Assignment No. 4: Degaussing System

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Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6

Roll No-1720008

Assignment No. 4
Degaussing system

Degaussing is the process of decreasing or eliminating a remnant magnetic field. It

is named after the gauss, a unit of magnetism, which in turn was named after Carl
Friedrich Gauss. Due to magnetic hysteresis, it is generally not possible to reduce
a magnetic field completely to zero, so degaussing typically induces a very small
"known" field referred to as bias. Degaussing was originally applied to reduce
ships' magnetic signatures during World War II. Degaussing is also used to reduce
magnetic fields in cathode ray tube monitors and to destroy data held
on magnetic storage.

The ship’s hull, made of steel, acts like a large floating magnet surrounded by an
even larger magnetic field. When the ship moves through the water, the magnetic
field moves along with it and produces disturbance in the earth’s magnetic field.
This distortion effect on the earth’s magnetic field can easily be detected by the
devices designed to track such distortions. The degaussing system is used to
reduce the ship’s effect on the earth’s magnetic field by preventing the
generation of the magnetic disturbances.
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008

The application of degaussing system started during the world war II to prevent
the naval ships from magnetic mines and torpedoes. When the ship used to come
near a magnetic mine or a magnetic torpedo, the magnetic field of the ship used
to actuate the firing mechanism and cause the mine or torpedo explode. Thus,
degaussing systems were installed to counteract the ship’s magnetic field by
cancelling the changes in earth’s field around the hull of the ship.
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008


There are many classes of ships built for the defense of India. As all those ships is
feasible for government to build by themselves hence, they give contracts to
different groups of companies for different assemblies and gears of the ships. L&T
defense is been taking such contracts from the government for building some
systems such as rockets or some electronic systems for such ships.
This ships are been built in very recent times by Indian government for the Indian
navy and L&T is been contracted for some of the assemblies required to build the
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008

1. P17 A

The Nilgiri-class frigate or Project 17A is a follow-on of the Project 17 Shivalik-

class frigate for the Indian Navy. A total of seven ships will be built at Mazagon
Dock and GRSE. The ships have been named after the first major warships to be
built in India, which in turn were named after hill ranges in India. The
construction of the first ship started in 2017 and the first ship is expected to
delivered by 2022. The anticipated cost for each vessel is above ₹4,000
crore (US$561 million) and the total deal is expected to be worth more
than ₹45,000 crore (equivalent to ₹910 billion or US$13 billion in 2019). The
vessel will incorporate the latest stealth features
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008

2. P15 A

The Kolkata class (Project 15A) are a class of stealth guided missile

destroyers constructed for the Indian Navy. The class comprises three ships
– Kolkata, Kochi and Chennai, all of which were built by Mazagon Dock
Limited (MDL) in India, and are the largest destroyers to be operated by the
Indian Navy. Due to delays in construction & sea trials, the
initial commissioning date of the first ship of the class had been pushed back
from 2010 to 2014.
The destroyers are a follow-on of the Project 15 Delhi-class destroyers, but are
considerably more capable due to major improvements in the design, the
addition of substantial land-attack capabilities, the fitting-out of modern sensors
and weapons systems, and the expanded use of net-centric capability such
as Cooperative Engagement Capability
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. A magnetic field exists around 

a. iron 
b. copper 
c. aluminium 
d. moving charges

2. Degaussing is the process of 

a. demagnetising metallic parts 
b. removal of magnetic impurities
c. removing gases from the materials 
d. remagnetising metallic parts 

3.  Which of the following is expected to have the maximum permeability ? 

a. Brass 
b. Copper
c. Zinc
d. Ebonite 

4. The commonly used material for shielding or screening magnetism is 

a. copper 
b. aluminium 
c. soft iron 
d. brass 

5. A permanent magnet 
a. attracts some substances and repels others 
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008

b. attracts all paramagnetic substances and repels others 

c. attracts only ferromagnetic substances 
d. attracts ferromagnetic substances and repels all others 

6. Indian government builts all the ship by its own

a. True
b. False

7. The Kolkata class ship is also known as

a. P15b
b. P15a
c. P17a
d. P17b

8. The Kolkata class ship is also known as

a. P15b
b. P15a
c. P17a
d. P17b

9. Which year was p15a ship originally suppose to be built

a. 2000
b. 2017
c. 2019
d. 2010

10.P15a ships are built in which dock

a. Mazagon Dock Limited 
b. Chennai Dock
c. Mumbai Dockyard
d. Goa Province Dockyard
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008

11. In which year p17a ship started building

a. 2000
b. 2017
c. 2019
d. 2010

12.What is weight of p17a ship

a. 2,738 t
b. 2400t
c. 2323t
d. 2211t

13.P15a v/s p15 b which is better in terms of stealth characteristics

a. P15a
b. P15b
c. Both are same

14.What is displacemt of p17a ship

a. 6666t
b. 6565t
c. 4433t
d. 6670t

15.What is speed of p17a ship

a. 52 km/h
b. 60 km/h
c. 67 km/h
d. 47 km/h
Sahil Desai Mechanical Sem-6
Roll No-1720008


1. d
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. d
15. a

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