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Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Preferred styles of referencing differ both between universities and between depart-
ments within universities. Even styles that are in wide use such as ‘Harvard’ vary in
how they are used in practice by different institutions. When this is combined with the
reality that some lecturers apply an adopted style strictly, while others are more lenient,
it emphasises the need for you to use the precise style prescribed in your assessment
criteria. Within business and management, two author–date referencing systems pre-
dominate, the Harvard style and the American Psychological Association (APA) style,
both of which are author–date systems. The alternative, numeric systems, is used far
less widely.
Six points are important when referencing:
• Full credit must be given to the author or originator (the person or organisation taking
main responsibility for the source) when quoting or citing others’ work.
• Adequate information must be provided in the reference to enable that work to be
• References must be consistent, complete and accurate.
• References must be recorded using precisely the style required by your university and
are often part of the marking criteria.
• Wherever you directly quote an author you should use ‘quotation marks’ to show this
and also record the precise location (normally page number).
• If you fail to reference fully, you are likely to be accused of plagiarism (Section 3.9).
As you will see later in this appendix, when referring to an electronic document, prin-
cipally a journal article, accessed online, it is becoming more usual to include that
document’s DOI (digital object identifier) as part of the reference. The DOI provides a
permanent and unique identifier for that document. Where there is no DOI, it is usual
to include the document’s URL (uniform resource locator – usually its web address).
As the URL is not permanent, the date when it was accessed is also included in the

Author–date systems
The Harvard style
Referencing in the text
The Harvard style is an author–date system, a variation of which we use in this book. It
appears to have its origins in a referencing practice developed by a professor of anatomy
at Harvard University (Neville 2010) and usually uses the author’s or originator’s name
and year of publication to identify cited documents within the text. All references are

Author–date systems

listed alphabetically at the end of the text. Common institutional variations within the
Harvard style which are applied consistently include (Neville 2010):
• Where there are more than two authors, the names of the second and subsequent
authors may or may not be replaced in the text by et al. This phrase may be in italics
and is usually followed by a full stop to signify it is an abbreviation of et alia.
• Name(s) of authors or originators may or may not be in UPPER CASE in the list of
• The year of publication may or may not be enclosed in (brackets) in the list of
• Capitalisation of words in the title is usually kept to a minimum rather than being used
for Many of the Words in the Title.
• The title of the publication may be in italics or may be underlined in the list of
The style for referencing work in the text and in the list of references or bibliography is
outlined in Table A1.1, additional conventions for referencing in the text being given in
Table A1.2.

Table A1.1 Conventions when using the Harvard style to reference

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example


Book (first 1 author: 1 author: Family name, Initials. (year). Silverman, D. (2007).
edition) (Family name (Silverman Title. Place of publication: A Very Short, Fairly Interesting
year) 2007) Publisher. and Reasonably Cheap Book
about Qualitative Research.
London: Sage.
2 or 3 authors: 2 or 3 authors: Family name, Initials. and Berman Brown, R. and
(Family name, (Berman Family name, Initials. (year). Saunders, M. (2008). Dealing
Family name Brown and Title. Place of publication: with Statistics: What You
and Family name Saunders Publisher. Need to Know. Maidenhead:
year) 2008) Open University Press.

4+ authors: 4+ authors: Family name, Initials., Millmore, M., Lewis, P.,

(Family name (Millmore Family name, Initials. and Saunders, M., Thornhill, A.
et al. year) et al. 2010) Family name, Initials [can and Morrow, T. (2007).
be discretionary to include Strategic Human Resource
more than first author] Management: Contemporary
(year). Title. Place of Issues. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall.
publication: Publisher.

Book (other As for ‘Book (Anderson Family name, Initials. and Anderson, D.L., Sweeney, D.J.,
than first (first edition)’ et al. 2014) Family name, Initials. (year). Williams, T.A., Freeman, J. and
edition) Title. (# edn). Place of Shoesmith, E. (2014). Statistics
publication: Publisher. for Business and Economics.
(3rd edn). Andover: Cengage
Learning EMA.

(Continued )

Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Table A1.1 (Continued )

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Book (edited) As for ‘Book (Saunders Family name, Initials. and Saunders, M.N.K,
(first edition)’ et al. 2010) Family name, Initials. Skinner, D., Gillespie, N.,
(eds.) (year). Title. Place of Dietz, G. and Lewicki, R.J.
publication: Publisher. (eds.) (2010). Organizational
Trust: A Cultural Perspective.
Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Book (not As for ‘Book (Fontaine et al. Family name, Initials. and Fontaine, C., Salti, S. and
in English (first edition)’ 2010) Family name, Initials. (year). Thivard, T. (2010). 100 CV
language) Title [English translation of et lettres de motivation
title]. Place of publication: [100 CV and cover letters].
Publisher. Paris: Studyrama.

Book As for ‘Book (Hugo 2003) Family name, Initials. and Hugo, V. (2003). Les
(translated (first edition)’ Family name, Initials. Miserables. (N. Denny. Trans.).
into English) (year). Title. (Initials of London: Penguin. (Original
translator. Family name work published 1862).
of translator. Trans). Place
of publication: Publisher.
(Original work
published year).

Republished As for ‘Book (Marshall Family name, Initials. and Marshall, J.D. (1981). Furness
book (first edition)’ 1981) Family name, Initials. (year). and the Industrial Revolution.
Title. Place of publication: Beckermont: Michael Moon
Publisher (originally (originally published by
published by Publisher Barrow Town Council 1958).

E-book As for ‘Book (Saunders Family name, Initials. Saunders, J.J. (2013). The
(first edition)’ 2013) (year). Title. [name of Holocaust: History in an Hour
e-book reader]. Place of [Kindle e-book]. London:
publication: Publisher. William Collins.

Online book As for ‘Book (Sungsoo Family name, Initials. and Sungsoo, P. (ed.) (2013).
(first edition)’ or 2013) Family name, Initials. Benchmarks in Hospitality
‘Edited book’ (year). Title. (# edn) and Tourism. New York:
Place of publication: Routledge. [Accessed 6 Apr.
Publisher. [Accessed day 2014 from MyLibrary.com]
month year from Database

Chapters in books

Chapter in a As for ‘Book (Robson 2011) Family name, Initials. and Robson, C. (2011). Real
book (first edition)’ Family name, Initials. World Research. (3rd edn).
(year). Title. Place of Oxford: Blackwell.
publication: Publisher. Chapter 3.
Chapter #.

Author–date systems

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Chapter in an (Chapter author (King 2012) Family name, Initials. King, N. (2012). Doing
edited book family name (year). Chapter title. In template analysis. In
containing year) Initials. Family name and G. Symon and C. Cassell (eds)
a collection Initials. Family name (eds) Qualitative Organizational
of articles Title. Place of publication: Research. London: Sage.
(sometimes Publisher. pp. ###–###. pp. 426–50.
called a

Chapter in an (Chapter author (Roper 2007) Chapter author family Roper, A. (2007). The
online book family name name, Initials. (year). international marketing
year) Chapter title. In Initials. management decisions of UK
Family name and Initials. ski tour operators. In
Family name (eds) Title. M. Saunders, P. Lewis and
Place of publication: A. Thornhill. Research
Publisher. pp. ###–###. Methods for Business Students.
[Accessed day month year (4th edn) Harlow: FT Prentice
from Database name]. Hall. pp. 158–9. [Accessed
6 Apr. 2014 from

Dictionaries and other reference books

. . . where As for ‘Book (Vogt and Family name, Initials. Vogt, W.P. and Johnson,
author known (first edition)’ Johnson 2011) (year). Title. (# edn). Place R.B. (2011). Dictionary of
of Publication: Publisher. Statistics and Methodology:
pp. ###–###. A Nontechnical Guide for the
Social Sciences. (4th edn).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
pp. 31–2.

. . . where (Publication title (The right word Publication title. (year). The right word at the right
no author or year) at the right (# edn). Place of time. (1985). Pleasantville, NY:
editor time 1985) Publication: Publisher. Readers Digest Association.
pp. ###–###. pp. 563–4.

. . . where (Entry author (Watson 2008) Entry author family name, Watson, T. (2008). Field
editor known family name Initials. (year). Entry research. In R. Thorpe and
and author data) title. In Initials. Family R. Holt (eds) The SAGE
for particular name and Initials. Family Dictionary of Qualitative
entry name (eds) Title. Place Management Research.
of publication: Publisher. London: Sage. pp. 99–100.
pp. ###–###.

. . . where (Publication title (Encyclopaedia Publication title. (year). Encyclopaedia Britannica.

accessed year) Britannica Available at http://www. Online. (2014). Available at
online and is Online 2014) remainderoffullInternet http://www.britannica.com/
no author or address/ [Accessed day [Accessed 4 Mar. 2014].
editor month year].

(Continued )

Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Table A1.1 (Continued )

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

. . . where (Publication title (Encyclopaedia Publication title. Encyclopaedia Britannica

accessed year) Britannica (year). Title of entry. Online. (2014). Definition
online and Online 2014) Available at http://www of ‘Marketing’. Available at
no author .remainderoffullInternet http://www.britannica.com/
or editor for address/ [Accessed day EBchecked/topic/365730/
a particular month year]. marketing [Accessed 4 Mar.
entry 2014].


Report As for ‘Book (Gray et al. Family name, Initials. and Gray, D.E., Saunders M.N.K.
(first edition)’ 2012) Family name, Initials. (year). and Goregaokar, H. (2012).
Title. Place of publication: Success in Challenging Times:
Publisher. Key Lessons for UK SMEs.
London: Kingston Smith LLP.

Report (no (Originator name (Mintel Originator name or Mintel Marketing Intelligence.
named or Publication Marketing Publication title. (year). (1998). Designerwear: Mintel
author) title year) Intelligence Title. Place of publication: marketing intelligence report.
2008) Publisher. London: Mintel International
Group Ltd.

Organisation’s As for ‘Book (Tesco Plc Organisation name. (year). Tesco Plc. (2013). Working to
annual report (first edition)’ 2013) Title. Place of publication: make what matters better,
as author. together: Annual report
2013. Cheshunt: as author.

Online report As for ‘Book (Thorlby et al. Family name, Initials. and Thorlby, R., Smith, J.,
(first edition)’ 2014) Family name, Initials. Williams, S. and Dayan, M.
(year). Title of report. (2014). The Francis Report:
Available at http://www. One year on. Available at:
remainderoffullInternet http://www.nuffieldtrust.
address/ [Accessed day org.uk/sites/files/nuffield/
month year]. publication/140206_the_
francis_inquiry.pdf. [Accessed
20 Mar. 2014].

Online report (Originator name (Mintel 2013) Originator name. (year). Mintel (2013) – Online
(no named or Publication Title of report. Retailing in China – May
author) title year) Available at http://www. 2013. Available at: http://
remainderoffullInternet academic.mintel.com/
address/ [Accessed day display/642908/#atom0
month year]. [Accessed 3 Oct. 2013].

Government and governmental bodies’ publications

Parliamentary (Country of (United Country of origin. (year). United Kingdom. (2013). The
papers origin year) Kingdom Title. Place of publication: Financial Services (Banking
including acts 2013) Publisher. Reform) Act. London: TSO
and bills (The Stationery Office).

Author–date systems

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Parliamentary (Country (United Country Parliament. House United Kingdom Parliament

debates Parliament year) Kingdom of Commons (HC) or House HC Deb. 20 November 2013.
(Hansard) Parliament of Lords (HL) Deb. day month Command paper 8655.
2013) year. Command paper #.

Other As for ‘Book (Francis 2013) As for ‘Book (first edition)’ Francis, R. (2013). Report
(first edition)’ of the Mid Staffordshire
NHS Foundation Trust Public
Inquiry: Executive Summary.
London: The Stationery Office.

Other (no (Department (United Nations Department name or United Nations. (2013). The
named author name or 2013) Committee name. (year). Millennium Development
or editor) Committee Title. Place of publication: Goals Report 2013. New
name year) Publisher. York: United Nations.

Other (online) (Family name (Browne and Family name, Initials. and Browne, L. and Alstrup, P.
year) Alstrup 2006) Family name, Initials. (year). (Eds.) (2006). What exactly
Title of report. Available at is the Labour Force Survey?
http://www.remainderoffull Available at http://www.
Internetaddress/ [Accessed statistics.gov.uk/downloads/_
day month year]. theme_labour/_What_
exactly_is_LFS1.pdf [Accessed
25 Dec. 2007].

Other (no (Department (Department Department name or Department for Business

named author name or for Business Committee name. (year). Innovation and Skills. (2014).
or editor; Committee Innovation and Title. Available at http:// Women on Boards: Voluntary
online) name year) Skills 2014) www.remainderoffull Code for Executive Search
Internetaddress/ [Accessed firms. Available at: https://
day month year]. www.gov.uk/government/
pdf [Accessed 20 Mar. 2014].

Journal articles

Journal article As for ‘Book (Rojon et al. Family name, Initials. and Rojon, C., McDowall, A. and
(print form (first edition)’ 2011) Family name, Initials. (year). Saunders, M.N.K. (2011). On
or facsimile Title of article. Journal the Experience of Conducting
of print form name. Vol. ##, No. ##, a Systematic Review in
accessed pp. ###–####. Industrial, Work and
via full text Organizational Psychology:
database) Yes, It Is Worthwhile. Journal
of Personnel Psychology.
Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 133–8.

(Continued )

Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Table A1.1 (Continued )

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Journal article As for ‘Book (Rojon et al., Family name, Initials. and Rojon, C., McDowall, A. and
(facsimile of (first edition)’ 2011) Family name, Initials. (year). Saunders, M.N.K. (2011). On
print form, Title of article. Journal the Experience of Conducting
where full name. Vol. ##, No. ##, a Systematic Review in
text database pp. ###–####. [Accessed Industrial, Work and
details day month year from Organizational Psychology:
required by Database name]. Yes, It Is Worthwhile. Journal
University) of Personnel Psychology.
Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 133–8.
[Accessed 6 Apr. 2010 from

Journal article As for ‘Book (Saunders and Family name, Initials. and Saunders, M.N.K. and
which is (first edition)’ Rojon 2014) Family name, Initials. (year). Rojon, C. (2014) There’s no
forthcoming Title of article, Journal madness in my method:
but published name. Available at full explaining how your
online, prior doi or Internet address coaching research findings
to appearing [Accessed day month year]. are built on firm foundations.
in the journal; Coaching: An International
available in Journal of Theory, Research
facsimile form and Practice. Available
at DOI: 10.1080/
[Accessed 6 Mar. 2014].

Journal As for ‘Journal (Yang and As for ‘Journal article made Yang, K. and Banamah, A.
article only article made Banamah available by the publisher in (2013). Quota Sampling as
published available by 2013) advance online . . .’ an Alternative to Probability
online, the publisher Sampling? An Experimental
which is not in advance Study. Sociological Research
published online . . .’ Online. Vol. 18, No. 4.
in print or Available at http://www.
facsimile form socresonline.org.uk/19/1/29.
html [Accessed 4 Mar. 2014].

Magazine articles

Magazine As for ‘Book (Saunders Family name, Initials. and Saunders, M. (2004). Land of
article (first edition)’ 2004) Family name, Initials. (year). the long white cloud. HOG
Title of article. Magazine News UK. Issue 23, Oct.
name. Vol. ##, No. ## (or pp. 24–6.
Issue or day and/or month),
pp. ###–###.

Magazine (Originator name (People Originator name or People Management. (2014).

article (no or Publication Management Publication name. (year). Efficiency rule was misused.
named name year) 2014) Title of article. Magazine People Management.
author) name. Vol. ##, No. ## (or Mar. p. 17.
Issue or day and/or month),
pp. ###–###.

Author–date systems

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

News articles including newspapers and online news

Newspaper As for ‘Book (Frean 2014) Family name, Initials. and Frean, A. Credit Suisse
article (first edition)’ Family name, Initials. Title bankers ‘assisted tax evasion’.
of article. Newspaper name, The Times. 27 Feb. 2014,
day month year, p. ###. p. 35.

Newspaper (Newspaper (The Times Newspaper name. Title of The Times. Budweiser’s early
article (no name year) 2014) article, day month year, win, 27 Feb. 2014, p. 33.
named p. ##.

Newspaper As for other (Rankin 2014) Family name, Initials. and Rankin J. Record number of
article News articles Family name, Initials. women make 28th annual
(published Title of article. Newspaper Forbes’ billionaires list.
online) name, day month year. The Guardian.
Available at http://www. 4 Mar. 2014. Available at
full-Internetaddress/ http://www.theguardian.
[Accessed day month year]. com/business/2014/mar/03/
html?src=linkedin [Accessed
4 Mar. 2014].

Newspaper As for other (Anderson Family name, Initials. and Anderson, L. How to choose
article (from News articles 2009) Family name, Initials. Title a Business School. Financial
electronic of article. Newspaper name, Times, 23 Jan. 2009.
database) day month year, p. ### [Accessed 20 Mar. 2010 from
(if known). [Accessed day ft.com].
month year from Database

News article As for other (Gordon 2014) Family name, Initials. and Gordon, O. Keeping
(from news News articles Family name, Initials. Title crowdsourcing honest. Can
web site) of article. News web site, we trust the reviews? BBC
day month year. Available News, 14 Feb. 2014. Available
at http://www.full- at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/
Internetaddress/ [Accessed news/technology-26182642
day month year]. [Accessed 4 Mar. 2014].


CD-ROM As for ‘Book (Friedman et al. Family name, Initials. and Friedman, M., Friedman, R.
(first edition)’ 2007) family name, initials. (year). and Adams, J. (2007). Free to
Title of CD-ROM. [CD-ROM]. chase. [CD-ROM]. Ashland,
Place of publication: OR: Blackstone Audiobooks.

CD-ROM (CD-ROM title (Encarta 2006 Title of CD-ROM. (year). Encarta 2006 Encyclopaedia.
(no named year) Encyclopaedia [CD-ROM]. Place of (2005). [CD-ROM]. Redmond,
author) 2005) publication: Publisher. WA: Microsoft.

(Continued )

Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Table A1.1 (Continued )

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Brochures and Media/Press releases

Brochure (Originator name (BMW AG Originator name or BMW AG. (2013). Mini
or Brochure title 2013) Brochure title. (year). Title. Hatch. Mini Convertible. Mini
year) Place of publication: as Clubman. Munich: as author.

Media/press (Originator name (BBC 2014) Originator name or Release BBC. (2014). BBC Trust
releases or Release title title. (year). Title. Place of approves proposals for
year). publication: as author. BBC store. London:
as author.


Internet site (Source (European Source organisation. (year). European Commission.

or specific site organisation Commission Title of site or page within (2014). Eurostat – structural
pages year) 2014) site. Available at http:// indicators. Available at http://
www.remainderoffull epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/
Internetaddress/ [Accessed portal/page/portal/
day month year]. structural_indicators/
introduction [Accessed
5 Mar. 2014].

Blogs (weblogs), web forums, Wikis

Blogs (Owners family (Kitces 2014) Owner’s family name, Kitces, M. (2014).
(weblogs) name year of Owner’s Initials. (year of Best practice in client
posting) posting). Specific subject. communication for financial
Title of blog. Day Month advisors Nerd’s Eye View.
Year (of posting). [Blog] 3 Mar. 2014. [Blog] Available
Available at http://www. at http://www.kitces.com/
remainderoffull blog/weekend-reading-
Internetaddress/ [Accessed for-financial-planners-
day month year]. mar-1–2/ [Accessed
7 Mar. 2014].

Web forums (Author’s family (Manchip Authors family name, Manchip, S. (2013). Physical
(Usenet name year of 2013) Authors initials. (year of accessibility. Access to
groups, posting) posting). Title of posting. transport for people with
bulletin Name of forum. Posted physical disabilities web
boards etc.) day month year (of forum. Posted 5 Jun. 2013.

Name of forum. Posted day [Web forum] Available at http://

month year (of posting). www.parliament.uk/business/
[Web forum]. Available at committees/committees-a-z/
http://www.remainderoffull commons-select/transport-
Internetaddress/ [Accessed committee/inquiries/
day month year]. parliament-2010/disabled-
physical-accessibility/ [Accessed
9 Mar. 2014].

Author–date systems

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Wiki (Originator name (Microformats Originator name or Microfromats Wiki. Chat:

or Wiki title year Wiki 2014) Wiki title. Title of Wiki. brainstorming. 5 Mar. 2014.
of posting) Day Month Year (of [Wiki article] Available at
posting). [Wiki article]. http://microformats.org/wiki/
Available at http://www. chat-brainstorming [Accessed
remainderoffull 9 Mar. 2014].
Internetaddress/ [Accessed
day month year].

Discussion list (Author’s family (Cox 2013) Sender’s Family name, Cox, F. (2013). Census 2011
email (where name year of Sender’s Initials. (year of link to longitudinal studies.
email sender posting) posting). Re. Subject of Posted 10 Feb. 2013. fion . . .
known) discussion. Posted day @mail.com [Accessed 19 Mar.
month year. Sender’s 2014].
email address (see note
below). [Accessed day
month year].

Letters and personal emails

Letter (Sender’s family (Saunders Sender’s family name, Saunders, J.J. (2014).
name year) 2014) Sender’s Initials. (year). Unpublished letter to M.N.K.
Unpublished letter to Saunders re. Holocaust, 10
Recipient’s Initials. Recipient’s Sept. 2014.
Family name re. Subject
matter, day, month, year.

Personal (Sender’s family (Harrison 2013) Sender’s family name, Harrison, D. (2013). Email
email name year) Sender’s initials. (year). to M.N.K. Saunders re.
Email to recipient’s initials. Reviewers’ feedback, 27 Nov.
recipient’s family name 2013.
re. Subject matter, day
month year.

Online images and diagrams

Online image As for ‘Book (Gilroy 1936) Author’s name, Author’s Gilroy, J. (1936). Lovely day
or diagram (first edition)’ initials. (year of production for a Guinness. Advertising
if available). Title of image poster, Guinness Webstore.
or diagram. Format, name Available at http://www
and place of source if .guinnesswebstore.com/
available. Available at imagesEdp/p82866b.jpg
http://www.remainderoffull [Accessed 23 Mar. 2014].
Internetaddress/ [Accessed
day month year].

(Continued )

Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Table A1.1 (Continued )

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Online image (Diagram or Iron Maiden, Title of image or diagram. Iron Maiden, A matter of
or diagram image title year) A matter of (year of production if life and death. (2006).
(no named life and death available). Format, name Tour poster, Starstore.com.
author) 2006) and place of source if Available at http://www
available. Available at http:// .starstore.com/acatalog/
www.remainderoffull Starstore_Catalogue_IRON_
Internetaddress/ [Accessed MAIDEN_POSTERS__IRON_
day month year]. MAIDEN_POSTER_1815.html
[Accessed 20 Mar. 2014].

Conference papers

Conference As for ‘Book (Saunders Family name, Initials. and Saunders, M.N.K. (2009).
paper (first edition)’ 2009) Family name, Initials. A real world comparison of
published (year). Title of paper. In responses to distributing
as part of Initials. Family name and questionnaire surveys by mail
proceedings Initials. Family name (eds) and web. In J. Azzopardi
Title. Place of publication: (Ed.) Proceedings of the 8th
Publisher. pp. ###–###. European Conference on
Research Methods in Business
and Management. Reading:
ACI, pp. 323–30.

Unpublished As for ‘Book (Saunders et al. Family name, Initials. and Saunders, M.N.K., Slack, R.
conference (first edition)’ 2010) Family name, Initials. (year). and Bowen, D. (2010).
paper Title of paper. Unpublished Location, the development
paper presented at of swift trust and learning:
‘Conference name’. insights from two doctoral
Location of conference, day summer schools. Unpublished
month year. paper presented at the
‘EIASM 5th Workshop on
Trust Within and Between
Organizations’. Madrid,
28–29 January 2010.

Film, Video, TV, Radio, Downloads

Television (Television (Today Programme title. (year of The Today Programme.

or radio or radio Programme production). Transmitting (2014). British Broadcasting
programme programme title 2014) organisation and nature of Corporation Radio broadcast,
year) transmission, day month 11 Apr. 2014.
year of transmission.

Television (Television (Money Series title. (year of The Money Programme.

or radio or radio Programme production). Episode. (2011). Episode. BP $30
programme programme 2011) episode title. Transmitting Billion Blowout. British
that is part of series title year) organisation and nature Broadcasting Corporation
a series of transmission, day Television broadcast, 3 Mar.
month year of 2011.

Author–date systems

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Commercial (DVD title year) (Bruce DVD title. (Year of Bruce Springsteen live in New
DVD Springsteen production). [DVD]. Place of York City (2003). [DVD]. New
live in New publication: Publisher. York: Sony.
York City 2003)

Commercial (DVD series title (The Office DVD series title (Year The Office complete series
DVD that year) complete series of production) Episode. 1 and 2 and the Christmas
is part of a 1 and 2 and Episode title. [DVD]. Place specials. (2005). Episode.
series the Christmas of publication: Publisher. Series 1 Christmas Special.
specials 2005) [DVD]. London: British
Broadcasting Corporation.

Video (Company name (Miller 2008) Company name or Family Miller, L. (2008). Harvard
download or Family name name, Initials. (year). Title of style referencing made
(e.g. YouTube) year) audio download. YouTube. easy. YouTube. Available
Available at http://www at http://www.youtube
.remainderoffull .com/watch?v=RH1lzyn7Exc
Internetaddress/ [Accessed [Accessed 5 Mar. 2014].
day month year].

Audio CD (Family name or (Goldratt 2005) Family name, Initials. or Goldratt, E.M. (2005). Beyond
Artist or Group Artist. or Group. (year). Title the goal. [Audio CD]. Buffalo
year) of CD. [Audio CD]. Place of NY: Goldratt’s Marketing
Publication: Publisher. Group.

Audio (Company name (Friedman Company name or Family Friedman, S.D. (2014). Is
download or Family name 2014) name, Initials. (year). Title work family conflict reaching
(e.g. Podcast) year) of audio download. Title of a tipping point? Harvard
series ### [Audio podcast] Business IdeaCast 394.
Available at http://www [Audio podcast] Available
.remainderoffull at https://itunes.apple.com/
Internetaddress/ [Accessed gb/podcast/hbr-ideacast/
day month year]. id152022135?mt=2
[Accessed 9 May 2014].

Course materials and online teaching materials from virtual learning environments (VLEs)

Lecture* (Lecturer family (Saunders Lecturer family name, Saunders, M.N.K. (2013).
name year) 2013) Initials. (year). Lecture on Lecture on Using Secondary
title of lecture. Module title. Data. Research Methods
Year (if appropriate) and (MANM169). MSc International
course title. Place of lecture: Business Management.
Institution. Day month year. Guildford: University of Surrey.
17 Oct. 2013.

Module and As for ‘Book (Bell 2013) Lecturer family name, Bell, J. (2013). Postgraduate
course notes* (first edition)’ Initials. (year). Title of dissertation handbook
material. Module title 2013–14. MSc Management.
(if appropriate). Level University of Surrey, Faculty of
(if appropriate) and Business Economics and Law.
course title. Institution,
Department or School.

(Continued )

Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Table A1.1 (Continued )

To cite In the text In the list of references/bibliography

General format Example General format Example

Materials (Author family (Saunders Author family name, Saunders, MNK. (2014).
available on a name year) 2014) Initials. (year of production). New developments in trust,
VLE* Title of material [nature distrust and the management
of material]. Module title of change [PowerPoint
(if appropriate). Level (if slides]. New Directions in
appropriate) and course Management Research
title. Institution name of (MANM295). Integrated
VLE [online]. Available at PhD. University of Surrey
http://www.remainderoffull SurreyLearn [online]. Available
Internetaddress/ [Accessed at surreylearn.surrey.ac.uk/
day month year]. d2l/home/102366 [Accessed
10 Mar. 2014].
Notes: Where date is not known or unclear, follow conventions outlined towards the end of Table A1.2.
Email addresses should not be included except when they are in the public domain. Even where this is the case, permission should be obtained or the email
address replaced by ‘. . .’ after the fourth character, for example: ‘abcd . . . @isp.ac.uk’.
*Be warned, most lecturers consider citing of lectures as ‘lazy’ scholarship.

Table A1.2 Additional conventions when using the Harvard style to reference in the text
To refer to Use the general format For example

Work by different authors generally (Family name year, Family name (Cassell 2014, Dillman 2009,
year) in alphabetical order Robson 2011)

Different authors with the same (Family name Initial year) (Smith J. 2008)
family name

Different works by the same author (Family name year, year) in (Saunders 2012, 2013)
ascending year order

Different works by the same author (Family name year letter), make sure (Tosey 2014a)
from the same year the letter is consistent throughout

An author referred to by another (Family name year, cited by Family (Cassell 2012, cited by Lanham-New
author where the original has not name year) 2014)
been read (secondary reference)*

A work for which the year of (Family name or Originator name (Woollons nd)
publication cannot be identified nd), where ‘nd’ means no data

(Family name or Originator name c. (Hattersley c. 2004)

year) where ‘c.’ means circa

A direct quotation (Family name or Originator name “A card sort offers the simplest
year, p. ###) where ‘p.’ means form of sorting technique”
‘page’ and ### is the page in the (Saunders 2012, p. 112)
original publication on which the
quotation appears
*For secondary references, whilst many universities only require you to give details of the source you looked at in your list of references, you may also be required
the reference for the original source in your list of references.

Numeric systems

Referencing in the list of references or bibliography

In the list of references or bibliography all the sources are listed alphabetically in one list
by the originator or author’s family name, and all authors’ family names and initials are
normally listed in full. If there is more than one work by the same author or originator,
these are listed chronologically. A style for referencing work in the list of references or
bibliography is outlined in Table A1.1. While it would be impossible for us to include an
example of every type of reference you might need to include, the information contained
in this table should enable you to work out the required format for all your references.
If there are any about which you are unsure, Colin Neville’s (2010) book The Complete
Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism is one of the most comprehensive sources
we have found.
For copies of journal articles from printed journals that you have obtained electroni-
cally online it is usually acceptable to reference these using exactly the same format as
printed journal articles (Table A1.1), provided that you have obtained and read a facsim-
ile (exact) copy of the article. Facsimile copies of journal articles have precisely the same
format as the printed version, including page numbering, tables and diagrams, other than
for the copy, which is published ‘online first’. Online first refers to forthcoming articles
that have been published online, prior to them appearing in journals. They therefore do
not have a volume or part number, and the page numbering will not be the same as the
final copy. When referencing an ‘online first’ copy in the list of references, you should
always include the DOI. A facsimile copy usually obtained by downloading the article as
a pdf file that can be read on the screen and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Finally, remember to include a, b, c etc. immediately after the year when you are ref-
erencing different publications by the same author from the same year. Do not forget to
ensure that these are consistent with the letters used for the references in the main text.

The American Psychological Association (APA) style

The American Psychological Association style or APA style is a variation on the author–
date system. Like the Harvard style it dates from the 1930s and 1940s, and has been
updated subsequently. The latest updates are outlined in the latest edition of the
American Psychological Association’s (2009) Concise Rules of the APA Style, which is
likely to be available for reference in your university’s library.
Relatively small but significant differences exist between the Harvard and APA styles,
and many authors adopt a combination of the two styles. The key differences are outlined
in Table A1.3.

Numeric systems
Referencing in the text
When using a numeric system such as the Vancouver style, references within the project
report are shown by a number that is either bracketed or in superscript. This number
refers directly to the list of references at the end of the text, and it means it is not neces-
sary for you to include the authors’ names or year of publication:
‘Research1 indicates that . . .’

Ritzer, G. The McDonaldization of Society. (6th edn). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Pine Forge Press, 2011.

Appendix 1 Systems of referencing

Table A1.3 Key differences between Harvard and APA styles of referencing
Harvard style APA style Comment

Referencing in the text

(Lewis 2001) (Lewis, 2001) Note punctuation

(McDowall and Saunders 2010) (McDowall & Saunders, 2011) ‘&’ not ‘and’

(Altinay et al. 2014) (Altinay, Saunders & Wang, 2014) For first occurrence if three to five

(Millmore et al. 2007) (Millmore et al., 2007) For first occurrence if six or more
authors; note punctuation and use
of italics

(Tosey et al. 2012) (Tosey et al., 2012) For subsequent occurrences of two or
more authors; note punctuation and use
of italics

Referencing in the list of references or bibliography

Berman Brown, R. and Saunders, Berman Brown, R. & Saunders, Note: use of ‘and’ and ‘&’
M. (2008). Dealing with Statistics: M. (2008). Dealing with Statistics:
What You Need to Know. What You Need to Know.
Maidenhead: Open University Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Varadarajan, P.R. (2003). Musings Varadarajan, P.R. (2003). Musings Note:

on relevance and rigour of on relevance and rigour of scholarly
Volume, part number and page
scholarly research in marketing. research in marketing. Journal
Journal of the Academy of of the Academy of Marketing
Marketing Science. Vol. 31, Science. 31 (4): 368–376. doi: DOI (digital object identifier) number
No. 4, pp. 368–76. [Accessed 10.1177/0092070303258240 given in APA. Name of database not given
6 Apr. 2010 from Business Source in APA if DOI number given;
Date accessed site not included in APA.

Referencing in the list of references

The list of references in numeric systems is sequential, referencing items in the order they
are referred to in your project report. This means that they are unlikely to be in alphabeti-
cal order. When using the numeric system you need to ensure that:
• The layout of individual references is that prescribed by the style you have adopted.
This is likely to differ from both the Harvard and APA styles (Table A1.3) and will
be dependent upon precisely which style has been adopted. The reference to Ritzer’s
book in the previous sub-section (indicated by the number and the associated endnote
at the end of this appendix) follows the Vancouver style. Further details of this and
other numeric styles can be found in Neville’s (2010) book.
• The items referred to include only those you have cited in your report. They should
therefore be headed ‘References’ rather than ‘Bibliography’.
• Only one number is used for each item, except where you refer to the same item more
than once but need to refer to different pages. In such instances you use standard
bibliographic abbreviations to save repeating the reference in full (Table A1.4).

Further reading

Table A1.4 Bibliographic abbreviations

Abbreviation Explanation For example

Op. cit. (opere citato) Meaning ‘in the work Robson (2011) op. cit.
cited’. This refers to a work pp. 23–4.
previously referenced, and so
you must give the author and
year and, if necessary, the
page number

Loc. cit. (loco citato) Meaning ‘in the place cited’. Robson (2011) loc. cit.
This refers to the same
page of a work previously
referenced, and so you must
give the author and year

Ibid. (ibidem) Meaning ‘the same work Ibid. p. 59.

given immediately before’.
This refers to the work
referenced immediately
before, and replaces all
details of the previous
reference other than a page
number if necessary

American Psychological Association (2009) Concise Rules of the APA Style. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.
Neville, C. (2010) The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism (2nd edn).
Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Further reading
American Psychological Association (2009) Concise Rules of the APA Style. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association. The most recent version of this manual contains full details
of how to use this form of the author–date system of referencing as well as how to lay out tables,
figures, equations and other statistical data. It also provides guidance on grammar and writing.
Neville, C. (2010) The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism (2nd edn).
Maidenhead: Open University Press. This fully revised edition provides a comprehensive, up-to-
date discussion of the layout required for a multitude of information sources including online.
It includes guidance on the Harvard, American Psychological Association, numerical and other
referencing styles as well as chapters on plagiarism and answering frequently asked questions.
Taylor & Francis (nd) Taylor & Francis Reference Style APA Quick Guide. Available at www.tandf.co.uk/
journals/authors/style/quickref/tf_A.pdf [Accessed 27 November 2013]. This document provides
an excellent one-page guide to using the American Psychological Association author–date system
as well as a direct link to a document providing full details of this style including how to cite
references in the text.
University of New South Wales (2009) Harvard Referencing Electronic Sources. Available at
www.lc.unsw.edu.au/onlib/pdf/elect_ref.pdf [Accessed 27 November 2013]. This document
provides an excellent guide to referencing electronic sources and has useful ‘troubleshooting’ and
‘frequently asked questions’ sections.


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