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‘TOO ; USY TO & ® *-A A ¥ E’ , a Gay marriage photo campaign leads packed schedule of () MLK Weekend events. Pages 5,22 #BDA-01 2014 2014 SUBARU. 2.x Premium SUBARU. 2.5 www.STIVERSATLANTASUBARU.COM 1950 ORION DR STIVERS DECATUR GA SueanU AO4-2H6- 168 ae 01.07.11 ote peta amon vit tata Page eng suesare ing eral sb Page 6 tanta poe sek perm irs in Black ay Pride creel, Page 8 tani ity Cane apostle pists Pape 0 EOL acts rou rs ttn Gurga Page 10| fp bate ore gay mriageeats ‘ko allt rout Page Ector Reinking Quer. Page 12 ik itr Carton: Nowy stand Page 12 ‘Spang Out re you que? Page a LGBT items check of our nove st Page 1S Theater: Tokens of ateton = \ai® Bet ante Page 18 rave tedestingoysinees ve? | BY THE NUMBERS. Dining itl anghok proves ‘cent oor Page 20 frets: Flos am Ne ears Ee partes. Page 21 im MLK Meena honors cv 100 ceo Vd ep anos pues te ky suse Ra Sane sian Page 22 inlresetathe mise main) Neng spotigh Decatur Wee's See ces | 1,000,000 Domestic Dts BackuppanPage27 GI ages 24-25 Pee Breaking news sit happens Calendar nd daly event highlights Phot albus a oe alesis Share "our News and Your Vole Cebit php ee o {acebok.con tree trite Chien ere rene canst ne ped re 202 3 400 erty moet ict ety Tout S9US, ENi THE “in 201 want to offend anew Palin. [Willow Palin} called people a ttag- {ot} on Facebook a couple of times. You dat throw around the -word without hearing from me about it” onan sae ay “ator etesaon nce edsgaaes yer Min hope seat Sse ‘atatate Homosexuals ae sexual predators Mog mie See "it's ike having a resolution saying were going tobe uber sensitive to prostitutes and pedophiles because wedontt want them to get mad” R OWN WORDS “Everyone was so worried about who was going to want to see this move, | remember them being ike, How do you get guys to a ballet movie? How do you get girls toa thriller” And the answer isa lesbian scene. Every ‘one wants to see that ‘Se seh Wine ian inser ro tame My “For many years we have talked about fufiling one of our greatest wishes by becoming parents And now this wish has been granted to Us we fel sobessedand lucky” bethany elven foment ‘mars pri tanh cepts ‘onbetp tose seem ec) ) “TUMBLED STONE eA) 6 MONTHS NO PAYMENT AND NO INTEREST” Nomontht ired for frst 6 months Valid on Amount. Franca So oro ase betnean Reysrbers 200ond January 31, 2017 on your Floor and Decor Installment Loan Account. 1690 NE Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 Ta Seu NEF 9a Se SAT 10sy-Tru MF Sue SAT 10. SUN ‘Oui SUN 1706 NE Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 fare $429 wee *No nance charges willbe assessed and no payments willbe required for ist months Thereafter arate of 15.99% wll apy and monthly payments wll be cured Example: Monty paymers cued e248 month tm aa 15 99% ct: $28.34 per $1000 fnanced, Program minimum amount financed 18 $750. Oris subject to ced preva by GE Money Bank 1056 Personal Place Morrow, GA 30260 Tae Srt MEF» Sa-9a SAT ‘oaw-Geu SUN 1200 Barrett Pkwy, Suite 118 Kennesaw, GA 30114 ‘Tove Se NEF = Sa-9ee SAT TOsw-6nw SUN, hectie com Strike a pose for equality 4 NOH8 campaign comes to Atlanta during MLK Weekend By Dyan Bagby chaghy@ehegoece com “Thephotorapy campaigns seat 800 pos of eles and every day peopl with det ape ars bi mes and NOH painted on throes began wo Sen ‘agp inan A paren at sat 3am Pagar Adam Bouska and is pat- nes, Jf Paley, wee devs when Ca emia voters aproved Prop 8 site const ‘onal mene boeing min the November 208 election, The two men ft Slee in ther home ste ad waned to do Something pres Pr 8. “i was ttl we came up with 2 plan © se phomgaphs this was on everyone's tind at we wer ooking for ways og "olved”Bouska Said naive fom his Cameo be prepares for Ton. 16 NOH eto Shoat Aan. ‘Ser days he te, Bosh at Pas- ley, who alo a el were sping ans ‘oth Boula's mers nan se ten So at 3am, the couple wet oa Rte Ait Phormaey and purchased oll of da pe, ‘wo bots of Crayola psi and ps “a Tel ke vcs of te We fl a acy as voting nthe igh iy. weft lence Puls. Henee, the det ape (symbolize being sence Ad ring the Noveber 208 pio boat ln thar living oom, Pashley went in the aceon an ok ino the mine pin on the "NOH" shogan wih hes. ‘Unormitly, Parhey ft conser one thing. “hgh Hooked get ory face a ‘ame out and Adam Tooke 3 me an sad, “Tats going to work” Parsley sd "Thanks othe min, “NOH” ws pained But ale fixing the pling andthe puting ‘nthe dct ap, Bauska pooped spat er of wo years ogee hey co-founded the NOHB campaign “we Je ery simple” Parsley sd “Adama waned ocison he ees being ferent and forcing you Yo look athe pesson's ace “The il dea was er people ws hese phous of temsees nh its with dt fp ovr ter mous and NOH ped on tl faces for soc networking shes, sch a Facebook, Titer nd Myspace. But the photos caught on as more than jst erring pope wanted to po es be Fare book pri pure i deftly was unexpected” Bawa, wo takes every pho inset, sld of the Poplars of te campaign Ueto he momen Bu ink syst ‘Bee our esr Celebrities join the effort Bows and Parley hn sar approach tng “neta Tae" forte camps and wee greed warmly by celebrities warn 0 parigate “As we ied moe isi, moe celeb essed coming ou” Bou sa ‘And te coleries ep coming, Bosh phanpaphed sch sas as lesbian “Cle” sar Sane yc: Osc wer Mae Mati, *D- ist star Kathy Gafni her wo Em ‘ys: Meghan McCain (ger o Sen Jon ‘Mecain, who weber oppese he repeal of Don't Ask, Dar Tl Sn. McCains wil Cy McCain: DJ Tay Young: Baws Any (Caer py crane frjnan Le dae td, yes the Real Hoses of Ata. Bows hs abo capture the images of Le. ‘Dan Cho wesring hi milay ft well ter gay meter ofthe clin "An ile the celebs ise aware, ely the enary people who ae ing ‘Changes inthe communis everyday who a8 ‘here focus ofthe campaign, Pasty sai “Aletof people say tu Wy are you ely phrphing eres” Ba ey dy pepe aretha fosaion 90 pore et ‘an ate evry day people” hea Bs is {celeste neon pb” “The amp’ websites several burs — two alms ded “amir fs ‘wile thausands of eer poses are dedicated {every day people who want make sae ter: And if you lok closly in the bums Soin catch » couple of Geog eles, ncn Ves Powel Beck Masi, ‘hegay teen femal Coca, Ga, who made ‘aon headlines when he tok his byte ‘otis high eho pom “Welker stories — th’ whats sng in Adana” Pasey sid "A spo leave the sume bli an wat speak ou” ‘Atlanta gay pastor: [NOH can help city heal “The NOH campaign comes tothe W Mi ‘ow Aaa Hotel 00 Jn 16 he dy belore er Ring "The ers sponsible for binging Busha aed Passe 0 Atanas Rey Josh Nei of CE, " Nowe campaign Opn Photo Snot Sandy 00 637 not enn ls raph Ne tat, ‘cas Pots a 4 pepo wile any _gauporcoipl pots ireure a5 feeper personae pla noatempaincan For more MLK Weekend events, including the annual LGBT community Bayard Rustin - Audre Lorde Breakfast, see Page 22, Sine Math United Metdst Chueh “he vic of a se ce tly In Ped ‘not Path when be was bed tpg 2 {rp of en ho Ki hy ss i Spbase egy, Nes ose en ‘enbraging hang art — ad te "We have been waning 0 come Alana {or atileand os ech ot 0 09D fait Mark” Pay aia ‘engin the NOH campsign to Alana wing Maria Le King Weekend ws. "90 trae” Paley aided ‘And f Maris Ligh King ews ave ty News /_Janary7 201 / 6Aoice AEM pA Ros an pre eff ashy pose ina exathe "NOH pha shore. Fir fs hah pricad te conan hn Se fr Atwen Amand Beas ri a Daw hot Psy Akan xs) tere doin Bs nd Pays ids ‘athe wed aly pit ne can “Tus posh sone day before Ma tin Luther King's birth so going bck to Ts home ow was no etn forts” they ste onthe Facebook evet ge fore Aas wil "We thnk he would be atthe ston the vr with ust” TNoblt the scl justice minster 2 Sain Mar, sd sprang this eon was one tray to del with heen allow om = Ing atacked becase of wha Soaring Noblt 1 bring the cmalgn 10 ‘ats ae Caran Mackey from the Emory Center for Ethics and Nk Now, with V-Day 4 otal ovens ht works to end lence ‘ean women and is, bli views the poco shoot as 2 way for the cytes and ransom ein love 3 oro he 25th aniversary exertion a he Marin Later King eho" For Nai, jusice in his case low going A preiminay Bing washed Decnber at ‘ws dele wi i any, The ees are ‘lin is asa ae being charg as Von using wo make ager sence of hat append ome ap of my Journey healing” besa

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