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Roll No. I'otal pages : 03

MCA(I5_16)/M_17 10099
Timc : 'Iluec Hours] [Muimum Marks : g0

Note : Attempt .Fivs questions in all, selecting at one

question fiom each Unit. e. No. t is compulsory. All
questions carry equal marks.

l. Dill'erentiate with example :

(a) Class and interface
(h) I-unction Overloatling and Overriding
(c) Array and Vector
(d) Local and Remote Applet
(e) Final and Finalty.

Unit I
2. (a)
Can wp achieve Muitiple Inheritance in JAVA ?
Justi$ your answer.
ib) Write Java code to find the area of square, retrangJe,
circle using constructor overloading,
(3-581r) L_10099
3. (a) What is the advantage of Multithreading in Java ? Unit IV

Explain with example.

8. Write Applet code to show all the activities of Mouse
(b) Write an App-let code which is totally virus free. using Mouselistener and MouseMotionlistener.

Unit II g. What is the difference between swing and AWT ? Why

are Swing components called lightweight component ?
4, What are wrapper classes and why are they required ?

Write. Java code to add 10 comrnand line arguments

entered at runtime.

5. What are different exceptions in Java ? Can a code fire

more than one exception ? Write Java code to handle
your own exception.

Unit III

6. Explain with an example character stream and byte stream

classes. What are their importance over normal classes ?

1. (a) Discuss different wmpper classes in JAVA with their

proper uses.
(b) Write program to sort 10 integers inpulted through
command line arguments.

L10099 2 (3-s8/2) L-10099 3 t50

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