Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book Diagrams Download PDF

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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourselt How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One TaN = " > pad Dr. Joe Dispenza Audio Book Diagrams, Appendix and End Notes FIGURE 1A, THE a ATOM The “od schoo!” Newtonian version of an atom, The focus is primarily on the material FIGURE 1B THE QUANTUM ATOM Eletron Cloud Nadew The" yeantum version of on atom with an electron cloud. The them b 98 H19GODPSTODS ancy one OSSECOIOSCID mater ifs ust cbou nohing, nomi. 1 Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 1C THE REAL QUANTUM ATOM This isthe most realistic model of any tom. Ii “ne thing” materially, bot all ings potently. ” “e " FIGURE 1D COLLAPSING the WAVE FUNCTION The elec cau The eecan cppears \ The elecan dinners The slecronceoppears ‘wo noting. ‘ese pertce. The election exiss os @ wave of pro ‘ext moment appears ceo sold pt then reappears cotter aon, in one moment, ond then inthe n éivappears int nothing, and 2. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 1E ELECTROMAGNETIC POTENTIALS in the QUANTUM FIELD en ons” Weoth tect \ ‘Sou mote soy Si ~~ = soathin —. we \\ aepetecee past Now FUTURE Apt expres etn th gun fk 0 0 0 int die. When you chenge you sedronognete Spnctiref mich on etic sighotute that olteody enistsin the ele your body willbe rownto Bat even, you wil move ino new neo ne, or he even! wl fing you tn your soe oot, FIGURE IF WAVE PATTERNS Coherent Waves Incoherent Waves WWW Wen wares ore on phase and rhythmic, they cre more powertul then when they ove cut of phos, nec ey ~ 3. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 3A CELL ACTIVITIES gana cell \ / \ J cet Nucleus cet / pu. Receptor Site ‘call with recaplor ils the raceive ital incoming infermaton from oukide call the signal con ions he cl parm myrod of Boel FIGURE 3B OVERVIEW of the ROLE of LIGANDS in the BRAIN and BODY HORMONE CENTERS LIGANDS ‘of the BODY of he BRAN Newotranenittrs — + ntory Gtons y Pinel Gand tye Gland + hynos lord Adore Gone . Dgedtve ten O+_ Senet Glonds 3 messengers between neurons. Neuro- peplides are chemical couriers made in the micbroin that signal diferent Glands ofthe body to make hormones. Nesrowansmiters ore diverse cher 4 Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 3C CYCLE of THINKING and FEELING Recta ‘awd een Feat ct he tty —__- swat oF seme. The neurochenical relationship between the brain ond the body. As yu hint fortin hugh, he brin predeces Comcast! cove yout lel onc estoy you were theking’ Orcs you fol the way you Ine you begin ‘ink he way you fd. Titconiniov yee croctt fedooc oop calbd ote of bag FIGURE 4A MEMORIZING EMOTIONS > Emotion Thought Memerized Emotion The theugh prodsces © menory, which creces on emotion. In fine, the ‘hoigh becores he menor end cn enotn iollows I his process repeated Hi ve, he tough the reey, which he enoton, We meme 5. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 4B HOW EMOTIONAL REACTIONS CREATE DIFFERENT STATES of BEING E x P E HRs. DATS R nati 1 E a r CTemoerament) ie wears E (Personctity Trai) TIME OF REFRACTORY PERIOD (Length of emotional recetion) The progression offre ekactoy parods. An exprence crete on enon ea, whith Hen can no oe hoo enpatnes, Sd finaly in frsonly et Wr, porn ‘emotional reactions and literally live in the past. FIGURE 5A SURVIVAL EMOTIONS vs. ELEVATED EMOTIONS Less Matter Elevated More Energy Emotion uit, Stone, Fee, Doubt us, Competition ‘More Metter Survival Less Energy Emotion The higher frequency waves atthe top are vbrafng faslar and therfore are closer the root vote of energy ond lest tol mate, As we move down he rece, youcan ten hat he slower he wavelengi, he move Simtera he orgy bacones Thus, fe sural motor ground est be ime Ike motor eros He evargy’Enoitons ike nger, Sate, safe, sfome, gull, judjerent ord bst leur feel nore physica, becuse hay ory equa tha i slower and mere tke hat al phn cbecs, However, the moc elevated enolons such os love, jy, ond grotude ere Ngher'n frequency. Ara res hey are more enaigyike asd les phystcal mcr 6‘ Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 5B THE FRONTAL LOBE as CREATOR When the frontal lobe is warking in eatve mode, i oks ot over the landscape of he entre brain nd gathers l ofthe broin’s information fo ‘rool @ new med, compassion isthe ow skool bsing thot you wo io real, en once you exk yourself wha! t woud be keto be compossionce, the forebrin would natraly combine diferent neural networks togethe: in new ways to create raw modelo isicn. I might tle sored intormoton fron books you ead DYD's you so, pesoval experiences, econ makes thebrcin workin now ways. Orca the new mid i place, yo seo picre, ‘hologram, of vision ol wha! compassion means fou FIGURE 5C THE FRONTAL LOBE as the VOLUME CONTROL cn entgy POAT pent 7 nt | vie SINGLE-NINDED THOUGHT / Canter (Seeing the eoromen) \midrain tenon Tempore! be Astocletion Center Ween) ‘When he thought tha! you are attending to becomes the experience, the Frontal labe coils dows the eto th brn sath ncn elses being ss bi tha sglminded ought You become si you no ger | your: /, YOu no longer perceive time and space, you forget Keo bod. youn gee pace, ond you Toy 7. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 5D THE TWO STATES of the MIND & BODY SURVIVAL CREATION sre Homectos onmoxtin exponen Cotati natal Dieses Heath nbelone Onder frocks epoie Degeerron egerraton reer/angnr/soaress VS Love /toy/ wtcmn Boy /ie No Ming/No Bod /No Tine erey toss Energy Crested mergerey Growt/Bopci Naow oad Open Foes separate Comme ly Onn oe ect ened Some Lind Foes ‘louis lchoreree Coherence Keown Unlnowe Suwivel Mode vs. Crection Mode. FIGURE 6A THE THREE BRAINS UnbieBroin >| Cerebellum Thinking Brain > Feeing brain > boing bro Declarative ard rondecarative memories. FIGURE 6B(2) KNOWLEDGE + EXPERIENCE = WISDOM New Leomieg Experience ve {iat Instn) Beng “Thee brains: Thinking 1 doing 1 being, %. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 6C EVOLVING YOUR BRAIN Tania Nese a en > (Ransinad Senden Ow > (iano This chart shows the progression of how the three brains clign to comelote diferent ovenves of portonal evolution. FIGURE 6D THINKING TO BEING Imovgtt became the expec > Tug 0: ee ‘Tewph rows! lobe, | | the experene ceotes 0 | | The bod) becomes fe metelretconslocsetes || new feing > The take | | rind > The mind ond fvcratsnnen wors> | | ng bron tm on the | | body work 1 one > ‘bing ben moles « | | feeb bre ond con | | Hamerzad nurechan evans >Nescorse. || font the dy 1 @ new | | cl sal > Cvebehm rind > Nescocex ond nbc natin bin THINKING Feeune teins, STATE OF BEING THINK = vo+ BEING You can go fom inking to bing wihow heving ode amin. f you ore imental rehearsing new mind, here wil eome a monet tat he hough You ore thinking about will become the experience. When this occur, the {ne product of hat word experience ison emahionofesling, Ons you iholt woul fle be het parson, your bly se weenscoun tind) begins believe sin hot eaty. New your mind and body bogin {rk os on and you ory “bengal person without faving ooo ony ing Yel. A you moves anew ste of being by thought alone, you wil be ‘Row prom fe do ings and ink hinge eqel ow yor ce bing 10. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 7A THE IDENTITY GAP <=> HOW WE APPEAR eee WHO WE REALLY ARE + How | feel * Who | really am * How lam on the inside * Ideal for self S> The gop between “who we really are” and “how we oppear.” FIGURE 7B THE LAYERS of EMOTION WE MEMORIZE that CREATE the GAP SS Unworthiness Anger a > san sete SS Ieee tern map hie cece crest pls nat Yas ed potenpetonca. Te Sager te oop, heats be oo etre ee 11. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 7C EMOTIONAL BONDS VICTIMIZATION Complaining Suffering Bleming INA WiD- if we share the some experiences, we share the sa ‘nergy Jt ike two atom of oxygen bond io fore invsibe feldof energy bond space mel bonds us entionaly. FIGURE 7D THE MIDLIFE CRISIS: An attempt to create a NEW IDENTITY from the OUTSIDE Conroe Coming) ,_e_> NeW Perce <_— HOW WE APPEAR ON THE OUTSIDE —> NeW ANGE ‘Socal ‘con ‘aitals” Neweoor © SES NeW Puc tear Foote — action ate Me detty Gop = HOW WE FEEL ON THE INSIDE. Wan he sme people ond ins in oui crete the sone econ, nd Aefelng we cing mole ge owoy mo lrg cong we eek {ou ee tel enotonly ier Soaswohs we go he ne Ivlodlcion 12. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 7E CLOSING THE GAP | Loyer by layer, when you unmemorize emetions, you liberole energy UESOF ___UNMENORZNG —_, UBERATNG enon meno exerey => : pownonre SS ome num hs ome _ = Feor For ond a sso skate ee Ss IM imate goel: TRANSPARENCY. The ‘When how you appear it who you relly are. ‘Asyou unmenize any enotion hates bacon port of your identity, you ‘ove he gop bawesn how yeu appear ond wo you recy are. The ie effect of ts phenomenon ls relecse of energy in he form fe stored motion in the becy Once he mind ofthe ation i ibrad irom ho body energy is reed up ito fhe qucnium field for you louie ato creo, FIGURE 8A THE BIOLOGICAL MODEL of CHANGE = cise | tee The bsogicl mde of change incos ranting he oni pos ba 13. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 8B BRAIN WAVE DEVELOPMENT TH Low-ete Waves 13-15 cyles/see Th Mid-Bote Waves 16-22 eyles/see I HohBete Waves 22-50 erces/see 12 Yer & vp from Dela in infancy 1 Bera In The pogesn of bran hroe conges of Beto. High ange 125d, Look atthe difero Bet since sigh es mien FIGURE 8C BRAIN WAVES sea Lev nopl alan ALPHA /\ /\ f\ wn THETA Deen DELTA, Cb S\_] cana mali snes 'A comporiion of diffrent brain potems in adults, 14, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book Your timefocused brain waves might look like this: A Your environmentfecused brain waves might look like this: at Your body-focused brain waves migh! look ike this: Mf Your fractured atertion, caused by tying to focus simultaneously ‘on all of the Big Three, would then produce a brain wave pattern Mot might look hike thi: @ Pal FIGURE 8D. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN a COHERENT and an INCOHERENT SIGNAL Coherent Waves Incoherent Waves The difrnce bawenn ochre ono eet . the energy is reer, and rhythmic: When ene is sprees and potest pour mse poeta Te ig ebited bye losers an example of coherent waver of enargy all naving ogethar in ‘union. Inthe second picture, he energy paterss ore chook, dintegrcted, fond out of phase. An oxanple ofan incoherent los power signals the light fom and incondescert ight bul. Signal. In he fest piu, 15. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 8E THE EARLY MIND Leth ciel ropatent he mie When wo ore om, we ore otal FIGURE 8F THE DEVELOPING MIND ih ee & : + aX ~ Positive & Negative Habits & Idlentificetions and Bohaviors Astociations ough cilferent inarotons rough our senses no, we bagi olor yen Lowotn soiree corer wot 16. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 8G ANALYTICAL MIND 5% CONSCIOUS MIND 7-12 years old 95% SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Berwoun he oges os apd severe encical nid begs fom, The nalyicol mind acts as.a barrer fre the conscious mnd from the sthconcus nin, ond uly fines dovsopng soeher between seven to twelve yeors dl. FIGURE 8H THE CONSCIOUS MIND and THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CONSCIOUS MIND Creativity “ogie 7 La wit “Rooter >< << +reim . 5% et ° 93% Pa Po SUBCONSCIOUS Hobits & MIND Behaviors Tie ol minds mode op of 5 parcel concon ed ond 95 prcal ab conscious mind. The mind is priory logic and rwasoring, which gs rise to our wil lath, cretve abies, ond tention, The uoniciusnind Conpriss ou modo pave ond negaiveelfcaton, which give ‘ie whobio, bohowon, sls, ble, ond pereplon. . 17. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 81 MEDITATION -GETTING BEYOND. the ANALYTICAL MIND CONSCIOUS MIND “Reng 3% ANALYTICAL | MIND. Habits & Behaviors purpres of mediation i ogo beyond he consi Coteus mn ne shange alteeracive hos, rhs, ond onconacions doen of boing FIGURE 8} BRAIN WAVE FUNCTION conscious, susconscious Sa J ‘This dlagram shows how our brain wave functions move kom the highest ‘ond fasted state of octvity (Bela) the lowes! and slowest (Del). take note that Alpha serves os the bridge between the conscious mind ond the subconscious mind. The lower/slower the brain waves, the more we are ime subzosccus mid he highe/foser he brain wows, he more we ‘tein ur conscious mi 18. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book FIGURE 8K THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COHERENT and INCOHERENT BRAIN WAVES. en seathie ise, ; aemmle ey Tiere” S| sted ‘enough tine. ln thefts pictur, the brain is balanced and highly integrated. Several differen! otecs ate synchronized, forning a move crdetly, hostic community fof newral reworks working gether. In ho tecond picture, this bran Is izordory and imboloncos. Many diverzo compartments are no longer ‘wetkieg 6: @ eam and thus the bain is “divecsad” ond disintegrated, Appendix A Week 1 BODY-PART INDUCTION Now, can you became aware ofthe space tht your lps occupy in spoce, and con you sense he wlume of space hat yourips oe a in spoce “Andi con yoy sense the space fal your jaw occupies in space ‘con you noice the volume ot space Ral yeur entre (ow isi in pore And nw can yu fel espace hat yous cheeks accu in space ‘ond te ders of space hal your cheeks take up. spoce And now notice the space that your nose occupies in. se. Con you sense the volume of space hak your ene nose sin Boece, ‘And now, can you tense fhe spoce tho! your eyes occupy in space, and con you fee! the volume of space har your eyes ore «ih Spoce, | "And now can you pay altention to the space thot your entire fore head occupies in space, all the way to your temples Can you sense hve voume of spoce thot your ene forehead & in inwpore.- ‘And now con you notice the space thet your en foe accupies ia spoce, Con you sense the density of space hal your enive foc isin inspece And now can you notice the space that your ears occupy in space. Can you sente Re volume of spacs thal your ears or na spoce ‘And now con you feel the space that your entire head occupies in 19. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book Space, Can you sens he volume of spoce the your entire head sin in spoce “And now can you notice he vlume of space thot hecolumn of space. Ancanyou sesh devsiy espace isles sin space ‘And new can you notice the space thot your entire upper torso agit space teeny Pepe an hy lh Your bs, your heart ond lungs, al he woy lo your bock ond shoulder blades to your shoulders... Can you sense the volume of space that yore apperona nid“ pocs ne Oe a Ca ae oh et ae, fond Forscnss the Genel Of your wes ord ends Con you notice the weight of space thot your entire linbs are in - in space. And now can sense the volume of space that your entire lower terse ceaypies id space... . your abdomen, your Hanks, to your ts, Gli way youve: tne ord back” Con you sede the lume of spars tht your Ente lower oso isin inspoce. Ad now can you Relive dest of pace fc your eee ove gecpilies cceupy or Botocs, Kyou aren foyeut High tho Sanu of shave of your knees, ho woight four shined Yer ches Gon outer eine of space ho! yur ans ord # down fo your foes - your entire lower imbs - occupy”. in space. sae ENE Sesh dou ef ofoce hes youn earcloy & iB Spoce, |< Can you vntete day of spcce hat your entre ody isin ove, And now con you sense the space crcund your body in spoce, ond can you notice the volme of space that the space around your bod) {lol opin space, ond can you sence he spetce thot har space ie win spate ‘And now con you sense the space ha! his entre room oceunies in spoce. And can you sense the volume of space tha ths room fakes Up, Oe ee even ders poriee ‘And now con you sense the spoce thot lof spose takes up in spoce, cand the volume oF space thot Hatspeces in. in space, Po Appendix B Week 1 WATER-RISING INDUCTION Your job in this induction is to. letely surrender into your | Y lev Sworn wget ow ae erdelow yeunatiee consumed by this quid recommend that you sup ina chat wi ‘your feet Hot onthe Hoor, hands resting on your knees. Inogine wor wate: begining iseinthe oom, fos 2 over yer a ranks, ele wah of your foi os hey ‘And allow the water to move higher now, up post your calves ond shine, 10.dght below your nes; end fel tho wight your legs from your feet to your cakes, underwaer let yoursel relax as the water reaches your knees and rises over your highs. ... As itsurcounds your thighs, feel your hans immersed IW his worm water I hesrormh coniume your wrishs and 20. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book forearms. Nov bacame ware of the sothing wae oi onils your buttocks, voor gon, ‘ond Your ier ighs. helt ‘Andee water ses all he woy up fo your waste it wberge yeant ics the wate cs all he woy vp fey - As the warm water continues to climb to your solar plexus, notice it oiinonshaltoripyauroms i Now, sons the weight of your body, imered upto your ri co under hewerm Rone ond ed cating ooremnero eo ‘And now allow the water o encircle your chest ond move ocross your shouldee Bl ‘As the water rises all the way up to your neck, cllew it te cover your shoulders .. . and from your neck down, feel the weight and Bensity of your body, immersed under this warm quid. = "Now, 05 the water moves up past your neck, ‘eel the column of your neck, veo You" Sinema underwater. lpvond “Ad elon the soothing wor Jo nove op, over your ips ad eround the circumference of the of your heed Qs it rises over your Uupperlipand over your nose, relox and leit consume you, so fat the wortnh of the water is now right below your eyes. - Allow the water 10 rise above your eyes, and feel everyhing from your gyes down jnmersed in this warm quid. Foal it mene up eround Jour Erle, above rpm o your ho: and os he deumerence gels smaler ond smaler, allow it 19 move above your hea ‘And now surrender into this warm, relaxing water ond allow yourselt 1 eel yaar Boy i welhesseis enbioced by his water Alow your bbdy to foal the davai of all immersed in hie haui =. Feel the volume of the water around your body and the space that your bouy ism underwire your moreness ake nthe ere roam, Purity canvas gules Glee ncaa betel body floating in that space. Appendix C -Weeks Two Through Four GUIDED MEDITATION: PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER You may wish to lead of ths meditaion with the Body-Port Induction in Appendix A, the Water Rising Induction in Apperdix B, or any ‘ther method you havo used in he post or devised on your own, Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths to relax your rind and body. Breathe in hrouch your nase and out through your mouth, Make your breaths long, slow, and steady. Rhythmically inhale ‘and exhale until you move into the present, When you ore in the ‘moment, you are entering © world of possibility Now, here is powerful intelligence within you that is giving you life, which loves you so much. When your will ches ts will, when your mind matches its mind, when your love fr life matches is love for you, it aways responds. twill move in you and all round you, cond you will see evidence in your life as. result of your efforts. To be greater thon your environment, to be greater thon the conditions in your Ifo, tobe groater than the feelings hat aro memorized in the 21. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book fink arate thn he bad tobe gras on ine. ‘ears ol you are waging on the gorment 9 he divine. Your destiny, then, iso refloction os @ cocrearon wih, o ger mind. wove yoursalf enough to do this. ing. Now, you canna creo 9 new bg while hold Recognizing. Now, oucannet cea 0 ie holdin conto he emotions of he post Who! wos the enoion fel you wanted founmemorzet Romemser iho! ct emotion feels liken your boc Mod ecegune he ami sect min hot den by ht ‘Admitting. V's ime to ur to the power wibin you, introduce ral fof ond elit whet you wan te conge boul yoursa Begin admit to it who you have been, and what you have been hiding. In re ind tlc to Reales tine Walreody knows you. it fest judge you. tony loves. Hn Iniver Say toit, sal consciousness within me and all around me, | hove been, and Ful wan! chenge fom ths Imied stot t ing. Declaring. I's fimo to freo the body from the mind, to close the gop behween how you appear and who you are. t berate your energy, Rdecse your Body Kom the fomilar emotional bonds, which toe Yeu contac very hing, every pipe, ond eros your pat 2rd present reallly. It the moment b free up your energy. wan}you {0 soy the emotion you wont to change, gu loud, ore! Ibert it rom your body os well as your environment. Soy it now. Surrendering. And now it’s time to surrender this state of being to ‘a greater mind and to ask it to resolve this in a way that is night for you. Cen you relinquish contol o.e gree auhionty thet oleody hos the Srsworst Surrender ios inffe mind ond uneslond tht his feligence is cbsoluely real. only woits'n odmirion ond in willngnes. I ony responds when you osk for help. Surender your Vinitaton to on ol knowing intligence. Simply open the door, give it up. ord let go completely. La te your limitotion from you. “nine mad, gveyyou my "Yoke tfrom me ond role hs enotion Into o gteate sone GFWidom, Free me fram fe chains of my pos” Now, [ul feel how you would lel if you keow tis mind wos faking thie memorized emotion rom you Wook Three Sbzerving ond Reminding, Now les make sue tha no hough, nobehaor no habit hol cautes you to reurn bock to fhe old gers unt you, Te nok ye [ers bese ones of one Sneopicioussciss of mind onl body “how dclyos yo to ink vn Joy elit way# Wt did you sa 0 yourslt Wha vie cid you eve that you ne longer wart Yo accept os your realy Observe these thoughts. , to seperate yourself from the program. How did you once bees oP eee Bacar cobecious of those Garenscous slates fo such on exten ha hey would never go unnoticed by you again “To bag to bjectty the subjective mind, o bagi fo observe the foal Remind youre who you ne longer won! lobe, how you! a0. enger wont ink, how au no longer went behave andhow you no lenger wort fe fee” Become famifor wih ll aspects of te old Peroni‘ a cbse Wi in net, eke ghoce to no longer be that porzon, and let the energy of your decision become a "eae ope Choy Go Redirecting. Now i's ime to pay the “Change Game.” I wont tp maging infos scenarios in your I where yoo could it Yo feet ike the old self ogain, ond waren you do, wan! jou to vay “Chongel” out 22. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book led Fir, magne has marigg ond yp arth shower, St jal easier yu sce Fee eee Ae ance nee, you say “Change!” hots egl, you chonge it Basouse beng by thot Emotion isnot Loving fo you ‘And’? ino use signcling the sorte Genes inthe sone woy, idl neve cele thot no longer fie lopelber, no Isager wire together. You conta hat Net, wont you to see youre in the mide ofthe day. You ore dom be ood 288 sen ht Romer lng ives ice ahi rs come op. ond who do ‘you de? You engel Tots igh, you dopae, Beccute te evar belo ea ein one iso moms np en hing the way gy ft enon has pever Kaen coty tf cherries ate rooraure yes aoe thot nerve cells that no longer fire together, no longer wire together, cand you no longer tum en he some genes in fe some ways, Now ent yout lye Ghenes Gane emer ine. wnt you to sc yours ge oe pull co sor gt into bed, Jou notice, gates act eta ing coming up, slo eu bahovens he sess onda p wih is tenn Sy, chong Th right sonality, and wha! do you do# You soy, Changer jet ther. Signing thot gene that woy net loving you, ond rdbody and natiag's work it You corrd at? 7°" Week Four eeting, Now wash tied reson youself pet HS woud o great person think and ocr How would such on fei Fine? Flow would fe or the love? What does greoiness eal | wont you to move into a state of being. itis time to change your energy ond brockas« whole new eecronpenet sque, When 7 Shonge your energy, yoy change your ware Be Sepecone shall xeric shee ‘an clevoled {emotion 5 tho your body bagins © emctionll lieve ha the fiure you isaleody Ising now. Alon you tym on gore new way signal boo, wt diy choad of the acho Svent;llow yoursal fo fl in ove wth fronew i ded epee your boo ond basin ecanaton your fad oa rowing je mr’ exetene become © mod, hn epee ond finaly mow posal. Nara in ow aera. How woul yu you wera this: Bis perspaf You con can't get unog te some pers own, You | so much grattuse hal your 15ers ‘to chonge cheod bp fel fo much a ‘occep! thatthe new ideof already is you. fecome To be enpowered -to be le, to be urinited, tbe cecive, tobe genee ob dune -holiewks youre ss ‘Once you feel thi, woy, memorize this foelng: remember this feling; Thisiswho you eclyare.” Now fe go ond release tin the fil fora moment ust let go. Rehearsing. Now, like hose pionoployers who chonged the ains ond ong exrtarewpchoges oi bod, do Fagan Sen you eats your now sel ot of nothing ove more nee (arse ond wiz enon mind end rcondton to body fp enw eration, Bcome fenigy wha new soe of ind ond ‘Re gies expresion ol your sl Alow your begin ink ie this deal again ‘What would you say to yourself, how woukl you walk, how would you 23. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book regthe, how would you move, how would yeu lve, what would stag how well you move. bo eal yoy le, tho would yo Hat youbeyin to move ine new state of beng, iis time bp chonge your energy ogoin ond rererioer whotit fel like to be this person. Expand your Peat. Wo do ou wont bh ven ro apn your st Youre signaling new gores in new ways Fea engoweredl once again. Move info new stot of being; 0 new sol of being is @ new personality, new personcliycreves © new personal reat. This iswhere you creckeo new destiny. From this elevated :tte of mind and bodys time fo command mater aso quan cbserver Ok your new realy. Feel invincDe, powert, inspired, ond overoyed [a hisnew eto bang, fm o ee of ce eet a wont Odcarve that realty and allow the parkcles, as weaves ef Probab to colopse nfo on even! coled on experience in your life See Cemmand i, hold i and ten move He nest picture Let your energy now become entangled ‘that destin. that fre exert hos fe find you besovse you created t wih your wn energy {S yourel go ord crete he fre you wantin coda, sh ond legions ash Io Dono! oralyze; do not hy to figure out how itis going to We RIOR RE ote hears hs your nS wows ond leave the cet 1 a greter ind, As you see your ute os the so snp Bart wih yr erry From 0 soi of gratitude, be ope with your destny from o new tole cof mind ond body: Give thanks for o new ife.. Fed how you wil fel when these things mane! in your life, becouse living i ae of grottude hing jn sot ofeshership, Fed ike Foti iin whnete hr power ihn you and kfc a in you lie: today you emulaied ns greater mind os ocreatoe who is dbserving all of life ino form, ond you made contac! with it, ond it ras been observing your elfors and intentions, then it should Show gorse youre Kw het rl tot ei ond tht you now ay co ‘ht : . Maonion ald ene hrs cy hor you would loc expec tha urpies You ond leaves no dvb) ths new experience Hes come frm Wheel 20 fc you cro napa ee agai. wat yeu now stilt - ‘And now move your awareness back oo new body in anew environment ond 'n whole neve line offine. And when you ore ready, bring your awareness back up to Beta. Then you can open yore 24. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book ‘Also by Joe Dispenza Erolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Meter Brecking the Habit of Being Yourself Book Companion Meditations Gee owcilable ot:,, ‘ond other etl stores. Brann he Het of ig Yor cu book onl gras cre Tights ©2014 by Encegholen, UC Al righs rexorved: No port oot lina Borate by suy mechanic poy, ord proces, orn the fom of o phonagropnic recording: for may f be sored in oreevel systems Fensed. or chen Be coped for pubic or private use oer fron fr “tir se” os il Qvotaions embotod n aries and vewews - hou rior writen Bermision of he publisher The auhor ofthis book does not dispense medical advice ox prescribe the usa ony lghiepe os ofr of reapent or physic egal erin pelos wiht te cae oa pyc eher der rincrely The niet ofthe uttor's oly fo ohsr nformoton of ¢ Senora eolure tp help you i your qvott foremosonal end serial Sul beng. ee von you tse ory el the fformaron in is book or youre ‘which is your consiitional right, the outhor ond the prblther cssume no responsi fer your acon. Breaking the Hobit of Being Yourself Audio Book Reod by: Adam Boyce Cover & Disc Designs: John Dispenza Diagrams: Loure S. Craig & John Dispenzo Reod by: Adam Boyce Edited by: Bory Galdslein, born and Encephalon, LUC The following iluutrctions incorporate copyrighted inages used wih rmssion: Figures TE, 9c, 7C_ People figures © lzcbels rsa + Figure 28: len sihocste, Spore oi cem Figures 38, 58, 5c, 6A: Humon brain, Alo - Foti. co igre 58: Nevrons dd nucleus © KRsougn - » Hien bin, © Povel Elbor- Foto conte Fires 70,76, Horde, @ lan 23 Fejoliscom + Figure HF » Figure 8D: Stetdy bub, © getdne’ “ » Figure 8K: bron, Oguz Arak. End Notes INTRODUCTION inlet coon ef tmsand nolan iosephicol Magazine, 26% yoo realy want spt the Kolo obs ubotang werd hevoume of on Slomragly | onesrom, {7 10:10 motors ip diometer| is oboyt 15 orders of magrifude larger fan the volume of the nucleus (oughly | femfomeler, or 10-15 meters inccomeler) mooning fe otom 's roughly 99 9999990999999 percent tpl space. Alf th eecon coud oround he nucleus 25. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audio Book zp for mos of he aon’ oaa, his hud is may empty space, ‘and the electrons within it ore minuscule fo begin with, The highly dense nucleus contgins mos of the mass ofthe atom. The relave size ofan oleciron in oferenco 10 the nucleus would bo lke he volume cf iS Re SW would bs Sout He sce osingon Se CHAPTER 1 1. For example, see Amit Goswami, Ph.D., The SellAware Universe (New York: Jeremy P. Torcher, 1993). Alo, the “Copenhogen interpre: toton’ of quontsm theory developed by Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenbor, ‘Woll Pauli, ond others says, omong other things, that “reality is identical with the totality of ebrorved phenomena (which means reality not exis in the ‘of cbseriaton).” See: Wil Keepin, “David "available at: [www

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