figure 8-- 1•). Their benefits ily seen in medicine, and the inherent dangers of excessive
are many and include minimizing apprehension, managing self-application are illustrated in an incident before laser
injection discomfort, and decreasing the need for injections. hair removal (see Box 8-1 •) .
Topical anesthetic preparations used in dentistry Generally formulated in concentrations exceeding
are included as a separate discussion for several reasons those approved for use in inj ectable local anesthetic drugs,
(ADA/PDR, 2009; Tetzlaff, 2000): topical preparations are potentially more toxic. This is com­
1. The maj ority of inj ectable anesthetics are ineffective plicated by the wide variety of application methods and the
for topical use in dentistry in safe concentrations. lack of reliable methods for determining doses applied.
2. Ester local anesthetic drugs are both useful and popu­ This chapter will discuss the most common topical
lar in topical formulations. anesthetic drugs in dentistry and some promising applica­
tions currently under development. Special attention will
3. Some agents, such as dyclonine hydrochloride, that be given to describing common signs and symptoms of
have no inj ectable counterparts or are too toxic for adverse events, the benefits of topical drug combinations,
inj ection can nevertheless provide capable and safe and guidelines for the use of compounded formulations.
topical anesthesia.
4. Paraben preservatives such as methylparaben, banned
in inj ectable preparations, are necessary in multiuse
topical preparations.
Topical anesthetic agents have many uses in dentistry.
The most common is for penetration site anesthesia before
needle insertions. Topicals are also useful for discomfort (01 /1 8/0 5-RALEIG H)-A yo u n g wom a n ' s fa m i ly says she
related to radiographic film placement, periodontal evalu­ was on her way to h ave l aser h a i r-rem ova l treatment i n
ation and treatment, procedures confined to superficial R a l e i g h w h e n someth i n g went terribly wro n g . Doctors say
mucosa, the placement of retraction cord and rubber dams the you n g wom a n suffered bra i n d a m a g e and heart fa i l u re
(when anesthesia has not been established before place­ d u e to h i g h l eve ls of l idoca i n e i n her blood.
. . . December 28th, [the you n g woman] had a n
ment) , and controlling gag reflexes.
appointment f o r laser h a i r rem ova l, b u t she n ever m a d e it
to the treatm ent.
She had been given tubes of l idoca i n e cream to apply
i n preparation for that treatment . . . [It is known] that she ap­
plied some of the cream on the morning of December 28th.
About 4 5 m i n utes before the sched u l e d treatm ent,
a member of the DOT's M otorist Assista nce Patro l fou n d
[th e yo u n g woman] i n h e r car, on t h e s i d e o f Interstate 40
havi n g a seizu re .
[The] death certificate i n d i cates a cause o f death was
e l evated b l ood lidocaine levels .
. . . a . . . drug i nformation speci a l ist, says lidoca i n e is
com m o n l y used as a loca l a nesthetic, but it comes with a
warn i n g .

Excerpt from: "Commonl y Used Drug Leads to Mysterious Death"

by Angela Hampton. Copyri g ht © by Disney ABC Tel e vi s i o n
FIGURE 8-1 A Variety of Common Topical Anesthetic : Group. Used by permi s si o n of Disney ABC Televi s ion Group. ••
Products and Preparations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• 105

Genera l Considerations
Unlike their injectable counterparts, maximum dose recom­
mendations for many topical products do not exist (Yagiela,
2005 ) . Even when manufacturers provide maximum rec­ When choosing to use topical agents from com pounding
ommended dose (MRD) information, clinicians often have pharmacies, it is important to be fa m i l i a r with the FDA
difficulty determining how much drug was dispensed or ab­ Modernization Act of 1 997. This legislation states: "The
sorbed. Compared with injectable administrations with cali­ compounded product m ust be individu a l ly prescribed for
brated cartridges containing specific concentrations of drugs, a n identified patient" (FDA, 1 997) .Th is language may be
determining topical dosages can be problematic. Patches and interpreted to mean that it is contra ry to the act to acq u i re
metered sprays offer more precise calculations, as do some a m u ltidose package intended for use on patients yet to
single-dose application systems. Liquids and gels in multi­ be identified. An exa m p l e of one interpretation of this rule
wou ld be that a product shared with a d ifferent office cou l d
use containers, and unmetered sprays present problems even
n o t be used in that office, because those patients were not
when maximum doses are known because there is no easy identified when the prescription was fi lled. Copies of the act
way to determine how much was dispensed or how much was
absorbed before being washed away in saliva. � y e t i
� �
• �� . . � � �� � �� � ��� �� � � ���� �
t b si t , h t /
� . . • . :: - .:..• Ji
d a g o v.

Another factor in topical anesthetic application is that

there is no rationale for excessive durations of application. Application methods include the use of cotton swabs,
When there is no therapeutic benefit, exceeding peak uptake sprays, air inj ection systems, and subgingival delivery
intervals (the period during which the majority of absorption systems with blunt-tipped devices (see Figure s 8 - 3 •,
occurs) should be avoided because the longer topical anes­ 8-4 • and 8-5 •) .
thetics contact mucosa the greater the risk of tissue damage.

All standard commercial topical preparations should
be accompanied by a set of instructions specific for their
intraoral use. In addition, instructions for compounded
drugs, formulated based on prescription by compound­
ing pharmacies (see Figure 8-2•) , should state that they
are intended for use only on what the Food and D rug
Administration (FDA) describes as identified patients (see
Box 8-2 •). Strict adherence to all instructions accompa­
nying these preparations is recommended.
Factors that may affect topical anesthetic toxicity in­
clude concentration, the relative ability to penetrate tissue,
the speed of systemic absorption, and the total area of cov­
erage. Any situation that slows the metabolism of topical
anesthetics increases their toxic potential.

Com mon App l ication Methods (A)

Available in a variety of commercial forms, topical anesthetics
may be dispensed as liquids, gels, creams, ointments, metered
and unmetered sprays, and subgingival dual-phase systems.

FIGURE 8-3 Various Topical Anesthetic Application
Methods. A- Topical anesthetic agents are applied by a
FIGURE 8-2 Example: Compounded Topical variety of methods. B- Delivery systems vary mostly based
Anesthetic Product. on the viscosity of the product and desired application sites.

Topical anesthetics in liquid form have been used for

many years. Liquid rinses can provide widespread topical
effects, for example, controlling gag reflexes before ex­
posing radiographs or taking impressions. This form has
proven less useful before needle penetration because it
is difficult to maintain site-specific, durable coverage of
tissue. Gels, on the other hand, are less useful for wide­
spread pain control or controlling the gag reflex but are
more useful in smaller areas, such as before needle pen­
etration. Creams may contain single drugs or mixtures of
drugs. Ointments provide excellent topical anesthesia and
have been used for years. Metered sprays have significant
benefit over unmetered sprays when considering toxicity.
FIGURE 8-5 Secondary Syringe Delivery Applicators.
One product, a subgingival liquid-to-gel system, is easily
applied because of its liquid state at room temperature
and its rapid transformation to a gel-like state once placed
subgingivally. In addition to providing excellent tissue an­
esthesia and occasional pulpal anesthesia, this system has
wide margins of safety, a known MRD, and easily quan­
tified volumes dispensed because of its packaging in car­
tridge form ( Oraqix®, D entsply Pharmaceuticals, York,
PA) . Another unique formulation delivers the drug in a
varnish gel (see Figure 8-9 •) that forms an insoluble film
upon contact with moist tissue (BeeGentJe®, CAO Group,
20 10).
Typical application methods for gels include cotton
swabs and single-dose commercial applicators (see Fig­
ure 8-4) . Sprays include disposable intraoral tips and are
either metered (the dose is related to the length of time
the nozzle is depressed) or unmetered (unknown quanti­ FIGURE 8-6 Commercial Spray Delivery Applicators.
ties are administered) (see Figure 8-6 •) . Interestingly,
some sprays call for depressing the nozzle only one-half
second per application. This rather limited spray interval
is difficult to accomplish clinically, and applications may
routinely exceed the half-second interval.

FIGURE 8-7 Patch Administration of Benzocaine.

drugs, which will be discussed individually and in combina­

FIGURE 8-4 Single-Dose Commercial Applicators. tion according to their approved formulations: benzocaine,
dyclonine hydrochloride, lidocaine, tetracaine hydrochlo­
ride, butamben, and prilocaine.

Common Top i ca l Agents Benzocaine

A number of drugs can be used alone and in combinations Benzocaine, an ester, is one of the most widely used topi­
to provide effective topical anesthesia for common den­ cal anesthetic agents (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995;
tal procedures. These preparations include the following B eutlich ) . Existing ne arly 1 0 0 % in the base form, it is
• 107

FIGURE 8-9 Varnish Delivery System B eeGentle™

administers benzocaine topical in a varnish medium.

FIGURE 8-8 A Variety of Common Topical B enzo­

caine Preparations.

poorly absorbed into the systemic circulation, which gives

it a very low potential for systemic toxicity. It may be ac­ BeeGentle™ (CAO G roup, 201 0) is a u n i quely form u l ated,
quired in gel, liquid, and spray forms in concentrations honey-flavored 20% benzocaine topica l . BeeGentle com­
ranging from 6% to 20% ( see Figure 8-8 •). The most bines benzoca ine in a water-insol uble materi a l (ethanol­
commonly used concentration is 20 % , which provides ad­ based solvent) that forms a n inso l u b l e fi l m upon contact
equate topical effect in 30 seconds, with a peak effect oc­ with moist tissue. This a l l ows the topical agent to adhere to
curring at 2 minutes. Durations range from 5 to 15 minutes. the oral m u cosa where placed. After i n itial a d m i n istration
with a thi n-tipped dispensing syri nge, it will form a wh ite sur­
When delivered in a unique time-release varnish prepara­
face coati ng that provides a visible "target" when applied at
tion, longer durations may be obtained as drug is released
at a constant rate for up to 30 minutes ( see Box 8-3 •).
an appropriate penetration site. BeeGentle is a unique d u ra­
ble, time-release varnish that provides longer-l asti ng topica l
Similar to prilocaine, benzocaine can induce methe­ anesthesia compared with conventional water-so l u b l e prod­
moglobinemia and should be avoided in individuals who ucts. Accord ing to the product insert, benzoca ine is re leased
are at risk. It is best to avoid both drugs in this situation at a consta nt rate for u p to 30 m i n utes. The coati ng remains
( see Table 8-1 •). On May 5, 20 1 1 , the FDA issued a con­ in place until physica lly removed or until slowly d issolved by
sumer warning about the use of over-the-counter ( OTC ) s l va ( e e F u r
benzocaine liquids and gels marketed to reduce teething : . � : . . � • • :� . � ��9. �);
• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •

pain in very young children, noting an increase in the in­

cidence of methemoglobinemia. Box 8-4 • provides more include tetracaine and butamben ( butyl 4-aminobenzoate )
details for this alert. also known as butylcaine.
Similarity to other topical anesthetics Effective concentrations in dentistry
B enzocaine is an ester. B enzocaine is formulated in 6% to 20 % preparations.
It has been characterized as nonionic and remains nearly Onset of action
1 0 0 % nonionic ( in its neutral base form ) even if swal­ The onset of anesthesia for benzocaine is 0.5 minutes,
lowed ( Tetzlaff, 20 0 0 ) . Other ester topical anesthetics with peak effect at 2 minutes.

Table 8-1 Dental Single Drug Topical Anesthetic Preparations

Effective Onset of Action Duration of FDA Pregnancy

Drug Class Concentrations (minutes) Action (minutes) M RD (mg) Category*

benzocaine ester 6-20% 0.5-2 5-15 unknown c

dyclonine ketone 1% up to 10 30 200 c

lidocaine amide 2-5% 1-2 15 200-300 B

tetracaine ester 0.25-0.5 up to 20 slow ( ) 20-60 20 c

*During lactation all of these drugs should be used with caution.


Fifteen minutes is seldom needed before inj ection, but

once the initial 5 minutes have elapsed, there is no guar­
antee that an acceptable topical effect is still present. Re­
application should be considered after 5 minutes if the
On May 5, 201 1 , the FDA issued a consumer warn ing about inj ection has not occurred during that time.
the use of over-the-counter benzocaine liqu ids and gels
marketed to reduce teething pain in very young ch i l d ren in MRD (maximum recommended dose)
response to reports of methemoglobinemia with a l l strengths There is no established MRD for benzocaine.
of benzocaine gels and liqu ids in ch ildren aged 2 or younger.
Methemoglobinemia is a condition that greatly reduces It is recommended that clinicians follow manufacturer's
the amount of oxygen carried in the bloodstream and in r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w h e n e v e r a v a i l ab l e . With s p r a y
the most severe cases can be life-th reatening (discussed preparations of benzocaine, n e v e r e x c e e d a 2-second
in Chapter 1 0, " Patient Assessment for Loca l Anesthesia," administration period (ADA/PDR, 2009) .
and Chapter 1 7, " Local Anesthesia Complications and
Management"). In addition to liqu ids and gels, benzoca ine
is a lso available in lozenges and spray sol utions. The main Toxicity
ingredient, benzocaine, is commonly packaged in 7 . 5% and Toxic reactions to benzocaine in dentistry are rare.
1 0% preparations for use in ch i l d ren and is found in numer­
ous brand name prod ucts (see Table 8-2 •). Precautions incre ase when tissues are highly abraded,
when used in children and adults of very low weight, and
when applied to large areas of tissue (see Box 8-5 •).
The FDA repo rts describe m eth e m o g l o b i n e m i a as
being associated with all strengths of benzoca i n e gels a n d
l i q u ids i n c l u d i n g conce ntrations as l o w as 7 . 5%, with most Although uncommon, this potential nevertheless ex­
cases occu rri ng in ch i l d ren aged 2 or you n g e r who were ists, especially if sprays are used in larger volumes, such
treated with a gel for teeth i n g d iscomfort. as might occur from excessive numbing of the oral cav­
Signs and sym ptoms usua l ly appear with i n m i n utes to ity before exposing radiographs or taking impressions.
h o u rs a n d include p a l l o r or g rayn ess, shortness of breath, Although unlikely, methemoglobinemia has occurred
fatigue, confusion, l i g htheadedness, and in crease i n h e a rt when excessive doses in spray form have been adminis­
rate. If any of these sym ptoms occu rs, the FDA recommends tered (FDA, 2006) . The risk of methemoglobinemia is in­
seeki n g i m m e d iate medical atte nti o n .
creased in small children, probably due to their low body
The F D A states t h a t benzoca i n e p roducts s h o u l d not
be g iven to ch i l d re n you n g e r than age 2 u n l ess u n d e r the weight (Tetzlaff, 2000) . Although by no means typical, it
supervision of a hea lthcare p rofession a l . The American is important to point out that benzocaine gel for teething
Academy of Ped iatrics reco m m ends givi n g ch i l d ren with pain has resulted in symptomatic methemoglobinemia in
teeth i n g p roblems a c h i l l e d teeth i n g ring, or gently rub­ the past (Tetzlaff, 2000).
bing the c h i l d ' s gums with a finger. B enzocaine has also been reported to be an antagonist
The FDA offers these tips for parents: to the actions of the sulfonamide antibacterials (Alston,
• • If benzoca i n e p ro d u cts a re used, watch ca refu l ly for 1992).
As an ester, benzocaine metabolizes to para-amino­
signs and sym ptoms of m eth e m o g l o b i n e m i a , i n cl u d i n g
p a l e, g ray, o r b l ue-co l o red s k i n , l i ps, and n a i l beds. Also, benzoic acid (PABA), which is an FDA-identified antigen.
shortness of b reath, fatigue, confusion, headache, l i g ht­ Allergies are more frequent to ester agents. In the case
headedness, a n d rapid heart rate a re sym ptoms of a of topical anesthetics, allergic reactions, although not re­
reactio n . If any sym ptoms occu r, seek medical attention stricted to local areas of tissue, tend to involve delayed re­
i m mediately. sponses and are usually limited to areas of contact only.
• Keep i n m i n d that p roblems caused by benzoca i n e can B enzocaine allergies are almost always restricted to these
show u p after a single a d m i n istration of the p roduct. areas. Lidocaine topical is an appropriate substitute should
• Use benzoca i n e gels and l i q u ids spari n g ly, and o n ly this occur.
when needed, a n d not m o re than fou r times a day.
Side effects s h o u l d be reported i m m e d i ately to the FDA Metabolism
M edwatch progra m . B enzocaine is metabolized by ester hydrolysis (via
cholinesterase) .

Principal metabolites include PABA a n d ethanol, which

may further metabolize to carbon dioxide and water.
Although the onset of action with benzocaine i s rapid,
a more reliable time elapse in terms of comfort before
B enzocaine is excreted as PABA, ethanol, carbon
inj ection is 1-2 minutes.
dioxide, and water in var iable ratios.
Duration of action
The average duration of anesthesia for benzocaine is Pregnancy category
5-15 minutes. B enzocaine is in FDA Category C.
• 109

Table 8-2 Topical Anesthetic Products Containing Benzocaine for Oral Use*

Aerosols Creams
• Hurricane 20% • B enzocaine 5 %
• Americaine 20% • Oraj el PM Maximum Strength 20%

• HDA Toothache 6.5 % • Anbesol Maximum Strength 20%
• B aby Anbesol 7. 5 % • ComfortCaine 20 %
• B aby Oral Pain Reliever 7. 5 % • B enzocaine Topical Anesthetic Gel 20%
• Detane 7. 5 % • D entapaine 2 0 %
• Oraj el B aby Happy Smiles Kit 7. 5 % • Gingicaine 20 %
• Oraj el Teething Medication 7.5 % • Americaine Anesthetic Lubricant 20%
• Oraj e11 0 % • Kank-A Soft B rush Lubricant 20 %
• B aby Oraj el Nighttime 1 0 % • Oral Anesthetic 20 %
• Teething Baby Medicine 1 0 % • Orabase-B 2 0 %
• Zilactin B aby Extra Strength 1 0 % • Oraj el Maximum Strength 20%
• Zilactin B 10% • Oraj el Mouth Aid 20%
• Oraj el Denture Plus 15 % • Topex 20%
• Oraj el Ultra Mouth Sore 15 % • Topicale 20%
• Hurricaine 20%

Gel Patch Gum

• Topicale GelPatch 36 mg/patch • D ent's Extra Strength Toothache 20%

Swabs Liquid Solutions

• Oraj el B aby Teething Swabs 7. 5 % • Orasept 1.53 %
• Den temp Oral Pain Relief 1 0 % • Gumsol 2 %
• Gingicaine One SwabStick 20% • B abee Teething Lotion 2.5 %
• Hurricaine 20% • Rid-A-Pain 6.5%
• Orajel Medicated Mouthsore Swab 20 % • Miradyne-3 9 %
• Orajel Medicated Toothache Swab 20 % • Tanac Liquid 1 0 %
• Topex 20% • Anbesol Maximum Strength 20%
• Zilactin Toothache Maximum Strength 20 % • Gingicaine 20 %
• Hurricaine 20%
• Kank-A 20%
• Topex 20%

Ointments Lozenges
• Anacaine 1 0 % • Chloraseptic Sore Throat 6 m g
• B enzodent 1 0 % • Cepacol Extra Strength 10 m g
• Cora-Caine 20 % • Spec-T 10 mg
• Red Cross Canker 20 % • Bi-Zets 15 mg
• Topicale 20%

*Product list current as of April 2013. This list provides samples only and is not intended to be inclusive of all available products.

Caution is recommended in nursing.
M o s t drugs are available in breast milk o n c e intro­
duced. Product information generally states that cau­
B roken skin a n d inflamed or d a m a ged m u cosa, such as tion must be exercise d when nursing after benzocaine
the l i n i n gs of diseased periodontal pockets, a re m o re administration.
easily penetrated because the d rugs bypass the p rotec­
tive epith e l i a l b a rrier, m ovi n g d i rectly to exposed b l ood Proprietary names by application category
vessels i n the co n n e ctive tissue and fro m there i nto the (variable concentrations)
syste m i c ci rcu l ati o n . Topical a n esthetics applied i n this
Some prescription and over-the-counter products
containing benzocaine are listed in Table 8-2 •·

manner m ust be considered m o re ca refu l l y when m o n itor- •

i f s
: . �: �� � ���� � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sources: FDA, 2006; Tetzlaff, 2000.

Dyclonine Hydrochloride Similarity to other topical anesthetics

Dyclonine hydrochloride, formerly available as Dylcone Dyclonine is a ketone.
(0. 5 % solution) , is a nonester, nonamide, ketone topical It is chemically unique c o m p a r e d with o t h e r l o c a l
anesthetic (the aromatic and amino ends are j oined by anesthetics used i n dentistry and medicine.
a ketone linkage) (Jastak , Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ) .
D yclonine provides a relatively s afe and very durable Effective concentrations in dentistry
topical effect. It also possesses some b actericidal and Dyclonine is commonly formulated in 1 %
fungicidal properties. With a slow o n s e t of between preparations.
2 and 10 minutes and duration of about 30 minutes, it is
particularly useful when amides and esters may not be Onset of action
used. Dyclonine is marketed as 1 % and 0.5 % solutions The onset of anesthesia for dyclonine is up to 10
and is occasionally available as a spray (see Figure 8-10 •). minutes.
It can also be found in OTC products such as Sucrets Chil­
Duration of action
dren's, Regular Strength, and Maximum Strength lozenges
The average duration of anesthesia for dyclonine
and Cepacol S ore Thro at Lozenges and Sprays ( s e e
Figure 8-1 1 •) (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . It w a s formerly avail­
is about 30 minutes (effects may last as long as
1 hour) .
able as Dylcone before the product was withdrawn from
the market. The U.S. FDA issued the following statement MRD
in 2004, 3 years after the product was withdrawn: "The The MRD for dyclonine is 200 mg, or 20 mL of a 1 %
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined solution; 40 m L of a 0.5 % solution.
that dyclone (dyclonine hydrochloride [HCl] ) 0.5 % and
1.0 % Topical Solutions were not withdrawn from sale for Doses are reduced for children and medically compro­
reasons of safety or effectiveness." mised adults as well as for situations in which tissues are
heavily abraded before application. Safe doses have not
been determined for children under age 12. Allergic reac­
tions are uncommon.

Although toxicity is unlikely and the toxic potential of
dyclonine is very low because of poor water solubility, in
excessively large doses it may affect sensitive neural tis­
sues similar to other local anesthetic agents, resulting in
progressive signs and symptoms of central nervous system
(CNS) and cardiovascular system (CVS) depression.

No information is available on dyclonine

FIGURE 8-10 Dyclonine Hydrochloride by Prescription. No information is available on dyclonine excretion.

Pregnancy category
Dyclonine hydrochloride is in FDA Category C.

Caution is recommended in nursing.
Most drugs are available in breast milk once introduced.
Product information generally states that caution must be
exercised when nursing.

Proprietary names and available preparations

S o m e prescription and OTC products containing
dyclonine hydrochloride are listed in Table 8-3 •·

FIGURE 8-11 OTC Source of Dyclonine Hydrochloride. OTC Lidocaine is an effective topical anesthetic drug and an ex­
oral anesthetic lozenges containing dyclonine hydrochloride. cellent alternative to esters when esters are contraindicated
• 111

Table 8-3 Topical Anesthetic Products Containing Onset of action

Dyclonine for Oral Use The onset of anesthesia for lidocaine is 1-2 minutes;
peak effects may take up to 5-10 minutes.
• Dyclonine hydrochloride 1 % and 0.5 % (compounded Duration of action
only) The typical duration is 15 minutes.
The MRD for lidocaine topicals is reported to be 200 mg.
• Sucrets lozenges:
• Children's 1.2 mg Overdose reactions are similar to overdoses from injectable
• Regular Strength 2 mg forms of lidocaine with typical progression to CNS depres­
• Maximum Strength 3 mg sion without initial excitation, although overdoses are very
unlikely when using lidocaine topical alone.
Source: Tetzlaff (2000) and Wynn (2012-2013).
Lidocaine topical is a CNS depressant; however, toxic
(Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ) . The most common reactions are rare.
preparation of lidocaine topical is as an ointment in multi­
use jars (see Figure 8-12 •). It is also available in 2% to 5 % Precautions incre ase when tissues are highly abraded,
concentrations primarily i n liquid and gel forms. Toxic re­ when used in children and adults of very low weight, and
actions, although uncommon, have occurred with lidocaine when applied to large areas of tissues.
topical, particularly in the spray form (see Box 8-1) . Dental Metabolism
preparations of lidocaine in spray form are available from Lidocaine is metabolized in the liver by hepatic
Canadian distributors (20 13). Onset times vary between 2 oxidases and amidases.
and 10 minutes with an expected duration of 15 minutes.
Lidocaine is available as a predominantly acid salt prepa­ Excretion
ration (lidocaine hydrochloride) or as a neutral base for­ Less than 10% of lidocaine is excreted unchanged by
mulation (lidocaine base) . Base preparations have lower the kidneys.
systemic absorptions in comparison to acid salt formu­ Pregnancy category
lations and therefore are less toxic (Mehra, Caiazzo, & Lidocaine is an FDA Category B.
Maloney, 1998).
Similarity to other topical anesthetics Caution is recommended in nursing.
Lidocaine is most similar to prilocaine compared with
other topicals in dentistry. Most drugs are available in breast milk once introduced.
Product information generally states that caution must be
Effective concentrations in dentistry exercised when nursing.
Lidocaine topical is commonly formulated in 2% to
5 % preparations. Proprietary names by application category
Some prescription and OTC products containing
lidocaine are listed in Table 8-4 •·
Sources: ADAIPDR (2009), Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995),
and Malamed (2013).

Tetracaine Hydrochloride
Tetracaine is a potent ester topical anesthetic. In dentistry, tet­
racaine is used only in combination with other topical anes­
thetics, but a new product currently in clinical trials, Kovacaine
Mist ™ (St. Renatus, Fort Collins, CO), makes use of a spray
application to provide both soft tissue and pulpal anesthesia.
Historically, it replaced cocaine as an equally effective yet
less irritating substitute when applied to the eyes. Repeated
or long-term eye contact is now discouraged. Excessive dos­
ing and too frequent application may result in serious adverse
reactions, including those requiring resuscitation.

Similarity to other local anesthetics

Tetracaine is an ester similar to benzocaine and
FIGURE 8-12 Lidocaine Topical Cream. butamben.

Table 8-4 Some Topical Anesthetic Products Containing lidocaine for Oral Use

Ointment (base formulation) Gel (hydrochloride salt formulation)

• Octocaine 5 % (50 mg/mL) • Xylocaine 2% Jelly (lidocaine hydrochloride)
• Xylocaine 5% (50 mg/mL)

Solution (base formulation) Oral Topical Solution

• Zilactin - 2.5 % • Lidocaine 2 % Hydrochloride Oral Topical Solution USP (Viscous)
• Lidocaine 4% Hydrochloride Topical Solution USP
Source: ADAIPDR (2009) and Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995).
* Product list current as of May 2013. This Jist provides samples only and is not intended to be inclusive of all available products.

Effective concentrations in dentistry Table 8-5 Nondental Examples of Topical Anesthetic

Tetracaine is commonly formulated in 0.25 % to 0.5 % Products Containing Tetracaine
Onset of action
• Pontocaine 0.25 % and 0.5% topical solutions
The onset of anesthesia for tetracaine is slow and
variable, with peak effects taking up to 20 minutes. Nebulized Spray
• Pontocaine 0.5 %
Duration of action
The average duration of anesthesia for tetracaine is Source: ADAIPDR (2009), Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995), and
20-60 minutes. Wynn (2012-2013).
Tetracaine in combination will be discussed later as "Benzocaine,
MRD Butamben, and Tetracaine combination."
The MRD for tetracaine is 20 mg (1 mL of a 2 %
solution) .
Proprietary names by application category
Tetracaine is rapidly absorbed through mucous mem­ Some nondental prescription products containing
branes with a very slow metabolism. Precautions increase tetracaine are listed in Table 8-5 .
when tissues are highly abraded and when used in smaller
Sources: ADAIPDR (2009), Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995),
children. Malamed (2013), Patel, Chopra, and Berman, (1989).
Tetracaine is the most potent of the dental topical an­
esthetics. Serious adverse reactions have occurred in
Topical Drug Com binations
conjunction with tetracaine topical anesthesia, partic­ Topical anesthetics may be formulated i n combinations
ularly in medicine. Excessive doses and too frequent to provide enhanced onsets and durations beyond the
administrations should be avoided. Extreme caution properties of each drug individually. These combinations
has been urged with the use of tetracaine because of are formulated to provide more useful clinical ranges of
its potential for systemic toxicity. onset and duration for optimal therapeutic effect.
S o m e are designed for enhanced effectiveness in
Metabolism specific applications. For example, prilocaine is found
Tetracaine undergoes hydrolysis via plasma in combination with lidocaine for topical use in den­
cholinesterase. tistry. This combination of anesthetic drugs is known as
a eutectic mixture (Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ;
Primary metabolites of tetracaine include PABA and
Tetzlaff, 2000) . Prilocaine and lidocaine mixtures are de­
diethylaminoethanol, both of which have an unspecified
scribed later in this chapter in the discussion of eutectic
Tetracaine is excreted by the kidneys. Benzocaine, Tetracaine, and Butamben (Combination)
Pregnancy category When formulated in combination, these three ester drugs
Tetracaine is an FDA Category C. provide a much more useful range of topical anesthesia
compared with any of the individual drugs acting alone:
Caution is recommended in nursing. 14 % benzocaine ( short-acting, fast-onset) ,
Most drugs are available in breast milk once introduced. 2 % tetracaine (long-acting, slow-onset) , and
Product information generally states that caution must be 2% butamben (intermediate-acting,
exercised when nursing. intermediate-onset) .
• 113

This particular example, Cetacaine® (Cetylite Industries Metabolism

Inc. , Pennsauken, NJ) , enables a rapid onset and a very Esters are metabolized via cholinesterase.
long duration of topical anesthesia (see Figure 8-13 •).
Similarity to other topical anesthetics Excretion occurs primarily through the kidneys.
All three drugs are esters.
Pregnancy category
Effective concentrations in dentistry B enzocaine, Butamben, and Tetracaine are all in FDA
Tetracaine, butamben, and benzocaine are commonly Category C.
formulated with 2% tetracaine, 2% butamben, and
14% benzocaine.
Caution is recommended in nursing women.
Onset of action
Most drugs are available in breast milk once introduced.
The onset of action of tetracaine, butamben, and
Product information generally states that caution must be
benzocaine combinations is about 30 seconds.
exercised when nursing.
Duration of action
Proprietary names by application category
The duration of the combination may be as much as
Some prescription and OTC products containing
45 minutes.
benzocaine, butamben, and tetracaine combined are
MRD listed in Table 8-6 •·
See product inserts for specific MRDs for this Sources: ADAIPDR ( 2009) , Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995) ,
combination. and Malamed ( 2013) .

Overdose reactions are similar to overdoses from Eutectic M ixtu res
inj ectable esters with signs and symptoms of CNS
Eutectic mixtures of local anesthetics provide a more
depression followed by CVS toxicity. Precautions
rapid onset on skin and a greater depth of topical penetra­
increase when tissues are highly abraded, when used
tion on both skin and mucosa compared with any of the
in children and adults of very low weight, and when
ingredients acting alone. This is the result of very specific
applied to large areas of tissue.
properties of the mixture.
In preparing eutectic mixtures, powdered drugs are
suspended in water and oil to form a cream (Tetzlaff,
20 0 0 ) . Concentrations of the drugs are typically higher
than those used in inj ectable forms and are present in the
cream largely as base molecules (Tetzlaff, 2000).
Enhanced properties of eutectic mixtures result from
higher concentrations of base molecules, the homoge­
neous nature of the cream, and the lower melting point
of the mixture compared with any of the melting points
of the individual components. These properties assure in­
creasing depths of anesthesia, an even distribution, and
a faster onset on skin compared with other topicals but

Table 8-6 Examples of Topical Anesthetic Products

Containing Benzocaine, Tetracaine, and Butamben

• Cetacaine (14 % , 2 % , 2 % )

• Cetacaine (14 % , 2 % , 2 % )

• Cetacaine gel (14 % , 2 % , 2 % )
Source: ADAIPDR ( 2009) , Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995) , and
Cetylite Industries Inc., 2014.
*Products current as January 2014 Cetylite Inc. Cetacaine topical. Cetylite
FIGURE 8-13 Cetacaine® Topical Preparations­ Inc .. Prescribing information. Cetylite Inc.,Pennsauken, NJ www.cetacaine.
B enzocaine, Butamben, and Tetracaine (combination) . com/dental/about/prescribing-information. Accessed April 12, 2014.

not on mucosa, where most individual topicals have simi­

lar onsets. The longer the mixtures are left in contact with
skin or mucous membranes, however, the deeper their
penetration . Contact on skin for 2 hours will typically
yield a greater penetration of anesthesia compared with
1 hour.
Compared with mucosa, skin is a more significant bar­
rier to diffusion of topical drugs and requires longer appli­
cation times, typically 60 minutes or longer. As previously
stated, onsets of eutectic mixtures on mucous membranes
are considered rapid compared with skin but still require
similar time compared with other commonly available
topical agents. A eutectic's advantage on mucosa over any
faster-acting topicals is the depth of topical anesthesia it
is able to provide. The difference is considerable enough,
in fact, that eutectic mixtures have been used as the sole
method of anesthesia, especially in pediatric dentistry
where their enhanced depth may be sufficient to provide
pulpal anesthesia in the youngest patients (Malamed,
20 1 3 ) . Pulpal effects were found to be less reliable for
adults and older children (Malamed, 20 13). FIGURE 8-15 Oraqix® D elivery System Syringe Safety

Two common eutectic mixtures of local anesthetic Features A - Assembled syringe system.
drugs commercially available are Eutectic Mixture of Local B - Components of the Oraqix syringe system.
Anesthetics (AstraZeneca, 20 10) and Oraqix® (D entsply
Pharmaceuticals, York, PA) (see Figure 8-14 •). EMLA Oraqix delivery system includes a syringe-type carrier
(see Figure 8-15 •) that holds a specialized cartridge and a
blunt-tipped applicator (see Figure 8-16 •). The drugs are
is formulated for skin but has been used successfully on
mucous membranes in both medicine and dentistry. It is
applied, rather than injected, into the sulcus via the blunt­
tipped applicator (see Figure 8-17 •). The product insert
approved only for medical use, however, and specific in­
structions for use in dentistry do not exist. It is a combi­
nation of lidocaine and prilocaine. Oraqix, also a mixture suggests a wait of 20-30 seconds after initial application
of lidocaine and prilocaine, is formulated for subgingival in the gingival sulcus before deeper application into peri­
application although it has a uniquely different method of odontal pockets. Deeper application is discontinued once
application. Because of the inclusion of prilocaine, the risk the gel becomes visible at the gingival margin. Features en­
of methemoglobinemia exists in both preparations. hancing the safety of Oraqix include:
1. Low systemic toxicity with only 20 % to 40 % of the
Lidocaine and Prilocaine Periodontal Eutectic Mixture
dispensed drug available systemically.
O raqix is a eutectic mixture designed for " intrapocket"
2. E a s e of d o s e tracking compared with multi d o s e
use in dentistry (ADA/PDR, 2009; O raqix) . It is a liq­
p ackaging common with other topicals. (S tandard
uid at room temperature that thickens to a gel-like con­
calculation methods can b e used with the 1 . 7-mL
sistency (dual-phase) when placed subgingivally. The
3 . A specialized safety collar (see Figure 8-18 •) prevents
accidental placement of the cartridge into standard
aspirating syringes, avoiding accidental submucosal
inj ection of the drugs.

FIGURE 8-14 Examples of Eutectic Mixtures. Oraqix® FIGURE 8-16 Oraqix® Delivery System Cartridge
lidocaine and prilocaine periodontal gel topical (front) and Needle.
and a generic EMLA product. Source: Modified courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.
• 115



FIGURE 8-18 Oraqix D elivery System Cartridge Safety
Features. A - Oraqix has a unique "crosshatched"
colored band (top) similar to the drug identification
FIGURE 8-17 Oraqix® Subgingival D elivery A- The needle color bands on standard dental cartridges (bottom).
tip is angled subgingivally similar to a periodontal probe; the B - Each Oraqix cartridge has a white plastic safety
mixture is deposited at the base of the sulcus. B - The needle collar over the end cap and needle penetration end
tip (top) is not sharp like a standard inj ection needle (bottom) (right) when compared with standard local anesthetic
and is not intended to penetrate tissues. cartridges (left) to prevent insertion into standard
syringes and inadvertent submucosal inj ection.

Oraqix can substitute for inj ectable local anesthetics Duration of action
in some situations, although pulpal anesthesia is not The overall duration of action of Oraqix is 20 minutes
expected but may be provided to some extent (Oraqix) . (ranging between 14 and 31 minutes).
Similarity to other topical anesthetics D uration is variable and d e p e n d s upon the time of
Lidocaine and prilocaine are amides. application and the type of tissue on which Oraqix is applied.
Lidocaine is similar to etidocaine and prilocaine is similar MRD
to articaine. There is no equivalent combination to Oraqix The MRD for topical lidocaine and prilocaine in a
because of its unique liquid-to-gel transformation at physi­ eutectic mixture is five cartridges per appointment
ologic temperatures. (Oraqix).
Effective concentrations in dentistry Toxicity
Lidocaine and prilocaine in eutectic mixtures for Only about 20% to 40% is absorbed systemically.
topical use are commonly formulated with 2.5 %
O v e r d o s e r e a c t i o n s are s i m i l a r to o v e r d o s e s fro m
lidocaine and 2.5 % prilocaine.
inj ectable amides with signs and symptoms of CNS
Onset of action depression followed by CVS toxicity. Prilocaine increases
The onset of anesthesia for topical lidocaine and the possibility of the development of methemoglobinemia
prilocaine combinations is about 1 minute. in individuals with congenital and idiosyncratic tendencies.

Lidocaine is metabolized by hepatic oxidases and
Prilocaine is metabolized in the liver by amidases, and in
the lungs and kidneys. EMLA is not approved by the FDA for dental use. For
this reaso n, there a re no denta l-specific instructions
Excretion included with the product. O n the other hand, the FDA
Excretion occurs primarily through the kidneys. has n ot banned it from use i n dentistry. So-ca l l e d off- l a b e l
Pregnancy category u s e i m p l ies knowledge on the p a rt o f c l i n icians i n t h e
appropriate a n d reason a b l e u s e o f such p ro d u cts.
Lidocaine and prilocaine are both in FDA Category B.
Th e direction s for m edica / u s e include th e following:
Caution is recommended in nursing women. Apply 1 -2 grams in each 1 0 cm2
Suppl ied in 5- and 30-g ram tubes and as a n a d h esive
Most drugs are available in breast milk once introduced.
Product information generally states that caution must be
exercised when nursing.
� an t
•• � �
� � � �� � � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Source: Oraqix.

Lidocaine is similar to etidocaine and prilocaine is

Lidocaine and Prilocaine Eutectic Mixtures similar to articaine.
Another eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine is Effective concentrations
available as EMLA. The same concentration of drugs No information is available for intraoral applications.
found in Oraqix is available in EMLA , 2 . 5 % lidocaine
Effective concentrations and application have been estab­
lished for medical use only (see Box 8-6 •).
and 2.5 % prilocaine; however, EMLA is not a dual-phase
system (see AstraZeneca, 20 10). EMLA is also available in
generic preparations (see Figure 8-19 •). MRD
In pediatric dentistry, EMLA may provide complete 0-3 months or less than 5 kg (body weight) = 1 gram
pulpal anesthesia for some procedures because of its 3-12 months or greater than 5 kg = 2 gram
significant depth of penetration (Munshi, Hegde, & Latha,
20 0 1 ) . As with Oraqix, EMLA has gained popularity by 1-6 years or greater than 10 kg = 10 grams
providing deep topical effects (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Although 7-12 and greater than 20 kg = 20 grams
not originally recommended for dental use, clinical trials Typically, up to 5-10 grams must be applied on genital
have demonstrated that it can be effective in dentistry mucosa for effective topical anesthesia.
(B ernardi, S e cco, & B enech, 1 9 9 9 ; Munshi, Hegde, &
Latha, 200 1 ) . Product information accompanying EMLA Overdose reactions are similar to overdoses from inj ect­
does not include specific information regarding its use on able amides with signs and symptoms of CNS depression
oral mucous membranes. followed by CVS toxicity. Prilocaine increases the possibil­
ity of the development of methemoglobinemia in individu­
Similarity to other topical anesthetics als with congenital and idiosyncratic tendencies.
Lidocaine and prilocaine are amides.
Approximately 1120 the amount of the lidocaine ap­
plied on skin is absorbed systemically, whereas approxi­
mately 1136 the amount of the prilocaine applied on skin is
absorbed systemically.
When 10 grams were applied to genital mucosa, the ab­
sorbed doses of lidocaine and prilocaine, respectively, were
NIIC 01 8&0357-30
148--641 nanograms/mL (ng/mL) and 40--346 ng/mL, which is
II only
tQ!IEiera • well below the concentrations anticipated to give rise to sys­
LIDOCAINE and temic toxicity (5,000 ng/mL for both lidocaine and prilocaine ).
Onset of action
Five to 10 minutes are required on genital mucosa for
sufficient anesthesia. No information is available on oral
mucosal uses.
The longer EMLA is held against the tissues, the
FIGURE 8-19 Lidocaine and Prilocaine Eutectic Mixture greater the depth of anesthesia it provides. Applications
(Generic EMLA). on skin are usually adequate in 1 hour.
• 117

Duration of action
No information is available for intraoral

No information is available for intraoral

No information is available for intraoral

Metabolism FIGURE 8-20 Local Adverse Reaction. Local edema

Lidocaine is metabolized by hepatic oxidases and following application of a benzocaine topical.
Prilocaine is metabolized in the liver by amidases, and in and discontinuation of the agent. Localized edema follow­
the lungs and kidneys. ing an allergic reaction is shown in Figure 8-20•·
Excretion occurs primarily through the kidneys. Systemic Reactions
Topicals are readily absorbed through oral and bronchial
Pregnancy category mucosa but only weakly absorbed through GI mucosa.
Lidocaine and prilocaine eutectic mixtures are in Swallowing does not promote significant systemic uptake
FDA Category B. (Malamed, 20 13).
Allergic reactions to ester topical agents are rare but
not impossible, whereas allergies to amide topicals have
Caution is recommended in nursing women
been described as virtually unknown (Yagiela, 2005). Some
(see AstraZeneca, 20 10).
multiuse amide topicals, however, may contain methyl­
Most drugs are available in breast milk once introduced. paraben. These preparations benefit from methylparaben's
Product information generally states that caution must be antioxidant, bacteriostatic, and fungistatic properties, par­
exercised when nursing. ticularly in a container that is repeatedly opened and closed,
Source: AstraZeneca, 2010. compared with sealed sterile cartridges, which are designed
to be used once and then discarded (Malamed, 20 13) .The
FDA ordered the removal of methylparabens from dental
cartridges in 1984, in response to increasing reports of al­
Considerations i n the Ad m i n i stration lergenicity and the absence of a continued need for their in­
of Top ica ls clusion. The order did not affect topicals (Malamed, 20 13).
It is recommended that product information be consulted
Although toxic reactions are rare, the higher concentra­
for the possible inclusion of methylparaben.
tions of many topical anesthetics compared with inj ectable
Despite the very low risk of systemic allergic reaction,
agents give them a potentially greater risk of toxicity. As
systemic reactions are possible and have occurred. These
these agents become more popular and gain acceptance
have typically been overdose reactions and have ranged
as alternatives to traditional inj ectable anesthesia, it is im­
from subclinical to life-threatening. Overdoses may mani­
portant to consider the increased risks when using them.
fest as mild CNS depression (restlessness, agitation, and
Administered volumes, peak uptake intervals between
increased heart rate) or more severe CNS and CVS de­
successive applications, and areas of coverage are all im­
pression (unconsciousness, convulsions, decreased force of
portant considerations.
myocardial contraction, respiratory collapse, and cardio­
vascular collapse).
Local Adverse Reactions When systemic signs and symptoms occur because of
Local reactions with topical agents include tissue slough­ methemoglobinemia, they may manifest as lethargy, cya­
ing, edema, delayed hypersensitivity, redness, pain, and nosis, and respiratory difficulty (Malamed, 20 13). Adverse
burning at the sites of application. Increased likelihood of methemoglobinemic events have occurred because of dif­
adverse events follows application on abraded or broken ficulties in determining applied doses, particularly in spray
tissue, including that caused by trauma during applica­ forms. B enzocaine, for example, one of the most widely
tion, prolonged contact with skin or mucosa, and undiag­ used and certainly one of the safest topicals, has been
nosed hypersensitivities to any of the ingredients. These linked (in excessive volumes in spray form) to serious met­
reactions generally respond well to palliative strategies hemoglobinemia (Abu-Laban et al. , 200 1 ) . The following

excerpt appeared in the FDA Patient S afety News: Ad­

visory on B enzocaine Sprays and Methemoglobinemia
Show #50, April 2006:

The FDA recently issued a public health advisory to remind

health care professionals that the overuse of benzocaine
anesthetic sprays can cause methemoglobinemia, a poten­
tially life-threatening condition that can result in cyanosis,
confusion, hemodynamic instability and coma . . . . Patients
with methemoglobinemia can suffer effects ranging from
headache to cyanosis (turning blue due to lack of oxygen)
that can be life-threatening in the most severe cases.

The link to methemoglobinemia also applies to prilocaine in

both topical and inj ectable forms (MMWR, 1994). 1 t is im­
portant to point out that FDA warnings were prompted by
the results of excessive application related to the removal of
leg hair and before intubation (FDA, 1997). Nevertheless, the
potential exists for life-threatening adverse reactions follow­
ing the inappropriate and excessive use of spray topicals be­
fore exposing radiographs, for controlling gag reflexes, and for
widespread topical anesthesia in dental hygiene procedures.
In some circumstances, particular caution is advisable.
Underlying conditions that may predispose to methemo­
globinemia according to the April 2006 FDA Advisory
include : " . . . patients with bre athing problems, such as
asthma or emphysema, patients with he art disease, and
those who smoke. . . . "
A number of other medications, such as acetamino­ (B)
phen and sulfonamides, and some additives and dyes are
FIGURE 8-21 Pre-anesthesia "Jet" Injection A - Palatal
also linked to methemoglobinemia. Methemoglobinemia
pre-anesthesia administered with a Syrijet device. B - Facial
is discussed in depth in Chapter 5, "D ental Local Anes­
infiltration administered with an Injex Device.
thetic Drugs," Chapter 10, "Patient Assessment for Local
Anesthesia," and Chapter 17, "Local Anesthesia Complica­
tions and Management." 20 1 3 ) . They may also be used to provide deeper topical
anesthesia before needle penetration (see Figure 8 21 •) . -

Their greatest advantage appears t o arise from the ability to

Jet Injection Devices propel solutions into tissues at significant depth without the
Jet inj ection devices, which propel solution into tissues using use of needles, deep enough at times to provide pulpal anes­
air, may be particularly useful in needle-phobic individuals thesia. According to a 200 1 evaluation of 100 children, the
and children. Technically, they inject anesthetics, effecting degree of pulpal anesthesia provided was deemed "com­
complete local anesthesia for some procedures (Malamed, pletely successful" and there was a statistically significant

CAS E MA N A G EME N T Case Discussion: Some patients are adamant regarding

not wanti ng to receive p a l ata l i njections. This attitude
Elena Gagarin often arises from painfu l injections in the palate d u ri n g
Adeq u ate topica l a n esthesia can desensitize the m ax­ previous denta l visits. Placement o f topica l a h e a d o f i n ­
i l l a ry p a l ata l tissues in a reas being treate d . S l ow i njec­ jection with enough t i m e t o diffuse through the su rface
tion and expressing a few d rops of a n esthetic sol ution layer, the a p p l ication of press u re in the a rea to fu rther
a h e a d of t h e n e e d l e often works we l l , but E l e n a re­ " pren u m b " the tissues, and very slow deposition rates
q uested n o need les i n the p a l ate. Some topica ls such wi l l h e l p p revent fea r of p a i n fro m p a l ata l i njecti o n s .
as E M LA ca n p rovide g reater d e pths of p e n etrat i o n W h e n these g u i d e l i nes have n o t b e e n observed i n t h e
co m p a red w i t h oth e r to p i c a l s a n d d o n ot u s u a l ly re­ past, i t is sometim es necessary t o re ly on topica l a n es­
q u i re i nj e cti o n s afterwa rd in o rd e r to p l a ce comfort­ thetics or i nterpa p i l l a ry i njections orig i n ating from the
a b l e rubber d a m c l a m ps . b u cca l aspects of teeth i n order to desensitize p a l ata l
• 119

bias in favor of the use of a needleless jet syringe over con­

ventional syringes in children (Munshi, Hegde, & B ashir,
200 1 ) . Other authors have referred to these devices as inad­
equate substitutes for traditional needles and syringes and
as providing primarily topical anesthesia (Malamed, 20 13).
The impact of j et-propelled solutions, themselves,
is obj ected to by some and well tolerated by others
(Malamed, 20 13). There is often some local tissue damage
at the site of inj ection in the form of transient bruising, es­
pecially in the palate.
D e spite the costs of these devices, some will find
them invaluable in the treatment of children and in other
patients with greater dental anxieties, including needle
Currently available devices include the Syrij et Mark
II Needleless Inj ector (Mizzy Division, Keystone Indus­
tries, Cherry Hill, NJ) , the MadaJet XL (MADA Medi­
cal Products Inc. , Carlstadt, NJ) and the Inj ex (INJEX
Pharma USA, Miami, FL) . These devices are further dis­
cussed in Chapter 9, "Local Anesthetic Delivery D evices."
FIGURE 8-22 Future Developments in Topical
Future Developments in Topical Local Anesthesia Anesthetics Refrigerants, similar to the cryo-anesthetics
Current research may result in a dental application of a ( "cold spray" ) used in medicine, are being explored for
refrigerant (similar to those used for pulp testing) to
provide fast-acting topical anesthesia (see Figure 8-22 •).
future applications in dentistry.

A study comparing the use of a refrigerant as a topi­ Medical uses of refrigerants as topicals on skin have
cal anesthetic versus more time-consuming gel topicals demonstrated similar results in immunizations compared
found that pain was significantly reduced when the refrig­ with patch preparations. Adverse inflammatory reactions
erant was administered (Kosaraj u & Vendewalle, 2009) . on skin, which can apparently alter pigmentation patterns
The refrigerant used was 1 , 1 , 1 ,3 ,3 -pentafluoropropane/ under exposed areas, were described as not having been
1 , 1 , 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane ( G ebauer Comp any, 2 0 0 9 ) . identified specifically for mucosa. The manufacturer indi­
In arriving at that favorable comp aris on, only a 5 - to cates that the product should not be used on diabetics or
1 0-second application of the refrigerant was necessary. those with poor circulation or on any skin with a sensitivity
Additional clinical trials are needed to verify the previ­ deficit. In addition, cautions include the possible develop­
ously described dental application method. ment of postoperative discomfort, irritation, and frostbite .

.�.h. �.P..�.� �. 9.l1.� ��.i.�.� � ........................................... . 3. Which one of the following statements is incorrect
regarding maximum recommended doses of topical
1 . Eutectic mixtures have which of the following anesthetics?
characteristics? a. They are sometimes difficult to track.
a. They work more rapidly than most other topicals. b. MRDs are not always provided.
b. They penetrate more deeply on skin than mucosa. c. Spray forms have easy-to-track dosing.
c. Their melting points exceed that of their ingredi­ d. Oraqix has easy-to-track dosing.
ents acting alone. 4. Generous quantities of topical and inj ected anesthe­
d. Their formulations facilitate deeper and more ef­ sia have been administered, when the patient begins
ficient penetrations of tissues compared with their to shake and appears agitated and anxious. Is there a
ingredients acting alone. reason for concern?
2. Which of the following lists is most accurate when a. Y e s , b e cause these may be e arly signs of CNS
describing topical anesthetic uses? depression.
a. B efore exposing radiographs, before inj e ctions, b. No, because this is a very nervous patient and he or
before placing retraction cord she hates dental appointments.
b. B efore dental hygiene therapy and in subgingival c. No, because the doses of inj ectable anesthetic were
tissues within safe guidelines.
c. In procedures confined to mucosa and before tak­ d. Yes, because the patient is a dental phobic.
ing impressions
d. All of the above

5. Topical anesthetic mixtures may be of benefit in all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (1994,
but which one of the following ways? September 9). Prilocaine-induced methemoglobinemia­
a. Combinations may increase therapeutic ranges. Wisconsin, 1993. MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
b. Combinations may increase penetration depths. Repor0, 43(35), 655-657.
Cetylite Inc. Cetacaine topical. Cetylite Inc .. Prescribing infor­
c. Mixtures may allow drugs to be used as topicals
mation. Cetylite Inc. , Pennsauken, NJ
that are not suitable when used alone.
dental/about/prescribing-information. Accessed April 12, 2014.
d. Mixtures decrease the potential for adverse reaction. FDA Modernization Act of 1997. Accessed January 25,
6. All of the following statements are true regarding 2014,
compounded drugs, except: /Legislation/FederalFoodDrugandCosmeticActFDCAct
/SignificantAmendmentstotheFD CAct/FDAMA
a. Compounded drugs are formulated for individuals
FDA Patient Safety News. (2006). Advisory on benzocaine sprays
for whom they are prescribed.
and methemoglobinemia: Show #50. Accessed http://www.
b. Compounded drugs may be used on other individu­
als as long as the use is the same as the original use. Gebauer Company. (2009). Gebauer's Pain Ease, topical aerosol
c. Compounded drugs may contain much larger quan­ skin refrigerant. Retrieved January 25, 2014, from Techni-
tities of drug compared with multiuse commercial cal data document:
preparations. ResourceCenter/PDFs/TechSheets/PETS_ENGPdf
d. Compounded topicals are dispensed by prescription. MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Prilocaine-induced
7. The predominantly base form of lidocaine topical methemoglobinemia - Wisconsin, 1993: September 09, 1994,
anesthetic is safer than the predominantly hydrochlo­ 43(35) ; 655-7.
ride salt. PDR Network, LLC. PDR, prescription information.
a. True b. False Montvale, NJ: Author. Retrieved January 25, 2014,
8. Dyclonine hydrochloride is an excellent and very du­ anesthetic-spray?druglabelid=2182
rable topical anesthetic and belongs to which one of Jastak, J. T. , Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995). Local
the following classes of anesthetic? anesthesia of the oral cavity. Philadelphia: Saunders.
a. Amide c. Ester Kosaraju, A., & Vendewalle, K. S. (2009). A comparison of a
b. Ketone d. None of the above refrigerant and a topical anesthetic gel as preinjection anesthetics.
Journal of the American Dental Association, 140, 68--72.
References Malamed, S. F. (20 13). Handbook of local anesthesia (6th ed.).
St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
Abu-Laban, R. B . , Zed, P. J. , Purssell, R. A., & Evans, K. G . (200 1 , Mehra, P., Caiazzo, A., & Maloney, P. (1998). Lidocaine toxicity. Jour­
January). Severe methemoglobinemia from topical anesthetic nal of the American Dental Society of Anesthesia, 45(1), 38--41.
spray: Case report, discussion and qualitative systematic Munshi, A. K., Hegde, A., & Bashir, N. (200 1 ) . Clinical
review. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 3(1), 5 1-56. evaluation of the efficacy of anesthesia and patient preference
ADA/PDR guide to dental therapeutics (5th ed.). (2009) . using the needle-less jet syringe in pediatric dental practice.
Montvale, NJ: Thompson PDR. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 25, 131-136.
Alston, T. A. (1992). Antagonism of sulfonamides by benzocaine Munshi, A. K., Hegde, A. M., & Latha, R. (20 0 1 ) . Use of EMLA:
and chloroprocaine. Anesthesiology, 76, 375--476. Is it an inj ection free alternative. Journal of Clinical Pediatric
AstraZeneca. (20 10, May Rev. ) . EMLA. AstraZeneca, prescrip­ Dentistry, 25, 215-219.
tion information. Mississauga, Canada: Author. Retrieved Oraqix (lidocaine and prilocaine periodontal gel) , (Rev.
January 25, 2014, from 09/10), DENTSPLY Prescription information available
B ernardi, M., Secco, F. , & Benech, A. (1999) . Anesthetic efficacy from DENTSPLY Pharmaceutical, USA, York, PA; www.
of a eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine (EMLA) Accessed January 25, 2014.
on the oral mucosa: Prospective double-blind study with a Patel, D., Chopra, S., & B erman, M . D. (1989). Serious sys­
placebo. Minerva Stomatal, 48, 9--43 . temic toxicity resulting from use of tetracaine in upper
Beutlich LP Pharmaceuticals. Hurricane topical 20% benzocaine endoscopic procedures. Digestive Diseases and Sciences,
oral anesthetic spray. (HSDF 458-0 109), Beutlich LP Pharma­ 34(6), 882-884.
ceuticals Product information. Beutlich LP, Pharmaceuticals, Tetzlaff, J. E. (2000). Clinical pharmacology of local anesthetics
Waukegan, IL; (1st ed.). Woburn, MA: Butterworth Heinemann. Accessed April 12, 2014. Wynn, R. L. (20 12-20 13). Drug information handbook for
CAO Group. (20 10, June Rev.). BeeGentle. CAO Group, prescrip­ dentistry (18th ed.). Hudson, OH: Lexicomp.
tion information. West Jordan, UT: Author. Retrieved January Yagiela, J. A. (2005, May). Safely easing the pain for your
25, 2014, from patients. Dimensions, 3(5), 20-22.

Visit www.p �lthprofessionsresources to access the student resources that accompany
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Benzocaine-Drug Facts

Proprietary Name Benzocaine

Formulations/Durations of Action Topical: 6% to 20 % formulations

Duration: 5- to 15-minute duration

MRD Not available

Relative potency One-half lidocaine

Relative toxicity Very low

Metabolism Cholinesterase

Excretion Kidneys

Vasoactivity Strong vasodilator

Onset of action 30 seconds to 1 minute

Half-life Not established

Topical preparation Gel and combinations

Pregnancy category c

Lactation Enters breast milk ( use caution )

12 1
Dyclonine-Drug Facts

Proprietary Name Dyclonine

Formulations/Durations of Action Topical: 1 % formulations

Duration: 30- to 60-minute duration

MRD 200 mg or 20 mL of a 1 % solution

Relative potency Not available

Relative toxicity Very low

Metabolism NA ( nonamide, non-ester-ketone linkage )

Excretion Kidneys

Vasoactivity Not available

Onset of action From 2 to 10 minutes

Half-life Not available

Topical preparation Dyclonine is a formulated topical anesthetic

Pregnancy category c

Lactation Enters breast milk ( use caution )

Lidocaine-Drug Facts

Proprietary Name Lidocaine

Formulations/Durations of Action Topical: 2% to 5% formulations

Duration: 15 minutes

MRD Refer to individual production insert

Relative potency Similar to prilocaine and benzocaine

Much less than tetracaine

Relative toxicity Greater than prilocaine and benzocaine

Much less than tetracaine

Metabolism Liver

Excretion Kidneys

Vasoactivity Vasodilator

Onset of action 1-2 minutes

Half-life 96 minutes

Topical preparation Gels, ointments, patches, combinations

Pregnancy category B

Lactation Enters breast milk ( use caution )

12 3
Tetracaine-Drug Facts

Proprietary Name Tetracaine

Formulations/Durations of Action Topical mixtures:

2 % tetracaine HCL; 14% benzocaine; 2 % butamben
Duration: Long-lasting 20--60 minutes
Intranasal*: 3% tetracaine, 0.05 % oxymetazoline
(HCL Kovacaine Mist - in development)

MRD (Tetracaine, butamben, benzocaine mixture) 400 mg (combination)

0.4 mL (of the mixture/concentrations described above)
(Not Available for Kovacaine Mist*)

Relative potency 4 X lidocaine

Relative toxicity Much greater than lidocaine (CNS)

2X lidocaine (CVS)

Metabolism Cholinesterase

Excretion Kidneys

Vasoactivity Not available

Onset of action 30 seconds

Half-life Not established

Topical preparation Tetracaine, benzocaine, butamben combination

Pregnancy category c

Lactation Enters breast milk (use caution)

* Kovacaine Mist (intranasal delivery local anesthetic) in FDA Phase III clinical trials (2013)

Butamben-Drug Facts

Proprietary Name Butamben (butyl-4-aminobenzoate)

Formulations/Durations of Action Topical (found only in mixtures):

2% butamben; 14% benzocaine; 2 % tetracaine
Duration: 30-60 minutes (combination)

MRD Not available

Relative potency Not available

Relative toxicity Not available

Metabolism Cholinesterase

Excretion Kidneys

Vasoactivity Not described

Onset of action 30 seconds

Half-life Not available

Topical preparation Tetracaine, benzocaine, butamben combination

Pregnancy category c

Lactation Enters breast milk (use caution)

12 5
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C h a pter 9 Loca l An est h et i c D e l ivery Devi ces

C h a pter 1 0 Pati e n t Assess m e n t for Loca l A n est h e s i a

Chapter 1 1 F u n d a m e nta ls fo r Ad m i n istration o f Loca l Anesthetic Agents

··························································· ® ··························································

Local Anesthetic Delivery Devices


• Define and discuss the key terms in this chapter. armamentarium 129
bevel 136
• List and explain the purpose of each item in the basic
breech-loading 130
armamentarium for anesthetic injections.
carpule 140
• List and discuss the different types of syringes available for cartridge 140
local anesthetic injections. cartridge-type syringe 130
• Identify and explain the function of each component of a local
local anesthetic delivery
anesthetic syringe.
(CCLAD) 147
• Identify the components of a needle. devices 129
• Discuss the factors to consider when selecting needles. diaphragm 140
end cap 140
• Describe the components of a local anesthetic cartridge.
Engineering Controls
• List and describe the purpose of the contents in a cartridge. (EC) 138
• Identify local anesthesia cartridges according to the American finger grip 7 32
Dental Association (ADA) color code system. gauge 135
harpoon 134
Discuss and demonstrate safe needle recapping and disposal
harpoon-type aspirating
p dures.
syringe 130

• 129

KEY TERMS (contin ued)

h u b 7 36 self-aspirati ng syri nge 7 30

i ntravasc u l a r a d m i n istration 7 30 sh aft 7 36
jet i njection 7 50 s h a n k 7 36
l u m en 7 36 sto pper 7 40
medical devices 7 2 9 syri n g e 7 30
needle a d a ptor 7 34 syri nge a d a ptor 7 36
needle caps 7 38 syri nge ba rre l 7 3 7
needles 7 35 th u m b ring 7 33
penetrating e n d 7 36 w i n d ow 7 3 7
piston 7 33 Wo rk- Practice Co ntro ls (WPC) 138
scoop tech n i q u e 7 38

Armamenta ri u m for Denta l

CAS E S TUDY Loca l Anesthesia
Elena Gagarin After determining which procedures will be performed,
W h e n t h e c l i n i c i a n a p p ro a c h e d t h e o p e ra t o r's the inj ection techniques and devices that will best meet
c h a i r, t h e patient h a d a l re a d y b e e n seated a n d a the anesthetic requirements of the procedures can be se­
cotto n -ti p p e d a p p l icator with to p i c a l a n est h et i c lected . The term devices specifically refers to medical
devices in accordance with the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic (FD &C) Act, section 20 1 (h). (See Box 9-1 •.)
w a s p rotrud i n g fro m h e r m o uth . The assista nt h a d
pre loaded the syri nge w i t h 2% l idoca i n e , 1 : 1 00,000
e p i n e p h r i n e before leavi n g . She had a lso displ ayed These include syringes, cartridges, needles, and recapping
the res u lts of the m ost recent hea lth h isto ry on the and disposal items (National Institute for Occupational
m o n itor to s h ow that t h e re were n o contra i n d ica­ Safety and Health, 2002) . The term armamentarium re­
t i o n s to l id o ca i n e o r e p i n e p h r i n e and that t h e p a ­ fers to all equipment, materials, devices, and methods used
t i e n t h a d rece ived both d ru g s p revi o u s l y w i t h n o during the delivery of local anesthetic agents. For histori­
cal perspective on the armamentarium use for dental local
anesthesia, see Box 9-2 •·
adverse reactions.
Aft e r re m ov i n g the cotto n -t i p p e d a p p l i c a ­
t o r a n d r i n s i n g t h e p a t i e nt's m o ut h , t h e c l i n i c i a n
p ressed l i g htly o n t h e tissues u n d e r t h e a p p l i cator
to test fo r s e n s itivity. T h e patient res p o n d e d that
she d i d n 't fee l a t h i n g . The need l e was posit i o n e d
ove r t h e p e n etrati o n site a n d was a d v a n ce d b e ­ The Federa l Food, Drug, a n d Cosmetic (FD&C) Act defi nes
n e at h t h e m u co s a w i t h o u t p a i n , c o n ti n u i n g t h e a device as " . . . a n instru m e nt, apparatus, i m p l e m e nt,
p e n et r a t i o n u n t i l t h e t a r g e t a re a w a s re a c h e d . m a ch i n e, contriva n ce, i m p l a nt, in vitro reagent, or oth er
The c l i n ician p u l l ed b a c k s l i g htly o n the th u m b similar or re lated a rticle, including any component, part or
r i n g t o create n e g ative p ress u re i n t h e c a rtri d g e accessory, which is i ntended for use i n the d i a g n osis of d is­
i n o r d e r to a s p i rate. N o s i g n s o f b l o o d a p p e a red ease o r other con d itions, or in the cure, m itigation, treat­
in the ca rtri d g e and the c l i n i c i a n d e p ressed t h e ment, or p revention of d isease, in m a n or other a n i m a ls, or
intended to affect the structu re of a ny function of the body
t h u m b r i n g to d e p o s i t s o l u t i o n b u t n ot i c e d t h a t
and which does not achieve its primary intended pu rpose
t h e p l u n g e r d i d not m ove, n o m atte r h o w h a rd i t
thro u g h chemical a cti on and which is not dependent upon
w a s p u s h e d . The syri n g e w a s withd rawn fro m t h e being m eta bol ized for the achievem ent of its p ri m a ry i n ­
mouth. tended pu rposes. "

Source:�Secti o n 201 (h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
a t d

I ntrod uction : . : � :� :::� � � ; �� • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • .

This chapter discusses devices required for the delivery Basic armamentarium appropriate for dental local an­
of local anesthetic agents. A thorough knowledge of these esthetic injections includes (see Figure 9-3 •):
devices is necessary for appropriate selection and use.
Practices for safe handling and disposal of the devices will 1. mouth mirror (may also include a cheek retractor)
also be discussed. 2. devices for safe needle recapping and disposal

3. syringe devices Dental Local Anesthetic Syringes

4. cotton pliers or hemostat A local anesthetic syringe is a device for inj ecting anes­
5. gauze squares for drying tissues and enhancing thetic agents submucosally or subcutaneously. Standard
syringes are metallic or plastic piston pump devices into
which disposable glass cylinders ( cartridges ) of anesthetic
6. cotton swabs for application of topical anesthetic agents
solution are inserted. After attaching a needle to the sy­
and predetermination of penetration sites and angles
ringe and activating gentle pressure on a plunger, the de­
7. needles of appropriate gauge and length vice is used to administer local anesthetics.
8. cartridges of drugs S everal different typ e s of syring e s are available
9. topical anesthetic agents in dentistry, including those that are sterilizable stain­
l e s s s t e e l or plastic, disp o s able plastic, manual and
Syringes, cartridges, n e e dles, and recapping and
disposal devices and their variations will be discussed in
the following sections.

FIGURE 9-1 Local Anesthetic Syringe and Needle Set, FIGURE 9-2 Local Anesthetic Syringe, circa
circa late nineteenth century. mid-1 930s.
Source: Used with permission. The Dr. Samuel D. Harris, Na­ Source: Used with permission. The Dr. Samuel D. Harris,
tional Museum of Dentistry, University of Maryland. National Museum of Dentistry, University of Maryland.

I n a d d ition to the local a n esthetic drugs themse lves, Because of reports of hepatitis transm ission through
t h e i r m ethod of d e l ive ry has a lso u n d e rg o n e exte nsive contaminated need les, d isposable, sta inless steel need les
i m p rove ment over the years. The deve l o p m e n t of hypo- were introduced in 1 959, which effectively e l i m inated the
derm i c syr i n g es i n the 1 8 50s s i m p l ified the d e l ivery of need for the steril ization and reuse of need les (J asta k,
coca i n e a n d oth e r d r u g s o l utions (J asta k & Ya g i e l a , 1 98 1 ) . Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1 995). T h e self-aspirating syringe was
D u r i n g Wo rld Wa r I, Dr. H a rvey Cook, who was an a rmy developed to provide an easy way of determ ining whether or
surgeon, developed a breech-load i n g , cartridge-type not the tips of needles a re located with in blood vessels.
syri n g e that functi o n e d s i m i l a rly to a breech - l o a d i n g rifle Computer-contro l l e d local a n esthetic d e l ivery
(see Fi g u re 9-1 •) . Replacing more cumbersome early de- (CCLAD) devices were i ntroduced i n 1 997 . The fi rst of
signs (see Figure 9-2 •), this syr i n g e h e l d a g l ass cartri d g e these, the Wa n d (M i l esto ne Scie ntific, N J ) , w a s fo l l owed
conta i n i n g a local a n esthetic d r u g . B oth the syr i n g e a n d b y t h e CompuDent®, a n d has n o w b e e n rep l a ced b y the
cartrid g e were i ntro d u ced i n 1 92 1 by D r. Cook' s n ewly Wa nd STA Single Tooth Anesthesia System® Instru ment,
formed co m p a ny, Cook La b o ratories. which has a u n i q u e pressu re sensing tech no logy known as
In 1 947, the N ovocol C o m p a n y deve l o p e d the fi rst Di rect Pressu re Sensi ng (DPS).
asp i rati n g syri n g e , which red u ced the risk of i njecti o n Anoth er CCLAD device i n u s e in N o rth America, how-
i nto b l o o d vessels, known as i ntravascu lar admin istra- ever no longer m a rketed, is the Comfort Co ntro l Syringe
t i o n . Un l i ke the syri n g es used tod ay, it made use of a (Dentsply I nternational, PA). Internatio n a l ly the Quick-
screw-based tech n o l ogy for secu ri n g cartri dges. The Sleeper (Denta l H i Tech, Fra n ce), Anaeject (J M o rita, N a -
harpoon-type aspirat i n g syri n g e i n cu rrent use was de- s h i ka Line, J a p a n), and Calaject (R0NVIG Denta l Mfg. A/S.
veloped by Cook-Wa ite Labo rato ries i n 1 9 57 (ori g i n a l ly Denma rk) a re m a rketed . CCLAD devices ava i l a b l e i n N o rth
Cook La b o rato ries). Today, p ro d u cts a re s o l d u n d e r the America a re d iscussed i n deta i l later i n this chapter a n d

Coo k-Wa ite l a b e l as p a rt of Ca restre a m H e a lth I n c . , i n Appendix 9-5, "Comp uter-Contro l l e d Local Anesthetic •

oda Den a l s t lv r ·'

: � �
. • • · · · � . . :� ��� .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • �� � � : : • • • • • • • • . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • •
• 131

FIGURE 9-3 Inj ection Armamentarium. A - cheek retractor or B - mouth mirror, C - safe needle recapping device,
D - syringe, E - cotton pliers or F - hemostat, G - gauze squares, H - cotton swabs, ! - needle, J - anesthetic cartridge,
and K- topical anesthetic.

self-aspirating, ratcheted for delivering small doses under small to large hand sizes (Figures 9-7 • and 9-8 •). Syringes
pressure, needleless, and computer-controlled. Figure 9-4 • distributed in North America accommodate standard
provides examples. Most types have one or more designs 1.8-mL cartridges.
available. Preference and availability will usually determine Although manual aspiration syringes are more com­
which type is selected. mon, some clinicians prefer self-aspirating hybrids, which
The most common design in dentistry is the steriliz­ differ from manual syringes in that they do not have har­
able, breech-loading, cartridge-type, aspirating syringe poons and they do not require thumb movements in a
because inadvertent intravascular inj ection is a primary direction away from deposition sites in order to aspirate
hazard of local anesthetic inj ections. This syringe has (see Figure 9-9A •). When using self-aspirating syringes,
easy-to-master aspirating capabilities to allow testing and all accompanying instructions must be followed for proper
visual inspection before drugs are administered. aspiration testing (see Box 9-3 •) . An extra step is fre­
quently required in order to initiate aspiration before in­
Anatomy of a Dental Syringe j ection (see Figure 9-9B•) .
Syringes for dental local anesthesia consist of a syringe The syringe barrel (Figure 9-SG) i s designed t o hold
barrel, finger grip portion (with spring and guide bearing) , glass cartridges of local anesthetic solutions. The most
sliding piston with thumb ring and harpoon, and needle common style has a large side opening allowing breech­
adaptor. Figure 9-5 • shows a disassembled syringe and its loading of cartridges into syringe barrels. This large side
individual components. The function of each component is opening (window) also provides for direct visibility of
discussed next. cartridges throughout inj ections. Although less common,
Syringes have traditionally come in two standard de­ some syringes load from the end of the barrel. The finger
signs and sizes (see Figure 9-6 •). Those with winged thumb rest portion articulates open to provide entry into the end
rests are somewhat longer than wingless "petite" designs. of the barrel. Figure 9-10 • shows examples of breech­
Several variations in size are now available to accommodate loading and articulating devices.

FIGURE 9-4 Various Dental Local Anesthetic Syringes. Syringes are selected based
on technique and clinician preference. They include a number of manual and computer­
controlled devices.

FIGURE 9-5 The Anatomy of a Syringe. Syringe components are identified as follows:
A - thumb ring, B - finger grip, C - spring, D - guide bearing, E - piston with attached
F - harpoon, G - syringe barrel, and H - needle adaptor.

The finger grip (Figure 9-S B ) component encircles on the finger grip to balance and control movements of
the diameter of the syringe barrel and the piston passes the syringe. There are two basic styles of finger rests,
through the middle of the finger grip. During use, clini­ winged and wingless. See Figure 9-6 for examples of
cians hold the syringe with the index and middle fingers winged and wingless finger rests. The spring (Figure 9-S C)
• 133

FIGURE 9-8 Small, Medium, and Large Syringes. Septodont

USA has redesigned their syringes to accommodate small,
medium, and large hands. Note the graduated sizes of the
FIGURE 9-6 Commonly Used Syringes. These thumb ring.
examples are breech-loading, manual aspiration, Source: Courtesy of Septodont, U S A.
cartridge-type devices. The syringe on the left is a
"wingless" design and the one on the right is "winged. "

Syri nges designed to self-aspi rate do not h ave h a rpoons

on their pistons because negative pressu re is not depen­
dent on m a n u a l " p u l l-back" motions o n stoppers. These
syri nges h ave a "th u m b d isk" on the piston above the
• fi nger grip. Befo re i n itial i njection, c l i n icians press a g a i nst
the t h u m b disk to activate the aspiration test (Fi g u re 9-9B).
N e g ative press u re is created by the el astic recoi l of the car­
tridge d i a p h ragm when the cartridge is pushed a g a i nst the
hub i n the base of the syri nge. D u ri n g the i njection, aspira­
tion is acco m p l ished by gently applying brief pressure on
the piston a n d re leasi n g . I n this situ ation, aspiration occu rs
when the clinician re l eases the pressu re on the stopper
FIGURE 9-7 Syringe Size and D esign. Syringes vary in •
(Aspiject™; Astra P h a rm a ceutical Pro d u cts, Inc., R0NVIG •

n � f S n ar )
size and design; clinician preference may be based on
hand size.
: � � �� �
. � :� . :�
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and guide be aring ( Figure 9-S D ) slide into the finger in a variety of thumb ring designs in order to provide
grip when the syringe is loaded, which provides tension for ease of aspiration for all hand sizes. Oval designs re­
on the cartridge. At least one syringe is now available quire shorter distances to engage the inside of the thumb
with a silicone-coated finger grip and thumb ring, which ring for aspiration. For a comparison of round and oval
may improve grip and stability during aspiration ( s e e thumb rings see Figure 9-12 •· Other syringes have
Figure 9-1 1 •). smaller thumb rings. As noted previously, some newer
A thumb ring ( Figure 9-SA) is attached to the ex­ designs have a textured silicone coating to enhance grip
ternal end of the piston. Clinicians place their thumbs ( see Figure 9-1 1 ) . Figures 9-6 through 9-12 display a
in the ring to advance or retract pistons. Traditionally, number of syringe options.
thumb ring components have been available in one stan­ The piston ( Figure 9-SE) passes through the finger
dard size and shape, which has been problematic for cli­ grip complex and is attached on one end to the finger ring
nicians with small hands. Current syringes are available and on the other end to the harpoon tip. B efore loading

(A) (B)

FIGURE 9-9 Self-Aspirating Syringes. A- Self-aspirating syringes do not have

harpoons to seat into stoppers. B- Some designs require an additional step. The
thumb disks must be pressed in order to activate aspiration before injection.

syringes, pull-back movements of the piston create tension

on the spring, retracting the bearing guide to allow inser­
tion of cartridges into syringes.
Advancing the piston engages the harpoon in the
cartridge stopper to deposit solution and facilitate aspi­
ration tests. The steps for aspiration tests are discussed in
Chapter 1 1 , "Fundamentals for Administration of Local
Anesthetic Agents."
With smaller (petite) syringe designs, the pistons may
be shortened to accommodate shorter distances needed to
activate aspiration tests. It is important to note that it may
be impossible to expel the entire contents of a 1.8-mL car­
tridge when pistons are shortened.
FIGURE 9-10 Breech-loading Syringe. Top - An The harpoon (Figure 9-SF) is the part of the piston
example of a breech-loading device (most commonly inside the barrel that penetrates the stopper. Embedding
used today) ; B ottom - An example of an articulating harpoons into cartridge stoppers allows for retraction of
device. Note the hinge j oint just below the finger grip, stoppers to create a slight negative pressure inside the car­
the lack of a thumb ring and lack of a harpoon. tridge during aspiration tests. Harpoons are very sharp and
can cause injury if syringes are mishandled.
S e lf-aspirating syri n g e s do n o t have h a rp o o n s ;
therefore, other methods are implemented to cre­
ate n e g ative p r e s s u r e s r e q u i r e d f o r aspiration tests.
B o x 9-3 • explains how self- aspirating syringes create
this pressure. Figure 9-1 0 shows syringes with and with­
out harpoons.
The needle adaptor (Figure 9-SH) is the threaded
surface at the end of the barrel onto which needles are
attached. This component is sometimes referred to as
the hub or tip of the syringe. The needle adaptor may be
permanently attached or replaceable. For adaptors that
can be unscrewed, care should be taken to avoid inadver­
FIGURE 9-11 Silicone-Coated Finger Grip and Thumb tent removal and disposal of the needle adaptor when the
Ring Designs. Silicone coatings (top view) may reduce needle is removed from the syringe.
"slipping" during aspiration procedures and are avail­ Syringes should be inspected regularly to assure
able on both standard and petite syringes. proper function of each component of the device.
• 135

FIGURE 9-12 Thumb Rings Designs. A - An example of

round thumb rings; B - An example of oval thumb rings. Note
the distance from the piston to the upper inside surface of the FIGURE 9-13 Dental Local Anesthetic Needles.
ring. Needles from various manufacturers have colored caps
that designate needle length. There is no uniform color­
coding system for needles.
Dental Local Anesthetic Needles
Needles u s e d for dental local anesthesia are slender
hollow, sterile stainless steel devices with sharp p oint� not be considered the primary safety device for needle­
intended to be attached to a syringe to inj ect local an­ stick protecti o n . If n e e d l e s are m i s h a n d l e d or b e n t
their caps c a n easily be pierced as demonstrated in Fig�
ure 9-14 •· Careful attention to needle handling and re­
esthetic solutions. All needles are disposable, single­
patient devices. Needles are identified by their lengths
and by their diameters, also referred to as their gauge, capping is required . Whenever needles are unsheathed,
and are selected based on the inj ection techniques to be n e e dl e s tick p r e v e n t i o n p r o t o c o l s should remain in
used. Removable plastic needle caps protect the needle effect.
from contamination before and after use. Needle caps
Anatomy of a Local Anesthetic Needle
are color-coded for ease of identification of lengths and
gauges, although there is no standard for this (see Fig­ Needles for dental local anesthesia consist of a shaft (with
ure 9-1 3 •) . Although the needle cap has an important beveled tip and cartridge penetrating end) , a syringe adap­
role in protection from n e e dlestick inj uries, it should tor, and a "hub."

(A) (B)
FIGURE 9-14 Needle Puncture Risks. Needle caps alone cannot prevent needlestick injuries.
Close attention to needle use guidelines and Work-Practice Controls must be observed. In this
example, a bent needle was not adequately resheathed and the needle tip penetrated the cap.
Source: Courtesy of Albert "Ace" Goerig DDS, MS.
Ill •

Each needle has a flexible, hollow, stainless steel shaft. and turned onto syringes to seat the needle. Once seated,
This one-piece shaft, also referred to as a shank, extends these plastic adaptors can be adjusted slightly to reorient
from the tip of the needle through the syringe adaptor bevel directions when desired. Most prethreaded adap­
and hub, to what is known as the cartridge penetrating tors anchor in one position only, locking bevels in one
end (Figure 9-15 •). The hollow portion of the needle is orientation.
referred to as its lumen, which runs through the entire Some syringe adaptors have an indicator mark that al­
length of the shaft. The diameter of the lumen determines lows for easy identification of the orientation of the needle
the gauge of the needle. Smaller gauges are identified by bevel. Examples of bevel indicators are shown in Figures
larger numbers and larger gauges by smaller numbers. 9-17A • and 9-17B •·
Needle gauges will be discussed in more detail later. Some The hub of a needle is the point at which the shaft
needles are coated with silicone to aid insertion through j oins and s e cures the n e e d l e to the syringe adaptor
tissues. (Figure 9-15E) . Clinicians commonly refer to the entire
The bevel is the diagonal cut that makes the point syringe adaptor/hub complex as "the hub."
of a needle (Figure 9-15B ) . It is designed to facilitate
atraumatic penetration through mucosal and cutaneous
The cartridge penetrating end of the needle shaft op­
posite the bevel end pierces through the center of the dia­ A
phragm of the local anesthetic cartridge (Figure 9-15C).
The syringe adaptor of the needle is the plastic or
aluminum hub through which the nee dle shaft passes
(Figures 9-15D and 9-16 •) . Hubs are either self-thread­ 8
ing or prethreaded (see Figure 9-16) and attach the nee­
dle to the syringe. Self-threading adaptors must be pushed


D- -E

FIGURE 9-15 Anatomy of a Needle. Needle components

are identified as follows: A - needle shaft with beveled tip B
and cartridge penetrating end C, D - syringe adaptor, and
E - "hub," F - needle cap.
FIGURE 9-17 A - Needle Attachment and Bevel Indicators.
To attach the needle: A- the cartridge penetrating end is
inserted through the cartridge diaphragm; B- the needle is
screwed onto the syringe with firm pressure; C- once seated,
check the bevel orientation. Some needles have dots, arrows, or
other markings on their hubs D that correspond to the locations
of the bevel lumens or openings E. B - B evel Indicators. When
FIGURE 9-16 Needle Hub Variations. Needle hubs checking bevel orientations, keep needle tips shielded by caps to
are either metal or plastic, and either prethreaded or prevent needle stick injury.
self-threading. Source: (A) Modified courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.
• 13 7

Common Needle Lengths in Dentistry

The length of needle is selected based on the depth of pene­
tration necessary to achieve successful anesthesia. Local anes­
thetic needles in dentistry are usually identified as long, short,
and extra-short. Although needle lengths vary slightly among
manufacturers, typical lengths (shown in Figure 9-18 •) are:
1. long needles average -32 mm (1llz inches)
2. short needles average -25 mm (1 inch)
3. extra-short needles average - 12 mm (liz inch)
FIGURE 9-19 Needle Gauge Indicators. A common
Short needles are frequently used for inj ections that
do not require significant depths of penetration, such as system for indicating gauge size is: Red caps = 25-gauge
infiltrations and maxillary block techniques. Long needles needles, Yellow caps = 27-gauge needles, and Blue caps =
are used when deposition sites are at greater distances 30-gauge needles.
from penetration sites, such as mandibular block tech­ Source: Courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical.

niques. Extra-short needles can be used when penetrations

are shallow such as in palatal inj ections. In inj ections such as inferior alveolar blocks, which re­
Regardless of the injection technique used, clinicians are quire deep penetrations through dense tissue, smaller gauge
cautioned to avoid inserting needles to their hubs. Needle needles deflect less. Higher gauge needles (30 gauge) are the
breakage, although rare, is more likely to occur at the hub most flexible and have demonstrated the greatest deflection.
when excessive lateral pressure is exerted against hub/shaft Figure 9-20 • shows an example of needle pathways for 27-
interfaces (Brunton, Lazo, & Parker, 2006) . For this reason, and 30-gauge needles. Some clinicians prefer 25-gauge nee­
changing the direction of a needle when deeply embedded dles for injections where the risks of positive aspiration are
within tissue is not recommended. The best practice when a greater. Examples include inferior alveolar, posterior supe­
needle must be redirected is to withdraw at least half the in­ rior alveolar, and mental and incisive nerve blocks.
serted length before establishing a new pathway (Malamed, Many clinicians believe that inj ections administered
2004) . Needle breakage is further discussed in Chapter 17, with 27- or 30-gauge needles cause less discomfort during
"Local Anesthesia Complications and Management." insertion compared with 25 -gauge needles despite com­
parisons in clinical studies that have demonstrated that
Common Needle Gauges in Dentistry
Needles in dentistry are available in 25, 27, and 30 gauge
sizes (see Figure 9-19 •). Selection of the gauge to be used
is based on the depth of penetration necessary to reach
deposition sites, on the relative risks of what is known as
positive aspiration, and on clinician preference. Factors
impacting this choice are related to needle deflection, ease
and accuracy of aspiration, and perceived patient comfort.

32 mm 20 m m 1 0 mm
& & &

I• ��-1I


FIGURE 9-20 Needle Deflection. Examples of nee­

FIGURE 9-18 Needle Lengths. Common needle dle deflection with: A - traditional "straight" insertion
lengths used in dentistry are: long ( average -32 mm/1\-2 technique, and B - bidirectional rotation technique
inches ) , short ( average -25 mm/1 inch ) , and extra-short during needle penetration using Wand® handpieces
( average -12 mm/Vz inch ) . and needles. Note the greater deflection with the
Source: Modified courtesy of Dentsply Pharmaceutical. straight insertion pathway and with 30-gauge needles.
Ill •

patients are unable to differentiate between larger and Figure 9-21 •) . A needle cap must not be handled until
smaller gauge needles (Evers, 1993 ; Malamed, 2004). the point of the needle is protected by the sheath. Care
must be taken to avoid contaminating the needle during
N E E D L E C A P S Needle caps and hubs are individually
this process, especially if it may be used again. It is perhaps
color coded by manufacturers to identify needle gauges
more convenient to hold the cap with a forceps or hemo­
and lengths. Although there is no standardized system,
stat while inserting the needle in order to avoid dragging it
over the tray cover. (See Figure 9-22 •.)
many manufacturers use a similar set of criteria to identify
needle gauge. See Figure 9-19 for an example.
Engineering Controls (EC) are designed to provide
Each needle cap is fixed to a needle in a manner that
added protection when handling and recapping needles.
requires breaking a seal before using the needle. This step
A variety of devices is available, as demonstrated in
Figure 9-23 • and Appendix 9-4, " Suggested Needle
assures sterility.

Needle Safety for Patients and Clinicians

Needlestick injuries present a significant risk for the trans­
mission of infectious diseases to dental healthcare per­
sonnel (HCP). Inadvertent needlesticks during intraoral
inj ections put HCP at risk for contracting hepatitis and ac­
quired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV-AIDS). Atten­
tion must be focused on careful handling of dental needles
during each step of an inj ection.
Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
and OSHA have published specific guidelines and standards FIGURE 9-2 1 CDC Suggested Needle Recapping
for recommended techniques ( Work-Practice Controls ­ Work-Practice Controls. The "scoop-method" is a
WPC ) and/or devices ( Engineering Controls - EC ) to be simple one-handed method of recapping a contaminated
implemented for the prevention of needlestick inj uries. needle. Care must be taken to avoid contact with the
According to OSHA, "recapping or needle removal must be tray while passing the needle into the needle cap.
accomplished through the use of a mechanical device or a
one-handed technique" ; therefore, clinicians are prohibited
from managing needles with two-handed manual recapping
techniques. Information on accessing these guidelines and
standards is provided in Box 9-4 •·
There are a number of methods for safely managing
needles. The scoop technique is a recommended WPC
maneuver (CD C, 2003 ) . This technique requires that cli­
nicians slide uncapped needles into needle caps (sheaths)
while the caps are lying on instrument trays or tables (see

FIGURE 9-22 Modified "Scoop-Method. " Stabilizing

the needle cap can improve access for ease of insertion in
a modified "scoop-method."

Specific g u i d e l i n es a n d sta n d a rds for the m a nagement of

needles in the denta l workp lace can be a ccessed at:
CDC G u idelines for I nfection Contro l i n Dental MIMitSh ntiiPlDf
O�lllle OH-HIMM R"""'
H ealth-Care Settings-2003 MMWR, December 1 9,
2003/52(R R 1 7); 1 -61 ....., ...., � ,.,.

http://www. mwr/preview/ m m wrhtm l/

rr5 2 1 7 a 1 . htm

Note: Updates to these guidelines are expected in 20 1 4.

OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Need lestick Prevention

Reg u l ations (Sta nda rds-29 C F R), B l oodborne

path ogens.-1 91 0.1 030
FIGURE 9-2 3 Needle Recapping Devices. Many different
http://www. os h a . g ov/S LTC/b lood b o r n e pat h oge ns/

� . IIi
nde h safe recapping devices are available, including single-use and
• • • : • • � � ��� • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
sterilizable devices.
• 139

Recapping Techniques - 'B est Practices:" The EC should

provide a barrier between the tip of the needle and the
fingers of the HCP throughout the recapping procedure.
These devices prevent accidental needlesticks when prop­
erly used as demonstrated in Figure 9-24 •· Clinicians
should never recap needles with their opposite hand or in
the hand of an assistant. All clinicians must assure that re­
capping controls are in place and functioning properly.
Once needles are removed from syringes they must be
placed in appropriate sharps containers for containment
and disposal as demonstrated in Figure 9-25 •·
Another device to consider for reducing risks as­
s o ciated with removing and disposing of needles is a
disposable safety syringe system where needles are not
removed; rather, they are covered with sliding she aths
after use. This eliminates the need for further handling of
contaminated needles, which increases the risk of injury.
FIGURE 9-2 4 Engineering Controls ( EC ) for Recapping
D isposable safety syringe systems are discussed later in
Needles. The EC provides a barrier between the tip of the
this chapter.
needle and the fingers throughout the recapping procedure and
recapping can be one-handed.


(B) (C) (D)

FIGURE 9-25 Needle Disposal. A-Needles must be disposed of in appropriate sharps containers, using a
one-handed method. Hands and fingers should not be in front of sharp ends at any time. B - This sharps box
allows for one-handed needle insertion into the container. C- The needle hub is grasped with a plier device
on the box to detach the needle. D- The needle drops into the box without the use of hands.
Ill •

• Disti l l e d water (th e d i l u ent-majo rity of s o l ution)

• Loca l a n esth etic drug
• • Vasoconstrictor drug (if p resent)
: • Su lfite p reservative (when vasoconstrictor p resent)
FIGURE 9-2 6 Standard Local Anesthetic Cartridge for
Dentistry. Cartridge components are identified as follows: :
Sod u
: .••• .
� i
: � �� �: �� :f� �� �� � � � � ��; � � � � :
r i t i i su c
. . . .
a i iiy
•• . IIi
A- cylindrical glass tube, B - stopper, C- aluminum cap,
D- diaphragm.
into the stopper and pushed by the piston to deposit solu­
tion. The stopper also creates an airtight seal in the cartridge.
Local Anesthetic Drug Cartridges The aluminum end cap on the other end of the cylin­
The dental cartridge is a glass cylinder that holds local an­ der fits tightly around the neck of the cartridge (see Fig­
esthetic drugs and other contents in solution for inj ection ure 9-26C) and holds the diaphragm (or septum) in place
into oral tissues. It is commonly referred to as a carpule, (see Figure 9-26D) . The diaphragm is a semipermeable bar­
which is actually a trademark term of Cook-Waite Labora­ rier that is centered in the cap. The penetrating end of the
tories. Purity and sterility of anesthetic solutions are more needle pierces the center of the diaphragm. As long as the
easily managed in single-unit, glass cartridges. The clear needle does not puncture at an angle, the diaphragm acts as
glass also provides easy monitoring of delivered doses and a seal to prevent anesthetic from leaking around the needle.
unobstructed views of aspiration tests. Cartridges used in Until recently, stoppers and diaphragms for dental car­
the United States contain up to 1.8 mL of solution. Volumes tridges were made of latex products. Because latex allergies
in other countries vary from 1.0 mL in Europe, 1.5 mL have become more common, many manufacturers have vol­
in Jap an to 2.2 mL in the United Kingdom. Syringes in untarily replaced the stoppers and diaphragms with nonlatex
materials. For further discussion on latex allergies and local
anesthetic devices, see Box 9-5 • (Shojaei & Haas, 2002).
these countries are specifically designed to accommodate
the differences in cartridge volume and size.
Contents of Anesthetic Cartridges
Anatomy of Dental Drug Cartridges
The dental cartridge has four components: a cylindrical Each cartridge contains a local anesthetic drug in solution,
glass tube; a rubber (or silicone) stopper; an aluminum and most also contain a vasoconstrictor drug. To create
end cap; and a rubber diaphragm (see Figure 9-26 •). an inj ectable aqueous solution, powdered local anesthetic
The cylindrical tube contains local anesthetic drugs drug is mixed with hydrochloric acid to create an acidic
and other ingredients in solution . It is most commonly salt for better water solubility. The hydrochloride salt of
made of glass (see Figure 9-26A) . the drug is then added to distilled water (the diluent) ,
The stopper (or bung) is made of silicone-treated, non­ which makes up the maj ority of the solution.
latex rubber to improve ease of movement through the cyl­ When vasoconstrictors are included, sodium bisulfite (a
inder (see Figure 9-26B). The syringe harpoon is engaged food and drug preservative) is added to the solution to pro­
long the shelf life and efficacy of the vasoconstrictor drug. So­
dium bisulfites increase the acidity of the solution, which can
result in a burning sensation when administered. Additionally,
sodium chloride is included to improve tissue compatibility
(isotonicity). These contents are summarized in Box 9-6 •·
As noted previously, dental cartridges distributed for
Latex a l l e rgies a re beco m i n g m o re a n d m o re com m o n use in North America are designed to hold 1.8 mL of solu­
a n d s h o u l d be considered when u s i n g l o c a l a nesthetic tion. Although all cartridges are capable of holding 1.8 mL,
devices. Alth o u g h local a n esthetic sol utions do not conta i n some package inserts state that the cartridge holds 1.7 mL.
l atex, the d i a p h ragms a n d stoppers o f s i n g l e u n it dental In stating that a cartridge is guaranteed to hold 1.7 mL,
cartridges a n d m u ltidose vials may be made of l atex. The a manufacturer is protected against occasions in which a
American Academy of A l l e rgy a n d I m m u n o l ogy Task Fo rce cartridge might contain slightly less than 1.8 mL.
on All ergic Reactions to Latex suggests the fo l l owing p ro­ When calculating drug dosages, the standard volume
tocol when l atex a l l e rgy is suspecte d : " M ed ications stored of 1.8 mL is used in all calculations regardless of manufac­
u n d e r l atex closures s h o u l d not be used if a su bstitute is
turers' minimum guarantees of 1.7 mL. This is a valuable
ava i l a b l e in a non-l atex-cove red storage via l " (see R0NVIG
Denta l Mfg. A/S.). To avoid the possib l e associated risks, practice because any particular cartridge that is guaran­
m a n ufactu rers h ave vo l u ntarily rep l a ced l atex stoppers in teed to contain at least 1.7 mL may contain up to 1.8 mL,
: � � �� : :� � : �� : � : : ��
e n a l r r g e w t h n o a x a lt e n a i s
• . . . . .•• .•• . :••••••••••
averaging 1.76 mL as noted in Chapter 7, "D ose Calcula­
tions for Local Anesthetic Solutions."
• 141

Total Drug Vol ume = 1 .8 ml

The ADA crite ria for Loca l Anesthetics Color-Co d i n g states

11 1.6 - 1.2 11 11 11 0 .8 0 .4
• The color code consists of a band 3 ± 0.5 mm wide at
- a d ista n ce of 1 5 ± 5 mm from the stopper end of the
Drug Vol ume Expel led by 1 stopper = 0.2 ml cartridge.
• The e n d cap of the cartrid g e m ay be either color coded
to m atch the ADA Color-Cod i n g System or g iven a sil­
FIGURE 9-2 7 Dosage Calculation Tips. Each stopper displaces
ver co lor.
approximately 0.2 mL of solution from a 1 .8-mL cartridge. • The stopper w i l l n ot be color coded a n d s h o u l d n ot be
Monitoring stopper movement can be used to determine drug i n d i cative of the drug or co lor code.
doses delivered. • Letteri n g o n the cartridge s h a l l be b l a ck a n d font size
s h o u l d fo l l ow FDA l a b e l i n g g u i d e l i nes (head i n gs at l east
The volume of drug expelled by one cartridge stopper 8-point type a n d text at l east 6-point type).
• Letteri n g s h a l l be i n d u ra b l e print that will n ot be re­
length is a standardized unit that can be used for easy cal­
culation of volumes of solution delivered. moved by normal office h a n d l i n g .
Each stopper displaces approximately 0.2 mL of solu­ These criteria a re demonstrated i n F i g u res 9-28
tion. Monitoring the distance the stopper moves can be a n d 9-29 •·

� S.o �r�:: ���.d ��t:p�y��:r�� ���/�a���a��a ::f�:t�e.n�f:t: :s; . IIi

used to determine the portion of solution expelled from
a 1.8 mL cartridge. For example, when the stopper is ad­ •

vanced three times its length, 0 . 6 mL of solution have

been expelled. Figure 9-27 • demonstrates the use of
stopper lengths for quick dosage calculations, and Appen­ Each cartridge should be examined before inj ection
dix 7-3 , "Estimating Drug Volumes," provides other use­ in order to confirm that the appropriate anesthetic and
ful visual cues. vasoconstrictor are being administered and that the so­
lution has not expired. It should never be assumed that
Cartridge Labeling and Color Coding
another individual has loaded a syringe properly. This re­
Every cartridge is wrapped in a secure, a polyester film sponsibility rests solely with the individual who adminis­
label. Each label provides information on the local an­ ters the drug.
esthetic and vasoconstrictor drugs contained in the car­ Since June of 2 0 0 3 , manufacturers have b e e n re­
tridge. B oth trade and generic drug names are provided, quired to apply a uniform cartridge color-coding system
along with drug concentrations and dilutions of vasocon­ for identifying specific local anesthetics and local anes­
strictor, the manufacturer, an expiration date, a local an­ thetic/vasoconstrictor combinations. Box 9-7 • describes
esthetic drug color code band, and the lot number and this color-coding system, and Figures 9-28 and 9-29
bar code (see Figure 9-28 •) . demonstrate the label requirements and color codes for
the dental local anesthetic drugs distributed in North
== 2% B ra n d N a m e Effective April 26, 2006, the FDA published the final
-- with Epinephrine Bar Code Label Requirements for Human Drug Products
and Biological Products regulation. Although this rule is
intended to improve patient safety in hospital settings by
NDC 668 1 26 40 1 4 8 m l
reducing medication errors, it requires pharmaceutical
2 % B ra n d N a m e
manufacturers to include bar codes on all drug packages.
with Epinephrine Bar codes can be seen on dental local anesthetic cartridges
1 : 1 00,000 as demonstrated in Figure 9-28.
( l idocaine and epinephrine
injection U SP)
Integrity of Cartridges and Contents
Man ufactures Name
Lot 1 28 468 Exp 1 1 /1 3 B e cause of high standards for packaging, shipping, and
delivery, cartridges generally arrive intact. During normal
FIGURE 9-28 ADA Label Standards and Cartridge Label usage, cartridge integrity is protected by a polyester film
Information. Cartridge labels provide trade and generic drug label, which serves as both a protective sleeve and a sur­
names, drug concentrations, dilutions of vasoconstrictor, the face for printing product label information.
name of the manufacturer, and an expiration date. Each drug is Problems with cartridges may include excessive air
identified with color code band and each batch with a lot number. bubbles, leaking around the cap or stopper, distortion of
Ill •

Articaine 4% with Epi 1 : 1 00,000

Articaine 4% with Epi 1: 200,000

Bupivicaine 0.5% with Epi 1 : 200, 000

lidocaine 2% Plain

Lidocaine 2% with Epi 1: 50,000

lidocaine 2% with Epi 1 : 1 00,000

Mepivicaine 3% Plain

FIGURE 9-30 Air Bubbles in Cartridges. No air bubbles are

visible in cartridge A or B. Cartridge C contains a large air bub­
Mepivicaine 2% with Leva 1 : 20,000
ble. Note the intruded stopper in cartridge A and the extruded
stopper in cartridge C.
Prilocaine 4% Plain

Cartridges should be discarded when larger bubbles

(A) Prilocaine 4% with Epi 1 : 200 ,000
are noted below the cap when held vertically. Large bub­
bles can result when solutions have been frozen or con­
taminated (see Figure 9-30 •) .

Leakage a t the Cap

Although it is recommended that cartridges be seated in
syringes before attaching needles, many clinicians routinely
assemble syringes by screwing the needle on first. This usu­
ally does not present a problem; however, when higher
gauge needles (such as 30 gauge) are used, there is an in­
creased risk of leakage. Because of the flexibility of higher
gauge needles, deflection of the cartridge penetrating end
can occur when cartridges are loaded into a syringe. This
deflection may cause tearing of the diaphragm and leaking
of solution when pressure is applied to the stopper. Insert­
(B) ing cartridges in the syringe when loading, before screwing
FIGURE 9-29 ADA Local Anesthetics Color-Coding System. on needles, can reduce the incidence of this type of damage.
A - All dental local anesthetic cartridges manufactured in
North America comply with this labeling system. The intent is to Leakage at the Stopper
reduce risks of inadvertently administering an unintended drug. When pressure is applied to the syringe piston in a prop­
B - Shown here are actual cartridges that have been available in erly assembled syringe, slight expansion of the stopper
North America, included are examples of Oraqix and Ora Verse occurs. This expansion creates even contact between the
to contrast their unique safety features. inner surface of the glass cylinder and the stopper, which in
turn prevents leakage from the cartridge. When a syringe
piston is damaged or bent, the stopper tips away from the
side of the cylinder under the pressure. This allows anes­
stoppers, difficulty advancing stoppers, and j amming of thetic solution to leak.
cartridges in the barrel.
Displacement of Stoppers
Air Bubbles in Cartridges When stoppers are partially extruded from cartridges, it
During manufacturing, small air bubbles (1 to 2 mm) are is possible that freezing occurred during shipping or stor­
frequently trapped under the diaphragm when the alumi­ age or that contamination occurred during storage in dis­
num cap is placed on the cartridge. Clinicians are usually infectant solution. Disinfectant solutions are able to seep
not able to see this bubble because it is very small and into cartridges and displace stoppers. Affected cartridges
concealed by the cap. The bubble is of little consequence should be discarded. Figure 9-30C • shows an extruded
because it will never pass through the needle. stopper caused by freezing.
• 143

Cartridge Handling, Storage, and Expiration 3. Insert the cartridge into the barrel as demonstrated in
Millions of anesthetic cartridges are used worldwide every Appendix 9-3, Step 2.
year. Purity and sterility of drugs are assured through com­ a. The cap should be oriented toward the needle
plicated manufacturing processes in carefully controlled adaptor and the stopper toward the harpoon.
environments. Continuous evaluation of samples from b. Confirm that the cartridge is firmly seated in the
each lot (which are set aside for 6 months) helps to main­ barrel (Appendix 9-3, Step 3 ) .
tain a high level of quality control. In addition, every indi­ c . Release the tension on the piston (cartridge will
vidual cartridge is inspected before shipment. fit "snugly").
If solutions have been overheated during shipping and 4. Engage the harpoon securely into the stopper.
handling, the contents of the cartridge may appear cloudy a. Hold the syringe in the "ready for inj ection"
or sediment may be visible. If there is any question regard­ position.
ing the contents of a cartridge, it should be discarded. b. Press on the thumb ring until the harpoon is
Although damage during shipment rarely occurs, it is fully seated into the stopper as demonstrated in
important to visually examine each cartridge before admin­ Appendix 9-3, Step 4.
istering its contents. Cartridges should be inspected for: i. To confirm seating of the harpoon, gently turn
1. integrity the thumb ring; the cartridge should turn freely
in the barrel.
2. clarity of the solution
5. Attach the needle to the syringe as demonstrated in
3. presence of large air bubbles
Appendix 9-3, Steps 5 and 6.
4. damaged or tarnished caps
6. Gently pierce the cartridge diaphragm* with the pen­
5. damaged or leaking stoppers etrating end of the needle shaft as demonstrated in
6. lapsed expiration dates Appendix 9-3, Step 6.
All local anesthetic solutions should be stored in cool *If cartridges have been removed and stored outside
dry areas at temperatures recommended in product inserts. of their protective packaging, diaphragms should be
Solutions containing vasoconstrictors should be stored in cleaned with alcohol prior inserting needles through
the dark. Cartridges should never be stored in alcohol or the diaphragm.
other disinfectant solutions that can leak into them, con­ a. Take care to pierce the center of the diaphragm.
taminating the solutions. If cartridges are stored in approved b. Screw the needle securely onto the needle
warming devices, it is important to be aware that long-term adaptor.
storage at temperatures higher than typical room tempera­ i. For plastic hub needles that are not pre­
tures may degrade the contents more quickly. Cartridges threaded, maintain firm pressure while attach­
stored in these devices should be used as soon as possible. ing the needle to thread it into place (the metal
Local anesthetics without vasoconstrictors have a will cut the thread design into the hub).
shelf life of approximately 24 months. Those with vasocon­ 7. Establish a needle recapping technique as demon­
strictors have a shelf life of approximately 18 months. strated in Appendix 9-3 , Step 7 and Appendix 9-4,
and locate a sharps disposal container.
Steps for Loading Syringes
a. Scoop method (with or without guide)
Preparing and testing syringes for accurate delivery of local 1. Cap on tray, cap stabilized in forceps, and sta­
anesthetic drugs should be accomplished before penetrating bilization card attached
mucosa. Comfortable insertion, controlled delivery rates, and b. Recapping device
effective aspiration testing are all dependent on the proper i. Device prepared and/or attached
functioning of the syringe and its components. The follow­
ing recommended sequence of steps addresses all safety and 8. Confirm the needle bevel orientation (when desired)
functional issues. These steps are demonstrated in Appendix as demonstrated in Appendix 9-3 , Step 8.
9-3, "Summary of Basic Steps for Loading Syringes." a. Gently remove the cap.
1. Examine the bevel direction, determine by
1. Select the appropriate syringe needle, and cartridges directly viewing bevel direction, or
(see Appendix 9-3). n . Determine orientation by means of the bevel

2. Remove the syringe from the sterile pack. indicator on needle hub.
a. Confirm that all parts are intact and secure (im­ b. Using appropriate one-handed recapping technique,
portant with syringes that can be disassembled) . reseat the cap as demonstrated in Appendix 9-3 ,
b. Examine the harpoon and piston for imperfec­ Step 9.
tions and debris. c. If indicated, redirect the bevel by gently turning
c. Pull back on the thumb ring to fully retract the pis­ the needle at the hub.
ton (this will place tension on the spring and guide d. Recheck and repeat as necessary.
bearing) as demonstrated in Appendix 9-3, Step 1. e. Recap with one-handed recapping technique.
Ill •

9. Orient the syringe to display the large window when it through" with the force. Instead, the hand should be
is picked up for inj ection as demonstrated in Appen­ quickly withdrawn in a "forward thrust, rapid back­
dix 9-3 , Step 10. ward release" sequence. Glass cartridges are less likely
a. When there is no assistant present to pass the sy­ to fracture if the forward thrust is only momentary and
ringe, it is helpful to set up the syringe for viewing is quickly reversed. Ideally, the stopper does not visibly
of the large window when first picked up. To do change positions in the cartridge when this maneuver
this, place the syringe on the tray with the window is used, minimizing hydraulic pressures on the glass.
facing down. When ready, pick up the syringe with 5. Examine the stopper to confirm that the harpoon has
the palm facing down toward the tray. been reengaged.
10. Retrieve the syringe and proceed with the inj ection. 6. If a cartridge fractures, replacement is necessary. Safe
a. Retrieve the syringe. Work Practices should be observed at all times.
1. Once in position for the inj ection, the large
Steps for Disassembling Syringes and Disposal
window will be facing the clinician.
of Needles and Cartridges
b. Carefully remove the cap (when a recapping guide
is used, always keep fingers behind the guide) . Once an inj ection has been complete d , proper recap ­
c . S e t the cap down (with guide o r i n recapping ping and unloading of syringes is mandatory. The needle
device). is contaminated and primary concerns center around the
d. Proceed with the inj ection. potential for needlestick inj uries and infectious disease

These steps are summarized in Box 9-8 •·

transmission. Because of this specific concern, the CD C
Guidelines for Infection Control in D ental Health-Care
Harpoons may occasionally disengage from stoppers Settings - 2003 are explicit in their instructions for han­
during aspiration testing. The syringe must be withdrawn dling needles. Appendix 9-1 provides the text of the rel­
from the mouth and the needle made safe. Once the nee­ evant section of these guidelines.
dle is removed and safe, reintroduce the harpoon into the Prevention of injuries is, of course, the best approach to
stopper by pushing on the thumb ring. A second and less this health and safety issue. Protocol for the safe handling
time-consuming method may be used in which the needle of needles and for an appropriate response in the event of
is safely capped after withdrawal from the mouth and a a needlestick must be in place before significant exposure
quick direct blow is applied to the thumb ring with the occurs and must be followed at all times (Smith et al., 200 1 ) .
palm of the dominant hand while holding the syringe with The first part of this protocol involves a sequence
the other hand, in order to reengage the stopper. The steps of steps for disassembling syringes. Recommendations
for the second method are summarized as follows: include:
1. Withdraw the syringe from the patient's mouth and 1. Withdraw the syringe from the oral cavity, keeping all
recap. patient tissues and all hands in view.
2. Move the syringe clear of the patient and other sup­ 2. Move the syringe to the recapping area with the nee­
port individuals (b efore initiating a "blow" to the dle in clear view at all times.
thumb ring) . a. It is safest if the clinician re-sheaths the needle
3. Stabilize the syringe in one hand (without wrapping fin­ rather than another individual.
gers around the barrel and surrounding the cartridge). 3. Using appropriate one-handed Work Practice and En­
4. Apply a quick, direct "blow" to the thumb ring. When gineering Controls, reinsert the needle into its cap. A
the blow is administered, it is not necessary to "follow variety of methods is demonstrated in Appendix 9-4.
4. Once the needle tip is completely enclosed within the
cap, secure the cap to the needle hub.
a. Ideally this is accomplished by applying gentle
pressure with a one-handed technique as demon­
strated in Figure 9-31 •·
5. Remove the needle from the syringe by "rocking" or
1. Select the appropriate syri nge, needle, and cartridge(s). "twisting" it off the needle adaptor and moving the
2. Remove the syri nge from the steri l e pack and exa m i n e . exposed penetrating end away from the syringe and
3. I nsert t h e cartridge into the barre l . any hands.
4. Engage t h e h a rpoon securely i nto t h e stopper.
a. Be sure the needle adaptor remains on the syringe
(see Figure 9-32 •).
5. Attach the needle.
6. Esta b l ish the need l e reca p p i n g tech n i q u e .
7. Confirm the bevel orientation (when desired). i. If the adaptor is accidentally removed with the
8. Orient the syri nge for viewi ng of the l a rge window. needle, it should be removed with a forceps or

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y in a
. .
c t t i n ec i ·
. . .Ji
hemostat. Never use unprotected fingers.
b. For needles with metal hubs, simply unthread the hub.
• 145

8. Once the needle is safely disposed of, remove the

a. Pull back on the piston to disengage the harpoon.
b. Tip the syringe to the side to allow the cartridge to
fall free of the barrel.
i. Occasionally stoppers remain lodged on har­
poons. They can be removed safely with a
forceps or hemostat after the cartridge has
been removed from the syringe. Do not use
fingers at any time to dislodge stoppers from
ii. Empty cartridges are contaminated and the
glass may be broken. All cartridges must be
disposed of in sharps containers.
9. When needles and cartridges have been properly dis­
posed of, syringes may be sterilized along with other
contaminated instruments.
These steps are summarized in Box 9-9 •·
The second part of this protocol is related to the man­
agement of needlestick injuries. All healthcare facilities are
FIGURE 9-3 1 Recapping and Making Needles Safe. Using a
required to have procedures in place for the prevention of
one-handed technique, completely enclose the needle in the cap
needles tick injuries and for a standardized response if they
and then secure the cap to the needle hub by applying gentle
occur. In the event of a needles tick injury, clinicians must
report the inj ury to the designated exposure manager as
soon as possible and follow established protocol.
6. Continue to move the n e e d l e to an appropriate Attitudes can play a significant role in the safe han­
sharps container at a predetermined location near dling of needles. Changing long-standing unsafe practices
chairside. can prove challenging. Observance of standard precau­
tions during all phases of inj ection administration, how­
7. Holding the sheathed end of the needle and cap, insert
ever, is both ethically and medically sound.
the needle into the receiving hole of the container ac­
cording to product instructions (see Figure 9-25) .
Response to Needlesticks
a. Some recapping guides will stay i n place until this
step is completed and aid in placing the needle, If a needles tick (or other puncture injury) occurs, all anes­
sharp end first, into sharps containers. thetic procedures and treatment should be terminated and
the inj ured tissues immediately and thoroughly washed
with soap and water. The facility 's exposure manager
should be notified while appropriate first aid is initiated.
According to CDC guidelines, postexposure management
should include documentation in both the patient's record
and the exposed individual's health record.

1 . Withd raw the syri nge from the oral cavity.

2. Move the syri nge to the reca p p i n g a rea.
3. Use a n appropriate one-handed Work Practice and
Eng ineering Contro ls to cap the need le.
4. Secure the cap to the need l e hub.
5. Remove the need l e from the syri nge a n d p l ace i n a n
appropriate s h a rps conta i n e r.
6. Remove the cartridge from barre l a n d d ispose i n a n
FIGURE 9-32 Loss of Syringe Parts. When removing needles appropriate s h a rps conta i n e r.
take care that the needle adaptor does not detach from the
syringe and be disposed with the needle. � � � �: �� :� �� ��� �� �� � �: : : ��
• .7: •
i se t
ri n a
. .
ce f t i l za i ·
. . .•.• . li
Ill •

Technique Specific Syringes

In addition to syringes based on the traditional Cook de­
sign, a number of specialized devices are routinely used
in dentistry. Some syringe devices allow for ease of access
and delivery of anesthetic solutions, while reducing physi­
cal stress on the hand when drugs are delivered under
pressure. Others facilitate controlled rates of delivery to
improve patient comfort. Additional features are designed
to regulate incremental dosing. Although used in a tradi­
tional manner, some syringes are designed as single-use
devices with specific safety features intended to reduce the
risk of needles ticks.
Five devices will be discussed, including those used for
periodontal ligament (PDL) and intraosseous inj ections,
computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery, j et inj ection, FIGURE 9-3 3 Common PDL Syringes. Two common PDL
and those whose primary goal is safety (disposable "safety syringes are the Paroj ect (top) and N-Tralig (bottom) .

Periodontal Ligament Injection Manual Devices

In PDL inj ections, measured doses of anesthetics are de­
livered under pressure to confined spaces. Some clinicians
find hand pressures associated with PDL inj ections diffi­
cult to sustain when using standard aspirating syringes.
Specialized devices for PDL inj ections are available in
two primary designs, a "pistol grip " and a "pen type" ar­
rangement, both of which reduce hand pressures. Glass
cartridges are typically enclosed within syringe barrels
with no exposure to the outside or with very small pro­
tected windows. Should a cartridge fracture within these
syringes, there is no danger of glass falling into the mouth. FIGURE 9-3 4 N-Tralig 4 5 Degree Angle Adaptor. The 45-de­
Pressures compared with hand pressures with traditional gree angle adaptor provides appropriate insertion angles without
syringes are reduced by using mechanical advantages. De­ bending needles.
vices available for PDL inj ections include the N-Tralig
(Miltex Inc.) and the Paroj ect (Septodont USA). Some sy­
ringes are also able to deliver specific and small volumes
of drug and facilitate tracking the volumes of drug deliv­
ered. Computer-controlled devices used for PDL inj ec­
tions are discussed later in this chapter.
As discussed in Chapter 15, "Supplemental Techniques
and Adjunctive Strategies," achieving the most appropri­
ate angle for needle insertion can be challenging with
these and all syringes. For maximum safety, commercially
designed syringe adaptors are available that facilitate a
45 degree insertion angle. For example, a 45-degree angle
attachment is available for a standard N-Tralig syringe
designed for PDL inj ections. These devices are shown in
Figures 9-33 • and 9-34 •· They can eliminate the need
for bending needles, and their use does not compromise
OSHA (or other state) safety standards that prohibit
bending of contaminated needles in most situations. FIGURE 9-3 5 Stabident Intraosseous Injection Device.

lntraosseous Injection Devices delivered. These systems provide both perforator tips and
Intraosseous inj ection techniques require local anesthetic 27 gauge inj ection needles (8 mm - ultra-short) .
solutions to be deposited within alveolar bone through D evices utilized for intraosseous inj ections include
which they diffuse to nerves. To accomplish this, a small the Stabident system (Fairfax Dental Inc. , FL) , the X-Tip
penetration through alveolar bone, known as a perforation, (Dentsply Maillefer, OK), and the IntraFlow device (Pro-Dex
is necessary. A needle is then inserted and the anesthetic Micro Motors, CA) and are shown in Figures 9-35 •, 9-36 •,
• 147

of time. Following this initial deposition, the rate is in­

creased to a predetermined rate based on the inj ection
technique selected. Clinical research has shown that this
approach will produce a more consistent inj ection than
traditional techniques with manual syringes and does
not depend on clinicians to assure a slow rate of deliv­
ery. Of particular importance when performing inj ections
into dense tissues, such as the p alate, attached gingiva,
or PDL, these devices can maintain a specified rate and
controlled pressure that can eliminate patient discomfort
and adverse tissue reactions occasionally seen when us­
ing manual syringes.
Available devices are operated by means of either
manual or foot controls that start the flow of anesthetic
FIGURE 9-3 6 X-Tip Intraosseous Inj ection Device.
drugs, signal for aspiration tests, and stop the flow of so­
lution. These devices differ markedly from PDL syringes
in that they do not generate high pressures. For this rea­
son, when using one of these devices, one can deposit
greater volumes of solution at controlled lower pressures,
when compared with other PDL devices (and standard
A second-generation CCLAD device, The Wand STA
Single Tooth Anesthesia System Instrument (Milestone
FIGURE 9-3 7 IntraFlow Intraosseous Inj ection Device.
Scientific Inc. , Livingston, NJ) , designed with an innovative
technology called Dynamic Pressure Sensing Technology®,
has also been optimized for single-tooth anesthesia tech­
niques (PDLs). This is the most current CCLAD device in­
troduced to the dental market. Unlike its predecessors, this
device has real-time pressure feedback providing clinician's
immediate information to identify correct injection sites.
There are three primary devices in use in North America:
The Wand STA Single Tooth Anesthesia System Instrument
(Wand STA) and the CompuDent®fWand® Instrument (Mile­
stone Scientific Inc.), and the Comfort Control Syringe (CCS)
(Dentsply/Professional) . Although supplies for all three de­
vices are available, only the Wand STA instrument is currently
on the market. Use of CCLADs for specific inj ection tech­
niques is discussed in Appendix 9-5 and Chapters 12-15.
FIGURE 9-38 QuickSleeper Intraosseous Inj ection Device.
Comfort Control Syringe (CCS)
Source: Courtesy of DENTAL Hi Tech, France.
The Comfort Control Syringe (CCS) was marketed by
Dentsply/Professional until 20 13. The design features of the

and 9-37 •· The QuickSleeper demonstrated in Figure 9-38 •

CCS handpiece have some similarities to manual syringes
(see Figure 9-39 •) . The CCS uses standard cartridges and
(further discussed with the CCLAD devices) is currently needles that are attached following basic steps similar to
available in Europe and features a unique design as both a manual syringes. Other features of the CCS include a digi­
CCLAD and an intraosseous injection device. Intraosseous tal panel that displays the rate, elapsed time, and amount
techniques are discussed in detail in Chapter 15, "Supple­ of anesthetic delivered, and a clear plastic cartridge sheath
mental Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies." that allows complete visibility of cartridges at all times.
The CCS handpiece is considerably larger than man­
Computer-Controlled Local Anesthetic ual syringes and is controlled by buttons on its front sur­
Delivery Devices face. It is a two-stage, controlled-rate delivery device. The
Computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery (CCLAD) inj ection begins at a very slow rate of 10 seconds and is
devices are preprogrammed, electronic delivery systems programmed to increase to a faster rate of delivery, con­
for the administration of anesthetic inj ections. A key fea­ sistent with the inj ection technique selected from the con­
ture of CCLAD devices is the ability to precisely control trol panel. Clinicians with small hands may need to modify
the rate of delivery. The initial phase of the inj ection can their grasps in order to comfortably stabilize, activate, and
start at a very slow rate of delivery for a given period manage this handpiece. The CCS has five preprogrammed
Ill •

FIGURE 9-3 9 Comfort Control CCLAD .

FIGURE 9-40 Wand STA Single Tooth Anesthesia System
Instrument and CompuD ent/ Wand Instrument

delivery rates, listed in Table 9-1 •· Although still in use,

this device is no longer marketed.

As with other CCLAD systems, the Wand STA Single

CompuDent/Wand and Wand STA Single Tooth
Tooth Anesthesia System Instrument and CompuD ent
Anesthesia Instruments
Instruments operate using a multistage delivery system.
Milestone Scientific was the first manufacturer to mar­ To enhance inj ection comfort, technique steps recom­
ket a CCLAD device (the Wand® Instrument) in 1997, at m e n d e d by Milestone are d e s crib e d as prepunctu re,
the same time pioneering the AMSA inj ection technique puncture, penetration, and injection . During the prepunc­
(Friedman & Hochman, 1998; Hochman et al. , 1997 ) . The ture and puncture steps, a small volume of anesthetic is
CompuD ent® Instrument was formerly marketed as the administered ahead of the needle. This " anesthetic path­
Wand Instrument. Although the Wand STA Single Tooth way" serves to minimize discomfort from needle penetra­
Anesthesia System® Instrument is currently the only tion and may eliminate the need for topical anesthetics.
device manufactured by Milestone Scientific, both are in This may be characterized as a stealth technique in which
use worldwide (see Figure 9-40 •) . the recipient is unaware of the proce dure until it is
B oth the Wand STA Single Tooth Anesthesia Sys­
tem and CompuDent instruments have similar, prepro­
Table 9-1 Comfort Control Syringe Preset Delivery Rates grammed delivery rates, listed in Table 9-2 •·
The design features of these delivery systems are
Injection Technique Delivery Rate unique compared with traditional syringes. The compo­
nents have been described as "slim-line" and are relatively
Block 0.020 mL!sec unobtrusive, which may offer a psychological benefit for
some patients (see Figure 9-4 1 • ) . Most clinicians, but
Intraosseous 0.020 mL!sec
particularly those with small hands, find it easy to grasp
and stabilize the slender ergonomic wand-like handpiece
Infiltrations 0.017 mL!sec
during inj ection. Clinicians will find that this system can
Palatal 0.008 mL!sec prevent repetitive hand-strain injury because of the over­
all system design (Murphy, 1998 ) . Additionally, with a
POL 0.007 mL!sec simple adaptation of the Wand® handpiece (see Figures
9-42 • through 9-45 •) , needle approach and insertion
Source: Comfort Control Syringe product manual REF 850155. may be achieved without stimulating a visual response in
• 149

Table 9-2 CompuDent and Wand STA Single Tooth Anesthesia System Instrument Preset Delivery Rates

CompuDent M odes Delivery Rate Wand STA M odes Delivery Rate

slow speed - 1.8 mL/50 seconds STA - 1 drop/2 seconds

1-speed mode 0.005 mL!second

fast speed - 1.8 mL/25 seconds Normal -1 drop/second

2-speed mode 0.005 mL!second
ControlFlo 0.03 mL!second

Turbo 0.005 mL!second

3-speed mode 0.03 mL!second
ControlFlo 0.06 mL!second

Source: ST A Single Tooth Anesthesia SystemTM and CompuDent® Instruments product manuals, Hochman, MN: Single-tooth anesthesia: pressure­
sensing technology provides innovative advancement in the field of dental local anesthesia, Compendium, Apri1 2007, 28(4), 186-193.

FIGURE 9-43 Adaptation of the Wand Handpiece - Step 2.

Gently "peel" the plastic tubing from the length of the Wand

FIGURE 9-41 Wand Handpiece. The "slim-line" Wand hand­

piece is designed specifically for use with the Wand STA Single
Tooth Anesthesia System and CompuDent Instruments.

FIGURE 9-42 Adaptation of the Wand Handpiece - Step 1 . FIGURE 9-44 Adaptation of the Wand Handpiece - Step 3.
Loosen the plastic tubing from the slot i n the side o f the Wand With a rocking motion, snap off the slim handle portion of the
handpiece. Wand handpiece, above the needle hub.
Ill •

inj ections with standard syringes, needles deflect away

from bevel openings when needles are advanced . With
the Wand STA Single Tooth Anesthesia System and Com­
puDent instruments, deflection is avoided by rotating the
needle during insertion (known as a "pen roll" or "bidi­
rectional" rotation technique ) , a maneuver that would
be difficult, if not inherently dangerous, with standard
syringes (Hochman & Friedman, 2000). Figure 9-20 dem­
onstrates this phenomenon with both 27-and 30-gauge
A specific design feature of the Wand STA Single
Tooth Anesthesia System Instrument facilitates single­
tooth anesthesia with the STA-Intraligamentary inj ection
FIGURE 9-45 Modified Wand Handpiece. without associated trauma to the PDL. The Wand STA
Single Tooth Anesthesia System Instrument has patented
dynamic pressure sensing technology that provides audi­
ble and/or visual feedback to the clinician to assure the op­
timum placement of the needle throughout the inj ection.
When properly placed, intraligamentary (PDL) inj ections
can be accomplished with significantly less pressure than
when delivered by traditional PDL syringes.
CCLAD systems provide a number of advantages
over traditional, manual syringes and have a significant
place in future dental anesthesia practices.

Jet Injectors
Jet injection devices use narrow bursts of air, or "j ets " to
penetrate mucosa without needles. These spring-loaded
syringes are used primarily to establish deep prepenetra­
FIGURE 9-46 Maxillary Buccal Infiltration with a Modified tion topical anesthesia, but they have also been used in in­
Wand Handpiece. filtration and shallow block anesthesia with some success.
Examples of j et inj ectors are the Syrij et (Mizzy/Keystone
Products, Cherry Hill, NJ) , the Madaj et (MADA Medi­
cal Equipment International, Carlstandt, NJ) shown in
Figure 9-48 •, and the Injex (INJEX Pharma USA, Miami,
FL) shown in Figure 9-49 •·

Safety Syringes
Safety syringes are plastic single-use, or partially dispos­
able devices designed to reduce the risk of needlestick

FIGURE 9-47 Ultra Safety Plus XL Safety Syringe System.

Source: Courtesy of Septodont USA.

the patient as demonstrated in Figure 9-46 •· The Wand®

handpiece is also available with a specially designed nee­
dle safety device called the Safety Wand® shown in Figure
9-47 •· With both devices delivery of local anesthetics is (A) (B)
initiated and controlled by a foot pedal. FIGURE 9-48 Safety Wand Handpiece. A - needle positioned
The slim profile of the Wand handpiece enhances for injection; 8 - needle retracted into safety sleeve.
the unique insertion technique recommended. During Source: Courtesy of Septodont USA.
• 151


FIGURE 9-49 Jet Injection Devices. Two common jet injection

devices are the Syrij et (top) and Madajet (bottom).

injuries associated with trapping inj ection needles. Interest

in these devices has become quite limited and many are no
longer available.
As noted previously, one such device, the Ultra Safety (B)
Plus XL from Septodont (Figure 9-50 •) is available and
FIGURE 9-50 Small Jet Injection Device. A-The Inj ex device
Milestone Scientific provides The S afety Wand® Hand­
piece for CompuDent and STA devices (Figure 9-46) . is smaller overall than other jet inj ection devices currently avail­
able. B- During inj ection, the device may be nearly concealed
in the palm of the hand.
Source: Courtesy of Betsy Simpson.

Elena Gagarin
Case Discussio n : As the c l i nician d iscovered when the 1 . A see m i n g ly neg ative aspirati o n was not eve n a n
ca rtridge was re m oved fro m the syri nge, it h a d been aspirati o n .
loaded backwa rds and the harpoon had perforated the 2 . B efo re i n s e rt i n g n e e d l es i n to t i s s u e s , syri n g es
d i a p h ra g m i n stead of the stopper. The patient wo u l d s h o u l d be checked for easy flow of sol ution in ad­
need another injection because the clinician, w h o was or­ d ition to confi r m i n g that t h e co rrect d ru g s were
dinarily very attentive to detail, had failed to check the ar­ l o a d e d . H a d t h i s been d o n e , t h e c l i n i c i a n wo u l d
mamentarium that someone else had set up. h ave known that t h e cartrid g e was l o a d e d back­
T h e re a re at l east two i m p o rtant l essons l e a r n e d wards before penetrating any tissues.
from this experience:

� h. � P.t�� 9.LJ.���.i.c:>.". � ........................................... .

. . . . . .
d. The standard aspirating syringe is designed to pro­
vide negative pressure on aspiration similar to the
1 . Which one of the following statements is correct? self-aspirating syringe.
a. The standard aspirating syringe is designed to pro­ 2. Which o n e of the following is correct when address­
vide negative pressure on aspiration, unlike the ing OSHA requirements for medical device safety in
self-aspirating syringe. dentistry?
b. The standard aspirating syringe is designed to pro­ a. Two hands are allowed as long as one hand only
vide positive pressure on aspiration, unlike the self­ secures the needle cap.
aspirating syringe. b. Contaminated needles may be bent as long as
c. Neither the standard nor the self-aspirating sy­ the bend is accomplished with cotton pliers or a
ringes provide negative pressure on aspiration. hemostat.
Ill •

c. Two hands are never allowed to recap needles even Astra Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. Astra Self-Aspirating
when one hand is holding a hemostat or locking pli­ Syringe, Product Insert. Westborough, MA 0 1606: Author.
ers to secure the protective caps. Brunton, L., Lazo, J. , & Parker, K. (2006). Goodman and
d. Uncontaminated needles may be bent. Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics (11th ed.).
New York: McGraw-Hill.
3. In comparing a 25-gauge needle with a 30-gauge nee­ CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care
dle, the 25-gauge needle: Settings - 2003. (2003 , December 19). Morbidity and Mortal­
1. Has better aspiration. ity Weekly Report (MMWR), 52(RR17); 1-61. Retrieved from
2. Breaks more easily.
3. Is less comfortable than the 30 gauge. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2003). De­
vice screening and evaluation forms. Retrieved November 1 1 ,
4. Has a smaller diameter.
2008, from
5. Can be used in highly vascular areas.
Dentsply/Professional. Comfort Control Syringe REF850155,
a. 2,4,5 Product Insert. 1301 Smile Way, York, PA 17404: Author.
b. 2,4 Evers, H. (1993). The dental cartridge system. Trosa, Sweden:
c. 1 ,3,5 Trosa Tryckeri AB.
d. 1 ,5 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, section 20 1 (h),
52 FR 30097, August 12, 1987, as amended at 59 FR 63008,
4. Long needles are approximately ____ long.
December 7, 1994; 66 FR 38799, July 25, 2001.
a. -12 to 22 mm Friedman, M. J. , & Hochman, M. N. (1998) . The AMSA inj ection:
b. -32 to 36 mm A new concept for local anesthesia of maxillary teeth using a
c. -40 to 42 mm computer-controlled inj ection system. Quintessence Interna­
tional, 29, 297-303.
5. When a stopper is extruded, what has likely caused
Hochman, M. N. , Chiarello, D., Hochman, C. B., Lopatkin, R., &
the problem?
Pergola, S. (1997). Computerized local anesthesia delivery vs.
a. The cartridge was overfilled during manufacturing. traditional syringe technique. New York State Dental Journal,
b. Freezing occurred during shipping or handling. 63, 24-29.
c. Overheating has caused pressure in the cartridge. Hochman, M. N., & Friedman, M. J. (2000). In vitro study of
d. Oxidation of sodium bisulfate has created gas in needle deflection: A linear insertion technique versus a bi­
the cartridge. directional rotation insertion technique. Quintessence Interna­
tional, 31 , 737-743 .
6. During an infiltration injection you give the patient Jastek, J.T., Yagiela J.A. 1981. Regional anesthesia of the oral
three stopper-widths of local anesthetic. How much cavity, St. Louis: CV Mosby Co.
solution have you inj ected into the patient? Jastak, J. T. , Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995). Local anesthe­
a. 0.2 mL sia of the oral cavity. Philadelphia: Saunders.
b. 0.9 mL Malamed, S. F. (2004) . Handbook of local anesthesia (5th ed.).
c. 1 .8 mL St. Louis: Mosby.
d. 0.6 mL Murphy, D. (1998) . Ergonomics and the dental care worker
(p. 181 ). Washington, DC: American Public Health Association.
7. What substance is used as the preservative for epi­ ISBN: 0-87553-0233-0.
nephrine in local anesthetic cartridges? National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2002) .
a. Sodium bisulfite Safer medical device implementation in healthcare facilities.
b. Sodium hypochlorite Retrieved September 17, 2002, from
c. Methylparaben /topics/bbp
d. Nitrogen OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention
Regulations (Standards -29 CFR), Blood borne pathogens-
191 0.1030 (1991).
standards.html. Accessed January 25, 2014.
References Shoj aei, A. R., & Haas, D. A. (2002) . Local anesthetic cartridges
and latex allergy: A literature review. Journal of the Canadian
R0NVIG Dental Mfg. A/S. Aspiject: Product information, Dental Association, 68(10), 622-626.
Product Insert. GI. Vejlevej 57-59, DK-8721 Daugaard, Smith, A. J. , Cameron, S. 0., Bagg, J. , & Kennedy, D. (20 0 1 ) .
Denmark: Author. Retrieved January 25, 2014, from www. Management of needles ticks i n general dental practice. British Dental Journal, 1 90(12), 645-650.

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Sum m ary of Sharps M anagement
Reco m mendations

CDC G u idel i nes for Infection Control i n Denta l H ealth Ca re Settings

I. Preventing Transmission o f Bloodborne Pathogens
II. Preventing Exposures to Blood and OPIM
1. General recommendations
a. Use standard precautions (OSHA's bloodborne pathogen standard retains the term standard precautions) for
all patient encounters (lA, I C) (11,13,19,53).
b. Consider sharp items (e.g., needles, scalers, burs, lab knives, and wires) that are contaminated with patient blood
and saliva as potentially infective and establish engineering controls and work practices to prevent injuries (IB,
IC) (6,13,113).
c. Implement a written, comprehensive program designed to minimize and manage DHCP exposures to blood
and body fluids (IB, I C) (13,14,19,97).
2. Engineering and work-practice controls
a. Identify, evaluate, and select devices with engineered safety features at least annually and as they become avail­
able on the market (e.g. , safer anesthetic syringes, blunt suture needle, retractable scalpel, or needle less IV sys­
tems) (IC) (13,97,110-112) .
b. Place used disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades, and other sharp items in appropriate puncture­
resistant containers located as close as feasible to the area in which the items are used (IA, I C) (2, 7,13,19,113,115).
c. D o not recap used needles by using both hands or any other technique that involves directing the point
of a needle toward any part of the body. Do not bend, break, or remove needles before disposal (lA, I C)
(2, 7,8,13, 97,113).
d. Use either a one-handed scoop technique or a mechanical device designed for holding the needle cap when
recapping needles (e.g., between multiple inj ections and before removing from a nondisposable aspirating
syringe) (IA, I C) (2, 7,8,13,14,113).

Excerpt from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings -2003,
December 19, 2003 I Vol. 52 I No. RR-17, Page 40, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
C DC Sampl e Device Evaluation Form: Dental
Safety Syringes and N eedl es
Available at

S a m p l e Device Eva l u at i o n Form

Denta l Safety Syri nges a n d N eed l es

This form collects o p i n ions a n d observations from dental healthcare perso n n e l who have p i lot
tested a safer dental device. This form can be ada pted fo r use with m u lt i ple types of safer
devices. Do not use this form to coll ect i nj u ry data beca use it can not e n s u re confi d e n t i a l ity.

Date :�____________
Product: Name, brand, com pany .:_________________________________
N umber of times used : _____________________________________

Your position or title: _____________________________________

Your occupation or specia lty: -------

1. Did you receive training in how to use this product?

0 Yes [Go to Next Question] 0 No [Go to Question 4]

2. Who provided this instruction? (Check All that Apply.)

0 Product representative 0 Staff member O Other

3. Was the training you received adeq uate?

D Yes O No

4. Compared to others of your sex, how would you describe your hand size?
0 Small 0 Medium 0 Large

5. What i s your sex? o Female D Male

Please answer all questions that apply to your duties and responsibil ities. If a q uestion does not apply to your d uties and
responsibilities, please leave it blank .

During the Pilot Test of this Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Device . . . Disagree nor Disagree Agree

6. The weight of the device was

2 4
similar to that of a conventional
dental syringe.

7. The device felt sta ble during

assembly, use and disassembly. 2 4

8. The device fit my hand

2 4

9. The anesthetic cartridges were

easy to change. 2 4

1 0. Aspiration of blood into the

2 4
anesthetic cartridge was clearly

2 4
I had a clear view of the injection
site and needle tip.

1 2.
2 4
The device did not appear to
increase patient discomfort.

May, 14 2002
http://www. cd c. g ov/O ra i H ea lth/i nfection_co ntrol/forms.htm

• 155

Strongly Neither
During the Pilot Test of this Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree nor Agree
Device . . . Agree

1 3. The device performed rel iably. 2 3 4 5

14. I w a s a b l e t o give injections in all

mouth sizes and a l l areas of the 2 3 4 5
mouth .

1 5. I used the device for all of the

same pu rposes for which I use 2 3 4 5
the conventional device.

2 3 4 5
Activating t h e safety feature was

2 3 4 5
T h e safety feature was easy to
recognize and use.

18. T h e safety feature d i d not

2 3 4 5
activate inadvertently, causing
me to use additional syri nges or

19. T h e safety feature functioned a s

intended. 2 3 4 5

2 3 4 5
The instructions were easy to
follow and complete.

21. I could have used this product

2 3 4 5
correctly without special tra i n i n g .

22. The "feel" of t h e device did not

cause me to change my 2 3 4 5
tech nique.

2 3 4 5
This device meets my clin ical

2 3 4 5
This device is safe f o r clin ical

Additional comments for any responses of "Strongly Disagree " or " Disagree."

May, 14 2002
http : //www . c d c . g ov/Ora i H ea l th/i nfect i on_con t ro l/fo r m s . h t m

Source: Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Sum m ary of Basic Steps for Load i ng Syringes

Select appropriate syringe, needle(s), cartridge(s), and recapping method.

1. Fully retract the piston to allow cartridge to slide 2. Insert the cartridge with the stopper toward the
into the barrel. piston.

M aintai n pressure
with lh umb to keap
P u l l-back o n the
thumb ring to fully
piston retracted.

retract the piston.

3. Release the tension on the piston and confirm 4. Seat the harpoon securely into the stopper.
that the cartridge is fully seated.

Use genUa thu m b

Cartridge end c a p pressure t o seat
will sl ide forwerd into harpoon prior to
needle adapter end. attaching needle.

• 15 7

5. Open the needle by gently turning the cap to 6. S crew the needle securely onto the needle
break the seal. adaptor.

Sterile ca rtridge Mainta i n firm

penetrati n g end pressure for

self theading
will be exposed.

7. Prepare the n e e dl e recapping device 8. Gently loosen and remove the cap to confirm
(when applicable ) if used. bevel orientation and then orient the syringe for
viewing of the large window.

T h u m b s h o u l d o nly
Two handed procedure
be on front of card
while attaching d evice.
is acceptable O N LY for
uncapping needles.


9. S afely r e p l a c e t h e cap with a o n e - h a n d e d 10. Orient the syringe facing down to achieve ease of
technique. retrieval with:
a. a "palm up" grasp
b. large window visible

This recapping device

serves as a prop for
the cap during the
"scoop" method .

Orient syri nge

with large window
fac ing down.
Suggested N eedle Recap ping Techniques­
" Best Practices"

Each clinician is obligated to apply safe needle handling and recapping methods based on CDC and OSHA
guidelines for their practice setting. A variety of acceptable techniques apply OSHA Work Practice and Engineering
Controls. The key to safe needle recapping is sound one-handed technique. Examples follow.

Basic "scoop" method

"Scoop" method assisted with cotton pliers as cap "Scoop" method assisted with weighted cap holder

• 159

" S coop" method assisted with card prop device cap " Scoop" method assisted with rubber prop device cap ':
holder hcldcr

Best Practices allow for (A) removing caps with the assistance of a device, but recapping MUST be done with one
hand. With all recapping methods and devices it is important that an unprotected needle is NEVER moved toward
clinicians' hands (B) .

(A) (B)

(A) (B)
Ill •

Note the unsa fe practice Note the unsa fe practice

The thumb is on the front of the device. This device aids Although the fingers are behind the card, this device is
recapping by propping up the cap for ease of entry. It is not puncture proof and is not intended for recapping in
NOT considered a barrier to needle penetration. this manner. This practice can be used to uncap needles.


Regardless of the method used, recapping needles with a one-handed method is the safest way to render needles
Computer-Controlled Local Anesthetic Del ivery

• Defi ne a n d d i scuss the key terms in this cha pte r.
bi-rotatio n a l i n serti on 1 65
• I d e ntify a n d d i scuss the tech n o l og ica l advantages of CCLAD. computer-co ntro l led
• Identify a n d d i scuss the i m pact of c l i n i cia n/patient ben efits to u s i n g local a n esthetic d e l ivery
CCLAD. (CCLAD) 1 6 1
Dyn a m i c P ressu re Sensing®
• Identify a n d d i scuss how tissue type a n d flow rate effect i njection
(DPS) 1 62
outcomes. F l u i d dyn a m i cs 1 62
• Identify a n d d i scuss the i m pact of fl u i d press u re, fl u i d flow rate, a n d vol­ fl u i d flow rate 1 62
u m e d ispensed in tissues with low tissue com p l i a nce, for exa m p l e , palate fl u i d press u re 1 62
and P D L. type 1 -l ow-density
tissue 1 62
• I d entify a n d d i scuss how l a rg e vo l u m es of a n esth etic sol ution ca n be safe l y
type 2-m oderate-d e nsity
a n d comforta bly a d m i n istered i nto pa lata l tissues w i t h contro l led l ow pres­
tissue 1 62
s u res d e l ivered by CCLAD. type 3-h i g h -de nsity
• Identify a n d d i scuss why l a rg e vo l u mes of a n esthetic sol ution ca n be a d ­ tissue 1 62
m i n i stered i n the P D L safely a n d p a i n l essly when u s i n g contro l led l ow CCLAD-contro l l e d low
pressu res performed with CCLAD. p ress u res 1 6 1

I ntrod uction
Effective maxillary and mandibular anesthesia can be
aided through the use of computer-controlled local an­
esthetic delivery (C CLAD) as seen in Figure A9.5-1 •·
Benefits of CCLAD include increased patient comfort and
reduced tissue damage for all inj ections. CCLAD is espe­
cially useful to improve comfort when performing inj ec­
tions in tissues with low tissue compliance, such as palatal
mucosa and periodontal ligament (PDL).

Backg round
CCLAD represents a n innovative and proven alternative
to traditional mechanical dental syringes for administra­
tions of local anesthetics (Ashkenazi, Blumer, & Eli, 2005 ; FIGURE A9. 5-1 Computer-Controlled Local Anes­
CRA, 1998; Hochman et a!. , 1997) . thetic Delivery (CCLAD) Offers Unique B enefits for
Patients and Clinicians.

This appendix addresses some unique features and advantages for use of Computer-Controlled Local Anesthetic Delivery (CCLAD) .
CCLAD devices available are discussed in Chapter 9, "Local Anesthetic D elivery Devices" (Figures 9-38, 9-39, and 9-40) .
Ill •

Traditional dental syringes are simple mechanical unattached gingiva. These tissues are more adaptive to a
systems designed primarily for convenience with little focus range of flow rates (greater than 0.005 cc/sec and less than
on patient comfort (Hoffmann-Axtheim, 1981 ) . CCLAD 0.03 cc/sec) and pressures (9 psi to 12 psi) .
systems have a technological advantage over manual sy­ Typ e 2 - moderate- density tissues with m o derate
ringes in that they are designed with an electro mechanical tissue compliance, found in attached gingiva and palatal
motor regulated by a microprocessor capable of precisely tissues. These tissues are less adaptive and require slower
controlling the flow rate of anesthetic solutions deposited flow rates (approximately 0.005 cc/sec) and produce mod­
into tissues. CCLAD advantages initially recognized in­ erate pressure (ranging from 50 psi to 75 psi) for safe and
clude reduced subj ective pain perception, pain disruptive comfortable injections.
behavior, and fear and anxiety (Allen et al. , 2002; Gibson Type 3 - high-density tissues with very low tissue com­
et al. , 2000; Krochak & Friedman, 1988; Nicholson et al. , pliance (i.e., minimal adaptive capacity), found in the PDL.
200 1 ) . During early CCLAD use, i t became apparent that This tissue type requires a fixed slow flow rate (0.005 cc/sec)
a fundamental change to the subj ective experience and and produces a range of tissue pressures (225 psi to 350 psi).
physical outcome of a dental inj ection had occurred as a re­ In contrast to CCLAD systems, traditional manual
sult of the precise control of the variables of fluid pressure syringes are dependent upon subj ective pressures applied
and fluid flow rate. Collectively, these two variables are de­ to syringe pistons by clinicians (Hochman, 1997). To over­
fined as the fluid dynamics (fluid pressure and fluid flow come tissue resistance during manual inj ections, operators
rate) of a dental inj ection. The control of fluid dynamics of must apply force to the syringe piston. The force applied
a dental inj ection using CCLAD led to many advantages must be sufficient to overcome any back-pressure resis­
reported early on. Among these are more effective diffu­ tance that builds up while inj ecting the anesthetic. This
sion of drugs through oral tissues and an ability to deposit force leads to increasing pressures in tissues. Manual sy­
larger volumes of solution into tissues without adverse re­ ringes lack design features to regulate pressures or pre­
actions and with minimal distension (Friedman & Hoch­ cisely control flow rates ; therefore, operators must rely
man, 1997; Hochman et al., 2006). These findings led to the on subj ective observations and tactile sensations. These
development of several new dental inj ection techniques uncontrolled variables lead to conditions where opera­
described later in this appendix and Chapter 13, "Inj ections tors may not apply sufficient force to overcome b ack­
for Maxillary Pain Control II - Palatal Approach," and in­ pressures generated during dental inj ections in one tissue
clude the AMSA, P-ASA, and a modified PDL inj ection type, whereas in other tissue types, operator response to
(Aboushala et al., 2000; Friedman & Hochman, 1998,1999; high resistance may result in extremely high pressures
Hochman, 2007). ( 600 psi to 1 ,200 psi) (Pashley, Nelson, & Pashley, 198 1 ;
CCLAD systems represent a new category of ad­ Walton & Garnick, 1982) . Limitations i n the design o f
vanced subcutaneous drug delivery instruments. These traditional manual syringes, coupled with poor operator
instruments were designed spe cifically for maximum technique, contributes to undesirable outcomes of pain
patient comfort and allow unique dental inj ections that and adverse tissue reactions (Pertot & Dejou, 1992; Saroff,
take advantage of this new fluid dynamic. The Wand STA Chasens, & D oyle, 1986; Smith & Pashley, 1983; White,
Single Tooth Anesthesia System Instrument (Milestone Reader, B eck, & Meyers, 1988) . The subj ective flow rates
Scientific, Inc. , Livingston, NJ) is a CCLAD device devel­ and uncontrolled high pressures produced by traditional
oped to precisely control and measure fluid pressures at mechanical syringes have been shown to produce opera­
the needle tip during dental inj ections (Hochman, 2007 ) . tive and postoperative pain as well as tissue damage for
This patented process called Dynamic Pressure Sens­ dental patients (Froum et al. , 2000). The use of CCLAD
ing® (DPS) (Milestone S cientific, Inc) allows for real­ systems is currently the only approach that takes into ac­
time audible feedback of fluid pressures generated during count that specific tissues require specific flow rates and
inj ections. controlled low pressures in order to maintain comfort,
efficacy, and safety when performing dental inj ections
I m p l ications of F l u i d Dynam ics (Hochman et al. , 2006).

and Anatom ica l Location

Research has demonstrated that different oral cavity tissue CCLAD and M a n u a l Syri nge
types require different flow rates and optimum pressure
values. These tissue-specific inj ection dynamics will pro­ Com parison
vide fluid pressures that result in safe and comfortable A key difference between CCLAD instruments and man­
inj ections for each specific tissue type (Hochman, et al. , ual syringes is their respective impact on fluid dynamics.
2006 ) . The research identified three basic tissue types in CCLAD instruments permit fluid flow rates and fluid
the oral cavity based on tissue compliance (distensibility) . pressures to be independent parameters. This is not pos­
They are defined as follows: sible with manual syringes, where increased flow rate will
Type 1 - Iow-density tissues with high tissue compli­ result in increased pressure and decreased flow rate will
ance, found in buccal mucosa, retro-molar fossae, and result in decreased pressure. When these two parameters
• 163

are decoupled, flow rates and fluid pressures can be in­ and produced undesirable tissue changes. Later, a pistol
dividually optimized for each tissue type. This results in grip, high-pressure manual syringe was developed that ex­
improved diffusion of anesthetic solutions through soft erted even greater pressures (in excess of 1 ,200 psi) than
tissues and cortical bone, optimal patient comfort, and previously reported. As expected this also produced tis­
minimal tissue damage (Corbett et a!. , 20 10; Kudo, 2005 ; sue damage (Walton & Garnick, 1982). The vast maj ority
Nusstein et a!. , 2004). of negative sequelae, which included moderate to severe
With the introduction of CCLAD systems, two in­ pain and reversible and irreversible tissue damage, can be
j e ctions previously unreported in the dental literature attributed to the traumatic forces and high pressures gen­
have been described, the AMSA and P-ASA (Friedman erated when performing PDL inj ections with manual sy­
& Hochman, 1998,1999 ) . These inj ections have certain ringes (Pertot & Dejou, 1992) . It is now generally accepted
distinct similarities; they are both maxillary inj ections, that Type 3 periodontal tissues generate very high pres­
performed from a p alatal approach, and require large sures in response to mechanical systems used to deliver
volumes (0.9 mL to 1.4 mL) of anesthetic solutions to anesthetic solutions. As a result of this high back-pressure,
be deposited into dense palatal tissue (Type 2) with low only a relatively small volume (0.2 mL to 0.4 mL) of an­
compliance (distensibility ) . To produce pulpal anesthe­ esthetic solution can be delivered, resulting in short dura­
sia of multiple maxillary teeth, 0 . 9 mL to 1.4 mL of an­ tions of effective anesthesia; however, of greater concern
esthetic solution is required to effectively diffuse from are the consistent reports of tissue damage and moder­
the p alatal soft tissue through the cortical bone to the ate to severe pain (Dower & Barniv, 2004; Faulkner, 1983;
maxillary dental plexus without producing pain or tissue Miller, 1983).
damage. In contrast, the fluid dynamics of CCLAD systems
Studies have confirmed that CCLAD systems make produce controlled low pressures (225 psi to 350 psi ) ,
it possible to provide effective pulpal and soft-tissue an­ where flow rates a n d fluid pressures are maintained at
esthesia to multiple maxillary teeth from a single palatal independent, specific values (Hochman et a! . , 2 0 0 6 ) .
approach inj ection (Bassett & DiMarco, 20 10; Fukayama, CCLAD-controlled administration enables improved dif­
200 1 ; Perry & Loomer, 2003 ) . These techniques are de­ fusion of anesthetic solutions through soft tissues into the
scrib e d in Chapter 13, " Inj ections for Maxillary Pain medullary bone (Nusstein et a!. , 2004) . This improvement
Control 11 - Palatal Approach." Studies further confirm is a direct result of its ability to introduce greater volumes
that CCLAD systems can deposit large volumes of anes­ of anesthetic solution without increasing pressure in the
thetic solutions from a palatal approach (Acharya et a!., PDL space (Froum et a!. , 2000). This greater volume (0.9
20 1 0 ; Corbett et a!. , 20 1 0 ; Holtzclaw & Toscano, 2008; mL to 1.4 mL) of anesthetic solution results in longer du­
Schwartz-Arad, D olev, & Williams, 2004) . Reliably com­ rations of effective anesthesia, approaching 35 minutes on
fortable and safe delivery of large volumes of fluid into mandibular molar teeth with 1.4 mL volume, from PDL in­
low compliance (non-distensible) tissues is possible with j ections performed with a CCLAD system (B erlin et a!. ,
CCLAD instruments because of their controlled fluid dy­ 2005 ) .
namics. This is due to the fact that CCLAD systems gen­ Histologic reports following PDL inj e ctions with a
erate a distinctly different fluid dynamic (controlled rate CCLAD system in a mini-swine pig model showed that
and pressure) compared with traditional manual syringes. PDL inj ections could be performed without producing ad­
Without the ability to control tissue pressures, severe pain verse inflammatory tissue reactions (Froum et a!. , 2000).
and tissue damage can occur. Previous PDL histologic studies conducted with manual
syringes demonstrated consistent and repeated tissue
damage and increased pain (Albers & Ellinger, 1988; Galili
The Benefits of CCLAD for POL et a!., 1984; Pertot & D ej ou, 1992; Walmsley et a!., 1989;
Walton & Garnick , 1982) . Numerous published studies
I njections have demonstrated that there is minimal to no pain and no
The benefits o f CCLAD systems are also demonstrated tissue damage experienced when receiving PDL inj ections
when performing intraligamentary (PDL) dental inj ec­ with a CCLAD system (Asarch et a!. , 1999; Ashkenazi,
tions (Ashkenazi, Blumer, & Eli, 20 10; B erlin et a!., 2005; B lumer, & Eli, 2005; Froum et a!., 2000; Gibson et a!.,
Froum, et a!., 20 00). The PDL inj ection dates back to the 2000; Oztas et a!. , 2005) .
early 1900s and typically was used as an alternative inj ec­
tion when conventional techniques failed to produce ad­
equate pulpal anesthesia (Fischer, 1933). It was defined as
an inj ection performed using "high pressures" generated
Device Featu res
by manual syringes (Dreyer, Van Heerden, & D e Joubert, Dynamic Pressure Sensing
1983 ; Walton & Abbott, 198 1 ) . Pashley and coworkers As previously noted, a unique feature of Wand STA de­
were the first to report on the fluid pressure exhibited dur­ vices is their dynamic (pressure force feedback) (DPS®).
ing this inj ection (Pashley, Nelson, & Pashley, 198 1 ) . Pres­ The audible and visual feedback system ( s e e Figure
sures generated during PDL inj ections exceeded 600 psi A9.5-2 •) provided during PDL inj ections cues clinicians
Ill •

to optimal needle placement and fluid pressures through­

out the inj ection. When properly placed, significantly less
pressure is required for intraligamentary (PDL) inj ec­
tions compared with traditional manual PDL syringes.
The DPS feedb ack indicates that the anesthetic is dis­
tributing in the PDL space verses into the surrounding
soft tissues, ensuring that adequate volumes of anesthetic
diffuse through the medullary bone as demonstrated in
Figure A9.5-3 •· The DPS system also maintains a speci­
fied range of pressures for safe and successful intraliga­
mentary inj ections.

Multi-Cartridge Technique
The success rates of inferior alveolar nerve blocks can
be enhanced using CCLAD in conj unction with a multi­
cartridge technique that was described by Camarda et al. ,
2007. Unlike manual syringes, the basic design o f Wand
• • STA devices allows more than one cartridge to be adminis­
tered from a single needle insertion (see Figure A9.5-4 •)
because the cartridge holder of the device is not directly
connected to the needle. This design allows additional car­
tridges to be exchanged without removing the needle from
the deposition site during an inj ection reducing trauma as­
sociated with multiple needle insertions.
Any technique that allows increased anesthetic vol­
umes to be deposited from a single insertion has multiple
potential benefits, including reduced risk of:

1. positive aspiration and hematoma

2. trauma and local complications, such as trismus, intra­
FIGURE A9. 5-2 Patented Dynamic Pressure Sensing (DPS) vascular needle placement, and dysphasia from direct
on the Wand/STA Instrument Provides Real-Time Audible contact with the lingual nerve
and Visual Feedback of Fluid Pressures during Injections. The 3. intraoperative and postoperative discomfort
example here is during a PDL inj ection, in PDL mode.

FIGURE A9. 5-3 Diffusion of Local Anesthetic Solution during Periodontal Ligament Injections with the STA
Wand Instrument.
Source: Courtesy of Mark Hochman DDS.
• 165

FIGURE A9.5-4 Use of the Multi-Cartridge Mode on the Wand/STA Instrument

Allows for More Than One Cartridge of Anesthetic to Be Delivered Simultaneously
with a Single Needle Insertion, Reducing Associated Tissue Trauma.
Source: Courtesy of Mark Hochman DDS.

Tech n iq u e Considerations produces a reactive force that is opposite to the direction

that the bevel faces. If a bevel is facing up, it will cause
Effective dental anesthesia can b e aided through CCLAD. the needle to bend downward during insertion. When ad­
Benefits include increased patient comfort and reduced vancing a needle with a manual syringe, the needle tip will
tissue damage for all inj ections especially when perform­ deflect in a direction that is opposite to the needle bevel.
ing palatal inj ections. Clinicians cannot safely rotate needles attached to manual
syringes during insertion. Wand handpiece systems use
Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block a pen-like grasp of a lightweight, disposable handpiece
When performing deep penetrations for inferior alveolar held between the index finger and thumb (see Figure
nerve blocks, the occurrence of needle deflection away A9.5-5 •) . As the Wand handpiece is advanced, clinicians
from optimal deposition sites has been reporte d . The simultaneously roll the handpiece between the finger
small, lightweight Wand® handpiece system allows clini­ tips in a gentle clockwise and counter-clockwise move­
cians to improve success by using a hi-rotational insertion ment that minimizes needle deflection. This is referred to
technique. The hi-rotational insertion technique reduces as bi-rotational insertion. The needle bevel is constantly
inadequate lA blocks by eliminating needle deflection changing directions as it is advanced; therefore, the hi­
(Hochman & Friedman, 20 00) . Mandibular block anes­ rotational insertion technique eliminates forces that cause
thetic techniques suggest either a 25-gauge or a 27-gauge needle deflection. When inserted this way, needle tips may
long needle as described in Chapter 14, " Inj ections for be positioned closer to the intended target above the man­
Mandibular Pain Control." Needles are designed with a dibular foramen. The hi-rotational insertion technique has
long (1 IA to 1% inch) flexible, cylindrical shaft with a bev­ been shown to improve success (Aboushala et al. , 2000)
eled needle tip facing in one direction. The needle bevel when performing inferior alveolar nerve blocks and other
Ill •

Performing P D L inj ections with Wan d STA d e ­

vices differs from manual syringes i n a number of ways
(Milestone Scientific, 20 13).
B o th may u s e 3 0 - gauge extra-short needles ( -lh
inch); however, Wand STA devices use a handpiece sys­
tem for which a bonded, pre-attached needle is required.
The Wand STA device is set to the STA Mode (utiliz­
ing 225 psi to 350 psi ) . This activates the Pressure Sens­
ing Scale (PSS) (a sequence of orange, yellow, and green
LED lights on the face of the instrument) for real-time
visual and auditory feedback to guide needle placement
at PDL. The PSS gauge will light up as the foot control
is depressed and the device begins pressure sensing (see
Figure A9.5-2).
To perform the inj ection, a pen-like grasp is used to
FIGURE A9. 5-5 Wand Handpiece. The unique lightweight insert the needle into the gingival sulcus in a manner simi­
handpiece provides for easy use and reduced ergonomic stress lar to a periodontal probe. Once a fulcrum is established,
on the hands common with the use of manual syringes. flow is initiated after which the needle is advanced slowly
Source: Courtesy of Mark Hochman DDS. and gently, similar to the advancement of a periodontal
probe. The visual PSS feedback can be interpreted as

mandibular techniques such as Gow-Gates and Vazarani­ 1. Orange indicates minimal pressure has built up.
Akinosi blocks. Additionally, mandibular anesthesia can 2. Yellow indicates mild pressure has been achieved.
be improved by employing a multi-cartridge technique 3. Green indicates moderate pressures indicative of the
with CCLAD. PDL tissue.
AMSA and P-ASA Techniques Corresponding ascending tones will accompany visual
Clinical studies have reported that AMSA (see Figure feedback from the PSS LED. A voice will report "PDL"
13-18) and P-ASA (see Figure 13-10) inj ections performed once the green zone is achieved and the PDL tissue is
with a CCLAD system produce a more comfortable ex­ located.
perience for p atients compared with manual syringes. Similar to the adoption of many new technologies, a
Potential CCLAD benefits in palatal inj ections include learning curve exists when adapting to Wand STA devices.
reduced patient anxiety, profound soft-tissue anesthesia, It is normal when performing Wand STA intraligamentary
improved pulpal anesthesia and tissue hemostasis, more inj ections to relocate the needle tip a number of times to
efficient diffusion of solution through tissues, and reduced find an optimal deposition site within the PDL tissues. With
tissue trauma compared with manual syringes (B assett & feedback from the DPS technology confirming appropri­
D iMarco, 20 10; Friedman & Hochman, 1998; Fukayama ate placement of the needle, successful anesthesia is more
et al., 2003 ; Lee et al. , 2004; Perry & Loomer, 2003 ) . These likely to result. Importantly, continuous PSS feedback
results appear to be related to the ability of CCLAD sys­ assures that the needle has not moved from its original
tems to precisely control fluid flow rates and fluid pres­ location during the inj ection process. Efforts should be
sures irrespective of dense palatal connective tissues that made to stabilize the needle in order to avoid movements
make comfortable inj ections with manual syringes difficult that displace the tip during deposition. If displacement
to perform. CCLAD systems have specific settings (capa­ occurs, it can result in a rapid loss of pressure (noted by
ble of maintaining low-pressure gradients during deposi­ the PSS LED scale moving back to yellow or orange) . If
tion) for palatal inj ections that allow increased volumes to pressure loss is confirmed, the needle should be withdrawn
be deposited without causing tissue damage. Maintaining a and its original location reestablished or another effective
low-pressure gradient with a controlled fluid pressure over site located.
a longer period of time produces more effective diffusion Removing needles from tissues is best accomplished
within the tissues and a more comfortable inj ection. in the middle of CCLAD aspiration cycles (the time from
initiation to completion of aspiration) after automatic flow
PDL Technique Using Wand STA Single Tooth of solution has ceased and before flow is resumed to avoid
Anesthesia System Instruments back-spray or dripping solution into patients ' mouths.
As previously noted, PDL inj ections given with CCLADs B ack-spray or dripping of solution into the mouth is not
administer greater volumes of anesthetic solution without harmful and the solution can be flushed and suctioned out,
increasing pressure in the PDL space. Two benefits of this but anesthetics have a very bitter taste.
are longer duration of anesthesia (due to greater volumes) In contrast to manual syringes, using force to press
and less trauma to the PDL (due to low pressures exerted) . Wan d h a n d p i e c e s y s t e m n e e d l e tips i n t o P D L s is
• 167

unnecessary. An additional function of the DPS feedback Allen, K. D., Kotil, D., Larzelere, R. E., Hutfless, S., & B eiraghi, S.
signals clinicians when excessive hand force is applied to (2002) . Comparison of a computerized anesthesia device with
needles. Excessive hand force should be avoided because a traditional syringe in preschool children. Pediatric Dentistry,
they can result in blockages of the flow of anesthetic so­ 24, 315-320.
Asarch, T. , Allen, K., Petersen, B., & B eiraghi, S. (1999). Efficacy
lutions. Pressures over 450 psi result in an over-pressure
of a computerized local anesthesia device in pediatric den­
condition triggering D P S auditory and visual alarms.
tistry. Pediatric Dentistry, 21, 421-424.
Further administration of anesthetic will be prevented. If Ashkenazi, M., Blumer, S., & Eli, I. (2005) . Effective of comput­
this occurs, force applied to the needle tip the needle tip erized delivery of intrasulcular anesthetic in primary molars.
must be reduced, and it may be necessary to reposition Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), 136,
the needle. 1418-1425 .
Over-pressure alarms can be triggered by excessive Ashkenazi, M., Blumer, S., & Eli, I. (20 10). Effect of computer­
hand force and/or occlusion of the needle. In either situa­ ized delivery intraligamental inj ection in primary molars on
tion, the needle must be relocated. their corresponding permanent tooth buds. International Jour­
nal of Paediatric Dentistry, 20, 270-275 .
Drug Selection Bassett, K. B . , & DiMarco, A. C . (20 10). Effective use o f the AMSA
nerve block. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 8(7), 30--34.
In all situations, clinicians must use current dental litera­
B erlin, J. , Nusstein, J. , Reader, A., B eck, M., & Weaver, J. (2005).
ture and professional judgment when selecting anesthetic Efficacy of articaine and lidocaine in a primary intraligamen­
drugs and volumes. For PDL inj e ctions performed with tary inj ection administered with a computer controlled local
Wand STA devices, the following guidelines are provided anesthetic delivery system. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral
by the manufacturer: Pathology, Oral Radiology, 99, 361-366.
2% Xylocaine Hydrochloride, 1:100,000 Epinephrine (or Camarda, A. J. , Hochman, M. N. , Franco, L., Naseri, L. (2007).
other 2 % local anesthetics) A prospective clinical patient study evaluating the effect of
increasing anesthetic volume on inferior alveolar nerve block
• A drug volume of 0.9 mL is recommended for single­ success rate. Quintessence International, 38, 521-526.
rooted teeth. Corbett, I. P. , Jaber, A. A., Whitworth, J. M., & Meechan, J. G.
• A drug volume of 1.8 mL is recommended for multi­ (20 10). A comparison of the anterior middle superior alveo­
rooted teeth. lar nerve block and infraorbital nerve block for anesthesia
• 1 :50,000 vasoconstrictor concentrations are not rec­ of maxillary anterior teeth. Journal of the American Dental
ommended for PDL inj ections. Association (JADA), 141 (12), 1442-1448.
CRA. (1998). Local anesthesia, automated delivery. Clinical
4 % A r t i c a i n e H y d r o c h l o r i d e ( o r o t h e r 4 % l o c al Research Associates Newsletter, 22, 1-2.
anesthetics) Dower, J. S., & Barniv, Z. M . (2004) . Periodontal ligament inj ec­
tion: Review and recommended technique. General Dentistry,
• A drug volume of 0.5 mL is recommended for single­
52, 537-542.
rooted teeth. Dreyer, W. P. , Van Heerden, J. D., & De Joubert, J. J. (1983). The
• A drug volume of 0.9 mL is recommended for multi­ route of periodontal ligament inj ection of local anesthetic so­
rooted teeth. lution. Journal of Endodontics, 9, 471-474.
• 4% articaine with 1 :200,000 vasoconstrictor concen­ Faulkner, R. K. (1983). The high-pressure periodontal ligament
tration is recommended. inj ection. British Dental Journal, 154, 103-105 .
• 4% articaine with 1:100,000 vasoconstrictor concen­ Fischer, G. (1933) . Local anesthesia in dentistry (4th ed.).
trations are not recommended for PDL injections or Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.
palatal injections to include the AMSA and P-ASA Friedman, M. J., & Hochman, M. N. (1997) . A 21st century
injections (these injections are further discussed in computerized inj ection system for local pain control.
Compendium, 18(10), 995-1000.
Chapter 13, "Injections for Maxillary Pain Control 11 -
Friedman, M. F. , & Hochman, M. N. (1998). The AMSA inj ec­
Palatal Approach).
tion: A new concept for local anesthesia of maxillary teeth
using a computer-controlled inj ection system. Quintessence
International, 29, 297-303.
References Friedman, M. F. , & Hochman, M. N. (1999). P-ASA block inj ec­
Aboushala, A., Kugel, G. , Efthimiadis, N. , & Krochak, M. (2000). tion: A new palatal technique to anesthetize maxillary ante­
Efficacy of a computer-controlled injection system of local rior teeth. Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 11 (2), 63-71.
anesthesia in vivo. IADR Annual Meeting, Washington, D C, Froum, S. J. , Tarnow, D., Caiazzo, A., & Hochman, M. N. (2000).
USA. Abstract 2775. Histologic response to intraligament inj ections using a com­
Acharya, A. B., Banakar, C., Rodrigues, S. V. , Nagpal, S., puterized local anesthetic delivery system. A pilot study in
Bhadbhade, S., & Thakur, S. L. (20 10). Anterior middle mini-swine. Journal of Periodontology, 71, 1453-1459.
superior alveolar inj ection is effective in providing anesthesia Fukayama, H. (20 0 1 , January). New trends in local anesthesia.
extending to the last standing molar in the maxillary peri­ Hyogo Dental Association, 593-602.
odontal surgery. Journal of Periodontology, 81, 1 174-1 179. Fukayama, H., Yoshikawa, F., Kohase, H., Umino, M., Suzaki,
Albers, D. D., & Ellinger, R. F. (1988). Histologic effects of high­ N. (2003) . Efficacy of anterior and middle superior alveolar
pressure intraligamentary inj ections on the periodontal liga­ (AMSA) anesthesia nursing a new inj ection system: The
ment. Quintessence international, 19, 361-363. Wand. Quintessence International, 34, 537-541.

Galili, D., Kaugman, E., Garfunkel, A. A., & Michaeli, Y. (1984) . Nusstein, 1., Berlin, J. , Reader, A., Beck, M., & Weaver, 1. M.
Intraligamentary anesthesia. A histological stud. International (2004) . Comparison of inj ection pain, heart rate increase,
Journal of Oral Surgery, !3, 51 1-516. and postinj ection pain of articaine and lidocaine in a primary
Gibson, R. S., Allen, K., Hutfless, S., & Beiraghi, S. (2000). The intraligamentary inj ection administered with a computer­
Wand vs. traditional inj ection: A comparison of pain related controlled local anesthetic delivery system. Anesthesia
behaviors. Pediatric Dentistry, 22, 458-462. Progress, 51, 126-133.
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of dental local anesthesia. Compendium, 28(4), 186-193. Quintessence International, 36, 559-564.
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Pergola, S. (1997). Computerized local anesthetic delivery vs. created by dental inj ections. Journal of Dental Research, 60,
traditional syringe technique: Subj ective pain response. New 1742-1748.
York State Dental Journal, 63, 24-29. Perry, D. A., & Loomer, P. M. (2003) . Maximizing pain control.
Hochman, M. N. & Friedman, M. F. (2000). In vitro study of nee­ The AMSA inj ection can provide anesthesia with few inj ec­
dle deflection: A linear insertion technique versus a bidirec­ tions and less pain. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 49, 28-33.
tional rotation insertion technique. Quintessence International, Pertot, W. 1. , & Dej ou, 1. (1992). Bone and root resorption.
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son of the syringe and computerized local injection tech­ ficacy in human maxillary and mandibular teeth. Journal of
niques. General Dentistry, 49, 167-172. Endodontics, 14, 508-5 14.
··························································· ® ··························································

Patient Assessment for Local



• Defi ne a n d d i scuss the key terms in this cha pter. absol ute
contra i n d ications 178
• I d e ntify a n d d i scuss the respon s i b i l ities associated with the
adverse drug eve nts
d e l ivery of reg i o n a l a n esthesi a . (AD R) 181
• Descri be t h e ASA (Am erican Society o f Anesthesio l o g ists) a ltern ative medicine 1 71
Physica l Status C l a ssification Syste m categories I-VI ( P 1 -P6) . American Society of
Anesthesiologists (ASA) 170
• D iscuss patient assess m e nt too l s for the eva l u ation of physica l
ASA P hysica l Status
a n d psych o l o g i ca l to l e ra n ce to l oca l a n esth esi a .
C l a ssification Syste m 1 71
• Ana lyze a n d d i scuss t h e i m p l i cati ons o f patient eva l u ation i n atypica l p l a s m a
obta i n i n g informed consent. c h o l i n esterase 178
• I d e ntify and a p p l y contra i n d i catio n s to the use of l oca l cerebrovascu l a r accident
a n esth esi a . (CVA) 180
co m p l e mentary a n d a lte rna­
• I dentify a n d eva l uate treatment mod ificati ons that ca n be tive medicine (CAM) 1 71
m a d e to i n crease patient safety a n d comfo rt with l oca l co m p l e mentary
a n esth esi a . medicine 171
•. Eva l u ate situ ations that req u i re a m e d i ca l consu ltation before co ncom ita nt 1 72
treatment. De nta l Anxiety Sca l e
(DAS) 1 72
• Defi n e fu n cti o n a l capacity and d escri be a ctivities to m eet the
dental fea rs
4 m etabo l i c e q u iva lent of task (M ET) I l eve l . q u esti o n n a i re 1 71
• Descri be t h e dose l i m itati o n with a vasoco n strictor when fu n cti o n a l capacity 175
ca rd i ovascu l a r d i sease is reported . i nteg rative medicine 171
meta b o l i c eq u ivalent of task
• I dentify s i g n s a n d sym ptom s of u n d i a g n osed m e d i ca l
(M ET) 175
con d itions that ca n affect l oca l a nesthetic a d m i n i stratio n .
meth a m p h eta m i n e 183
• D iscuss t h e i m po rta nce o f posta nesth etic ca re . meth e m o g l o b i n e m i a 1 78

Ill •

KEY TERMS (contin ued)

re l ative contra i n d icati ons 1 78 thyrotoxic crisis 1 77

revers i b l e isch e m i c n e u ro l o g i c d eficit ( R I N D) 1 80 thyrotoxicosis 1 77
Stress red u ctio n protoco l (S R P) 1 7 1 transient isch e m i c attack (TIA) 1 80

process is valuable in determining appropriate modifica­

CAS E S TUDY tions to reduce the risk of adverse events and potential
medical emergencies.
Carlos Martinez According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists
(ASA), patient safety is the most important goal in the deliv­
ery of anesthesia ( American Society of Anesthesiologists,
C a r l os M a rtinez, a 67-ye a r- o l d H is p a n i c m a l e , is a
new patient with exte nsive d e nt a l n e e d s . H i s h is­
tory i n c l u d es Type 2 d i a b etes and chro n i c i nfection 20 12). The responsibilities associated with the delivery of
with h e patitis C . B l ood p ress u re is 1 42/90 and he local anesthesia are described in the ASA Statement on
is a m o d e rate s m o ke r. O n fu rther q u esti o n i n g a n d Regional Anesthesia* :
after medical consu ltatio n , h e is fo u n d t o h ave sig­ Anesthesiology i n all o f its forms, including regional an­
n ifi cant l iver damage, is resista nt to insu l i n thera py, esthesia, is the practice of medicine. Regional anesthesia
a n d is ta k i n g a new m e d i cati o n fo r hyperte n s i o n , involves diagnostic assessment, the consideration of indi­
C o rg a rd ( n a d o l o l ) , w h i c h h e a n d h i s p h ys i c i a n a d ­ cations and contraindications, the prescription of drugs,
m it has n ot yet consiste ntly bro u g h t B P va l ues t o a and the institution of corrective measures and treatment
n o r m a l leve l . in response to complications. Therefore, the successful
H e a lso h a s a fa m i ly h i story o f meth e m o g l o b i ­ performance of regional anesthesia requires medical as
nem ia, a l t h o u g h h e states t h a t h e has never h a d a n well as technical expertise.
e p isode, perso n a l ly.
According to the ASA, clinicians who administer re­
H e is a m b u l at o ry a n d o t h e rwise a b l e to visit
gional local anesthesia must conform to a prescribed se­
quence of care ( see Box 1 0-1 •) . B ecause regional nerve
the denta l office with out d ifficulty. Exte nsive d e nta l
a n d d e nta l hyg i e n e t h e ra p y a re p l a n n e d that wi l l
blocks are administered by dental professionals, these
req u i re l o c a l a n est h e s i a with v a s o c o n st r i ct o r fo r
guidelines apply when local anesthetics are administered.
periodonta l debridement i n a l l fou r q u a d ra nts a n d
Appropriate attention to anesthetic procedures and
n u m erous resto rative a p p o i ntme nts.
patient responses is crucial because it has been reported
that the majority of medical emergencies in the dental
office are associated with the administration of local an­
I ntrod uction esthesia ( Kaufman, Goharian, & Katz, 2000; Malamed,
20 1 3 ) . An example of pre-anesthetic evaluation is obtain­
Local anesthesia can b e physically and psychologically de­
manding for patients (Meechan, 2005; Moore & Brodsgaard,
ing vital signs and considering blood pressure levels before

200 1). Comprehensive patient assessment is the foundation

for safe delivery of local anesthetic drugs. In most healthy
individuals, local anesthetics can be administered accord­
ing to published dose recommendations. In individuals with
compromised health, the administration of local anesthesia is 1 . Pre-anesthetic eva l u ation of the patient
usually safe as long as appropriate precautions are observed. 2. Prescri ption of the a nesthetic p l a n
Clinicians must determine when local anesthetic solutions 3. Person a l p a rticipation i n the tech nical aspects o f t h e
can be used safely or should not be used. Patients should reg i o n a l a n esthetic
always be monitored before, during, and after the adminis­ 4. Fo l l owing the cou rse of the a n esthetic
5. Rem a i n i n g physica l ly ava i l a b l e for the i m m e d iate
tration of local anesthetic agents. This chapter will discuss
d i a g n osis and treatment of emergencies
specific considerations for local anesthesia administration
6. Provi d i n g i n d icated post-anesthesia care
and a standardized approach to patient assessment. By ob­
Source: "El e ments o the ASA Medical Component of Care" from
Statement on Regionalf Anesthesia. Copyright © 2007 by American
serving standardized assessment criteria, limitations and con­
traindications for receiving local anesthesia can be identified.
, Soci ety of Anesthesiol o gists. Used by permi s si o n of American So- ,

ciety of Anesthesiol o gists.
ASA Physical Status Classification System : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
Applying a standardized approach to patient assessment
*Excerpt from Statement on Regional Anesthesia. Copyright © 2007 by
should be used when determining physical and psycho­ American Society of Anesthesiologists. Used by permission of American
logical tolerance to proposed treatment. The assessment Society of Anesthesiologists.
• 171

administering a local anesthetic with a vasoconstrictor. emergencies (Malamed, 2007; Nield-Gehrig & Willman,
Patients must be continuously observed and assessed for 2008; Pickett & Gurenlian, 20 10). See Appendix 10-2 for a
adverse reactions following the delivery of local anesthetic suggested stress reduction protocol. For further discussion
agents, particularly because of the possibility of delayed on dental fears related to local anesthesia, see Chapter 18,
responses. Clinicians should be prepared to identify and "Insights for Fearful Patients."
manage all adverse reactions.
Comprehensive patient assessment, including the use Tools for Patient Assessment
of the ASA Physical Status Classification System, is a key
Comprehensive Patient Assessment
factor in determining the safety of local anesthesia ad­
ministration (see Box 10-2 •) . The ASA system classifies Standardized, comprehensive patient assessment is nec­
patients into six categories, ASA I-VI (also noted as ASA essary in order to minimize adverse events related to re­
P1-P6 ) , based on their overall physical health. Examples ceiving local anesthesia. Key elements for applying health
of medical conditions in each class are provided in Appen­ information to local anesthetic procedures will be high­
dix 10-1 (Malamed, 2007; Nield-Gehrig & Willman, 2008) . lighted in the following discussion. D e ntal fears ques­
The maj ority of healthy patients are classified ASA I tionnaires and the benefits of consulting with medical
or ASA II. Treatment modifications are few and serious professionals will also be discussed.
adverse events are uncommon for these patients. Patients
who are classified ASA III with severe systemic disease are Medical and Dental History
more likely to experience adverse events. These patients Information from medical and dental histories includes
may still be considered for elective dental procedures with past and current medical conditions, prescription medi­
local anesthesia; however, treatment modifications to en­ cations being taken, as well as over-the-counter products,
sure patient safety are frequently necessary. Elective den­ including dietary and herbal supplements. Prudent prac­
tal care is contraindicated for ASA IV patients. tice suggests that the best way to identify potential health
Local anesthesia is stressful for many patients, and a risks from local anesthesia administration is to take a good
common emergency situation associated with the inj ec­ medical history and to follow up positive responses thor­
tion process is syncope. Syncope is a stress-related emer­ oughly (Pickett & Gurenlian, 20 10).
gency (Malamed, 2007); therefore, the assessment process When interviewing patients, it is also important to
should include a determination of psychological tolerance inquire about the use of complementary and alterna­
in addition to physical tolerance. Anxiety and fear can be tive medicine (CAM), defined by the National Institutes
measured using dental fears questionnaires and dental of Health as "a group of diverse medical and health care
anxiety scales (DAS) (Corah, 1969; Humphris, Morrison, systems, practices, and products that are not generally
& Lindsay, 1995 ) . Most health history forms include a considered part of conventional medicine (NIH, 2014)."
question for "previous problems in a dental appointment." (For further explanation, see Box 10-3 •) . Previous expe­
A positive reply on this item indicates the need for a de­ riences with local anesthesia can provide valuable insight
termination of the cause of the event and the role of stress
(Pickett & Gurenlian, 20 10). Treatment modification with
an appropriate stress reduction protocol (SRP) can re­
duce the incidence of psychogenically generated medical

The U.S. N ational Institutes of Health defi ne complementary

and a lternative medicine (CAM) as " a group of d iverse med­
ical and hea lth ca re systems, practices, and products that a re
not genera l ly considered part of conventional medici n e . "
ASA I A normal hea lthy patient " Complementary medici n e " refers t o the u s e of
ASA II A patient with m i l d system i c d isease a non m a i nstream approach togethe r with conventi o n a l
ASA I l l A patient with severe system i c d isease medicine.
" Alternative med icine" refers to the use of CAM in
ASA IV A patient with severe system i c d isease that is a place of conventio n a l medicine.
constant th reat to l ife " I ntegrative medici ne" com b i n es treatments from
ASA V A mori b u n d patient who is n ot expected to conventio n a l medicine and CAM for which there is some
survive without the operation h i g h -q u a l ity evidence of safety a n d effectiveness. It is a lso
ASA VI A declared brain-dead patient whose organs a re ca l l ed integrated medicine. Accord i n g to the NIH, the
being removed for donor p u rposes b o u n d a ries between CAM a n d conventio n a l medicine a re
not absol ute, a n d specific CAM p ra ctices m ay, over time,
Source: " ASA Physic Status Cl a ssification System" from Physical
Status Classifi cation alSystem. (2006)
become widely accepted.
. Copyright © 2007 by Ameri c
Soci ety of Anesthesi o l o gi sts. Used by permi s si o n of Ameri can an : Source: t h/whati s cam. Accessed January :
: S.o � i �t: �: � n.e�t ��s:o� o.g:s:s .(�S.A:
• •

• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •
: .2� 2.0 ;�·

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ill •

regarding potential problems; for example, patients may anesthetic drugs whereas others diminish their actions or
report difficulty getting numb, experiencing rapid heart­ hasten their metabolism; likewise, local anesthetic drugs
beats, or feeling fatigued after inj ections. They may also can alter the actions of concomitant drugs. For example,
report fainting during or after receiving anesthesia or from ester local anesthetics can interfere with the antimicrobial
" shots" in any setting, staying numb for several hours, or activity of sulfonamide antibacterials and epinephrine's ef­
that they always "take a lot of Novocain," among other re­ fects can be potentiated by nonselective beta-blockers.
sponses. It is important to investigate all previous adverse There are many different medical and dental history
reactions and to develop plans to avoid their recurrence. forms available, including multilingual versions of basic
B efore the administration of local anesthetic agents, forms (see Box 1 0-5 •) . Recognizing that there are re­
all current drugs and drug-related products that a patient gional variations in documentation and in approaches to
is taking must be evaluated and recorded. Attention to po­ information gathering, formats that meet clinical expecta­
tential interactions between these drugs and drug-related tions should be selected.
products and the local anesthetics to be administered is im­ An additional tool for assessing patient anxiety and
portant in avoiding adverse reactions (Pickett & Gurenlian, fear is a fears questionnaire. This document can provide
20 10) . B ox 1 0-4 • outlines a suggested patient drug re­ helpful information about levels of dental anxiety and
cord. Drugs that are in a patient's system when local an­ fear. According to Newton and Buck, there are 15 different
esthetics are administered are referred to as concomitant. measures of dental care anxiety (Newton & Buck, 2000). A
These drugs may influence the choice of local anesthetic useful method for measuring anxiety in the dental setting
drugs and the quantities administered because of their in­ has been developed by Corah (Corah, 1969; Humphris,
fluence on the efficacy, metabolism, and/or elimination of Morrison, & Lindsay, 1995) (see Box 10-6 •) .
anesthetic drugs. In other words, some concomitant drugs
potentiate the actions or delay the metabolism of local Clinical Examination
Obj ective information about a patient's physical condi­
tion can be obtained from an evaluation of vital signs
including blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and weight

Docu m e nt the fo l l owing for p rescription m edica tion s:

1 . Drug n a m e : both trade and generic n a m es (such as

Cou m a d i n TM [wa rfa rin])
2. Drug cl assificatio n : intended action of drug group In a u n i q u e p roject, the University of the Pacific School
(such as a nticoa g u l a nt) of Dentistry a n d MetLife Insurance Company have cre­
3. P u rpose for taki n g the drug; this m ay d iffer from its ated a basic hea lth h istory form ava i l a b l e in 40 l a n g uages
cl assification, for exa m p l e, a cardiovascu l a r drug (such (Metlife, 201 4), i n cl u d i n g Ara b i c, C h i n ese, Farsi, German,
as propranolol) that is used to p revent m i g ra i n es H m o n g , J apanese, Portu g u ese, Russian, Spanish, Thai,
4. Prescri bed dose a n d sched u l e , note any deviations Vietn a m ese, a n d m a ny oth ers. These forms a re ava i l a b l e at
from p rescribed and ratio n a l e : . ��� · :n. :� . ;� . �:n. . . �� : · · · ��� . �� ��� �� . �� ·• • •
e en l .c und he " R ur t "t
5. Side effects a n d adverse rea ctions
6. Preca utions o r contra i n d i cations
7 . Drug i nteractions
8. Treatment mod ifications i n d i cated
For n onprescription, over-th e-cou nter drugs, vita m in s,
m in erals, h e rba ls, and CAM, docum ent:
1 . Drug n a m e : both trade and generic n a m es (Advi l ™ Cora h 's Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) is a c l i n i ca l too l for
[i b u p rofen]) measuri n g dental a nxiety i n a d u lts (Cora h , 1 969; H u m p h ris,
2. Drug cl assificatio n : intended action of drug group Morrison, & Lindsay, 1 99 5). Patients were ori g i n a l ly pro­
(such as a n a l gesia) vided with fo u r exa m p l es of dental situations. A fifth situ­
3. Pu rpose for taki n g the d rug, for exa m p l e , m i l d ation, specifica l ly concern i n g l oca l a n esthesia, was l ater
headache added to the tool ( H u m p h ris, Morrison, & Lindsay, 1 99 5).
4. Dose a n d sch e d u l e (if a p p l ica b l e); note when doses ' Patients a re asked to select the response that most closely
exceed l a b e l dose m atches their reaction to one of the hypothetica l situ a­
5. Side effects o r adverse reactions tions. The responses a re a rra nged in order of i n creasing
severity, two being more severe than on e, for exa m p l e .
Updates should include notations reg a rd i n g any concerns • Patients score betwee n 4 a n d 2 0 poi nts, with h i g h e r va l u es
or chan ges since p revious appointments. Refere n ces a re i n d icating h i g h e r anxiety. Scores above 1 5 i n d i cate p h o b i c
ava i l a b l e fo r over-th e-co u nter p roducts a n d a re integrated l eve ls. D A S forms a re ava i l a b l e a t : www.denta lfearcentra l .
: . � • • �� · · · � ; , �� • • • : . �� ��� � . ;� .� ; • • • • • • • • • : . . :�rr:�d.i � /��� t.a �-��� i �t:�s.c � l � �p.d! · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
i to n y e l c ro c d e n a l c ro a s or
• 173

(Wilkins, 20 12). Blood pressure values directly correlate medical conditions can influence the safety of local anesthetic
with specific ASA classifications. Values outside normal drugs. Medical conditions, language barriers, cultural barriers,
ranges should be investigated before administering local mental disabilities, and physical disabilities can all limit an in­
anesthetics. Acceptable safe ranges for the administra­ dividual's ability to provide relevant health-related informa­
tion of local anesthetics are listed in Appendix 10-1 , "ASA tion. Unusual signs and symptoms observed or elicited during
Physical Status classification: Examples of Diseases and patient assessment serve as clues to undiagnosed medical
Conditions." Abnormally slow or fast breathing can be an conditions that may need to be addressed before local an­
indicator of disease, anxiety, or both. Values above 20 and esthesia is administered. Uncontrolled high blood pressure
below 12 are considered to be outside the normal range. (;:o:180/110), for example, contraindicates dental treatment un­
Pulse rates may vary as well depending on general health til medical evaluation and appropriate treatment reduces the
and fitness, anywhere from 60 to 1 0 0 beats per minute risks for myocardial infarction and stroke. Vasoconstrictor
(Wilkins, 20 12). In disease states, pulses may range from doses should be limited when hypertension is suspected. El­
very low to very high. As previously discussed, weight is evated vital signs are sometimes indications of undiagnosed
critical when determining appropriate local anesthetic systemic problems. Frequent thirst and urination may be a
dosing, especially for children (see Chapter 7, "Dose Cal­ sign of undetected and uncontrolled diabetes. Uncontrolled
culations for Local Anesthetic Solutions"). diabetes leads to cardiovascular disease. Although rare in the
General observations of patients can yield clues as to dental office, hyperglycemic crisis can occur and should be
their ability to tolerate local anesthetic procedures. Patients considered an emergency situation. Medical evaluations are
should be rested and well nourished before appointments. indicated for these and many other conditions before receiv­
To reduce risks of hypoglycemia, it is important for patients ing local anesthesia with vasoconstrictors.
with diabetes to have consumed adequate food and have When patients are unable to provide adequate assess­
taken prescribed medications before appointments. ment information, a family member, friend, legal guardian,
or translator must be available. This is necessary not only
Medical Consultation during the assessment process but also when providing in­
In order to optimize safety, consultation with a patient's formation about procedures and when obtaining informed
physician is sometimes needed before local anesthesia. consent for proposed treatment (in the case of a child, a
Medical consultation may be considered when a patient mentally or physically disabled patient, or when there are
has symptoms of undiagnosed disease and/or has not had language barriers ) . See Chapter 1 1 , "Fundamentals for
regular medical exams. It may also be considered when Administration of Local Anesthetic Agents," for further
there are gaps in information provided, when pregnant, or discussion on informed consent.
when other concerns suggest follow-up is necessary. Medi­
cal conditions that suggest a need for consultation include
cardiovascular conditions, recent surgeries, uncontrolled
Systems Review
hypertension, psychological conditions that may influence B efore the administration of local anesthesia, a thorough
oral procedures, compromised liver and/or kidney func­ review of systems is indicated . Appropriate follow-up
tion, immune system compromise, and any concerns re­ questions related to risks for oral care and administra­
garding local anesthesia and/or treatment. tion of local anesthesia are essential (Pickett & Gurenlian,
20 10). This review includes the cardiovascular, respiratory,
U ND IAGNOSE D AND U N D I SCLOS E D M E D I CAL COND IT I ONS nervous, metabolic, and excretory systems.
B oth medical history and dental fears questionnaires are
completed by patients or their representative( s) and provide Cardiovascular System
both obj ective and subj ective information. Unfortunately, The systemic effects of local anesthetic drugs with vaso­
information is limited to details that the patient or his or constrictors include actions on both cardiac and vascular
her representative chooses to or is able to disclose. Ideally, structures. Even if ignoring the adrenergic effects of the
patients will be thorough and truthful about details in drugs, stress from inj ections is likely to increase blood
medical and dental histories. pressure, pulse, and possibly respiration.
When information gained is questionable, a consult This was demonstrated in a study in which blood pres­
with a patient's physician is recommended in order to sures were compared in anesthetized and non-anesthetized
clarify details and, in some cases, to ensure safety during patients undergoing routine restorative procedures. Al­
anesthetic procedures. This is especially true if patients are though blood pressures increased during inj ections in anes­
unable to recall or appear to be withholding important de­ thetized patients the elevated pressures quickly decreased
tails about medical conditions or current medications. An once needles were withdrawn. Blood pressure values for
incomplete understanding of health status can result when patients who received no anesthesia, on the other hand,
there is no history of recent medical care. were elevated throughout their appointments (Gortzak,
Some patients have undiagnosed medical conditions Oosting, Abraham-Inpijn, 1992). Vital signs serve as base­
with no obvious signs or symptoms and for whatever rea­ line values and are used for comparisons should adverse
son do not seek heathcare or lack access to it. Undiagnosed events develop after local anesthetics are administered.
Ill •

Most local anesthetic inj ections through tissue are and/or discomfort (Hersh & Giannakopoulos, 20 1 0 ) .
considered to be noninvasive and do not require antibiotic Significantly, a few patients with undiagnosed vascular
premedication. The treatment planned following local an­ abnormalities in their brains are at risk of suffering cata­
esthesia, on the other hand, may dictate a need for antibi­ strophic strokes. Because it is impossible to identify which
otic prophylaxis. For most procedures, the use of a properly individuals are at risk of suffering catastrophic strokes,
administered local anesthetic to prevent pain and stress is some experts caution to avoid epinephrine in all individu­
beneficial and provides a margin of safety in cardiac dis­ als taking nonselective beta-blockers (Horn & Hansten,
ease. In the absence of profound anesthesia, adrenaline­ 2009) . Although this potential exists, small amounts of
induced tachycardia with increased cardiac workload and epinephrine as commonly used in dentistry are unlikely to
increased oxygen requirements can precipitate coronary be a problem (Horn & Hans ten, 2009) . Further discussion
ischemia and angina pectoris. In some individuals these is presented later in this chapter. Vasoconstrictors should
may progress to cardiac arrest. Stress reduction is impor­ be avoided, if possible, in patients taking digitalis glyco­
tant in order to reduce adverse events during oral proce­ sides (digoxin) for heart failure or other reasons. The com­
dures. Long appointments should be avoided in patients bination can precipitate arrhythmias (Little et a!. , 20 1 3 ) .
with cardiac disease. Individuals with blood pressure below A stress reduction protocol is advisable for individuals
180/1 10 mm Hg can undergo necessary dental procedures with heart failure.
with very little risk of adverse outcomes (Little et a!. , 20 13). Vasoconstrictors should be used with caution and in
Although large doses of epinephrine can result in a signifi­ low concentrations in patients prone to arrhythmia. High
cant rise in blood pressure and heart rate, small doses (1 to 2 doses of vasoconstrictor can precipitate arrhythmia (Little
cartridges of 1 : 100,000) usually have minimal physiologic et a!., 20 1 3 ) . Patients with hemophilia and clotting disor­
impacts. The available evidence strongly suggests that ben­ ders, and patients on blood thinning medications such as
efits outweigh risks when administering modest doses of warfarin, may require modifications to the types of inj ec­
epinephrine to achieve profound pain control. tions, drugs, and doses of local anesthesia they may re­
There is concern about vasoconstrictors when nonse­ ceive. Patients who have experienced recent myocardial
lective beta-blocking agents such as propranolol are taken infarctions or cerebrovascular accidents may need to de­
to control hypertension or prevent migraines. The basis for lay elective dental treatment, including local anesthesia,
the concern relates to the nonselective /3-blocking action for appropriate periods of time (see Appendix 10-1 ) . An
of these drugs that inhibits the skeletal muscle vasodila­ important strategy when assessing risk for adverse events
tion of f3 receptors. Vasoconstrictors administered when during oral procedures and administration of a local anes­
nonselective beta-blockers are in effect have resulted in thetic is to ask the right questions and follow up positive
uncompensated peripheral vasoconstriction because of responses thoroughly (Pickett & Gurenlian, 20 10). Exam­
the unopposed stimulation of a 1 receptors, leading to in­ ples of health history questions that focus on the cardio­
creases in blood pressure and bradycardia, and headaches vascular system are presented in Box 10-7 •·

Do you now h ave, or h ave you ever had or taken, a ny of the fo l l owing?
1 . Artificial heart valves or co n g e n ital heart d isease Yes/N o
2. I nfective endocard itis Yes/N o
3. R h e u m atic fever, rheumatic heart d isease, o r sca rlet fever Yes/N o
4. H e a rt attack, bypass s u rgery, stents, a n g i n a , or other heart problems Yes/N o
5. High blood pressu re o r l ow blood pressu re Yes/N o
6. H e a rt fa i l u re Yes/N o
7 . Stro ke (cerebrovascu l a r accident or tra nsient isch e m i c attack) Yes/N o
8. H e m o p h i l i a or cl otti ng d isorders Yes/N o
9. H e m ato mas fo l l owing l oca l a n esthesia Yes/N o
1 0. Weight loss med ications such as fen-phen Yes/N o
1 1 . Antibiotic premedications before dental treatment Yes/N o
• 175

F U NCT I O NAL CAPA C I T Y Any pathological systemic con­ is increased when the patient is unable to meet a 4 MET
dition that impacts vital sign values poses a medical risk capacity (Fleisher, 2007). Box 10-8 • illustrates various ac­
during procedures. The assessment tool to identify when tivities and corresponding MET levels. To determine if a 4
the risk is greatest is called functional capacity. In 2007, MET capacity is reached, the patient must be able to per­
the American College of Cardiology updated published form activities listed (walk up a hill, run a short distance,
guidelines for risks when treating individuals with a his­ climb stairs, etc.) . For the patient with a history of myocar­
tory of severe cardiac disease during provision of non­ dial infarction or severe angina (pain not resolved upon
cardiac procedures (Fleisher, 2009) . These guidelines are rest) , the medical history review should include questions
intended to be used for planning oral care procedures and to establish the convalescence or recovery following the
are for nonphysician caregivers involved in preoperative, cardiac event (Pickett & Gurenlian, 20 1 0 ) . Recovery is
operative, and postoperative care of individuals who have measured by being able to complete activities in a 4 MET
a history of myocardial infarction or severe cardiovascular capacity (see Box 10-8 •) . Oral procedures and local anes­
disease who need noncardiac procedures (i.e., oral surgery, thesia should be delayed for a patient unable to attain a 4
periodontal procedures, etc.). Surgery-specific cardiac risks MET capacity until further medical testing has been com­
in noncardiac surgery are related to two important factors: pleted to quantify the level of cardiac risk for treatment.
the type of surgery or procedure itself and the degree of Requiring a written medical release when the physician
stress associated with it. Factors that help determine car­ determines oral procedures can be performed is essential.
diac risk include functional capacity, age, comorbid condi­ Noncardiac procedures, such as periodontal debridement,
tions (e.g., diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, are generally safe for individuals with functional capacity
renal dysfunction, chronic pulmonary disease) and the of 4 MET.
type of surgery to be performed. The 2007 guidelines clas­
sified surgical head and neck procedures as an intermedi­ S I C K L E C E L L A N E M I A Patients with sickle cell anemia
ate risk procedure (cardiac risk less than 5% ). Superficial should not receive local anesthesia or any dental treat­
procedures (which would include periodontal debride­ ment during a crisis. Antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary for
ment and most dental hygiene procedures) were classified procedures that may cause bacteremia. A physician con­
as having a low risk (cardiac risk less than 1% ) . Guidelines sult is recommended regarding the patient's cardiac status
include the pretreatment evaluation of functional capac­ because the disease can result in significant myocardial
ity as an important factor to determine cardiac risks in damage. Vasoconstrictors should be limited to situations
oral procedures. Functional capacity is expressed in meta· in which longer, more profound durations are necessary
bolic equivalent of task (MET) levels or simply, metabolic or when specific drugs are indicated that are formulated
equivalents. Baseline MET levels are equivalent to aerobic only with vasoconstrictors. Procedure durations should
demands for various activities. Perioperative cardiac risk be as short as possible and plain drugs are preferred

1 MET = Indivi d u a l can feed onese lf, d ress oneself, use toi l et,
wa l k one b l ock on l evel gro u n d at 2 m p h

4 MET = In d ivi d u a l c a n do l i g ht housework, move furniture, wa l k

u p a flight o f sta i rs without chest pain, wa l k u p a h i l l ,
wa l k on level g ro u n d a t 4 m p h , r u n a short d ista n ce,
p a rtici pate in activities such as dancing, go lf, bowl i n g ,
d o u b les tennis

10 MET = strenuous sports, basketb a l l , down h i l l ski i n g , s i n g l es


Adapted fro m : Fleisher LA et al. ACC/AHA (2007) G u id e l i n es on

Periope rative Cardiovascu l a r Eva l u ation a n d Care for N o n ca rd i a c S u rgery.
: Circ u l ation 1 1 6(1 7): 1 97 1 -96. •

: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
Ill •

whenever possible ( da Fonseca, Oueis, Casamassimo, 2007; health of their nervous system. Local anesthetics are cen­
Michelson, Whitmore, 1967). tral nervous system (CNS) depressants. This depression is
additive to any existing CNS depression. When CNS de­
Respiratory System pression is suspected, careful evaluation before the use of
The systemic effects of local anesthesia on the respiratory a local anesthetic is indicated. For example, when a patient
system are typically minimal. Epinephrine acts on f3 recep­ has taken narcotic drugs before anesthesia administration,
tors of the smooth muscles of the bronchioles to dilate air the local anesthetic can have a more profound effect on
passages. the CNS.
Asthma may be induced by allergy, including sulfite Paresthesia is a potential complication from inj ection
sensitivity (a component of local anesthetic solutions with technique in local anesthesia. If, during the evaluation ,
vasoconstrictors) and physiological and psychological signs and symptoms o f intraoral paresthesia are evident, it
stresses related to local anesthesia administration, all of should be determined whether or not they are the result of
which may decrease a patient's respiratory capacity. Anxi­ previous local anesthetic procedures. If so, it is important
ety in susceptible children typically provokes asthmatic to determine the specific inj ection(s) performed in order
episodes. In adults, anxiety more commonly causes hyper­ to avoid inj ections that follow the same pathway. Exam­
ples of health history questions that focus on the nervous
system are presented in Box 10-10 •·
ventilation or syncope.
Congestive heart failure (CHF) impairs lung function,
particularly in the pulmonary vessels where fluid accumu­
lates (congestion in the lungs). This leads to pulmonary hy­ Metabolic Systems
pertension and compromises both heart and lung function, Patients with compromised liver function may not be able
which may necessitate modifications for dental treatment. to metabolize amide local anesthetic drugs efficiently. Be­
Patients diagnosed with CHF should be asked if a supine cause the liver is the primary source of cholinesterase, es­
position is comfortable. Some may prefer a semi-supine ter metabolism may also be compromised. When serious
position. Symptomatic CHF is an ASA IV risk factor and compromise is suspected, a consultation with a physician
dental treatment is contraindicated. Examples of health is indicated. This will help to determine appropriate limita­
history questions that focus on the respiratory system are
presented in Box 10-9 •·
tions on the type and dose of local anesthetic used. If there
has been extensive liver damage, for example, articaine
(90 % -95 % non-liver metabolism) may be preferable to
Nervous System other drugs. D epending upon the degree of cholinester­
The overall condition of a patient's nervous system has a ase depletion, however, articaine may have less advantage
maj or influence on the process and outcome of local an­ (Pickett & Terezhalmy, 20 10). Shorter appointments with
esthesia. The patient's ability (or inability) to tolerate the fewer milligrams of drug administered are recommended,
stress of local anesthesia is partially influenced by the regardless of the anesthetic selected.

Do you now h ave, or h ave you ever had, any of the fo l lowi ng?
1 . Asthma Yes/N o
2. Em physe m a Yes/N o
3. Tu bercu losis Yes/N o
4. Congestive h e a rt fa i l u re Yes/N o
5. C h ro n i c l u n g d isease Yes/N o
6. Sinus or e a r problems Yes/N o
7 . Persistent or b l oody cough Yes/N o
8. Methemoglobinemia, or episodes of "turn i n g b l u e " after local a n esthesia Yes/N o
9. Sensitivity to su lfite preservatives i n food or i n local a n esth etics Yes/N o
1 0. Episodes of hyperventilation because of a nxiety or p a n i c attacks Yes/N o
• 177

Do you now h ave, or h ave you ever had, any of the fo l lowi ng?
1 . Seizu res Yes/N o
2. Denta l anxiety Yes/N o
3. Diagnosed menta l i l l n ess Yes/N o
4. O bsessive-co m p u lsive disorders Yes/N o
5. Eati ng D isorders Yes/N o
6. Depression Yes/N o
7 . Treatment for chemical dependency Yes/N o
8. C h ro n i c pain Yes/N o
9. H e a d a ches o r m ig ra i n e Yes/N o
1 0. H e a d inju ries Yes/N o

Amide local anesthetics are broken down into inac­ clear ( Herman et a!., 1989; Little e t a!., 20 1 3 ) . Although a
tive metabolites for excretion. In the liver, they compete higher-than-normal secretion rate of epinephrine has been
for metabolic pathways with other drugs. This competition suspected in thyrotoxicosis, studies have suggested that
may result in significant drug interactions that influence the signs and symptoms encountered in hyperthyroidism
the blood levels of the various drugs, as well as their half­ are not secondary to high secretion rates of epinephrine
lives and excretion patterns. ( Herman et a!. , 1989).
Metabolic issues play a key role in treatment planning Epinephrine is absolutely contraindicated in patients
for individuals with diabetics. The most common medical with poorly controlled or uncontrolled hyperthyroidism. It
emergency that occurs in diabetics is hypoglycemia ( Pickett is important to note that it may not be possible to safely
& Gurenlian, 20 1 0 ) . B e cause of the daily schedule for treat these individuals even with non-epinephrine for­
meals and insulin, morning appointments are usually best mulations until their conditions are controlled. The well­
in order to avoid hypoglycemia. Questioning should always managed euthyroid patient, however, requires no special
include a determination of whether or not a meal has been consideration and may receive normal concentrations of
eaten and whether or not insulin has been taken as a pre­ vasoconstrictor ( Little et a!. , 20 13).
caution against hypoglycemic emergency. It is important
H Y POT HYROI D I SM Patients with untreated hypothyroid­
to remind patients to eat and maintain their nutritional
schedule following their appointments as well ( Malamed,
ism can generally receive dental treatment including local
anesthesia. Unless the condition is severe, dental treat­
20 13). This is especially important when epinephrine is be­
ment does not have to be deferred. Even in severe cases,
ing considered in cardiac-compromised, poorly controlled
diabetes ( ASA III & IV ) . B ecause of epinephrine's phar­
the condition usually responds to treatment and patients
are able to tolerate dental treatment once the disease is
macologic effect opposing insulin, blood glucose may in­
crease when epinephrine is used ( Little et a!. , 20 13).
controlled. Reponses to local anesthetics, however, can be
exaggerated because of CNS depression and doses of local
Diabetes predisposes individuals to hypertension. If
drugs should be kept to a minimum even in more mild
cases ( Budenz, 2000).
hypertension, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmia,
or comorbidity is present, caution with epinephrine is indi­
cated ( Little et a!. , 20 13). P H E O C H R O M OCYT O M A Another less common meta­
bolic consideration is pheochromocytoma. This rare tumor
H Y P E RT H YROI D I S M Patients with hyperthyroidism have of the adrenal medulla results in increased secretions of
an increased risk of developing thyrotoxicosis, which can endogenous epinephrine. Hypertension is typical and dys­
result in what is known as thyrotoxic crisis or, more com­ rhythmias are not uncommon. Local anesthetics with epi­
monly, thyroid storm. Epinephrine is known to increase the nephrine are contraindicated. ( Findler et a!. , 1993; Peruse,
risk of this life-threatening medical emergency in poorly Goulet, & Turcotte, 1992) .
controlled thyroid disease. The nature of the relationship Examples of health history questions that focus on
between hyperthyroidism and epinephrine is not entirely metabolic systems are presented in Box 10-1 1 •·
Ill •

Do you now h ave, or h ave you ever had, any of the fo l lowi ng?
1 . Dia betes - Type 1 or Type 2 Yes/N o
2. Liver condition (hepatitis, ci rrhosis, j a u n d ice) Yes/N o

Excretory System a patient has had a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), h e or

The kidneys are the primary excretory organs for local an­ she is classified as having an ASA IV risk (absolute con­
esthetics. Suspected diminished function or kidney failure traindication) for a minimum of 30-180 days post-CVA
should be closely evaluated. As a result of inadequate ex­ (Skaar et al., 20 12). Consultation with the patient's phy­
cretion, local anesthetics and their metabolic by-products sician and a detailed risk assessment are recommended
may accumulate to toxic levels as dosing increases. Exam­ when d etermining when ele ctive dental treatment is
ples of health history questions that focus on the excretory indicated (relative contraindication) .
system are presented in Box 10-12 •· Relevant medical, pharmacological, and psychological
conditions are discussed next. Refer to Appendices 10-3 ,
1 0-4, 10-5 , and 1 0-6 for specific modifications related to
Contra i n d ications to Loca l Anesthesia medical and pharmacological factors.
When patient assessment has determined that standard
Examples of Medical Compromise
local anesthetic procedures are contraindicated, an appro­
priate course of care must be defined. Assessment results Atypical plasma

guide clinicians when determining the extent of the con­ cholinesterase impairs a patient's ability to effectively me­
traindications, which may be classified as either relative or tabolize ester-type local anesthetics in any form, injectable
absolute. or topical. This condition is genetic (autosomal recessive)
Some contraindications are permanent, such as hered­ and has a frequency of approximately 1 in 3,000 patients
itary medical conditions. Others may be temporary, such (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Signs and symptoms of an ester local
as recent cardiovascular events or pregnancies, which typi­ anesthetic overdose are more likely to occur when normal
cally delay, rather than prevent, planned treatment. doses are administered. B ecause this condition is only a
relative contraindication, esters may be administered with
caution; however, the availability of excellent amide sub­
Absolute and Relative Contraindications
stitutes renders the point moot. Unless there is an absolute
Situations in which local anesthetic or vasoconstrictor drugs contraindication to amides or there are no amide inj ect­
may not be administered safely are known as absolute con­ abies or topicals available, it is seldom necessary to use es­
traindications. There are few absolute contraindications to ters in these individuals.
the administration of local anesthetic agents. Relative con­
traindications for local anesthesia procedures are those in M E T H E M OGLOBI N E M IA Methemoglobinemia is a genetic
which local anesthetics may be given with caution. or acquired condition that reduces the oxygen-carrying ca­
There are a number of medical conditions that can pacity of blood. Acquired methemoglobinemia has been
be considered relative or absolute contraindications de­ reported following the administrations of benzocaine
pending upon the degree of compromise. For example, if and prilocaine topical agents and inj ectable prilocaine

Do you now h ave, or h ave you ever had, any of the fo l lowi ng?
1 . Kidney fa i l u re Yes/N o
2. Kidney d i a lysis treatment Yes/N o
3. Kidney transplant proce d u re Yes/N o
• 179

(B arclay & Vega, 2004; S achdeva et a!., 2003 ) . Clinical

anoxia may result from methemoglobin levels above
10% demonstrated by signs of reduced oxygenation and
cyanosis (Knobeloch et a!., 1994; Wilburn-Goo & Lloyd,
1999) (see Box 1 0-13 • and Box 1 0-14 •) . Administering In a ddition to b e nzoca in e a n d priloca in e, th e following
doses that exceed 4 mg/lb or 600 mg absolute maximum drugs m ay induce m eth e m oglobin emia:
of prilocaine has b e e n linked to the development of Aceta m i n ophen; aceta n i l ide; a n i l i n e dyes; c h l o ro­
methemoglobinemia in adults (Knobeloch et a!. , 1994) . qu ine, dapsone; sulfo n a m i d es; naphth a l e ne; n itrates a n d
This risk is increased in patients with known medical condi­ n itrites; n itrofu ranto i n ; n itrog lycerin; n itroprusside; p a m a ­
qu ine; para-a m i nosa l i cy l i c a c i d ; phenaceti n; phenobarbita l ;
tions involving enzyme deficiencies and for patients taking
phenytoi n ; pri m a q u i ne; a n d q u i n i n e .
oxidant drugs such as sulfonamide, anti-malarial, acet­
aminophen, or nitrite-containing medications (Knobeloch Source: "Drug-Induced Methemogl o binemia" from Oraqix®
et a!. , 1994) (see Box 10-15 • and Box 10-16 •) . An FDA , product insert. Copyright © by Dentspl y Pharmaceutical. Used by ,
Advisory, released April 2006, states that ': . . patients with : •p•e :� i � s:o.n .o� �� n.t:p� y• P•h � r�.a �:u � i �a� • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
underlying breathing problems, such as asthma or emphy­
sema, patients with heart disease, and those who smoke
may be more susceptible" (FDA, 2006) .
Prilocaine and benzocaine should be administered
with caution when any predisposing condition is reported
on the health history. For further discussions see Chapter 5,
"Dental Local Anesthetic Drugs," Chapter 8, "Topical An­
esthetics," and Chapter 17, "Local Anesthesia Complica­ Aceta m i n ophen is a widely consumed, over-the-cou nter
tions and Management." drug that is used a l o n e or in com b i n ation with oth er
drugs. It has a known tendency to i n d uce a potentia l ly
l ife-th reate n i n g a n e m i a (meth e m o g l o b i n e m ia) i n a n i m a ls
(American H e a rt Association [AHA], 2007) . Altho u g h not
reported to have been observed i n h u m a ns, l iteratu re
from m a n ufactu rers cauti ons a g a i nst the use of priloca i n e
when a ceta m inophen has b e e n i n g ested (Oraq ix, Dentsply
This condition has been reported with the use of benzo­ P h a rmaceuticals; EMLA Cream and Anesthetic D isc,
ca i n e and pri l oca i n e i n particu l a r. If a patient's serum oxy­ Astra P h a rm a ceutica ls) (Am e rican Academy of Pediatric
gen satu ration is red u ced, a n d other signs a n d sym pto ms Dentistry, 2009) . Because there a re s u ita b l e su bstitutes
of m eth e m o g l o b i n e m i a a re detected, the patient s h o u l d for aceta m i nophen, i n d ividuals may wish to avoid its use
be tra nsported t o a hospita l . If the b l ood m eth e m o g l o b i n before, du r i n g, and after appointments.
con centration exceeds 30%, the patient w i l l need a n i ntra­ In keep ing with princip les of in form ed consent, patients
venous i nfusion of m ethylene b l u e to reverse this poten- , should be warn ed of th ese potentia / risks in order to m a k e ,

: . � � : � �� � ���� �� . (•H•e?���s. � . . :� · . ?�:) ·

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Liver or Kidney Dysfunction
Significant liver or kidney dysfunction in category ASA
III is a relative contraindication for local anesthesia. Ester
and amide local anesthetics can be used for these patients
I n itial: with caution. Articaine, particularly, in significant liver dis­
S l i g ht g reyish color (cya nosis) of the skin, buccal m u cous ease, may have an advantage over other drugs because it
m e m b ra n es, l i ps, a n d nail beds is packaged in dental cartridges (unlike the esters) and
Severe: largely avoids liver metabolic pathways when used for oral
Centra l cya nosis H eadache inj ections (unlike the other amides) . See the Chapter 5
section on articaine (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
CNS depression Leth argy
Dizzi n ess Seizures Cardiovascular Disease and Hyperthyroidism
Dyspnea Shock Patients in category ASA III with cardiovascular disease
Dysrhyt h m i a Syncope and controlled hyperthyroidism may present as relative
Fatig u e contraindications for high doses of vasoconstrictors. Vaso­
constrictors may be used in these individuals but at very
Source: "Si g ns Symptoms o Methemogl o binemia" from
, Oraqix® productandinsert. Copyrightf © by Dentspl y Pharmaceutical. , low doses (no more than 0.04 mg of epinephrine or 0.2 mg
: Used by permi s si o n o f Dentspl y Pharmaceutical. of levonordefrin per appointment) or plain anesthetics
..... .............. ......... .........•
. . . without vasoconstrictors may be selected .
Ill •

Individuals with a history of a recent CVA, TIA, or

RIND are at significant risk for recurrence. Following cere­
brovascular events, risk remains elevated for a period of at
least 6 months. A 20 1 0 evaluation to determine whether
"invasive dental treatment transiently increases the risk for
I n the past there was a preca ution to avoid a l l treatment vascular events" found that "the rate of vascular events sig­
with i n 6 months of a n Ml (an absol ute contra i n d ication). nificantly increased in the first 4 weeks after invasive den­
Recent l iteratu re, however, suggests that 1 month is an tal treatment," (Minassian et a!. , 20 10). Risk of recurrence
evidence-based absol ute contra i n d i cation (Fleisher, 2007, continues to remain somewhat elevated after the expira­
Little et a l . , 201 3) . Consu ltati on with the patient' s physici a n tion of the initial 6-month period and is estimated to be
a n d a deta i l e d r i s k assessment t o ensure 4 M ET l evel of 14 % , 12 months after the initial stroke (Little et a!., 20 13).
functi o n a l capacity a re reco m m ended in m a ki n g such a Little et a!. recommend that elective dental treatment
: determination for elective dental care. •

be deferred during the initial 6-month period after which,

:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
if a patient is deemed to be stable, invasive dental treat­
ment is indicated with caution (Little et al., 20 13).
Myocardial Infarction Similar to post MI recommendations, evidence is
Individuals with a history of myocardial infarction (heart at­ mounting that waiting periods for elective dental treat­
tack) within a very recent past (one month) may be at high ment following CVAs may be reduced. Skaar et a!. suggest
risk for reinfarction and dental treatment should be delayed, that waiting periods of 30 -180 days post-CVA may not in­
if possible. During the first month following MI an increased crease the risk of subsequent strokes (Skaar et al. , 20 12).
risk for reinfarction, arrhythmia, and heart failure exists (Little Additionally, serious doubts have been raised that dental­
et al. , 20 13). The ACC/AHA guidelines to determine risks related bacteremias are risk factors for subsequent strokes
in noncardiac procedures suggests if a patient cannot climb (Skaar et al. , 20 12). Consultation with a patient's physician
a flight of stairs without chest pain or shortness of breath, an and a detailed risk assessment are recommended in mak­
increased risk exists and a consultation with the physician ing such a determination for elective dental care.
should be completed before dental procedures are attempted. Vasoconstrictors should be avoided if possible but
This 4 MET risk stratification applies to other conditions, may be administered if comfortable treatment requires
such as angina pectoris. However if angina is relieved by rest­ their use. Epinephrine's use is a relative contraindication
ing for 5 to 15 minutes, the cardiac risk may be intermediate in these individuals and when administered, cardiac dose
(Little et al., 20 13). When questioning reveals angina occurs maximums should be observed. Short, mid-morning ap­
at rest or during sleep this has a high risk and is placed in an pointments are recommended (Little et al. , 20 13).
ASA IV category; no dental procedures should be attempted.
Local anesthesia (and treatment) should be postponed until Hypertension
medical evaluation determines that the individual's risk has High blood pressure increases the risk of medical complica­
returned to acceptable levels. When treatment does occur tions following the administration of local anesthesia. Many
stress reduction and pain control are important during the patients are unaware that they have hypertension or are un­
procedures (see Box 10-17 •) ( Little et al., 2013). aware of its consequences to their overall health. If a patient is
not medically managed and their hypertension is uncontrolled
Cerebrovascular Events (:::: 180/110 mm Hg), elective treatment should be deferred un­
At least three significant events occur because of ce­ til control has been established. The decision to perform elec­
rebral ischemia and infarction that impact the use of tive dental treatment when significant hypertension exists
vasoconstrictors. must be based on several factors including consultation with
the patient's physician, physiological status including past
C E R E B ROVASCU LAR ACCI D E NT A stroke or cerebrovascu­ medical and dental history, and psychological status.
lar accident (CVA) is caused by a rapid loss of brain func­ A reasonable course of action can be found in the
tion due to a disruption of the blood supply that results in recommendations of Little, Falace, Miller, and Rhodus
permanent impairment due to blockage or rupture of an (Little et a l . , 20 1 3 ) . For p atients with ASA II b l o o d
artery to the brain. pressure values, there is no contraindication for dental
treatment; however, patients are encouraged to see a phy­
A transient ischemic at­
sician. When blood pressure values are at described ASA
tack (TIA) that lasts only minutes to 24 hours has the
III levels, recommended dental treatment may be initiated.
same underlying causes and symptoms as a stroke; how­
Intraoperative monitoring of blood pressure for upper
ever, the symptoms resolve within a day despite the fact
levels should be considered and patients are referred to
that brain inj ury may have occurred. TIAs are frequently
physicians promptly (within 1 month). For blood pressure
referred to as mini-strokes.
values :::: 1 80/1 10, all elective treatment should be deferred
R E V E R SI B L E I SC H E M I C N E U ROLOGIC D E FICIT A reversible and patients should be referred to a physician as soon as
ischemic neurologic deficit (RIND) refers to an infarct possible, or immediately, if symptomatic. For a summary of
that lasts from 24 to 72 hours, differentiating it from a TIA. these guidelines see Table 10-1 • and Appendix 10-1.
• 181

Table 1 0-1 Guidelines for local Anesthesia M anagement in H ypertension

Blood Pressure Values Treatment and Referral Actions

> 120/80 but < 1601100 No contraindications for treatment, suggest medical referral

160/100 Treatment may be initiated with monitoring, prompt medical referral

� 180/1 10 Defer treatment, immediate medical referral

Source: Little et a!., 2013.

Considerations for Premedication containing vasoconstrictors. If patients report any sensi­

AHA GU I D E LI N E S According to the most recent American tivity to bisulfites, vasoconstrictors should not be used. In
Heart Association guidelines (2007 ) , very few individu­ these patients, 3% mepivacaine is a suggested alternative.
als require antibiotic prophylaxis before dental treatment Some patients report an allergy to epinephrine. Because
compared with previous recommendations. In the current synthetic (exogenous) epinephrine is identical to endogenous
guidelines there are no indications for antibiotic prophylaxis epinephrine, true allergies are highly unlikely. If they have
(AP) before receiving a local anesthetic injection in order to occurred, they are probably related to the hydrochloride
prevent infective endocarditis (IE). Individuals with artificial or bitartrate component introduced during manufacturing.
heart valves, a heart transplant in which valve disease devel­ Reactions to the administration of epinephrine instead are
oped, unrepaired congenital heart disease, and those with a typically classified as nonallergic adverse drug events (ADR),
previous history of IE should be considered for antibiotic such as heart palpitations, tachycardia, hypertension, anxiety,
prophylaxis before some oral procedures (ADA, 2007). and general agitation. Vasoconstrictors should be avoided.

AAOS GU I D E LINES A joint committee of the American As­ Pregnancy

sociation of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Ameri­ Healthy pregnant patients are classified as health status ASA
can D ental Association (ADA) released evidence-based II (see Appendix 10-1) . Pregnancy poses a temporary and
guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis for individuals with relative contraindication to local anesthetics that may require
prosthetic joints in December of 20 12. The full guideline can treatment modifications. Clinical judgment should be exer­
be accessed at the AAOS website, cised before local anesthesia administration that includes the
and provides guidance when treating patients with prosthetic results of medical consultation. During the first trimester, the
joints, including for local anesthesia. The need for premedica­ embryo is at greatest risk of injury from exposure to medica­
tion will be directed by the comprehensive treatment plan. tions. The second trimester is considered to be the safest pe­
riod for both the fetus and the mother. Toward the end of the
Allergies third trimester, some mothers may have difficulty metaboliz­
Allergies to specific local anesthetic drugs or to bisulfite ing drugs. For specific information on the safe selection of lo­
preservatives are absolute contraindications to their use. cal anesthetics during pregnancy, clinicians should consult the
When considering alternative local anesthetic selections, Food and Drug Administration list of Pregnancy Categories
a clear knowledge of the specific allergen is necessary. If for local anesthetic agents (see Chapter 5, Table 5-4) .
a patient has a documented allergy to an ester, an amide
may be substituted. If a patient is allergic to any esters, all Dementia-Related Diseases
esters must be avoided. If there is an allergy to one amide, Dementia-related diseases such as Alzheimer's are con­
other amides may be used, but only after appropriate al­ sidered to be conditions of medical compromise; however,
lergy testing to confirm their safety. concerns for the use of local anesthetic agents are not of
These conditions apply regardless of whether or not a medical origin. According to Eldor in a 200 1 post to the
these drugs are injected or topically applied. If a patient is al­ CSEN Regional Anesthesia Newsletter, "Patients with
lergic to esters, topical products containing esters may not be middle to later stage dementia are not good candidates for
used but amides such as lidocaine and prilocaine can be used. local or regional anesthesia because they have difficulty
All local anesthetics drugs with vasoconstrictors con­ cooperating, understanding directions and keeping still."
tain bisulfite preservatives. These agents are also used Patients presenting with symptoms of dementia should
as preservatives in foods and drinks (such as lettuce in be evaluated to determine the safety and appropriateness
salad bars and most wines). When there is a documented of local anesthesia. If patients are unable to provide ad­
allergy to bisulfites, all drugs containing vasoconstric­ equate assessment information or there is any question as
tors are absolutely contraindicated. Bisulfite sensitivity is to the patient's ability to provide informed consent, a legal
more common in patients with asthma. Asthmatics should guardian must be available. Some patients with symptoms
be questioned specifically about their tolerance to bisul­ of dementia may tolerate short procedures with local an­
fites in food products before the use of local anesthetics esthesia whereas others may require an oral sedative in
Ill •

addition to a local anesthetic. Consultation with the pa­

tient's physician is recommended when oral sedatives are
being considered. Extensive oral procedures may require
hospitalization under general anesthesia.
N o nselective
Examples of Pharmacological Compromise Levo b u n o l o l (Betaga n®)
Many prescribed drugs and other substances can affect M etipra n o l o l (Opti Pra n o l o l®)
the pharmacology of local anesthetics. Local anesthetics, N ad o l o l (Corga rd®)
in turn, can alter the actions and metabolism of a num­ Propra n o l o l (lndera l®, l n deral LA®, l n n o Pran XL®)
ber of medications and other substances. Some effects are
Sota l o l (Beta pace®, Sarin e®)
relatively mild when typical doses of local anesthetics are
administered, such as the slightly increased toxicity of lido­ T i m o l o l (Beti mo l®, B l ocadren®, lsta lol®, Timoptic®)
caine when it is given on top of cimetidine, which competes Card ioselective
with lidocaine for sites of metabolism (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Acebuto l o l (Sectra l®)
Others can be dramatic and potentially life-threatening, Ate n o l o l (Tenormin®)
such as those that can occur when vasoconstrictors are ad­ B etaxo l o l (Kerlone®, B etoptic®)
ministered to an individual who is on methamphetamines.
B isopro l o l (Zebeta®)
When these compromises are present, they are re­
ferred to as interactions or considerations. A more exten­ Esm o l o l (Brevib l o c®)
sive list may be found in Appendix 10-5. N e b ivo l o l (Systo l ic®)
: ��t��:o.l � l .( :�p.r� s.s ��®; ;�� r� l: ::®: · . .............•
Beta-Blockers •

Individuals taking nonselective beta-blocking agents for

hypertension or other conditions such as migraines should In addition to these risks, propranolol may interfere
be given epinephrine with caution. Epinephrine may in­ with lidocaine metabolism. This represents an additional
crease blood pressure through inhibition of the vasodila­ relative contraindication for lidocaine use with proprano­
tory action of epinephrine through blocking {3-2 receptors lol. With the availability of excellent substitutes, it is easy
(Little et al. , 20 13). to avoid concurrent lidocaine and propranolol administra­
When local anesthetic drugs containing vasoconstrictors tion. Examples of commonly prescribed beta-blockers can
are administered in the presence of these drugs, there can be be found in Box 10-18 •·
an increased risk of a serious hypertensive episode along with
reflexive bradycardia because of their unopposed a-adren­ " S treet Drugs"
ergic stimulation. Clinical experience has demonstrated that Although this discussion is not inclusive of all street drugs,
when low concentrations of epinephrine are used, untoward two of great concern with the use of local anesthetic and
events are very unlikely; however, serious reactions may occur vasoconstrictor drugs, cocaine and methamphetamines, will
and actually have occurred despite the very low risk for any be highlighted. Methamphetamines and cocaine have sym­
particular individual. Most to nearly all patients on nonselec­ pathomimetic effects and can interact with vasoconstrictors
tive beta-blockers following epinephrine administration expe­ in local anesthetics. A local anesthetic with epinephrine
rience either no reaction or minor discomfort or headaches. can have an additive effect with methamphetamine and co­
Importantly, a very few patients, with undiagnosed vascular caine resulting in tachycardia, myocardial infarction, stroke,
abnormalities in their brains are at risk of suffering strokes. and hypertension (Pickett & Terezhalmy, 20 10). When drug
The caution to avoid epinephrine in all individuals taking abuse is suspected, patients should be asked about recent
nonselective beta-blockers has been characterized as "pru­ substances consumed and should be required to sign a
dent" because it is impossible to identify which individuals statement indicating that drugs have not been used within
are at risk of suffering strokes (Horn & Hansten, 2009). Horn the previous 24 hours (Pickett & Terezhalmy, 20 10) . Ratio­
and Hansten have identified three significant issues involv­ nale and guidelines are provided here in order to enhance
ing epinephrine and patients taking nonselective {3-blockers: safety when patients are users of the following drugs:
1) the potential stroke risk for a very few individuals, 2) the
greater likelihood of experiencing anaphylaxis (beta-blockers COCA I N E As an ester, cocaine is quickly biodegraded.
increase the frequency of anaphylaxis), and 3) the decreased Peak blood levels of cocaine are typically reached within 30
effectiveness of epinephrine in the management of anaphy­ minutes of consumption and are dissipated within 2 hours
laxis (epinephrine is often ineffective for anaphylaxis rever­ because of cocaine's rapid cholinesterase metabolism (Lit­
sal in patients on beta-blockers) (Horn & Hansten, 2009) . tle et al., 20 13). Unlike most local anesthetic drugs, cocaine
Goddet and colleagues describe {3-blocker use as potentially is a potent vasoconstrictor and exhibits significant indirect­
"life-threatening" during anaphylactic episodes (Goddet et acting adrenergic stimulating effects. Vasoconstrictors in
al., 2006). There is evidence that anaphylactic risks extend to combination with cocaine significantly increase the risk of
cardioselective {3-blockers, as well (Horn & Hansten, 2009). hypertensive crisis, stroke, and myocardial infarction.
• 183

As an anesthetic drug, cocaine is a CNS depressant. The anesthetics with vasoconstrictors for a minimum of 24 hours
addition of another local anesthetic such as lidocaine can in­ after methamphetamine use. Resistance to local anesthesia
crease any existing CNS depression due to cocaine overdose. may increase with concomitant methamphetamines.
Although cocaine is rapidly metabolized, it is recom­ For a summary of restrictions to these and other con­
mended that vasoconstrictors be avoided for a minimum comitant drugs of concern see Appendix 10-6.
of 24 hours after cocaine use and patients be monitored for
local anesthetic drug overdose ( Malamed, 20 13). Examples of Psychological Compromise
Any clinical decision regarding when to treat an indi­ Anxiety and fear can produce both psychological and physi­
vidual who has consumed cocaine should take into account ological changes in the body that can affect the ability to ad­
the reliability of the information the patient is providing. minister local anesthesia and the effectiveness of the local
In discussing the need for accuracy regarding the time of anesthetic ( Bourassa & Baylard, 1994; Gutmann et al., 1997;
the most recent use of cocaine, it is important to empha­ Newton et al., 2006; Peretz & Mann, 2000; Simon et al., 1994).
size the potential catastrophic nature of the consequences Stress reduction protocols may be used for anxious pa­
of providing false information. tients and can be effective at preventing psychogenically
generated adverse events during treatment ( see Appendix
M E T H A M P H E TA M I N E S B oth methamphetamine and 1 0-2) . Achieving and maintaining good pain control will
epinephrine are potent vasoconstrictors. In combination, reduce stress. Specific strategies for the management of the
they significantly increase the risk of hypertensive crisis, psychological factors of anxiety and fear can be found in
stroke, and myocardial infarction. Do not administer local Chapter 18.

Carlos Martinez
S e v e r a l fa c t o rs s u g g e st c a u t i o n w h e n t r e a t i n g a rticaine is ava i l a b l e in a m uch more d i l uted concentra­
M r. M a rtinez. These i n c l u d e sel ecti o n o f a loca l a n es­ tion of epinephrine, which wi l l l i m it the effects on blood
thetic drug, the use of a vasoconstrictor, and observed sugar elevation.
m axi m u m dose per appointment. When there a re m u l ­ Epinephrine and levonordefrin a re re lative ly contra­
t i p l e re l ative contra i n d i cations t o the u s e o f a d r u g , it ind icated in this patient beca use of the potential for se­
may be considered an absol ute contra i n d i cation o r, in rious hypertensive episodes and refl exive bradyca rd ia
some instances, a strong re l ative contra i n d icatio n . in the presence of Corgard; therefore , low conce ntra­
Ach ievi n g a d e q u ate l e v e l s a n d d u ra t i o n of p a i n tions a re i n d icated ( 1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h rine). Priloca i n e
control is i m p o rtant i n determ i n i n g t h e n e e d fo r va­ a n d benzoca i n e a re re l ative contra i n d ications as we l l ,
soconstrictors. Using at least m i n i m a l vo l u m es of loca l beca use o f t h e fa m i ly h isto ry o f m eth e m o g l o b i n e m i a
a nesthetic d rugs fo r effective n e rve b l ock a n d i nfi ltra­ a n d M r. M a rtin ez's s m o k i n g h a b it. Alth o u g h t h e i r use
tion a n esthesia is a lso i m p o rtant. is not absol ute ly contra i n d icated, both prilocaine a n d
Drug d oses and a p p o i ntme nts s h o u l d be l i m ited benzoca i n e a re easily avoided . Exce l lent su bstitutions
for M r. M a rtinez in order to avoid vasoconstrictor inter­ a re read i l y ava i l a b l e a n d include l idoca i n e topica l and
actions a n d local a n esthetic d ru g toxicity. Some drugs 2% lidocaine with 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine, 4% a rtica i n e
wi l l have l ess effect on a reas of compro m ise, whereas with 1 :200,000 epinephrine, and 3% mepivacaine p l a i n .
others wi l l have greater effects. This does not mean that O f these three, none is ideal but a l l w i l l w o r k wel l with
only those with the least effect may be used, but it does cauti o n . Arti caine with 1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h ri n e , fo r ex­
means that th ose with g reatest effect s h o u l d be used a m p l e , is s u perior from the sta n d po i nt of l i m iting he­
ca utious ly. For exa m p l e , 2% l i d o c a i n e with 1 : 1 00,000 patic i nteracti o n (co m p a red with both l i d o c a i n e and
epinephrine is not as safe as 4% articaine with 1 :200,000 m e pivaca i n e ) , e l evati o n s i n b l oo d s u g a r (co m p a red
e p i n e p h r i n e fo r this patient. In lower d oses a n d with with l i doca i n e o n ly), a n d i nteracti o n s with the n o nse­
s h o rter appoi ntments, h owever, it is perfectly accept­ lective beta-blocker, n a d o l o l (co m p a red with l idoca i n e
a b l e . O n ly 5% to 1 0% of a rticaine is metabol ized in the o n ly) . Li d o ca i n e h a s m o re e p i n e p h r i n e a n d h e p atic
l iver, whereas l idoca i n e is entirely meta b o l ized in the pathways of m eta b o l is m a n d can be used as long as
l iver. Alth o u g h a rtica i n e provides a somewhat g reater q u a ntities are l i m ited . Mepivacaine plain has no interac­
margin of safety when considering sign ificant l iver dam­ tions with beta-blockers or b l ood sugar levels but has a
age, lidocaine is safe to use, particula rly in the vol u m es slower meta b o l i c pathway thro u g h the l iver compared
used in de ntistry. Appointments s h o u l d be l i m ited re­ with lidocaine. Because of its shorter d u rations and the
gard l ess of the drug in order to l i m it the tota l doses of lack of epinephrine, it is genera l ly the least effective in
local a n esthetic a n d vasoco nstrictor d r u g s . Alth o u g h i nfi ltratio n p roce d u res at provi d i n g profo u n d a nesthe­
there is twice t h e d r u g a m o u nt i n a rticai n e cartri dges, sia compared with l idocaine and a rticaine.
Ill •

O n o c ca s i o n , w h e n l o n g d u ra t i o n s a re n e ce s ­ S i g n ifi cant l iver d a m a g e from hepatitis C, which is

sa ry, 0 . 5 % b u p ivaca i n e with 1 : 200, 000 e p i n e p h ri n e a c h ro n i c d isease, w o u l d s u g g est caution w h e n u s i n g
m a y a lso be used . It p rovides a vasoco nstrictor c h a l ­ l o c a l a n esthetic d ru g s m eta b o l ized i n t h e l iver. Liver
l e n g e i d e ntica l t o a rtica i n e 's ( 1 : 200,000 e p i n e p h ri n e) d a m a g e of this nature can i n crease the toxicity of lo­
a n d l ess cha l l e n g e to the l ive r's d etoxificatio n syste m ca l a n esthetics by p ro l o n g i n g their biodegra d ati o n .
co m p a red with l i d o c a i n e a n d m e p ivaca i n e , because S m o k i n g is a m i l d contra i n d ication t o ce rta i n d rugs
of the d e c re a s e d q u a n t i ty of d r u g (0 . 5 % s o l u t i o n that may impair oxyg e n ation, such as prilocaine, ben­
com p a red with 2% a n d 3% sol utions). zoca i n e , a n d aceta m i n o p h e n . The ha bit i n creases the
Patie nts with d i a betes a re best treated i n s h o rt risk and worse ns t h e p r o g n osis fo r p e r i o d o n ta l a n d
m o r n i n g a p p o i n t m e nts w h e n b l o o d s u g a r l eve l s a re cardiovascu l a r d isease. I f M r. M a rtinez i s w i l l i n g , smok­
m o re l i kely to be sta b l e . If i n s u l i n is used, M r. M a rtinez i n g cessation prog ra ms s h o u l d be reco m m e n d e d .
s h o u l d b e asked if h e has eaten b rea kfast to avo i d I n s u l i n - resistant, n o n re s p o n sive d i a betes p l a ces
hypog lyce m i a . M r. M a rt i n ez at r i s k of exp e ri e n c i n g e p i n e p h r i n e ­
Case Discussion: M r. M a rt i n ez prese nts with sev­ e l evated b l o o d s u g a r l eve l s . E p i n e p h r i n e u s e s h o u l d
e r a l c h a l l e n g e s w h e n c o n s i d e r i n g d e n t a l treatm e nt, be m i n i m ized .
b u t treat m e n t is i n d icated to e l i m i n ate d isease a n d C o rg a rd , o r n a d o l o l , i s a n o n s e l e ct i v e b e t a ­
i m p rove h i s o r a l h e a l t h , e s p e ci a l l y a s it contrib utes b l o c k e r. W h e n v a s o c o n st r i ct o rs a re a d m i n i s t e r e d
to d i a betes contro l . The l i n ks between d i a b etes a n d c o n c o m itantly, s p i kes i n b l o o d p ressu re a n d w h a t is
p e r i o d o n t a l d isease h ave b e e n c l e a r l y esta b l i s h e d . known as refl exive b radycard i a ca n res u lt. I n l i g ht of
P e r i o d o n t a l treat m e n t m a y h e l p i m p rove d i a betes p rev i o u s p reca u t i o n s a l ready d iscussed with t h e use
contro l . An i m p rove m e nt i n p e r i o d o nta l h e a lth a n d of vasoconstrictors, t h ey s h o u l d be used only i n low
e l i m i n ation o f dental d isease a re necessa ry for h i m to c o n ce n trat i o n s a n d low d os e s a n d m o n it o r i n g of
achieve o pti m a l ora l health. blood press u re is advise d .
B l o o d p ress u re va l u es l ess t h a n 1 60/1 00 d o n ot F i n a l ly, t h i s c a s e i l l ustrates t h a t p roce d u r a l m o d i ­
p re s e n t c o n t ra i n d i c a t i o n s to t re a t m e n t . B e c a u s e f i c a t i o n s (s h o rt a p p o i n t m e nts w i t h m o re l i m it e d
M r. M a rtinez i s a l ready being treated for hypertension, treat m e n t a reas p e r a p p o i n t m e nt) c a n b e as i m p o r­
there is no need for referra l , which wou l d be suggested t a n t a s t h e s e l e ct i o n of d r u g s w h e n p l a n n i n g safe
if medical management were not cu rrent. treat m e n t .

.�.h. c:t. P.t.E! �. 9.l1.E! ��.i.�.� � ........................................... . 4. Which one of the following drugs is an absolute
contraindication for patients with poorly controlled
1. The delivery of local anesthesia requires both medical or uncontrolled hyperthyroidism?
and technical skills. Which one of the following is not one a. Lidocaine
of the six elements of the ASA Medical Components of b. Bupivacaine
Care associated with regional anesthesia? c. Epinephrine
a. Pre-anesthetic evaluation of the patient d. Felypressin
b. Comprehensive tooth charting
5. Your patient has identified or you suspect that your
c. Remain present during the course of the anesthesia
patient has used methamphetamines approximately
d. Providing indicated post-anesthesia care
20 hours ago. Which of the following would be the
2. The ASA ( American Society of Anesthesiologists ) most appropriate action when considering the use of
Physical Status Classification System categorizes local anesthetics?
patients based on their overall health. Classification a. Continue with procedures, as it has been more than
P3 describes which one of the following? 12 hours since the use.
a. Normal Healthy Patient b. Restrict the dose of vasoconstrictors to 20 % of
b. Severe Systemic Disease standard dose.
c. Moribund Patient c. Consider postponing care for a full 24 hours.
d. Severe Systemic Disease ( constant threat to life ) d. Use only bupivacaine as the local anesthetic agent.
3. Which of the following is not considered a main 6. For which one of the following medical conditions is
tool for patient assessment when planning for local it unnecessary to obtain a medical consultation from
anesthesia? the patient's physician before dental treatment?
a. The medical/dental questionnaire a. Significant liver disease
b. The clinical examination b. Myocardial infarction within 3 weeks
c. Drug MRDs c. Kidney dialysis patients
d. Medical consultation d. Organ transplant patients
• 185

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ASA Physical Status Classification: Examples
of Diseases and Cond itions

(ASA Classifications may also be noted as P1 -P6)

Classification H ealth Status

ASA I ADA - Normal and healthy patient

Healthy: • Well balanced whole body health, physiological systems not compromised, main
organs healthy

Lifestyle Conditions: • Nonsmoker, minimal to nondrinker

Treatment Guidelines

• Routine dental treatment

• Recheck blood pressure in 6 months
• Implement Stress Reduction Protocol if patient is anxious

ASA II Mild systemic disease or condition (well-controlled)

Healthy with: • Allergies, Pregnancy, Age 60+ years

Psychological: • D ental anxiety

Cardiovascular • High blood pressure (140-- 1 59 mm Hg systolic 90--9 4 mm Hg diastolic)

Respiratory System: • Asthma

• Short-term upper respiratory tract infection ( cold)

Nervous System: • Epilepsy, seizure disorders

Metabolic System: • Diabetes - type 2 ( non-insulin dependent )

• Hyperthyroid or hypothyroid disorders

Lifestyle Conditions: • More than minimal drinker

• Recheck BP during three consecutive appointments

• Advise patient to monitor blood pressure at home or at the pharmacy
• Medical consult recommended if three consecutive blood measurements are in this range
• D ental treatment with careful patient observation - measure BP after local anesthesia administration
• Implement SRP as needed

Ill •

Classification H ealth Status

ASA III Severe systemic disease or condition (uncontrolled)

Unhealthy: • Significant limits to activity but not incapacitated

Cardiovascular: • History of myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular accident, transient ischemic

attacks more than 6 months before the dental appointment with no residual signs
and symptoms
• Congestive heart failure - orthopnea and ankle edema
• Angina pectoris ( stable )
• High blood pressure (160-199 mm Hg systolic and/or 95-1 14 mm Hg diastolic)

Respiratory: • Emphysema, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

• Asthma- exercise induced

Nervous System: • Epilepsy (less well-controlled )

Metabolic System: • Diabetes - type 1 ( insulin dependent, well-controlled)

• Hyperthyroid or hypothyroid (patient is symptomatic )

Lifestyle Conditions: • Smoker w/one or more of above, > minimal drinker

• Recheck in five minutes

• Medical consult before dental treatment if blood pressure still elevated
• Implement SRP as needed

ASA IV Severe systemic disease or condition that is a constant threat to life uncontrolled

Cardiovascular: • Heart attack ( myocardial infarction ) less than 6 months before the dental
• Brain attack ( stroke ) within the past 6 months
• Severe heart failure or COPD ( requiring 02 supplementation or confinement in
a wheelchair)
• Angina pectoris - unstable
• High blood pressure - greater than 200 mm Hg systolic or 1 15 mm Hg diastolic

Respiratory: • Severe COPD ( requiring 02 supplementation or confinement in a wheelchair)

Nervous System: • Epilepsy - uncontrolled

Metabolic: • Diabetes - type 1 ( uncontrolled, hx of hospitalization )

• Recheck in five minutes

• Medical consult before dental treatment if blood pressure still elevated
• Implement SRP as needed

ASA V Moribund patient not expected to survive without an operation terminal systemic diseases or conditions

Moribund: • All end-stage diseases

• Recheck in five minutes

• Medical checkup immediately
• D o Not deliver dental treatment until BP corrected
• Consider arranging transportation for the patient

ASA VI Clinically dead patients being maintained for harvesting of organs

Adapted from: AS A ( American Society of Anesthesiologists) Physical Status Classification System, 2006,,
and Malamed S. F.: Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, 6th edition, 2007. pp. 50-53.
S R P : Stress Reduction Protocols for Anxious

ASA Classification Strategies for Stress Reduction

ASA I Communication: Establish trust, using empathy and effective communication skills
Healthy w/Anxiety Recognize the patient's level of anxiety
D etermine the cause of the patient's anxiety

Anxiety Reduction: Premedicate the evening before the dental appointment, as

Premedicate immediately before the dental appointment, as

Scheduling: Schedule the appointment early in the day (patient will be well
rested and will not worry all day about the appointment )
Minimize the patient's waiting time
Short appointments

Suggestions to Patient: Try to avoid additional stress by getting enough sleep, eating a
well-balanced meal before the appointment, and allowing
enough travel time to get to the appointment

Anxiety and Pain Control Consider sedation during therapy ( nitrous oxide )
during the Appointment: Administer adequate pain control during therapy
Obtain frequent feedback, giving the patient a sense of control and

Postoperative Care: • Follow up with postoperative pain and anxiety control

• Telephone the highly anxious or fearful patient later that same
day that treatment was delivered

ASA II, ASA III Apply strategies for ASA 1 patient

Medical Compromise with the following additional procedures:

Pre-Appointment • Recognize the patient's level of medical risk

Procedures: • Complete medical consultation, as needed

Procedures during the • Monitor and record preoperative and postoperative vital signs

Scheduling: • Arrange the appointment for the highly anxious or fearful,

moderate-to-high risk patient during the first few days of
the week when the office is open for emergency care and the
treating doctor is available.

"Chapters 2 and 18 provide additional stress reduction strategies.

M odifications to Local Anesthesia for Co m m on
M edical Conditi ons

Local Anesthetic Vasoconstrictor

Condition Considerations Considerations M odifications

Diabetes None of Significance Epinephrine opposes the action Use epinephrine with caution when
of insulin there is significant cardiovascular
Minute amounts used in dentistry disease and/or uncontrolled
do not raise blood levels diabetes.

Glaucoma None of Significance Vasoconstrictors cause increased Avoid vasoconstrictors

ocular pressure

Hypertension None of Significance Vasoconstrictors can increase Clinical j udgment and medical consult
the risk of hypertensive advised
episodes however the lack Note : Uncontrolled hypertensives either
of profound anesthesia can should not be treated or treated with
increase levels of endogenous caution, depending upon severity
epinephrine Controversial See Table 10-lASA Physical Status
topic Classification Blood Pressure
Guidelines for Adults

Hyperthyroidism None of Significance Hyperthyroidism appears to When there is obvious evidence of

A - Controlled increase tissue sensitivity to hyperthyroidism avoid epinephrine

Hyperthyroidism None of Significance Risk of seriously increased tissue Avoid all treatment until condition is
B - Uncontrolled sensitivity to epinephrine under control

Hypothyroidism Generally Safe Generally Safe Hypothyroid patients tend to be

A - Controlled sensitive to CNS depressants
Local anesthetic doses should be kept
to a minimum

Hypothyroidism Generally Safe Generally Safe Hypothyroid patients tend to be

B - Poorly Controlled sensitive to CNS depressants
with mild symptoms Caution with LA drug dosing.
Hypothermia, bradycardia, severe
hypotension and seizures are possible.

Hypothyroidism Avoid all treatment until condition is under control

C- Severe or Untreated

Myasthenia Gravis Esters and articaine None of Significance Avoid esters and articaine
compete for
supplies of acetyl

M edical Pred ispositions That M ay Require
M odifications

Local Anesthetic Vasoconstrictor

Condition Considerations Considerations M odifications

Significant Hepatic Amides are primarily Cholinesterase is primarily Caution with use of amides
Disease metabolized in the manufactured in the liver Articaine is the preferred amide but
liver although there are extra-hepatic appointments should be shorter with
sources reduced dosages administered
If other amides are used, limit even

Atypical Amides are not None of Significance Avoid esters & articaine
Cholinesterase affected

Significant Renal All drugs cleared All drugs cleared more slowly, Medical consult advised
Dysfunction more slowly, with with increased risk of overdose Limitdoses of all drugs depending
increased risk of upon severity

Methemoglobinemia Increased risk with None of Significance Substitute other amides for prilocaine
prilocaine and and other topicals for benzocaine
benzocaine Avoid prilocaine or benzocaine when
excessive doses of acetaminophen are

Malignant local anesthetic None of Significance Medical consult is recommended

Hyperthermia agents safe for MH When treating these patients follow the
patients: articaine MHAUS' guidelines
bupivacaine lidocaine

'MHAUS: Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States

M odifications to Local Anesthesia
for Co m m on Conco m itant Drug Therapy

Examples: Proprieta ry Loca l Anesthetic Vasoconstrictor
(gene ric) Considerations Considerations M odifications

Anticonvulsants Anxiety reduction requires None of Significance Avoid higher doses of local
Klonopin ( clonazepam) effective local anesthesia. anesthetic drugs
Dilantin (phenytoin) Sensitive to CNS depressants
D epakote (valproic acid)
Topamax ( topirama te)

Antipsychotics Increased sensitivity to CNS None of Significance Avoid higher doses of local
Zyprexa ( olanzapine) depressants anesthetic drugs
Seroquel ( quetiapine)
Risperdal ( risperidone)

Antidepressants None of Significance Increases risk of Limit doses of epinephrine

Tricyclic hypertensive episode by (observe cardiac dose
Elavil (amitriptyline) opposing the reuptake of limits)
Tofranil (imipramine) norepinephrine Avoid levonordefrin

Antidepressants None of Significance Oppose the reuptake of Suggest caution

Serotonin/Norepinephrine norepinephrine
Reuptake Inhibitor
Effexor ( venlafaxine)
Savella (milnacipran)

Antidepressants None of Significance Increases release of Suggest caution

Central A /pha-2 Antagonist norepinephrine
Remeron (mirtazapine)

Antidepressants None of Significance Oppose the reuptake of Suggest caution

Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor norepinephrine
Wellbutrin (Bupropion)
Zyban (Bupropion)

Antidepressants None of Significance Oppose the reuptake of Suggest caution

Other norepinephrine
Cym balta ( duloxetine)

Anxiolytics CNS depressant effect of None of Significance Limit dosages

Valium (diazepam) local anesthetics may be

Glucocorticoids Stress associated with local Stress associated with local Consider supplemental stress
Nasonex (mometasone) anesthesia is considered anesthesia is considered reduction such as nitrous
Entocort (budesonide) to be low to be low oxide or IV sedation
Advair (fluticasone)
Aristocort (triamcinolone)

• 193

M ed ications
Examples: Proprieta ry Local Anesthetic Vasoconstrictor
(generic) Considerations Considerations M odifications

,8-blockers With propranolol, minimal Increased risk of Unless vasoconstriction is

Nonselective doses of lidocaine are hypertensive episode and necessary, limit or avoid
Inderal (propranolol ) recommended reflexive bradycardia vasoconstrictors
Corgard (nadolol ) and in a few individuals,
Blocadren (timolol ) strokes

Histamine Hz Receptor Tagamet competes with None of Significance Use caution with large doses
Blockers lidocaine for liver of lidocaine particularly in
Tagamet ( cimetidine ) Zantac isoenzymes the presence of significant
(ranitidine ) Slows lidocaine metabolism congestive heart failure
increasing the risk of
Zantac and others do not
have this effect

Monoamine Oxidase None of Significance None of Significance None

Nardi! (phenelzine ) Parnate
(tranylcypromine )
Marplan (isocarboxazid )

Phenothiazines None of Significance Hypotension, possibly severe, Observe cardiac limit of

antipsychotic/antiemetic/ is the primary effect of vasoconstrictors (0.04 mg ) .
neuroleptics epinephrine with these Do not use 1:50,000
Thorazine (chlorpromazine ) drugs epinephrine
Mellaril ( thioridazine )

Limited examples are provided in each category; numerous drugs may be included in these categories. Current drug indexes should be consulted for the
most up-to-date information.
I lleg al (" Recreational") Drug U se*

Local Anesthetic Vasoconstrictor

D rug Considerations Considerations M odifications

Methamphetamine None of Significance Administration of Do not administer

vasoconstrictors may result local anesthetics with
in hypertensive crisis, stroke, vasoconstrictors for a
or myocardial infarction minimum of 24 hours after
methamphetamine use

Cocaine Cocaine is a strong CNS Administration of Do not administer

depressant; local anesthetics vasoconstrictors significantly local anesthetics with
compound CNS depression increases the risk of vasoconstrictors for a
and administration should be hypertensive crisis, stroke, or minimum of 24 hours after
avoided myocardial infarction cocaine use

Alcohol May decrease the None of Significance Use caution to avoid

effectiveness of local overdose

'If a patient is under the influence of a drug or alcohol, any informed consent taken may be invalid as the patient may not be
"competent" to give consent. For all drugs not on this list, it is prudent to consult a drug index before administering all local
anesthetic drugs.

• 195

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Glick, M., & Pinto, A. D. ( 2002 ) . Management of patients with Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
thyroid disease, oral health considerations. Journal of the Tetzlaff, J. E. ( 2000 ) . Pharmacology of local anesthetics
American Dental Association, 133(7), 849-858. ( pp. 177-178 ) . Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Hansten, P. D., & Horn, J. R. ( 2009 ) . Drug interactions: The Wynn, R. L. ( 1992 ) . Antidepressant medications. General
dangers of beta-blockers and epinephrine. Pharmacy Dentistry, 40 ( 3 ) , 192-197. [PubMed 1386827 ]
Times. Retrieved July 29, 2013, from http://www. Yagiela, J. A. ( 1999 ) . Adverse drug interactions in dental practice: Interactions associated with vasoconstrictors. Part V of a series.
DruginteractionsBetaBlockers-0509 Journal of the American Dental Association, 130( 5 ) , 701-709.

• Defi n e a n d d iscuss the key terms in this cha pte r. aspiration test 203
cu m u l ative tra u m a
• I d entify a n d d i scuss the g e n e ra l p ri n c i p l es a n d e l e m ents of
d isorders 207
i nformed consent. de position site 1 98
• I d e ntify and d i scuss key factors that i m pact the su ccessfu l de­ fa lse neg ative
l ivery of l oca l a n esth etic agents. aspirations 204
fie l d block 1 97
• I d e ntify and d i scuss stress and a nxiety factors that i m pact
i nformed consent 1 99
both patie nts a n d c l i n i ci a n s d u ri n g the d e l ivery of l oca l a n es­
i nfi ltration 1 97
thetic i njections.
need l e pathway 1 98
• D iscuss the i m pact of c l i n i ci a n/patient com m u n ications neg ative aspiration 204
before, d u ri n g , a n d after the d e l ivery of l oca l a n esth etic n e rve b l ock 1 98
i njections. penetratio n site 1 98
positive aspirati o n 204
• D ifferenti ate between the th ree basic types of i njections.
s u p p o rtive
• List, d escri be, a n d a p p l y the basic ste ps i nvolved i n the d e l iv­ com m u n i cation 200
ery of l oca l a n esthetic i njections. s u praperiosteal 1 97
• l d ntify, d e m o n strate, a n d a p p l y the g e n e ra l p ri n c i p l es of er­
d u ri n g the Jl e l i ve rj of l oca l a n esth etic i njecti ons.

• 197

I nject i on Term i n ology

CAS E S TUDY There a r e three basic types of intraoral inj e ctions fre ­
quently u s e d in dentistry: local infiltrations, field blocks,
Hector Melendez
and nerve blocks (Evers & Haegerstam, 198 1 ; Lipp, 1993 ;
H e ctor M e l e n d ez, a 45-year- o l d , re l ated that d u r­ Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Infiltration and field block inj ections
i n g h i s m ost re c e n t d e nta l visit, t h e " s h ots t o o k are among the simplest and safest local anesthesia tech­
what s e e m e d l i ke seco n d s a n d t h ey h u rt . " H e h a d niques to learn. They are relatively easy to execute, have
been i n structed to r a i s e h i s h a n d if h e " n e e d e d a a high rate of success, and have wide margins of safety.
bre a k " a n d he h a d d o n e so after the p a i n beca m e A simple comparison of these techniques is illustrated in
i ntense b u t w a s t o l d that i t w a s a l m ost ove r. Figure 1 1-1 •·
Alth o u g h the a ct u a l treatment h a d been co m ­
forta b l e , h e h a d d e c i d e d to try o u t a n ew offi ce Infiltration Injections
and asked if t h e re w e re a way to h ave h is d e nta l
Infiltration inj ections involve the deposition of local an­
treatment acco m p l ished with out novoca i n e .
esthetic drug directly at or near small terminal nerve end­
ings in the immediate area of treatment as illustrated in
Figure 1 1-1A.
I ntrod uction
Basic skills necessary for safe and comfortable delivery of Field Block Injections
local anesthetic inj ections will be discussed in this chap­ Field block inj ections involve deposition of anesthetic
ter. In addition to technical and procedural skills, informed drugs near larger terminal nerve branches near or a small
consent, ergonomic awareness, and patient and clinician distance from the site of the inj ection and areas of treat­
perspectives will be discussed. ment as illustrated in Figure 1 1-1B. They are indicated
Few will argue that inj ections represent one of the when procedures are confined to one or two teeth and
most, if not the most stressful, aspect of dental appoint­ are commonly referred to as infiltrations and by some as
ments (Dionne et al. , 1998; Rizzolati et al., 1996). In order supraperiosteal inj ections.
to reduce stress and provide both safe and comfortable Some suggest that the terms infiltration and field block
environments for inj ections, the development of specific are entirely distinct and that local infiltrations anesthetize
strategies and clinical skills is necessary. Local anesthetic soft tissue only. The difficulty in making clear distinctions
procedures should take into account the need for success­ between the definitions of infiltration inj ections versus
ful pain control when all components of the process have field block inj ections is confounded by the nearly uni­
been considered. Box 1 1-1 • provides a historical perspec­ versal use of the term infiltration in the dental literature
tive on the history of inj ection techniques in dentistry.

Despite advances i n armamentari u m a n d drugs, the fu n­

d a m e ntals of local a n esth esia, i n c l u d i n g re levant a n atomy
and basic i njection tech n i q u es, have not changed sign ifi­
cantly over the past centu ry. When comparing tech n i q u es
developed i n the early 1 800s to i nstru ctio n a l m ateri als pub­
l ished m o re than 60 yea rs ago a n d to those in circu lation
today, close s i m i l a rities can be observed.
Many scientists, including a n u m be r of de nta l expe rts,
h ave p l ayed key ro les in the advancement of local a n es­
thesia. Their contributions inc lude i m p rovem ents in both
the practice and science of dental local a n esthesia. M o re
recent pioneers h ave developed i m p roved del ivery opti ons
a n d tech n i q u e gu idel i n es. In the 1 940s, for exa m p l e , with
the lead of D r. H a rvey Cook, Cook-Wa ite La boratories pub­
l ished the " M a n u a l of Local Anesthesia. " FIGURE 11-1 Types of Inj ections Defined. A- Infiltrations
William Ha lsted, an early pioneer, developed nerve block involve deposition directly at or near small terminal nerve end­
anesthesia techn iques, including the inferior a lveolar nerve
ings in the immediate area of treatment. B - Field block inj ec­
block. Additional techniques have been introduced in the
twentieth centu ry, including the Gow-Gates (1 973), Vazirani­ tions involve depositions near larger terminal nerve branches.
Akinosi (1 977), P-ASA, and AMSA nerve blocks ( Friedman & C - Nerve block inj ections involve depositions near maj or nerve

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• • • • IIi trunks at a greater distance from the area of treatment, which
provide wider areas of anesthesia.
Ill •

to describe two other procedures that routinely provide

pulpal anesthesia. Although specific modifiers are usually
added to these infiltration techniques, mandibular infiltra­
tions and b uccal infiltrations with articaine, they are not
described in the literature as either field or nerve block in­
The g reater the d ista nce need l es trave l from penetration
j ections, yet both provide pulpal anesthesia (Kanaa et al. , to deposition site, the g reater the potentia l fo r deviation
2006; Kanaa et al. , 2009; Robertson, 2007) . For further of the need l e tip. For exa m p le, the d ista n ce from the site
discussion of infiltration versus field block inj ections, see of penetration to the deposition site in most i nfi ltrations is
Box 1 1 -2 •: Discussion of Infiltration versus Field B lock usu a l ly o n ly a few m i l l i meters, whereas the penetration site
Inj ections. for a nerve b l ock i njection may be as m u ch as 1 6-27 m m
or more fro m its deposition site. C l ose atte ntion t o proper
Nerve Block Injections •
l a n d m a rks a n d m a i nta i n i n g appropriate ba rrel a n g l es d u r- •

i n g i njections w i l l red uce these deviations.

Nerve block inj ections are generally characterized as de­
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

positions near primary nerve trunks at greater distances

from the areas of treatment, which provide wider areas
of anesthesia. These inj ections are identified by the nerve deposition site. The penetration site is the specific location
branches they anesthetize; for example, the inferior alveo­ where a needle first enters the mucosa. Locating this site
lar nerve block will anesthetize the inferior alveolar nerve for each technique requires inspection of the oral cavity
as illustrated in Figure 1 1-1C. and visual identification of key landmarks. Needle path­
In dentistry, field block and nerve block inj ections are way refers to the route a needle travels as it advances to a
administered most frequently to provide pulpal as well as target site. Box 1 1-3 •, "Needle Pathway Considerations,"
soft tissue anesthesia. Box 1 1-2 discusses common usage provides a discussion of the impact of penetration depths
of the terms infiltration and nerve block injection. on the pathway.
Key terms relevant to the basic inj ection steps for local The deposition site may be defined as the anatomical
anesthesia include penetration site, needle pathway, and location at which a drug is deposited. Establishing these
locations for each technique requires an understanding of
head and neck anatomy (see Box 1 1-3) .
With all inj ection types, i t is necessary to consider
each step in the process before delivery, similar to a pilot's
"pre-flight" check. Proper functioning of the plane and its
equipment helps ensure the safety of the flight. Ten basic
Alth o u g h the terms infiltra tion, field block, or n erve b lock
steps for the administration of local anesthesia are dis­
apply to a l l loca l a n esth etic tech n i q u es in this cha pter,
com m o n usage describes de nta l loca l a n esth etic injections cussed in "Basic Inj ection Guidelines." These pre-injection
as either nerve b l ocks or i nfi ltrations. When used i n this checks are intended to ensure proper functioning of arma­
m a n n e r, the term n erve block genera l ly refers to injections mentarium, appropriate drug selection, optimal access, and
that i nvolve deposition of a n esth etic sol utions near major ultimately safe inj ections.
tru n ks of nerves, usu a l ly at a sign ificant d ista nce from the A summary of key elements for each basic inj ec­
treatment a rea, a n d to i njections that p rovide a n esthesia tion discussed in the following chapters is provided in
to m u ltiple teeth a n d/or other tissues via a single deposi­ Appendices 12-1 , 1 3-1 , and 14-1. Target structures, nee­
tion site reg a rd l ess of the d ista n ce to the nerve. The term dle gauges, penetration sites, inj ection angles, depths of
infiltration is genera l ly used to describe oth er i njections insertion, and suggested drug doses are available for quick
reg a rd l ess of whether they a n esthetize soft, h a rd, or p u l p a l reference. Suggested drug volumes are provided for both
tissue, a n d there is occasion a l ly overlap i n the u s a g e o f t h e
soft tissue and pulpal anesthesia.
These term i n o l ogy variations can create confusion.
Discussions in the peer-reviewed l iteratu re at times add
to this confusion . For exa m p le, seve ral p rom in ent i nvesti­
Basic I njection G u idel i nes
gators and authors h ave reported that the use of a m a n ­ Successful development o f strategies and skills necessary for
d i b u l a r tech n i q u e ( m a n dib u lar or b u cca/ infiltration with the administration of local anesthetics involves following a
artica in e) m ay provide p u l p a l a n esth esia of m a n d i b u l a r framework of fundamental steps (Evers & Haegerstam, 1981;
m o l a rs (Haase e t a l . , 2008; Ka n a a e t a l . , 2006; Ka naa e t a l . , Lipp, 1993 ; Malamed, 20 13; Robinson, Ford, & McDonald,
2009; M a l amed, 201 3; Robertson e t a l . , 2007) . The reported 2000). A sequence of basic steps that incorporates various
success of these infiltra tion s i n p rovi d i n g p u l p a l a n esth esia schools of thought will be discussed in this section.
for m a n d i b u l a r m o l a rs has been demonstrated i n a n u m b e r
o f c l i n i ca l stud ies (Haase e t a l . , 2008; Ka naa e t a l . , 2006; Steps in the Administration of Local Anesthesia
Ka n a a et a l . , 2009; Robertson et a l . , 2007). All of these
i nvestigators and authors describe the tech n i q u e as an Ten basic steps serve as standard operating procedures

i nfiltratio n . (SOPs) for monitoring safe inj ection technique, patient
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • comfort, documentation, and follow-up. These ten steps
• 199

are individually discussed in the following section and

summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.


p atient evaluation determines individual local anes­
thetic needs based on the factors discussed in Chapter 10,
"Patient Assessment for Local Anesthesia." After consid­
eration of all precautions, contraindications, and necessary
modifications, appropriate inj ection techniques and anes­
thetic drugs are selected.

ST E P 2 : I NFOR M E D CONSE NT D iscussions with p atients

to obtain informed consent should include the nature
of and n e e d for any intended treatment and spe cific
discussions regarding the use of local anesthesia, when
anticipated (American Cancer S ociety, 2012; Malamed, FIGURE 11-2 Syringe Cartridge View. Keep the large window
20 1 3 ; University of Washington [UW] School of Medi­ in full view to accurately monitor the outcome of aspiration
cine, 2008) . This discussion should include an explana­ tests, delivery rate, and the dose of drug deposited.
tion that local anesthesia involves the delivery of an
inj ection ("shot") that results in the temporary numbing
of an area from the effects of the local anesthetic drug.
Patients must be advised of the specific risks associated armamentarium and confirmation of the proper function of
with the delivery of inj ectable local anesthetic drugs. See local anesthetic delivery devices are required. The cartridge
Box 1 1-4 • for a summary of the elements of informed is properly loaded when the harpoon is fully engaged into
consent and some specific risks. the rubber stopper. This will allow the piston to be retracted
when performing aspiration tests. The cartridge should re­
main fully visible throughout the injection in order to recon­
the delivery of an inj ection, assembly of the appropriate
firm that the correct drug has been loaded into the syringe,
to confirm the results of aspiration tests, and to monitor the
drug dose and rate at which it is delivered (see Figure 1 1-2 •) .
Window orientation d o e s n o t apply when using plastic
syringes with clear barrels.
Once the syringe has been properly loaded, the needle
is attached and the bevel orientation is checked (if bevel
orientation adjustment is appropriate for the particular in­
Obta i n i n g informed consent req u i res com m u n i cation j ection) . To adjust the bevel, recap and rotate the needle
before p rocee d i n g with any treatment.
in the desired direction until the bevel is properly aligned
This com m u n i cation shou l d : (see Box 1 1-5 •) .
1 . Be d iscussed in a l a n g u a g e patients ca n u n dersta n d
2. Provide patients with opportun ities t o a s k q u estions
3. Exp l a i n the p rocedu res that have been recommended
a n d exp l a i n the need for each
4. Cla rify the risks a n d rewa rds of the reco m m e nded
treatment, i n c l u d i n g the risks of fa i l i n g to treat
5. Provide accepta b l e a lternatives to the recommended
Patients s h o u l d u n d e rsta nd that the topical p l acement Alth o u g h s o m e c l i n i cians consider i t u n i mportant, oth ers
a n d i njecti on of local a n esthetic agents i n d uce temporary b e l i eve that the needle bevel s h o u l d be oriented towa rd
n u m b n ess of specific a reas of the mouth a n d , although bone when bony l a n d m a rks may be e n cou ntered d u r-
rarely encou ntered, there a re sign ificant risks associated i n g i njection . Orienting the bevel of the need l e towa rd
with their use . These risks may inc lude but a re not l i m ited bone lessens the l i ke l i h ood of d isco mfort a n d tra u m a to
to swe l l i ng, bruising, te m porary m uscle tighte n i n g , pro­ the perioste u m when or if bone is contacted . In the event
longed te mpora ry or permanent ti n g l i n g or n u m b n ess, of i n advertent contact, need l es ten d to g l a n ce off bone
local ized pain and soren ess, a l lerg i c and overdose reac­ rath er than pierce perioste u m when beve ls a re oriented to
tions, a n d short-term raci n g of the heart. face the bone . Withd rawi ng need l es from tissue i n order to
reposition them is not recom mended, because it can res u lt
i n u n necessary tissue tra u m a . Bevel orientation does not
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The final step in armamentarium prep aration is to of inj ections are enhanced by maintaining positive, sup­
confirm that all safety controls are in place. These controls portive communication as a central focus. Providing reas­
must include appropriate personal protective equipment surance and gaining trust can allay anxiety and fears. As
(PPE) for both clinician and patient, and must focus spe­ discussed in Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of Pain Manage­
cial attention on the safe handling of needles. It is the clini­ ment," the PREP strategy and steps (Prepare, Rehearse,
cian's responsibility to comply with all Centers for Disease Empower, and Praise), along with a debriefing session, can
Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety further build trust and reassurance. To review these steps,
and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines for dental see Chapter 2, Box 2-2, "PREP to Minimize Patient Anxi­
healthcare providers related to the handling of needles and ety and Fear."
other sharps. This is required in order to assure not only It is helpful to establish strategies for patients to safely
clinician safety but the safety of patients and co-workers. communicate their anxiety levels or discomfort during in­
Appropriate procedures and devices for recapping nee­ jections. This protects both patients and clinicians from sur­
dles must be available and functioning properly. S e e prise movements while at the same time allows patients to
Appendices 9-1 and 9-2 for C D C guidelines. Needle re­ have a sense of control. As discussed in Chapter 2, patients
capping will be discussed in Step 9 - Completion of Inj ec­ may raise a hand when they are unable to cope or need to
tion, and various techniques are shown in Appendix 9-4, pause from procedures. It is important to designate which
"Needle Recapping." hand a patient may raise to avoid interference with inj ec­
tions. For the highly anxious patient, planning to take a mo­
ST E P 4 : P R E - I NJ E CT I O N P R E PARAT I ON Ideally, a patient's
ment to pause during the procedure can give them time to
head should be positioned for the clinician's direct vision
regain control and allow them to proceed.
of the penetration site. Placing a patient in a position in
In most cases, keeping syringes out of sight is a valu­
which the head is at the same level as the heart is recom­
able patient stress reduction strategy. Impulses stimulated
mended. This position is preferred over one in which the
from the image of the syringe travel to the brain and can
head is lower than the heart out of concern that respiration
trigger a number of possible responses, including unantici­
might be compromised when managing medical emergen­
pated anxiety, withdrawal, and autonomic recoil. For anx­
cies in dental settings (Malamed, 2007 ) . Attention to the
ious or fearful patients, the " show-tell-do" strategy can be
principles of proper ergonomics should be applied for all
valuable when preparing them for what is actually going to
inj ections. Further discussion of proper ergonomics is pre­
happen (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Getz, 1995).
sented at the end of this chapter (see Box 1 1-8) .
Once specific inj ections have been determined, es­
S U P P O RT I V E C O M M U N I CAT I O N A N D P R E P Supportive tablish effective soft tissue retraction (see Figure 1 1-3 •) .
communication begins during the pre-inj e ction period. Palpating the areas adj acent t o the penetration site (see
Efforts to reduce stress from the beginning to the end Figure 1 1-4 •) will identify anatomical variations that are

(A) (B)
FIGURE 11-3 Pre-insertion Soft Tissue Retraction. A - The first step of a safe inj ection is to establish a firm but gentle grasp of the
soft tissue. B - Then fully retract the lip for vision and control during the injection.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

(A) (B)
FIGURE 11-4 Injection Step: View & P alpate. A-Once stable retraction has been accomplished, establish a clear view of the selected pen­
etration site by positioning the patient ergonomically. B-Gently palpate the site for any anomalies that could interfere with the injection.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

(A) (B)
F I G U R E 11-5Injection P enetration Site Retraction. A-The use of gauze aids in the control of "slippery " tissues to remove gross
debris from the site and to dry the penetration site before placing topical anesthetic. B-Retraction can also be established with a
mouth mirror or metal retractor.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

not readily visible. Anatomical variations can interfere with gauze will reduce dilution and inadvertent spread of
with basic inj ection techniques and may require adj ust­ topical agents, and improve its uptake into the mucosal
ment. To proceed, reestablish retraction. This will provide tissue. It also serves as a debridement step by removing
clear visibility of the penetration site (see Figure 1 1-5 •) gross and microscopic debris from the site. Using a cot­
and allow the clinician to view the needle throughout the ton-tipped or manufacturer-supplied applicator, apply a
inj ection as demonstrated in Figure 1 1-6 •· small amount of an appropriate topical anesthetic agent
at the site of penetration (see Figure 1 1-7 •). Consult
S T E P 5: P R E PA R E I N JE CTI O N S I T E With adequate soft tis­ the manufacturer's directions for the appropriate onset
sue retraction established, gently dry the mucosa with time. Most agents will reach peak effectiveness in about
gauze before the placement of topical . D rying tissue 1 minute.

(A) (B)
F I G U R E 11-6 Soft Tissue Retraction during Injections. A - Retraction is provided manually. B - Retraction is provided by a retrac­
tion device.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

(A) (B)
F I G U R E 11-7Injection Step: Rehearse & Topical. A-Begin by visualizing the angle of the injection and rehearse the approach
with a cotton swab. B-Maintaining this angle, place topical anesthetic at the penetration site.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

Pre-inj ection preparation time can also be viewed as a retraction established, gently pull the mucosa "taut" (see
"rehearsal" time for an inj ection (see Figure 8-7 •). This is Figure 1 1-9 •), which will ease penetration of the needle
an ideal time for clinicians to mentally review the injection and then establish a point of stability for syringes. Avoid
technique and reevaluate the patient for any factors that using the patient's body for stability. Establishing syringe
may require adjustments to planned techniques. stability on patient's shoulders or chests increases the risk
Before proceeding with inj ections, test penetration sites of trauma if the patient moves unexpectedly. The most
for effective onset of topical anesthesia (Figure 1 1-8 •). stable position for a syringe is a "palm up" grasp. Stabil­
The tip of a cotton swab, periodontal probe, or other in­ ity can be increased with the index finger extended onto
strument works well for testing topical effectiveness. If a the barrel for support (see Figure 1 1-10 •, Box 1 1-6 •,
patient expresses that a site is not numb, allow more time and Appendix 1 1-2) . In order to accurately evaluate the
for the topical to be effective. This step may reduce patient outcome of aspiration tests and to monitor the amount of
anxiety surrounding initial needle penetration. drug delivered, the large window of the syringe should re­
main visible throughout the procedure.
ST E P 6: I N I T I AT E I N JE C T I O N Maintain supportive com­ Once clear vision and a stable fulcrum have been es­
munication with patients while keeping syringes out of tablished, penetrate the mucosa to a depth of 1-2 mm (ap­
the p atient 's view as much as possible. With adequate proximately the length of the bevel) with the bevel oriented

FIGURE 11-10 Injection Technique: Initial Approach. Key

elements of a safe injection: A-Stable retraction; B-"P alm-up"
grasp; C-Thumb positioned for effective aspiration; D ­
Confirm cartridge drug color ID; E-Clear vision of large
window and rubber stopper (showing "1/2 cartridge").

F I G U R E 11-8 Testing for Effective Topical Anesthesia.

Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.
STEP 7: ASPI RAT I O N One of the two most important safety
toward bone (see Figure 1 1-11 •). A few drops of solution steps in the delivery of local anesthetic agents is the aspira­
are usually deposited as needles are advanced because tion test (slow delivery is the other) . This test reduces the
even gentle contact with the thumb on the front inner sur­ risk of inadvertent deposition of a drug directly into the
face of the thumb ring will cause a few drops of anesthetic bloodstream.
to be deposited ahead of the needle. Note that this does Once the needle is advanced to the appropriate depo­
not require visibly advancing the stopper and no separate sition site for a specific injection, and before depositing so­
action is required other than to proceed slowly. The total lution, perform an aspiration test by applying gentle, brief
volume administered in this manner should be less than 0.2 back pressure on the upper inside surface of the thumb
mL (the volume displaced by 1 stopper length). ring. This action changes the pressure inside the cartridge
Slowly advance the needle to the desired depth and from positive to negative (see Figure 1 1- 1 3 •). If the
angle for delivery at the deposition site (see Figure 1 1-12 •). needle has entered a vessel, blood will be drawn into the
Throughout the inj ection, observe and communicate with cartridge, referred to as a "positive aspiration." Do not
the patient, monitoring for signs of discomfort, distress, and
adverse reactions.

Safe d e l ivery of i nj e ctions req u i res c l i n i ci a n s to h ave c o n ­

sta nt control of the syri n g e . A s w i t h oth e r de nta l i nstru­
m e ntati o n , this can be accomp l is h e d with we l l -p l aced,
extra-ora l fi n g e r fu l cru ms. Those with s m a l l hands may not
be able to a c h i eve sta b l e fu l c r u m s using o n ly the fi n g e rs on
the hand that is h o l d i n g the syri n g e . W h e n this is the case,
a vari ety of m ethods may be used, some of w h i ch i n c l u d e
two-h a nded fu l c r u m s . Oth e rs d o not use fu l c r u m s at a l l
b u t nevert h e l ess a l low fo r stability d u r i n g i njecti o n s . For
exa mp l e, sta b i l ity can be a c h i eved t h ro u g h a rm-to-body, re­
tract i o n fi n g e r-to-ba rre l , seco n d a ry fi n g e r-to-fi n g e r, e l b ow­
sta b i l ized- o n - l e g , a n d m a ny oth e r m ethods, each of w h i c h
may be as u n i q u e as the c l i n i c i a n . T h e g o a l of sta b i l ity is t o
m a i nta i n b o t h consta nt contro l of the syri n g e a n d a position
that supp orts m uscu l oskeleta l h e a lth . App e n d ix 1 1 -2 s h ows
F I G U R E 11-9 Establish Retraction. Retract and gently pull the
a n u m b e r of usefu l strateg i es fo r creati n g sta b i l ity d u r i n g •
mucosa "taut." � a
: �� � ��� : : � : !� : ��� •
s he i n c i
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons. . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

A negative aspiration, one in which no blood is drawn

into the cartridge, requires no corrective action. A clinician
may continue with the inj ection and deposit the indicated
volume of drug.
D espite performing this step correctly, it is still pos­
sible to have false negative aspirations at times. This can
occur when a bevel is in contact with a vessel wall. Dur­
ing an aspiration test, negative pressure can retract the
vessel wall into the lumen of the needle blocking the flow
of blood through the needle into the cartridge. To check
for false negative responses, rotate the syringe slightly; this
will reposition bevels away from vessel walls. This step is
encouraged for all injections in which there are greater
risks of positive aspiration.
Addition ally, improper assembly of syringes can
lead to false negative aspirations. Figure 1 1-14 • shows
a problem when harpoons are not seated in stoppers.
This occurred when the previous cartridge was n o t
properly removed a n d t h e stoppers are n o w stacked i n
t h e barrel.
FIGURE 11-11 Initiate P enetration. P enetration is made slowly ,
A positive aspiration in which blood is visible in the
at the height of the mucobuccal fold. Deliver a few drops of anes­
cartridge requires an immediate response (see Figure ll-
thetic solution after penetration and ahead of needle pathway.
15A, Figure ll-15B, and Figure ll-15C •). If the aspira­
tion test results in a small trickle or "worm like" thread
under any circumstances deposit drug in the specific loca­ of blood into the cartridge and does not obstruct clear
tion of a positive aspiration. vision of a subsequent aspiration, the needle can be re­
Responding to the outcomes of aspiration tests is a positioned slightly and aspiration can be repeated. After
primary safety factor for local anesthetic inj ections. Fail­ a second test that is negative, the clinician may continue
ure to aspirate or appropriately respond can result in toxic with the inj ection and deposit the drug. If the aspiration
overdose or injury. test results in a burst of blood, creating a " cloudy and

(A) (B)
F I G U R E 11-12P enetration Site: Correct/Incorrect. A - CORRECT: angle and height of penetration at the mucobuccal fold. B ­
INCORRECT: the angle i s somewhat steep and the height of penetration i s too low. This injection i s likely to encounter premature
contact with alveolar bone below the apex of the tooth.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

(A) (B)
F I G U RE 11-13 Aspiration Best P ractice: Thumb P osition. A-Ideal position of the thumb ring. This position during aspiration
tests allows for a full range of backward motion (thumb flexion). B-Restricted position of the thumb ring. This position may create
difficulty for small hands and limits the range of backward motion (flexion).

of deposition of a drug solution. The best practice is to

perform an aspiration in two planes, rotating the syringe
slightly to reorient the bevel to a new position.
Following any positive aspiration, the inj ection site
should be evaluated immediately after completion. Ob­
serve for signs of local complications, such as swelling, and
remain alert to signs and symptoms of possible intravas­
cular inj ection. If there are no immediate complications, it
is acceptable to continue with the planned treatment. Pa­
tients should be advised according to the significance of
the situation and monitored following treatment as indi­
cated. Follow-up for a positive aspiration includes the po­
tential management of hematomas and will be discussed
in Chapter 17, " Local Anesthesia Complications and
If there are repeated positive aspirations at the same
inj ection site, rescheduling treatment should be consid­
ered. Bleeding following positive aspirations at deposition
F I G U RE 11-14 Improperly Loaded Syringe. False negative sites may result in an inability to determine subsequent
aspiration can result when syringes are improperly loaded. In this positive aspirations. Repeated penetrations and the de­
example, the are two stoppers stacked in the barrel. Although it velopment of an inflammatory response may diminish the
would feel like the harpoon seated, an aspiration test would be effectiveness of the local anesthetic agent. Clinicians may
impossible. also have other concerns such as the development of he­
matomas and postoperative pain or trismus.
reddened" solution in the cartridge (see Figure 1 1 -lSB It is important to maintain supportive communication
and Figure 1 1-lSC) , or if the clinician for any reason at all times during the inj ection process, especially during
is concerned about the ability to see aspiration results aspiration tests to educate patients that these simple tests
clearly, the needle should be withdrawn, the cartridge re­ and the responses to them are necessary in order to prac­
placed, and the needle flushed or replaced before reiniti­ tice safely.
ating the inj ection.
Re-aspiration is also necessary whenever needle tip S T E P 8: D E P O S I T I O N A N D RAT E Avoid delivering too
locations change at any time during deposition. It may be much solution en route to the deposition site. Once at the
performed any time a clinician determines another "safety optimum deposition site, the most important step in the
check" is warranted. It may also be used to pace the rate administration of a safe inj ection is the rate of delivery.

Slow delivery of the drug reduces the risk of overdose

and complications even if inadvertently inj ected into the
bloodstream after a false negative aspiration.
Slow deposition of solution also increases the likeli­
hood of a comfortable experience by reducing the potential
for tissue trauma due to the pressure of the solution be­
ing injected. This recommendation is not always followed
by clinicians. In some cases, rapid inj ection is suspected to
be the cause of unwanted complications following local
anesthesia inj ections. A safe and more comfortable rate
of deposition allows for the delivery of 1 mL of solution
per minute, which means it requires about 2 minutes to de­
posit a 1.8-mL cartridge of anesthetic drug. Malamed states
that "a more realistic time span in a clinical situation how­
ever is 60 seconds for a full 1.8-mL cartridge" (Malamed,
(A) 20 1 3 ) . Specific exceptions to this guideline are discussed
in Chapter 13, "Inj ections for Maxillary Pain Control II­
Palatal Approach."
Time-consuming inj ections are more likely to stimu­
late anxiety in patients. A useful strategy to relieve this
anxiety is to report the progress of the inj ection such as
"V4 done, 1/z done,% done, complete." For others, distrac­
tions may be more useful.
STEP 9: C O M PLETI O N OF I N JE CTI O NUpon completion of
an inj ection, withdraw the syringe slowly. The final safety
step is to properly manage and recap the needle. It is saf­
est if the person performing the injection recaps the needle.
This reduces the number of individuals who come into con­
tact with the syringe and needle and reduces the potential
for accidental injury. After needles have been protected,
communicate with patients to observe and monitor for any
adverse effects. Once it is confirmed that patients tolerated
(B) procedures well, begin to evaluate for onset and effective­
ness of anesthesia before beginning treatment. Onset of an­
esthesia will usually occur within 3 to 10 minutes depending
on the drug administered, the injection technique, and the
accuracy of the location of the deposition site.

S T E P 10: D O C U M E N TATI O N O F L O C A L A N E ST H E T I C S As
part of a patient's medico-legal record, key elements of an
inj ection procedure should be properly documented.
The patient's record must include:
1. Date of administration
2. Typ e of drug ( s ) administered (both topical and
inj ectable)
3. Injection(s) administered (or area of delivery when
topical alone is used)
4. Total volume of drug(s) administered
(C) 5. Results of aspiration, recorded as "positive" ( +) or
P ositive Aspiration. A-A positive (+)
F I G U R E 1 1 -1 5
negative ( ) -

aspiration results in blood visible in the cartridge . B-A The volume of drug administered can be noted in
positive (+) aspiration is evident during a P SA injection. terms of the total number of cartridges, the total milliliters
C-A positive (+) aspiration is evident during an IA of solution, and/or the total milligrams of a specified drug
injection. and concentration. If a vasoconstrictor was delivered, the

Date Procedures

02/1 4/1 5 20% benzoca i n e top ica l , R-PSA, M SA, A S A 2 cart (3.6 m L) 2% l idoca i n e , S i g n atu re = I d e ntifi a b l e N a m e
1 : 1 00,000 ( 7 2 m g LA)' (0.036 m g ep i) (-) asp r., n o comp l i cati o n s .
03/1 7/15 5 % l i doca i n e top i c a l , R-IA, LB 1 cart (1 .8 m L) 2% m ep ivaca i n e , 1 :20,000 S i g n atu re = I d e ntifi a b l e N a m e
(36 mg LA) (0.09 mg l eva) ( +) asp r. , vis i b l e h e m ato m a , p ressu re/ice 1 5
m i n utes, m o n itor 30 m i n utes, n o fu rt h e r swe l l i n g . Treatment comp l ete
w/o comp l i catio n. Patient to ca l l if any further p ro b l e m.
03/1 8/15 T/W P a t i e n t no fu rth e r c o mp l i c a t i o n s fro m h e m a t o m a , wi l l ca l l if S i g n at u re = I d e ntifi a b l e N a m e
c h a n g es .
09/06/1 5 Vib raject, R-PSA, A M SA 2 cart (3.6 m L), 4 % a rti c a i n e 1 : 200,000 (1 44 m g S i g n at u re = I d e ntifi a b l e N a m e
LA) (0.0 1 8 m g ep i) (-) asp i rs . , n o comp l icatio n s .
1 0/22/1 5 20% b e nzoca i n e top i c a l , R-PSA, A M SA 2 cart ( 3 . 6 m L) 2% l i d o ca i n e , S i g n at u re = I d e ntifi a b l e N a m e
1 : 1 00,000 ( 7 2 m g LA)* (0.036 m g ep i) (-) asp r. , n o comp l i cati o n s .

type and dilution should also b e recorded. The specific for­

mat of the record is based on professional judgment and
workplace policy. If it is the policy of the workplace, in­
clude the gauge of any needles used. In addition to record­
ing positive aspirations, if they occur, adverse reactions
must be recorded along with the details of the responses to
them (their management) (see Box 11-7 •). The U.S. Dep a rtment of L a b o r defi n es m uscu l oske l eta l dis­
orders ( M S Ds) as inju ries or d isorders of the n e rves, tendons,
m uscles, joi nts, carti l a ge, a n d sp i n a l d iscs. The U . S . B u reau
Erg o n o m ics fo r Injection
of La bor Statistics rep orted that i nj u ries a n d i l l n esses from
Ad m i n i stration MSDs accou nted for 33% of the days a bsent from work.
Safe practice for the administration o f local anesthetics in­ M uscu l os ke l eta l d i s o rd e rs co m m o n to d e n t a l p ro­
fess i o n a l s i n c l u d e cu m u l ative tra u m a d i s o rd e rs (CTDs),
volves ergonomics in addition to drug factors and patient
w h i c h a re defi n e d as d isord e rs involvi n g t e n d o n s , m uscles,
issues. A discussion of the basic steps for administration of
n e rves, co n n ective tiss u e , b o n es, j o i nts, sp i n a l d i s cs, and
inj ectable local anesthetics is not complete without com­ even vascu l a r tissues d u e to cu m u l ative tra u m a .
menting on ergonomics. To date, very little attention has
been placed on ergonomics during local anesthetic deliv­
ery. Attention was focused on hand and body positions for
syringe stability and visibility as well as access to the site
of inj ection . The effects of non-ergonomic positions on
the development of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs)
during procedures, including anesthetic procedures, can be
significant over a period of years and are all too common
among dental professionals (Andrews &Vigoren, 2002;
Stabbe, 2006; U. S. Department of Labor, 20 1 3 ; Wann & To m a i nt a i n g o o d e rg o n o m i c position a n d b a l a n c e :
Canull, 2003) (see Box 1 1-8 •).
Basic principles of ergonomics (see Box 1 1-9 •) suggest 1. Do n ot twist fro m t h e tru n k .
that clinicians at least consider non-traditional approaches 2. B e n d fro m t h e h ips.
3. Keep wrists at a n e utra l a n g l e .
to the delivery of inj ections that otherwise require twisting
4. Do n ot raise a r m s > 3 0 d e g rees.
the trunk, hyperextending the neck, angling the wrist in
5. Do n ot exte n d t h e n e c k > 30 d e g rees fo rwa rd.
an awkward manner, and reaching over the patient. All of
these are demonstrated in Figure 1 1-16A, Figure 1 1-16B,
Figure 1 1-16C •, and Figure 1 1-17 •).

Non-traditional approaches include repositioning the

clinician and/or the patient, as well as non-dominant hand
syringe grasps to facilitate proper ergonomic positions of the
back, neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands. Although these
approaches may be challenging at first, especially for nov­
ices, non-dominant hand techniques can provide ergonomi­
cally correct positions during local anesthetic administration.
Applying updated ergonomic approaches to the administra­
tion of local anesthetics can reduce musculoskeletal trauma
linked to the development of MSDs and CTDs, and possibly
reduce the impact of this trauma on existing disorders.
Operatory design can significantly impact the ability to
apply alternative ergonomic positions to the administration
of local anesthetics. Having the ability to approach patients
(A) from either side of a chair greatly improves ergonomic posi­
tioning; however, the close physical design of some operato­
ries can make this difficult. Taking time to determine if chairs
are able to swivel can improve non-dominant side access.

A New Look at Ergonomics for Local Anesthetic

The posterior superior alveolar, middle superior alveolar,
anterior superior alveolar, inferior alveolar, Gow-Gates,
buccal, and mental/incisive inj ections when delivered with
the clinician's arms extending across patient's body forces
clinicians into awkward arm, neck, and wrist positions to
access inj ection sites (see Figure 1 1-17), while maintaining
limited vision. It is easy for clinicians to assume that they
will be in awkward positions for only brief periods, yet


FIGURE 11-1 6 Ergonomics: P ositioning of Armamentar­ F I G U R E 11-17 Ergonomics: Body Mechanics during
ium. P oor ergonomics can begin with basic operatory set-up. Injection. As with all other aspects of clinical work, the
P ositioning of equipment and armamentarium for optimal ac­ administration of injections requires ergonomic attention.
cess is an important aspect of safe ergonomics. A-Requires Key ergonomic principles compromised in this example
clinician to reach some distance forward away from their include: A-Wrist is not in neutral position, creating undo
torso and across the patient's face and torso. B-Although compression of the carpal tunnel region. B-P lacement of
armamentarium is in a proper location, the clinician is twisting armamentarium requires clinician to reach some distance
and reaching back behind her torso. C-In this good example, forward away from their torso and across the patient's face
the clinician turns her entire torso and hips on the stool in the and torso. C-Arms & elbows are above 30 degree angle
same direction maintaining both balance and alignment. creating undue stress on shoulder and neck muscles.
Source: Courtesy of Samatha Shira. Source: Courtesy of Samatha Shira.

(A) (B) (C)

F I G U RE 11-18 Ergonomics Alternatives: Left P osterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Blocks. A-This approach provides a good ergo­
nomic position during a left P SA. This position is appropriate for either right- or left-handed clinicians when seated on the left side
of the patient. Key positive ergonomic principles are wrist neutral, elbows below 30 degrees, and use of an "arm-to-body " fulcrum.
B-The palm-up position also provides for control of the syringe during aspirations. This demonstration is by a right-handed clinician
administering with the left hand. C-Good ergonomic balance is demonstrated here as a right-handed clinician, seated on the left, ad­
ministers a P SA with her right hand. Note the fulcrum strategy.
Source: Courtesy of Samatha Shira.

over the course of careers these brief periods can produce

significant "trauma." This long-term trauma is referred to
as a cumulative effect (Stab be, 2006; U.S. Department of
Labor, 2005 ; Wann &Canull, 2003).
The following are examples of corrective actions that
will improve clinician ergonomics and reduce traumas that
can lead to MSDs and CTDs for the inferior alveolar and
posterior superior alveolar inj ections. Note that each sug­
gestion places the clinician in a "neutral" working position,
minimizing stress and trauma to the wrists, shoulders, and
neck. Clinicians are encouraged to consider basic ergo­
nomic principles during the administration of inj ections
(see Box 1 1-9) that include alternative body positions and
non-dominant hand techniques (see Figure 1 1-18A •).
Posterior superior alveolar (PSA) injections may be ad­
ministered with either the dominant or non-dominant hand
from the side of the injection (see Figures 1 1-18B • and 11- FIGURE 11-19 Ergonomics Alternatives: Right Inferior

18C •). For example, a right-handed clinician can give this Alveolar Nerve Block. This approach provides a good ergonomic
injection with his or her dominant hand while seated at the pa­ position during a right IA. This position is appropriate for either
tient's right side for a right PSA. Left PSA injections can also right- or left-handed clinicians when seated on the left side of
be given with the left hand while seated on the patient's left the patient. Key positive ergonomic principles are wrist neutral,
side. Many clinicians find it surprisingly easy to use their non­ elbows below 30 degrees, and use of an "arm-to-body " fulcrum.
dominant hand, appreciate the improved view and angle, and The palm-up position also provides for control of the syringe
feel more stable and comfortable throughout the injection. during aspirations. This demonstration is by a right-handed
The inferior alveolar and Gow-Gates blocks can be clinician, seated on the left, administering with the right hand.
administered with clinicians s e ated opposite the side Source: Courtesy of Samatha Shira.
where the inj ection is being given. Either the dominant
or non-dominant hand may be used (see Figure 1 1-19 •). clinician's body, and keeps the wrist in a neutral position.
This modified clinical position offers ergonomic position­ Standing during administration of these blocks can also
ing that reduces twisting of the trunk, lowers the arm, facilitate good ergonomic balance when the patient can­
enables the elbows to stay within 30 degrees from the not be positioned easily (see Figure 1 1-20 •).

Hector Melendez
It w a s exp l a i n e d to M r. M e l e n d e z t h a t t h e treat­
m e n t he n e e d e d c o u l d n o t be a c c o m p l i s h e d
c o m fo rta b l y w i t h o u t l o ca l a n esth es i a . W h i l e M r.
Me l e n d e z w a s w a i t i n g fo r t h e to p i c a l a n esth etic
to ta ke effe ct, t h e a n esthetic p roced u re w a s ex­
p l a i n e d to h i m, as we l l as t h e reason why it wo u l d
b e a s l ow e r exp e r i e n ce co m p a re d with h i s p revi­
o u s one. After a bo u t 2 m i n utes, a n i nfi ltratio n ove r
#5 was a d m i n istered s l owly with a co u p l e of d rops
of s o l u t i o n a d m i n istered a h e a d of the v e ry s l ow
a d va n ce of t h e n e e d l e . O n c e t h e t a rg et site was
re a c h e d and n e g ative a s p i ra t i o n confi r m e d, s o l u ­
t i o n w a s d e posited at a rate o f 6 t o 7 seco n d s p e r
sto p p e r (0 .2 ml), w h i c h is e q u a l t o 1 m i n ute w h e n
a n entire ca rtr i d g e is a d m i n iste red .
Case Discussion: F o l l o w i n g b a s i c ste ps p ro ­
m ot e s s a fety a n d c o m fo rt . R e a ss u ra n ce d u r i n g
p re l i m i n a ry ste ps before a d m i n iste r i n g l o c a l a n es­
t h e s i a is usefu l . Rati o n a l e fo r ta k i n g t h o s e steps
F I G U R E 11-20 Ergonomics Alternatives: Standing. For any
ca n h e l p ease p a t i e n t fe a rs a n d p rov i d e s o m e
injection that requires reaching across patients, standing may sense that t h e cu rrent exp e r i e n ce w i l l n o t b e a re­
provide improved vision and balance. Key positive ergonomic peat of p revious experiences.
principles are the same as for seated delivery, wrist neutral, el­ M r. M e l e n d ez w a s a p p re h e n s ive b e c a u s e h i s
bows below 30 degrees, and use of an "arm-to-body " fulcrum. expectat i o n s fo r a satisfacto ry exp e r i e n ce, o n e i n
The palm-up position also provides for adequate control of the w h i c h t h e re w a s m i n i m a l t o n o p a i n, h a d n o t b e e n
syringe during aspirations. This demonstration is by a right­ m e t o n a p rev i o u s occa s i o n . I m p o rt a n t l y, h e h a d
handed clinician administering with the right hand. n o re a s o n fo r a lte r i n g h i s expectat i o n s i n t h e c u r­
Source: Courtesy of Samatha Shira. rent s i t u a ti o n u n t i l it w a s p rov i d e d to h i m . Loca l
a n esth e s i a p ro ce d u res d o n ot h ave to b e g i n with
A View from "Outside the Box"
"raise yo u r h a n d" state m e nts that a re m e a n i n g­
The dental opera tory provides a classic "box" for practice. l ess w h e n t h e y a re s u bseq u e n t l y i g n o re d b u t c a n
It is easy for dental professionals to become comfortable b e g i n i n st e a d wi th s o o t h i n g wo rds, fo l l ow e d by
with the uncomfortable and to believe and even accept that b r i ef exp l a n at i o n s a n d ass u ra n ces t h a t c o n t r a cts
work practices will fit only one approach in the workspace, (to res p o n d to h a n d s i g n a l s, fo r exa m p l e ) wi l l n ot
becoming complacent with sometimes physically harmful be b ro ke n .
work practices. Clinicians are encouraged to "think outside
the box" and develop ways to improve the ergonomics of
work spaces and work practices for all chairside procedures.

Ch a. . pte
r Questi
ons ..............................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. The first step i n the administration o f local anesthetic
1 . A technique that deposits anesthetic solution near solutions is to:
larger terminal nerve branches for treatment near the a. Assemble the armamentarium.
site of an inj ection is called: b. Obtain informed consent.
a. An infiltration injection. c. Assess the patient before proceeding.
b. A ligamenta! injection. d. Make sure that solution is able to exit the needle.
c. A field block injection. 4. A primary benefit of orienting needle bevels toward
d. A nerve block inj ection. bone during injections is that it:
2. Which one of the following describes the target site a. Reduces trauma to the periosteum when bone is
for local anesthetic solutions? contacted.
a. Needle pathway b. Deflects the needle away from the bone during
b. Deposition site penetration.
c. Penetration site c. Prevents false negative aspirations within a vessel.
d. Aspiration site d. Reduces discomfort from the advancing needle.

5. Which one of the following is the most appropriate Evers, H., & Haegerstam, G. (1981). Handbook of dental local
local anesthesia patient record entry? anaesthesia. Copenhagen: Schultz.
a. 10/2112015: Review Health History. BP 120/80. 2 car­ Friedman,M. J., & Hochman,M. N. (1997). A 21st century com­
tridges 2% lidocaine, 1 :100,000 epi, no complications puterized injection system for local pain control. Compen­
dium, 18(10), 995-1003.
b. Review He alth History. B P 1 20/80. 2 cartridges
Haase, A., Reader, A., Nusstein, J., Beck,M., & Drum,M. (2008).
2 % lidocaine, 1:100,000 epi, Rt lA, LB , (+) aspiration
Comparing anesthetic efficacy of articaine versus lidocaine
c. Review Health History. BP 120/80. 72 mg of 2% li­ as a supplemental buccal infiltration of the mandibular first
docaine, 0.036 mg 1 : 1 00,000 epi, lA, LB molar after an inferior alveolar nerve block. Journal of the
d. 1 0/2 11201 5 : Review He alth History. BP 1 20/80. American Dental Association, 139(9),1228-1235.
2 cartrid g e s ( 3 . 6 m L ) 2% lidocaine ( 7 2 m g ) , Jastak, J. T., Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson,D. (1995). Local
1 : 1 00,000 epi (0.036 mg) , Rt lA, LB , (-) aspiration. anesthesia of the oral cavity. P hiladelphia: Saunders.
No adverse reactions. Kanaa,M.D., Whitworth, J.M., Corbett, I. P., & Meechan, J. G.
(2006). Articaine and lidocaine mandibular buccal infiltration
6. When is it safe to deposit local anesthetic solution? anesthesia: A prospective randomized double-blind cross-over
a. After a negative aspiration, where no blood is study. Journal of Endodontics, 32(4), 296-298.
drawn into the cartridge. Kanaa,M.D., Whitworth, J.M., Corbett, I. P., & Meechan, J. G.
b. After a negative aspiration, following a positive aspi­ (2009). Articaine buccal infiltration enhances the effectiveness
ration where blood was visible in the cartridge only of lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block. International
as a small trickle of blood or "worm like" thread. Endodontic Journal, 42(3), 238-246.
c. Following a positive aspiration that obscures the Lipp,M.D. W. (1993). Local anesthesia in dentistry. Carol Stream,
results of subsequent aspirations. IL: Quintessence.
Malamed, S. F. (2007). Medical emergencies in the dental office
d. A&B .
(6th ed.). St. Louis:Mosby.
7. The most important safety step(s) during a local anes­ Malamed, S. F. (2013). Handbook of local anesthesia (6th ed.).
thetic inj ection is/are: St. Louis,Mosby.
a. To aspirate before depositing. Milgrom, P., Weinstein, P., & Heaton, L. (2009). Treating fearful
b. To administer local anesthetics slowly. dental patients: A patient management handbook (3rd ed.).
c. To direct the bevel away from bone. Seattle:Dental Behavioral Resources.
Rizzolati, G., Fadiga, L., Gallese, V., & Fagassi, L. (1996). P remo­
d. To aspirate before depositing and to administer
tor cortex and the recognition of motor actions. Cognitive
drugs slowly.
Brain Research, 3, 131-141.
8. Upon completion of an injection, the most important Robertson,D., Nusstein, J., Reader, A., Beck,M., &McCartney,M.
subsequent step is to: (2007). The anesthetic efficacy of articaine in buccal infiltra­
a. Rinse the patient's mouth. tion of mandibular posterior teeth. Journal of the American
b. Calculate the volume of drug delivered. Dental Association, 138(8),1104-1112.
Robinson, P.D., Ford, T. R. P., & McDonald, F. (2000). Local
c. Make the needle safe with a one-handed technique.
anesthesia in dentistry. London: Wright.
d. Determine if the patient experienced discomfort. Stabbe, K. A. (2006, March).Maintaining ergonomic positioning
during local anesthetic administration. Journal of Practical
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Refe re n ces in medicine, informed consent. Retrieved January 31, 2014,
American Cancer Society. (2012). Informed consent. Retrieved from
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Andrews, N., & Vigoren, G., (2002,March). Ergonomics:Muscle Lost-working injuries and illnesses: Characteristics and result­
fatigue, posture, magnification, and illumination. Compen­ ing days away from work. Retrieved January 31, 2014, from
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(1998, February). Assessing the need for anesthesia and seda­ hygienists. Contemporary Oral Hygiene,16-22.
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Association, 167-173.

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10 Basic Steps in the Administration
of Local Anesthesia

Step l:Patient Assessment Step 6: Initiate Injection

• Assess the patient's medical history, treatment plan, • Keep the syringe out of the patient's sight as much as
and individual pain control needs possible throughout
• Identify alterations, precautions, or contraindications • Maintain positive, supportive communication with the
to care patient
• Implement appropriate inj ection(s) and anesthetic • Retract the soft tissues for good visibility of
drug(s) to be delivered penetration site
• Gently make mucosa "taut" to ease needle penetration
Step 2: Obtain Informed Consent
• Establish a fulcrum or point of stability for the
• Review the intended treatment plan, including the syringe during the inj ection
delivery of any anesthetic agents, with the patient and • Penetrate the mucosa 1-2 mm, deposit a few drops of
obtain proper informed consent as indicated for care anesthetic
• Gently advance the needle to the desired depth and
Step 3: Assemble Armamentarium angle for deposition
• Assemble appropriate armamentarium and confirm Step 7: Aspiration
proper function of delivery devices
• Harpoon engaged and device able to aspirate • Aspirate at deposition site BEFORE depositing solution
• Cartridge is fully visible and the correct drug is
• Aspirate in two planes for highly vascular areas
loaded • Re-aspirate if depth changes during inj ection
• The needle bevel is oriented toward the bone dur­
• Re-aspirating can help pace inj ection if needed
ing injection • NEGATIVE aspiration: continue with inj ection
• Safe needle recapping controls are in place and
• POSITIVE aspiration:
• Employ positive, supportive communication to
functioning properly
explain situation to patient
Step 4: Pre-Injection Preparation • Assess signs of positive aspiration
• Position patient supine for visibility and support • Small trickle of blood in cartridge-reposition the needle
during stress tip and re-aspirate, if negative continue with deposition
• Position patient's head for good visibility • Cartridge clouded with blood-withdraw the needle
• Assume an ergonomic position to support and replace cartridge, replace or flush needle, and
musculoskeletal health reinitiate inj ection
• Employ positive, supportive communication • Evaluate post-inj ection for complications and advise
• Establish effective retraction for visibility and needle patient as indicated
penetration Step 8: Deposition and Rate
• Palpate site for anatomical anomalies
• SLOWLY deposit the specified anesthetic dose (1.8 mL
Step 5: Prepare Injection Site over 1 to 2 minutes)
• Gently dry mucosa with gauze Step 9: Completion
• Apply controlled amount of topical agent to dry
• Completion: CAREFULLY withdraw the needle
tissue at inj ection site
• Make the needle safe with an accepted recapping
• Ideally no less than 1 minute to assure effectiveness
• Visualize best inj ection angle
• Observe and evaluate patient for adverse reactions
• Evaluate for effective onset of topical agent at
penetration site Step 10: Documentation

• Document injection specifics and complications in

patient record
Suggested Fulcrum Positions

Each clinician should determine ergonomic positions that best establish stability during inj ection procedures.
The following figures suggest a variety of fulcrums and supplemental supports for balance.

A. Rest the back of the dominant hand (with syringe) A. Keep the arm low and close to the body.
gently against the patient's shoulder. To use this rest B. A "palm-up" grasp provides stability.
safely, the clinician must be alert to the possibility
C. The third finger of the dominant hand is placed
of sudden patient movements and must be able to
against the barrel of the syringe to enhance stability.
respond to them quickly.
Along with a "palm-up" grasp, this increases stability.
B. A "palm-up" grasp provides stability.
C. The thumb of the non-dominant (retraction) hand
is placed on the barrel of the syringe.


A. Place a finger of the dominant hand on the patient's A. Keep the arm low and close to the body and rest
chin , along with a " p alm-up " grasp p osition to the back of the dominant hand gently against the
provide stability. patient's shoulder.
B. Place a finger of the dominant hand on the patient's
chin , along with a " p alm-up " grasp p osition to
provide stability.

A. Keep the arm close to the body, along with a "palm-up" grasp position to provide stability.
B. The thumb of the non-dominant ( retraction ) hand is placed against a finger of the dominant hand to create a
"bridge" of stability.

A. M aintaining a " p alm-up " grasp provides added B. When difficult to reach across a patient's torso to
stability when reaching across the patient. This achieve optimal angulations, clinicians may choose
also stabilizes the wrist in neutral position and to approach from their non-dominant side. Inj ec­
e asily aligns syringe angulations approximating tions can then be performed with either dominant
45 degrees to midsagittal ("cap on" for demonstra­ or non-dominant hand. Note the use of the thumb of
tion purposes) . the right hand to create a "bridge" of stability. In this
example, a right-handed clinician administers a left
PSA, seated on the left, using her left hand.

A. Similar to the previous example, the fingers can B. The back of the fingers can rest on the back of the
rest on the back of the retraction hand creating a retraction hand to create a "bridge" of stability. In
"bridge" of stability. Note the p alm-up p osition this example, a left-handed clinician administers a
provides additional stability during aspiration. In right PSA, seated on the right, using her left hand.

this example, a right-handed clinician administers a The same position would be appropriate for left-
left PSA, seated on the left, using her left hand, the handed clinicians using their non-dominant hand.
same position would be appropriate for left-handed

A. When difficult to achieve a " p al m - u p " grasp B. A solid bridge of stability is created by fulcruming
position, "stacking" the hands provides stability. In on the retraction finger/hand. In this example, a
this example, a right-handed clinician, seated on the right-handed clinician, seated on the right, admin­
left, administers a left PSA right-handed. isters a right PSA right-handed. The same position
would be appropriate for left-handed clinicians
using their right hand. Note that the palm is up
providing additional stability to the grasp during
Chapter 12 Injections for Maxillary Pain Control I

Chapter 13 Injections for Maxillary Pain Control 11-Palatal Approach

Chapter 14 Injections for Mandibular Pain Control

Chapter 15 Supplemental Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies

Chapter 16 Troubleshooting Inadequate Anesthesia

Chapter 17 Local Anesthesia Complications and Management

C h a pters 1 1, 1 2, 13, a n d 1 4 i n c l u d e d iscussions of a n ato m i c a l fa ctors re l evant to

each i nj e cti o n tech n i q u e a n d ass u m e c l i n i c i a n s h ave at l east a basic know l e d g e
of h e a d a n d n e c k a n ato my. A p pe n d ix 1 : A n a to m ica l review p rovi d e s a g e n e r a l
d i scuss i o n of h e a d a n d n e c k a n ato m y a n d h a s b e e n d e s i g n e d to assist i n t h e
i d e ntificati o n a n d review of loca l a n esth etic l a n d m a rks a n d t h e a n ato m i c struc­
tu res i n o r n e a r the pathways of i ntraora l i njections.
··························································· @ ··························································

Injections for Maxillary Pain Control I


• Defi n e a n d d i sc u ss the key ter m s in t h i s c h a pter. anterior s u perior a lveo l a r

(ASA) n e rve b l ock 223
• Descri be a n d discuss the in d i ca t i o n s , releva n t a n atomy, a n d
cross-i n n e rvation 225
tech n i q ue featu res o f t h e i njecti o n s discu ssed i n t h i s c h a pter.
d e nta l p l exus 219
• Descri be the b a sic tec h n i q ue steps fo r safe a n d effective d e position site 219
a d m i n i strat i o n fo r the fo l l owi n g i njectio n s : fie l d b l ock 219
• I nfi ltrati o n s h e m ato m a 223
• Field b l ocks i nfi ltration 219
• Anterio r s u peri o r a lveo l a r nerve b l ock i nfraorbita l (10) n e rve
b l ock 228
• M i d d l e s u pe ri o r a lveo l a r nerve b l oc k
maxi l l a ry n e rve b l ock 236
• I nfra o rbita l n e rve b l ock
m i d d l e su perior a lveo l a r
• Posteri o r s u peri o r a l veo l a r nerve b l ock
(MSA) n e rve b l ock 225
• M axil l a ry nerve b l oc k (seco n d d iv i s i o n o r V2 b l oc k)
need l e pathway 219
p e n etratio n site 219
poste rior s u perior a lveo l a r
(PSA) n e rve b l ock 232
rescue i njectio n 242
second d ivision n e rve
b l ock 236
V2 n e rve b l ock 236


Jastak, Yagiela,&Donaldson, 1995; Malamed, 20 13; Wong,

CASE ST U DY 200 1 ) .

Elena Gagarin
I nfi ltration ( F i e l d B lock) I njecti o n
E l e n a G a g a r i n n e e d e d resto rative t re a t m e n t o n
Field block inj ections, commonly referred t o a s infiltration
h e r r i g h t m a xi l l a ry a nt e r i o r teeth . D e s p ite a n ASA
inj ections, are indicated when procedures are confined to
n e rve b l o c k, s h e was u n co m fo rta b l e w h e n cavity
one or two teeth or to tissues in a limited area. Infiltration
p re p a rat i o n was c o m m e n ce d w i t h a h i g h -s p e e d
injections are among the simplest and safest local anesthe­
h a n d p iece o n # 8 . Desp ite a repeat ASA i nj e ct i o n,
sia techniques to learn. They are relatively easy to execute,
#8 re m a i n ed u n comfo rta b l e .
have a high rate of success, and have wide margins of

Field of Anesthesia
I ntrod u cti o n
Inj ections characterized as field blocks will be referred to
Local infiltrations, field blocks, and nerve blocks are the in this text as infiltrations and include the dental plexus of
three basic types of intraoral inj ections frequently used in the injected site (the pulp of the tooth and facial areas of
dentistry and were defined in Chapter 1 1 , "Fundamentals the gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveolus) . Addition­
for A d m i n i s t r a t i o n of L o c a l A n e s th e t i c A g e n t s . " ally, because of the diffusion of anesthetic solution, some
Additional relevant terminology includes anatomic land­ terminal branches of the facial nerve (VII) are frequently
marks and considerations for e ach maxillary inj ection affected. All or a portion of the upper lip, cheek, and lower
technique discussed in this chapter and will be presented nose are anesthetized with many maxillary infiltration in­
in reference to a penetration site , needle pathway, and jections (see Figure 12-1 • and Appendix 12-2).
deposition site as described in Chapter 1 1. The penetration
site will be related to hard and soft tissue landmarks. The Anatomical Factors
needle pathway will be described in terms of the types of Small terminal nerve endings of the posterior superior,
tissue that will be penetrated by or located in the vicinity middle superior, and anterior superior alveolar nerve
of the needle, including mucosa, superficial fascia, muscle, branches form the maxillary dental neural plexus. This
vessels, nerves, and bone. The deposition site will be de­ plexus innervates the pulps of the teeth and facial peri­
scribed in terms of the tissues at or near the target and in odontium as previously described. The facial and palatal
relation to specific landmarks. bone of the maxilla is relatively thin and permeable. Local
Note that inj ection techniques in this and the follow­ anesthetic solutions diffuse easily through this bone anes­
ing chapters may describe nerve blocks in several ways. thetizing the nerves of the dental plexus. This allows for
Full descriptive phrases may be used, such as posterior high success rates when administering infiltrations on the
superior alveolar nerve blocks. Acronyms followed by maxillary arch.
descriptive phrases may also be used, such as PSA nerve
block. Full or partial acronyms may be used, such as PSA Technique Factors
and PSANB. Regardless of the description, all are equiva­ The following information describes key factors for suc­
lent in meaning. cessful infiltration inj ections.

P E N ETRAT I O N SITE The optimum site of penetration for

M axi l l a ry I njection Tech n i q ues
infiltration inj ections is at the height of the mucobuccal
This chapter will discuss nonpalatal maxillary inj ection fold closest to the apex of the tooth to be anesthetized.
techniques commonly used in dentistry. Even though they A bony ridge, or eminence, can usually be palpated in the
are also maxillary techniques, palatal inj ections will be dis­ mucosa overlying the facial root of most maxillary teeth.
cussed separately in Chapter 1 3 , " Inj ections for Maxillary This eminence serves as a landmark for visualizing the
Pain Control II - Palatal Approach," because of common long axis of the tooth and locating the apex of the tooth
modifications specific to the sensitive and low to moderate for the penetration site (see Figure 12-2 •).
compliant tissues in the palate. The exception to this orga­ Examining radiographs for root lengths and inclina­
nization is the maxillary or second division nerve block that tions, as well as assessing crown-root ratios can be helpful
can be administered from both palatal and nonpalatal ap­ when determining optimum penetration and deposition
proaches. The palatal approach to the maxillary nerve block sites for infiltration inj ections (see Figure 12-3 •).
will be discussed in this chapter along with the nonpalatal
approach for ease of reference. Key factors for each maxil­ N E E D LE PATH WAY The needle generally parallels the long
lary inj ection discussed in this chapter are summarized in axis of the tooth and the slope of the alveolus in maxil­
Appendix 1 2-1. Common variations and precautions will lary infiltrations. The needle passes through thin mucosal
be discussed where applicable (B lanton & Jeske, 2003 ; tissues to superficial fascia containing loose connective

I nfi ltration
Teeth anesthetized:

at injection site

Periodontium/Soft tissues:

at injection site

F I G U RE 12-1 Field of Anesthesia for Infiltration Injections.

Anesthesia will occur in a small, confined area close to the site
of deposition.
Source: Courtesy of LED Dental.

F I G U R E 12-2 P enetration Site for Infiltration Injections. The F I G U R E 12-3 Height of P enetration for Infiltration Injections.
penetration site for infiltration injections will be near the apex Average crown-to-root ratios can be used to select the height of
of a single tooth or in a small, confined area of tissue. penetration near the apex of a tooth for infiltration injections.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

tissue, and avoids small vessels and microvasculature, as needles out of concern for comfort, although increased
well as nerve endings. discomfort with larger diameter needles has not been dem­
onstrated (Diggle et al., 2006; Flanagan et al., 2007).
D E PO S I T I O N SITE The deposition site is slightly above the
apex of the root of the tooth being anesthetized. Contact I N JE CT I O N P R O C E D U R E Gain access to the penetration

with bone is unnecessary and should be avoided for com­ site by retracting the lip, pulling the tissue taut with the
fort (see Figure 12-4 •). thumb and index finger (see Figure 1 2-5 •). Locate the
appropriate penetration site. In order to achieve proper
Technique Steps angulations, align the barrel of the syringe parallel to the
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and long axis of the tooth, following the contour of the maxilla
summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. (see Figure 12-6 •). The depth of penetration (to the site
of deposition) is based on the location of the apex of the
N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N The selection of needle gauge for tooth and is usually achieved within 3 to 6 mm.
infiltrations is made based upon clinical judgment. Either 27- Following negative aspiration, deposit an adequate
or 25-gauge short needles are appropriate for infiltrations. volume of an appropriately selected local anesthetic drug
Based on the low risk of positive aspiration (1 % or less) and to achieve anesthesia. When performing maxillary infiltra­
the shallow depths of penetration, many clinicians choose tions, a generally accepted minimum volume of anesthetic
to use 27-gauge short needles. Some prefer to use 30-gauge is 0.6 mL (1/3 of a cartridge) . Adequate volumes will vary

F I G U RE 12-6 Syringe Angulations for Infiltration of a Single

Tooth. Align the syringe barrel parallel to the long axis of the
tooth, along a plane parallel to the slope of the maxilla.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

F I G U RE 12-4 Deposition Site for Infiltration of a Single

pain during the procedure at the site of injection. For a gen­
Tooth. Deposition for an infiltration will be near the apex of a
eral discussion on confirming anesthesia, see Box 12-1 •.
single tooth or in a small, confined area of tissue.

Common Causes of Injection Failure

The most common causes of failure after infiltrations in­
clude deposition of solution too far from the apex of a tooth
and inadequate volumes of solution. Other causes of fail­
ure include inflammation or infection in the area of deposi­
tion, inadequate diffusion of solution to the palatal roots of
molars because of dense bone, and accessory innervations.

When infiltrations are unsuccessful, it is helpful to re­
evaluate by visualizing, palpating, checking radiographs,
reassessing syringe angulations and depths of penetration,
and reconsidering volumes of solution deposited. Failure
of infiltration anesthesia occurs most commonly when
solution is deposited too far from the apex of a tooth (see
Box 12-2 •). In some instances, adequate diffusion of so­
F I G U R E 12-5 Tissue Retraction. Make the tissue taut to im­
lution is impossible because of anatomic obstructions. In
prove ease of insertion and increase the visibility of the penetra­
these instances, nerve blocks (discussed later in this chap­
tion site.
ter) or supplemental techniques, such as periodontal liga­
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.
ment inj ections, may be indicated (discussed in Chapter 15,
"Supplemental Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies").
regardless of the technique, depending on a variety of
patient and pharmacological factors as well as the length
of planned procedures. For example, procedures with lon­
ger durations will require a greater pool of anesthetic in
the deposition area to provide a longer-term supply of
base molecules. Some patients will require greater vol­ B efo re p e rfo r m i n g a n y p roced u res, it is i mp o rtant to assess
umes even for relatively short procedures. fo r effe ctive a n esth esia (n u m b n ess) i n the a re a of i nj e cti o n .
T h i s c a n be confi rm e d o bj e ctive ly u s i n g a n e l ectro n i c p u lp
Confirming Anesthesia test i n g device (E PT) (see F i g u re 1 2-7 •l or t h e app l icati o n
of c o l d (see F i g u res 1 2-8 • a n d 1 2-9 •l o n the teeth i n
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for infiltration inj ections in­
q u esti o n . W i t h a l l i nj e cti o n tech n i q u es, a d e q u ate a n es­
clude a sense of numbness of the gingival and labial tissues
t h e s i a is confi r m e d w h e n t h e re is n o p a i n rep o rted d u r i n g
at the site of inj ection. Obj ective signs include a lack of
response to gentle stimulation with an instrument and no
: p roced u res.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

F I G U R E 12-7 Electric P ulp Tester (EP T) to Confirm Anes­

thesia. An EP T can provide objective feedback to determine
whether or not patients are profoundly anesthetized.
F I G U RE 12-9 Cold Stimulation to Confirm Anesthesia ­
"Icicles" Method. In addition to EP T devices and cryo-anesthet­
ics, pain stimuli can be initiated with the use of small "icicles" to
test for anesthesia.
Source: Courtesy of Albert "Ace" Goerig D D S, MS.

Fa i l u re to c o n s i d e r n e ed l e a n g u l at i o n s a n d p e n etrat i o n
depths c a n res u lt i n deposition of s o l u t i o n that is too fa r
away fro m t h e ap ex of a tooth or ta rget site. T h i s c a n occu r
w h e n d eposition is too fa r fro m targ ets in o n e or m o re of
F I G U RE 12-8 Cold Stimulation to Confirm Anesthesia ­ t h e fo l l ow i n g o ri e ntati o n s :
"Freeze" Method. P ain stimuli can be initiated with the use of s up e r i o r a nterior l atera l •
• • •
a cryo-anesthetic ("cold spray ") to test for anesthesia similar to : • i nfe r i o r • p oste rior • medial
the use of an EP T. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Occasionally, medially displaced branches of the PSA requiring modifications or alternate techniques to infil­
nerve and/or branches of the greater palatine nerve pro­ tration inj ections. A modification appropriate for these
vide sensory innervation to the palatal roots of maxillary situations is to position the syringe at an angle that will
molars and premolars. In these instances, solution may bypass the bony obstruction and still allow access to the
not diffuse far enough palatally through the bone to reach deposition site. When adaptive angulations are not pos­
these branches. To anesthetize these branches, a supple­ sible or are ineffective, an alternate inj ection technique(s)
mental greater palatine nerve block can be administered may be indicated.
(Blanton &Jeske, 2003). When infiltrations are unsuccessful, alternative injec­
tions may be considered. To anesthetize incisors, canines,
and premolars, alternatives include:
Technique Modifications and Alternatives 1. anterior superior alveolar (ASA) nerve blocks
In some situations, it is apparent during initial patient
2. infraorbital (10) nerve blocks
evaluation that standard inj ection techniques will not be
successful. In these instances, technique modifications 3. anterior middle superior alve olar (AMSA) nerve
or alternate approaches will be necessary. This is often blocks
related to anatomical variations that may include hard 4. p alatal anterior superior alveolar (P-ASA) nerve
and soft tissue obstructions and accessory or aberrant blocks
For molars, alternatives include:
Large facial bony eminences, exostoses, and skel­
etal variations can interfere with syringe angulations, 1. posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve blocks

Supplemental greater palatine (GP) nerve blocks may Anatomical Factors

be indicated if anesthesia is not profound (see Chapter 13, The ASA nerve is the internal terminal branch of the max­
" Inj e c t i o n s for M axillary Pain C o n t r o l I I - Pal a t a l illary division of the trigeminal nerve. It branches from the
Approach"). infraorbital nerve within the infraorbital canal 6 to 10 mm
Pe riodontal ligament (PDL) inj ections are also before the infraorbital foramen.
appropriate alternatives to all of the infiltration inj ections The ASA nerve descends through the anterior wall of
described previously (see Chapter 1 5 , " S upplemental the maxillary sinus to supply sensation to the dental plexus
Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies"). of the canine and lateral and central incisors. As previously
discussed, the facial bone of the maxilla is relatively thin
Complications and permeable. Local anesthetic solution diffuses easily
The risk of complications following infiltration inj ection through the bone anesthetizing the ASA nerve.
techniques is minimal. These may include postoperative
pain at the site of inj ection , postoperative edema, and Technique Factors
rarely, hematoma (bleeding in tissue spaces surrounding The following information describes key factors for suc­
inj ured vessels ) . For further discussion see Chapter 17, cessful ASA nerve block injections.
"Local Anesthesia Complications and Management."
P E N ETRAT I O N S I T E The optimal site of penetration for
an ASA inj ection is at the height of the mucobuccal fold
Ante r i o r S u pe r i o r Alveo l a r anterior to the canine eminence. This area is called the ca­
N e rve B l ock nine fossa (see Figure 12-1 1 •) .
The anterior superior alveolar (ASA) nerve block is a N E E D LE PATHWAY The needle pathway parallels the long
common technique, similar to the basic anterior infiltration axis of the canine, passing through thin mucosal tissues to su­
technique. Unlike infiltrations, the ASA avoids multiple perficial fascia containing loose connective tissue, and avoids
needle penetrations when anesthesia is needed for more small vessels and microvasculature, as well as nerve endings.
than one maxillary anterior tooth in the same quadrant.
D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is above the apical
Field of Anesthesia area of the canine at the height of the canine fossa (see
The ASA nerve block will anesthetize structures inner­ Figure 12-12 •) . Contact with bone is unnecessary and
vated by the anterior segment of the ASA nerve (Jastak, should be avoided for comfort.
Yagiela, &D onaldson, 1995 ) . They include the pulps of
the maxillary central incisor through the canine on the in­ Technique Steps
jected side and their facial periodontium. Because of diffu­ Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
sion of anesthetic solution, some terminal branches of the summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.
facial nerve are affected, as well. All or a portion of the
upper lip, cheek, and lower nose may be anesthetized (see N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N A 27- or 25-gauge needle is rec­
Figure 12-10 • and Appendix 12-2). ommended for this technique. Similar to infiltrations, a

Teeth anesthetized:

canine, lateral, central

Periodontium/Soft tissues:

facial to affected teeth

F I G U RE 12-10 Field of Anesthesia for ASA Nerve Blocks. The

field of anesthesia for ASA nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded

angulations, align the barrel of the syringe parallel to the

long axis of the canine, following the contour of the max­
illa (see Figures 12-1 1 and 12-13 •). The depth of penetra­
tion to the site of deposition is based on the location of
the apex of the tooth and is usually achieved within 3 to
6 mm. Following negative aspiration, deposit an adequate
volume of an appropriately selected local anesthetic drug
to achieve anesthesia. A generally accepted minimum vol­
ume of anesthetic to accomplish this is 0.9 mL ( 1 12 of a
cartridge). Adequate volumes will vary regardless of the
technique depending on a variety of patient and pharma­
cological factors as well as planned procedures.

Confirming Anesthesia
Subjective signs of anesthesia for ASA inj ections include
a sense of numbness of the gingival and labial tissues from
the distal of the canine through the mesial of the central
incisor. Obj ective signs include a lack of response to gentle
F I G U R E 12-11 P enetration Site for ASA Nerve Blocks. The
stimulation with an instrument and no pain during proce­
penetration site for ASA Nerve Blocks is indicated by the dures in the expected field of anesthesia (see Box 12-1) .
Common Causes of Injection Failure
As with infiltration techniques, the most common causes
of anesthetic failure in the ASA technique include depo­
sition of solution too far from the target (see Box 1 2-2)
and inadequate volumes of solution. Other causes include
inflammation or infection in the area of deposition and in­
adequate diffusion of solution.

Similar to infiltrations, when ASA nerve blocks are unsuc­
cessful, it is helpful to reevaluate by visualizing, palpating,
checking radiographs, reassessing syringe angulations and
the depths of penetration, and the volumes of solution de­
posited. In some instances, adequate diffusion of solution
is impossible because of anatomic obstructions.

F I G U R E 12-12 Deposition Site for ASA Nerve Blocks. The

deposition site for ASA nerve blocks is indicated in the spot­
lighted area.

27-gauge short needle is most commonly used and is con­

sistent with the shallow depth of penetration and the low
rate of positive aspiration ( 1 % ), although some clinicians
prefer a 25- or 30-gauge needle.

I N JE CTI O N P R O C E D U R E Gain access to the penetration F I G U RE 12-13 Syringe Angulations for ASA Nerve Blocks.
site by retracting the lip, pulling the tissue taut with the Correct syringe barrel angulations for ASA nerve blocks parallel
thumb and index finger (see Figure 12-5 ) . Locate the ap­ the long axes of the canines, following the contour of the maxilla.
propriate penetration site. In order to achieve proper Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

Incomplete anesthesia with ASA nerve blocks can Field of Anesthesia

also be attributed to what is known as cross-innervation or The MSA nerve block will anesthetize structures innervated
overlap of terminal fibers of the contralateral ASA nerve by the MSA nerve, when present, and its terminal branches,
at the midline of the maxilla. When this is the case, teeth to include the pulps of the maxillary first and second premo­
in one anterior segment of the maxilla will receive sensory lars and their facial gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveo­
innervation from the contralateral ASA nerve. To achieve lar bone. In some individuals, the MSA nerve also innervates
adequate anesthesia in these instances, an infiltration over the mesiobuccal root of the first molar. Because of diffusion
the same side central incisor is necessary. of anesthetic solutions, some terminal branches of the maxil­
lary and facial nerves that innervate the cheek and upper lip
Technique Modifications and Alternatives may be affected (see Figure 12-14 • and Appendix 12-2).
Large facial bony eminences, exostoses, and other skeletal
Anatomical Factors
variations can interfere with syringe angulations, requir­
ing modifications or alternate techniques. Positioning the The MSA nerve separates at varying points from the
syringe at an angle that bypasses bony obstructions may infraorbital branch of the maxillary nerve within the in­
allow access to the deposition site. When adaptive angula­ fraorbital canal. It supplies sensation to the dental plexus
tions are not possible, alternate inj ection techniques may of the first and second premolars and, in some individuals,
be indicated. the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first molar.
Nerve blocks that may be effective when ASA nerve Studies have reported the absence of an MSA nerve
blocks are unsuccessful include the infraorbital (IO ) , branch in somewhere between 50% and 72 % of individuals.
anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA ) , and palatal In the absence of an MSA nerve, branches of the anterior
anterior superior alveolar (PASA) . PDL inj ections may superior alveolar and/or the posterior superior alveolar
also be used (see Chapter 15, "Supplemental Techniques nerve innervate the first and second premolars and the
and Adjunctive Strategies") . mesiobuccal root of the first molar (Jastak, Yagiela, &
Donaldson, 1995; Loestscher &Walton, 1988).
An anatomical variation that can complicate MSA
nerve blocks is the presence of a large zygomaticoalveolar
The risk of complications following ASA nerve block crest. These excessive bony processes may obstruct access
inj ections is minimal. These may include postoperative to the apices of the maxillary second premolars (Blanton
pain at the site of inj ection and, rarely, hematoma and &Jeske, 2003; Jastak, Yagiela,&Donaldson, 1995).
postoperative edema. In general, the presence or absence of MSA nerves
in an individual is unknown. Despite uncertainties over
innervation, profound anesthesia of the maxillary first
M id d le S u perior Alveo l a r N e rve B lock molars can nevertheless be determined using electric pulp
Middle superior alveolar (MSA) nerve blocks are often testers. When these devices are not readily available, it is
used in combination with other maxillary nerve blocks. common practice to administer local anesthetics with the
The MSA injection is indicated for pain management of presumption that MSA innervation exists in order to avoid
both premolars in one quadrant. unnecessary pain (see Box 12-3 •).

Teeth anesthetized:

maxillary premolars and

mesiobuccal root of first molar*

• For most people

Peri odontium/Soft tissues:

facial to affected teeth

FIGURE 12-14 Field of Anesthesia forMSA Nerve Blocks. The field

of anesthesia forMSA nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded area.

Anato m ica l ly, n e rves te n d to fo l l ow what a re termed

patterns of in n e rvation . T h e right p oste rior s up e r i o r
a lveo l a r n e rve, fo r exa mp l e , c a n be exp e cted to p rovi d e
i n n e rvat i o n to the m axi l l a ry right m o l a rs, a n d the r i g h t
m i d d l e s up e r i o r a l veo l a r n e rve c a n be exp e cted to p rovide
i n n e rvat i o n to both right p re m o l a rs. Becaus e t h e m i d d l e
s up e r i o r a lveo l a r n e rve is absent m o re often t h a n it is p res­
ent, in a nywh e re fro m 50% to 72% of i n d iv i d u a ls, t h e re is a
known deviati o n i n these p atte rns. Even w h e n p resent, t h e
M SA n e rve may o r m ay not p rovi d e i n n e rvati o n to t h e m e ­
s i o b u cc a l root of the m axi l l a ry fi rst m o l a r. It is poss i b l e that
F I G U RE 12-15 P enetration Site for MSA Nerve Blocks.
fi b e rs fro m o n e o r a ny co m b i n at i o n of the M SA, ASA, G P,
The penetration site for MSA nerve blocks is indicated by the
a n d PSA n e rves m ay p rovide i n n e rvati o n to t h e m e s i o b u c­
c a l root of t h e m axi l l a ry fi rst m o l a r.
From a p r a cti c a l sta n dp o i nt, the iss u e of w h i c h fi b e rs
i n n e rvate t h e m es i o b u cca l root of m axi l l a ry m o l a rs is i r­
re l evant. To ove rco m e u n certa i nty reg a rd i n g t h e s o u rce of
its i n n e rvati o n , c l i n i c i a n s routi n e l y a d m i n ister a n i nfi ltrati o n
ove r t h e m es i o b u cc a l root of the m a xi l l a ry fi rst m o l a r i n a d ­
d i t i o n to a P S A n e rve b l ock. If i nfi ltrati o n tech n i q ues a l o n e
a re p l a n n e d fo r t h e m a xi l l a ry fi rst m o l a r, a n i nfi ltrati o n over
each fa c i a l root is reco m m e n d e d because of the d ista nce
betwee n t h e roots, t h e u n ce rta inties of d i ffu s i o n , a n d t h e

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Technique Factors
The following information describ e s key factors for
successful MSA nerve block inj ections.

P E N ETRAT I O N SITE The optimum site of penetration is at

the height of the mucobuccal fold over the maxillary sec­
ond premolar (see Figure 12-15 •) .

N E E D L E PAT H WAY The needle advances parallel t o the

long axis of the second premolar through thin mucosal
tissue to superficial fascia consisting of loose connective F I G U RE 12-16 Deposition Site for MSA Nerve Blocks. The
tissue, microvasculature, and nerve endings. deposition site for MSA nerve blocks is indicated in the spot­
D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is well above the
lighted area.
apex of the second premolar. In order to be certain that
both first and second premolars are anesthetized, solution
Technique Steps
must be deposited superior to the branching of the nerve
to the first premolar. A deposition site inferior to the Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
branching would anesthetize only the second premolar; summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.
therefore, solution must be deposited well above the apex N E E D LE S E L E CT I O N A 27- or 25-gauge short needle is rec­
of the second premolar. Some clinicians prefer to split the ommended for this technique. A 27-gauge short needle is
difference between the first and second premolars, essen­ used most commonly for the MSA nerve block, which is
tially depositing solution between the apices of both teeth. consistent with the shallow depths of penetration and the
Although this highly successful approach also involves low rate of positive aspiration (1 % ) A 25-gauge needle is

only one penetration and is often easier to perform from also frequently used for this injection.
the standpoint of access, it should be pointed out that it is
not a true MSA nerve block. Contact with bone should be I N JE CT I O N P R O C E D U R E Gain access to the penetration
avoided for comfort (see Figure 12-16 •). site by retracting the lip, pulling the tissue taut with the

to gentle stimulation with an instrument and no pain dur­

ing the procedure in the expected field of anesthesia (see
Box 12-1) .

Common Causes of Injection Failure

Similar to both infiltration techniques and anterior su­
perior alveolar nerve blocks, the most common causes of
anesthesia failure for the MSA technique include deposi­
tion of solution too far from the target (see Box 12-2) and
inadequate volumes. Other causes include inflammation
or infection in the areas of deposition and inadequate dif­
fusion of solutions, because of anatomic (fascial plane)
deflection of solution away from target sites.

F I G U RE 12-17 Tissue Retraction for the MSA Nerve Block. As is true for most other inj ections, when MSA nerve
Maintain gentle but taut lateral retraction. blocks are unsuccessful it is helpful to reevaluate by
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons. visualizing, palpating, checking radiographs, reassessing
syringe angulations, and depths of penetration as well as
to reconsider volumes of solution deposited. As previously
noted, when adequate diffusion of solution is impossible
because of anatomic obstructions, such as the presence of
a large zygomaticoalveolar crest, alternate nerve blocks or
supplemental techniques are indicated. These include PDL
inj ections (see Chapter 15, "Supplemental Techniques and
Adjunctive Strategies").
Occasion ally, medially displaced branches of the
PSA nerve and sometimes branches of the greater pala­
tine nerve provide pulpal innervation to the palatal roots
of maxillary molars and accessory innervation to the pre­
molars. Solution deposited for infiltrations and blocks of
premolars and molars may not diffuse far enough lingually
to reach these branches. In this situation, a supplemen­
tal greater palatine nerve block will anesthetize palatal
F I G U RE 12-18 Syringe Angulations for MSA Nerve Blocks. branches (Blanton &Jeske, 2003).
Align the syringe barrel along the contour of the maxilla.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons. Technique Modifications and Alternatives
As with infiltration inj ections and anterior superior alveo­
thumb and index finger (see Figure 1 2-17 •) . Locate the lar nerve blocks, large facial bony eminences, exostoses,
appropriate penetration site. In order to achieve proper and skeletal variations can interfere with syringe angula­
angulations, follow the contour of the maxilla (see Figure tions, requiring modifications or alternate techniques to
1 2-18 •) . The depth of penetration to the site of deposi­ MSA inj ections. Positioning the syringe at an angle that
tion is based on the location of the apex of the tooth and will bypass the bony ob struction will allow access to
is usually achieved within 5 to 8 mm. Following negative the deposition site. When adaptive angulations are not
aspiration, deposit an adequate volume of an appropri­ possible, an alternative inj ection technique(s) may be
ately selected local anesthetic drug to achieve anesthesia. indicated.
A generally accepted minimum volume of anesthetic to Alternate inj ection techniques for MSA inj ections in­
accomplish this is 0.9 to 1.2 mL (1/2 to 2/3 of a cartridge) . clude the anterior superior alveolar (ASA), the infraorbital
Adequate volumes will vary regardless of the technique (IO), the anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA), infil­
depending on a variety of patient and pharmacological trations of each premolar and the palatal anterior superior
factors, and procedures that are planned. alveolar (P-ASA) nerve block. Infiltrations of both premo­
lars or between the apices of the premolars (field blocks)
Confirming Anesthesia and PDL inj ections are also appropriate alternatives.
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for MSA inj ections include
a sense of numbness of the gingival and labial tissues from Complications
the distal of the second premolar through the mesial of the The risk of complications following MSA nerve block
first premolar. Objective signs include a lack of response inj ections is minimal. These may include postoperative

pain at the site of inj ection and, rarely, hematoma and

postoperative edema.

I nfraorb ita l N e rve B l ock T h e i nfra orb ita l n e rve b l ock tech n i q u e a n d the a nterior
The infraorbital (10) nerve i s a continuation o f the maxil­ s up e r i o r a lveo l a r n e rve b l o c k tech n i q u e a re d isti n ct l y d iffe r­
lary nerve within the infraorbital groove and canal located ent i n t h e fo l l ow i n g ways:
in the portion of the inferior orbit formed by the maxilla. 1 . Penetratio n site: T h e p e n etrat i o n s ite fo r a n 10 n e rve
It branches into the middle superior and anterior superior b l o c k is l o cated ove r the fi rst p re m o l a r, w h e reas the
alveolar nerves within the maxilla. The terminal branches p e n etrat i o n site fo r t h e ASA n e rve b l o ck is l o cated
of the infraorbital nerve enter the maxilla at the infraor­ over t h e ca n i n e .
bital foramen and provide sensory innervation to the up­ 2. Dep osition site: T h e d epos iti o n site fo r a n 1 0 n e rve
per lip, lateral portion of the nose, and the lower eyelid b l o c k is l o cated at the i n fra o rbita l fo ra m e n , w h e reas
on one side. The discussion of the 10 nerve block can be t h e d eposition site fo r t h e ASA n e rve b l ock is l ocated
confusing because, like the ASA nerve block, it also anes­ at the ap ex of the ca n i n e in the ca n i n e fossa .
thetizes the ASA nerve. The discussion of the ASA and 10 3. Nerves an esth etized: T h e 10 n e rve b l o c k a n esth etizes
the ASA, M SA, and 1 0 n e rves, w h e reas the ASA n e rve
nerve blocks as distinctly different techniques is explained
b l o c k typ i ca l ly a n esthetizes o n l y the ASA n e rve.
in Box 1 2-4 •· A maj or distinction is that, in addition to
4. Effect by diffusion through bone: Only t h e ASA n e rve
the area of anesthesia provided by the ASA nerve block, b l o c k re q u i res d iffu s i o n t h ro u g h b o n e .
the 1 0 nerve block typically provides numbness over a 5. Effect b y direct con tact with n e rve: T h e 1 0 n e rve b l ock
large portion of the face, the premolars on the same side as d i rectly bathes t h e n e rve with a n esth et i c s o l ution at
the inj ection, and some percentage of the time, the mesio­ the 10 fo ra m e n a n d in the 1 0 ca n a l . It does not req u i re
buccal root of the maxillary first molar on the same side. diffu s i o n t h ro u g h b o n e .
The 10 nerve block is indicated for pain management 6. Su ccess rates: T h e A S A n e rve b l ock d e m o n strates a
of anterior and premolar teeth in one quadrant. A benefit m u ch h i g h e r rate of s u ccess, w h i c h m ay be because of

��� ? � ��
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of the 10 nerve block is that smaller volumes of local anes­ : • • • .

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thetics are needed to accomplish the same field of anesthe­
sia compared with administering both an anterior superior
alveolar and a middle superior alveolar nerve block, or central incisors through the canine, and premolars, and
multiple infiltrations. This inj ection technique also avoids their facial periodontium, the lower eyelid, lateral aspect
multiple needle penetrations required when separate ante­ of the nose, and the upper lip. In some individuals, the me­
rior and middle superior alveolar nerve blocks or infiltra­ siobuccal root of the maxillary first molar is also anesthe­
tions are administered. tized (see Figure 12-19 • and Appendix 12-2).
Some authors describe 10 nerve blocks as ASA nerve
Field of Anesthesia blocks and others describe two separate techniques similar
The 10 nerve block will affect structures innervated by to the descriptions in this text (Jastak, Yagiela,&Donaldson,
the anterior and middle superior alveolar and 10 nerves. 1995; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . It is important to remember that
Areas anesthetized include the pulps of the maxillary most dental nerve blocks do not block the entire extents

Teeth anesthetized:

premolars, canine,

lateral, central

PerlodontlumiSoft tl88uee:

facial to affected teeth

FIGURE 12-19 Field of Anesthesia for IO Nerve Blocks. The field

of anesthesia for IO nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded area.

(A) (B)
F I G U RE 12-20 Comparison of Adult and Child IO Foramen. A-In a typical adult, the IO foramen is located approximately 8 to
10 mm below the IO ridge. B-Because of incomplete vertical growth of the facial skeleton in children and adolescents, this distance
is shorter.

of the nerves whose names they bear. As such, they should

be viewed as techniques that block impulses from specific
branches or segments of branches of the nerves that are
identified in the technique name.

Anatomical Factors
As previously discussed, the maxillary nerve segment
within the IO groove and canal is called the infraorbital
nerve. The anterior and middle superior alveolar nerves
branch from the IO nerve within the infraorbital canal.
The IO nerve then exits the infraorbital foramen and fur­
ther divides to provide innervation to areas of the upper
lip, cheek, nose, and lower eyelid ( Blanton &Jeske, 2003).
The height of the mucobuccal fold and the position of
the IO foramen vary, based on facial size, vestibular depth,
and age. In a typical adult, for example, the IO foramen is
located approximately 8 to 10 mm below the IO ridge. This
is a safe distance from the orbit. In children and adoles­
cents, however, the vertical growth of the facial skeleton F I G U R E 12-21 P enetration Site for I O Nerve Blocks. The pen­

is incomplete. Incomplete growth results in a shorter dis­ etration site for IO nerve blocks is indicated by the needle.
tance between the IO foramen and the IO ridge compared Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

with adults. These differences warrant caution in these

individuals ( see Figure 12-20 •). connective tissue, microvasculature, and nerve endings to
the infraorbital foramen.
Technique Factors
D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is anterior to or
The following information describes key factors for suc­ superficial to the infraorbital foramen at a depth adequate
cessful 10 nerve block inj ections. to reach the foramen ( see Figure 1 2-22 •). The foramen
P E N ETRAT I O N S IT E The typical penetration site is at the is located inferior and slightly medial to the infraorbital
height of the mucobuccal fold directly over the first pre­ notch.
molar ( see Figure 12-21 •). Although contact with bone is not necessary for suc­
cess, some sources recommend contact with bone at the
N E E D L E PAT H WAY The n e e d l e a d v a n c e s t h r o u g h height of the infraorbital foramen to assure adequate
thin mucosal tissue to sup erficial fascia consisting o f depth of penetration ( Malamed, 20 13).


F I G U RE 12-22 Deposition Site for IO Nerve Blocks.

The deposition site for IO nerve blocks is indicated in the
spotlighted area.

Technique Steps
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.

N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N A 27-or 25 -gauge needle is recom­

mended for this technique. A 27-gauge short needle is
used most commonly for the I O nerve block , which is
consistent with the shallow-to-moderate depths of pen­
etration and the low rate of positive aspiration (less than
3 %) (Malamed, 20 13). In some cases, a 27-gauge long or a
25-gauge short or long needle may be preferred.
F I G U R E 12-23 Retraction. A-To gain access to the site
I N J E CT I O N P R O C E D U R E To gain access to the site of pen­ of penetration, retract the lip, pulling the tissue taut with the
etration, lift the lip, pulling the tissue taut with the thumb thumb and index finger, lifting the tissues away from the max­
and index finger (see Figures 1 2-23A • and 1 2-23B •) . illa. B-The thumb or forefinger is located over the IO foramen
After locating the foramen (see Box 12-5 •) , the angle of to assist in establishing tissue retraction and is maintained at
insertion is oriented toward the foramen along a line par­ that site during the injection.
allel to the pupil of the eye on the side of inj ection (see Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.
Figures 12-24 • and 1 2-25 •) . Following a negative aspi­
ration, deposit a minimum of 0.9 mL (112 of a cartridge)
of an appropriately selected local anesthetic drug. An
important step after deposition is to apply finger pres­ Confirming Anesthesia
sure over the deposition site for 1 to 2 minutes to enhance Subjective signs of anesthesia for IO inj ections include a
diffusion of the anesthetic solution into the infraorbital sense of numbness of the gingival and labial tissues from
canal. It is customary to maintain a finger position on the distal of the second premolar through the mesial of the
the infraorbital notch throughout the inj ection to avoid central incisor. In addition, numbness occurs in the facial
overinsertion of the needle as shown in Figure 1 2-23B. tissues from the lip to the lower eyelid, including the side
Following the administration of the anesthetic, pressure is of the nose. Obj ective signs include a lack of response to
applied at this same spot, over the deposition site as shown gentle stimulation with an instrument and no pain during
in Figures 12-23B and 12-26 •· procedures.

T h e s u ccess of 10 i nj e cti o n s is i m p roved w h e n the

i nfrao rbita l fo ra m e n is correctly l ocate d . T h i s l a n d m a rk is
e a s i l y i d e ntifi ed i nfe rior to t h e i nfra orb ita l r i d g e by p a l p at­
i n g the i nfra o rb ita l rim on the s i d e of i nj e cti o n a n d l o c a t i n g
the 1 0 n otch . From t h e n otch, m ove t h e fi n g e r i nfe riorly
a l o n g a l i n e p a ra l l e l to t h e p u p i l of t h e eye a p p roxi mately
10 mm. Typ i c a l ly, t h e rim of t h e fo ra m e n c a n be p a l pated

: � � � : ��

. . � ;�
a t i i e ( e i re 1 2 6 ·
. �}
· · · � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .

FIGURE 12-2 5 Syringe Angulations for IO Nerve Blocks. Align

the syringe barrel toward the foramen along a line parallel to the
pupil of the eye on the side of injection. Note the stable fulcrum
on the chin (A) and the palm-up grasp (B) to aid stability.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

F I G U R E 12-26 Locating the Infraorbital Foramen. The infra­

orbital foramen is easily located inferior to the infraorbital ridge
by palpating the infraorbital rim and locating the IO notch.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

Other causes may include inflammation or infection

in the area of deposition, inadequate diffusion of solution
into the foramen because of anatomical factors such as
an unusually small foramen and technical factors such as
insufficient duration, or incorrect application of pressure
F I G U RE 12-24 Cues for Syringe Angulations for IO Nerve
following the injection.
Blocks. To establish syringe angulations, visualize a line parallel
to the midsagittal plane and to the pupil of the eye on the side of Troubleshooting
When 10 nerve blocks are unsuccessful, it is helpful to
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.
reevaluate by visualizing and palpating the location of
the foramen, reassessing syringe angulations and depths
Common Causes of Injection Failure of penetration, and to reconsider volumes of solution de­
The most common causes of anesthetic failure include posited. When necessary, repeat the injection, paying close
deposition of solution too inferior to the infraorbital fo­ attention to these factors.
ramen or too superficial to the foramen and inadequate In some instances, the post-inj ection pressure applied
volumes of solution. is adequate ; however, the location of the foramen is

at the site of inj ection, hematoma, and transient numbness

of peripheral nerve fibers of the facial nerve.

To red u ce re petitive stresses o n c l i n i c i a n s ' h a n d s , it is h e l p­

Posterior S u perior Alveo l a r
fu l to ask patie nts to a p p l y extra o ra l p ress u re over t h e N e rve B lock
fo ra m e n fo l l ow i n g d e p ositi o n of s o l ut i o n a n d n e ed l e w i t h ­
Posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve blocks are indi­
d rawa l . Patie nts s h o u l d be re m i n d e d , i f they a g ree to t h i s
t a s k , that p ress u re m u st be a p p l i e d i n a spe cified d i rec-
cated for pain management of multiple molar teeth in one
tion and in a ste ady, constant m a n n e r over the e n t i re 1 - to quadrant. Alternate names for PSA nerve blocks include

� � � �� �� �

2- n u r od tuberosity or zygomatic blocks. Some clinicians refer to

. . . . : . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • the PSA as a "maxillary block," which is not entirely ac­
curate because a true maxillary, or division 2, block is a
specific and different technique that anesthetizes an entire
incorrectly assessed. In others, the foramen is correctly hemi-maxilla (maxillary blocks are discussed later in this
located but the depth of penetration is inadequate, the chapter) .
needle direction is incorrect, or pressure is applied for too
short a period of time or ineffectively (see Box 12-6 •) . Field of Anesthesia
Some foramina are quite small and do n o t accept solu­ Anesthesia will affect the structures innervated by the
tions readily. Whenever IO inj ections prove to be ineffec­ PSA nerve, including pulps of the maxillary first, sec­
tive repeatedly, choose an alternate technique. ond, and third molars, and the facial periodontium on
the inj e cted side ( s e e Figure 1 2-27 • and Appendix
Technique Modifications and Alternatives 1 2-2 ) . In some individuals, the mesiobuccal root of the
In some instances, an ideal pathway is not possible be­ maxillary first molar will not receive its entire innerva­
cause of anatomical factors such as restrictive musculature tion, or any innervation, from the PSA nerve, and a PSA
and tissue inflexibility. In these cases, a more anterior pen­ block would not provide profound anesthesia for the
etration and pathway may be necessary or an alternative entire tooth.
technique selected.
Alternative inj ections can include anterior superior Anatomical Factors
alveolar nerve blocks, along with middle superior alveo­ The PSA nerve branches from the maxillary nerve in
lar, anterior middle superior alveolar, and palatal anterior the pterygopalatine fossa before the maxillary nerve's
superior alveolar nerve blocks, multiple infiltrations, max­ entrance into the infraorbital canal. The PSA nerve then
illary nerve blocks, and PDL inj ections (see Chapter 15, enters the maxillary tuberosity on its infratemporal sur­
"Supplemental Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies"). face. Generally, there are two or more posterior superior
alveolar branches. One branch traverses downward along
Complications the external surface of the posterior maxilla and innervates
The risk of complications following IO nerve block tech­ the facial gingiva and mucosa of the molars. One or more
niques is minimal. These may include postoperative pain internal branches typically divide further and the nerve

Teeth anesthetized:

maxillary molars except

mesiobuccal root of first molar

Periodontium/Soft tlaauea:

buccal to affected teeth

FIGURE 1 2-27 Field of Anesthesia for P SA Nerve Blocks. The field

of anesthesia for P SA nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded area.

fibers enter the maxilla through small foramina located

on the posterior surface of the tuberosity of the maxilla.
These nerve fibers serve the dental plexuses of the molar
teeth with the common exception of the mesiobuccal root
of the first molar. The innervation of the mesiobuccal root
is further discussed in Box 12-3 .
The area posterior to the infratemporal surface of the
maxilla contains the infratemporal and pterygopalatine
fossae. The infratemporal fossa contains the maxillary ar­
tery and its branches, the pterygoid plexus of veins, and
branches of the mandibular nerve. The maxillary nerve
traverses the superior area of the fossa. Branches of the
maxillary artery and the maxillary nerve continue into the
pterygopalatine fossa, which is located medial to the infra­
temporal fossa.

Technique Factors
The following information describes key factors for suc­
cessful PSA nerve block inj ections.

P E N ETRAT I O N S I T E The penetration site is at the height (A)

of the mucobuccal fold, posterior to the zygomatic process
of the maxilla and generally superior to the distobuccal
root of the maxillary second molar (see Figure 12-28 •) .
When 3rd molars are present, the penetration site can be
adj usted posteriorly to the distobuccal root of the maxil­
lary 3rd molar.

N E E D L E PAT H WAY The needle advances through thin

mucosal tissue, superficial fascia consisting of loose con­
nective tissue, avoiding vessels, and nerve endings to a
location close to the PSA nerve(s) on the posterior surface
of the maxilla.

D E PO S IT I O N S I T E The deposition site is adj acent to the

foramina for the PSA nerve branches on the posterior sur­
face of the maxilla (see Figure 12-29 •) .
F I G U R E 12-29Deposition Site for P SA Nerve Blocks.
A - The deposition site for P SA nerve blocks is indicated in
the spotlighted area. B - At optimum "depth and angle" only
approximately 9 mm of the needle shaft will be visible beyond
the needle hub.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons (B).

Technique Steps
Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.

N E E D L E S E L E CTI O N A 25- or 27-gauge needle is recom­

mended for this technique. A 27-gauge short is most
commonly used, which is consistent with the low rate of
F I G U RE 12-28 P enetration Site for P SA Nerve Blocks. The positive aspiration (slightly greater than 3 %) (Malamed,
penetration site for P SA nerve blocks is indicated by the needle. 20 1 3 ) . Some clinicians prefer to use a long needle for a
At "minimum penetration" nearly the entire length of the nee­ PSA nerve block. Others prefer 25-gauge short or long
dle shaft is visible. needles because of the moderate penetration depths nec­
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons. essary in this technique.

I N JE CT I O N P R O C E D U R E To gain access to the site of

penetration, retract the lip upward and outward , lift­
ing the buccal mucosa laterally as demonstrated in Fig­
ures 1 2-30 • and 1 2-3 1 •· The angle of needle insertion
is up ward (at a 45-degree angle to the occlusal plane of
the maxillary teeth), inward behind the maxillary tuber­
osity (at a 45-degree angle to the midsagittal plane) , and
then must be advanced backward behind the posterior
aspect of the maxilla. To achieve this, the barrel of the
syringe must b e angled downward from the occlusal
table and outward from the patient's midsagittal plane



F I G U RE 12-31 Retraction for P SA Nerve Blocks. A-To
establish access, first retract the lip downward to reduce
pressure on the barrel from the lower lip. B-Retract 45 degrees
to occlusal table.

(B) ( s e e B ox 1 2-7 •) . The optimum depth of insertion is

16 mm (9 mm from the hub of an average 25-mm short
needle) (see Figure 1 2-29B ) ; however, clinicians should
allow for anatomical variances c o n tributing t o the
depth of insertion, which can range from 1 0 to 16 mm.
At depths greater than 16 mm the risk of hematoma in­
cre ases. D eposit anywhere from 0 . 9 mL to 1 . 8 mL (112
t o 1 cartridge) after negative aspiration. For further dis­
cussion on depth, see B ox 1 2-8 •·
Aspirations in more than one plane are recommended
when administering PSA inj ections because of the pres­
ence of the pterygoid plexus of vessels.

(C) Confirming Anesthesia

F I G U RE 12-30 Retraction for P SA Nerve Blocks. Retracting Subj ective signs of anesthesia for PSA inj ections include
the soft tissues both upward and outward provides for direct a sense of numbness of the gingiva and, in some cases, ex­
access to the penetration site and allows for the "upward" and tending into the buccal mucosa from the distal of the third
"inward" pathway. A - Retraction can be provided manually or molar through the first molar. It is not uncommon for
B-with the use of a mirror or C-tissue retractor. patients to report no sensations of numbness. Objective
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons. signs include a lack of response to gentle stimulation with

inferior, posterior, or lateral) and inadequate volumes of

Other causes may include inflammation or infection
in the area of deposition.

The pathway of t h e n e e d l e fo r the PSA n e rve b l ock has Troubleshooting

fre q u ently been descri bed as a n up ward, inward, a n d back­ Occasionally, displaced branches of the PSA nerve and the
ward moveme nt. This can be confu s i n g to vis u a l ize a n d u n ­ greater palatine nerve may provide innervation to the pal­
dersta n d . It m a y be e a s i e r to co n s i d e r t h i s pathway i n terms atal roots of maxillary molars and accessory innervation
of the m otion of the h a n d and syri n g e d u r i n g the i njectio n . to the premolars. In this situation, a supplemental greater
T h e upward n e ed l e pathway is a c h i eved w h e n t h e c l i ­ palatine nerve block will anesthetize these nerve branches
n i c i a n a n g l e s t h e syri n g e ba rre l down ward a t a 45- d e g ree
(Blanton &Jeske, 2003).
a n g l e , away fro m t h e o cc l u s a l plane of t h e m a xi l l a ry teeth
Contact with bone is not expected. If contact occurs,
(see F i g u re 1 2-3 1 ) . T h e in ward n e e d l e p athway is a c h i eved
when t h e c l i n i c i a n a n g l es t h e syri n g e b a rre l o utward l ater­
the needle is touching the periosteum of the tuberosity.
a l ly at a 45- d e g ree a n g l e , away fro m t h e patie nt's m i d s a g it­ Withdrawing the n e e dle and repenetrating at a more
tal p l a n e (see F i g u re 1 2-32 •). The backward m ove m e n t lateral site will avoid this obstruction. If an initial pen­
s i m p ly refe rs to the advancem e n t of t h e n e e d l e to t h e etration site is too anterior to the ideal site, it is possible
d e p ositi o n s i t e . I n s h o rt, the syri n g e w i l l be m oved " d own to contact the posterior surface of the zygomatic process,
and out" befo re adva n c i n g to d e p t h . resisting further progress to the target site posterior to
It c a n be h e l pfu l to ask patie nts to close t h e i r m o uths the tuberosity and causing discomfort. Withdrawing the
h a lf way a n d s h ift their m a n d i b l es to t h e s i d e of i nj e cti o n . needle and reassessing the posterior extent of the zygo­
T h i s i m p roves visi b i l ity a n d a ccess for syri n g e a n g u l at i o n s matic process helps establish a new penetration site that
i n order to a c h i eve u pward, i nward, a n d ba ckward m ove­ is posterior and/or lateral to the previous site.
m e nts. U s i n g the t h u m b o n the retra ct i o n h a n d can a d d
sta b i l ity to m a n a g e a n y p ress u re fro m t h e l ower l i p; t h i s is
Technique Modifications and Alternatives
d e m o n strated i n F i g u re 1 2-33 •·
Additi o n a l vis u a l cues fo r a c h i ev i n g opti m a l a n g u l a ­
The depth of penetration is reduced to prevent overinsertion
t i o n s fo r PSA n e rve b l o cks a re p rovi d e d i n F i g u re 1 2-34 •· in children and small adults. When skeletal anatomy prevents
F i g u re 1 2-35 • d e m o n strates i d e a l , a ccepta b l e , a n d
clinicians from establishing an initial insertion angle at 45
degrees to the midsagittal plane, it may be helpful to begin
: i n co rrect a n g u l at i o n s .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • the injection with the syringe oriented parallel to the maxilla
before establishing ideal angles as the needle is advanced.
an instrument and no pain during the procedure in the Alternatives include multiple infiltrations and PDL or
expected field of anesthesia. intraosseous inj ections (see Chapter 15).

Com mon Causes of Injection Failure Com plications

The most common causes of anesthetic failure include de­ B ecause of its proximity to the pterygoid plexus of veins
position of solution too far from the PSA foramina (too and maxillary arteries, the PSA inj ection has the highest

(A) (B)
F I G U R E 12-32Angulation for P SA Nerve Blocks. A-The "upward" needle pathway is achieved when the clinician angles the sy­
ringe barrel down and away from the occlusal plane. The "inward" needle pathway is achieved when the clinician angles the syringe
barrel outward laterally away from the patient's midsagittal plane. B-P lacing the thumb on the barrel can add stability.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

(A) (B)
F I G U RE 12-33 Fulcrum and Access for P SA Nerve Blocks. Using the thumb on the retraction hand can add stability and manage
pressure from the lower lip.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

(A) (B)
F I G U R E 12-34P SA Nerve Blocks-Visualizing the "Inward" Needle P athway. Following an imaginary line that marks an "X"
across the patient's face can provide a visual cue for the inward needle pathway that is achieved when the syringe barrel is angled out­
ward 45 degrees laterally away from the patient's midsagittal plane.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

risk of hematoma of all other intraoral techniques in this these instances (see Chapter 17, "Local Anesthesia Com­
text with the exception of the tuberosity approach to the plications and Management").
maxillary or second division nerve block. The risk of he­
matoma is more likely if needles are overinserted into the
pterygopalatine fossa. This risk also increases when needle M axi l l a ry N e rve B l ock
penetrations are located too posterior to deposition sites A maxillary nerve block, a l s o referred to as a second
on the posterior surface of the maxilla. B ecause of the division nerve block or a V2 nerve block, is indicated for
higher risk of hematoma associated with PSA inj ections, hemimaxillary pain management. The benefit of maxillary
the technique may be contraindicated in patients with nerve blocks is that a single injection can replace multiple
clotting disorders or on anticoagulant therapy. Alternate inj ections when providing anesthesia for an entire half of
techniques, such as multiple infiltrations, may be safer in the maxilla. Maxillary nerve blocks are also useful when

(A) (B)

F I G U R E 12-3 5 Evaluating Optimal Syringe Angulations.

A-The ideal angulations for P SA nerve blocks create a needle
pathway at a 45-degree angle to the midsagittal plane. B-In
some situations it may be difficult or impossible to achieve this
angle and a lesser angle, approximately 20 degrees, may be ac­
ceptable. Angulations less than 20 degrees (parallel to the mid­
sagittal plane ) are unacceptable. C-Angulations greater than
45 degrees outward are incorrect.

Routine use of maxillary nerve blocks in most situations

is discouraged, and they are perhaps best learned and
practiced when an individual who has administered many
maxillary blocks is mentoring.
There are three well-recognized techniques for anesthe­
As with oth e r proce d u res, t h e re a re a ccepted re g i o n a l a n d
tizing the maxillary nerve. The first involves a facial approach
p rofessi o n a l p h i l o s o p h i e s o f care. T h i s a lso a p p l ies t o varia­
t i o n s i n l o c a l a n esthetic tech n i q ues. A n u m be r of va riati o n s
and has been referred to as a high-tuberosity, tuberosity, or
fo r PSA a n esth esia a re t a u g ht, fo r exa m p l e . O n e variati o n facial- or buccal-approach maxillary nerve block. The second
a d m i n isters the P S A i nj e cti o n as a s h a l low i nfi ltrat i o n , w h i c h involves a palatal approach and is referred to as a greater
is re l ative ly s u ccessfu l fo r soft t i s s u e p ro ce d u res; h owever, palatine, pterygopalatine canal, or simply palatal approach
it m a y be i n a d e q u ate fo r p u l p a l a n esth es i a . Oth e r terms maxillary nerve block. Even though the greater palatine
used to describe PSA i nj e cti o n tech n i q u es i n c l u d e deep maxillary nerve block fits the description of a palatal tech­
infiltration a n d shallow block. nique in this text, it will be discussed in this chapter rather
It is i m p o rtant to n ote that in states w h e re d e n t a l hy­ than in Chapter 13, "Inj ections for Maxillary Pain Control
g i e n ists a d m i n ister loca l a n esth e s i a , a few states a l l ow o n ly • II - Palatal Approach," in order to create a single reference
� : : � :� �� � :��
i fl r t nt ni s
. . •� • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • point for readers. The third technique uses an extraoral ap­
proach and is not discussed in this text.

other penetration sites or pathways on the same side of Field of Anesthesia

the maxilla are infected and needle penetrations for local Anesthesia will affect the structures innervated by the
anesthesia risk deeper spread of the infections or do not maxillary nerve, including the pulps and periodontium of
effectively anesthetize the target tissues or both. Despite all teeth, and palatal tissues to the midline on the inj ected
these benefits, there are significant risks and challenges in­ side. Other unilateral facial tissues such as the upper lip
volved when opting to administer maxillary nerve blocks. and cheek, lower eyelid, and lateral aspect of the nose are
They can be difficult to master from palatal aspects and also affected. Hemostasis of the tissues to be treated is not
risk significant complications from facial approaches. provided by either of the approaches. All fields represented

by the ASA, MSA, IO, GP, and NP nerve blocks previously Palatal Approach to Maxillary Nerve Blocks
discussed are included in the maxillary nerve block. See This is also referred to as the palatal approach, greater
Appendix 1 2-2, "Field of Anesthesia - Maxillary Inj ec­ palatine or pterygopalatine canal maxillary nerve block.
tions," and Appendix 13-2, "Field of Anesthesia - Palatal
Inj ections," for anatomical representations of the hemi­ P E N ETRAT I O N S ITE The penetration site for a greater pala­
maxillary field of anesthesia. tine maxillary nerve block is in the mucosa that lies directly
over the greater palatine foramen (see Figure 12-36 •) .
Anatomical Factors
N E E D L E PAT H WAY The needle advances through thin
Branches of the maxillary nerve arise in the cranium, pterygo­
mucosal tissue, superficial fascia consisting of loose con­
palatine fossa, infraorbital canal, and facial tissues of the max­
nective tissue, avoiding vessels, and nerve endings through
illa. The latter three pass through various foramina and canals
the greater palatine foramen and pterygopalatine canal to
to join posterior branches of the maxillary nerve in the ptery­
a location within the pterygopalatine fossa. To reach this
gopalatine fossa before the maxillary nerve's entrance into
location the syringe (or needle) must be angled upward
the cranium by means of the foramen rotundum. The trunk
(see Figure 12-37 •) and advanced to a depth of 30 mm or
of the maxillary nerve formed in the pterygopalatine fossa
2 mm from the hub of 32-mm needles (1 mm from the hub
by the convergence of its branches is then joined by menin­
in 3 1-mm needles) . There should be no resistance to the
geal branches from the dura mater just before the maxillary
needle's movement at any point along its pathway to the
nerve trunk's entrance into the trigeminal ganglion. Together,
deposition site.
the right and left maxillary nerves innervate the maxillae and
their overlying skin, the nasal cavity, palate, maxillary sinuses, D E PO S I T I O N SITE The deposition site is in proximity to
nasopharynx, and a portion of the dura mater. the maxillary nerve trunk within the pterygopalatine fossa
The maxillary artery is protected from the pressures of (see Figure 12-38 •) .
mastication by the pterygoid plexus of veins, which emp­
ties in response to compression in order to allow an un­ Technique Steps
interrupted flow of blood through the artery (Fehrenbach Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
&Herring, 20 12). The maxillary artery is situated within summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.
the plexus and lies in the direct pathway of high-tuberos­ Use the two-step topical pre- anesthesia technique,
ity maxillary nerve block inj ections. Inadvertent nicking described in Chapter 13 under injection procedure, before
of the artery can result in rapid and vigorous hematoma providing infiltration pre-anesthesia. Additional pre­
formation and has been characterized as involving a rela­ anesthesia by infiltration is strongly suggested here for the
tively high degree of risk when high-tuberosity maxillary benefit of both patient and clinician. This is accomplished
blocks are administered (Hawkins &Isen, 1998). This is in
addition to the technique's characterization as being less
predictable, more arbitrary, and prone to more complica­
tions (Hawkins &Isen, 1998; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) compared
with the pterygopalatine canal or palatal approach.
The palatal approach is most successful when the pter­
ygopalatine canal is relatively straight and unobstructed.
This has been estimated to be the case anywhere from 85 %
to 95 % of the time (Hawkins & Is en, 1998; Malamed &
Trieger, 1983). Although far less likely to occur, hematomas
are also possible with this approach. The positive aspiration
risk is estimated to be less than 1 % , an indication of the in­
frequency of encounter. Penetration of the orbit is possible
in greater palatine maxillary nerve block overpenetrations.
Ocular complications include periorbital swelling and pro­
ptosis (exophthalmos) , diplopia, transient loss of vision,
mydriasis, retrobulbar hemorrhage, and corneal anesthesia.
The needle may also penetrate the thin medial wall of the
nasal cavity, noted by a lack of fluid during aspiration and
a bubble of air in the cartridge. Patients may complain of
liquid running down their throats (Malamed, 20 13). FIGURE 12-36 P enetration Site-P alatal Approach-Maxillary
Nerve Blocks. The penetration site for maxillary nerve blocks is
Technique Factors into the greater palatine foramen as indicated by the needle. At
The following information describes key factors for suc­ "minimum penetration" nearly the entire length of the needle
cessful maxillary nerve block inj ections. Two sets of factors shaft is visible. The penetration site and needle modification are
will be described, one set for each approach. demonstrated.

performing this technique (Hawkins &Isen, 1998 ) . This

promotes a more comfortable procedure, allows clinicians
to concentrate on the technique itself, and helps patients
tolerate deep needle insertions in posterior areas of their
palates. Although not always necessary, it may be helpful
to bend needles to a 45-degree angle (see Figure 12-37),
which can help negotiate greater palatine canals and may
be critical to success when there is very limited access.
When supporting their recommendation for bending nee­
dles, Hawkins and Isen point to the wide variation in the
slope of the greater palatine canal (from 20 to 70 degrees),
which can be better accommodated with bent needles.
Regardless of whether or not clinicians choose to bend
needles, care should be taken to avoid medial deviation
of needles and subsequent nasal cavity penetrations dur­
ing insertions to depth. No resistance should be felt dur­
ing penetration to the deposition site, although the lateral
FIGURE 12-37 Syringe Angulation-Palatal Approach-Maxillary walls of the canal can be used to help guide the needle to
Nerve Blocks. The demonstrated syringe angulation is necessary to its optimal depth of 30 mm.
navigate the greater palatine canal with both modified and straight Once the deposition site is reached, aspiration is re­
needle techniques. quired. Multiple aspirations in more than one plane are
recommended when administering all maxillary nerve
by locating the anterior depression of the greater palatine block inj ections. It is important to note, if the needle, at
foramen, moving a few millimeters posterior to that loca­ any time, is unable to move beyond an obstruction, it
tion, then following the steps for infiltration inj ections. should be withdrawn and the procedure terminated.

N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N A 25-gauge needle is preferred for Facial Approach to Maxillary Nerve Blocks

this technique. Considering the limited space available in
This is also referred to as a high tuberosity, tuberosity, or
the posterior areas of the oral cavity, some clinicians find facial- or buccal-approach maxillary nerve block.
it useful to bend needles when performing this technique.
B ending needles is discussed in Chapter 1 5 , B ox 15-3 , P E N ETRAT I O N SITE The penetration site is at the height
which provides a discussion of safe practices if clinicians of the mucobuccal fold over the dis to buccal aspect of the
elect to bend needles. maxillary second molar (see Figure 12-39 •) .
I N JE CT I O N P R O C E D U R E It cannot be overemphasized N E E D L E PAT H WAY The needle advances through thin
that pre-anesthesia is helpful and recommended before mucosal tissue and superficial fascia consisting of loose

(A) (B)
F I G U RE 12-38 Deposition Site-Palatal Approach-for Maxillary Nerve Blocks. A-The deposition site for-palatal approach ­
maxillary nerve blocks is indicated in the spotlighted area. B-At optimum "depth and angle" only approximately -2 mm of the
needle shaft will be visible beyond the needle hub.

F I G U R E 12-40 Deposition Site for High-Tuberosity

F I G U RE 12-39 P enetration Site for-High-Tuberosity
Approach-Maxillary Nerve Blocks. The penetration site for Approach-Maxillary Nerve Blocks. The deposition site for
maxillary nerve blocks is indicated by the needle. Both the maxillary nerve blocks is in close proximity to the maxillary
penetration site and syringe angulation are similar to P SA nerve trunk within the pterygopalatine fossa. At optimum
injections. "depth and angle" only approximately -2 mm of a 32-mm
needle shaft will be visible beyond the needle hub. This
will be 30 mm compared with 16 mm for a P SA.

connective tissue, avoiding vessels and nerve endings to a

location within the pterygopalatine fossa to a depth of 30
mm or 2mm from the hub of a 32-mm needle and 1 mm
from the hub of a 3 1-mm needle as j udged by the por­ The needle should be inserted to 30 mm and at least
tions of needles that are protruding from the tissues after two aspirations should occur in at least two planes and be
optimal insertions. There should be no resistance to the confirmed as negative before depositing any solution. A
needle's movement at any point along its pathway to the full cartridge (1.8 mL) is recommended.
deposition site. It can be helpful to ask patients to close their mouths
half way and shift their mandibles to the side of inj ection.
D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is in proximity to This improves visibility and access for syringe angulations
the maxillary nerve trunk within the pterygopalatine fossa in order to achieve upward, inward, and backward move­
(see Figure 12-40 •) . ments. Using the retraction hand thumb can add stability
to manage any pressure from the lower lip similar to PSA
Technique Steps nerve blocks; this is demonstrated in Figure 12-33.
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and Additional visual cues for achieving optimal angula­
summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. tions for maxillary nerve blocks are provided in Figure
12-34. Figure 1 2-35 demonstrates ideal, acceptable, and
N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N A 25-gauge needle is preferred for incorrect angulations that are similar to the PSA nerve
this technique considering the vascularity of the deposi­ blocks.
tion site as well as the depth of insertion.
Confirming Anesthesia
Injection Procedure Subj ective signs of anesthesia for maxillary nerve block in­
This technique shares many elements with the PSA nerve jections include a sense of numbness in the gingiva overly­
block. An upward needle pathway is achieved when the ing all of the maxillary teeth on one side, the pulps of the
clinician angles the syringe barrel downward at a 45-de­ teeth, the rest of the periodontium, and palatal tissue to
gree angle, away from the occlusal plane of the maxillary the midline. The upper lip, lateral aspect of the nose, and
teeth (see Figure 1 2-28) . An inward needle pathway is inferior eyelid are also numb.
achieved when the clinician angles the syringe barrel out­
ward laterally at a 45-degree angle, away from the patient's Common Causes of Injection Failure
midsagittal plane (see Figure 12-34A). A backward move­ Common causes of anesthetic failure include deposition
ment simply refers to the advancement of the needle to the of solution too far from the maxillary nerve and inad­
deposition site. In short, the syringe will be moved "down equate volumes of solution . Impassable obstructions and
and out" before advancing to depth. penetration of the nasal cavity or orbit and intravascular

deposition are also sources of failure in greater palatine Retrobulbar block (mydriasis, anesthesia of the
maxillary blocks. Hematoma formation during high­ cornea, ophthalmoplegia)
tuberosity maxillary blocks and positive aspirations are Optic nerve block (transient loss of vision in that
common sources of failure. Other causes may include in­ eye is possible)
flammation or infection in the area of deposition.
Troubleshooting Penetration into the nasal cavity
Occasionally, obstruction or an inability to open wide
enough makes it impossible to reach adequate depth in F utu re Perspectives
greater palatine maxillary nerve blocks. There is no rem­
Intranasal Anesthesia
edy when either of these occurs other than to use alternate
techniques. Nasal delivery of drugs also referred to as intranasal
Contact with bone is not expected in tuberosity ap­ administration can provide local or systemic effects (see
proaches. If contact occurs, the pathway should be altered Figure 12-4 1 ) . Examples of administrations for local effect
after fully withdrawing the needle and reassessing the lo­ include decongestant and allergy medications and nar­
cation of the maxillary tuberosity and zygoma. cotics for pain relief following surgery (Shelley &Peach,
Greater p alatine maxillary nerve blocks generally 2008 ) . Administrations for systemic effect include drugs
have fewer complications compared with high-tuberosity for relief of migraine headaches (especially when nausea
maxillary nerve blocks. They are, however, potentially precludes oral administration) and, more recently, intrana­
more traumatic (Malamed, 20 13). sal flu vaccines (Veldhorst-Janssen, et al. , 2009) . A num­
B ecause there are numerous alternatives to either of ber of physicians and dentists use intranasal delivery to
these inj ections and because almost all of them are more avoid inj ections in children when sedating them (Shelley
familiar to clinicians than maxillary nerve blocks, clini­ &Peach, 2008; Wolfe &Braude, 20 10).
cians usually have no trouble finding suitable alternatives. As with other delivery methods, the intranasal route
is not always appropriate; for example, when administer­
ing through nasal mucosa, rapid enzymatic degradation
Technique Modifications and Alternatives
can result in the deactivation of certain drugs and the rich
The depth of penetration is reduced to prevent over­
vascular supply of the nasal mucosa can lead to undesired
insertion in smaller adults. When skeletal anatomy pre­
systemic effects for others (Ttirker, Onur, &Ozer, 2004) .
vents clinicians from establishing an initial insertion angle
At times, circulatory levels of intranasally administered
at 45 degrees to the midsagittal plane in high-tuberosity
drugs have been reported to approach levels seen after
blocks, it may be helpful to begin the inj ection with the
intravenous administration (Ttirker, Onur,&Ozer, 2004).
syringe oriented parallel to the maxilla before establishing
Undesired effects can also occur when a portion of the
ideal angles as the needle is advanced, similar to the PSA
delivered dose is swallowed or bypasses the nasal mucosa
leading to increased uptake via the lower respiratory tract.
Alternatives include every other technique listed in
To increase retention of drugs on mucosa, specific bioad­
this text for achieving maxillary anesthesia, including PSA,
hesive polymers known as mucoadhesives are sometimes
MSA, ASA, IO, NP, GP, AMSA, infiltration, PDL, intrasep­
incorporated. These polymers temporarily adhere medi­
tal, intraosseous, and intrapulpal injections when indicated.
cations to mucosa enhancing drug uptake and efficacy
(Shaikh, et al. , 20 1 1 ) . Vasoconstrictors have been added to
Complications prolong drug actions and decrease systemic uptake.
B ecause of its proximity to the pterygoid plexus of veins
and maxillary arteries, the maxillary nerve block injection Kovacaine Mist™
has the highest risk of peri-inj ection hematoma formation. A product currently under development for intranasal
The technique is contraindicated in patients with clotting anesthesia of a portion of the maxilla, Kovacaine Mist™ ,
disorders or on anticoagulant therapy. Alternate tech­ is a formulation of an ester local anesthetic and a vaso­
niques should be used in these instances. constrictor. The aqueous formulation of Kovacaine Mist™
The following are possible risks with the tuberosity includes 3% tetracaine (a potent ester anesthetic and early
approach (Malamed, 20 13): replacement for the more toxic drug, cocaine), 0.05 % oxy­
Hematoma (vigorous hematoma if the maxillary metazoline (a vasoconstrictor currently used in some OTC
artery is nicked) sprays to relieve nasal congestion) , and mucoadhesives.
Infection The concentration of tetracaine in the formula is predicted
to provide profound anesthesia of the maxillary teeth and
The following are p o ssible risks with the greater
their associated structures including palatal tissues. For
palatine foramen approach
comparison, ophthalmic preparations are typically formu­
Displacement of orbital structures lated as 0.5 % , spinal inj ections as 1 % , and popular topical
Diplopia (anesthesia of the sixth cranial nerve) preparations in dentistry as 2 % .

Published Phase 2 clinical trials reported an 83.3 % lidocaine were administered during the study in attempts
success rate with Kovacaine Mist™ intranasal adminis­ to provide profound anesthesia whenever intranasal ad­
trations compared with lidocaine inj ections (93 .3 % ) dur­ ministrations of Kovacaine Mist™ or initial inj ections of li­
ing procedures in which no rescue injection of lidocaine docaine failed to provide profound anesthesia. There were
was required ( Ciancio, et al. , 20 10). Rescue inj ections of five failures of Kovacaine Mist™ to provide profound
anesthesia. However, in one of the five failed attempts,
the subsequent rescue inj ection of lidocaine also failed
to provide profound anesthesia. Success of premolar-to­
premolar (#4-# 1 3 ) anesthesia was demonstrated to be
90 % via intranasal anesthesia (Ciancio, et al. , 20 10).

Kovacaine Mist™ Press Release

In a press release dated February 2 1 , 20 14, St. Renatus,
LLC announced the completion of Phase 3 multisite clini­
cal studies in which they tested the safety and efficacy of
their nasal mist technology in adult and pediatric subj ects
(St. Renatus, 20 14) .
Results of the Phase 3 trials were not available when
this text went to publication.

Elena Gagarin
An i nfiltratio n was a d m i n istered ove r #8 to s u p p l e ­
m e n t t h e ASA b l ock a n d treatment w a s fi n i s h e d i n
comfo rt.
Case Discuss i o n : C ross- i n n e rvati o n fro m t h e
o p pos ite s i d e ASA n e rve p revented a n oth e rwise
effe ctive ASA b l o c k fro m p rovi d i n g co m p l ete a n ­
est h e s i a of # 8 . T h i s v e ry co m m o n p a tte rn of a c ­
cessory i n n e rvation i n t h e maxi l l a ry a nterior a rea i s
easily re m e d i e d with a n i nfi ltration a bove t h e a p ex
of the centra l i n cisor on the s i d e on w h i c h a n esthe­
F I G U R E 12-41 Example of intranasal delivery device. sia is desire d .
Source: Courtesy of St. Renatus, LLC.

.�.h. Ia.P..t.E! r. . 9.l1.� �� .i.e>.fl � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. The needle i s perpendicular t o the long axis o f the
tooth, passing through thick mucosal tissue, dense
1 . Which one of the following statements best describes connective tissues, muscle , and vessels, and past
the needle pathway for an infiltration inj ection microvasculature and nerve endings.
technique? 2. When infiltration inj ections are unsuccessful, it may
a. The needle is parallel to the long axis of the tooth, be helpful to:
passing through thin mucosal tissues to superficial fas­ a. Change the length of the needle and repeat the
cia containing loose connective tissue, and past small injection.
vessels and microvasculature, and nerve endings. b. Visualize, palpate, check radiographs, and reassess
b. The needle is distal to the long access of the tooth, the technique.
passing through thin mucosal tissue to deep fascia c. Establish contact with bone before administering
of connective tissues, and past small vessels, alveo­ one cartridge of anesthetic solution.
lar bone, and nerve endings. d. R e p e a t the s a m e inj ection and d e p o s i t m o r e
c. The needle is parallel to the long axis of the tooth, solution.
passing through thin mucosal tissues to superficial
tissue, and past small vessels, nerves, and bone.

3. The middle superior alveolar nerve is absent in efficacy of a novel nasal spray for maxillary dental anesthe­
approximately 28% - 50% of individuals. sia. Journal of Dental Research, 92(7, Suppl.), S43-S48.
a. True Diggle, L.,Deeks, J. J., P ollard, A. J. (2006). Effect of needle
b. False size on immunogenicity and reactogenicity of vaccines in in­
fants: Randomized controlled trial, British Medical Journal,
4. In a typical adult patient, the infraorbital foramen 333(7568), 571-578.
is approximately 8 to 10 mm below the infraorbital Fehrenbach, M. J., & Herring, S. W. (2012). Illustrated anatomy
ridge. of the head and neck (4th ed. ). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.
a. True Flanagan T., Wahl M. J., Schmitt M. M, Wahl J. A (2007). Size
b. False doesn't matter: Needle gauge and injection pain, General
Dentistry, 55(3), 216-217.
5. Which one of the following provides the most accurate Hawkins, J. M., & Isen, D. (1998). Maxillary nerve block: The
description of the field of anesthesia in a PSA injection? pterygopalatine canal approach. Journal of the California
a. Pulps of the maxillary premolars and molars, and Dental Association, 26 (9), 658-664.
their facial gingiv a , periodontal ligament, and Jastak, J. T., Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995). Local anes­
alveolar bone on the side inj ected thesia of the oral cavity. P hiladelphia: Saunders.
Loestscher, C. A., & Walton, R. E. (1988). P atterns of innerva­
b. Pulps of the maxillary and mandibular molars on
tion of the maxillary first molar: A dissection study. Oral
the side injected
Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology, 65, 86-90.
c. Pulps of the maxillary teeth to the midline , and Malamed, S. F. (2013). Handbook of local anesthesia (6th ed.).
their facial gingiv a , periodontal ligament, and St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
alveolar bone on the side injected Malamed, S. F., & Trieger, N. (1983). Intraoral maxillary nerve
d. Pulps of the maxillary molars, except sometimes block: An anatomical and clinical study. Anesthesia Progress,
the mesiobuccal root of the first molar, and their 30, 44--4 8.
facial gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveolar Shaikh, R., Raghu, T., Singh, R., G arland, M. J., Woolfson, A.
bone on the inj ected side D., & D onnelly, R. F. (2011). Mucoadhesive drug delivery
systems. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, 3(1),
6. Which one of the following is most likely to increase 89-100.
the risk of hematoma following a PSA nerve block? Shelley, K., & P each, M. J. (2008). The clinical applications of
a. The needle is inserted too deep or too posterior to intranasal opioids. Current Drug Delivery, 5(1), 55-58.
the deposition site on the posterior surface of the St. Renatus. (2014, February 21). St. Renatus, LLC. , has
maxilla. completed all planned FDA clinical studies of a nasal
b. The needle is inserted too inferior to the posterior anesthetic for dentistry. P ress Release. Fort Collins, CO:
surface of the maxilla. Author.
Tiirker, S., Onur, E., & Ozer, Y. (2004). Nasal route and
c. The porous bony surface of the maxilla allows the nee­
drug delivery systems. Pharmacy World & Science, 26 (3),
dle to penetrate the maxilla-piercing blood vessels.
d. A long needle is inserted, contacting the bony peri­ Veldhorst-Janssen, N. M., Fiddelers, A. A., van der Kuy, P. H.,
osteum on the surface of the maxilla. Neef, C., & Marcus,M. A. (2009). A review of the clinical
pharmacokinetics of opioids, benzodiazepines, and antimi­
graine drugs delivered intranasally. Clinical Therapeutics,
Refe re n ces 31 (12), 2954-2981
Wolfe, T. R., & Braude,D. A. (2010). Intranasal medication
Blanton, P., & Jeske, A. (2003, June). The key t o profound local delivery for children: A brief review and update. Pediatrics,
anesthesia-neuroanatomy. Journal of the American Dental 126, 532-531
Association, 134, 755-756. Wong, J. A. (2001). Adjuncts to local anesthesia: Separating fact
Ciancio, S. G., Hutcheson,M. C., Ayoub, F. , P antera, E. A., from fiction. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 67,
Jr., P antera, C. T., Galrapo, D. A., et al. (2010). Safety and 391-391

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t Nerve Block Needle Penetration Site Deposition Site Dose•
Field of Anesthesia (f)
See Appendix 1 2-2 c
or short
Height of
mucobuccal fold
Depth of Insertion Antle of lnHrtion 0.6 m l Teeth anesthetized: 3
in jections 25/27/30 buccal to tooth
Needle tip i nserted
to a depth of 3-6 mm
20 degrees to long
At i njection site
gauge Fig. 1 2-2 OJ
to apex axis of tooth, di rected
toward apex of tooth
bevel toward bone
Target Peridontium/Saft tissues: 0

Selected soft tissue, At injection site
g i ngival or apex of tooth
Fig. 1 2-4

Anterior Short Height of Depth of Insertion Aftt le of Insertion 0 . 9- 1 . 2 ml Teeth anesthetized: ><
superior 25/27 gauge mucobuccal fold
Va riable, needle tip Need le di rected Canine, lateral, centra l
alveolar (ASA) above canine
i nserted to a point 25 deg rees medially
Fig. 1 2- 1 1
above apex of canine. bevel toward bone
Target Peridontium/Soft tissues:
Above apex of canine Facial to affected teeth ::::J
'-- ·
Fig. 1 2- 1 2 (J)
25/27 gauge
Height of
mucobuccal fold
Depth of Insertion
Variable, needle tip
Aftt le of Insertion
Needle di rected
0 . 9- 1 .2 ml Teeth anesthetized:
Maxillary emolars
alveolar (MSA) above the second inserted to a point well 20 degrees medially and mesic uccal root 0
premolar above apex of second bevel toward bone of first molar* ::::J
Fig. 1 2- 1 5 premolar (f)
•For most people
Target Peridontium/Saft tissues:
Well above apex of second premolar. Facial to affected teeth
Fig. 1 2- 1 6
Infraorbital Short or long Height of Depth of Insertion Angle of '-'lion 0.9-1 .2 ml Teeth anesthetized:
(10) 25/27 gauge mucobuccal folder
Va riable, needle tip Needle P.Orallel to long Premolars, cani ne, lateral,
above first
premolar inserted to a �oint axis of tooth bevel central
Fig. 1 2-2 1 lateral to t e toward bone
infraorbital foramen
Target Peridontium/Solt tissues:

Infraorbital foramen Facial to affected teeth

Fig. 1 2-22

* Dose volumes provided are minimum recommendations for pulpal anesthesia. (Continued)
Field of Anesthesia
Nerve Block Needle Penetration Site Deposition Site Dose•
See Appendix 1 2-2

Posterior Short Height of Depth af I nsertion Angle of Insertion 0.9-1 . 8 mL Teeth anesthetized:
superior 25/27 gouge mucobuccol fold
Needle tip inserted to a Need le advanced Maxillary molars except
alveolar (PSA) above second
depth of 1 6 mm along a path mesiobuccal root of first molar
45 degrees medially
Fig. 1 2-28
to m idsaggital plane,
45 degrees su erior
to occlusal p one

Target Peridontium/Soft tissues:

Slightly above and dista l to distobuccal root of Buccal to affected teeth
last molar, second or third if present
Fig. 1 2-29A

Maxillary Long GP foramen Depth af Insertion Angle of Insertion 1 . 8 mL Teeth anesthetized:

nerve block 25 gauge Fig. 1 2-36 Needle tip inserted After pre-anesthesia, Entire hemi-maxi lla
palatal to a depth of 30 mm negotiate the
tuberosity pterygopalatine (GP)
approach canal (if obstructed,
(MxNB) withdraw and use
alternate techn ique)
Target Peridontium/Soft tissues:
Close proximity to the maxillary Entire hemi-maxi lla
nerve trun k with i n the pterygopalatine fossa
Fig. 1 2-37
Maxillary Long Height of Depth af I nsertion Angle of Insertion 1 .8 ml Teeth anesthetized:
nerve block 25 gouge mucobuccal fold
Needle tip inserted Needle advanced Entire hemi-maxilla
high tuberosity opposite the
to a depth ol 30 mm along a path
approach DB cusp of the
45 deg rees medially
maxi llary 2nd
to midsaggital plane,
45 degrees superior to
Fig. 1 2-28
occlusal plane
Target Peridontium/Soft tissues:
Close proxi mity to the maxillary nerve trunk Entire hemi - maxilla
withi n the pterygopalatine fossa
Fig. 1 2-39
• Dose volumes provided are minimum recommendations for pulpal anesthesia.

Field of Anesthesia
ASA 10

Teeth an esthetized: Teeth an esthetized:

ca n i n e , l atera l , central Maxillary I njections p remolars, canine,

l ate ra l , central

Peridonti um/Soft tissues:

faci a l to affected teeth Peridontl um/Soft tissues:

faci a l to affected teeth

I nfi ltrati o n
Teeth a nesthetized:

max i l l a ry premolars and Teeth an esthetized :

mesiobuccal root of first molar* at inj ection s ite

* For most people

Pe ridonti um/Soft tissues:

Peridonti um/Soft tissues: at i nj ection s ite

faci a l to affected teeth


Teeth ane sth e tized :

maxi l l a ry molars except

mesiobuccal root of first molar

Peridonti um/Soft ti ssues: Courtnyof:

b u ccal to affected teeth

Source: Courtesy of LED Dental.


• Define a n d d i sc u ss the key terms in t h i s c h a pter. anterior m i d d l e s u perior

a lveo l a r (A MSA) n e rve
• Descri be a n d d i sc u ss the in d i ca t i o n s , re leva n t a n atomy, a n d
b l ock 254
tech n i q ue featu res o f t h e inject i o n s d i scu ssed i n t h i s c h a pter.
d e ntal p l exus 256
• Descri be the b a s i c tec h n i q ue steps fo r safe a n d effective a d ­ d e p osition site 248
m i n istra t i o n of the fo l l owin g i njecti o n s : G ate Control Theory 250
• N a sopa l at i n e nerve b l ock g reater p a l ati n e (G Ps) n e rve
• P a l ata l (a p p ro a c h ) a n terio r s u peri o r a l veo l a r nerve b l o ck b l ock 260
• Anteri o r m i d d l e su perio r a l veo l a r nerve b l o ck nasopalati n e ( N P) n e rve
b l ock 248
• G reater pa l at i n e nerve b l o ck
need l e pathway 248
p a l ata l anterior s u perior
a lveo l a r (P-ASA) n e rve
b l ock 252
p e n etratio n site 248
p re-a nesthesia 249
p ress u re a n esth esia 250


administering palatal anesthesia. Others address unique

CASE ST U DY challenges presented by palatal anatomy. These consid­
erations and challenges have direct impacts on the safety
Elena Gagarin and success of palatal techniques. Key elements for each
E l e n a G a g a r i n was a p p o i nted fo r two-a n d - o n e - h a l f inj ection discussed are summarized in Appendix 1 3-1.
h o u rs to treat t h e m ax i l l a ry r i g h t q u a d ra n t . S h e Common variations and precautions will be discussed
n e e d e d a co m b i n a t i o n o f restorative a n d d e nta l where applicable.
h yg i e n e t h e ra py a n d o pted to h ave it co m p l eted
i n one a p p o i n t m e n t because of d iffi cu l ty a rra n g ­ N asopa l ati n e N e rve Block
i n g h e r a p p o i n t m e nts. A n e st h e s i a w a s n e cessa ry
Nasopalatine (NP) nerve blocks are indicated for pain
fo r the entire q u a d rant, i n c l u d i n g the p a l ate. T he re
were n otes of h e r p revi o u s req u ests that p a l ata l i n­
management of palatal soft and osseous tissue in the an­
j e ct i o n s be m i n i m ized o r avo i d e d a n d th at, w h e n
terior third of the palate, approximately from canine to
necessa ry, s h e wo u l d req u i re n itro u s oxi d e .
canine. The NP nerve occasionally provides pulpal anes­
S h e s t a t e d t h a t s h e h a d r e q u i re d s o m a n y
thesia to the central incisors, and the NP block is some­
sh ots t h e l ast t i m e s h e was in s h e a l m ost ca n ce l e d
times needed when traditional methods of anesthetizing
t o d a y 's a p p o i n t m e n t . S h e a l s o h a d a g re e d to
the central incisors fail to provide profound anesthesia
s p e a k to h e r d a u g hte r's c l a ss i m m e d iately fo l l ow­
(Blanton&Jeske, 2003). The NP nerve block is also known
i n g h e r a p p o i nt m e n t a n d was c o n c e r n e d that h e r
as an incisive or sphenopalatine nerve block.
l i ps wo u l d be n u m b . S h e re m i n d e d t h e offi ce staff
Field of Anesthesia
on a rriva l that s h e wanted fewer s h ots a n d h o p e d
t h e n u m b i n g wo u l d work b ette r t h i s t i m e . T h e of­ Anesthesia will affect the structures innervated by the
fice staff c h ecked t h e record a n d verifi e d that five nasopalatine nerves bilaterally. This field includes struc­
i n fi ltrati o n s on t h e l e ft m a xi l l a, i n c l u d i n g two o n tures located in the anterior one-third of the palate (see
t h e p a l ate, h a d b e e n a d m i n istered d u ri n g h e r l ast Figure 13-1 • and Appendix 13-2) .
a p p o i nt m e nt.
Anatomical Factors
The nasopalatine nerve is the longest branch of the poste­
I ntrod u cti o n rior superior nasal branch of the maxillary nerve. It passes
A s discussed i n Chapter 1 1 , "Fundamentals for Adminis­ along the nasal septum and descends to the anterior por­
tration of Local Anesthetic Agents," and Chapter 12, "In­ tion of the maxilla. B oth the right and left nasopalatine
j ections for Maxillary Pain Control 1," local infiltrations, nerves exit the maxilla through the incisive foramen. The
field blocks, and nerve blocks are the three basic types of fibers innervate the mucosa and osseous tissue of the an­
intraoral inj ections frequently used in dentistry. Additional terior hard palate and palatal gingiva to the mesial aspects
relevant terminology introduced in Chapter 12 includes of the first premolars or slightly posterior to that location
anatomic landmarks. This chapter will discuss consider­ because of some degree of overlap with fibers of the right
ations for each palatal inj ection technique and will be pre­ and left greater palatine nerves. The nasopalatine nerves
sented in reference to the penetration site, needle pathway, occasionally provide pulpal innervation to central incisors,
and deposition site as described in Chapter 1 1 , "Funda­
mentals for Administration of Local Anesthetic Agents."
The penetration site will be related to hard and soft tissue
landmarks. The needle pathway will be described in terms Teeth eneethetlza d :

of the types of tissue that will be penetrated by or located none

in the vicinity of the needle, including mucosa, superficial
fascia, muscle, vessels, nerves, and bone. The deposition PerlodonU u m :
site will be described in terms of the tissues at or near the
palatal t o incisors and canines
target and in relation to specific landmarks.

Pa l ata l Injecti o n Tech n i q ues

This chapter will discuss palatal injection techniques. Pala­
tal inj ections are true maxillary injections, usually discussed
with other maxillary techniques. They are separated in this
text because there are common technique considerations
that apply to all palatal procedures that do not apply to F I G U R E 13-1 Field of Anesthesia for N P Nerve Blocks. The
non palatal maxillary techniques. Some of these consid­ field of anesthesia for NP nerve blocks is indicated by the
erations address the pain that is often associated with shaded area.

as well. When this pattern is present, it is frequently nec­ Technique Steps

essary to anesthetize the nasopalatine nerves in order Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
to provide profound anesthesia of the central incisors summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.
(Blanton &Jeske, 2003).
N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N A 27-gauge short needle is recom­
Technique Factors mended and consistent with the minimal penetration
The following information describes key factors for suc­ depths required and the low rate of positive aspiration
cessful NP nerve block inj ections. (less than 1 % ). Some clinicians prefer to use a 30-gauge
short or x-short needle in the palate.
P E N ETRAT I O N S I T E The optimum site of penetration for
the NP nerve block is the palatal mucosa lateral to the I N JE CT I O N P R O C E D U R E Palatal injections have a repu­
widest anteroposterior dimension of the incisive papilla tation for causing discomfort. They can be administered
(see Figure 13-2 •) . more comfortably if a technique alteration known as pre­
inj ection anesthesia, also referred to as pre-anesthesia, is
N E E D L E PAT HWAY The needle advances under the inci­ used. Pre-anesthesia may be defined as anesthesia that is
sive papilla through dense mucosal tissues to contact the already in effect from previous injections in the area (see
opposite wall of the incisive canal near its entrance. Figure 13-4 •) or a two-step topical method that includes
an initial 1-minute application of topical followed by firm
D E PO S I T I O N SITE The deposition site is near the center of
pressure for a subsequent minute (see Figure 13-5 •) .
the incisive canal (see Figure 13-3 •) .

F I G U RE 13-2 P enetration Site for NP Nerve Blocks. The pen­

etration site for NP nerve blocks is indicated by the needle.

F I G U R E 13-4 P re-anesthesia Infiltration. A-Step 1, Infiltrate
labial mucosa. B-Step 2, Infiltrate "through" the interdental
FIGURE 13-3 Deposition Site for NP Nerve Blocks. The deposi­ papilla tissue. These steps are followed by the penetration under
tion site for NP nerve blocks is indicated in the spotlighted area. the incisive papilla (demonstrated in Figure 13-2.)

of Pain Perception, which states that there are certain lo­

cations or gates within the spinal nervous system. When
flooded with impulses from less painful stimuli, impulses
generated from more painful and subsequent stimuli, such
as needle penetrations, can be blocked (Deardorff, 2007).
Box 1 3-1 • provides a more in depth discussion of the
Gate Control theory of pain perception.
Topical anesthetic patches can also be useful for injec­
tion site preparation in palatal techniques. Some may pro­
vide a 4 to 6 mm depth of penetration compared with 2 to
4 mm for standard topical agents.
To gain access to the site of penetration, ask the pa­
tient to tip his or her head up and slightly away, with the
mouth wide open. Penetrate lateral to and at the base of
the broadest anteroposterior aspect of the incisive papilla
FIGURE 13-5 P re-anesthesia-Topical Anesthetic and P ressure.
(see Figure 13-2 ) . Continue penetrating at a 45-degree
angle under the papilla as demonstrated in Figure 13-7 •·
The pres sure can b e applied to the tissue with a Advance slowly until the opposite wall of the incisive canal
cotton-tipped applicator (used to place the topical) or with is contacted. Once bone is contacted, withdraw the needle
a smooth, blunt-ended instrument handle, until blanching -1 mm. The depth of insertion ranges from 4 to 7 mm.
is observed at the penetration site. Pressure anesthesia to Following neg ative aspirati o n , deposit a minimum of
deeper tissues will develop, enhancing patient comfort dur­ 0.4 mL (a little less than 114 of a cartridge) of an appropri­
ing needle penetration. It is important to apply constant ately selected local anesthetic drug (the tissue will usually
pressure to the site for a full minute in order to achieve pro­ blanch to a region extending to the lingual aspects of the
found pressure anesthesia of deeper tissues. After 1 minute, anterior teeth) (see Figure 13-8 •).
continue to maintain constant pressure during the initial In order to avoid discomfort, the rate of deposition
needle penetration, avoiding contact with the applicator. should be reduced to 0.4 mL over 40 seconds. This rate is
This two-step method reduces the potential for pain significantly slower than the previously mentioned stan­
when penetrating sensitive palatal tissues. A number of dard inj ection rate of approximately 1.8 mL over 1 minute
other strategies for decreasing or eliminating discomfort (0.4 mL over about 13 to 14 seconds) and may be thought
during palatal inj ections may also be quite useful. Most of of as a palatal rate (3 minutes per cartridge). Very slow rates
these rely on what is known as the Gate C ontrol Theory for NP blocks and other palatal injections may seem tedious,

The G ate Co ntro l T h e o ry of P a i n Percepti o n s u g gests that a n ox i a , d u l l p ress u res g e n e ra t e d fl o o d n e u r a l g a t e s w i t h

t h e re a re n e u ro l o g i c a l g ates that c a n b l ock s i g n a l s to t h e l ess p a i n fu l st i m u l i co m p a re d w i t h n e e d l e p e n etrati o n s .
b ra i n . T h e t h e o ry asserts t h a t : Two devices d e s i g n e d to g e n e rate G ate C o n t r o l
d e s e n s itizati o n a re t h e V i b raJ e ct® ( M i ltex, I n c, PA)
1 . T h e p e rcept i o n of p hys i c a l p a i n is n ot based s o l e l y o n
t h e a ctivati o n of n o c i cepti o n .
(se e F i g u res 1 3-6A • and 1 3-6 B •l a n d t h e DentaiVibe
2 . The experience o f p a i n is a m o d u l ation between a cti­ (De nta iVi b e , F L) (see F i g u re 1 3-6C •) . DentaiVibe p ro d u ct
vation of l a rg e n o n-pa i n tra nsm itti n g ( n o n - n o ciceptive) l iterature states that it " . . . sti m u l ate[s] t h e sensory recep­
n e rve fi bers a n d s m a l l p a i n tra nsm itti n g (noci ceptive) to rs at the i nj e ct i o n s ite " and V i b raJ ect (see F i g u res 1 3-6A
n e rve fi b e rs. a n d 1 3-6 B) l iteratu re states that it " . . . b l o ck[s] p a i n fro m
3 . T h e a ctivat i o n of l a rg e n o n - n o c i ce ptive fi b e rs can i n ­ i nj e cti o n s based on the G ate Contro l T h e o ry. " T h e V i b ra ­
te rfe re with s i g n a l s fro m s m a l l n o c i ce ptive fi b e rs . J e ct re l i es o n a m otor atta c h e d to a conventi o n a l syri n g e ,
4. If the sti m u l ation of non-nociceptive fibers is greater t h a n w h i c h g e n e rates ra p i d v i b rations at t h e n e e d l e t i p . Ac­
the sti m u l ation of nociceptive fibers, p a i n w i l l be i n h ib­ cord i n g to the p ro d u ct i n s e rt " . . . the h i g h v i b ration of t h e
ited or b l ocked. n e e d l e sti m u l ates n e rve e n d i n gs a n d b l o cks t h e tra n s m is­
sion of p a i n fe e l i n g s to t h e b ra i n . "
Press u re a n est h e s i a a d m i n istered by p ress i n g fi rm l y
u s i n g a cotto n -t i p p e d a p p l i c a t o r o r s m o o t h i n st r u - Sources: C h u d l e r, C. H . (2007). P a i n a n d w h y i t h u rts. Neuroscien ce
for Kids. http://fa c u lty.wa s h i n gt o n . e d u/ch u d l e r/pa i n . ht m l . (Accessed
m e n t h a n d l e a g a i nst t h e g i n g iv a l t i s s u e s ca n re d u ce o r
Febru a ry 1 , 201 4); V i b r a J e ct LLC, http ://www. v i b raj ect. com/
: e l i m i n ate p a i n fro m n e e d l e p u n ct u re s . In a d d it i o n to patients. h t m l . (Acce s s e d F e b r u a ry 1 , 201 4); D e n t a i V i b e . c o m , •
: �� � �
pr i ng a
� � � �� � ��� : � : � � : � �: �� ���� � � � : � �� �� : �� �� : � ? ��1�):
r se i s i i i y e o te p o r r ht � e n a v be c ( ce s b a 1
• • • • • • • . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . ; •
• • • •

(A) F I G U R E 13-7 Syringe Angulations. Align the syringe barrel at

a 45-degree angle to the palate.


F I G U R E 13-8 Blanching from the NP Nerve Block. As solu­

tion is deposited, blanching will occur, extending laterally and
lingually to the anterior teeth.

Confirming Anesthesia
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for NP injections include a
sense of numbness of the gingiva on the anterior palate.
Objective signs include a lack of response to gentle stimu­
lation with an instrument and no pain during the proce­
dure in the expected field of anesthesia.

Common Causes of Injection Failure

The most common causes of anesthetic failure include in­
adequate depth of penetration and inadequate volumes of
(C) solution deposited.
F I G U RE 13-6 Gate Control Desensitization. A-VibraJect Other causes include inflammation or infection in the
device attached near needle adaptor. B-VibraJect device at­ area of deposition, inadequate diffusion of solution, and
tached near finger grip and obscured from view in larger hand. overlapping innervation by the greater palatine nerve.
C - Retraction established with the DentalVibe device.
but the dense tissues of the palate resist deposition and do When NP inj ections are unsuccessful, it is helpful to re­
not accommodate solution easily. In addition to providing evaluate by visualizing and reassessing syringe angulations
increased comfort, slow rates also avoid unnecessary tissue and depths of penetration as well as volumes of solution
trauma. deposited.

The NP block may result in unilateral anesthesia if the Complications

opposite wall of the canal is not contacted. This may be The risk of complications following NP injections is minimal.
the desired outcome if teeth in only one half of the ante­ Complications may include postoperative pain at the site of
rior maxilla are being treated. When the NP nerve block injection, hematomas, and postoperative edema. If 1 :50,000
inj ection technique is followed, bilateral anesthesia will concentrations of epinephrine are used, there is an increased
develop. If this is desired but fails to occur, repeat the pro­ risk of necrosis due to the vigorous vasoconstriction it pro­
cedure, making sure to meet resistance on the opposite vides, depriving the tissues of oxygen for extended periods.
side of the incisive canal.

Technique Modifications and Alternatives

Pa l ata l Anterior S u perior Alveo l a r
An alternate method for administering the NP inj ection N e rve B l ock
uses a multiple inj ection technique. This is sometimes Palatal anterior superior alveolar (P-ASA) nerve blocks
helpful in children and whenever patients are afraid of were define d by Friedman and Hochman in the 1990s
palatal inj ection pain. It is first necessary to infiltrate and as "palatal approach - anterior superior alveolar nerve
deposit about 0.3 mL of anesthetic near the facial midline blocks" and will be discussed as palatal anterior superior
(see Figure 1 3-4A ) . After the midline tissues have been alveolar nerve blocks (PASANB or P-ASANB ) . They are
anesthetized, slow penetration can begin, from the facial indicated for pain management of maxillary anterior sex­
aspect proceeding to the lingual aspect of the interdental tants and are especially useful in cosmetic procedures that
papilla, administering a few drops of solution ahead of the involve perioperative assessment of "smile lines" and when
needle until the palatal tissues have been initially numbed. public speaking is anticipated after appointments because
This is known as an interpapillary injection (see Figure they do not usually result in labial numbness or motor dis­
13-4B) . After an appropriate pause for soft tissue anesthe­ turbances (Friedman &Hochman, 1999; Malamed, 20 13).
sia to be effective (30 seconds) , a standard NP inj ection is
administered. Field o f Anesthesia
Computer-controlled local anesthetic devices Anesthesia will affect the structures innervated by the right
( CCLADs) are ideal for this type o f inj ection because they and left nasopalatine nerves and the anterior branches of
provide electronically regulated, slow rates of inj ection the ASA nerves, to include the facial and palatal soft and
recommended for all palatal techniques and accomplish hard tissues associated with the teeth and the pulps of the
this without causing hand fatigue (Loomer &Perry, 2004; teeth in the sextant (see Figure 13-9 • and Appendix 13-2) ,
Sculean, et a!. , 2004) . although pulpal anesthesia of the canines is more question­
When administering 4 % solutions, the total volume able (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Results of one study published in
delivered can be reduced by half. This does not affect the 2004 determined that the success rate of the P-ASA when
rate of deposition, for example 0.9 mL of a 4% solution using 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine for any of the
should take the same amount of time to deliver as 1.8 mL anterior teeth resulted in a disappointing 32 % to 58 % . Even
of a 2% solution. For further discussion of CCLADs, see more disappointing results were achieved with 3% mepiva­
Chapter 9, "Local Anesthetic Delivery Devices." caine at 22 % to 38% (Burns et a!., 2004) . As is true of other

Teeth anHthetlzecl :

central, latera l , canine


t o affected teeth

F I G U RE 13-9 Field of Anesthesia for P -ASA Nerve Blocks.

The field of anesthesia for P -ASA nerve blocks is indicated by
the shaded area.

techniques with low published success rates, such as the 10

nerve block, clinicians who are more familiar with this tech­
nique often experience much higher rates of success.

Anatomical Factors
The right and left nasopalatine nerves and vessels travel
together through the nasopalatine canal. The canal pro ­
vides a pathway for nerves and vessels that supply the entire
anterior palate. Access to the superior portion of the canal
is through the incisive foramen.

Technique Factors
The following information describes key factors for suc­
cessful P-ASA nerve block inj ections.
This inj ection is performed similar to the NP technique,
with an important exception. Rather than deposit solution
shortly after meeting resistance on the opposite wall of the
canal, the barrel is adjusted to a steep angle relative to the
F I G U R E 13-11 Deposition Site for P -ASA Nerve Blocks. The
wall once contact has been confirmed (see Figure 13-6).
deposition site for P -ASA nerve blocks is indicated in the spot­
The needle is then advanced up the canal approximately 6
lighted area.
to 10 mm, parallel to the inclination of the roots of the cen­
tral incisors using the opposite wall as a guide.
N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N A 27-gauge short needle is recom­
PEN ETRATION SITE The optimum site of penetration for the mended. This is consistent with the moderate penetration
P-ASA is the palatal mucosa lateral to the widest antero­ depths required and the low rate of positive aspiration
posterior dimension of the incisive papilla (see Figure 13-2). (assumed to be less than 1 % ) in P-ASA nerve blocks
( M alame d , 20 1 3 ) . Some clinicians prefer a 3 0 - gauge
N E E D L E PAT HWAY The needle advances under the inci­ x-short needle, although extra-short needles may lack suf­
sive papilla through dense mucosal tissue, to contact the ficient length to reach the target area.
opposite wall of the incisive canal just below the foramen.
From this point, the needle advances superiorly into the I N JE CT I O N P R O C E D U R E D iscomfort a s s o ciated with
canal until penetrated to depth (see Figure 13-10 •) . palatal inj ections can be significantly reduced when pre­
anesthesia is used. This can be achieved by applying a topi­
D E PO S IT I O N S ITE The deposition site i s within the incisive cal drug followed by physical pressure. Follow the two-step
canal at a penetration depth of approximately 6 to 10 mm method, beginning with a 1-minute application of topical
(Malamed, 20 13) (see Figure 13-1 1 •) . anesthetic. Topical patches may have added benefit when
used with P-ASA nerve blocks because of the significant
Technique Steps sensitivity often experienced in this area of the mouth.
Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and To gain access to the site of penetration, ask patients to
summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. tip the head up and slightly away, opening the mouth wide.
The penetration site is lateral to the incisive papilla. The an­
gle of penetration should be adjusted to one that is parallel
to the roots of the central incisors after initial bony contact
on the opposite wall of the canal. The angle of insertion is
approximately 45 degrees to the palate on a line that will
enter the nasopalatine canal (see Figure 13-12A •) . Admin­
ister a few drops of solution ahead of the needle. Advance
the needle slowly, 1 to 2 mm every 4 to 6 seconds, to an inser­
tion depth of 6 to 10 mm (see Figure 13-12B •) . Following a
negative aspiration at the deposition site, deposit a minimum
of 1.4 mL (a little over 2/3 of a cartridge) of an appropriately
selected local anesthetic drug.

D E PO S I T I O N RATE M O D I FI CATI O N The rate of deposition

is modified for this inj ection to 0.5 mL over 60 seconds
(Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Note that this rate is even slower than
FIGURE 13-10 Needle P athway for P -ASA Nerve Blocks. The the previously described palatal inj ection rate of approxi­
needle pathway for P -ASA nerve blocks is indicated by the needle. mately 1.8 mL over 3 minutes.

When P-ASA inj ections are unsuccessful, it is helpful to
reevaluate by visualizing and reassessing syringe angula­
tions and depths of penetration, and by reconsidering vol­
umes of solution deposited.

Technique Modifications and Alternatives

The use of a CCLAD is ideal for this type of injection be­
cause it provides a controlled, continuous, and slow rate of
When administering 4% solutions in the palate, the
maximum volume delivered should be reduced to half of
what is normally deposited with other drugs, because each
cartridge of any 4 % drug has the same amount of drug as
(A) one full cartridge of any 2% drug. The rate of deposition
is also important. A 4% solution should be administered
no faster than half the rate of any 2 % or 3 % solution
(note that this represents the total milligrams of drug ad­
ministered per minute, compared with 2 % solutions). This
means that a maximum of one-half of a cartridge of 4 %
articaine, compared with one cartridge o f 2 % lidocaine,
should be administered no faster than over a full 3 minutes
in the palate, regardless of the technique.
Alternatives to the P-ASA include bilateral ASA
blocks, bilateral IO blocks with an NP injection, and bilat­
eral AMSA blocks (Malamed, 20 13).

The risk of complications following P-ASA inj ections is
(B) minimal. These may include postoperative pain at the site of
injection, hematoma, infection, and edema. When high con­
F I G U R E 13-12 A-Syringe Angulations. Align the syringe
centrations of vasoconstrictors are used, necrosis is possible.
barrel approximately 45 degrees to the palate. B-Insertion
into the Incisive Foramen. Before deposition for P -ASA nerve
blocks, the needle is advanced into the incisive foramen. Anterior M i d d l e S u perior Alveo l a r
Confirming Anesthesia N e rve B l ock
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for P-ASA inj ections in­ Anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve blocks
clude an immediate sense of tightness and numbness of are indicated for pain management of the incisors, canine,
the gingiva on the anterior palate following inj ection. Ob­ and premolars on the side anesthetized as well as palatal
jective signs include a lack of response to gentle stimula­ tissue from the midline through the molars and the buccal
tion with an instrument and no pain during the procedure periodontium of the pulpally affected teeth (Friedman &
in the expected field of anesthesia. Hochman, 1998; Malamed, 20 13). A significant benefit of
this technique is that it reduces the number of injections and
Common Causes of Injection Failure therefore the total volumes of solution necessary to achieve
In addition to a lack of familiarity with the technique, the the same field of anesthesia as traditional ASA/IO, MSA,
most common causes of failure include inadequate depths NP, and GP approaches. In addition, the typical lack of labial
of penetration and inadequate volumes of solution de­ anesthesia in AMSA blocks allows for normal patterns of
posited. In one study of the efficacy of this technique, the speech and facial expression (Friedman&Hochman, 200 1).
results were quite disappointing, approaching 5 8 % at best Although e arly literature raised doubts about the
(Burns et al., 2004) . Although this procedure failed to pro­ AMSA's efficacy, both its subsequent adoption by clini­
vide profound anesthesia more frequently than any other cians around the world and recent research provide strong
technique described in this text, those more familiar with evidence that the AMSA not only works as described but
it have experienced greater rates of success. that it does so with the promised efficiency of one inj ec­
Other causes of failure include inflammation or infection tion replacing multiple inj ections ( Corbett et al. , 20 1 0 ;
in the area of deposition, inadequate diffusion of solution, Patel, et al. , 2 0 1 2 ; Yenisey, 2009). A recent study compar­
and overlapping innervation by the greater palatine nerve. ing the AMSA to the infraorbital (IO) nerve block found

Table 1 3-1 Benefits of the A M SA Tec h n i q u e

Traditional Approach A M SA Approach

Requires 4 to 5 injections Requires 2 injections

Option 1: ASA,MSA, P SA, N P, G P P SA, AMSA
5 penetrations 2 penetrations
Option 2: IO, P SA, N P, G P
4 penetrations

Anesthesia to associated labial tissues Typically no anesthesia to associated labial tissues

Useful for cosmetic dental procedures (does not interfere with "smile line")

Total drug dose varies 2 to 3 cartridges Total drug dose varies 121.3 to 2 cartridges
Reduce total local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor drugs administered

Significant post-op labial anesthesia Minimal to no residual post-op labial anesthesia Important to
patients in public speaking roles

that success rates for AMSA nerve blocks were signifi­

cantly higher than for 10 blocks. At 75 % to 85.7 % , they
were found to approach accepted success rates for inferior
alveolar nerve blocks (Corbett et a!. , 20 10). The benefits
of AMSA nerve blocks over other techniques are summa­
N e it h e r t h e ASA n o r M SA n e rve p rovides l a b i a l soft t i s s u e
rized in Table 13-1 •· i n n e rvati o n . S e n s o ry i n n e rvat i o n of t h e m axi l l a ry l a b i a l
tissues is p rovided b y term i n a l b r a n c h es o f t h e i nfra o r­
Field of Anesthesia b i t a l ( u p p e r l i p) a n d zyg o m ati cofa c i a l n e rves (s k i n of t h e
Anesthesia will affect the structures innervated by the ASA c h e e k) . T h e s e a re a l so b r a n c h es of t h e m axi l l a ry (V2) d iv i ­
nerve, the MSA nerve, the nasopalatine nerve, and terminal s i o n of t h e tri g e m i n a l (V) n e rve a n d a re u s u a l ly a n esthe­
branches to include the pulps of the central and lateral inci­ tized when oth e r i nj e ct i o n tech n i q u es, s u c h as i nfi ltrat i o n s
sors, canine, and premolars on the anesthetized side. It is im­ a n d A S A o r M SA n e rve b l o c ks, a re u s e d to a n esthetize
portant to note that the AMSA injection does not typically
provide labial anesthesia (Friedman &Hochman, 20 0 1 )
� � � � :� � � ���h
a �� y t
. • :
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ji
(see Figure 13-13 •, Appendix 13-2, and Box 13-2 •) .

Teeth anesthetized:

centra l , canine,

lateral, premolars

Periodonti u m :

t o incisors and premolars,

palatal to molars

F I G U RE 1 3-1 3 Field of Anesthesia for AMSA Nerve Blocks.

The field of anesthesia for AMSA nerve blocks is indicated by the
shaded area.

Anatomical Factors
The median palatine suture and its overlying raphe appear
to inhibit the diffusion of solution to the opposite side of
the palate. Palatal bone is porous and has multiple nutrient
canals through which solution easily diffuses to the dental
plexus of the ASA and MSA nerves (Malamed, 20 13). The
region of the maxillary plexus is demonstrated in Figure
13-14 •· Diffusion through porous palatal bone is enhanced
by gentle hydraulic pressure that develops when solution is
deposited within tightly bound palatal tissues (Baker, 2010;
Pansky&Gest, 20 14) .

Technique Factors
The following information describes key factors for suc­
cessful AMSA nerve block inj ections.

P E N ETRAT I O N S IT E The optimum site of penetration for

AMSA injections is located between the premolars approxi-
mately halfway along an imaginary line drawn from the me- (A)
dian palatine raphe to the gingival margin on the side to be
anesthetized. This can also be described as the junction be-
tween the vertical and horizontal aspects of the palate di-
rectly above the free gingival margin between the maxillary
premolars on the side to be anesthetized (see Figure 13-15 •).

N E E D L E PAT H WAY The needle p athway is very short,

through dense palatal tissue directly to bone.

D E PO S I T I O N SITE The deposition site is near the junction

of the vertical alveolar process and the horizontal palatal
process (see Figures 13-15 and 13-16 •) . Note that if the
ideal site does not have enough tissue thickness to accom­
modate solution, a nearby site with greater thickness may
be chosen. This can be determined by probing the chosen
area with a cotton-tipped applicator (see Figure 13-17 • ) .
F I G U R E 13-15 P enetration Site for AMSA Nerve Blocks. The
penetration site for AMSA nerve blocks is at the junction of the
horizontal and vertical aspects of the palate (A) and is indicated
by the needle (B).

Technique Steps
Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.

A 27-gauge needle is recommended

(Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . A 27-gauge short needle is most com­
monly used, although some clinicians prefer a 30-gauge
x-short. Considering the limited depths of penetration
required as well as the low risk of intravascular inj ection
(positive aspiration less than 1 % ) , 30-gauge x-short needles
are appropriate.

I N JE CTI O N P R O C E D U R E As previously discussed with the

NP and P-ASA nerve blocks, discomfort associated with
palatal injections can be reduced significantly with the use
F I G U R E 13-14 Maxillary Dental P lexus. The maxillary dental of pre-anesthesia. This can be achieved by applying the
plexus is highlighted along the apices of the maxillary teeth. two-step method of topical anesthesia already discussed.

F I G U R E 13-16 Deposition Site for AMSA Nerve Blocks.
The deposition site for AMSA nerve blocks is indicated in the
spotlighted area.

Some clinicians prefer topical patches for inj ection site

preparation for AMSA inj ections.
Ask the patient to tip the head up and slightly away,
opening the mouth wide. The angle of insertion is approx­
imately 45 degrees to the palate with the syringe barrel
positioned over the opposite side of the mouth and the
bevel facing bone. This is demonstrated in Figure 13-18 •·
Advance slowly until resistance is met (contact with
bone). The insertion depth is variable, often no more than
enough penetration to bury the bevel of the needle in tis-
sue. After a negative aspiration, deposit a minimum of 0.9 (B)
to 1.2 mL (112 to 2/3 of a cartridge) of an appropriate 2 % ....-----=--..,
or 3 % local anesthetic drug at a rate not to exceed 0.6 mL
per minute. When administering a 4 % drug, it was men­
tioned in the previous edition of this text that no more

F I G U R E 13-18 Insertion Angulations for AMSA Nerve
Blocks. The angle of insertion is approximately 45 degrees to
the palate with the syringe barrel over the opposite side of the
mouth. A-P enetration with a standard, manual syringe. B ­
F I G U RE 13-17 Determining Tissue Thickness at AMSA P enetration with a Wand CCLAD handpiece. C-For access,
Deposition Site. Adequate tissue thickness to accommodate ask the patient to tip the head up and slightly away, opening the
solution can be determined by probing the chosen area with a mouth wide.
cotton-tipped applicator.

It is n ot u n co m m o n to m o d ify deposition rates fo r the a d m i n - return t o n o rm a l co l o rati o n fro m a sta rk wh ite a p pe a ra n ce

istrati o n of local a nesthetics in some situ ati ons. I n the A M SA w h e n t h e re is excessive b l a n c h i n g . T h i s re d u ces tiss u e i n -
n e rve b l o ck, for exa m p l e , a l a rge vo l u m e of s o l ution m ust be j u ry fro m stretc h i n g and a l l ows n o rm a l blood flow to retu rn
deposited i nto tig htly b o u n d , fibrous p a l atal tissues. These to the a r e a . In e i t h e r i nsta nce, w h e n deposition res u m es,
tissues resist the vo l u m es sometimes necessary to a c h i eve the rate s h o u l d be s l owed fro m the p revi o u s rate (l ess t h a n
profo u n d a n esth es i a . Altho u g h the m i n i m u m deposition rate 1 .8 m l per 3 m i n utes fo r 2% or 3% d ru gs) .
of 1 .8 m l in m ost l ocations has been descri bed as 1 m i n ute Alth o u g h excessive b l a n c h i n g s h o u l d be avo i d e d , it
(60 secon ds), i n the A M SA tech n i q u e this rate is slowed to ;o,3 is i m p o rtant to observe l i g ht b l a n c h i n g i n t h e p a l ate be-
m i n utes (see F i g u re 1 3-1 9 •l. When 4% sol utions a re a d m i n - c a u s e it confi rms that t h e resist i n g tissues a re n e a r i n g t h e i r
istered, the time fo r e q u a l vo l u m es o f s o l ution t o be depos- l i m it fo r acco m m o dati n g s o l u t i o n (see F i g u re 1 3-20A •l.
ited s h o u l d be d o u b l ed; fo r exa m p l e , depositi n g 0.9 m l of T h i s g e ntly forces the s o l ution in m e d i a l , l atera l , a nterior,
a rtica i n e s h o u l d take a m i n i m u m of 3 m i n utes. and poste r i o r d i recti o n s , a n d , i m p o rtantly, i nto the p a l a -
T h e p revi o u s l y described rate s h o u l d be re g a rd e d a s ta l b o n e . D e p os ited s o l u t i o n t h e reafter wi l l be d i ffu s i n g
a sta rt i n g p o i n t i n determ i n i n g t h e i d e a l rate of deposition t h ro u g h b o n e at the de positi o n site, i nto t h e m a xi l l a ry
fo r each i n d ivi d u a l A M SA b l ock. To determ i n e t h e a ctu a l d e n t a l p l exus, a n d progress i n g t h ro u g h out t h e soft tissues
rate fo r a n i n d ivid u a l patient i n a spe cific a rea of the pal- of the e n t i re h a lf o f t h e p a l ate ove rlyi n g the affected s i d e
a t e , it is n e cessary to determ i n e w h eth e r o r n ot s o l ut i o n is o f the m a xi l l a ry b o n e . As the s o l u t i o n d iffuses t h ro u g h the
b e i n g deposited too q u ickly by observi n g fo r tiss u e b u l g - m a xi l l a ry d e n t a l p l exus t o t h e b u cca l aspect o f t h e a lveo-
ing and excess ive b l a n c h i n g . If either occu rs, conti n u e with lar p rocess, b l a n c h i n g c a n be observed f rom the p a l at a l ,

t h e depositi o n o n ly a ft e r p a u s i n g to a l l ow fo r d iffu s i o n a n d o cc l u sa l , a n d b u cc a l vi ews (see F i g u res 1 3-20A, 1 3-20 8 •. •

� �� �: �� �� � � : �� � �� :� : ��� � �� ��� � � �:
a r i th s l u i r a as o l i a n 1 3 oc
: . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • . . . �);
. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
than 0.7 to 0.9 mL of solution should be deposited to lessen
the risk of toxicity to the nerves. In light of a review by the
Pharmacovigilance Working Party of the European Union
that investigated the incidence of dental-related paresthe­
sia in 57 countries where it is estimated that 100 million pa­
tients receive articaine annually, it is not at all clear that this
modification is necessary (Malamed, 20 13; Stenver, 20 1 1 ) .
The report conclude d that t h e " o ccurrence of sensory
impairment is apparently slightly more frequent follow­
ing the use of articaine and prilocaine. However, consider­
ing the number of patients treated, sensory impairments
rarely occur." Slow deposition of all 4% solutions in the
palate, no more than 0.3 mL per minute continues to be
recommended by the authors of this text. This translates to
0.9 mL over 3 minutes. Note that this rate is much slower
than the standard inj ection rate of 1.8 mL over 3 minutes
for 2% and 3 % drugs. CCLADs are especially safe and
effective for palatal administrations of local anesthetics
and are strongly recommended for AMSA nerve blocks.
If the tissues swell or excessive blanching is noticed (a
stark white appearance) , slow deposition rates even more
until no swelling and only pale blanching are seen (see
Box 13-3 •).

Confirming Anesthesia
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for AMSA inj ections include
an immediate sense of tightness and numbness of the palatal F I G U RE 13-19 Deposition Rate for AMSA Nerve Blocks.
tissues and periodontium from the central incisors through Although the standard deposition rate has been described previ­
the second molar on the side of injection and a numb sensa­ ously as 1.8 mL over a period of 1 minute (60 seconds), in the
tion in the teeth from the central incisor to the second pre­ AMSA technique this rate is increased to 3 minutes (approxi­
molar on the same side. Obj ective signs include a lack of mately the time lapsed on a standard egg timer).

F I G U R E 13-20A P alatal blanching with AMSA nerve F I G U R E 13-208 As solution diffuses into theMaxillary P lexus,
blocks may develop between the anterior midline and the blanching with AMSA nerve blocks may be visible from the
first molars. occlusal aspect of the teeth.

F I G U RE 13-20C As solution continues to diffuse through the F I G U RE 13-200 Blanching with AMSA nerve blocks. This
maxillary plexus, blanching with AMSA nerve blocks may be pattern of blanching followed the delivery of 1 .2 mL of a 2%
visible from the buccal aspect of the teeth. local anesthetic solution for an AMSA nerve block. Note the lim­
ited anterior blanching. Re-penetration more distal is indicated.

response to gentle stimulation with an instrument and no and depths of penetration, as well as volumes of solution
pain during procedures in the expected field of anesthesia. deposited. Penetration site selection is slightly more vari­
able compared with most other techniques. Understanding
Com mon Causes of Injection Failure this variability can be crucial to success. Sites that provide
The most common causes of failure include inadequate adequate tissue thickness, for example, can accommodate
depths of penetration and inadequate volumes of solution solution much more readily than supposedly ideal sites. If
deposited. Inexperience with the technique also decreases an ideal site appears to lack adequate thickness, an adj acent
success rates, initially. site that is thicker is not only acceptable but preferable.
Other causes include inflammation or infection in the Inadequate anesthesia of incisors may occur because
area of deposition and inadequate diffusion of solution. In­ of overlapping fibers of the contralateral ASA nerve. An
adequate anesthesia of the incisors may occur because of infiltration over the same side central incisor will anesthe­
overlapping innervation by the contralateral ASA nerve. tize these overlapping fibers.
If solution is flowing in only one direction from the
Troubleshooting penetration site, posteriorly for example, it may be neces­
When AMSA inj ections are unsuccessful, it is helpful to re­ sary to allow the diffusion to reach the molars in that case
evaluate by visualizing and reassessing syringe angulations (see Figure 1 3-20D •) (follow the blanching to confirm)

and then withdraw and choose a slightly more anterior G reate r Pa lati n e N e rve B l ock
penetration site. Once negative aspiration has been con­
Greater palatine (GPs) nerve blocks, also referred to as
firmed, blanching should be seen progressing anteriorly.
anterior palatine nerve blocks, are indicated for pain man­
agement of palatal soft and osseous tissues distal to the ca­
Technique Modifications and Alternatives
nine in one quadrant.
Computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery (CCLAD)
devices are ideal for this type of inj ection because they Field of Anesthesia
provide controlled, continuous, and slow rates of deposi­
Anesthesia will affect the structures innervated by the
tion. At least one study has indicated higher success rates
greater palatine nerve and its terminal branches to include
when these devices are used compared with conventional
the posterior portion of the hard palate and its overlying
syringes (Lee et al. , 2004) .
soft tissues, anteriorly as far as the first premolar and me­
A previous edition of this text suggested that when
dially to the midline (Malamed, 20 13) (see Figure 13-22 •
administering 4% solutions the total volume delivered
and Appendix 13-2) .
should be reduced to no more than 0.9 mL because of the
potential for paresthesia. Although the evidence is unclear
at this time, this modification may not be necessary. This Anatomical Factors
does not affect the rate of deposition (no less than 3 full The greater palatine nerve branches from the maxillary nerve
minutes for 1/2 cartridge of any 4% drug). within the pterygopalatine fossa before traveling inferiorly
Excessive blanching, more commonly seen when through the pterygopalatine canal. It exits the canal through
administering higher concentrations of epinephrine the greater palatine foramen on the hard palate of the max­
( 1 :50,0 0 0 ) , should be avoided. Failure to notice and re­ illa. The foramen is located at the junction of the alveolar
spond to the color of the tissue as it lightens can result in process of the maxilla and the palatine bone. The greater pal­
postoperative pain and possible necrosis. atine nerve innervates one side of the posterior portion of the
The AMSA may be used as an alternative to the ASA, hard palate and its overlying soft tissues. It travels anteriorly
IO, MSA, GP, and NP nerve blocks, as well as multiple as far as the first premolar and medially to the midline. Ter­
infiltrations. minal fibers overlap the nasopalatine nerve anteriorly.
The location of the greater palatine foramen is variable
C O M P L I CAT I O N S The risk of complications following but can usually be noted palatal to the apices of the second
AMSA inj e ctions is minimal. These may include post­ and third maxillary molars, depending on the size and age of
operative p ain at the site of inj ection , hematoma, and the patient. The position may be more posterior than com­
postoperative edema. When high concentrations of va­ monly expected. In children, it is often found anterior to
soconstrictors are used, necrosis is possible. Some indi­ typical adult locations, close to the second primary molar.
viduals experience an intense burning sensation during Anesthesia of the soft palate is not uncommon because
deposition of AMSA blocks, regardless of the drug used. the lesser palatine nerve and foramen are located immedi­
This reaction contraindicates the use of AMSA nerve ately posterior to the greater palatine foramen and may be
blocks in these individuals. anesthetized inadvertently when the GP nerve is anesthetized.

Teeth anesthetized:


Periodonti u m :

palatal tissues of

posterior teeth

FIGURE 13-21 Field of Anesthesia for GP Nerve Blocks. The field

of anesthesia for GP nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded area.

FIGURE 13-22 P enetration Site for G P Nerve Blocks. The FIGURE 13-24 Locate the Optimum GP Nerve Block P enetra­
penetration site for G P nerve blocks is indicated by the needle. tion Site. Use a cotton-tipped applicator to gently palpate the pos­
terior palate near the apices of the second molar. This site will be a
soft spongy depression over the greater palatine foramen.
Technique Factors
The following information describes key factors for suc­
cessful GP nerve block inj ections. Technique Steps
P E N ETRAT I O N S I T E The optimal penetration site for GP Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 11 and
nerve blocks is in the p alatal soft tissue slightly ante­ summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.
rior to the greater palatine foramen, at the anterior bor­
A 27-gauge short needle is recom­
der of the depression formed by the foramen. The angle
mended for this inj ection, consistent with the minimal
of insertion is perpendicular to the palatal bone at the
penetration depths required and a low positive aspiration
foramen, with the syringe barrel near the lower lip (see
rate (less than 1 % ) (Malamed, 20 13). A 27-gauge short or
Figure 1 3-22 •) .
a 30-gauge short or x-short needle is commonly used.
N E E D LE PATHWAY The needle advances slowly for 4-10 mm
I N J E CT I O N P R O C E D U R E As previously discussed with all
through dense mucosal tissue to make gentle contact with
palatal inj ections, discomfort associated with palatal in­
bone. Small vessels and capillaries are present in the tissue.
jections can be significantly reduced with the use of pre­
D E POSITION SITE The deposition site is anterior to the open­ anesthesia. Apply the two-step method of topical anesthesia.
ing of the anterior palatine foramen (see Figure 13-23 •). To gain access to the site of penetration, ask the pa­
tient to tip the head up and slightly away, opening the
mouth wide. To locate the penetration site (a soft spongy
depression over the greater palatine foramen) use a cot­
ton-tipped applicator to gently palpate the posterior palate
near the apices of the second molar (see Figure 13-24 •) .
The penetration site i s located a t the anterior aspect o f the
depression. Advance slowly until bone is contacted. Once
resistance has been met, withdraw the needle 1 mm. The
depth of insertion ranges from 4 to 6 mm and sometimes
up to 10 mm. Following a negative aspiration, deposit
a minimum of 0.45 mL ( 1 14 of a cartridge) of an appro­
priately selected local anesthetic drug (blanching and
palatal "sweating" around the needle are common during
deposition) .
D E PO S I TI O N RATE The rate of deposition for this in­
jection is 0.4 mL over 30 seconds or approximately 1.8 mL
over 2 minutes.

Confirming Anesthesia
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for GP nerve block inj ections
F I G U R E 13-23 Deposition Site for GP Nerve Blocks. The depo­ include an immediate sense of tightness and numbness of
sition site for GP nerve blocks is indicated in the spotlighted area. the gingiva on the same side posterior palate following

inj ection. Obj ective signs include a lack of response to Technique Modifications and Alternatives
gentle stimulation with an instrument and no pain during Although rarely administered in young children, when a
the procedure in the expected field of anesthesia. decision is made to perform the GP in children, the fora­
men will be located posterior to all the erupted teeth if
Common Causes of Injection Failure only primary teeth are present.
The most common causes of inadequate anesthesia include Alternatives include the AMSA, palatal infiltrations,
deposition of solution that is too shallow, too lateral, or too PDL inj ections around the teeth to be treated, and maxil­
medial to the foramen as well as inadequate volumes of lary blocks.
Other causes include inflammation or infection in the Complications
area of deposition. The risk of complications is minimal with this technique.
Post-procedural lesions such as herpes ulcerations are not
Troubleshooting uncommon in the palate but more frequent in anterior
When adequate anesthesia is not achieved, reevaluation is areas. Hematomas are possible, although infrequent, and
indicated. Start by visualizing, palpating, and reassessing sy­ tend to be minimal when they occur. Although infrequent,
ringe angulations and depths of penetration, as well as vol­ ischemia and necrosis occur with greater frequency in the
umes of solution deposited. Repeating the injection is almost palate than elsewhere in the mouth. They usually require
always sufficient if profound anesthesia is not established. no more than palliative therapy.

Elena Gagarin
Because of h e r prior experien ce, a PSA b l ock was a d ­ s o l utions, a re exce l l e n t a ltern atives to i nfi ltrati ons fo r
m i n iste red a l o n g with a n A MSA n e rve b l o c k d u ri n g a n esthesia of m a xi l l a ry m o l a rs . The A MSA b l o c k p ro­
n itro u s oxi d e a d m i n istrati o n . 2 . 8 m l o f 2% l i d o ca i n e vides p u l pa l and periodonta l a n esthesia of the rest of
w i t h 1 :100, 0 0 0 e p i n e p h r i n e w e re a d m i n istered fo r the teeth i n the q u a d ra n t as we l l as n e a r l y a l l p a l a ­
both (56 m g of l i d o ca i n e or a b o u t o n e - a n d - o n e - h a l f ta l tiss u e s i n t h e q u a d ra n t . T h e n u m b e r o f i nj e cti o n s
ca rtr i d g es a n d 0 . 02 8 m g o f e p i n e p h ri n e ) . i s re d u ce d i n t h i s p l a n b e c a u s e o n l y t w o a re n e ces­
Case Discussion: Diffusion o f a n esth etic s o l uti o n s s a ry to p rovi d e e q u iv a l e n t a n esth e s i a to oth e r co m ­
t h ro u g h m a xi l l a ry b o n e is u s u a l ly q u ite effe ctive b ut b i n at i o n s of i nfiltrati o n s o r b l ocks of a h e m i - m axi l l a .
is n o t as effi c i e n t i n s o m e i n d iv i d u a l s . T h i s was t h e M s . G a g a r i n was p l eased afte rwa rd th a t h e r s p e e c h
case fo r M s . G a g a r i n . PSA n e rve b l ocks, because they w a s u n a lte red b e c a u s e n e i t h e r t h e P S A n o r A MSA
d i rect l y expose t h e n e rve m e m b r a n es to a n esth et i c n e rve b l ocks typ i ca l ly a n esthetize t h e l a b i a l tissues .

.�.h. c:l. P..t.� r. 9.lJ.��� .i.C>.rl �

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. The AMSA technique can provide anesthesia for
areas traditionally anesthetized by which one of the
1 . Which one of the following statements best describes following groups of inj ections?
the deposition site for a nasopalatine nerve block? a. ASA, MSA, PSA, NP, and GP
a. The deposition site is within the nasopalatine canal. b. ASA, MSA, NP, and GP
b. The deposition site is near the wall of the incisive canal. c. PSA and GP
c. The deposition site is anterior to the opening of the d. NP and MSA
anterior palatine foramen. 4. Which one of the following statements is true of NP
d. The deposition site is near the junction between the nerve blocks?
vertical alveolar process and the horizontal palatal a. They have the highest rate of positive aspiration in
process. the palate.
2. The most common cause of failure for palatal injec­ b. They have the second-highest rate of positive aspi­
tion techniques is: ration in the palate.
a. Solution is deposited too far from the associated c. They provide more durable anesthesia compared
bone or foramen. with other palatal techniques.
b. Inadequate volumes of solution are deposited. d. They provide bilateral anesthesia.
c. B only.
d. Both A and B .

5. Which one of the following is an important consider­ Friedman,M. J. , & Hochman,M. N. (1999). P -ASA block injec­
ation in all palatal LA procedures? tion: A new palatal technique to anesthetize maxillary ante­
a. Always apply topical anesthetic for 1 to 2 minutes. rior teeth. Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 11(2), 63-71.
b. Always administer solutions slowly. Friedman,M. J. , & Hochman, M. N. (2001). Using AMSA and
P -ASA nerve blocks for esthetic restorative dentistry. General
c. Always use patch anesthetics.
Dentistry, 49(5), 506-511.
6. AMSA nerve blocks provide bilateral anesthesia of Jastak, J. T. , Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995). Local anesthe­
palatal tissues at least 20 % of the time. sia of the oral cavity. P hiladelphia: Saunders.
a. True Lee, S. , Reader, A. , Nusstein, J. , Beck, M. , & Weaver, J. (2004).
b. False Anesthetic efficacy of the anterior middle superior alveolar
(AMSA) injection. Journal of the American Dental Society of
Anesthesia, 51 (3), 80-89.
Loomer, P.M., & Perry,D. A. (2004). Computer-controlled de­
Refe re n ces livery versus syringe delivery of local anesthetic injections for
Baker, E. W. (2010). Head and neck anatomy for dental medicine. therapeutic scaling and root planing. Journal of the American
New York: Thieme. Dental Association, 135(3), 358-365.
Blanton, P. , & Jeske, A. (2003, June). The key to profound local Malamed, S. F. (2013). Handbook of local anesthesia (5th ed.).
anesthesia-neuroanatomy. Journal of the American Dental St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
Association, 134, 755-756. Pansky, B., & Gest, T. R. (2014). Lippincott's concise illustrated
Burns, Y., Reader, A. , Nusstein, J. , Beck,M. , & Weaver, J. (2004). anatomy (Vol. 3). Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Anesthetic efficacy of the palatal-anterior superior alveolar Patel, J. J. , Asif, K. , Aspalli, S., & Guraraia Rao, T. R. (2012). New
injection. Journal of the American Dental Association, 135(9), anesthetic technique in periodontal procedures. Journal of the
1269-1276. Indian Society of Periodontology, 16(2), 253-255.
Chudler, C. H. (2007). Pain and why it hurts. Neuroscience for Sculean, A. , Kasaj , A. , Berakdar, M. , & Willershausen , B.
Kids. Accessed February 1, 2014. http://faculty.washington. (2004). A comparison of the traditional injection and a
edu/chudler/pain.html. new anesthesia technique (the Wand® for non-surgical
Corbett, P. , Jaber, A. A. , Whitworth, J.M. , & Meechan, J. G. periodontal therapy ). Periodontal Practice Today, 1 (4),
(2010). A comparison of the anterior middle superior alveolar 363-368.
nerve block and infraorbital nerve block for anesthesia of Stenver, D. I. (2011, October 25). P harmacovigilance Work­
maxillary anterior teeth. Journal of the American Dental As­ ing P arty of the European Union-Laegemiddelsty relsen
sociation, 141(12), 1442-1448. DanishMedicines Agency. Number of suspected adverse
Deardorff, W. W. (2007). Modern ideas: The gate con­ reactions reported to the Danish Medicines Agency for artic­
trol theory of chronic pain. Retrieved from http:// aine. Accessed January 29, 2014. http://sundhedsstyrelsen. dk/en/news/20 11/n urn ber -of -suspected -adverse-reactions­
modern-ideas-gate-control-theory-chronic-pain reported-to-the-danish-medicines-agency-for-articaine.
Friedman, M. J., & Hochman,M. N. (1998). The AMSA injection: Yenisey, M. (2009). Comparison of the pain levels of computer
A new concept for local anesthesia of maxillary teeth using a controlled and conventional anesthesia techniques in prosth­
computer-controlled injection system. Quintessence Interna­ odontic treatment. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 1 7(5),
tional, 29(5), 297-303. 414-420.

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Palatial anterior Extra-short Infiltration: just lateral

superior alveo­ or short
lar ( PASA) 30/27 gauge
Block: center of papilla
on midline
see Figure 1 3- 1 0
Beneath incisive papilla, slightly To affected teeth
into incisive foramen
see Figure 1 3- 1 1

middle superior

MUST have adequate

Above apex, between premolars To incisors and premo­
tissue thickness on the palatal side lars, palatal to molars
see Figure 1 3- 1 5
see Figure 1 3- 1 6

' Dose volumes provided are minimum recommendations for pulpal anesthesia.
Modified from: l ) Melamed SF, Handbook of local anesthesia, ed 5, St Louis, 2004, Mosby; 2) Jastak JT, Yagiela JA, Donaldson D. Local anesthesia of the oral
cavity. Philadelphia, 1 995.
Field of Aniesthesia
Nerve Block Needle Penetration Site Deposition Site Dose* See Appendix 1 3-2

Greater palatine Extra-short In the anterior depression Depth of Insertion Al9e of "--ion 0.4-D.6 ml Teeth anesthetized:
(GP) or short of the GP foramen at
30/27 gauge junction of flOiatine b one Need le inserted to From opposite side None
and alveolar process 4-6 mm ( < 1 0 mm) of mouth at right an � le
above and l i n � ual to (to boney resistance) to target area beve
second mo or. toward palate
see Figure 1 3-2 1
Target Periodontium:
Greater palatine foramen Palatal tissues of
see Figure 1 3-22 posterior teeth

Local i nfi ltration Extra-short In palatal mucosa lingual Depth of Insertion Al9e of "--ion 0.2-D.4 ml Teeth anesthetized:
in jections or short to tooth
Needle tip inserted Di reeled toward apex None
30/27 gauge
to boney resistance of tooth bevel toward

Target Periodontium:
Selected soft tissue, gingiva l or apex of tooth At injection site

"'Dose volumes provided are minimum recommendations for pulpal anesthesia.

Modified from: 1 ) Malamed SF, Handbook of local anesthesia, ed 5, St louis, 2004, Mosby; 2) Jastak JT, Yagiela JA, Donaldson D. local anesthesia of the oral
cavity. Philadelphia, 1 995.
Field of Anesthesia
Palatal I njections

Teeth an esthetized : Teeth an esthetized :

none none

Periodonti u m : Period onti u m :

pal atal to i ncisors and ca n i n e s pa l atal tissues of

posterior teeth

Teeth an•thetlzed:
Teeth a n estheti zed :
central , latera l , canine
centra l , canine,

Periodontiu m : l atera l , prem olars

Upper/Lower Arch
t o affected teeth
Periodonti u m :

I nfi ltratio n to i ncisors a n d premolars,

Teeth anesthetize d: pal atal to molars

at injection site

Period ontiu m :

a t injection site

··························································· @ ···························································

Injections for M an d i b u lar Pain Control


• D efi n e a n d d i scuss t h e key terms in t h i s c h a pte r. b u cca l n e rve b l ocks 282

coro n o i d notch 269
• Descri be a n d d i scuss t h e i n d icati o n s , re l eva nt a n atomy, a n d
d e position site 268
tech n i q u e fe atu res o f t h e i nj e cti o n s d i sc u ssed i n t h i s c h a pte r.
G ow-G ates (G G ) n e rve
• Descri be t h e b a s i c tech n i q u e ste ps fo r safe a n d effective b l ock 288
a d m i n i strati o n fo r the fo l l owi n g injecti o n s : i n cisive n e rve b l ock 286
i nfe rior a lveo l a r (lA) n e rve
• I nfe ri o r a l veo l a r n e rve b l oc k
b l ock 268
• Li n g u a l n e rve b l o c k
i ntern a l o b l i q u e ridge 270
• B u cca l n e rve b l o ck
l i n g u a l n e rve b l ock 280
• M e n ta l n e rve b l o ck
m a n d i b u l a r i nfi ltrations with
• I n c isive n e rve b l o ck a rtica i n e 276
• G ow-G ates n e rve b l o ck m e nta l n e rve b l ock 283
• Va z i ra n i -Aki n os i (Ak i n osi) n e rve b l ock mylo hyoid n e rve b l ock 275
need l e pathway 268
pa resthesia 278
penetration site 268
p re m atu re contact 275
pte ryg o m a n d i b u l a r
ra p h e 269
tris m u s 278
Vazira n i -Akinosi (Aki nosi)
n e rve b l ock 292


or located in the vicinity of the needle, including mu­

CASE ST U DY cosa, superficial fascia, muscle, vessels, nerves, and bone.
The depo sition site will b e describ e d in terms of the
Lee Chung tissues at or near the target and in relation to specific
Lee C h u n g is a hea lthy m ot he r of five w h o wa nted landmarks.
both s i d e s of h e r l ow e r jaw treated at the s a m e
a p p o i n t m e n t b e c a u s e of h e r h e c t ic s c h e d u l e . I t
M a n d i b u l a r I njecti o n Tech n iq u es
h a d b e e n exp l a i n e d to h e r t h a t t h i s m i g h t c a u s e
co n s i d e ra b l e a l t e r a t i o n of fu n cti o n , b u t s h e h a d This chapter will discuss mandibular inj ection techniques
i n sisted that s h e d i d n o t h ave t i m e t o retu rn t o the commonly u s e d in dentistry. Key elements for e ach
office fo r a n oth er a p p o i ntment. A l l other treatment mandibular inj ection discussed are summarized in Appen­
had been co m p l eted o n p rev i o u s vis its. The fi rst dix 14-1. Common variations and precautions will be dis­
p re m o l a r a n d a nt e r i o r teeth on t h e r i g h t m a n d i ­ cussed where applicable.
b l e , w h i c h h a d b e e n treated p revi o u s l y, re q u i re d
fo l l ow- u p w i t h l o c a l a n esth esi a . T h e l eft m a n d i b l e I nfe rior Alveo l a r N e rve B lock
w a s t h e o n l y u n t re a t e d q u a d ra n t a n d i t a l s o re­
Inferior alveolar (lA) nerve blocks, also referred to as man­
q u i red local a n esth esi a .
dibular or lower blocks, are indicated for pain management
of mandibular teeth in one quadrant.

Field of Anesthesia
lA nerve blocks anesthetize the structures innervated by
I ntrod u ction the lA nerve and typically the lingual nerve on the in­
Anatomic landmarks a n d considerations for each man­ j ected side, to include the mandibular teeth to the mid­
dibular inj ection technique discussed will be presented line, soft tissues of the inferior portion of the ramus and
in reference to the penetration site, needle pathway, and body of the mandible, the lower lip and buccal periodon­
deposition site as described in Chapter 1 1 , "Fundamen­ tium of the premolars and incisors, the lingual soft tis­
tals for Administration of Local Anesthetic Agents." sues and periodontium, the floor of the mouth, and the
The p e netration site will b e related to hard and soft anterior two-thirds of the tongue (see Figure 14-1 •) .
tissue landmarks. Needle pathway will be described in B ox 14-1 • provides further discussion o n lingual nerve
terms of the types of tissue that will be penetrated by anesthesia.

(w/ llngual)

Teeth anesthetized:

all teeth in quadrant

Periodontium/Soft tlaauea:

all peri odonti um. buccal muoosa

premolars to midline,

floor of mouth and

11. tongue in quadrant

FIGURE 1 4-1 Field of Anesthesia for Inferior Alveolar Nerve

Blocks. Anesthesia will occur in hard and soft structures of half
the mandible with the exception of the buccal tissues in the
molar region.

is made. In other words, penetration must be made slightly

lateral to the raphe. Penetration that is medial to the raphe
is likely to result in an inj ection that places the needle tip
too far posterior to the ideal site for depositing solution .
W h e n lA n e rve b l ocks a re a d m i n istered, t h e l i n g u a l n e rve is The appearance of t h e raphe (observed under t h e fold)
us u a l ly a n esth etized a l o n g with the i nfe rior a lveo l a r n e rve . will vary significantly among patients. It can appear quite
T h i s occurs because t h e l i n g u a l n e rve is typ i c a l l y l o cated distinct in some individuals and ne arly nonexistent in
m e d i a l and anterior to the i nfe rior a lveo l a r n e rve a l o n g t h e others. It can appear to be nondistinct but can then become
p e n etrat i o n pathway. Suffi c i e n t a n esthetic s o l ut i o n is often
more obvious when patients open their mouths wide. The
d e p osited near t h e site of t h e l i n g u a l n e rve (wh e re d rops
raphe is easier to visualize when individuals open their
of a n esth etic s o l u t i o n h ave b e e n deposited ahead of the
n e e d l e) and fro m t h e d iffu s i o n of s o l ut i o n fro m t h e s ite of
mouths, although in some individuals the raphe is barely
l A d e p ositi o n to a c h i eve l i n g u a l n e rve a n esth e s i a . The fi e l d detectable, regardless (see Figure 14-2 •) . The architecture
o f a n esth e s i a fo r lA n e rve b l o cks is ro uti n e l y e n h a n ced i n of the raphe and the thickness of the mucosa overlying it
t h i s w a y to i n c l u d e a n esth e s i a of stru ctu res i n n e rvated b y are primarily responsible for obscuring the raphe when it

� � � � �� � �� ��
t i ua
r -
• . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .li is not clearly visible.
The second key intraoral fe ature is the coronoid
notch of the mandible. The significance of the notch is
that it defines the height of the injection. The ideal height
Anatomical Factors is slightly higher than the deepest concavity of the notch.
The inferior alveolar nerve is the largest branch of the In other words, penetrations that are below this point are
mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. It branches likely to place the tips of needles too far inferior to the
from the posterior division of the mandibular nerve in
the infratemporal space, then travels medial to the lateral
pterygoid muscle and passes through the pterygomandibu­
lar space between the sphenomandibular ligament and the
medial surface of the ramus of the mandible. It then enters
the mandibular foramen and canal.
The infratemporal and pterygomandibular spaces also
contain arteries and veins. The maxillary artery, a termi­
nal branch of the external carotid artery, traverses the in­
fratemporal space either superficial or deep to the lateral
pterygoid muscle and divides into several branches, includ­
ing the inferior alveolar artery. The inferior alveolar artery
descends through the pterygomandibular space anterior
to the nerve and enters the mandibular foramen along
with the inferior alveolar nerve. The inferior alveolar vein (A)
travels within the mandibular canal with the inferior al­
veolar artery and inferior alveolar nerve. It exits through
the mandibular foramen, and travels medioanteriorly to
the inferior alveolar artery, through the pterygomandibu­
lar and infratemporal spaces and drains into the pterygoid
plexus of veins located in the infratemporal space.
There are three key intraoral landmarks for successful
lA inj ections: the pterygomandibular raphe, the coronoid
notch on the anterior border of the ramus of the mandible,
and the internal oblique ridge on the medial surface of the
mandible close to the molars and continuing posteriorly.
The purpose of locating these landmarks is to limit the
areas into which penetrations are made. This allows the
tips of needles to end up as close to inferior alveolar
nerves as possible, once solution is deposited. (B)
The mucosa of the pterygomandibular fold overlies F I G U RE 1 4-2 The P terygomandibular Raphe. A-The
the pterygomandibular raphe , which is the attachment of arrow identifies the pterygomandibular raphe (observed
the buccinator muscle to the superior constrictor muscle of under the fold ) . B-The pterygomandibular raphe
the pharynx. The significance of the raphe is that it repre­ represents the medial extent of the penetration site and
sents the medial extent of the area into which penetration the pterygomandibular triangle.

FIGURE 1 4-4 P remature Contact Near the Internal

The Coronoid Notch. Slightly above the
F I G U RE 1 4-3
Oblique Ridge. P remature contact of the tip of the needle
deepest concavity of the notch on the anterior border
with the bone of the mandible, slightly superior and poste­
of the mandible identifies the approximate height of the
rior to the internal oblique ridge. The needle needs to be
mandibular foramen.
relocated in order to penetrate to the mandibular foramen.

ideal site for depositing solution. This landmark is used area into which penetration is made. By penetrating well
to identify a minimum height of penetration that allows medial to this landmark, premature contact of the tip
for advancement of the needle to a site directly above of the needle with the bone of the mandible is avoided
the mandibular foramen (Baker, 20 10; Jastak, Yagiela, & (see Figure 14-4 •) . Not only can premature contact be
Donaldson, 1995; Malamed, 2006; Pansky&Gest, 20 14) . It uncomfortable but it prevents further penetration to the
should be noted that deposition of solution below this site ideal site for depositing solution. It also risks barbing the
results in more failures compared with deposition above needle. The internal oblique ridge is a posterior and su­
the site. perior extension of the mylohyoid line, forming the me­
The term coronoid notch is used in dentistry to define dial border of the retromolar triangle (see Figure 14-5 •) .
the concavity on the anterior border of the ramus of the It represents the most medial surface o f the mandible at
mandible (see Figure 14-3 •) . It extends inferiorly from the inferior aspect of the pterygomandibular sulcus (see
the external oblique ridge to the superior aspect of the Figure 14-6 •) . Penetrating too far lateral can result in
coronoid process. The greatest concavity of the coronoid premature contact with bone. Figures 14-7 • and 14-8 •
notch is located approximately 6 to 10 mm superior to the contrast an ideal penetration and a penetration too far
mandibular occlusal plane. See Box 14-2 • for further dis­ lateral.
cussion on the term coronoid notch. The location of the mandibular foramen is variable. It
The third key intraoral landmark for lA nerve block may be located at, below, or above the mandibular molar
inj ections is the internal oblique ridge. The significance occlusal plane. Panoramic radiographs can be helpful
of the ridge is that it represents the lateral extent of the when locating the mandibular foramen (Blanton &Jeske,
2003 ; Malamed, 2006).

Technique Factors
The following information describes key factors for suc­
cessful lA nerve blocks.

P E N ETRAT I O N SITE The penetration site for an lA nerve

The o ri g i n of the word coron oid re l ates to its G re e k root, block can be described as slightly lateral to the pterygo­
m e a n i n g crown o r crown shaped, w h i c h describes t h i s mandibular raphe (see Figure 14-7) at a height 2-3 mm
b o n y featu re of t h e m a n d i b l e .
superior to the greatest concavity of the coronoid notch,
I n d e ntistry, refe re n ce t o the coron oid n o tch i s
and well medial to the internal oblique ridge.
fre q u e ntly m a d e i n re l a t i o n t o l A i nj e cti o n s . I nteresti n g ly,
t h e term coron oid n otch is used p ri m a ri l y in de ntistry.
M e d i c a l references defi n e the reg i o n conta i n i n g the N E E D LE PATH WAY The needle advances along the lateral
n otch as t h e a nterior border of t h e ra m u s of the m a n d i b l e aspect of the pterygomandibular raphe through thin mu­

� � : �� � �� � �� � �� � : � � :
i ho
e r e t it s n c h f t e
. • • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . IIi
cosal tissue and fibers of the buccinator muscle into the
pterygomandibular space. It then passes lateral to the


F I G U RE 1 4-6 Soft Tissue Landmarks: External and
Internal Oblique Ridges. A-P alpation of the external
oblique ridge. B-P alpation of the internal oblique ridge.

Technique Steps
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 ,
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic
Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.

A 25 -gauge long needle is recom­

mended, consistent with the significant depths of pen­
etration required and the high rate of positive aspiration
( 1 0 % -15 % ) in lA nerve blocks. A 27-gauge long needle is
acceptable and is used most commonly for this inj ection
F I G U RE 1 4-5 Bony Landmarks: Internal and External (see Box 14-3 •) .
Oblique Ridges. P alpating these structures provides guidance INJ ECTIO N PROCE D U R E Gain access to the site o f penetration
to the location of the correct penetration site. A-The external by retracting the cheek laterally, avoiding overly aggressive
oblique ridge. B-The internal oblique ridge. retraction that can displace soft tissue landmarks, particu­
larly the penetration site. Hold the mucosa taut by keeping
medial pterygoid muscle, lingual nerve, and sphenoman­ the index finger or thumb on the anterior border of the ra­
dibular ligament, and superior to the lingula and mandibu­ mus at the depth of the coronoid notch (see Figure 14-12 •)
lar foramen (see Figure 14-9 •) . or on the internal oblique ridge. If the internal oblique ridge
is selected as the location of the finger or thumb, it is impor­
D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site i s 1 m m lateral to tant to avoid needle contamination and needlestick injury,
the medial aspect of the ramus and above the mandibular which are more likely to occur whenever fingers remain in
foramen (see Figures 14-10 • and 14-11 •) . proximity to penetration sites (see Box 14-4 •).

F I G U RE 1 4-7 P enetration Site for IA Nerve Blocks. FIGURE 14-8 P enetration Site Too Far Lateral.
The optimal penetration site for IANB is slightly lateral P enetration sites too far lateral to the pterygomandibular
to the pterygomandibular raphe, at the depth of the raphe can result in premature contact on the medial
pterygomandibular sulcus. surface of the ramus.

(A) (B)
F I G U RE 1 4-9 Needle P athway for IA Nerve Blocks. A-Demonstrates premature bony contact. B-Demonstrates an optimal
needle pathway. Key: A-parotid gland, B-masseter muscle, C-ramus of mandible, D-medial pterygoid muscle, E-buccinator
muscle, F-pterygomandibular raphe, G-superior constrictor muscle, H-sphenomandibular ligament, I-lingual nerve, J-inferior
alveolar nerve, K-inferior alveolar artery/vein.

F I G U RE 1 4-1 1 Deposition Site for IA Nerve Blocks ­

Superior View. The deposition site for IA nerve blocks
Deposition Site for IA Nerve Blocks -Medial
F I G U RE 1 4-1 0 is superior to the mandibular foramen as indicated by
View. The deposition site for IA nerve blocks is indicated by the the needle. Note the barrel of the syringe is over the
spotlight. contralateral premolars.

T h e risk o f n e e d l esti c k i nj u ry is g reater w h e n ever the f i n g e r

is h e l d o n t h e i ntern a l o b l i q u e r i d g e . S e l ecti n g a s ite at t h e
N ee d l es i n d e ntistry a re f l exi b l e . T h e h i g h e r t h e g a u g e
d e pth of t h e coro n o i d n otch o n t h e ra m u s c a n d e crease
o f a n e e d l e , the g reater its f l exi b i l ity a n d d e f l ecti o n i n
this risk by p rovi d i n g m o re c l e a r a n ce d u r i n g i n it i a l n e ed l e
tissues (J astak, Ya g i e l a , & D o n a l ds o n , 1 995) . I n a reas w h e re
a p p roach . Altern ative retract i o n tech n i q u es m ay b e
tissues a re m o re f i b ro u s or i n w h i c h g reater d e pths m u st be
a p p l i e d o n ce a n opti m u m p e n etrati o n site is d eterm i n e d .
p e n etrated i n o rd e r to p l ace s o l ut i o n c l ose to n e rves, t h e
risk o f n e e d l e de f l ecti o n i n creases. A 25-ga u g e n e e d l e wi l l
de f l e ct l ess co m p a red with a 27-g a u g e n e e d l e , w h i c h wi l l

See C h a pter 1 2, " I nj e cti o n s fo r M axi l l a ry P a i n Contro l ! , "

: :� � �
F i r 1 30 f r xa
• • • � � �_P� � :
�•• . .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
de f l e ct l ess t h a n a 30-g a u g e n e e d l e .
Desp ite i n creased d e f l e ct i o n , a m aj o rity o f c l i n i c i a n s
s e l ect 27 - g a u g e n e e d l es out o f c o n cern fo r p a t i e n t comfo rt
1 mm. Following negative aspiration, slowly deposit a
even t h o u g h i n creased discom fo rt with l a rg e r d i a m eter
n e e d l es h a s n ot b e e n d e m o nstrated ( H a m b u rg , 1 972;
minimum of about 1.5 mL (3/4 of a cartridge of any ap­ )
M a l a m e d , 201 3). N evert h e l ess, 27 -gauge need l es a re propriately selected local anesthetic drug over no less than
p e rfectly a ccepta b l e as evi d e n ced by t h e l o n g-term safety 1 minute. Avoid depositing too much solution before the
record o f d e n t a l l o c a l a n esth e s i a , i n c l u d i n g a m aj o rity o f needle reaches the deposition site. After depositing the so­
i n fe r i o r a l veo l a r b l ocks h a vi n g been a d m i n istered with lution, slowly withdraw the needle parallel to the pathway
27- g a u g e n e e d l es . T h e p ro b a b i l ity o f d e f l e ct i o n is an of insertion to avoid soft tissue trauma. See B ox 14-5 •
even g reater issue i n G ow-G ates m a n d i b u l a r n e rve b l ocks
(descri bed l ater i n th is c h a pter), w h e re typ i c a l p e n etrati o n

a ve a
. .
���� � ���' �� :)�
d e pths a re e q u a l to o r g reater t h a n t h e d e pths fo r i n f e r i o r

: � � � : �� � � � ��

rv b c
. . .
• • • • • • • • • • • •
T h e i n fe r i o r a l veo l a r n e rve is the l a rgest d i v i s i o n o f the
tri g e m i n a l n e rve. As a l a rg e , h e a v i l y mye l i n ated n e rve,
The syringe barrel is positioned at the labial commis­ g reater vo l u m es o f s o l ut i o n a re req u i red to f l o o d e n o u g h
sure over the premolars on the contralateral side of the l e n gth o f its m e m b ra n e i n order t o t e m p o r a r i l y d i s a b l e
sa ltatory co n d u cti o n . I n o t h e r words, i f a n i n s u ffi cient
mouth. The barrel remains parallel to and above the oc­
l e n gth o f t h e lA n e rve is fl o o d e d with s o l ut i o n , i m p u lses
clusal plane of the mandibular molars as the syringe is ad­
vanced (see Figure 14-12 • . After resistance from bone is
wi l l h ave e n o u g h e n e rgy to pass t h ro u g h seve r a l nodes
(eve n i f those p a rti cu l a r n o d es a re effectively a n esthetized)
encountered, which confirms that the needle is at a depo­ to the f i rst n o d a l a rea o f t h e lA n e rve that is n ot affected by
sition site near the medial aspect of the ramus, withdraw the a n esthetic s o l uti o n . D r u g vo l u m e s in lA n e rve b l o cks
a re g reater co m p a red with m a n y oth e r tech n i q u es . T h e
fo l l o w i n g fa ctors a re h e l p f u l to co n s i d e r w h e n d eterm i n i n g
vo l u m es t o a d m i n ister:

Factor 1 : N e rve Anatomy

T h e l a rg e d i a m eter o f the lA n e rve at the site o f deposition
req u i res a m i n i m u m o f 1 . 5 ml o f s o l ut i o n to p rovide
a d e q u ate d i ffus i o n t h ro u g h t h e n e rve and p rofo u n d
a n esth esia fo r t h e typ ica l patient.

Factor 2 : " B u d g eti n g " for the B u cca l N e rve B l ock

Fol l owi n g the a d m i n istrat i o n s o f reco m m e n d e d doses o f
a n esth etic d r u g fo r an lA n e rve b l ock, 1 . 5 m l, a b o u t 0 . 3 m l
o f s o l u t i o n re m a i n s i n t h e ca rtri d g e . T h i s i s a n a d e q u ate
vo l u m e to co m p l ete a b u cc a l n e rve b l ock w h e n n e e d e d .

Factor 3 : M u lt i p l e Cartri d g es as I n it i a l Dose

F I G U RE 1 4-1 2 Retraction and Syringe Angulations for Lo n g p ro ce d u res o r past p a t i e n t exp e ri e n ce m a y

IA Nerve Block. To establish firm retraction, hold the esta b l is h a n e e d fo r a d d iti o n a l i n it i a l v o l u m e s o f
mucosa taut by keeping the index finger or thumb on the a n esthetic s o l uti o n . D e s p ite t h e e ffe ctiven ess of t h i s i n it i a l
d o s e , s o m e c l i n i c i a n s a d m i n iste r m o re t h a n o n e c a rtri d g e
anterior border of the ramus at the depth of the coro­
f o r l A n e rve b l o cks every t i m e , re g a rd l ess o f t h e l e n gt h o f
noid notch. The syringe barrel is positioned at the labial
p ro ce d u re or p a st exp e r i e n c e . A l l FDA-a p p roved d e nta l
commissure over the premolars on the contralateral side
l o c a l a n est h et i c d r u g i n s e rts m a ke s i m i l a r state m e nts
of the mouth. The barrel remains parallel to and above t h at the s m a l l est dose t h at p rovides c l i n i ca l l y effe ctive
• •

: �� �� � � ��� � �� ���
the occlusal plane of the mandibular molars throughout an t i ul u
the injection. • • . .
•. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

for further discussion of drug doses for the IA nerve demonstrates premature contact on the lingula; needle
blocks inj ection. penetration more medial or slight medial deflection of the
pterygomandibular raphe with needle insertion can help
Confirming Anesthesia avoid or clear this obstruction.
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for IA nerve blocks include Other anatomic factors also contribute to failure, in­
a sense of numbness on the inj ected side, including soft tis­ cluding accessory, aberrant, and ectopic innervations. These
sues of the inferior portion of the ramus and body of the are discussed in detail in Chapter 16, "Troubleshooting In­
mandible, the lower lip, and the buccal periodontium of adequate Anesthesia." Among these, midline overlapping
the premolars and incisors. Typically, patients will report of branches of incisive, mental, and mylohyoid nerves is a
anesthesia of the lingual soft tissues and anterior two­ common occurrence that provides additional innervation of
thirds of the tongue as well. the incisor teeth and associated soft tissue from the side op­
Obj ective signs include a lack of response to gentle posite the inj ection (Blanton &Jeske, 2003). This is an ex­
stimulation with an instrument and no pain during the ample of what is known as accessory innervation, which is
procedure for soft tissues or mandibular teeth. an expected pattern of innervation that deviates from what
is considered normal. Midline overlapping of fibers in the
Common Causes of Injection Failure mandible is fairly common, so much so that it could actually
IA nerve blocks are considered by some to be among the be considered less of a deviation and more of a variation.
most difficult inj ections from a technical standpoint. Pub­ In some individuals, the medial aspect of the penetra­
lished failure rates support this and vary from 1 0 % to 31 % tion site for IA nerve blocks may be difficult to identify
or more, placing the IA block among the highest failure because of an obscure pterygomandibular raphe. This can
rates in dentistry, regardless of whether figuring from the lead to inaccurate assessments of the penetration site and
high or low end of the failure range (B lanton &Jeske, inadequate anesthesia. For further discussion on anatomi­
2003 ; Hamburg, 1972; Jastak, Yagiela, &Donaldson, 1995 ; cal variations of consequence in IA nerve blocks, see Box
Malamed, 20 13). 14-6 • and Chapter 16.
There are several causes of failure of IA nerve blocks.
Greater anatomical variation and the need for deeper Troubleshooting
needle penetrations are key factors to understanding these When IA nerve blocks are unsuccessful, it is helpful to
failures. The most common specific failures are technique­ reevaluate by visualizing, palpating, and checking radio­
related , such as depositing solution too far away from graphs and to reassess syringe angulations and depths of
the foramen (too shallow, too medial, too posterior, and,
especially, too inferior) . Shallow deposition of solution
(less than 20-25 mm for a typical adult) decreases the rate
of success. Deposition medial to soft tissue barriers, such
as the sphenomandibular ligament, can block diffusion of
solution to the IA nerve.
Most variations in anatomical form can be accommodated Absence of a Pte ryg o m a n d i b u l a r Raphe
with an understanding of basic technique. Figure 14-13 • At l e ast o n e study d e m o n strates a co m p l ete a bs e n ce of
t h e pteryg o m a n d i b u l a r ra p h e i n a s i g n ificant p e rcenta g e
of i n d iv i d u a l s . I n 3 6 % of ra p h es reviewed, t h e re was a
conti n u at i o n of the b u cci n ator a n d s u p e r i o r p h a ry n g e a l
constrictor m uscles with no obvious presence of a
pteryg o m a n d i b u l a r ra p h e ( M a l a m ed, 2006; S h i m a d a &
G asser, 1 989) .

Cervical N e rve I n n e rvatio n to M a n d i b u l a r Teeth

Cervi c a l n e rves h ave b e e n described as p rovi d i n g
a ccessory i n n e rvati o n t o m a n d i b u l a r teeth i n t h e past.
A recent study d e m o n strated that a ccessory cervi ca l
i n n e rvati o n of t h e m o l a rs a n d p re m o l a rs is u n l ikely,
h owever sti l l poss i b l e . T h e controve rsy re m a i ns u n resolved
( B l a nton & J eske, 2003) .

Bifid a n d Ectopic lA N e rves

O n ly 60 of 6,000 p a n o ra m i c ra d i o g r a p h s stu d i e d i d e ntifi e d
F I G U R E 1 4-1 3 Impact of Anatomical Variations.
t h e p rese n ce of b i f i d lA n e rves a n d ecto p i c m a n d i b u l a r
P remature contact on the lingula requires redirection
ca n a l s (J astak, Ya g i e l a , & D o n a l d s o n , 1 995; La n g l a is,
of the needle and may have been prevented by needle
• B ro a d u s, & G l ass, 1 985) . This re l ative ly ra re variation was •
penetration more medial or by slightly deflecting the
: � �� � : � �� � � � � � ; ��� � ; � � �
f o e t un l t a i at r
pterygomandibular raphe medially. . . . • • . • • • • • • • • • • ••

penetration. Safe increases in the volume of solution ad­ Technique Modifications and Alternatives
ministered should also be considered. Because of variations in anatomical landmarks, slight tech­
In some instances, adequate diffusion of solution is nique adjustments are frequently necessary. One common
impossible because of anatomic obstructions. Alternate technique challenge occurs when premature contact is
nerve blocks (discussed later in this chapter) or supple­ made with bone on the medial surface of the ramus before
mental techniques, such as the periodontal ligament inj ec­ reaching the optimum deposition site. This is referred to as
tion, are indicated when this is the case (see Chapter 15, premature contact (see Figure 14-1 3 ) . If bony resistance
"Supplemental Techniques and Adj unctive Strategies") is met immediately after penetration, it is probable that
because their success is not restricted by these barriers. penetration was too low and/or too lateral to the pterygo­
M andibular infiltration with articaine, which has mandibular raphe. If this occurs, withdraw the needle com­
been demonstrated to be effective as a primary technique pletely, reevaluate the anatomical landmarks, and proceed
for anesthetizing mandibular first molars, is also quite by repenetrating at the adjusted site.
useful as a supplemental technique when profound an­ If premature contact with bone occurs at less than
esthesia of mandibular teeth has not been achieved with one-half the penetration depth, withdraw the needle to a
inferior alveolar nerve blocks. This technique is discussed more superficial depth and reposition the syringe barrel
in Box 14-7 •· anteriorly over the contralateral canine or lateral incisor
If anatomical variances are encountered, document­ before re-advancing the needle. If no further resistance is
ing them as well as any modifications that were imple­ encountered, reposition the syringe barrel back over the
mented to overcome them can be helpful at subsequent premolars and advance the needle until contact with bone
appointments. (resistance) occurs at optimum depth.
Sensory fibers of the mylohyoid nerve, an efferent When no contact is encountered with bone at the
nerve to the mylohyoid and anterior digastric muscles, target d e p t h , withdraw the n e e d l e at l e a s t h alfway
can provide a small portion of the pulpal innervation of and r e p o s it i o n the syring e b a r r e l p o s t e r i o r l y o v e r
mandibular teeth, especially the mandibular molars (Stein, t h e molars. Advance until bone is contacte d . If b o n e
Brueckner, &Milliner, 2007 ) . A mylohyoid nerve block is n o t encountered after t h i s adj ustment, do n o t d e ­
can be a useful supplement to lA blocks that appear to be posit anesthetic. Withdraw t h e needle a n d consider al­
profound but prove to be inadequate (see Box 14-8 • and ternate techniques to achieve inferior alveolar nerve
Figure 14-14 •). anesthesia.
There are a number of approaches for anesthetizing Examples of variations in the form of the mandible
the inferior alveolar nerve. All are considered inferior are demonstrated in Figures 14-15 •, 14-16 •, and 14-17 •·
alveolar nerve blocks and can be clinically effective at Alternatives to lA nerve blocks include Gow-Gates
providing profound anesthesia of mandibular teeth. One nerve blocks ( G G ) , Akinosi (Vazirani-Akinosi) nerve
in particular, the Lorna Linda technique, is described in blocks (VA ) , periodontal ligament (PDL) and intraos­
Box 14-9 •· A technique that is mentioned but for which seous inj ections, infiltrations with articaine ( s e e B ox
specific technique details are not provided in this text, the 14-7 ) , and incisive nerve blocks (if treatment is limited
" short-needle block anesthesia at the mandibular fora­ to teeth located anterior to the mental foramen) , or
men," is nevertheless referred to in the literature and is mental nerve blocks (if treatment is limited to buccal
discussed in Box 14-10 •· soft tissues anterior to the mental foramen) . Infiltration
inj ections for incisors may provide pulpal anesthesia
depending on the density and thickness of the cortical
bone over each tooth. The intraosseous and periodon­
tal l i g a m e n t i nj e c t i o n t e c h n i q u e s are d i s cu s s e d in
Chapter 15, " S upplemental Techniques and Adj unctive

The lA injection has a 10% to 15 % positive aspiration rate.
This is the highest rate of all inj ections described because
of the presence of the inferior alveolar artery and veins
at the mandibular foramen and the frequent presence of
the maxillary artery in the lower pterygomandibular space.
When present in this location, the maxillary artery has
been demonstrated to be located immediately above the
level of the mandibular foramen (Blanton &Jeske, 2003 ) .
F I G U R E 1 4-1 4 P enetration Site for Mylohyoid Nerve Blocks. Some authorities have recommended avoiding higher de­
The penetration site for mylohyoid nerve blocks is indicated by position sites for this reason, whereas others recommend
the needle. higher deposition sites because they appear to be related

Ach i e v i n g m a n d i b u l a r m o l a r a n esth e s i a is a m o n g t h e m ost lingual infiltration with articain e, a n d bu cca/ infiltration of

ch a l l e n g i n g tasks in d e n t a l l o c a l a n esth es i a . Strate g i es that man dibular p osterior teeth with articain e.
i m p rove t h e su ccess rates of traditi o n a l i nfe rior a l veo l a r
n e rve b l ocks (80%-85% o r worse) a re s u bj e cts o f u n ivers a l Field of An esthesia
i nterest t o c l i n i c i a n s atte m pt i n g to p rovi de re l i a b l e a n d Anest h e s i a typ i ca l ly is confi n e d to t h e tooth a n esthetized
p rofo u n d m a n d i b u l a r a n esth esia ( B l a nton & J eske, 2003; and t h e b u cc a l periodonti u m if a l i n g u a l i nj e cti o n is not
Wo n g , 200 1 ). In response to this c h a l l e n g e , m a ny p r i m a ry given, and t h e b u cca l and l i n g u a l p e r i o d o nti u m if both
a n d s u p p l e m enta l tech n i q u es h ave b e e n i ntro d u ced that s ites a re s e l e cted fo r i nj e cti o n , a l t h o u g h wider a reas of
a d d ress the i n a d e q u acies of lA n e rve b l ock a n esth e s i a . a n esth esia s o m et i m es d eve l o p in the m a n d i b l e .
T h e s e i n c l u d e high block a n d i ntraosseous tech n i q u es, as
we l l as and m o re than 20 variations of t h e i nfe rior a lveo l a r Anato mical Factors
n e rve b l o c k t h a t H a l lste a d a n d H a l l descri bed over a S o l ut i o n m ust p e n etrate the b u cca l (a n d l i n g u a l , if
centu ry a g o w h e n t h ey fi rst d e m o n strated that a n e rve s e l e cted) cort i c a l p l ates of the m a n d i b l e .
tru n k co u l d be b l ocked at any p o i n t a l o n g its co u rs e .
M a n y ch a l l e n g es a re e n c o u ntered i n a d u lt a n d Tech n i q u e Factors
p e d i atric p o p u l at i o n s w h e n p rovi d i n g m a n d i b u l a r m o l a r The fo l l ow i n g i nfo rmation describes key facto rs fo r
a n esth esia ( B l a nton & J eske, 2003; Zwa i n , 2006) . These s u ccessfu l m a n d i b u l a r i nfi ltrati o n s with a rtica i n e .
ch a l l e n ges h ave b e e n t h e target of m a ny re l evant stu d i es
on t h e effi cacy of bu ccal o n l y a n d bu cca / p l u s lingua/ Penetration Site
a rt i ca i n e i nfi ltrat i o n tech n i q u es . Penetratio n sites a re located in the m ucob u ccal tiss ues close
Mandibular infiltrations with articaine h ave to the a p i ces of the tooth to be a n esthetized . When l i n g u a l
d e m onstrated superior effi cacy for m o l a r a n esthesia sites a re e l ected, sites a re located i n t h e m u cosa close t o the
co m p a red with i nfi ltrations of l i d o ca i n e . Reported su ccess a p i ces of the tooth . An a lternate l i n g u a l penetration site is
rates for fi rst m o l a rs of 87% and 88% com p a re to su ccess j u st b e l ow the attached g i n g iva of the toot h .
rates of 57% and 7 1 % when l i d o ca i n e was used ( H a ase, et a l . ,
2008; M cEntire, e t a l . , 201 1 ; Robertso n , e t a l . , 2007). T h e N e e d l e Pathway
su ccess rates fo r a rtica i n e i n i nfi ltrations o f fi rst m o l a rs i s The n e e d l e passes t h ro u g h t h i n m u cos a l tissues to
s i m i l a r t o t h e overa l l su ccess rates o f lA b l ocks as re p o rted s u p e rfici a l fascia conta i n i n g l o ose c o n n e ctive tissue a n d
i n this text (80%-85%), a lt h o u g h it h a s been s u g g ested that avo i d s s m a l l vess e l s a n d m i crovascu l atu re, as we l l as n e rve
su ccess rates of lA b l ocks may be m u c h l ower, at 69%, w h e n e n d i n gs to the a p i c a l a reas of the teet h .
fi rst m o l a rs a re sym ptomatic a n d e v e n l ower w h e n t h ey ex­
h i b it i rreve rs i b l e p u l p itis, 30% (Qu i n n , 1 998; Wo n g , 200 1 ) . Deposition Site
T h e specific tech n i q ues used t o investigate a rtica i n e i nfi l­ Deposition s ites a re l o cated at b u cc a l a p i c a l a reas a n d ,
trations to provide m a n d i b u l a r a n esthesia a re not necessa rily w h e n e l e cted, l i n g u a l a p i c a l a reas o r j u st b e l ow t h e l i n g u a l
u n iform, with some using a bucca/ approach a n d oth ers us­ atta c h e d g i n g iva of t h e tooth .
i n g a com b i ned bucca/ p l us lingua/ approach. Some studies
h ave selected deposition sites i n the m u cobucca l fo l d over Tech n i q u e Steps
the apex of each root, and others h ave selected sites over Apply the b a s i c i nj e ct i o n steps outl i n e d in C h a pter 1 1 ,
the bucca l a p i ces p l us l i n g u a l deposition sites or m i dway " Fu n d a m e nta ls fo r Ad m i n istrati o n of Loca l Anesthetic
between the bucca l roots of the tooth (Haase, et a l . , 2008; Age nts, " and s u m m a rized i n Appe n d ix 1 1 -1 .
Ka naa, et a l . , 2006; Ka naa, et a l . , 2009; Robertson , et a l . , 2007).
One s m a l l stu dy of the d iffe re nce i n success rates between N e e d l e Sel ecti o n
buccal o n l y a n d bucca/ p l us lingual approaches reported A 25- o r 27-ga u g e l o n g n e e d l e is co m m o n fo l l ow i n g a n
s i m i l a r efficacy (Corbett, et a l . , 2008). G reater vo l u mes of 4% lA i nj e cti o n . If a d m i n istered s e p a rate ly, a 27-g a u g e s h o rt
a rtica i n e (one cartridge per site) tended to be associated n e e d l e m a y be u s e d .
with m o re profo u n d a n esthesia and m o re d isco mfort d u r i n g
i njection (Haase, e t a l . , 2008; Ka n a a , e t a l . , 2006; Ka naa, et a l . , I njection Proce d u re
2009; M a lamed, 201 3; Robertson, e t a l . , 2007). Regard l ess of To g a i n a ccess to t h e s ite of p e n etrati o n , refl e ct t h e l i p to
variation i n tech n i q ue, a rtica i n e demonstrated consiste ntly expose t h e m u co b u cc a l fo l d o p p osite t h e b u cca l s u rfaces
bette r efficacy com p a red to l idoca i n e . of the tooth o r teeth to b e a n esth etize d . P e n etrate i nto
M a n d i b u l a r i nfi ltrati o n s w i t h a rtica i n e a p p e a r t o the m u co b u cc a l fo l d of the tooth (s i n g l e ro ot) o r m e s i a l
p rov i d e effective p ri m a ry a n d s u p p l e m e n t a l a n esth e s i a o f a n d d ista l a p i c a l a reas b u cc a l t o t h e tooth ( m u l t i p l e roots)
m a n d i b u l a r m o l a rs . S u ccess rates a p p e a r to be s i m i l a r to lA with o u t m a k i n g b o n y c o n t a ct. F o l l ow i n g a n e g ative a s p i ­
n e rve block s u ccess rates fo r rout i n e resto rative d e ntistry rati o n , s l ow l y d e p o s i t a m i n i m u m of b etwee n 0 . 6 m l (V3 o f
of m a n d i b u l a r m o l a rs . a c a rtr i d g e) a n d 0 . 9 m l (Vz of a c a rtri d g e) of s o l ut i o n over
Altern ate t e r m s fo r man dibular infiltration with each a p ex. T h e i n se rt i o n d e pth v a r i e s and is a nywh e re
articain e i n c l u d e bu cca/ infiltration with articain e, fro m a b o u t 3 to 6 m m . If a l i n g u a l i nfi ltrat i o n is a l so d e ­
m a n dibular buccal infiltration with articain e, bu ccal and s i re d , a s i m i l a r p ro ce d u re ca n b e fo l l owed except t h at t h e

d e p o s i t i o n sites a re e i t h e r l i n g u a l to e a c h a p ex or a s i n g l e b o n e i n t h e a p i c a l a reas o f m a n d i b u l a r teeth, p a rticu l a rly

d e p o s i t i o n s ite h a s b e e n described t h a t is l o cated j u st when t h e cort i c a l p l ate i n the d epositi o n site is very d e n s e .
b e l ow t h e att a c h e d g i n g iva l i n g u a l to t h e tooth .
Tech n i q u e M o d ifications a n d Alte r n atives
Confi r m i n g Anesthesia Altern atives to m a n d i b u l a r i nfi ltrati o n s with a rti ca i n e i n ­
S u bj e ctive s i g n s of a n esth e s i a i n c l u d e a sense of n u m b n ess c l u d e b l ock tech n i q ues a n d s u p p l e m ental tech n i q u es fo r
of the teeth in q u esti o n and the affected vest i b u l a r a reas m a n d i b u l a r a n esth e s i a . These i n c l u d e the lA, G ow-G ates,
b u cc a l and l i n g u a l to t h e teet h . O bj e ctive signs i n c l u d e a Vaz i r a n i-Aki n o s i , and the i ntraosseous and PDL i nj e cti o n .
l a c k of res ponse to g e n t l e sti m u l at i o n with an i nstru m e nt
Co m p l icatio n s
a n d no p a i n d u r i n g procedu res i nvolvi n g p u l p a l tissues of
the i nvolved m a n d i b u l a r teet h . Co m p l ications fo l l ow i n g m a n d i b u l a r i nfiltratio n s w i t h a r­
tica i n e a re i nfre q u e n t a n d i n c l u d e b l e e d i n g , h e m at o m a ,
Co m m o n Ca uses o f I njection Fai l u re swe l l i n g i n t h e a reas of i nj e cti o n , a n d posto pe rative d is­
W h e n ever s o l u t i o n is n ot a b l e to p e n etrate to t h e a p i c a l comfo rt. Corbett and co l l e a g u es specu l ate that by avo i d ­
a reas o f t h e teeth fro m t h e d e p ositi o n s ites, b u cc a l i nfi ltra­ i n g typ ica l i nfe rior a l veo l a r n e rve b l ocks, fewe r p a resthesias
tions w i l l not p rov i d e p rofo u n d a n esth e s i a o r p rofo u n d m a y be expected fro m m a n d i b u l a r i nfi ltrat i o n s with a rtic­
s u p p l e m e n t a l a n esth es i a . a i n e (Co rbett et a l . , 2008) .
W h e n l a rg e r vo l u mes of a rt i ca i n e versus l i d o c a i n e
Tro u b lesh ooti n g
were a d m i n istered at e a c h s i t e , 1 . 8 m l fo r exa m p l e , t h e re
B u cca l i nfi ltratio n s with a rtica i n e m ay be u n s u ccessfu l was a noticea b l e i n crease i n rep o rted d iscomfo rt (Corbett

: w h e n ever s o l ut i o n is n ot a b l e to effective ly p e n etrate t h e et a l . , 2008) .
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

FIGURE 14-1 6 Anatomical Variances of the Ramus-Medial

View. When viewed from medial and superior view, the prominence
of the internal oblique ridge and the lingula are clearly evident.

F I G U R E 1 4-1 5 Anatomical Variances of the Ramus-Superior F I G U R E 1 4-1 7 Anatomical Variances-Flare of the Ramus.
View. P remature contact can be related to prominence of the Variations in the flare of the mandible can impact angulations
medial surface of the ramus at the internal oblique ridge and for IA nerve blocks. Note the differences in both the overall
variations in the flare of the lingula anterior to the deposition size of the examples and the degree of lateral flare. Insertion
site. Note the increasing flare and prominence of the lingula angulations may need to be adjusted to reach the optimum
from the bottom up. deposition site.

M y l o hyoid n e rve b l o cks a re i n d i cated fo r s u p p l e m e nta l N e e d l e Sel ecti o n

p a i n m a n a g e m e n t d u r i n g proce d u res involvi n g m a n d i b u l a r A 25- or 27-ga u g e l o n g n e e d l e is co m m o n fo l l ow i n g lA
m o l a rs w h e n lA b l ocks fa i l t o p rov i d e p rofo u n d a n esth esia i nj e cti o n s . I f a d m i n istered s e p a rate ly, a 27-ga u g e s h o rt
(M a l a m ed , 201 3). n e e d l e m ay be u s e d .
Field of An esthesia I njection Proce d u re
The mylohyoid nerve is primarily an efferent nerve, a lthough it To g a i n a ccess to t h e s ite of p e n etrati o n , retra ct t h e
has been recogn ized that it frequently provides sensory fibers to n g u e a n d a p p ro a c h fro m t h e o p p os ite s i d e . P e n etrate
to mandibular teeth (Stein, B rueckner, & M i l l iner, 2007). The b e l ow the a p ex of the tooth i m m e d i at e l y poste r i o r to
sensory innervation of the mylohyoid nerve is an accessory in­ the tooth in q u esti o n a n d a dva n ce u nt i l res i st a n ce is m et
nervation, the extent of which is l i m ited to providing only a mi­ ( b o n y c o n t a ct) . T h e i n se rti o n d e pth is a nywh e re fro m
nor portion of the innervation of these teeth (Stein, Brueckner, 3 to 5 m m . Fo l l ow i n g a n e g ative a s p i rati o n , s l ow l y
& M i l l iner, 2007) . The nerve is frequently blocked during inferior ( 2 0 secon ds) d e posit a m i n i m u m of 0 . 6 m l of s o l u t i o n
a lveo l a r blocks, but anesthetic sol ution may be prevented from (1/3 of a ca rtri d g e) .
reach i n g the mylohyoid nerve because of the location of its
branching from the mandibular nerve and because of anatom i c Confi r m i n g An esthesia
obstructions s u c h as t h e pterygomandibu l a r fascia and sphe­ S u bj e ctive s i g n s of a n esth e s i a fo r m y l o h y o i d n e rve b l ocks
nomandibular l i gament (Stein, Brueckner, & M i l l i ner, 2007). i n c l u d e a s e n s e of n u m b n ess of t h e tissues l i n g u a l to
t h e m a n d i b u l a r m o l a rs . O bj e ctive s i g n s i n c l u d e a l a c k of
Anato mical Factors
resp o n s e to g e n t l e sti m u l at i o n with a n i n stru m e n t a n d
T h e m y l o hyoid n e rve is a b r a n c h of the t h i rd division of t h e n o p a i n d u r i n g proce d u res i n v o l v i n g p u l p a l tissues of
tri g e m i n a l n e rve, p rov i d i n g efferent fi b e rs to t h e m y l o h y o i d the m a n d i b u l a r m o l a rs (wh e n p e rfo r m e d after lA n e rve
m us c l e a n d t h e a nterior b e l l y of the d i g astri c. b l o cks) .

Tec h n i q u e Factors Co m m o n Ca uses of I njection Fai l u re

The fo l l ow i n g i nfo rmation describes key facto rs fo r M y l o h y o i d n e rve b l ock fa i l u res a re ra re a n d occu r
s u ccessfu l m y l o h y o i d n e rve b l o c ks . p ri m a ri l y because of o p e rator error i n assess i n g d e pths of
p e n etrat i o n a n d de positi o n sites.
Penetration Site
T h e p e n etrati o n site is l o cated in t h e l i n g u a l m u cosa b e l ow Tro u b l esh ooti n g
the a pex of t h e tooth i m m e d i ately poste r i o r to t h e tooth M y l o h y o i d n e rve b l o cks h ave l ittl e p u rpose i n de nta l
re q u i r i n g s u p p l e m e n t a l a n esth e s i a (see F i g u re 1 4-1 4) . loca l a n esth esia oth e r t h a n as s u p p l e m e nts to lA b l o cks .
Alth o u g h fa i l u re is t h e refore n ot a p a rticu l a r issue,
Needle Pathway
reassess m e n t of t h e p e n etrat i o n a n d deposition s ites and
T h e n e e d l e adva n ces t h ro u g h t h i n m u cos a l tissues to t h e of t h e vo l u m es of s o l ut i o n used may be h e l pfu l .
a p i c a l a rea of the t o o t h j u st poste r i o r to t h e o n e req u i ri n g
s u p p l e m e n t a l a n est h es i a . Tech n i q u e M o d ifications a n d Alte r n atives
Altern atives to m y l o h y o i d n e rve b l o cks a re essenti a l ly
Deposition Site
a ltern atives to i nfe ri o r a lveo l a r b l ocks, i n c l u d i n g
The deposition site is at the mesi o l i n g u a l a p ex of the tooth G ow-G ates n e rve b l o cks, Vazi ran i-Aki nosi b l ocks, a n d
j u st poste r i o r to the one req u i r i n g s u p p l e m e nta l a n esth es i a . i ntraosseous i nj e ct i o n s , i n c l u d i n g t h e P D L .
Tech n i q u e Steps Co m p l i cati o n s
Apply t h e b a s i c i nj e cti o n steps outl i n e d i n C h a pter 1 1 , Co m p l ications fo l l ow i n g m y l o h y o i d n e rve b l ocks a re ra re
" Fu n d a m e nta ls fo r Ad m i n istrat i o n of Loca l Anesthetic and i n c l u d e b l e e d i n g , h e m ato m a , and posto pe rative

� � � : ·� : ��: : �� : ���� :� � � � : � �� . IIi

gen s nd su rz n nd 1- · i co f t .

. • • • • . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

to increased rates of success (Blanton &Jeske, 2003; Gow­ Paresthesia (prolonged anesthesia) can occur follow­
Gates &Watson, 1979; Wong, 200 1 ) . ing lA nerve blocks, but it is usually transient. Studies of
Postinj ection muscle soreness or limitation of man­ the risks of paresthesia have suggested many etiologies but
dibular movement can occur because of localized injury to have largely failed to identify specific cause-and-effect re­
muscle fibers at the site of inj ection. This is referred to as lationships in nonsurgical procedures. The use of 4% drugs
trismus. The risk of trismus increases with the number of for lA nerve blocks continues to be controversial. In 2010,
needle penetrations. Garisto et al. reported on the occurrence of paresthesia

T h e key a n at o m i c a l l a n d m a rks fo r the Lo rn a L i n d a 3 . With the syri n g e ba rre l over the contra l atera l p re m o ­
tech n i q u e a re the d e e pest p o rti o n of t h e coro n o i d n otch l a rs, i nsert t h e n e ed l e l atera l a n d s l i g htly poste r i o r t o
and t h e intern a l o b l i q u e l i n e . Visu a l iz i n g a p l a n e p a r a l - t h e ra p h e . A s w i t h oth e r tech n i q u es, it is advised t o
l e l t o the o cc l u s a l ta b l e at the d e e p est conto u r o f t h e p a u s e a n d deposit a few d rops of a n esthetic befo re
coro n o i d n otch h e l ps esta b l ish t h e m i n i m u m h e i g ht o f p roceed i n g .
p e n etrat i o n fo r i n fe r i o r a lveo l a r n e rve b l o ck i nj e cti o n s . T h e 4. A t t h i s p o i n t contact is m a d e with t h e m e d i a l s u rfa ce
a nterior/poste rior p o i nt of t h i s i nj e cti o n is d eterm i n e d b y o f the ra m us, j u st poste rior to t h e i ntern a l o b l i q u e
l o cati n g the i ntern a l o b l i q u e l i n e , w h i c h is t h e i n s e rt i o n l i n e-wh i l e sti l l a nteri o r t o t h e l i n g u a l . It is a n t i c i p ated
p o i n t for the d e e p te n d o n of t h e t e m p o ra l is m us c l e . T h e that the l i n g u l a is now a p p roxi m ately 1 0 mm f rom t h i s
d e pth of p e n etrat i o n is esta b l i s h e d by t h e fa ct that the p o i nt.
d ista n ce f rom t h e i ntern a l o b l i q u e line to the l i n g u a l is 5 . Fro m t h i s point t h e needle is i n cre m e nta l l y adva n ced
9-1 1 m m fo r m ost a d u lts and ch i l d re n . D i ffe rent f ro m other along t h e m e d i a l s u rface o f t h e ra m u s by withd rawi n g
sta n d a rd block te c h n i q ues a 25-g a u g e s h o rt n e ed l e is the n e e d l e 1 m m after contact, a dj u st i n g t h e b a rre l o f
reco m m e n d e d for t h i s tech n i q u e . Box 1 4-1 0 p rovides a n t h e syri n g e s l i g htly towa rd t h e m i d l i n e a n d adva n c­
a d d iti o n a l d iscuss i o n o n s h o rt- n e e d l e b l ock tech n i q u e s . i n g u n t i l contact is m a d e a g a i n . T h i s is repeated u nti l
T h e fo l l ow i n g ste ps exp l a i n h ow to p e rform the Lo rn a t h e n e e d l e h a s b e e n adva n ced a p p roxi m ately h a l fway
L i n d a tech n i q u e : betwee n t h e i ntern a l o b l i q u e l i n e and t h e l i n g u l a to
a d e pth o f 5 m m . The l i n g u a l n e rve is a n esthetized at
1 . Cons istent with o t h e r b l o c k tech n i q u es, (1 ) l o cate t h e
this p o i nt, fo l l ow i n g a s p i rati o n , by d e p ositi n g a p p roxi­
d e pth of t h e coro n o i d n otch o n the a nteri o r p o rt i o n o f
m ately 0.5 mL of a n esth etic.
t h e ra m us, b u cca l to t h e m o l a rs; (2) l o cate t h e ptery­
6 . T h e needle is again i n cre m e nta l ly a dvanced u nt i l the
g o m a n d i b u l a r ra p h e ; t h i s assists i n l o cati n g the i nter­
n e e d l e n o longer m a kes contact with t h e ra m u s i n t h e
n a l o b l i q u e l i n e j u st l atera l to the ra p h e .
m a n d i b u l a r s u l cus ( a s t h e n e e d l e s l ides o v e r t h e l i n ­
2 . Retract tissues l atera l ly u nt i l t h e f i n g e r rests at t h e
g u a l notch). 0 . 7 5-1 m L of a n esthetic is deposited h e re .
d e pth of t h e coro n o i d n otch . Retract i n g tissues taut
a i d s vis u a l izat i o n of t h e p e n etrati o n site a n d n e e d l e Kra l l , B . (2008-2009) . Th e L o m a Lin da Infe rior Alve olar
i n s e rti o n . As noted e a r l i e r, rest i n g the fi n g e r in t h e Nerve B lock Te chnique, f ro m Lo rn a L i n d a U n ive rs ity S c h o o l

� • • • • • �� : � �� �� �� �� : ��� � � : � �: �� � � ��
co n o
t t ls h he gh
• • .
n e ra i -
. . . • • • • • •
f en i t h e oc l
� .� . � � �� � • • � . � .� . �� �� � .� . �� :
ne h i an l
• • • • • • • • • . Ji

M u ch h a s b e e n written i n t h i s text a n d i n m a ny other reg i o n s o f t h e pterygo m a n d i b u l a r space wo u l d l i ke l y de-

res o u rces reg a rd i n g the d i ffi cu lties e n c o u ntered w h e n at- crease the n u m b e r o f vascu l a r e n c o u nters. This was l ater
te m pt i n g to p rov i d e re l i a b l e and p rofo u n d a n esth e s i a o f con f i r m e d by M a l a m e d (M a l a m e d, 1 98 1 ) .
m a n d i b u l a r teet h . H e a l so referenced t h e w o r k o f M e n ke a n d G owg i e l
Ye a rs a g o , D r. G ow-G ates descri bed h i s high block w h o p rovi d e d evi d e n ce that traditi o n a l b l ocks u s i n g l o n g
tech n i q u e a n d b a s e d it, a m o n g o t h e r co n s i d e rations, o n n e e d l es m i g ht n ot be i d e a l w h e n co n s i d e r i n g t h e a ctu a l
m e a s u re m e nts l e a d i n g t o re l evant a n ato m i c a l avera g e s . I n l ocat i o n s o f i n fe r i o r a l veo l a r n e rves. M e n ke a n d G owg i e l
determ i n i n g o n e of these avera g es, h e u s e d m u lt i p l e s ku l ls descri bed a sh ort-needle m a n d i b u l a r b l ock based o n
t o m e a s u re t h e d ista nce f ro m t h e poste rior m a n d i b u l a r t h e i r eva l u at i o n of 35 cadaver h e a d s . T h e resu lts of the
occ l u s a l p l a n e to the l i n g u l a because it l i es a n ato m i c a l l y eva l u ati o n reve a l ed t h a t t h e d e pth of p e n etrati o n at t h e
s u p e r i o r a n d m e d i a l t o t h e m a n d i b u l a r fo r a m e n a n d rep- n a rrowest a nteroposte rior wi dth o f t h e ra m u s and pte ry-
rese nts a p re d i cta b l e l ocator of t h e i n fe r i o r a l veo l a r n e rve's gote m po ra l d e p ress i o n was determ i n e d to be h a l f t h e n a r-
l ocati o n . H e fo u n d t h at fo r a m e n s were l o cated h i g h e r t h a n rowest a nteroposte rior w i d t h of t h e ra m u s p l u s o r m i n us 1
traditio n a l b l ock ta rget s ites a b o u t 1 4% o f t h e t i m e . For mm. T h i s d e pth was descri bed as being within the limits of
h i g h block tech n i q u es (pe n etrat i o n sites 5 m m o r h i g h e r a short n e edle a n d easier t o estim ate with a sh o rt n e e dle
t h a n tra d i ti o n a l b l ocks), fo r a m e n s were h i g h e r t h a n target than a l o n g n e e d l e . It was fu rt h e r stated that a s h o rt
s ites o n ly a b o u t 6% of the t i m e . I n descri b i n g t h e b e n efits n e e d l e was less likely to go too deep or deviate compare d
o f h is tech n i q u e , G ow-G ates cited h i g h f a i l u re rates o f tra- with a l o n g n e e dle. S u c h d iscuss i o n s m ust be b a l a n ced
diti o n a l i n ferior a lveo l a r n e rve b l o cks (G ow-G ates, 1 979) . b y t h e risks i nvolved w h e n s h o rt n e ed l es a re u s e d i n deep

� .� � � �� � �� . · · · �� : � �� � �: � :� � :
i i · h e ex a n e t t e n r t n s i h e u p
. . . . . . • • . ;�: • • • • • • • •
ne r i s
�� : �� ��
. : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . li

after the administration of dental local anesthetics in the Anatomical Factors

United States from November 1997 to August 2008 and The lingual nerve is located in proximity to the inferior
found that 4% prilocaine and 4% articaine accounted for alveolar nerve and is usually located medial and anterior
a disproportionate number of paresthesias, similar to previ­ to it.
ous results in other countries. Also similar to previous re­
sults, the maj ority involved the lingual nerve. Garisto et al. Technique Factors
also noted that there is no convincing evidence that either The following information describes key factors for suc­
articaine or prilocaine is superior to lidocaine for IA blocks. cessful lingual nerve blocks.
Clinicians should continue to weigh the risks and benefits of A separate inj ection is usually not necessary in order
4% drugs for IA blocks before deciding to use them. to anesthetize the lingual nerve. Because of its typical lo­
If the facial nerve's pathway is anterior to its typical cation anterior and medial to the inferior alveolar nerve, it
location or if anesthetic solution is deposited well poste­ is routinely anesthetized when the inferior alveolar nerve
rior to the mandibular foramen, it is possible to anesthe­ is anesthetized.
tize branches of the facial nerve (VII ) . Drooping of the Techniques to anesthetize the lingual nerve all have
upper lip and inability to close the eyelid on the inj ected significant similarities and include the following:
side are signs of facial nerve anesthesia, which usually lasts
only as long as the anesthetic effect on other tissues. In 1. The process of depositing solution for IA nerve blocks
some individuals, branches of the facial nerve lie directly 2. A supplemental inj ection after depositing solution for
in the insertion pathway for IA nerve blocks and facial IA nerve blocks
nerve anesthesia in those instances is unavoidable (Jastak, 3. A single inj ection not associated with IA nerve blocks;
Yagiela,&Donaldson, 1995). for lingual-only anesthesia (when there is no need to
Perioperative soft tissue self-injury (lip or cheek biting) anesthetize buccal soft tissues, buccal periodontium,
may occur at any time while anesthesia is in effect, partic­ or mandibular teeth)
ularly when associated with IA nerve blocks. It is impor­
tant to remind patients, especially small children and their P E N ETRAT I O N S ITE The penetration site for lingual nerve

caretakers, to monitor for postanesthetic lip chewing. See blocks is the same as for IA nerve blocks (see Figure 14-7)
Chapter 17, "Local Anesthesia Complications and Manage­ and is slightly lateral to the pterygomandibular raphe and
ment," for additional discussion and management protocol. medial to the internal oblique ridge at a height that ap­
proximates a few millimeters above the deepest concavity
of the coronoid notch.
Li n g u a l N e rve B l ock
N E E D LE PATHWAY The needle advances along the lateral
Lingual nerve blocks are indicated for pain management
aspect of the pterygomandibular raphe through thin mu­
during procedures that involve the anterior two-thirds of the
cosal tissue and fibers of the buccinator muscle into the
tongue and lingual soft tissues of the mandible on one side.
pterygomandibular space. The needle then passes lateral
Field of Anesthesia to the medial pterygoid muscle to the lingual nerve (see
Figure 14-9).
The lingual nerve provides anesthesia to the lingual soft
tissues, the floor of the mouth, and the anterior two-thirds D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The path of the lingual nerve varies.
of the tongue (to the midline) (see Figure 14-18 •) . Deposition at a point halfway between the ramus and the
32 31 30 2t 28 27 H 25 24 23 22 21 20 1 t 1 1 1 7

FIGURE 14-1 8 Field of Anesthesia for Lingual Nerve Blocks. The field
of anesthesia for lingual nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded area.

penetration site will usually allow sufficient diffusion for When administered as a separate injection, a long nee­
profound anesthesia (see Figure 14-19 •) . dle may be used to penetrate in the same manner as for the
lA nerve block but is advanced only 10-13 mm. If a short
Technique Steps needle is used, the length of the shank showing after opti­
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 , mum penetration is about 8-1 1 mm (see Figure 14-20 •) .
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic
Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. Confirming Anesthesia
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for lingual nerve blocks in­
N E E D LE S E L E CTI O N For lingual nerve inj ections, 25- or clude a sense of numbness of the lingual soft tissues and
27-gauge long needles are recommended when adminis­ half of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. Obj ective
tered in conjunction with lA nerve blocks. When adminis­ signs include a lack of response to gentle stimulation with
tered alone, a 25- or 27-gauge short needle may be preferred. an instrument and no pain during procedures involving
soft tissues lingual to the mandibular teeth.
I N JE CTI O N PRO C E D U R E When performed in conjunction
with lA nerve blocks, the needle is withdrawn halfway af­ Common Causes of Injection Failure
ter deposition for the lA block and, after negative aspira­
These techniques rarely fail to provide profound anesthesia of
tion, a minimum of 0. 1-0.2 mL (one-half to one) stopper
the lingual soft tissues except perhaps in the midline where
of solution is administered. When a lingual nerve block
fibers from the contralateral lingual nerve may overlap.
only is desired, 0.2 mL (119 of a cartridge or one stopper)
of solution is administered. Troubleshooting
If lingual anesthesia is not achieved, reevaluate by visual­
izing the site and depth of penetration as well as volumes
of solution deposited.

Technique Modifications and Alternatives

The Gow-Gates nerve block is an excellent alternative
for achieving lingual anesthesia because it anesthetizes
the trunk of the lA nerve before the branching of the
lingual nerve and not only anesthetizes the lingual nerve
but avoids lingual nerve encounters and subsequent inju­
ries because the solution is deposited anywhere from 5 to
10 mm away from the inferior alveolar nerve trunk.

The lingual nerve is one of the most frequently inj ured
nerves during dental inj ections. The symptoms associ­
F I G U RE 1 4-1 9 Site for Lingual Nerve Blocks. The deposition ated with these inj uries range from transient " electric
site for lingual nerve blocks is indicated by the spotlight. shocks" to permanent paresthesias. See Chapter 17, "Local

(A) (B)
F I G U RE 1 4-20 Depth of P enetration for Lingual Nerve Blocks. The depth of penetration for lingual nerve blocks is - 1/3-lfz
the length of a long needle ( -10-13 mm ) . A-Depth of penetration for lingual nerve blocks. B-Depth of penetration for IA
nerve blocks.

Anesthesia Complications and Management," for further the nerve passes over the anterior border of the ramus
discussion on nerve injuries and paresthesia. (see Figure 14-23 •) .

Technique Steps
B u cca l N e rve B l ock Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 ,
Buccal nerve blocks are indicated for pain management "Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic
during procedures involving the buccal soft tissue along Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.
the molar teeth in the mandibular region. B uccal nerve
blocks are also referred to as long buccal and buccinator N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N For buccal nerve blocks, 2 5 - o r
nerve blocks (Jastak, Yagiela,&Donaldson, 1995). 27-gauge long needles are common following l A injections.
When administered alone, a 27-gauge short needle is rec­
Field o f Anesthesia ommended, consistent with the shallow depth of penetra­
The buccal nerve and its terminal branches provide innervation tion and the low rate of positive aspiration (less than 1 % )
to the soft tissue and periodontium buccal to the mandibular (Jastak, Yagiela,&Donaldson, 1995).
posterior teeth, primarily the molars (see Figure 14-21 •).
I N JE CT I O N P R O C E D U R E To gain access to the site of
penetration, retract the lip and cheek laterally, pulling
Anatomical Factors
the tissue taut (see Figure 14-22) . The penetration site
The buccal nerve crosses the coronoid notch of the ra­ is located in the buccal fold just distal and buccal to the
mus at the level of the occlusal plane. It then divides into most posterior molar in the arch or j ust p o sterior to
several branches, one of which penetrates the buccinator the most posterior molar requiring treatment or rubber
muscle to innervate the buccal mucosa and gingiva of the dam clamp placement. The angle of insertion is parallel
mandibular molars and occasionally of the premolars. to the occlusal plane on the side of inj ection as dem­
onstrated in Figure 14-22. The insertion depth is about
Technique Factors
3-4 mm. Following a negative aspiration, begin deposit­
The following information describes key factors for ing 0.2 to 0.3 mL (119-116 cartridge) of an appropriately
successful buccal nerve blocks. selected local anesthetic drug. This inj ection has a high
tendency to cause discomfort if solution is administered
PEN ETRATION S ITE The penetration site is located in the buc­
too rapidly.
cal fold just distal and buccal to the most posterior molar for
The bevel must be fully inserted into the tissue. If pen­
which soft tissue anesthesia is required (see Figure 14-22 •).
etration is initiated in an area with inadequate tissue thick­
N E E D LE PATH WAY Because of the thinness of the mucosa ness, resistance may be met, preventing complete bevel
in the area and the limited depths of penetration, the nee­ insertion. If this occurs, withdraw and penetrate more
dle is advanced very slowly until the bevel is fully inserted, laterally, away from the ramus. To confirm proper bevel
to avoid discomfort. insertion after aspiration, observe for backflow at the pen­
etration site while depositing. If this occurs, the solution
D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is at the buccal as­ will leak into the patient's mouth (the patient may experi­
pect of the ramus, lateral to the external oblique ridge as ence a bitter taste from the solution).


Teeth anesthetized:


Periodontium/Soft tiaauea:

buccal to molars

FIGURE 1 4-21 Field of Anesthesia for Buccal Nerve Blocks. The field
of anesthesia for buccal nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded area.

F I G U RE 1 4-23 Deposition Site for Buccal Nerve

Blocks. The deposition site for buccal nerve blocks is
indicated by the spotlighted area.

more lateral penetration site in more loosely attached

mucosa can provide greater success and comfort.

Technique Modifications and Alternatives

Alternatives to buccal nerve blocks are rarely needed be­
cause of their high rate of success. Localized infiltrations
can be administered for site-specific anesthesia. Addition­
ally, buccal nerve anesthesia is usually achieved with the
F I G U R E 1 4-22 P enetration Site for Buccal
administration of Gow-Gates nerve blocks, and PDL in­
Nerve Blocks. The penetration site for buccal
jections are effective as well.
nerve blocks is indicated by the needle.

Confirming Anesthesia Complications following buccal nerve blocks are rare
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for BNBs include a sense and include bleeding, hematom a , and p o stop erative
of numbness of the buccal soft tissues of the mandibu­ discomfort.
lar molars. Obj ective signs include a lack of response to
gentle stimulation with an instrument and no pain during
procedures involving soft tissues buccal to the mandibular M e nta l N e rve B l ock
molars. Mental nerve blocks are administered for procedures re­
quiring pain management of the buccal soft tissues in the
Common Causes of Injection Failure mandible anterior to the mental foramen (Jastak, Yagiela,
BNB failures are rare and occur primarily because of op­ &Donaldson, 1995; Malamed, 20 13).
erator error. Failure to reserve adequate volumes after lA
nerve blocks or to fully insert the bevel into the tissue can Field o f Anesthesia
result in the deposition of inadequate volumes of solution. Anesthesia of the mental nerve will affect the buccal mu­
cous membrane and skin of the lower lip and chin anterior
Troubleshooting to the mental foramen to the midline (see Figures 14-24A •
When reevaluating failed buccal anesthesia, it is useful to and 14-24B •) .
consider the following factors:
Anatomical Factors
1. Adequate retraction is critical. If the tissue is not held
The mental nerve exits the mandible on the anterolateral
taut during penetration, it can be difficult to achieve
surface through the mental foramen, usually between the
full bevel penetration. Additionally, if retracted tissues
apices of the first and second premolars.
are allowed to slump over the penetration site, it may
seem that bevels are inserted when they actually are Technique Factors
The following information describes key factors for suc­
2. If the site of penetration is too medial, the tissue may cessful mental nerve blocks.
be too thin and fibrous for adequate penetration. The
needle may even contact bone on the lateral surface or P E N ETRAT I O N S I T E The penetration site varies with the
retromolar region of the ramus, preventing adequate location of the mental foramen. It is helpful to locate the
bevel insertion and causing sharp pain. Locating a foramen before selecting the penetration site. This can be

32: 31 30 2t 28 27 28 25 24 23 22 21 20 , . 1 1 17

Teeth anesthetized:

pulpal limHed to tooth

at site of infiltration

Periodontium/Soft tissues:

premolars to midline

(A) (B)
F I G U RE 1 4-24 Field of Anesthesia for Mental Nerve Blocks. A-The field of anesthesia for mental nerve blocks is indicated by the
spotlighted area. B-Field of Anesthesia Limitations. Note that the field of anesthesia for mental nerve blocks does not include the
teeth, only the soft tissue anterior to the mental foramen.

accomplished with the aid of radiographs and by gentle Donaldson, 1995 ) . A 27-gauge needle is most commonly
palpation in the buccal vestibule beginning with the first used and is also recommended.
molar and moving anteriorly until the foramen is located,
most typically in relationship to the apices of the first or I N J E CT I O N P R O C E D U R E To gain access to the site o f
second premolars. The foramen may appear as a small de­ penetration, the clinician i s seated at a posterior position.
pression, a "crater," or a rough elevation or ledge. Gentle Begin by retracting the lip and cheek laterally, pulling the
pressure applied over the area of the foramen frequently tissue taut at the mucogingival junction (see Figure 14-28 •) .
elicits a slight achy discomfort or tingling sensation. Pa­ After asking the patient t o close his o r her eyes, the syringe
tients can be asked to confirm this as the vestibular area is is aligned vertically with the patient's cheek to approach
palpated, by raising their hands when they feel these sensa­ the penetration site (see Figure 14-29 •) . Following initial
tions. The site of penetration is in the depth of the muco­ penetration, advance the needle tip at an angle directly
buccal fold superior to the foramen (see Figure 14-25 •) . vertical to the foramen to a depth j ust superior to it. The
A n alternate site i s i n the mucobuccal fold anterior t o the depth of insertion varies with the height of the alveolar
foramen. This alternate penetration site will be described in process and the angle of tissue retraction but is typically
Technique Modifications and Alternatives toward the end about 4-6 mm.
of this topic.

N E E D LE PATH WAY The needle passes through thin mu­

cosal tissues to superficial fascia containing loose connec­
tive tissue, small vessels and microvasculature, and nerve

D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is j ust superior to

the mental foramen for both techniques discussed (see
Figures 14-26 • and 14-27 •) .

Technique Steps
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 ,
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic
Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1.

N E E D LE S E L E CTI O N A 25-gauge needle is recommended F I G U R E 1 4-2 5 P enetration Site forMental Nerve

for this inj ection, consistent with its relatively high rate Blocks. The penetration site for mental nerve blocks is
of positive aspiration (ne arly 6 % ) (Jastak, Yagiela, & indicated by the needle.

F I G U R E 1 4-28 Tissue Retraction for Mental Nerve

Blocks. Establish gentle lateral retraction to make the
tissue taut for ease of penetration and accuracy of depth
of insertion.

F I G U R E 1 4-26 Deposition Site for Mental Nerve

Blocks. The deposition site for mental nerve blocks is
indicated by the spotlighted area.

F I G U R E 1 4-2 7 Deposition Site for Mental Nerve

Blocks-Superior Lateral View.
F I G U RE 1 4-2 9 Vertical Approach to
Needle Insertion. For this technique,
Following negative aspiration, slowly deposit a mini­ align the syringe vertically to approach
mum of 0.6 mL (1/3 of a cartridge) of an appropriately the penetration site. The clinician is
selected local anesthetic drug. This inj ection can be quite seated at the 12:00 position.
uncomfortable if adequate topical has not been applied, if Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.

solution is administered too rapidly, or if bone is inadver­

tently contacted. Common Causes of Injection Failure
This inj ection is highly successful. Failure to achieve anes­
Confirming Anesthesia thesia of the buccal tissues in the area of the mental nerve
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for mental nerve blocks in­ block is rare. This usually involves failure to correctly
clude a sense of numbness on the inj ected side, including identify the location of the foramen, which results in in­
the buccal soft tissues of the chin and lower lip, and of the sufficient diffusion of solution or inadequate volumes of
premolars and incisors. solution deposited.
Obj ective signs include a lack of response to gentle
stimulation with an instrument and no pain during proce­ Troubleshooting
dures involving soft tissues overlying the premolars and When adequate anesthesia is not achieved, reassess the
incisors. volume of solution deposited and the deposition site, as it

may have been located too far superior, inferior, anterior, Complications
posterior, or lateral to the foramen. Complications following mental nerve blocks are infre­
Incomplete anesthesia after mental nerve blocks quent and can include bleeding, hematoma, and postop­
can frequently be attributed to what is known as cross­ erative discomfort.
innervation or overlap of terminal fibers of the nonanes­
thetized or contralateral mental nerve, at the midline of
the mandible, similar to the cross-innervation that occurs I n cisive N e rve B l ock
with the anterior superior alveolar nerve as discussed in Incisive nerve blocks are administered for procedures re­
Chapter 12, "Inj ections for Maxillary Pain Contrail." quiring pain management in the mandible anterior to the
When this is the case in the mandible, tissues of the mental foramen. This inj ection is nearly identical to the
anterior segment of the mandible will receive sensory in­ mental nerve block. Unlike the mental nerve block, the in­
nervation from the mental nerve on the nonanesthetized cisive nerve block incorporates an additional step in order
side. To achieve adequate anesthesia in these instances, an to achieve pulpal anesthesia. Some clinicians refer to this
infiltration over the apex of the central incisor is necessary injection as a "mental incisive" nerve block because it is im­
(see Figure 14-30 •) . (Note: Other than the difference in possible to deliver an incisive nerve block without also anes­
anatomic location, the technique for performing a man­ thetizing the mental nerve. Conversely, mental nerve block
dibular anterior infiltration is the same as the technique techniques alone do not reliably anesthetize incisive nerves.
for a maxillary anterior infiltration.)
Field of Anesthesia
Technique Modifications and Alternatives When the incisive nerve is anesthetized, the distributions
An alternative to the technique previously described is to of both the mental and incisive nerves will be affected,
approach the penetration from an anterior position, with including the buccal mucous membrane and skin of the
the angle of insertion parallel to the occlusal plane on the lower lip and chin, and the pulps and facial periodontium
side of inj ection (see Figure 14-3 1 •) . This is considered of the teeth anterior to the mental foramen, to the midline
by many to be a less "threatening" approach because it is (see Figures 14-32 • and 14-33 •) .
easier to keep the syringe out of the patient's line of sight.
For situations in which bilateral soft tissue anesthesia Anatomical Factors
is desired but where pulpal anesthesia of one of the two The incisive nerve travels within the mandibular canal
posterior segments is not needed, many clinicians adminis­ from the mental foramen to the midline, and terminal
ter mental nerve blocks on the side where only soft tissue fibers frequently innervate contralateral incisors.
anesthesia is needed, in conjunction with a contralateral
lA nerve block. This approach can also be useful when
there are overlapping branches of the contralateral men­
tal nerve. In these situations, the clinician will typically use
the same 25- or 27-guage long needle that was used for lA
nerve blocks.

F I G U R E 1 4-30 Infiltration to Supplement Mental­ F I G U RE 1 4-3 1 Horizontal Approach to Needle Insertion. For
Incisive Injections. Incomplete anesthesia due to this technique, align the syringe horizontally , parallel to the oc­
cross-innervation at the midline is easily managed by clusal place, to approach the penetration site. The clinician is
infiltration injection of the cetral incisor. seated at the 8:00 position.
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons. Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons.


I ncisive
Teeth MMthetlzed :

premolars ID midline

Perlo clonll umt8Gft tiHu .. :

premolars ID midline

F I G U R E 1 4-32 Field of Anesthesia for Incisive Nerve Blocks.

The field of anesthesia for incisive nerve blocks is indicated by the
shaded area.

F I G U RE 1 4-33 Field of Anesthesia Limitations. Note F I G U R E 1 4-34 Deposition Site for Incisive Nerve
that the field of anesthesia for incisive nerve blocks Blocks. The deposition site for incisive nerve blocks is
includes the soft tissue anterior to the mental foramen. indicated by the spotlighted area.

Technique Factors The site of penetration is in the mucobuccal fold su­

The following information describes key factors for suc­ perior to the foramen or alternately in the mucobuccal
cessful incisive nerve blocks. fold anterior to the foramen (see Figure 14-25) . This al­
ternate penetration site will be further discussed in Tech­
PEN ETRATION SITE Similar to mental nerve blocks, penetra­ nique Modifications and Alternatives toward the end of
tion sites vary with the locations of mental foramina. It is this topic.
helpful to locate the foramen before selecting the penetration
site. As with the mental block, it can be accomplished with N E E D L E PAT H WAY The needle passes through thin mu­
the aid of radiographs and by gentle palpation in the buccal cosal tissues to superficial fascia containing loose connec­
vestibule beginning with the first molar and moving anteri­ tive tissue, small vessels and microvasculature, and nerve
orly until the foramen is located, most typically in relation­ endings.
ship to the apices of the first or second premolars. It may feel
like a small depression, or "crater," or a rough elevation, or D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is j ust superior to

ledge. Gentle pressure applied over the area of the foramen the mental foramen for both techniques discussed (see
frequently elicits a slight discomfort or tingling sensation. Figure 14-34 •) .

Technique Steps Confirming Anesthesia

Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 , Subj ective signs of anesthesia for the incisive (mental in­
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic cisive) nerve block include a sense of numbness on the in­
Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. j ected side, including the buccal mucous membrane, skin
of the lower lip and chin, and the pulps and periosteum
N E E D L E S E L E CTI O N A 25-gauge needle is recommended
anterior to the mental foramen to the midline. Objective
for incisive nerve blocks because of the high rate of posi­ signs include a lack of response to gentle stimulation with
tive aspiration (nearly 6 % ) (Jastak, Yagiela,&Donaldson, an instrument and no pain during procedures involving
1995 ) . A 27-gauge needle is more commonly used and is the premolars, canine, and incisors.
also recommended.
Common Causes of Injection Failure
To gain access to the site of pen­
etration, the clinician is seated at a posterior position and This inj ection is highly successful. Failure to achieve anes­
begins by retracting the lip and cheek laterally, pulling the thesia of the incisive and mental nerves is uncommon. This
tissue taut at the mucogingival junction (see Figure 14-28). usually involves failure to correctly identify the location of
After asking the patient to close his or her eyes, the syringe the foramen, which results in insufficient diffusion of solu­
is aligned vertically near the patient's cheek to approach the tion into it. This can also result from anatomical factors, such
penetration site (see Figure 14-29). Following initial pene­ as unusually small foramina, or technical factors, such as in­
tration, advance the needle tip at an angle directly vertical sufficient duration or incorrect location of pressure over the
to the foramen to a point just superior to it. The depth of foramen following the injection. Other causes may include
insertion varies with the height of the alveolar process and inflammation or infection in the area of deposition.
the angle of tissue retraction. This is typically about 4-6 mm.
Following negative aspiration, slowly deposit a minimum Troubleshooting
of 0.6 mL (one-third of a cartridge) of an appropriately se­ When inadequate anesthesia occurs, reassess the deposi­
lected local anesthetic drug. Once the full dose of solution is tion site for proximity to the foramen. It is also possible
delivered, tissue at the injection site will bulge. Unlike men­ that the direction or duration of the postinjection pressure
tal nerve blocks, the incisive nerve block requires that gentle was inadequate or that insufficient volumes were depos­
pressure be exerted over the bulge of solution in the direc­ ited preventing successful passage of solution through the
tion of the mental foramen, in order to force solution through foramen.
the foramen to flood the incisive nerve (see Figure 14-35 •).
Pressure can be applied either intra- or extraorally by Technique Modifications and Alternatives
the clinician or patient. It is important to remind patients, As with mental nerve blocks, the deposition site may be
if they are applying the pressure, that it must be applied approached from an anterior position, with the angle of
over the foramen and maintained with consistent pressure insertion parallel to the occlusal plane on the side of inj ec­
for at least 1 full minute for reliable success. This injection tion. This is considered by many to be a less "threatening"
can be uncomfortable if adequate topical has not been ap­ approach, as the syringe may be below the patient's line of
plied, if inadvertent contact with bone occurs, or if solution sight (see Figure 14-3 1 ) .
is administered too rapidly. For situations i n which bilateral anesthesia i s desired, but
posterior anesthesia of one of the quadrants of the mandible
is not needed, many clinicians administer incisive nerve blocks
on the side where posterior anesthesia is not needed in con­
junction with contralateral lA nerve blocks. This approach
can also be useful when there are overlapping branches of the
contralateral incisive nerve. In these situations, the clinician
will typically use the same 25- or 27-gauge long needle that
was used for the contralateral lA nerve block.

Following incisive nerve blocks, complications are infre­
quent and can include bleeding, hematoma, and postop­
erative discomfort.

F I G U R E 1 4-3 5 Key Step to Successful Incisive Nerve.

Gently apply pressure over the bulge of solution in G ow-Gates N e rve B lock
the direction of the mental foramen to force solution Similar to lA nerve blocks, Gow-Gates (GG) nerve blocks
through the foramen to flood the incisive nerve. are indicated for pain management of multiple teeth in
Source: Courtesy of Megan Gibbons. one quadrant. Unlike lA blocks, GG nerve blocks are

"true" mandibular blocks because they routinely anesthe­ Importantly, although the deposition site of local anes­
tize the full extent of a mandibular quadrant (Gow-Gates thetic solution in a GG nerve block is often at least 5-10 mm
&Watson, 1977; Jastak, Yagiela, &Donaldson, 1995; Mal­ from the inferior alveolar nerve trunk (which includes the
amed, 20 13). inferior alveolar, lingual, and 75 % of the time, the buccal
nerve) , the relatively structure-free upper portion of the
Field o f Anesthesia pterygomandibular space does not restrict the downward,
GG nerve blocks routinely anesthetize structures inner­ anterior, and medial movement of solution. In fact, the
vated by the inferior alveolar, mental, incisive, lingual, initial volume of solution recommended (about 1.8 mL or
mylohyoid , and auriculotemporal nerves to the midline. more) nearly fills the pterygomandibular space at that level.
Unlike lA nerve blocks, GG nerve blocks anesthetize the
buccal nerve 75 % of the time (see Figure 14-36 •) . Technique Factors
The following information describes key factors for suc­
Anatomical Factors cessful GG nerve blocks.
As previously discussed, the inferior alveolar nerve is the
P E N ETRAT I O N SITE The penetration site is located in the
largest branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal
buccal mucous membrane, directly posterior to the max­
nerve. It branches from the posterior division of the man­
dibular nerve within the infratemporal space, then travels illary second molar, at the level of its mesiolingual cusp.
The precise location, however, is variable and must be
medial to the lateral pterygoid muscle and passes through
established using extraoral landmarks, in addition to the
the pterygomandibular space between the sphenomandib­
intraoral landmarks. The existence of both intra- and
ular ligament and the medial surface of the ramus of the
mandible. It then enters the mandibular foramen and trav­ extraoral landmarks makes the G G block unique (see
els through the mandibular canal (B aker, 20 10; Hamburg, Figure 14-37 •) .
1972; Jastak, Yagiela, &Donaldson, 1995 ; Pansky &Gest, N E E D L E PAT HWAY The needle passes through thin mu­
2014). cosal tissues and limited amounts of superficial fascia that
Numerous arteries and veins are also located within contain loose connective tissue, small vessels and micro­
infratemporal and pterygomandibular spaces. The maxil­ vasculature, large vessels, and nerve endings. Typically, less
lary artery traverses the infratemporal space either super­ resistance to forward movement is encountered in the up­
ficial or deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle. The middle per portion of the pterygomandibular space because it is
meningeal artery branches from the maxillary artery relatively free of blocking fascia.
within the space, whereas several other arteries, including
the inferior alveolar, branch off afterward. D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is on the antero­
The inferior alveolar vein travels within the mandibular lateral surface of the neck of the condyle, j ust below the
canal along with the inferior alveolar artery and nerve. It ex­ insertion of the lateral pterygoid muscle. The deposition
its through the mandibular foramen, travels medioanteriorly site for GG nerve blocks is at the highest point in the
with the inferior alveolar artery, through the pterygomandib­ pterygomandibular space of all three mandibular block
ular and infratemporal spaces, and drains into the pterygoid techniques, lA (lowest) , Akinosi (intermediate) , and Gow­
plexus of veins located in the infratemporal space. Gates (highest) (see Figures 14-38 • and 14-45 •) .


Teeth an..thetlzed:

all teeth I n quadrant

Periodontium/Soft tluuea:

all periodontiu m , buccal mucosa

premolars to midline,

ftoor of mouth and

% longue in quadrant

F I G U RE 1 4-3 6 Field of Anesthesia for G G Nerve Blocks. The

field of anesthesia for GG nerve blocks is indicated by the shaded

F I G U R E 1 4-37 P enetration Site for G G Nerve Blocks. F I G U RE 1 4-3 9 GG Nerve Blocks: Key Landmarks 1.

The penetration site for GG nerve blocks is indicated by A line visualized from the intertragic notch to the labial
the needle. commissure is indicated by the cotton swab. This is the
angle of the needle pathway. Observing the flare of the
tragus can indicate the corresponding flare of the ramus
of the mandible.

F I G U RE 1 4-40 GG Nerve Blocks: Key Landmarks 2.

The optimum height of penetration is indicated by the
height or most occlusal aspect of the mesiolingual cusp
of the second molar.

placed this rate much higher, reinforcing the recommenda­

tion of 25-gauge needles (Watson, 1992) .

I N J E CTI O N PROCE D U R E In preparing for GG nerve blocks,

there are two key landmarks to observe:
F I G U R E 1 4-38 Deposition Site for GG Nerve Blocks. 1. a line visualized from the intertragic notch to the la­
The deposition site for G G nerve blocks is indicated by bial commissure (Figure 14-39 •)
the spotlighted areas. 2. the height or most occlusal aspect of the mesiolingual
cusp of the second molar (Figure 14-40 •)
Technique Steps
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 , The flare of the tragus of the ear is also important be­
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic cause it can provide confirmation regarding the location
Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. of the barrel of the syringe (see Figure 14-39). Although
not a critical landmark (the flare of the ramus can also
N E E D L E S E L E C T I O N A 25-gauge long needle is recom­ be assessed by visualization and external palpation of the
mended, consistent with the depth of penetration, which posterior mandible and condyle) , the flare of the tragus is
is equal to or greater than the depth of an lA block for nevertheless useful in confirming barrel location (see Fig­
the same individual. The rate of positive aspiration is con­ ures 14-39 and 14-41 •) . The significance of all landmarks
sidered to be relatively low (2% ), but some sources have will be explained in the following discussion:

Criti ca l to the s u ccess of G G n e rve b l o cks, patie nts m ust
re m a i n in wide open positi o n s t h ro u g h o u t p roced u res, a n d
a p p roxi m ately 30-60 seco nds fo l l ow i n g d e p ositi o n . If t o l e r­
ate d , it c a n be h e l pfu l to p l ace a b ite b l ock i n t h e m o uth
as soon as the n e e d l e has been with d rawn . Another key to
s u ccess is to seat the patient u p r i g h t i m m ed i ately fo l l ow i n g
t h e i nj e cti o n , to fa c i l itate d iffus i o n towa rd t h e n e rve.
C l o s u re at a n y time d u r i n g a G ow-G ates p roced u re
can p revent t h e n e e d l e fro m re a c h i n g t h e depositi o n site .
C l os u re i m m e d i ately u p o n co m p l et i o n of t h e i nj e cti o n a n d
F I G U R E 1 4-4 1 GG Nerve Blocks: The "Wide Open" •
fa i l u re t o u p r i g h t t h e patient c a n c a u s e d iffus i o n of s o l ut i o n •

: ; �� �
Technique. GG nerve blocks require that the mouth re­ awa r th n v
main wide open during the entire procedure, including a : • • • . . . �� � � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .
2-minute period after completion of the injection.
the lower dentition. A tragus that arises from the side of the
face at a right angle suggests a more posterior location of
the barrel of the syringe, over the molars. One that is flush
with the face suggests a more anterior location of the barrel,
over the canine and incisors. A tragus at a 45-degree angle to
the face suggests a barrel orientation that is initially over the
premolars. It is important to note that these are typical start­
ing points, and adjustments may be necessary.
Advance slowly until resistance is met, confirming that
the tip of the needle has reached the condylar neck (see Fig­
ure 14-38). If contact is not made and the needle is nearly fully
inserted, it is likely that medial deflection has occurred. To ad­
just for this deflection, withdraw the needle slightly, reposition
the barrel of the syringe posteriorly, and reinsert until contact.
In practical terms, the deposition site is confirmed
by gently contacting bone at the neck of the condyle. The
F I G U R E 1 4-42 Variations of Syringe Angulations
insertion depth is variable, although typically it is about
for the G G Nerve Block. The barrel orientation to 25 mm. It has been described as being the same to some­
the molars is variable with the GG nerve block. The what greater than the penetration depth of lA nerve
orientation of the barrel is dependent on the flare of the blocks for the same individual.
ramus and condyle. Note the unilateral differences in the Once contact has been establishe d , withdraw the
flare of the ramus of this mandible. needle 1 mm and, following negative aspiration, deposit a
minimum of 1.8 mL (one cartridge) of an appropriately se­
GG nerve blocks require that the mouth remain wide lected local anesthetic drug.
open during the entire procedure (see Box 14-1 1 •). This an­
terior orientation of the mandible allows the condyle to re­ Confirming Anesthesia
main fully translated over the articular eminence and provides Subjective signs and symptoms of anesthesia for GG nerve
needle access to the neck of the condyle (see Figure 14-41 ). blocks include a sense of numbness on the injected side, which
Retract the cheek laterally to gain access to the site includes the buccal and lingual mucous membranes, the skin of
of penetration. While keeping the thumb on the coronoid the tongue, lower lip, chin, and ramus of the mandible, and the
process, place the index finger over the intertragic notch. pulps and periodontium of the teeth as well as the distributions
The line between these two points provides the upward an­ of the mylohyoid, buccal (75 % of the time), lingual, and auric­
gulation of the syringe for this injection (see Figure 14-41). ulotemporal nerves. Objective signs include a lack of response
Unlike lA nerve blocks, the barrel orientation to the mo­ to gentle stimulation with an instrument and no pain during
lars is more variable. Orientation of the barrel is dependent procedures involving the molars, premolars, and incisors.
on the flare of the ramus and condyle. See Figure 14-42 •
for an example of asymmetrical flare of the condyles on the Common Causes of Injection Failure
same mandible. Each side would require different angula­ As with any technique, failures may occur because of lack
tions. Dr. Gow-Gates observed that the flare of the tragus of of experience. This seems particularly true for GG nerve
the ear roughly corresponded to the barrel orientation over blocks because of the use of both intra- and extraoral

landmarks and the importance of postinj ection protocols. A rare postoperative complication affecting the mid­
In addition, Dr. Gow-Gates used cartridges that contained dle ear was reported in 2001. It was concluded that the
greater volumes of solution (2.2 mL) compared with car­ effects were likely the result of inflammation or occult
tridges containing 1.8 mL. Volumes higher than 1.8 mL (concealed) hematoma formation or both (Bro dsky &
may be necessary at times in order to provide reliable and Dower, 200 1 ) .
profound anesthesia because of the distance from depo­
sition site to target. Onset is also much slower compared
with many other techniques (estimated at anywhere from
Vaz i ra n i-Aki nosi N e rve B lock
5 to 10 minutes, although frequently closer to 10). Because Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks are ideal for pain manage­
of slow onset times, less familiar clinicians may declare ment of the mandibular teeth in a single quadrant when
failure prematurely. j aw opening is limited because of physiologic, pathologic,
As previously mentioned, failure to upright patients or phobic circumstances. This inj ection is also referred
after making the needle safe and to instruct them to re­ to as the Akinosi or " closed-mouth" technique (Jastak,
main in wide open positions both during and after the Yagiela,&Donaldson, 1995 ; Malamed, 20 13 ) .
procedure can cause solution to diffuse away from the Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks may also be of use in
nerve. initiating anesthesia in fearful patients who will not open
their mouths wide enough for IA nerve blocks. In this situ­
Troubleshooting ation, Akinosi blocks can be used to provide profound an­
When inadequate anesthesia occurs, reassess the deposi­ esthesia of the structures through which the needle passes
tion site, the flare of the tragus, the line from the intertragic in IA nerve blocks. The IA nerve blocks can then be ad­
notch to the angle of the mouth, the barrel orientation, the ministered comfortably.
ability of the patient to maintain a "wide open" position
during and following the injection, prompt uprighting, and Field of Anesthesia
the volumes of solution deposited. B ecause of their location, Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks
Modifications may include the selection of more lat­ can provide wider areas of anesthesia compared with IA
eral or more medial penetration sites, slightly higher or nerve blocks and slightly more limited areas compared
lower penetration sites, and the use of more concentrated with GG nerve blocks. The inferior alveolar, mental, inci­
drugs such as 4% articaine, 4% prilocaine, and 3 % mepi­ sive, lingual, mylohyoid, and frequently buccal nerves are
vacaine. Greater volumes of solution may also be effective, all affected (see Figures 14-1 , 14-18, and 14-21).
particularly if 1.8 mL fails repeatedly to achieve profound
anesthesia in a particular patient. Anatomical Factors
Relative to IA and GG nerve blocks, Vazirani-Akinosi
Technique Modifications and Alternatives nerve blocks are administered in an intermediate position
Alternatives include IA nerve blocks, PDL injections, VA nerve in the pterygomandibular space. Their location actually
blocks, incisive nerve blocks, and intraosseous techniques. places them closer to target nerve trunks. Tissue resistance
is minimal because of the relative lack of fascia that might
Complications deflect needles or solutions.
Injury can occur from inj ection into the temporomandibu­
lar j oint capsule and otic ganglion. The most reliable way Technique Factors
to prevent injury to these structures is to confirm that the The following information describes key factors for suc­
needle is at the neck of the condyle by making gentle con­ cessful Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks.
tact with bone.
Although the rate of positive aspiration with G G P E N ETRAT I O N S ITE The site of penetration is in the soft

nerve blocks i s reportedly low, there are maj or vessels in tissue medial to the ramus, directly adj acent to the maxil­
the pathway of this inj ection. The large and prominent lary tuberosity at the height of the mucogingival junction
maxillary artery and a maj or branch, the middle menin­ of the maxillary molars (see Figure 14-43 •) .
geal artery, are located in the superior portion of the pter­
N E E D L E PAT H W AY The needle advances slowly
ygomandibular space.
through thin mucosal tissue parallel to the mandibular
Possible temporary paralysis of cranial nerves III ( oc­
molar teeth and passes lateral to the me dial pterygoid
ulomotor) , IV (trochlear) , and VI (abducens) may occur
m u s c l e , l i n g u a l n e r v e , and s p h e n o m a n d i b u l a r l i g a ­
on occasion and will resolve as soon as the anesthetic ef­
m e n t , w e l l s u p e r i o r t o t h e ling u l a a n d m a n d i b u l a r
fect diminishes (Fish, Mcintire,&Johnson, 1989; Malamed,
20 13 ) . This may have occurred because of missing the tar­
get area or failure to adequately aspirate before inj ection D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is well above the
(Johnson &B adovinac, 2007 ) . Hematomas and trismus mandibular foramen on the medial surface of the ramus
of the lateral pterygoid muscle have also occurred with in the pterygomandibular space (see Figure 14-44 •) .
typical uneventful healing (B udenz & Osterman, 1995 ; Figure 14-45 • shows the deposition site in comparison to
Malamed, 2006) . both the IA and GG nerve blocks.

N E E D L E S E L E CT I O N Both 25- and 27-gauge long needles

are recommended, consistent with penetration depths that
do not exceed 25 mm. Moderate positive aspiration rates
between 5% and 1 0 % have been observed with this tech­
nique (Malamed, 20 13; Johnson &Badovinac, 2007).

INJ ECTION PROC E D U RE With the patient's teeth in a comfort­

ably closed position (not maximum intercuspation), gain ac­
cess to the site of penetration by retracting the cheek laterally.
Penetrate in the soft tissue medial to the ramus, directly
adjacent to the maxillary tuberosity at the height of the mu­
cogingival junction of the maxillary molars (see Figure 14--43 ).
The angle of insertion is parallel to the mandibular molar teeth.
Advance slowly to the deposition site medial to the
F I G U R E 1 4-43 P enetration Site for VA Nerve Blocks.
ramus and well superior to the mandibular foramen to a
The penetration site for VA nerve blocks is indicated by
depth of 25 mm for the average adult patient (Haas, 20 1 1 ) .
the needle.
This depth i s approximately one-half the anteroposterior
dimension of the ramus in the area. Contact with bone is
unusual and is not desired in this inj ection. Although mini­
mal, there is a tendency for deflection away from the nerve
with Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks; therefore, it is advised
that bevels be oriented medially to encourage lateral de­
flection toward the ramus. Some clinicians prefer to bend
the needle slightly toward the mandible in order to avoid
penetrating the medial pterygoid muscle (Haas, 20 1 1 ) . If a
decision is made to bend the needle, the bend should not
be made at the hub. Following negative aspiration, deposit
1.8 mL (one full cartridge) of an appropriately selected
local anesthetic drug and seat the patient upright after

Confirming Anesthesia
FIGURE 1 4-44 Deposition Site for VA Nerve Blocks.
The deposition site for VA nerve blocks is indicated by the Subjective signs and symptoms of anesthesia for Vazirani­
spotlighted area. Akinosi nerve blocks include a sense of numbness on the
inj ected side, including the buccal and lingual mucous
membranes, the tongue, skin of the lower lip and chin, the
ramus of the mandible, and the pulps and periodontium
of the teeth on the side of inj ection as well as the distribu­
tion of the mylohyoid nerve. Obj ective signs include a lack
of response to gentle stimulation with an instrument and
no pain during procedures involving the molars, premolars,
and incisors.

Common Causes of Injection Failure

As with any inj ection, failures may occur because of lack
of experience with the technique. This seems particularly
true for Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks. Haas suggests a
success rate of roughly 80 % to 85 % , similar to lA nerve
F I G U R E 1 4-4 5 Deposition Site Differences: IANB,
blocks, whereas Akinosi claimed a success rate of 93 %
G GNB, VANB. Note the differences in the deposition
with Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks; however, many have
site of each of these nerve blocks: A - Inferior alveolar,
been frustrated when performing this technique (Johnson
B-Vazirani-Akinosi, C-Gow-Gates. The height of the
&Badovinac, 2007; Haas, 20 1 1 ) . Whether this is because
coronoid notch is indicated by the dotted line.
of a lack of specific landmarks, or to a lack of comfort with
the closed position or both, is not known.
Technique Steps In the event of medial deflection of the needle, solu­
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 , tion may be deposited medial to the sphenomandibular
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic ligament, which may prevent it from reaching the nerve.
Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. When penetration is too low, the deposition will be at a

further distance from the nerve because of the flare of the Complications
ramus. Over- or under-insertion may place the solution too Complications are rare and include hematomas, trismus,
far from the nerve. Because there is no confirming contact and postoperative soreness.
with bone, the location of the tip of the needle is more
speculative compared with lA and GG blocks.

Troubleshooting CASE MANAGEMENT

When Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks are unsuccessful, it
may be helpful to reevaluate anatomy and technique steps. Lee Chung
In some instances, anatomy differs markedly from typical A l eft l A n e rve b l o c k w a s a d m i n i s t e r e d to L e e
patterns and may make alternate nerve blocks (discussed C h u n g a l o n g w i t h a b u cca l n e rve b l ock fo l l owed by
previously in this chapter) or supplemental techniques a m e ntal i n cisal n e rve b l ock o n the right s i d e . I nter­
such as the PDL inj ection more effective (see Chapter 15, p a p i l l a ry i nj e cti o n s between #2 7, 2 8, a n d 29 were
"Supplemental Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies"). a l so a d m i n istered to p rovi d e a n esth esia of t h e l i n ­
g u a l g i n g iva o f these teeth (th ese i njections d o n ot
Technique Modifications and Alternatives a n esthetize the to n g u e on the right side).
Modifications to the technique are necessary for individu­ Case Discussion: B i l atera l m a n d i b u l a r a n est h e s i a,
als in whom the anteroposterior dimension of the ramus is a lt h o u g h n ot contra i n d i cated, s h o u l d be avo i d e d
considerably smaller than typical, including children and w h e re possi b l e because o f the co n s i d e ra b l e a ltera­
adults with smaller mandibles. Penetration depth must be tion of fu n ct i o n that fo l l ows. N u m b i n g the e n t i re
adjusted accordingly. to n g u e, i n p a rt i c u l a r, p l a ces patie nts at r i s k both
Alternatives for Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks in­ d u ri n g treatment a n d afterwa rd because of t h e l oss
clude G G, lA, and incisive nerve blocks, as well as in­ of n o r m a l p rotective fee d b a c k m e c h a n isms. These
filtrations and supplemental techniques, such as PDL m e c h a n i s m s m a y rem a i n o p e ra b l e u n d e r local a n ­
inj ections. est h e s i a b u t t h e y req u i re s e n s a t i o n fo r i n it i a ti o n .
The Vazirani-Akinosi block can be particularly useful in Fore i g n su bsta n ces a n d i nj u ri o u s s u bsta n ces, s u c h
children and adults who are reluctant to open and in any pa­ as hot l i q u i d s, w i l l not b e sensed a n d can res u lt i n
tients who are unable to open wide enough for other inj ec­ everyt h i n g fro m i n h a lation o f fo re i g n o bjects t o lo­
tion techniques to be performed. This can be the case when c a l tiss u e d a m a g e and a n i n a b i l ity to s p e a k co h e r­
an infection, requiring immediate treatment, makes opening ently. A u n i l atera l b l ock of t h e to n g u e wi l l p rovi d e
painful. By relieving painful symptoms, a Vazirani-Akinosi m o re reaso n a b l e feedback.
block can allow the patient to open wide to be treated.

.�.h. Cl. P..t.E! r. . 9.l1.���.i.C>.r1 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. When administering a Gow-Gates mandibular nerve

block, all of the following are essential, except:
1 . The rate of positive aspiration in the inferior alveolar a. Performing one or more aspirations
nerve block is the highest of all techniques and b. Meeting bony resistance
approximates which one of the following? c. Determining the site, height, and depth of penetra­
a. 2 % -5 % tion as well as the syringe barrel orientation
b . 5 %-10% d. Having the client remove all ear j ewelry before
c. 1 0 % -15 % administering
d. 1 5 % -20 % 5. Palpating anatomy before all mandibular anesthetic
2. Which one of the following techniques is an alterna­ procedures is:
tive to nearly all mandibular anesthetic techniques? a. An unnecessary step in anesthesia techniques
a. Gow-Gates b. Helpful in some techniques and useless in others
b. Vazirani-Akinosi c. The least important aspect of anesthetic assessment
c. PDL d. Critical to the success of these techniques
d. Infiltrations 6. Which one of the following is the correct order,
3. Which one of the following result(s) in pulpal from inferior to superior location, of the mandibular
anesthesia? techniques listed in relation to the pterygomandibular
a. Buccal nerve block space?
b. Mental nerve block a. lA, Gow-Gates, Akinosi
c. A and B b. lA, Akinosi, Gow-Gates
d. Neither A nor B c. Gow-Gates, lA, Akinosi
d. Akinosi, lA, Gow-Gates

Refe re n ces of lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block. lnternational

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Field of Anesthesia
Nerve Block Needle Penetration Site Deposition Site Dose'
See Appendix 1 4-2
Inferior alveolar Long Med ial to i nternal Depth of Insertion � of lnsfton 1 .5-1 . 8 m l Teeth anesthetized:
{ lA) w/ lingual 25/27 gauge oblique ridge, lateral
to pterygomandibular lei to :Y. length of lei to '/. length of All teeth in quadrant
raphe, at or above need I\ until contact needle until contact
with one bevel with bone, bevel
height of coronoid notch
toward b one toward bone
see Figure 1 4-7
Target Periodontium/Soft
On medial su rface of ramus, slightly superior
to mandibular foramen All periodontium, buccal
see Figure 1 4- 1 0 mucosa eremolars to
midl ine, floor of mouth
and 1/2 tongue i n
quadrant ( n o t soft
tissues buccal to molars)

Buccal Short' or Mucous membrane Depth of Insertion Angle of .__ 0 . 2-0. 3 Teeth anesthetized:
long" 25/27 distal and lateral to ml'
gauge most posterior molar # 4 mm, bevel under St i n p e parallel to oc - None
see Figure 1 4-22 tissue, bevel toward c usa plane lateral to ' Width of
bone teeth , rubber
• When g iven
bevel toward bone stopper
" Usually given Target Periodontium/ Soft
following lA tissues: ::J
Supraperiosteal, distal, and buccal to most '-- ·
posterior molar Buccal to molars ([)
see Figure 1 4-23

Mental (M) Short Mucobuccal fold at or just Depth of Insertion Angle of .__ 0.6 ml Teeth anesthetized:

Incisive {I) 25/27 gauge anterior to mental foramen
5-6 mm Approximately 20 (M) pulpal limited
see Figure 1 4-25
deg rees to lon r, axis of to tooth at site of ::J
premolars, evel infi ltration (f)
toward bone (I) premolars to midline
Target Periodontium/Soft

Slight superior to mental foramen,
Note: I) Keep pressure over foramen
Premolars to midline
for 1 minute alter injection
see Figure 1 4-26
Field af Anesthesia
Nerve Block Needle Penetration Site Deposition Site Dose•
See Appendix 1 4-2
Gow-Gates Long Distal to maxi llary second Depth af Insertion Angle af Insertion 1 .8 m L Teeth anesthetized:
(GG) 25/27 gauge molar at hei p ht of
mesiol ingua cus7 1/2 to 3/4 length of Barrel of syrin �e in All teeth in quadrant
see Figure 1 4-3 need le, MUST contact corner of mout on
bone opposite side. Proceed
on a parallel line from
corner of mouth to

Target Periodontium/Soft
Lateral side of condylar neck
Note: Patient should keep mouth open All periodontium, buccal
for 1 -2 minutes after in jection, mouth mucosa premolars
prop recommended to midline, f loor of
see Figure 1 4-38 mouth and 1/2 tongue
in quadrant
Local i nfi ltration Extra-shor t or Mucobucca l fold buccal Depth aF Insertion At9e of I.-lion 0.6 m L Teeth anesthetized:
in jections shor t to tooth
25/27/30 see Figure 1 4-30 3-6 mm to apex Approximately 20 At injection site
gauge de rees to long axis
oJ tooth, d i reeled
toward apex of tooth,
bevel toward bone

Target Periodontium/Soft
Selected soft tissue, gingival or apex of tooth
At i njection site
Field of Anesthesia
lA I nc isive
(w/ lingual)

Mandibular I njections
Teeth anaathetlzad :
Teeth anesthetized:
premolars to midline
all teeth i n quadrant
Periodonti um/Soft Uaauaa:
Periodonti um/Soft tissues: (Gow-Gatea)
premolars to midline
all periodont i u m , buccal m u cosa Teeth anesthetized:

premolars to m i d l i n e , all teeth i n quadrant

M e ntal
floor of mouth and
Periodonti um/Soft tiaaues:
Y.. tongue i n q uadrant Teeth a nesthetized:
a l l periodontium , b u ccal mucosa
pul pal l i m ited to tooth
premolars to midline,
at site of infi ltration
B u ccal floor of mouth and

Teeth anesthetized: Y.. tongue in quadrant Periodonti u m /Soft tissues:


Periodonti um/Soft tissues:

I nfi ltrati o n

buccal to molars Teeth anesthetized:

at injection site

Pe riodonti um/Soft tissu es:

at injection site
Tongue - Lateral View

32 3 1 30 21 28 27 2S 25 2.. 23 22 21 20 11 1 8 17


Upper/Lower Arch Tongue - U nderside

Source: Courtesy of LED Dental.


• Defi n e a n d d i sc u ss t h e key terms in t h i s c h a pte r. B a c kflow 300

b l a n c h i n g 302
• An a l yze a n d d i scuss t h e i n d i ca t i o n s , re l eva n t a n ato m y, a n d
ca n c e l l o u s b o n e 305
tech n i q u e fe atu res o f t h e i nj e cti o n s d i scu ssed i n t h i s c h a pter.
co m p uter-co n t ro l l e d l o ca l
• Describe t h e b a s i c tech n i q u e ste ps fo r safe a n d effective a n est h etic d e l ive ry (CCLAD)
a d m i n i st ra t i o n fo r the fo l l owi n g i nj e cti o n s : d evices 300
• P e r i o d o n ta l l i g a m e nt ( P D L) cortica l p l ate 305
• I ntraosse o u s d e nta l p l ex u s 305
d e p os i t i o n site 300
• l n tra se pta l
i n t ra l i g a m e n t a ry 300
• l n tra p u l p a l
i ntraoss e o u s 300
• D i scuss t h e p h a rm a c o l o g y o f b u ffe r i n g 2% l i d o ca i n e , 1 : 0 0 , 000 i n t ra p u l p a l 311
e p i n e p h ri n e so l u t i o n s . i n trasepta l 309
• I d e n tify pote n ti a l p a t i e n t b e n efits of b u ffe ri n g 2% l i d o ca i n e , n e e d l e pathway 300
1 : 00 , 000 e p i n e p h ri n e so l ut i o n s . O n set® 313
O raVe rse® 313
• Descri be t h e m o d e of a ct i o n of p h e n to l a m i n e m esylate a n d its
p e n etration site 300
i m p l icati o n in d e ntistry.
p e r i d e n t a l 300
• cribe t h e b a s i c tech rl!i q u e ste ps fo r safe a n d effective p e r i o d o n t a l l i g a m e n t ( P D L)
adm1 tion fo f t h e fo l l owi n g : i nj e ct i o n 300
• O n set s p o n g y b o n e 305


anesthesia, when widespread anesthesia is contraindicated,

CASE ST U DY and when total doses need to be minimized (Blanton &
Jeske, 2003 ) . It can also be beneficial for individuals with
John Jones bleeding disorders and when needle insertions into vascu­
J o h n J o n e s , a 4 5 -y e a r- o l d m a l e , p re s e n t e d fo r lar regions may be a risk and, in some very specific appli­
treatment at a u n ive rsity c l i n i c fo r a resto rative pro­ cations, may provide widespread anesthesia when inferior
ced u re o n tooth #4. A s h e was b e i n g seate d , he alveolar blocks have failed to provide it. The PDL is also
stated that h e had d re a d e d this a p p o i nt m e n t be­ referred to as an intraligamentary or peridental technique.
cause n o one had eve r been a b l e to n u m b #4. " It's PDL injections are classified as intraosseous techniques be­
t h e o n l y tooth t h ey ca n 't n u m b , " h e s a i d to t h e cause they appear to rely on diffusion of solution through
stu dent. S i g n ificantly, h e re m e m be red the toot h 's bone in order to achieve anesthesia.
n u m ber. A standard dental syringe can be used to administer
An i nfiltrati o n u s i n g 2% l i d o ca i n e with PDL inj ections. Specialized syringes for administering
1 :100,000 e p i n e p h ri n e was attem pted but fa i l e d to these inj ections have been available for over a century
p rovide any signs o r sym ptoms of a n esthesia in the and provide for easier delivery of anesthetic solution.
a re a , n ot even i n the soft tiss u e s . The stu d e nt d e ­ As discussed in Chapter 9, " Local Anesthetic D elivery
c i d e d t o u s e a rtica i n e but a s e c o n d i nfi ltratio n with D evices," these syringes require l e s s hand pressure.
4% a rtica i n e with 1 : 1 00,000 e p i n e p h ri n e y i e l d e d Computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery (CCLAD)
n o bette r resu lts . A t h i rd i nfi ltratio n with a rtica i n e , devices eliminate manual pressures altogether, and regu­
w h e re the p e n etrati o n site w a s l o cated as h i g h as late the rate of delivery of anesthetics electronically.
poss i b l e i n t h e vesti b u l e , res u lted i n w i d e s p re a d
Field of Anesthesia
a n esthesia over the b u ccal su rface o f the tooth a n d
u p p e r l i p but a p u l p test q u ickly p roved t h a t p u l pa l PDL inj ections anesthetize individual teeth at the sites of
a n esthesia was i n a d e q u ate. inj ection and their associated periodontium. The field of
anesthesia is minimal. Individual teeth can be profoundly
anesthetized along with their lingual and buccal mucosa
without any anesthesia of the tongue or cheek.
Occasionally, more widespread anesthesia can develop
I ntrod u ction from PDL inj ections in the mandible providing anesthesia
Anatomic landmarks and considerations for each supple­ to all of the teeth on one side (discussed in Box 15-1 • ), or
mental inj ection technique discussed will be presented when 4% articaine is used, which has reportedly provided
in reference to the penetration site, needle pathway, and wider areas of anesthesia (Quinn, 1998; Reitz et al. , 1998a)
deposition site as described in Chapter 1 1 , "Fundamentals (see Figure 15-1 •) .
for Administration of Local Anesthetic Agents." The
penetration site will be related to hard and soft-tissue Anatomical Factors
landmarks. The needle pathway will be described in terms PDL inj ections deposit anesthetic solution into the peri­
of the types of tissue that will be penetrated by or located odontal ligament. Anesthetic solutions diffuse through
in the vicinity of the needle, including mucosa, superficial alveolar bone to the apex of inj ected teeth. Solution does
fascia, muscle, vessels, nerves, and bone. The deposition not diffuse through dense, fibrous periodontal ligament. In
site will be described in terms of the tissues at or near the order to arrive at apical regions of teeth, solution follows
target and in relation to specific landmarks. paths of least resistance, which includes thin, porous layers
of alveolar bone proper and spongy underlying bone sur­
rounding the ligaments and teeth. To better appreciate this
S u p p l e m e nta l I njecti o n Tech n i q ues difference in resistance, imagine creating a pool of anes­
This chapter will discuss supplemental inj ection techniques thetic solution over a sheet of dense, fibrous periodontal lig­
that are used primarily in special situations in dentistry. ament versus creating the same pool over porous alveolar
Key elements for each of these inj ections are summarized bone. The bone will absorb the solution much more readily.
in Appendix 15-1. Common applications, variations, and In order to diffuse through bone, solution must be fully sur­
precautions will be discussed where applicable. rounded by and enclosed between dense fibers of the peri­
odontal ligament and the teeth. If solution fails to enter the
periodontal ligament, it will flood the sulcus, following the
Pe riodonta l L i g a m e nt I njecti o n path of least resistance. Solutions will then backflow (leak)
Perhaps the most universal o f the supplemental inj ections into the patient's mouth rather than diffuse through bone.
is the periodontal ligament (PDL) inj e ction. This tech­
nique is indicated as a primary method of anesthesia for Technique Factors
single teeth, for supplemental anesthesia of individual teeth Key factors for successful PDL inj ections are discussed as
when other techniques have failed to provide profound follows.

Symptomatic veri f i c ation of anesthesia following l A nerve Some clinicians have observed profound inferior
blocks can be problematic. Despite confirmation that the al veolar nerve anesthesia developing after admini stering
teeth, lip, and chin "feel" numb before treatment, pain i s PDL injections around al l four aspects of the mandibular
sometimes experienced. This can occur because of what second molar (ML, DL, DB, MB). The location of the
i s referred to as accessory innervation where fibers from mandibular canal in proximity to the apices of the roots of
other sources provi d e at least some of the innervation to the mandibular second molar may provi d e insight into the
the teeth in question. See Chapter 16, "Troubl e shooting efficacy of this approach.
Inadequate Anesthesia," for a more detailed description No lingual anesthesia i s provided wi t h this series of
of accessory innervation. This can al s o occur because PDL injections (other than in the vicinity of the lingual
of incomplete l A nerve blocks that are estimated to be surface of the second molar), and the duration of the
onl y 80% to 85% successful (Malamed, 2013). Even after bl o ck i s usually no greater than 60 minutes. When using
negati v e electri c pul p tests (EPT) have confirmed pulpal a Wand STA Single Tooth Anesthesia System® lnstru-
anesthesia, pain can be experienced during treatment. ment (di s cussed in Chapter 9, "Local Anestheti c Deli v ery
When accessory innervation from afferent fibers Devi c es," and Appendi x 9-5) for PDL injections, durations
of non-primary nerves provides pulpal sensations to are typically l o nger because of the larger volumes of sol u -
teeth, techniques that address those fibers can provide tion deposi t ed (Hochman, 2007). The failed I ANB usually
profound anesthesia. For example, when afferent fibers provi d es adequate soft-tissue anesthesia in the area of
of the mylohyoid nerve provide pulpal sensation to the PDL injections. I f the soft ti s sues are not adequatel y
mandibular molars, mylohyoid nerve blocks can provide anestheti z ed, pre-anesthesia using a buccal and/or
profound anesthesia. See Box 1 4-8 "Mylohyoid Nerve lingual nerve block will allow the PDLs to be admini s tered
Blocks," i n Chapter 14, "Injections for Mandibular Pain comfortabl y. When using a Wand STA instrument, pre-
Control," for a description of the mylohyoid nerve block anesthesia may be unnecessary.
technique. Once PDL anesthesia is in effect, patients frequentl y
When the di ff i c ulty ari s es because of inadequate l A touch their chins and say, "It's reall y getting numb now."
blocks rather than accessory innervation, techniques to The increased symptoms of anesthesia in the chin are
block accessory sources of innervation will not provi d e good indications that core bundl e s of the l A nerve
profound anesthesia. Instead, indi v idual teeth can be anes- have been flooded with sufficient anesthetic to provide
theti z ed using PDL injections. PDL injections can provi d e profound anesthesia. Rapid onset is typical. Durations
profound anesthesia even when accessory sources are are relati v el y short when using standard or specialized
innervating the teeth, because PDLs are effective at the syringes, about 10 minutes (Hochman, 2007); however,
apical regions of teeth, blocking impul s e conduction in all this is frequentl y enough time to complete treatment in

d ire n s f o h a o t n o f t •

: . . • �� � . . � .� � . � � �� :� :
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � .� �: � • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Teeth anesthetized:

Individual tooth at
site of Injection

Periodontium/Soft tiaauea:

associated periodontium

FIGURE 1 5-1 Field of Anesthesia for Periodontal Ligament

Inj ections. The field of anesthesia for PDL inj ection is indicated by
the shaded areas.

P E N ETRATION SITE The penetration site for a PDL inj ec­ cover the bevel, or 3 to 4 mm beyond the attachment.
tion is within the sulcus that surrounds a tooth. Multiple Functionally, this means that the depth is ade quate to
sites are often necessary in order to achieve profound an­ prevent backflow of anesthetic solution into the sulcus
esthesia. The easiest areas to approach are the mesial and and to establish light blanching or paling of the attached
distal gingival aspects. In single-rooted teeth, selecting up gingiva when depositing s o lutio n . If b ackflow o ccurs
to two sites is usually adequate, whereas in multiple rooted or blanching is not seen, a slightly deeper penetration
teeth, selecting three to four sites is more typical (see within the p eriodontal ligament is indicated . If slightly
Figures 15-2 • and 15-4 •) . deeper penetration fails to establish blanching, select a
new site. Box 15-2 • discusses how to observe for ad­
N E E D L E PATHWAY The needle i s inserted into the sulcus equate blanching.
penetrating the junctional epithelium. Following the root
surface of the tooth as a guide, it is advanced within the
Technique Steps
periodontal ligament to a point of resistance.
As with any intraosseous technique, establishing soft­
The d e p o sition site for a P D L in­
D E P O S I T I O N S IT E tissue anesthesia ( " pre-anesthesia " ) is recommended
j e ction is any point within the p eriodontal ligament in before attempting PDL inj ections with manual devices.
which the tip of the needle is inserted between the root B ecause the rationale for performing intraosseous anes­
of a tooth and the adj acent alveolar bone (see Figure thesia is to control pain, anesthetizing associated soft tis­
15-3 •). This is typically no more than enough tissue to sues before needle insertions is recommended.

FIGURE 1 5-4 Bending Needles for Access in

PDL Inj ections. Enhanced visibility and access
FIGURE 1 5-2 Penetration Site for PDL Inj ections. The pen­ can be achieved using a bent needle for a PDL
etration site for a PDL inj ection is indicated by the needle. inj ection. Factors related to bending needles for
PDL inj ections are discussed in B ox 15-3 .

Light blanching in the attached gingi va of teeth being

anestheti z ed confirms that solution is being retained in the
ti s sues (not exi t ing via the sulcus) and the ti s sues are near­
ing their limit for accommodating solution. The deposition
time period of 20 seconds begins onl y after there i s no ob­
served backflow and blanching is observed (t he accommo­
dation limi t is reached). Thereafter solution will be diffusing
through bone.
When evaluating for light bl a nching, attached ti s sues
should appear pal e pink wi t h visibl y less color compared
wi t h adjacent tissues. Stark, white blanching indicates sol u ­
FIGURE 1 5-3 Deposition Site for PDL Injections. The deposi­ tion i s not diffusing through the bone, and the depth of
tion site for a PDL inj ection is indicated by the needle in the
spotlighted area. � .�e.n ��r�t: � n. s.h�� �d. � e. i�� r��:e•d• s� i : �t� y� • • • • • • • • • • .IIi

As an adjunctive technique, the PDL inj ection is com­

fortably administered where soft-tissue anesthesia has
previously been established. In the absence of preexisting
anesthesia, an infiltration or nerve block technique (such
as a buccal nerve block) may be used to pre-anesthetize Some experts discuss the option of bending needl es in
very speci f i c circumstances (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson,
1 995; Malamed, 2013). I f a decision i s made to modify a
soft tissues at penetration sites.
When using CCLAD devices pre-anesthesia may not be
needle and there is minimal risk that the needl e will be
required. According to the manufacturer's literature, an
lost wi t hin tissue, the following safe practi c es shoul d be
" anesthesia pathway " is established maintaining com­
observed: a sterile technique; the l e ast amount of torque
fort during PDL inj ections. Specific technique steps for
placed on the hub/shaft interface; the ready availabili ty of
the Wand STA device are discussed in Chapter 9 and sterile hemostats or l o cking pliers; and a bend in the nee­
Appendix 9-5. dle of no greater than 45 degrees (see Figure 1 5-4). Bends

in needl es should never be inserted into tissue (Rifkind, •

Needles for PD L inj ections vary. 20 )

: . . :: � •
Standard syringe needles of all gauges may be used, in­ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

cluding ultra-short 30-gauge needles, which are designed

specifically for limited penetration inj ections such as the
PDL. Some CCLAD systems provide their own needles,
which do not fit standard syringes and are available only
in 27- and 30-gauge diameters, and manufacturers' recom­
mendations should be followed.
Successful PDL inj ections have been performed using
25- , 27- , and 30-gauge standard and specialized needles.
B ecause there is a negligible rate of positive aspiration
and the penetration depth is minimal, safety is not com­
promised with 30-gauge needles. Although these needles
may be more convenient from the standpoint of access,
many clinicians find their excessive flexibility to be prob­
lematic and prefer 27-gauge needles. It has also been noted
that the smaller diameter of 30-gauge needles creates
FIGURE 1 5-5 Technique for B ending Needles. A one­
higher fluid pressures during deposition (Rifkind, 20 1 1 ) .
Long needles can present difficulties when positioning in handed technique for bending a needle with a sterile
posterior areas of the mouth. hemostat is illustrated, using a 90-degree bend and
Accessing posterior sites, in general, can be challeng­ allowing the needle to spring back to a 45-degree final
ing with standard needle angulations. Although not an ideal position relative to the shank.
practice, this restriction can be eliminated by bending the
needle to a 45-degree angle (see Figure 15-4 •) . Before B evel orientation is irrelevant to the success of PDL
attempting to bend a needle, see Box 15-3 • for detailed in­ inj ections. If bevels are oriented to face the roots of teeth,
formation on bending needles and safety recommendations. however, two useful purposes can be served. Easier pen­
For optimal safety, commercially designed syringe etration to depth is possible when the sharp tips of needles
adaptors with 45-degree angles are available and recom­ are kept away from root surfaces, and gouging can be min­
mended (see Figure 9-3 3 ) . These attachments eliminate imized while needles are advancing.
the need for bending needles, and their use does not com­ B egin by inserting through the sulcular epithelium
promise safety. O SHA regulations relating to workplace and the periodontal ligament attachment, until resistance
safety do not prohibit bending sterile needles. Bending of is met. At the point of resistance, start depositing solution.
contaminated needles, however, is prohibited except under Aspiration is unnecessary because there is no significant
certain "compelling circumstances." These devices are dis­ risk of intravascular inj ection with this technique. In fact,
cussed in Chapter 9. there are no features for aspiration on manual syringes de­
signed for PDL inj ections. Once the tissues blanch lightly
I NJ E CT I O N PRO C E D U R E Once pre-anesthesia has been and no backflow of solution has occurred, deposit 0.2 mL,
established, PDL inj ections may be administered in com­ at a rate of 0 . 2 mL ( about one stopper) over a full 20
fort and with confidence. The selection of penetration sites seconds. Slow timing is critical; the solution needs adequate
around a tooth is based upon ease of access, penetrating time to diffuse to the apex. It may be helpful to count si­
within areas of existing anesthesia, and confirmation of lently while depositing (100 1 , 1002, 1003, . . . 1020) to make
diffusion through bone (no backflow and light blanch­ sure that adequate time is allowed for diffusion of solution.
ing). If any of the three conditions is absent, a different site In single-rooted teeth, 0.2 mL of solution is recommended
should be chosen (see Box 15--4 •) . in one or two different sites. In multiple-rooted teeth,

If anesthesia is inadequate, repeat the procedure in a
different site on the tooth, making sure there is no back­
flow and that light pink blanching develops before deposit­
ing over a 20-second interval.
Ease of access i s key to maintaining stability during PDL
injections. Pre-anesthesia eliminates concerns of discom­
fort during penetrations and deposi t i o n. A primary benefit Technique Modifications and Alternatives

of eliminating these concerns is enhancing clinician con­ B ecause PDL inj ections can serve as alternatives to nearly
fidence when solutions are forced into ligamenta! areas all other techniques, alternatives to PDLs include nearly
under pressure. I f patients react, cl i nicians typicall y "ease all other techniques, depending on the location of the teeth
up" on the pressure resul t ing in inadequate pressure for in question. The choice of device also provides alternatives
diffusion through the bone. Blanching and the absence to the delivery of PDLs. This includes standard and spe­
of backflow confirm that selected sites are adequatel y cialized manual syringes, and CCLAD devices (Blanton &
accommodating solution and will likel y result in success.
The following guidelines enhance ease of access and
Jeske, 2003).

success in PDL injections: It is important to read manufacturers ' instructions

furnished with these devices as recommended needles,
Select si t es that are easy to access; i t may be help­ volumes of solution, and inj ection times vary significantly.
ful to use a periodontal probe to evaluate tooth

For example, when using the Wand STA device, it is rec­

angul a tions ommended that 0.9 mL of any 2% or 3% solution be de­
Monit or for backfl o w
Observe blanching in primary si t es before penetrating
• posited for each penetration site, and when administering

subsequent sit es
• 4 % articaine, 0.45 mL is recommended. Other CCLAD
When blanching is observed circumferentially, no more devices in use recommend 0.2 mL per site similar to man­
e n r t n s a ce a

• • ual PDL inj ections, and deposition rates vary from 20 to
: • � . � � � :� . . :� �� . � � ?
• • • ....... •
. . • . . . • . . •
30 seconds. These devices are discussed in Chapter 9; see
Figures 9-37 and 9-38.

three to four sites are usually necessary, or 0.6 to 0.8 mL Complications

(up to -112 cartridge) of total solution. Patients occasionally experience slight postoperative sore­
Syringes designed specifically for PDL inj ections are ness or sensitivity in the areas of PDL inj ections, as may be
discussed in Chapter 9, (see Figure 9-3 1 ) . These devices true with other intraosseous techniques. It may be helpful
are able to deliver controlled volumes of drug while con­ to inform patients that they may expect some postopera­
trolling doses. tive soreness around teeth that were inj ected. Even though
greater tissue trauma can be expected following PDL in­
Confirming Anesthesia jections compared with most nonintraosseous techniques,
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for PDL inj ections are the damage has been described as reversible (Kanaa et a!. ,
variable. When used as a primary method of anesthesia, 2006) . Other complications are rare.
patients typically report a sense of numbness of the sur­ The use of PDL inj ections in two specific circum­
rounding soft tissues, and when biting down, on the anes­ stances appears to be controversial. Some sources suggest
thetized tooth or teeth. When given as a supplemental that primary teeth with underlying p ermanent succes­
inj ection to standard nerve blocks, patients typically report sors should not be exposed to the pressures involved in
the rapid development of more profound numbness. PDL inj ections in order to avoid damage to developing
Obj ective signs include a lack of response to gentle teeth (Dudkiewicz, Schwartz, & Laliberte, 1987; Replogle,
stimulation with an instrument, a negative response to Reader, Nist, B eck, Weaver, & Meyers, 1997) . Although
pulp testing, and no pain during procedures. this caution has not been fully substantiated because of
ethical concerns of relevant research, it has not been fully
Common Causes of Injection Failure refuted, for the same reason. Recent evidence suggests
Failures occur most frequently while clinicians are learn­ that PDL inj ections delivered with the Wand STA device
ing this technique. Common errors include needle posi­ may not injure succedaneous teeth when performing PDL
tions that are not maintained securely in the PDL space, injections because of the reduced pressures exerted (Ash­
solution that b ackflows into the sulcus, or deposition kenazi, Blumer, & Eli, 20 1 0) . For further discussion, see
rates that are accelerated (less than 20 seconds) . Fail­ Box 15-5 •·
ures also occur when penetration sites are too resistant Local anesthetic inj ections, in general, are not con­
to allow solution to be deposited. In this case solution sidered invasive and therefore are not indications for an­
will not flow out of the tip of the needle or blanching is tibiotic prophylaxis. All intraosseous inj ections, however,
not observed . There should be no hesitation to select a are considered invasive because they target medullary
different site. bone. As with all other intraosseous procedures, infective

Coggins et al. , 1996; Gallatin et al. , 2003 ; Replogle et al. ,

1997 ) . Secondary benefits include minimizing bleeding
when there are increased risks, limiting the extent of anes­
thetized areas, and decreasing total drug doses. Some have
suggested that intraosseous inj ections are most successful
Al t hough it i s not known whether or not developing teeth when used as adjuncts for lA nerve blocks, particularly in
are at significant ri s k during PDL injections, i t known is molar areas (Dunbar et a!. , 1996; Reitz et a!., 1998b ). It has
that the pressures generated wi t h CCLAD devi c es are less been reported that supplemental intraosseous inj ections
compared wi t h other syringes, particularl y when CCLAD improved the success rate of anesthesia in vital asymptom­
devi c es are set to their slowest deli v ery rates. The i s sue
seems to revol v e more around whether or not the potential
atic mandibular first molars up to 97 % (Daniel, Harfst, &

ri s k of damage to underl y ing permanent teeth is accept­ Wilder, 2008; Jastak, Yagiela, Donaldson, 1995 ; Malamed,
able when there are other excellent options that provi d e 20 13; Nusstein et a!. , 1998) . Although less frequently used
profound anesthesia in children. in the maxilla, there have been occasions, particularly
I f a speciali z ed syringe i s used for children, one spe­ during endodontic therapy, where intraosseous inj ections
ci f i c all y designed to provide reduced pressures i s the Child have proven useful (Coggins et a!. , 1996) .
Henke-Ject lntraligamental Syringe® (Henke-Sass Wol f, Cancellous, spongy bone (the compressible bone be­
Tuttlingen, Germany). It is possible for clinicians to custom­ tween adj acent tooth sockets) was originally accessed
ize hydraulic pressures wi t h this syringe for patient comfort. with surgical round burs through the outer layer of bone
Limits on pressure are maintained by inacti v ation of a pi s ­ in the j aw. Several specialized devices are currently avail­
ton, once preset l e vel s are reached. Fl ow cannot resume able, which facilitate penetration of the thin, however
until the pressure behind the solution drops bel o w the
selected level, which prevents excessi v e pressures. Despite
dense, layer of bone (cortical plates) and provide access

the ability of clinicians to control deli v ery pressures wi t h to the spongy alveolar bone surrounding the dental plexus.
the Henke-Ject, its manufacturer makes no claim regard- Anesthesia provided by these devices is localized to one or
ing its use in primary denti t ion with underl y ing permanent two teeth.

t th •

: . �� . �• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Field of Anesthesia
The areas anesthetized are minimal and include the
endocarditis and orthopedic premedication with antibiot­ pulps of the teeth and their supporting structures im­
ics is recommended for those at highest risk. mediately adj acent to the sites of deposition. O ccasion­
ally, more widespread signs and symptoms develop (see
Figure 15-6 •).
lntraosseous Tech n i q u e
The primary benefit o f intraosseous anesthesia is to pro­ Anatomical Factors
vide anesthesia when other techniques have proven to Intraosseous techniques involve the same alveolar bone
be inadequate or when profound anesthesia of specific as PDL inj ections. Unlike PDLs, they require surgical
teeth is indicated (B lanton & Jeske, 2003; Brown, 2000; access to spongy bone. A thin layer of highly innervated


Teeth anaathetlzed:

Individual tooth at
site of lnjectlon
Periodontium/Soft tl ..uea:

supporting structures
Immediately adjacent to
site of deposition

FIGURE 1 5-6 Field of Anesthesia for an Intraosseous Inj ection.

The field of anesthesia for an intraosseous injection is indicated by
the shaded area.

connective tissue, the periosteum, covers and protects the fr o m S p e ci a l t i e s : O r a l S u r g e ry, P e ri o d o n t i c s , a n d

bone, and is also penetrated. Endodontics," provides alternate descriptions o f this site.
In the molar region of the mandible, where cortical
Technique Factors
plate thickness is greatest, the crestal third of the alveolar
Key factors for successful intraosseous inj ections are process lies beneath the most apical extent of the attached
discussed as follows. gingiva and is the area where the cortical plate of bone is
Devices for lntraosseous Injection The site chosen should be distal to the tooth to be
There are a number of devices available for intraosse­ anesthetized at an equal distance from the adj acent tooth.
ous inj ection. They include the Stabident ® (Fairfax D en­ It should approximate the apical extent of the attached
tal, Inc. ) , X-Tip ® ( D e ntsply M aillefe r ) , IntraFlow™ gingiva, which is approximately 2 mm below a line con­
(Pro-Dex Micro Motors ) , and QuickSleeper (D ental Hi necting the gingival margins of the teeth (Shimada &
Tech, France). These devices are shown in Figures 15-7 •, Gasser, 1989) . Mesial penetration is acceptable but distal
15-8 •, 15-9 •, 15-10 •, and 9-38. penetration is recommended.
After withdrawal of the perforator p ortion of the
P E N E T R AT I O N S IT E The optimal p e netration site for Stabident or X-Tip device, the n e e dle is intro duced
an intraosseous inj ection is in the most apical extent of into the p erforation to deliver a local anesthetic drug
the attached gingiva between adj acent teeth. For device­ into the interdental medullary bone as demonstrated in
s p e cific t e ch n i q u e s , always c o n s u l t m a nufacture r s ' Figure 15-12 •· If an IntraFlow device is used, it is not nec­
instructions (see Figure 15-llA •) . Chapter 20, " Insights essary to withdraw the perforator and insert a needle be­
cause the device contains both perforator and needle (see
Figure 15-13 • and Box 15-6 •).

N E E D L E PATHWAY The needle follows the perforation

through the cortical plate of bone into interproximal bone.

FIGURE 1 5-7 Stabident Intraosseous Anesthesia

Delivery System. FIGURE 1 5-9 IntraFiow Intraosseous Anesthesia
Delivery System. Components of the IntraFiow device.

FIGURE 1 5-8 X-Tip Intraosseous Anesthesia D elivery

System. FIGURE 1 5-1 0 Assembled IntraFJow Device.

D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The deposition site is the interproxi­

mal bone underlying the cortical plate. Once penetration
through the cortical plate is "felt " by the clinician (for an
alternate description of this sensation, see Chapter 20) , the
deposition site has been reached (see Figures 15-13A and

Technique Steps
Apply the basic injection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 and
summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. Additionally, apply the
guidelines listed in Box 15-6.
Periosteum overlying the mandible and maxilla is very
sensitive and pre-anesthesia is recommended for comfort
(A) before performing any intraosseous technique.

For intraosseous inj ections, needles

and other armamentaria must be purchased for the spe­
cific system selected. All manufacturer instructions should
be followed.

Step 1- l f there i s no previous exi sting anesthesia of soft

tissue, anestheti z e the attached gingi v a first.
Step 2- Mark the penetration si t e by blanching wi t h a
blunt-tipped instrument.
FIGURE 1 5-1 1 A - Penetration Site for an Intra osseous Step 3 - Perforate the cortical plate and deposi t solution
Inj ection. The penetration site for an intraosseous inj ection into cancellous bone (thi s is painless when Step 1 has
is indicated by the perforator (Stabident). B - Removing the been performed).
Perforator after Initial Penetration. The perforator is removed
prior to needle insertion with a Stabident. Note: Avo i d vasoconstri ctors (these d r u g s enter the CVS ra p i d ly)
a n d observe a l l m a x i m u m dose reco m m e n d a tions.
Source: Courtesy of Albert "Ace" Goerig, DDS, MS.

(A) (B)
FIGURE 1 5-1 2 Needle Insertion for Drug Delivery with a Stabident. After removal of the perforator portion, the needle is intro­
duced to deliver a local anesthetic drug. A - Needle inserted through perforation. B - Needle penetration demonstrated into spongy
Source: Courtesy of Albert "Ace" Goerig, DDS, MS.

(A) (B)
FIGURE 1 5-1 3 Initial Penetration and Delivery with the IntraFlow. The initial penetration (A) is performed in the same manner
as for Stabident and X-Tip devices. However, there is no need to remove the perforator. The drug is delivered directly through the
device into spongy bone ( B ) .
Source: Courtesy of Albert "Ace" Goerig, DDS, MS.

FIGURE 1 5- 1 4 Initial Perforation Using the X-Tip FIGURE 1 5-1 5 Needle Guide or "Guide Sleeve"
System. Placed for X-Tip System.

I NJECTIO N PROCE D U R E With pre-anesthesia in place, begin

perforation (see Figures 15-llA, 15-1 3A, and 15-14 •)
avoiding heat buildup because of friction. Once the cor­
tical plate has been perforated, insert the needle as rec­
ommended for the specific device being used (see Figures
15-12, 15-13B, 15-15 • , and 15-16 •) . As with the PDL
inj ection, aspiration is not necessary. B ox 15-7 • provides
suggested volumes of solutions when using the Stabident
system, as an example. It is important to refer to manu­
facturers' instructions at all times for proper use of these
devices. For an alternate description of this inj ection pro­
cedure, see Chapter 20, " Insights from Specialties : Oral
Surgery, Periodontics, and Endodontics. "
FIGURE 1 5-1 6 Needle Insertion Following Perforation
Using X-Tip System.
Confirming Anesthesia
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for intraosseous inj ections numb. The absence of a response to EPTs or to the appli­
are few. Patients may report a sense of numbness when cation of ice-cold temperatures can confirm anesthesia. In
biting down on the tooth or teeth anesthetized, or the soft Chapter 12, "Inj ections for Maxillary Pain Control I" see
tissues surrounding the tooth or teeth may feel somewhat Figures 12-7,12-8, and 12-9.

nerve blocks, and reappointing after providing appropri­

ate medications.

Mandible: As with all other intraosseous techniques, patients may ex­
1 tooth: 0.45-0.6 ml (mesial or distal to tooth) perience postoperative soreness and sensitivity in the ar­
2 teeth: 0.6-0.9 ml (between the two) eas of inj ection.
3 teeth: 0.9 ml (distal to the middle tooth) Complications are rare and include root damage when
6 anteriors: one injection on each side, between canines adj acent te eth are very close to one another and pre­
and premolars 0.9 ml per side assessment failed to note this contraindication to the tech­
nique. Injury to the cortical plate is unique to intraosseous
Maxilla: techniques. Fortunately, this damage has been shown to be
1 : 0.45 ml reversible. B ecause the technique requires inj ury to bone
2: 0.45 ml regardless of the perforating system, the healing process is
4 adjacent teeth: midway between 0.9 ml somewhat slow, although usually painless. Reported com­
Up to 8 teeth on one side: 1 .8 ml midway between plications include pain and swelling at the inj ection site as
well as bruising (Dudkiewicz, Schwartz, & Laliberte, 1987) .

� S.o �r.c:: �a:a m e� 2.0��- •

Heart palpitations can be expected when vasocon­
• - • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
strictors are used. To avoid palpitations, use solutions
without vasoconstrictors ( Guglielmo et a l . , 1 9 9 9 ) . If
vasoconstrictors are selected, use minimal volumes and
Obj ective signs include a lack of response to gentle greater dilutions, such as 1 :200,000 formulations. Accord­
stimulation with an instrument and no pain during the ing to a 1993 comparison study, 85 % of inj ections with the
procedure for soft tissues or teeth. The absence of pain is Stabident system and 93 % with the X-Tip resulted in per­
confirming. ceived increases in heart rate (Guglielmo et al. , 1999) .
Common Causes of Injection Failure
Inadequate cancellous bone in the central incisor region
lntrasepta l Tech n i q u e
may not allow this technique to be performed. Solution The intraseptal technique is used to provide anesthesia of
is not able to diffuse easily through what is essentially a the periodontium lingual to a tooth and can be particu­
cortical "sandwich " of bone with no intermediate spongy larly useful when palatal tissues require anesthesia and
layer. clinicians and/or patients wish to avoid palatal inj ections
Failures occur most frequently while clinicians are (Malamed, 1982) .
learning this technique. Studies have shown it to be nearly This technique is also useful when soft-tissue anesthe­
100% successful once clinicians gain confidence and expe­ sia and hemostasis are desired for periodontal procedures,
rience and when it is used as an adjunctive technique. When but PDL inj ections are contraindicated because of infec­
used as the initial appro ach to anesthesia, some stud­ tion. It does not provide reliable pulpal anesthesia.
ies have demonstrated only a 75 % success rate (Gallatin
et al. , 2000). With practice, success rates, along with skill Field of Anesthesia
and confidence, tend to increase. Anesthesia provided by the intraseptal technique involves
the bone, soft tissues, and other structures of the tooth in
Troubleshooting the area in which it is administered. The anesthesia pro­
Penetration of the cortical plate distal to the tooth to be vided tends to be localized and specific to one or two teeth.
anesthetized is more successful compared with mesial This technique also provides significant hemostasis when a
sites when using these techniques. Choose alternate sites, vasoconstrictor is administered. For some patients pulpal
including mesial areas, if none is acceptable distal to a anesthesia is achieved; however, it tends to be unreliable
tooth. If unable to perforate cortical bone quickly in any or very short-term in nature (see Figure 15-17 •).
site, an alternate site should be chosen without hesitation.
If no sites will allow easy perforation, choose an alternate Anatomical Factors
technique. The intraseptal technique involves alveolar bone, similar
to intraosseous and PDL inj ections. Unlike the PDL, in­
Technique Modifications and Alternatives traosseous, and intrapulpal techniques, however, it does
In some situations, the mandibular molar region is dif­ not provide reliable pulpal anesthesia.
ficult to penetrate because of thick cortical bone, which
reduces the e ffective n e s s of intra o s s e o u s inj ections. Technique Factors
Alternatives to bone-perforating intraosseous inj ections Key factors for successful intraseptal inj ections are dis­
include non-perforating intraosseous inj ections (PDLs ) , cussed as follows.

Teeth anesthetized:

unreliable pulpal

Periodontium/Soft tlaauea:

soft tissues and

perlodontium at
site of injection

FIGURE 1 5-1 7 Field of Anesthesia for an Intraseptal Inj ection.

The field of anesthesia for an intraseptal inj ection is indicated by
the shaded area.

P E N ETRATION SITE The penetration site is at the center of The needle is advanced until bony resistance is met,
the interdental papilla adj acent to the tooth to be treated at which time pressure is applied to the syringe to force
and below the height of the interdental papilla (about 2 mm) the needle just barely deeper into the interdental septum.
but within the attached gingiva (note: insufficient attached Once within the septum, 0.2 to 0.4 mL of local anesthetic is
gingiva would preclude using this technique for any particu­ administered (0.2 mL each over 20 seconds) against what
lar site). This is similarly represented by the penetration site should be considerable resistance, similar to that experi­
for an intraosseous injection in Figure 15-12B. enced in PDL and palatal inj ections. Backflow of solution
and a failure to notice blanching when a vasoconstrictor is
N E E D L E PATH WAY The nee dle advances through soft used indicate that the needle is not deep enough.
tissue until bone is contacted and then is gently forced
deeper into the interdental bone.
Confirming Anesthesia
The deposition site is just inside the
D E PO S I T I O N S I T E Subj ective signs of anesthesia for all intraosseous inj ec­
cortical plate of bone. Unlike an intraosseous inj ection tions, including intraseptal inj ections, are few. The patient
(see Figure 15-16), however, no perforation is made in the may report a sense of numbness in the soft tissues on the
bone before needle insertion. palatal aspects of the tooth or teeth where the intraseptal
inj ection was delivered. Typically, patients will report few
Technique Steps signs or symptoms of anesthesia.
Apply the basic inj ection steps outlined in Chapter 1 1 , Obj e ctive signs include a lack of response to gentle
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic stimulation with an instrument and no pain during the
Agents," and summarized in Appendix 1 1-1. Pre-anesthetize procedure for the soft tissues. Significant blanching is the
the area if anesthesia is not already in effect at the penetra­ best indicator of success. The absence of pain during the
tion site. See Box 15-6 for a summary of steps. procedure is often the only way to confirm anesthesia. If
hemostasis is desired , decreased bleeding confirms suc­
N E E D L E S E L E CTIO N A 27-gauge needle (short) is recom­ cessful procedures.
mended, which is consistent with the negligible rate of
positive aspiration and the need for a needle with less flex­ Common Causes of Injection Failure
ibility compared with 30-gauge needles.
Inadequate retention of solution and inadequate volumes
I NJECTIO N PROCE D U R E Once the area has been anesthe­ of solution are the most common causes of inj ection fail­
tized using infiltration or any other technique, intraseptal ure. Failures occur most frequently as clinicians are learn­
inj ections can be delivered with comfort and confidence. ing this technique.
Insert the needle in the center of the interdental papilla,
about 2 mm below the height of the attached gingiva but Troubleshooting
still within the attached tissue. Saadoun and Malamed rec­ It may be necessary to repeat the inj ection if anesthesia is
ommend orienting the bevel toward the apex (Saadoun & inadequate. Alternate techniques may be necessary, such as
Malamed, 1985 ) . The orientation of the needle is 45 de­ intraosseous injections, PDL injections, AMSA nerve blocks,
grees to the frontal plane, at right angles to the soft tissue. NP nerve blocks, GP nerve blocks, and palatal infiltrations.

Technique Modifications and Alternatives The intrapulpal technique is the only nonintraosseous
Effectiveness is reduced for this technique in some situ­ technique discu s s e d in this chapter. This te chnique
ations. Mandibular molar regions, in particular, are more can deliver effective anesthesia when the degree of in­
difficult to penetrate because of the presence of thicker flammation in the pulp renders conventional methods
cortical bone. Selecting penetration sites in this area can ineffective.
be challenging if there is unusually dense bone.
Field of Anesthesia
Complications The area affected by intrapulpal inj ections is minimal and
Complications are rare. As with other intraosseous tech­ is confined to pulpal tissues (see Figure 15-18 •) .
niques, patients may experience postoperative soreness or
sensitivity in the area of inj ection. Anatomical Factors
The procedure may not be appropriate when the roots
Intrapulpal anesthesia relies on direct access to the
of adj acent teeth are very close to one another because
coronal or radicular pulp. In order for the inj ection to be
roots may be inadvertently injured.
possible, it is assumed that endodontic access has already
Inj ury to the cortical plate is unique to intraosseous
been accomplished.
techniques. Although more extensive inj ury has been
demonstrated to occur compared with nonintraosseous
techniques, damage tends to be reversible. Healing after Technique Factors
intraseptal inj ections tends to be a slow, painless process Key factors for successful intrapulpal inj ections are dis­
but somewhat faster compared with intraosseous tech­ cussed as follows.
niques that use cortical perforators to access spongy bone.
It might be helpful to caution patients that they may expect P E N ETRATION SITE The penetration site is located in the
a little more soreness compared with other appointments. pulpal tissue of the pulp chamber or within the root canal
Heart palpitations can be expected when vasocon­ of the tooth (see Figure 15-19 •) .
strictors are used (Gallatin et a!., 2003; Wong, 200 1 ) . In or­
N E E D L E PATHWAY The needle i s directed into the pulpal
der to avoid or lessen palpitations, plain solutions or those
tissue of the coronal chamber or root canal( s), as necessary
with greater dilutions, such as 1 :200,000 epinephrine for­
(see Figure 15-20 •). Anesthetic solutions are directed at
mulations are recommended.
the remaining areas of vital nerve.

lntra p u l pa l Tech n i q u e D E PO S I T I O N S I T E The ideal site has been described as

The intrapulpal technique provides anesthesia for pulpally being wedged into the chamber or the root of the tooth
involved teeth when other techniques have failed. Wong (Malam e d , 2004) . This technique provides anesthesia
reported that using lA nerve blocks in mandibular first in two ways, primarily as a result of pressure (pressure
molars with irreversible pulpitis averaged only a 30% suc­ anesthesia) and secondarily as a direct action of the drug
cess rate (Wong, 200 1 ) . (see Figure 15-20).


Teeth anesthetized:

individual tooth pulp

at site of injection

Periodontium/Soft tissues:


FIGURE 1 5-1 8 Field of Anesthesia for an Intrapulpal Inj ection.

The field of anesthesia for an intrapulpal inj ection is indicated by the
shaded area.

however, this technique is effective at alleviating subse­

quent pain.
It may be useful to bend the needle to improve access.
B efore bending a needle, see Box 15-3 . Solution is admin­
istered at a slow rate, 0.2 mL over 20 seconds.

Confirming Anesthesia
Subj ective signs of anesthesia for intrapulpal inj ections
are few. Primarily, the patient reports that the toothache is
gone. A sense of numbness when biting down on the tooth
helps confirm profound anesthesia. Typically, patients will
report few signs or symptoms of anesthesia.
Obj ective signs include no response to gentle stimula­
tion with an instrument and no pain during the endodontic
F I G U RE 1 5-1 9 Penetration Site for an Intrapulpal Inj ection.
A bur must be used to access the pulp prior to needle insertion.
Common Causes of Injection Failure
Common causes of failure include too shallow a pen­
etration into the pulpal tissues resulting in backflow of
solution into the mouth versus within pulpal tissues; inad­
equate pressure generated by the solution; the degree of
inflammation or infection present; and clinician discom­
fort with the procedure.

Problems encountered include root canals that are nar­
rower than the circumference of the needle, which pre­
vents adequate access to the nerve; an intense initial pain
that quickly subsides; and clinician discomfort with the
brief but intense pain.

Technique Modifications and Alternatives

A useful modification when performing an intrapulpal in­
j ection is to insert the needle through a previously steril­
F I G U R E 1 5-20 Modification for Intrapulpal Inj ections. ized stopper from an unused cartridge. This can be done
A sterile stopper can be positioned on the needle shaft to without touching any part of the needle, and therefore
maintain pressure while solution is deposited. without risking needlestick inj ury by using two sterile
hemostats, one to hold the stopper and the other to hold
the needle as it is being inserted into the stopper. Once in­
serted onto the needle shaft, penetration is made while the
Technique Steps stopper is held tightly over the endodontic access opening
Pre-anesthetize the area if anesthesia is not already in of the tooth. The pressures generated by the solution will
effect at the penetration site. be greater compared with wedging the needle alone (see
Figure 15-20) .
N E E D L E S E L E CTI O N A 25- , 27- , 30-gauge short needle
Alternatives include intraosseous inj ections, PDL in­
may be used. Intravascular inj ection is not possible in the
jections, and Gow-Gates nerve blocks. In some cases it may
pulp, and the needle is confined within the tooth; therefore,
be necessary to defer care and allow pharmacotherapies to
needle gauge selection is directly related to providing a
reduce inflammation before reattempting treatment.
needle that is small enough to fit into the chamber and ca­
nals without binding. Different gauges may be required on
the same tooth in various roots.
The experience of brief but intense pain associated with
I NJECTI O N PROCE D U R EAfter endodontic access or par­ this technique can be stressful. The use of appropriate
tial access has been accomplished, an intrapulpal inj ec­ sedatives or nitrous oxide can diminish this effect for pa­
tion can be perform e d . The patient should be warned tients and indirectly relieve clinician concerns of causing
that there may be a brief but intense pain experienced; pain.

Adj u nctive Strateg ies s o lutions with s o dium bicarbonate has b e e n demon­
strated to have an independent anesthetic effect on tis­
Onset™ Sodium Bicarbonate Buffering sues. Studies have speculated that the carbon dioxide
Improvements in the areas of reducing the onset times of that is produced from this combination incre ases the
anesthesia and the pain that is often associated with local overall comfort of lidocaine inj ections ( C o ndouris &
anesthetic inj ections have been facilitated with the intro­ Shakalis, 1 964 ) .
duction of Onset, a buffering system for dental local anes­
thetic cartridges (Onpharma, CA) . Although medicine has ®
OraVerse Local Anesthesia Reversal
benefited for years from the ability to buffer anesthetic
Ora Verse ® (phentolamine mesylate) (Septodont, Inc. ,
solutions before use, dental administrations have been
Louisville, CO) is the only pharmaceutical agent avail­
frustrated by the otherwise overall convenience of the car­
able for the reversal of soft-tissue anesthesia, which can
tridge system. B efore the availability of Onset, there was
interfere with speaking, eating, and drinking for prolonged
no practical way to buffer dental local anesthetic solutions
periods. See Figure 17-6 for product example. Note the
in cartridges before inj ection.
unique color of the cartridge label and stopper. OraVerse
As previously explained in Chapter 4 , " Pharmacol­
(phentolamine mesylate) , by Septodont Pharmaceutical,
ogy B asics," it is the neutral base or non-ionized local
was approved by the FDA on May 9, 2008. Early studies
anesthetic molecules that penetrate nerve membranes.
have reported that sensations to the lips and tongue can
Two percent lidocaine with 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine has a
be regained in approximately half the time of typical den­
pH of 3 . 3 to 5 .0. This is well below tissue or physiologic
tal local anesthesia recovery (Hersh et al., 2008; Tavares
pH because of the addition of sodium bisulfite preser­
et al. , 2008) . D etailed pharmacological information on
vatives that are necessary to prevent vasoconstrictor
OraVerse provided by Septodont Pharmaceutical can be
oxidation and shortened shelf life. Currently, Onset's
found in Box 15-8 •· The approval from the FDA does not
s o dium bicarbonate buffe ring system o nly provides
include the use of OraVerse in children younger than 6
instructions for use with 2% lidocaine with, 1 : 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
years or weighing less than 33 lbs. The FDA requested that
additional investigation on this age group be completed
To clarify the impact of comparatively low pH val­
(Hersh & Lindemeyer, 20 10).
ues, Onpharma has added the following perspective to its
The active ingredient of OraVerse is phentolamine
product inserts (Onpharma, 20 14) . *
mesylate, a nonselective alpha-adrenergic blocking agent
A typical cartridge o f lidocaine with epinephrine con­ that is associated with countering the effects of epineph­
tains only 1 molecule o f de -ionized anesthetic for ev­ rine on tissues. The associated effect of this drug is vaso­
ery 10,000 molecules of ionized anesthetic . . . [C]loser dilation of the vessels, which can allow for an increase in
to physiologic p H [7.4] , more de-ionized anesthetic is the elimination and clearance of local anesthetic from the
present. . . there is 2,500x more of the active form of the deposition site.
anesthetic available than at p H 3 . 9 [the typical pH o f In medicine, phentolamine is inj ected intravenously
lidocaine that is received from suppliers] . at higher doses to produce acute lowering of blood pres­
sure (5 rug) (Tuncel & Ram, 2003 ) . It should be noted,
Although the mechanisms for local anesthetic-related however, that in dentistry, phentolamine is used at nota­
pain, thought to be primarily due to acidity, and the posi­ bly lower doses (0.2-0 .8 rug) , not administered intrave­
tive effects of buffering on that pain remain unclear, stud­ nously, and has not been linked with major cardiovascular
ies have demonstrated that sodium bicarbonate buffering changes (Hersh & Lindemeyer, 20 1 0 ; Lavio l a et a l . ,
with the Onset system reduces the experience of pain and 2008).
significantly improves onset times of anesthesia during For local anesthetic reversal, OraVerse is packaged in
and following inj ections. It has been speculated that the the same manner as dental local anesthetic. Each 1.7-mL
buffering system may act to reduce pain by either decreas­ cartridge of OraVerse contains 0.4 rug of phentolamine
ing the amount of tissue irritation that occurs after inj ec­ m e sylate in 1 . 7-mL solution. The s o lution is inj ected
tion and/or by allowing faster onset of anesthesia, which into the mucosa at the end of the dental procedure us­
blocks nerve impulse generation and conduction more ing the same location, volume, and inj ection technique
rapidly than when buffers are not used (Burns et al. , 2006; as the previous local anesthetic inj ection ( S eptodont,
Talu et al. , 200 1 ) . 20 1 1 ) .
In addition to these m e chanisms, the carbon There have been implications that OraVerse can re­
d i o x i d e p r o d u c e d w h e n combining l o c a l a n e s t h e t i c duce the incidence of self-inflicted, soft-tissue inj ury;
however, the manufacturer does not report or claim this
*Excerpt from "Science o f Buffering Lidocaine with Epinephrine." benefit (Hersh et al. , 2008, Hersh & Lindemeyer, 2 0 1 0 ;
Published by OnPharma Inc, © 2014. Tavares et a l . , 2008) .

The foll o wing information was gathered from clinical recommended dose for children: 33-66 l b s i s 0.2 mg (1 /2
data publi s hed in the Journ a l o f the A m e rican Dental cartridge); for children over 66 l b s and up to 1 2 years of
Association and from information provided by Novalar age the MRD i s 0.4 mg (1 cartridge). OraVerse i s not rec­
Pharmaceuti c al s . Before using OraVerse, the product in­ ommended for use in children less than 6 years of age or
sert should be consul t ed. weighing less than 15 kg (33 lbs).
Formulations for Use in Dentistry Relative Toxicity: Ora Verse is well tol e rated at the doses tested.
Ora Verse i s a steri l e , pyrogen-free, i s otonic sol uti o n for ad­ Metabolism: See publi s hed phentolamine mesylate
mini strati o n in gl ass dental cartri d ges that deliver 0. 4 mg li t erature.
phentol a mine mesyl ate in 1 . 7 ml of solution. The concen­ Excretion: Kidney
trati o n of the active ingredient (phentolamine mesyl ate) i n
OraVerse i s 0. 2 35 mg/ml. Excipients incl u de water for admin­ Vasodilator
istration, ethyl e nediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), D-mannitol ,

sodium acetate, acetic acid, and sodium hydroxi d e. O n s e t of Actio n :Rapid

MRD (Maximum Recommended Dose) Half-Life: Approximatel y 2-3 hrs.
OraVerse was studied in a 1 :1 cartridge to cartridge rati o to P re c C e o r Cat C
gnan y at g y:
l o cal anestheti c solution. Safety During Lactation: Not studied
Prod u ct Wa r n i n g : Myocardial infarction and cerebrovas­
Amount o f Loca l Anesthetic
cular spasm and occl u sion have been reported following
Ad ministered Dose of Ora Verse
parenteral use of phentolamine, usually in association wi t h
1/2 Cartridge 1 /2 Cartridge (0.2 mg) marked hypotensive epi s odes producing shock-like states.
Tachycardia, bradycardia, and cardiac arrhythmias may oc­
1 Cartridge 1 Cartridge (0.4 mg) cur wi t h the use of phentolamine or other alpha-adrenergic
blocking agents. Al t hough such effects are uncommon wi t h
2 Cartridges 2 Cartridges (0.8 mg) OraVerse (phentolamine mesyl a te), clinicians should be
alert to the signs and symptoms of these events, particu­
OraVerse is admini s tered using the same l o cation(s) and larl y in patients wi t h a hi story of cardiovascular disease.
same technique(s) (infil t ration or block injection) used for 2008;
t n s ra i � a st t c s . T h a x 2.0��
Sources: O raVerse P ro d u ct I n sert , H ersh et a l . , Tavares et a l . ,

: . � � ���� : : . : �� �: ��� � . �� . �� � : : • • � .� . ����

• •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

John Jones
D e s p ite p u b l i s h e d s u ccess rates exce e d i n g 95% i n fa i l u re , i n c l u d i n g accessory o r a b e rrant i n n e rvati o n ,
m a xi l l a ry i nfi ltratio n s , re peated i nfi ltrati o n s fa i l e d i n denser-t h a n - n o r m a l maxi l l a ry b o n e i n t h e a rea a bove
this patient ( B l a nton & J eske, 2003) . F u rth ermore, the #4, a p ro m i n e nt zyg o m at i c p rocess, a l i n g u a l -fa c i n g
i nfi ltratio n s h a d been assessed and a d m i n iste red ac­ d i l a ce ra t i o n of t h e a p ex of t h e r o o t of t h e tooth ,
cu rately, which i n c l u d e d verificati o n of a pex l o cation p hys i o l o g i c b a r r i e rs to d iffu s i o n , a n d fasc i a l p l a n e s
using rad iographs a n d a d e q u ate vesti b u l a r h e i g ht for that d i rected sol ution away fro m t h e target area.
the penetratio n sites. Fort u n ately, obta i n i n g p u l p a l a n esth esia i n cases
A d iffe rent a p p ro a c h , one that circumvented u n ­ l i ke t h i s i s not d e p e n d e n t on an exact k n o w l e d g e
known a n ato m i c barriers, was decided u p o n . T h e soft­ of t h e c a u s e o r c a u s e s of t h e fa i l u re . U n d e rsta n d ­
tissue a n esth esia t h a t deve l o p e d over #4 fo l l owi n g i n g w h e n a n ato m i c v a r i a t i o n s a re l i ke l y t o sabota g e
t h e third infi ltratio n with a rtica i n e enabled a P D L i njec­ a p ro c e d u re , h oweve r, c a n b e c r i t i c a l to s u c c e s s .
tion to be a d m i n iste red comfo rta b l y fro m the b u cca l Re peated i nfi ltratio n s of # 4 , as confi r m e d by t h i s pa­
aspect of t h e toot h . T h i s s e q u e n ce q u i ckly p rov i d e d tie nt's p revi o u s experien ces over decades of d e nta l
p rofo u n d p u l p a l a n est h e s i a of #4, a n d a resto rative treat m e nt, d i d n ot res u l t i n p u l p a l a n esth e s i a . A n
proced u re on the tooth was su bsequ ently com p l eted . a p p roach t h a t c i rcu mve nts barriers to a n esthesia was
Accord i n g to t h e g ratefu l patie nt, t h i s was t h e fi rst n e cess a ry and worked we l l . As a res u lt of his g rati­
time ever that tooth #4 had been treated comfo rta bly. t u d e to t h e st u d e n t fo r t h e comfo rta b l e p roce d u re,
Case Discussion: Any n u m b e r of a h ost of a n a ­ h e i n s isted o n rece i v i n g a l l fut u re treat m e n t at the
to m i c variati o n s m a y h ave b e e n res p o n s i b l e fo r t h i s u n ive rsity c l i n ic.

Chapter Questions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Coggins, R., Reader, A., Nist, R., Beck, M., & Meyers, W. J.
(1996) . Anesthetic efficacy of the intra osseous inj ection in
maxillary and mandibular teeth. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine
1 . The rate of deposition of local anesthetic drugs in
Oral Pathology Oral Radiology & Endodontics, 81 (6), 634-641.
intraosseous, intrapulpal, and PDL inj ections is best Condouris, G. A., & Shakalis, A. (1964) . Potentiation of the
represented by which one of the following? nerve-depressant effect of local anesthetics by carbon dioxide.
a. 0.1 mL over 20 seconds Nature, 204, 57.
b. 0.2 mL over 10 seconds Daniel, S. J. , Harfst, S. A., & Wilder, R. (2008) . Mosby's den­
c. 0.2 mL over 20 seconds tal hygiene: Concep ts, cases, and competencies (2nd ed.).
d. 0.1 mL over 30 seconds Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier.
Dudkiewicz, A., Schwartz, S., & Laliberte, R. (1987).
2. Which one of the following techniques does not typi­ Effectiveness of mandibular infiltration in children using the
cally provide reliable pulpal anesthesia? local anesthetic Ultracaine (articaine hydrochloride) . Journal
a. Intraosseous of the Canadian Dental Association, 53, 29-3 1.
b. Intrapulpal Dunbar, D., Reader, A., Nist, R., B eck, M., & Meyers, W. J.
c. Intraseptal (1996) . Anesthetic efficacy of the intra osseous inj ection af­
d. PDL ter an inferior alveolar nerve block. Journal of Endodontics,
22(9), 481-486.
3. Which one of the following is not recommended as an Frank, J. E. (2005). Diagnosis and management of G6PD
anesthetic approach in irreversible pulpitis? deficiency. American Family Physician, 72, 1277-1282.
a. The Stabident system Gallatin, E., Stabile, P. , Reader, A., Nist, R., & B eck, M. (2000).
b. PDL injections Anesthetic efficacy and heart rate effects of the intraosse­
c. Higher concentrations of lidocaine ous inj ection of 3% mepivacaine after an inferior alveolar
d. The IntraFlow system nerve block. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral
Radiology and Endodontics, 89(1 ) , 83-87.
4. What is the approximate success rate of inferior al­ Gallatin, J. , Reader, A., Nusstein, J. , Beck, M., & Weaver, J.
veolar nerve blocks, according to Wong, in pulpally (2003). A comparison of two intra osseous anesthetic tech­
involved teeth? niques in mandibular posterior teeth. Journal of the American
a. 1 0 % Dental Association, 134( 1 1 ) , 1476-1484.
b. 20% Guglielmo, A., Reader, A., Nist, R., B eck, M., & Weaver, J.
c. 30% (1999). Anesthetic efficacy and heart rate effects of the
d. 40% supplemental intraosseous injection of 2% mepivacaine with
1 :20,000 levonordefrin. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral
5 . Which one of the following statements is true regard­ Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics, 87(3), 284-293.
ing PDL inj ections? Hersh, E.V., & Lindemeyer, R. G. (20 10). Phentolamine mesyl­
a. Solution diffuses through the periodontal ligament ate for accelerating recovery from lip and tongue anesthesia.
to the dental plexus. Dental Clinics of North America, 54, 631-642.

b. The orientation of the bevel is critical to success of Hersh, E.V. , Moore, P.A., Papas, A.S., Goodson, J.M., Navlata,
the procedure. L.A., Rogy, S., Rutherford, B., Yagiela, J.A. (2008) . Reversal
of soft-tissue local anesthesia with phentolamine mesylate in
c. The technique is only u s e ful as an initiating
adolescents and adults. Anesthesia Recovery Group. Journal
technique. of the American Denta1 Association. 139(8) , 1080-1093.
d. Solution diffuses through alveolar bone to the den­ Hochman, M. N. (2007) . Single-tooth anesthesia: pressure­
tal plexus. sensing technology provides innovative advancement in the
field of dental local anesthesia. Compendium, 28( 4 ) ,186-188,
190, 192-193.
References Jastak, J. T. , Yagiela, J. A., & Donaldson, D. (1995). Local anesthe­
Ashkenazi, M., Blumer, S . , & Eli, I. (20 10). Effect o f computer­ sia of the oral cavity. Philadelphia: Saunders.
ized delivery intraligamental inj ection in primary molars Laviola, M., McGavin, S.K., Freer, G.A., Plancich, G. , Woodbury,
on their corresponding permanent tooth buds. International S.C., Marinkovich, S., Morrison, R., Reader, A., Rutherford,
Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 20( 4), 270-275. R.B., Yagiela, J.A. (2008). Randomized study of phentolamine
Blanton, P. , & Jeske, A. (2003, June) . The key to profound local mesylate for reversal of local anesthesia. Journal of Dental
anesthesia -Neuroanatomy. Journal of the American Dental Research, 87, 635-639.
Association, 134, 755-756. Malamed, S. F. (1982). The periodontal ligament (PDL) inj ection:
Brown, R. (2000). Intraosseous anaesthesia: A review. Oral An alternative to inferior alveolar nerve block. Oral Surgery
Health, 3, 7-14. Oral Medicine Oral Pathology, 53(2), 1 17-121.
Burns, C. A., Ferris, G. , Feng, C., Cooper, J. Z., & Brown, M. D. Malamed, S. F. (2004) . Handbook of local anesthesia (5th ed.). St.
(2006). Decreasing the pain of local anesthesia: A prospective, Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
double-blind comparison of buffered, premixed 1 % lidocaine Malamed, S. F. (20 13). Handbook of local anesthesia (6th ed.). St.
with epinephrine versus 1 % lidocaine freshly mixed with epi­ Louis: Elsevier Mosby.
nephrine. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Nusstein, J. , Reader, A., Nist, R., Beck, M., & Meyers, W. J.
54( 1 ) , 128. (1998) . Anaesthetic efficacy of the supplemental intra osseous

inj ection of 2 % lidocaine with 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine in irre­ Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics,
versible pulpitis. Journal of Endodontics, 24, 487-491. 83( 1 ) , 30-37.
Onset (Sodium Bicarbonate Inj . , neutralizing additive solution), Rifkind, J. B. (20 1 1 ) . Management of a broken needle in the pter­
Rev. 1 1/11 (LS0 13-D), Onpharma Prescription information ygomandibular space following a Vazirani-Akinosi block: Case
available from Onpharma, USA, Los Gatos, CA; www. report. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 77, b64. Accessed January 19, 2014. Saadoun, A. P. , & Malamed, S. (1985). Intraseptal anesthesia in
Oraverse (phentolamine mesylate) injection, Rev. 04/11 (2604-4) , periodontal surgery. Journal ofthe American Dental Associa­
Septodont Prescription information available from Septodont, tion, 111 (2), 249-256.
USA, Lancaster, PA; Accessed Janu­ Shimada, K., & Gasser, R. (1989). Anatomical record:
ary 19, 2014. Advances in integrative anatomy and evolutionary biology.
Quinn, C. L. (1998) . Inj ection techniques to anesthetize the diffi­ The Anatomical Record, 224(1 ) , 177-182.
cult tooth. Journal of the California Dental Association, 26(9), Talu, H., Yanyali, A., Karbas, L., Alp, B., & Caglar, Y. (20 0 1 ) .
665-667. Effect of warming and buffering lidocaine o n pain during fa­
Reitz, J. , Reader, A., Nist, R., B eck, M., & Meyers, W. J. (1998a). cial anesthesia. Annals of Ophthalmology, 33( 1 ) , 43.
Anesthetic efficacy of a repeated intraosseous inj ection given Tavares, M., Goodson, J.M., Studen-Pavlovich, D., Yagiela,
30 min following an inferior alveolar nerve block/intraos­ J.A., Navalta, L.A., Rogy, S., Rutherford, B., Gordon, S.,
seous injection. Journal ofthe American Dental Society of Pappas, A.S., Soft Tissue Anesthesia Reversal Group. (2008).
Anesthesia, 45(4), 143-149. Reversal of soft tissue local anesthesia with phentolamine
Reitz, J. , Reader, A., Nist, R., B eck, M., & Meyers, W. J. (1998b ). mesylate in pediatric patients, Journal of the American Dental
Anesthetic efficacy of the intraosseous inj ection of 0.9 mL Association, 139(8), 1095-1 104
of 2% lidocaine ( 1 : 100,000 epinephrine) to augment an Tuncel, M., & Ram, V. C. (2003). Hypertensive emergencies:
inferior alveolar nerve block. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Etiology and management. American Journal of Cardiovascu­
Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics, 86(5), lar Drugs 3, 21-31.
516-523 . Umbreit J. (2007). Methemoglobin - it's not just blue: A concise
Replogle, K., Reader, A., Nist, R., B eck, M., Weaver, J. , & review. American Journal of Hematology, 82, 134-144.
Meyers, W. J. (1997). Anesthetic efficacy of the intra osseous Wong, J. A. (20 0 1 ) . Adjuncts to local anesthesia: Separating fact
inj ection of 2 % lidocaine ( 1 : 100,000 epinephrine) and 3 % from fiction. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 67,
mepivacaine in mandibular first molars. Oral Surgery Oral 391-397.

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* * For mandibular PDLs,
lingual sites o re easiest OJ

* * *Or, choose where Any point at is -<

wedged against root and is Associated
tissues ore a l ready
anesthetized completely confi n ed with in the periodontal liga­ periodontiu m 0
ment; blanching and the absence of bockflow --+-.
Figure 1 5-2
should be observed upon deposition (f)
1 5-3
A position in which the tip of the needle is ({)
wedged i nto the pulp chamber or root canol of None :J
the tooth to be anesthetized r-+
re 1 5-20 OJ
l ntroosseous Needles ore �
The most o icol extent of
provided with the ottoc ed mucosa t-----:----:---i---t
the half way between two :J
'--- ·
armamentari u m adjacent teeth
selected Figure 1 5- 1 2A

l ntroseptol 27, gouge shot Center of the

interdental pa pilla adja­
cent to the tooth to
be treated
Figure 1 5- 1 2 B

I n t h e center of t h e interdental b o n e adjacent

to the g i ngiva l , osseous, and/or tooth structures
to be treated
1 5- 1 2B

� •oose volumes provided a re minimum recommendations for pulpal anesthesia.

"" Modified from: 1 ) Melamed S.F., Handbook of local anesthesia, ed 5, St Louis, 2004, Mosby; 2) Jastak JT, Yagiela J.A., Donaldson D, Local anesthesia of the oral cavity.
Philadelphia, 1 995 W.B. Saunders; 3) Daniels S.J., Harfst S.A., Wilder R.S., Dental hygiene: concepts, cases and competencies, 2nd edition, St Louis, 200 7, Mosby
F i e l d of An esth es i a
Su pplemental I njections
I ntrasepta l

Teeth anesthetized :
l ntra p u l p a l
u n reliable p u l pal
Teeth an esthetized:

individual tooth p u l p
Periodonti um/Soft tissues:

at s ite o f i njectio n
soft tissues and

period onti um at
Periodonti um/Soft ti ss u e s :
site of i njection

l ntraosseuos PDL

T-th anesthetized: Teeth anesthetized :

i ndividual tooth at i ndivid ual tooth at

site of i njection s ite of i nj e ction

Pe riodontiu m/Soft tissues: Pe riod ontium/Soft tissues:

supporti n g structure s a ssociated period onti u m

i m medi ately adjace nt to

site of deposition
Courteey of:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Tro u b l esh ooti n g I n a d e q u ate
�m estm esi�a


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss t h e key terms i n t h i s c h a pte r. a b errant i n n e rvati o n s 325

a ccess o ry i n n e rvat i o n s 325
• D i sc u ss t h e p ri m a ry rea s o n s fo r i n a d e q u ate l o ca l a n esth es i a .
d i u rn a l b o d y rhyt h m 32 1
• Describe t h e physi o l og i c a l a n d a n ato m i c a l b a s i s i ntraosseo u s i njecti o n s 327
of i n a d e q u ate a n esthesi a . tachyphylaxis 324

• Deve l o p criti ca l th i n ki n g s ki l l s t o h e l p ove rco m e fru strati n g

a n est h etic c h a l l e n g es .

• Deve l o p a n d a p p l y strate g i e s fo r a d d ress i n g i n a d e q u ate

a n esth esia .

Phillipe Giradot
Some suggested reading on the topic of inadequate
P h i l l i p e G i ra d ot is a 2 2 - ye a r- o l d exch a n g e s t u ­
d e n t w h o is i n exce l l e n t h e a lth a n d m a i nta i n s a n
anesthesia incl u des:
a ct i v e r e g i m e n of p h y s i c a l a ct i v ity a n d r e g u l a r 1.L o c a l An esthesia of th e Ora l Cavityby Jastak, J. T.,
h e a lth care. Desp ite h i s d e d icati o n t o p reventi o n , Yagiela, J. A . , & Donaldson, D.
2.Inadequacy of Inferior Alveolar Ne rve Blo ck, Exp loring
by Madan, G. A., Madan, S. G . , &
h e h a s a vo i d e d reg u l a r d e n ta l ca re d u e to p a s t
th e Alterna tives
exp e r i e n ces of p a i n , p a rticu l a rly i n t h e m a n d i b l e ,
Madan, A. D.
desp ite atte m pts by at l e ast 1 0 c l i n i c i a n s to a n es­
3.Th e Inadequacy of Local A n esth esia i n Acute
th etize h i m .
Infla m m ation by Brown, R. D.
H e p rese nts with a n a g g i n g toothache i n t h e vi­
4.Th e Possible Role of th e Mylohyoid Nerve in
cin ity of # 1 9, which has a l a rg e and obvious ca rious M a n dibular Posterior Tooth Sensation by Frommer,
l e s i o n . D u ri n g q u esti o n i n g , h e avoids eye contact J., Mele, F. , & Monroe, C. J.
a n d g rips the arms of the c h a i r. With some prom pt­ 5.ln tra osseous Injection for Profo u n d A n esthesia o f the
i n g , he re l ates h i s past exp e r i e n ces with p a i n d u r­ Lower Molar by Pearce, J.
i n g d e n ta l treat m e n t a n d h is fea r of expe r i e n c i n g 6.Why Ca n 't Yo u Ach ieve Adequate Regio n a l A n esth esia
s i m i l a r p a i n . O n h i s l a st v i s it, h e reca l l s t h a t h e in th e Presence of I n fe ction ? by Najjar, T.
7.Difficu lties in Achieving Local A n esthesia by Kaufman,
E . , Weinstein, P., & Milgrom, P.
received a n u m be r of " s h ots " ( n i n e) a n d that t h e
treatment sti l l h u rt desp ite the n u m ber o f ti m es h e
8.Th e Missed Infe rior Alveolar B lo ck: A New Look a t a n
s a i d h e w a s poked with the need l e .
O l d Problem by Mill e s, M.
9.A Pilot Study of th e Clin ica l Problems of Regiona lly
An esth etizing th e Pulp of an Acutely Infla m e d
Man dib ular M o l a r by Wallace, J., Michanowicz, A . ,
I ntrod uction Mundell, R . , & Wil s on, E .
Complete reference citations are included at the end of
ti c tr
All clinicians have experienced inadequate local anesthesia • •

: . � � . � �� � ; •
(Meechan, 1999) . The term inadequate as it is applied to
local anesthesia refers to the inability to induce effective • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

conduction blockade to allow comfortable therapy. Even

when conduction blockade is effective, inadequacies can strong patient-clinician relationships, although they are
occur due to psychological factors or postoperative effects not completely successful in all circumstances.
of pain-free procedures. This latter situation illustrates that While patients may occasionally blame themselves for
local anesthetic failure from a patient perspective does not not getting numb and there may be some truth in that as­
always occur during therapy. sumption, clinicians are keenly aware that it is their respon­
Meechan summarizes the causes of local anesthetic sibility to provide adequate anesthesia. Understanding
inadequacy in which comfortable therapy is not possible that all techniques occasionally fail to provide adequate
as either clinician or patient dependent, the former related anesthesia is a key motivation in the development of strat­
more to the choice of technique and drug and the latter re­ egies to enhance success.
lated more to anatomical, psychological, and pathological Blanton and Jeske have stated that neuroanatomy is
factors (Meechan, 1999). the "key to profound local anesthesia" (Blanton & Jeske,
Most local anesthetic procedures performe d after 2003a) . Their point is liberally reinforced in the litera­
thorough patient assessment are effective, and success ture. For example, studies have reported difficulties with
rates are typically high. When profound anesthesia is inferior alveolar nerve blocks due to a bifid pattern, each
n o t achieved after an initial inj ection, repe ating the branch of the nerve having a separate foramen (Blanton &
same inj ection usually provides adequate anesthesia Jeske, 2003a; Lew & Townsend, 2006) .
although re-inj ection may also fail. In fact, despite the Failure to appreciate neuro anatomy and its variabil­
high rate of success of re-inj ection with the same tech­ ity is not the only cause of anesthetic inadequacy, however.
nique, inadequacies are seen as inevitable. The causes of Bony prominences and dense bone, atypical fascial planes,
inadequate anesthesia have been explored in numerous highly vascular areas, ligamenta! deflection, circadian
pe er-reviewed articles, some of which are suggested in (diurnal) influences (see B ox 16-2 •) , and a host of other
B ox 16-1 •. physical and chemical barriers can be responsible for anes­
When local anesthetic inadequacies occur, not only thetic inadequacy.
are the experiences painful for patients, but confidence in Although inadequate volumes of solution may be
clinicians can be undermined. Strategies to overcome in­ a cause of failure, depositing excessive volumes of so­
adequate anesthesia are useful in building and preserving lution in an attempt to overwhelm nerve membranes

AN OVA and VAS are frequentl y used research tool s when

Despite the use of al t ernati v e techniques and strategies, studying pain. Anal yses of variance assess and weigh the

there are occasions when adequate anesthesia i s not pos­ to the overall variations that have
impact of e a ch varia ble

sibl e during a particular appointment and rescheduling been demonstrated or discussed, as they relate to the
i s preferable for both clinician and patient. I f reschedul­ outcomes of studies. Vi s ual scal e s are assessment tools
ing i s agreed upon, i t has been suggested that circadian that gi ve relative information regarding the percei v ed in­
rhythms may influence an indi v idual's susceptibility to local tensity of pain. These are expressed on a scal e from 1 to 1 0,
anesthesia (Malamed, 2006; Panza, Epstein, & Ouyyumi, wi t h 1 representing no pain and 1 0 representing the worst
1 991 ). The term is frequentl y used pain the patient has ever experienced. See Chapter 2,
d i u r n a l body rhythm
to describe the variable response to drugs during different "Fundamental s of Pain Management," for an example of a
times of a day (Meechan, 1999). A S h·e· • •

In the event of unsuccessful anesthesia, rescheduling : . � . : : V:��:-.8���� ���:� ��;� .�a�i�� .s.c�/�: ..... •
an appointment during a di fferent time of day could prove
useful (Malamed, 2006). For exampl e , i f the failed appoint-
ment occurred in the afternoon, a morning appointment pain control. Tabulated results may be used to formulate

c d ug t •

: . ��� . �� � . :�� �� .
and corroborate conclusions.
• • • • • • • • • • • . • • Specific measures selected in studies to assess the ab­
• • • • • • • • • • •

sence of pain vary as well and include the use of electric

pulp testing applied to teeth at specific reporting intervals
compromises safety. Clinicians can achieve more reliable and reports of pain experienced during procedures. Still
success by understanding barriers that may be present and others rely on evaluator and cohort interviews, reaction
developing their skills with alternative techniques. surveys, or both (Certosimo & Archer, 1996) .
This chapter explores strategies for successful local However success is defined, troubleshooting anes­
anesthesia and factors relating to inadequate anesthesia, thetic inadequacy is an important clinical skill. The dis­
and possible causes, as well as approaches to overcome cussion of possible causes and strategies that follows is
them. While alternative techniques will be identified in this intended to provide insights for troubleshooting local an­
chapter for each factor discussed, specific details for per­ esthetic inadequacies and to highlight the most common
forming these techniques will be found in Chapters 12-15, categories. Although suggestions in this discussion have
" Inj ections for Maxillary Pain Control I," " Inj ections for been drawn from multiple sources, it is acknowledged that
Maxillary Pain Control II - Palatal Approach," "Inj ections experienced clinicians may employ additional, successful
for Mandibular Pain Control," and "Supplemental Tech­ strategies that are not included here.
niques and Adjunctive Strategies."
Ad m i n istration-Related Factors
Defi n i n g Success Local anesthetic success may be influenced by a number
The term successful, similar to the term inadequate, has been of factors. Those related to the administration include
used in many different ways when discussing local anesthe­ delivery devices, drugs, and clinical judgment.
sia, making it difficult to arrive at a generally accepted def­
inition. For example, does success have the same meaning Device-Related Factors
to clinicians and patients? Were procedures accomplished In general, the devices used for administration of local an­
comfortably or were they accomplished despite some dis­ esthetics include syringes, cartridges, and needles. While
comfort? Was pain experienced early in an appointment there are numerous inj ection devices available, most have
or later, after initial satisfactory levels of pain control? little impact on anesthetic success. Additionally, there are
Problematic in any discussion of successful pain control very few needle-related issues in most procedures.
is that the pain experience is subj ective, as discussed in The following discussions are examples of rare device­
Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of Pain Management." related factors that can contribute to inadequacy.
Published studies use a variety of phrases such as the
absence ofpain, no pain during therapy, well-tolerated, and Needle Bevel Considerations
comp letely successful, describing results with modifiers Although needle bevel orientations are considered by
such as most, many, and compared with others. Analyses most to be non-critical factors related to anesthesia,
of variance (ANOVA) and visual scales (VAS) are used success-specific orientations are recommended in some
to analyze, quantify, and report on pain or its absence (see techniques (Daniel & Harfst, 2007; Malamed, 20 13). Some
Box 16-3 •). Clinically reproducible results assess the effi­ consider it beneficial to make bevel adjustments in order
cacy of techniques, drugs, and behavioral modifications in to place anesthetic solutions as close as possible to target

nerves. In deeper penetrations, when bevel orientations responses to local anesthetic drugs, and the length of
are ignore d , deflections away from targets may occur. anticipated treatment.
(Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . For example, some recommend that
bevels in Vazirani-Akinosi techniques face the midline, Volume Considerations According to Anatomy
away from the mandible, in order to facilitate deflection The total volume of anesthetic drug administered must
toward the mandible (Malamed, 20 13). be adequate to flood targeted neural membranes. Certain
techniques, such as the Gow-Gates mandibular nerve
Needle Deflection Considerations
block, require greater initial volumes for sufficient diffu­
The higher the gauge of needles, the greater their flex­ sion to the target area. Others, such as buccal nerve blocks,
ibility and deflection in tissues (Robison et al . , 1984) . where solution is placed directly over the nerve, require
Although many clinicians choose to use 27-gauge needles very little solution.
out of concern for patient comfort (even though this bene­
fit has not been corroborated) , a 25-gauge needle does not Volume Considerations According to Individual
deflect as much in deeper penetrations (Hamburg, 1972;
Malamed, 2006) . Although deflection is common when
Individual responses to local anesthetic drugs are also im­
deposition sites are some distance from penetration sites,
portant. For example, an individual who states "I always
problems with inadequate anesthesia due to deflection are
take more" or "That stuff lasts forever on me" provides
uncommon (Malamed, 20 13).
valuable information that is not available from physical
Quality o f Cartridge Contents assessment. When planning drug doses, patient concerns
should be addressed.
On rare occasions, anesthetic solutions may fall below min­
imum standards for clinical effectiveness. Cartridges of lo­
cal anesthetics with vasoconstrictors are expected to have Volume Considerations According to Length of
a minimum limit of 90 % of the vasoconstrictor effective Anticipated Treatment
and a pH of no lower than 3 . 3 in order to be considered Volumes administered should take into account the length
reliably effective (Lew & Townsend, 2006; Panza, Epstein, of anticipated tre atment. Thirty minutes of soft-tissue
& Quyyumi, 1991). Despite excellent industry standards, at anesthesia will often require less volume compared with
least one study demonstrated that entire batches of drugs 1 hour of pulpal anesthesia in the same area . It is im­
have at times fallen below these thresholds when tested portant to establish adequate anesthesia for procedures
immediately upon receipt (Lew & Townsend, 2006; Panza, involving roots structures particularly in hygiene therapy.
Epstein, & Quyyumi, 1991). Although there is no easy and Anesthesia of s oft tissues alone may not be adequate
practical way for offices and clinics to test cartridges for without durable pulpal anesthesia.
meeting minimum standards when they arrive, if a par­
ticular batch is repeatedly failing to provide profound and
durable anesthesia, replacement should be considered. Ps y cholog ica l Barriers
It is important to understand that anesthetic solu­ Some of the most frustrating local anesthetic inadequacies
tion integrity and efficacy are not solely the responsibil­ can be attributed to psychological factors. In the absence
ity of the manufacturer. It is more likely that damage to of any known physiological or anatomical factors, some
solutions occurred during shipping, handling, or storage. patients may relate that local anesthesia is not very ef­
Product storage facilities and end users must avoid ex­ fective for them, whereas others report an excessive fear
treme temperatures and improper handling and storage. of inj ections. Others are fearful of specific aspects of in­
Solutions should be stored in dark, room-temperature jections, such as having no personal control, the fact that
locations. needles are involved, fear of insufficient anesthesia, or of
Unfortunately, the antioxidant preservatives that are long-lasting residual anesthesia and are expressed by some
necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the vasocon­ as phobias. For further discussion on inj ection phobias, see
strictor also lower the pH of solutions. In general, the lon­ Chapter 18, " Insights for Fearful Patients." Some psycho­
ger a solution containing vasoconstrictors is stored before logical barriers are hard to assess, as discussed in the ex­
use, the greater the degradation of the drugs in the solu­ ample in Box 16-4 •·
tion and the higher its acidity. Not only is acidified solution
less likely to produce profound anesthesia, but it is more
likely to produce discomfort during administration. Physica l and Chem ica l Barriers
Many physical and chemical barriers can interfere with
Clinician Judgment successful anesthesia by decreasing the concentrations of
In order to provide profound anesthesia, adequate vol­ drugs at targeted areas of nerve membranes. This most
umes of solution must be deposited to block nerve im­ commonly occurs due to physical barriers such as liga­
pulses. Volumes necessary vary depending on the anatomy ments and fascia, which can deflect solutions and due to
of the area into which solution is deposited , individual chemical changes in the tissues such as decreases in pH.

Chemical Barriers to Successful Anesthesia

Chemical barriers include those existing in the tissues
before inj ection and those caused by injury to tissues dur­

A si t uation that devel o ped in a pri v ate office illustrates the ing inj ection. Inflammation in the area of inj ection from
inexplicable nature of some barriers in denti stry. Following any cause lowers pH, which can prevent the formation of
eight inferior al v eolar injections, with three different drugs, sufficient numbers of base molecules. See Box 16-5 • for
a pati e nt continued to report inadequate anesthesia of the further discussion on the impact of inflammation. Vascular
mandibular quadrant. Both clinician and patient agreed to inj ury may flood deposition sites and surrounding areas,
reschedule. thereby diluting anesthetic solutions and lowering pH as
After making a second appointment, the pati e nt walked the inflammatory response is triggered.
to her car. As she inserted the key into the lock she fel t as if
"lightning had struck". Signifi c ant signs and symptoms of
anesthesi a devel o ped immediatel y. She went back into the
office and the procedure was completed that day.
Al t hough it remains to be explained whether this
was a physiol o gical or psychol o gical reaction, when ap­
proached with the problem, two experts, a cogni t i v e psy­ The presence of inflammation adversel y affects the success
chol o gist and a neurologist, offered the following possible of l o cal anestheti c injections. Two common explanations
explanations: for this phenomenon are increased vascular permeability,
1 . The neurologist suggested that it was a psychol o gi­ which promotes systemic absorption of drugs and de­
cal reaction stemming from the patient's anxiety over creases their concentrations, and increased tissue acidity
treatment that day. Once it was determined that treat­ (acidosi s ), which limi ts the number of neutral base mol­
ment would not take place, the anestheti c took effect. ecul e s available to penetrate nerve membranes. The l o ss
2. The cogni t i v e psychol o gi st suggested that it was a of anestheti c effecti v eness in the presence of inflammation
physiol o gical reaction brought on by the metal -to­ relies heavil y on the latter explanation that an acidic envi­
metal contact as the key was placed in the lock. ronment i s created during inflammation and suppresses
the production of neutral base molecules.
A third explanation i s that the two events were coincidental Changes in pH due to inflammation have been
an t t n e �l �a s e es h e i characteri z ed as bri e f and relati v el y minimal (Brown, 1 981 ;
� • � . � � � � : � � � : : ��� � �� . : � � �� . � � : �� . � . � �··

Ueno, et al., 2008). In addit ion, ti s sues are thought to
have significant buffering capaci t i e s and rather than being
diminished during inflammation, these capaci t i e s appear
Physical Barriers to Successful Anesthesia
to be enhanced (Brown, 1 981 ; Capogna et al . , 1 995;
Dense bony prominences, shallow vestibules, dilacerations, Quinn, 1 998; Rood, 1 977; Tsuchi y a et al., 2007; Ueno, et al.,
and soft tissues such as ligaments can physically block so­ 2008).
lutions or deflect them away from ideal deposition sites. The assumption that elevated hydrogen ion concen­
Shallow vestibules and bony prominences may prevent tration during inflammation i s the primary cause of l o cal
adequate diffusion in infiltrations. Palatal dilacerations anestheti c ineffecti v eness has been challenged by some
researchers. Ueno, Mi z ogami, et al. (2008) state that "ti s sue
acidosis i s not essentiall y responsibl e for the l o cal anes­
can increase bony distances through which solutions must
diffuse to reach root apices. Ligaments can deflect solu­
thetic failure associated wi t h inflammation." They speculate
tions away from ideal sites. Inferior alveolar nerve blocks
that non-hydrogen substances, including some negativel y
may be unsuccessful when needle penetration is too me­
charged ions produced by inflammatory cells known as
dial or too shallow, or the sphenomandibular ligament
peroxyni t ri t es, may be responsible for local anestheti c inef­
deflects solution away from the nerve (Jastak, Yagiela, fecti v eness in infl a med ti s sues (Tsuchiya et al., 2007; Ueno,
& D onaldson, 1995b, 1995c) . During infiltrations, fascial Mi z ogami, et al . , 2008; Ueno, Tsuchi y a, et al . , 2008).
planes may create similar barriers and may be responsible Sodium bicarbonate, the innate buffering agent used
when ideal deposition sites fail to provide profound anes­ by ti s sues to maintain normal pH l e vel s , when added to
thesia. D ense bone overlying the roots of teeth and bony l o cal anestheti c cartri d ges has been demonstrated to de­
curvatures create greater bony distances between depo­ crease the onset time and pai n associated wi t h injections
and to increase the depth of anesthesia (Malamed & Falkel,
201 2). There i s al s o specul a tion that carbon dioxide liber­
sition sites and nerves. This may prevent solutions from
reaching the nerves in sufficient quantity to produce pro­
ated during the buffering process has an earl y anesthetic
found anesthesia. Unusually small foramina can prevent or
effect due to rapid diffusion through nerve sheaths and may
limit the volume of local anesthetic solution that can pass
be responsible for the faster onsets observed (Catch love,
through the opening. This may occur with the infraorbital
1 972). The brief but immediate effect of raising the pH of
(IO) and incisive nerve blocks where it is necessary that injected ti s sues i s speculated to be responsible for the
solution diffuse through foramina for success. Regional demonstrated efficacy of buffering solutions even in inflam­
nerve blocks and intraosseous inj ections (such as the peri­ matory environments (Tsuchiya et al., 2007; Ueno, et al.,
20 )
odontal ligament [PD L] ) can overcome the maj ority of
these obstacles. � . . �� �• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Vascular inj ury may play an important role in the In local anesthesia, tachyphylaxis refers to the inad­
following example: When an initial inj ection with a local an­ equacy of subsequent administrations of local anesthetics
esthetic containing a vasoconstrictor such as 2% lidocaine (in the same appointment) to prolong the duration, extent,
with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine proves unsuccessful, many cli­ and intensity of the anesthetic effect (Lipfert, 1989) . This
nicians follow with another inj ection of 2% lidocaine with phenomenon can also be described as occurring after pre­
epinephrine. Using sodium bicarbonate ( O nset™, On­ viously profound anesthesia has been achieved.
pharma, Los Gatos, CA) can decrease the time of onset and Tachyphylaxis is most likely to occur once anesthe­
increase the potential for success of the repeat inj ection. tized tissues have returned to normal levels of sensation
See Box 16-6 • for further discussion on buffering local an­ (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . The most successful re-administrations
esthetics. Taking into consideration the potential change in of local anesthetic drugs are those delivered before the
pH, another alternate approach that addresses the lowered return of any sensations (Malamed, 20 13).
pH would be to re-inj ect using a drug with a higher pH The causes of tachyphylaxis include localized tissue
such as 3 % mepivacaine plain. See Box 16-7 • for further edema in the area of inj ection and localized hemorrhage,
discussion of this strategy. Techniques to overcome barriers both of which prevent sufficient concentrations of base
of inflammation include the use of alternate inj ections such molecules near the nerves for anesthesia to develop suc­
as nerve blocks instead of infiltrations, intraosseous tech­ cessfully (Lipfert, 1989; Lipfert, Holthusen, & Arndt, 1989;
niques, and intrapulpal anesthesia. In endodontic therapy, Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . For further discussion of tachyphylaxis,
higher concentrations of epinephrine are sometimes useful. see Box 16-8 •·
TACH Y P H Y LAXIS In general terms, tachyphylaxis is syn­
onymous with what is known as rapid drug tolerance, the
need for increasing doses in order to achieve similar thera­ Anatom ical Va riations
peutic effects. This is what occurs, for example, when in­ Unexpected anatomical variations that are neither vis­
dividuals require 60 mg of codeine in order to achieve an ible nor palpable can sabotage even the most careful
equivalent pain relief previously provided by 30 mg. technique. If root anatomy has been accurately assessed

The introduction of a buffering system for dental l o cal an­ A typical cartridge of l i docaine wi t h epinephrine
estheti c cartridges (Onpharma's Onset) has brought about contains onl y 1 molecule of de-ioni z ed anestheti c for
improvements in the areas of reducing the onset times and every 1 0,000 molecules of ioni z ed anestheti c . . . cl o ser
depth of anesthesia and the pain that i s often associated to physiol o gic pH, more de-ioni z ed anestheti c i s pres­
wi t h l o cal anestheti c injections (Burns et al., 2006; Malamed ent . . . At . . . physiologic pH . . . there i s 2,500x more
& Falkel, 201 2; Talu et al., 2001 ). Al t hough medicine has of the acti v e form of the anestheti c available than at
benefited for years from the ability to buffer anesthetic pH 3.9 [the typi c al pH of lidocaine that is recei v ed
solutions before use, dental admini s trations have been from suppl i ers]. http: //
complicated by the otherwi s e overall convenience of the html, accessed March 1, 201 4.
dental cartridge system. Cartridge deli v ery has discour­ Mechanisms for local anesthetic-related pain, thought
aged practi c al methods of buffering while preserving the to be primarily due to acidity, and the positive effects
integri ty and efficacy of the drugs. Onpharma's Onset mi x­ of buffering on that pain remain unclear. Studies have
ing system has resol v ed this challenge (see Figure 1 6-1 •). demonstrated that sodium bicarbonate buffering wi t h
As previ o usl y expl a i n ed in Chapter 4, "Pharmacol o gy Ba­ the Onset system reduces the experience of injection
si cs," it is the neutral base or non-ionized l o cal anesthetic mol ­ pain. It has been speculated that buffering may act to
ecul es that penetrate nerve membranes. Neutral base forms reduce pain either by decreasing the amount of tissue
of l o cal anesthetic mol e cul e s are consi d ered to be 4000 times irritation that occurs after injection or by allowing faster
more l i pid sol u bl e compared to cationic forms (Mal a med & onset of anesthesia, which blocks nerve impulse gen­
Falkel , 2012). Two percent li d ocaine with epinephri n e, the onl y eration and conduction more rapidly than when buffers
drug for which instructions are provi d ed when usi n g Onset's are not used.
sodium bi c arbonate bufferi n g system, has a pH of 3. 3-5. 0 . In addi t ion to these mechanisms, carbon dioxide
Thi s i s well bel ow tissue or physiol o gic pH of 7.4 due to the produced when combining l o cal anesthetic solutions
addit i o n of sodium bi s ulfite preservatives that are necessary to with sodium bicarbonate has been demonstrated to have
prevent vasoconstrictor oxi d ati o n and shortened shel f life. an independent anesthetic effect on tissues (Catch love,
To cl a ri fy the impact of comparati v el y l o w pH values, 1 972; Condouris & Shakalis, 1 964; Malamed & Falkel,
Onpharma has added the following perspecti v es to its 201 2; Raymond, Wong, & Strichartz, 1 989). Studies have
websi t e:* speculated that carbon dioxide produced from this
combination increases the overall comfort of lidocaine
i je i s

* Excerpt from " S ci e n ce o f B u ffer i n g L i d oca i n e with Ep i nephri n e " •

: : � � • � • • : .� �� :�� � � . . � . �� � � :
l i s ed b
n a n
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The weakest vasodilator of all dental l o cal anesthetic

drugs is 3% mepi v acaine, which makes i t a useful drug
when vasoconstrictors cannot be used. Its usefulness may
On , <:t r" r ,.,a
Buffe ring Guid e

also apply beyond that abili ty. I f an ini t ial injection of 2%

lidocaine is followed with 3% mepivacaine, there may
be an increasing likelihood of success for the following
1 . There is 50% more drug per volume of a 3% solution
(30 mg/ml) compared wi t h 2% solutions (20 mg/ml),
providing a greater suppl y of base molecul e s.
(A) 2. Depositing 3% mepi v acaine raises the pH at the de­
position si t e. Each pH increase of amounts to a one
decrease in available hydrogen ions, provi d ­
i n g a greater supply of base molecules. Because i t is
the base form of the l o cal anestheti c molecule that
di ff uses through the nerve membrane, conduction
blockades may be enhanced. The time i t takes for
the innate tissue-buffering process to return tissues
to normal pH (7 .4) is al s o important when discussing
the differences between the injections of l o w pH and
high pH solutions. Following an injection of a low pH
solution (e.g., 3.5), it takes a longer time to return to
a normal pH of 7.4 compared wi t h the time required
after an injection of a high pH solution (e.g., 6.0).
From a practical standpoint, when comparing the in­
jection of a l o cal anestheti c solution with a relati v el y
low pH to one wi t h a relati v el y high pH, the high pH
(B) drug wil l be effective sooner (Malamed, 201 3). The pH
of 3% mepi v acaine varies from 4.5 to 6.8, and the pH
of 2% lidocaine, 1 :1 00,000, epinephrine varies from
3.3 to 5.5.
3. The mepiv acaine administration takes advantage of
the vasoconstri ction of the l o cal vessels already in
pl a ce due to the epinephrine in the lidocaine solution,

: . .
and mepivacaine's duration is enhanced.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

and all other factors have been observed, fascial planes

may cause inadequate anesthesia. Fascial planes can
deflect solution away from ideal deposition sites, result­
ing in inadequate volumes of solution to achieve anesthe­
sia. Conversely, depositing in a less-than-ideal site may
achieve success due to fascial planes that direct solution
(C) to the intended target.
FIGURE 1 6-1 Onset Buffering System. A- The Onset system
provides cartridges of sodium bicarbonate, a unique mixing Atypical Innervation Patterns
device, and a clinical dosing guide. B - The components needed Innervation p atterns are reliable from an anatomical
to buffer dental local anesthetics include the proprietary mix­ standpoint. Although this is generally true, there are some
ing pen, cartridge connector, cartridge of sodium bicarbonate, variations that are expected and some that are entirely
and a standard cartridge of anesthetic. C - Once assembled, the unexpected. Unexpected variations are highly unusual
mixing pen allows a small volume of anesthetic to be replaced and are referred to as aberrant innervations. Accessory
by sodium bicarbonate. The cartridge of anesthetic must then be innervations may be defined as typical, and therefore ex­
used immediately. pected, variations.

addressing accessory innervation are well recognized and

include those that address incomplete anesthesia in spe­
cific areas of the maxilla and mandible.

Some authors report that tachyphylaxi s occurs only Considerations for Inadequate Maxillary
infrequently, whereas others believe i t occurs in almost
every repeated injection to some extent. Al t hough in some Anesthesia

instances drug tol e rance can be adequatel y explained, the This s e ction will discuss factors unique to maxillary
mechanisms of tachyphylaxi s are not well understood in techniques.
l o cal anesthesia. These mechanisms do not appear to be
related to mode of administration, technique variations, PSA N E RVE BLOCK Some branches of the posterior supe­

or indi v idual drug characteri stics, including whether or not rior alveolar nerve enter the maxilla medial to the usual
the drugs are short or l o ng acting. Specul a tion has cen­ location and innervate the palatal roots of molars and, occa­
tered on pharmacokinetics more than pharmacodynamics sionally, premolars (Blanton & Jeske, 2003a; DuBrul, 1980) .
(Lipfert, 1989). Some sources suggest that fibers from the greater palatine
Diminished response to addi t ional doses of local an­ nerve also provide similar accessory innervation (Meechan,
estheti cs does not appear to resul t from reduced effecti v e­ 1999). Regardless of the source of the accessory innervation,
ness of the drugs at the nerve membrane. On the contrary,
the drugs have been shown to actuall y increase in effec­
a greater palatine nerve block will effectively anesthetize

ti v eness with repeated administrations (Lipfert, Hol t husen,

atypical branches and remedy incomplete anesthesia of af­

& Arndt, 1989). The onl y certainty is that the l a ck of under­

fected maxillary molars and premolars.
standing of this phenomenon does li ttl e to l e ssen frustra­ PDL inj ections are also effective in this situation. It is
tion among clinicians and patients. suggested that three to four sites will provide the best cov­
Tachyphyl a xi s i s most likely to occur once anesthe­ erage of maxillary molars, with at least one site located on
ti z ed ti s sues have returned to normal level s of sensation the palatal aspect of the tooth. It has been suggested that
(Malamed, 201 3). The most successful re-administrations articaine is useful in PSA blocks or associated PDL inj ec­
of l o cal anestheti c drugs are those deli v ered before the tions due to its more effective diffusion to the palatal roots
return of sensations (Malamed, 201 3).
any (Lima-Junior et al. , 2009) .
Possible causes of tachyphyl axi s in l o cal anesthesia
incl u de decreases in l o cal tissue pH, edema, l o cal hemor­ M SA N E RV E B L O C K Middle superior alveolar nerves
rhage, and cl ot formation (Malamed, 201 3). Inadvertent are missing in a significant percentage of the population.
puncture of a vessel , for example, may resul t in l o cali z ed Clinicians are aware of this variant and adapt by routinely
bleeding into the ti s sues, and the resul t ant pool of blood
may present a physi c al barrier. The same puncture may
administering an infiltration over the mesiobuccal root of

al s o dilute the solution to a l e ss than therapeutic concen-

the maxillary first molar (Blanton & Jeske, 2003a; DuBrul,

t ati ( � e 0 1 ) • 1980; Jastak, Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995a; Loetscher &

: . : . � � . � � ��. � � � . : : • • • • • • . •• . • . • • . • . • • • • • •
Walton, 1988) .

ASA N E RVE B LOCK The anterior superior alveolar nerve

Aberrant Innervations block is a highly successful procedure but is subj ect to two
maj or sources of inadequate anesthesia. The first is an­
Most inadequacies due to aberrant innervations result
terior cross-innervation in which the incisors of one side
in a complete lack of anesthesia of the targeted tissues.
may receive fibers from the contralateral ASA nerve. To
Often these situations can never be fully explained; for
achieve complete anesthesia, one of the following options
example, consider a patient who reports never experi­
should be considered:
encing anesthesia to the mandible regardless of the local
anesthetic techniques used. It is possible that this patient 1. Infiltration over the same side central incisor (benefi­
is receiving aberrant innervation from nerve fibers origi­ cial for pulpal and soft-tissue therapy)
nating in other than the trigeminal ganglion . Although 2. Contralateral ASA nerve block
controversial, it has been speculated that some patients
3. P-ASA nerve block
may receive innervations to the mandible from the cervi­
cal nerves. The second occurs when bone in the anterior max­
Overcoming inadequacy due to aberrant innervation illa is unusually dense, the vestibule has very little vertical
requires alternative techniques that bypass them. The ma­ height, or the maxilla has an exaggerated curvature over
j ority of aberrant innervation inadequacies, for example, the roots of the teeth. All may result in deposition too far
can be addressed with PDL inj ections. from the nerve. B oth IO and ASA nerve blocks anesthe­
tize the ASA nerve while the IO nerve block also typically
Accessory Innervations anesthetizes the MSA, when present. The inability to block
Incomplete anesthesia is a common consequence of acces­ the ASA nerve through infiltration can be remedied by
sory innervation (Blanton & Jeske, 2003a). Strategies for performing an IO nerve block.

Another alternative is the AMSA nerve block that administered in the superior segment of the pterygo­
effectively anesthetizes the anterior and middle superior mandibular space and Vazirani-Akinosi blocks, which
alveolar nerves and palatal tissues from the anterior mid­ are administered intermediately between the lA and
line through the first and, in some cases, the second molar. Gow-Gates deposition sites (see Figure 14-45) .
PDLs are also an effective alternative. They are suc­
cessful for most teeth, however may be less effective for Considerations for lntraosseous Anesthesia
canines with unusually long roots. Intraosseous injections that involve perforations of cor­
tical plates of bone are useful in overcoming inadequate
PALATAL I N N E RVAT I O N OF M AXI LLARY CE NTRAL I N CI S O R S anesthesia. Unlike PDL inj ections, intraosseous inj ections
It has been demonstrated that fibers of the nasopala­ require perforation of the overlying periosteum and corti­
tine nerve may j oin with the maxillary dental plexus to cal plate of bone before deposition. This allows solution
innervate the central incisors. In order to achieve com­ to diffuse directly through spongy alveolar bone to the
plete maxillary central incisor anesthesia, an NP nerve dental plexuses in the area. As discussed in Chapter 1 5 ,
block may be required (Blanton & Jeske, 2003a). A PDL " S upplemental Techniques a n d Adj unctive Strategies,"
inj ection may also achieve complete anesthesia in this specialized intraosseous devices and handpieces pro­
situation. vide access to the spongy bone underlying cortical plates.
These techniques appear to be most effective when initial
Considerations for Inadequate Mandibular anesthesia (pre-anesthesia) is already in effect (Malamed,
Anesthesia 20 13).
This s e ction discusses factors unique to mandibular
I ntravascu lar I njection
lA nerve blocks
I N F E R I O R A LV E O LA R N E RV E B L O C K Intravascular inj ections can contribute t o failed anesthesia
have a relatively high incidence of inadequate anesthesia because solutions are deposited directly into vessels and
(Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Subj ective signs and symptoms of an­ removed from intended target areas. Performing multiple
esthesia may be misleading. D espite a profound sense of aspirations and aspirations in more than one plane will
anesthesia, adequate anesthesia may be absent. Possible minimize this possibility.
reasons include accessory innervations to pulps from
(Blanton & Jeske, 2003b; Moini, 2008) :
1. Mylohyoid nerves I nfla m m ation
2. Buccal nerves Local anesthetic drugs are packaged primarily i n cationic
form. As they diffuse through healthy tissues with pH val­
3. Lingual nerves
ues near 7.4, base molecule concentrations increase. In the
4. Contralateral incisive and mental nerves presence of inflammation, base molecule formation may
5. Sensory fibers traveling with the motor fibers of the be significantly diminished. Insufficient numbers of base
muscles of mastication molecules for adequate penetration of nerve membranes
6. Bifid inferior alveolar nerves may result in inadequate or nonexistent anesthesia. Using
nerve blocks to avoid areas of inflammation usually over­
7. B ranches from the cervical plexus (to the anterior
comes these chemical barriers. When blocks are either
impossible or ineffective, comfortable therapy may not
Perhaps the most documented of the accessory in­ be possible. The greatest challenges to profound anesthe­
nervations is from the mylohyoid nerve, the incidence of sia may present when treating highly inflamed ("hot")
which has been reported as approximating 60 % (Blanton teeth requiring endodontic therapy. Intraosseous and
& Jeske, 2003a). For information on performing a supple­ intrapulpal techniques and/or higher concentrations of
mental mylohyoid nerve block, see the mylohyoid nerve drugs may be the only recourse if pain relief is urgent and
block technique in Box 14-8. is impossible to achieve through commonly used blocks
PDL inj ections are invaluable in the mandible and and infiltrations. Pre - anesthesia is recommended for
may overcome nearly all of the challenges mentioned pre­ these inj ections. Some sources state that pre-anesthesia
viously. Although PDL inj ections are useful as a primary does not increase success rates, whereas others describe
technique, they are perhaps even more useful as supple­ pre-anesthesia as necessary for reliable success (Blanton
mental techniques when other techniques have failed. & Jeske, 2003b; Cannell & Cannon, 1976; Kleber, 2003;
PDL inj ections of mandibular second molars can provide Lilienthal, 1975 ; Pearce, 1976 ) . For optimal patient com­
effective mandibular blocks in some situations. fort, pre-anesthesia seems a reasonable approach when
Other helpful techniques for overcoming acce s ­ the rationale for performing an intraosseous inj ection is
sory innervation are Gow-Gates nerve blocks, which are to control pain.

Phillipe Giradot
Aft e r a c h i ev i n g p a i n re l i ef with a n i n fe r i o r a l veo l a r Alth o u g h it is l i ke l y fro m his descri ptio n that P D L
n e rve b l ock, a n e l ectric p u l p teste r confirmed that a n ­ i njecti o n s h a d b e e n atte m pted p revio u s l y, tech n i q u e
esthesia was n ot p rofo u n d o n # 1 9 . Alth o u g h t h e l i p c o n s i d e ra t i o n s a re critica l fo r routi n e s u ccess. T h e
a n d c h i n were n u m b, # 1 9 was not. d e g ree o f d iscomfo rt h e exp e r i e n ced afte r receiving
The G ow - G ates n e rve b l o c k p rov i d e d a w i d e r sh ots i n the g u ms i n d icates that they may h ave been
a re a of a n est h e s i a b e c a u s e t h e a n est h et i c s o l u t i o n performed tra u m atica l ly, with excessive p ressu res and
was d e posited m u ch h i g h e r i n t h e pte ryg o m a n d i b u ­ too q u ickly.
l a r s p a ce, we l l a b ove t h e l ocatio n fo r lA b l ocks. T h e P h i l l i p e was g ratefu l for what he te rmed the o n ly
e nti re tru n k o f t h e i n fe r i o r a lveo l a r n e rve w a s a n es ­ comforta b l e d e n ta l a p p o i nt m e n t h e h a d eve r expe­
t h e t i z e d , i n c l u d i n g t h e m y l o hyo id a n d l i n g u a l n e rve r i e n ced and h e made a p p o i nt m e nts to ret u r n fo r his
fi b e rs (a n d u s u a l l y t h e b u cca l n e rve fi b e rs ) , a n y of routi n e care.
w h i c h co u l d h ave p rovided a ccessory i n n e rvat i o n to Case Discussion: I t is u n l i ke l y that this p a t i e n t
tooth # 1 9 . received s u bsta n d a rd a n esth e s i a . T h e n u m be r of c l i ­
M r. G i ra d ot d i d n o t re m e m b e r h a v i n g to k e e p n i c i a n s atte m pt i n g a n esth e s i a , a l o n e , s u g g ests t h a t
h i s m o uth o p e n after t h e p rev i o u s i nj e cti o n s , w h i c h d iffe rent a p p roaches were atte m pted . N o n e had been
w a s a g o o d i n d i ca t i o n t h a t a G ow - G ates h a d n o t effective. In order to dete rm i n e whether o r n ot a p a r­
b e e n atte m pted . H e c o o p e rated we l l , a n d t h e p ro ­ ticu l a r tech n i q u e has been atte m pted in the past, it is
c e d u re w a s c o m p l et e d u s i n g 2 % l i d o c a i n e w i t h h e l pfu l to q u estion patie nts reg a rd i n g aspects of tech­
1 : 1 00,000 e p i n e p h ri n e . With i n 1 0 m i n utes, h e n i q u es t h at d iffe r fro m lA n e rve b l ock tech n i q ues. I n
stated t h a t h e h a d n e v e r b e e n t h at n u m b i n h i s l ife M r. G i radot's case, he d i d not reca l l kee ping h i s m o uth
a n d t h e e l e c t r i c p u l p teste r c o n fi r m e d p rofo u n d open after any i njecti ons. He did rem e m be r sh ots be­
a n esth esi a . side the tooth and that the sites h u rt a l ot afterwa rd .

� h. c:l.P.t.� r. . 9.LJ.��� i () .rl � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . _ _
4. Possible successful approaches when an inferior
alveolar nerve block fails to provide complete and
1 . Inadequate anesthesia may typically be caused by all profound pulpal anesthesia are:
of the following, except: a. PDL inj ections
a. Accessory innervation b. Mylohyoid nerve blocks
b. Inflammation c. Gow-Gates blocks
c. Poor manufacturing processes d. All of the above
d. Freezing of cartridges during shipping 5. Two inj ections of 2% lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000 epineph­
2. Infiltration (supraperiosteal) anesthesia over the rine (total lidocaine = 72 mg) have failed to provide
apex of #9 has failed to achieve adequate anesthesia. adequate anesthesia. Useful supplemental alterna­
Which one of the following is not a likely possibility? tives, regardless of the location or technique, include
a. Cross-over innervation from the contralateral ASA all of the following, except:
b. Bony obstructions a. 3 % mepivacaine
c. Dense bone b. PDL inj ections
d. Unseen inflammation c. Mylohyoid blocks
d. 2% mepivacaine, 1 :20,000 levonordefrin
3. The relative acidity of tissues into which anesthetic
drugs are inj ected is related to the efficacy of a drug 6. By which of the following mechanisms do intraosse­
in the following manner: ous techniques work?
a. An excess of hydrogen atoms enhances neutral a. They are propelled through tissues to nerves and
base molecule formation nerve trunks
b. A pH-driven increase in cationic concentrations b. They rapidly diffuse through bony tissue to nerve
decreases the rate of success trunks
c. A pH-driven increase in cationic concentrations in­ c. They slowly diffuse through bony tissue to nerve
creases the rate of success trunks
d. A decrease in pH increases the number of neutral d. They slowly diffuse through bony tissue to dental
base molecules plexuses

7. Where is the deposition site for the Gow-Gates nerve Kaufman, E., Weinstein, P., & Milgram, P. (1984). Difficulties in
block located relative to the inferior alveolar nerve achieving local anesthesia. Journal of the American Dental
block? Association, 108, 205 .

a. At the same level in the pterygomandibular space Kleber, C. H. (2003, April). Intraosseous anesthesia.
Implications, instrumentation and techniques. Journal of
b. At a higher level in the pterygomandibular space
the American Dental Association, 487-491.
c. B elow the inferior alveolar nerve block
Lew, K., & Townsend, G. (2006) . Inadequacy to obtain ad­
d. B elow the Vazirani-Akinosi block but above the equate anesthesia associated with a bifid canal: A case report.
IA block Australian Dental Journal, 51 (1 ), 86-90.

8. Some nerve blocks require far greater volumes of Lilienthal, B. (1975). A clinical appraisal of intra osseous dental
anesthesia. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology, 39(5),
solution compared with others.
a. True
Lima-Junior, J. L., Dias-Ribeire, E., de Arauj o, T. N. , Perreira­
b. False Rocha, J., Honfi-Junior, E. S., Sarmento, C. F., Sea bra, F. R.,
de Sousa Mdo, S. (2009). Evaluation of the buccal vestibule­
palatal diffusion of 4% articaine hydrochloride in impacted
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Loca l An esth esi a Com p l i catio n s

a til d M a til a g·e·rmr e r.ut!


• D efi n e a n d d i scuss t h e key terms i n t h i s c h a pte r. adverse eve n ts 332

a dverse rea ct i o n s 332
• I d e ntify a n d d i scuss t h e m ost co m m o n adverse loca l eve n ts
ageusia 339
that m a y occu r d u ri n g a n d afte r l o ca l a n esthetic d ru g
a n g i o e d e m a 349
a d m i n i strati o n s . co m p l ications 332
• I d e ntify a n d d i scuss t h e cate g o ries of adverse systemic dysest h e s i a 339
events that m a y occu r d u ri n g a n d afte r l o ca l a n esth etic d ru g e m b e d d e d n e e d l e s 337
a d m i n i strati o n s . h e m at o m a s 333
h u b b i n g 336
• Eva l u ate a n d d i scuss a p p ro p ri ate res p o n ses a n d m a n a g e m e n t
hyp eresth esia 339
o f adverse l o ca l eve nts.
hyper- respo n d e rs 345
• Eva l u ate and d i scuss a p p ro p ri ate res p o n ses and m a n a g e m e n t hypers e n s itivity 348
o f adverse syste m i c eve nts. h y p o g e u s i a 339
hypo-res p o n d e rs 345
• Eva l u ate and d i scuss p roto co l s fo r t h e m a n a g e m e n t of over-
i d i osyncratic 350
dose a n d a l l e rg i c eve nts.
m et h e m o g l o b i n e m i a 350
• D efi n e i d i osyncratic events and a n a l yze th e i r m a n a g e m ent. occ u l t h e m at o m a s 333
D i sc u ss and apply a p p ro p riate p reve ntive strate g i e s to avo i d overdose 332
a n esth e s i a c;9 m p l i ctJti o n s . p a rest h e s i a 338
tris m u s 335


A primary responsibility of dental clinicians is to

CAS E S T U DY recognize and respond to adverse events that occur before,
during, and after the administration of local anesthetics.
Ashley Smith Practice acts may differ on the extent of emergency train­
Ash l ey S m it h , a stu d e n t " patient" fo r a d e n ta l hy­ ing required of dental professionals but all are expected
g i e n e l o c a l a n esth e s i a l a b o ratory sess i o n , had n o to recognize and respond to local and systemic adverse
co m p l i cati n g fa ctors a n d n o re l ative o r a b s o l ute events, including life-threatening emergencies when they
co ntra i n d i cations to receivi ng a poste rior su perior occur. Product monographs for all of the anesthetic drugs
a lveo l a r ( P SA) n e rve b l o c k . Fo l l ow i n g n e e d l e i n ­ used in dentistry make similar statements regarding clini­
sertion fo r a PSA b l ock, t h e stu d e n t " c l i n i cia n " re­ cian responsibility when administering local anesthetics
ported a positive a s p i ration at the d e positi o n site. (see Box 17-1 •).
In res p o n s e , t h e n e e d l e t i p was re positi o n e d a n d
Morbidity and Mortality
a secon d aspiration test was perfo r m e d . Fo l l ow i n g
a negative res u lt, the c l i n ician a d m i n iste red the lo­ Catastrophic outcomes following local anesthetic drug ad­
ca l a n esthetic sl owly. Before the p l a n n ed dose h a d ministrations in dentistry are very rare. Dental local anes­
been d e l ivere d , Ash l ey deve l oped l o c a l ized swe l l ­ thesia has been characterized as being extremely safe, with
i n g i n h e r cheek n e a r t h e site o f t h e i njecti o n . estimates of more than 300 million administration proce­
dures each year in the United States (Malamed, 20 13). In
one report of complications following the administration
of local anesthetics for 2,731 dental patients, nearly half of
I ntrod uction whom had at least one significant risk factor, severe com­
plications (bronchospasm and seizure) occurred in only
Adverse events o r reactions related t o the administration
two cases or 0.07 % (D aublander, Miller, & Lipp, 1997 ) .
of drugs have been defined as undesired effects that occur
When adverse events are recognized a n d addressed in a
in response to their pharmacologic actions (Horlocker &
timely manner, significant morbidity and mortality are un­
Wedel, 2002; Pickett & Terezhalmy, 2006). This definition
likely (Moore & Hersh, 20 10).
can be expanded to include events that surround admin­
Reports o n localiz e d complication rates are l e s s
istrations of drugs described in terms of their local or sys­
frequent in reviewed literature. M a n y of t h e available
temic effects or as complications.
complication studies provide pertinent information; how­
Local complications occur more frequently than
ever, information provided is usually related to a spe­
systemic complications and may include anything from
cific complication or population instead of an overall
postop erative soreness to prolonged anesthesia. The
incidence rate.
maj ority of adverse events related to local anesthesia in
This chapter examines the local and systemic compli­
dentistry involve mild reactions such as p o stoperative
cations of local anesthesia, prevention strategies (when
discomfort in the area of inj ection, syncope, pain from
available ) , and appropriate response and management
patient s elf-inj ury, and mild inflammation following
muscle penetrations. These usually present as no more
than limited inconveniences or short-term management
Systemic reactions such as overdose, allergy, and idio­
syncratic response occur far less frequently but are gener­
ally more serious. Although fewer serious adverse events
may be expected, clinicians must be prepared to respond
appropriately if and when they occur. It has been reported
in the literature that peripheral nerve blocks, in particular,
have been associated with the highest incidence of sys­
temic toxicity (Cox, Durieux, & Marcus, 2003 ) . D espite WHICH MAY ARISE FROM THEIR USE. RESUSCITATI V E
this reported incidence, which includes statistics from mul­ EQUIPMENT, OXYGEN AND OTHER RESUSCITATI V E
tiple health professions, local anesthetic drug administra­ DRUGS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDI ATE USE.
tion in dentistry appears to be relatively safe, with a very *XYLOCAINE i s a trademark of DENTS PLY Pharma­
low overall risk and rare occurrence of life-threatening ceuti c al; manufactured by Novocol Pharmaceuti c al of
events (Haas, 1998; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . In a 1999 study in­ Canada, Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, for DENTSPLY
volving over 1 ,000 healthy subj ects undergoing oral sur­ Pharmaceuti c al.
gery, for example, it was found that there were no reported
Source: Li doca i n e H C I a n d ep i n ep h r i n e i nj ection p rescri ption
adverse events despite administrations that exceeded i nformation (Rev 1 2/1 1 ), D E NTS P LY ava i l a b l e from D E N TS P LY
• •
overdose thresholds in a majority of the subjects (Lustig &
Zusman, 1999) . : • • � �. � . � � � • • � .� : : ��- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
P h r a eu i a , U S , o k

Loca l Com p l ications or after lA nerve blocks frequently have no extraoral signs
due to the ability of the pterygomandibular space to con­
Local complications of local anesthetic drugs involve ceal large quantities of blood (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Those oc­
tissue inj uries that occur before, during, and after the ad­ curring near the mental foramen tend to be more visible
ministrations of topical and inj ectable local anesthetic because they occur near the chin where bruising may be
drugs. Some causes are obvious, such as injuries that result more obvious. Fibrous attached tissues of the palate tend
in the formation of hematomas. Others are less obvious, to limit the extent of hematomas that occur there, as dem­
such as the development of neuropathies, where multiple onstrated in Figure 17-2 •·
theories have been proposed to explain the etiology of S o m e clinicians b e lieve that p o s itive aspirations
neural inj uries that sometimes occur during local anes­ significantly increase the incidence of hematoma forma­
thetic administrations (Pogrel & Thamby, 2000) . tion. This may not be the case considering that nicking a
vessel can occur as needles penetrate to depth, but hema­
tomas can also occur well after aspiration when needles
Hematomas are formed from the leaking of blood from are withdrawn, regardless of the results of aspiration.
vessels into surrounding tissues (Ibsen & Phelan, 2014) as Although a positive aspiration indicates that a vessel was
a result of inadvertent nicks of blood vessels during inj ec­ penetrated, the maj ority of penetrations result in too lit­
tions. If the injury to a vessel is minor, bleeding into tissue tle bleeding for noticeable hematoma formation (Haas,
spaces surrounding the injured vessel may not be noticed. 1998) .
When a more significant inj ury occurs in a larger vessel, Failure to achieve adequate anesthesia in lA nerve
particularly an artery, the development of a hematoma can blocks has been attributed to the formation of hematomas
be rapid and dramatic. The most likely occurrence follows (Scheinfeld et al. , 20 1 3 ; Trager, 1979) . Hematomas may
posterior superior alveolar and division 2 (maxillary tu­ interfere with the development of anesthesia by diluting
berosity approach) nerve blocks. This is due to the proxim­ the drugs, by transporting them from intended target areas,
ity of the pterygoid plexus of veins and maxillary arteries and by initiating inflammatory responses that lower pH. In
to the target sites in the infratemporal and pterygopala­ the case of lA nerve blocks, clinicians may not be aware
tine fossae (Blanton & Jeske, 2003 ) . Figure 17-1 • shows that hidden or occult hematomas exist, in which case trou­
swelling that occurred moments after insertion during a bleshooting the lack of profound anesthesia after adminis­
PSA inj e ction . Overall, hematomas occur infrequently. tration can be frustrating. This may be the situation when
Inferior alveolar (IA) nerve blocks along with mental inci­ successive lA nerve blocks fail to establish anesthesia.
sive nerve blocks are associated with lesser risks compared Alternative techniques such as Gow-Gates nerve blocks
with PSA nerve blocks but relatively high risks compared or periodontal ligament (PDL) inj ections (see Chapter 16,
with other inj ection techniques due to the proximity of " Troubleshooting Inadequate Anesthesia " ) can place
their associated vasculature. Hematomas occurring during drugs away from these hematomas.
Although uncommon, infection and trismus have
occurred following hematoma development (Haas, 1998) .
While the clinical course of healing is marked by very
noticeable discoloration of the face, the maj ority of he­
matomas heal uneventfully and re quire no additional

F I G U R E 1 7-1 Initial swelling from a hematoma.

Immediate swelling during a PSA injection. FIGURE 1 7-2 Palatal Hematoma. Hematomas of the
Source: Courtesy of Ashley Diteman. palatal are generally well confined.

P R E V E N T I O N OF H E M ATO MAS Taking into account the

number of dental inj ections administered daily, hematomas
are rare (Pogrel & Thamby, 2 0 0 0 ) . Clinicians can help
maintain this low risk by observing a few relatively simple
precautions. Minimizing the number of needle penetra­ Pati e nts on anti c oagulant therapy are at increased risk of
extensive hematoma formation. Aspirin, warfarin, and cl o p­
idogrel (Piavix) are commonl y used anti c oagulants. Some
tions is recommended, considering that one penetration
involves a certain degree of risk; two penetrations double
patients are on high doses or may be taking combinations
the risk; three triple the risk; and so on. Avoiding trauma in
including al l three drugs, as was the case with this patient.
general is also important, as any aspect of an inj ection that
After a single PSA injection, this patient developed
traumatizes tissues increases the risk of hematoma (Haas,
a vigorous hematoma and was referred to an oral sur­
1998). This can be accomplished by maintaining good ac­ geon, who placed the compression dressing seen in
cess, observing appropriate angulations and penetration Figure 1 7-3A • · The patient was subsequentl y admitted to
depths, and avoiding rapid penetrations and bowing of a nearby hospi tal. In contrast to Ashley in the chapter case
study, this is a rare event.

PSA nerve blocks, in particular, should be avoided if Al t hough PSA nerve blocks have been described as
patients are taking blood thinners. Hematomas that occur preferable to infil t rations, especiall y when mul t iple molars
require anesthesia, exceptional bleeding risks may con­
traindicate their use. Infil t rations are excellent substi t utes
in the presence of anticoagulant therapy can be extensive
and may require additional therapy. Some have required
• for PSA nerve blocks in patients wi t h increased risks due
hospitalization. A case history of a vigorous hematoma
to the rel a tivel y minimal risk of hematoma formation.
formation after a single PSA inj ection on a patient tak­
• Al t hough infil t rations (supraperiosteal injections) can sig-
ing multiple anticoagulants is discussed in Box 17-2 and

ni ficantl y decrease bleeding risks, an overall risk-reward
shown in Figure 17-3 which illustrates the benefit of anal y sis is important when making decisions whether to
careful pre-anesthetic assessment. treat patients such as this one, particularly in a typical
Consultation with a patient's physician before per­ office or clini c al setting. The combination of aspirin,
forming local anesthetic procedures can be useful for pa­ warfarin, and clopidogrel is unusual and shoul d raise
tients on anticoagulant therapy as discussed in B ox 17-2 concerns of signi ficant bleeding risks, regardless of the
and shown in Figure 17-3, which once again illustrates the procedure or l o cal anestheti c technique contemplated.
Figures 1 7-38 • and 1 7-3C • show the progressive
h ea d re i f t o a
benefit of careful pre-anesthetic assessment.
• • � �� �� . . � � � �� �� � . �� ����: .� .' , , , • • • , •

Aside from the risk of hematoma formation, an impor­

• , , •
tant benefit of careful anatomical assessment, observing

(A) (B) (C)

FIGURE 1 7-3 Extensive Hematoma. A - This atypical, extensive hematoma required the placement of a compression bandage. This
patient was on anticoagulant therapy, which complicated the situation. B - Bruising lingering around the eye and mouth. C - Fully
healed several weeks later.

appropriate technique, and minimizing the number of pen­ Trismus is a relatively common complication of local
etrations is enhanced patient comfort. anesthetic inj ections (Haas, 1998) . Inj uries sustained in­
volve the muscles of mastication and blood vessels of the
R E S PO N S E TO A N D MANAG E M ENT OF H E MATOMAS Early infratemporal fossa (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
recognition and response to a developing hematoma can In addition to physical trauma due to needle movements,
alter its clinical course. A hematoma's extent is limited by local anesthetic toxicity to skeletal muscle has also been
the degree of flexibility of the tissues into which the blood demonstrated (B enoit, Yagiela, & Fort, 1980; Malamed,
is emptying. Clinicians can create an opposing force by 20 1 3 ) . Causes of trismus include not only physical and
applying pressure and keeping the pressure in place long chemical trauma to muscle tissue but also physical trauma
enough for clotting to begin. In the absence of deliberate to blood vessels (Jastak , Yagiela, & D onaldson, 1995 ) .
pressure or when pressure is ineffective, tissue resistance Contaminants o n needles may result i n local infection and
must approximate the pressure of the blood pouring from trismus.
the vessel before blood will cease entering the tissues. In The most frequent muscle to experience trismus is the
situations where surrounding tissues are flexible, larger he­ medial pterygoid. It can be inj ured by all three common
matomas can develop. Where tissues are less flexible, such approaches to mandibular nerve block, the inferior alveo­
as in the palate or when pressure is applied, hematomas lar, Gow-Gates, and Vazirani-Akinosi techniques (Haas,
tend to be more limited in size. Protocol for the manage­ 1998). The lateral pterygoids and temporalis muscles are
ment of hematomas is summarized in Box 17-3 •· less frequently involved (Haas, 1998) .
Bleeding, toxicity of anesthetic solutions, and direct
physical injury to muscle tissues are all suspect when tris­
From a neurological standpoint, trismus is defined as a mus occurs following local anesthetic inj ections (Haas,
motor disturbance of the trigeminal nerve (Dorland 's 1998) .
Illustrated Medical D ictionary [D orland 's] , 2009; Jastak,
Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995 ) . It is more simply described PREVENTION OF TRI S M U S The occurrence of trismus can
as an inability to open the mouth. Broadly considered, it be minimized by decreasing the number of penetrations,
has many etiologies and contributing etiologies, including changing needles frequently (especially whenever tips
tetanus (lock j aw) , tumors, bony ankylosis, fracture, for­ may be barbed), and assuring that needle contamination
eign bodies, fascial space infections, and enlarged coronoid does not occur before penetration (Haas, 1998; Stacy &
processes (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995 ) . As a con­ Hajj ar, 1994) .
sequence of local anesthesia, however, its primary causes
R E S P O N S E TO A N D M A N AG E M E N T O F TR I S M U S In the
are hemorrhage and muscle trauma following needle pen­
response to management of trismus, instruct patients to:
etrations (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
1. Apply hot, moist towels approximately 20 minutes
every hour (5 minutes on, 10 minutes off) .
2. Use analgesics for discomfort, particularly ibuprofen,
if appropriate.
3. Open and close the mouth gradually and repeatedly
to maintain mobility of the temporomandibular j oint.
Protocol for the management of hematomas includes: A useful exercise suggested by some dental clinicians

Earl y recognit ion and response: includes placing the tip of the tongue behind the max­
illary central incisors. With the tongue held in place,
1 . Be alert to the possibility of hematoma formation the mouth is opened and closed at regular intervals
2. Respond to ini t ial signs of swelling throughout the day.
a. Discontinue treatment
b. Appl y pressure and i c e (i f i c e is available, you can 4. Monitor for signs of infection that may require anti­
appl y pressure wi t h i c e) biotics, such as increasing heat, redness, elevated tem­
c. Do not inci s e and drain hematomas peratures, and pain.
3. Once the hematoma has stopped expanding: 5. Refer to an oral surgeon or physician if signs and
a. Instruct the patient to apply ice intermittentl y for symptoms fail to improve, or worsen (Haas, 1 9 9 8 ;
the next 6 hours Norholt et a!. , 1998) .
b. Instruct the patient to avoid anti c oagulant pain re­
lievers such as aspirin Pain on Injection
c. Advi s e the patient regarding the potential for brui s ­
i n g and discoloration There are many possible causes of pain on inj ection .
d. Advise the patient to noti fy you immediatel y of any Needle penetrations o f well-innervated anatomical tissues
change, especiall y the development of signs and can cause pain. Rapid deposition of solution can distend

� • • • • • . :�:���� �f. i � f��t�� n. � r. l �� i�e•d•j�� �:�� i �: • • • .li

s tissues, causing pain. Pain can occur due to the irritating
and acidic nature of local anesthetic solutions and can also

occur if solutions are too cold or too hot compared with

oral temperatures. Although each of these factors has the
potential to cause pain, the maj ority of the time they do
not when topical anesthetics are used, deposition rates are
slow, and muscles are relaxed (Haas, 1998; Malamed, 20 13). Occasional "hubbing" may be necessary in order to con­
tact bone when there i s excessi v e flaring or an unusually
P R E V E N T I O N O F PAI N O N I NJ E CTI O N Strategies for pre­ large mandible. Long needles (31 or 32 mm) may barely
venting pain on inj ection include: reach deposition targets for mandibular nerve blocks in
these indiv idual s . In these instances, maximum insertion
1. Adequate pre-anesthesia may be necessary and acceptable. I t i s prudent practi c e,
a. Appropriate topical anesthesia however, when maximum insertion is necessary, to wi t h­
b. Pressure anesthesia techniques for needle pen­ draw slightl y (approximatel y 4 mm) in order to l e ave a por­
etration in palatal tissues tion of shank visible (see Figure 1 7-4 • ). This reduces the
ri s k of needl e breakage and provi d es a portion of shank to
g r s p i h fo e
� . . � · · : � . . �� �� ��� u.l � �:e.a ��:� ��c�:·
2. Slow rate of deposition of local anesthetic solution
a. Adhere to recommended maximum rates
b. Adjust to one-third the normal rate or slower for • • • •Ji • • • • • •

deposition in palatal tissues

3. When administrating solutions with and without vaso­
constrictors, administer plain solutions first
4. If a particular drug causes a burning sensation, sub­
stitute with other appropriate drugs (H aas, 1 9 9 8 ;
Malamed, 20 13).

R E S PO N S E T O PAI N O N I NJECTIO N Pain on inj ection is not

uncommon. When deliberate attempts to control pain on
inj ection are made, pain is usually eliminated. Following
the b asic steps for inj ections outline d in Chapter 1 1 ,
"Fundamentals for Administration o f Local Anesthetic
Agents," will help assure comfortable inj ections in most
FIGURE 1 7-4 Reducing Risks for Needle Breakage.
Broken Needles Leave a length of the shaft visible to reduce the risk of
Although rare, needle breakage has occurred after unex­ needle breakage and to provide a portion of shank to
pected patient movements. Factors that increase risks for grasp should breakage occur.
needle breakage include using needles of higher gauges in
deeper penetrations, bending needles at hubs, and needle
penetrations to hubs (Haas, 1998; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . While 3. Use long needles for deeper penetrations.
needle breakage is not common today, litigation is possible 4. Use lower gauge needles.
should it occur.
5. Avoid excessive forces on needles (such as when repo­
Clinicians should
P R E V E N T I O N OF N E E D LE B R E A KA G E sitioning, or when needles are bowed).
choose needle gauges and lengths that are appropriate 6. Avoid excessive numbers of penetrations with the
for the depths of penetration and types of tissue through same needle.
which needles will pass. This helps prevent insertion to 7. I f b e n d i n g is d e si re d , * av o i d b e n d i n g at h u b s
hubs, which are the weakest point on needles, a practice (Bedrock, Skigen, & Dolwick, 1999; Bhatia & Bounds,
referred to as bobbing. Choosing needles with adequate 1998; Haas, 1998; Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Marks, Carlton, &
length reduces risks of needle breakage that result from McDonald, 1984; Zeiter, Cohen, & Casap, 2002).
hubbing. Sudden patient movements when needles are
hubbed are more likely to break needles compared with
R E S P O N S E T O A N D M A N A G E M E N T OF B R O K E N N E E ­
movements where hubs are not touching the mucosa.
D L E S Appropriate response to broken ne e d le s may
Leveraged pressures at maximum insertion are applied
b e critical to maintain p o s itive patient relationships
directly against the hub/needle shaft j unction. Some ex­
(Ethunandan et al. , 2007; Haas, 1998; Orr, 1983). Although
ceptions to this guideline are discussed in Box 17-4 •·
these occurrences are rare, in the event of a broken needle,
Prevention strategies to avoid undue stre s s e s o n
needles include the following:
* O SHA's bloodborne p athogens standard on bending and recapping
1. Inspect needles before use. contaminated needles is provided in Box 17-5 •· See Figure 9-1 1 for an
2. Avoid inserting needles to hubs. example of the hazards of recapping bent needles.

patients frequently seek litigation (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . It cause less tissue damage than removal. When preparing a
may be argued whether a particular embedded needle patient for referral to an oral surgeon, choose terms such
fragment should be removed, however, breakage must be as evaluation rather than removal in order to better align
recognized, located, and documented (B edrock, Skigen, & patient expectations with a surgeon's eventual actions. As
Dolwick, 1999) . an example of the difficulty in guessing the ultimate dis­
Additional precautions and responses include: position of an embedded needle fragment, one relatively
recent case cited an initial decision to leave a needle in the
1. Have a sterile hemostat readily available whenever
tissues but was reversed 6 months later when the buried
drugs are administered with needles.
fragment became symptomatic (Ethunandan et a!. , 2007).
2. Do not allow patients to close their mouths if break­ D espite the precaution of using language that does
age occurs (closing can draw the needle further into not conflict with a surgeon's later advice to a patient, it
tissues). is unlikely today that a surgeon will opt to leave a needle
3. If the needle is visible, remove it with a hemostat. fragment in the tissues (see Box 17-6 •) .
4. If the needle is not visible:
a. Inform the patient that a needle has broken and a Self-Injury
nonretrievable segment is embedded in the tissues. It is important for dental professionals to advise patients,
b. Refer patients to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon parents, and caretakers of the risk of self-injury when areas
for immediate evaluation. of the mouth are anesthetized with inj ections that provide
c. Keep accurate records of location, needle size, any extensive soft-tissue anesthesia, especially because the risk
unforeseen events precipitating the breakage, and of injury can continue for some time after a patient leaves
patient communication. the dental chair. Figure 17-5 • shows an example of a post­
anesthesia lip bite.
5. Where possible, any remaining unembedded frag­
ments of the needle should be sent to the surgeon who In the event of lingering anesthesia, there is a subse­
quent risk of biting oral soft tissues following treatment
is evaluating the situation.
and from drinking or eating hot foods. These are common
Surgical removal may not be indicated because of the causes of mucosal trauma following local anesthesia in
potential for extensive tissue damage that can result dur­ children and occasionally in adults (Cousins et a!. , 2008) .
ing removal. Retaining needle fragments might ultimately Accidental or intentional self-inflicted inj uries can be
painful and may take several days to heal. In children and
those with mental disabilities, soft-tissue biting and chew­
ing may cause severe lip, cheek, or tongue trauma due to a
lack of self-awareness of the dangers of biting (Malamed,

When choosing to bend needl e s prior to injection (before

needl es are contaminated), it is important to note that this
practi c e may create both di ff i c ul ty and hazards for safel y
recapping needles after the procedure. OSHA's blood­
borne pathogens standard [29 CFR 1910.1 030(d)(2)(vii ) (A)] The remove-or-not-to-remove debate
prohibi ts the bending, recapping or removal of contami­ e m b e d d e d need l es
currentl y favors removal. Clinical judgment is important,
nated needl e s and other contaminated sharps unless the particularl y as i t relates to being able to accuratel y locate
employer can demonstrate that no al t ernati v e i s feasible or a needle. This has become easier wi t h the abili ty to ob­
that such action i s required by a speci f i c medical or dental tain cross-sectional scans of affected areas and reference
procedure. needle insertions before exposing radiographs.
The standard al s o provi d es an exception where an Removal addresses the possibility of needl e migra­
"employer can demonstrate that no al t ernati v e i s feasible tion toward larger blood vessels in the head and neck.
or that such action i s required by a speci f i c medical or den­ Other concerns incl u de pain, infection, psychological di s ­
tal procedure. Such bending, recapping or needle removal comfort wi t h having a foreign body embedded in the jaw,
must be accomplished through the use of a mechanical and the abili ty to percei ve the needle during mandibular
devi c e or a one-handed technique" [29 CFR 1 91 0.1 030(d) movement.
(2)(vii ) (B)]. Needles that are not removed typically devel o p what
The preamble to the bloodborne pathogens standard have been described as fibrous cocoons or scars around
notes that the administration of incremental doses of a them that generall y restrict significant migration, but some
medication is one medical procedure, among others, to authori t i e s have suggested that the lingering possibility of
which this exception refers [56 641 1 8 (1 991 )].
FR needle migration and li t igation argue strongl y for removal.
·This information was accessed at U.S. Department of
Labor, Occupational Safety & Heal t h Administration, www
h a g o · rc 4
� •� � . � . : . � � . � :�: : .
• • • • . . • • . • . IIi
• • • • • • • • • • •

FIGURE 1 7-5 Lip Bite Following Local Anesthesia.

20 13). Severe injury to labial soft tissues has been reported

as a result of self-inflicted trauma that has required surgi­ OraVerse'"
cal correction in some cases (Akram, Kerr, & McLennan, G.!M¥��� �·-·· -····
2008; Chi et al. , 2008; College et al., 2000). The occurrence
of self-inflicted soft-tissue trauma is observed most often
in younger patients, with lower lips most frequently af­
fected. In a study of 320 pediatric dental patients, the in­
cidence of accidental trauma and oral injury was 1 8 % in
children under the age of 4, 1 6 % between the ages of 4
and 7, 1 3 % between the ages of 8 and 12, and 7 % in older
children (College et al., 2000) . It is important to note that (B)
these investigations may be limited and may represent FIGURE 1 7-6 Ora Verse Product Example. A - OraVerse
specific patient types and regional discrepancies that could is the only pharmaceutical agent available for the reversal of
impact the reported incident rates. soft-tissue anesthesia. B - OraVerse cartridges have unique
translucent green labels and blue end-caps (top) to avoid confu­
P R E V E N T I O N OF S E LF-I N J U RY Prevention of self-inj ury
sion with local anesthesia drug cartridges (bottom - lidocaine).
has traditionally centered around communicating the risks
Source: Courtesy of Septodont, USA.
to patients and caregivers, with visual reminders placed
on areas of exposed skin for those at greatest risk, such as
warning stickers on foreheads.
It is common for clinicians to use verbal communica­ M A N A G E M E N T OF S E L F - I N J U RY When s e lf-inj ury is
tion and stickers or temporary tattoos on children's fore­ identified during or soon after an appointment, a cold
heads, hands, and/or arms to warn caregivers of the risks pack should be applied over the injured tissue to reduce
of self-inj ury. This strategy has been reasonably effective; swelling. If notification is delayed (the day following an
however, the risks can be present for extended periods after appointment) , a warm pack can be recommended to stim­
verbal and visible warnings have been forgotten or ignored ulate circulation and promote healing. Anecdotal reports
and stickers have been prematurely removed or misplaced. suggest that applying 0.12% chlorhexidine solution to the
Recent studies have suggested that the use of an an­ outer areas of traumatized tissues with cotton-tipped ap­
esthetic reversal agent, phentolamine mesylate (a va­ plicators may improve healing. Antibiotics are usually not
sodilator) , by reducing the residual soft-tissue duration indicated and are prescribed only in the unlikely event
of anesthesia, may result in fewer self-inflicted inj uries.

Figure 17-6 shows an example of the unique packaging
of infection (Ashkenazi, B lumer, & Eli, 2005 ; Chi et al. ,
2008) . For further discussion of management of self-inj ury
and features of the phentolamine mesylate product cur­ for pediatric patients, refer to Chapter 19.
rently available, OraVerse ® (Septodont, Inc, Lancaster, PA) .
While this suggestion h a s n o t b e e n confirmed, a recent
study evaluating complication rates with local anesthetic Paresthesia
administration and reversal revealed an improvement in Paresthesia is a broad term for a number of related but
safety outcomes when phentolamine mesylate was ad­ clinically diverse neurological effects that all result from
ministered to p ediatric dental p atients (B oynes et al. , nerve inj ury. It has b e e n defined as an altered sensa­
20 12) . Ora Verse is discussed in more detail in Chapter 19, tion and/or as a persistent p artial or complete numb­
"Insights from Pediatric Dentistry." ness (D aniel, Harfst, & Wilder, 2007). It may be further

defined in terms of its potential to affect taste if the chorda

tympani nerve is involved.
Other frequently associated terms include hyperesthe­
sia and dysesthesia, which refer to an increased sensitiv­
ity to stimuli and the sensation of pain from non-noxious Direct trauma (Chen & Horowi tz, 2006; Crean & Powi s ,
1 999; Stacy & Hajjar, 1994)

Drug-induced apoptosi s (increase in the rate of pro­

stimuli, respectively. Ageusia and hypo geusia refer to

grammed cell death) (Park et al., 2005)

the absolute and relative losses of the ability to perceive •

sweet, sour, bitter, or salty substances due to chorda tym­

Detergent effects (due to possible neural membrane
l y si s ) (Ki t agawa, Oda, & Totoki , 2004)

pani injury, otherwise referred to as altered taste sensations
or perversions. Unfortunately, the basis of the vulnerabil­
Pressure from l o cali z ed edema (due to hemorrhage
invol v ing the neural sheath) (Pogrel, Bryan, & Regezi,

ity of particular nerves to the development of paresthesia
and the etiology of paresthesia are not clear (Pogrel et al. , 1 995; Rayan et al., 1 988)
2003). Higher l o cal anestheti c drug concentrations (Haas &
Lennon, 1 995; Smit h & Lung, 2006)

The lingual nerve is most frequently involved in par­
esthesias that follow dental inj ections (Haas & Lennon, : Vasoconstri ctors and their preservati v es (Pogrel &
h b · 20 )

: -� ��- : . . �� •
1995 ) . A possible explanation has been proposed, which
suggests that the fascicular pattern of the lingual nerve • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

compared with the inferior alveolar nerve may make it

more susceptible, particularly near the lingula, where de­ etiologies include the chemical effects of sulfite preserva­
position occurs (Pogrel et al., 2003). The lingual nerve has tives used for vasoconstrictors, detergent actions of local
been found to be unifascicular in this location in approxi­ anesthetic drugs, increased apoptotic activity, and vasocon­
mately 33 % of individuals, which has been speculated to strictor toxicity (Chen & Horowitz, 2006; Crean & Powis,
increase its vulnerability to paresthesia (Pogrel et al., 2003). 1999; Kitagawa, Oda, & Totoki, 2004; Park et al. , 2005;
Although neurotoxicity of anesthetic drug solutions Pogrel & Thamby, 2000; Stacy & Hajj ar, 1994) . Some pro­
has been demonstrated, with cautions attached to higher posed etiologies are included in Box 17-7 •, which illustrate
concentrations of drugs, it has not been proven to be a the ongoing nature of the discussion regarding paresthesia.
definitive cause of paresthesia (Haas & Lennon, 1995; Although the subj ect of ongoing research, the overall
Koizumi et al. , 2006; Malamed, Gagnon, & LeBlanc, 200 1 ) . risk of paresthesia is thought to be low, regardless of the
O n e study that examined rat mental nerve tissue several drug or concentration (D anish Medicines Agency, 2006;
hours after direct inj ection of 4% articaine with 1 : 1 00,000 D ower, 2007; Lustig & Zusman, 1999) . Based on data
epinephrine into the nerve found that articaine is not toxic from the American D ental Association and other sources,
to nervous structures and that further studies are neces­ the apparent risk of local anesthesia-related paresthe­
sary to explain the possible relation between articaine sia ranges from approximately 1.0-2.3 cases in 1 million
inj ection and paresthesia (B aroni et al. , 20 1 3 ) . In some (Haas, 1998; Haas & Lennon, 1995 ; Malamed, 20 13; Pogrel
instances, paresthesia follows direct trauma from surgery et al. , 2003; Pogrel & Thamby, 2000) . Table 17-1 • provides
or needle injury (Blanton & Jeske, 2003) . In others, it oc­ information on the relationship between specific drug con­
curs after what were described as routine procedures with centrations and reported incidences of paresthesia.
no indications of injury at any time during the procedures Put into perspective, it has been estimated that 1 in ev­
(Paxton et al. , 1994; Pogrel & Thamby, 2000). ery 3,000 individuals in the United States will be struck
In addition to routine procedures, surgical trauma, and by lightning in their lifetimes (National Geographic News,
neurotoxicity from local anesthetic drugs, other suggested October 8, 2010), and the risk of developing vaccine-related

Table 1 7-1 I n c i d e nce of Pa resthesia

Drugs Concentration Reported Paresthesia Injection Technique (Nerve Reported Paresthesia

(%) Incidence I nvolvement) Incidence

0.5 1 : 1 ,200,000 IA nerve block 1 :26,0 00-1 :800,000

2 1 : 1 ,200,000 Involving lingual nerve 70% of cases

3 1 : 1 ,200,000 Involving lA nerve 30% of cases

4 1 : 500,000 No data No data

Note: All values are approximations as reported in the literature.

Source: Haas (1998), Haas and Lennon (1995), Malamed (2004) , Pogrel et al. (2003), and Pogrel and Thamby (2000).

poliomyelitis is approximately 1 in 750,000 (Racaniello,

2006) .

P R E V E N T I O N O F PAR E STH E S I A In the absence of clearly

defined etiology (see Box 17-7), preventive strategies tend Al t hough not substanti a ted, some strategies that are com­
to focus on approaches that appear to lower risk (Lustig & monly employed to reduce the risks of paresthesia include:
Zusman, 1999; Malamed, 20 13; Pogrel et al., 2003). There is
1 . Observe slow drug deposition recommendations.
no reliable strategy for avoiding damage that may result in
2. Reduce volumes by 50%.
paresthesia during inferior alveolar nerve blocks; however,
3. Use Gow-Gates or Vazirani - Akinosi techniques in place
it is possible to avoid situations in which paresthesia is re­ •

f f r r a ve a r o c · •

portedly more likely to occur. Because the lingual nerve is : . � �� � : � . � . �� � �� : � �� . ��

• . • • • •• . • • . • • • • • • •

most frequently involved, using high block techniques to

avoid lingual nerve injury has been recommended when
using 4% drugs (see Boxes 17-8 • and 17-9 •) (Hawkins, should be discontinued and a new needle and either a
2006). new pathway or a different technique should be used. It
Needle tips in dentistry are so small that severing has been reported that there is a nearly 4% likelihood of
nerves is unlikely (Smith & Lung, 2006) . The inferior al­ traumatizing the lingual nerve every time a conventional
veolar and lingual nerves, the most frequently involved mandibular nerve block is administered. Fortunately, the
in paresthesia, are both similar in size and much larger significant majority of these injuries were found to resolve
than the tip of even the largest needle (25 gauge) com­ within 2 weeks (Harn & Durham, 1990) .
monly used in dentistry (Haas, 1998). Even though sever­ Barbed needle tips, in particular, have the capacity to
ing nerves is unlikely with dental needles, the possibility inflict damage to all structures, including nerves (Stacy &
of nerve injury from needles exists, especially if they have Hajj ar, 1994) . In a 2000 prospective study of permanent
been barbed (Blanton & Jeske, 2003 ) . When a patient is nerve damage, it was reported that in the vast maj ority
in obvious distress during an inj ection, the procedure of inferior nerve blocks in which the nerve was directly

Persi stent paresthesi a after dental care i s a rare event, Committee of the European Union, based on the experi e nce
wi t h publis hed occurrence varying from 1 in 140,000 to 1 of 57 countri e s with articaine administered to approxi m atel y
in 4,1 59,848 (Moore & Haas, 201 0). This dichotomy in esti- 100 mill i on indiv idual s annually, found no basis for modifying
mated rate of occurrence i s troublesome and appears to i n formati o n regarding articaine's use (Stenver, 2006).
refl e ct uncertainti e s based on conflicting data and conflict- Pogrel and coll e agues pointed out previousl y that
ing i n terpretati o ns of data. Gari sto and colleagues, based the majority of paresthesias are associated wi t h the lingual
on paresthesi a s occurring subsequent to dental l o cal anes- nerve (Pogrel et al., 2003). Lingering questions regard-
theti c i n jections administered in the United States from ing arti c aine's neurotoxi c potential can be bypassed by
1 997 to 2008, concl u ded that "paresthesia ari s ing from a avoiding traditional lA nerve bl o cks, the technique wi t h
l o cal anestheti c injection al o ne i s a rare event" (Gari sto the greatest likelihood to invol v e paresthesia. This would
et al., 201 0). Because most paresthesi a s are temporary, appear to be a reasonable prevention approach. Because
permanent paresthesi a s are considered very rare. Arti c aine Gow-Gates nerve blocks, for example, have not result ed in
received special attention in the Gari sto study because it any reportedly higher incidence of paresthesia wi t h artie-
was responsibl e for the highest proportionate number of aine, they would appear to be reasonable al t ernati v es to lA
paresthesi a s even though it was introduced in 2000, nearl y nerve blocks wi t h arti c aine (Hawkins, 2006).
3 years after the beginning of the study period. Pril o caine Considering unresol v ed questions as to the cause(s) of
was the onl y other drug to exceed the average occurrence these paresthesias a cautious approach to admini s tration
rate. Gari sto and col l eagues noted that both arti c aine and i s suggested. Until further research i s completed it i s sug-
pril o caine share 4% formulations. I t i s generall y agreed that gested to avoid arti c aine for mandibular inferior al v eolar
the occurrence of l o cal anesthesia-related neuropathy (i n nerve blocks. Arti c aine remains a dependable anestheti c
this case paresthesi a ) i s rare; therefore, data from random- agent. Its diffusion properties make i t an excellent anes-
ized trial s may not include enough study subjects to val i date theti c of choice for most strategies for providing maxil-
the occurrence of this complicati o n (Hill e rup & Jensen, lary and mandibular anesthesia (Abdul wahab et al., 2009;
2006). Moore and Haas pointed out that data collected Boynes, 2010; Paxton & Thome, 201 0). I t also provi d es a
retrospectivel y may be fragmented and could possibly supplemental al t ernati v e for inadequate l A nerve blocks
demonstrate bias; therefore, there is not an authoritative (mandibular infil t ration wi t h articaine) and a modest sup-
amount of empiri c al evidence to explain the rel a tionship plemental al t ernati v e when the l A nerve block fails during
between paresthesi a and 4% articaine soluti o ns (Moore & irreversible pulpi t i s treatment (Kanaa et al., 2006; Matthews
� � a.a � , .2.0 � �)� � u·rt·h � :�� r� ,. t�� : �� r �.a �� v.i : i �a ��� �� : k: n·g·
• • • • • • • •
� . � · ·. :o.o:); . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIi
. . . .

contacted by the needle, barbed or not, there were no sympathy and concern. It has been recommended that the
long-term effects (Pogrel & Thamby, 2000). The creation clinician who administered the inj ection speak personally
of barbs on needle tips by contact with bone that would with the patient and arrange for him or her to return to the
indicate damage occurred after full penetration was not office or clinic as soon as possible (Haas, 1998) .
found to account for the maj ority of permanent pares­
PA R ESTH E S I A M A N A G E M E NT The lack of a universally
thesias because it appeared that most of the paresthesias
accepted etiology may confuse the discussion of paresthe­
occurred on penetration rather than withdrawal (Harn &
sia somewhat but the protocol for its management is clear.
Durham, 1990; Stacy & Hajj ar, 1994) .
Current protocol includes the following:
The experience of an electric shock did not predict the
development of symptomatic nerve damage either. It has 1. Speak personally with and reassure the patient.
been estimated that between 3 % and 7 % of the time, elec­ 2. S chedule an appointment to evaluate as s o o n as
tric shocks are experienced during inferior alveolar nerve possible.
blocks (Harn & Durham, 1990; Pogrel et al., 1995 ) . It is
3. Document the conversation.
reasonable to assume that the incidence is actually higher
because some inj ections will not result in noticeable nerve 4. Examine the patient; determine and record the extent
"shocks" even when nerves are contacted by needles. This and degree of the deficit.
may occur, for example, when needles are being with­ 5. Diagram the extent of the loss by recording where
drawn and the nerve is already anesthetized or when clini­ sensation begins and ends and the nature of the loss
cians anesthetize ahead of needles while penetrating. Even (numbness, partial numbness, tingling, burning, pain,
without considering these likely unrecognized inj uries, taste perversion, loss of sweet, sour, salty, or bitter
the cited incidence of 3% to 7% exceeds the incidence of sensations, etc. ) . Figure 17-7 • provides a sample
paresthesia due to all local anesthetic drug inj ections by a chart for mapping paresthesia, and Figures 17-8 • and
considerable margin. 17-9 • demonstrate a method for tracking changes
Evidence demonstrates there is no reliable strategy for over time.
preventing paresthesia. Even surgical trauma, which many 6. Explain that paresthesias may last for a while but the
consider to be the most unequivocal of etiologies, may not vast maj ority improve over time.
always be responsible. As pointed out in one discussion on
7. Review and update the map at follow-up appoint­
paresthesia, it may be impossible to state that paresthesia
ments to document resolution, which reassures pa­
is the result of nerve injury during surgery when the injury
tients, particularly those who need visible reassurance.
could have occurred during the administration of the local
Follow-up appointments should be spaced far enough
anesthetic, before the surgery (Pogrel & Thamby, 2000) .
apart to allow slow healing to take place. Follow-up
R E S PO N S E TO PAR E STH ESIA Response to the initial noti­ appointments that are too close together may tend to
fication of paresthesia should be rapid and should convey discourage patients.
Tongue - Lateral View

Upper/lower Arch Tongue - Underside

FIGURE 1 7-7 Example of Paresthesia Documentation Chart.

Source: Example of "Paresthesia Documentation Chart." Copyright © by VELscope LED
Dental, Inc. Used by permission of VELscope LED Dental, Inc.

Tongue - Lateral View

U 31 � H U V H � � n H 21 � 1 9
18 17

Upper/Lower Arch Tongue - Underside

FIGURE 1 7-8 Documentation of Initial Extent of Paresthesia.

Source: "Documentation of Initial Extent of Paresthesia." Courtesy © VELscope LED
Dental, Inc. Used by permission of VELscope LED Dental, Inc.

8. Refer to an appropriate specialist if improvement provide parotid innervation, it does innervate structures
does not occur or the situation deteriorates. peripheral to the gland, including the muscles of facial
9. If future therapy is anticipated in the affected area, use expression and regions inferior to the eye and around the
an alternate inj ection technique (Boynes, 2010; Daniel, mouth and chin.
Harfst, & Wilder 2007; Hass, 1998; Malamed, 20 13). During lA blocks, overinsertion of needles can penetrate
the capsule surrounding the deep lobe of the parotid gland. If
Facial Nerve Paralysis anesthetic drugs are deposited into the gland, the facial nerve
Local anesthetic techniques can result in anesthesia of can be anesthetized. This can usually be prevented by con­
the facial nerve ( CN VII ) , as it travels through the pa­ firming bony resistance when administering lA nerve blocks,
rotid gland (Haas, 1998; Malamed, 20 13). While it does not to assure that needle tips are not inserted into the gland.

Tongue - Lateral View

32 31 � U U V H � � 23 H 21 � 1 i 1
8 17

Upper/Lower Arch Tongue - Undenaide

FIGURE 1 7-9 Documentation of Partial Resolution of Paresthesia over Time.

Source: "Documentation of Partial Resolution of Paresthesia Over Time." Copyright © by
VELscope LED Dental, Inc. Used by permission of VELscope LED Dental, Inc.

If the facial nerve is anesthetized, unilateral paralysis 5. Document the incident.

of the face will result. This typically will last only as long 6. Follow up as indicated.
as the anesthetic is in effect. Some mistakenly refer to this
temporary lack of function due to facial nerve anesthesia Postanesthetic Mucosal Lesions
as B ell's palsy, which refers to an unexplained idiopathic Postanesthetic lesions include those resulting from infectious
unilateral facial p aralysis that can p ersist for months or suspected immune processes and those resulting from
or occasionally may be p ermanent (Jastak, Yagiela, & direct injury to the mucosa (Haas, 1998; Malamed, 2013).
Donaldson, 1995). Lesions with an infectious etiology, such as herpetic
Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks can also result in facial ulcers, or a suspected immune or autoimmune etiology,
nerve paralysis when needles are over-inserted. The facial such as aphthous ulcers, can develop following anesthetic
paralysis seen after Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks has the inj ections. Herpetic lesions occasionally appear after in­
same pattern, behavior, and distribution as that which de­ j e ction, particularly in the palate. They present as small,
velops after lA nerve blocks. multiple ulcerations in the vicinity of the inj ection. There
In some individuals, the facial nerve is located close is sometimes an inability to discriminate between herpetic
to target areas of lA and Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks. and aphthous lesions in the palate because aphthous le­
In these individuals, observing recommended insertion sions, although typically solitary, larger, and found on non­
depths and confirming bony resistance (for lA nerve keratinized mucosa, may also present as small, multiple
blocks) may not prevent the development of facial nerve ulcerations on keratinized tissue (Ibsen & Phelan, 20 14) .
anesthesia (Malamed, 20 13). These are known as herpetiform aphthous ulcerations or
Due to eye involvement, reflex activity can be com­
promised; however, tears will continue to be produced.
lesions (see Figure 17-10 •).
A past history of labial her­
p etic outbreaks or of recurrent aphthous ulcerations is
Protection is recommended over the affected eye until re­ helpful in discriminating between the two. By definition,
flex activity returns to normal (Malamed, 20 13). ulcerations involve both epithelial and connective tissue
injury and tend to be quite painful, especially to hot and
Patients who
acidic foods. There is usually no difference in the healing
experience facial nerve paralysis are primarily concerned
pattern of the ulcers regardless of the cause.
with the duration of the dysfunction, any lasting effects,
Overly vigorous hemostasis from high concentrations
and avoidance of the event in the future. Reassurance can
of vasoconstrictor or desiccation from topical anesthetic
be offered that paralysis will last only as long as the drug's
left in contact with mucosa for extended periods can lead
effects, consistent with individual recovery patterns after
to necrosis and ulceration . These lesions, similar to her­
local anesthesia. Patients who repeatedly experience facial
petic and aphthous ulcerations, tend to be painful and sen­
nerve paralysis after lA nerve blocks may be advised that
sitive to certain foods and beverages, especially those that
recurring paralyses after dental inj ections indicate ana­
are acidic. Patients should be instructed to alert clinicians
tomical predispositions and alternative techniques will be
if lesions occur and are slow to heal, or if pain increases,
used in the future.
signaling the possibility of infection.
have been found useful in preventing facial nerve anesthe­
Unfortunately, there i s no prevention for the develop­
sia include:
ment of herpetic or aphthous lesions. Patients sometimes
1. Observe proper injection technique. understandably suspect that the clinician might have
2. Avoid depositing solution in lA nerve blocks without
confirming bony resistance.
3. Use smaller gauge needles to avoid deflections away
from bone.
4. Avoid needle overinsertion in Vazirani-Akinosi nerve
5. Use alternate techniques such as PDL and infiltration
inj ections.


management of facial nerve paralysis include:
1. Discontinue treatment.
2. Reassure the patient.
FIGURE 1 7-1 0 Herpetiform Aphthous Ulcerations.
3. Remove contact lens, if present. Palatal aphthous ulcerations following a palatal
4. Place a patch over the affected eye. inj ection.

Whereas prevention may o r may not be possible, manage­
ment is. Various over-the-counter (OTC) medications are
available and tend to relieve discomfort during the early
phases of healing. When postanesthetic lesions occur, the
following steps should be observed:
1. D etermine previous history of herpetic or aphthous
2. Recommend an OTC medication to coat the lesion
(with or without topical anesthetic), taking care not to
spread the infection if it is herpetic.
a. Recommend applying the medication before each
FIGURE 1 7-1 1 Post-inj ection Necrosis. Signs of necro­
meal to protect the lesions from additional injury
sis following a GP injection. and applying otherwise as recommended in the
product instructions.
caused some kind of inj ury that is responsible for their 3. Recommend to avoid spicy and acidic foods.
postoperative pain. They may be reassured, however, by 4. Recommend OTC pain relievers as needed (pain usu­
recognition of postanesthetic lesions at follow-up visits and ally lasts for 2-3 days).
by brief explanations as to possible etiologies. Individuals
who are susceptible to cold sores, for example, are often Whereas the best indicators of extraoral healing are
unaware that they can occur intraorally after inj ections. " crusting over" and scarring, scars do not typically form
Unlike herpetic and aphthous lesions, n e crosis is on mucosa, and reduced sensitivity indicates that new con­
largely preventable (see Figure 17- 1 1 •) . The following nective tissue (granulation tissue) has begun to form over
strategies are effective for reducing the risks of necrosis: the ulcer.

1. Avoid epinephrine concentrations of 1 :50,000 espe­ Infections

cially in attached gingiva. Due to the availability of sterile and disposable arma­
2. Avoid excessive durations of topical anesthetic con­ mentarium and to federal and state mandates of standard
tact as recommended in the product instructions. precautions in dental facilities, postoperative infections
are rare today (Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Pogrel & Thamby, 2000).
3. Avoid excessive blanching by allowing sufficient time
Contaminated needles, along with other devices if handled
for solution to diffuse into tissue during deposition;
improperly, represent the greatest threat of iatrogenic infec­
tissues should not turn "stark white" in appearance.
tion. Normal flora do not represent a significant threat de­
4. Avoid extensive distention of tissues by allowing suf­ spite their transport into deeper tissues with every needle
ficient time for solution to diffuse while depositing; penetration because their small numbers are easily removed
tissues should not bulge or "balloon" with too much by the body's immune system (Haas, 1998; Malamed, 20 13).
solution. Exceptions may occur in severely immunocompromised in­
Figure 17-11 shows post-injection necrosis following a dividuals and when the tissues to be penetrated are infected
greater palatine (GP) inj ection and Figure 17-12 • shows before insertion. Elective treatment might not be possible
trauma following an AMSA inj ection. for some immunocompromised individuals or might be pos­
sible only with prophylactic antibiotics. A physician consult
is recommended. Should the anticipated area of penetra­
tion be infected before inj ection, there is a greater chance
of deeper spread of the infection and penetration in these
areas should be avoided (Haas, 1998).
Manifestations of postanesthetic infections include
pain and trismus, although overt signs and symptoms are
rare (Haas, 1998; Malamed, 20 13 ) . If trismus persists beyond
3 days, infection should be considered (Malamed, 20 13).
following strategies are effective for reducing the risks of
infection from injection:
1. Use only sterile, uncontaminated needles.
FIGURE 1 7-1 2 Post-inj ection Trauma. Signs of local 2. In the presence of infection, use a new needle for each
trauma developed approximately 1 minute into the penetration.
deposition for an AMSA injection. 3. If extraoral contamination occurs, discard the needle.

4. If intraoral contamination occurs (other than oral tis­ 3. Arrange for the patient to be escorted home.
sues), discard the needle. 4. Refer to an ophthalmologist if the complication lasts
5 . In immunocompromised individuals, apply antiseptics longer than 6 hours.
to penetration sites or use antibiotics after consulta­ 5. Continue regular follow-up procedures.
tion with the patient's physician.
postanesthetic infections occur, the following steps should S y stemic Com p l ications
be observed: Systemic complications from local anesthetic drugs, with
the exception of syncope, occur less frequently compared
1. Schedule an evaluation appointment as soon as possible.
with local complications. When they occur, non-syncopal
2. Prescribe antibiotics as appropriate. systemic complications manifest primarily as overdoses, al­
3. Document the infection and the prescription. lergic responses, and idiosyncratic reactions. In addition to
4. Schedule follow-up appointments until the infection is discussions of these complications, two other systemic con­
resolved. ditions previously discussed in Chapter 10, "Patient Assess­
ment for Local Anesthesia," atypical plasma cholinesterase
Ocular Complications and methemoglobinemia, will be discussed briefly here.
D uring the course of local anesthetic administration, Of the three non-syncopal systemic complications,
other nerves may be unintentionally affected resulting overdose, allergy, and idiosyncratic reaction, overdose oc­
in anesthetic complications of the eye (Boynes, Echeverria, curs most frequently (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Overdoses may
& A d d u l w a h a b , 20 1 0 ; N g e o w, S h i m , & C h a i , 2 0 0 6 ; be defined as administrations of drugs that result in signs
Penarrocha-Diago & Sanchis-Bielsa, 2000). Symptoms of and symptoms of CNS and CVS depression (Horlocker &
this rare complication have been described most often as Wedel, 2002) . It is suspected that some of the overdoses ex­
blurring of vision and temporary blindness. In addition, perienced occur due to intravascular administration (Hor­
anesthesia of motor neurons in the optic area can result locker & Wedel, 2002). Not all individuals will respond
in pupil dilation, drooping of the eyelid, and double vision adversely to inadvertent intravascularly administered
(Boynes, 20 10). Generally, symptoms develop immediately doses, however (Lustig & Zusman, 1999; Malamed, 20 13).
after inj ection of the anesthetic solution and last for sev­ The maj ority of overdose reactions occur as a result
eral hours. These symptoms are attributed to anesthetic of systemic absorption of excessive volumes of drugs.
solution reaching the orbit or cavernous sinus through Many individuals do not respond with adverse systemic
distribution, diffusion, and/or venous and arterial trans­ signs and symptoms to local anesthetic drugs until much
port directly or via retrograde blood flow (B oynes, 20 10; higher than recommended doses are administered. They
Lee, 2006; Horowitz et al. , 2005). are referred to as hypo-responders (Lustig & Zusman,
While these complications may be stressful to patients 1999; Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Other individuals may respond
and clinicians, permanent injury to tissues, nerves, and eyes adversely when less than maximum recommended doses
is unusual; however, there have been reports of permanent have been administered and are referred to as hyper­
blindness occurring. Clinicians must be prepared to apply responders. Importantly, regardless of the response level,
preventive measures and to rapidly identify and respond an individual's threshold for adverse reaction to a local
to ocular complications, including appropriate treatment anesthetic drug is considered normal for that individual
and referral (Walsh, 1957). (Malamed, 20 13).
Allergic reactions to amide local anesthetic drugs are
P R E V E N T I O N O F O C U LA R C O M P L I CATI O N S To prevent rare. Allergy to esters are less rare and typically associated
ocular complications, it is important to aspirate frequently with topical anesthetics. They can manifest both locally
before depo siting solution when aspiration is recom­ and systemically. An important distinction between aller­
mended. S olutions should also be administered slowly gic reactions and overdose reactions is that allergic reac­
(Cooley & Cottingham, 1979) . tions are not dose-dependent.
M A N AG E M E N T O F O C U LAR C O M P L I CATI O N S Although Adverse events that have no known etiology also oc­
ocular complications are rare, they can be severe and, at cur and are known as idiosyncratic reactions.
the very least, can provoke understandable anxiety in pa­
tients. It is therefore imperative that clinicians understand
the proper management of these cases (Lee, 2006; van der Anxiety as well as perceived or real distress can result in
Bijil & Meyer, 1998) . abrupt loss of consciousness, or syncope. Syncope usually
The following steps should be applied: is the result of insufficient perfusion of oxygenated blood
within the brain (cerebral ischemia secondary to inade­
1. Reassure the patient that these complications are usu­ quate cerebral perfusion) . Anxiety is frequently cited as the
ally transient. main cause of syncope but other factors should be consid­
2. Covering the eye will restore functional monocular vision ered, including hyperventilation, postural hypotension, se­
and protect the cornea for the duration of the anesthesia. vere cardiac disorders, and drug interactions (Jastak, 1995).

Stress reduction protocols can be helpful for preventing with lidocaine before signs and symptoms of overdose
adverse events such as syncope. See Appendix 10-2. were noted and that when overdose developed from artic­
aine it was observed to be less severe (Tetzlaff, 2000). Bupi­
Management of Syncope vacaine is known for its nearly equal toxicities to the CNS
The goal of treatment when syncope occurs is to restore and CVS, yet Albright reported in 1979 that in a handful of
adequate oxygenated blood and circulation within the cases of bupivacaine toxicity, CVS collapse preceded any
brain. Supplemental oxygen is recommended for patients evidence of CNS toxicity (Horlocker & Wedel, 2002) .
experiencing syncope. The supine position is recommended
because it places the patient's brain and heart at the same T H E PAT H O P H Y S I O LO G Y O F L O C A L A N E ST H E T I C O V E R ­
level. The legs should be elevated slightly to enhance the D O S E Overdoses are t h e result of t h e pharmacological
venous return of blood to the heart to quickly restore ad­ actions of the local anesthetic drugs on the CNS and CVS.
equate cerebral circulation (Malamed, 2007). Loosen any They occur due to either intravascular deposition or non­
tight-fitting clothing that could restrict breathing. intravascular administration of excessive doses, both of
The exception to the supine position occurs when which interfere with normal ionic exchange across neural
pregnant mothers experience syncope. It is not uncom­ membranes of the CNS and CVS.
mon for pregnant females to lose consciousness when do­ Typical initial effects of drug overdose result from de­
ing nothing other than lying on their backs. Depending on pression of inhibitory pathways in the CNS, resulting in early
the size and position of the fetus and how far along the excitation. Inhibitory depression occurs due to a concentrat­
pregnancy, the supine position can compromise blood flow, ing effect of the drugs in the well-vascularized limbic brain
especially venous return to the heart through the inferior (Tetzlaff, 2000). Some drugs such as lidocaine and bupiva­
vena cava (Malamed, 2007). Rather than placing pregnant caine in very high quantities may not produce early excita­
patients in supine positions, rolling them onto their right tion in overdose, beginning instead with signs and symptoms
sides has been recommended (Malamed, 2007). of depression (Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Tetzlaff, 2000). Continued
Instituting these procedures usually reverses the ef­ overdosing depresses both inhibitory and excitatory path­
fects of syncope; however, should non-responsiveness per­ ways, resulting in signs and symptoms of CNS depression. If
sist, additional protocols including CPR and emergency overdosing continues, it can lead to seizures, CVS depression,
transport may be necessary. and eventually coma and respiratory and cardiac arrest. With
O ccasionally, convulsions may occur in response to some exceptions, CVS depression occurs only after higher
brain hypoxia. Attention should focus on patient safety as overdose levels of a drug have been reached in the blood.
soon as convulsions are recognized, including placing pa­ CVS effects of overdose involve several mechanisms.
tients in supine positions with all instruments and other These primarily affect myocardial contractility and con­
potentially harmful items cleared from the area and pa­ duction volumes, causing an interrelated decrease of both.
tients protected from injury (Little et al., 20 13). D ecreased contractility and conduction volumes can lead
Patients may continue to exhibit signs and symptoms to bradycardia, arrhythmias, and, finally, asystole (the ab­
of syncope (pallor, clamminess, and weakness) for several sence of a heartbeat) . Factors that may complicate recov­
hours after the event. A return to baseline should be con­ ery from higher overdoses include electrolyte imbalances,
firmed before dismissal. hypoxia, and acidosis (an abnormal increase in body fluid
The following steps serve as a guideline for the man­ acidity) (Levsky & Miller, 2005).
agement of syncope: Overdoses are reversed once normal metabolic path­
ways eliminate enough of the circulating drug for levels
1. Activate emergency protocols. to drop below overdose thresholds. At that time, signs and
2. Place the patient in a supine position, with legs slightly symptoms of overdose diminish or cease. Predisposing fac­
elevated and brain and heart at the same level. tors to overdose include physical status, concomitant med­
ications, and genetics.
3. Administer supplemental oxygen.
4. Monitor vital signs until baseline is achieved. I N I T I A L S I G N S A N D S Y M PTO M S OF L O C A L A N E ST H E T I C
5 . Provide patient safety from injury if convulsive activ- OVE R D O S E The initial signs and symptoms of overdose
ity occurs. have been described as a manifestation of central nervous
6. Observe for pallor, clamminess, and weakness. system excitation. These may include ringing in the ears, a
metallic taste in the mouth, increased anxiety, and circum­
7. Dismiss with escort or emergency transport as indicated.
oral tingling or numbness (Malamed, 20 13; Mulroy, 2002) .
8. Document the incident. Intravascular inj ections may result in rapid develop­
ment of these signs and symptoms because blood con­
Overdose centrations in the brain have been stated to be higher
The overdose potential of local anesthetic drugs differs after intravascular inj ections than from any other source
with each drug. For example, one study demonstrated that (Mulroy, 2002) . Fortunately, the same abundant perfusion
higher blood levels of articaine were necessary compared of blood to the brain that hastens the onset of the early

signs and symptoms of overdose in intravascular inj ections Several strategies can help prevent overdoses in den­
tends to decrease the duration of the overdose (drug levels tistry. In addition to accurate pre-inj ection assessment of
quickly diminish, provided the cardiovascular system re­ physical status to determine safe maximum dosages, the
mains relatively unimpaired) (Mulroy, 2002). most important technique strategy is to administer drugs
When overdoses are caused by absorption of exces­ slowly (no more than one cartridge per minute) (Malamed,
sive volumes of drug, the development of overdose tends 20 13). Some clinicians believe aspiration is more important
to be more delayed (Mulroy, 2002). This is moderated by than slow administration. Although the point might not be
factors such as the presence or absence of vasoconstric­ worth arguing because aspiration and slow deposition are
tors, the vascularity of areas into which drugs are inj ected, both critical safety factors, it appears that negative aspira­
the physical status of patients, and the class of drug. Drugs tion is not an absolutely reliable indicator that needle tips
that are rapidly metabolized in the blood have shorter are not in vessels (Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Mulroy, 2002) . When
overdose courses versus those metabolized in the liver (a aspiration is negative but the needle tip is located within a
relatively long process) . Signs and symptoms nevertheless vessel, only slow deposition can minimize the potential ad­
will be similar when overdoses occur. verse effects of intravascular administration because slow
deposition allows for greater dilution.
LAT E R S I G N S A N D S Y M PTO M S O F L O C A L A N E ST H E T I C If a needle tip is located intravascularly and aspira­
OVERDOSE A s overdose continues and progresses, previ­ tion is performed, a false-negative aspiration can be ob­
ously unopposed excitatory pathways are depressed and served if the positive pressure of aspiration creates suction
signs and symptoms of CNS depression prevail. These on the inside of the vessel wall that blocks the blood from
may include twitching and tremors, slurred speech, fatigue, entering the lumen of the needle. Aspirating in two planes
unconsciousness, and seizures (Malamed, 20 1 3 ; Mulroy, can decrease the incidence of false-negative aspiration
2002) . If drug levels continue to rise, coma, respiratory ar­ and intravascular inj ection , but it cannot guarantee its
rest, and cardiac arrest are possible (Mulroy, 2002) . One elimination.
approach to reversing cardiovascular collapse experienced
after overdose from local anesthetic drugs is discussed in Early
Box 17-10 •· signs and symptoms of overdose overlap with signs and
symptoms of anxiety in dental patients. This is particu­
P R E V E N T I O N O F LOCAL AN E STH ETIC O V E R D O S E To pre­ larly true with articaine, mepivacaine, and prilocaine when
vent local anesthetic overdose, the following guidelines excitatory phases precede CNS depression and when va­
are recommended: soconstrictors are included in solutions. When overdose
1. Establish maximum doses based on weight and physi­ occurs, these excitatory phases precede CNS depression. It
cal status, before inj ection. is not unusual to have a talkative, apprehensive patient in
the dental chair who may display many of the signs and
2. Aspirate whenever there is a possibility of intravascu­
symptoms of overdose when there is no overdose. Impor­
lar deposition.
tant distinctions, however, help discriminate between the
3. Administer all doses slowly. manifestations of anxiety and true overdose. Circumoral
4. Re-aspirate throughout inj ections. tingling or numbness, in particular, would not be due to
the effects of unilateral anesthesia or of anxiety. In addi­
tion, relaxation techniques can reverse the signs and symp­
toms of anxiety but are unlikely to be effective in response
to a progressive overdose. Finally, a progression of depres­
sive signs and symptoms is suggestive of an overdose.
Research on a weight loss supplement, lntralipid, has sug­ Initial signs and symptoms of overdose include the
gested that i t may aid in reversing the cardiovascular ef­ following:
fects of local anestheti c overdose (Weinberg et al., 1 998).
Resusci t ation wi t h Intra lipid has had promising resul ts in
1. Metallic taste

treating cardiovascular depression experienced after 2. Increased anxiety

bupivacaine, ropi vacaine, and l e vobupi v acaine-i n duced 3. Circumoral tingling or numbness
cardiovascular collapse (Foxall et al., 2007; Rosenblatt et al.,
2006). Several studies have suggested that infusions of 20% A list of the signs and symptoms of local anesthetic
(Intra lipid) have contributed to CVS toxi c i ty reversal and overdose is illustrated in Table 17-2 • and for vasocon­
may even have aided in seizure reversal (CNS toxi c ity rever­ strictors see Table 17-3 •·
sal ) (Foxall et al., 2007).
The abili ty of this supplement to provi d e reliable, M A N AG E M E N T O F LOCAL A N E STH ETIC OVER­

li fe-saving rescue in emergency si t uations i s still under in- D O S E Overdose reactions may occur within minutes to
vestigation, and its potential usefulness in dental overdose up to an hour or more from the time of administration
s t t n s nk h s t Ca ar y 0 )
• •
(Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995). Generally, the more
: . : �� :� � : . � . ���� �: � : . ��� � . :� �. � . �� � �� : : . • delayed the onset, the less severe the reaction.

Table 1 7-2 S i g n s and Sym pto m s of loca l An esthetic

Overdose (Prog ressive O rd e r)

Central Nervous System Card iovascu lar System

In response to mild overdose, the following guidelines are
Lightheadedness Hypertension recommended:
Tinnitus Tachycardia
1 . Acti v ate emergency protocol s , as needed
2. Reassure
Circumoral numbness
3. Observe
Muscle twitching Decreased contractility and 4. Monit or
Auditory and visual cardiac output Dental procedures may continue (i f tol e rable), or the
hallucinations Hypotension patient may be dismi s sed. The patient may not need an
escort if full recovery has occurred; however, an escort or
e r c t a �r nd a -

: . .�� � � � '! . � � �� : ��: �� : . :� � � �

Tonic-clonic seizures Sinus bradycardia
Unconsciousness Ventricular dysrhythmias • • • • • • • • • • • •

Respiratory arrest Circulatory arrest

Sources: Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995), Little et al. (20 13), and concentration. Hypersensitivities to local anesthetics can
Malamed (2004) . manifest both locally and systemically and are classified as
immediate (Type I) or delayed (Type IV) responses (Ibsen &
Mild overdoses may require no more than monitoring Phelan, 20 14; Malamed, 20 13).
while providing supportive measures until drug levels fall Systemic allergic reactions can be life threatening and
below overdose thresholds. Moderate to severe overdoses require prompt response. Fortunately, the amide drugs in
can require aggressive management, including rapid re­ dentistry today have very low allergenic potentials. They also
sponse, appropriate positioning (especially in the event have low cross-reactivity; in other words, if a patient is aller­
of clonic-tonic seizures), and activation of the emergency gic to one amide, he or she often has no adverse response
system. For a quick reference of guidelines on the manage­ to others. Allergy testing should precede further administra­
ment of overdoses, see Boxes 17-11 • and 17-12 •· tions once hypersensitivity has been identified, and it should
Clinicians should be prepared to implement the CABs include testing for sensitivity to possible alternatives.
Unlike amides, all esters have a common metabolite
para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) , the suspected allerge d
(Circulation, Airway, Breathing) of basic life support and
appropriate positioning of the patient.
in ester hypersensitivities (Tetzlaff, 2000). Esters in den­
Allergy tistry are primarily used as topical anesthetics. An allergic
reaction to one ester precludes the use of all esters.
A maj or difference between overdose and allergy is that
Local anesthetic molecules are considered too small
allergies are not dose-dependent. Allergy, also referred
to act as antigens, but their binding preference for pro­
to as hypersensitivity, involves localized or systemic, cell­
teins, which largely explains their actions in sodium ion
mediated, and/or humoral responses to antigens, in any
channels, also provides sufficient size to allow them to be­
come antigenic (Jastak, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995).
Table 1 7-3 S i g n s and Sym pto m s of Va soco n strictor

Cardiovascular System

Generalized signs of fear Serious elevation in blood

and anxiety pressure and heart rate In response to moderate to severe overdose, the following
Nausea Cardiac dysrhythmias guidelines are recommended:
Restlessness Premature ventricular
1 . Acti v ate emergency protocol s
Heart racing contractions
2. Administer oxygen (to prevent seizures that can occur
In tense anxiety Ventricular tachycardia
because of a l a ck of 02)
Weakness Ventricular fibrillation
3. Administer diazepam (Valium) or midazolam (Versed),
Tremor Circulatory arrest
if a seizure devel o ps
Severe headache Stroke
4. Perform CPR when necessary
5. Prevent patient injury due to seizures
6. Moni t or vital signs
7. Pati e nt di s mi s sal wi t h escort or/emergency transport '

as indicated

Sources: Jastak, Yagiela, and Donaldson (1995), Grimes (20 14), and •

Ltttle et a!. (20 13). : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Allergy may also occur due to sulfite preservatives in inj ectable lidocaine in all concentrations, suggesting a true
vasoconstrictor-containing local anesthetic solutions. If a allergic reaction versus an irritant effect (Tucker, 2007).
patient is allergic to sulfites, solutions with vasoconstric­ Hives (urticaria) are associated with many conditions,
tors should not be used. Allergy to epinephrine is impossi­ including reactions to antigens (Ibsen & Phelan, 20 14).
ble because the epinephrine in local anesthetics is identical They present as well-demarcated swellings on the skin
to endogenous epinephrine. An allergy to the epinephrine usually accompanied by itching and can occur after local
found in local anesthetic solutions would be incompatible anesthetic administration (Malamed, 20 13). A similar, but
with life; however, on rare occasions, patients have experi­ less frequent allergic manifestation to anesthetics is known
enced allergic reactions to the bitartrate in local anesthetic as angioedema (Ibsen & Phelan, 20 14). Angioedema and
solutions, the typical salt form of epinephrine in dental urticaria are different in that angioedema is not usually
cartridges (Kohase & Umino, 2004) . Despite the presumed accompanied by itching due to involvement of less super­
physiologic impossibility, it is not unusual for patients to ficial vessels (Ibsen & Phelan, 20 14). Either may occur
report they are allergic to adrenalin . The sensitivity they rapidly after inj ectable or topical anesthetic administra­
may have experienced, although not allergenic in etiology, tion, in which case patients should be closely monitored.
limits epinephrine's future use for them and may be the Close monitoring is important in local allergic reac­
basis of a fear of dentistry. tions in order to recognize the possible progression from
In addition to drug allergies, latex components of lo­ local to systemic events. Whereas most complications man­
cal anesthetic drug cartridges have been speculated to be ifest with only local tissue changes, some local anesthetic
possible causes of allergic reactions. These components allergic reactions can progress to systemic events (Jastak,
are discussed in detail in Chapter 9, " Local Anesthetic Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995). Clinicians should be alert to
D elivery Devices." Latex components of local anesthetic possible progressive worsening of the signs and symptoms
drug cartridges currently manufactured for use in North of localized allergy (see Figure 17-13 ) , especially respira­
American have been voluntarily replaced with latex-free tory distress.
LOCALIZ E D A L L E R G I C R EACT I O N S Localized allergic re­ recognition and response to developing localized allergic
actions to local anesthetic drugs occur most frequently af­ reactions can alter the extent of the reaction. It is also im­
ter topical anesthetic application (see Figure 17-13 •) and portant to remove any remaining traces of a topical drug
manifest as Type IV reactions (Ibsen & Phelan, 20 14) . They and discontinue its use.
are usually limited and respond well to antihistamine ther­ PREVENTION O F LOCALIZE D ALLERG I C EVE NTS To prevent
apy. The majority have occurred due to the metabolic by­ local allergic events:
product of esters, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Allergic
reactions typically occur in response to topical anesthetics 1. Avoid medications that have induced allergic reac­
within 30-60 minutes of tissue contact (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . tions in the past
Despite this rapid reaction, some onsets may be delayed, 2. Avoid same-class topical preparations that previously
occurring hours after a patient has been dismissed. There induced hypersensitivities
is concern that contact allergy to lidocaine topicals may be 3. Consult with previous providers whenever patients re­
increasing (Tucker, 2007). Several patients in a recent report port past allergic experiences
experienced positive reactions to lidocaine topical and to
4. Refer for allergy testing if patients report past aller­
gies or symptoms
5. Document in patient records


sponse to local allergic events, the following guidelines are
1. Schedule the patient immediately to evaluate possible
postoperative allergic lesions/reactions
2. Recommend OTC B enadryl or prescribe diphenhydr­
amine as appropriate
3. Refer for allergy testing, depending on signs and
4. Send samples of anesthetic and of non-anesthetic sub­
FIGURE 1 7-1 3 Localized Allergic Reaction. Signs of localized stances that also contacted the site
allergic reaction following the placement of topical anesthetic. 5. Document in the patient record

Systemic Allergic Reactions

Although less frequent, systemic reactions to local an­
esthetic drugs and solutions are far more serious. These
reactions may be in response to local anesthetic drugs
themselves, sulfite preservatives in solutions, or, in the case
In the event of generali z ed anaphyl axi s , signs and symp­
of esters, the byproduct of ester hydrolysis, PABA.
toms will progress through phases that include:
R E S PO N S E TO SYSTE M I C A L L E R G I C R EACTI O N S Recogni­ 1 . Skin reactions-itching, flushing, hi ves
tion and prompt response are critical when allergic reac­ 2. GI /GU reactions-cramps, vomi t ing, diarrhea, nausea,
tions occur. Any delay allows a progressively deteriorating incontinence
situation that may result in respiratory and cardiovascular 3. Respiratory-chest tightness, cough, wheezing,
dyspnea, laryngeal edema
4. CVS-palpi t ations, lightheadedness, tachycardia,
arrest. Epinephrine reverses bronchial constriction and
peripheral vasodilation and is not, itself, an antigen. It is
important to note that epinephrine's effectiveness is lim­ hypotension, unconsciousness, arrest
ited to relatively short intervals due to its rapid biotrans­
Source: " P ro g ress i o n of S i g n s and Sym pto m s i n G e n e r a l ized A n a -
formation. Clinicians must be prepared to deliver repeated p h y l a x i s , " by Sta n l ey F . M a l a m e d fro m H A N D B O O K O F L O C A L •
doses until emergency medical personnel arrive.
: �� ��� �� � � � � � : � � � � �0.1 :·�
ES l i e d b E s v e r,
. . • • . . . • . • • . . • . . • •
reactions to known allergens can be prevented by obtain­ 6. Transfer to a hospital via ambulance. If appropriate,
ing information during health history reviews. Specific following observation and consultation with the pa­
questions related to previous allergic reactions can provide tient's medical provider, patients may be dismissed
guidance, either as direct evidence or in provoking further with a prescription for diphenhydramine or an appro­
questioning or referrals to allergists. priate substitute. The need for an escort should be de­
B ecause of the possibility of allergic reactions to pre­ termined by the medical provider or hospital.
viously nonallergenic substances and the nearly universal 7. Medical consultation before subsequent therapy, in­
exposure of the population to a wide variety of allergens, cluding allergy testing (Malamed, 20 13)
there is no way to predict or prevent unprecedented aller­
gic reactions. The exception to this unpredictable pattern Idiosyncratic Events
occurs when there may be cross-reactivities, which should Adverse events may occur that have no known etiology.
be investigated whenever a positive response has been These are referred to as idiosyncratic events and are likely
noted to a history of allergy to any amide anesthetic. of genetic origin. The varieties of signs and symptoms that
may occur resemble those seen in overdose and allergy
and require responses that are appropriate to the particu­
I hypersensitivities may manifest as localized reactions lar signs and symptoms that develop (Malamed, 20 13).
(localized anaphylaxis) and systemic reactions (general­
ized anaphylaxis). B oth are similar in a number of ways. Atypical Plasma Cholinesterase
The most important similarity in this discussion, how­
As discussed in Chapter 10, atypical plasma cholinester­
ever, is that the reaction occurs within a short time, any­
ase impairs the metabolism of esters. Prescreening for this
where from seconds to hours after exposure to an antigen
genetic trait is the primary preventive measure. Because
(Malamed, 20 13).
esters are no longer packaged in cartridges, they are rarely
Localized anaphylaxis has the potential to become
used in dentistry as inj ectable drugs. The most common
systemic and should be monitored for the development of
current use of esters in dentistry is in topical anesthetics
systemic signs and symptoms, especially peripheral vasodi­
such as benzocaine and tetracaine. These preparations are
lation, which can lead to hypovolemic shock, a generalized
easily avoided by using topicals containing lidocaine, prilo­
rash, and difficulty breathing due to constriction of the air­
caine, or dyclonine hydrochloride.
way (see Box 17-13 •) .
Systemic allergic reactions are life-threatening emer- Methemoglobinemia
gencies and require prompt responses, including:
Methemoglobinemia is a condition characterized by a
1. Terminate treatment diminished oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. Patients
2. Activate emergency protocols who have genetic predispositions, bre athing problems
such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, heart disease, and
3. Administer oxygen
patients who smoke are at greater risk for complications
4. Administer epinephrine, 0.3 mg (0.15 mg for a child) related to methemoglobinemia. Methemoglobinemia
intramuscularly or subcutaneously may also occur in non-predisposed individuals. In addi­
5. Administer diphenhydramine, 50 mg (25 mg for a tion to other chemical substances, both prilocaine and
child) benzocaine are known inducers and must be avoided in

susceptible individuals (Abu-Laban et a!. , 2003; Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention [CD C] , 1994; FDA
Patient S afety News, 2006; Institute for S afe M e dical
Practices [ISMP] , 2002) . Although typical doses in den­
tistry do not seem to be problematic, warnings from the
FDA in response to recent serious incidents with benzo­ Methylene blue is a concentrated dye that works with
caine spray, and a history of numerous warnings associ­ a naturall y occurring enzyme known as NADPH to
ated with prilocaine, have reinforced the need for caution change the mol e cular structure of methemoglobin
(Abu-Laban et a!., 2003). There are many reports of met­ back to hemoglobin (Umbrei t , 2007). Methylene blue
requires the availabili ty and presence of NADPH to
reverse methemoglobinemia. Individuals with glucose-
hemoglobinemia associated with both drugs (FDA Mod­
ernization Act of 1997; FDA Patient Safety News, 2006;
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) l a ck the
ISMP, 2004 ) . Although not mentioned in these FDA re­
abili ty to produce NADPH (Trapp & Will 201 0; Umbreit,
ports, articaine in large doses was reported in a limited
2007). This X-I inked inheri t ed di s order usuall y affects
number of case reviews to induce methemoglobinemia
persons of Middle-Eastern, Medi t erranean, Asian, or
(Sambrook et a!., 20 1 1 ) . African lineage, and nearl y 400 million people are affected
Methemoglobinemia occurs when hemoglobin en­ globall y (Frank, 2005). Anestheti c agents associ a ted wi t h
counters a chemical or an agent that changes its molec­ methemoglobinemia should not be used in patients wi t h
ular structure to methemoglobin, which has a decreased

: .�� .� •

affinity for oxygen. The net effect of having too many • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

molecules of methemoglobin in the blood is that red

blood cells will have a reduced ability to provide oxygen Methemoglobinemia can be a serious complication
to the tissues. When the level of methemoglobin reaches of local anesthetic administration. Preventive measures
certain levels, cyanosis can be observed, usually at the lips should include a thorough risk-benefit analysis and avoid­
and nail beds. If methemoglobin levels continue to rise, ance of benzocaine and prilocaine for any patients with
symptoms can become severe and life-threatening (See previously known susceptibility.
Table 17-4 •) .
Treatment for methemoglobinemia usually o ccurs Needle Phobia
during an emergency room visit with the intravenous infu­ During the administration of local anesthesia, the most
sion of methylene blue (1-2 mg/kg) (Trapp & Will, 20 10). frequently encountered systemic reactions have a psycho­
For more information on methylene blue and an example logical basis (Jastak, 1995 ) . In addition to syncope, many
of a genetic predisposition to methemoglobinemia, see patients suffer non-syncopal reactions surrounding dental
Box 17-14 •· appointments including avoiding them entirely because of
needle phobia, as discussed in depth in Chapter 2, "Fun­
damentals of Pain Management" (Dionne, Gordon, &
Table 1 7-4 S i g n s a n d Sym pto m s Associated McCullagh, 1998 ) . Needle phobia is considered a formal
with M et h e m o g l o b i n e m i a medical condition affecting approximately 1 0 % of the
world's population (Hamilton, 1995). Management of den­
Percentage of
Methemog lobin i n
tal phobias is discussed in Chapter 18, "Insights for Fearful
Blood Signs and Sym ptoms Patients." Additional discussion on needle phobia is pro­
vided in Box 17-15 •·
Less than 2 Normal amount in blood

2-15 None

15-20 Cyanosis

20-30 Headache, dizziness, syncope, An extensi v e revi e w of needle phobia provided evidence
tiredness, increased heart rate that this condi t i o n is both l e arned and inherited (Sokolowski ,
Giovannitti, & Baynes, 201 0). I n the majority of phobic
30-50 Confusion, tiredness, increased patients, needle phobia usually ari s es as a negati v e experi ­
heart rate, and breaths per minute ence at the dental offi c e or wi t h another medical provider
during childhood. This learned fear in childhood can
50-70 Abnormal heart rhythm, seizure progress over time into a phobia that l e ads to anticipa­
activity, coma tory anxiety. In addit ion to the l e arned process, there are
genetic indications for the physiol o gic reaction to needl e
More than 70 Death puncture that ari s e from primi t i v e impul s es of survi v ability

( � �o� s k � : va i :t , & � y n · 2�; �) .....•

: . � �� . :� . �� : . . � . �� .
. . . .

Sources: Trapp and Will (2010) and Wright, Lewander, and Woolf (1999). • •

Ashley Smith
A l t h o u g h s o m e w h a t d r a m at i c i n a p p e a ra n ce , t h e h e m atom a a few m i n utes after deve l o p m ent. This was
h e m ato m a p resented i n t h i s case is m o re typ ica l of the approxim ate extent of the swe l l i n g a n d represents
m a ny that d eve l o p fo l lowi ng denta l i njecti ons, i n both t h e p o i n t at w h i c h t h e i ntravasc u l a r p ressu res h ave
exte nt a n d co u rse of h e a l i n g . U n l i ke the case h i g h ­ been e q u a l ized by the p ress u res exerted by the d is­
l i g hted i n t h e text o f t h i s c h a pter, w h e re t h e patient tended tissues of the face. One week later, the swe l l i n g
was ta k i n g th ree a nticoa g u l a nts, t h e re were n o co m ­ is sti l l present b u t h a s d iffused somewhat into adjacent
p l i cating fa cto rs a n d n o contra i n d i cati o n s to t h e u s e tissues, providing a smoother o utl i n e (Fig u re 1 7-1 5 •).
of a P S A n e rve b l ock. H e m atomas a re affected by g ravity. N otice how t h e
swe l l i ng has d ropped below the mandible in its inferior
Case Discussion: The h e m ato m a seen i n F i g u re 1 7-1 extent. Two weeks later (Fig u re 1 7-1 6 •), the o utl ine is
occu rred i m m ed iate ly fo l l ow i n g a positive aspi ration even sm ooth er, m u ch l ess a n g u l a r compared with the
at o pti m u m p e n etrat i o n d e pth and a n g l e fo r a PSA appearance on the day of development, and the bruise
nerve b l ock. Of particu l a r interest i n this series of pho­ is m uch more obvious, demonstrating typical shades of
t o g ra p hs a re t h e time seq u e n ce, t h e a p pe a r a n ce of ye l l ow, b rown, and purple (Fig u re 1 7-1 7 •).These co l­
the h e m at o m a at va r i o u s sta ges of h e a l i n g , and t h e o rs reflect the changes in the appearance of the blood,
length o f time for reso l utio n . Fig u re 1 7-1 4 shows the • which occu r over time, under the ski n .

FIGURE 1 7-1 4 Progression of a Hematoma-Day 1 + . FIGURE 1 7-1 5 Progression o f a Hematoma-1 Week

Progression of swelling a few minutes after observing the Later. The swelling is still present but has diffused into
initial swelling. adjacent tissues.
Source: Courtesy of Ashley Diteman. Source: Courtesy of Ashley Diteman.

FIGURE 1 7-1 6 Progression of a Hematoma - -2 FIGURE 1 7-1 7 Progression of a Hematoma - 2 Weeks+

Weeks Later. After 2 weeks, the outline is smoother Later. Demonstrating typical shades of yellow, brown, and
compared with day one; however, the bruise is much purple, these colors reflect the changes in the appearance
more obvious. of the blood, which occur over time, under the skin.
Source: Courtesy of Ashley Diteman. Source: Courtesy of Ashley Diteman.

As h e m at o m a s h e a l a n d b r u i s i n g becomes m o re res p o n s i b l e fo r t h e red d i s h - b l u e co l o r, b i l iverd i n fo r

v i s i b l e , c o l o r c h a n g es a re d u e to t h e b r e a k d o w n of t h e g re e n , a n d b i l i ru b i n t h e ye l l ow. H e m os i d e r i n is
h e m o g l o b i n , its meta b o l ites ( b i l iverd i n and b i l i r u b i n ) , responsi b l e fo r the b rown co l o r.
a n d h e m os i d e ri n . T h e b r e a kdown of h e m o g l o b i n is

Chapter Questions b. The patient is likely suffering from a drug overdose

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
due to excessive administered doses.
1 . A clinician is administering an IA nerve block be­ c. The patient is likely suffering from a drug overdose
fore therapy when the patient suddenly j erks and the due to intravascular administration.
needle breaks. The embedded portion is not visible. d. The patient is likely suffering from an allergy to
What should the clinician do? lidocaine.
a. Attempt removal 3. Allergies to topical anesthetic drugs that cause mucosal
b. Refer for removal signs and symptoms hours to days after exposure are
c. Reappoint to remove once the needle has devel­ explained best by which one of the following reactions?
oped a fibrous cocoon around it a. Delayed hypersensitivity
d. Refer for evaluation b. Anaphylaxis
2. A second cartridge of 2% lidocaine has been admin­ c. Angioedema
istered for an IA nerve block when the 160-lb patient d. Immunopathology
becomes anxious and states that she doesn't feel well, 4. A patient calls several days after an IA block and
even a little nauseous. She becomes less anxious as reports that numbness is still present along with some
she becomes increasingly fatigued, her speech be­ annoying, occasional sharp pains. Which of the fol­
comes slurred, and she reports a numb feeling all lowing terms best describes what is occurring?
around her mouth. Which one of the following state­ a. Paresthesia, anesthesia
ments best describes these observations? b. Paresthesia, hypoesthesia
a. The patient is likely suffering from severe anxiety c. Paresthesia, dysesthesia
and fatigue. d. Anesthesia, hyperesthesia

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with the ice pack. complications associated with local anesthesia administration
in dentistry. Dental Clinics ofNorth America, 54, 677-686.
b. Place pressure on the area for 10 minutes and then
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continue working.
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c. Place pressure on the area while someone else thesia administration and reversal with phenylalanine mesyl­
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one occurs most frequently?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1994, September 9).
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b. Idiosyncratic response 1993. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 43(35),
c. Overdose 655-657.
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venting overdose, which one is most important? reports and a review of the literature. Journal of Neuropathic
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b. Slow administration Chi, D., Kanellis, M., Himadi, E., & Asselin, M. E. (2008) . Lip
c. Aspiration biting in a pediatric dental patient after dental local anesthe­
d. Reassuring patients sia: A case report. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 23, 490-413.
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C h a pter 1 8 I n s i g h ts fo r Fea rf u l Pati e n ts

Chapter 1 9 I n s i g hts f ro m Ped i a t r i c D e n t i st ry

Chapter 20 I n s i g h ts f ro m S p e c i a l t i e s : O ra l S u rg e ry, P e r i o d o n t i cs , a n d
E n d o d o n t i cs


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss t h e key terms i n th i s c h a pte r. a n x i ety 359

b e h av i o ra l control 362
• D iffe renti ate between t h e terms fear; anxiety, and p hobia . b e h av i o ra l i n d icators of
• Exp l a i n t h e eti o l og y a n d deve l o p m e n t o f fea r a s it re lates to fea r 36 1
p a i n a n d pa i n m a n a g e m ent. b i o fe e d b a c k 364

• D i scuss the p ri m a ry so u rces fo r reco g n i z i n g a n d assess i n g fea rs . c o g n itive control 36 1

control 36 1
• A p p l y t h e fu n d a m e n ta l concepts of treatm e n t fo r fea rfu l a n d
d e b riefi n g 362
a nx i o u s patients. d e e p b reath i n g 363
• R e l ate a patient's sense of contro l to his o r her exp e r i e n ced e l ectric p u l p teste r (E PT) 364
l eve l of fea r o r a nxi ety. fea r 359
focu s i n g atte n t i o n 362
• Exp l a i n fo u r u sefu l types of contro l fo r a nx i o u s patients receiv­
g r a d u ated expos u re 364
i n g i nj e ct i o n s .
g u i d e d vis u a l izati o n or
• D i sc u ss a n d d e m o n strate physica l re l axat i o n a n d co p i n g s ki l l s , g u i d e d i m a g e ry 36 1
i n c l u d i n g d e e p b reath i n g a n d m u s c l e re l axati o n . i nfo r m a ti o n a l control 36 1
p a i n 360
• Te ach physica l re l axati o n a n d co p i n g s ki l l s t o patients.
p a i n m a n a g e m e n t 360
• Apply a p p ro p ri ate fea r m a n a g e m e n t strate g i e s and co p i n g
p h o b i a 360
s ki l l s t o t h e a d m i n i strati o n o f l oca l a n esthetics. p h ys i o l o g i c a l i n d i cators of
• Describe and exp l a i n t h e b e n efit of re h e a rsa l s , ti m e struct u r­ fea r 36 1
i n g , a n d b i ofeed back to fea rfu l patie nts. pos itive co p i n g
state m e n t 362
• Describe b e n efits and tech n i q u es fo r testi n g l o ca l a n esthetic
p rog ressive m uscle re l axati o n
effective n ess.
( P M R) 363
• Describe t h e m a n a g e m e n t of a n esthetic fa i l u re , i n c l u d i n g re h e a rs a l s 363
psych o l og i ca l m a n a g e m e n t o f t h e patient a n d tech n i ca l retro sp ective control 362
rea ssess m e n t . se lf-re p o rt 360
syste m a t i c
d e s e n s itizati o n 363
t i m e structu r i n g 364


appointments, whereas another 1 2 % to 20 % are extremely

CAS E S T U DY anxious or fearful (De Jongh et al., 1995 ; Sohn & Ismail,
2005). Despite dramatic improvements in dental technol­
Lydia O'Kaine ogy, this pattern of fear has not changed over time (Smith
M rs . Ly d i a O ' Ka i n e , a 3 3 - ye a r- o l d fe m a l e , p re ­ & Heaton, 2003). Anxiety and fear produce both psycho­
sented fo r denta l care with a ch ief co m p l a i nt o f u n ­ logical and physiological changes that can affect the abil­
h a p p i n ess o v e r the esthetics o f tooth # 7 . The i n itia l ity to receive local anesthetics and their effectiveness once
i nterview reve a l e d that s h e h a d not seen a d e ntist received. When asked to rank the most fearful elements
in 6 years. H e r m e d i c a l h i story was n o n -contri b u ­ of dentistry, patients consistently place needles at or near
tory, exce pt fo r smoking o n e p a c k o f ciga rettes p e r the top of surveys. It has been found that nearly 1 in 20
d a y fo r 1 5 years. M rs . O ' Ka i n e i n d i cated t h a t s h e individuals avoids dentistry because of fear of inj ections
h a d tried t o q u it seve ral t i m e s b ut fou n d the h a b it (Milgrom et al., 1997; Milgram et al. , 1988) .
" re laxing a n d e njoya b l e . " Local anesthesia failures can magnify the problem. Fail­
A t t h e i n itia l exa m , i nfo rmati o n a b o ut h e r l ast ure rates were demonstrated to be as high as 14 % during
d e nta l visit was o bta i n e d . Lyd i a re p o rted that t h e dental appointments in one report (Weinstein et al. , 1985).
l o w e r right m o l a rs " h a d cavities a n d needed treat­ More than 2 % of the patients involved were unable to com­
m e nt" and that the c l i n i ci a n had to sto p treatment plete treatment because of the inadequacy of the anesthesia
seve ra l times to g ive h e r m o re a n esthetic. S h e a lso (Weinstein et al., 1985). There figures compare closely with
stated that she " n ever rea l ly fe lt n u m b , " but s h e the results of a 1984 survey of dentists, which revealed diffi­
w a s a b l e t o " to u g h it o u t " a n d t h e treatm ent was culties administering adequate anesthesia in approximately
com p l eted . The a d d iti o n a l i njectio n s were very d if­ 1 3 % of patients over a 5-day period (Kaufman, Weinstein, &
ficu lt fo r h e r because "they b u r n ed . " Lyd i a stated Milgram, 1984). The actual percentage of the failures with at
she is now q u ite a p p re h e n sive about p a i nfu l i njec­ least a partial psychological etiology is unknown, but there
tions and a d d iti o n a l ly she is concerned a bo u t the is reason to suspect that there is at least some psychological
effective n ess of the a n esthetic. Lyd ia i n d i cated that influence on the effectiveness of local anesthetic drugs. The
b efo re her l ast exp e r i e n ce she had n ot received manner in which dental fear and anxiety can contribute to
reg u l a r denta l care but had n ot h a d p ro b l e m s with local anesthesia failure will be clarified in this chapter. As
i njections o r a n esth esia . After this experience Lyd ia one clinician commented, "Why is it that I always seem to
did n ot retu rn to h ave tooth #7 treated , and the miss the blocks on my most anxious patients?"
cavity is now vis i b l e but asym pto m atic. Some clinicians emphasize the benefits of oral health
Findings at the i n itial exa m included the fo l l ow­ when attempting to motivate fearful patients. Many of
i n g : caries in #7, #8, a n d # 1 3 a n d a m issi ng restora­ these patients are aware of the benefits of oral health, but
tion in #3 1 . D u ri n g her periodonta l exa m , c h ro n i c the prospect of good oral health, alone, is not sufficient to
g i n g ivitis w a s a p p a rent i n the maxi l l a ry anterior re­ enable them to tolerate treatment. This chapter focuses
g i o n . Because of tiss ue sensitivity, fu l l m o uth p rob­ on strategies and skills that lower psychological barri­
ing was not co m p l eted . Iso l ated p ro b i n g reve a l e d ers to treatment. A principle known as treat the fear first,
5- to 6- m m pocket depths in the maxi l l a ry a n d m a n ­ developed and elaborated by Milgrom, Weinstein, and
d i b u l a r m o l a rs . M o d e rate s u p ra g i n g iv a l ca l c u l u s Heaton in their text, Treating Fearful Dental Patients: A
w a s p resent o n t h e l i n g u a l o f t h e l ower a nteriors. Patient Management Handbook, will be highlighted.
The proposed treatm ent p l a n included oral hyg i e n e
i n str u ct i o n s , fo u r q u a d ra nts of s ca l i n g a n d r o o t Term i nology and Fea r Development
p l a n i n g w i t h a n esthesia, fl u o r i d e t h e ra py a n d p re­
The terms fear, anxiety , and phobia are often used inter­
scriptions, and resto ration of #7, #8, # 1 3, and #3 1 .
changeably. In order to better understand the differences
between these terms, particularly as they are used in the
dental fears literature, they will be defined as follows
(Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009) :
I ntrod uction Fear is an emotional response to an immediate threat
This chapter discusses the use o f local anesthesia for pa­ or danger. Reactions to perceived danger include ( 1 ) un­
tients that are known as fears patients. Despite the empha­ pleasant cognitions that something terrible will happen,
sis on the management of exceptional fear, there are many (2) physiological changes (tachycardia, perspiration, nau­
discussions within this chapter that apply when anesthetiz­ sea, hyperventilation) , and (3) overt behaviors such as
ing all patients. Fear and anxiety are by no means unique shaking, pacing, and rapid speech. This layered response is
to this segment of the dental patient population, especially often referred to as fight or flight.
when needles and drugs are involved. As reported in the Anxiety is an emotional response to a threat or danger
literature, approximately 40 % of patients presenting for that is not immediately present or is unclear. Anxiety may
dental care experience some level of anxiety related to lead to the same cognitive, physiological, and behavioral

responses as fear. Anticipatory anxiety may occur hours or report. If they regard their experience as pain and if they
days before an actual dental appointment. report it in the same way as pain caused by tissue dam­
Phobia, as described in the American Psychiatric As­ age, it should be accepted as pain. This definition avoids
sociation's D iagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental tying pain to the stimulus. (Merskey, B ogduk, 1994)
Disorders, is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object
or situation that results in a compelling desire to either For additional information on this topic see Chapter 2,
avoid the situation or endure it with dread (American Psy­ "Fundamentals of Pain Management."
chiatric Association , 2000) . Phobias can interfere with a The Development of Fear
person's ability to function. In dentistry, phobias are likely
Fear of dentistry is complex (Milgrom,Weinstein, & Heaton,
to interfere with the achievement of oral health, often re­
2009) . The most common cause for the development of
sulting in pain and suffering when oral health is neglected.
dental fear is through direct negative experience, usually of
The terms strategy, skill, response, and reaction may be
pain or fright, to a perceived threat of harm. The experi­
helpful for clinicians when presenting methods for modi­
ence of pain or fright, alone, does not necessarily lead to
fying behaviors in the dental environment. The follow­
exceptional fear and avoidance of dentistry. The manner in
ing definitions will apply to these terms ( The American
which a clinician manages a patient's emotional reaction
Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language [American
to pain (or the anticipation of pain) is a more important
Heritage Dictionary] , 2000):
determinant of whether or not dental fear develops.
Strategy is defined as a plan of action intended to The !ASP's definition of pain describes the experience
accomplish a specific goal. as occurring with or without tissue damage. In the absence
Skill refers to a proficiency acquired or developed of injury, the causes of pain can be hidden from clinicians.
through training or experience. In the absence of obvious injury, it is the patient, alone, who
determines whether or not pain has been experienced. This
Response refers to a reply, an answer, or a reaction to
self-determination can lead to emotional reactions arising
a specific stimulus.
from unpleasant experiences perceived by patients. The re­
Reaction is a response to a stimulus. sponse of clinicians and their behavior in the face of these
reactions can be critical. If clinicians fail to understand or
Local anesthetic drugs are used in dentistry to control respond to patient concerns, or if they belittle patient reac­
and manage pain. Unfortunately, the very act of adminis­ tions, fear is a likely result. This is especially true when a
tering local anesthetics is often perceived as too painful patient has no ability to control stressful and fearful situ­
to endure by patients who are excessively fearful of inj ec­ ations. Clinicians who are empathetic, on the other hand,
tions. Pain management for these individuals entails their can respond in ways that inhibit the development of fear.
ability to cope with and tolerate treatment, in addition to
the proper administration of local anesthetic. Recog n izing Fea r and Anxiety
Before discussing pain management in these individu­
Studies have demonstrated that even dental p ersonnel
als, it is important to define the term pain. As a positive
who recognize fear and anxiety in patients often do not
experience, pain has a primary benefit of alerting an indi­
address the problem in order to avoid making matters
vidual to injury. Most definitions, and this discussion, focus
worse (Corah, O ' Shea, & Ayer, 1985). Before administer­
on the overwhelmingly negative aspects of pain, which are
ing anesthetics, it is important to assess a patient's past
well articulated in the following definition provided by the
experiences. This will provide information about their ex­
International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) : *
pectations and about the possibility of fear and anxiety af­
Pain: A n unpleasant sensory and emotional experience fecting the administration.
associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or de­ There are three primary sources for assessing patient
scribed in terms of such damage. Pain is always subj ec­ anxiety and fear before and during stressful dental experi­
tive. Each individual learns the application of the word ences according to Milgrom, Weinstein, and Heaton: self­
through experiences related to inj ury in early life. It is report, behavioral indicators, and physiological indicators
unquestionably a sensation in a part or parts of the body, (Milgrom, Weinstein, & Heaton, 2009) .
but it is also always unpleasant and therefore also an Self-report is the principal method for obtaining infor­
emotional experience. Many people report pain in the mation about a patient. It allows patients to express both
absence of tissue damage or any likely pathophysiologi­ negative and positive aspects regarding past dental experi­
cal cause; usually this happens for psychological reasons. ences. Information may be obtained in one-on-one inter­
There is usually no way to distinguish their experience views or by using simple questionnaires that may include
from that due to tissue damage if we take the subj ective some of the following questions: How long has it been
since your last dental visit? What kind of treatment did
you receive? How did it go? Are there any concerns about
*"Definition of Pain" by Harold Merskey from CLASSIFICATION
OF CHRONIC PAIN: DESCRIPTIONS OF CHRONIC PAIN receiving inj ections? Is there anything that you would like
SYNDROMES AND DEFINITIONS OF PAIN TERMS. Copyright © to do or not do during today's appointment? What will
1994 by IASP Press. Used by permission of IASP Press. make receiving an inj ection easier for you?

Behavioral indicators of fear include overt signs such aversiveness of an event" (Thompson, 1981 ) . An impor­
as pacing the waiting room, fidgeting, wringing hands, or tant tenet of psychology recognizes that when an indi­
gripping the arms of chairs until knuckles turn pale ("white vidual perceives a situation as harmful or threatening over
knuckles"). Patients may talk incessantly in order to avoid which he or she has little control, fear increases. When an
dental treatment. Signs of fear in the operatory also include individual believes there is at least some control over the
opposite responses such as quiet, nonresponsive postures. stressful situation, both fear and the need to exercise con­
Physiological indicators of fear include perspiration, trol decrease. An important corollary to this tenet is that
changes in respiration, shallow breathing, and increased fearful patients have low pain tolerances. It is important to
heart rate and blood pressure. Patients also frequently hold provide patients with a means of control over situations in
their breath during injections. Unfortunately, the increased order to decrease fear and increase pain tolerance.
tension caused by holding one's breath actually lowers pain Thompson ( 1 9 8 1 ) has identified four methods for
tolerance. Sensitivity generally increases, and procedures are providing patients with control: informational, cognitive,
commonly more uncomfortable throughout. The perception behavioral, and retrospective. Milgrom, Weinstein, and
of increased patient sensitivity and discomfort could encour­ Heaton (2009) have elaborated on the use of these four
age clinicians to administer anesthetics more rapidly (to get it types of control in the dental situation as well.
over with), which can cause even greater discomfort. Informational control communicates to the patient
what to expect of an imminent aversive procedure. The in­
Fou ndations of Treatment formation is best delivered as a simple description immedi­
ately before treatment with the emphasis on the sensations
There are three concepts t o consider when developing strat­ that the patient will experience. This helps fearful patients,
egies for treating fearful patients: the patient-clinician re­ especially those who have avoided dentistry for a long time,
lationship, the patient's sense of control over a potentially to know what to expect, to understand that any sensations
threatening environment, and the patient's ability to cope they experience are normal, and to avoid being alarmed by
with a stressful situation. Interactions between clinicians them. In addition, prior knowledge of aversive events and
and patients take place throughout the process of providing how long the events will last helps fearful patients tolerate
dental care. Every aspect of treatment takes place within the them. Without this information, patients may remain vigi­
framework of those interactions. A patient's sense of con­ lant and tense, alert to the next painful occurrence.
trol and the ability to cope are essential to tolerating dental It is helpful to furnish patients with the following: simple
procedures that are perceived as aversive, such as injections. descriptions of the steps involved in procedures, sensations
Without control and coping skills, fearful patients may worry they can expect, estimates of the time allowed for each step,
that experiences will surpass the limits of their endurance. and suggestions as to ways in which they can participate in
the process or at least speed it along. Furnished rationale
Trust in the Patient-Clinician Relationship should be limited to benefits of procedures rather than blow­
Once a fearful patient has been identified, building a trust­ by-blow descriptions; for example, the slow delivery of anes­
ing relationship is critical to successful treatment. Dentistry thetics is explained as having a motive of "increased comfort"
is a social interaction, and research has shown that a clini­ and rubber dams are placed to "improve safety." Some fear­
cian's personal attributes and professional behaviors impact ful patients may benefit from more detailed descriptions, es­
patients' attitudes toward dentistry (Corah, O'Shea, & Bis­ pecially if they need reassurance of clinician competence. All
sell, 1985). Dental fear can develop from painful and fright­ pretreatment discussions should be prefaced by determina­
ening experiences, especially when clinicians are perceived tions of how much each patient wishes to know.
as unaware of or unconcerned with physical and emotional Cognitive control involves mental maneuvers through
suffering. Because one of the primary means by which pa­ which patients can lessen their fearful, negative thoughts and
tients are able to assess clinician competence is through the their reactions to these thoughts. It is sometimes referred to
strength of their interpersonal behavior, it is important for as relaxing the mind and includes distraction, guided visual­
clinicians to set the stage early for positive perceptions. ization, focusing attention, and positive coping statements.
Interpersonal rapport, open two-way communication, Distraction strategies are familiar to most and are the easi­
empathy, and professional competence are important to est to use. Patients may listen to clinician story-telling or
establishing trust. Patients should be encouraged to ex­ use audio devices with headphones for music, audio books
plain their fears and concerns, to express likes and dislikes, (selected by patient) , video devices, or audiovisual glasses.
and to ask questions. Fearful patients frequently need help Table 2-2 suggests additional distraction techniques.
learning to be assertive and to express their needs. Good Distraction has its limitations and does not work well
communication is an important means for fearful patients for more than the mildly anxious patient because of the
to begin to exercise control over what is perceived as a po­ passive nature of the patient's role. Highly fearful patients
tentially threatening situation. need stronger interventions to keep worst-case scenarios
from replaying in their heads.
Enhancing a Sense of Control Guided visualization or guided imagery provides pa­
C ontrol has been define d as "the belief that one has tients with active roles and greater control over recurring
at o n e ' s d i s p o s a l a r e s p o n s e that can infl u e n c e the negative thoughts by replacing them with mental images of

pleasant scenes or scenarios. Clinicians can encourage pa­ apprehensive after inj ections. They might have interrupted
tients to engage as many senses and memories as possible the inj ection or might not have been willing to proceed in
while speaking in slow, relaxed voices. If patients choose the first place. Rather than analyzing failure, an inability to
to imagine beach scenes, for example, clinicians may ask proceed can be viewed as an opportunity to help patients
patients if they can feel the warm breezes, hear the palm reinterpret events and to note progress to date. For exam­
leaves rustling, smell the tropical flowers, and see the sun­ ple, patients who are able to receive injections despite emo­
light sparkling on the waves. This use of suggestion and tional upset should be praised for completing procedures
positive images to relax the mind is very similar to tech­ that are difficult for them. Patients who signal clinicians to
niques applied in the practice of hypnosis. A short discus­ stop mid-inj ection can receive positive reinforcement for
sion of hypnosis can be found in Chapter 2, "Fundamentals the assertiveness they have gained in learning to control
of Pain Management." Patients who have experience with the situation and put their needs above all. Patients who
this type of relaxation training should be encouraged to were unable to proceed at all can receive positive rein­
use those skills in the dental environment. Sample scripts forcement for their willingness to initiate the process.
for guided visualization can be found in Appendix 2-1. D ebriefing is also an opportunity to solicit feedback
Focusing attention is a technique used to prevent what from patients regarding the aspects of appointments that
are known as anticipatory anxieties or thoughts of what were helpful and those that were not.
might happen during treatment. Through this technique,
clinicians are able to redirect patient attention to the ex­ Patient Strategies and Coping Skills
perience of the moment by checking in frequently and When working with p atients who are fe arful and who
providing rest breaks. Questions such as "How is it going find particular aspects of dentistry threatening, it is help­
right now ? " and "Is anything hurting you? " can be help­ ful to make them see the clinician as one who is interested
ful. Fearful patients are often so worried about what might in making the experience as comfortable and pain free
happen or what has happened in the past that they have a as possible. It should be emphasized that pain control is
hard time recognizing that they are "okay" in the present. most effective and easiest to achieve in relaxed patients.
Of equal importance, they might overlook the difference Patients benefit from learning skills and strategies to help
between the present experience and past experiences. them relax physically and mentally in order to increase
Positive coping statements are statements or phrases their tolerance for dentistry (Bobey & Davidson, 1970) .
that replace negative thoughts, such as "This is awful," "I
don't like this," " I wish I were somewhere else ! " Patients It is useful to deter­
are coached before treatment to select phrases that are mine whether or not patients have any previous experience
positively worded and relevant. They repeat these phrases with relaxation training or coping skills and whether or not
silently throughout procedures, whenever they become they have been used successfully in other situations. These
anxious or to prevent the resurgence of negative thoughts. skills can be transferred to the dental environment with a
These phrases do not have to be complex. Simple affir­ little practice. If the patient has not previously used any re­
mations such as "I can do this," "This isn't so bad," "I will laxation strategies, it is important to emphasize that relax­
make it," or "I'm a capable person, I can get through this" ation is a learned skill and that effectiveness increases with
can be very effective at competing with negative thoughts. practice. It can be helpful to explain the role and function of
Behavioral control allows patients to take actions to physical relaxation to the patient. Its use in the dental envi­
lessen, shorten, or terminate stressful situations. One of ronment is based on the principle that it is impossible to be
the most familiar of these is the use of a hand signal to physically relaxed and psychologically anxious at the same
stop procedures. Fearful patients should be given permis­ time (Jacobson, 1938). The questions in Box 18-1 • may be
sion to discontinue procedures for any reason, including used to survey patient relaxation skills. If the patient has no
escalating anxiety. The same signal can be used to indicate previous experience with relaxation techniques, and does
a willingness to proceed with treatment once the patient is
ready to resume. In this way, patients remain in complete
control of procedural progress. It is important to acknowl­
edge their control by responding to their signals. Even a
single failure to respond to a signal can completely negate
• Do you find i t di ff i c ul t to rel a x in the dental chair?
Do you find yoursel f tensed up and sti ff during certain
its benefit, both at the time and in the future. •

dental procedures?

Planned rest breaks can also be beneficial for fearful
patients. Even when patients indicate they would like to
I f so, which speci f i c procedures?
Do you have a problem wi t h gagging while taking x-rays

push on and "get done," it is important to give breaks in or­
or other procedures?

der to allow them to catch their breath before proceeding.
D ebriefing or retrospective control, introduced in • Do you find i t di ff i c ul t to breathe or swall o w during an
injection or other dental treatment?

Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of Pain Management," is the
post-treatment discussion of the appointment experi­ Is there anything you can do to help yoursel f relax in the •
: dental chair?

ence. Fearful patients may have had a difficult time get­
ting through appointments. They might be distraught and : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

not know how to relax, the clinician will need to teach the These steps can be repeated for the head, neck, and
appropriate skills for the patient to cope with treatment. shoulders.
Deep breathing is a familiar relaxation technique that A second quick and useful method is to introduce and
can be taught by means of a simple demonstration. Patients practice two cycles of deep breathing with the patient and
can actively reduce their levels of fear and anxiety using this then combine it with muscle relaxation:
technique. At the same time, it helps to prevent counter­
1. have the patient inhale deeply to the count of 5 and
productive breathing, which can lead to hyperventilation,
squeeze and tense all the body muscles
dizziness, and loss of control. When insufficient air reaches
the lungs, the blood is poorly oxygenated and this contrib­ 2. on the initiation of the exhale begin to release the ten­
utes to anxiety, fatigue, and depression and can make cop­ sion in all the muscles as the patient sinks into the chair.
ing with a stressful dental procedure more difficult. Deep breathing and muscle relaxation not only allow
The technique of deep breathing is introduced by ex­ patients to have active roles during the administration
ample, encouraging patients to learn without feeling silly , of local anesthetics, they also help to enhance cogni­
a s follows. Let the patient know that i t i s important not to tive control over negative thoughts as patients focus on
hold his or her breath during the procedure or inj ection. their breathing and the clinician's voice guiding them.
Proper breathing allows the anesthetic to be administered Patients can be encouraged to practice at home and to
slowly, which is essential for comfort. Suggest practicing use the techniques in other stressful situations. Physi­
before proceeding with the inj ection. cal relaxation techniques are the simplest to teach and
I would like you to: the most straightforward for patients to learn. When pa­
1. inhale slowly and deeply to the count of 5, filling the tients have developed reasonable proficiency with those,
lungs with air it may be helpful to introduce the technique of guided
2. hold the breath for 1 second visualization as described above to relax the mind. Table
2-3 provides suggestions for preparing patients for guided
3. slowly exhale to the count of 5, feeling the tension re­
lease while sinking into the dental chair.
It is helpful to count aloud on each inhale and exhale. Practica l App l i cations
A gentle hand on the patient's shoulder, along with calm­
ing tones, can help to regulate the timing of the breaths
to make sure they are not too rapid or shallow. A slight After patients have been introduced to relaxation skills,
downward hand movement on the shoulder should coin­ rehearsals provide opportunities to practice the new skills
cide with each exhalation. This continues until the patient while simulating the steps involved in actual dental pro­
is relaxed and ready to receive the inj ection. Once the in­ cedures. Rehearsals allow patients to master control over
jection begins, the clinician coaches the patient to breathe anxiety-provoking situations while relieving everyone of
deeply and slowly by counting aloud as before. the burden of having to accomplish any treatment. Deep
breathing, muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can all
PROG RESSIVE M U SCLE RE LAXATION Progressive muscle re­ be used by patients to calm themselves as aversive stimuli
laxation (PMR) is another coping skill that most patients can are progressively introduced, from least to most anxiety­
learn quickly and effectively (Jacobson, 1938). The body of­ producing. This process of decreasing fear and anxiety to
ten responds to anxiety and stress by tensing muscles, which stimuli in a step-by-step fashion is referred to as system­
actually heightens anxiety. Muscle relaxation, on the other atic desensitization.
hand, reduces tension and competes with and blocks anxiety. A desensitization rehearsal for local anesthesia, for
"Toughing it out" is not an effective way to cope with anxi­ example, can begin with a patient practicing deep breath­
ety and fear. Muscles that are tensed increase the likelihood ing. When calm, the clinician can place topical anesthetic.
of experiencing what is known as a startle reaction. Startle Reminding the patient to continue with the relaxation
reactions can blur the difference between the anticipation technique, the syringe can be introduced with the cap still
of pain and the actual experience. The confusion that ensues covering the needle. The syringe is positioned in the pa­
can compromise patients' abilities to report pain accurately. tient's mouth and held there for the time it would take to
Muscle relaxation is learned by tensing and relaxing complete the inj ection.
different muscle groups throughout the body. This not only While continuing to remind the patient to breathe
helps relieve tension but also allows patients to under­ deeply, a cap-off rehearsal can be followed by the actual
stand which areas are most tense. Clinicians can explain inj ection if the patient is willing to proceed. Alternatively,
and demonstrate the following: during a cap-off rehearsal, the patient uses a prearranged
1. inhale and tense the leg muscles hand signal to indicate his or her willingness for the clini­
cian to proceed with administering the actual inj ection. It
2. exhale while releasing the leg tension
should be remembered during this process that each suc­
3. inhale and tense the arm and hand muscles cessive step is increasingly challenging for the patient and
4. exhale and release the hand and arm tension, allowing an unwillingness to continue at any point should be greeted
them to go limp. with acceptance and with praise of the progress made.

Treatment rehearsals are very similar to "tell-show­ Recalling from previous discussions that more than 1 4 %
do" techniques used to introduce new procedures to young o f patients reported inadequate anesthesia during dental
children. In both instances, the techniques allow what is procedures and over 2% reported pain to the extent that
known as graduated exposure in order to let anxious pa­ they were unable to complete procedures, fear of inad­
tients know what to expect and to help them determine equate anesthesia seems relatively pervasive.
when they are ready to proceed. The electric or electronic pulp tester (EPT) may be
Rehearsals for some can be as simple as a onetime useful much of the time but is particularly useful when
review of the steps involved in a procedure. For others, patients have reported a history of inadequate anes­
systematic desensitization of every step can be repeated thesia. See Figure 18-1 • · The EPT is designed to test
until they are ready and willing to go on to the next (see the vitality of teeth by using an electric current. It is a
the CARL program for desensitization of needle inj ection self-contained, battery-powered unit with a digital read­
phobia described later in this chapter) . out scale that registers from 0 to 80, with 80 indicating
In an actual appointment using systematic desensitiza­ a complete lack of vitality. The EPT consists of a wand
tion, patients can visualize each fearful stimulus before be­ into which a sterilized tip is inserted and a ground lead,
ing presented with it, while using their coping skills (deep typically attached to the wand with what is called a lip
breathing, muscle relaxation, positive coping statements) . clip. Rather than place the clip on the patient's lip, it
This approach allows patients to gain confidence in their is equally effective and increases the patient's sense of
ability to cope. If the technique starts at a manageable control, when the patient is asked to hold the clip firmly
level and the steps are small enough, patients are much between two fingers (see Figure 18-1 ) . The device is ac­
more likely to succeed. Extremely fearful patients may tivated when the tip is placed on a nonrestored , dried
require multiple sessions before receiving inj ections. It is area of a tooth after having been coated sparingly with
important to stop any time patients tire of the process. This toothpaste ( a conducting medium) . Electricity flows to
will allow clinicians to recognize and praise the progress the tooth when the circuit has been completed. A light
made without exhausting patients and perhaps causing o n the wand indicates that a g o o d contact has b e e n
them to lose their willingness to continue at a future time. establishe d . T h e l e v e l of stimulus gradually incre ases
autom atically starting at 0 and continuing to 8 0 . If a
Time Structuring reading of 80 is registered and unnoticed by the patient,
When rehearsing local anesthetic procedures, it is useful to the anesthesia is presumed to be profound.
consider what is referred to as time structuring. This is a pro­ The proce dure that incorporates EPTs is a simple
cess whereby patients are informed of the time it will take one. First, explain the function and purpose of the EPT
to administer a particular injection. In this method, patients to the patient. It is important for patients to understand
are continually apprised of injection progress by stating the that they have complete control over the process be­
inj ection is one-fourth complete, one-third complete, three­ cause they can drop the clip at any time, which imme­
quarters complete, and finished. Many anxious patients find diately stops the flow of electricity. After administering
this helpful. This is also an appropriate time to remind fear­ the anesthetic and waiting an appropriate period for its
ful patients that one important reason for administering an­
esthetics slowly is out of concern for patient comfort.

Biofeedback can be useful in addressing the physiological
changes that occur during stressful situations, such as in­
creases in heart rate. It has been used successfully in the
past to modify these responses. Subj ects have been able to
lower their blood pressure by observing it on a monitor,
for example, after having been given instructions to con­
centrate on lowering it, with no instructions on how to do
so (Kristt & Engel, 1975).
A simple heart rate monitor can be used by patients to
monitor their heart rate and anxiety. Patients may be en­
tirely unaware of the effect of anxiety on their heart rates.
The ability to visualize the effects of relaxation on their
heart rates reinforces the effectiveness of coping mecha­
nisms and their ability to compete with anxiety. FIGURE 1 8-1 Testing for Adequate Anesthesia. Electric pulp
testing devices can be a reliable method to reassure patients
Testing the Effectiveness of Anesthesia that adequate anesthesia has been established prior to initiating
Patients may fear n e e dles, the sensations of drugs as treatment.
they are delivered into tissues, or inadequate anesthesia. Source: Courtesy of Marilynn Rothen, RDH, MS.

onset, test for effectiveness with the EPT. The expected reassessment (patient's sense of control and use of relax­
sensation can be described in advance as a glowing, tin­ ation techniques) and reassurances that no treatment will
gling, warm, cold, or pulsating feeling. It is best to avoid begin until profound anesthesia has been confirmed, the
the word painful when describing the sensation. It is also patient is guided through the process of developing real­
useful to remind patients that they will feel nothing if istic expectations about the sensations that will be expe­
the tooth is profoundly anesthetized. It can be helpful rienced even when anesthetized. For example, pressure
to demonstrate the EPT on a nonanesthetized contralat­ and awareness (of an instrument) , although provoking
eral tooth as a basis for confirming that the anesthetized feedback to the brain, are expected sensations and are not
tooth is truly anesthetized. considered painful stimuli by most. Fear of being hurt will
If the EPT confirms that the tooth is not profoundly lead the patient to believe that any sensation is the precur­
anesthetized, additional anesthetic can be administered sor to pain. The patient needs guidance in developing the
using the same technique or a different or supplemental ability to report pain accurately by distinguishing between
technique. The tooth is then retested with the EPT and the the anticipation of pain, sensations of instrument touch,
process is repeated until there is no response to a reading and actual pain.
of 80 on the device. This can be very reassuring to patients. Factors that can preclude the development of pro­
It is not unusual for patients anxious about inadequate an­ found anesthesia include infection in the area to be anes­
esthesia to request the EPT before every treatment involv­ thetized, excessive fatigue, or physical pain elsewhere in
ing the administration of anesthetic. the body, as well as the factors discussed in Chapter 16,
When an EPT is not available, an ultrasonic device or "Troubleshooting Inadequate Anesthesia," which also ap­
other instrument may be used. The instrument or device ply to fearful individuals. Patients in pain, regardless of
selected should be used along with a time structuring tech­ the nature of the pain, are more sensitized to new stimuli
nique in order to assure the patient of profound anesthesia. despite taking analgesics to treat the pain. The fatigue of
It is explained to the patient that the instrument will touch bearing other pain can also decrease a patient's ability to
the tooth to the count of 1 and will be removed, for feed­ cope with difficult situations.
back. Feedback from patients should differentiate between When encountering inadequate anesthesia, it is best
the sensations of sharp and painful versus vibration and to reassess the technique. Is there anatomical variation
awareness. If the patient remains comfortable to the count and was it appropriately addressed? Was an ade quate
of 1, the protocol should be repeated to the count of 2, then volume of anesthetic used? Were variations in p atient
to the count of 5. After reaching 5, treatment may begin. response taken into consideration when assessing ap­
Some very anxious patients may request that the counting propriate dosing? Would other techniques be helpful
continue during treatment. They may consider the count of at this point, such as Gow- G ates nerve blocks, higher
5 to be the limit of their tolerance and the break at each penetration sites for inferior alveolar blocks, intraos­
count of 5 allows tension to subside while patients catch seous techniques, or p eriodontal ligament inj ections ?
their breath. This process assures them that they have a safe Another factor w h e n assessing for adequate anesthe­
stopping point in case they begin to feel pain. sia is whether or not to use a vasoconstrictor. Control­
ling fear and anxiety with adequate anesthesia is made
Protocol for Managing Anesthetic Failure easier with the use of vasoconstrictors. Not only is dif­
D espite the use of the EPT, strategies to reduce fear and fusion of local anesthetic solution to centrally located
anxiety, and carefully planned inj ection techniques, pa­ pulpal fibers more likely when vasoconstrictors are used
tients may not be adequately anesthetized on occasion. (they keep local anesthetics in the area of the nerve
If this o ccurs, subsequent discussions should focus on longer and have even been demonstrated to have some
solutions to the problem rather than on emotional re­ ane sthetic propertie s ) , but the anesthesia is more du­
actions. The discussion should begin with reassurance rable and doesn't wear off as quickly. Vasoconstrictors,
that no treatment will begin until profound anesthesia when appropriate, also help to maintain blood pressures
has been achieved and should continue with reassur­ within he althy ranges by increasing the effe ctiveness
ance that this has happened before and was successfully of p ain control (decreasing endogenous epinephrine) .
addressed. It is further emphasized that providing pro­ Conversely, using anesthetics without vasoconstrictors
found anesthesia is the clinician's responsibility and any may convince fearful p atients that p ain might b e ex­
of a variety of factors can affect the success at a particu­ pected at future appointments if the anesthesia was not
lar day and time. effective or wore off before the end of treatment. In ad­
When encountering this problem, clinicians should dition to the possibility of tachyphylaxis, future anesthe­
consider whether or not fear has been adequately ad­ sia may b e ineffective because p atients will n o longer
dressed. B ecause fear and lack of control can lower a remain desensitized to all the stimuli.
patient's pain tolerance, sensitivity can actually increase A final approach might be to schedule an appointment
if past experiences were not adequately addressed. Ac­ with the exclusive goal of determining which techniques
cording to Milgrom, Weinstein, and Heaton (2009) , "Fear will provide ade quate anesthesia for the challenging
can lead to inadequate anesthesia and inadequate anes­ area, known as an anesthetic testing protocol. No treat­
thesia during treatment can increase fear." Following fear ment is scheduled. Without the pressure to "get numb "

for treatment, many patients are better able to manage desensitization as described earlier. The desensitization
their anxiety, decreasing their sensitivity to stimuli and protocol consists of three active components: First, cop ­
increasing the potential for anesthesia effectiveness. The ing responses such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation,
anesthetic testing protocol appointment may use any and guided imagery, and p o s itive coping statements are
all relevant techniques in order to determine which tech­ provide d . Second, a hierarchy of fearful stimuli is gen­
niques provide the most effective anesthesia. erated. The third, and final, step involves the presenta­
tion of fearful stimuli in order of increasing aversiveness
(Coldwell et al. , 1998).
Post-op Anesthetic Recovery
Although not necessarily a true hierarchy, the hierar­
In addition to expectations for inj ections and treat­ chy of fearful stimuli for the anesthetic inj ection is bro­
ment, dental fears p atients need re alistic expectations ken down into seven segments (Table 18-1 •) . Patients
for postoperative periods. S oreness is not unusual, espe­ proceed through e ach segment in logical order rather
cially after generous amounts of anesthesia have been than strictly by increasing levels of aversiveness. At first,
administered and where more than one technique was patients watch a video of a model patient learning coping
u s e d . In order to provide these p atients with control skills. Patients then observe the actor viewing and holding
over the post- op recovery period, it is important for an anesthetic syringe without the needle or cartridge at­
them to be prepared in advance with recommendations tached. At the end of the first video segment, patients rate
for handling p ain from routine trauma and inflamma­ their anxiety on a scale of 1 to 9. If the self-rating score is
tion, including taking anti-inflammatory me dications 4 or less, patients are ready to move to the next segment.
before the recovery of the tissues from anesthesia. In re­ If the score is more than 4, patients repeat the segment un­
ceiving the recommendation that they take these medi­ til their level drops to 4 or less. The program is self-paced,
cations while the anesthetics are still in effect, patients with individual sessions limited to 45 minutes. Patients re­
can understand that p o stop erative sensations are nor­ turn as often as necessary to complete the seven segments.
mal and expected. In the seventh and final segment, patients view the model
patient receiving and coping with an actual inj ection (see
Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation for Anxiety Table 18-1) .
Control during Dental Injections
Nitrous oxide- oxygen sedation is sometimes used for
fearful and anxious patients. It is not the intent of this
chapter to discuss the details of the use of nitrous oxide
sedation except to say that it is not a substitute for good Table 1 8-1 Content o f t h e CARL Prog ra m Exposu re
behavioral management skills when working with fearful H i e ra rchy S e g m ents
patients. Introducing nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation when
an appointment is not going well is unlikely to result in Segment 1 Explanation of local anesthetic, viewing
success. It is far better to introduce nitrous oxide when and holding the syringe.
patients have time to become accustomed to its sensa­
tions and when it can be titrated to comfortable levels Segment 2 Discussion of the needle, including
before commencing treatment. Patients who demand high the length, flexibility, only required to
insert a short distance.
levels of control over situations and who are distrustful
of dentistry often make poor candidates. In contrast, oth­
Segment 3 Discussion of topical anesthetic,
ers who are more receptive to the use of adj unctive pain demonstration of its use and numbing
control may benefit greatly. For a detailed discussion on action.
the administration of nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation see
Chapter 2 1 , " Fundamentals for the Administration of Segment 4 Topical anesthetic is applied to the
Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen sedation." injection site and its numbing action is

The CAR L Program

Segment 5 The inj ection procedure is
The CARL ( Computer Assisted Relaxation Le arning) demonstrated to the patient with the
program, developed at the University of Washington cap on the needle.
and tested in a randomly controlled clinical trial in pri­
vate dental offices to establish efficacy, may in the fu­ Segment 6 The inj ection procedure is
ture be available online for p ersonal use to treat dental demonstrated to the patient with the
inj ection fear (He aton et a l . , 20 1 3 ) . The program is a cap off the needle, but the injection is
prime example of the potential for technology to lower not actually given.
barriers to dental treatment by providing patients with
Segment 7 An inj ection is administered to the
a means to begin to address their fear before present­
model patient.
ing to the d e ntal office. The program uses system atic

CAS E M A N AG E M E N T for comfo rt. U s i n g the tip of a periodontal p robe, the

tissue at the i njecti on site ca n be touched l i g htly after
Lydia O'Kaine the a p p l ication of the t o p i c a l and ca n be co m p a red
Lyd i a 's treatment p l a n s h o u l d i n c l u d e strate g i e s a n d with t h e tiss u e o n t h e contra l atera l side to d e m o n ­
co p i n g s ki l l s to " treat t h e fe a r fi rst, " before t h e a d ­ strate t h e effective ness o f t h e topica l .
m i n istration of loca l a n est h etic. O n ce s h e is a b l e t o T h e seq u e n ce o f steps fo r a d m i n iste r i n g t h e i n ­
receive a n i nj e cti o n comfo rta b l y, it wi l l be i m p o rtant j e cti o n i s exp l a i n e d to t h e p a t i e n t . I t is s u g g ested
to ass u re h e r that p rofo u n d a n esth e s i a h a s b e e n at­ t h a t a re h e a rs a l w i l l a l l o w Lyd i a to p r a ct i c e h e r
ta i n e d before treatment by using a tech n i q u e such as n ew d e e p b re a t h i n g a n d m u s c l e r e l axati o n co p i n g
the EPT to confirm the effectiveness of the a n esth esia. s ki l l s . S h e is i n t ro d u ce d to t h e u s e of h a n d s i g n a l ­
A p p o i n t m e nts a re sch e d u l e d fo r fo u r q u a d ra nts i n g t o control both t h e sta rt a n d stop o f t h e i njection
of sca l i n g a n d root p l a n i n g . S h e is i n fo r m e d t h a t at p ro ce d u re . She is coached when p r a ct i c i n g her re­
h e r fi rst a p p o i ntment fo r sca l i n g a n d root p l a n i n g , the l axati o n s ki l l s and is i n fo r m e d that o n ce s h e is com­
c l i n i c i a n wi l l i n t rod uce tech n i q ues to h e l p her to be fo rta b l e , s h e can raise her hand to i n d i cate that she
m o re comfo rta b l e d u ri n g i njectio n s . is ready to b e g i n t h e re h e a rsa l . If t h e re h e a rsa l is a
The fi rst appointment b u i l ds ra pport b y d iscussing s u ccess, t h e a ctu a l i nj e cti o n ca n p ro c e e d fo l l owi n g
specific concerns about rece ivi ng i njections. The clini­ t h e s a m e p rotocol w i t h n o c h a n g e s o r s u r p rises fo r
c i a n exp l a i n s that t h e re a re tech n i q ues that patie nts t h e patient.
ca n use to keep themse lves comfo rta b l e d u ri n g an i n ­ O n ce t h e a p p ro p r i ate a m o u nt of a n esthetic has
jecti o n . Lyd ia is q u esti o n e d as to whether o r not s h e b e e n a d m i n iste red , verifyi n g p rofo u n d a n esth e s i a is
has used any re laxation ski l ls i n other situations. Having the n ext ste p . T h e E PT o r u ltraso n i c i n str u m ent may
no previous specific experience, the c l i n ician describes be used with time structuring (count of 1 , 2, 5) to con­
to Lyd i a the ro l e and fu n ction of deep b reath i n g a n d fi rm that t h e a rea to be treated is a d e q u ately a n es­
m u s c l e rel axati o n . T h e c l i n i c i a n d e m o n strates e a c h th etize d . During treat m e nt, if t h e re is a n y i n d i cati o n
ski l l a n d practices them with Lyd i a . It is reco m m ended o f p a i n o r d isco mfo rt, the treatment s h o u l d sto p a n d
to Lyd ia that s h e practice them at home a n d that she a d d it i o n a l a n e st h et i c s h o u l d b e a d m i n i ste r e d , fo l ­
rem e m b e r to use them i n other stressfu l situations. l owed b y repetitio n o f t h e a n esthetic testi ng p rotoco l .
I nfo r m a t i o n i s p ro v i d e d a b o u t the b e n efits of T h ro u g h o ut treatme nt, the c l i n i c i a n m o n itors patient
t o p i ca l a n est h etics and slow a d m i n istrati o n of d ru g s comfo rt, applying behavioral m a n a g e m ent ski l ls.

Chapter Questions c. That clinicians never recommend treatment pa­

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
tients cannot tolerate.
1 . There is a new patient in the chair. During appropriate d. That clinicians are professionals and know what is
introductions including handshaking, it is noticed that best for patients.
the patient's hands are clammy and he has perspiration
on his upper lip. He appears very stiff and responds 3. Providing patients with information is an impor­
with a brief yes or no to attempts to engage him in tant means of increasing their sense of control
conversation. When deciding whether or not he is ap­ in the dental environment. When providing in­
prehensive about the dental treatment he is scheduled formation to a fearful p atient about an aversive
to receive, the most appropriate strategy would be to: procedure:
a. Try to distract the patient by offering to let him a. The clinician should explain how steps taken dur­
watch a movie or listen to music. ing the procedure are necessary for the benefit of
b. Get the nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation ready just in the clinician's work.
case. b. The emphasis should be on the scientific rationale
c. Check out the observations made by asking the for the treatment, procedures , materials, and/or
patient about possible concerns regarding dental equipment used.
treatment. c. It is better not to tell the patient what will happen
d. Avoid saying anything about dental anxiety or fear because it might make the patient more fearful.
because it might upset the patient and risk not be­ d. The p r o c e d u r e s h o u l d be d e s crib e d in simple
ing able to get the scheduled treatment completed. terms, including the sensations the patient will
experience s o that the patient knows what to
2. Establishing trust in the patient-clinician relationship expect.
is especially important for fearful dental patients be­
cause they need to learn: 4. It is important to have the skills and confidence
a. How to pay for services provided. necessary to teach anxious and fearful patients how
b. How to be assertive. to relax in the dental chair. When a patient learns

the physical relaxation skills of deep breathing and Bobey, M. J., & Davidson, P. 0. (1970) . Psychological factors
muscle relaxation: affecting pain tolerance. Journal of Psychosomatic Research,
a. The patient benefits by having an active means to 14, 371-376.
relieve the discomfort, both physical and mental, Coldwell, S. E., Getz, T. , Milgram, P. , Prall, C. W. , Spadafora, A.,
& Ramsay, D. S. ( 1998) . CARL: A LabVIEW 3 computer
which is experienced as a result of anxiety.
program for conducting exposure therapy for dental inj ection
b. The clinician benefits because it is easier to achieve
fear. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 429-444.
pain control in a relaxed patient. Corah, N. L., O'Shea, R. M., & Ayer, W. A. (1985). Dentists'
c. Neither the clinician nor the patient benefits be­ management of patients' fear and anxiety. Journal of the
cause these skills are too difficult to teach and to American Dental Association, 110, 734-736.
learn in the stressful dental setting. Corah, N. L., O 'Shea, R. M., & Bissell, G. D. (1985) . The
d. Both a and b dentist-patient relationship: Perceptions by patients of dentist
behavior in relation to satisfaction and anxiety. Journal of the
5. Patients who are fearful of dental inj ections can American Dental Association, 11, 443-446.
benefit from having the opportunity to rehearse the De Jongh, A., Muris, P., Schoenmakers, N. , & Ter Horst, G.
procedure before receiving the actual inj ection. The (1995). Negative cognitions of dental phobics: Reliability and
obj ective of the rehearsal is to: validity of the dental cognitions questionnaire. Behaviour
a. Find out if the patient is sincere about wanting to Research and Therapy, 33, 507-515.
overcome his dental fears. Heaton, L. J. , Leroux, B. G. , Ruff, P. A., & Coldwell, S. E. (20 13).
b. Allow the p atient to learn how his role and the Computerized dental injection fear treatment: A randomized
clinician's role are synchronized before proceeding clinical trial. Journal of Dental Research, 92(7S), 37-42.
with the inj ection and treatment. Jacobson, E. (1938) . Progressive relaxation . Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
c. D etermine the treatment plan for the patient by
Kaufman, E., Weinstein, P., & Milgram, P. (1984). Difficulties in
gaining knowledge about which treatments the pa­
achieving local anesthesia: A review. Journal of the American
tient will be capable of tolerating. Dental Association, 1 08, 205-208.
d. Test the patient for intolerance and allergies to lo­ Kristt, D. A., & Engel, B. T. (1975). Learned control of blood
cal anesthetics. pressure in patients with high blood pressure. Circulation, 51,
6. Some patients will report a history of receiving dental
Merskey, H., & B ogduk, N. (1994) . International Association
care without being adequately anesthetized. They
for the Study ofPain, Task Force on Taxonomy. Classification
may not be anxious about the inj ection procedure, of chronic pain: Descriptions of chronic pain syndromes and
but will be reluctant to proceed with treatment after definitions ofpain terms (2nd ed.). Seattle: IASP Press.
the administration of local anesthetics. Despite soft­ Milgram, P. , Coldwell, S. E., Getz, T., Weinstein, P. , & Ramsay, D. S.
tissue signs and symptoms of anesthesia, they do not (1997) . Four dimensions of fear of dental inj ections. Journal of
believe the teeth are numb. The next step for these the American Dental Association, 128, 756-762.
patients should be to: Milgram, P. , Fiset, L., Melnick, S., & Weinstein, P. (1988). The
a. Verify that the tooth is adequately anesthetized by prevalence and practice management consequences of dental
testing, preferably with an electronic pulp tester fear in a maj or U.S. city. Journal of the American Dental
Association, 116, 641-647.
(EPT) , before beginning treatment.
Milgram, P., Weinstein, P. , & Heaton, L. (2009). Treating fearful
b. Reassure the patient that the correct amount and
dental patients: A patient management handbook (3rd ed.).
type of anesthetic has been used for the area of the
Seattle: Dental B ehavioral Resources.
mouth to be treated. Smith, T. A., & Heaton, L. J. (2003) . Fear of dental care: Are
c. Reassure the patient that if pain is felt in the tooth, we making any progress? Journal of the American Dental
treatment will cease the minute the hand signal to Association, 134, 1 1 0 1-1108.
stop is given. Sohn, W. , & Ismail, A. I. (2005) . Regular dental visits and
d. Give the patient more anesthetic to be on the safe dental anxiety in an adult dentate population. Journal of the
side before attempting to proceed with treatment. American Dental Association, 136, 58-66.
Thompson, S. C. (1981). Will it hurt less if I can control it? A
complex answer to a simple question. Psychological Bulletin,
References 90, 89-10 1.
Weinstein, P. , Milgram, P. , Kaufman, K., Fiset, L., & Ramsay, D.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language (1985). Patient perceptions of failure to achieve optimal
(4th ed.). (2000). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. anesthesia. General Dentistry, 33, 218-220.
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

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I n sig hts fro m Ped i atri c De ntistry



• Defi n e a n d d i scuss key terms i n t h i s c h a pte r. age-a p p ro p riate

term i n o l ogy 370
• A p p l y t h e p ri n c i p l es of l o ca l a n esth etic d ru g toxicity to co m ­
b e h aviora l g u i d e l i nes 3 7 1
p ute safe d o ses fo r ped iatric patie nts based o n body we i g ht.
b i l atera l m a n d i b u l a r
• R e l ate effective a n esth esia to the m a n a g e m e n t of p e d i atric b l ocks 3 7 7
b e h a v i o r. m a n d i b u l a r i nfi ltratio n 3 7 7
positive feedback 3 75
• P rov i d e a g e-a p p ro p ri ate exp l a n at i o n s of the l o ca l a n esth esia
posta n esthetic tra u m a 3 72
exp e r i e n ce fo r ped iatric patients.
tri g g e r words 370
• Describe i njection tech n i q u e m o d ificat i o n s fo r s m a l l ch i l d re n . voca l d istraction 3 75
• Recog n i ze a n d m a n a g e posta n esth etic tra u m a .

• D i scuss t h e s u p p o rtive ro l e o f d e n ta l as s ista nts i n s u ccessfu l

a n esth e s i a d e l ivery fo r ch i l d re n .

slate instead of with experienced patients. This is the result

CAS E S T U DY of a deliberate process. Part of the success of local anesthe­
sia requires preparation before appointments; moreover,
Jaden Harris it requires the involvement of key players other than pa­
J a d e n H a rris, a h e a lthy 4-ye a r-o l d c h i l d , weig h i n g tients, including parents/guardians and caregivers. When
45 l bs, h a s co m p l eted h i s fi rst visit t o t h e d e ntist. key players have been prepared, children are more likely
H e p resented with exte nsive caries and is i n need to be receptive to the actual procedures. It is critical that
of s i g n ifi ca nt resto rative treat m e nt . The fo l l ow­ key players know and use appropriate terminology in or­
ing resto rative n e e d s have been d e te r m i n e d fo r der to avoid frightening children before procedures. When
J a d e n , w h i c h wi l l req u i re a n u m be r of loca l a n es­ provided with age-appropriate terminology and rationale
thetic i njectio n s . for their use, the odds of successful anesthetic experiences
are significantly increased. Once aware of appropriate lan­
1 . Resto rati o n s : Tooth #A O L, C = D L, J MO,
= =
guage, key players can avoid trigger words that can un­
= =F, S DO =
dermine the success of appointments. It is important for
2 . P u l poto my with sta i n l ess steel crowns: Tooth # B clinicians to be comfortable with the selected words in
and L order for them to be used with ease. Although some may
D u r i n g J a d e n 's i n itial exa m i n ation, he was ve ry co­ consider it silly or even deceptive, pediatric dentists are
o p e rative and a p p e a rs to be receptive to the d e n ­ keenly aware that appropriate terminology can be a key
ta l staff a n d treatm ent. factor in the success of dental appointments for children.
For some examples and suggestions of appropriate termi­
nology, refer to Table 19-1 •.
Use of age-appropriate terminology will depend on
I ntrod uction the developmental level of the child in addition to the
Children perceive their world i n real terms. I f their experi­ age. The term sleepy juice, for example, may work well for
ences in a dental facility have been painful and negative, preschool patients. As children grow, sleepy juice may no
they are less likely to return as willing patients. On the longer be appropriate and a more mature phrasing such
other hand, when their experiences have been positive and as I am going to make your tooth and lip fall asleep may be
pain-free, children can be excellent patients. Young chil­ more effective. The language should be consistent with the
dren, in particular, will not be persuaded by any possible child's level of comprehension and maturity. Later, as the
benefits of oral health if a visit to the dentist is equated child ages, the words can reflect increasing maturity such
with pain. as I am going to get your teeth numb. In every description,
This chapter discusses philosophical and practical trigger words such as shot and needle have been replaced
approaches to pediatric dental care. Although many cli­ with terms that are more easily accepted by young patients
nicians consider treating children to be challenging, a well­ and are equally useful for adults. The exact ages to make
managed child can be the best patient of the day. the transitions are based on individual levels of matu­
rity and understanding. There are no hard and fast rules.
The Ped iatric Denta l Patient
Appropriate Terminology for Successful Anesthesia Table 1 9-1 S u g g ested Te rm i n o logy for Ped iatric
The acceptance of care by children and the gratitude of
their parents/guardians and caregivers can be fulfilling.
Traditional Term Alternative Term
When treated appropriately with effective and comfort­
able local anesthesia, children will be receptive to care. Local anesthetic Sleepy juice
Administering local anesthesia for children is not com­
plicated, but it does require specific technical and verbal Needle/syringe Sprayer
skills that can be characterized as significantly different
compared with the skills needed for most adults. Similar to Numb feeling Fat/sleepy lip/tongue/cheek
other techniques in dentistry, local anesthetic techniques
in children are more demanding from a communication Shot/inj ection Put teeth to sleep*/spray
standpoint. In order to achieve optimum success, the pro­ sleepy juice
cess of local anesthesia must be a harmonious blend of
skilled delivery and skilled communication. Topical anesthetic Jelly stick/"sleepy gel"
Unlike adults, children usually do not have precon­
Wearing off Lip/tongue/cheek waking up
ceived fears about inj ections because they do not know to
expect them. This is especially true when pediatric dental
*Because some children have had their pets "put to sleep," it should
facilities do not look like other medical facilities. Pediatric be made clear that the child will remain awake. Only the lip, tongue,
clinicians recognize the advantage of working with a blank and teeth will "go to sleep" for a while and they will wake up soon.

A relatively easy way to decide is for the clinician to con­

sider the self-impact of the language; in other words, are
the words flowing easily or do they seem a bit silly with a

Obese children pose unique chall e nges when establi s h­

particular child?

ing appropriate doses for l o cal anestheti c drugs. When

In addition to their concerns for their children, par­
ents/guardians and caregivers often bring their own dental
a young child has the body weight of an adul t , the usual
fears to the child 's appointment. Coaching is essential if
dosing guidelines not onl y not appl y but likely do
m ay
they are present during any portion of a dental visit. It can
not appl y. Obesity is recurrentl y reported as a complicat­
be helpful to outline behavioral guidelines for observers.
ing factor during dental care (Cheymol, 2000; Ebbeling,
If they wish to observe, they need to be silent observers, Pawlak, & Ludwig, 2002; Pi s chon et al., 2007; Reilly, Boyl e ,
allowing the child's attention to be focused on the clini­ & Craig, 2009). A large amount of adipose tissue in the oral
cian. In this way, parents are not distracting to children and cavi ty can make it diffi c ul t to identi fy a patient's intraoral
children are more cooperative. anatomy, an essential assessment for l o cal anesthetic ad­
Awareness of facial expressions, body postures, and ministration, and it can decrease the field of vi e w (Reilly,
Boyl e , & Craig, 2009). Obesity al s o al t ers the di s tribution
and elimination of drugs that may influence dosing and
movements can be crucial to the success of local anes­

increase the occurrence of complications (Cheymol, 2000;

thesia in pediatric dentistry. This applies equally to office
personnel, parents/guardians and caregivers. Calm, neutral
Ebbeling, Pawlak, & Ludwig, 2002).
expressions convey the important visual message that all
Consul t ing standard milligram per pound tables in or­
is going well. Knitted brows and narrowed eyes or grimaces
der to cal c ul a te safe doses for these children can be prob­
can raise concerns that something is amiss. Slow, measured
lematic. Unfortunatel y, there are no cl e ar-cut, separatel y
movements are equally important because they arouse stated guidelines for local anestheti c dosing in obese
fewer negative responses. Gentle touches on the shoulders children. Current medical research, however, has found
are reassuring as are gentle hand-holding (as opposed to that i t i s advi s able to use the ideal body weight (IBW) when
tight gripping) and gentle ankle stroking by the parent or cal c ulating doses of medicinal agents for patients consid­
guardian. These nonverbal cues enhance a child's sense of ered to be obese (Bouillon & Shafer, 1 998; Leykin et al.,
2004). IBW i s a stati stical formula that uses combinations
of height, weight, gender, and/or frame si z e to determine
comfort and safety.

Drug Toxicity and Agent Selection the optimal weight that i s associated wi t h low mortality for
the average person. There are many IBW formulas avail­
One of the most important considerations when treating
able, the easiest of which to use is the body mass index
pediatric patients is the potential for drug toxicity due to
(BMI ) (Lemmens, Brodsky, & Bernstein, 2005). The majority
the relatively low body weight of small children and the im­
of these formulas are somewhat complicated; however,
maturity of their organs. Overall, dose-dependent toxicity tables and/or calculators can be found on the Internet, and
• most smartphone
reactions in dentistry are most frequently reported in chil­ carriers have IBW phone apps available
dren (Goodson & Moore, 1983; Reynolds, 1987). Several for download. These calculators and apps have simpli fied
possible theories as to why excess dosing occurs with this the IBW process, allowing users to plug in simple informa­
population include the following: the disproportion of tion such as height, weight, and age to recei v e an IBW
score. It should be noted that while providing guidance
this currentl y is not a veri f i e d tool for safe dose
orofacial anatomy to a child's body weight (larger head
m axim um
cal c ul a tion in denti stry; therefore, remaining alert to the
compared with body) that may require larger volumes
of anesthetic to achieve effect; failed anesthesia leading
development of adverse events and dosing below the
to multiple inj ections; the inadequacy of pain assessment
MRD are paramount whenever local anestheti c drugs are
� • •d.� i � i �t.e :e•d• t� .t � �s•e•c•h :l � r.e � .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . IIi
scales due to some patients perceiving the numb feeling as
pain; lack of or improper calculation of maximum recom­
mended dose; and/or improper administration procedures
(Armfield & Milgram, 20 1 1 ; Hersh, Helpin, & Evans, 1991 ;
Jastek, Yagiela, & Donaldson, 1995; Moore & Hersh, 20 10). Mepivacaine without a vasoconstrictor (3 % mepiva­
Whatever the cause, it is important for clinicians to under­ caine plain) seems to be associated with a higher number
stand the risks associated with anesthetic administration of local anesthetic toxicity reports compared with other
through sound knowledge and familiarity with anesthetic agents (Goodson & Moore, 1983 ; Hersh, Helpin, Evans,
agents and their maximum recommended doses. It is im­ 1991 ; Moore & Goodson, 1985; Virts, 1999) . This seemingly
perative that clinicians follow appropriate dosing guide­ higher toxicity may be due to the lack of a vasoconstric­
lines and never exceed the MRD for weight and/or age. tor, which increases systemic absorption. Pharmacokinetic
A list of maximum cartridges and dose calculations can evaluation has revealed that anesthetic blood levels of 3 %
be found in Chapter 5 , "Dental Local Anesthetic Drugs," mepivacaine without a vasoconstrictor peak at a more rapid
Chapter 6, "Vasoconstrictors in D entistry," and Chapter 7, rate than an equivalent amount of 2% lidocaine, 1 : 100,000
" D o se Calculations for Local Ane sthetic S olutions." epinephrine and surpass plasma levels by a nearly three­
B o x 19-1 • addresses maximum dose calculations for fold margin, following maxillary infiltration inj ection
obese children. (Goebel, Allen, & Randall, 1978, 1980; Moore & Hersh,

20 10). Considering that 3% mepivacaine plain is frequently inj uries are considered to be some of the most common
used in pediatric dental care, this can be of concern. local anesthesia complications in children. The incidence
The frequent use of 3 % mepivacaine plain in pediat­ of self-inflicted soft-tissue trauma following local anes­
ric dentistry is rooted in reports of mepivacaine having a thetic administration has been reported to occur from
shorter duration, which reduces the occurrence of some­ 3 % to 16 % of the time (B oynes et al . , 20 1 3 ; Chi et al. ,
times severe postanesthetic trauma such as lip, cheek, and 2008; College et al. , 2000). The majority of these compli­
tongue biting; however, while the durations of pulpal anes­ cations are considered mild and, occasionally, moderate
thesia with mepivacaine without epinephrine are shorter in o ccurrence ; however, severe events have b e e n re­
than those of 2% lidocaine with 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine, ported, including complete amputation of the lower lip
the duration of soft-tissue anesthesia for these two agents (Akram, Kerr, & Mclennan, 2008; B oynes et al. , 20 1 3 ) .
has been reported to be nearly identical (Hersh et al., 1995; D espite every effort of p e diatric dental teams to pre­
Moore & Hersh, 20 1 0 ) . This is key because it has been vent postanesthetic self-inj ury (trauma) , children will
demonstrated that soft-tissue anesthesia is responsible for occasionally test anesthetized oral tissues by biting them,
nearly all biting and chewing injuries. causing significant trauma. The inj ured tissues can ap­
pear red or red and white, and there may be significant
Postoperative Trauma (Lip/Cheek/Tongue Biting) edema present (see Figure 17-5) (Ashkenazi, Blumer, &
A considerable concern with pediatric oral anesthesia is Eli, 2005 ) . If notified of a self-inj ury soon after an ap­
the occurrence of self-inflicted soft-tissue inj uries, such pointment, a cold p ack should be recommended over
as the lip bite shown in Figure 19-1 • · These types of the inj ured tissue to reduce swelling. If the notification
occurs the day following an appointment, a warm pack
can be recommended to stimulate circulation and pro­
mote healing. If the patient returns to the dental office
or clinic, anecdotal reports have suggested that admin­
istering 0 . 1 2 % chlorhexidine solution to the outer area
of the tissue trauma with cotton-tipped applicators has
yielded improved healing. Antibiotics are usually not in­
dicated and are prescribed only in the unlikely event of
infection (Ashkenazi, B lumer, & Eli, 2005 ) . If the inju­
ries are first evaluated by physicians, it is not unusual for
them to prescribe antibiotics because of the rather dra­
matic clinical appearance of these inj uries, which closely
resemble infections. It should be noted that the use of
the alpha adrenergic receptor antagonist, phentolamine
mesylate (Ora Verse ® ) (Septodont, Inc, Lancaster, PA) ,
may provide a n option i n decreasing soft-tissue inj uries
by decreasing the duration of soft-tissue anesthesia (see
Box 19-2 •) .

(A ) Perspective on Articaine for Pediatric Patients

In general, articaine 4 % with epinephrine 1 : 10 0 ,0 0 0 or
1 :200,000 demonstrates an appropriate level of safety
and efficacy for use during pediatric dental care. Onset
time and duration of action are suitable for clinical use
and comparable to other local anesthetic agents used in
pediatric dentistry (Malamed, Gagnon, & Lablanc, 2000;
Ram & Amir, 2006). Worldwide, articaine has acquired the
maj ority of the dental market in many countries (Paxton
& Thome, 20 1 0 ; Schertzer, 20 0 0 ) . In addition, it is used
with frequency in pediatric care in many countries includ­
ing the United States (B rickhouse et al., 2008; Wright,
Weinberger, & Friedman, 1989).
Articaine is believed by some to be more effective in
its ability to diffuse through bone compared with other
(B) amide anesthetic solutions, thus having improved efficacy
F I G U R E 1 9-1 Lip Tauma. A-Injury occurred within 15 minutes especially as it relates to mandibular infiltration (Ab­
of leaving the office. B-Patient came the day following treatment dulwahab et al. , 2009; Kanaa et al. , 2006; Vree & Gielen,
for evaluation . . 2005 ) . In 20 1 0 , a meta-analysis evaluating 1 0 published

OraVerse was granted Food and Drug Administration ap­

proval for dental application in May 2008 with the indi c a­
tion of soft-ti s sue anesthesia reversal as a resul t of dental
l o cal anestheti c administration (Hersh & Li n demeyer, 2010).
The unique packaging is shown in Figures 19-2 • and 1 7-5.
It should be noted that current FDA approval does not
incl u de the use of OraVerse in children weighing l e ss than
33 l b s or younger than 6 years of age (OraVerse Package
Insert, 201 1). The acti v e ingredient of OraVerse i s phentol ­
amine mesylate (PM), an al p ha adrenergic bl o cker. Phen­
tolamine mesylate opposes the effects of norepinephrine
and epinephrine, maintaining blood vessel dilation and not
allowing the alpha receptors to ini t i a te bl o od vessel wall
constri ction (Chobanian et al., 2003). Its use in denti stry
relates to the init iation or progression of vasodilation in FIGURE 1 9-2 OraVerse Anesthesia Reversal Agent.
areas where local anestheti c was admini s tered, enhancing OraVerse is packaged with unique green labels and blue
the cl e arance of anestheti c from the injection si t e (Moore
et al., 2008). Pivotal research concl u ded that the use of
stoppers to avoid confusion with local anesthetic cartridges.

phentolamine mesylate reduced soft-ti s sue anesthesia Source: Courtesy of Septodont, USA.

and hastened pati e nts' return to normal l i p sensation by anesthesia, the ability to reduce these complications
approximatel y 1 . 4 hours following mandibular bl o ck and would likel y improve the dental experience. A theoreti c al
maxillary infil t ration injections, and improved the return link has been inferred between the reversal of soft-tissue
to normal tongue sensation by approximatel y 1 .1 hours anesthesia and a reduction in soft-tissue injury (Hersh et
foll o wing mandibular block injections (Hersh et al., 2008; al., 2008; Hersh & Lindemeyer, 201 0; Moore & Hersh, 201 0;
Tavares et al., 2008). Further anal y si s revealed that the Tavares et al., 2008). A recent study evaluating complica­
percentage of pati e nts that experienced an earl i er return tion rates wi t h local anestheti c administration and reversal
to normal lip sensation was signifi c antl y higher for those in a portable school - based dental deli v ery system reveal e d
recei v ing OraVerse during the study (see Figure 1 9-3 •) an improvement in safety outcomes when phentolamine
(Hersh et al., 2008). mesyl a te was admini s tered to pediatri c dental patients
In light of the frequency of sel f-inflicted and some­ (Boynes et al., 201 3). The patients who did not recei v e
times severe soft-ti ssue trauma following dental l o cal PM in thi s study experienced the majority of soft-tissue
Mandible Maxilla
(n=244) (n=240)
1 00 /
l l
�0 75 �0 75 v ...
"'� "'�
2:- 2:- ..
"'5 "'5
50 .....
50 v
1: 1:
·!a .!
· 75

0.. 59
0 25 0 25 v
� �

0 /
2 27

0-30 3 1 -60 6 1 -90 0-30 3 1 -60 6 1 -90
Time after Injection (min) Time after Injection (min)

I D OraVerse D Control (sham injection) I

FIGURE 1 9-3 Percentage of Complete Return of Lip Sensation with Ora Verse
Source: "Percentage of Complete Return of Lip Sensation with OraVerse®." Copyright © by Septodont USA. Used by permission
of Septodont USA.

injuries and were more likely to experience a complication. be admini s tered using the same technique for admini s tra-
l t should be noted that overall complication rates for all tion. Maximum recommended doses (MRD) for OraVerse
groups invol v ed i n the anal y si s were considered low. lnves- are as follows: two cartridges for adul t s and adolescents
tigators concluded that the safe administration of dental 1 2 years of age and older; one cartridge for patients 6-1 1
care wi t h l o cal anesthesia is clearl y feasible wi t h or wi t hout years of age and more than 66 lbs; and one-half cartridge
the admini s tration of PM; however, the use of PM improves for children 6 years of age and older weighing 33-66 lbs
safety outcomes, especiall y as it relates to sel f-inflicted (Ora Verse Package Insert, 201 1 ). The adverse reactions
soft-tissue injuries. reported during the clinical trials occurred less than 3%
OraVerse is deli v ered using the same l o cation(s) of the time. The most commonl y observed include post-
and same technique(s) used for the administration of procedural pain, injection-sit e pain, tachycardia, and
local anesthetic. Dosing of the agent is at a 1 :1 ratio. headache (Hersh & Lindemeyer, 201 0). As wi t h all agents
For example, i f one-half a cartridge of local anesthetic is that are used in practice, the package insert should be •
: admini s tered, one-hal f of a cartridge of OraVerse should reviewed at regular intervals.
.............. .................... ... .............. .............................•
. . . . .

studies, involving 1 , 146 subj ects, evaluated the efficacy Use of Topical Anesthetics
of articaine formulations in comparison to lidocaine Like adults, children want their dental visits to be as com­
2% w/epinephrine 1 : 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 (Paxton & Thome, 20 1 0 ) . fortable as possible. The youngest children may not be
The meta-analysis implied a distinct advantage to the able to verbalize this desire, but they are definitely able
use of articaine. As it relates to pediatric care, articaine to make it known when things are not comfortable. The
may decrease the likelihood of needing additional inj ec­ anesthetic sequence typically sets the tone for an appoint­
tions while providing a dependable drug for mandibular ment. It is important that procedures start well. Topical an­
infiltration, especially in adole scents. Articaine pack­ esthetic techniques are effective for preventing discomfort
age inserts state that safety and efficacy have not been during needle penetration.
evaluated in subj ects under the age of four, which has led Topicals are available in a variety of flavors. Allow­
many providers to avoid articaine in this patient popula­ ing children to choose a flavor and to actually smell the
tion (Septodont, 2010). topical before placement can create a sense of familiar­
As with all anesthetics, clinicians should have a sound ity with the agent and is likely to put the child at ease.
knowledge of the risks and benefits of any drugs that are Gels and ointments tend to be easy to control and place
used and should communicate these risks and benefits to with cotton applicators. They pose far less concern for
patients, parents/guardians, and caregivers. An ongoing potential aspiration compared with liquids and sprays.
point of controversy within dental delivery is the rare oc­ If using aerosol sprays, metered dose systems are advis­
currence of paresthesia. Persistent numbness after dental able (Palm, Kirkegaard, & Poulsen, 2004) . See Chapter 8,
care is extremely rare and, according to some authorities, " Topical A n e sthetics." Rese arch ers have fo und that
is most often the result of surgical trauma (B agheri et al. , some children prefer topical anesthetic patches (Wu &
20 10). Of the five inj ectable anesthetic agents, prilocaine Julliard, 2003 ) .
and articaine, both 4% solutions, are most often associ­ D rying t h e mucosa with a 2 x 2 cotton pad before
ated with reports of paresthesia. A recent publication , placement of the topical enhances its effectiveness. It is im­
however, stated that because of t h e limitations a n d bias portant to allow adequate time for topicals to take effect.
of currently available research there is no absolute proof The onset time for most agents ranges between 30 seconds
that a cause and effect relationship exists between these and 5 minutes (Pinkham et al. , 1994) . Inj ecting before topi­
4% solutions and paresthesia (Moore & Haas, 20 1 0 ) ; cals have a chance to work risks pain and management dif­
however, i t has been suggested that caution may be ad­ ficulties. B ox 19-3 • provides examples of other uses for
visable when blocking the mandible with 4% drugs be­ topical anesthetics for children.
cause the maj ority of p aresthesias are associated with
direct mandibular block inj ections. During the course of
treatment, it is the responsibility of clinicians to under­
stand the risks versus the benefits of different agents and
to provide patients with the opportunity to ask questions
concerning care. More information on the pharmacology
Topical anestheti cs may also be useful for comfortable rub­
and adverse occurrences with articaine formulations can ber dam cl a mp placement and to anestheti z e the tissue
be found in Chapter 5 , "Dental Local Anesthetic Drugs,"
and Chapter 17, " Local Anesthesia Complications and
• tretaining eextremel y mobile primary teeth to allow children •
th i et r t c t h o e
Management." : . � :���� . . � : :� . � �� ���� : ��� � • • .� ." . • • • • • • • •

Management Techniques for Pediatric

Dental Injections
From the perspective of technique, inj ection steps for
children do not differ significantly from those for adults.
Because children are more likely to react and move dur­
ing anesthetic procedures, managing their behavior during
inj ections is considered to be more of an art form than a
technique. Mastering this art benefits both clinician and
child and sets the stage for a positive dental experience.
In particular, it is important to:
1. Prepare the child with appropriate terminology.
2. Prepare child with show-tell-do communication (dem­
onstrate and explain before doing) .
3. Use a tone of voice that is reassuring yet assertive
FIGURE 1 9-5 Gently Stabilize the Child's Head. The assistant
enough to prohibit bargaining.
places one hand on the child's forehead (in addition to over
4. Use passive restraint. The dental assistant places one the child's hands) to guard against sudden or unexpected move­
hand over the child's hands (which should be placed ments during the inj ection.
on the child's stomach) in case of quick reactions by Source: Courtesy of Greg Psaltis, DDS
the child to the procedure. The other hand is placed on
the child's forehead to guard against sudden or unex­
pected movements (see Figures 19-4 • and 19-5 •). 9. Explain to parents/guardians and caregivers, and to
the child when appropriate, that the lips, cheek, tongue,
5. Pass the syringe out of the child's line of sight. and teeth will remain asleep for a period of time after
6. Some clinicians may use pre-warmed anesthetic car­ the appointment is over. Be sure they understand the
tridges (see Box 19-4 •) . risks of postoperative traumatic injury.
7. Describe t h e sensations of anesthesia t h e child will 10. When indicated, comfortable palatal anesthesia can be
feel before onset. For example, at the onset of a man­ achieved by first completing a facial infiltration, then
dibular block, an appropriate comment might be that penetrating slowly through the interdental papilla, and
the side of the tongue will start to tickle. administering a few drops of solution ahead of the nee­
8. Always inj ect the solution slowly, administering a few dle until the palatal tissues have been initially numbed.
drops ahead of the needle to allow anesthesia to pre­ Following these steps, proceed with standard palatal
cede the tip of the needle. inj ection techniques (see Chapter 13, " Inj ections for
Maxillary Pain Control II - Palatal Approach").

Behavioral Management Techniques

Two useful behavior management techniques include
vocal distraction and positive feedback. Vocal distraction is
the process of keeping the child focused on the clinician's
voice rather than on the dental procedures. Distraction
can be created by a calm, reassuring, and informative nar­
rative that is continuous throughout the procedure. When
children have a focus other than an actual procedure,
inj ections are more likely to succeed.
Other means of distraction can include a variety of
stimuli. One device designed for this is called B uzzy ®
(MMJ Labs LLC, Atlanta, GA) . This simple toy-like de­
vice provides audible (buzzing sound) and sensory (cold
and vibration) stimuli. The vibration and cold may act as
gate control stimuli as well as cognitive distraction. Some
children may do well with these types of distraction (see
FIGURE 1 9-4 Preparing for Unexpected Movements. The Figure 19-6 • ) .
child is asked to place the hands on his or her stomach. The as­ Positive feedback for specific desirable behaviors
sistant places one hand over the child's hands to respond in case can also be helpful. General statements such as "what a
of quick reactions by the child during the injection. good patient you are or you're being so brave today" are
Source: Courtesy of Greg Psaltis, DDS. less helpful compared with statements regarding specific

Warming cartridges before use is intended to reduce the

incidence of pain on injection. Some suggest the practi c e
may be effecti v e (Bainbridge, 1 991 ; Courtney, Agrawal, &

Revington, 1999). One meta-anal y si s determined that

warming had a signi ficant impact on reducing percei v ed
injection pain and should be done before administration (A)
(Hogan et al., 201 1).
Others hold li ttle esteem for the practi c e, especiall y
when the ri s k of administering overheated solution is in­
troduced to an otherwi s e negl i gibl e risk of tissue damage
due to cartridge temperature (Malamed, 201 3). In addition,
vasoconstri ctors in warmed cartridges may l o se some of
their effecti v eness, particul a rl y if they have been stored in
warming devices for extended periods (Malamed, 201 3).
When the practi c e of warming is utili z ed, approved el ec­
tronicall y controll e d medical devices are suggested in order
to avoid excessive temperatures (see Figure 19-7 •l. Car­
tridges shoul d not be stored in heating devi c es for l o ng peri ­
ods of ti m e regardl ess (DiMarco & Bassett, 201 2). It has been
noted that even after having been subjected to repeated
sterilizati o n cycl e s, both lidocaine and epinephrine remained
effective as l o ng as recommended temperature cycl e s were
followed (Courtney et al., 1999). However, manufacturers will
o r t e ve s of t l t n s •

� : ;�� �� � � : � . ��e�� . ��� · · ��� �� �� � :� . .


• • • • •

aspects of the procedure that are going well. For example,

the clinician might say, "thank you for holding your head
so still for me." Positive feedback becomes a learning tool
for the child. Children learn how to be successful patients
and how to be active participants in the procedure when
feedback praises them for behavior that is beneficial.
Additional patient management strategies that may be
useful when treating children can be found in Chapter 2, (B)
"Fundamentals of Pain Management."

I njection Tech n iq u e Va riations

for Ch i l d ren
Showing or Hiding the Needle
Although some clinicians advocate showing needles to
children, many young patients do not respond favorably
to this approach. Children are far less likely to respond to
something they cannot see. This technique does not rely on
favorable responses from children. During the anesthetic
procedure, continuous and calming communication with
the child will usually gain his or her cooperation. This is an
example of vocal distraction. Occasionally, a child may ask
to see the needle after the inj ection, at which time the cli­
nician can hold the syringe in the child's view, concealing
the capped needle in the palm while pointing to the empty (C)
cartridge, explaining that it is where the sleepy juice came FIGURE 1 9-6 Buzzy. Device designed to stimulate a gate­
from. Children are usually satisfied with this explanation. control response, and provide cognitive and sensory distraction
Although it has been suggested that children have a prefer­ with both audible and sensory stimuli (buzzing sound, vibration
ence for the appearance of the Wand device (see Chapter 9, and cold).

adult location. Studies have demonstrated that this occurs

because of the remodeling of the ramus during growth
(Kanno et al. , 2005).
B I LAT E RAL M AN D I B U LAR B L O C K S When planning treat­
ment for children, it is considered beneficial to treat half
a mouth at a time in order to minimize the total number
of appointments. One way to accomplish this is to deliver
bilateral inferior alveolar blocks at one appointment, com­
pleting mandibular treatment. Many consider this prob­
lematic because of the lack of control of oral functions. A
recent study however found that the incidence of postoper­
ative lip-biting actually decreased in children who received
bilateral mandibular blocks compared with those who re­
ceived unilateral blocks (College et al. , 2000). It was specu­
lated that, following a unilateral mandibular block, children
are more inclined to test the funny (numb) side by chewing
FIGURE 1 9-7 Electronically Controlled Cartridge Warming their lips. Further research is needed on this topic, however,
Device. before it can be considered a standard of care.
Source: Courtesy of Practicon.
Mandibular Infiltration
"Local Anesthetic Delivery Devices"), the simplest way to Pediatric patients have thinner cortical plates and more
avoid the issue is to keep all inj ection armamentarium out porous bone, allowing for easy diffusion of anesthetic
of the child's eyesight (Kuscu & Akyuz, 2006). solutions. For this reason, mandibular infiltrations are
commonly used for many simple restorative procedures
Anatomical Differences (Malamed, 20 1 3 ) . Some mandibular extractions can also
Primary tooth roots are typically shorter than the roots of be accomplished with infiltrations. When children require
their permanent successors. Basic techniques for pediatric in­ pulpotomies or stainless steel crowns, the technique is less
jections vary somewhat compared with the same techniques reliable and mandibular blocks remain the best choice.
for permanent teeth because of the decreased insertion depths The mandibular infiltration technique is very similar
needed. Although the depths are shallower, the penetration to the technique for maxillary infiltration. Once adequate
sites for primary teeth are analogous to the sites of penetra­ topical anesthesia has been obtained, the patient's lip is
tion for permanent teeth in most cases; for example, the tar­ retracted and the tip of the needle is placed into the mu­
get for a primary maxillary infiltration is above the apex of cobuccal fold. With the lip retracted upward, the tip of the
the root. Extra-short (10 mm) needles that would usually be needle can be enveloped or captured by the tissue. This
too short for maxillary adult infiltrations may be adequate for will minimize sensations due to needle penetration. Figure
reaching this site in many children. 19-8 • demonstrates an infiltration of a mandible molar.
In inferior alveolar nerve blocks, the position of the Only a small volume of anesthetic (0.6-0.9 mL per tooth
mandibular foramen in children is inferior to its eventual or one-third to one-half of a cartridge) is necessary to

(A) (B)

FIGURE 1 9-8 Mandibular Infiltrations. Mandibular infiltrations can be useful for basic restorative procedures in young children due
to their thinner cortical plates and very porous bone, allowing for easy diffusion of anesthetic solutions.
Source: Courtesy of Greg Psaltis, DDS and Royann Royer RDH.

Jaden Harris
T h e fo l l ow i n g strate g y fo r m a n a g i n g J a d e n 's treat­ r u b b e r d a m c l a m p p l acement. M a ny ch i l d re n d o
ment is suggeste d : very we l l w i t h proce d u res u nt i l t h e p l a ce m ent of
1 . R esto rati o n s : Tooth # A = O L, C = D L, J = MO, the c l a m p . M a n d i b u l a r b l ocks may be bette r to l ­
K M O , M F, S D O
= = =
e rated b y ch i l d ren than p a l ata l i njections t o avoid
d isco mfo rt fro m c l a m p p l ace m e nt. Therefore, th is
2 . P u l potomy w i t h sta i n l ess ste e l crow n s : Tooth # B
s e q u e n ce may b e p refe rred to p rovi d e a m o re
and L
favora b l e fi rst a n esthesia expe rience.
Fi rst a p p o i ntme nt: B e g i n t re a t m e n t i n t h e m a n d i ­
Second appoi ntment: #A, B, and C u s i n g 1 . 8 ml 4%
b l e fo r # K, L , a n d M u s i n g 1 . 8 m l 2% l i d o ca i n e with
a rtica i n e with e p i n e p h r i n e .
Rationale: T h i s is the oth e r " h i g h prio rity" q u a d ­
Rationale: Sta rti ng with the m a n d i b u l a r l eft q uad­
r a n t . If trust h a s now been esta b l is h e d , t h e c h i l d
rant ca n have the advantage of ass u r i n g p rofo u n d
wi l l m o re l i ke l y accept t h e p a l at a l i nj e cti o n n e c­
a n esth esia fo r a fi rst-t i m e experience. Beg i n n i n g
ess a ry to m a ke c l a m p p l acement comfo rta b l e fo r
with a n e rve b l ock tech n i q u e c a n ass u re comfo rt
tooth #A. P a l ata l a n esthesia is a l so i n d i cated fo r
i n t h e p l a c e m e n t of t h e r u b b e r d a m , e s p e ci a l ly
t h e m ax i l l a ry sta i n l e ss ste e l crow n s . Oth e r a p ­
the c l a m p . Also, this q u a d rant is o n e of two q u a d ­
p roaches t o p rovid i n g a n esthesia fo r pa l ata l g i n ­
r a n ts i n g reatest n e e d of treatm e n t . Oth e r fa c­
g iva a re d iscussed i n C h a pter 8 .
tors being e q u a l , this strategy add resses both the
prio rity needs of the patient and the re l i a b i l ity of Third appointment: # J a n d S, fo r t h i s a p p o i nt m e n t
a n esth esia . use a tota l o f 1 . 2-1 . 8 m l 4% a rtica i n e w i t h e p i n e p h ­
M a ny c l i n icians p refe r t o sta rt with t h e maxi l la , as­ rine for i nfi ltrati ng both J a n d S .
s u m i n g that i nfi ltrati o n s a re e a s i e r i nj e cti o n s fo r Rationale: By m a ki n g t h e fi n a l resto rative v i s i t
c h i l d re n to to l e rate. T h e seq u e n ce of b eg i n n i n g b r i ef, w i t h s i m p l e p r o ce d u res, t h e c h i l d i s l e ft
treatment with a nesthetic proce d u res i n t h e m a n ­ with t h e m e m o ry of a s h o rt, easy a p p o i nt m e n t .
d i b l e m a y s e e m u n us u a l to s o m e ; h oweve r, t h i s B e c a u s e both restorat i o n s req u i re i n fi ltrati o n s ,
c a n b e a v e ry s u ccessfu l a p p ro a c h . T h e fa ctor 0 . 6-0 . 9 m l p e r t o o t h w i l l res u l t i n a d e q u a te
that i n fl u e n ces t h i s seq u e n ce of a p p o i n t m e nts is a n esthesia .

obtain adequate local anesthesia. The primary advantage Pediatric D entistry, 2006-2007) . Others disagree, finding
of this technique is that anesthesia of large areas of the lip the incidence of lip-biting to be reduced when techniques
and tongue can be avoided. It has been suggested by some with more limited areas of anesthesia such as infiltrations or
that soft-tissue trauma may not be reduced by the use of PDLs have been administered versus nerve blocks (Ashke­
mandibular infiltration anesthesia (American Academy of nazi et al., 2005).

-�.h. ti).P.t.E! r. . 9.l1.��� i () .Jl � . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . ....... . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... .

_ _
b. Clamp placement for rubber dam is simplified
c. Quadrant (or half-mouth) treatment can be com­
1 . Why is it generally more critical to consider toxicity of pleted in one visit
local anesthetics in pediatric patients than in adults? d. All of the above
a. Children react differently to local anesthetic agents 3. In which of the following ways do anatomical
than adults variations affect the choice of inj ection techniques for
b. Local anesthetic doses are based on body weight children?
c. Appropriate anesthetic agents for children are dif­ a. Roots of primary teeth are generally shorter than
ferent than for adults permanent tooth roots
d. Crying and screaming may allow more rapid anes­ b. The cortical plate is thicker and less porous in chil­
thetic uptake dren than in adults
2. How does excellent anesthesia serve as a manage­ c. The inferior alveolar foramen is often more supe­
ment tool for children? rior in children than adults
a. Restorative procedures become tolerable, if not d. All of the above

4. Which of the following describe ways in which an as­ Bagheri, S. G. , Meyers, R. A., Khan, H. A., Kuhmichel, A., &
sistant can play a vital role in the successful adminis­ Steed, M. B. (20 10). Retrospective review of microsurgical
tration of local anesthetics to children? repair of 222 lingual nerve injuries. Journal of Oral & Maxil­
lofacial Surgery, 68, 715-723 .
a. Showing the patient the needle to prepare the
Bainbridge, L. C. (1991). Comparison of room temperature and
body temperature local anaesthetic solutions. British Journal
b. Calming the parent during the inj ection by explain­
of Plastic Surgery, 44(2) , 147-148.
ing what is happening Bouillon, T. , & Shafer, S. L. (1998) . Does size matter? Anesthesi­
c. Placing one hand on the child's forehead and the olog� B� 557-560.
other on the child's hands for safety Baynes, S. G. , Riley, A. E., Milbee, S., Bastin, M. R., Price, M.
d. None of the above E., & Ladson, A. (20 13). Evaluating complications of local
anesthesia administration and reversal with phentolamine
5. Which of the following are benefits of using age­
mesylate in a portable pediatric dental clinic. General Den­
appropriate terminology and specific positive feedback tistry, 61 (5), 70-76.
during the successful anesthetic administration in Brickhouse, T. H., Unkel, J. H., Webb, M. D., B est, A. M., &
pediatric patients? Hollowell, R. L. (2008) . Articaine use in children among den­
a. Using understandable terms to demystify the tal practitioners. Pediatric Dentistry, 30, 516-521.
child's experiences Cheymol, G. (2000). Effects of obesity on pharmacokinetics:
b. Using specific positive feedback teaches children Implications for drug therapy. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 39,
what is expected and going well 215-23 1.
c. Avoiding frightening (or "trigger") words to reduce Chi, D., Kanellis, M., Himadi, E., & Asselin, M. E. (2008). Lip
the chance of resistance biting in a pediatric dental patient after dental local anesthe­
sia: A case report. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 23, 490-493 .
d. All the above
Chobanian, A. V., Bakris, G. L., Black, H. R., Cushman, W. C.,
6. Which of the following is true when considering inj ec­ Green, L. A., & Izzo, J. L., Jr. (2003). Seventh report of the
tion techniques in children? Joint National Committee on Prevention, D etection, Evalua­
a. Mandibular infiltrations rarely work for children tion, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Hypertension, 42,
b. D eposition of anesthetic solutions for mandibular 1206-1252.
College, C., Feigal, R., Wandera, A., & Strange, M. (2000,
blocks are more inferior compared with adults
November/December) . Bilateral versus unilateral mandibular
c. Long needles are usually necessary
block anesthesia in a pediatric population. Pediatric Dentistry,
d. All of the above are true 22(6), 453-457.
7. When children traumatize soft tissues immediately Courtney, D. 1., Agrawal, S., & Revington, P. J. (1999) . Local an­
following inj ections, what is the best management? aesthesia: To warm or alter pH? A survey of current practice.
Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh & ire­
a. Place a cold pack immediately
land, 44(2), 167-171.
b. Place a warm pack immediately
DiMarco, A. C., Bassett, K.B. (20 12). Pain prevention. Dimen­
c. Always put the child on an antibiotic for infection sions ofDental Hygiene, 10(3), 28, 31-32, 34--35.
d. a and c Ebbeling, C. B., Pawlak, D. B., & Ludwig, D. S. (2002) . Childhood
obesity: Public-health crisis, common sense cure. Lancet, 360,
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I n sig hts fro m S peci a lti es : O ra l S u rg e ry,

P.e r.iodo m�i cs, a m d Em d·o·d·o·m�i·cs


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss key terms i n t h i s c h a pte r. h e m ostasis 385

i nte rpa p i l l a ry i njections 385
• Describe the choice of need les in o ra l a n d maxi l l ofa cia l s u rgery.
l ntra F i ow 386
• D i scuss the po p u l at i o n s w h o a re at g reatest risk fo r l o ca l a n es­ i ntraosseous i njections 386
thetic toxi city. i ntra p u l p a l i njecti on 387
• Exp l a i n t h e effects of i nfl a m matio n/infecti o n on l o ca l n e e d l e tract infecti ons 382
Sta b i d e nt 386
a n esth etics.
X-Tip 386
• D i scuss a l l e rg i c res p o n ses with l o ca l a n esth etics .

• Determ i n e treatm ent o pti o n s fo r patie nts with tru e a l l e rg ies to

l o ca l a n esth etics .

• D i scuss i n fe r i o r a l ve o l a r n e rve b l ock com p l i cati o n s , i n c l u d i n g

n e rve I nJ U ri e s .

• D i scuss c o n c e r n s w i t h use of 4% l o ca l a n esthetic a g e nts.

• Determ i n e effective treatment options for m a n d i b u l a r a n esth esia
i n periodontics.

• Determ i n e effective treatm e n t o pti o n s fo r m a xi l l a ry a n esth esia

i n periodontics .

• D i scuss h e m o stasis i n periodo ntics.

• D i scuss ways i n which a n esth eti c c h a l l e n g e s a re a d d ressed in

e n d od o ntics.

• D i scuss the ro l e of to p i ca l a n esth etics i n endodontic a n esth esia.

• D i scuss tech n i q u es fo r m a n a g i n g excessive fea rs i n e n d o d o n ­

tic patie nts.

• D i scuss the ben efits of i ntraosse o u s and i ntra p u l p a l a n esth e s i a

tech n i q u e s i n e n d od o n tics.

• D i scuss p reca u t i o n s fo r t h e u se of vasoco n stri ctors i n i n traos­

seo u s and i n tra p u l p a l a n esth esia tech n i q u e s.


I ntrod uction Chapter 4, "Pharmacology Basics," for more detailed ex­

planations of these properties.
This chapter provides insights from three additional spe­
cialty areas in dentistry. The purpose of presenting multi­ D U RAT I O N B upivacaine and tetracaine are both highly
disciplinary insights is to develop an understanding of the protein bound and therefore have long durations of action.
importance of local anesthesia in these settings and the Long-acting local anesthetics are frequently used in OMFS
unique challenges encountered from the point of view of to assist with initial postoperative analgesic management.
dental specialists. B upivacaine, when used for regional nerve blocks, lasts
an average of 5 hours in the maxilla and 8 hours in the
I nsig hts from O ra l an d M axi l lofacial
S u rgery POTE N CY Lidocaine and bupivacaine are frequently used
concurrently in OMFS. Lidocaine provides a rapid onset
Local anesthesia is critical to the practice of oral and maxil­ and bupivacaine provides a long duration. B ecause bupi­
lofacial surgery (OMFS). It would be impossible to provide vacaine is the more potent local anesthetic, a 0.5 % solu­
effective and successful intraoperative or postoperative pain tion will obtain comparable depths of local anesthesia
management without it. Many referrals to OMF surgeons compared with a 2 % solution of lidocaine.
are motivated by local anesthetic failures in other settings,
such as patients for whom anesthesia was unsuccessful. N E E D LE C H O I C E In OMFS, 25- or 27-gauge long needles
Other patients are referred because of complications related are typically used for all local anesthetic techniques. Long
to local anesthesia or because they have serious concurrent needles are preferred because they allow all types of den­
medical conditions that complicate its administration. tal inj ections to be completed without changing needles.
Specific challenges encountered in OMFS local anes­
thesia administration include safe management of patients
of all ages with diverse medical backgrounds who may
Loca l Anesthetic Toxicity
require extensive treatment (e.g. , full mouth extractions). and Maxi m u m Dosing
Minor to life-threatening infections are also encountered. I n the OMFS setting, clinicians often face local anesthetic
Achieving adequate local anesthesia in the presence of challenges due to the extent of treatment or to associated
these infections while limiting the potential for needle infections, either of which may increase the difficulty of
tract infections (infections spread along needle pathways) achieving adequate local anesthesia. It is therefore criti­
and compensating for anatomical difficulties with asso­ cal for clinicians to have a thorough understanding of the
ciated trismus and airway patency concerns are serious clinical manifestations of local anesthetic toxicity as well
and significant challenges encountered by OMF surgeons as an ability to quickly and accurately calculate the maxi­
(Maestrello, Abubaker, & Benson, 2007). mum dosing of the local anesthetic they are using.
Although inhalation and intravenous sedation, as well
as general anesthesia, are common in OMFS, effective lo­ Pediatric Considerations for Dosing
cal anesthesia plays an important supplemental role, assist­ In the pediatric population, it is easier to exceed maximum
ing in providing effective intraoperative pain management doses of local anesthetics because of smaller body mass.
and allowing for lighter general anesthesia and sedation. In general, the pharmaceutical industry is not required to
Local anesthetics with vasoconstrictors also provide he­ perform drug testing on the pediatric population. Varia­
mostasis, whereas longer-acting local anesthetics provide tions in age and weight make the manufacturers reluctant
postoperative pain control and a more comfortable transi­ to recommend maximum pediatric doses. This leaves the
tion to oral and intravenous analgesics. selection of pediatric doses to the clinical judgment of cli­
nicians after performing standard calculations and taking
Selection of Armamenta r i u m into account health status, including the immaturity of pe­
diatric organ systems.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons typically use the five in­ A preferred local anesthetic in OMFS that is safe
j e ctable local anesthetics available to other dental spe­ for use in the pediatric population is 2% lidocaine with
cialists and clinicians, although some may occasionally 1:100,000 epinephrine. For in-depth discussions on pediatric
access other local anesthetic drugs, such as ropivacaine dosing, see Chapter 7, "Dose Calculations for Local Anes­
and levobupivacaine. thetic Solutions," and Chapter 19, "Insights from Pediatric
Desirable Local Anesthetic Properties
Whether considering surgical procedures performed by
oral surgeons, periodontists, endodontists, pedodontists, Anxiety and Fea r
or general practitioners, an understanding of the onset Oral or intravenous sedation is frequently used in OMFS
times, durations of action and relative potencies of specific to reduce anxiety in patients who have difficulty achiev­
local anesthetics is important in the surgical setting. See ing profound local anesthesia. B enzodiazepines such as

triazolam, midazolam, diazepam, lorazepam, and alpra­

zolam are most often prescribed or administered because
they have relatively quick onsets and wide margins of
safety. Unfortunately, in addition to their adjunctive role
in reducing perioperative anxiety, benzodiazepines can
also decrease the toxic threshold of any local anesthetics The effecti v eness of local anesthesia in the presence of
administered. Specific strategies for managing dental anx­ infection i s frequentl y compromi s ed by changes in tissue
pH. The following suggestions may increase successful an­
esthesia outcomes:
iety and fears can be found in Chapter 2, "Fundamentals
of Pain Management," and Chapter 18, "Insights for Fear­
ful Patients." • Allow additional time for the local anestheti c to take

Vasoconstrictor Considerations Use a greater amount of local anestheti c to help over­

come acidity created by the infection. (Make sure that

The concurrent use o f a vasoconstrictor can allow for an maximum doses are not exceeded.)
increase in the maximum dose that can be safely admin­ Use a regional nerve block away from the area of

Discard the needl e after penetrating in or near an area

istered. Epinephrine also has the potential to counteract

of inflammation/infection.
vasodilating �2 receptors, which allows it to act as a pure • •

a-adrenergic stimulant accounting for its usefulness in

Consider potential secondary innervations to the area
(e.g., myl o hyoid nerve in the mandible).

providing excellent hemostasis in surgery.
Adverse reactions can occur when administering vaso­
Use a local anesthetic agent wi t h a higher pH.
Alkalini z e the local anestheti c by adding sodium bicar­

constrictors with a number of other drugs, including tricy­ •
bonate immediatel y before the injection.*

clic antidepressants (TCAs) , beta-adrenergic antagonists,
volatile anesthetics, cocaine, and other vasoconstrictors. Use intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.
I f the infection i s minor, consider antibioti c s and

This potential is of particular concern for psychiatric pa­

tients, cardiac patients, and suspected drug users.
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA ) , such as amitripty­
line, increase the availability of endogenous norepineph­ 'Sodium bicarbonate decreases the a cidity o f the a n esthetic solu­
tion and the tiss ues into which it is injected, p roviding sign ificantly
rine. This can lead to an exaggerated response in heart greater n u m b e rs of initia l base m o lecules th a n were p rovided in
rate or blood pressure when epinephrine or levonordefrin th e m a n u fa ctured so lutio n . Alkalin izing (buffering) local a n esth et­
is administered with local anesthetics. TCAs also block ics with sodium bicarbonate has been difficult a n d inconvenient
when o n ly ste rile, sealed cartridges a re available. This technique
the muscarinic and a-adrenergic receptors, which directly has been simp lified with the availability of Onset from Onpharma,
depress the myocardium. This concern is greatest during discussed in Chapter 1 6, " Tro u b leshooting Inadequate A n esthe­
the first 14-21 days of TCA use and appears to have the sia . " Wh en m e dica l via ls of loca l a n esth etics a re a va ilable (often
, the case in OM FS), buffering is q u ite easy and very effective for ,

: . �� . � � : : . � �: : . . : ���: � : : ��:� : • • � : . � . : : . � •
most significant effect when levonordefrin and imipramine i ro i ne t s a ou c i n l n d i f ct d t s u e
(Tofranil) are used concomitantly. The same concern was
originally thought to exist with monoamine oxidase inhibi­
tors, but this is no longer thought to be the case. may be significantly reduced. Inflammatory exudates may
A potential dysrhythmic effect exists between the in­ also enhance nerve conduction action potentials, making
halation anesthetic agent halothane (Fluothane) and epi­ blockage of sensory nerve impulses more difficult. In ad­
nephrine or levonordefrin through stimulation of both dition, blood vessels in the area of inflammation may be
alpha and beta receptors. The greatest potential for this dilated, leading to a more rapid uptake of the anesthetic
adverse reaction exists in the first 10 minutes of halo­ agent from the area of inj ection. These changes can lead
thane administration; therefore, OMF surgeons typically to delays in onsets of anesthesia, inadequate depths of an­
wait at least 1 0 minutes following induction of a general esthesia, and the potential for local anesthetic blood lev­
anesthetic with halothane before injecting local anesthetic els to be elevated. Considerations for the management of
drugs. local anesthesia in the presence of infection are listed in
Box 20-1 •.
Loca l Anesthetics i n I nfla m m ation Needle tract infection is a potential complication of
inj ection into infected tissues. Although penetration into
a n d I nfection infected tissues can be avoided by using more distant re­
Achieving effective local anesthesia i n the presence of gional nerve blocks, whenever there is a possibility of a
inflammation and/or infection is a common challenge in needle having passed through infected tissues, it should
OMFS. be discarded immediately after use to prevent inadvertent
Products of inflammation lower the surrounding tissue reuse.
pH (e.g., purulent exudates have a pH of 5 .5-5.6). At this S evere trismus is sometimes seen in inflammation
more acidic pH, the numbers of base molecules necessary and infection. Trismus has been mentioned previously as a
for passage of the anesthetic into the nerve membrane painful condition that impairs the extension of the muscles

of mastication leading to decreased ability to fully open

the mouth. Limitation in opening can follow trauma, local
anesthetic inj ections, and temporomandibular j oint prob­
lems and ankylosis.
Limited opening can p o s e anatomical difficulties
with standard conventional inferior alveolar (IA) nerve When it is determined that a patient has a true l o cal anes­
block techniques and especially with the Gow-Gates ap­ thetic allergy, the following suggestions may increase suc­
proach, which requires patients to open fully. In situations cessful anesthesia outcomes:
of severe trismus, an extraoral nerve block or an intraoral Allow addit ional time for the local anestheti c to take

high nerve block technique (Vazirani-Akinosi) where
the mouth remains closed during its administration is Following allergy testing, use an al t ernate local anes­
thetic (Bartfield, Weeks, & Raccio-Robak, 1 998).

Another serious concern with more severe progressive 1 % Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride)
0.09% benzyl alcohol

infections, such as Ludwig's angina, is the potential for air­

General anesthesia

way compromise. Management and control of the airway •

is the first priority in these situations. These patients are : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

typically treated with a general anesthetic in a hospital set­

ting. B efore induction of general anesthesia, airway man­
agement is initiated with conscious fiberoptic intubation I nferior Alveolar Nerve Block
or a possible surgical airway. In this setting, supplemental Com p l ications and Nerve I nj u ries i n
local anesthesia is administered once the airway is secure.
O ra l S u rgery
One of the most common local anesthetic inj ections per­
Loca l Anesthetic Allerg ies formed by OMF surgeons is the lA nerve block. Despite
As previously mentioned in Chapter 4 , "Pharmacology the frequent use of lA nerve blocks, they are considered
Basics," and Chapter 8, "Topical Anesthetics," true allergic to be one of the more technically difficult inj ections due
reactions to amide local anesthetics are rare. Sensitivity to to anatomical constraints and variability and there are a
ester-type local anesthetics is more common. Most topical number of potential complications. Local complications
local anesthetics contain the esters benzocaine, butamben, related to lA nerve blocks include vascular, neural, osse­
or tetracaine, and similar to amide topicals in multiuse ous, connective tissue, and muscular inj ury from needle
containers, many contain paraben preservatives. In OMFS, penetration and deposition of the anesthetic and/or local
cocaine, an ester topical anesthetic, may be used on the hemorrhage. Systemic complications related to lA nerve
nasal mucosa to assist with hemostatic control due to its blocks include syncope, hypersensitivity, overdose, toxicity,
vasoconstrictive properties. allergy, and other intravascular anesthetic reactions.
Latex allergies have become more common and should Transient and long-term nerve inj uries have been
be considered when using local anesthetics. The needle­ reported related to cranial nerves II-VIII. Adverse neu­
puncture diaphragm of dental cartridges and multidose rologic complications affecting local and more distant
vials may contain latex. In latex-allergic patients a latex­ neurologic tracts have been reported related to lA nerve
free syringe should be used. Increasingly, manufacturers block inj ections. These neurologic complications include
are producing anesthetic cartridges and vials with no latex, cranial nerve paralysis and anesthesia of cranial nerves
including the diaphragms. These may be used in place of II-VIII as well as cervical sympathetic blockade (Fish,
more cumbersome multidose dispensing techniques. When Mcintire, & Johnson, 1989) .
local anesthetic solutions are drawn up from multidose Although uncommon, a neurological complication
vials, rubber diaphragms should first be removed. of lA nerve blocks is p aresthesia of the lingual nerve.
Documentation of true local anesthetic allergic reac­ Jorgensen and Hayden reported that the lingual nerve does
tions is based on clinical history (e.g., allergic dermatitis, not slide away when encountered by anesthetic needles
asthmatic attack , systemic anaphylaxis) and use of in­ because the nerve is attached to the interpterygoid fascia.
tradermal testing with preservative-free local anesthetic With the mouth open, this fascia is stretched, holding the
solutions without vasoconstrictors by an appropriate lingual nerve in place (Smith & Lung, 2006) . Harn and
healthcare provider. History of hypotension associated Durham reviewed the incidence of lingual nerve trauma
with syncope or rapid he art rate after administration after conventional lA nerve block anesthesia in 2,289 pa­
of a local anesthetic may be confused with an allergic tients who received 9,587 inj ections (Smith & Lung, 2006) .
reaction but is more suggestive of an inadvertent intra­ They reported a 3.62% probability of lingual nerve trauma
vascular inj ection and the associated vasoconstrictor or each time a conventional lA nerve block is administered,
a psychogenic-vagally me diated reaction. Options for with a 14.99 % probability of a post-inj ection complication
treatment of patients with local anesthetic allergies are after trauma to the lingual nerve. Less commonly reported
provided in Box 20-2 •· complications include chorda tympani nerve injury, optic

nerve atrophy, and paralysis of cranial nerves III, IV, VI, alveolar inj ection can be administered, depositing from 0.9
VII, and VIII (Gray, 1978; Harn & Durham, 1990; Paxton to 1.8 mL (one-half to one cartridge) depending upon the
et al. , 1994; Pogrel & Thamby, 20 00; Tomazzoli-Gerosa, duration needed. An ASA and MSA or IO nerve block
Marchini, & Monaco, 1988) . Haas and Lennon retrospec­ will complete the anesthesia of the teeth in the quad­
tively reviewed 143 cases of inj ection-related mandibular rant. Palatal tissues must be anesthetized separately using
paresthesia in dental patients unrelated to surgery, over greater palatine and nasopalatine nerve blocks unless an
a 2 1-year period. Paresthesia was most often reported anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve block is
after administration of 4% local anesthetic agents, artic­ administered.
aine or prilocaine (Haas, 2006) . According to Haas, the Anesthesia of the palate is one of the greatest chal­
incidence of p ermanent paresthesia from all local an­ lenges to comfortable administration in periodontal pro­
esthetics is approximately 1 :785 , 0 0 0 (Haas & Lennon, cedures. The AMSA nerve block is particularly useful in
1995a, 1995b ). The incidence for lower concentrations these procedures because fewer inj ections will be neces­
(0.5 % , 2 % , and 3 % ) is approximately 1 : 1 ,20 0,000. After sary in order to provide wide areas of anesthesia, both
administering 4% concentrations, it increases to approxi­ pulpal and soft tissue. Very slow deposition of local anes­
mately 1 :500,000 (Paxton et al., 1994; Stoelting & Miller, thetic solution following good topical anesthesia will effec­
2000; Tomazzoli-Gerosa, Marchini, & Monaco, 1988). See tively anesthetize the palate with an AMSA nerve block
Chapter 17, " Local Anesthesia Complications and Man­ on one side to the midline. It is easy to follow the diffusion
agement," for a more detailed discussion on paresthesia's of the anesthetic solution in the tissues by observing the
causes and incidence. expanding area of blanching. Whenever additional anes­
thesia is needed in the palate, inserting the needle within
an area of blanching or previous blanching and depositing
I nsig hts from Periodontics a small amount of anesthetic slowly can eliminate discom­
A relatively high percentage of patients experience dis­ fort. The AMSA inj ection has the advantage of anesthetiz­
comfort from root sensitivity during and after periodontal ing not only the palate but also the facial gingiva, from the
treatment. This is true for surgical and nonsurgical proce­ premolars to the midline in addition to the pulps of the
dures requiring an ongoing need for profound anesthesia. teeth in the area. To accomplish this, usually no more than
In addition, hemostasis is desirable for most periodontal two-thirds to three-quarters of a cartridge is necessary.
Mandibular Techniques in Periodontics
Hemostasis in Periodontics In the mandibular arch, anesthesia usually involves nerve
Hemostasis is an important consideration in periodontal block techniques that provide the deepest and most exten­
surgery where visualization of exposed defects is critical to sive anesthesia using the least amount of local anesthetic
their correction. Control of bleeding can usually be accom­ drug. Although the IA nerve block is popular, the Gow­
plished with anesthetic solutions containing no more than Gates and Vazirani-Akinosi techniques are preferred by
1 : 100,000 epinephrine or 1 :20,000 levonordefrin. The use some clinicians. The mental incisive nerve block inj ection
of 1 :50,000 epinephrine solutions may be useful at times can also be delivered effectively for those cases involving
for hemostasis in periodontal surgery, particularly in pala­ only structures anterior to the molars. After administra­
tal infiltrations. For the maj ority of procedures, however, tion of a mental incisive nerve block, the lack of lingual
this higher concentration of vasoconstrictor increases risk anesthesia can be problematic, especially for periodontal
without providing significant benefit. procedures. Anesthesia of lingual tissues can be provided
An alternative to using an anesthetic solution with by slowly infiltrating the papillary areas (interpapillary
an increased concentration of vasoconstrictor is to use a inj e ctions) after facial anesthesia has been established.
computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery (CCLAD) This approach has the advantage of providing hemosta­
system that allows for greater diffusion of ane sthetic sis (if vasoconstrictors are used) to the anesthetized area
solution by using a low-pressure gradient as discussed in and is particularly helpful for procedures such as gingival
Appendix 9-5 . The increased diffusion property of con­ grafting.
trolled low-pressure and regulated fluid flow rate moves
a greater volume of anesthetic through cortical bone and
into medullary bone space. This provides improved hemo­ I nsig hts from Endodontics
stasis and greater visibility of the surgical site. M any patients who require root canal therapy present
with pain and swelling, an environment in which anesthet­
Maxillary Techniques in Periodontics ics are not as effective as they are in healthy, noninfected
Unless a division 2 (true maxillary) nerve block is admin­ tissue. Nerve blocks in these circumstances have been
istered, hemi-maxillary anesthesia requires anesthetizing more effective at providing profound anesthesia compared
several different nerves. This can be accomplished with a with infiltrations, but neither is always able to provide reli­
minimal amount of anesthetic and a minimal number of able profound anesthesia for root canal therapy, which, as
inj ections. For quadrant anesthesia, the posterior superior a consequence, has developed a very painful reputation.

The Use of Anesthetics in Endodontics Pre-anesthesia will desensitize the epithelial layer and its
The introduction of articaine has decreased the incidence underlying connective tissue as well as the periosteum sur­
of pain in endodontics to some extent. Because of its pre­ rounding the bone. Cortical bone lacks sensory innerva­
sumed ability to penetrate efficiently through bone, at tion and can be perforated painlessly once the other layers
times mandibular teeth can be adequately anesthetized are anesthetized.
by infiltration (Dudkiewicz, Schwartz, & Laliberte, 1987; There are three essential steps when administering
Kanaa et al. , 2006). Whereas lA nerve blocks are contro­ intraosseous inj ections, anesthetizing the attached gin­
versial with articaine, Gow-Gates and Vazirani-Akinosi giva, perforating the cortical plate, and depositing anes­
nerve blocks are not known to involve increased risks of thetic into cancellous bone around the tooth. Although
paresthesia with articaine and can be performed when ar­ those with more experience did not find it to be particu­
ticaine is preferred (Hawkins, 2006). Lidocaine and mepi­ larly challenging, this was accomplished using a surgical
vacaine are both quite effective as well. In the maxilla, round bur to perforate the cortical plate. While some still
infiltrations with articaine sometimes anesthetize the en­ prefer this technique, the difficulty with the bur approach
tire tooth including the palatal roots of the molars with­ is that it is necessary to renegotiate the perforation with
out administering separate palatal injections (Kanaa et al., the needle once the bur has been withdrawn from the
2006; Vree & Gielen, 2005). tissues.
Commercial products such as the Stabident and
Topical Anesthetics i n Endodontics X-Tip have guide sleeves that remain in place after perfo­
ration and direct needles into the perforations. With these
Topical anesthetics are placed at penetration sites to pre­
products, there is rarely a reason to use a round bur for
vent pain during penetrations with needles. They are also
intraosseous inj ection access. One system, the IntraFiow
useful, for example, on palatal gingiva to ease rubber dam
device, does not require withdrawal after perforation.
clamp placement. Some topicals, such as lidocaine, prilo­
A CCLAD device for intraosseous inj ections with con­
caine, and benzocaine, when combined with tetracaine, are
trolled flow rates, the Quicksleeper, also does not require
particularly effective.
withdrawal after perforation. These systems are discussed
in Chapter 9, " Local Anesthetic D elivery D evices," and
Managing Fear in Endodontics
demonstrated in Chapter 15, "Supplemental Techniques
B ecause of its painful reputation, ordinary levels of dental and Adj unctive Strategies." Anesthetic solution is de­
fear are magnified when the term root canal is mentioned. posited immediately on perforation of the cortical plate.
Anxiety can intensify typical levels of fear, particularly of Although some clinicians prefer round bur perforation,
inj ections. It is important to take a few minutes to address these innovative systems are much easier for novices to
this fear, which can have at least two maj or benefits, eas­ master.
ing patient anxiety and increasing the success of local an­ Before discussing the intraosseous technique, it is im­
esthesia. It is also important to avoid criticism of neglect, portant to comment on the benefit of radiographs. These
including the length of time since the last appointment. In­ provide accurate assessments of the spacing between ad­
stead, patients should be warmly encouraged and praised j acent roots in the identified area, assuring that the spac­
for investing in their oral health and for keeping their ap­ ing between roots is adequate. If the roots are too close
pointments. Specific strategies for managing dental anxi­ together, another site must be chosen, one or two teeth
ety and fears can be found in Chapter 2, "Fundamentals of distal or mesial to the tooth that is to be treated, in order
Pain Management," and Chapter 18, "Insights for Fearful to avoid damage when perforating.
lntraosseous Technique
lntraosseous Injections in Endodontics B egin by imagining a horizontal line along the gingival
Intraosseous inje ctions are supplemental inj ections fol­ margins of the teeth in the area and a vertical line through
lowing infiltration or nerve block inj ections that provide the interdental papilla. A point about 2 mm apical to the
immediate and predictable profound anesthesia, especially intersection of these lines is usually a suitable site for a
when the initial anesthesia has been inadequate. This is lateral perforation. This has also been described as being
particularly beneficial in endodontics when there is con­ located j ust barely within the most apical portion of the
siderable inflammation and infection present in tissues attached gingiva. It is more successful to inj ect distal to
surrounding an abscessed tooth. Specific technique in­ the tooth to be anesthetized rather than mesial; however,
structions are discussed in Chapter 15, " S upplemental in most cases, a mesial inj ection will provide adequate
Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies." anesthesia.
S olution is deposited into cancellous bone spaces It is very important to use a gentle "pecking" motion
surrounding a tooth. In order to reach cancellous bone, versus a long, continuous movement while penetrating in
four layers must be penetrated : epithelium and its un­ order to avoid overheating the cortical bone (Malamed,
derlying connective tissue, periosteum, and cortical bone. 20 1 3 ) . Overheating can result in postoperative soreness

and potential infection of the bone and overlying gingiva The duration of anesthesia with intraosseous inj ec­
(Malamed, 20 13). tions is short. Typical pulpal durations range from 15 to
If using the Stabident system, hold the syringe in a 30 minutes. Durations will vary depending on the spe­
"pen-grip" manner and angle the needle in the direction cific drug, the presence or absence of a vasoconstrictor,
in which the drill was withdrawn from the bone. The inj ec­ and individual metabolism. If sensitivity returns before
tion needle should be allowed to engage the cortical bone procedures have been completed, a small volume of an­
with only very light pressure to avoid " digging" into it esthetic can be deposited after renegotiating the perfora­
(binding) or bending. If the needle does not pass through tion (0.4 mL) .
the perforation easily, a modified inj ection needle may be Most patients will have little to no postoperative
used. This needle has a flattened tip, which is quite effec­ symptoms, including pain. In rare cases (less than 5% ) ,
tive because no sharp bevel is necessary in intraosseous patients may experience localized swelling with o r with­
techniques that by necessity have pre-perforated path­ out infection, which heals uneventfully or occasionally re­
ways of insertion. The lack of a bevel minimizes binding quires antibiotics.
of the needle tip in bone.
If using the guide sleeve provided with the X-Tip sys­ lntrapulpal lnjections in Endodontics
tem, gently insert the inj ection needle into the predrilled The intrapulpal injection is used exclusively for endodon­
channel. If using the IntraFlow, the perforator retracts and tics. This inj ection is administered for discomfort experi­
the needle is inserted without moving the device from the enced when the pulp is invaded by a bur or instrument
perforation. With the Quicksleeper, the controlled per­ despite the presence of otherwise profound anesthesia.
foration is made with a specialized needle, which is then It can be administered only after access to the pulp has
used for drug delivery. been made. To ensure good back-pressure and complete
One-third of a cartridge (0.6 mL) of solution should be anesthesia, the initial opening into the pulp chamber
slowly deposited (0.6 mL over 60 seconds) into the cancel­ must be very small. This is ideally no larger than the size
lous bone. Diffusion through bone is efficient but not rapid. of a one-half round bur or a 330 pear-shaped bur. The ini­
Slow deposition is mandatory to allow for easy diffusion tial opening should be directed toward the largest canal
and to avoid discomfort at the time and postoperatively. in the tooth, which is the distal canal on lower molars and
Vasoconstrictors should be avoided or minimized. Studies the palatal canal on upper molars. Once the needle has
have demonstrated that the cardiovascular system effects been inserted into the opening, one-half to one full car­
of vasoconstrictors in intraosseous techniques are imme­ tridge of anesthetic (0.9-1.8 mL) is administered slowly.
diate and p ervasive. If necessary, dilutions of 1 :200,000 The choice of drug is not important because it is primar­
epinephrine may be used. When using vasoconstrictors, pa­ ily the pressure of the inj ection that provides the anes­
tients should be warned to expect temporary rapid heart­ thetic effect (VanGheluwe & Walton, 1997).
beats, which will pass quickly. Plain solutions can be used Additional technique considerations for these inj ec­
and will not produce these effects but will also have shorter tions can be found in Chapter 15, " S upplemental Tech­
durations. niques and Adjunctive Strategies."

.�.h. c:a.P..t.� r. . 9.lJ.���.i.e>.rl � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Which one of the following is not a local anesthesia
consideration in oral and maxillofacial surgery when
1 . Which one of the following methods of adjusting treating an infected patient?
doses of local anesthetic drugs for children is recom­ a. Use a greater amount of local anesthetic to help
mended in this chapter? overcome acidity created by the infection (Make
a. Clark's rule sure that maximum doses are not exceeded.)
b. The Rule of Inference b. Use a regional nerve block away from the area of
c. Young's rule inflammation
d. Heuristic rule c. Use a local anesthetic agent with a lower pH
d. Discard the needle after inj ecting in or near an area
2. Specific challenges in oral and maxillofacial local an­ of inflammation/infection
esthesia include all of the following, except:
a. Frequent management of oral infections, some of 4. Which one of the following is not an adverse event
which are life threatening following local anesthetic inj ections?
b. Limiting the potential for needle tract infections a. Trismus
c. Achieving adequate local anesthesia in the pres­ b. Normal durations of numbness
ence of these infections c. Postoperative soreness
d. All of the above d. Infection

5. Which one of the following is not an option for treat­ mandibular block anesthesia. Journal of the American Dental
ment of patients with true local anesthetic allergies? Association, 121 (10), 519-523.
a. Use of an alternate local anesthetic Hawkins, M. (2006, October) . Local anesthesia: Technique and
b. 1 % B enadryl ( diphenhydramine hydrochloride ) pharmacology, problems and solutions. ADA Annual Session
Las Vegas, NV.
c. 0.09 % benzyl alcohol
Jorgensen, N. B., & Hayden, J. (1980, February). Sedation, local and
d. 0.1 % sodium benzoate
general anesthesia in dentistry. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.
6. Systemic complications related to lA nerve block in­ Kanaa, M. D., Whitworth, J. M., Corbett, I. P., & Meechan, J. G.
clude all of the following except: (2006). Articaine and lidocaine mandibular buccal infiltration
a. Hematomas anesthesia: A prospective randomized double-blind cross-over
study. Journal of Endodontics, 32, 296-298.
b. Syncope
Maestrello, C. L., Abubaker, A. 0., & Benson, K. J. (2007). Lo­
c. Overdose reactions
cal anesthetics. In A. 0. Abubaker & K. J. Benson (Eds.), Oral
d. Allergic reactions and maxillofacial surgery secrets (2nd ed., pp. 65-74). St. Louis:
References Malamed, S. F. (20 13). Local anesthetic considerations in dental
specialties. In S. F. Malamed (Ed.), Handbook of local anesthe­
sia (6th ed., pp. 277-291 ) . St. Louis: Mosby.
Bartfield, J. M . , Weeks, S . , & Raccio-Robak, N . (1998). Random­
Paxton, M. C., Hadley, J. N. , Hadley, M. N. , Edwards, R. C., &
ized trial of diphenhydramine versus benzyl alcohol with epi­
Harrison, S. J. (1994). Chorda tympani nerve injury following
nephrine as an alternate to lidocaine local anesthesia. Annals
inferior alveolar inj ection: A review of two cases. Journal of
of Emergency Medicine, 32, 650-654.
the American Dental Association, 125, 1003-1006.
Dudkiewicz, A., Schwartz, S., & Laliberte, R. (1987). Effective­
Pogrel, M. A., & Thamby, S. (2000). Permanent nerve involve­
ness of mandibular infiltration in children using the local
ment resulting from inferior alveolar nerve blocks. Journal of
anesthetic Ultracaine (articaine hydrochloride) . Journal of the
the American Dental Association, 131, 90 1-907.
Canadian Dental Association, 53, 29-3 1.
Smith, M. H., & Lung, K. E. (2006) . Nerve injuries after dental
Fish, L. R., Mcintire, D. N. , & Johnson, L. (1989). Temporary pa­
inj ection: A review of the literature. Journal of the Canadian
ralysis of CN III, IV, and VI after a Gow-Gates injection. Jour­
Dental Association, 72( 6), 559-564.
nal of the American Dental Association, 119( 1 ) , 127-130.
Stoelting, R. R., & Miller, R. D. (2000). Local anesthetics. In R.
Gray, R. L. M. (1978). Peripheral facial nerve paralysis of dental
R. Stoelting & R. D. Miller (Eds.), Basics of anesthesia (4th
origin. British Journal of Oral Surgery, 16(2) , 143-150.
ed., pp. 132-142). New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Haas, D. A. (2006). Articaine and paresthesia: Epidemiologic stud­
Tomazzoli-Gerosa, L., Marchini, G., & Monaco, A. (1988).
ies. Journal ofthe American College of Dentistry, 73(3), 5-10.
Amaurosis and atrophy of the optic nerve: An unusual com­
Haas, D. A., & Lennon, D. (1995a) . Local anesthetic use by den­
plication of mandibular-nerve anesthesia. Annals of Ophthal­
tists in Ontario. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association,
mology, 20, 170-171.
61 (4), 297-304.
VanGheluwe, J. , Walton, R. (1997). Intrapulpal injection: factors
Haas, D. A., & Lennon, D. (1995b ) . A 21 year retrospective study
related to effectiveness. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pa­
of reports of paresthesia following local anesthetic admin­
thology and Oral Radiology, 83(1 ) , 38-40.
istration. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 61 ( 4),
Vree, T. B., & Gielen, M. J. (2005). Clinical pharmacology and
the use of articaine for local and regional anaesthesia. Best
Ham, S. D., & Durham, T. (1990) . Incidence of lingual nerve
Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, 1 9, 293-308.
trauma and post inj ection complications in conventional

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C h a pter 2 1 F u n d a m e n ta l s fo r t h e Ad m i n i st rati o n of N i t ro u s
O x i d e- Oxyg e n S e d a t i o n
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · � · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Fu n d a m e nta l s fo r th e Ad m i n istrati o n
o] � iiErtous Oxid e-Ox�g·e -ril �-Le�d�a1f i o lil SEAN BovNES, DMD, MS, DAs


• Defi n e a n d d i scuss key terms i n t h i s c h a pte r. a lveo l i 3 93

a m b i e n t gases 409
• D efi n e a n d d i scuss t h e p h y s i ca l a n d c h e m i c a l p ro p e rties of
a n a l g e s i a 397
n itro u s oxi d e a n d oxy g e n (N 20-02) . b ro n c h i o l i 3 93
• I d e n tify t h e m a i n co m po n e n ts of N 20-02 d e l ivery syste m s . chro n i c o bstructive p u l m o n a ry

• D e m o n strate a b a s i c u n d e rsta n d i n g of t h e p ro p e r m a i nte­ d isease (COPD) 3 98

co n d u ct i o n t u b i n g 405
n a n ce of N 20-02 eq u i p m e n t to i n c l u d e i nfect i o n contro l p ro­
c o p p e r t u b i n g 40 1
ced u res, co m m o n m a l fu n cti o n s , a n d a p p ro p ri ate co rrect i o n s
cystic fi b rosis 3 98
a n d p reca uti o n s fo r safe u s e .
d e e p sedati o n 3 9 1
• D e m o n strate t h e ste ps i n a d m i n i stra t i o n o f N 20-02 sedati o n . d iffu s i o n hypoxia 3 94
• Descri be t h e effects o f N20 o n t h e centra l n e rvous syste m expi rati o n 3 94
fl ow m eters 403
(CNS), g a stro i n testi n a l system (G I ) , a n d t h e ca rd i ovascu l a r
g e n e r a l a n esth e s i a 3 9 1
syste m .
hyp erca r b i c d rive 4 1 4
• Describe a n d d i scuss i n d i cati o n s fo r N 20-02 sedati o n . hypoxic d rive 4 1 4
• D e s c r i b e a n d d i sc u s s c o n t ra i n d i ca ti o n s t o N 20-02 s e d a ti o n . i n s p i rati o n 3 93
l a rynx 3 92
• I d e ntify a n d resp o n d t o pote n ti a l adverse re a cti o n s with
m a n ifo l d 3 9 9
N 20-02 sedati o n .
m axi m u m exposu re l i m it 409
• I d e n tify a n d d i scuss s i g n s a n d sym ptoms t o observe w h e n m i n i m a l sedation 3 9 1
m o n itori n g N20-02 sedati o n . m i n i m u m a lve o l a r
• I d e ntify a n d res p o n d t o s i g n s a n d sym ptoms o f N 20-02 c o n ce ntrat i o n 3 9 7

ove r-sed a ti o n . m i n ute vo l u m e ( m i n ute

venti l a t i o n ) 3 94
• C a l c u l a te a n d re c o rd a cc u rate p e rce n t a g e s of N 20-02 m o d e rate sedati o n 3 9 1
d e l i v e re d . n a s a l h o o d 405
• I d e n tify pote n ti a l effects o f N 20 abuse. n itro u s oxi d e 3 9 1
occu pati o n a l expos u re 4 1 4
• State t h e cu rre n t l aws a n d statutes i n yo u r j u ri sd i ct i o n a s they
p h a ry n x 3 92
re l ate to a d m i n i strati o n and m o n ito ri n g of N 20-02 sedati o n .
p i n i n d ex safety system 402
• State t h e cu rre n t N I O S H a n d ADA occupati o n a l expo s u re p n e u m o t h o rax 4 1 4
l i m its of N 20 i n t h e worki n g e n v i ro n m e n t . re g u l ator 403
rese rvo i r bag 403
res p i rato ry system 3 9 1
scave n g i n g syste m s 407
sedation 3 9 1
ti d a l vo l u m e 3 94
t i m e-we i g hted
d o s i m etry 409
tra ce gases 409
t ra c h e a 3 93


I ntrod uction of tolerance and cooperation, particularly in young chil­

dren if they are tired, restless, fearful, or ill-tempered when
Local anesthesia, nitrous oxide-oxygen (N20-02) sedation, they arrive for their appointments. Other benefits when
and general anesthesia are common, well-recognized strat­ administering N20-0 2 include easy titration of gases,
egies for controlling pain and anxiety in dentistry ( Boynes, rapid onset, and short recovery times.
20 1 1 ) . The American Dental Association ( ADA) has con­ In recently published ADA Guidelines, four levels of
sistently reaffirmed its commitment to the safe and effec­ sedation/anesthesia are defined: general anesthesia, deep
tive administration of all three of these modalities and sedation, moderate sedation, and minimal sedation ( ADA,
provides guidelines to the profession on their use as well 2007b).
as for education and training of dental healthcare provid­ General anesthesia is a drug-induced loss of con­
ers in pain and anxiety management ( ADA, 2007a). sciousness during which p atients are incapable of be­
Sedation may be defined as a state of calm induced by a ing aroused, even with painful stimulation. The ability to
drug or other tranquilizing substance. Nitrous oxide-oxygen maintain ventilatory function is often impaired.
sedation is a valuable option for patients who experience Deep sedation is a drug-induced state of depressed
difficulties receiving treatment due to a lack of adequate consciousness accompanied by partial or complete loss
coping skills and/or high levels of anxiety. This chapter pro­ of protective reflexes, including the inability to continu­
vides an introduction to the fundamentals of dental N20-0z ally maintain an airway independently and/or to respond
sedation, including the anatomy and physiology of the respi­ purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal command.
ratory system as it relates to N20-0 2 sedation, indications Moderate sedation is a depression of consciousness
and contraindications, appropriate delivery armamentarium, during which patients can respond purposefully to verbal
and techniques for its administration. commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile
The benefits of administering N20-02 sedation in stimulation.
dentistry are many. Equally important are significant lim­ Minimal sedation is a minimally depre s s e d level
itations to its administration. Although for the most part of consciousness in which a patient is able to indepen­
avoidable and rarely insurmountable, limitations require dently and continuously maintain an airway and respond
appropriate education of staff and patients. Despite educa­ normally to tactile stimulation and verbal commands
tion and strategies to overcome limitations to the adminis­ ( ADA, 2007b ) . In minimal sedation, selected drugs and
tration of N20 sedation, some individuals may respond in techniques should carry wide enough safety margins that
unpredictable ways to stress and anxiety. It is possible that unintended loss of consciousness never occurs.
N20-0 2 sedation alone or in combination with local anes­ Minimal sedation produces diminished pain and anxi­
thesia may prove insufficient to allow these patients to tol­ ety and a depressed level of consciousness while patients
erate therapy. Whenever an appointment can be enhanced remain aware of their surroundings. This is the intended
with other techniques to reduce these exceptionally stress­ use of N20-0 2 sedation in dentistry. At this level of seda­
ful and difficult situations where pain control is not or tion, patients maintain the ability to respond to both phys­
cannot be achieved with local anesthetics and NzO-O z ical and verbal stimulation and are able to independently
sedation, other strategies may achieve greater success. See maintain open airways.
Chapter 18, " Insights for Fearful Patients." Table 21-1 • Nitrous oxide sedation is effective for alleviating anxi­
provides a brief discussion of benefits, limitations, and pre­ ety in patients who might otherwise avoid dental treatment.
cautions associated with the use of N20-02 sedation. According to one source, 23 million people with dental fear
Nitrous oxide sedation addresses both fear and pain were more willing to see a dentist when some form of seda­
and provides a mild amnesia that tends to shorten the per­ tion was offered ( Dionne et al. , 1998) . A survey of recent
ception of appointment length. It can also increase levels

Table 2 1 -1 Ben efits, L i m itatio ns, and Preca utions of N itro u s Oxide-Oxyg e n Sedation

Benefits Lim itations and Precautions

• Addresses both fear and pain • Expresses variable effects on individual patients; ineffective
• Provides mild amnesic affects, including the perception of a for some
quick passage of time • Increases costs
• Facilitates positive behaviors in pediatric patients • Requires education to safely administer and monitor
• Allows easy titration of gases delivered to patient sedation
• Provides rapid onset of sedation: 30 seconds to 5 minutes • Requires routine equipment monitoring and maintenance
• Provides short recovery times once N20 delivery is • Requires monitoring to prevent environmental exposure
discontinued: 3-5 minutes

dental school graduates reported that 93.7 % perceived a pulmonary/capillary membranes. The design of the system
need for sedation services within their respective patient allows this function to be p erformed continuously and
populations (Baynes, Lemak, & Close, 2006). with minimal effort. Respiration is driven involuntarily by
Nitrous oxide has multiple mechanisms of action that the medulla oblongata in the brainstem and voluntarily by
underlie its varied pharmacological properties. Nitrous ox­ the cerebral cortex. Nitrous oxide exchange uses the same
ide is capable of providing not only analgesic and anxiolytic pathways as normal respiration (see Figure 21-1 •).
benefits but anesthetic (loss of sensation) benefits as well.
Findings to date indicate that the analgesic effect of N20 Upper Respiratory System Respiration begins with the
(reduction or relief of pain) is opioid in nature and, like nose. The function of the nose is to warm and humidify air
morphine, may involve a myriad of neuromodulators in the and filter foreign particles. Conditions that cause or con­
spinal cord. Mechanisms involved in its anxiolytic and anes­ tribute to nasal obstruction such as allergic rhinitis, upper
thetic actions remain less clear (Emmanouil & Quack, 2007). respiratory tract infections, colds, sinusitis, influenza, and
deviated septa must be considered before the administra­
Current Use in Dentistry tion of N20-0 2 sedation. In other words, patients must be
able to breathe well through their noses.
The proportion of dentists who actually use different
Inhaled gases move from the nose to the pharynx. The
pharmacologic approaches to pain and anxiety control
pharynx is a muscular tube 12-14 em long that is divided
was the subj ect of a 2007 ADA Survey of Current Issues in
into three regions, the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and
Dentistry, in which questionnaires were sent to 5,775 general
laryngopharynx. The nasopharynx is the uppermost part of
dentists and dental specialists in the United States (ADA,
the pharynx and extends from the lower skull to the soft
2008). Sixty-two p ercent did not provide any sedation
palate. The oropharynx contains the tonsils and opening of
services. Of those providing sedation, the maj ority (70 % )
the mouth and is a continuous structure from the oral cav­
selected N20-02 inhalation sedation a s their commonly
ity to the soft palate and epiglottis. The laryngopharynx,
used modality of sedation care. Sixty-five percent of the
from the epiglottis to the cricoid cartilage, comprises what
general anesthesia users were oral and maxillofacial sur­
is referred to as the larynx (see Figure 21-2 •) .
geons, whereas 24 % were general dentists, the second high­
The epiglottis, a n upright flap o f cartilage lying behind
est category. The profession is currently observing a trend
the tongue in front of the opening to the larynx, allows air
in which more non-dentist clinicians are administering and/
to pass into the deeper portions of the respiratory system.
or monitoring N20-02 sedation (B aynes, 20 1 1 ; Michigan
Department of Community Health, 20 12). During swallowing, it folds back to cover the entrance to
the larynx, preventing food from entering the windpipe.
Although primarily thought of as an organ of communica­
Anatomy, Physiology, tion or voice box, the larynx is also an important regula­
a n d Pha rmacology tor of respiration. As a valve separating the windpipe, or
trachea, from the upper digestive tract, it is essential for
Anatomy and Physiology Involved in N20 Sedation effective cough maneuvers and in preventing aspiration
Th e
A N AT O M Y A N D P H Y S I O LO G Y O F R E S P I RAT I O N during swallowing. An important feature in this area, the
primary function of the respiratory system is to ex­ piriform recess, is a deep cavity found on either side of the
change oxygen ( 0 2 ) and carbon dioxide ( C02 ) across larynx that directs food around it.

FIGURE 2 1 -1 Anatomy and Pathway of Respiration in the Lungs. A- Basic

lung anatomy. B - Structures of bronchus. C- Internal view of alveolus.

N asal cavity




Lam ina propria


A i r space

U<--- Squamous
epith e l i u m

Alveolar Structure
FIGURE 2 1 -2 Review of Upper and lower respiratory system anatomy.

The larynx is covered by a shield-shaped thyroid carti­ They differ from bronchi in that they have cuboidal epithe­
lage and a ring-shaped cricoid cartilage. The area between lial cells and no cartilage plates. In the case of asthma, the
the thyroid and cricoid cartilages (cricothyroid ligament) bronchiole can constrict because of the absence of carti­
can be penetrated for emergency respiration access when lage rings and the presence of muscle tissue. This can make
upper airways are occluded (cricothyrotomy) . The vestibu­ expiration very difficult (see Figure 21-3 •).
lar folds of the larynx prevent entry of foreign objects into Alveolar ducts are the finer ramification of the air
the lungs. Contact with these tissues produces a cough re­ passages at the ends of the respiratory bronchioles. There
flex. It is important to note that under normal N20-0 2 se­ are approximately 1.5-2 million alveolar ducts per lung. At
dation levels the cough reflex is not affected. the distal end of each duct, there are two or more alveolar
sacs containing alveoli that number approximately 3 0 0
Lower Respiratory System The lower respiratory system million i n adults.
begins at the trachea, a muscular tube about 1 1 em long The primary purpose of alveoli is to move 02 from
that is contiguous with the larynx. The trachea begins at the lungs into the capillaries and tissues. Venules return
the sixth cervical vertebra, divides into two branches the oxygen-depleted blood to the pulmonary veins. Carbon
right and left bronchi, and is surrounded by cartilaginous dioxide moves from the pulmonary arteries to the arteri­
rings; the lumen of this very important breathing passage­ oles and then to the capillaries before crossing the alveolar
way is maintained by these rings. membranes into the lungs.
The carina is located at the junction of the trachea and
the left and right bronchi. Foreign obj ects are often found The Respiratory Process As previously stated, the med­
in the carina. It is a secondary backup for reflex-defensive ullary center of the brainstem controls involuntary breath­
cough initiation. The right bronchus is about 2.5 em long ing. Inspiration is accomplished by the diaphragm and the
and deviates about 25 degrees from the trachea. The left external intercostal muscles and is assisted by the scalenes
bronchus is about 5 em long and deviates at about 45 de­ and SCMs (sternomastoids or sternocleidomastoids) .
grees. The right bronchus divides into three branches that The diaphragm m o v e s downward expanding t h e
link three upper lobes, two middle lobes, and five lower chest wall that creates negative pressure in t h e pleural
lobes. The left bronchus divides into two branches and space, thereby allowing a vacuum effect to pull air into
links five upper lobes and four lower lobes. the lungs. Inspiration continues until pressure inside the
Bronchioli are the smaller subdivisions of the branched lungs is equivalent to atmospheric pressure. Pulmonary
bronchial tree, approximately 1 mm or less in diameter. stretch receptors send inhibitory signals to the inspiratory

Tidal Volume Respiration Rate = Minute Volume


a l s in
� • • • . �: .�� �:. �O�.�� : .1 � � � :�� · · � � :��.
• • • • • • • IIi
Box 21-1 • provides the formula for determining minute
volume flow and a sample calculation.
The flow rate of N20-02 should be equal to the minute
volume, on average 6-7 Lpm based on average tidal volumes
of 500 mL and respiratory rates of 12 per minute in healthy
adults. Pediatric patients exhibit elevated respiratory rates
and lower tidal volumes ( start at 4 Lpm ) , therefore, it is im­
portant to modify minute volumes according to individual
patient needs ( Dionne, Phero, & Becker, 2002).
M aintaining appropriate minute volume is impor­
tant. Too little gas mixture ( N20 + 0 2 ) can make the act
of breathing difficult and produce a suffocating feeling,
whereas too much gas mixture will waste gases and pollute
FIGURE 2 1 -3 Anatomy of the lungs and bronchi. The carina
the environment, exposing personnel to trace gases and
is located at the junction of the trachea and the left and right
drying patients' eyes.
bronchi. Foreign obj ects are often found in the carina. It is a
secondary backup for reflex-defensive cough initiation. The right Gas Exchange Critical gas exchange occurs from alveoli
bronchus is about 2.5 em long and deviates about 25 degrees to capillaries and vice versa through simple diffusion across
from the trachea. The left bronchus is about 5 em long and devi­ partial-pressure gradients. The percentage of each gas de­
ates at about 45 degrees. The right bronchus divides into three termines the partial pressure of each in the mixture. Atmo­
branches that link three upper lobes, two middle lobes, and five spheric air contains 78.06 % nitrogen ( N2 ) , 21 % oxygen
lower lobes. The left bronchus divides into two branches and ( 0 2 ) , and 0.04% carbon dioxide ( C0 2 ) at an atmospheric
links five upper lobes and four lower lobes. Bronchioli are the pressure of 760 mm of mercury at sea level.
smaller subdivisions of the branched bronchial tree, approxi­ G a s e s move from higher to lower pressure. The
mately 1 mm or less in diameter. amount of gas capable of dissolving in blood depends on
its partial pressure and solubility. N20 and 0 2 have high
partial pressures in the lungs and have been characterized
center depressing inspiratory muscles causing them to stop as freely moving across cell walls into the blood. C02 has a
contracting. higher partial pressure in blood than in the lungs and rap­
Expiration occurs passively as the chest wall and lungs idly leaves the blood ( see Figure 21-4 •).
recoil. The air in the lungs is then pushed out of the lungs. Nitrous oxide has poor solubility in blood and rap­
The volume of each breath, the tidal volume, is the ebb idly leaves the blood when its partial pressure is higher
and flow of respiration. than that in the surrounding tissues. Poor solubility in the
Tidal volume may also be defined as the amount blood results in a small percentage of N20 being removed
of gas inspired into the lungs. It depends largely on the from the inhaled gas in the lungs. A state of equilibrium
physical characteristics of the individual. For example, is quickly established between the concentration of the
male lungs are approximately 25 % on average larger than gas in the arterial blood supply and the air in the alveoli.
female lungs. Athletes typically have greater capacities. This property of N20 results in rapid onset of sedation and
Lung diseases can reduce capacity. The average adult tidal rapid elimination of sedative effects when the gas is re­
volume at rest is approximately 500 mL. The average res­ moved. Once administration is discontinued, N20 rapidly
piration rate in an adult is approximately 1 2-15 breaths leaves the blood. This is equally true in the brain and other
per minute. organs of the body ( Levering & Wilie, 20 1 1) .
Minute ventilation, also referred to as minute volume A condition known a s diffusion hypoxia m a y occur
or minute volume flow, is defined as the amount of air when excess N20 diffuses out of the blood, displacing 0 2
exhaled in one minute and is calculated by multiplying i n the lungs, usually when extraordinary p ercentages of
tidal volume by respiration rate. It is important to use N20 have been administered ( Jackson & Johnson, 2002).
minute volume flow when determining N20-02 flow rates. This can result in a reduction of the 02 blood saturation;

Alveol u s

Cap i l l a ry

FIGURE 21-4 Alveolar Gas Exchange during Nitrous Oxide Delivery. A - Gas exchange
in the alveoli: critical gas exchange occurs from alveoli to capillaries. B - Gases move from
higher to lower pressure: N20 and 02 freely move across cell walls into the blood.

however, with N20 percentages used in dentistry, diffusion room air. The increased 02 partial pressure and decreased
hypoxia does not occur (Jeske et al. , 2004; Quarnstrom workload may help the ischemic heart. By reducing stress
et al., 1991 ) . Dental healthcare providers have been ad­ and increasing available 02 in this manner, cardiac pa­
vised in the past to administer 1 0 0 % 02 to patients at the tients are less likely to have adverse reactions during
conclusion of N20-02 sedation administration in order treatment.
to avoid diffusion hypoxia. Considering that the adminis­ Although blood pressure effects of N20-02 are dose­
tered percentages in dentistry do not reach the higher lev­ related, pressures usually remain within normal limits.
els associated with diffusion hypoxia, the administration of Nitrous oxide can be beneficial in the presence of common
100% 02 at the conclusion of N20 administration appears heart conditions such as hypertension, angina pectoris,
to be an unnecessary precaution. Nevertheless, providing and some congenital conditions (Yagiela, Neidle, & Dowd,
1 0 0 % 02 toward the end of a dental appointment allows 1998) .
discontinuation while providing a waning placebo influ­
ence. It also allows expired N20 to enter the scavenging Effects of Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation
apparatus of the machine, which is sound environmental
on the Central Nervous System
practice (B ecker & Rosenberg, 2008) .
Individuals respond to sensory input by what is referred to
as perception, based on past experience. The cerebral cor­
Cl i n ical M a n ifestations of Analgesia tex receives all sensory input via the thalamus. Nitrous ox­
a n d Anesthesia ide produces a decreased sensory perception that reduces
an individual's ability to react to pain through its effects on
Effects of Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation the thalamus and cortex. Memory and mood are affected
on the Cardiovascular System to a variable degree depending on the concentration of
Once in the blood, N20 follows the normal course of the N20 . Nitrous oxide often produces mild performance
circulatory system. There is no effect on the heart's con­ impairments in memory and patients typically rate their
tractility, output, stroke volume, rate, or rhythm, and blood moods as significantly less alert and calmer during seda­
flow to other maj o r organs is not significantly affected tion (Thompson et al. , 1999).
(Haas, 1999). Nitrous oxide typically distorts sp atial orientation,
N20-02 has a positive effect on myocardial ischemia making patients feel heavy or light and floating during its
due to its provision of supplemental oxygen and its seda­ administration due to its effects on the cerebellum. It also
tive properties. It tends to dilate the p eripheral vessels exerts effects on the brain stem. In general, the brain stem
lessening the work needed to move blood. The mixture controls the wakefulness state of the body explaining the
of N20 and 02 typically contains 30 % N20 and 70 % O z, sleepiness that N20 typically produces. The brain stem is
which is more than three times the amount of oxygen in also responsible for movements and sensations related

to control of the throat, neck, and face, as well as reflex Table 2 1 -2 S u m m a ry of Effects o n Body Syste m s
activities involving breathing and eye movement. Usually
breathing and eye movement are not affected until high Body System Effects at Normal Sedation Levels
levels of N20 are administered ( significantly higher than
levels used in dentistry ) emphasizing the importance of Cardiovascular None to minimal effect on heart's
administering N20 at appropriate levels. contractility, output, stroke volume, rate,
or rhythm and blood flow
The autonomic nervous system ( ANS ) is predomi­
nantly an efferent system transmitting impulses from the
Central nervous Variable degree of amnesia; distorts spatial
CNS to peripheral organ systems. It regulates heart rate, system orientation; produces sleepiness; minimal
force of contraction, the constriction and dilation of blood effect on the autonomic nervous system;
vessels, the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in may enhance the CNS depressant effects
various organs, visual accommodation, pupillary size, and of drugs such as barbiturates, tranquilizers,
secretions from exocrine and endocrine glands. The ANS narcotics, and recreational drugs
can increase and decrease activity in these tissues. At nor­
mal levels and in healthy patients, N20-02 has little effect Gastrointestinal Pressure increases can expand air spaces
on the ANS ( Becker & Rosenberg, 2008; Emmanouil & worsening intestinal obstruction
Quack, 2007). May cause nausea
N20-02 sedation can be used for patients with com­
mon nervous system conditions, such as cerebrovascular Middle ear Pressure increases due to expansion of
air spaces
accidents, seizure disorders, and Parkinson's disease. Exag­
gerated reactions or other unexpected consequences may
Ophthalmic May cause expansion of gas bubbles
result when administering N20 to patients with conditions inj ected into eyes after recent retinal
such as autism, mental disorders, and Alzheimer's disease; re-attachment surgery
therefore, medical consultation is advised before admin­
istration. N20-02 sedation may exacerbate the negative Hematopoietic No known effects
aspects of many conditions such as some psychiatric dis­
orders, a history of chemical dependency including alco­ Endocrine No known effects
hol and substance abuse, or being under the influence of
alcohol or drugs at the time of administration. Nitrous Hepatic No known effects
oxide can also enhance the CNS depressant effects of
agents such as barbiturates, tranquilizers, narcotics, and Reproductive Potential for teratogenic toxicity
recreational drugs. It may be contraindicated in these situ­ exists, although it is doubtful that
there is significant risk from a single,
ations. Consultation and careful monitoring are essential
brief exposure; medical consultation
if N20-02 sedation is used ( Emmanouil & Quack, 2007) . recommended before administration
Effects of Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation
on Other Body Systems
If N20 is administered, it can diffuse into the bubble,
Nitrous oxide can expand air spaces in the body result­ causing expansion and a resultant pressure increase in the
ing in pressure increases in the GI system and should be eye that may result in pain, decreased vision, or blindness.
avoided in patients with intestinal obstructions until re­ Nitrous oxide administration should be postponed until
solved. Nausea is a common side effect of N20-02 seda­ healing is complete ( B erthold, 2002) .
tion, the etiology of which is discussed later in this chapter Nitrous oxide is in FDA Pregnancy Category C and
under Adverse Reactions. is considered a relative contraindication. B ecause of its
Nitrous oxide also increases pressure in the middle ear potential for teratogenic and fetal toxic effects, caution
space and can cause significant damage if middle ear dis­ and medical consultation are strongly advised. Risks and
turbances are present or if there has been recent ear, nose, benefits should always be discussed with patients before
or throat infection blocking the eustachian tube. Compli­ administration ( Little et al. , 20 12).
cations such as hearing loss, tympanic membrane rupture, Nitrous oxide has no known effect o n the hema­
and graft displacement can occur ( Davis, Moore, & Lahiri, topoietic, endocrine, or hep atic systems when used for
1979; Owens, Gustave, & Sclaroff, 1978; Waun, Sweitzer, & dental treatment at typical sedation levels. For a sum­
Hamilton, 1967). Postponing the administration of N20 is mary of the effects of N20-02 sedation on body systems,
recommended until the condition resolves. see Table 21-2 •·
Patients who have had recent ophthalmic surgery,
particularly involving the retina, may have a gas bubble A L L E R G I E S A N D N I T R O U S O X I D E - O XY G E N S E D AT I O N
that was placed in the globe ( bulbus oculi ) of the eye. The There are n o known allergies t o N20 . Allergies t o latex
treatment of detached retina often includes the inj ection may pose a problem if equipment contains latex. Most
of gas to help reposition the retina, allowing it to be re­ companies now m anufacture latex-free tubing, nasal
attached with the assistance of lasers. hoods, and reservoir bags.

M I N I M U M A LV E O LA R C O N C E N T R AT I O N The concen­ Table 2 1 -3 S u m m a ry of Adverse Reacti ons to

tration at which the effects of an anesthetic gas are pro­ N20-02 Sedation
duced is expressed as its minimum alveolar concentration
( MAC ) ( Dionne, Phero, & B ecker, 2002) . MAC repre­ Adverse Reactions (Rare i n Occu rrence)
sents the concentration of gas within the alveoli that
renders 50% of patients unresponsive to surgical stimula­ • Dizziness
tion. In other words, MAC represents an adequate dose • Increasingly rigid movements
to achieve general anesthesia for 50% of the population • Unresponsiveness
and is given a MAC value of 1 ( Stoelting & Miller, 2000).

• Nausea and vomiting

Nitrous oxide is the least potent inhalational anesthetic
• Dilated pupils
and cannot be used to achieve general anesthesia under
normal circumstances. It is important to note, however,
that some patients are hyper-responders. Nitrous oxide treatment reported that N20-02 administration had the
levels considered normal for most patients can result in lowest complication rate of all current s e d ation and
general anesthesia for hyper-responders. This highlights analgesia techniques ( Boynes et al. , 20 10).
the importance of recognizing symptoms of the various Although rare, it is important to note that complica­
stages of anesthesia. tions and adverse reactions may occur. The most common
Because the MAC of N20 is higher than 1 (1.4) , it can­ adverse reactions involve excessive dosing. Most of these
not be used as a single-agent general anesthetic and still patients prob ably received high concentrations and/or
supply enough 02 to sustain life (21 % ) ( Stoelting & Miller, rapid titrations. Signs of excessive concentration include
2000) . In other words, in order to achieve a MAC of 1, 104 % dizziness, increasingly rigid movements, unresponsiveness,
N20 would have to be delivered . This would reduce the sweating, and nausea and vomiting, all of which are easily
total available oxygen concentration to less than the per­ treatable if they occur. See Table 21-3 • for a summary of
centage required to sustain life (21 % ) . The higher MAC of adverse reactions to N20-02 sedation.
N20 prevents its reliable use as a single general anesthetic Although infrequent, nausea and vomiting are the
agent; however, it is commonly used in combination with primary adverse reactions, as well as the leading causes of
more potent anesthetic agents as a carrier gas to decrease patient dissatisfaction with N20-0 2 administration, espe­
the dosage requirements and additional expense when us­ cially during pediatric care ( B ailey et al. , 1990; Nkansah,
ing higher doses of more potent anesthetic gases. Haas, & Saso, 1997) .
Many factors reduce the actual inspired nasopharyn­ The etiology of nausea and vomiting with N20 is mul­
geal N20 concentration compared with the gas concentra­ tifactorial. The proposed stimulation of nausea and vomit­
tion delivery shown on the flow meters of dental N20-02 ing by N20 may relate to increased middle ear pressure,
sedation equipment. These factors include ill-fitting masks, bowel distension and motility, and central nervous system
mouth breathing, incorrectly calibrated flow meters, and effects on dop aminergic receptors and opioid peptides
improperly adjusted scavenging rates. In one study with ( Muralawa et al., 1995 ; Splinter & Komocar, 1997).
adult patients, gas delivery from dental units was reduced Medical gases are produced using water baths to re­
by 3 1 % in the nasal mask and by another 19% on the way move impurities but are delivered in a dry state. This can
to the nasopharynx ( Klein et al. , 2004). be problematic for those wearing contact lenses.
At typical sedation concentrations in dentistry of When N20-02 is properly titrated and patient behav­
0.3-0.5 MAC (30 % to 50 % ) , N20 produces mild analge­ ior is closely monitored throughout procedures, adverse
sic effects that will still require the use of local anesthesia events are unlikely. Clinicians must continuously observe
( Becker & Rosenberg, 2008) . for signs of excessive concentrations or adverse reactions.
If adverse reactions occur ( see Table 21-3), N20 concen­
Nitrous oxide administration has
A D V E R S E REACT I O N S trations should be decreased or discontinued by removing
a significant history of s afety in dentistry most likely the mask or nasal hood. In addition to adverse reactions
related to its low potency ( MAC =1 .4) and the typi­ occurring from properly functioning equipment, there
cal administration of sub-MAC concentrations in dental have been several cases where gases have been switched.
settings ( Morgan, Mikhail, & Murray, 2006; Stoelting & The simple action of disengaging patients from N20-02
Miller, 2000) . In fact, no death has been reported follow­ equipment following unresponsiveness or unconscious­
ing the use of N20 in dental offices when appropriate ness can prevent adverse outcomes.
protocols are followed and N20 machines are properly
Many consider N20 to be a mild gas that has only Patient Assessment
modest influence on physiologic p arameters ( Morgan, When considering whether to administer N20-02 s e ­
Mikhail, & Murray, 2006). This opinion seems reasonable dation, i t is assumed that examination a n d questioning
considering that typical doses provided in dental settings have already resulted in a determination that a patient
are low. In addition, a recent evaluation of complica­ is able to undergo dental therapy either with or without
tions associated with anesthesia administered for dental some modifications to treatment ( refer to Chapter 1 0 ,

Apprehensi v e patients Food industry-whipping cream

Restl e ss, anxious, or young children Auto industry-auto bag explosi v e (in research and
• •

• Long procedures • development)

• •

Hyperacti v e gag reflexes Motor racing industry-enhances internal combustion

� • • •�e �·p·o�� ���d.i � � l � r. � i �o.r� � r� • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � :• • �����t�� i ��� s.t ?�s: l �c� � �� i :.��n.u;�c��r�n•g• • • • • .
• •

"Patient Assessment for Local Anesthesia" ) . Indications Absolute Contraindications Absolute contraindications
and contraindications for N20-02 sedation rely not only to the use of N20-0 2 sedation include hypoxic-driven, ad­
on these previous physical status determinations (see vanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
Appendix 1 0- 1 ) but also on additional determinations active respiratory infection (URI, TB, influenza, etc.), first
that pertain specifically to N20-0 2 administration. trimester pregnancy, intraocular gas inj ection within 8-12
weeks, severe psychosis (considered a relative contrain­
Indications and Contraindications dication in medicine), latex allergy, if nonlatex N20-0 2
As previously mentioned, indications and contraindica­ sedation systems are unavailable, recent tympanic mem­
tions for N20-02 sedation are specific for its delivery brane grafting, and treatments involving the inj ection of
above and beyond previous, thorough overall physical gases into any body cavity (these require medical consult
and mental health assessments that have included advice before N20-02 administration) .
from medical professionals when appropriate. Indications
include conditions and situations in which outcomes Relative Contraindications Relative contraindications to
can be enhanced by N20-02 sedation delivery or where the use of N20-02 sedation include dry air asthma, sub­
outcomes cannot be enhanced, but the risks of adverse re­ stance abuse, alcoholism (including recovered and recover­
actions can be reduced (see Box 21-2 •) . Contraindications ing), claustrophobia, post-traumatic stress disorders, latex
include both relative and absolute categories in which sensitivity (kiwi, banana, or avocado allergy may indicate
modifications to treatment or decisions to avoid adminis­ a potential latex allergy), current CNS depressant use (in­
tration may also be permanent or temporary. Some addi­ cluding over-the-counter [OTC] medications or herbs that
tional examples of medical and industrial uses of N20 are list drowsiness as a side effect) , middle ear problems (such
included in Boxes 21-3 • and 21-4 •· as blocked eustachian tubes), and patients with colostomy
bags or bowel obstructions (following medical consulta­
CONTRA I N D I CATI O N S F O R N 2 0-0 2 S E DAT I O N As previ­ tion). If patients are unable to understand the administra­
ously defined in Chapter 10, an absolute contraindica­ tion of N20-02 sedation (those with Alzheimer's disease
tion indicates that a drug may not be safely administered, or mentally compromised), alternative routes of sedation
whereas a relative contraindication indicates that a drug should be explored.
may be administered with additional precautions and/or A generalized hereditary disorder, cystic fibrosis is
modifications. A list of absolute and relative contraindica­ associated with widespread dysfunction of the exocrine
tions is provided in Table 21-4 •· glands, accumulation of excessively thick and tenacious
mucous, and abnormal s e cretion of sweat and saliva.
Patients with cystic fibrosis may incur what are known as
emphysematous bullae that have been shown to function­
ally impair pulmonary mechanics, resulting in decreased
e x e r c i s e cap acity and p o s s i b l e r e s p iratory distre s s
(Greenberg, Singhal, & Kaiser, 2003 ) . These patients are
Emergency medicine-to allevi a te pain associ a ted wi t h susceptible to the expansive nature of N20 gas, and it is
heart distress

relatively contraindicated.
• Obstetrics/gynecology-labor and childbirth Autism is considered by some to be a contraindica­
Dermatol o gy-surgical procedures and liposuction

tion to N20-02 sedation. Although there is currently no
Podiatry-some surgical procedures

direct evidence of exceptional risk when N20-02 seda­

Radiol o gy-to relieve cl a ustrophobia during imaging

tion is administered , there is concern among some that


• Ophthalmology-cataract surgery
there may be adverse effects. These concerns appear to
• Gastroenterology-for endoscopic examination
• center around the premise that some autistic individuals
Terminal illness-pain control for end-stage disease

have altered vitamin B 1 2 and folate metabolism. Online

discussions and literature written by patient advocate
• organizations state that in the presence of vitamin B 1 2
: . . . . . . &. . . . .2008.
Source: C l a rk
. . . . .. ........ ... .. •
B r u n i c k,
. . . . . . . . . deficiency, N20-02 se dation m a y result in neurologic

Table 2 1 -4 Contra i n d icat i o n s fo r N20-02 Sedation

Absol ute Contraind ications Relative Contra indications

• Active respiratory infection (URI, TB, influenza, etc.) • Certain mental/psychological disorders
• Advanced COPD (hypoxic driven) (in dentistry; relative in • Claustrophobia
medicine) • Contact lenses
• Intraocular gas inj ection (within 8-12 weeks) • Current CNS depressant use (includes OTC medications or
• Latex allergy (exception with non-latex systems) herbs causing drowsiness)
• Pregnancy (first trimester) * • Cystic fibrosis
• Recent tympanic membrane graft • Dry air-induced asthma
• Severe psychoses (in dentistry; relative in medicine) • Individuals susceptible to Vit B 1 2 deficiency*
• Treatment involving injection or pathology that causes • Latex sensitivity
pockets of gases into a body cavity • May be contraindicated for use in patients receiving bleomycin!
• Middle ear problems (e.g., blocked eustachian tubes)
• Post-traumatic stress disorders
• Pregnancy (second or third trimester) *
• Recovering/recovered alcoholic
• Substance abuse
• Use of colostomy bags or bowel obstructions*

*Medical consult recommended.

!Bleomycin (glycopeptide antibiotic used in anticancer treatment) can result in pulmonary fibrosis and impaired lung function.

deterioration. These very serious considerations appear to

be based on theories that have not yet been proven and
do not appear in medical research literature. Further in­
vestigation is warranted before placing definitive labels
A diabatic com p ression: The term refers to a a diabatic
on N20-02 use.
change in gas pressure without significant heat exchange;
Additionally, although rare, exposure to N20 in any in this case, the heat generated both inside and outside of
highly susceptible individual may lead to a severe vitamin B12 a tank when val ves are opened quickl y does not have time
deficiency such as persons with sickle cell disease ( Orrett & to dissipate. The lack of significant heat exchange in adia­
Hertz, 2012; Jameson et al., 1999; Probasco et al., 2011 ) . batic compression i s useful in diesel engines, for example,
Although pregnancy ( second and third trimesters, where compression strokes el evate temperatures that sub­
following medical consultation ) is considered a relative sequentl y igni te fuel.
I t can be qui t e dangerous when considering N20 or
02 use, however. When gases move rapidly from smaller
contraindication, maternal pain can be problematic for
the fetus. When patients need to be treated and are ap­
to larger volumes, there is little opportuni t y for gener­
prehensive, N20 can be the safest sedative. Its use in labor
ated heat to dissipate. In the case of N20 and 02, when
and delivery for anxiety reduction has been advocated for
tank val v es are opened quickly into closed spaces, such
many years ( Clark & Brunick, 2008 ) .
as occurs in lines leading from regulators to piping, they
Table 21-4 provides a summary of absolute and rela­ cause rapid compressions resulting in heat. Once ener­
tive contraindications. gized in this manner, gases can ignite nearby flammable
substances such as oils and lubricants. Opening N20
M a n ufactu ring Process and 02 tanks slowly lowers the risk of dangerous igni-
for N itrous Oxide

tions of nearby flammable organic substances.
Pressu re variances: Transferring gases from high pres­
Nitrous oxide i s manufactured from ammonium nitrate,
sure tanks through a common regulator when hoses are
the same chemical used to make fertilizers and explo­ made of combustible materials can resul t in fi r es. Tanks
sives. Ammonium nitrate is heated to 245-270°C at which should have regulators that lower pressures before gases
temperature it decomposes to N20 and water in the form enter into fl e xible tubing that l e ads to manifolds or piping
of steam. It is then cooled to room temperature and the systems.
H ig h-tem p erature ex p osure : If tanks are exposed
steam condensed, removing most of the water. There are sev­
eral chemical contaminants created during this process that
to high temperatures (such as from office fires), N20
require scrubbing, including nitrogen dioxide ( N02 ) and ni­ can degrade into N02 and NO. N02 is a lung irritant
trogen oxide ( NO ) . Once scrubbed, liquefied N20 ( 99.5 % that can result in pulmonary edema and can be fatal
to 99.9% pure ) is stored at 300 psi at 4°F in insulated tanks if inhaled in high concentrations (Peterson, 201 2). Any
before being sent for distribution to retail customers ( CGA tanks exposed to high temperatures should be returned
Associates, 2012 ) . Some safety considerations for N20-0 2
� .t � .s ��� ��� r� . IIi

sedation equipment are discussed in Box 21-5 • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estab­ According to the World Meteorological Organization
lishes requirements for manufacturing processes and qual­ (20 13), N20 is found in atmospheric air at approximately
ity control that must be followed by companies producing 323 .2 parts per billion. Its specific gravity is 1.53 (air = 1 )
N20 . Compliance is mandatory to assure a high-quality and its molecular weight i s 44, making i t heavier than both
product that exceeds U. S. Pharmacopeia Specifications. atmospheric air and 0 2• This characteristic is beneficial
The U.S. Department of Transportation (D OT) oversees when administering N20-0 2 sedation to pediatric patients.
the packaging and transportation of N20 , considered to The nasal hood can be held above the nose to initiate se­
be a hazardous material because of its pressurization. Most dation until the child becomes more cooperative (this is
containers are metal tanks that have been imprinted with referred to as blow by) .
critical information such as serial number, inspector num­
ber, and DOT information. Some tanks in circulation may N ITRO U S OXI D E TAN KS Nitrous oxide tanks i n the United
be as much as 60-70 years old. Unlike heavier older tanks, States are painted blue and contain 95 % liquid and 5% va­
newer tanks are made of lighter materials such as aluminum por when full. Stored at 70°F gauges will read 750 psi when
or fiberglass. State codes for the proper storage of tanks are full. In pressurized tanks, gaseous portions are always lo­
influenced by the National Fire Protection Association. In­ cated above liquid portions.
dividual states and cities may have additional laws and reg­ Unlike oxygen tanks that decrease in pressure as ox­
ulations regarding storage and use of gases. ygen is used, N20 tanks maintain a constant pressure of
H o spitals and m e dical facilities use the m aj ority approximately 745 psi until all the liquid has evaporated,
of N20 produced in the United States (80% to 85 % ) . making residual volume difficult to determine (Dionne,
D entistry uses around 1 0 % o f the total. Approximately Phero, & B ecker, 2002) . It is important to monitor tanks
83,000 dental offices and clinics in the United States cur­ regularly and to have an extra tank available to exchange
rently purchase N20 from distributors. The remaining 5 % when necessary. B ecause of their largely liquid content,
o f N20 produced i s used b y industry (CGA Associates, N20 tanks typically last longer than 0 2 tanks.
20 12). A size G tank or G-tank holds 1 3 ,834 liters of N20 .
Many variables determine the cost of N20 in den­ A G-tank of 0 2 holds 5,300 liters. The N20 tanks will last
tistry, such as the size of the tanks, the quantity ordered, significantly longer due in part to their liquid content and
and the distance from the distributor. These costs vary re­ the fact that typical administrations deliver only 30% N20 .
gionally. Patient fees also vary regionally and are typically
determined by individual dental practices. Many dentists OXYG E N TAN KS Comprising approximately 21 % of the
do not charge for sedation; however, according to a 2008 earth's atmosphere, 02 is an odorless, colorless, and taste­
survey in the United States, the average cost to the patient less gas with a boiling point of - 1 83°C. Oxygen's molecu­
for N20 was $ 50.00 (Singhal, 2008) . Some offices charge lar weight is 32 and its specific gravity is 1.105. It is not
per hour of use and some charge per visit, whereas others flammable; however, it is similar to N20 in that it supports
incorporate the cost of N20-0 2 sedation into their proce­ combustion.
dural fees. Oxygen tanks in the United States are painted green
and contain 1 0 0 % gas or vapor. In most of the rest of
Properties of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen in Tanks the world, the tanks are white. In Canada, they are usu­
Nitrous oxide is a slightly sweet-smelling, colorless gas at room ally green with a white top. In Japan, 0 2 is often stored in
temperature, with a boiling point of -88 .SOC ( - 127 .3°F) . It black tanks. The amount of pressure on the gauge will read
is stored in tanks primarily as a liquid, with a small gaseous approximately 2,200 psi when full, and unlike the N20
content above the liquid, and is known to be an oxidizing gas. gauge, the 02 gauge accurately reflects the quantity of 0 2
The fact that N20 is an oxidizing gas is significant. It requires used. When a tank is half empty, for example, the gauge
clinicians to open both N20 and 02 tank valves slowly in or­ will read about 1,100 psi. See Figures 21-5 • and 21-7 •·
der to dissipate what is known as the heat ofcompression that
may be generated adiabatically as explained in Box 21-5. No S E D AT I O N D E L IV E RY SYST E M S Components of seda­
combustible material, such as oil, grease, or lubricants, should tion delivery systems include manifolds, copper tubing,
be used on tanks, piping, or regulators located on or stored latex or nonlatex hoses, pin index safety systems, regula­
near equipment. If these materials enter the orifices of tanks, tors, flow meters, reservoir bags, conduction tubing, and
piping, or regulators, they may increase the odds of tank igni­ breathing apparatus (see Box 21-6 •) . There are two types
tion. This type of fire will burn fiercely. of N20-02 delivery systems for use in dentistry, central
In a 20 1 1 incident N20 and 0 2 tanks exploded when supply and portable machines. Manifolds, copper tubing,
a fire started in a tank storage room. Although an official and hoses are required for central supply systems. These
cause was not determined (listed in the fire report as ac­ components use what is known as a D iameter-Index
cidental), the damage was significant as demonstrated in Safety System to help prevent switching gases to the op­
Figure 21-5 •· At a minimum, these photographs illustrate eratory outlets. Pin index safety systems are used only for
that N20 and 02 support combustion. portable equipment.

(A) (C)

IIrY r .-,/ :
AtJ/ .f:'

,.. , ' .

i \: .
. -. i.

. ·v
� )�·: ..

1 I ·
.· •

P: •• I )1,· ;�-�J •
·, ·t.•' ' <. -.,·.
I ;I l.' ::
fLt'i ' : '
:. ·/ . ' I' . .

. I
,(-;q-,._._I '

' ... ,_�

. -� � ,·

(B) (D)
FIGURE 2 1 -5 Dental Office Oxygen and Nitrous Tank Explosion. A - First response. B - Medical gas tank storage area.
C- Staff work area. D - Patient waiting room.
Source: Courtesy of Richard E. Freier/Spokane Valley Fire Department, Spokane Valley, WA.

CENTRAL SUPPLY DELIVERY SYSTEMS Central supply de­ Figure 21-8 • shows an example of a central supply deliv­
livery systems are used when supplying more than one op­ ery system.
eratory. The initial cost of building a central storage area The two major U.S. manufacturers of N2 0-0 2 sedation
and plumbing is significant; however, long-term costs tend systems are Porter/Matrx and Accutron. Newer models are
to be less when larger tanks are used frequently. The safety equipped with digital displays and other upgrades compared
controls in central supply delivery systems include remote with older models (see Figures 21-9 • and 21-10 •).
shutoff valves (sometimes manifold parts) and pressure In central supply delivery systems, manifolds serve
relief valves (usually gas regulator parts) found on high­ several purposes. They connect multiple tanks, allowing
pressure tanks. These valves reduce the 2,200 psi of a tank full tanks to be accessed once other tanks have been de­
down to atmospheric pressure. If a regulator fails, there is pleted. They also connect the gas supply to central piping
an over-pressure situation. In the case of a fire, the pres­ systems that can supply multiple operatories at the same
sure will rise in the tank. It is better to vent gas than risk a time (see Figure 21-1 1 •). While able to supply up to 10
tank failure that can result in an explosion. rooms at a time, installations for more than 10 rooms at
Central supply delivery units should include scaven­ the same facility may require additional federal and state
ger systems that are effective at eliminating residual gases. regulatory approval and review.
They usually operate via a separate suction system, part Copper tubing does not support combustion and is
of the office suction system. In addition, malfunction and required in central supply delivery systems. In order to
low-tank alarms are often installed along with convenient prevent potentially catastrophic consequences if lines
on and off controls for the equipment. Overall, central sup­ have been crossed, distinct sizes and colors of tubing are
ply delivery systems have more available safety features. installed for each gas (see Figure 21-12 •). Only certified

100%full 50%full empty 100%full 50%full 20%fu ll


FIG URE 2 1 -6 Oxygen Cylinders and Gauges. FIG URE 2 1 -7 Nitrous Oxide Tanks and Gauges.
Source: Courtesy of Laura Stoddard. Source: Courtesy of Laura Stoddard.

technicians should perform maintenance and repairs on changed, leading to cracks. Although severe incidents are
central supply delivery systems. rare, it is imperative to inspect the equipment and at least
In one situation, aging copper pipes and tubing were annually perform an inspection and document results. This
replaced with p olytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) prod­ will be discussed later in the chapter.
ucts. Increasing the potential for failure, the tanks lacked
regulators and the PTFE tubes were installed directly to PORTABLE DELIVERY SYSTEMS Portable delivery systems
a common regulator. Failure of the PTFE pipes and tub­ can be moved from operatory to operatory. They contain
ing under high pressure resulted in an explosion and fire smaller tanks and are perhaps best when sedation is used
with disastrous results. Even copper piping that is capa­ infrequently. They can be more expensive to operate if se­
ble of withstanding high pressures flexes when tanks are dation is used often because they contain less gas and do
not last as long as the larger tanks used in a central de­
livery system. They also may be harder to monitor when
there is concern of abuse or theft. See Figure 21-13 • for
an example of a portable delivery system.

PIN INDEX SAFETY SYSTEMS Tanks are attached to the

Manifold* yokes of portable stands. Each tank in portable units has
Copper tubing/hoses* its own pattern of holes on the valve stem, known as a pin
Pin index safety system** index safety system, that aligns with pins on the yoke ( see
Regulators Figure 21-14 •). The yoke has pins that correspond to a
Flow meters
pattern of holes on the connectors and fit snugly into the
Reservoir bag
holes of the tank. These arrangements of holes and pins
Conduction tubing
ensure that tanks are correctly attached to the correspond­
Breathing apparatus
ing gas yolks on the stands. Dislodging of pins has allowed

:� � � � ��� ��� : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' •
*Central supply delivery systems. the wrong tank to be placed on the yolk ( N20 tank placed
* ort � i n on an 02 yolk-0 2 tank on the N20 yolk ) resulting in hy­
' poxia, making it critically important to check the assembly

� �I J I �
, Ill

.... 1:1!!!



FIGURE 2 1 -8 Central Supply Delivery Equipment. A - Nitrous
oxide and oxygen tanks. B - Digital alarm system.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH,Accutron.

of the units ( Donaldson, Donaldson, & Quarnstrom, 20 12;

FIGURE 2 1 -1 0 Portable Unit with Digital Control.

Goebel, 1980).

Regulators are found on both portable and central de­
Courtesy of Accutron.
livery systems. They reduce gas pressures from tanks before
any gas is delivered into the tubing and pipes. Tubing is
color-coded and size-specific for each gas and attaches reg­ within flow meters are marked with lines corresponding to
ulators to flow meters on these systems. See Figure 21-15 •· total liters of flow per minute. Floating balls inside each
Flow meters are visual indicators of the volume of gas tube ( usually colored green for 02 and blue for N20 ) pro­
being delivered, mounted on portable units or attached to vide visual indications of the volumes of the gases deliv­
walls of central delivery systems. Calibrated glass tubes ered ( see Figure 21-1 6 •). Percentages must be calculated
using flow rates for each gas. The volumes in Lpm should
be measured from the midpoint of each ball. Newer equip­
ment has built-in fail-safe mechanisms that shut off N20
flow whenever 02 pressure falls below preset levels, an
important safety feature.
Reservoir bags provide a volume of gas necessary for
each breath, as high as 20 Lpm over a second or two. When
patients are resting between breaths or exhaling, bags re­
fill from the continuous flow of gas delivered by the ma­
chine. B ags allow additional gas for patients to breathe
FIGURE 2 1 -9 Central Supply Digital Control Panel. when not enough is delivered through hoses and provide
Source: Courtesy of Porter Instrument Division. mechanisms for monitoring bre athing and evaluating


(B) FIGURE 2 1 -1 2 Copper Tubing. Copper tubing that does

F I G U RE 2 1 -1 1 Central Supply System Manifolds.

not support combustion is used on central delivery systems.
A- Analog manifold. B - Digital manifold. Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.

Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH,Accutron.


c·'. ( ..

FIGURE 2 1 -1 3 Portable Delivery Systems. A - Older open cart. B - Newer closed cart system.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH, Courtesy of Accutron.

FIGURE 21-14 Pin Index Safety System. Pin Index Safety Systems
ensure the correct attachment of gas cylinders to delivery units.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.

FIGURE 2 1 -1 6 Flow Meter. Flow meters provide visual indica­

tions of the volumes (Lpm) of gases being delivered.
Source: Courtesy of Accutron.

whether more or less gas is needed during administration.

Over-inflated bags indicate that excessive volumes of gas
are being delivered ( see Figure 21-17 •). This wastes gas,
increases excess gas in the operatory, and unnecessarily
increases the expense of sedation. Underinflated bags on
the other hand indicate that insufficient volumes of gas are
being delivered. This can lead to patient discomfort due to
feelings of suffocation, and the sedation is not likely to be
effective at these low levels ( see Figure 21-18 •). If bags
remain underinflated after increasing the flow rates, the
equipment should be checked for leaks ( see Figure 21-19 •).
Silicone rubber or polyethylene conduction tubing
attaches the equipment to the tubing that goes to the nasal
hood ( see Figure 21-20 •). It is corrugated to prevent
kinking and stratification of the two gases. During use it is
important to make sure that nothing is situated on top of
the tubing, potentially blocking the flow of gas and damag­
ing the tubing. After use, both the conduction and nasal
tubing should be soaked and washed according to infec­
tion control policy that is in compliance with OSHA and
local regulations.
FIGURE 2 1 -1 5 Regulator. Regulators reduce pressures coming The nasal hood is the bre athing apparatus that sits
from cylinders before entering pipes and tubing. over the patient ' s nose to facilitate the inhalation of
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH. N20 - 0 2 ( see Figure 21-21 ( A ) and 21-22 •). Nasal hoods

FIG URE 2 1 -1 9 Torn Reservoir B ag. A torn or worn reservoir

bag allows leakage of the gasses into room air.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.

FIGURE 21-1 7 Overinflated Reservoir Bag. A ballooned

reservoir bag indicates overinflating due to excessive volumes
of gas being delivered.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.

FIG URE 2 1- 1 8 Underinflated Reservoir B ag. An FIG URE 2 1 -20 Conduction Tubing. Conduction tubing
underinflated reservoir bag indicates that insufficient provides the connection to the tubing feeding the nasal hood.
volumes of gas are being delivered. Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.

should be placed on the face so the mask fits snuggly disposed of, disposable inserts that fit inside the hood for
around the nose preventing gas leakage around the mask each patient are available; however, some filters have cre­
and providing comfort for the patient. ated maj or leaks in the past. If a decision is made to use
There are many types of nasal hoods, but all should inserts, only inserts that do not leak should be considered.
be sterilizable or disposable or have disposable or steril­ Barriers or surface disinfection should be used on devices
izable inserts. For nasal hoods that cannot be sterilized or that cannot be sterilized, or the devices should be discarded.
It is critical that clinicians consult manufacturers' recom­
mendations before using any chemicals on these devices. It
is also important to understand that most chemical agents
that kill bacteria and viruses are very toxic to lung tissue, so
they must be completely removed before using masks.
Th e bre athing app aratus s h o u l d have s c a v eng­
ing capability to remove excess gas. Scavenging systems
help to eliminate excess gas being exhaled by patients,
therefore limiting environmental exposure to exhaled
N20 . The most commonly used systems consist of two
hoses attached to a nasal hood or a single hose that pro­
vides suction. One hose delivers gas to the patient, while
the other evacuates excess gas being exhaled by the
patient (see Figure 21-21 (B) and 21-22). Most man­
ufacturers have recommendations on scavenging vol­
ume rates. D ental he althcare providers should verify


source source
To patient From patient From patient Primary

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 leak area

Inhalation Initial Exhalation Complete Exhalation

e Nitrous oxide e Oxygen e Carbon dioxide


To patient From patient From patient Primary

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 leak area

Inhalation Initial Exhalation Complete Exhalation

FIGURE 21-2 1 Sterilizable Nasal Hood. A - Porter double mask. B - Comparison of double mask versus single mask systems.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH, Porter.

F I G U RE 2 1 -2 2 Scavenging Mask and Tubing.

Source: "Example of Airflow of Scavenging Mask." Copyright© by
Porter Instrument. Used by permission of Porter Instrument.

recommended scavenging rates of the manufacturer of

the N20 sedation unit being used. Older delivery systems F I G U RE 2 1 -23 Portable Scavenging System. This specific
without scavenger systems have only a single hose. system is attached directly to the high-volume evacuator to
capture lost gasses.
CENTRA L SUPPLY DEL IVERY SYSTEMS Scavenging systems Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer.
are mandatory for office personnel safety. Those most
commonly used include systems manufactured by Porter/ supply delivery, frequently used in multi-operatory clinics,
Matrx ( Parker Hannifin, Hatfield, PA ) and Accutron has an external suction/exhaust function that vents gas out
( Accutron Inc. , Phoenix, AZ ) . When portable delivery of the facility. The appropriate suction/exhaust flow is indi­
systems are used, scavengers are attached to high-volume cated by a ball in the green area on this Porter equipment
evacuation systems, as shown in Figure 21-23 •· Central ( see Figure 21-24 •).

(A) (B)
F I G U R E 2 1 -24 Central Supply Scavenging System. A - This specific system provides an indicator for
monitoring accurate suction levels. B - Floating ball should be within green band for proper function.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.


are at least 12 safety mechanisms available for N20-0 2
sedation equipment. All N20-02 armamentarium should
be maintained and serviced regularly. This ensures safe and
accurate administration and limits long-term personnel
exposure to ambient gases. Clinicians should be aware of the
specific safety mechanisms included in all N20-02 sedation
equipment used in their offices and clinics ( D onaldson,
Donaldson, & Quarnstrom, 2012).


the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
( N I O S H ) s e t the maximum exposure limit for N20
concentration to 25 ppm for dental personnel. The most
current NIOSH publication on this guideline (1994) can be
found at
In 1995, the ADA issued a formal position statement
that a maximum exposure limit has not been determined.
This statement was a result of a literature review, indicat­
ing that there was no scientific basis for the previously
established exposure limits due to inaccurate studies and
The ADA has urged governmental agencies to cre­
ate new evidence -based N20 exposure recommenda­
tions. In October 20 05, the ADA issued a position paper
describing the need to support the expansion of both
basic and clinical research in anxiety and pain control.
It encourages institutions and agencies that fund and
sponsor rese arch to place a high priority on this type
of research, which should include: (1 ) epidemiological
studies that provide data on the number of these proce­ (B)
dures performed and on morbidity and mortality rates,
(2) clinical studies of drug safety and efficacy, (3 ) ba­
sic rese arch on the development of safer and more ef­
fective drugs and techniques, ( 4) studies on improving
patient monitoring, and (5) research on behavioral and
other non-pharmacological approaches to anxiety and
pain control.
When using N20-02 sedation on a routine basis, mon­
itoring of the ambient gases in the air is recommended.
In order to establish a baseline of N20 exposure for clini­
cians, analyzing leaked or trace gases in the environment
is also recommended. Monitoring can identify the need
for improved scavenging and can be useful in revealing
systemic leaks. There are several devices available to de­
tect the presence of trace gases. These include infrared
spectroscopy or spectrophotometry and time-weighted FOFIUSEBY

Time-weighted dosimetry is an inexpensive method
for m o n itoring individual e x p o s ure to trace g a s. A
b a d g e is worn for a s p e cifi e d p e r i o d of time b efore FIGURE 2 1 -2 5 Nitrous Oxide Monitoring. A - Clinician is
being submitted for analysis. This method allows for wearing a monitoring sensor on her right collar. The spectro­
continuous m o nitoring and is perhaps e a s i e s t when photometry device to her left is analyzing trace gas exposure.
N20-0 2 s e dation is used intermittently. An example B - Spectrophotometry monitoring device. C - Individual moni­
o f nitrous oxide monitoring equipment is shown in toring device worn by clinicians.
Figure 21-25 •· Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH,Advanced Chemical Sensors Co.

Principles of Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide levels and patient responses vary, and pa­
tients may respond differently at subsequent appoint­
m e n t s . E v e n t h o u g h m o s t p at i e n t s r e a c h a d e qu a t e Formula: % NzO = Lpm N20 Total Flow (Lpm 02
s edation levels between 15% a n d 40% N20 , there are + Lpm NzO)
no set concentrations to achieve specific levels of analge­
% NzO ( Lpm NzO c- Lpm 02

: ................. 7..L:�.�:�) .� � �. 7. � .-. :�..•

• 4 •

sia. In other words, although many patients react as an­
ticipated to these doses with mild sedative and analgesic 4

may react excessively ( hyper-responders ) to lower doses

responses, some of these same patients and other patients

or may barely react to higher doses ( hypo-responders ) at

any particular appointment. This explains the recommen­
dation of performing new titrations at every appointment,

order to achieve appropriate sedation goals ( Jackson &

regardless of previously recorded successful N20 levels, in
Formula: % 02 = Lpm 02 c- Total Flow (Lpm 02
Johnson, 2002).
+ Lpm NzO)
The mechanism by which N20 produces its effect

opioid system ( Dionne, Phero, & B ecker, 20 02). Nitrous

is theorized to involve interaction with the endogenous

oxide stimulates the release of enkephalins ( nociceptive­

regulating pentapeptides, natural painkillers ) that bind

pathways (Zhang et al. , 1999).

to opioid receptors causing reactions of specific analgesic

to enhance the effects of N20-02 ( Clark & Brunick, 2008).

Other non-pharmacological mechanisms can be used
in order to determine the percentage of N20 delivered per
minute, divide the liters of N20 per minute by the total
Box 21-7 • provides some examples.
liters of flow of N20 and 02 per minute. To determine the
percentage of 02 being delivered per minute, divide the li­
Calculating Percentages of Gases
ters of 0 2 being delivered per minute by the total liters of
B efore discussing administration technique, a discussion
flow per minute. An example is provided in Boxes 21-8 •
of percentage calculations when administering N20-0 2
and 21-9 •· For both calculations, the use of total flow in
sedation is critical to proper administration. Rather than
Lpm is used to calculate the percentages.
rely on flow meters, clinicians are advised to calculate
A quick reference chart for determination of N20 and
percentage levels of gases throughout sedation periods in
02 percentages can be found in Appendix 21-1 •·
order to continually determine appropriate dosages for
each individual. This is recommended because percentages
of gases displayed on e quipment may be inaccurate Steps for Administering Nitrous
b e c a u s e of t h e fre q u e n cy o f improperly calibrated Oxide-Oxygen Sedation
machines. Far more important than calculated percentages
are the effects patients are experiencing. Incremental Induction Technique
Similar to local anesthetic drug calculations, calculat­ The following should be included in preoperative N20-0 2
ing the dose of N20 and 02 requires an understanding of procedures:


several factors. The use of total flow in Lpm is used to cal­

tering N20-02 sedation. In healthy patients ( ASA I, II ) ,

culate the percentages of gases administered. For example,
Patient assessment must be completed before adminis­

and medications. Medically compromised patients ( ASA

this usually consists of a review of current medical history

III, IV ) often require consultations with either their pri­

mary care physicians or medical specialists (Jastak, Yagiela,
& D onaldson, 1995). For a summary of ASA values, see
Box 10-2 and Appendix 10-1.
• Music
• • Video eyewear
Informed Consent Patients, parents, guardians, and care­
• Imagery
givers should be informed about sedative agent delivery
• Hypnosis
procedures and consent for sedation should be obtained.

:• : � � �� � �� - : • •
Oral premedication (In most states this will require
add t on l t i i
For an example of a consent form for N20-02 sedation,
• • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • see Appendix 21-2 •·

Preoperative dietary restrictions should be considered Reconfirm the flow rate by observing that the patient is
and communicated to patients, parents, guardians, and breathing normally and reservoir bags are expanding and
caregivers. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry contracting with each breath.
recommends patients consume little to no food 2 hours be­
fore the planned time of N20-0 2 administration (AAPD, STEP 3: INCREMENTAL INDUCTION AND SEDATION MONI­
20 12). Preoperative verbal and written instructions should TORING Incremental induction of N20 may begin by de­
be given to patients, parents, guardians, and caregivers. livering 10% N20 for 1 minute. Depending on the type of
Baseline vital signs should be obtained unless prohib­ equipment, it may be necessary to adjust both 02 and N20
ited by patient behavior. Vital signs should include blood flow levels in order to administer the correct percentage
pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Because it affects of N20 . Once the initial flow of 02 has been established,
local anesthesia dosing, it is also recommended that weight the Lpm of total gas flow should remain the same through­
be recorded. out the appointment. It should be adj usted as necessary


so the bag neither over-inflates nor under-inflates as the
appointment proceeds. Example: If the patient's initial
Confirm Function of Armamentarium Assemble all tidal flow is 6 Lpm, the flow of both gases should equal
necessary sedation armamentarium and check for proper 6 (5.5 liters 02 + 0.5 liters N20) ( s e e Figure 2 1 -27 •).
function. Verify that adequate levels of N20 and 02 are If an initial tidal flow of 6 Lpm over-inflates the bag, the
available for the length of appointment planned. Confirm tidal flow should be adjusted downward. If the bag under­
the availability of an independent 0 2 supply and any other inflates, the tidal flow should be adjusted upward.
equipment necessary to deliver oxygen under positive As induction begins, make sure observable physi­
pressure. ological parameters remain normal and patients are able
Initiating flow of oxygen Seat the patient in a semi-supine to respond verbally. It is helpful to remind patients of the
position. Explain the sedation procedure to the patient. importance of breathing through the nose as much as pos­
Establish the air flow volume. As previously mentioned, sible. B reathing through the mouth not only reduces the
tidal volume is the amount of gas inspired into the lungs and amount of N20 that is available for sedation but also al­
is largely dependent on the physical characteristics of an lows N20 to be exhaled into the environment; however,
individual. The average adult tidal volume is 500 mL based any time patients seem uncomfortable with their symp­
on an average of 6-7 Lpm. Therefore, start the flow rate at toms, clinicians can advise them that they may breathe
6 liters of oxygen (100 % ) per minute (see Figure 21-26 •). through their mouths in order to reduce the concentra­
Position the nasal hood snugly around the patient's nose to tion of N20 they are inhaling. This is not ideal, but patient
prevent gas leakage and to prevent excessive dryness of the comfort is critically important, especially when relaxation
patient's eyes. A slide mechanism on the tubes can be used is the goal. Uncomfortable symptoms should subside
to tighten the nasal hood. If minor air leaks occur around quickly.
nose pieces, despite tightening, 2 x 2 gauze squares can be B ox 21-10 • provides a summary of the signs to ob­
placed under them to reduce leakage. Observe the reservoir serve, while Box 21-1 1 • provides guidelines for monitor­
bag making certain that it expands and contracts with each ing patients on N20-0 2 sedation.
breath, adjusting the flow rate up or down as needed for It is important to remember that only legally trained
optimal expansion and contraction. and designated individuals may induce N20-02 sedation.
All designated individuals must be familiar with monitor­
C onfirming function of scavenging system While ing techniques and equipment, and once sedation has been
delivering 100% 0 2> check the scavenging system for induced, they must continuously monitor patients until
proper function according to manufacturer instructions. they meet criteria for discharge.

FIGURE 2 1 -26 Flow Tubes. These flow tubes show an initial FIGURE 2 1 -27 Flow Tubes. These flow tubes show an initial
flow rate of oxygen of 6 Lpm. flow rate of nitrous oxide of 0.5 Lpm and of oxgen at 5.5 Lpm.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH. Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.

As sedation begins: Common symptoms of sedation include a:

• Observable physiologic parameters should remain • feeling of warmth

• within normal limits.

• • sense of relaxation

� • •• � � � ����· · � �� �� � · · �� �� � . � �� ���·•••••••
Eye and swallow reflex should remain normal. feeling of heaviness of the extremities

� :•• ��: � . • : � � : �: . � . �� ��� �� ••••••••••••• •

• e al un c i hou an i s e f tin i th e r ti
. .

Remind p atients to continue to b r e a t h e d e e p ly

through the n o s e . N ext, incre a s e the flo w of N20 to
20 % for 1 minute while continuing to monitor. At this
point, some patients may begin to feel the effects of the
• Oxygenation: Color of mucosa, skin, or blood oxygen N20 . This is a good time to describe the common symp­
• •
level must be continuously observed and evaluated.
Ventilation: A dentist and/or an appropriately trained
toms of s e d ation such as a feeling o f warmth and re­
laxation and a sense of heaviness and/or tingling of the
individual can observe chest movement and maintain extremities. Box 21-12 • provides a summary of these
verbal communication with a patient. Spoken responses
provide evidence that the patient is conscious and is
Next, increase the flow of N20 to 25% for 1 minute.
continuing with the respiratory process.
• Circulation: Blood pressure and heart rate should be
Continue to monitor and assess symptoms and increase
evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively as neces­
N20 levels by 5% as needed until desired levels of relax­
sary and when applicable. ation and sedation are obtained. Most patients reach ap­

Continue to monitor the progression of symptoms ( see

propriate sedation levels between 15% and 40% N20 .
• (2007b), •
: � � : �� � : � : � �� •••••••••••••••••••••••••
( 0 )
Source: American Dental Association American Society of

Bo x 21-13 •). If patients fail to achieve desired levels

n t s o og s s
. .
of relaxation, instruct them to take three deep breaths
through their noses. It may be necessary to increase total
For accurate determination of percentages, the ball on
flow rates to prevent deflating the bags during these deep
the flow meter should be centered on the line indicating

tions or equipment gauges ( see Figure 21-28 •) to assess

breaths. If patients still fail to achieve desired levels, con­
Lpm. Whether relying on simple mathematical calcula­
tinue to increase N20 levels by 5% every minute until

mended concentrations are reached ( not to exceed an ab­

the desired symptoms are achieved or maximum recom­

solute maximum of 70% N20 ) . It is important to confirm

flow rates, it is important to restate that the most accurate
determination of appropriate titration results from careful
monitoring of patient signs and symptoms.
that patients are at appropriate levels of sedation through­
out appointments by close observation and appropriate

Signs of optimal levels of sedation may include:

• • a sense of relaxation and well-being

• •

a sense of comfort and awareness of surroundings
an ability to respond rationally and coherently
an ability to acknowledge a reduced sense of anxiety
F I G U R E 2 1 -2 8 Importance of Monitoring Flow Rates. It

and fear
is important to confirm the accuracy of flow tube compared • a dreamy look and a big smile
with equipment gauge readouts . Note while the nitrous oxide
• • a tingling or heaviness of extremities

( )
dial set to less than 10%, the actual Lpm shown here by the • a slight ringing in the ears; increased hearing range

� .�i•t a� :i: �s•s•h��l•d•r����n •n•o:���� •••••••••••••••• .

flow tubes most accurate is 17%.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH.

port feeling normal ( alert and oriented to place and time ) ,

Once all signs of sedation have resolved and patients re­

they may leave; however, if there is any question about

complete recovery, patients should not be allowed to leave.
• uncontrolled laughter A summary of incremental induction steps 2 through
• sweating 4 is provided in Box 21-15 •, and a more detailed list of all
• nausea steps is provided in Appendix 21-3 •·

• marked lethargy, closing mouth frequently
rate patient record of sedation vary according to j urisdic­
• unresponsiveness, unaware of surroundings, fixed stare The requirements for an accu­
• dysphoria (an emotional state marked by anxiety,
depression, and restlessness) tion. These may include the following: preoperative and
• inability to follow commands postoperative vital signs; initial tidal volume, Lpm of 0 2,
• dilated pupils
Lpm of N20, duration of sedation, any post-sedation find­

( Barash, Cullen, & Stoelting, 2001; Stoelting, 2006).

agitated, combative behavior

�: : �� � ��

ings or issues, and any adverse reactions and comments

ha l i atio
include accurate accounts in p atient records ( Morgan,
• •. . . • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • •

D ocumentation of critical or unusual events should

In cases of excessive sedation, patients may experience Mikhail, & Murray, 20 06). Important details include the
any of a number of signs and symptoms, many of which are specific adverse events that occurred, the time of occur­
listed in B ox 21-14 • and shown in Figure 21-29 •· In re­ rence, and the response to the events. Incomplete, errone­

( Barash, Cullen, & Stoelting, 2001). An example of a pa­

sponse, the level of N20 should be reduced or discontinued ous, and/or illegible documentation can result in liability
until the symptoms have resolved. It is recommended that
masks be removed if excessive sedation symptoms develop. tient record entry format for documenting N20-0 2 seda­
Symptoms will return to normal much faster if masks are tion is provided in Appendix 21-4 •·
removed and patients breathe room air.
Complications and Prevention of Adverse
gin the process of reversing the effects of sedation, discon­
Nitrous oxide administration in dental practice has a long
tinue the flow of N20 and administer 10 0% 02 for 3-5
history of safety and efficacy. Although complications oc­
minutes. Following this procedure, confirm that vital signs
cur only rarely, it is important to have a sound knowledge
and reflexes have returned to normal. Patients should re ­
and understanding of these events and their management
main seated for an additional few minutes to reduce the
should they occur.
risk of hypotensive episodes. They may sit in operatories
B o th n a u s e a a n d vomiting h av e o c c u r r e d d u r­
or waiting rooms until complete recovery has occurred.
ing N20-02 administration, especially in pe diatric pa­
tients. This is usually associated with an overd o s e , a
rapid incre ase in percentage, or a large initial volume
administered. If a patient becomes sick, N20 should be


• Establish tidal volume: 100% 02 for 2 minutes

Inducing Sedation/Analgesia:

• 10% N20 for 1 minute

• 20% N20 for 1 minute
• 25% N20 for 1 minute
• Up 5% each minute until level achieved (not to exceed
70% Nz0)

FIG URE 21-29 "Hard Stare. " A fixed "hard stare" is a sign of
Initiating and Monitoring Recovery:

. .

: • Administer 100% 02 for 3-5 minutes •

excessive sedation.
Source: Courtesy of Royann Royer RDH. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

discontinue d and the nasal hood removed . If a p atient Chronic occupational exposure may result in detri­
is actively vomiting, make sure his or her head is turned mental effects to dental personnel (Kraj ewski et al. , 2007).
to the side and use the high-volume dental suction to re­ This is a controversial topic because most studies are lim­
move vomitus from the mouth. ited and long-term data are not readily available; however,
Some complication reports involve the respiratory potential side effects may include (CDC, 1994; National
system during the exchange of gases. It should be noted Library of Science, 2014):

that N20 may actually have a positive effect on non-dry Reproductive difficulty including the risk of miscar­
air asthmatics because it is nonirritating to mucous mem­ riage, with the greatest risk occurring during the first
branes and decreases anxiety that often triggers asthmatic trimester

episodes. Megaloblastic anemia related to bone marrow

Changes in C02 levels in the blood normally initiate Neurologic disorders leading to sensory and proprio­
respiration in healthy individuals. This is known as hyper­ ceptive impairment that may be permanent although
carbic drive. The primary stimulus of respiration is driven by they are usually temporary in nature. Chronic ex­
C02 levels that modulate the pH levels of the blood, stimu­ posure (breathing high concentrations, 30% to 50%
lating breathing. The hypoxic drive mechanism is respiration N20 , for hours at a time) may cause impaired motor
stimulated by low 0 2 levels through oxygen sensors in the skills, visual acuity loss, numbness and tingling of the
carotid and aortic bodies (Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 2012; extremities, weakness and lack of coordination, lack
Yacoub et al. , 1976) . This is secondary to COrstimulated of strength in the hands, and an electric shock feeling
respiration and has no effect in healthy individuals. upon flexion of the neck.

Patients with severe COPD, on the other hand, who Vitamin Bl2-dependent enzyme, methionine syn­
have lost the ability to respond to C02 levels must rely thase interference. Nitrous oxide in high concentra­
on much larger changes in 0 2 levels in order to stimulate tions or long-term exposure may interfere with the
breathing. This puts them at risk if receiving N20-0 2 se­ activity of methionine synthase. This enzyme is neces­
dation because N20-0 2 depresses hypercarbic drive and sary for DNA synthesis and erythrocyte production.
patients may not have enough stimulation for involun­
tary breathing (Becker & Rosenberg, 2008) . Medical con­
It is thought that this is an issue for pregnant dental
personnel. The fetus is rapidly growing and cellular
sultation is strongly advised before the administration of reproduction rates are very high in order to support
N20-0 2 sedation in these situations. rapid fetal growth rate which requires DNA. If vita­
Pneumothorax is an accumulation of air or gas in min B12 is blocked, there is no methionine synthase
the pleural cavity, usually a result of an alveolar rupture or DNA production (Yagiela, 1991 ) .
or opening of the pleural space to outside air result­
ing in a collapse of the lung. Postpone treatment with Symptoms are dose- and time-related. The effects o f
N20-0 2 sedation until the condition is resolved (Becker & short-term exposure are reversible, but long-term, chronic
Rosenberg, 2008) . exposure can have irreversible consequences. It should be
Sinus discomfort has been reported by some patients noted that occupational risks or adverse outcomes have
during N20- 02 administration. Sinus cavities represent not been reported when sedation is appropriately admin­
rigid air spaces. N20-02 increases pressure in these areas istered, adequate ventilation is available, and a scavenger
potentially causing discomfort. If a patient complains of si­ system is used (Sanders et a!, 2008) .
nus pressure, N20-02 should be discontinued. Chronic N20 abuse can result in the signs and symp­
The drying effe cts o f respiration during N20-0 2 toms previously listed. Breathing N20 directly from pres­
administration may cause irritation to the cornea or sclera surized tanks can also cause frostbite to noses, lips, and
of the eye, especially if leaks occur around the nosepiece. intraoral tissues. In extreme circumstances including de­
Contact lens we arers should remove their contacts to liberate self-over-sedation, death by hypoxic asphyxia can
avoid increased irritation. Patients who report dry and occur.
itching eyes with seasonal allergies may require postpone­ The study of N20-02 sedation and, in particular, its
ment of the procedure. effects on the body, is an ongoing process. D e spite the
safeguards protecting healthcare workers from chronic oc­
Occupational Risks cupational exposure to N20, some exposures are deliber­
ate. Two examples of misuse along with their outcomes can
Regardless of properly functioning scavenger systems
be found in Box 21-16 •·
and appropriate maintenance of equipment, it is impos­
sible to prevent trace amounts from leaking into treatment ETHICAL AND L EG AL I S SUES M e dical history assess­
rooms during N20-0 2 sedation. Long-term occupational ment is critical before sedation of any patient. Patient
exposure risk increases when office spaces do not have consent is recommended although variation exists in the
adequate ventilation. Incorrect administration of N20-0 2 types of consent processes that are necessary, depending
sedation and poorly maintained equipment contribute to upon jurisdiction (Baynes, 20 1 1 ) . Evaluation of vital signs
higher levels of risk. should be obtained before the use of N20-02 sedation.

licensure. Each governing body may operate with specific

boards or committees that oversee dental professionals
and the statutes that govern the dental profession, in­
According to public records, two cases of chronic abuse cluding the use of sedation/anesthesia by dental profes­
and inhaling nitrous oxide before performing treatment
sionals. Unfortunately, a wide regulatory variation exists
resulted in arrests and state board actions: In 2010, a Hast­
between individual dental boards, especially as it relates
ings, Michigan, dentist's abuse spanned at least two years.
He also allowed his teenage son to inhale nitrous oxide,
to dental anesthesiology. It is important for all clini­
and the son then took his friends to "do nitrous". In 20 12,
cians to familiarize themselves with dental statutes and
a Florida dentist's license was subsequently suspended, regulations of the j urisdiction in which they practice, to
adding the following statement: "Due to her chemical complete required training, and to comply with current
dependence, the dentist does not possess the physical regulations and laws.

: � � ? :� � : •
• and mental ability and the judgment necessary to practice • A review of the rules and regulations for N20 - 0 2 ad­

en i t sa � ·
- . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ministration may be helpful considering its use by dentists
and non-dentist clinicians.
Dentists Most dental schools include didactic and clini­
Contraindications and potential problems must be identi­ cal N20 - 0 2 sedation instruction in their pre-doctoral cur­
fied and protocols established. In some cases, it is advis­ ricula. Over 80% of recent dental school graduates feel
able to consult with a patient's physician before the use of they were adequately trained in N20 - 0 2 sedation (ADA,
sedation. 2007a) .
Patient monitoring during sedation is mandatory at The maj ority of states have rules for dental healthcare
all times. At least one clinician must remain in a treat­ providers administering N20-0 2 sedation to patients. The
ment room to monitor a patient during N20-0 2 sedation, ADA recommends that dental healthcare providers have
and at least one additional, appropriately trained profes­ current certification in basic life support and training in
sional should be nearby and within view. This provides the administration of N20-02 sedation/analgesia that pro­
for improved monitoring and the ability to respond in vides a thorough understanding of N20 , its properties, and
the event of an emergency. It also provides a witnessed its effects on patient populations (ADA, 2007a) .
defense to any allegations that might arise following the
use of N20-02 sedation. Although controversial, these al­ Non-D entist Clinicians The rules and regulations gov­
legations may include those resulting from sexual halluci­ erning non-dentist clinicians as it relates to N20-02
nations. Three elements that are always involved in these sedation require a n understanding of the differences be­
legal cases include treating a patient without an assistant tween administering and monitoring N20-02. Administer­
in the room, high concentrations of N20 , and a failure to ing N20-02 involves the dispensing, applying, or offering
titrate the patient to avoid extension beyond the range of of N20 analgesia to a dental patient. Monitoring refers
therapeutic sedation (Malamed & Clark , 2003 ) . Dental to observing and evaluating patients through clinical ,
healthcare providers should review individual state and electronic, and mechanical means, and by recognizing and
provincial regulations to make sure staffing, monitoring, reporting adverse reactions or complications to supervis­
and educational/training requirements for N20 - 0 2 admin­ ing dentists. These definitions are also used by a maj ority
istration are met or exceeded. of jurisdictions concerning the use of N20-0 2 sedation by
Equipment must be maintaine d on a regular basis. auxiliary personnel in dentistry.
Recommendations developed by NIOSH provide guide­ Each state or provincial regulating authority delegates
lines to assess sedation equipment. The ADA has also the level of supervision required during the administration
developed a " Safety Checklist for Dental Equipment" to or monitoring of N20- 0 2 sedation. The maj ority of states
remind all dental professionals to perform routine safety and provinces require direct supervision levels. As of 20 1 1 ,
checks of equipment (ADA, 2 0 1 2 ) . Appendix 2 1-5 and 2 9 states permitted the administration o f N20-02 sedation
21-6 provide additional examples of safety checklists. by dental hygienists, whereas 17 states allowed monitoring
Along with medical assessment, patient monitoring, only (B oynes, 20 1 1 ; American Dental Hygiene Associa­
and equipment maintenance, accurate record keeping is tion, 20 1 1 ) .
critical for sedation patients. Anesthesia is t h e m o s t closely regulated aspect o f
dentistry, with all states restricting the u s e of deep seda­
STATE AND PROVINCIAL STATUTES States and provinces tion and/or general anesthesia to dentists with extensive
have the right to establish rules and regulations for the use formal training (Moore et al., 2009) .
of N20-02 sedation in dental sites. In addition, clinics and Nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation requires a provider
offices frequently develop site-specific standard operating permit in many states and provinces, and all 50 states ad­
procedures. dress the use of N20-0 2 sedation in their regulations. In
All states and provinces have the right to establish addition, intravenous sedation requires additional training
qu alifications, rules, and regulations for professional beyond the pre-doctoral curriculum.

Future Development and Alternative: c. Allow recovery and the return of reflexes.
Xenon Anesthesia d. b and c
Xenon is a rare noble gas of the periodic table whose anes­
thetic properties were first noted in 1939. Xenon exerts its
anesthetic properties, in part, through the noncompetitive
inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (Kratzer
et al. , 20 1 2; Liu, Xu, & Tang, 20 1 0). Presently, it is being
ADA ( 20 12 ) ; Safety Checklist for D ental Equipment; www.ada.
org/ . . ./cdel_safety_checklist. pdf
used in limited quantities throughout Europe. The expense American Academy of Pediatric D entistry. ( 20 12 ) . Nitrous
associated with xenon has dissuaded many practitioners oxide administration: Patient brochure. Retrieved April 22,
from using it in their practices. As equipment for delivery 2012, from http://www.aapd. org/publications/brochures/
improves, xenon may become a reasonable alternative to nitrous.asp
N20 and is currently being investigated for that purpose American Dental Association. ( 2007a ) . House of delegates. ADA
(Jordan & Wright, 20 1 0). Advantages of xenon include guidelines for teaching pain control and sedation to dentists
and dental students. Retrieved May 12, 20 12, from http://www.
prompt onset and recovery; low blood solubility; minimal
occupational exposure; and inert, non-explosive character­
American Dental Association. ( 2007b ) . House of delegates. ADA
istics. Disadvantages include the expense and the lack of guidelines for the use of sedation and general anesthesia by
commercially available delivery equipment. dentists. Retrieved May 12, 20 12, from
Chapter Questions American Dental Association. ( 2008 ) . Survey ofcurrent issues in
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
dentistry: Surgical dental implants, amalgam restorations, and
1. The reservoir bag monitors which of the following? sedation. Chicago: Author.
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a. Depth of respiration
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b. Rate of oxygen flow
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c. Need to adjust the Lpm downloads/NITROX.pdf
d. a and c American Society of Anesthesiologists. ( 2002 ) . Practice guide­
2. Nitrous oxide sedation may be contraindicated in pa­ lines for sedation and analgesia by non-anesthesiologists: An
update report by the ASA task force on sedation and analge­
tients with which of the following conditions?
sia by non-anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology, 96, 1004-10 17.
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b. Hypoxic-driven COPD Mollin, D. L. ( 1978 ) . Megaloblastic haemopoiesis in patients
c. Cystic fibrosis receiving nitrous oxide. Lancet, 12, 339-342.
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N itro u s Oxid e-Oxyg e n Sed ati o n
Ca l cu l ati o n S u m m a ry Ta b l e

1 50 33 25 20 17 14 13 11 10 9

2 67 50 40 33 29 25 22 20 18 17

3 75* 60 50 43 38 33 30 27 25 23

4 80* 67 57 50 44 40 36 33 31 29

5 83* 71 63 56 50 45 42 38 36 33

6 86* 75* 67 60 55 50 46 43 40 38

7 88* 78* 70 64 58 54 50 47 44 41

8 89* 80* 73 67 62 57 53 50 47 44

9 90* 82* 75* 69 64 60 56 53 50 47

10 91* 83* 77* 71 67 63 59 56 53 50

*Percentage exceeds maximum amount of N20 needed for effective pain/anxiety management in an ambulatory setting and exceeds amounts
able to be delivered by analgesia machines.

Example calculation:

What is the percentage of N20 when administering 4 liters of 02 and 3 1iters of N20?

4 + 3 = 7 liters total flow

3 (liters of N20) ..;. 7 (total Lpm) = 43 % N20

41 9
Sa m p l e N itro u s Oxi d e-Oxyg e n
Sed ati o n Co n sent

Consent for Local Anesthetic and Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Patient Name ------- Date _______

You will be given local anesthesia. LOCAL ANESTHESIA will produce a numb feeling in the area being treated and
only pressure will be felt during treatment. You will be awake and aware of your treatment, but there should be no pain
or significant discomfort.
1. Have a light meal a few hours prior to the procedure.
2. For more extensive procedures you may wish to have someone drive you home.
3. Plan to rest for a few hours after the procedure.

You may choose to add NITR O US OXIDE ANAL GESIA, as a supplement to local anesthesia. Use of Nitrous Oxide
requires that we o btain your consent.
NITROUS OXIDE is also known as "laughing gas." You will be relaxed and somewhat less aware of your surroundings, as
well as less responsive to minor discomfort, and you may or may not recall much of the procedure. Nitrous Oxide is breathed
through a nasal mask and, after a state of relaxation is reached, local anesthesia is administered.
Nitrous Oxide has few lasting effects, and you usually may drive safely after a fairly brief recovery time. However,
for safety precautions, its use does require some preparation on your part. Thus, it is important that you read and un­
derstand the information below and that you prepare by following the instructions carefully. If you are unclear about
anything, please ask your doctor.
1. Recovery time from nitrous oxide is usually very short, but may be prolonged, requiring you to remain in the of­
fice for some time after treatment. Rarely, you may be unable to drive home alone. Thus, it is best to arrange for a
responsible friend or family member to be "on call" for such a possibility.
2. Although not usually required, it may be best to have a responsible adult accompany you to drive you home.
3. You may have a light meal a few hours prior to treatment.
4. You may want to rest for several hours following treatment.

• I understand that the use of Nitrous Oxide, although usually safe and without lasting consequences, may affect me
• I am prepared to deal with any undesirable side effects of Nitrous Oxide and understand that those possibilities
listed above, as well as others not considered, may occur.
• I agree to the use of Nitrous Oxide analgesia ( "laughing gas" ) to supplement the local anesthesia planned for my

0 Patient's or 0 Guardian's Signature: Date:

Guardian's Relationship to Patient:

Clinician Signature: Date

Witness' Signature: Date

Ste p s fo r N itro u s Oxi d e-Oxyg en
Sed ati o n I n d u cti o n

Step 1: Patient Assessment and Informed Consent • Administer 20% nitrous oxide for 1 minute
• Explain possible symptoms: warmth, relaxation
• Review the patient's medical history, treatment plan, '
tingling of limbs
and individual pain control needs
• Administer 25% nitrous oxide for 1 minute
• Identify alterations, precautions, and contraindica­
• Continue to suggest symptoms
tions to care and to use of nitrous oxide-oxygen
• Average patient reaches appropriate sedation
between 15% and 40% nitrous oxide
• Take vitals and document in patient record
• Continue to increase at 5% intervals until appropri­
• Review the intended treatment plan and obtain
ate sedation is achieved or until 50% nitrous oxide is
informed consent, including nitrous oxide-oxygen

check for breathing, shallow breathing, loose ma�k

sedation and any other anesthetic agents indicated for
• If no symptoms of sedation are achieved at 50%
Step 2: Pre-Sedation Preparation kinking of tubing
• Continue at 5% increments until optimum sedation is
• Assemble appropriate armamentarium and confirm
proper function of delivery devices
• Do not exceed an absolute maximum of 70% N 0

M om0 tor throughout appointment for appropriate
Check tubing and reservoir bag for kinks or leaks

Ad� ust percentage of nitrous oxide as indicated by

Check to make sure unit is on and appropriate
levels of oxygen and nitrous oxide are available for

length of appointment
patient symptoms
• Confirm availability of an independent oxygen
• Continue to check flow meters and reservoir bag
supply and equipment necessary to deliver oxygen
throughout treatment
under positive pressure.
• Never leave patient unattended; two clinicians
• Seat patient in semi-supine position
should monitor the operatory with patient at all
• Check for correct size of nasal hood
• Employ positive, supportive communication
• Explain procedure for sedation and expected Step 4: Initiate and Monitor Recovery
• Discontinue the flow of nitrous oxide
• Establish tidal volume
• Administer 100% oxygen for 3-5 minutes
• Initiate 100% oxygen flow ( 6 liters for most adults )
• Take vitals to confirm baseline level
• Place nasal hood and position patient's head for
• Confirm reflexes have returned to normal
• Have patient remain seated for a few minutes to
• Check to make sure scavenger system is working
reduce the risk of hypotensive episode
• Evaluate patient for complete recovery prior to
• Observe reservoir bag to determine need to increase
or decrease tidal volume

� ocum�nt initial tidal volume, pre- and postop

Step 5: Documentation
Step 3: Incremental Induction and Sedation Monitoring

• Administer 10% nitrous oxide for 1 minute
vitals: mtrous oxide, and oxygen volumes throughout
• Remind patient to breathe deeply through the nose
• Caution patient to limit speech to ensure a
• Document post-sedation oxygenation and any
continuous effect
complications in patient record
• Inform patients that they can breathe through the

mouth to stop effects quickly

Sa m p l e Pati e nt Reco rd E ntry fo r N itro u s
Oxid e-Oxyg e n Sedati o n


Date: ________ Patient: __________________ Age: _______

ASA Classification: I II III IV

Med Consult Needed: Yes/No If yes, describe results __________________

Treatment Procedure: -------

Procedural Data: ------

Preoperative Postoperative
N20 Start Time N20 Finish Time
Total Flow (Lpm) Titrated % of N20
Postoperative 02 (in minutes)


Clinician Signature: -------

Safety Ch eckl i st fo r N itro u s Oxi d e-Oxyg e n
Sed ati o n Eq u i p m e nt

Delivery System and Components Scavenging System and Components

Vi sually in sp e ct the N20-0 2 s e dation d e livery s ys ­ N20 should never be used without properly functioning
tems an d al l connections before starting anesthetic g a s scavenging systems.
• Maintain a supply of scavenging masks in a variety
• Ensure that gas cylinders are safely handled and of sizes to assure comfortable and secure fit over
stored patient's nose
• Check tank regulators on central supply systems • Perform periodic environmental monitoring for gas
• Check Diameter-Index Safety System for proper exposure and leaks
function • Vent N20 from all scavenging vacuum pumps to the
• Check that alarm systems are functioning outside of the building away from fresh air intakes,
• Check portable units for proper function of Pin Index windows, and walkways
Safety System • Flush N20 from system after procedures by
• Do not use any lubricants or oils on equipment administering oxygen to the patient for 3-5 minutes
Leak testing of equipment should be performed every Training
three months with a soap solution to check for bubbles at
• Conduct regular personnel training, including updates
pressure connections.
on nitrous oxide sedation

Adapted from ADA Safety Checklist for Dental Equipment and DHHS (NIOSH ) Publication Number 96-107.

M ed i ca l G as Syste m An n u a l I n s p ecti o n Fo rm

The following checklist assists i n the inspection and maintenance o f medical gas systems per the requirements
of NFPA 99 and manufacturer specifications.

1. Medical gas pipe and manifold labeled with the gas carried and
direction of flow

2. All valves labeled

3. Cylinder manifold change-over signal functional

4. Cylinder reserve/in-use signal functional

5. Warning system components tested

6. Audible visual alarm tested

7. Shut off valve leak tested

8. Connections checked for leaks

9. Med gas room clear of storage

10. Med gas room appropriately labeled

1 1. Gauges (date installed: Reads Correctly Replaced

12. Hoses (date installed: Checked for Leaks Replaced

(Follow manufacturer's recommended replacement schedule if no leaks found)

13. Explain any no answers:

14. List items corrected:

15. List any corrections required:

Inspected by:



Modified with permission: MEDICAL GAS SYSTEM ANNUAL INSPECTION FORM (20 14), Spokane Valley Fire Department, Spokane, WA.

Introduction Table AR-6: Mandibular views
Figure AR-lO - Skull - frontal view - mandible
Chapters 1 1-14 include discussions of anatomical factors Figure AR-11 - Skull - lateral view - mandible
relevant to each inj ection technique and assume clinicians Figure AR-12 - Skull - medial view - mandible
have at least a basic knowledge of head and neck anatomy. Table AR-7: Muscles of facial expression
A general discussion of head and neck anatomy, Appen­ Figure AR-13 - Muscles of facial expression
dix 1 : Anatomical Review, has been designed to assist in Table AR-8: Muscles of mastication
the identification and review of local anesthetic landmarks Figure AR-14 - Muscles of mastication - lateral view ­
and the anatomic structures in or near the pathways of superficial muscles
intraoral inj ections. Figure AR-15 - Muscles of mastication - lateral view -
deep muscles
Anatomical Review Table AR-9: Ligaments
Figure AR-16 - Ligaments - medial view
The following information is intended only as a review of Table AR-10: External carotid artery branches (ECA)
head and neck anatomy with an emphasis on local anes­ Figure AR-17 -External carotid artery branches
thetic inj ections. This review assumes that clinicians have Table AR-11: Venous blood return
at least a basic knowledge of head and neck anatomy. Figure AR-18 - Jugular veins
Specific discussions relevant to individual inj ection tech­ Table AR-12: Ophthalmic division branches of trigeminal
niques are presented in the following chapters: nerve (V1)
Chapter 12- Inj ections for Maxillary Pain Control I Figure AR-19 - Trigeminal - ophthalmic division V1
Table AR-13: Maxillary division branches of trigeminal
Chapter 13 - Inj ections for Maxillary Pain Control
nerve (V2 )
II - Palatal Approach
Figure AR-20 - Trigeminal - maxillary division V2
Chapter 14 - Inj ections for Mandibular Pain Control Table AR-14: Mandibular division branches of trigeminal
In order to gain the greatest benefit from this section, nerve (V3)
it is helpful to refer to a skull as well as a head and neck Figure AR-21 - Trigeminal - mandibular division V 3
anatomy text while referencing it. B efore reviewing the Table AR-15: Facial nerve branches (VII)
anatomy of the head and neck, a summary overview of the
tables and figures included in this section is provided. Throughout this review, the * symbol designates structures not illustrated
on the associated figure.

Overview Summary
Osseous Review
Table AR-1: Bones of the skull
Figure AR-1 - Skull - frontal view The skull consists of 22 bones (not including the three
Figure AR-2 - Skull - lateral view small bones within the ear) . Some are paired bilaterally
Figure AR-3 - Skull - posterior view and others are single. All but one of the skull bones articu­
Table AR-2: Basilar view of the skull late with one another by means of sutures composed of
Figure AR-4 - Skull - basilar view - foramina fibrous connective tissue. Sutures initially allow for growth
Table AR-3: Basilar view of the skull and expansion of skull bones. Later, after growth has
Figure AR-5 - Skull - basilar view - processes, plates, ceased, they are considered non-moveable except when
arches, fossa subj ected to traumatic force. The only movea ble j oints of
Table AR-4: Intracranial view of the skull the skull are the temporomandibular j oints, which articu­
Figure AR-6 - Skull - intracranial view late the mandible and the temporal bones.
Table AR-5: Maxillary and palatine bony views The skull can be reviewed by identifying bones and
Figure AR-7 - Skull -frontal view -maxilla landmarks from all anatomical positions including the in­
Figure AR-8 - Skull - lateral view -maxilla tracranial surface. Many of these landmarks are important
Figure AR-9 - Skull - palatal view - maxilla and palate to the study of local anesthesia.

Table AR-1 Bones of the S ku l l

Cran iu m Face A
(8 bones tota l) (14 bones tota l)
Frontal (1) Nasal (2) B
c G
Parietal (2) Lacrimal (2)
Temporal (2) Maxilla (2)

Ethmoid (1) Zygomatic (2)


F I G U RE AR-2 Skull - Lateral View A - Frontal ( 1 ) , B - Nasal

Sphenoid (1) Vomer (1)

Occipital (1) Palatal (2) ( 2 ) , C - Lacrimal ( 2 ) , D - Zygomatic ( 1 ) , E - Maxilla ( 2 ) ,

F - Parietal (2) , G - Sphenoid (2),H - Temporal (1),I - Occipital (1),
Inferior nasal concha (2) J - Mandible (1).

Mandible (1)

C ra n i a l a n d Facial Bones A
Cranial bones protect and support the brain, whereas fa­
cial bones form the framework of the face and protect the
underlying viscera. These two general bony features of the B
skull, cranial and facial, will be considered in separate dis­
cussions. Many of the bones can be identified from exter­
nal, basilar, and intracranial views. c

F I G U R E A R- 3 S k ull - P o s t e r i o r View A - P a r i e t a l ( 2 ) ,
B - Occipital (1), C - Temporal (2).

Maxilla a n d Mandible
There are numerous anatomical features to review on
maxillary and palatine bones, and on mandibles, relevant
B G to the administration of local anesthesia. The locations of
these features follow anatomic patterns, which are simi­
lar on different skulls; however, there are occasional and
sometimes significant variations in these patterns. For this
reason, when studying anatomy for local anesthesia it can
be useful to view several different skulls, noting similari­
ties and differences among individuals.
E The mandible is the largest and strongest facial bone
because of the density of its cortical plate. Maxillary and
palatine bones typically have thinner cortical plates and
are relatively more porous. The significance of the re­
spective thicknesses of their cortical plates has a bear­
ing on local anesthesia. Anesthetic drugs diffuse more
readily through the maxilla compared with the mandible.
Solutions for mandibular anesthesia typically have to be
deposited directly over nerves before they enter bone
FIGURE AR-1 Skull - Frontal View A - Frontal (1 ), B - Sphenoid in order to be reliably effective. Suggested anatomical
(1), C - Ethmoid (1), D -Vomer (1), E - Maxilla (2), F - Mandible, features to locate on skulls are listed in Tables AR-5 •
(1), G - Nasal (2), H - Zygomatic (2), ! - Inferior Nasal Concha (2). through AR-12 •·

Table AR-2 Bas i l a r View of the S k u l l

Foramina, Fissures, Canals Structu re/Function/Content

Foramen magnum Nerve: spinal roots of spinal accessory nerve

Artery: vertebral

Other: medulla oblongata

Stylomastoid foramen Nerve: facial

Artery: stylomastoid

Jugular foramen Nerve: glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory

Artery: meningeal branches

Sinus: inferior petrosal, sigmoid (origin of internal jugular vein)

Carotid canal Nerve: internal carotid plexus

Artery: internal carotid

Foramen lacerum Nerve: none

Artery: none

Other: fibrocartilage in vivo

Foramen spinosum Nerve: meningeal branch of the trigeminal nerve, mandibular division

Artery: middle meningeal

Foramen ovule Nerve: mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve and the lesser petrosal

Artery: accessory meningeal

Vein: emissary

Lesser palatine foramen Nerve: lesser and middle palatine

Artery: lesser and middle palatine

Vein: lesser and middle palatine

Greater palatine foramen Nerve: greater palatine

Artery: greater palatine

Vein: greater palatine

Incisive foramen Nerve: nasopalatine nerve

Artery: sphenopalatine branches


F I G U R E A R - 4 S k u l l - B a s i l a r V i e w - Fo r a m i n a
A - Pterygomaxillary Fissure, B - Greater Palatine Foramen,
C - Foramen Lacerum, D - Carotid Canal, E - Jugular
G Foramen, F - Foramen Magnum, G - Incisive Foramen,
H - L e s s e r P a l a t i n e For a m e n , ! - Fo r a m e n O v a l e ,
J - Foramen Spinosum, K - Stylomastoid Foramen.

8 H




Table AR-3 Bas i l a r View of the S k u l l

Processes, Plates,
Arches, Fossae Structures/Function/Content

Styloid process Attachments: stylohyoid, stylomandibular ligaments, styloglossus, stylopharyngeus muscles

Pterygoid process formed by lateral and medial pterygoid plates

Pterygoid fossa Attachments: medial pterygoid, tensor palatini muscles

Hamulus provides support for movement of tendon of tensor veli palatini muscle

Zygomatic arch Attachments: muscles of facial expression

Infratemporal fossa Nerves: mandibular, inferior alveolar, chorda tympani branch of the facial, and lesser
petrosal, and the otic ganglion
Arteries: maxillary, middle meningeal, inferior alveolar, posterior superior alveolar
Veins: pterygoid plexus
Muscles: temporalis, lateral and medial pterygoid

Pterygopalatine fossa Nerves: maxillary nerve division of the trigeminal, posterior superior alveolar, zygomatic,
and pterygopalatine ganglion
Arteries: maxillary, infraorbital, descending palatine
Veins: pterygoid canal, pharyngeal, sphenopalatine posterior superior alveolar,
pharyngeal, descending palatine, infraorbital, sphenopalatine, pterygoid canal,
inferior ophthalmic

F I G U R E AR-5 Skull - Basilar View - Processes, Plates, Arches,

Fo s s a A - Pterygopalatine Fo s s a , B - Infratemporal Fo s s a ,
C - Pterygoid Fo ssa, D - Styloid Process, E - Hamulus Pro­
cess, F- Medial Pterygoid Plate, G- Lateral Pterygoid Plate,
H- Pterygoid Process.

c G

Table AR-4 I ntracra n i a l View of the S k u l l

Fissures a n d Foramina Structu res/Function/Content

Foramen magnum Nerve: spinal roots of spinal accessory nerve

Artery: vertebral
Other: medulla oblongata

Jugular foramen Nerve: glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory

Artery: meningeal branches
Sinus: inferior petrosal, sigmoid (origin of internal jugular vein)

Carotid canal Nerve: internal carotid plexus

Artery: internal carotid

Foramen spinosum Nerve: meningeal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal
Artery: middle meningeal

Foramen ovale Nerve: lesser petrosal of the mandibular division of the trigeminal
Artery: accessory meningeal
Vein: emissary

Foram en rotundum Nerve: maxillary division of the trigeminal

Superior orbital fissure Nerve: oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, ophthalmic division of the trigeminal,
ophthalmic (arising from the frontal, lacrimal, and nasociliary nerves)
Vein: ophthalmic

c F

FIGURE AR-7 Skull - Frontal View - Maxilla A - Infraorbital

foramen, B - Canine fossa, C- Canine eminence, D - Zygomatic
process of the maxilla, E- Alveolar process, F- Eminence.

FIGURE AR-6 Skull - Intracranial View A - Foramen Ovale, B ­
Foramen Spinosum, C - Jugular Foramen, D - Superior Orbital B ----!;--------+.
c D
Fissure, E - Foramen Rotundum, F - Carotid Canal, G - Foramen

Table AR-5 reviews features of maxillary and palatine E
bones viewed from frontal, lateral, and palatal aspects.

M uscle and Ligament Review

F I G U R E AR-8 Skull - Lateral View - M axilla A - Pterygomax­
Selected muscles of facial expression, the muscles of mas­ illary Fissure, B - Zygomatic Process of Maxilla, C - Zygomatic
tication, and two ligaments will be identified in this sec­ Process of Temporal, D - Zygomatic, E - Maxillary Tuberosity,
tion. These muscles and ligaments are important because F- Posterior Superior Alveolar Foramina.

Table AR-5 M axi l l a ry and Palati n e Bony Vi ews

Frontal Lateral Basilar

Alveolar process Zygomatic arch Maxillary bones

Eminence Maxillary tuberosity
• Horizontal plate
• Canine eminence • Posterior superior alveolar foramina • Alveolar process
• Incisive foramen
Canine fossa Inferior temporal fossa
Zygomatic process Pterygopalatine fossa Palatine bones
Infraorbital foramen ( infra-orbital Pterygomaxillary fissure ( maxillary
Greater palatine foramina
nerve, artery, vein ) nerve and maxillary artery )

• Lesser palatine foramina

Median palatal suture
Transverse suture
Pterygoid process
• Lateral pterygoid plate
• Medial pterygoid plate
• Pterygoid fossa

Table AR-6 M a n d i b u l a r Views

Frontal Lateral I nternal

B ody of mandible Angle of mandible Ramus of mandible

Ramus of the mandible
• Alveolar process and teeth • Lingual
• Mental protuberance • Condylar neck • Mandibular foramen (inferior alveolar
• Mental foramen ( mental nerve, • Condylar head nerve, artery, and vein )
artery, and vein ) • Coronoid process • Pterygoid fovea
• Mandibular notch ( sigmoid notch ) • Retromolar triangle
• External oblique line • Internal oblique line
• Coronoid notch ( anterior border of • Mylohyoid groove
the ramus ) • Mylohyoid line

B c
c D
J A ����....
F I G U R E A R - 9 Skull - Palatal View - M axilla and Palate FIGURE AR-1 0 Skull - Frontal View - Mandible A - Body of
A - Medial Palatine Suture, B - Transverse Palatine Suture, Mandible, B - Alveolar Process, C- Mental Foramen, D - Mental
C - Greater Palatine Foramen, D - Lesser Palatine Foramen, Protuberance.
E - Medial Pterygoid Plate, F - Incisive Foramen, G - Alveolar
Process, H - Horizontal Plate of Maxilla, ! - Pterygoid Palatine
Fossa, J- Lateral Pterygoid Plate.

c F


F I G U R E AR-1 1 Skull - Lateral View - Mandible A - Condylar F I G U R E AR-1 2 Skull - Medial View - Mandible A - Ptery­
Head, B - Condylar Neck, C - Mandibular Notch ( sigmoid notch) , goid Fovea, B - Ramus of Mandible, C - Mylohyoid Groove,
D - Ramus of the Mandible, E - Angle of Mandible, F- Coronoid D - Mylohyoid Line, E - Retromolar Triangle, F - Internal
Process, G - Coronoid Notch ( anterior border of the ramus ) , Oblique Line, G - Lingula, H - Mandibular Foramen.
H - External Oblique Line.

Table AR-7 M uscles of Facial Expression

M uscle Origin Insertion Fu nction

Buccinator Maxillary/mandibular molar Angles o f mouth Chewing; blowing air out

area of alveolar processes; of mouth
pterygomandibular raphe

Depressor anguli oris External oblique line on ramus Angle of mouth Lowers skin tissues of
lower j aw; frowning

Depressor labii inferioris External oblique line on ramus Skin of lower lip Lowers and draws lower
lip laterally

Levator anguli oris Canine fossa below infraorbital Angles of mouth Raises skin tissue from
foramen angles of mouth; smiling

Levator labii superioris Orbit of eye, lower margin Upper lip Raises facial skin above
above infraorbital foramen upper lip

Levator labii superioris Maxillae upper frontal process Upper lip and lateral of Raises upper lip; opens
alaeque nasi nostrils nostrils

Mentalis Mental protuberance Skin of chin Protrudes lower lip; raises

skin of chin

Orbicularis oculi Orbital rim; frontal processes Skin lateral of orbit; circle Closes eyelids; squinting
of maxillae; nasal process of around orbit

Orbicularis oris Circles mouth Angles of mouth Lips close; lips pucker

Platysma Skin above clavicle and Lower border of mandible Lowers angles of mouth;
shoulder and muscles around mouth raises skin of neck

R isorius Fascia of masseter Orbicularis oris; skin at angle Draws angle of mouth
of mouth laterally

Zygomaticus major Zygomatic bone Angle of mouth Raises angle of mouth;


Zygomaticus m inor Zygomatic bone Upper lip Raises upper lip

of their locations in or near inj ection pathways and be­ Vascular Review
cause of the effects of local anesthetic drugs o n their
function. Muscles themselves are infrequent targets of The vascular system of the head may be defined as the
anesthesia in dentistry ( see Figures AR- 1 3 • through bl o o d supply to the brain and the extracranial struc­
AR-16 •) . tures. This vascular network includes arteries, veins, and
Clinicians are encouraged t o identify the origins and capillaries that are mirrored on the right and left sides
insertions of muscles on skulls and to use skulls with of the head. As in other parts of the body, many arteries
attached muscles when available ( see Table AR-8 •). and veins share common names, especially those which

Levator Labii Superioris External Ca rotid Artery ( ECA)

Aloeque Nasi The external carotid is a large, extracranial artery, which
is the most important vessel when considering dental
Orbicularis Ocu l i local anesthesia. The ECA branches from the common
carotid artery at the superior border of thyroid carti­
Levator Labii Superioris
lage. It travels upward and medial to the internal carotid,
dividing into four maj o r segments, the anterior, medial,
Zygomaticus Minor
p osterior, and terminal branches. Thes e branches are
listed in Table AR-10 •· Maj or areas of distribution are
Zygomaticus Major
included for arteries with significance to dentistry ( see
Levator Ang u l i Oris Figure AR-17 •) .

Venous Dra i nage

Orbicularis Oris The venous blood system begins at the capillary networks.
Risorius (cut away) Capillaries connect with small veins or venules. As the vol­
Depressor Angu l i Oris ume of deoxygenated blood accumulates, venules empty
Depressor Labii lnferioris blood into larger veins, which typically follow similar path­
ways on the right and left sides of the head. These path­
Platysma (cut away) ways are more variable compared with arterial pathways
because of the greater degree of anastomosis in veins com­
FIGURE AR-1 3 Muscles of Facial Expression
pared with arteries.
In some areas, networks of veins form what is known
travel similar pathways and are deeply protected within as a venous plexus. The pterygoid plexus is a large venous
tissue. B l o o d vessels are interconnected by what are plexus located in the infratemporal fossa between the
known as anastomoses or openings from one vessel into temporalis and lateral pterygoid muscles. It has two im­
another. portant functions. It serves as part of the venous network

Table AR-8 M u scles of M astication

M uscle Origin Insertion Function

Buccinator Maxilla, mandible and Angle of mouth Forms anterior portion of

pterygomandibular raphe cheek

Masseter- Anterior 2/3 and inferior Lateral surface angle of Elevates ( closes ) mandible
superficial head border of zygomatic arch mandible

Masseter- Posterior one-third and medial Lateral surface above angle of Elevates ( closes ) mandible
deep head surface of zygomatic arch mandible

Lateral pterygoid- Inferior surface of greater wing Pterygoid fovea under the Lowers ( opens ) mandible;
superior head of sphenoid condyloid process; fibrous lateral movement of mandible;
capsule of TMJ protrusion of mandible

Lateral pterygoid- Lateral surface of Ia teral Pterygoid fovea under the Lowers ( opens) mandible;
inferior head pterygoid plate condyloid process; fibrous lateral movement of mandible;
capsule of TMJ protrusion of mandible

Medial pterygoid Medial surface of lateral Medial surface angle of Elevates ( closes ) mandible
pterygoid plate; pterygoid fossa mandible

Temporalis Temporal fossa Coronoid process of mandible Elevates (closes) mandible;

posterior portion retracts mandible

Tempora l is


Med ia l

j Superior
-1+-W..-- Buccinator

pterygoid Inferior Orbicularis

head oris

Superficial (cut)

F I G U RE AR-1 5 Muscles of Mastication - Lateral View - D eep


FIGURE AR-1 4 Muscles of Mastication - Lateral View ­


Superficial Muscles

returning deoxygenated blood to the heart. It also protects Superior pharyngeal

the maxillary artery (which travels inside the plexus in the constructor m uscle
area) by filling or emptying blood as needed, during j aw
movements. Although not a function, the plexus is also im­ Origin of Buccinator � /
Pterygomand ibular
portant in local anesthesia because of the increased risk of muscle "'-...._ raphe
bleeding if it is pierced during inj ection. Lingula Sphenomandibular
Venous blood from the brain or cranial cavity can col­ (at mandibular ligament
lect amid epithelial-lined spaces such as between the end­
osteal and meningeal layers of the dura mater. These areas ligament
are called venous sinuses. From sinuses, venous blood
drains into nearby veins. These veins are called emissary
veins, which, unlike most veins in the body, have no valves.
Without valves, blood flow is under greater influence of lo­
cal pressure changes. These changes can cause a two-way FIGURE AR-1 6 Ligaments - Medial View
flow of blood including through veins back into the sinuses.

Table AR-9 Ligaments

Ligament Origin Insertion Fu nction

Pterygomandibular Pterygoid hamulus Posterior of Connects superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle and
raphe mylohyoid line posterior buccinator muscle fibers

Sphenomandibular Spine of sphenoid bone Lingula Limits distension of mandible in an inferior direction

Table AR-1 0 External Caroti d Arte ry B ranches (E CA)

Artery Distribution Areas Pathway

Superficial temporal Side of head Posterior to neck of mandible

Parotid gland Superior as a terminal branch of ECA

Anterior branches (3):

• Superior thyroid Thyroid gland Inferior from ECA
Some anterior neck muscles

• Lingual Soft tissues under tongue to hyoid bone and Lower posterior border of mandible, forms
tongue multiple branches that travel inferiorly

• Facial Skin and muscles of lips, cheeks, nose, Anterior and medial to ramus, superior to
around eye submandibular saliva gland, crosses under
Soft palate, palatine muscles, palatine tonsils border of mandible, forms multiple branches,
Submandibular lymph nodes and salivary glands which travel superiorly
Mylohyoid and digastric muscles

Middle branch* Wall of pharynx, soft palate, meninges, posterior Ascends vertically deep in neck between internal
cranial fossa, and many cranial nerves carotid and side of pharynx to undersurface of
• Ascending pharyngeal
base of skull, forms multiple smaller branches

Posterior Posterior scalp Posterior of ECA distal to ramus

branches (2):* Suprahyoid
Sternocleidomastoid muscles
• Occipital

• Posterior auricular Scalp around ear Posterior of ECA

Ear Superior to occipital artery

Terminal branches
Maxillary (MA)
First section

• Deep auricular* TMJ Branches within glandular tissues of parotid

Tympanic membrane behind TMJ
Skin of ear

• Middle meningeal Dura mater Branches in infratemporal fossa

Travels through foramen spinosum

• Inferior alveolar ( IA ) Pulp and periodontium of mandibular molar IA artery travels inferiorly from the MA
and premolar teeth between ramus and sphenomandibular
ligament inferior to IA nerve
1. Mylohyoid Floor of mouth, mylohyoid muscle Branches from IA before it enters mandibular
2. Incisive Pulp and periodontium of mandibular incisor teeth IA branches at mental foramen
Internal terminal branch is incisive artery

3. Mental Skin of chin External terminal branch of IA travels through

mental foramen


Table AR-1 0 (Continued)

Artery Distribution Areas Pathway

Maxillary (MA)
Second section
• Deep temporal Temporalis muscle Travels superiorly between temporalis muscle
and pericranium

• Pterygoid branches Medial/lateral pterygoid muscles Variable number of branches supply pterygoid
Branches inferiorly and superiorly from MA

• Masseteric Masseter muscle Branches between neck of mandible and

sphenomandibular ligament
Travels laterally through mandibular notch

• Buccal Buccinator muscle; skin and mucous Travels forward obliquely between medial
membranes of cheek pterygoid and temporalis to lateral surface of
buccinator muscle

Maxillary (MA)
Third section

• Posterior superior Pulp and periodontium of maxillary posterior Branches before MA enters pterygopalatine
alveolar ( PSA ) teeth fossa
Maxillary sinus Travels along infratemporal surface of maxilla

• Infraorbital ( IO ) Lower eyelid Travels forward in IO groove and canal

Side of nose Exits IO foramen
Upper lip

1. Anterior superior Pulp and periodontium of maxillary anterior Travels inferiorly from IO artery and descends
teeth through alveolar canals
Maxillary sinus

• Sphenopalatine Nasal cavity Travels through sphenopalatine foramen and

enters nasal cavity and forms smaller branches

1. Nasopalatine* Lingual mucosa and gingiva of maxillary Travels along nasal septum and through
anterior teeth incisive foramen

• D escending palatine Hard palatal Travels in palatine canal and divides from
descending palatine to greater and Jesser
palatine arteries

1. Greater pal atine* Gingiva and mucosa of maxillary posterior teeth Travels through greater palatine foramen

2. Lesser palatine* Soft palate Travels through lesser palatine foramen

Palatine tonsils
• Artery of pterygoid Auditory Travels posteriorly into pterygoid canal
canal* Sphenoid sinus tube

*Not illustrated.

If an infection is present, it can spread via the emissary veins, blood flows into the brachiocephalic veins and then
veins through the sinuses and from there into the brain. into the subclavian veins. The right and left subclavians
Venous blood from intracranial structures and from j oin, forming the superior vena cava, which conducts blood
deep structures of the face and neck drain into the internal flow into the right atrium of the heart. See Table AR-1 1 •
jugular vein. The external and anterior jugular veins drain and Figure AR-18 •·
superficial structures of the head and neck. From these

Posterior superior
Superficial temporal artery alveolar artery

Infraorbital artery

Maxi llary artery

palatine artery

External carotid

Facial artery

Inferior alveolar artery

Lingual artery
Superior thyroid

Deep tem pora l Sphenopalatine

a rteries artery

Superficial -----­ Infraorbital

temporal artery artery

Middle meni ngeal Posterior superior

artery alveolar artery

Anterior su perior
alveolar artery

Inferior alveolar Incisive artery

Mental artery

External carotid Mylohyoid

artery artery Facial artery

FIGURE AR-1 7 External Carotid Artery Branches


Table AR-1 1 Ve nous B l ood Return

Vei n Tributa ries/Collection Areas Pathway


• Retromandibulars Superficial temporal vein Begins within parotid gland

Maxillary vein Travels downward and superficial to ECA
Commonly divides:
Anterior division j oins facial vein
Posterior division flows downward and superficial to ster­
nocleidomastoid muscle

1. Superficial Frontal B egins on side and vortex of skull

temporal Supraorbital Travels downward along temporal bone
Traverses through parotid gland

2. Maxillary External auditory meatus Begins from pterygoid plexus

Tympanic membrane Traverses through parotid gland
Pterygoid plexus Travels backward between sphenomandibular
Middle meningeal ligament and neck of mandible
Posterior superior alveolar
Inferior alveolar

• Posterior auricular Occipital plexus D escends posterior to ear

Superficial temporal plexus Joins posterior part of retromandibular vein


• Diploic brain Structures of the brain Posterior to internal carotid artery
Sigmoid sinus of dura mater

• Common facial Frontal region B egins on forehead

1. Supraorbital/ Tissues of orbit Passes downward superficial to frontalis muscle

2. Angular Supraorbital vein Forms at medial part of eye

Supratrochlear vein Travels lateral of nose
B ecomes anterior facial vein

3. Superior labial Upper lip Anastomoses from upper lip

4. Inferior labial Lower lip Anastomoses from lower lip

5. Submental Chin region Anastomoses with branches of lingual vein and inferior
Submandibular region alveolar vein
Parallels submental artery on superficial of mylohyoid

6. Lingual Ventral and dorsal surface of tongue Travels with lingual artery
Floor of mouth Deep to hypoglossus muscle
Variable drainage

• Pterygoid plexus Middle meningeal Located in infratemporal fossa near pterygoid muscles,
Anterior superior alveolar around the second and third sections of maxillary artery
Middle superior alveolar Communicates with cavernous sinus, pharyngeal venous
Posterior superior alveolar plexus
Inferior alveolar Anastomoses with deep facial vein, facial vein, and retro­
Greater palatine mandibular vein
Lesser palatine

Maxi l lary vein

Pte rygoid
retromandibular vein

retromandibular vei n

facial vei n

Deep facial vein

� S u perior labial
Posterior auricular vei n (extend branches)

External j u g u lar vei n
\' I nferior labial

S u b m e ntal
(extend branch)

""--- I nternal j u g u lar vein

Common facial vein

FIGURE AR-1 8 Jugular Veins

Nerve Review continue into the mid-lateral section of the pons in the
The target nerves of most dental local anesthetic inj ections Motor roots of the right and left mandibular divisions
are branches of the trigeminal nerve. A comprehensive form in the pons and medulla. They travel in separate lo­
knowledge of the trigeminal nerve is essential to perform­ cations from sensory nerves, in a lateral and inferior di­
ing dental local anesthetic techniques. In addition to target rection to the trigeminal ganglion before exiting the skull
nerves, branches of the facial nerve are sometimes inad­ through the foramen ovale and j oining the sensory roots of
vertently anesthetized because of their close approxima­ the mandibular division.
tion to trigeminal branches within oral and facial tissues. The three divisions of the trigeminal are the ophthal­
In all cases, nerve pathways can vary and their variations mic (V1), maxillary (V2) , and mandibular (V3) nerves. All
can significantly affect the success of anesthesia. In order three divisions pass through openings in the sphenoid
to understand typical nerve branch patterns, skulls with at­ bone. The ophthalmic nerve passes through the superior
tached nerves can be helpful. orbital fissure. The maxillary nerve passes through the fo­
Suggested anatomical features to locate on skulls are ramen rotundum. The mandibular nerve passes through
listed in the tables in this section. the foramen ovate.

Trigeminal Nerve Ophth a l m ic Division (V 1 )

The trigeminal nerves are the largest of the cranial nerves. The ophthalmic nerve is the first division of the trigemi­
Similar innervation patterns are seen on both the right and nal nerve. It transmits sensory information through the
left sides of the face. They have afferent or sensory nerve superior orbital fissure and travels along the lateral wall
roots that convey information about touch, temperature, of the cavernous sinus to the anterosuperior aspect of
pain, and proprioception from the scalp, face, oral cavity, the trigeminal ganglion. The ophthalmic is the small­
tongue, and teeth, and a smaller efferent or motor nerve est division of the trigeminal nerve and has three main
root, which provides innervation mainly to the muscles of branches, the frontal, lacrimal, and nasociliary. Local an­
mastication. esthetic inj ection techniques in dentistry do not typically
Sensory nerves travel to each trigeminal ganglion lo­ target these branches. See Table AR- 1 2 • and Figure
cated on the anterior aspect of the petrous portion of the AR-19 •·
temporal bone. B eyond the ganglion, sensory nerve fibers

Table AR-1 2 O p htha l m i c Division Branches of Trigem i n a l Nerve (V1)

Nerve Innervation Pathway

• Frontal Skin of forehead Develops from two smaller nerves

Eyelids Travels along superior of orbit
Skin of nose

• Nasociliary Medial of eyelid Develops from several smaller nerves

Side of nose Travels across optic nerve and then along medial wall of orbit
Parts of eyeball
Mucous membrane of nose
Paranasal sinuses

• Lacrimal Lateral of upper eyelid Travels along lateral superior of orbit

Conjunctiva Receives autonomic nervous fibers from zygomatic branch of maxillary
Lacrimal gland nerve

infraorbital canal, and on the face. In dentistry, maxillary

and palatal inj ection techniques are used to anesthetize
the maxillary nerve and its branches. See Table AR-13 •
and Figure AR-20 •·

Mandibular Division (V3)

The mandibular nerve is the third a nd largest division
of the trigeminal nerve and the only division to con­
tain a motor or an efferent root. The larger sensory or
afferent root transmits information from half the man­
dibular teeth, their associated periodontium, the mucous
membranes of the cheek, the anterior two-thirds of the
tongue, mastoid cells, lateral scalp, the skin anterior to
ear, the lower cheek, lower lip and chin, parotid gland,
the temporomandibular j oint, and the remaining bone of
the mandible on one side.
Muscles innervated by the efferent components in­
clude the temporalis, masseter, medial and lateral ptery­
goid, tensor veli palatini, and the tensor tympani.
FIGURE AR-1 9 Trigeminal - Ophthalmic Division V1
The nerves of the mandibular division branch in three
areas, including the undivided trigeminal nerve and the
A - Frontal, B - Nasociliary, C - Lacrimal.
anterior and posterior division. In dentistry, mandibu­
lar inj ection techniques are used to anesthetize several
branches of the mandibular nerve. See Table AR-14 • and
Maxi l l a ry Division (V2 ) Figure AR-21 •·
The maxillary nerve is the second division of the trigemi­
nal nerve. It transmits sensory information in the maxillary Facia l Nerve (VI I )
region from the maxillary teeth, periodontium and gingiva, Local anesthetic techniques in dentistry have been devel­
and from the maxillary sinuses, nasal cavity, palate, naso­ oped to anesthetize branches of the trigeminal nerve. Some
pharynx, a portion of the dura mater, and the skin cover­ extent of facial nerve anesthesia is unavoidable at times
ing the maxillae. The maxillary nerve passes through the when using these techniques. Like the trigeminal nerve, fa­
foramen rotundum in the sphenoid bone to the mid-ante­ cial nerves have consistent patterns of innervation with fre­
rior aspect of the trigeminal ganglion. The maxillary nerve quent variations on the right and left sides of the face. Facial
branches in four areas, the cranium, pterygopalatine fossa, nerves have efferent, parasympathetic, and afferent roots.

Table AR-1 3 Maxi l l a ry Division Branches of Tri g e m i n a l N e rve (V2)

Nerve Innervation Pathway

• Middle meningeal nerve Dura mater Formed from convergence of small nerves from
dura mater
Join maxillary nerve near trigeminal ganglion
Travels with middle meningeal artery
• Zygomatic
1. Zygomaticofacial Side of forehead skin Travels through inferior orbital fissure

2. Zygomaticotemporal Upper cheek skin Travels through inferior orbital fissure

• Nasopalatine ( NP ) Gingival, mucosal, and osseous tissue from Travels through incisive foramen and incisive
central incisor to canine canal
Along nasal septum to roof of nasal cavity
• Palatine
1. Greater palatine Palatal gingival, mucosal, and osseous tissue Travels through greater palatine foramen on
from premolars to posterior of hard palate hard palate of maxilla
2. Lesser palatine Palatal mucosa of soft palate Travels through lesser palatine foramen to pala­
tine canal
• Posterior superior Dental pulp, facial gingiva, periodontal ligament, Commonly divides:
alveolar ( PSA ) alveolar bone of maxillary first, second, and External branch travels along surface of poste­
third molars, except mesiobuccal root of first rior maxilla
molar Internal branch travels through PSA foramina
on tuberosity of maxilla
• Infraorbital D ental pulp, facial gingiva, periodontal liga­ Formed by the convergence of terminal facial
ment, and alveolar bone of maxillary teeth, branches, MSA and ASA nerves
including incisors, canine, first and second pre­ Travels through the infraorbital canal
molars, and mesiobuccal root of first molar in
some individuals
1. Middle superior Dental pulp, facial gingiva, periodontal liga­ Travels from dental plexus
alveolar ( MSA ) ment, and alveolar bone of maxillary first and Variable innervation or MSA
second premolars and mesiobuccal root of May be absent
first molar in some individuals
2. Anterior superior Dental pulps, facial gingiva, periodontal ligament, Travels from dental plexus through
alveolar (ASA ) and alveolar bone of maxillary central incisor anterior of maxillary sinus and
through canine infraorbital foramen
• Superior labial Upper lip skin and mucous membranes Travels from upper lip and to infraorbital
• External nasal Lateral of nose skin Travels from lateral side on nose to
infraorbital foramen
• Inferior palpebral Lower eyelid skin Travels from lateral side on nose to
infraorbital foramen

FIGURE AR-20 Trigeminal- Maxillary Division V2 A- Zygomatic,

B - Pterygopalatine Ganglion, C - Greater Palatine, D - Lesser
Palatine, E - Posterior Superior Alveolar, F- Infraorbital,
G - Inferior Palpebral, H - External Nasal, ! - Superior Labial,
J- Middle Superior Alveolar, K- Anterior Superior Alveolar,
L- Nasopalatine, M- Maxillary Dental Plexus.

Table AR-1 4 M a n d i b u l a r Division Branches of Trigem i n a l Nerve (V3)

Nerve Innervation Pathway


• Nervus spinosus Dura mater Formed from convergence of nerves from dura
Enters skull through foramen spinosum


• Masseteric Masseter muscle Travels laterally superior to lateral pterygoid

Small branch to TMJ muscle
Crosses mandibular notch with masseteric
Anterior to TMJ

• Temporal Temporalis muscle Travels superior to lateral pterygoid muscle

1. Anterior temporal between skull and temporalis muscle
2. Posterior deep temporal

• Buccal Skin and mucous membrane covering buc­ Travels anteriorly between heads of lateral
cinator muscle pterygoid muscle and along inferior part of
Gingiva mandibular molars temporalis muscle to anterior of masseter
Crosses anterior border of ramus and enters
Does not innervate buccinator muscle

• Lateral pterygoid Lateral pterygoid muscle Travels into deep surface of muscle


• Auriculotemporal Skin of temporal area Travels posteriorly and inferior to lateral pter­
ygoid and to medial side of ramus, superiorly
deep to parotid gland, over zygomatic arch
and branches to superficial temporal nerves

Nerve Innervation Pathway

• Lingual Mucous membrane and gingival of lingual Descends between medial pterygoid muscle
side of mandibular teeth and ramus
Anterior two-thirds of tongue and floor of Crosses ramus and travels anteromedially to
mouth inferior alveolar nerve

• Inferior alveolar ( IA ) Dental pulp, facial gingiva, periodontal Travels medial to lateral pterygoid muscle
ligament and alveolar bone of mandibular through pterygomandibular space between
teeth except for facial gingiva of mandibu­ sphenomandibular ligament and medial surface
lar molars of ramus
Enters mandibular foramen and travels in man­
dibular canal

1 . Mylohyoid Mylohyoid muscle Branches before IA enters mandibular foramen

Anterior belly of digastric muscle Descends in mylohyoid groove deep on medial
surface of body of mandible

2. Mental Skin of chin Travels through mental foramen as a terminal

Lower lip skin and mucous membrane branch of IA nerve

3. Incisive Dental pulp, facial gingiva, periodontal Travels as a terminal branch of IA nerve
ligament and alveolar bone of mandibular
premolar and anterior teeth

The facial efferent root forms in the facial nerve nu­

cleus in the pons. It exits between the pons and medulla
on the ventral surface and travels to the petrous portions
of the temporal bone, into the auditory meatus. It then
follows a winding course through the facial canal. The
facial nerve exits the skull through the stylomastoid fo­
ramen and travels within the parotid gland, dividing into
five maj or branches on each side of the face.
The nervus intermedius of the facial nerve carries
both parasympathetic fibers and afferent fibers. It is called
the nervus intermedius because it arises between the ef­
ferent facial nerve and the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
in the pons. It travels alongside the efferent root to the
petrous portion of the temporal bone and through the in­
ternal auditory meatus. At the facial canal, the nervus in­
termedius unites with the efferent root at the geniculate
Within the facial canal, three branches divide from
the facial nerve, the greater petrosal, the nerve to stape­
dius, and the chorda tympani. Distal to the stylomastoid F I G U R E A R - 2 1 Tr i g e m i n a l - M an d i b u l a r D iv i s i o n V3
foramen, the facial nerve divides into a posterior auricular A - Mandibular Division, B- Nervus spinosus, C- Auriculotemporal,
branch, a branch to the posterior belly of digastric and the D - Inferior Alveolar, E - Submandibular Ganglion,
stylohyoid muscles, and to the muscles of facial expression. F - Masseteric, G - Mylohyoid, H - Temporals, I - Pterygoids,
The muscles of facial expression include temporal, zygo­ J - B u c c a l , K - L i n g u a l , L - M an d i b u l a r D e n t a l P l e x u s ,
matic, buccal, marginal mandibular, and cervical muscles. M - Incisive, N - Mental Buccal, K - Lingual, L - Mandibular
See Table AR-15. Dental Plexus, M- Incisive, N- Mental.

Table AR-1 5 Facial Nerve B ra n ches (VII)

Nerve Innervation Pathway


• Greater petrosal Parasympathetic to lacrimal gland From geniculate ganglion, travels to anterior
Special afferent taste to palate surface of petrous temporal bone, and to
pterygoid ganglion
Joins with branches of maxillary nerve

• Stapedius Motor to stapedius muscle in middle ear Travels through small canal in pyramidal
eminence to small stapedius muscle

• Chorda tympani Parasympathetic to submandibular and Travels posterior to anterior across the
sublingual glands tympanic membrane in middle ear, between
Special afferent taste fibers for anterior malleus and incus; through petro-tympanic
two-thirds of tongue fissure into infratemporal fossa
Joins with lingual nerve and travels to
submandibular ganglion
Fibers innervate glands
Extend to anterior two-thirds of tongue with
lingual nerve


• Posterior auricular Motor to occipital belly of epicranial Travels superiorly behind ear in front of
muscle mastoid process
Posterior of ear and scalp

• Posterior belly of digastric and Motor to belly of posterior digastric and Branches form near posterior of muscles
stylohyoid stylohyoid muscles under mandible

• Facial expression
1. Temporal Motor to frontal belly of epicranial, Branches from parotid plexus and distributes
superior part of orbicularis oculi, and superficially to muscles innervated
corrugator supercilii muscle

2. Zygomatic Motor to muscles at lateral angle of Travels across zygomatic bone to lateral of
orbit, inferior part of orbicularis oculi orbit
and zygomatic major and minor muscles Joins fibers of maxillary nerve

3. Buccal Motor to buccinator, risorius, orbicularis Travels under skin superficially to muscles
oris muscles Joins fibers of ophthalmic and infraorbital
Upper lip, small muscles of nose nerves

4. Marginal mandibular Motor to lower orbicularis oris and Travels anteriorly under platysma and triangularis
mentalis muscles muscles
Lower lip and chin Joins fibers of mental branch on IA nerve

5. Cervical Motor to platysma muscle Travels below mandible

Norton, N. (2007). Netter's head and neck anatomy for dentistry.

Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier.
Baker, E. W. (20 10). Head and neck anatomy for dental medicine. Pansky, B., & Gest, T. R. (20 14). Lippincott's concise illustrated
New York: Thieme. anatomy (Vol. 3). B altimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Malamed, S. F. (2004). Handbook of local anesthesia (5th ed.). Rohen, J. W., & Yokochi, C. (1993). Color atlas of anatomy
St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. (3rd ed.). New York: Igaku-shoin Medical Publishers, Inc.
Malamed, S. F. (20 1 3 ) . Handbook of local anesthesia (6th ed.). Structure of the Human Body. Retrieved November 12, 2008,
St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. from
Netter, F. H. (2003). Atlas of human anatomy (4th ed.). Philadelphia:
Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 1 -Perspectives on Local Question 6: In the process of debriefing, which one of the
following is not useful when managing fearful patients?
Anesthesia for Dental Professionals Answer 6: D -This response does not include patient par­
These questions are provided to generate discussion. ticipation in decision making.
• Identify a variety of local anesthesia providers in
North America. C hapter 3-The Neuroanatomy and
• Identify and discuss the importance of the funda­ Neurophysiology of Pain Control
mentals of pain management. Question 1 : Which of the following statements most
• Identify and discuss the responsibilities of local anes­ accurately describe(s) the maj or differences between
thesia providers. sensory and motor neurons?
Answer 1 : D - All of the above accurately describe the
differences between sensory and motor neurons.

Chapter 2-Fundamentals of Pain Question 2: Which of the following sequences best describes
the events in a successful impulse generation?
M anagement Answer 2 : A - Stimulation slowly depolarizes. In a suc­
Question 1 : Which statement best describes pain as a pro­ cessful impulse generation, the firing threshold is
tective response? reached and rapid depolarization occurs followed by
Answer 1 : C - Pain is a rapid, reflexive, subconscious recovery to the resting state.
reaction. Question 3: How are Schwann cells and nodes of Ranvier
Question 2: Which of these groups of variables does not related?
affect the experience of pain? Answer 3: C - Gaps between cells on nerve membranes
Answer 2: D - All of these affect individual pain experi­ are called nodes of Ranvier.
ences except body weight and height. Question 4: Which fiber types are responsible for providing
Question 3 : Which one of the following statements regard­ sensory information from dental and periodontal tissues?
ing nociception is true? Answer 4: D - "A" delta and "C" fibers.
Answer 3: A - Nociception is polymodal. This means Question 5: Which of the fibers in question #4 are myelinated?
that it can detect inj ury from chemical, mechanical, Answer 5: C - "A delta" fibers are lightly myelinated; "C"
and thermal stimuli even though all are registered fibers are nonmyelinated.
as pain.
Question 6: What are three divisions of the dental plexus?
Question 4: Which one of the following is an example of Answer 6: C - Interdental, interradicular, and dental.
neuropathic pain?
Answer 4: D - Neuropathic pain is caused by nerve tissue
injury or dysfunction of the sensory nerves in the cen­
Chapter 4-Pharmacology Basics
tral or peripheral nervous systems. Trigeminal neural­
gia is the only example of this. Question 1 : Elimination half-life refers to which one of the
Question 5: Which one of the following will help patients
Answer 1: C - Half-life refers to the time it takes for 50%
cope with anxiety and fear?
of a drug to be removed from the systemic circulation.
Answer 5: D - Prepare, rehears e , empower, and praise
patients to reduce anxiety and fear. The PREP strat­ Question 2 : Ester local anesthetics are metabolized in
egy can build trust and provide reassurance. Clinicians which one of the following pathways?
may find the use of these stress-reducing techniques Answer 2: B- Esters are metabolized in the blood via
helpful for themselves as well. plasma cholinesterase.


Question 3 : CNS toxicity occurs because of: Question 4: A periodontist requires hemostasis on palatal
Answer 3: A - CNS toxicity is due to conduction blockade of tissues in the maxillary left quadrant before elevat­
vital functions within the CNS due to the normal func­ ing a surgical flap. Which one of the following drugs
tioning of nerve cells in response to local anesthetic drugs. would furnish the most vigorous hemostasis?
Answer 4: C - The local anesthetic drugs are irrelevant to
Question 4: CVS toxicity occurs because of:
hemostasis. Epinephrine provides the most vigorous
Answer 4: C - Decreased myocardial contractility and hy­
hemostasis. Its highest concentration is found in the
potension due to vasodilation, if they occur, will fur­
1 :50,000 dilution.
ther worsen an already developing CNS depression.
Some initial heart rate elevation and hypertension Question 5: Which characteristic of a local anesthetic
may occur, however, in early overdosing. d r u g d e t e r m i n e s how w e l l i t w o r k s w i t h o u t a
Question 5: Which portion of the anesthetic molecule is
Answer 5: B- Vasoactivity. Drugs that are weak vasodila­
responsible for binding to the receptor site inside the
tors will remain in the area of deposition longer. Vig­
nerve membrane thereby preventing depolarization?
orous vasodilators enhance their own uptake into the
Answer 5 : D - Only the cation can bind to the specific re­
systemic circulation, and therefore, vasoconstrictors
ceptor sites in nerve membranes to prevent impulse
must accompany their use.
generation and conduction.
Question 6: If a patient is taking a tricyclic antidepressant
Question 6: Which part of a local anesthetic molecule deter­
and a beta-blocker, which one of the following drugs
mines the classification of the drug as an ester or amide?
would be most appropriate to administer?
Answer 6: C - Local anesthetic drugs are classified accord­
Answer 6: C - Tricyclic antidepressants require care with
ing to their intermediate chains as esters or amides.
vasoconstrictors, and levonordefrin, especially, should
Except for its largely nonhepatic, ester-like metabolic
not be used because of the risk of serious elevations
pathways and its therefore shorter elimination half­
of BP. Levonordefrin is safer to use in the presence of
life, articaine cannot be mistaken for an ester.
beta-blockers compared with epinephrine. There are
Question 7: Which of the following is not a systemic reac­ no issues with mepivacaine plain because there are no
tion to an overdose of a local anesthetic agent? contraindications to the anesthetic drugs themselves.
Answer 7: A - An overdose of local anesthetic drugs will
Question 7: Methemoglobinemia is a life-threatening con­
result in depression of the CNS. The initial excitatory
dition that may be precipitated by which one of the
phase is actually due to depression of inhibitory actions
following drugs?
of the CNS.
Answer 7: C - Prilocaine.

Chapter 5-Dental Local Anesthetic Question 8: Arrange the inj ectable local anesthetic drugs
in descending order of overall CNS and CVS toxicity.
Answer 8: B- Considering overall toxicity to the CNS and
Question 1 : The definition of the maximum recommended CVS, prilocaine is the least toxic, approximately seven
dose ( MRD ) of a drug fits best which one of the fol­ times less toxic compared with bupivacaine. Articaine
lowing definitions? is less toxic than lidocaine and mepivacaine overall is
Answer 1: D - The MRD of a drug is an established safe more toxic than lidocaine, although it is not thought to
guideline for administration. be in doses used in dentistry.
Question 2: Which one of the following best describes ar­
ticaine's metabolism? C hapter 6-Vasoconstrictors
Answer 2: B- Articaine is primarily metabolized via
in Dentistry
plasma cholinesterase. Its metabolism is not similar to
prilocaine's. It is metabolized only one about 5% to Question 1 : Which one of the following vasoconstrictors is
10% in the liver. Very little is excreted unchanged. most useful in providing hemostasis?
Answer 1 : B - Epinephrine provides the most vigorous
Question 3 : You are treating a patient with significant car­
hemostasis of this group.
diovascular compromise who suffers from significant
liver damage. Which one of the following drugs would Question 2: A patient has significant cardiovascular dis­
be most appropriate for this p atient when you are ease and requires a restorative procedure on tooth
anesthetizing the maxillary right quadrant? #5 . Retraction cord and hemostasis are needed in
Answer 3: C - 4 % articaine , 1 :200,000, addresses both order to keep the restorative site dry. Which one of
significant CVS and hepatic compromise. The other the following drugs would be most indicated in this
three drugs are metabolized in the liver, including 3 % situation?
mepivacaine , which otherwise would b e a n excellent Answer 2: A - Dilutions of 1 :200,000 epinephrine contain
choice in CVS compromise. At 1:200,000 epinephrine, the least 'vasoconstrictor' and are indicated because
articaine is the best overall selection. they are the s afest and yet provide hemostasis. If

hemostasis were not needed, plain drugs would work profoundly anesthetized. How many cartridges of 4 %
well in shorter treatment times. articaine, 1 :200,000 epinephrine, may be administered
if the individual weighs 160 lbs?
Question 3 : Which one of the following statements is true?
Answer 5 : C - 4 cartridges of 2% lidocaine = 144 mg. The
Answer 3 : C - Levonordefrin provides less cardiac stimu­
absolute maximum is 500 mg for lidocaine or 3.2 mg/
lation compared with epinephrine.
lb x 150 or more pounds = 480 mg. 480 mg - 144 mg
Question 4: Epinephrine's metabolism is relatively rapid = 336 mg. 336 mg/72 mg per cartridge of 4% artic­
after local anesthesia administration. aine = 4.5 cartridges ( rounded down to nearest half
Answer 4: A - Compared with the local anesthetic drug's cartridge ) .
metabolism, epinephrine ' s metabolism is generally
Question 6: How many cartridges of 4 % articaine, 1 :200,000
much more rapid.
epinephrine, may be administered for an individual with
Question 5: Metabolic enzymes for epinephrine include significant cardiovascular compromise?
which of the following? Answer 6 : D - The m aximum for epinephrine in sig­
Answer 5: A - Epinephrine is metabolized by COMT and nificant cardiovascular compromise is 0.04 mg. Each
MAO. cartridge of a dilution of 1 :200,000 epinephrine con­
tains 0.009 mg of epinephrine. 0.04 mg/0.009 mg per
Question 6: A diabetic patient requires periodontal ther­
cartridge of 4% articaine, 1 :200,000 epinephrine = 4
apy on the upper and lower right quadrants . She is
well-controlled and otherwise healthy. Which one of
the following represents the safest and most effective Question 7: Which one of the following accurately de­
local anesthesia regimen? scribes available formulations?
Answer 6: B - Epinephrine can raise blood sugar levels. Answer 7: C - Available formulations of 2% lidocaine in­
The lowest quantity of epinephrine is found in combi­ clude 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine and 1 :50,000 epinephrine.
nation " B " where half of the administered volume has
Question 8: The maximum dose per weight of 4% artic­
no epinephrine. The lowest amount of vasoconstric­
aine, 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine, for children is:
tor should always be used in all individuals. B ecause
Answer 8: D - The maximum dose per pound of 4% artic­
this patient is a well-controlled diabetic and otherwise
aine is 3.2 mg/lb for all individuals.
healthy, no special precautions are necessary and the
default principle applies. Use the least amount of drug Question 9: 0 . 5 % bupivacaine , 1 : 200,000 epinephrine ,
necessary. contains how many milligrams o f anesthetic drug per
Answer 9 : A - By definition, a 1 % drug contains 10 mg
Chapter 7-Dose Calculations for per milliliter. There are therefore 18 mg in a 1 .8 mL
cartridge. 0.5 % drugs contain half this amount or 5 mg
Local Anesthetic Solutions
per milliliter. In 1 . 8 mL of a 0.5 % drug, there is 5 mg
Question 1 : All of the following are correct when consid­ in the first milliliter and 5 mg x 0.8 4 mg in the addi­

ering MRDs, except: tional 0.8 mL. 5 mg + 4 mg = 9 mg/cartridge of a 0.5 %

Answer 1 : C - The absolute maximum for lidocaine is drug.
500 mg ( 3.2 mg/lb, 7.0 mg/kg )
Question 2: Relevant information and mathematical oper­ Chapter 8-Topical Anesthetics
ations required to calculate drug doses for local anes­
Question 1 : Eutectic mixtures have which of the following
thetics and vasoconstrictors include all but which one
of the following?
Answer 1 : D - The term eutectic refers to a substance that
Answer 2: D- Local anesthetic toxicity is weight related,
has a lower melting point than any of its ingredients.
but height is not a relevant factor.
Eutectic topicals not only have lower melting points
Question 3: Which one of the following is not related to to facilitate penetration through tissue barriers but
the MRD for 2% lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine? they are formulated primarily in the base form so that
Answer 3: B- This is correct for epinephrine alone but is too they can provide anesthesia more rapidly.
much for lidocaine, the limiting drug in this situation.
Question 2: Which of the following lists is most accurate
Question 4: What is the MRD for vasoconstrictors when when describing topical anesthetic uses?
administering 2% lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000 epinephrine, to Answer 2: D - All of the above.
a healthy individual?
Question 3: Which one of the following statements is in­
Answer 4: C - 0. 2 mg is the MRD for epinephrine in a
correct regarding maximum recommended doses of
healthy individual.
topical anesthetics?
Question 5: An individual has received 4 cartridges of Answer 3 : C - Metered sprays are generally easier to
2 % lidocaine , 1 : 1 00 , 0 0 0 epinephrin e , and is n o t track. Unmetered sprays are not.

Question 4: Generous quantities of topical and inj ected because of the ease of aspiration, 25-gauge needles
anesthesia have been administered when the patient are beneficial in highly vascular areas.
begins to shake and appears agitated and anxious. Is
Question 4: Long needles are approximately _____
there reason for concern?
Answer 4: A - Tremors and agitation may be early signs
Answer 4: B - Long needles average -32 mm (Ph inches),
of CNS depression. They are also reactions that occur
with some noted to be as long as 40 mm.
in response to the stress of dental appointments. It is
important to remain alert to the development of fur­ Question 5: When a stopper is extruded, what has likely
ther signs and symptoms of CNS depression. caused the problem?
Answer 5: B - Freezing during shipping or handling causes
Question 5: Topical anesthetic mixtures may be of benefit
expansion of the solution that dislodges the stopper.
in all but which one of the following ways?
Answer 5: D - Adding additional drugs does not decrease Question 6: During an infiltration inj ection, you give the
the potential for adverse reactions; it generally in­ patient three stopper-widths of local anesthetic. How
creases the potential. much solution have you inj ected into the patient?
Answer 6: D - Each stopper's width displaces 0.2 mL of
Question 6: All of the following statements are true re­
solutions; therefore, three stoppers would displace
garding compounded drugs, except:
0.6 mL.
Answer 6: B - Compounded drugs, including compounded
topicals, may be used only by individuals for whom Question 7: What substance is used as the preservative for
they were prescribed. epinephrine in local anesthetic cartridges?
Answer 7: A - Sodium bisulfite and methylparaben are
Question 7: The predominantly base form of lidocaine
preservatives; however, because of the high incidence
topical anesthetic is safer than the predominantly hy­
of allergy to methylparaben, it is no longer used in lo­
drochloride salt.
cal anesthetic agents.
Answer 7: A - True. The base form has less ability to be
absorbed systemically.
C hapter 1 0-Patient Assessment for
Question 8: Dyclonine hydrochloride is an excellent and
very durable topical anesthetic and belongs to which Local Anesthesia
one of the following classes of anesthetic? Question 1 : The delivery of local anesthesia requires
Answer 8: B - Dyclonine has a ketone linkage as opposed both medical and technical skills. Which one of the
to amide or ester. following is not one of the six elements of the ASA
Medical Components of Care associated with regional
C hapter 9-Local Anesthetic Delivery Answer 1: B - Although useful for planning a course of
Devices anesthesia, tooth charting is not one of the ASA Med­
ical Components of Care.
Question 1 : Which one of the following statements is
correct? Question 2: The ASA (American Society of Anesthesiolo­
Answer 1: D - Negative pressure is developed in both sy­ gists) Physical Status Classification System categorizes
ringes although the mechanism for creating the pres­ patients based on their overall health. Classification
sure is different for each. P3 describes which one of the following?
Answer 2: B - ASA Classification P3 is defined as "Severe
Question 2: Which one of the following is correct when
Systemic Disease."
addressing OSHA requirements for medical device
safety in dentistry? Question 3 : Which of the following is not considered a
Answer 2: D - It is permissible to bend uncontaminated main tool for patient assessment when planning for lo­
needles according to OSHA. Two hands are never al­ cal anesthesia?
lowed unless one is holding a hemostat or cotton pli­ Answer 3: C - Although important when monitoring total
ers to hold the cap. Contaminated needles may never doses of drug delivered, this is not considered a main
be bent. tool for patient assessment.
Question 3 : In comp aring a 2 5 -gauge n e e d l e with a Question 4 : Which one of the following drugs is an ab­
30-gauge needle, the 25-gauge needle: solute contraindication for patients with poorly con­
Answer 3: D - 25 -gauge n e e d l e s have larger lumens trolled or uncontrolled hyperthyroidism?
and are thought to have greater ease of aspiration; Answer 4: C -Epinephrine and Felypressin are both vaso­
30-gauge needles have the greatest risk for breakage; constrictors; however, Felypressin has no adrenergic
studies demonstrate that patients cannot perceive the effects and is therefore safe to use for patients with
difference between the various needle gauges ; and hyperthyroidism.

Question 5: Your patient has identified or you suspect that Q uestion 6 : When is it safe to deposit local anesthetic
your p atient has used methamphetamines approxi­ solution?
mately 20 hours ago. Which of the following would be Answer 6: D - It is s afe to deposit the anesthetic solu­
the most appropriate action when considering the use tion once a negative aspiration is confirmed, includ­
of local anesthetics? ing when there is no preceding positive aspiration;
Answer 5: C - Administration of vasoconstrictors may when previous positive aspiration does not obscure
result in hypertensive crisis, stroke, or myocardial in­ subsequent aspirations; and only when the clinician
farction. It is recommended that you not administer essentially starts fresh with a new cartridge and new
local anesthetics with vasoconstrictors for a minimum aspiration, not after a positive aspiration that obscures
of 24 hours after methamphetamine use. the results.
Question 6: For which one of the following medical condi­ Question 7: The most important safety step(s) during a lo­
tions is it unnecessary to obtain a medical consultation cal anesthetic injection is( are):
from the patient's physician before dental treatment? Answer 7 : D - It is not only critical to determine if a
Answer 6: B - Myocardial infarction within 3 weeks is an needle lumen lies within a vessel before deposition
absolute contraindication to care. but also critical to administer drugs slowly in case the
needle lumen lies within the vessel despite negative
aspiration test results.
Chapter 1 1 -Fundamentals for Question 8: Upon completion of an inj ection, the most im­
Administration of Local Anesthetic portant su bsequent step is to:
Agents Answer 8: C - Make the needle safe with a one-handed
technique . This optimizes safety for all personnel.
Question 1 : A technique which deposits anesthetic solu­ Once this has been done, attend to the patient.
tion near larger terminal nerve branches for treatment
near the site of an inj ection is called:
Answer 1: C - A field block inj ection deposits local anes­ Chapter 1 2-lnjections for M axillary
thetic solution near larger terminal nerve branches for Pain Control I
treatment near the site of inj ection.
Question 1 : Which one of the following statements best
Question 2: Which one of the following describes the tar­ describes the needle pathway for an infiltration inj ec­
get site for local anesthetic solutions? tion technique?
Answer 2: B - The deposition site is the anatomical loca­ Answer 1: A- A is the correct choice . B is incorrect be­
tion where drugs are deposited. cause the needle is not oriented distal to the long axis
of the tooth. C is incorrect because the needle does
Question 3 : The first step in the administration of local an­
not pass through bone. D is incorrect because the mu­
esthetic solutions is to:
cosa and connective tissue in this area are not typi­
Answer 3 : C- Thorough patient assessment is critical to
cally thickened.
safe local anesthetic administration. Patient assess­
ment must precede all other steps. Question 2: When infiltration inj ections are unsuccessful,
it may be helpful to:
Question 4: A primary benefit of orienting needle bevels
Answer 2 : B - This is the correct answer. Visualization,
toward bone during inj ections is that it:
p alpation, and reassessment of available landmarks
Answer 4: A - Orienting the bevel toward bone reduces
are most useful. A is incorrect in most instances unless
discomfort and trauma to periosteum when bone is
the wrong size was used in the first place, such as an
contacted. In the event of inadvertent contact, the nee­
ultrashort needle. C is incorrect because contact with
dle tends to glance off the bone rather than pierce the
bone results in pain and trauma, not increased suc­
periosteum. Although reducing discomfort is important
cess. D is incorrect because the patient is not the one
(Answer D ) , many other aspects of inj ections which
responsible for the inj ection parameters.
decrease discomfort have nothing to do with bevel ori­
entation. Option A is the better answer because bevel Question 3: The middle superior alveolar nerve is absent
orientation specifically reduces trauma to the perios­ in approximately 28% to 50% of individuals.
teum in addition to providing for more comfort. Answer 3: B - The MSA nerve is present in somewhere
between 28% and 50% of individuals.
Question 5: Which one of the following is the most appro­
priate local anesthesia chart entry? Question 4: In a typical adult patient, the infraorbital fora­
Answer 5: D - This is the only sample that has all compo­ men is approximately 8-10 mm below the infraorbital
nents: date, drug(s), total drug volume(s), inj ection(s) ridge.
or sites, results of aspiration test(s) , a notation on ad­ Answer 4: A - This range is considered normal for the av­
verse events, and clinician signature. erage adult.

Question 5: Which one of the following provides the most damage to tissue, which has difficulty accommodat­
accurate description of the field of anesthesia in a PSA ing the volumes of solution necessary in many palatal
inj ection? techniques. Pain is reduced with slow administration
Answer 5: D - This is the only accurate description. A, and safety is enhanced.
B, and C are incorrect. The premolars are not anes­
Question 6: AMSA nerve blocks provide bilateral anes­
thetized by a PSA inj ection nor are the mandibular
thesia of palatal tissues at least 20 % of the time.
molars or the maxillary teeth to the midline.
Answer 6 : B - Solution in AMSA blocks does not cross
Question 6: Which one of the following is most likely to the midline and provides same-side anesthesia only.
increase the risk of hematoma following a PSA nerve
Answer 6: A - Overinsertion of needles increases the risk C hapter 1 4-lnjections for M andibular
of hematoma formation in PSA blocks. This can oc­ Pain Control
cur both by deeper insertion into the pterygopalatine
fossa or by location too posteriorly initially. Question 1 : The rate of positive aspiration in the inferior
alveolar nerve block is the highest of all techniques
and approximates which one of the following?
Chapter 1 3-lnjections for M axillary Answer 1: C- The rate of positive aspiration in alveolar
Pain Control 1 1-Palatal Approach nerve blocks is 1 0 % to 1 5 % . This is the highest rate of
all techniques described in this text. In practical terms,
Question 1 : Which one of the following statements best
this means anticipating a positive aspiration in 1 to 2
describes the deposition site for a nasopalatine nerve
out of every 10 inferior alveolar blocks.
Answer 1: B - This is correct compared with A because al­ Question 2 : Which one of the following techniques is
though deposition is at the incisive foramen, the nee­ an alternative to ne arly all mandibular anesthetic
dle is not advanced into the nasopalatine canal. C is techniques?
incorrect because the nasopalatine nerve block is not Answer 2: C- The periodontal ligament inj ection (PDL) ,
performed at the anterior palatine foramen. D does although providing only limited areas of anesthesia, is
not describe a location at the incisive foramen. an alternative to nearly all other techniques, mandibu­
lar and maxillary.
Question 2: The most common cause of failure for palatal
inj ection techniques is: Question 3: Which one of the following result(s) in pulpal
Answer 2: D - This is the correct answer. B oth failure to anesthesia?
deposit the solution close to the bone or foramen and Answer 3: D -Neither the buccal nor the mental nerve blocks
insufficient volumes deposited reduce the amount of provide pulpal anesthesia to the mandibular teeth.
drug that diffuses through the bone to the nerves.
Question 4: When administering a Gow-Gates mandibular
Question 3 : The AMSA technique can provide anesthe­ nerve block, all of the following are essential, except:
sia for areas traditionally anesthetized by which one of Answer 4: D - Even though there are both extraoral and
the following groups of injections? intraoral landmarks for the Gow-Gates nerve block, it
Answer 3: B - This is the best answer. The AMSA tech­ is not necessary to remove j ewelry before administer­
nique provides anesthesia for structures traditionally ing it.
anesthetized by the ASA, MSA, NP, and GP injections.
Question 5: Palpating anatomy before all mandibular an­
Question 4: Which one of the following statements is true esthetic procedures is:
of NP nerve blocks? Answer 5: B - Palpating anatomy is essential to some
Answer 4: D - This is the best answer. The aspiration rate techniques and not very helpful in others. While the
is similar to other palatal techniques. NP blocks do statement that it is an unnecessary step is obviously
not provide more durable anesthesia compared with false, palpation is not even possible in lingual nerve
other palatal techniques. When performed as recom­ blocks, for example.
mended, they provide bilateral anesthesia.
Question 6: Which one of the following is the correct
Question 5: Which one of the following is an important order, from inferior to superior location, of the man­
consideration in all palatal LA procedures? dibular techniques listed in relation to the pterygo­
Answer 5 : B- This is the best answer. Applying topical mandibular space.
for 1-2 minutes is typical of many inj ections. Using Answer 6: B - The correct order from inferior location to
patch topicals in the palate is helpful but not neces­ superior location in the pterygomandibular space is
sary. Slow deposition of solution is important to avoid lA, Akinosi, Gow-Gates.

Chapter 1 5-Supplemental Question 4: Possible successful approaches when an infe­

rior alveolar nerve block fails to provide complete and
Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies profound pulpal anesthesia are:
Question 1 : The rate of deposition of local anesthetic Answer 4: D - PDL inj ections, mylohyoid nerve blocks,
drugs in intraosseous, intrapulpal, and PDL inj ections and Gow-Gates blocks are all useful supplements
is best represented by which one of the following? when inferior alveolar nerve blocks fail to provide ad­
Answer 1: C - The rate of deposition of solution in each equate pulpal anesthesia.
of these techniques is slow (0.2 mL over 20 seconds). Question 5: Two inj ections of 2 % lidocaine, 1 : 1 00,000
Question 2: Which one of the following techniques does epinephrine (total lidocaine = 72 mg) , have failed to
not typically provide reliable pulpal anesthesia? provide adequate anesthesia. Useful supplemental al­
Answer 2: C - The intraseptal technique does not provide ternatives, regardless of the location or technique, in­
reliable or durable pulpal anesthesia. clude all of the following, except:
Answer 5 : C - Mylohyoid blocks are useful only in the
Question 3: Which one of the following is not recommended mandible.
as an anesthetic approach in irreversible pulpitis?
Answer 3 : C - A 5 % concentration of lidocaine may be Question 6: By which of the following mechanisms do in­
effective in this situation, but it is also unavailable in traosseous techniques work?
dental cartridges and is two-and-one-half times more Answer 6: D - Intraosseously administered s o lutions
toxic that 2% lidocaine solutions. s lowly diffu s e through a l v e o l a r bone t o d e n t a l
Question 4: What is the approximate success rate of infe­
rior alveolar nerve blocks according to Wong, in pulp­ Question 7 : Where is the deposition site for the Gow­
ally involved teeth? Gates nerve block located relative to the inferior al­
Answer 4: C - 30 % . veolar nerve block?
Answer 7: B - The Gow-Gates is located at a higher level
Question 5 : Which one of the following statements is true than the Vazirani-Akinosi block which is higher than
regarding PDL injections? the IA block.
Answer 5: D - Solution diffuses through the alveolus; there­
fore, the PDL is an intraosseous technique. The orienta­ Question 8: Some nerve blocks require far greater vol­
tion of the bevel is irrelevant to success, and the technique umes of solution compared with others.
is very useful as a supplementary technique when other Answer 8 : A- The statement is true. For example, the
techniques have failed to provide profound anesthesia. minimum volume of solution for a Gow-Gates nerve
block is 1 . 8 mL, which is nine times typical volumes
for one site of a PDL inj ection, or 0.2 mL.
Chapter 1 6-Troubleshooting
Inadeq uate Anesthesia Chapter 1 7-Local Anesthesia
Question 1: Inadequate anesthesia may typically be caused Complications and M anagement
by all of the following, except:
Question 1 : A clinician is administering an IA nerve block
Answer 1: C - Manufacturing processes are well-regulated
before therapy when the p atient suddenly j erks and
and rarely, not typically, may be the cause of inade­
the needle breaks. The embedded portion is not vis­
quate anesthesia. On the contrary, product recalls are
ible. What should the clinician do?
more typical when atypical errors occur during manu­
Answer 1 : D - Some embedded needles are retained in
facturing processes.
tissue after evaluation. Evaluation by an oral surgeon
Question 2: Infiltration (supraperiosteal) anesthesia over may result in a decision to retain the needle versus
the apex of #9 has failed to achieve adequate an­ the greater damage that might occur with attempted
esthesia. Which one of the following is not a likely removal. Even though needle fragments are typically
possibility? removed today, referring for removal may make the
Answer 2: D - Inflammation with no signs or symptoms is patient believe that either the referring clinician or the
unlikely to inhibit anesthesia. surgeon is acting inappropriately if the decision is made
to retain the embedded fragment. Refer for evaluation.
Question 3: The relative acidity of tissues into which anes­
thetic drugs are inj ected is related to the efficacy of a Que stion 2: A second cartridg e of 2 % lidocaine has
drug in the following manner: been administ e r e d for an I A nerve b l o c k w hen
Answer 3: B - Increases in cationic concentrations de­ the 1 60-lb patient becomes anxious a nd states that
crease the rate of success. she d o e s n ' t fe e l well, even a little nauseous. S h e

becomes less anxious as she becomes increasingly C hapter 1 8-lnsights for Fearful
fatigued, her speech becomes slurred, and she re­
ports a numb feeling all around her mouth. Which Patients
one of the following statements best describes these Question 1 : There is a new patient in the chair. During
observations? appropriate introductions including handshaking, it
Answer 2 : C - Two cartridges is not an overdose in a is noticed that the patient's hands are clammy and he
healthy 1 60-lb adult unless intravascularly adminis­ has perspiration on his upper lip. He appears very stiff
tered or the patient is a hyper-responder. The progres­ and responds with a brief yes or no to attempts to en­
sion of signs and symptoms to slurring of speech and gage him in conversation. When deciding whether or
perioral numbness is not consistent with anxiety. As­ not he is apprehensive about the dental treatment he
suming the patient has no history of hyper-response, is scheduled to receive, the most appropriate strategy
the likely mechanism for overdose is intravascular would be to:
administration. Answer 1 : C - Check out and confirm the observations
about possible concerns regarding dental treatment
Question 3 : Allergies to topical anesthetic drugs that cause
mucosal signs and symptoms hours to days after expo­ by asking a few simple questions: "When was your last
sure are explained best by which one of the following dental visit?" "How did it go?" "Do you have any con­
reactions? cerns about receiving treatment today?" Patients want
Answer 3: A - Reactions with signs and symptoms occur­ to know that their care provider is concerned about
ring many hours to days after contact with a drug are them. If the patient is fearful, this may affect their abil­
characterized as delayed sensitivities. ity to receive an inj ection and whether or not the an­
esthetic is effective. Obtaining this information before
Question 4: A patient calls several days after an lA block treatment allows clinicians to develop plans, which ad­
and reports that numbness is still present along with dress problems methodically and to increase the likeli­
some annoying, occasional sharp pains. Which of the hood of success. This patient is also reassured that he
following terms best describes what is occurring? is in the hands of a caring and competent professional.
Answer 4: C - These symptoms are consistent with pares­
thesia (prolonged numbness) and dysesthesia (sharp Question 2: Establishing trust in the patient-clinician rela­
pains). tionship is especially important for fearful dental pa­
tients because they need to learn:
Question 5 : Which of the following responses is most ap­ Answer 2: B - Fearful patients need to learn how to be
propriate after rapid tissue swelling is noticed after a assertive and express their concerns. They need to
PSA block? ask questions about their worries, including comfort
Answer 5: C - Place pressure over the area as quickly as during treatment. Good communication empowers
possible and then apply ice , when available. Advise fearful patients with a sense of control, whereas poor
the patient regarding the development of discolor­ communication can lead to anger and aggressive be­
ation. Instruct the patient to apply ice intermittently havior rather than helpful assertive behavior. When
for the next 6 hours and to avoid aspirin for pain. trust is developed in this manner, it is helpful to both
Advise the patient to notify you immediately of any the patient and the clinician.
change, especially the development of signs and symp­
toms of infection or limited j aw opening. Question 3: Providing patients with information is an im­
portant means of increasing their sense of control in
Question 6: Of the following possible adverse reactions, the dental environment. When providing information
which one occurs most frequently? to a fearful patient about an aversive procedure:
Answer 6: C - Of the three, overdose is the most frequent Answer 3: D - When the procedure is described in simple
systemic complication. steps, the fearful patient will not be overwhelmed by
Question 7: Considering all of the following measures for the prospect of treatment and will not be startled by
preventing overdose, which one is most important? each new aspect of the treatment process. It is impor­
Answer 7: B - Slow administration is the most impor­ tant not to surprise fearful patients and to let them
tant safety factor in local anesthetic drug administra­ know what sensations are normal, especially when ad­
tion and incre a s e s the s afety m argins of all the ministering local anesthesia.
other preventive strategies mentioned. Aspiration Question 4: It is important to have the skills and confi­
is critical but not always completely reliable. Cal­ dence necessary to teach anxious and fearful patients
culating appropriate maximum doses is also critical how to relax in the dental chair. When a patient learns
but hyper-responders may react adversely to doses the physical relaxation skills of deep breathing and
which are carefully calculated and considered to be muscle relaxation:
appropriate. Reassurance does not even address this Answer 4: D -The physical relaxation skills of deep breath­
issue. ing and muscle relaxation are easily taught and quickly

learned by dental patients. Additionally, the clinician Answer 1: B - Although elements of A, C, and D may be
can directly observe whether or not the patient is ac­ true, the key issue is the greatly reduced body weights of
tively using the skills and whether or not the patient children. There is a higher possibility of overdosing when
needs coaching. Anxiety leads to muscle tension and clinicians are accustomed to treating adults and giving a
shallow breathing, both of which increase the patient's "standard dose" of the anesthetic solutions. These "stan­
sense of physical discomfort. Muscle relaxation and dard" adult doses may well be too much for children.
deep breathing counteract these, and patients appreci­
Question 2: How does excellent anesthesia serve as a man­
ate having a technique that can be used to gain relief
agement tool for children?
from the symptoms of anxiety. These techniques re­
Answer 2: D - Much of the success of any pediatric den­
duce mental stress as it is not possible to be physically
tal appointment has to do with comfort and efficiency.
relaxed and psychologically anxious at the same time,
When profound anesthesia has been obtained, all pro­
and the active focus on implementing relaxation tech­
cedures will be more comfortable for the child and it
niques displaces the fearful conjectures. The clinician
becomes possible to accomplish more at each visit.
benefits from the patient's ability to use these skills
because a tense and anxious patient has a lower pain Question 3: In which of the following ways do anatomic
threshold, is more easily hurt and startled, and cannot variations affect the choice of inj ection techniques for
distinguish between anticipated pain and the actual children?
experience of pain both during the administration of Answer 3: A- For primary teeth, penetrations generally do
local anesthetic and when assessing if the patient is ad­ not need to be as deep as for permanent teeth. Cortical
equately anesthetized to proceed with treatment. plates are thinner in children, and the inferior alveolar
Question 5: Patients who are fearful of dental injections foramen is more inferior compared with adults.
can benefit from having the opportunity to rehearse Question 4: Which of the following describe s ways in
the procedure before receiving the actual inj ection. which an assistant can play a vital role in the success­
The obj ective of the rehearsal is to: ful administration of local anesthetics to children.
Answer 5: B - A rehearsal provides the patient with the Answer 4: C - The primary focus of an assistant during in­
opportunity to practice the relaxation skills learned jection procedures must be the safety of the child. The
while the clinician simulates the steps involved in ad­ clinician administering the inj ection cannot control
ministering local anesthetic. Patients gain knowledge gross body movements of the child while inj ecting.
about their role and what is involved in the actual pro­ The assistant must respond to any quick and unex­
cedure without the pressure to accomplish treatment. pected movements that occur in order to ensure the
Question 6: Some patients will report a history of receiv­ safety of the child.
ing dental care without being adequately anesthetized. Question 5: Which of the following are benefits of using
They may not be anxious about the inj ection proce­ age- appropriate terminology and specific positive
dure, but will be reluctant to proceed with treatment feedback during the successful anesthetic administra­
after the administration of local anesthetics. Despite tion in pediatric patients?
soft-tissue signs and symptoms of anesthesia, they Answer 5: D - There are few management techniques as
do not believe the teeth are num b . The next step for profoundly effective for children as helping them to
these patients should be to: understand what is happening to them and around
Answer 6: A - Inform the patient of the technique to ver­ them. It is universally accepted that people are most
ify that the tooth is anesthetized before proceeding fearful of what they don't know. By helping children
with treatment. The EPT is very useful for this pur­ understand and develop favorable pictures of proce­
pose, and patients are receptive to the idea of a de­ dures, positive responses are far more likely to result.
vice that makes the determination obj ectively rather
than relying on subj ective responses that have not Question 6: Which of the following is true when consider­
been reliable in the past. If there is no EPT avail­ ing inj ection techniques in children?
able, an ultrasonic instrument can be used along with Answer 6: B - The inferior alveolar foramen is typically
time structuring technique (counting to " 1 , " then "2," more inferior in children than in adults. Mandibular
and "5") to verify profound anesthesia for the patient. infiltrations frequently work well, and short needles
are often preferred in children.

Chapter 1 9-lnsights from Pediatric Question 7: When children traumatize soft tissues im­
mediately following inj ection s , what is the b e s t
Question 1 : Why is it generally more critical to consider Answer 7: A - Cold packs minimize circulation and de­
toxicity of local anesthetics in pediatric patients than crease initial swelling. Eight to twelve hours later, once
in adults? the swelling has stopped, warm packs are appropriate

because they increase circulation and promote heal­ C hapter 2 1 -Fundamentals for
ing. Antibiotics are rarely indicated.
the Administration of Nitrous
Oxide-Oxygen Sedation
Chapter 20-lnsights from Specialties:
Oral Surgery, Periodontics, and Question 1 : The reservoir bag monitors which of the
Endodontics Answer 1: D - Depth of respiration and the need to adj ust
Question 1 : Which one of the following methods of adjust­ the Lpm can be monitored by observing the reser­
ing doses of local anesthetic drugs for children is rec­ voir bag. The bag allows additional gas for patients
ommended in this chapter? to breathe when not enough is delivered through
Answer 1: A - Clark's rule is suggested in this chapter as the hoses and provides a mechanism for monitoring
the most practical method for altering doses for chil­ breathing and evaluating whether more or less gas is
dren based on weight. Young's rule bases the calcula­ needed during administration.
tion on age. The Rule of Inference is a legal principle Question 2: Nitrous oxide sedation may be contraindicated
and Heuristic rules apply to common sense. in patients with which of the following conditions?
Question 2: Specific challenges in oral and maxillofacial Answer 2: D - Recovered alcoholics may relapse if seda­
local anesthesia include all of the following, except: tion is administered, patients with COPD may have
Answer 2: D - All of the above. Management of patients respiratory issues that are further compromised, and
with diverse ages and medical backgrounds, manage­ those with cystic fibrosis may incur what are known as
ment of oral infections, limiting the potential for nee­ emphysematous bullae.
dle tract infections, and achieving adequate anesthesia Question 3: Which of the following reactions would indi­
in the presence of these infections are all specific chal­ cate that a patient is being over-sedated?
lenges in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Answer 3: C - Unresponsiveness would be a definite sign
Question 3: Which one of the following is not a local anes­ of over-sedation.
thesia consideration in oral and maxillofacial surgery Question 4: The effects of adequate sedation may include
when treating an infected patient? which of the following?
Answer 3: C - Local anesthetics with higher pHs should Answer 4: D - Relief of anxiety, heaviness of the legs, and
be used in the presence of infection. a warm flushed feeling are all subj ective signs of ad­
Question 4: Which one of the following is not an adverse equate sedation.
event following local anesthetic inj ections? Question 5: Most patients will achieve the desired level of
Answer 4: B -Numbness is not an adverse event. The vast sedation at what percentage of nitrous oxide?
maj ority of inj ections do not result in infections when Answer 5: C - Most individuals will achieve a desired
sterile needles are used, but when they occur, infec­ level of sedation at 1 5 % to 40% nitrous oxide, while
tions are undesired or adverse. Postoperative soreness some will be hypo-responders (requiring higher con­
is common after inj ections but also adverse . Trismus centrations) and hyper-responders (requiring lower
is also relatively common and not desired (adverse). concentrations).
Question 5: Which one of the following is not an option for Question 6: Oxygen is delivered for 3-5 minutes after den­
treatment of patients with true local anesthetic allergies? tal sedation in order to:
Answer 5: D - A, B, and C are alternate options when pa­ Answer 6: C - Nitrous oxide concentrations used in den­
tients are allergic to all local anesthetic drugs. D is a tistry do not cause diffusion hypoxia; oxygen d e ­
preservative in fruit juices. livery is provided to eliminate nitrous oxide from
Question 6: Systemic complications related to inferior al­ hoses and to allow time for recovery and the return
veolar blocks include all of the following, except: of reflexes.
Answer 6: A - Hematomas are localized, not systemic re­
actions to the tearing of blood vessels.
A American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical
Status Classification System see ASA Physical Status
Aberrant innervation unexpected variations in anatomic Classification System
patterns of innervation Amide class of local anesthetic drugs in which an aromatic
Absolute contraindications situations in which local component is linked to a secondary or tertiary amine by
anesthetic or vasoconstrictor drugs or nitrous oxide­ an amide
oxygen sedation cannot be administered safely Analgesia loss of the sense of pain while conscious
Absolute refractory period during which the generation Anesthetic inadequacy lack of sufficient numbness to
of new impulses along previously fired sections of nerve provide comfortable therapy related to clinician- or
membranes is physiologically impossible patient-dependent factors
A b s o r p t i o n p a s s a g e of a d r u g f r o m i t s s i t e o f Angioedema localized swelling brought about by the
administration to the bloodstream rapid subcutaneous release of histamine after topical or
Accessory innervation expected variations in anatomic occasionally inj ectable local anesthetic administration;
patterns of innervation despite the association with local anesthetics, on many
Action potential refers to the electronic signal generated occasions there is no identifiable antigen
and conducted to the CNS and from the CNS to effector Anterior middle superior alveolar ( A M S A ) nerve
organs, cells, and tissues in response to stimulation block provides p ain management for the incisors,
Acute pain pain of relatively short duration from seconds canine, and premolars on the side anesthetized as well as
to no longer than about 6 months palatal tissue from the midline through the molars and
Adrenergic having effects similar to epinephrine the buccal periodontium of the pulpally affected teeth
Adrenergic receptors receptors that respond to Anterior superior alveolar (ASA) nerve block provides
catecholamines such a s epinephrine and norepinephrine pain management for the pulps of the maxillary central
incisor through the canine on the inj ected side and their
Adverse drug events or reactions (ADR) undesired
facial periodontium
effects that occur in response to the pharmacologic
actions of a drug, including the events surrounding the Anxiety emotional response to a threat or danger that is
administration of the drug and described in terms of not immediately present or is unclear
their local or systemic effects or as complications Apoptotic programed biochemical events leading to cell
Adverse events see Adverse drug events or reactions death in multicellular organisms
Age-appropriate terminology language that is consistent Armamentarium ( l o c al anesthetic) a l l e quip m e n t ,
with a child's level of comprehension and maturity materials, and devices used during the delivery o f local
anesthetic agents
Ageusia loss of the ability to perceive sweet, sour, bitter, or
salty substances due to chorda tympani injury, otherwise Articaine intermediate- acting amide local anesthetic
referred to as altered taste sensations or perversions drug noted for its fast onset and highly lipophilic
Alternative medicine refers to the use of complementary
a n d a l t e r n a t i v e m e d i c i n e ( C A M ) in p l a c e o f ASA physical status classification medical components
conventional medicine o f care a s d e fin e d by the A m e r i c a n S o ci e t y of
Alveolar ducts fin e air p as s a g e s at the e nd s of the
respiratory bronchioles Aspiration test determines whether or not the tip of
a n e e d l e is e m b e d d e d within a b l o o d v e s s e l ; it is
Alveolar sacs see Alveoli accomplished by applying gentle, brief back pressure
Alveoli tiny air sacs located at the end of each air duct on the upper inside surface of the thumb-ring and
in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon observing for the absence or entry of blood into the
dioxide occurs cartridge
Ambient gases mixture of elements present in the air in a Atypical plasma cholinesterase form of cholinesterase that
particular environment results from a genetic, autosomal recessive condition in
American S o ciety of Anesthesiologists e ducational which there is an impaired ability to metabolize ester
research and scientific association of physicians local anesthetics

Axolemmas bilayere d , p h o s p h o lipid membranes o f Bronchioli subdivision of the bronchi having cuboidal
neurons, also known a s neurolemmas shaped epithelial cells 1 mm or less in diameter
Axon processes or fibers of individual nerve cells that Buccal infiltration with articaine supraperiosteal inj ection
transmit signals to and from the central nervous system over the buccal roots of mandibular posterior teeth to
Axoplasm cytoplasm or intracellular environment of a provide primary or supplemental pulpal anesthesia of
nerve cell the teeth
Buccal ( B) nerve block provides p ain management
B for the buccal soft tissue along the molar teeth in the
mandibular region
Backflow term applied when solution is inj ected under Bupivacaine long-acting amide local anesthetic drug
pressure into tissues but the tissue resistance is so great
Butamben ester topical anesthetic used in combination
it forces solution to flow backward into the oral cavity;
with other topicals, in dentistry
this occurs primarily in buccal nerve blocks and in the
palate as well as in intraosseous inj ections such as the
PDL where solution can backflow through the sulcus c
into the mouth rather than diffuse through alveolar
bone C an c e l l o u s b o n e s y n o n ym o u s w i t h s p o n gy b o n e ,
compressible bone underlying the cortical plates o f the
Behavioral control allows patient to take actions to lessen,
maxilla and mandible
shorten, or terminate stressful situations
Cardiac dose safe limit of vasoconstrictor drugs for a
Behavioral guidelines coaching instructions for parents
patient with ischemic heart disease
and guardians present during treatment of children;
includes use of calm, neutral facial and body postures, Carina located at the junction of the trachea and the left
gentle touches, gentle hand holding, and silent and right bronchi
observation Carpule glass cylinder holding local anesthetic drugs and
Behavioral indicators of fear overt behaviors such as other contents in solution for injection into oral tissues; a
pacing in the waiting room, fidgeting, wringing hands, trademark term of Cook-Waite Laboratories for cartridge
gripping arms of chairs, or opposite responses such as Cartridge non trademark synonym for carpule
quiet, nonresponsive postures Cartridge-type syringe syringe with a large side opening
Benzocaine ester topical anesthetic that exists almost for easing insertion of the local anesthetic cartridge
entirely in the base form Cartridge volume guaranteed volume of solution in a
Bevel diagonal cut that makes the point of a needle cartridge
Bilateral mandibular blocks technique that decreases risk Catecholamine chemical compound consisting of a catechol
of postoperative incidence of lip biting in children and an amine component that has a sympathomimetic
H i - rotational insertion n e e d l e insertion technique action (stimulates adrenergic receptors)
described for the Wand® handpiece system (STA Single Cation any p o sitively charged i o n ; s p e cifically the
Tooth Anesthesia System® Instrument and CompuDent positively charged local anesthetic ionic molecule that
Instruments ™ ) that reduces forces generated when exists in aqueous solutions of local anesthetic drugs
needles are moved through tissues, which result in CCLAD-controlled low pressures pressures generated by
needle deflection computer-regulated drug delivery systems that precisely
Biofeedback method through which patients can modify control defined fluid pressures and fluid volumes over
their physiological responses to pain and anxiety; allows time. Fluid pressures are controlled below a prescribed
patients to exert at least some voluntary control over maximum pressure limit to minimize tissue damage and
involuntary responses subj ective pain response.
Biotransformation process whereby local anesthetic drugs C ell body p art o f a neuron that provides metabolic
are broken down to less toxic or nontoxic metabolites support and, in the case of motor neurons, also conducts
before being excreted impulses
Biphasic occurring in two relatively distinct phases Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) rapid loss of brain
Blanching visible indicator of the diffusion of anesthetic function due to a disruption of blood supply that results
solution through tissues due to decreased blood flow, in permanent impairment due to blockage or rupture of
which is more pronounced when vasoconstrictors are an artery to the brain
used; blanching may be described as pale pink to white in Cholinesterase enzyme responsible for breaking down
color with visibly less color compared with adjacent tissues esters and articain e ; manufactured primarily but
Breech-loading syringe with a large side opening for not exclusively in the liver, cholinesterase is widely
easing insertion of the local anesthetic cartridge distributed; also referred to as plasma cholinesterase

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) lung Coronoid notch landmark for lA inj ections; concavity
d i s e a s e s t h a t i m p e d e airflow, m a k i n g b r e athing on the anterior border of the ramus of the mandible
difficult used to identify a height of penetration that allows for
Chronic pain pain that lasts for more than 6 months, with advancement of the needle to a site directly above the
or without an identifiable cause mandibular foramen
Clark's rule method for calculating and confirming safe Cortical plate dense layer of bone surrounding the spongy
local anesthetic doses in children based upon weight underlying bone; the cortical plate in the mandible
is generally more dense than the cortical plate of
C o gnitive control mental maneuvers through which
the maxilla and more difficult to penetrate during
patients can lessen their fearful, negative thoughts and
intraosseous inj ections
their reactions to these thoughts
Cricoid cartilage strong ring-shaped connective tissue
Cognitive distraction practice of distraction that actively
surrounding the trachea
shifts a patient's focus away from a stressful situation to
a less-stressful point of focus Cricothyrotomy emergency procedure used to create
respiration access between the thyroid and cricoid
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) " a
cartilages when upper airways are occluded
group of diverse me dical and he alth care systems,
practices, and products that are not generally considered Cross-innervation overlap of terminal nerve fibers of the
part of conventional medicine," as defined by the U.S. contralateral side
National Institutes of Health Cumulative trauma effects of nonergonomic positions
during procedures can become significant over a period
C o m p l e m e n t a r y m e d i c i n e r e f e r s to t h e u s e of a
of time
nonmainstream approach together with conventional
medicine C y s t i c fib r o s i s g e n e tic d i s e a s e c a u s i n g functi o n a l
impairment of pulmonary mech anics a n d p o ssible
Complications see Adverse drug events or reactions
respiratory distress
Compounded drugs drugs formulated by compounding
Computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery (CCLAD)
computer-driven arrangement of software, hardware, and Debriefing post-treatment discussion of an appointment
injection devices used to administer anesthetic injections experience
in which the rate of delivery and fluid pressures are Deep breathing coping response to overcome fe ar of
predetermined by a software-driven motor needles and inj ections
Concentration gradient term referring to the relative D e e p s e d a t i o n d r u g - i n d u c e d s t a t e of d e p r e s s e d
amounts of substances on differing sides of membranes consciousness accompanied b y p artial or complete
(in local anesthesia, neural membranes) loss of protective reflexes, including the inability to
Concomitant drug that has been administered while other continually maintain an airway independently and/or to
drugs are still in effect respond purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal
Conduction blockade inability of impulses to pass through command; general anesthesia
certain segments of nerve membranes, which occurs Dendritic zone zone of a sensory nerve where stimulation
when local anesthetic drugs have been administered occurs
C o nduction tubing c o r r u g a t e d s i l i c o ne , r u b b e r , o r Dental anxiety scale (DAS) method for measuring dental
p o lyethylene tubing t h a t attach e s t o the nitrous anxiety and fear
machine that leads to the nasal hood Dental fears questionnaire method for measuring dental
C ontraindications: absolute, relative, permanent, or anxiety and fear
temporary Absolute - local anesthetics may not be D e ntal l o cal a n e s t h e s i a p r o v i d e r s i n c l u d e d e n t a l
administered ; this may be temporary or permanent. hygienists and i n some states and provinces, mid-level
Rel ative - local anesthetics m ay b e administered and/or expanded function providers who are allowed to
but only with modification; this may be temporary or administer local anesthesia for effective pain control of
permanent. the oral cavity
Control power to influence or direct behavior or the Dental neural plexus see Dental plexus
course of events Dental plexus network of nerves surrounding teeth that
Copper tubing utilized in central supply nitrous oxide­ innervate the pulp and their supporting structures
oxygen delivery systems because it does not support Depolarize to transform an area of nerve membrane from
combustion an excitable to a less excitable or nonexcitable state
Core bundle fascicule located in the central region of a Deposition site any site at which local anesthetic solution
nerve is injected; target site for the blockade of a specific nerve

Devices (medical, local anesthetic) syringes, cartridges, Endoneurium anatomic structure that separates individual
needles, and recapping and disposal items nerve fibers and insulates their electrical activity
Diaphragm semipermeable barrier that is centered in the Engineering controls (EC) controls (e.g. , sharps disposal
cap of an anesthetic cartridge, commonly made of latex containers, s elf- she athing needles, and devices for
rubber or, increasingly, of nonlatex rubber the prevention of needlestick inj uries) that isolate or
Diffusion hyp oxia brief decrease in alveolar oxygen remove bloodborne pathogens from the workplace
tension Epinephrine naturally occurring neurotransmitter
Dilution ratio ratio of vasoconstrictor drug to volume of Epineural sheath outer covering of the epineurium
solution, expressed in mg/mL (e.g., one gram in one Epineurium loose connective tissue layer that surrounds
hundred thousand milliliters is expressed as 1 : 100,000) the fasciculi, their associated supporting connective
Dissociation constant e quilibrium constant o f local tissue including blood vessels and lymphatics, and the
a n e s th e t i c drugs i n s o l u t i o n , d e s crib e d b y the perineuria
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, and optimized by Epiglottis elastic cartilage flap attached to the entrance of
adjustments to the pH of a solution the larynx
Distribution transfer of drugs from circulation to the Ester class of local anesthetic drugs in which an aromatic
tissues and organs in the body component is linked to a secondary or tertiary amine by
Diurnal body rhythms variable response to drugs during an ester
different times of a day Eutectic mixture mixtures of local anesthetic drugs used
Drug concentration concentration of local anesthetic in a as topical that contain higher concentrations of base
cartridge, expressed in percentages (e.g. , 0.5 % , 2 % , 3 % , molecules formulated as homogeneous creams, which
and 4 % ) provide increased depths of anesthesia, faster onset
Drug percentages expression of the relative amount o f on skin, and greater depth of penetration on mucosa
drug i n a cartridge (a 4 % drug, e . g . , contains twice a s compared with non-eutectic topicals
much drug per volume a s a 2 % drug) Expiration passive outward flow of air from the lungs as
Drug ratio drug dilution the chest wall and lungs recoil
Durable blockade impulse extinction on larger, more Extracellular outer environment of nerves beyond their
heavily myelinated nerves requiring greater volumes of membranes and associated Schwann cells
local anesthetic drug
Dyclonine hydrochloride topical anesthetic with a ketone F
linkage, as opposed to amide or ester linkage
Dynamic Pressure Sensing® (DPS) patented process that False negative aspiration seemingly negative aspiration
allows for real-time audible feedback of fluid pressures where a location of the needle tip within a vessel has
during inj ections with the STA Single Tooth Anesthesia been concealed by suction of the vessel wall over the
System® Instrument lumen of the needle during aspiration
Dysesthesia sensation of pain from non-noxious stimuli Fascial planes superficial fascia and deep cervical fascia
that may follow local anesthetic procedure s ; one of dividing the neck into several compartments that are
several possible results following nerve damage potential b arriers to the unrestricted flow of local
anesthetic drugs that can deflect solutions away from
intended target sites
Fasciculi bundles of nerve fibers
Electric pulp tester device designed to test the vitality of Fear emotional response to an immediate threat or danger
teeth by using an electric current Felypressin synthetic hormone with vasoconstrictive
Electrical potential difference in the electrical charge properties
across a membrane Fi e l d b l o ck inj e c t i o n t e c h n i q u e i n d i c a t e d w h e n
Elimination process through which drugs or fractions procedures are confined t o one o r two teeth o r t o tissues
of drugs and metabolites are removed from the body, in a limited area; commonly referred to as infiltration
primarily via the kidneys Fight or flight response neurotransmitter-mediated
Elimination half-life time it takes to eliminate 50 percent mechanism resulting in increased heart rate and blood
of a local anesthetic drug from the blood pressure, dilation of the pupils and of the bronchial
Embedded needles needles or needle fragments that have and skeletal muscle vasculature, and constriction of
broken off and are buried in tissues mesenteric vessels
End cap aluminum cover that fits tightly around the end Finger grip part of a syringe for controlling aspiration and
of a cartridge and holds the diaphragm in place rate of delivery

Firing threshold point at which a sufficient change in G r e a t e r palatine ( G P ) nerve b l o ck p r o v i d e s p a i n

electrical potential has occurred to generate a nerve management for palatal soft and osseous tissues distal
impulse to the canine in one quadrant
Flow meters visual indicators of the volume of gas being Guided imagery method to replace negative thoughts
delivered, mounted on the portable units or attached to with mental images of pleasant scenes or scenarios to
the walls of central delivery systems establish cognitive control over fearful situations
Fluid dynamics complex interaction of variables related Guided visualization see Guided imagery
to the movement and control of fluids during inj ection.
These variables include, but are not limited to, fluid H
flow rate, fluid pressure, fluid volume, tissue density,
tissue compliance, tissue pressure gradients. Harpoon part of a syringe that engages the stopper in order
to aspirate and to advance the stopper in the cartridge
Fluid flow rate rate at which a fluid is moved into tissues,
causing solution to flow from the tip of the needle
typically measured as mL/sec
Harpoon-type aspirating syringe syringe designed with a
Fluid pressure pressure of a fluid during movement into
harpoon-shaped end attached to the piston that embeds
tissues, typically measured as psi or mmHG
into the rubber stopper to permit an aspiration test
Focusing attention technique to prevent anticip atory
Hematoma pool of vascular contents formed from the
anxieties or thoughts of what might happen during
leaking of blood into surrounding tissues; usually occurs
after inadvertent nicks of blood vessels during injections
Functional capacity assessment tool to identify when a
Hemostasis in local anesthesia, halting the flow of blood
medical risk is the greatest
using vasoconstrictors
Fu n d a m e n t a l s of p a i n m a n a g e m e n t c o n d u c t i n g
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation expression of pH as a
comprehensive assessment, recognizing and responding
function of the concentrations of weak acids and bases
to p a t i e n t f a c t o r s , i n t e g r a t i n g e v i d e n c e - b a s e d
in solution
knowledge; understanding relevant drugs, their effects,
indications, and contraindications; and developing Hub point at which the shaft of a needle j oins and secures
clinical decision-making skills and mastering a wide the needle to the syringe adaptor
variety of techniques and appropriate modifications Rubbing maneuver that describes the practice of inserting
the needle to its entire length (to the j unction of the
G hub and needle shaft) ; also known as needle hubbing
Ganglia group of nerve cell bodies outside the CNS Hydrophilic having a tendency to interact with or be
Gas exchange occurs from alveoli to capillaries and vice dissolved by water; water loving
versa through simple diffusion across partial-pressure Hypercarbic drive primary stimulus of respiration driven
gradients by pH level of the blood modulated by the presence of
C0 2 in healthy individuals
Gate control theory n e r v e imp u l s e s g e n e r a t e d by
more painful an d subsequent stimuli, such as needle Hyperesthesia increased sensitivity to stimuli following
penetrations, that can be blocked within the spinal nerve injury
nervous system Hyper-responders individuals who respond with adverse
Gauge diameter of the lumen of a needle; historically, this systemic signs and symptoms when less-than-maximum­
is based on the number of lead balls, each of which just recommended doses of local anesthetics have been
barely fits inside a shotgun barrel, that add up to a pound; administered
a greater number of balls is required to add up to a pound Hypersensitivity allergy
from a smaller barrel lumen - hence higher gauges such Hypervolemic abnormal increase in blood volume where
as 30-gauge needles are smaller than 27 and 25 gauge there is too much fluid in the blood; opposite condition
General anesthesia drug-induced loss of consciousness is hypovolemia, which is too little fluid volume in the
during which patients are incapable of being aroused, blood
even with p ainful stimulati o n; ability to maintain Hypogeusia relative loss of the ability to perceive sweet,
ventilatory function often impaired sour, bitter, or salty substances due to chorda tympani
Gow-Gates ( G G ) nerve block true mandibular block injury, otherwise referred to as altered taste sensations
that provides pain management for multiple teeth and or perversions
typically all of their supporting periodontium in one Hypo-responders individuals who respond with adverse
mandibular quadrant systemic signs and symptoms only after greater-than­
Graduated exposure treatment rehearsal to introduce maximum-recommended doses of local anesthetics
new procedures, similar to tell-show-do technique have been administered

Hypoxic drive secondary stimulus of respiration driven by Interpapillary inj ection deposition of small volumes of
low 02 levels through oxygen sensors in the carotid and local anesthetic while penetrating from the buccal
aortic bodies in individuals with severe COPD aspect to the lingual aspect of a papilla; an infiltration
Intracellular environment within cell membranes, in this
case, nerve cell membranes
Idiosyncratic adverse events that have no known etiology
IntraFiow device used for intraosseous inj ection that
Impulse extinction interruption of impulse propagation forms a guide sleeve that remains in place after bony
along p articular areas o f nerve membranes (local perforation, which allows for ease of needle penetration
anesthesia induces impulse extinction)
Intraligamentary injection technique that deposits a drug
Impulses signals generated and conducted along nerve solution in an area surrounded by ligaments, tooth roots,
membranes that provide the CNS with awareness of and bone, also referred to as peridental; see Periodontal
tissue stimulation or damage or that initiate reactions ligament injection (PDL)
from effector organs and tissues in response to the
I n t r a o s s e o u s a n y inj e c t i o n t e c h n i q u e in w h i c h
stimulation or damage
perforation or penetration into bone or periodontal
Incisive (I) nerve block provides pain management for ligament is necessary in order to achieve anesthesia;
the buccal mucous membrane and skin of the lower lip solution diffuses through bone in order to reach target
and chin, and the pulps and periodontium of the teeth nerves
anterior to the mental foramen, to the midline ; also
Intraosseous injection see Intraosseous
referred to as the mental incisive nerve block (MI)
lntrapulpal inj ection technique that provides anesthesia
Infe r i o r alveolar ( l A ) nerve b l o c k p r o v i d e s p a i n
for pulpally involved teeth when other techniques have
management for mandibular teeth i n one quadrant and
much of their supporting periodontium
Intraseptal inj ec tio n t e chnique tha t p r o v i d e s p ain
I n fi l t r a t i o n inj e c t i o n t e c h n i q u e i n d i c a t e d w h e n
management for the periodontium lingual to a tooth;
procedures are confine d to o n e o r two teeth or t o
p articularly u s e fu l w h e n p al a t a l t i s s u e s r e q uire
tissues in a limited area; see Field block
anesthesia and clinicians and/or patients wish to avoid
Informational control simple sensory description of what palatal inj ections
a patient can expect of an imminent aversive procedure
Intravascular administration depositing local anesthesia
Informed consent legal principle that involves a higher solution within a blood vessel
burden of consent than merely agreeing to treatment;
Ion channels pathways within nerve membranes through
the patient must be informed as to the specific risks and
which charged atoms can pass
rewards of procedures and therapy
Isoenzyme system hep atic system where the primary
Infraorbital (10) nerve block provides pain management
metabolism of amides occurs, also known as the p450
of anterior and premolar teeth in one quadrant and their
isoenzyme system
buccal periodontium as well as the upper lip, lateral nose,
and the lower eyelid on the same side as the injection
Intranasal anesthesia nasal delivery of local anesthetic
drugs Jet inj e ction device that uses narrow bursts of air to
Inspiration inflow of air to the lungs accomplished by the penetrate mucosa without needles
movement of the diaphragm and the external intercostal
muscles that expand the chest wall creating a negative L
pressure in the pleural space, thereby allowing a vacuum
effect to pull air into the lungs Laryngopharynx lowermost part of the pharynx from the
Inte grative m e dicine combines treatments from epiglottis to the cricoid cartilage
c o n v e n t i o n a l m e d i c i ne a n d c o m p l e m e n tary a n d Larynx important regulator of respiration between the
alternative m edicine f o r which there is some high­ pharynx and the trachea containing walls of cartilage,
quality evidence of safety and effectiveness muscles, and vocal cords
Intermediate chain hydrocarbon linkage between the Left bronchus branch of the bronchi about 5 em long and
working ends of local anesthetic molecules, which also deviates at about 45 degrees from the trachea, divides
determines the pathway of metabolism of the drugs into two branches, and links five upper lobes and four
Internal oblique ridge inferior alveolar nerve block lower lobes
landmark defining the lateral extent of the area into Levonordefrin synthetic catecholamine used in some
which penetration is made, which when accurately solutions of local anesthetic drugs
identified, can prevent premature contact of the tip of Lidocaine intermediate- acting amide local anesthetic
the needle with the bone of the mandible drug

Limiting drug drug that determines the maximum amount Medulla oblongata lower half of the brainstem that is
that may be administered when considering more than continuous with the spinal cord; it drives involuntary
one type of local anesthetic drug to be administered respiration
during an appointment Megaloblastic anemia blood disorder related to bone
Lingual (L) nerve block provides pain management for marrow changes
the lingual soft tissues of the mandible Membrane expansion theory observed phenomenon
Lipophilic h aving a tendency to interact with or b e through which approximately 10% of a local anesthetic
dissolved b y lipids; lipid o r fat loving drug's effect on nerve membranes may be explained
Local anesthesia temporary loss of sensation in a specific, Mental incisive (MI) nerve block see Incisive nerve block
usually small area of the body Mental (M) nerve block provides pain management for the
Local anesthetic drug any drug that renders nerve tissues buccal soft tissues in the mandible, anterior to the mental
insensitive to stimulation by preventing the generation foramen
and conduction of nerve impulses Mepivacaine short- to intermediate-acting local anesthetic
Local infiltration see Infiltration inj ection that is a weak vasodilator
Lumen inner space of a hollow needle, otherwise known Metabolic equivalent of task (MET) measure equivalent
as the opening to the aerobic demand of various physical activities,
also referred to as metabolic equivalent
Metabolism see Biotransformation
M Methamphetamines highly addictive stimulant drugs,
Mandibular infiltration inj ection technique that allows avoid administration of vasoconstrictors for a minimum
diffusion of anesthetic solution through thinner cortical of 24 hours after methamphetamine use
plates with less dense bone; more frequently used in Methemoglobinemia condition induced by drugs and other
children substances, including prilocaine, benzocaine, and articaine,
Mandibular infiltration with articaine s e e B u c c a l which can result in a life-threatening depletion of oxygen
infiltration with articaine in the tissues
Manifold device that connects multiple cylinders together, Middle superior alveolar (MSA) nerve block provides
controls flow of gases, and connects the gas supply to a anesthesia to structures innervated by the MSA nerve,
central piping system when present, and its terminal branches, to include the
pulps of the maxillary first and second premolars and
Mantle bundle fascicule located in the outer region of a
their facial periodontium
Milligram metric measure of weight used to calculate
Manual syringe uncontrolled high pressures pressures
and record recommended doses of drugs and doses
g e n e r a t e d b y m a n u a l d e n t a l s y r in g e s w h e n t h e
force applied to mechanical plungers is subj ectively
controlled by the operator's hand. Fluid pressures and Milliliter metric measure of volume used to calculate
flow rates manually produced by mechanical systems and record recommended doses of drugs and doses
are in response to the back-pressure and resistance delivered
encountered by entry of a fluid into tissues. Fluid Minimal sedation drug-induced minimally depressed level of
pressures and flow rates cannot be precisely defined or consciousness in which a patient is able to independently
precisely controlled during fluid movement. and continuously maintain an airway and respond
Maxillary (MNB) nerve block provides hemimaxillary normally to tactile stimulation and verbal commands
pain management; also referred to as second division or Minimum alveolar concentration concentration at which
V2 nerve block the effects of anesthetic gases are produced
Maximum exposure limit set in 1977 by the National Minute volume also referred to as minute ventilation or
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) minute volume flow, is the amount of air exhaled in one
for nitrous oxide concentration to 25 ppm for dental minute and is calculated by multiplying tidal volume by
personnel respiration rate.
Maximum recommended dose (MRD) individualized Moderate sedation drug-induced depression of
l a r g e s t d o s e o f a n e s t h e ti c d r u g that s h o u l d be consciousness during which p atients can respond
administered at o n e time, n o t n e c e s s arily at one purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or
appointment (re- administration may b e possible in accompanied by light tactile stimulation
the same appointment depending on the elimination Motor nerves transmit impulses from the CNS to effector
half-life of the drug administered and the length of the cells, tissues, and organs
appointment) Motor neurons nerve cells that carry impulses away from
Medical devices see Devices (medical, local anesthetic) the CNS to effector cells, tissues, and organs

Muco gingival j unction of t he fre e muco s a and t h e Nociceptors sensory receptors that detect injury
attached gingiva in maxillary molar regions, a landmark Nodes of Ranvier spaces between adj acent S chwann
for Vazirani-Akinosi nerve blocks cells where nerve membranes can be exposed to local
Muscle relaxation progressive coping skill for fearful anesthetic drugs in myelinated nerves
patients in which different muscle groups are tensed Norepinephrine naturally o ccurring a d r e n e rgic
and relaxed throughout the body neurotransmitter
Myelinated refers to nerves that are enclosed by multiple Novocaine amide local anesthetic drug that is virtually
layers of Schwann cells worthle s s in d e n t i s try without the a dditio n of a
Mylohyoid nerve block provides pain management for vasoconstrictor
supplemental p ain management during procedures
involving mandibular molars when IA blocks fail to 0
provide profound anesthesia
Occult hematoma clinically undetected hematoma
Occupational exposure long-term exposure risk related
to the presence of nitrous oxide gas in room air due to
Nasal hood breathing apparatus that sits over the patient's inadequate ventilation, incorrect administration of nitrous
nose to facilitate the inhalation of N20/02 oxide sedation, and/or poorly maintained equipment
Nasopalatine (NP) nerve block provides pain management Onset® buffering system for dental local anesthesia
for palatal soft and osseous tissue in the anterior third of cartridges
the palate, approximately from canine to canine O r aVe r s e ® p h a r m a c e u t i c a l a g e n t ( p h e n t o l a m i n e
Nasopharynx uppermost part of the pharynx that extends m e sylate) available f o r t h e reversal o f soft-tissue
from the lower skull to the soft palate anesthesia
Needle device that penetrates tissues and through which Oropharynx mid portion of the pharynx, contains the
local anesthetic solution flows into them tonsils, eustachian tubes, and opening of the mouth,
Needle adaptor threaded surface at the end of the barrel continuous structure from the oral cavity to the soft
onto which needles are screwed palate and epiglottis
Needle cap plastic cover that protects the needle from Overdose administrations of drugs that result in signs and
contamination before and after use symptoms of CNS and CVS depression
Needle pathway route a needle travels as it advances to a O xy g e n o d o r l e s s , c o l o r l e s s , a n d t a s t e l e s s g a s , n o t
target site flammable; however, i t supports combustion
Needle tract infection infection that has been spread
along a needle pathway
Negative aspiration absence of visible blood in a cartridge P450 isoenzyme system see Isoenzyme system
following an aspiration test Pain unpleasant feeling or sensation usually associated
Nerve block see Nerve block inj ection with actual or potential tissue damage
Nerve block inj e ction deposition ne ar a maj or nerve Pain disorders a s s o ciated with psychogenic factors
trunk at a greater distance from the area of treatment, related to mental or emotional problems that affect the
which provides wider areas of anesthesia experience of pain
Nerve fibers axons and their associated Schwann cells Pain m a n a g e m e n t p r o p e r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of l o c a l
Neurolemma outer membrane of a neuron, also known as anesthetic that allows fearful p atients t h e ability t o
an axolemma cope with and tolerate treatment
Neurons nerve cells; basic units of nerves Pain threshold point at which a stimulus first produces a
sensation of pain
Neurop athic pain pain due to inj ury or dysfunction
of sensory nerves in the CNS ; can occur in CNS or Pain tolerance individual's reaction to painful stimuli
peripheral nerves Palatal -anterior s u p e r i o r alveolar ( P - A S A ) nerve
block provides pain management for maxillary anterior
Neutral base form of a local anesthetic molecule in which
sextants, including the palatal and facial periodontium
there is no ionic charge
of affected teeth; also known as the palatal approach
Nitrous oxide colorless, sweet-tasting gas used as a mild anterior superior alveolar nerve block
anesthetic for dental and medical procedures
Parent guidelines guidelines for parents and guardians
Nitrous oxide abuse deliberate inappropriate us e of accompanying children to dental appointments that
nitrous oxide to obtain mood-altering effects include everything from learning to be silent observers
Nociception detection of tissue injury to awareness of the importance of facial expressions
Nociceptive pain pain due to tissue injury and body postures to successful appointments

Pare s t h e s i a l i n g e r i n g p a i n , n u m b n e s s , i n c r e a s e d of the plural space to the outside air resulting in the

sensitivity, o r taste alterations resulting from nerve collapse of the lung
injury associated with local anesthetic injections Polarized potential across a nerve membrane whenever it
Penetrating end part of the needle shaft opposite the tip is not at 0 mV
of the needle that pierces through the center of the Polymodal p ain receptors that respond to all types of
diaphragm of the local anesthetic cartridge; also known stimuli
as the cartridge penetrating end Positive aspiration presence of visible blood in a cartridge
Penetration site specific location where a needle first following an aspiration test
pierces mucosa Positive coping statement method by which patients can
Peridental see Periodontal ligament inj ection (PDL) and establish cognitive control during treatment situations;
Intraligamentary inj ections reaffirms that all is going well during procedures by use
Perilemma inner layer of the perineurium of simple statements
Perineurium bundles individual nerve fibers into fasciculi Positive feedback behavioral management technique that
Periodontal ligament inj e ction ( P D L ) intra o s s e o u s emphasizes specific aspects of procedures that are going
inj ection technique for single teeth, for supplemental well, such as thanking a child for opening wide
anesthesia of individual teeth when other techniques Postanesthetic trauma self-injury caused by lip, tongue, or
have failed to provide profound anesthesia, when cheek biting, which occurs due to lack of sensation of
widespread anesthesia is contraindicated, and when anesthetized tissues
total doses need to be minimized; also known as the Posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve block provides
intraligamentary or peridental technique anesthesia for p ain management of multiple molar
Pharmacodynamics part of the pharmacology of a drug teeth in one quadrant and their buccal periodontium
that refers to the actions of the drug on the body Pre-anesthesia anesthesia that is already in effect from
Pharmacokinetics part of the pharmacology of a drug that previous inj ections in an area , or a two-step topical
refers to the management and disposition of the drug method that includes an initial 1-minute application of
by the body topical followed by 1 minute of pressure anesthesia
Pharynx muscular pass ageway 1 2 to 14 em long that Premature contact contact m a d e with b o n e b efore
i s d ivi d e d into t h r e e r e g i o n s , the n a s o p h ar y n x , reaching an optimum deposition site
oropharynx, and laryngopharynx PREP acronym for one of a number of strategies that
Phenylephrine weak, noncatecholamine vasoconstrictor help p atients cope with fear and anxiety in order
Phobia described in the American Psychiatric Association's to build trust and provide reassurance, specifically:
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Prepare, Rehearse, Empower, and Praise
as a persistent, irrational fear of a specific obj ect or Pressure anesthesia technique used to enhance patient
situation that results in a compelling desire to either comfort during palatal needle penetration through
avoid the situation or endure it with dread the use of pressure applied with either cotton swab or
Physical tolerance ability to tolerate the actual mechanics blunt-ended instrument handle to cause blanching,
of procedures, such as keeping the mouth open or before penetration
sitting for extended procedures Prilocaine intermediate-acting amide local anesthetic drug
Physiolo gical indicators of fear include perspiration, Procaine once-popular ester local anesthetic drug now
changes in respiration, shallow breathing, incre ased rarely used in dentistry and no longer available in
heart rate and blood pressure, or holding breath during dental cartridges; see Novocaine
inj ections P r o g r e s s ive m u s c l e r e l a x a t i o n ( P M R ) r e l a x a t i o n
Pin index safety system ensures that tanks are correctly technique learned b y tensing and then relaxing different
attached to the corresponding nitrous oxide or oxygen muscle groups throughout the body
gas yolks on the stands; used with portable nitrous Propagation process of sequential impulse generation
oxide-oxygen delivery systems only along nerve membranes to processing areas in the CNS
Piriform recess deep cavity found on either side of the or to effector cells, organs, and tissues
larynx that directs food around it Prote ctive response physiologic reaction to prevent
Piston part of the syringe that engages the harpoon in bodily harm
the cartridge stopper to deposit solution and facilitate P s e u d o ch o l i n e s t e r a s e e n z y m e r e s p o n s i b l e for t h e
aspiration tests metabolism o f ester local anesthetic drugs
pKa dissociation constant of a drug that relays relative Psychogenic factors aspects not attributable to specific
onset time information; see Dissociation constant injuries or pathology when discussing pain disorders
Pneumothorax accumulation of air or gas in the pleural Psychological tolerance ability to tolerate the mental
cavity, usually a result of an alveolar rupture or opening demands of procedures, such as the anticipation of pain

Pterygomandibular raphe me dial extent of the area s

into which penetration is made for inferior alveolar
inj ections S altatory conduction process whereby impuls e s are
more rapidly conducted along myelinated nerves due
R to a decrease in the length of membrane along which
impulses must be generated in order to reach their
Rapid depolarization event that occurs along a nerve destinations
membrane, after the firing threshold has been attained,
Scavenging systems help to eliminate excess gas being
where su fficient p o tential has b e e n p r o v i d e d to
exhaled by p atients, thereby limiting the clinician's
generate a nerve impulse
environmental exposure to exhaled nitrous oxide
R e fr a c t o r y s t a t e s t a t e fo l l o w i n g a n e r v e imp u l s e
Schwann cells connective tissue cells that protect neurons
generation i n which a subsequent impulse generation is
in the peripheral nervous system
either temporarily impossible or more difficult
S chwann cell sheaths S ch w a n n c e l l s , d e scrib e d a s
Regulator reduces gas pressures from tanks before gas
enclosing neurons
is delivered into the tubing and pipes; located on both
portable and central nitrous oxide-oxygen delivery systems S c o o p t e chnique recapping t e chnique for n e e d l e s ;
requires a clinician to slide a n uncapped needle into
Rehearsals practicing coping skills while simulating the
a needle cap (she ath) while the cap is lying on an
steps involved in actual dental procedures, at the same
instrument tray or table
time relieving everyone of the burden of having to
accomplish any treatment Second division nerve block see Maxillary nerve block
Relative contraindications contraindications to local Sedation induction of a relaxed state to alleviate anxiety
anesthetic delivery that allow procedures to proceed and discomfort
but only after appropriate modifications Self-aspirating syringe syringe designed to perform an
Relative refractory state p e r i o d in which a p artial aspiration test when brief, gentle pressure is applied,
attainment of the resting state has occurred and during then released against the thumb disk located on the
which a larger stimulus is required in order to achieve piston above the finger grips of the syringe
a successful firing along previously fired segments of Self-report principal method for obtaining information
nerve membranes about a patient; techniques may include questionnaires
Relaxation response restful state that modifies physical and interviews
and emotional responses to stress Sensory modality ability of a stimulus to be detected by a
Repolarization reversal of ion concentrations in the specific receptor
recovery phase when the nerve has attained a potential Sensory nerves nerves that relay information to the CNS
of approximately +40 mV regarding tissue injury and stimulation
Rescue injection inj ection of local anesthetic administered Sensory neurons nerve cells that carry incoming impulses
whenever an initial inj ection fails to provide profound from the body to the CNS for processing
anesthesia Shaft flexible, hollow, stainless steel cylinder with a sharp
Reservoir bag provides a volume of gas necessary for tip and bevel on one end and a cartridge-penetrating
each breath, as high as 20 Lpm over 1 to 2 seconds portion on the other; also referred to as a shank
Respiratory system includes the organs involved in the Shank see Shaft
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases across Slow depolarization initial depolarization or electrical
pulmonary/capillary membranes during respiration activity along a nerve membrane during which there
Resting state state in which a nerve is receiving little to no is insufficient d e p o l arization to generate a nerve
stimulation impulse
Retrospective control see Debriefing S o dium ion pumps active pumps that enhance the
Reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (RIND) disruption movement of sodium ions both into and out of sodium
of blood supply within the brain that lasts from 24 to 72 channels
hours, differentiating it from a TIA Somatic pain nociceptive pain that occurs on superficial
Right bronchus branch of the bronchi about 2.5 em long structures such as skin and muscles caused by traumatic
and deviates about 25 degrees from the trachea, divides injuries
into three branches that link three upper lobes, two Specific positive feedback positive feedback for specific
middle lobes, and five lower lobes desirable behaviors
Risk assessment making a determination of a patient's Specific protein receptor site areas in ion channels of
ability to withstand local anesthetic procedures before nerve membranes in which local anesthetic molecules
initiating them are bound

Specific protein receptor theory theory that explains Thyrotoxicosis excess of thyroid hormone in the body;
the binding of local anesthetic molecules in nerve hyperthyroidism
membranes and the majority of their behavior Tidal volume amount of gas inspired into the lungs
Spongy bone compressible bone underlying the cortical Time structuring process whereby patients are informed
plates of the maxilla and mandible o f the time it will take to administer a p articular
Stabident device used for intraosseous inj ections that inj ection
forms a guide sleeve which allows for ease of needle Tim e - weighted d o simetry i n e x p e n sive m e t h o d for
penetration monitoring an individual's exposure to trace gas
Stopper silicone rubber portion of a cartridge that when Topical anesthetic techniques modifications for children
engaged by a syringe harpoon is advanced by the piston include allowing them to choose the flavor of topical, or
to deposit solution, also referred to as a bung the use of a topical patch
Stress reduction protocols (SRP) protocols aimed at
Trace gases detectable presence of typically low levels of
preventing psychogenically generated adverse events
elemental gases such as nitrous oxide in an enclosed
Success variably defined provision of profound anesthesia environment
Supportive communication communication that begins Trachea muscular breathing passageway contiguous with
during the pre-inj ection period aimed at providing the larynx that divides into two bronchi, commonly
reassurance and trust called the windpipe
Supraperiosteal injection see Field block injection Transient ischemic attack (TIA) disruption of the blood
Sympathetic nervous system part of the nervous system supply within the brain that lasts only minutes to 24
associated with so-called fight or flight reactions hours with symptoms resolving within a day despite
Sympathomimetic drugs that mimic naturally occurring the fact that brain injury may have occurred; frequently
a d r e n e rgics, inc l ud i ng b o t h c a t e c h o l a m i n e s a n d referred to as mini-stroke
noncatecholamines Treatment modifications modifications made to planned
Synapses areas of connection of nerve cells; also referred local anesthetic procedures after p erforming risk
to as junctions assessments and after consulting the ASA Physical
Syringe adaptor plastic or aluminum hub through which Status Classification System
the needle shaft passes Trigger words words and terms that are n o t e asily
Syringe barrel part of a syringe designed to hold glass accepted by young patients, such as shot and needle
cartridges of local anesthetic solutions Trismus motor disturbance of the trigeminal nerve or,
Syringes medical devices that come in a variety of designs more simply, an inability to open the mouth
for delivering local anesthetic drugs Troubleshooting strat egies ability to m a ke critical
Systematic desensitization process of decreasing fear or assessment of inadequate anesthesia and determine
anxiety by gradual exposure to the thing that is feared resolutions
while using relaxation techniques Type 1 - low-density tissue tissues comprised of a loosely
organized connective tissue matrix interposed with
adipose tissue, intercellular fluids, and small volumes of
T organized collagen fibers. Examples are subcutaneous
connective tissues of the maxillary buccal mucosa and
Tachyphylaxis synonymous with rapid drug tolerance, the
infra-temporal fossa.
need for increasing doses in order to achieve similar
therapeutic effects Typ e 2 - moderate-density tissue tissues compri s e d
of a combination o f densely p a c k e d collagen fib er
Terminal arborization tree-like zones of neurons where
bundles interposed with a small amount of glandular
impulses are transmitted to other nerves or nuclei of
tissues and adipose tissue. Relatively small amounts
the CNS
of intercellular fluids are found in these tissues. A
Tetracaine ester anesthetic used only in topical form in moderate degree of collagen organization is found in
dentistry tissues of this type. Examples are the attached palatal
Thumb ring p art of a syringe that accommo d ates the gingiva, attached gingival tissues, and muscle tissues of
clinician's thumb in order to advance or retract pistons the oral cavity.
Thyroid cartilage largest, shield-shaped cartilage of the Type 3 - high-density tissue tissues comprised of densely,
larynx forming the laryngeal prominence; commonly highly organized collagen fiber matrices with minimal
called the Adam's apple amounts of intercellular fluids. The s e tissues are
Thyrotoxic crisis acute, life-threatening state induced by typically bound to periosteum. Examples include the
excessive release of thyroid hormones, thyroid storm periodontal ligament and muscle tendons.

u Vocal distraction behavioral management technique that

keeps children focused on the clinician's voice rather
Unmyelinated (nonmyelinated) nerves that have only a than on the dental procedure
thin layer of myelin protecting them
Window part of a syringe that makes the cartridge
V2 nerve block see Maxillary nerve block available for inspection throughout injection procedures
to assure accurate aspirations and to monitor the
Vasoconstrictors adrenergic drugs that are combined with
volume and speed of administration
local anesthetic drugs in order to increase their efficacy
and safety Work practice controls ( W P C ) controls, including
techniques to prevent needlestick inj uries that reduce
Vasopressor see Vasoconstrictors
the likelihood of exposure by altering the manner in
Vazirani-Akinosi (Akinosi) nerve block provides pain which a task is performed (e.g., prohibiting recapping of
management for the mandibular teeth in a single needles by a two-handed technique)
quadrant, especially when the ability to open the j aw is
limited, either due to physiologic, pathologic, or phobic X
circumstances ; also known as Vazirani-Akinosi (VA)
nerve block X-Tip device u s e d for intrao s s e o u s inj ections that
Visceral pain nociceptive p ain that occurs in internal forms a guide sleeve, which allows for ease of needle
body cavities and is caused by compression, expansion, penetration
stretching, and infiltration of structures
Visualization cognitive strategy to help patients reduce
stress; especially beneficial in dentistry to manage fears, Young's rule method for calculating safe doses of local
particularly fear of needles; see Guided visualization anesthetics in children based upon age, regardless of
and Guided imagery weight
A American Academy of Pediatric technique factors, 223-224
Aberrant innervations, 325-326 D entistry (AAPD) , 46, 95 technique modifications and
Absolute contraindications, 178, 398, 399 American Association of Orthopedic alternatives, 225
Absolute refractory state, 24 Surgeons (AAOS), 181 technique steps, 224
Absorption, 37 American Cancer Society (ACS) , 199 troubleshooting, 224-225
and distribution, 41 American Dental Association (ADA), 79, Antibiotic premedications, 174
systemic, 28, 33, 41, 105, 1 1 1 81-82, 141 , 181 , 391, 409, 415 Anticoagulants, 334
o f vasoconstrictors, 85 criteria for Local Anesthetics Color Anticonvulsants, local anesthesia
Accessory innervations, 325-326 Coding, 141 , 142 and, 192
Accutron, 40 1 , 408 American Heart Association (AHA), 8 1 , Antipsychotics, local anesthesia
Acetaminophen, methemoglobinemia 179, 180 and, 192
and, 179 American Society of Anesthesiologists Anxiety
Action potentials, 21 (ASA), 170, 172 defined, 359-360
Acute pain, 6 Physical Status Classification System, fear and, 9, 382-383
A delta fibers (AS) , 19 170-17 1 , 187-188 PREP strategy and, 9
Adiabatic compression, 399 Amides, 35 recognizing, 360-361
Adjunctive strategies, 313 biotransformation of, 41 Anxiolytics, local anesthesia and, 192
Administration chemical formulas of, 36 Armamentarium, 382, 411
of local anesthesia, 196-210, 212 identification of, 37 asembling appropriate, 199-200
of topical anesthetics, 1 17-1 19 Amitriptyline, 383 defined, 129
Adrenaline, 79, 85. See also Epinephrine AMSA nerve blocks. See Anterior middle for dental local anesthesia, 129-151
Adrenergic receptors, 79 superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve Articaine, 28, 34-35, 39, 41-42, 48, 55-57
mixed-acting drugs and, 80 blocks background, 55
sympathomimetic drug influence on, 80 Anaej ect, 130 dentistry, effective concentrations in, 55
types of, 80 Analgesia, 397 duration of action, 48, 55
vasoconstrictor toxicity and, 84 Analyses of variance (ANOVA), 321 in endodontics, 386
Adrenergic vasoconstrictors, 80, 85 Anaphylaxis, 81, 182, 350 FDA pregnancy rating for, 54
Adverse drug events (ADR), 181 Anatomic variations, 274, 324-327 half-life value, 42, 54
Adverse events, 8 1 , 332 Anesthesia, testing effectiveness of, IA nerve blocks and, 340
in vasoconstrictor overdose, 84 364-365 mandibular infiltrations with, 276
Adverse reactions, 332, 397 Angioedema, 349 for pediatric patients, 372, 374
A fibers, 19 ANS (autonomic nervous system) , 396 pH Value, 53
Age-appropriate terminology, 370 Anterior mandible, 27 pKa of, 39, 52-53
Ageusia, 339 Anterior middle superior alveolar relative potency, 56
Air bubbles, in drug cartridges, 142, 142 (AMSA) nerve blocks, 254-260, 385 relative toxicity, 56-57
Airway compromise, 384 anatomical factors, 256 ASA nerve blocks. See Anterior superior
Akinosi technique, 292 confirming anesthesia, 258-259 alveolar (ASA) nerve blocks
Allergic response, vs. vasoconstrictor deposition rate and blanching for, 258 ASA Physical Status Classification
overdose, 85 field of anesthesia, 255 System (ADA), 170-17 1 , 187-188
Allergies, 181, 345, 348-349, 384 injection failure, common causes of, 259 Aspirating syringes, 130
benzocaine, 108 technique factors, 256 harpoon-type, 130
epinephrine-related, 85 technique modifications and self, 130, 133
latex, 140 alternatives, 260 Aspiration, 203-205
local anesthetic, 384 technique steps, 256-258 false negative, 204, 205
and nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation, 396 troubleshooting, 259-260 negative, 204
Alpha ( a ) receptors, 80 Anterior superior alveolar (ASA) nerve positive, 204-205 , 206
Alternative medicine, 171 blocks, 223-225, 326-327 test, 203
Alveolar ducts, 393 anatomical factors, 223 Asthma, 176
Alzheimer's disease, local anesthesia complications, 225 AstraZeneca, 1 14, 1 16, 1 17
and, 181 confirming anesthesia, 224 Atypical plasma cholinesterase, 178, 350
Ambient gases, 409 field of anesthesia, 223 Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 396
American Academy of Allergy, 140 injection failure, common causes of, 224 Axolemma, 18

1-2 I N DEX

Axons, 16 metabolism, 65 effects of nitrous oxide-oxygen

anatomy of myelinated, 18 MRD, 65 sedation on, 395-396
nerve, 16 onset of action, 66 overdoses and, 347-348
Axoplasm, 21. See also Intracellular in oral and maxillofacial surgery, 382 Central supply delivery systems, 40 1-402,
environment, of a nerve overdose, 346 408
pH, 53, 66 Cepacol, 1 09, 1 1 0
B pKa, 39, 52, 53, 66 Cervical nerve innervation, 274
Backflow, 300 relative potency, 65 Cetacaine, 1 1 3
Bar Code Label Requirements for relative toxicity, 65 Cetylite Industries Inc. , 1 1 3
Human Drug Products and safety in lactation, 66 C fibers, 1 9
Biological Products, 141 special postoperative considerations Cheek bite, 372
Baseline vital signs, 4 1 1 for, 65 Chemical barriers, to local anesthesia,
Base molecules, neutral, 38-39 topical applications, 66 322-324
BeeGentle, 107 vasoactivity, 66 Child Henke-Ject Intraligamental
Behavioral control, 362 Butamben, 1 12 Syringe®, 305
B ehavioral guidelines, 371 effective concentrations in dentistry, Children
B ehavioral indicators of fear, 360-361 113 drug doses for, 95-96
Behavioral management techniques, examples o f topical anesthetic inj ection technique variations for,
375-376 products containing, 1 1 3 376-380
Benzocaine, 106-109 excretion, 125 OTC teething medications, 108
biotransformation of, 41-42 onset of action, 1 1 3 , 125 special considerations for obesity in, 371
pKa of, 52 pregnancy category, 1 1 3 , 125 topical anesthetics, use of, 374
pregnancy category of, 68 Cholinesterase, 41. See also Plasma
B enzocaine, butamben, and tetracaine c cholinesterase
(combination) , 1 1 3 CAO Group, 107 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
B enzodiazepines, 382-383 Cap leakage, 142 (COPD), 398
Beta-blockers, 182 Carcinogenicity, lidocaine and, 51 Chronic pain, 6
Beta ({3) receptors, 80 Cardiac dose, 94 Clark's Rule, 95
B evel, 136, 136 of vasoconstrictors by drug ratio, 95 Clinical examinations, for patient
Bifid IA nerves, 274 Cardiovascular accident (CVA), local assessment, 172-173
Bilateral mandibular blocks, 377 anesthesia and, 180 Clinician judgment, 322
Bilayered phospholipid membranes, 16 Cardiovascular collapse reversal, 347 Clotting disorders, 174
Biofeedback, 364 Cardiovascular disease Cocaine, 33, 182-183, 383, 384
Biotransformation, 33 and hyperthyroidism, 179 Cognitive control, 361
of bupivacaine, 65 local anesthesia and, 190 Color coding
and elimination, 41 MET ratings for, 175 cartridge labeling and, 141
of vasoconstrictors, 84-85 Cardiovascular system (CVS) of drug cartridge, 141 , 142
Biphasic CNS depression, 40 effect of local anesthesia on, 40-41 Comfort Control Syringe (CCS), 147-148
Hi-rotational insertion, 165 effects of nitrous oxide-oxygen Complementary and alternative medicine
Blanching, 251, 258, 259, 302 sedation on, 395 (CAM), 171
Blocadren, 193 overdoses and, 346, 348 Complementary medicine, 171
Blow by, defined, 400 selected {3 and {3 adrenergic effects on, Complications
BNBs (Buccal nerve blocks) , 282-283 , 81 defined, 332
296 Carestream Health Inc. , 46, 52, 130 local, 333-345
Braun, Heinrich, 33 CARL (Computer Assisted Relaxation systemic, 345-351
Breech-loading, cartridge-type syringe, Learning) program, 366 Compounded drugs, 105
130, 134 Carpule, 140 CompuDent/Wand Instrument, 147-150,
Broken needles, 336-337 Cartridges, converting milligrams to, 9 1 , 148, 149
prevention of, 336 94 Computer-controlled local anesthetic
response and management of, 336-337 Cartridge volume, 90 delivery (CCLAD ) , 130, 147, 303
Bronchioli, 393, 394 Catecholamine, 79 benefits for PDL injections, 163
Buccal nerve blocks (BNBs), 282-283, Catecholamine-0-methyltransferase comfort control, 147
296 (COMT) , 83, 85 device features, 163-164
Bupivacaine Cations, 16, 38, 39 explained, 147
background, 64 Cell bodies, 16 fluid dynamics and anatomical
biotransformation of, 41 Center for Drug Evaluation and location, implications of, 162
CVS effects, 40 Research (FDA), 46 history of, 161-162
dentistry, formulations for use in, 64 Centers for Disease Control and manual syringes vs., 162-163
duration of action, 64 Prevention (CDC), 138, 200 for NP nerve blocks, 164
excretion, 66 Central nervous system (CNS) for P-ASA nerve blocks, 166
FDA pregnancy rating for, 54 depression of, 176, 177 for PDLs, 300
half-life, 42, 53, 54, 66 effect of local anesthesia on, 40 technique considerations, 165-167

COMT (catecholamine-0- Dentsply International, 130 Direct negative experience, 360

methyltransferase ) , 83, 85 Dentsply Maillefer, 146 Dissociation constant, 39
Concentration gradient, 25 D entsply Pharmaceuticals, 106, 1 14, 179 Distribution, 37, 41
Concomitant, 172 Dentsply/Professional, 147 Diurnal body rhythm, 321
Conduction tubing, 405 , 406 Depolarization Division 2 nerve block, 232. See also
Congestive heart failure (CHF) , 176 rapid, 23-25 Posterior superior alveolar (PSA)
Contraindications and repolarization, 26 nerve blocks
to local anesthesia, 178-183 slow, 23, 24 Dopamine, 79-80
for nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation, D eposition site Dose calculations
398-399 AMSA nerve blocks, 256, 257 additional doses of different drugs,
Control ASA nerve blocks, 223 , 224 91-92
behavioral, 362 BNBs, 282 additional doses of same drugs, 91
cognitive, 361 errors, 222 for children, 95-96
defined, 361 explained, 198, 219, 248 factors required for, 89-90
informational, 361 GGs (or GGMNBs), 289, 293 for local anesthetics, 89-92
restrospective, 362 GP nerve blocks, 261 , 261 for vasoconstrictors, 92-95
Cook, Harvey, 130, 197 IA nerve blocks, 271 , 272 Drug cartridges
Cook Laboratories, 130 INBs, 287 air bubbles in, 142
Cook-Waite Laboratories, 130, 140, 197 for infiltrations inj ections, 220 anatomy of, 140
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary intra osseous inj ections, 307 cap leakage, 142
disease), 398 intrapupal technique, 3 1 1 , 312 contents of, 140-141
Copper tubing, 401-402 intraseptal technique, 310 defined, 140
Core bundles, 20, 21 IO nerve blocks, 229, 230 disposal of, 144-145
Corgard, 170, 182 LNBs, 280 handling, storage, and expiration, 143
Coronoid notch, 269, 270, 270 mandibular infiltrations with articaine, integrity of, 141-142
Cortical plates, 305 276 labeling and color coding of, 141
Creams, 1 05-106, 1 09 maxillary nerve blocks, 238, 239, 240 quality of, 322
Cross-innervation, 225 MNBs, 284 warming, 376
Cumulative effect, 209 MSA nerve blocks, 226, 226 Drug concentration, 90
Cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs), mylohyoid nerve blocks, 278 Drug dosages, pediatric, 371 , 382
207 NP nerve blocks, 249, 249 Drug percentage, 90
Cystic fibrosis, 398 P-ASA nerve blocks, 253, 253 Drug tolerance, 324, 326
PSA nerve blocks, 233, 233 Drug volumes, for IA nerve blocks, 273
D rate of delivery, 205-206 Durable blockade, 27
Debriefing, 9, 362 VA nerve blocks, 282 Duran est, 48
Deep breathing, 363 Desensitization, 363 Duration of action
Deep sedation, 391 Device evaluation form, sample, 154-155 of articaine, 55, 57
Delivery devices D evices of benzocaine, 108
CCLADs, 147 CCLADs, 147 of benzocaine, butamben, and
Comfort Control Syringe (CCS), 147, Comfort Control Syringe (CCS), tetracaine combination, 1 1 3
147-148 147-148 of bupivacaine, 6 4 , 65
drug cartridges, 140-145 defined, 129 of dyclonine hydrochloride, 1 1 0
for intraosseous inj ections, 146-147, intraosseous inj ection, 146-147 o f lidocaine, 4 8 , 1 1 1
146-147 j et injection, 1 18-1 19, 150, 151 o f lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 15,
introduction, 129 latex allergies and local anesthesia, 140 1 17
j et injectors, 150 medical, 129 of lidocaine topical, 1 1 1
needles, 135-140 needle recapping, 138 o f mepivacaine, 59, 60
for periodontal ligament inj ections, 146 for pain control in dentistry, 130 of prilocaine, 61, 63
response to needlesticks, 145 safety syringes, 150-15 1 of procaine, 66-67
syringes, 131-134 Diabetes, local anesthesia and, 190 of tetracaine, 1 1 2
Dementia, local anesthesia and, 181-182 Diabetics Dyclone, 1 1 0
Demyelination, 18 brittle, 83 Dyclonine hydrochloride, 1 1 0
Dendritic zones, 16 metabolic issues, 177 duration o f action, 1 1 0
Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) , 172 uncontrolled, 52 excretion, 1 1 0
Dental fears questionnaires, 171 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of lactation, 1 1 0
Dental history, for patient assessment, Mental Disorders, 360 metabolism, 1 1 0
171-172 Diameter-Index Safety System, 400 MRD for, 1 1 0
Dental Hi Tech, 130 Diaphragm, of drug cartridge, 140 onset o f action, 1 1 0
Dental hygienists, 3 Diazepam, 383 pregnancy category, 1 1 0
Dental local anesthesia providers, 3 Diffusion hypoxia, 394 toxicity, 1 1 0
Dental neural plexus, 20, 21 Dilution ratios, 81, 92, 93 Dynamic Pressure Sensing Technology®
Dental plexus, 20, 219, 256, 305 Direct-acting drugs, 79 Instruments, 147
1-4 I N DEX

Dysesthesia, 339 of butamben, 125 Gels, 105-108

Dysrhythmic effects, 383 of dyclonine, 1 10, 122 General anesthesia, 28, 391
of lidocaine, 48, 5 1 , 73, 1 1 1 , 123 Generalized anaphylaxis, 350
E of lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 16, Glaucoma, local anesthesia and, 190
Ectopic IA nerves, 274 1 17 Glucocorticoids, local anesthesia and, 192
Electrical potential, 21, 22-23 of mepivacaine, 60, 75 Gow-Gates Mandibular nerve blocks
Electric (electronic) pulp tester (EPT) , of prilocaine, 63, 76 (GGs or GGNMBs), 165, 209,
364-365 of procaine, 67 288-292, 297
Elimination half-life, 42 of tetracaine, 1 12, 124 GP nerve blocks. See Greater palatine
of articaine, 42, 54, 58 Excretory system, patient assessment (GP) nerve blocks
of bupivacaine, 42, 54, 66 and, 178 Graduated exposure, 364
of lidocaine, 42, 53-54 Extracellular environment, of a nerve, Greater palatine (GP) nerve blocks,
of mepivacaine, 42, 54, 61 21 , 22 260-262
of prilocaine, 42, 54, 63 anatomical factors, 260
of procaine, 54, 68 complications, 262
Embedded needles, 337 confirming anesthesia, 261-262
Facial nerve paralysis, 342-343
EMLA (Eutectic Mixture of Local field of anesthesia, 260
prevention of, 342
Anesthetics) , 1 16 inj ection failure, common causes of,
response to, 342
End cap, of drug cartridge, 140 262
False negative aspirations, 204, 205
Endocarditis, 181 technique factors, 261
Fasciculi, 19
Endodontics, 385-387 technique modifications and
intraosseous inj ections in, 386 alternatives, 262
behavioral indicators of, 360-361
intra osseous technique, 386-387 technique steps, 261
defined, 359
intrapulpal inj ections in, 387 troubleshooting, 262
development of, 360
managing fear in, 386 Guided imagery, 361-362
physiological indicators of, 361
topical anesthetics in, 386 Guided visualization. See Guided
recognizing, 360-361
use of anesthetics in, 386 imagery
Fearful patients
Endoneurium, 19
development of fear, 360
Engineering Controls (EC), 138, 139 H
foundations of treatment, 361-363
Ephedrine, 79-80 Halothane, 383
introduction, 359
Epinephrine, 33, 46, 81-83 . See also Halsted, William, 33, 197
practical applications, 363-366
Adrenaline Harpoon, 132, 134
recognizing fear and anxiety, 360-361
allergies to, 345 Harpoon type aspirating syringe, 130
terminology, 359-360
diabetics and, 83 Heat of compression, 400
Fears patients, defined, 359
halothane and, 383 Hematomas, 223
Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic
history of, 81-82 case management, 352-353
(FD&C) Act, 129
hyperthyroidism and, 177 described, 333
Felypressin, 86
insulin and, 83 formation case, 334
Field block injections, 197-198
lidocaine with, 46-48 management of, 335
Fight or flight response, 8, 359
maximum safe doses for, 82, 93 occult, 333
Finger grips, 132, 132, 134
as vasoconstrictor, 79-80 prevention of, 334-335
Firing threshold, 23
Epineural sheath, 19 Hemophilia, 174
rapid depolarization and, 23-25
Epineurium, 19 Hemostasis, 385
slow depolarization and, 23
Ergonomic position, 207-208 Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 39
Flow meters, 403 , 405
Ergonomics, for inj ection administration, Henry Schein, 35
Fluid dynamics, 162
207-210 Hepatic disease, local anesthesia and, 191
Fluid flow rate, 162
Esters, 35 Herpetic lesions, 343
Fluid pressure, 162
biotransformation of, 41-42 Herpetiform aphthous ulcerations,
Fluothane, 383
easy identification of, 37 343, 343
Focusing attention, 362
metabolization of, 1 1 3 Histamine H2 Receptor Blockers, local
Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
Etidocaine, 48 anesthesia and, 193
46, 400
Eutectic mixtures, 1 1 3-117 Hives, 349
Freud, Sigmund, 33
lidocaine and prilocaine eutectic Rubbing, 336
Fulcrum positions, 213
mixtures, 1 16-1 17 Hubs, of needles, 136, 138
Functional capacity, 175
lidocaine and prilocaine periodontal Hydrophilic ends, 16
eutectic mixture, 1 14-1 16 Hypercarbic drive, 414
Excretion G Hyperesthesia, 339
of articaine, 57, 58, 74 Ganglia, 16 Hyper-responders, 345
of benzocaine, 108, 121 Gas exchange in alveoli, 394-395, 395 Hyper-response, 85
of benzocaine, butamben, and Gate Control Theory of Pain Perception, Hypersensitivity, 85, 348
tetracaine combination, 1 1 3 250 Hypertension, local anesthesia and,
o f bupivacaine, 6 5 , 6 6 , 77 Gauge, 135 180-18 1 , 190

Hyperthermia, local anesthesia Informational control, 361 Intracellular environment, of a nerve, 21.
and, 191 Informed consent, 199, 410 See also Axoplasm
Hyperthyroidism, 177 Infraorbital (IO) nerve blocks, IntraFiow device, 146, 147, 386
cardiovascular disease and, 179 228-232 Intraligamentary technique, 300
local anesthesia and, 190 anatomical factors, 229 Intralipid, 347
Hypodermic syringes, 130 vs. ASA Nerve Blocks, 228 Intranasal anesthesia, 241
Hypogeusia, 339 complications, 232 Intraoral paresthesia, 176
Hypo-responders, 345 confirming anesthesia, 230 Intraosseous inj ection devices, 146-147,
Hypothyroidism, local anesthesia and, field of anesthesia, 228-229 146-147
177, 190 inj ection failure, common causes of, Intraosseous injections, 327, 386
Hypoxic drive, 414 231 Intra osseous techniques, 305-309
technique factors, 229 Intrapulpal inj ections, in
technique modifications and endodontics, 387
lA nerve blocks, 268-280, 294, 296, 30 1 , alternatives, 232 Intrapulpal technique, 3 1 1-3 12
327, 340, 342-343, 384-385 technique steps, 230 Intraseptal technique, 309-3 1 1
Idiosyncratic events, 350 troubleshooting, 23 1-232 Intravascular administration, 130
Imipramine, 383 Inj ection procedure Intravascular inj ections, 327. See also
Immunology Task Force on Allergic BNBs, 282 Inj ections
Reactions to Latex, 140 GGs (or GGMNBs), 290-291 Ion channels, 21-22
Impulse extinction, 27 for IA nerve blocks, 271 IO nerve blocks. See Infraorbital (IO)
Impulses, 16 INBs, 288 nerve blocks
Inadequate anesthesia for intra osseous technique, 308 Isoproterenol, 79-80
administration-related factors, 321-322 for intrapulpal technique, 312
anatomic variations, 324-327 for intraseptal technique, 310 J
chemical barriers, 322-324 LNBs, 281 J. Morita, Nashika Line, 130
defining success, 321 mandibular infiltrations with articaine, Jet inj ection devices, 1 18, 150, 151
described, 320 276 Journal of the American Dental
inflammation, 323, 327 MNBs, 284-285 Association, 314
intravascular inj ections, 327 mylohyoid nerve blocks, 278 Journal of the Canadian Dental
introduction, 320-321 for PDL inj ections, 303 Association, 82
physical barriers, 322-324 VA nerve blocks, 293
psychological barriers, 322 Inj ections
reassessment of technique for, benefits of CCLAD for PDL, 163 K
365-366 completion of, 206 Keystone Industries, 1 1 9
suggested reading on, 320 definitions, 197 Kidney dysfunction, local anesthesia
Incisive nerve blocks (INBs), 248, ergonomics for, 207-210 and, 179
286-288, 296. See also failure causes, 304, 309 Kodak Dental Systems, 130
Nasopalatine (NP) nerve blocks field block, 197-198 Koller, Carl, 33
Incremental induction technique, guidelines, 198-207 Kovacaine Mist™, 241-242
410-41 3 infiltration, 197
Inderal, 182, 193 initiating, 202-203 L
Indirect-acting drugs, 79 intraosseous, 327 Labeling, of drug cartridge, 141
Infection control guidelines, 153 intravascular, 327 Lactation
Infections, 344-345 , 383-384 management techniques for pediatric articaine and, 57, 58, 74
Infective endocarditis (IE), 181 dental, 375, 375 of benzocaine, butamben, and
Inferior alveolar nerve, 27, 55, 57 mandibular, 267-298 tetracaine combination, 1 1 3
Inferior alveolar nerve block, 165-166 maxillary, 218-242 benzocaine and, 109
Inferior alveolar (IA) nerve block, 165- nerve block, 198 bupivacaine and, 65, 66, 77
166, 209, 268-280, 294, 296, 3 0 1 , 327, pain on, 335-336 of dyclonine, 1 1 0
340, 342-343, 384-385 palatal, 247-262 lidocaine and, 4 8 , 5 5 , 7 3 , 1 1 1
Infiltration inj ections, 197. See also preparing site for, 201-202 o f lidocaine/prilocaine mixture,
Inj ections steps for, 198-207 1 16, 1 17
field of anesthesia for, 220 terminology, 197-198 lidocaine topical and, 1
height of penetration for, 220 Inj ection techniques, 148, 197 mepivacaine and, 60, 6 1 , 75
penetration site for, 220 Inspiration, 393 prilocaine and, 63, 64, 76
Infiltrations, 197 Insulin, epinephrine and, 83 procaine and, 68
buccal, 198 Integrative medicine, 171 tetracaine and, 1 1 2
field block and, 197 Intermediate chains, 35 Larynx, 392-393, 393
local, 197 Internal oblique ridge, 270, 270 Latex allergies, 140, 384
mandibular, 198 International Association for the Study Lesions, 343-344
vs. nerve blocks, 198 of Pain (IASP), 5, 360 Levonordefrin, 59, 79, 83-84, 383, 385
Inflammation, 38, 323, 327, 383-384 Interpapillary injections, 252, 385 maximum safe doses for, 93
1-6 I N DEX

Lidocaine, 46-55, 1 10-1 1 1 mepivacaine as, 325 GGs (or GGMNBs), 288-292
background, 46 metabolic systems, systemic effects of, IA nerve blocks, 268-280
biotransformation of, 41 176-177 INBs, 286-288
concerns regarding carcinogenicity nervous system, systemic effects of, 176 introduction, 268
and, 5 1 for obese children, 371 LNBs, 280-282
dentistry, formulations for use in, in oral and maxillofacial surgery, 382 MNBs, 283-286
46-48 pharmacodynamics of, 36-42 techniques, 268
duration of action, 48, 1 1 1 pharmacokinetics of, 36-42 VA nerve blocks, 292-294
i n endodontics, 386 pKa and pH, 39, 53 Mandibular molars, 198
excretion, 5 1 , 1 1 1 primary benefit of, 34 Manifolds, 399
FDA-approved maximum doses of, 89 respiratory system, systemic effects of, Mantle bundles, 20
half-life value, 42, 53, 54 176 distribution of, 27
maximum recommended dose (MRD), reversal, 373-374 local anesthesia, significance of, 27
48-49, 1 1 1 routes of delivery, 34 Maxillary inj ections. See also
metabolism, 50-5 1 , 1 1 1 scope of practice, 3 Inj ections
onset o f action, 5 3 , 1 1 1 significance of core and mantle ASA nerve blocks, 223-225
i n oral and maxillofacial surgery, 382 bundles on, 27 future perspectives, 241-242
overdose of, 346 steps in the administration of, 198-207, infiltrations, 219-223
for pediatric patients, 371-372 212 introduction, 219
pH, 52-53 toxicity and, 382 IO nerve blocks, 228-232
pKa, 39, 52-53 vasoactivity of, 39 maxillary nerve block, 236-241
pregnancy category, 53-55, 1 1 1 workings of, 28 MSA nerve blocks, 225-228
relative potency, 49-50 Local anesthesia, contraindications to PSA nerve blocks, 232-236
relative toxicity, 50 absolute contraindications, 178 techniques, 219
safety during lactation, 55 allergies, 181 Maxillary nerve block, 236-241
topical preparations, 53 beta-blockers, 182 anatomical factors, 238
vasoactivity, 51 cardiovascular disease and confirming anesthesia, 240
Lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 14-1 17 hyperthyroidism, 179 facial approach to, 239-240
Limiting drug, 93-94 cerebrovascular events, 180 field of anesthesia, 237-238
Lingual nerve anesthesia, 269 cocaine, 182-183 inj ection procedure, 240
Lingual nerve blocks (LNBs), 280-282 dementia-related diseases, 181-182 palatal approach to, 238
Lingual nerves, 384 hypertension, 180 technique factors, 238
Lip bite, 337, 338, 372 liver or kidney dysfunction, 179 technique steps, 238-239, 240
Lipid membranes, 16 medical compromise, examples of, Maxillary plexus, 256
Lipophilic ends, 16 178-179 Maximum exposure limit for nitrous
Liquid rinses, 106 methamphetamine, 183 oxide, 409
Liver dysfunction, local anesthesia and, myocardial infarction, 180 Maximum recommended doses (MRD), 42
179 pharmacological compromise, of articaine, 56, 57, 74
LNBs (Lingual nerve blocks) , 280-282 examples of, 182 of benzocaine, 108, 121
Local adverse reactions, to topical pregnancy, 181 of benzocaine, butamben, and
anesthetics, 1 17 premedication, considerations for, tetracaine combination, 1 1 3
Local anesthesia, 34 180-181 o f bupivacaine, 65, 77
administration of, 198-207 psychological compromise, examples of butamben, 125
armamentarium for dental, 129-151 of, 183 of dyclonine, 1 10, 122
cardiovascular system, systemic effects relative contraindications, 178 elimination half-life and, 42
of, 173-176 Local infiltrations, 197 of lidocaine, 48-49, 73, 1 1 1 , 123
cartridge volume, 90 Lorna linda inferior alveolar nerve block of lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 15,
contraindications to, 178-183 technique, 279 116
defined, 28 Lorazepam, 383 local anesthesia and vasoconstrictor
desirable properties of, 34-35 Ludwig's angina, 384 reference, 1 0 1
documentation of, 206-207 Lumen, 136 for local anesthetics, 4 8 , 8 9 , 94
effect on CNS, 40 of mepivacaine, 60, 75
effect on CVS, 40 M of prilocaine, 62, 63, 76
excretory system, systemic effects of, Madaj et, 150 of procaine, 67
178 MadaJet XL, 1 19 of tetracaine, 1 12, 124
future developments in topical, 1 19 MADA Medical Equipment for topical anesthetics, 1
history of, 28 International, 150 for vasoconstrictor drugs,
inflammation and, 38 MADA Medical Products Inc. , 1 1 9 92-93, 94
in inflammation and infection, 383-384 Mandibular infiltrations, 377-378 Medical conditions
inj ectable, 35 with articaine, 276 local anesthesia modifications for, 173 ,
introduction to, 28 Mandibular inj ections 190
ionic basis of, 38 BNBs, 282-283 undiagnosed and undisclosed, 173

Medical consultation, for patient explained, 179-180, 350-351 injection failure, common causes of, 251
assessment, 173 local anesthesia and, 178-179 technique factors, 249
Medical devices, 129 patient education, 179 technique modifications and
Medical history, for patient assessment, prilocaine and, 6 1 , 63 alternatives, 252
171-172 signs and symptoms of, 108, 179 technique steps, 249-251
Membrane expansion theory, 37-38 topical anesthetics and, 1 17-1 18 troubleshooting, 251-252
Mental nerve blocks (MNBs), 283-286, treatment, 179 National Institute for Occupational
296 Methoxamine, 79-80 Safety and Health (NIOSH), 409
Mepivacaine, 58-61 Midazolam, 383 National Institutes of Health (NIH), 171
AAPD maximum recommended Middle superior alveolar (MSA) nerve Needle adaptor, 132, 134
doses, 96 blocks, 225-228, 326 Needle bevel, 165
background, 58-59 anatomical factors, 225 Needle caps, 138
biotransformation of, 41 complications, 227-228 Needle pathways
dentistry, formulations for use in, 59 confirming anesthesia, 227 AMSA nerve blocks, 256
duration of action, 48, 59-60 field of anesthesia, 225 ASA nerve blocks, 223
excretion, 60 inj ection failure, common causes of, backward, 240
FDA-approved maximum doses of, 89 227 BNBs, 282
half-life, 42, 54, 61 technique factors, 226 considerations, 198
lactation, safety during, 61 technique modifications and downward, 240
metabolism, 60 alternatives, 227 explained, 198, 219, 248
MRD, 60 technique steps, 226-227 GGs (or GGMNBs), 289
onset of action, 61 troubleshooting, 227 GP nerve blocks, 261
for pediatric patients, 371 Milestone Scientific Inc. , 130, 147-148, IA nerve blocks, 270-271
pH value, 53, 61 151, 162 INBs, 287
pKa of, 39, 52, 60 Milligrams, converting to cartridges, for infiltrations inj ections,
pregnancy category, 61 91, 94 198, 219-220
relative potency, 60 Miltex Inc., 146 intraosseous inj ections, 306-307
relative toxicity, 60 Minimal sedation, 391-392 intrapupal technique, 3 1 1
topical preparations, 61 Minimum alveolar concentration, 397 intraseptal technique, 310
used as local anesthetic, 325 Minute ventilation. See Minute volume inward, 240
vasoactivity, 60 Minute volume, 394 IO nerve blocks, 229
Mesiobuccal roots, 226 Mixed-acting drugs, 80 LNBs, 280
Metabolic equivalent of task (MET), 175 Mizzy/Keystone Products, 150 mandibular infiltrations with
Metabolic systems, patient assessment Moderate sedation, 391 articaine, 276
and, 176-177 Modernization Act (1997) , 1 05 maxillary nerve blocks, 238, 239-240
Metabolism, 37 Monitoring, patient, 415 MNBs, 284
Metabolites, 41 Monoamine oxidase (MAO ) , 85 MSA nerve blocks, 226
Metabolization Mononeuropathy, 8 mylohyoid nerve blocks, 278
of articaine, 57, 74 Morbidity, 332 NP nerve blocks, 249
of benzocaine, 108, 121 Mortality, 332 P-ASA nerve blocks, 253, 253
of benzocaine, butamben, and Motor nerves, 28 PDL inj ections, 302
tetracaine combination, 1 13 MSA nerve blocks. See Middle superior PSA nerve blocks, 233
of bupivacaine, 65, 77 alveolar (MSA) nerve blocks upward, 240
of butamben, 125 Mucosal lesions, 343-344 VA nerve blocks, 292
of dyclonine, 1 10, 122 Multilingual health history forms, 172 Needles
of levonordefrin, 84 Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), 207 anatomy of, 135-136, 136
of lidocaine, 48, 50-5 1 , 73, 1 1 1 , 123 Myasthenia gravis, local anesthesia and, bending, 303, 337
of lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 16, 190 bevels, 321-322
1 17 Myelinated nerves, 18-19 broken, 336-337
of mepivacaine, 60, 75 Mylohyoid nerve blocks, 275, 278 deflection, 137, 322
of prilocaine, 63, 76 Myocardial infarction, 180 dental local anesthetic, 135
of procaine, 67 Myocardial infarction, local anesthesia disposal of, 139, 144-145
of tetracaine, 112, 124 and, 180 embedded, 337
Metaraminol, 80 gauges of, 135, 137, 137-138
Metered sprays, 1 05-106 N hub of, 136
Methamphetamine, local anesthesia Nadolol, 182, 193 introduction, 135
and, 183 Nasal hood, 405, 407, 407 lengths of, 137, 137
Methemoglobinemia, 50, 178-179 Nasopalatine (NP) nerve blocks, 248-252 phobia, 351
acetaminophen and, 179 anatomical factors, 248-249 recapping, l38, 158-160
benzocaine and, 107-108 complications, 252 safety for patients and clinicians,
children and, 108 confirming anesthesia, 251 138-140
drug-induced, 179 field of anesthesia, 248, 248 syringe adaptor of, 136
1-8 I N DEX

Needle selection nerve axons, cell bodies, and enhancing, 410

BNBs, 282 membranes, 16 equipment combustion risks, 399
GGs (or GGMNBs), 290 nerve cell anatomy, 16 ethical and legal issues relating,
for lA nerve blocks, 271 , 273 nerve fiber types, 19-20 414-415
INBs, 288 nerve myelination, 17-18 safety mechanisms, 409
for intraosseous inj ections, 307 overview, 16 states and provincal statutes relating,
for intrapulpal technique, 312 peripheral, 19-20 415
for intraseptal technique, 309 saltatory conduction, 19 steps for administering, 410-416
LNBs, 281 Neurolemmas, 16. See also Nerve Nociceptive pain, 6-7
mandibular infiltrations with articaine, membranes Nociceptors, 6, 7
276 Neurons, 16 Nodes of Ranvier, 18, 1 9
mylohyoid nerve blocks, 278 motor, 16 Nonmyelinated nerves, 18, 19
for PDL inj ections, 303 myelinated, 18 Nonselective beta-blockers, 182
VA nerve blocks, 293 nonmyelinated, 18 Norepinephrine, 79, 80, 85-86
Needlesticks, 145 sensory, 16 Novalar Pharmaceuticals, 314
Needlestick safety, 273 Neuropathic pain, 7-8 Novocaine, 33, 66
Needle tract infections, 382, 383 Neurophysiology, 21 Novocol Company, 130
Negative aspiration, 204 Neutral base, 37 NP nerve blocks. See Nasopalatine (NP)
Nerve block anesthesia, 58, 63 Neutral base molecules, 38-39 nerve blocks
Nerve block inj ections, 198 New York Heart Association, 92 N-Tralig, 146, 146
Nerve blocks. See also specific types NIOSH (National Institute for
anterior middle superior alveolar Occupational Safety and Health), 0
(AMSA), 254-260, 385 409 Obesity, pediatric drug doses and, 95, 371
anterior superior alveolar (ASA), Nitrous oxide, 391-392 Occult hematomas, 333
223-225 , 326-327 adverse reactions, 397 Occupational exposure, 414, 416
buccal, 282-283, 296 calculating percentage of, 410 Occupational Safety and Health
case management on, 328 complications and revention of Administration (OSHA), 138, 146,
Gow-Gates Mandibular nerve blocks, adverse occurrences, 413-414 200, 337
288-292, 297 examples of industrial uses of, 398 Ocular complications, 345
greater palatine (GP), 260-262 examples of medical uses of, 398 Office of Pharmaceutical Science, 46
incisive, 286-288 excessive sedation signs, 413 Ointments, 1 05-106, 109
inferior alveolar (lA), 165-166, in FDA Pregnancy Category C, 396 Oligodendrocytes, 17
268-280, 294, 296, 327, 340, 342-343, manufacturing process for, 399-409 Onpharma, 324, 325
384-385 occupational exposure risks, 414 Onset of action
vs. infiltrations, 198 optimal sedation signs, 412 of articaine, 58, 74
infraorbital (10), 228-232 sedation principles, 410 of benzocaine, 1 07-108, 121
lingual, 280-282 solubility in blood, 394 of benzocaine, butamben, and
maxillary, 236-241 tanks, 400 tetracaine combination, 1 1 3
mental, 283-286, 296 usage employee safety and health o f bupivacaine, 6 6 , 77
middle superior alveolar (MSA), guidelines, 409 of butamben, 125
225-228, 326 Nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation, 391, of dyclonine, 1 10, 122
mylohyoid, 278 419-424. See also Sedation of lidocaine, 53, 73, 1 1 1 , 123
nasopalatine (NP) , 248-252 adverse reactions to, 397 of lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 15,
palatal anterior superior alveolar anatomy and physiology involved in, 116
(P-ASA) , 252-254 392-395 of mepivacaine, 6 1 , 75
posterior superior alveolar (PSA), for anxiety control, 366 of prilocaine, 63, 76
232-236, 326 benefits, limitations, and precautions of procaine, 68
Vazirani-Akinosi (VA), 292-294, 343 of, 391 of tetracaine, 1 12, 124
Nerve fibers, 18 common indications for dental, 398 Onset system, 313, 324, 325
types of, 19 complications and revention of Oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) ,
Nerve impulses adverse occurrences, 413-414 382-384
generation and conduction of, 21-26 contraindications for, 398-399 Oraqix, 64, 106, 1 14-1 16
local anesthetics on, 26-27 currently used in dentistry, 392 OraVerse, 338, 373-374
saltatory conduction and, 19 delivery system components, 402, 423 OraVerse®, 142
successful generation of, 30 effects on other body systems, 396, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
Nerve membranes, 16, 23, 37-38 396-397 Administration) , 337
Nerve myelination, 17-18 effects on the cardiovascular system, OSHA's Standard on Bending Needles,
Nervous system, patient assessment and, 395 337
176, 179 effects on the central nervous system, Overdose, 332
Neuroanatomy 395-396 initial signs and symptoms of, 346-347
dental neural plexus, 20-21 employee safety and health guidelines, later signs and symptoms of, 347
inadequate anesthesia and, 320 409 management of, 347-348

pathophysiology of, 346 NP nerve blocks, 248-252 GP nerve blocks, 261, 261
prevention of, 347 P-ASA nerve blocks, 252-254 lA nerve blocks, 270, 271, 272
recognition of, 347 techniques, 248 INBs, 287
Oxygen Palatal innervation of maxillary central for infiltrations inj ections, 20 1 , 219, 220
flow before sedation, 4 1 1 incisors, 327 intra osseous inj ections, 306, 307
tanks, 400 Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) , 349 intrapupal technique, 3 1 1
Parasympathetic system, 10 intraseptal technique, 3 1 0
p Paresthesia, 55, 57, 278, 338-342, 341, 342, 10 nerve blocks, 229, 229
Pain, 5 385, 386 LNBs, 280
acute, 6 articaine and, 57 mandibular infiltrations with articaine,
avoidance of, 5 incidence of, 339 276
chronic, 6 intraoral, 176 maxillary nerve block, 238, 238, 239
classification of, 6-8 management, 341-342 MNBs, 283-284
defined, 5, 360 prevention, 340-341 MSA nerve blocks, 226, 226
disorders, 8 response to, 341 mylohyoid nerve blocks, 278
duration, 6 strategies to reduce risks of, 340 NP nerve blocks, 249, 249
on inj ection, 335-336 Paroject, 146, 146 P-ASA nerve blocks, 253
neuropathic, 7-8 P-ASA nerve blocks. See Palatal anterior PDL inj ections, 302
nociception and, 6 superior alveolar (P-ASA) nerve PSA nerve blocks, 233 , 233
nociceptive, 6-7 blocks VA nerve blocks, 292
somatic, 6 Patches, 1 05 Peridental technique, 300
sympathetic nervous system and, 8 Patient assessment Perilemma, 19
threshold vs. tolerance, 5-6 contraindications to local anesthesia, Perineurium, 19
visceral, 6-7 178-183 Periodontal ligament (PDL) injection,
Pain control and informed consent, 410--4 1 1 300-305
devices for, 130 introduction, 170-171 Periodontal ligament inj ection manual
local anesthesia, 34 for nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation, devices, 146
origins of, 33 397-399 Periodontal ligament (PDL) inj ections,
pharmacology and technology systems review, 173-178 300-305. See also Inj ections
advances, 32--42 tools for, 171-173 Periodontics, 385
Pain disorders, 8 Patient assessment tools hemostasis in, 385
Pain management clinical examination, 172-173 mandibular techniques in, 385
classification by etiology, 6-8 comprehensive patient assessment, 171 maxillary techniques in, 385
for fearful patients, 360 medical and dental history, 171-172 Peripheral nerve anatomy, 19-20
implications for dentistry, 8-9 medical consultation, 173 Personal protective equipment (PPE),
nociception and, 6 Patient drug record, 172 200
pain duration, 6 Patient relaxation skill determination, pH
pain threshold vs. pain tolerance, 5-6 362 of articaine, 57, 58, 74
patient management perspectives, 9-1 1 Patterns of innervation, 226 of bupivacaine, 65, 66, 77
patient perspectives, 5 PDL inj ections, 300-305. See also of lidocaine, 48, 52
protective response, 5 Inj ections of mepivacaine, 60, 61, 75
sympathetic nervous system and, 8 Pediatric doses, 95-96 of prilocaine, 63, 76
Pain threshold, 5 Pedodontics of procaine, 67-68
Pain tolerance, 5 behavioral management techniques, relevance of, 39
Palatal anterior superior alveolar 375-376 Pharmacodynamics, 36
(P-ASA) nerve blocks, 252-254 drug dosages, 371 Pharmacokinetics, 36-37
anatomical factors, 253 inj ection management techniques, 375, Pharmacological compromise, 182
complications, 254 375 Pharmacological intervention, 1 1
confirming anesthesia, 254 inj ection technique variations for, Pharmacology
field of anesthesia, 252, 252-254 376-378 basics, 32--42
inj ection failure, common causes of, introduction, 370 developments in, 33
254 postoperative trauma, 372 dose calculations, 88-97
technique factors, 253 using appropriate terminology, introduction, 33-34
technique modifications and 370-371 local anesthesia, 34
alternatives, 254 using topical anesthetics, 374 of local anesthetic agents, 35-36
technique steps, 253 Penetrating end, of needle shaft, 136, 136 pharmacodynamics, 36--42
troubleshooting, 254 Penetration site pharmacokinetics, 36--42
Palatal inj ections. See also Inj ections AMSA nerve blocks, 256, 256 topical anesthetics, 103-1 19
AMSA nerve blocks, 254-260 ASA nerve blocks, 223 , 224 Pharynx, 392
case management on, 262 BNBs, 282 Phenothiazines, local anesthesia and, 193
GP nerve blocks, 260-262 explained, 198, 219, 248 Phenylephrine, 86
introduction, 248 GGs (or GGMNBs), 289 Phobia, defined, 360
1-1 0 INDEX

Physical barriers, to local anesthesia, of prilocaine, 63, 64, 76 Psychological barriers, to local
322-324 of procaine, 68 anesthesia, 322, 323
Physical Status Classification System of tetracaine, 1 12, 124 Psychological compromise, 183
(ASA), 170-171 Pregnancy ratings, 54 Pterygomandibular raphe, 269-270, 274
Physiological indicators of fear, 361 Pre-inj ection patient assessment, 199
Pin index safety system, 402-408, 405 Pre-inj ection preparation, 200, 202 Q
p450 isoenzyme system, 41 Premature contact, 275 QuickSleeper, 146, 147
Piston, 132, 133 Preoperative dietary restrictions, 4 1 1
pKa PREP (Prepare, Rehearse, Empower, and
of articaine, 57, 58 Praise) strategy, 9, 200 R
of bupivacaine, 65, 66, 77 Pressure anesthesia, 250 Rapid depolarization, 23-27
clinical application of, 39 Pressure variances, 399 Rapid drug tolerance. See Tachyphylaxis
of inj ectable local anesthetic drugs, 39 Prilocaine, 61-64 Rate of deposition, 205-206
of lidocaine, 48, 52, 73 AAPD maximum recommended Reaction, defined, 360
of mepivacaine, 60, 75 doses, 96 Re-aspiration, 205
of prilocaine, 63, 76 background, 61 Recapping, of needles, 145, 158-160
of procaine, 67 dentistry, formulations for use in, 61 Recreational drugs, 194
relevance of, 39 duration of action, 48, 61 Refractory state of membrane, 24
Plasma cholinesterase, 41, 66-67. See also excretion, 63 absolute, 24
Cholinesterase FDA-approved maximum relative, 25
atypical, 178 doses of, 89 Refrigerants, as topical anesthetics, 1 1 9
Pneumothorax, 414 FDA pregnancy category, 64 Regional nerve blocks, 170
Polarization, 26 half-life, 42, 54, 63-64 Regulators, 403 , 405
Polymodal receptors, 6 lactation, safety during, 64 Rehearsals, 363-364
Positive aspiration, 204-205, 206 metabolism, 63 Relative contraindications, 178, 398-399
Positive coping statements, 362 MRD, 62 Relative potency
Positive feedback, 375-376 onset of action, 63 of articaine, 56, 57
Postanesthetic mucosal lesions, 343-344 pH value, 53, 63 of bupivacaine, 65, 77
Postanesthetic trauma, 372 pKa of, 39, 53, 63 of butamben, 125
Posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve relative potency, 62 of dyclonine, 122
blocks, 232-236, 326 relative toxicity, 62-63 of lidocaine, 48-50, 73, 123
anatomical factors, 232-233 topical preparations, 64 of mepivacaine, 60, 75
complications, 235-236 vasoactivity, 63 of prilocaine, 62, 63, 76
confirming anesthesia, 234-235 Procaine, 33-34, 66-68 of procaine, 67
field of anesthesia, 232, 232 background, 66 of tetracaine, 124
inj ection failure, common causes of, biotransformation of, 41-42 Relative refractory state, 25
235 dentistry, formulations for use in, 66 Relaxation, 362-363
technique factors, 233 duration of action, 48, 66-67 Renal dysfunction, local anesthesia and,
technique modifications and excretion, 67 191
alternatives, 235 half-life, 54, 68 Repolarization, 26
technique steps, 233-234 lactation, safety during, 68 Reservoir bags, 403 , 405 , 406
Terminology for Needle Pathway for, metabolism, 67 Respiratory process, 393-394
235 MRD, 67 Respiratory system
troubleshooting, 235 onset of action, 68 lower and nitrous oxide-oxygen
Post-op anesthetic recovery, 366 pH value, 53, 67-68 sedation, 393
Postoperative trauma, 372 pKa, 39, 53, 67 upper and nitrous oxide-oxygen
Pre-anesthesia, 249, 250, 301 pregnancy category, 68 sedation, 392-393
Pregnancy, local anesthesia and, 181 relative potency, 67 Respiratory system, patient assessment
Pregnancy category relative toxicity, 67 and, 176
of articaine, 57, 58, 74 topical applications, 68 Response, defined, 360
of benzocaine, 108, 121 vasoactivity, 67 Resting state, 21, 22
of benzocaine, butamben, and Pro-Dex, 146 electrical potential, 21
tetracaine combination, 1 1 3 Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) , return to, 26
o f bupivacaine, 6 5 , 6 6 , 77 363 Retrospective control, 362
of butamben, 125 Propagation, 21
of dyclonine, 1 10, 122 Propranolol, 174, 182 s
FDA guidelines for, 68 Protective response, 5 Safety syringes, 150
of lidocaine, 48, 53-54, 73 PSA nerve blocks. See Palatal anterior Safety Wand® handpiece, 150, 151
of lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 16, superior alveolar (P-ASA) nerve Saltatory conduction, 19
1 17 blocks Sample device evaluation form, 154-155
of lidocaine topical, 1 1 1 , 123 Pseudocholinesterase, 68 Scavenging systems, 407-408, 408,
of mepivacaine, 60, 6 1 , 75 Psychogenic factors, 8 411, 423
I N DEX 1-1 1

Schwann cells, 17-18 Strategy, defined, 360 Terminal arborizations, 16

nodes of Ranvier and, 18 Street drugs, 182-183 Tetracaine, 1 1 1
vs. perilemma, 20 cocaine, 182-183 biotransformation of, 41-42
Schwann cell sheath, 18 methamphetamine, 183 duration of action, 1 1 2
Scoop technique, 138 Stress reduction protocol (SRP) , 171 , 189 i n endodontics, 386
Second division nerve block, 236. See also Success, defined, 321 excretion, 1 1 2
Maxillary nerve block Sucrets, 1 1 0 metabolism, 1 1 2
Sedation. See also Nitrous oxide-oxygen Supplemental injections. See also M R D for, 1 1 2
sedation Inj ections onset o f action, 1 1 2
central supply delivery systems, 401-402 intra osseous, 305-309 in oral and maxillofacial surgery, 382
common symptoms of, 412 intrapulpal technique, 31 1-312 pregnancy category, 1 1 2
deep, 391 intraseptal technique, 309-3 1 1 toxicity, 1 1 2
defined, 391 introduction, 300 Thumb disk, 133
delivery systems, 400 PDL, 300-305 Thumb ring, 132, 133
minimal, 391-392 techniques, 300 Thyroid storm, 177
moderate, 391 Supportive communication, 200-20 1 Thyrotoxic crisis, 177
monitoring, 41 1-413 Supraperiosteal inj ections, 197. See also Thyrotoxicosis, 177
pin index safety system, 402-408 Inj ections Tidal volume, 394
portable delivery systems, 402 Sympathetic nervous system, 8 Time structuring, 364
Self-aspirating syringes, 130 Sympathomimetic amines, 79 Time-weighted dosimetry, 409
design and technique modifications Synapses, 16 Timolol, 182, 193
for, 133 Syncope, 345-346 Tofranil, 383
Self-injury, 337-338 Synthetic catecholamine, 79 Topical anesthetics
management of, 338 Syrij et, 118, 150 application methods, 105-106
prevention of, 338 Syrij et Mark II Needleless Injector, 1 1 9 benzocaine, 106-109
Self-report, 360 Syringe adaptor, 136 for children, 107, 374
Sensory modality, 6 Syringe barrel, 1 3 1 , 132 considerations in administration of,
Sensory nerves, 21 Syringes 1 17-1 18
Septodont Company, 35, 146, 151 anatomy of, 1 3 1-134, 132 dyclonine hydrochloride, 1 1 0
Septodont USA, 133, 146 breech-loading, 134 i n endodontics, 386
Shaft, 136 CCLAD vs. manual, 162-163 eutectic mixtures, 1 1 3-117
Shank, 136 Comfort Control Syringe (CCS), 147-148 future of, 1 19
Short-needle ia technique, 279 common PDL, 146 general considerations, 105
Sickle cell anemia, 175-176 defined, 130 introduction, 104
Single tooth anesthesia system (STA), harpoon-type aspirating, 130 jet inj ection devices, 1 18-1 19
130, 147-150, 166-167 history of, 130 lidocaine, 1 1 0-1 1 1
Skill, defined, 360 hypodermic, 130 local adverse reactions, 1 17
Slow depolarization, 23 introduction, 130-13 1 special considerations when using, 109
Sodium bicarbonate buffering, 324 j e t inj ectors, 150 systemic reactions, 1 17-1 18
Sodium channels, 23 safety syringes, 150-151 tetracaine, 1 1 1-112
Sodium ion pumps, 25 self-aspirating, 130, 133 topical drug combinations, 1 12-1 13
Soft-tissue anesthesia, 163, 166 stability of, 203 Topical applications
Somatic pain, 6 steps for disassembling, 144-145 of bupivacaine, 66
Specific protein receptor sites, 22, 37 steps for loading, 143-144, 156-157 of procaine, 68
Specific protein receptor theory, 37 technique specific, 146 Toxicity
Sphenopalatine nerve blocks, 248. See Systematic desensitization, 363 of articaine, 56-57
also Nasopalatine (NP) nerve blocks Systemic allergic reactions, 350 of benzocaine, 108
Spongy bone, 305 Systemic complications from local of benzocaine, butamben, and
Sprays, 106 anesthesia tetracaine combination, 1 1 3
STA (single tooth anesthesia system), allergies, 348-349 o f bupivacaine, 65
130, 147-150, 166-167 atypical plasma cholinesterase, 350 of dyclonine, 1 1 0
Stabident, 386 idiosyncratic events, 350 of lidocaine, 5 0
Stabident system, 146 methemoglobinemia, 350-351 o f lidocaine/prilocaine mixture, 1 15-117
Standard on Bending Needles, OSHA, overdose, 346-348 of lidocaine topical, 1 1 1
337 systemic allergic reactions, 350 o f mepivacaine, 60
Startle reaction, 363 Systemic reactions, to topical anesthetics, of prilocaine, 62-63
STA Single Tooth Anesthesia System® 1 17-1 18 of procaine, 67
Instrument, 148, 301 signs and symptoms of CNS overdose,
Stealth technique, 148 T 40
Stopper, of drug cartridge, 140 Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 5 of tetracaine, 1 1 2
Stopper displacement, 142 Tachyphylaxis, 324, 326 of vasoconstrictors, 84-85
Stopper leakage, 142 Takamine, Jokichi, 33 Trace gases, 409
1-1 2 INDEX

Trachea, 393 of prilocaine, 63 Vazirani-Akinosi (VA) nerve blocks,

Transient ischemic attacks (TIA), local of procaine, 67 292-294, 343
anesthesia and, 180 Vasoconstrictor dilutions, 93 Visceral pain, 6-7
Triazolam, 383 Vasoconstrictor drugs Visual scales (VAS) , 321
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 86, 192, calculating doses of, 93 V2 nerve block, 236. See also Maxillary
383 definition of maximum recommended nerve block
Trigger words, 370 doses for, 92-93 Vocal distraction, 375, 376
Trismus, 278 volume of drug per cartridge, 93 Voice box, 392
defined, 335 Vasoconstrictors, 34, 48
management of, 335 adrenergic actions of, 79-80
prevention of, 335 adverse events associated with, 81
The Wand, 130, 147-150, 162, 165-166
Troubleshooting strategies, 3 articaine and, 58
Wand STA (Wand STA Single Tooth
Tuberosity nerve block, 232, 240. See also biotransformation of, 84-85
Anesthesia System Instrument) , 130,
Posterior superior alveolar (PSA) of bupivacaine, 66
147-150, 166-167
nerve blocks calculating doses for, 92-95
Wand STA Single Tooth Anesthesia
Type 3 - high-density tissues, 162 cardiac considerations for, 94
System Instrument (Wand STA),
Type 1 - low-density tissues, 162 cardiac doses by drug ratio, 95
130, 147-150, 166-167
Type 2 - moderate-density tissues, 162 cartridge volume, 90
Wide open mouth technique, 291
considerations prior to using, 83
Window, of cartridges, 132
defined, 34
u Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale,
dosage, 84
Undiagnosed medical conditions, 173. 6, 8
epinephrine, 81-83
See also Medical conditions Work Practice Controls (WPC), 138
felypressin, 86
Undisclosed medical conditions, 173 . World Meteorological Organization, 400
introduction, 79
See also Medical conditions
levonordefrin, 83-84
Urticaria, 349
lidocaine and, 53 X
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 207
mepivacaine and, 61 Xenon anesthesia, 416
U.S. D epartment of Labor, 207
MRD related to, 94 X-Tip, 146, 147, 386
U.S. Department of Transportation
norepinephrine, 85-86 Xylocaine, 332
(D OT) , 400
overdose, 348 Xylocaine hydrochloride, 167
overdose of, 84-85
v in pediatric dentistry, 371
VA nerve blocks, 292-294, 343 phenylephrine, 86
Young's Rule, 95
Vasoactivity prilocaine of, 63
of articaine, 58 of procaine, 68
of bupivacaine, 66 toxicity and, 84-85, 383 z
of lidocaine, 51 use or avoidance of, 80-81 Zygomatic blocks, 232. See also Posterior
of local anesthesia, 39 Vasodilation, 39 superior alveolar (PSA) nerve
of mepivacaine, 60 Vasopressors, 79 blocks

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