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Welcome to the wonderful world of Science!

Hello there! I am Spongebob Squarepants

with my pet Gary and we will be your guide
in this Intervention Material for you to learn
the process of filtration. Let us begin!

You have already learned in the previous lessons that

mixing things are very important to everyone and to our
daily needs but in the other hand there are lot of mixtures
around us that are needed to be separated in order to
properly use their components so that we can benefit in
using them. Filtration is one of the ways, methods or
techniques of separating mixtures.

Filtration is a process used to separate solid particles from

it’s liquid component just like the process of decantation.
But in the process of filtration, you need to use a filter,
which is a porous material or other tools for removing the
impurities or solid particles from a liquid that have passed
through it. Ayayayayayay!
The learning competency of this lesson is to
enumerate the techniques in separating mixtures
such as decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving
and using magnet. Ayayayayayay!

Our main objective for this lesson is for

you to describe filtration as a process of
separating mixtures. Ayayayayayay!

Before proceeding with today’s lesson, let us first

check your prior knowledge about filtration. Read
each item carefully then encircle the letter of the
correct answer. Ayayayayayay!

1. The simple process of separating insoluble solid and liquid mixture with the aid of a
A. decantation C. filtration
B. evaporation D. sieving

2. The liquid part of the mixture that passes through the screen.
A. filter C. filtration
B. filtrate D. fluid

3. Any object that holds or traps the solid particles on it’s top and letting the
liquid part pass.
A. filter C. filtration
B. filtrate D. fluid

4. Which of the following mixture can be separated by filtration?

A. water and salt C. water and soy sauce
B. water and soil D. water and sugar

5. The following are objects that can be used as a filter EXCEPT one, which is it?
A. chopping board C. strainer
B. cloth D. tissue paper
6. A laboratory apparatus that directs the flow of the liquid to the funnel to avoid
A. beaker C. graduated cylinder
B. funnel D. stirring rod

7. A laboratory glassware used in filtration where the filter paper is placed.

A. beaker C. graduated cylinder
B. funnel D. stirring rod

8. Which of the following laboratory apparatus is a funnel?

A. B. C. D.

9. Which of the following laboratory apparatus is a stirring rod?

A. B. C. D.

10. A special kind of paper that is most suitable to used when doing laboratory
A. bond paper C. sand paper
B. filter paper D. tissue paper

Are you confident enough on you answers in this

pre - test? Do not worry, everything is just fine. On
the later part of our lesson you can discover all the
correct answers in this pre - test. Ayayayayayay!

On your past lesson, you have learned that evaporation

is process of changing the phase of liquid water to
water vapor with the use of heat. The purpose of
evaporation is to get the soluble solid in a mixture and
let the liquid go. For our review, encircle the pictures
that show evaporation in separating mixtures.

Nice job! Do you want to learn a another way of

separating mixture? If evaporation is used in
separating a soluble solid and a liquid, this time you
will learn a technique that separates insoluble solid
from a liquid in a much effective way as compared to
decantation and this process is called filtration.
Our friend Patrick and Sandy needs help! Please help
them by just answering their questions. Write your
answers on the box provided after the situations.

My mother wants to cook ginataang alimango. She bought

grated coconut for this dish. She wants me to get the coconut
milk (gata) and throw away the coconut pulp because we
will not be needing it. What should I do? Why?


I love pancit canton that is why tomorrow morning I want to

prepare this as my breakfast. My problem is, what should I
do to separate the noodles with the boiling water? Please
also tell me why should I do that? Thank you.


Our friend Patrick and Sandy are very happy on what you
have done to solve their problems. Now it is about time to
see if you have given the correct answers to their prob-
lems. They are found in the next page together with their
explanation. Ayayayayayay!
Sandy may separate the coconut milk from the grated coconut meat by adding
small amount of hot water and putting it into a clean cloth and squeezed it forcibly so
that the coconut milk will be extracted from it’s pulp. She must use a clean cloth to
block the coconut pulp from getting into the extracted coconut milk to avoid
impurities in her coconut milk.

On the problem of Patrick, he just need a colander or a strainer. He will just

carefully pour the hot water and pancit canton noodles on top of a colander / strainer
and let the hot water pass through the colander / strainer that will collect the pancit
canton noodles. Colander / Strainer is the best tool to use in this job because of their
holes to let unwanted liquid to be separated in a much effective manner as compared
to the different improvised techniques.

The technique or way of separating mixture that solves the problems of Sandy
and Patrick is called filtration.
Filtration is a technique which an insoluble solid is separated from the liquid
part that uses filter like mesh cloth, filter paper, any porous materials or tools with
holes. Filtration is used for separating solid and liquid mixtures only.
The liquid which has passed through the filter is called the filtrate. The solid
part that cannot pass the holes / pores of the filter is called residue.
In Sandy’s situation the filtrate is the coconut milk, the residue is the coconut
pulp and the clean cloth serves as the filter.
On the problem of Patrick, the colander or a strainer is the filter, the hot water
is the filtrate while the pancit canton noodles is the residue.

I will be going to show you a simple experiment that will

give you a deeper understanding on the differences
between the processes involve in sedimentation,
decantation and filtration. Do you know that by using these
three processes together you can turn a muddy water into a
crystal clear water. Ayayayayayay!

1. Prepare a water and mud mixture.

2. After mixing it, let the mixture rest for 30 minutes.

The mud settles down at the bottom of the beaker by the process of
sedimentation. Sedimentation is when a heavier components of the mixtures settle
down after leaving the mixture undisturbed for sometimes. The solid particles that
settles down at the bottom is called sediment.
3. Transfer the water on top of the settled mud by tilting the beaker to another empty
clean beaker.

When you remove or transfer the water above the sediment this process is
called decantation. The water that have been transferred to the clean beaker is called
decantate. In the process of decantation the decantate liquid is still cloudy that means
the water has still small particles of mud in it.
4. Put a fine cloth on top of a new clean beaker and transfer the decantate liquid to the
new beaker by letting the decantate pass the fine cloth.

This process now is called filtration because of the use of fine cloth or any
porous materials to filter the fine particles of solid in the mixture. The liquid that
passes through the fine cloth is no longer called decantate because this process is not
considered as decantation, instead the liquid that passes the filter or the fine cloth is
now called as filtrate. Sad to say, the filtrate that passes the fine cloth are not clear
enough because the pores of the fine cloth are not small enough to filter all the residue
in the mixture.
5. Prepare a filter paper, funnel, stirring rod and another clean beaker. Fold properly
and place the filter paper in the funnel and pour the water obtained in the filtration
with cloth and wait until it reaches the beaker under the funnel. You can use a stirring
rod to directs the flow of the liquid to the funnel to avoid spillage.

By just looking at the filter paper before and after the filtration, you can see the
big difference in its color due to the fine mud residue that was blocked by the tiny
pores of it. As a result, the filtrate now is crystal clear and free from any impurities.
Let us start with Activity 1. The following are pictures
show ways on separating mixtures. Draw a like sign
( ) if the following pictures show filtration and draw
a dislike sign ( ) if not. Draw your answer in the
boxes provided before the pictures. Ayayayayayay!

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Nice job! You have successfully identified the pictures

that show filtration as the way of separating mixture.
Proceed to the next page for the Activity 2.
Do Activity 2. Complete the graphic organizer below
by giving daily activities that use filtration.

Wow that was great! You can easily give daily

activities that use filtration. This is a good sign
that you have enough knowledge in the process of
filtration as a method of separating mixture. Let
us go to the next page for the Reflection Card.
In this Reflection Card you will be going to make a
self - analyzation on what you have learned and what
are the several things that were unclear to you in this
lesson. Please answer these questions honestly, do
not be afraid to write the things that were not clear to
you. Your teacher is very much willing to help you to
understand them, OK? Answer the questions below
and write your answers inside the box.

What have I learned about filtration?

What I can do now after learning filtration?

What are the specific things about filtration that are not clear to me?

That was amazing! I can see that you have learned

the process of filtration very well. Go to the next
page where you can find the Assessment Card.
There are prepared activities there to test your
knowledge about filtration. Good luck!
Start this Assessment Card by doing Activity 2. Identify
if the following statements convey correct information
about filtration. If the statement is correct just draw an
happy face ( ) and if it is wrong, rewrite the
statement and make it correct. Ayayayayayay!

1. Filtration is one of the ways, methods or techniques of separating mixtures.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________
2. Filtration is a process used to separate solid particles from its liquid component just
like the process of evaporation.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
3. Filtration uses a filter, which is a porous material or other tools for removing
immiscible liquid from a common liquid that have passed through it.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
4. Filtration is a technique which a soluble solid is separated from the liquid part that
uses filter.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
5. Filtration is used for separating solid and liquid mixtures only.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
6. The liquid that passes through the filter is called as filtrate.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
7. Filtrate is the solid particle that was trapped in the filter.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
8. Filter paper, funnel, stirring rod and beakers are the most common laboratory
apparatus that are used when conducting filtration experiment.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
9. Residues cannot pass through the fine pores of the filter because they are oversize or
too big.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________

10. Brewing coffee involves passing hot water through the ground coffee and a filter,
in this case coffee beans are the filtrate.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________

Another great job! You have successfully identified

the statements that convey correct information and
make the wrong statements into a correct one.
Proceed to the next page for the Activity 2.
This is your final test! Do Activity 2. Read each item
carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Filtration is a simple process of separating insoluble solid and liquid mixture using a
filter. Which of the following pictures show it?
A. C.

B. D.

2. A filter is an object that holds or traps the solid particles on its top and letting the
liquid part pass. Which of the following can be used as a filter?
A. C.

B. D.

3. What is a filtrate?
A. The solid part of the mixture that passes through the filter.
B. The fluid part of the mixture that was blocked by the filter.
C. The solid part of the mixture that was blocked by the filter.
D. The liquid part of the mixture that passes through the filter.

For numbers 4, 5 and 6. Look at the picture below and answer the questions after it.

4. What is the filter in the picture?

A. basin C. vegetables
B. colander D. water

5. What is the filtrate in the picture?

A. basin C. vegetables
B. colander D. water

6. What is considered as the residue in the picture?

A. basin C. vegetables
B. colander D. water
7. Which of the following common household materials can be used as filter in the
absence of filter paper?
A. cloth C. plastic cover
B. ceramic tile D. rubber

8. Which of the following mixture can be separated by the process of filtration?

A. water and salt C. water and soy sauce
B. water and soil D. water and sugar

9. What is the similarity between decantation and filtration?

A. They uses both filter or other porous materials.
B. They have the same result when separating mixtures.
C. They are used in separating soluble solid and liquid mixtures.
D. They are used in separating insoluble solid and liquid mixtures.

10. Which of the following daily activities show filtration?

A. Removing the excess fat in the dish using a spoon.
B. Separating the ripe tomatoes from the unripe tomatoes in a basket.
C. Separating the small particles of sand from big rocks using a sieve.
D. Draining the excess oil in the fried chicken using a tissue paper after
frying them.

That was awesome guys! You have successfully

answered all the activities in this Intervention
Material. Now I am sure that you have learned
enough knowledge about filtration. Did you have
fun while using this SIM? Wow! Nice to hear
that from you! Hoping to see you again in the
next Intervention Material. See you soon!

The writer have used the following references

in constructing this SIM:
Are you done in answering all the activities in the
Pre - Test, Review, Activity Card, Enrichment Card,
Reflection Card and Assessment Card? If your answer is
“NO”, try to finish those activities first. If your answer is
“YES”, now is the time to check your answers in all of
those activities.

Your teacher will be the one to check your answers in the

Activity Card, Activity 2 of Enrichment Card and the
Reflection Card. Ayayayayayay!


Pre – Test
1. C 3. A 5. A 7. B 9. B
2. B 4. B 6. D 8. C 10. B
Enrichment Card (Activity 1)

1. 3. 5. 7. 9.

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

Assessment Card (Activity 1)

2. Filtration is a process used to separate solid particles from its liquid component just
like the process of decantation.
3. Filtration uses a filter, which is a porous material or other tools for removing
insoluble solid from a liquid that have passed through it.
4. Filtration is a technique which a insoluble solid is separated from the liquid part that
uses filter.
7. Residue are the solid particles that was trapped in the filter.
10. Brewing coffee involves passing hot water through the ground coffee and a filter,
in this case coffee beans are the residue.
Other revisions are accepted.

Assessment Card (Activity 2)

1. B 3. D 5. D 7. A 9. D
2. B 4. B 6. C 8. B 10. D

Prepared by:
Marvic D. David
Sebitanan Elementary School
Sasmuan District

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