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The Knox Union Cattlemen’s Association –

Invitation to Sponsorship

The Knox Union Cattlemen’s Association (KUCA) is an alliance of the

agricultural community of Knox and Union Counties, with a special emphasis on
What is the protecting the interests of cattle producers and supporting future agricultural
Knox Union leaders. It is the local extension and action arm of the Tennessee Cattlemen’s
Cattlemen’s Association. The KUCA promotes educational and social activities that unify and
equip our neighbor cattlemen for sustained profitability with an emphasis on
Association? developing the next generation of agricultural and community leaders.

The KUCA represents the agricultural community with an emphasis on Knox and
Union Counties. There are approximately 1400 farm families in Knox/Union
Who Do You counties which contribute over $ 18 M to the economy and who spend
Reach approximately $ 15 M on goods and services related to their farming enterprise.
Through the By sponsoring KUCA activities, you gain access to those 1400 families and
influence their buying decisions.
You build relationships, make money and gain good will. KUCA works to
What Do You provide access to our constituency in return for your support. We hold an annual
meeting in early spring and a picnic and fundraiser (auction) in late summer. In
Receive for return for your sponsorship, you will receive recognition at these events, based on
KUCA your level of sponsorship. You will also receive recognition on the association
Sponsorship website. Most importantly, your organization will be encouraging tomorrow’s
leaders in their pursuit of a richer future and supporting agricultural excellence
? and sustainability through education.

Sponsorship is available in three ribbon levels: red, blue, and purple. To satisfy
the levels of support, contributions can be made in cash or in salable goods for our
annual auction.
What Are the  Red Ribbon sponsors contribute $ 300 and receive listing on our website
Levels of and acknowledgement as sponsors at the annual meeting.
Support and  Blue Ribbon Sponsors contribute $ 500 and receive website listing with
logo, acknowledgement at both the annual meeting and picnic, and an
the Return? opportunity to display their logo and materials at both events
 Purple Ribbon Sponsors contribute $ 1000 and receive all of the Blue
Level benefits plus links from our website and the opportunity to annually
present their goods and services to the membership.
 Sustaining Elite Partners contribute $ 2500 and are featured at any and all
opportunities and co-branded in programs e.g. Knox County Farm Bureau

Contact: Mike Clark: or Jeff Sellers at J&

Contact: Mike Clark: or Jeff Sellers at J&

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