Sample Midterm Exam Questions

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[ Caution: Do not view these problems as a practice exam!

These questions
are provided to give you an idea of the structure and depth of problems that
may have appeared on previous exams over similar material.]

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Spring 2015 | STAT 30100: Elementary Statistical Methods I
Sample Midterm Exam | Total points: 200

Printed Name: Andrew King

Important Instructions:
• The exam is worth 100 points and is in two parts. The first part (45 points) is multiple
choice and the second part (55 points) is free response questions. For the final grading,
the points will be converted to 200 points.
• Show your work on all free response questions. Unsupported work may not receive full
• Report decimal answers to three decimal places.
• You are responsible for upholding IUPUI’s standard for academic integrity.
• You are allowed to use TI-30XA calculator only during the exam.
• All tables and formulae are provided for use with this exam.

• Turn off your cell phone and all electronic devices before the exam begins!
Thirty multiple choice questions. 1½ points each. Total 45 points.
Circle the letter for the correct answer.

1. A recent report stated ʺBased on a sample of 90 truck drivers, there is evidence to indicate
that, on average, independent truck drivers earn more than company-hired truck drivers.ʺ Does
this statement describe descriptive or inferential statistics?
A) inferential statistics B) descriptive statistics

2. A survey of high school teenagers reported that 90% of those sampled are interested in pursuing
a college education. Does this statement describe descriptive or inferential statistics?
A) inferential statistics B) descriptive statistics

3. Parking at a university has become a problem. University administrators are interested in

determining the average time it takes a student to find a parking spot. An administrator
inconspicuously followed 150 students and recorded how long it took each of them to find a
parking spot. Identify the population of interest to the university administration.

A) the 150 students about whom the data were collected

B) the entire set of faculty, staff, and students who park at the university
C) the entire set of students who park at the university
D) the students who park at the university between 9 and 10 AM on Wednesdays

4. Parking at a university has become a problem. University administrators are interested in

determining the average time it takes a student to find a parking spot. An administrator
inconspicuously followed 230 students and recorded how long it took each of them to find a
parking spot. Identify the variable of interest to the university administration.

A) time to find a parking spot B) students who drive cars on campus

C) number of empty parking spots D) number of students who cannot find a spot

5. The amount of television viewed by todayʹs youth is of primary concern to Parents Against
Watching Television (PAWT). 250 parents of elementary school-aged children were asked to
estimate the number of hours per week that their child watches television. Identify the type of
data collected by PAWT.

A) quantitative B) qualitative

6. A fan observes the numbers on the shirts of a girlʹs soccer team. Identify the type of
data collected.

A) quantitative B) qualitative

7. Number of students in a class of 35 who turn in a term paper before the due date. Identify the
type of data collected.

A) Numerical; Discrete B) Numerical; Continuous C) Categorical

8. To conduct a pre-election opinion poll on a proposed amendment to the state constitution, a
random sample of 10 telephone prefixes (first three digits of phone number) was selected, and
all households from the phone prefixes selected were called. Identify the type of sampling
method used.

A) Cluster B) Systematic C) SRS D) Stratified

9. Subscribers to the magazine Sound Alive were assigned numbers. Then a sample of 30
subscribers was selected by using a random-number table. The subscribers in the sample were
invited to rate new compact disc players for a “What the Subscribers Think” column.

A) Cluster B) Systematic C) SRS D) Stratified

SRS = Simple Random Sampling: each possible sample of a given size is equally likely to be the
one obtained.
Systematic Random Sampling: every kth experimental unit chosen.
Stratified Random Sampling: experimental units grouped into strata, from which random
samples are taken from each.
Cluster Random Sampling: experimental units divided into clusters, clusters randomly chosen,
then all data from selected clusters sampled.

10. A watchdog group is investigating how people are treated during the foreclosure process.
Surveys were mailed to a random sample of 300 people who had recently been threatened with
foreclosure. 75 of the surveys were returned by the postal service because the intended recipients
had moved and left no forwarding address. What type of problem has occurred?

A) nonresponse bias B) selection bias C) measurement error

11. The pie chart shows the classifications of students in a statistics class.

What percentage of the class consists of freshman, sophomores, and

juniors? A) 86% B) 14% C) 44% D) 54%

12. The scatterplot below shows a negative relationship between two variables.
A) True B) False
13. Which of the following statements below is correct with respect to the following graph?

A) The five number summaries would be the same for Site A and Site B.
B) Site A and Site B both appear to be skewed to the left.
C) Site A has a higher mean than Site B.
D) Site B has a larger IQR than Site A.

14. A radio station claims that the amount of advertising each hour has a mean of 16 minutes and a
standard deviation of 2.7 minutes. You listen to the radio station for 1 hour and observe that the
amount of advertising time is 20 minutes. Calculate the z-score for this amount of advertising

A) z = 1.08 B) z = -1.48 C) z = 10.8 D) z = 1.48

z = (20 – 16)/2.7 = 1.481


16. If sample points A, B, C, and D are the only possible outcomes of an experiment, find the
probability of D using the table below.

A) 2/5
B) 1/5
C) 1/4
D) 3/5

17. A(n) is the most basic outcome of an experiment.

A) sample point
B) event
C) experiment
D) sample space

18. An experiment consists of rolling two dice and summing the resulting values. Which of the
following is not a sample point for this experiment?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 6
D) 24

19. The probability of a sample point is usually taken to be the relative frequency of the occurrence
of the sample point in a very long series of repetitions of the experiment.
A) True
B) False

20. In a class of 40 students, 22 are women, 10 are earning an A, and 7 are women that are earning an
A. If a student is randomly selected from the class, find the probability that the student is earning
an A given that the student is a woman.
A) 7/22
B) 1/4
C) 5/11
D) 7/40

P(A∣B) = [P(A) ∩ P(B)]/ P(B) = [7/40]/ (22/40) = 0.318

21. Consider the given discrete probability distribution. Find P(x > 2).

A) 0.7
B) 0.9
C) 1.0
D) 0.3
22. A hospital reports that two patients have been admitted who have contracted Crohnʹs disease.
Suppose our experiment consists of observing whether each patient survives or dies as a result
of the disease. The simple events and probabilities of their occurrences are shown in the table
(where S in the first position means that patient 1 survives, D in the first position means that
patient 1 dies, etc.).

Simple Events Probabilities

SS 0.52
SD 0.15
DS 0.11
DD 0.22

Find the probability that at least one of the patients does not survive.

A) 0.48
B) 0.26
C) 0.15
D) 0.10

23. The overnight shipping business has skyrocketed in the last ten years. The single greatest
predictor of a companyʹs success is customer service. A study was conducted to determine the
customer satisfaction levels for one overnight shipping business. In addition to the customerʹs
satisfaction level, the customers were asked how often they used overnight shipping. The results
are shown in the following table:

Suppose that one customer who participated in the study is chosen at random. What is the
probability that the customer had a high level of satisfaction and used the company more than five
times per month?
A) 1/10
B) 4/5
C) 7/10
D) 3/10

24. In a class of 40 students, 22 are women, 10 are earning an A, and 7 are women that are earning an
A. If a student is randomly selected from the class, find the probability that the student is earning
an A given that the student is a woman.
A) 7/22
B) 1/4
C) 5/11
D) 7/40

25. Suppose x is a uniform random variable with c = 40 and d = 70. Find the standard deviation of x.
A) σ = 8.66
B) σ = 31.75
C) σ = 1.58
D) σ = 3.03

(70 – 40)/√12 = 8.660

26. A local bakery has determined a probability distribution for the number of cheesecakes it sells in
a given day. The distribution is as follows:

Find the number of cheesecakes that this local bakery expects to sell in a day.
A) 12.6
B) 12.81
C) 20
D) 10

0*0.21 + 5*0.15 + … = 12.6

27. High temperatures in a certain city for the month of August follow a uniform distribution over the
interval 63°F to 90°F. What is the probability that the high temperature on a day in August
exceeds 68°F?

A) 0.8148
B) 0.1852
C) 0.4444
D) 0.037

(90 – 68) / (90 – 63) = 0.8148

28. Use the standard normal distribution to find P(-2.25 < z < 1.25).
A) .8821
B) .0122
C) .4878
D) .8944

0.4878 + 0.3944 = 0.8822

29. Which shape is used to represent areas for a normal distribution?

A) Bell curve
B) Circle
C) Rectangle
D) Triangle

30. A physical fitness association is including the mile run in its secondary-school fitness test. The
time for this event for boys in secondary school is known to possess a normal distribution with a
mean of 440 seconds and a standard deviation of 60 seconds. Find the probability that a randomly
selected boy in secondary school can run the mile in less than 302 seconds.
A) .0107
B) .4893
C) .9893
D) .5107

(302 – 440) / 60 = −2.3

Sample STAT 30100 Midterm Exam


Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

(Each problem is worth 1½ points, total 45 points)

1. 16.

2. 17.

3. 18.

4. 19.

5. 20.

6. 21.

7. 22.

8. 23.

9. 24.

10. 25.

11. 26.

12. 27.

13. 28.

14. 29.

15. 30.
Part II
Free Response Questions. Answer all the six questions. Total 55 points.

Q1. Each observation in the following data set is the number of housing units (homes or condominiums)
sold during November 1992 in a region corresponding to a particular Orange County, California, ZIP
code. Use class guidelines to describe the distribution.

Stem-and-leaf of Number s N = 68
Leaf Unit = 1.0

0 000
0 556789 (9)
1 001111222334 (21)
1 5666777788888 (34)
2 0011
2 5666778999 (30)
3 00001 (20)
3 55557
4 023 (10)
4 5678
6 1
6 7
7 0

a) Determine the center of the data.

(1.8 + 2.0) / 2 = 19 housing units

b) Describe the shape.

Roughly mound shaped, two peaks, right-skew
Positively skewed

c) Describe the spread.

Spread is between 0 to 48 housing units, ignoring the outliers.
Q2. The ages of ten kids randomly sampled at a local mall are

15, 18, 5, 10, 9, 12, 13, 12, 16, 10

Calculate the following:

a) Mean and interpret:

Mean = 12, average age of 10 kids sampled

b) Range:
= 18 – 5 = 13 years

c) IQR and interpret:

5, 9, 10, 10, 12, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18

10*0.25 = 2.5 ~ 3, 10
10*0.75 = 7.5 ~ 8, 15

15 − 10 = 5

d) Five-Number summary:
5, 9.5, 12, 15.5, 18
5, 10, 12, 15, 18

e) 90th percentile and interpret:

10*0.9 = 9, (16+18)/2 = 17

10*0.90 = 9, average of 9th and 10th values is 90th percentile?

= (16+18) / 2 = 17
f) Based on the values of the mean and median, is the distribution of the variable to be likely to
be approximately symmetric, positively (right) skewed, or negatively (left) skewed? Explain.
Mean = Median, approximately symmetric
Q3. Representative data on x = carbonation depth (in millimeters) and y = strength (in megapascals) for a
sample of concrete core specimens taken from a particular building were read from a plot in the article
“The Carbonation of Concrete Structures in the Tropical Environment of Singapore” (Magazine of
Concrete Research [1996]: 293–300):

Using Statcrunch, the equation of the least-squares line is given below:

The regression equation is: Strength = 24.4 - 0.275 Depth

a) What are the explanatory and response variables?

Explanatory = x = carbonation depth (in millimeters)
Response variable = y = strength (in megapascals)

b) What is the value of the slope of the least-squares line? Interpret the slope in the context of
this problem.
B1 = −0.275

c) What would you predict for strength when carbonation depth is 25 mm?
17.525 mPa

d) Suppose r=.92. Calculate the coefficient of determination and interpret the results in context.
= 0.8464, about 84.6% of the variation in strength can be explained by the linear relationship between
carbonation depth and strength.
Q4. Each manager of a Fortune 500 company was rated as being either a good, fair, or poor
manager by his/her boss. The managerʹs educational background was also noted. The data
appear below:

a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen manager has earned at least one
college degree?

b) What is the probability that a randomly chosen manager has poor rating?

c) What is the probability that a randomly chosen manager has earned some college
degree given that manager rating is Fair?
(19/160) / (87/160) = 0.218

Q5. Suppose a uniform random variable can be used to describe the outcome of an experiment with
outcomes ranging from 40 to 80.

a) What is the probability that this experiment results in an outcome less than 50?

b) What is the mean and standard deviation of the variable?

μ = 60
σ = 11.547
Q6. The volume of soda a dispensing machine pours into a 12-ounce can of soda follows a normal
distribution with a mean of 12.06 ounces and a standard deviation of 0.04 ounce. The company
receives complaints from consumers who actually measure the amount of soda in the cans and
claim that the volume is less than the advertised 12 ounces. What proportion of the soda cans
contain less than the advertised 12 ounces of soda?

Complete the following steps for your answer.

i) Label the variable.

x = volume (in oz.) of soda a dispensing machine pours into a 12-ounce can of soda

ii) Formulate the problem.

P(x < 12)

iii) Shade the appropriate area of the curve based on part (ii).

iv) Calculate the z-score.

z = −1.5

v) Show your z-score value using z-scale on the above graph.

vi) Use z-table to find the final answer.

p = 0.0668

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