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VOL. XVIII Issue 19


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10 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

11 Apparel Online India

E D I T O R - I N - C H I E F’S
R E W I N D 2 0 15


January 16-31
Nothing has changed… except, of course, the year!
New Year gift from the AEPC comes as a shocker to all Apparel House showroom holders enquiring about schedules
of India Market Days to be held at the Apparel House for the year 2015 since EC Committee decides to discontinue
the event… The callous attitude of the EC Committee continues as they did not have courtesy to inform the showroom
holders of their decision immediately after the meeting…

February 1-15
Companies moving towards social sustainability… NGOs think otherwise
So much talk is happening on the sustainability front… and the major element within the concept is ‘employee
engagement’ and ‘social and environment responsibility’. NGOs seem to think that nothing has changed and there
is more talk than action. So what is the real story… Are the workers still being grossly exploited as claimed or are the
NGOs propagating the same for their own livelihood…!

February 16-28
Are we tackling labour issues responsibly...?
The number of worker-related violence is disturbingly on the increase in the garment export industry in the Delhi-
NCR region. Over the last few years, big names like Viva Global, CTA Apparels, Modelama and Orient Craft have
witnessed angry workers pelting stones and destroying property leading to riot-like situations, halting work and
calling for immediate management intervention for damage control. In all these cases the situation could have been

March 1-15
Is ‘Make in India’ enough for true growth?
‘Make in India’ is an excellent initiative by the Government of India…, but the concept is nothing new… What is new is
the single-minded thrust which the current Government is giving to this newly coined term. To succeed, we should first
‘Make India’, turning the country into a worthy place for ‘Make in India’ and that can only be done if we have ‘Clean
India’, ‘Skilled India’ and ‘Corruption-free India’. The rest will follow automatically…

March 16-31
The fight for Accountability and Transparency is far from over…
Change at the AEPC can happen only with a new team and that is only possible if every exporter registered with the
AEPC is given a fair opportunity to vote for their representatives. Last year, a group of exporters under the aegis of
AHEA had taken the bold initiative to drag the AEPC and the MoT to court demanding implementation of the Electronic
Voting System (EVS), mandating adoption of EVS by all councils, including the AEPC…

April 1-15
Government funds must be judiciously given, used and accounted for…
How serious is the Government on long-term sustenance of the handicraft and handloom sectors! When disbursing
funds allotted for developing handloom clusters, the absence of a vision is visible in the selection of the final candidate
to implement projects. Many micro and macro level schemes have been initiated with the agenda to develop
handloom clusters; several crores of rupees in funds have reportedly gone into these projects, but not even one cluster
has emerged as a benchmark…

12 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

13 Apparel Online India

April 16-30
One disappointment after the other!
The Modi Government has not given the garment industry the necessary thrust to be among the manufacturing
industries of preferences. While the Government gave its nod to the MGNREGA scheme, the garment manufacturing
industry was not connected to it; similarly new textile policy and the suggested changes in the labour laws remain a
dream! Even the first full year budget was devoid of any benefit to the industry…

May 1-15
Change is in the air... finally!
In our determination to put apparel exports on fast-track, we have been consistently pointing out the urgent need for
change in the way the AEPC is functioning… Over the last few years, some committed people from the industry have
come forward to share their experiences and concerns... As media we have honestly put these on our pages for the
industry to evaluate and take a stand... Rarely does one get the chance to be a part of an unfolding change…, one
that we have stood for, for a long time… But it happened with us on our recent visit to the Textiles Ministry as a part of
a small, but highly motivated and determined delegation of industry colleagues… The open and honest acceptance
that there were serious issues in export promotion that needed attention was a big high, but the declaration that the
Ministry has already passed an order of making EVS mandatory for AEPC, was a triumph for the group.

May 16-31
Paying tribute to an icon of the industry: Kanval Dhillon
The usual hustle-bustle of Monday morning was broken by a message from Leela, a good friend… Kanval Dhillon
(MD, K Dhillon & Co.) passed away on Sunday, 3rd May 2015, much before her time. Even as we at Apparel Online
were absorbing the news, the messages started pouring in, all wanted to share their grief…AO’s tribute to a lady who
touched many hearts in the industry…

June 1-15
Two important news in the recent fortnight caught my attention...
Two news that impact the industry – IAM (Institute of Apparel Management) in Gurgaon, has violated the UGC
norms by signing a MoU with Mewar University for granting of degrees without UGC’s permission. Secondly, the
Government’s announcement allowing children below the age of 14 to work with their parents in homeworkers-
environment after their school hours or during vacation deprives them of all their rights evoked a strong reaction
from some quarters… I personally feel that this move was long overdue and it has laid to rest fears that traditional
crafts that are passed down through generations, will die out if children of artisans are not allowed to work and
learn the craft.

June 16-30
Garmenting is the driver for growth in textile value chain… It’s time Ministry recognized this!
The focus for the Government (Textiles Ministry) has always been for the poor, and schemes which appeal to masses
have been promoted and cleared… The handlooms sector is the obvious choice for schemes and incentives since the
sector represents clusters of poor artisans, and announcing of such schemes gets good media time. Is it not ironic that
the segment that gets maximum benefits and media attention is actually the worst off!

July 1-15
Are businesses really professional?
There are professionally managed businesses, and there are businesses wherein I recognize an owner as professional
too. In that lies the difference in their success levels. The former knows that the business depends on people; it is these
people who manage the show, so they deserve all the respect and grooming. It’s all about recruiting and retaining the
right people…, making them responsible and responsive to take on bigger roles.

July 16-31
Is the depreciated rupee helping exporters...?
Exports are picking up and for the right price; within this scenario the community is happily claiming that business
is growing too. Statistics also corroborate the fact as business grew 12.2% in dollar terms in the FY 2014-15. Even
the regular analysis done by my team for our data pages shows that despite market conditions, India made steady
progress in both the US and European markets on both quantities and values in 2014.

August 1-15
Social issues hounding the industry; combine efforts by stakeholders the only solution
Two recent reports – Workers being shoddily treated at factories, a PUDR report; and report by Savethe Children, an
NGO, claiming 8,044 children between 6-18 years working in the garment industry have painted a very negative
picture of the industry. Isolated meetings and finger pointing reports are not going to get results; synergy of thought
and a collective effort to find solutions is required to get results.

14 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


August 16-31
Have the apparel institutes failed the industry and the students?
Interviewing some youngsters for the organization and their naive responses to my very simple questions got me thinking...
Are the institutes actually not doing a disservice to the students and the industry, by putting on blinkers and not evolving
with time? Institutes must spend enough time and energy on reviewing curriculums, and encourage their faculty to be
industry-informed; time and again the importance of staying abreast with industry needs by institutes has been stressed.

September 1-15
AEPC elections in December... Will EVS implementation be a turning point?
EVS has been a long standing demand and the AEPC management body has been resisting the move for long,
despite repeated notifications from the Textiles Ministry. But this time, the pressure and intensity was too strong for
resistance, and the EVS system is in place! Even the Textiles Minister suggested that we get support from the industry
to include all registered exporters in the election process.

September 16-30
Notifications on sustainable initiatives fail to garner response from industry... Are they too busy to care!
Of late many new notifications are being issued by both the Central and State Governments with regard to
sustainable initiatives for the common good of the public. While these notifications indicate the growing acceptance
of the need for sustainable practices for industry to grow and compete on a global platform, the slow implementation
and cold-shoulder response of the industry is disappointing.

October 1-15
Apparel House under the scanner!
When the Apparel House was allotted to exporters’ in 2007, 242 showrooms promised to attract business for the
lotunder the umbrella of Apparel International Mart (AIM)...; eight years later there are only 67 showrooms left and 50
companies maintaining the same! Today, a small group of showroom owners under the aegis of AHEA (Apparel House
Exporters Association) are fighting a lonely battle for their right to receive export promotion support at the venue…

October 16-31
We need to revamp the structure and functioning of Export Promotion Councils…
A lot has been said on how Export Promotion Councils are functioning or rather not functioning… In Bangladesh, the
impact which BGMEA has on the RMG sector and the confidence with which it functions can be seen. But the same is
missing in India… There are 10 EPCs under the Ministry of Textiles... Do we really need so many councils?

November 1-15
Is the TPP scare justified?
There has been much talk about the impact of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) on exports from India... At a recent
event many top honchos of textile companies expressed fear of losing out on business at every stage of the textile
chain from spinning to garmenting. But are the fears real or are they just hype?Industry watchers say the signing of
the TPP will adversely impact the global business of Indian industry, I think otherwise…

November 16-30
Is the Buyer only worried about price?
It is strange that we all keep talking about change, and the fact that most of it is Buyer-driven… The requirement to be
a preferred supplier keeps growing and so do the efforts of the industry to keep pace… Talking to a Buyer or reading
about his sourcing strategy, impresses one with issues like social sustainability, environmental concerns and safety
issues, but in reality he cares for Price, Price and Price only…

December 1-15
AEPC Elections: Your business is at stake…
If you wish to govern the Indian Nation, spend ten thousand rupees and fight the elections; but if you have to govern
AEPC (Apparel Export Promotion Council), you need to spend one lakh rupees... I think the blame lies with entire
apparel export community as most do not even care to apply for the voting right… There are around 4,000 exporters
who are eligible to vote but never care to apply to be members (only 700 at present have registered).

December 16-31
Has the first spark of change just happened with EVS?
An interesting outcome of the EVS is the appeals which have come in from the candidates for the AEPC elections...
It seems like a Goliath vs. David story, where a small exporter who has shown the courage to enter the fray is pitted
against big names that have been at the helm of affairs for a long time. We will know pretty soon the fate of this
historic clash, but what is for sure is that the first spark of change has happened… | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 15



S O M E I N T E R E S T I N G R E P L I E S R E C E I V E D F R O M T H E I N D U S T R Y. . .

January 16-31 Most importantly, ‘Land Bank’ – plots

Q: How would you The year 2014 was a good year as the of manufacturers should not be kept for
look back on the year apparel export business exited from the ‘investment’ purpose only, which is seen
gone by…? ‘ICU’, but is still in hospital, and hopefully, very commonly in Delhi-NCR. – Dipin
can go home in 2015 or 2016! But in the Oberoi, Owner, Dipin Creations India, Delhi
long run, it all depends on Government March 16-31
policies, labour availability, and consistent Q: Lot of fabrics The entire process is cumbersome,
power supply. Focus on North-East is also and accessories is both at Government as well as supplier
required. – V S Chandira Kumar, imported from China, level. Due to shorter lead time, we don’t
MD, Sentinel Clothing Company, Tirupur Hong Kong and have enough days to explore better
February 1-15 other countries. What and cheaper sourcing options. Even to
Q: As a buyer of Mills should follow new trends and are the difficulties get proper samples and analysing it is
fabric, what are your the most selling designs, the quality at ground level in practically impossible, besides approval
expectations from importing the same? and timely delivery are major issues.
requirements and understand what the
fabric manufacturers, industry wants. This mismatch in most of Specific quality is another challenge.
both in terms of the cases happens in the construction and – Anshu Saxena, Director, Moissanite
products and composition of the fabric. Due to such Apparels, Noida
responsiveness…? April 1-15
issues of variations in fabric quality, colour
etc., the mills and the industry always Q: Soon the Central Almost one year and updated Foreign
have a lot of arguments. – Mohammad Government will Trade Policy has not been released.
Nurul, Merchandiser, Asmara Bangladesh Ltd., complete one year in The interest rate subvention was
Dhaka (Bangladesh) power, but no major discontinued on 31st March 2014,
February 16-28 change in policies leading to increase in financial
favouring the textile servicing cost. With the EU markets
Q: It is being The Government should stop misuse of
or apparel export being thoroughly in the doldrums, our
speculated that duty drawback so that only the genuine
industry is seen…,
duty drawback exporters enjoy its advantages. We costs are becoming non-competitive
your comment...
may be on the way talk of ‘Make in India’ but on the other day by day. With hike in service tax,
out for exports. side there is no level playing field. the refund of service tax against e-STR
Your comment… Government support exporters; else they must be increased. There are customs
will focus on domestic business, as it delays in the release of duty drawback
is comparatively easy at most stages. – where the EGM (Export General
Palak Kubadia, Proprietor, Kalakruti Apparels, Manifest) is delayed; also there are
Mumbai errors in the EGM. – SP Mundra, Proprietor,
March 1-15 Rajat Collections, Bangalore
Q: Change Continuation of interest subvention April 16-30
seems to be the scheme, increase in rate of duty Q: There have always For export or domestic, PD is a must as
underlining theme drawback and focus on SME sector been contradictions you cannot run business in the long-term.
for India today… are the issues where I expect support/ in whether Indian We did PD with 5 designer teams, and
What changes you change from the Central Government. companies are increased turnover from Rs. 2 crore to
would like to see in ‘Make in India’ discussion is popularising. doing PD or not… Rs. 250 crore in a span of 4 years (2003
our industry…? Where does your
Sectors like defence or areas requiring to 2006), majority were US buyers. We
high technology should be welcomed company stand? participated in Magic shows in the US
for foreign investors; textile or apparel and got good orders from new buyers.
manufacturing sector should be We believe in giving consistent service
encouraged internally with more support. to the existing buyers. Now working in

16 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


domestic Indian market with own brands areas with dense population like Orissa,
RHAM, RHAM GOLD and BLUROLLER West Bengal, Bihar and also Kashmir
and growing. – Raghavendra K S, Director – where at present handloom sector is
Business Development, Rhamkumaar Impex, prevalent. – Shiv Bhargava, President,
Bangalore Exporters Grievances Association, Noida
May 1-15 June 1-15
Q: Increasingly Payment terms must be prioritized over Q: Often dates of The clashing of dates is due to
new buyers are better margins; even if a buyer’s prices international fairs lack of communication and proper
deceiving exporters are ‘sharp’ but he is willing to part an clash disappointing planning… The concerned ministry
by placing orders advance or open clean sight LCs from Indian exporters… needs to step in to sort this out, and
and not making prime banks, let this be the criteria for Any suggestions those involved in managing and
final payments taking orders. DP (Documents against on improving such organizing such international fairs and
after shipment; Payments) and DA (Documents against promotional events? exhibitions also need to take care of
any solutions to Acceptance) terms should be firmly turned such occurrences. Also, many of the
plug them?
down by exporters unless the buyer is organizing committee members who
a well-known person. Exporters should are into exports have their own interest
also get a D&B (Dun & Bradstreet) report to grind and are not working as hard as
on all buyers irrespective of ECGC they ought to. – Pradeep Nahata, Director,
cover. – S. Srinivasan, Country Head, India, Karni Exports, Jaipur
Mulitex Ltd., Chennai June 16-30
May 16-31 Q: The Rajasthan This is going to have a big impact on
Q: Recently It’s certainly a very welcome and State Pollution export to traditional markets like Japan
Foundation Stones of encouraging development initiated by Control Board issued and Europe as many designers from all
two garment making the Textiles Ministry. It has gradually closure notices to over the world are visiting Sanganeer.
centres were laid in and increasingly become very difficult 893 textile units in The city is main centre for hand block
Sikkim and Imphal, to survive in the apparel trade in areas Sanganeer followed and hand screen printing and India’s
both in the North- around the big current hubs like the NCR, by 739 textile units in image as an exporter started with ethnic
East. Do you favour Jodhpur. Why is the
Bangalore, Bombay, Chennai and Tirupur. designs from here in the 1970s. I think
setting up a factory in industry not serious to
Government should set up such textile NGT and Pollution Board should give a
this region? such issues...?
hubs around the country, especially in final deadline, say 6 months to a year, | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 17


and in the meantime the Government of 10 years. We have policies which attracts
Rajasthan and the Centre should jointly the staff/workers, like offering flats/
look for alternatives. – Deepak Vijay, housing facilities to middle-level
CEO, Enn Enn Expo International, Delhi staff who complete 10 years with us.
July 1-15 Besides, worker’s loyalty is the top-most
Q: In recent years The certifications are important requirements and that is not possible
we have seen an and improve the working standards without their engagement. – Zahir Sait,
increase in the and ensure correct discipline in the Managing Partner/CEO, International
number of companies business practice. While GOTS, Trading Company, Yercaud (Tamil Nadu)
going in for various WRAP and SEDEX are related to September 1-15
certifications – social and ecological compliance, Q: The Central Being based in Varanasi, I can say that
GOTS to WRAP to ISO applies to the processes and Government has this traditional culture of handloom
SEDEX to ISO. Do declared 7th August is almost dying as the community
standards followed by any organization.
these certificates as the National
In our experience we have seen that which is involved with handloom is
actually help in Handloom Day
having these certificates certainly struggling to survive, so such kind of
securing business…? every year Do you
gives one a different identity in the steps are welcome. However, I have
global market and sets you apart from feel that this is a two suggestions – first, there should
the mass. – Asmita, Export Manager, good move…?
be a brand ambassador for handloom
Mallcom India, Kolkata products; and secondly, sincere efforts
July 16-31 should be made to build awareness
Q: According to a Our Government’s friendly gesture and market and promote handloom
recent report, a group to the neighbour country Bangladesh at domestic and international levels. –
of industrialists from is not at all a welcome step for our Amitabh Singh, Director, Sorreal System/
Bangladesh want to textile fraternity, it is also being felt President, Eastern Uttar Pradesh Exporter’s
set up a 1,000-store Association, Varanasi
as a suicidal one, and the reason is
retail chain in India. September 16-30
that next to agriculture the greatest
Do you support employment generating industry is Q: AEPC Elections are Certainly yes, this time more and more
the move…? slated for December exporters would cast their votes due to
textile. Though we are a populous
nation, next only to China, the 2015 and this time it the EVS. But I have my doubts about
‘blessing in disguise’ is that more will be held through how democratic the selection procedure
EVS (Electronic Voting is as most of the time we have the
than 60 per cent of it falls under 35
System). Will it bring same faces being repeated. I may
years of age group. Our Government
any change…?
should work to uplift this share to at be aware and even familiar with the
least 15-20 per cent, considering the person contesting from my zone and his
cotton production and population working or intension, but for candidates
strength we have. – Raja M. Shanmugham, from other zones, it is difficult to make
MD, Warsaw International, Tirupur a decision. – Ajay Mehta, Proprietor,
August 1-15 Nidhi Design, Jaipur
Following fashion trends is number October 1-15
Q: There seems to
be a positive vibe all one point; Secondly, we are using Q: For the first time I feel it is too early to say anything
around..., exporters advance machines and latest leading industrialists about the impact or result of this
are busy and buyers technology in all the processes. It is Mukesh Ambani and meeting as both Mukesh Ambani and
are looking at India not only about the manufacturing or Kumar Mangalam Kumar Mangalam Birla are corporate
more aggressively... using ERP, but also having a strong Birla met and giants and have multi-directional
Please share with internet. Thirdly, it is your relation expressed concern business in textile or apparel industry
us your five tips over the state of the
with workers. Fourth it is the quality rather than focusing only on garment
to success. textiles sector… This
which matters ultimately. Lastly, it is export business. But the Government
meet’s impact on
pollution – we all should learn a should promote SME sector especially
the industry…?
lesson from Tirupur… as soon ‘Zero in export; and secondly, address the
Liquid Discharge’ will be ‘a must’ in increasing competition from China. –
all the states. – Davinder Sandhu, MD, Pavneet Singh, Owner, Aiwit Fashion, Delhi
Davinder Sandhu Impex Ltd., Ludhiana
August 16-31 October 16-31

Q: Many exporters Most of the players in the industry Q: There is a global Suggestions are at two levels: personal
today talk are complaining about price pressure movement to increase or individual level; and at Government or
about employee and unavailability of workers, which wages at all garment policy level. At individual level, we saved
engagement. Is your is right to some extent. But I strongly manufacturing a lot by educating the workers/staff,
company making any believe that it all depends on your destinations; on the controlling the rejection rate, being strict
activity for employee policies – how you manage things other hand retail on our TNA calendar, and improved
engagement...? and your long-term planning. In my prices are being
buyers’ services. At the Government or
factory at least 55 per cent of the pushed downwards…
policy level, changes in labour laws or
Your comment…?
workers have been working with us some decision favouring the garment
for last 7 years and about 40 per cent exporters is required. – Rajinder Jamwal,
of the middle-level staff from the last Partner, Trend Exports, Noida

18 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


November 1-15 December 1-15

Q: How important is PD is the only way to differentiate India Q: The role of I did Masters in Fashion
Product Development from Bangladesh/China, and one of the merchandisers is Merchandising from Pearl, Delhi and
(PD) to your biggest reasons why buyers still look at often underplayed am running my own business as a
company? India as an option. Be it in the form of and many companies fabric supplier, so I am in touch with
fabric/weaves/embellishments or value feel that they are merchandisers. I feel merchandisers in
additions, we clearly have an edge not fully equipped export houses are not getting their credit
over the rest of the world. India must with skills to and also the salary they deserve, while in
keep up the reputation of being great service the Buyers. buying houses the same person is getting
in creativity and product development Your comment… more salary and learning a lot. No matter
whilst striking a right note of affordability how highly educated he/she is, they are
by the brands.” – Nagesh Badida, Dy. treated by their seniors as a junior or a
Executive Director, Aquarelle Casual Shirts, ‘helper’ only; even their creativity and
Bangalore ideas don’t get any execution or even
November 16-30 discussed, forget about appreciation.
Q: Polyester accounts My views are more concerned with – Sanyam Mehra, MD, Fabtex Creations,
for around 60% of the knitwear garments, especially in Tirupur. Amritsar
total global clothing The garment manufacturing community December 16-31
market, yet Indian is focusing mainly on cotton because of Q: How often has the There is nothing like margins shared
exporters prefer to the non-availability of trusted processing buyer shared margins by buyers; we will at the most get
play safe with cotton facilities for man-made fibres/clothing. with a supplier for repeat orders of the same but without
as the backbone of Even if we go for it, we have to pay more good sales, and is extra penny. Ethical sourcing is a must
the product basket for such processing and in turn we cannot Transparency a one- for most of the buyers but again they
on offer... compete with price. The polyester fibres way terminology? don’t pay anything extra for it, but show
are mainly being imported through some Also Reverse Score only appreciation. As far as Transparency
big shots and who even increase the Card has been talked is concerned, no buyer is ever open
price of raw materials overnight which about in certain
about his margins, but they do help
discourages exporters to work with man- sustainability forums,
if we have any problem in sourcing.
your comment…
made fibres. – C. Rathinaswamy, Proprietor, – Vidur Nath, Director, Nath Bros Exim
Freeway Clothing Company, Tirupur International, New Delhi | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 19


R E W I N D 2 0 15


June 1-15 June 16-30

April 16-30
Shiva International Kingdom Holdings Magsons Exports is
goes organic; Limited world’s now AEO certified;
Offers GOTS largest manufacturer First garment
certified activewear of linen yarn... exporter to be
for women certified

A medium-level, but progressive

exporter of fashion garments,
Shiva International is known for
K ingdom Holdings Limited, China
shifted its focus towards linen
yarn in 1999 with a small capacity
S imilar to the SAFE framework
of standard adopted by World
Customs Organisation (WCO), to
its fashionable and trendy clothes of 5,000 spindles and today the secure and facilitate global trade, is
and also for its brand ‘Pluss’, which company has grown to become the the Indian Customs Administration’s
caters to plus-size fashion. Taking largest in terms of linen exports with Authorised Economic Operator
its capabilities a notch higher to find a capacity of 100,000 spindles. In an (AEO) certificate programme,
a niche in the competitive market, exclusive interaction with Team AO at which provides export and import
the company initiated a dedicated Kingdom’s beautiful corporate office businesses with an internationally
line for GOTS certified activewear/ on the outskirts of Shanghai, Eric Sun, recognized quality mark indicating
yogawear 2 years ago... International Commercial Director, their secure role in the international
shares the company’s strategy of supply chain and the customs
“At that time the international tapping potential emerging markets... procedures. Magsons Exports, sister
market was dipping and I found that concern of Jyoti Apparels, is the first
there was no availability of plus- “In textile industry, linen is less from the garment export industry
size clothing, so we tried to fill in than one per cent of the total to receive this newly constituted
the gap within the Indian market.” conceptualized textile fibres. So certification in India.
– Sandeep Aggarwal, Proprietor, nobody wants to make investment to
Shiva International develop new types of machinery...” “There is a complete traceability
– Eric Sun, International Commercial along the supply chain as the style
Director, Kingdom Holdings Limited number and the purchase order
number of every resource has to be
mentioned in all the documents...”
– H.K.L. Magu, MD, Jyoti Apparels

20 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


May 16-31
May 1-15 January 16-31
People, the force
Ginza Industries Bhandari Hosiery
behind Texperts’
Limited: The largest Exports taking the
success; Innovation
integrated exporter sustainable route for
and creativity keys
of lingerie in India… growth
to future growth

W ith a fully integrated setup

from yarn to fabric to apparel, A n international textile sourcing,
marketing and garment
buying house, Texperts India
E volving on niche strengths has
become critical for growth in
a market which is becoming not
also including accessories and value
addition, Ginza Industries Limited Private Limited has developed an only fiercely competitive, but is also
has made a niche in the market by extensive network of customers constantly demanding freshness.
offering close to 10,000 different and suppliers in more than 63 With an integrated setup from
products, all focusing on excellent countries since its inception in circular knitting to retail, Bhandari
craftsmanship and innovation. 2002. A value-enhancer to existent Hosiery Exports has been consistently
Recently, the company has entered businesses, Texperts facilitates trade upgrading its three critical units:
the lingerie market, both domestic of about 10,000 tonnes of fibres, knitting, processing and garmenting.
and exports, and has also launched yarns, fabrics and garments per From basic fabrics the company is
the brand ‘SOIE’ (silk in French) month. In an exclusive interview now concentrating on specialized
for intimatewear, nightwear and with Apparel Online, an extremely fabrics, for which it is focusing on
women’s fashionwear, which is articulate Yatish Pandey, Founder processing. It has invested Rs. 30
getting a positive response. With its Member, Texperts, who generally crore (US $ 5 million) in the past
integrated manufacturing setup, the prefers to remain in the background, one year, and for the next two years
company is today a frontrunner in the talks about his approach to it will continue to invest more in
lingerie manufacturing sector. business and what truly makes processing which it sees as a very
Texperts successful – the people weak area in the textile chain, but a
“Many questions were raised when associated with it. hugely potential growth platform for
we started apparel in Surat and that companies willing to take the plunge.
too with it such technical products like “I believe we are in the business
lingerie, which was a huge challenge of creating entrepreneurs and with “India suffers a lot because we do
for us. But then we thought we have our success we have set a trend not not have the proper processing, and
the basic raw material, financial only in India, but outside the country people who did go for processing
backing and inherent strengths, also. We have this ‘Lagaan’ team, are not considering the environment
so why not Surat… We had ready so we tell them to do the best they angle, but we all saw how Tirupur
customers for lingerie, who we had can. It doesn’t matter how much suffered for a whole year and
been supplying some or the other they know, but it matters how much was practically closed down.
product categories such as fabrics, they want to accomplish and we Strengthening one’s processing and
elastics, laces, etc. We took the give them as much freedom as they looking after the environment has
plunge for manufacturing lingerie in want to realize the dream... “It is to go hand in hand… Right now our
2005, initially for exports, and only an exciting time for people like us focus is on high-value processed
2 years back we entered the domestic who are doing different things. It’s fabrics, for which we are getting
market…” – Ashok Sethia, MD, an opportunity and we are much enquiries from Bangladesh and Sri
Ginza Industries Ltd. energized... “Textiles, is a very huge Lanka, and are now also targeting
industry and each area has a super Turkey…” – Nitin Bhandari, Director,
specialization. So we are now looking Bhandari Hosiery Exports (seen below
at specializing within each area and with his father Naresh Bhandari)
strengthening it.” – Yatish Pandey,
Founder Member, Texperts | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 21


October 1-15 November 1-15

August 16-31
25 years of New Survival is
Indian Stitchers
Delhi Export House: impossible
aiming for new
‘Be focused and without
heights with
keep walking’ – The Government
strategy forward! support

W ith rich experience of working

for 8 years in various export
houses, Rajesh Taneja started his
C ompletion of 40 years in the
apparel business, 25 years of
helming a growing organization
M ost of the time Apparel Online
discusses companies that are
growing despite difficult situation
own company Indian Stitchers and close to achieving the magical with their different strategies, niche
10 years ago and has, in this turnover of Rs. 100 crore, can be a products or other such specialties to
decade long journey, achieved a proud moment for anybody but for motivate and create examples to be
commendable turnover of Rs. 35 Kusum Uppal, Founder of New Delhi emulated, but it cannot be ignored
crore in FY 2014-15. Indian Stitchers Export House (NDEH), Noida, it is that a major part of the industry
holds the distinction of being one just another milestone in her long is struggling or just managing
of the few companies in India career. A family-driven company, to survive, especially small- and
doing organic garments in knits as NDEH has achieved 100 per cent medium-level companies. To
well as woven fabric. Continuously growth in the last five years, yet is overlook their issues is a disregard
adding new categories, products not in an expansion mood but has to a large section of the industry…
and new buyers has been one of the instead set targets for optimization AO had a deep interaction with
main reasons for the success of the of current setup. A firm believer of Girish Kumar Pareek, MD of the two
company. Having realized early the spreading out risks, NDEH is working decades old Savi Exports, one of the
importance of investing profits back with on an average 28 buyers from
well-known export houses of Jaipur,
into the business, Rajesh has never mass to class with not more than 8
who honestly shared the plight of
shied away from making financial per cent turnover dedicated to any
companies like his in today’s difficult
commitments on growth, which has one of them. With priority to work
market conditions.
supported this entrepreneur, who with virgin markets and relatively
though belonged to a middleclass newer buyers, Kusum shares her
family, didn’t have passion for big journey and vision… “The business is dying as profitability
cars and big houses, instead he is ending and we are doing it for
possesses a passion for organized the sake of survival/existence with
“We don’t believe in the rat race and
factories and good products. the only hope to look forward to
one can’t base their strategy on what
others are doing, so exploring newer is an improvement in the market
“We grew because we continuously markets and a newer buyer is our conditions, but nobody knows when
added on to our product offerings, strength as well as the reason of our it will happen. We are struggling
like we started with normal woven growth too… While Argentina is still to continue the business to keep
ladies garments, then we added considered a virgin market, Brazil has the customers with the hope that
kidswear, after that we got into knits, been highlighted from the last two whenever the economy of his country
heavy knits and value additions. years and more orders are coming will improve, we will get some more
Continuing with the same strategy from there. To enter such market, we business. We are just trying to retain
we stepped into organic almost four also hire local marketing teams...” the infrastructure and team we have
years ago. Now we have certifications – Kusum Uppal, Founder, New Delhi built after years’ of hard work, not
and accreditations from GOTS, Export House (NDEH) making profit. There is no other way
Sedex, BSCI, Textile Exchange and apart from working on lesser profit…”
Inditex audit team...” – Rajesh Taneja, – Girish Kumar Pareek, MD,
CEO, Indian Stitchers Savi Exports

22 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


March 1-15
Living by the philosophy of ‘Being the biggest September 16-30
and the best’, Sahiba Limited on expansion spree Eastman Exports’ e-Commerce initiative
a success… Data analysis and quality,
The determination to be different as also the zeal to be the biggest in whatever key to growth
they do has propelled Sahiba Limited into the big league of value-added
fabrics. This Surat-based company is a true integrated setup for all types of
finished fabrics for both the international and domestic market. Unlike many Consistent growth, backed by quality product and
other fabric suppliers in Surat, the company does not believe in getting any responsive service that can guarantee complete
work outsourced, and has built in-house capabilities for processing, embroidery customer satisfaction, defines the winning strategy
and most recently digital printing. Team AO met two of the enterprising next at Eastman Exports, Tirupur, driven by the vision and
generation inheritors of the company – Jashpreet Saluja and Aman Saluja – for acumen of N Chandran, CMD of one of India’s top
a rundown on what keeps this innovative group motivated… apparel export companies. Taking forward his dynamic
legacy is his son Cibi Karthic, who is not only learning
the nuances of the export business, but has also been
“Though we are a family business, we run instrumental in starting a new vertical through an
the company in a very professional way. in-house brand ‘Huetrap’, which is their vehicle to
Each department is headed by a family enter the e-Commerce domain. Speaking exclusively
member, supported by a well-trained to the father-son duo, Apparel Online unravels
team, many of whom have been with us the new vertical of the company and the changing
for years.” – Aman Saluja business dynamics.

“We want to give all types of value

“Our ultimate goal
addition options to our buyers and
is sustainable textile
also have complete control over
production. Confidence
the quality and design, for that it is
has come back, and if
important to have in-house facilities…”
we talk about recycling,
– Jashpreet Saluja (Jash)
we are the best in the
world; we can say we
are 15-20 years ahead
April 1-15
of the rest of the world.
Resurgent Morarjee Textiles Ltd. focuses on Also I can say that
strategic expansion; Technical Textiles the future
the Sumangali issue,
of which this region
Since inception, quality and service has been the hallmark of Morarjee has been accused of,
Textiles Ltd. which is amongst the oldest and most reliable textile companies does not pertain to
in the country that has survived the many ups and downs which this industry the garment industry
has seen in the past few decades. Today, a leading global player in the
and buyers should
premium cotton shirting fabric and high-fashion printed fabric, the company’s
consumer base pans 44 countries, including international brands such acknowledge and
as ZARA, Esprit, Hugo Boss, Next, to name a few. Hit by a lean period in end this debate...” –
business some years ago, the company has made a strong comeback with N Chandran, CMD,
a fresh strategy and systems in place. In conversation with Team AO at Eastman Exports
their beautiful office in the heart of Mumbai, Harsh Piramal, Executive Vice
Chairman and R K Rewari, CEO & Executive Director, shared strategies the
company has incorporated for better profitable performance and also discuss
the future growth path. “The response is
surprisingly good.
“Today our business is both performing When I came back
as well as sustainable since we are in from England I wanted
the niche segment in which there are to create designs that
only a handful of focused players, as I would wear – which
this segment is very design and quality- to my surprise didn’t
driven… During the relocation of the sell. The designs which
factory we narrowed down operations looked good, but
to two businesses – prints and shirting. were not my personal
We started the prints factory in 2003, as favourites, were the ones
we felt that ‘prints’ was an area for the that were selling a lot;
future.” – Harsh Piramal, Executive Vice so it was very interesting
Chairman, Morarjee Textiles to see the data, what
customers liked, and
“Our aim is to grow to 1 million metre per what was happening.
month in a shorter term in yarn dyed and Today, in terms of
2.5 million metre per month in prints; so in quality, customers can
order to achieve that whatever backward differentiate my brand...”
and forward integration is required, – Cibi Karthic, Director,
we are doing…” – R K Rewari, CEO & Eastman Exports
Executive Director, Morarjee Textiles | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 23


R E W I N D 2 0 15


July 16-31 September 1-15

Collaborative initiatives leading to
cooperative competition
O ver the time, buyers stopped coming to NCR for basic garments
and the region became a hot spot for products adorning

value addition, intricate detailing and flexibility in manufacturing. ommunication plays a major role in enhancing businesses and while
However, instead of easing the competition, it created a whole new many IT tools are being used to monitor and improve systems within
circle of struggle, as everyone in the region was making similar the factory, there are very few times when we see the industry utilizing
products and the buyers were spoilt for choices. To fight such fierce tools such as WhatsApp effectively. When Whatsapp becomes not just
competition, NCR exporters started to differentiate and develop some a mode of communication but also of collaboration, between players
core strengths... of the textile industry of Tamil Nadu, it gives rise to Indian Texpreneurs
Federation (ITF). Currently having 3 different groups on WhatsApp
consisting of 200 young entrepreneurs, ITF is bringing together collective
Gurmeet Singh,
intelligence and inclusive growth between all its members along the
Owner, Fredbi Fashions textile value chain.
“It’s like putting all eggs in one
basket, which is quite risky, believe Prabhu Dhamodharan, Secretary, ITF
most exporters, but this kind of an “Once the Regional Comprehensive
operational strategy has worked for Economic Partnership (RCEP) comes
us. Earlier it was Hettlage and now into practice, cotton textiles will get an
it is M&S. 80% of our business is advantage because China is imposing
owned by M&S…” duty on yarn and fabric from India till
now, which we are expecting will come
Sidharth Sawnhey, down to zero. We are definitely more
Director, Indian Hand Fabs competitive in cotton textiles than China.
Through ITF, we are representing the
“The buyers, who come to us, know whole value chain, so that we can come
they are going to get a different together for a common programme and
product, difficult to duplicate. No speak in a single cohesive language to
buyer ever comes to us for a basic the world and the Government…”
garment. We are capable of providing
any value addition or detailing that is
required by our customers…” Srihari Balakrishnan,
President, KG Fabriks Ltd.
“Here we are trying to be self-
Sanjay Chawla,
sustainable and use everybody’s
Owner, Cotton Harbour
intelligence to sustain in a cooperative
“If a buyer comes up to me for a competition… “Our business is like our
product, I wouldn’t want him to go DNA. At the end of the day, no one can
to some other factory in the same copy my DNA and I cannot copy anyone
region for another product. I do else’s, so where is the fear? For me, it
smaller quantities and my USP is to has been a learning experience. We are
provide any kind of product that my learning from each other and together,
buyer would want…” we represent huge numbers.”

24 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


March 1-15

M oving slowly from family run businesses (lala culture) to professionally-run organizations, Ludhiana-based garment exporters are moving
forward by identifying their strengths and setting strategies for growth, be it focusing more on product development, creating product
niche, working with a set kind of buyers or increasing thrust on technology. With second generation of the business taking the lead role, these
strategies are proving successful which is motivating not only for them, but also for the entire industry to initiate more of such focused strategies.
Apparel Online recently met 4 progressive companies on their growth strategies...

VK Goyal, ED & CEO of Akhil Seth, Director, “The time we are able Amit Jain, second
the SEL Manufacturing Versatile Enterprises to save by outsourcing generation of the
Company Limited of knitting and dyeing business and President,
“Even till date most people
is more precious than Shingora Textiles
“For the time being, we don’t know what the
the little extra cost that
want our business to be applications of laminated “We are focused and
we pay, which in reality
less complex; therefore, bonded fabrics are... so specialize more in
hardly matters in the final
at present, we don’t work we show them complete design inputs, we don’t
costing of the end-product.
with the giants, who product applications. With want to get into mass
By putting the extra time
have more elaborated our experience of exports, volume fabrics, but we
in garmenting, we get
and complex demands. we are now on the lookout do want to be present
better margins and faster
However, going forward, to invest in machinery for in very specialized
deliveries.” – Kanwardeep
we shall certainly plan to seam sealed garments. areas, so we are trying
Singh, MD and Pavneet
work with giant retailers Once we finalize the to get into this kind of
Singh, ED of the
like Walmart, Target, machines, we will use our fabrics.... For me, PD
Grandway Incorporated
Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste, in-house fabric advantage is about fundamental
who initiated garmenting
UCB, GAP, etc. to name to manufacture cost- changes in products.”
and are now expecting 25
a few, and many others effective workwear and we
per cent growth. Ishpaul
across the globe. Though, are sure for further growth
Singh, Chairman is the
we can certainly deal with with these products…”
guiding force behind the
the complexities but that
company. The company
has a higher cost and you
works only with the US
have to spend larger share
buyers and that too with
of limited and expensive
those offering volumes
management time.”
(basic minimum 25,000
pieces; colours may be
5 or more).” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 25


S P E A K…
R E W I N D 2 0 15


October 16-31

I t was the third and the last day of the recently concluded Vastra 2015 in Jaipur and there were very few buyers at the venue. Most of them claimed
to be wholesalers, but their sourcing is very limited and in fact they seemed to be very small buyers. However, to their satisfaction, the buyers
claimed to have found whatever they were looking for. Since many of them are frequently sourcing from the ‘Pink City’, Apparel Online tried to
figure out what exactly they are looking for and their wish list to improve Jaipur as a sourcing hub. The organizers claimed that 250 buyers and
more than 150 buying agents/buying houses visited the fair, but visibility was not so high...


“Jaipur-based “Exporters should not expect
manufacturers should orders in two days, as we need
do some fusion of time to develop our designs.”
traditional styles with
western culture.”
ATHENS “I feel Jaipur is good as
“Jaipur-based exporters need this hub is comfortable for
to improve on delivery time small orders directly from
as this is the only point where factories, more choice

DEANNE RICHARDS, Jaipur exporters are not available in designs/styles.

SUSWAR, AUSTRALIA reliable, they have to be more There are great designs,
DORA POPOVA, PROPRIETOR “In Jaipur, price and quality is very focused and organized to fabrics and patterns in Jaipur
MANAGER, BULGARIA give better attention to order but exporters don’t put
accessible, colours and designs are
execution.” them together in a perfect
“Material which is being used in also good.”
way, sometimes with some
Jaipur now needs to improve; Jaipur
suppliers quality control is
exporters should think beyond
also lacking.
summerwear also.”

26 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


August 1-15
Indian industry growing… But problems still persist

A survey conducted by AO revealed that while the bigger exporters are working mostly through buying houses and liaison offices, there are over
1,000 exporters who are doing an annual business of an average Rs. 15 crore per year and primarily working with small- and medium-size
wholesalers, importers and small chain stores from various countries. While many of these small buyers have been working in India for a long time
and many have even accepted the vagaries of working in the country, the urge to see a change is obvious.

Korabelskaya Natalia,
Marina Potemkina, Head Head of Production Team,
of Purchase Department, Department of Men’s
Fashion-Sport, Russia & Ladies’ garments,
“Quality of Indian products is accessories, Snejnaya Tracey Farrington,
not best but is acceptable, like Koroleva, a retail chain of MD, Bondi Beach Bag
sometimes they have issues 100 stores Co., Fiji, a wholesaler
in stitching also,” she claims “We are sourcing men’s and & importer of fashion Koki Veber, Director,
“Indian exporters should also ladies garments from India apparel & accessories. Sariko, Slovenija
increase focus on products since the last five years
“I wish to shift some Chinese “My sales girls always ask me
like jackets and skiwear,” but Indian manufacturer’s
order of hats to India, but that why there is invariably a
she concluded.” production period is very long.
India does not have many of difference between what we
I can’t understand why it is so.”
the required raw materials approve and what we get!
and I am forced to source it Even in small lots of say 300
from China.” pieces, the goods are not
the same when compared to
the sample.”

Karine Dupouy, Fashion Fernando Asuar De La

Designer, Seychelles Calleja, Servicotex SL,
“I am in the process to start Sadrettin Coka, Asude (Armanda/
my sourcing from India as I Kroren), Turkey (Importer)
“Sometime exporters change
like the products made in the “We are looking at partnerships for
the price after a few weeks of
country, especially the kind of shawls and scarves as we already
finalizing all the things, which
embroidery and soft tropical have some partnerships in Turkey
is very wrong and difficult to
fabrics like cotton, viscose, and China; our priority is something Natalie Centaine,
manage. They don’t remain
voile, etc. that the exporters different and special compared to other
firm on their words despite
Azure, Australia
can offer. I am finding it difficult countries. From design perspective, “Ideal sampling time should
written communication, we
to start, as initially I would like India’s products are good and variety be a maximum of 2 to 3
just try to solve such issues
to start with 100 pieces for is really interesting, but we could not weeks, but most Indian
by increasing the frequency of
which I am ready to pay a price find what we wanted as 90 per cent exporters take double the time
accordingly because I know of scarves are in cotton and polyester than this. I am now exploring
my order size is too small, but as our requirement is 100 per cent silk suppliers who can work on
Indian exporters are not too (pure), which very few exporters are faster turnaround time.”
enthusiastic for this.” interested to do.” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 27


February 16-28
February 1-15

T hough most buying offices agree

that order position is good now
and business is definitely back on
Bipin Sehgal joins Tesco International Sourcing
Bipin Sehgal, Ex Director – Sourcing & Production at All Saints
track; however, it is also a reality India, has now taken on a bigger role, having recently joined Tesco
that problems still exist especially for International Sourcing office at Gurgaon as GM, handling entire Indian
medium-level buying houses; be it the
subcontinent. “It is challenging and I am enjoying the new role as the
changing priorities of buyers as well as
vendors, increasing demand for sampling
dynamics are different. Though I am handling subcontinent and we
from Europe but less conversion resulting have annual sourcing of 275 million pound from India, Bangladesh, Sri
into extra cost and useless exercise, or Lanka and Pakistan, I believe India has full scope and strength to grow,
buyer’s priority to work directly with especially compared to China and other neighbouring countries.”
those vendors with whom earlier he
was working through buying houses. A
September 1-15
recent change in policy with regard to
service tax is another problem which is Buying house ‘Rare Texsource’ starts own manufacturing
claimed to have added an extra burden Rare Texsource, a 4-year old Chennai-based buying house, recently
on buying agents/buying houses. Though started its own manufacturing (Raretex Fashions) in Tirupur, with a
these problems differ from company to
capacity of 50,000 pieces per month. Sourcing woven shirts, shorts
company and buyer to buyer, AO takes a
closer look on ground realities…
and tees and having clients in UK and Spain, it overall sources
around 1,50,000 pieces per month and has total of 16 vendors in
India. We felt there are many buyers who don’t prefer to work with
buying house and want to source directly from the factory. We don’t
Vipin Bhutani, VP, Soul, want to lose such buyers…” – Sunil T, MD, Rare Texsource
a Delhi-based buying agency
“Good and big export houses are as
September 16-30
usual supporting us in terms of timely
Vlerick Kids Fashion NV is looking for
deliveries and we have not felt any
premium kidswear manufacturers
changes in their priorities. Texport
Industries, Bangalore is one of them. Belgium-based company Vlerick Kids Fashion NV is looking for
The only issue we are facing is the exporters of kidswear that can offer premium products and are ahead
price pressure.” in PD. Currently having more than 20 vendors in Mumbai, Delhi and
Chennai, the company is equally into sourcing of knits and woven
products. Senthilnathan S.M., heading the company’s India office in
M. Anand, General Secretary of Tirupur, shared – “We are mainly into premium articles and are looking
the association and MD of Dean for such exporters who are also specializing in the same category…”
Textile, Tirupur
“Whatever commission we are October 1-15
getting from overseas buyers, is not The Edinburgh Woollen Mill (EWM) Group
completely our income as we have many inaugurates new office
expenditures and also we are getting
The EWM Group operates 1,200 stores in the UK and internationally
foreign currency for the country so we
via its many retail fascias Peacocks Stores Ltd., Pondon Home, Jane
deserve exemption from this. We have
Norman, ProQuip and The Edinburgh Woollen Mill stores. A simple
given a memorandum to the Government
lamp lighting ceremony was attended by a close network of long-term
but still not got any positive response…”
suppliers and a buying team from the Edinburgh Woollen Mill stores.
The Group will continue to develop their sourcing from the region for
Paresh Vora, Production Head, each of their retail brands.
H&G Textile, Mumbai
“European buyers are now asking for December 1-15
more and more sampling compared Axstores to increase apparel sourcing
to last few seasons but not converting
The Delhi-based India office of the Axstores Far East Limited of
them into orders. Though it is a routine
Sweden mostly sources home products and apparel, which is
problem from buyer’s side but as it is on
just 25 per cent of its total sourcing, but now the buying office is
the increase, it is adding more worries to
in the process to increase its apparel sourcing as markets start to
the buying houses, especially to those
stabilize. “Last year, Axstores increased its apparel sourcing by more
who are working with European market
than 30 per cent and currently the apparel sourcing from India is
only. To avoid this issue our company
US $ 3 million working with 6 regular suppliers based in north India
is asking for sampling charges, not to
and Tirupur,” informed Anika Passi, Country Head of the company.
all, but with new buyers or wherever the
number of samples is large...”

28 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


R E W I N D 2 0 15


August 16-31 3

T o the dismay of many, Kolkata

as a garment manufacturing
destination is still underdeveloped,
and though it is estimated that total
business in the region from ‘sewing’
is worth about one billion dollars
plus, apparel exports from Kolkata
is just about US $ 235.60 million
(Rs. 1,500 crore), of which kidswear
is a major segment and that too
going mostly to the Middle-East.
Fashion garments is not the forte of
the region, but intricate embroidery
for very high-end brands and
design houses is going to the
western world in large quantities, 6
but mostly undocumented.
Another product for which this 7
area is known for is workwear,
which though a focus segment of
the city, accounts for just around 1 “We can think of export market only when we have been 4 “The current facility is short of being utilized at 100%
US $ 31 million (Rs. 200 crore) able to consolidate our position in the local market and level right now; otherwise we can reach a turnover of
in the exports basket. In this for that we have to compete and deliver products at US $ 8-10 million (Rs. 60-70 crore) easily from the same
par with international brands. That is why all innerwear setup.” – Gayan Ruhunage, President – Apparel
stagnated scenario the new textile
brand owners are targeting the young brand conscious Manufacturing, EKF
policy that envisages to establish
generation with new upmarket options promoted by
West Bengal as a leading producer
celebrities.” – PR Agarwala, Chairman, Rupa
of globally competitive value-added
5 “For the export industry to grow I think the industry
textiles and apparel products, for needs favourable labour laws to put up organized
both domestic and international 2 “We have supplied our products to companies such as setups.” – Anil Buchasia, MD, Amrit Exports
markets, has put hope into the BMW, Audi and other such end-users through a third
industry that things are now set to company.” – Ajay Mall, Managing Director, Mallcom
change... Today, Kolkata has four (India). Mallcom started workwear in 1990 and the 6 “Options are limited in Kolkata for international buyers
company has today grown to become a complete and by and large quality is not as per International
distinct business models in textiles,
workwear solution provider with annual revenues standard and timely delivery is still a major problem.” –
babywear and undergarments
upwards of US $ 45 million (Rs. 300 crore). Alok Prakash, MD, Jiwanram Sheoduttrai Industries
in knits for the domestic market,
and workwear and intricate
embroidery work, mostly panels for 7 “The biggest challenge in babies wear is colour, even
3 “The demand of workwear is not growing in the western
the international market. Players world because newer manufacturing industries are the best of styles will fall flat if it is not in a colour
in each are different and only few coming up majorly in Asia, which has become the appropriate to babies so we have different shades of
companies have moved beyond world’s manufacturing hub and these companies are the blues, pinks, greens and whites every season.”
this traditional pattern. Yet changes becoming more sensitive about the workwear safety.” – Pradeep Arora, Director Cotton Casuals, the
are happening. – Pankaj Madhogaria, Director, JPM Exports owners of the brand ‘Zero’ a trend setter in Kolkata | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 29


January 16-31

O nce considered as the nerve centre for the textile industry with big names like Vardhman, Oswal, Nahar and Trident, based in the city,
Ludhiana had a thriving business in both cotton and acrylic yarn; however now the city is losing its sheen with many of the top mills looking for
greener pastures in other States like Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. As spindle capacities of the country increase manifolds, Punjab
spinners are finding new ways to remain competitive. Team Apparel Online recently met top spinners in Ludhiana to check ground realities…

Vivek Verma, Managing

Director, Square
“Our presence in multiple
markets across the globe
gives us opportunity and
advantage of feeling the
Ajay Mittal, Director, pulse of the markets and
Kaur Sain Spinners Ltd. hence our forecast of
“One of the biggest factor markets, based on our
which has allowed us inputs from various markets,
to grow even in times of is generally correct.”
recession is the fact that we
maintain a balance between Nitin Sondhi, Executive
your commodity yarn which Director, S.T. Cottex
is a regular product and Exports
also few niche products “It is important to keep a
which keeps us on the pulse on how the market
sourcing map.” is moving and regularly
enhance the portfolio
of the company. Going
forward processing is the Amit Thapar,
next growth strategy with Commercial President,
plans in place to invest Ganga Acrowools Ltd.
in a modern processing “We were the first
unit both for yarns and company to drive acrylic
Abhishek Ahuja, knitted fabric... “Since we into India in 1974-75 and
Director, ACL Group deal in a basic product, today in terms of capacity
“In the towel industry, the differentiator is we are the second largest
forward integration is our quality and timely in India for Acrylic and
a natural progression. delivery, which is at par to Acrylic worsted yarns,
But towel’s is not our Rajiv Garg, MD, Garg but in exports we are the
international norms.”
strength; we want to stick Acrylics Ltd. largest. The only simple
to spinning, fabric and “To beat the competition, tagline and philosophy
garmenting only. Our we converted our two we have been following
main focus is towards units into mélange is ‘experience, expert
value-added products yarn, some into slub; and innovation’. The key
and our main strength is but now we are much to success these days is
our quality... “The yarn more prepared, having innovation, you have to
business is essentially a increased our volumes keep doing something
Sarish Mittal, Director,
commodity business and in a number of products. different in the market,
KSM Spinning Mills
those companies that We are into acrylics, each year we come up with
“Now we will focus on
have failed to upgrade polyester, polyester something interesting in
more specialized yarns like
and give quality as per cotton, cotton mélange, our product range and that
compact yarn and value-
the current standards slub yarns, dyed yarns, is where the customers’
added yarn for technical
have either sold out double yarns, acro wool, expectations are.”
textiles. This is possible Ajay Gupta, MD,
to new players or just blends, all types of
because all our machines Supreme Tex Mart Ltd.
closed shop.” blended yarns.”
are fully automized... “My estimate is that
Capacities have increased, currently there must be
so we have to look at the around 15% excess supply,
global market. Selling which is not really too
in the domestic market much, but does impact the
is more difficult, as it is profitability; to counter our
unorganized, but in exports dependency on exports
you can sell 80 containers and global scenario, we
in a day provided you have have to forward integrate
a good agent... “March and add capacities at the
2016 onwards will be a fabric and garmenting
landmark for us, as we will stages. This will not only
be crossing the Rs. 500 create demand for yarn, but
crore (US $ 83.33 million) also add value to the textile
milestone.” chain at the front end.”

30 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


February 16-28
Business growing for companies investing in Product Development

T he city of Surat is known for two very creative businesses – textiles and laces. Over the years, the manufacturers and traders have upskilled
their businesses with the result that today the textile segment is offering innovative designs and a wide product range that has moved beyond
manmade processed fabrics to cotton and cotton blends. Not far behind are the city’s lace manufacturers, who have invested not only in the latest
machines but also in design team, to offer an amazing range of laces. What’s interesting is that every manufacturer is being driven by his desire to
be differentiated from his competitors, and since Surat is a small city, most of the players are aware of each other’s strengths and have respect for
individual competencies. Team AO recently met some lace manufacturers in Surat and was fascinated by their beautiful creations…

Dalpat J. Kaswala of Manoj V. Jariwala, Paras Jariwal of Naveen Seksaria, Vasudev Kachiwala,
King Laces Nilesh Ribbon Industries Jariwal Industries looking after the Schiffli Global Lace Collection
“The Surat lace industry “While we are doing our own “With our production Division at Armo “We are creators and our
has been nurtured on developments for the local capacities increasing, Synthetics expertise is to visualize how
copying of designs either market, the requirements for we could not survive on “Our integrated strength the strengths of different
from the movies or from the international market are reproducing what was enables us to offer different manufacturers can be
leading designers! Till more standardized and the already running in the finishes, colours and put together to develop a
about a decade ago, no play is mostly on colour.” market, so we decided to washes in laces all within new concept which is very
effort was made to invest in create our own market and a stipulated time and exclusive, high-end and
product development...” also charge a better price...” price framework.” difficult for others to copy.” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 31


June 1-15
T E A M A P P A R E L O N L I N E I N 2 0 15

F rom sports gear to sportswear, Meerut – renowned as the sports

goods capital of India – is going the whole hog. To cater to the entire
range of sportswear demands, for both domestic and international
February 1-15
Review: Knit World and Knit Vision, Ludhiana 2015
markets, Meerut is now turning into a sportswear hub. And why not,
with resources at disposal and a proven track record in sports goods Knit World: Enthusiastic visitation reflects reviving
production, it’s the logical way forward for Meerut. business in Ludhiana as global market revives

Knit Vision: New developments set to bring better

support to companies in Ludhiana for doing
more business

“We are making almost everything in March 16-31

sportswear section as per requirements,” Good pan-India visitation at GTE signals revival
observed Lokesh Vats, MD of Vats of the garment manufacturing industry
Sports adding, “We would be more than
happy to start working with buying houses
or buyers who can guide us in exports as it April 1-15
is something which is new for us.” Review F&A 2015 – Fabrics and accessories strive
for differentiation to beat competition

Knit-tech show 2015: Tirupur technology suppliers

happy with promising market

April 16-30
“With the new and advanced factory, we
expect to increase our volume of exports
Spring Edition 2015 – Quality visitation at
and try working with the top brands,” says Intertextile Shanghai – China dominates fabric
Manik Mahajan, CEO & Partner. He also section; India and Pakistan major players in
feels that Meerut’s proximity to Delhi works cotton yarn
to its advantage in ensuring easy access to
raw materials and ease of communication May 1-15
with prospective buyers. ‘Diwali Mela’ in Vegas... but at what cost…?
Is this the way to promote Indian exports on a
global platform?

Review Fibers and Yarns 2015: From Fashion

to Nature to Technical... Developments cover
“We are exporting to China as the GST all aspects
there is much higher on some products
compared to India. We believe in offering
more facilities to our workers like flexible June 1-15
timings, food and extra benefits during over- Review: Technotex 2015: Minister calls upon
time which also helps in ensuring timely textile industry barons to hold hands and move
delivery of orders,” maintained Shivinder forward in Technical Textiles
Sharma, Director, Kasturi Lal & Sons.
September 1-15
Review: Knit Show 2015 successful fair covering
all stakeholders of the supply chain

Vineet Mahajan, Owner of Vega Industries, September 16-30

“Organized players are always on the radar of
Fabric companies geared up for intimatewear
the local administration pertaining to issues
industry… Accessories and technology providers
such as excise duty, PF, etc., whereas small
keep pace
or unorganized manufacturers don’t have to
follow all these rules and regulations and they
are posing a big challenge to the organized October 1-15
players by flooding the market with cheap and Review: Yarnex 2015 – Positive market conditions
inferior products.” create hope for textile companies

October 16-31
4th edition of Vastra: Everything, but the buyers,
Many sportswear manufacturers in Meerut are doing quality work like offering were fine!
various sports uniforms, capris, T-shirts, lowers, track pants, etc. SFE
Sportswear – exporting to USA, UK, Australia, Brazil and UAE, received an November 1-15
award from JCM International Inc., USA for its efforts in achieving the quality. Autumn 2015 edition of the India Handicrafts
Ajay Puri, Director and Kanchan Puri, Design Head of the company lead and Gifts Fair (IHGF) - A tricky question all are
their team with complete involvement which results in quality products – the asking… Will Europe pick up soon?
strength of the company.

32 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

Apparel Online India 33

R E W I N D 2 0 15


With the year 2015

A ppearing as the uncrowned king of all
styles, the plunging ‘V’ is definitely the most
popular neckline trend for the summer. Plunging
coming to an end, a necklines are low necklines, in either ‘V’, ‘U’
plethora of silhouette or square shapes, that reveal various amounts
ideas and detail of cleavage,
variations make it a year and some even
June 1-15
extending to
which was not a ‘trend
follower’ but a ‘trend NECKLINE OF the natural

setter’. These details, THE YEAR... waist line, as

seen in the
silhouettes and colour
inspirations not only
PLUNGING ‘V’! collections
by Reem
adorned the runways but Acra and
also created space for Porche
themselves in the retail Design. Although still daring and revealing
segments... Starting plenty, the plunging neckline meets an entirely
from the top, the sensual new level of sophistication this season, with
plunging ‘V’ became the inspiration spanning in-between the utterly
neckline of the year, the feminine and the sleek masculine tailoring.
Martin Grant
sleeves styles declared
to be the most influential
were the extra-long
sleeves, and due to the
prolonged 70s influence A n extraordinary sleeve trend on the runways
was the extra-long sleeve that finishes inches
past the wrist bone in line with the trends of fluid
‘the Bell’ became the
shape of the year. 2015 and oversized fit. It’s an on-trend silhouette for
also witnessed an array knitwear and jersey knit tops where these long
sleeves are created with knitted fringes as
of unconventional things
seen in the S/S ’15 collection
happening…, the back
of Gareth Pugh. The
was seen given more
more mass
attention than the front, suitable June 16-30
the colour blush became
the new white, and
version of this
sleeve length
fabric was flowing in the works from a YEAR… EXTRA-
most asymmetric cuts. practical point of LONG SLEEVES!
Taking a quick recap, view because of
we present the top 10 its very tapered and
Fashion Business Trends structured shape on
which were the leaders in the forearm, making the sleeves stay put without
Air falling over your hands and fingers. The extra
their categories! d by
h Hoo length looks luxurious; visually elongates the
ret arms, creating proportions.

34 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


August 1-15 February 1-15


THE BELL ! ( W O M E N ’ S )... C U L O T T E S !

T he fashion world is a
cyclical amalgamation
of old styles in new
W ith skinny jeans
and slim-fits slowly
becoming a thing of the
interpretations; sometimes past, culottes in different
that manifests in ways that lengths and varied guises
we prefer the older version are entering the industry via
than the new. Bell-bottoms, the runways to the streets.
pants with legs that become Valentino’s Pre-Fall ’15
wider below the knee, collection conceded denim
were an extremely popular adaptations of wide legged
fashion during the 1960s calf length pants, whereas,
and 1970s. The belled or BCBG Max Azria and Carven
flared legs on bell-bottom presented formal looking
pants were originally a wide hem cropped culottes
functional design, worn by in heavy weight taffeta and
those who worked on boats pinstriped fabrics. Culottes
since the 17th century. were officially named
The large legs allowed the the ‘must have’ pants for
pants to be easily rolled spring but with exporters
up out of the way of messy converting these styles in
jobs and if a sailor fell winter suitable fabrics; this
overboard, bell-bottom silhouette has become a fall
pants could be pulled off collection staple.
Rachel Comey
over boots or shoes and the
wide legs inflated with air
for use as a life preserver. Ellery
Rachel Zoe April 16-30

S I L H O U E T T E / C U T O F T H E Y E A R…
September 1-15
C O L O U R O F T H E Y E A R… B L U S H !
A symmetrical hems by
nature are sexy as

T he blushing colours
showering itself in a
greater way, particularly
associated by the uneven
cut that flows along when
walking, highlighting
taking over the resort 2016 the legs and the
and Menswear S/S ’16 movement more. Though
collections have marked a stereotypically pushed into
point of growing feminism in the category of summer,
today’s world. Spotted all over asymmetrical hems have
the place and being dubbed become a dynamic fashion
as the new white, Blush has which flows with ease
the flexibility to look sweet across, summer and fall
and to look sharp. Without seasons. This fashion has
a doubt, one of the best been predicted to be in
features of Versace in Resort full bloom in the next few
is time which was her array of seasons. Asymmetrical
smart suits in the same colour skirt hems are back on
range. Be it fur coats in blush the runway and they look
at Jason Wu or gentle flowing more glamorous than ever
garments at Max Mara prove in the Fall 2015 fashion
the capacity of the pastel season. Now, we’re
pink to be soft and strong at Christi looking at the skirt with
an Dio
the very same time. Narciso r Reso
rt Ja longer sides and more
son W
Rodriguez working on the U legs shown, albeit in a Ste
lla M
date-worthy gowns, selected classier manner for the cC
iela ey
the perfect hue. most part. Marg
Maison | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 35


October 16-31
July 1-15
T H E M E O F T H E Y E A R… T E C H N I Q U E O F T H E Y E A R... R U F F L E S !

S ummer wardrobe
makes all expect details
like the floral prints and
T he term ruffle is a
particular type of
fabric manipulation that
vibrant colours, but this
creates a similar look to
year’s S/S ’16 collections
that of gathering but with
brought us to the depth of
less bulk. A wavy effect
the ocean. Inspired by the
is created by cutting a
iridescent shades of the
curved strip of fabric
sea and the tropic colours
and applying the inner
of coral reefs, designers
or shorter edge to the
had their models grace
garment. The depth of the
the catwalk as mythical
curve as well as the width
sea creatures and urban
of the fabric determines
mermaids. Ocean-inspired
the depth of the ruffle.
clothing and accessories felt
Ruffles have always been
fresh in the form of flowing
the essentials for evening
silk gowns and coral-print
Bluemarine gowns; but now they are
swimsuits. Some wispy
entering other domains,
gowns were decked out in
such as shirts, skirts and
an array of exquisite marine
blazers as well. Some
embellishments, from
ruffles are known to spice
beaded sea horses to almost
up the outfit while others
cartoonishly sweet fishes.
are known to give it a
statement look.
October 1-15 ssou
ie A
Lanvin Ros
BACK ADORNMENT! August 16-31

W ith warmer weather

on the horizon and
the shedding of layers
that comes with the onset
of spring is an increased
likelihood of showing W orking on the concept of
creating utility, practical
functional styles became
more skin. A handful of
spring dresses, blouses core staples in numerous
and tunics have caught collections. Busy with multi-
eyes of the critics, and pocket jackets, boiler suits
each share interesting and casual co-ordinations,
back design details designers added newness
in their trend listings. in through military or sporty
Aesthetically speaking, accessories. Umit Benan,
the back of a garment Kenzo and Fendi brought
is often overlooked. back the uniforms from the
But not this season! streets to the ramp doing
Cape backs abound justice to the all-in-one suits.
on dresses, jackets, Transforming the unflattering
blouses, even parkas, one-piece with contemporary
cut-outs on peplum tops visual appeal designers
and straight fit dresses, were seen creating fighter
panelling on dresses and jet pilot uniforms, mechanics
open backs in gowns and race car driver overalls.
are few of the numerous Almost all of the versions seen
examples witnessed on were cinched at the waist with
the runways. elastic bands and the other
Louis Vuitton Kenzo common element was that
Narciso Rodriguez Rosie Assoulin
they were printed.

36 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

Apparel Online India 37

R E W I N D 2 0 15

T H E B E S T O F ‘ V A L U E A D D I T I O N ’ T E C H N I Q U E S O F 2 0 15


Pleats Love for

and tucks… Glitter…

February 1-15 June 16-30

Ohne Titel Veronique Branquinho Mary Katrantzou Zac Posen Naeem Khan
BCBG Max Azria

B e it a high waist midi silk skirt, floor length chiffon

dress or just a subtle accent on the sides to an
ensemble, finely placed accordion pleats, bias pleats and
B e it Stella McCartney's sporty silhouette metallic dress
toughened up with black ankle boots or full-on glitz
ensemble at Dolce & Gabbana, the upheaval of the
knife pleats add a touch of graceful fluidity and movement shiny surface was clearly visible in the Fall and S/S ’15
into the garments. With our winter wardrobes welcoming collections. Moschino showcased acid wash denim mixed
pleated skirts, culottes and shirts, garment manufacturers with the flashiness of a gold lame fabric creating a gold
and exporters are also picking up refined elements from and denim patchwork overalls, whereas, Gucci, touched
the runways to incorporate them into their collections. The down the seventies with pleated skirts in lame, lurex
Pre-Fall ’15 collections witnessed multiple interpretations and leather. Giles presented a black and white lace and
of the classic pleat technique in amalgamation with arty leather made tough-chic bedfellows in strictly tailored
twists, folds and curves among other ocular techniques. jackets, skirts and ruffled lacy blouses.

38 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |



August 1-15

printing A nother sophisticated and
feminine way is use of lace;
nowadays laces of all kinds
effects… are available which make the
creation of perforated surface
October 1-15 even easier. Laces, owing to their
sheer glance, have moved away
from being used as hemming
and patches. They are now
Lace... being used as base material
for trench coats and leggings.
Be it knotted laces used as
sleeves and back yoke of a top
or bobbin lace used to create an
entire blouse panel, execution
becomes a very interesting part
when creativity gets hold of a
perfect medium.

October 16-31
D esigners continue to pillage
the ’80s archive in order to
inform today’s trends. Loewe and
Maison Martin Margiela showed
tailored separates in a cellophane
type fabric. The material looked
exactly like the cellophane stick
tape, shiny, plastic and clear. To
achieve a similar effect, nylon
organza fabrics can be used,
which at a cheaper rate will give
out a more mass accepted style.
While organza has traditionally
been used on fancy ball gowns;
lately we’ve seen it acting as a
see-through detail on modern
designs and minimalistic pieces.
Fabrics with an overlap between screen printing and digital Fast fashion stores like Vero Moda
printing effects
and Zara are seen to be staging
Maison Martin Margiela
home for dresses with a sheer

C reating special effects on organza skirts and capes.

fabrics at nominal prices
March 1-15
has led to combination of two
distinctive printing processes. For
instance, digital and screen printing F ur had been a constant in fashion
every year, forever, as for some
people it signified the true essence of
services, owing to their distinctive
application areas tend to target luxury, but as the users and makers
different market niches. But when got enlightened with environmentally
used together on a fabric, a digital harmful process of fur production
print can be overlapped with a foil or which involved animal cruelty, fur
foam print to give a distinct special was no longer a part of designer
effect. Digital printing regarded as Fur collections. In the quest of not killing
expensive and unique in nature, imitations... a living creature to adorn an outfit
aims mostly at boutique buyers and with fur, a wide range of on-trend
designers, whereas screen printing faux fur has hit the market right on
on the other hand is the pet printing spot. Manipulating and involving
process for exporters and job- techniques of fibre fusing, flocking
workers with bulk orders. Therefore, and knitting, service providers have
if used together the printing effect been able to create a similar fur like
will be able to provide a higher effect to feed the growing demands
aesthetic effect at a lower price. of fur users. | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 39


Grid pattern…

April 1-15



Dior Tory Burch Lanvin

Marbling Bold
madness… graphic
August 16-31 December 16-31

Crinkled Cracked Crimped Jonathan Saunders Chisato
Christian Dior

W hether they are bold and crazy or subtle and

sophisticated, marbling in variation of patterns are
being created through rotary and digital printing. These
I f prints make you nervous then this winter you’re
probably filled with high anxiety, as the boldest, brightest
prints have trickled down from the catwalk to the retail
swirly designs have been making a strong statement since segment and street fashion. Bold prints create perfect
the runways of S/S ’14, with designers such as Phillip Lim, illusions, making the eye follow the print and create fluidity
Rachel Comey and Peter Som using it on items such as in the entire design. Vivid, graphic patterns swirled across
shirts, sweaters and dresses. Marbling is the process of the collections at Dior, Pucci, Loewe and more, sending
floating fabric paints on the surface of a thick cellulose exporters into a daze with all those optical illusions and
solution (called ‘size’), or oil on water. The floating paints are comical prints. When we say bold prints, we mean prints
swirled into patterns, and this is how the pattern is captured. inspired from Comic Book Layouts or Super Hero Imagery.

40 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


M yriads of these windowpane mimics were

seen on the runways of Pre-Fall ’15.
Giving the designers an additional graphic
appeal to work with, grid patterns were seen
in distinct ways in the collections of multiple
designers making it clear that grid prints are
the preferred checks for Fall. Derek Lam zeroed
in on the spartan beauty of the work of painter
Kazimir Malevich, whereas on Dior’s Tokyo
runway, Raf Simons sent out cozy brushed day
dresses and coats in the square line pattern.
Proenza Schouler doubled down on the idea,
layering a spruce coat and turtleneck, taking
the trend of matching sets a notch higher. The
trend was also seen hinting towards a shift
from closely placed checks to more sparsely
distributed ones. These checks also transformed
the classic trouser suits into striking digital grids
– offering appeal for the contemporary market.

Printed tie
& dye…

January 16-31

Alexander McQueen Alexander Wang Prabal Gurung

T ie & dye is a playful way of incorporating print in your look,

especially in the winter months. As Indian export industry does
not invest in development of Fall collections, colourful and on-trend
tie & dye prints on silhouettes like leggings, trousers and scarves
can help strengthen the client base. The effect of marbling amongst
the others is manipulated the most by designers. McQ Alexander
McQueen in their Pre-Fall 2015 collection, created a blue and
white marbling effect with a cracking look whereas Alexander
Wang in his Resort 2015 collection presented a plethora of spatter
inspired marble prints on bomber jackets, bra-lets and skirts. | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 41




May 1-15 October 16-31


It’s not only about the money or business, TRADING COMPANY
but it’s also for Mother Earth First ever GREEN sweater
factory of India

M ore than a decade ago, when buyers started pushing for social compliance, the

face of factories in India changed, albeit initially very reluctantly. As results of nternational Trading Company (ITC), the
compliance initiatives started to reflect in better business and also happier working brainchild of the young, enthusiastic and
environment, exporters became more involved…, perhaps this is the reason that globally trained ZahirSAIT, is probably going
today many of the exporters are willingly going for measures to be environment- to be the first ever green sweater factory in
friendly, even as buyers still debate on what should be made mandatory… India. An apparel professional, with strong
technical knowledge, ZahirSAIT is investing
Ajit Lakra, MD of Rs. 20 crore (US $ 3.3 million) in this new
green facility which will have solar energy
Superfine Knitters, of 300 KW on its roof to take care of the
Ludhiana – “A year entire air-conditioning system, ZLD facility,
ago when we water harvesting, and vertical garden on the
installed our solar walls with complete LED lights, etc. What is
unit, we got 30 per even more interesting is his smart investment
system which will make all his proposed
cent subsidy and projects, including solar panel installations
100 per cent tax commercially viable.
rebate, so our actual
investment was
Pranab Mahajan, ZahirSAIT,
Rs. 20 lakh, but can I
Director Mahajan MD, ITC –
honestly say that the
Overseas, Panipat “Reducing cost
thought that really
– “One should is the biggest
pushed me to take
not think of every motivation
this initiative was my
move taken in for green
own conscious which
business from the factory, and
questioned me on
money or buyer’s adapting to
what am I doing for
pressure point of solar energy is
the environment, the
view. Big natural Deepak Dumra, a major cost-
society – nothing. But
disasters over the Partner, Eveline cutting initiative. We are looking at
now I feel proud as
last decade have International, investment for next 25 years and solar
using less electricity
struck various parts Ludhiana – “The will contribute 30 per cent of the total
of the state, I am
of our country and lush greenery has energy consumption of power, the
helping others to
they can happen created such an saving will be immense. Though on
get more. Subsidy
anywhere... growing atmosphere in our ground reality a green factory would
or rebate matters,
awareness should factory that people not be able to get me an extra penny
but not more than
motivate others also love to work here from the buyer, but it will help to get
your conscious.”
to willingly make the and has increased some extra orders as factory recall will
changeover.” efficiency also.” be on top of the mind.”

42 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


July 1-15 February 16-28


employee engagement, Emphasizes on Environment and People
fun ‘n frolic and
team building
I nternational fashion brand Esprit, which is mindful
of both people and nature, is increasingly upping its
sustainability quotient by undertaking new environmental
T oday, the culture at garment
manufacturing companies
and social responsibilities while creating high-quality
fashion, and also making sure that its production
has come far beyond the realms Lalita Goenka, Director, processes respect the environment and the people
of getting work done. The buzz Go Go International involved. In 2015, the company partnered with animal
word now is ‘engagement’; it’s
– “It was a great rights organization, People for Ethical Treatment of
all about engaging your people
pleasure to see even Animals (PETA), to introduce PETA approved vegan
to feel an integral part of your
the usual serious faces hang-tags to mark Esprit’s vegan shoe and apparel style.
organization. The concept is
already in practice at bigger laugh out loud during
export houses and is now the stand-up comedy; Lary Brown, Vice
creeping into even the smaller also the newly formed President – Head
companies. One company
which has been amongst the
equations and friendly of Global Sourcing
early implementers of employee interactions among Compliance, Esprit –
engagement is Bangalore based different departments “Customer feedback
Go Go International. Their was an indication of is very important to
annual retreat for their staff is not the growing comfort us since it allows us
just about having a good time,
level among various to understand what is
but also helps a lot in stimulating
creative thought, rediscovering
employees and a really important to the
hidden passion, improving stronger Go Go team.” people who wear our
communication skills and above clothes… for example we recently developed a
all team building. hang-tag for our vegan shoes in cooperation
with PETA, the animal welfare organization.”

March 1-15
April 16-30
ANANDI ENTERPRISES A leader in sustainability through
Moving ahead with collaboration with brands, knowledge-
organic, BCI and sharing and efficient R&D
recycle yarns

F rom an employee to an
employer, from a yarn agent
T he growing consciousness of consumers, brands,
factories and industry is leading to revolution of
sustainable change and everyone is doing their bit in
to a leading sustainable yarn this endeavour. Amongst them is Birla Cellulose, part of
manufacturer; it is a remarkable RS Balagurunathan, the Aditya Birla Group, a global leader in man-made
growth story of determination cellulosic fibre industry which is continuously focusing on
to do something different…
Founder & Director of
building sustainable leadership by creating value through
RS Balagurunathan, a textile Anandi Enterprises –
innovations in products and processes, excellence in quality,
technologist who is the Founder “Currently, we produce services and people development, and a better environment
& Director of Anandi Enterprises a yarn which is made for the future.
is doing commendable work in from 60 per cent
sustainable yarns be it organic, Manohar Samuel,
recycled cotton and
BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) or President (Marketing and
recycled yarns. Working as a 40 per cent recycled
Business Development),
supply chain partner of Levi’s and poly (pet bottles). This is
Birla Cellulose – “The
supplying yarns to C&A, M&S etc., a 100 per cent recycled
Anandi Enterprises, Tirupur is concept of Life Cycle
product and is used as
doing an annual business worth Assessment (LCA) has
natural yarn dyed for
US $ 6 million (Rs. 35 crore) while brought sustainability to
also helping thousands of farmers knitted garments that
a different collaborative
to earn a decent livelihood and one can see at stores
level, where life of
serving mother earth. of Levi’s. This unique
the entire product
yarn is eco-friendly and
is evaluated. Sustainability is the lifecycle
we are proud to be one
itself. Apart from brands individually doing
of the partners in a
something, they have also started collaborating
larger effort to save the
to do things better for the future generation.”
earth’s environment.” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 43


September 1-15


Focusing on innovative products

T ime and again, Tirupur-based Armstrong Knitting

Mills has been in the news for its various sustainable November 16-30
initiatives and collaborations. Amongst the most ethical SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY
manufacturers in India, the company is continuously “Do You Really Treat Workforce As An Asset?”
strengthening its sustainability commitments and is unfazed
by the many challenges that assail the concept over time.

H uman Resources our strength, my team is my biggest asset, and

workforce is our base...” Most of us have heard similar kinds
of words from many in the industry, over the last few years..., but is
it the truth? In some cases yes, but these are taken as exceptional
cases and do not reflect ground realities of the situation in most of
the apparel manufacturing companies. HR experts are vocal on the
importance to consider human resources as assets and treat them
accordingly... The only satisfying development in the current scenario,
according to experts, is that despite and within the ‘Lala Culture’,
things are changing and increasingly changing, and HR Managers
are aware of what they have to do.

E. Palanisamy, Group P. Vivek Anand, MD, Aisshvarya S. Shah, CEO & Chief
Chairman, Armstrong Armstrong Knitting Trainer, Work Senses, Chennai –
Knitting Mills – “We Mills – “When we “There is very urgent and critical
have spoiled the started organic, need to professionalise HR in
earth through there was not much this industry. It is not only about
chemicals... If we awareness in the recruiting the best HR person,
go on like this, then market, but slowly but also important is whether
where would the next we increased our our HR Department is moving
generation cultivate? focus and now we to the next level of people-
At Armstrong, we are are trying to be a management.”
installing solar panels truly sustainable
for spinning and company both Major General (Retd.) NK Dhir,
windmills for other in our products Director of Alphabet Teletec, Noida
energy needs.” and processes.” – “Stop telling this lie. Human
resources is not being treated like
an asset... Our companies are just
February 1-15
talking about it; they don’t take
PRATIBHA SYNTEX any action to make it true. Are
Moving from ‘responsible’ textiles to they able to touch the employee’s
‘responsible and responsive’ textiles heart...; there is only talk about
EQ (Emotional Quotient).”

U ndisputedly, the torch-bearer of the sustainability

movement in textile and garment industry in India,
Shreyaskar Chaudhary, MD, Pratibha Syntex is very Arun Batish, Lecoanet Hemant
proactive both within his company and at national/ Sagar, Gurgaon – “HR persons
international forums, not only to understand what new need to ask themselves if they
is happening, but also representing India’s position on
are justifying completely the
various topics including challenges in organic cotton.
However, he candidly admits that there is more talk than concept of exit interviews,
actual action and it is time for the industry thought leaders especially in the apparel
to chalk out a long-term roadmap to grab opportunities in industry, which has high
the trillion-dollar worth ‘responsible’ marketplace, which he turnover ratio.”
firmly believes India as a nation has the potential to utilize.

Shreyaskar Chaudhary, MD, Pratibha Syntex – Madan Kukreja, MD, Super Fashion, Delhi – “Growth and
“Earlier I was more vocal about what importance of the HR depends on the size of the company,
companies need to do, but now I want to work since majority of the garment companies are having only
and create a role model to show that it can around 100 to 500 people to manage; the owner himself
work successfully, but has to be more than a takes care of his people, so where is the need of an HR at
lip-service”. such a top level.”

44 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


September 16-30 C P Gupta, Maintenance JL Sehgal, MD, Kiran Associates

Rooftop solar power systems in Haryana... Engineer of Richa Global – “We have installed solar
Deadline over, result nowhere Exports – “What is our panels for 15 KW capacity
responsibility if the factories which is fully operational
are on rent; there is no now and generating almost
O n 3rd September 2014, the Haryana Government issued
a notification for the installation of rooftop solar power
systems for commercial buildings having load connection of 50
precision in the notification
as to whether the owner
2,000 units per months. I don’t
agree that it is too costly when
Kilo Watt (KW) to 1 Mega Watt, and making it mandatory for such of a building or the tenant comparing it to the benefits
factories to produce solar power of 5 per cent of total requirement we get. Installation cost for
(factory owner) will invest
or 10 KW, whichever is higher. The deadline for installation was
for this system; secondly, per KW is Rs. 75-80 thousand
September 2015; however, as of now very few factories have
come forward for implementation and most of them are going to there are only two companies and there is not much
miss the deadline. The garment and textile industry of Haryana, in India manufacturing panels maintenance expenditure
be it the garment export hub of Gurgaon or Faridabad, home and we can’t rely on imported too. As far as benefits are
furnishing hub of Panipat or other emerging industrial areas like concerned, there is 80 per
Sonepat, have also not warmed up to the idea, despite penalties...
panels from China. Despite
that we are working on this cent accelerated depreciation
project and very soon we may in first year from income tax
have it in the factories which which is a good support.
are on our land.” Secondly, with the system
which is going to start very
soon, one can sell electricity
Anuj Bhatia, CEO, Chelsea Mills to the Government on off
– “We have almost 500 solar days like Sundays, when
panels and are using them most of the factories don’t
for our energy needs from the work but power is generated,
last 6-7 years. Our laundry which means the factory is
section is completely running earning on Sunday without
on solar power.” doing anything.” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 45



Industry requires a fresh look on Finance June 16-30
& Cost Management Sustaining livelihood through
ISDS: Modelama Skills focuses on
community mobilisation
S ustainability is all about ‘people’, ‘planet’ and ‘profit’, all of which are now
‘scarce’. While, industry makes effort to take steps for ‘people’, ‘planet’ and

‘profit’ is something which is shrinking by the day with no one having a clear abour-intensive industries like textiles require
vision how to perk up the same for sustainable existence. Limiting overheads, not only skilled workforce but also vocational
cost control efforts and sharp costing are already being used as tools to improve training for knowledge building. Under the
margins, but are the export houses doing enough on these fronts, is there still Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS),
some scope for improvement, are some questions that need to be asked. Modelama Skills Pvt., Ltd. is partnering with the
Government for many Central and State Skill
development schemes, being presently run in
centres across India.

“For initiatives such

as skill development,
a strong inclusive
team management is
required where people
need to believe in what
they are doing. I can make
Manish Sachar, Head-Systems Anoop Dhanda, ED – Finance, any process I want to, but if my
& Finance at Orient Fashion Orient Craft –“At our company trainers, mobilizers and people on
Exports –“We were of the we also measure the unit cost the ground don’t believe in what
opinion that we are very embedded to the product they do, then they will never be
good in fabric usage, and whether the product is motivated to do it...” – Vineet Lall,
despite that we were able really capable to cover the Director, Modelama Skills Pvt. Ltd.
to reduce 40 per cent of cost... So we structure are
the fabric wastage just by balance sheet and our needs
looking at our operations in a to decide whether to expand October 1-15
different perspective.” or not to expand.” AMH SSC promotes skill
development; larger vision of
promoting the industry
June 16-30


A mong one of the basic and ongoing
problems facing the apparel industry are
the diminishing skills among workers and few
Blatant violations continue training options to revive it. But all this is going
to change, as the Government has constituted
the Prime Minister’s National Council on Skill

T here is disturbing news about violations, to say the least. Not only will this
affect business, but it only goes to reinforce what environmental experts
keep repeating... “Industry has total disregard for pollution norms.” At many
Development for coordinated action for skill
development, both in the public and private
sector. Currently, with 31 skill councils for each
locations CETPs do not exist, even if installed, they are not working; companies sector, Apparel-Made-ups-Furnishings Sector
are not following norms despite having resources..., all of which proves that the Skill Council (AMH SSC) is looking towards a
processing industry has not learnt anything from the crisis of Tirupur which was skilled workforce through this new initiative.
also related to water pollution. Stakeholders are vocal in blaming each other
and no one is ready to take the responsibility...
“Our Prime Minister
believes in Skill India
Rajendra Jeengar, General Secretary, The Sanganeer Kapada Rangai and has a very
and Chappai Association – “Shifting was never a solution from any motivating influence.
perspective, so we moved to the Supreme Court and in 2009 So involving the MPs
the shifting orders were cancelled. Immediately we asked land to promote the scheme
for CETP but we got land in 2013. Earlier we were being told is an intelligent option as
to only install a CETP, later we were asked for zero discharge they will feel proud and will also be
system. Now we have started bid for CETP which is supposed able to show to their constituency
to be operational in mid 2017, and will only be possible if we the progress even if 1,000 people
get the full support of the Government. More than 50 units get trained in 5 years in their
have their individual ETPs despite that they have not been given respective areas...” – Dr. A. Sakthivel,
permission to function as this area is not for commercial use.” Chairman, AMH SSC

46 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

Apparel Online India 47

R E W I N D 2 0 15


November 16-30 February 1-15

Mercury Fabrics ventures KG Fabriks taking the

into printed knits; introduces sustainable route for growth:
designs never done in India zero discharge, zero waste
company in true sense

A n integrated manufacturer of high-

quality knitted fabrics, Mercury eading from the front, Srihari
Fabrics, has recently ventured into printed Balakrishnan, President, KG Fabriks
knitted fabrics with a fully automated Ltd., has set out a clear roadmap for
setup, claiming to be the only one to the future wherein there is increased
do such high-end fine and complicated focus on ‘sustainable growth’ not
prints in India. Although the company only through better quality and wider
is well-known for its quality knitted product range, but also ensuring that the
fabric that makes it a favourite to many July 16-31
company adheres to sustainable practices
exporters and international brands,
this new niche value-add is pushing the
Morarjee Textiles constructing encompassing both environment and
social issues. The company is aiming
company’s upward growth and setting it zero-waste textile to be amongst the most sustainable
apart from its competitors and attracting factory with biomimetic design textile companies in India and provide
attention from many international brands. ‘sustainable fashion’ in true sense.

E xploration Architecture, a UK based

company that specializes in biomimicry,
has completed its design for a sustainable
factory in Nagpur, India, that aims to
address both the human and environmental
challenges facing the country’s textile
industry. The innovative building should
radically reduce energy and water usage,
and the design team’s goal is to create a
zero-waste factory that is also an inspiring
environment in which to work. Exploration’s
client – Morarjee Textiles, which works
almost exclusively in high-quality cotton
for overseas markets with a significant
proportion of the output being either
Tajinder Sachdeva, MD, Mercury printed or dyed – is a pioneer of sustainable Srihari Balakrishnan, President,
Fabrics – “The range and quality thinking and challenged the architects to KG Fabriks Ltd. – “We have already
of products that we have, no one change the paradigm for factories in India. started the process to be really
else has in the Indian market. I can Harsh Piramal, Executive Vice sustainable and alongside we
confidently claim that nowhere Chairman, Morarjee Textiles – will continue to grow in a very
in India can any other knitted “The structure should be designed organic manner, and maybe in
manufacturer print this type of and engineered to use the least 3-4 years we’ll set up a second
fabrics; we have worked hard to material possible and should denim line, and strengthen our yarn
perfect the outcome and the clients provide a world-class environment business substantially.
who have seen the results have for the 600-odd people who
been astonished.” will work at the factory... and
be a viable, sustainable and
profitable business.”

48 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


H U B R E P O R T…

May 16-31 February 16-28

Trinity Tex Trade bats for a ICHALKARANJI: Moving from greige to processed fabric and export
strong and mature textile
I ndia’s biggest cotton (greige) fabric producing hub Ichalkaranji in Kolhapur district, Maharashtra,
is witnessing a turnover of more than US $ 170 million per day. The city has grown significantly
during the last decade or so, and its growth momentum is set to continue in the coming years.
W hile garment manufacturers
always talk about how
difficult it is to work with imported
It is moving towards processed fabrics, there is an increased focus on export, and garmenting is
also growing slowly but steadily. While weaving is the core business here, companies are installing
sizing machines, wider width technology, and undertaking fabric processing and marketing
fabrics, mostly because of
activities as well. With the hub witnessing multi-directional growth, there is a lot of enthusiasm
procedural issues, fabric importers
amongst companies. However, the fear of higher power tariffs being levied looms large over the
rue that selling imported fabric in
industry, and is forcing many companies to consider shifting their base to nearby Karnataka, which
India to both domestic brands and
is offering more and better facilities. This is posing a big challenge for Ichalkaranji.
garment exporters is becoming
difficult by the day. With various
challenges such as pricing,
payments and an unorganized
structure hindering free flow of
fabrics, the country is losing out
on fabric categories that are better
produced elsewhere. Mumbai-
based Trinity Tex Trade, importers
of menswear fabrics have over the
last two years restricted their focus
on India, as it is a small market for
the company.

Prakash Awade, Deendayal B. Pradeep Kumar Sanjay Jain,

former Textile Jhanwar, MD, Birla, MD, Birla Director,
Minister, Ram Krishna Udyog Samuh Arihant Group
Maharashtra (Jhanwar) Group Shrinidhi Exports – “We are not
– “Along – “Our priority – “The hub is interested in
with growing is forging moving towards dyeing. In fact,
footprints in a stronger finished the strength
fabric export, relationship products as of most of the
our target is with buying we are getting companies
to develop houses and a direct here is making
this city as a international demand for greige like
garmenting brands as they dyed fabrics. us, and can
hub as we recommend us Garment offer a variety
have the fabric for our fabric, manufacturers of fabrics be
(even though which is being at the lower- it shirting,
produced used in making and mid-level, poplin, canvas,
largely by the garments who were or denim. We
Dinesh V. Bahirwani, Director,
small-scale for M&S, Polo earlier dealing have exported
Trinity Tex Trade – “I feel
industries). Ralph Lauren, with merchant greige to Russia
design-wise India is better
Garmenting has Fifth Avenue, exporters, are and we want
than China and that is why
grown well here TSS, Walmart now coming to expand the
they score better in women’s
in recent years, and other directly to same product
wear, but since China gives
and we want respected weavers like category rather
better quality and finish,
that the fabric- brands, besides us. This trend than getting
the country will give India a
exporting also started two into processed
tough competition even in to-garment
through buying years ago and fabric.”
that category if the norms process should
offices.” is increasing.”
and the duty structure of be completed
India changes.” here.” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 49


I S S U E S I N D I S C U S S I O N….

March 16-31

Bullish Textile Policy attracting new investments & expansions

W ith industry-friendly Government sitting in the centre and voicing the ‘Make in India’ slogan, along with announcement of a new textile
policy with an ambitious target of achieving 20 per cent share of the global textile trade and helping the domestic industry attain a size
of US $ 650 billion by 2024-25 by focusing on investments, skill development and labour law reforms, players in the textile industry are more
positive than they have been for years. The industry is expected to attract investment of about US $ 120 billion by 2024-25 and create about 35
million additional jobs in the process. Exports are also expected to rise from the current US $ 39 billion to US $ 300 billion during this period.
With the textile industry growth, the textile machinery industry size is also expected to double to US $ 7,167.8 million (Rs. 45,000 crore) in the
next seven years from the present US $ 3,504.3 million (Rs. 22,000 crore) on the back of new projects and emphasis on setting up textile parks.

Rajiv Dayal, Managing Director &

Chief Executive Officer, Mafatlal
Industries – “We plan to further raise
our denim capacities to 30 million
metres by 2015 at the Navsari unit.”

Abhishek Gupta, Managing Director, Trident Ltd.

– “The bed linen and spinning units are expected
to be operational by September 2015 and will Deepak Chiripal, CEO, Nandan
Denim Ltd.
contribute nearly Rs. 1,200 crore (US $ 191.60 – Chiripal Group – “We aim to build Nandan
million) to the company’s annual revenue.” Denim into an organization capable of
competing with the world’s best – in terms of
product, people, process and technology. We
set high standards for ourselves and for the
operations and decided that profitability and
growth must result from efficient exploration of
challenging opportunities.”

Vijay Puniyani, Sr. Vice President

(Marketing), Vardhman Textiles Ltd.
– “Over the last 3-4 years, we have
repositioned our business model,
Paritosh Agarwal, Managing Director, especially for the domestic market,
Suryalakshmi Cotton Mills – “We have shifting our production capacities from
a network of associates or the US fundamental yarns to value-added yarns.
market and we have opened a market Today our sales of value-added yarns
consultancy for Europe.” accounts for close to 50% of total sales,
while earlier it was ranging between 25-

50 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


March 1-15

Improving market supported by new developments from fabric manufacturers

W ith the market picking up and offering fresh opportunities, both domestic players and direct exporters are feeling positive about growth. From top
fabric players like Vardhman and Arvind, and strong regional players like Bindal Exports and Madhusudan Group in Surat to smaller companies
across India producing 8 to 10 lakh metres of fabric per month, the mood is upbeat. Those engaged in the cotton business are no longer worried about
the glut but are taking it as a temporary phase, while those specializing in polyester are confident that demand will increase. This sentiment is driving many
textile manufacturers to expand capacities and invest in product development to attract more buyers. Apparel Online talked to some big and medium level
players in the fabric segment to get a pulse of the market dynamics...

Pratik Tulsian,
Director, PR Creation Saurabh Kukreja, Senior Manager
(Gomti Group of – Marketing, Arvind – “The US
Textiles), Surat – market is good and Europe is
“Demand for 100 per picking up; in fact, every product,
cent polyester fabric be it denim, shirting weight,
has almost doubled in piece-dyed, non-piece- dyed, etc.,
recent times, as buyers are all doing well.”
who were earlier asking
for small quantities are Subrata Sanyal, GM (Marketing),
now giving good quantity Maral overseas – “We were
Anupam Arya, ED, Bindal Silk Mills/Bindal Exports, orders. Companies which willing to reduce our costs which
Surat – “We are diversifying into viscose prints and will were producing 100 per became possible with more
start production within the next two months, as many of cent cotton or viscose production capacity. Now we are
our buyers are asking for rayon and viscose. We have only, have now expanded more competitive and since the
the capability to produce flexible width sizes ranging into polyester in order market is showing positive signs,
from 44 inches to 58 inches, flexible repeat sizes from to meet their buyers’ we are expecting good orders.”
68 cm to 2 metres, and repeat scarves sizes.” demand for the fabric. | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 51


I S S U E S I N D I S C U S S I O N…. I N I T I A T I V E 2 0 15 …
March 1-15
Good response to Workshop
March 1-15
initiative by Apparel Resources
Recycled yarns... The game changer

A s the business of fashion is getting more sensitive towards sustainable clothing, the
demand for recycled yarns is escalating. Numerous conventional yarn manufacturers
have started making yarns out of waste products like PET bottles and ‘textile-to-textile' waste
such as used fabrics, garments and home furnishings. Many products such as clothing, soft
toys, bed linen, towels, gloves and rugs, to mention a few are being manufactured with such
yarns. Apparel Online talked to a few recycled yarn manufacturers to understand what kind of Over the last few years, there has been
recycled yarns they are producing and how this market is moving... an increased thrust on training and skill
development, but very little effort has
gone into looking at training needs of
senior and middle management. Further,
whatever workshops or training sessions
Shreyaskar Chaudhary, are organized, they are either technology
provider-driven or by consultants who
Managing Director,
are promoting their services. Both these
Pratibha Syntex – “The avenues, while providing knowledge,
market is steadily picking leave much to be desired. Backed by the
up with keen interest industry need and demand for workshops
shown largely by the that are more holistic and interactive,
Apparel Resources, India has initiated
international market. Now
a series of training sessions on varied
we are also seeing some industry-focused topics…; in 2015 AR
movement in the domestic conducted 8 workshops, two of which
demand asking for were held in Bangladesh.
recycled yarns translating
into demand.” October 16-31
Gets huge response in
Dhaka… India the next venue
Makrand Kulkarni,
General Manager-Sales
& Marketing, Polygenta
Technologies Ltd. –
“Interestingly, customers
are now increasingly
Srihari Balakrishnan, President, demanding 100% recycled
KG Fabriks – “When 100 kg yarns made from 100% Apparel Resources in its commitment
post- consumer PET waste to provide an engaging platform for
of cotton comes to my factory, interaction and networking has made
100 kg is used, nothing is rather than just industrial a foray into sports with the ‘Golf Day’
treated as waste.” factory waste or a blend initiative. The first event held in Dhaka this
of recycled inputs.” year attracted many industry golfers and
some celebrity golfers too! Buoyant after
the positive and enthusiastic response, the
V. P. Goenka, CMD, Pashupati Polytex – “We have been regularly supplying initiative is all set to debut in India soon.
The brainchild of Mayank Mohindra,
our fibres to various leading textile mills who are using the same for
Director, Apparel Resources and a
producing different types of yarns (100% polyester yarn, cotton blended passionate golfer himself, ‘Golf Day’ has
yarn, polyester-acrylic blended yarn, polyester viscose blended yarn, etc.) been designed for the industry where
as well as cushioning products (carpets, sofa, dolls, toys, mattreses, furniture, stalwarts can enjoy a day of interaction and
toys, dolls, etc.).” networking while celebrating the corporate
game of golf, away from the shop floor and
meeting rooms, among the greens of the
golf course. Apparel Online A&E Golf Day
saw many popular buyers, exporters and
Ramesh Verma, President, HEMA – “More than 30 units produce 500 tonnes accessory/technology providers from the
Bangladesh RMG sector coming together
of recycled yarns a day out of cotton pants and T-shirts and then that yarn is for the first time ever in such a unique fun-
reused to make mats.” filled networking event.

52 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

Apparel Online India 53 | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 53


I S S U E S I N D I S C U S S I O N….

June 16-30 November 1-15

Indian mills have potential for Industry expectations from new Government
larger share in Bangladeshi market high…Textiles Ministry proactive in approach...
results awaited

T argeting to touch the US $ 50 billion mark in its garment exports by

2021, Bangladesh cannot be underestimated as a potential market for s the textile industry at the cusp of change... This is the question
Indian textile mills though the country’s dependence on imported fabric is that everyone in the industry is asking. And what triggered the
currently decreasing. The very fact that the country is looking at doubling thought..., our very upfront Prime Minister of course!
its garment exports in just a span of six years, while the growth in the textile No one can deny that there is an air of vibrancy in the country
segment during the same period will be much slower, will create a gap for and no sector is left untouched. Since the new Government took
imported fabrics. The critical question is..., are Indian mills geared up to over in May, the people of this country are continuously amazed
grab the opportunity? at how changes are coming in, some very visible, while others
just starting points for change. For the textile industry, the very
fact that the new Government initiated the process of reviewing
the National Textile Policy, 2000 in an effort to facilitate the
Indian textile industry to gain and sustain a global position in the
manufacture and export of clothing, keeping in view the various
changes both on the domestic and international fronts, sends a
signal of positivity...

Rahul Mehta, President of Clothing Manufacturers

Association of India – “For the first time, the
Government has recognized the importance
of the domestic sector, and that apparel is the
apex sector which must be encouraged.”

Anil Kumar, Mayank Jain, Kulbir Kundu, Prem Malik, Chairman, CITI – “CITI, along with
Country Head, Vice President, Country Manager other stake holders in the textile industry,
Arvind Ltd. – Malwa Industries of Vardhman have studied the draft report in detail and
Bangladesh – – “Bangladesh – Bangladesh made recommendations for improving it to
“Initially it was gains importance – “The qualities meet the needs of the industry. I am hopeful
difficult for us to for us since a running in this that the expert committee would look into
market our fabric lot of our US/ market till now these pertinent recommendations and finalize
as a large portion EU customers are mostly the report soon, after incorporating the
of denim, mostly nominate our regular qualities necessary changes.”
basic, was being fabrics, making in cotton which
sourced from it compulsory for are not seasonal, DL Sharma, Managing Director, Vardhman Yarns
China. Today hosts manufacturers and which & Threads Ltd. – “First of all, the draft textile
of international producing can be used policy shows the ambitious attitude towards the
brands are garments for throughout the growth of Indian textile industry and increase
sourcing denim these buyers to year irrespective the size of textile industry to its potential. The
products from source from us. of the changing necessary reforms required to achieve the
Bangladesh; Apart from this, trends. But slowly desired objectives are well identified.”
things have many garment the market is
changed factories use graduating to
drastically and our fabrics by more fashionable Sanjay Jain, MD, TT Ltd. –
while earlier it choice also. We items as the “The intent is there for sure.
was just basics are exporting margins are However, we still wait to
and volumes from close to 2 million becoming lesser see how this gets translated
Bangladesh, now yards every year in basics and into action. Further, one
buyers are asking to Bangladesh fetching a good area where the industry is
for fashion and and the way price in volumes.” disappointed is the speed
value addition in the country is of clearing incentives under
denim, which has growing, we see TUF and also following up
created demand a lot of potential with Commerce Ministry for
for our fabric.” in this market.” various export incentives.”

54 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

Apparel Online India 55


October 16-31 December 1-15

Textile Exchange Indian Cotton Conference 2015

Sustainability Conference 2015, Are you experimenting, adding value, ask industry experts
Mumbai: Huge participation
emphasizes on the growing
importance of ethical textile O rganized by the Indian Cotton Association Limited (ICAL) the “Indian Cotton Conference
2015” held in Gurgaon recently discussed various aspects focusing on Indian and global
cotton scenario. Dr. Kavita Gupta, Textile Commissioner emphasized the importance of technical
supply chain
R&D needed to increase productivity as the average cotton productivity in India is just 528 kg/
hectare whereas the same stands at 2196 kg/hectare in Australia and 963 kg/hectare in the

T he Textile Exchange Sustainability US. The event also witnessed experts from apparel manufacturing/export industry discussing
Conference held in India for the first on the topic ‘Make in India – Future Textile hub of the World.’ The outcome of this session was
time was hosted by Mumbai from October the recognition of ‘Value Addition’ as the key for growth, but which is perhaps ignored by the
5-8, 2015 and appropriately themed industry in its march to get regular business.
“Textiles – A Circular Life”. The event was
a power-packed one with 33 sponsors from
around the globe adding buzz to the two-
day informative sessions by top speakers
in sustainability, organic cotton round Prashant Agarwal, JMD, Wazir
table and other material meetings. With over Advisors – “Things are not moving
340 delegates and media from 32 countries,
in the manner in which it should
the sessions were well-attended with active
participation from the audience. move for India. Our overall
The main points of discussion at the various
textile export is much affected
forums were the future of cotton, water and by conditions in international
forest conservation, sustainability, supply business because we are not
chain integrity, design and materials. The more focused on apparel
interest from various stakeholders was exports. Garmenting is no more
palpable and why not...? The textile industry
which is a US $ 1.7 trillion business employs
production-driven, it’s a fashion
75 million people worldwide, is collectively and service-driven industry; so
the most damaging industry responsible for buyers and suppliers have to work
approximately 10 per cent of the planet’s very closely.”
carbon foot print.

Neeraj Verma, President –

Wovens, Orient Craft – “Even our
domestic market has not matured
to that level where exporters can
get value. Some companies are
into domestic and export markets
as they are trying to do balance
according to the season, but I
fail to understand why they don’t
target to have capacity utilization
for both the markets. Can’t they
LaRhea Pepper, Managing have orders throughout the year
Director, Textile Exchange –“The from both the markets?
mission of Textile Exchange
is to inspire and accelerate
people to sustainable practices
in the textile value chain. The Sanjay Jain, MD, TT Ltd. – “This is an opportunity for people and they
goals are to make it easier for should very objectively analyse whether to take out few crore rupees for
companies to adapt to changing garmenting rather than just expanding in spinning or ginning. They can
opportunities and requirements start with basic items and online marketing to get a feel of whether the
in textile sustainability and product works or not. Even if not, start it with trading and then move on
that actions result in real and to the job work or own manufacturing.”
meaningful change.”

56 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

57 Apparel Online India

R E W I N D 2 0 15


With a production capacity of 30,000

January 16-31
garments per day, Ludhiana-based
Atith International Supreme Tex Mart is going in for
(Chilly Grapes) enters February 1-15 ‘recycled schoolwear’ for the UK
France market; adds ‘Recycled market. “The concept of sustainability
new unit schoolwear’, and how to preserve resources is a
Delhi-based Atith International the sustainable major theme for Western countries.
(Chilly Grapes), exporter of commitment Our sweaters are a hit because it
womenswear to Australia, Germany, carries a subtle message that recycled
from Supreme
USA and Austria, is growing and material is not only environment-
Tex Mart
entering new markets like France, friendly, but also comfortable and
and expanding its sampling and good looking,” says Gautam Gupta,
finishing capabilities by opening the young Executive Director.
a new unit in Sahibabad. “We are
optimistic about our home furnishing
items (mainly cushion covers and Ahmedabad-based Globe Textiles
accessories) as we feel that the (India) has recently invested more
segment could grow in the long run,” than Rs. 12 crore for a new facility
informed Nirdosh Sadh, Proprietor. at the Apparel Park in Khokhra
July 1-15 where the floor space is about
Globe Textiles 50,000 square feet. As of now the
February 16-28
(India) invests unit has 2 lines of 150 stitching
Pearl Global to add in new facility; machines besides other equipment.
1,250 machines; focuses on “Currently our group capacity has
enhance capacity by energy saving gone up to 1,50,000 pieces per
7 per cent month, and in a phased manner we
Pearl Global Industries Ltd., is shall ramp it up first to 2,50,000 and
investing around Rs. 20 crore later 4,00,000 pieces per month.” –
(US $ 3.2 million) for expansions Bhavik Parikh, CEO.
in its factories in Bangalore and
Chennai. The expansions will raise Tirupur-based The Ainnurruvar has
the manufacturer’s production acquired important certifications
capacity by 7 per cent to 5.35 March 1-15
such as Sedex, Fair Trade, GOTS,
million pieces per month. With the The Organic, SA 8000, ISO 9000 and
addition of 1,250 machines, the Ainnurruvar ISO 14000. This unusual feat by a
company will have a total of 9,750 acquires all company having only 80 stitching
sewing machines. Of the 450 new important machines is an example for other
machines that will be deployed in certifications; small- and mid-level companies
Bangalore (adding 150,000 garment sets example to follow. “As a member of Hydra
pieces per month), 250 machines for small- and Confedera, we are very active on
will become operational by this mid-level sustainable development and the
month, while the remaining 200 companies ESG criteria of environmental, social
machines will be operational by and governance,” revealed STS
May 2015. Chockalingam, CEO.

58 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


Small- and mid-level companies in

June 1-15 Tirupur, especially those focusing on
KPR Mill to set the woven segment, are expecting
up green field March 1-15
good business, and Beaumonde is
manufacturing facility Beaumonde one of them. With annual business
focusing of US $ 1.66 million (Rs. 10 crore)
The Coimbatore-based KPR
on woven and exporting 70 per cent of its
Mill, with total business of almost
US $ 425 million (Rs. 2,566
garments; production, J. Victor, CEO of the
crore), including garment export
expects 300 company says, “More than 20 buying
of almost 25 per cent (i.e. US $
per cent houses are in discussion with us,
85.16 million or Rs. 511 crore), growth and we are now planning to expand
is all set to add another large our capacities to meet their orders.
green field manufacturing facility In the current scenario, we are
at a cost of US $ 26.16 million expecting 300 per cent growth.
(Rs. 175 crore). The new unit with
36 million-garment per annum-
Working with Shahi Exports, Ashima,
capacity will boost the total apparel
Ambattur Clothing and many other
manufacturing capacity to 95 million
October 1-15 companies in various positions,
garments per annum, said KP
Ramasamy, Chairman. Stalwart and overcoming various problems
Sourcing: like pollution issue RM Shankar,
Knowledge Founder Director, Stalwart
August 1-15
and Sourcing Solutions, Tirupur is doing
Campari Exports an annual business of Rs. 22 crore
adding new factory networking
(US $ 3.6 million) and producing one
in Faridabad helped
lakh pieces per month of all kinds of
company to
BSCI, Sedex and Primark certified knitted apparels (outerwear). “We
start, survive have clients like Universal Studio,
Campari Exports of Gurgaon,
manufacturing ladies and kidswear, Disney and many more in export,
is expanding its manufacturing while Allen Solly, Van Heusen, etc.
capacity by adding a new factory are in domestic,” shared Shankar.
in Faridabad with an investment
of about Rs. 25 crore. Expecting
Rs. 100 crore turnovers in the current Go Go International, Bangalore having
fiscal, the company is also involved workforce of more than 3,000 people
in social work and support programs and doing an annual business of almost
for orphanages as a CSR effort, US $ 30.76 million (Rs. 200 crore)
November 16-30 has launched its brand ‘Antigravity’
informed Sunil Mehra, Director when
talking about growth plans. Go Go for domestic market. “We are geared
International up and targeting growth of US $ 1.53
August 16-31
launches million (Rs. 10 crore) for the current
Cheer Sagar new brand season and US $ 4.16 million (Rs. 25
honoured with ‘Antigravity’ crore) for next financial year. Initially we
National Productivity are expecting to sell 50,000 pieces and
& Innovation Award double it by next season,” informed an
enthusiastic Achal Goenka, Director,
Exporting women’s fashion wear in Go Go International.
both woven and knits, well-known
exporter of Jaipur, Cheer Sagar,
which has already won many
accolades in various fields, has State Government of Rajasthan has
once again been awarded with the recently conferred ‘Quality Mark
National Productivity & Innovation Trust Award’ to Kamakshi Kraftex, a
Award in Textile & Garment Sector Jaipur-based manufacturer of suiting,
May 16-31 (pg. 36)
for the year 2013-14. The award shirting, home furnishings and linen
was presented by Union Minister
Kamakshi fabrics’. Akshaya Goyal, MD and
of MSME Kalraj Mishra to Ravi
Kraftex Sarvesh Agarwal, CEO received the
Poddar, Partner of the company,
awarded with award. First generation entrepreneur,
and who credited this success to ‘Quality Mark Akshaya, a CA, has good overseas
the efforts of his entire team. The 16 Trust Award’ experience as he was associated with
years old company is BSCI, WRAP a well known company in Russia for
Gold Certified, ISO 9001:2008 more than a decade, while Sarvesh, an
certified and it has 3 units where MBA has strong knowledge of textile
almost 500 people are working. industry. This award was presented to
promote industries in MSME sector. | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 59


Arvind Mills’ denim unit has become

September 1-15 the first denim unit in the country to
Shahi Exports to be ISO 50001 certified. This is an
invest Rs. 36 crore International Standard for Energy
in Orissa; lays June 1-15 Management System which provides
foundation stone of Arvind’s denim a robust framework for optimizing
new facility unit, the first energy efficiency. The company
in India to be introduced a range of products
Four years ago, StitchWorld
ISO 50001 under the Neo brand which utilizes
(Stitching technology-based
magazine of Apparel Resources)
certified Neo dyeing machine that brings
sustainability to deep dyeing as there
published an article ‘Orissa:
is no drainage of dye before or after
The New Apparel Manufacturing
dyeing for shade adjustment. It is a
Destination!’, based on a study by
closed-loop system which releases
Priyanka Sinha of NIFT, comparing
zero discharge.
113 locations in India on 50 different
key performance indicators to settle
on the best and most low-cost
apparel manufacturing hubs. The Producing almost 1.2 million pieces
news has come true as Orissa per annum (mostly jeans and shirts)
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik laid and exporting 90 per cent of its
the foundation stone of the unit produce to various countries, Ashima
at Mancheswar Industrial Estate, April 1-15 Dyecot, part of the Ahmedabad-based
Bhubaneswar in the presence Ashima Dyecot prestigious Ashima Group, is moving
of Chairman of Shahi Exports is moving towards automation by replacing old
Harish Ahuja who expressed hope towards machines at its garment manufacturing
unit. Machines that would be installed
that this step of the company will automation
encourage others to invest in the are mostly for jeans manufacturing like
state. With an investment worth waistband attachment, loop attachment,
US $ 5.5 million (Rs. 36 crore) and pocket seams, etc. informed Dipen
proposed capacity of 0.3 million Patel, Head-Production. The garment
pieces, the unit is expected to be unit of Ashima is WRAP certified and
completed in one year and will also has certifications like ISO- 9001 &
provide employment to about 2,500 ISO 14001.
people. Doing an annual business of
almost US $ 738 million (Rs. 4,800
Jaipur-based Saraf Textile Mills,
crore), the company has expanded
a part of Saraf Group, with three
200 times in the last 4 decades
factories and 1,000 stitching
and currently operates across 51
machines, has recently added a
factories in six states and produces February 16-28 new factory of 500 machines. The
135 million garments per year. Saraf Textile company offering men, women and
Mills adds new children wear is expecting 50 per cent
Sepember 1-15 factory; eyes growth this year, views Vimal Saraf,
SD Enterprises 50 per cent Director. Swimwear, which was
investing in new growth started by the company one and half
technology years ago, is fetching good orders.
There are very few sweater
manufacturers and exporters in
Delhi-NCR, and one of them is
SD Enterprises, a DISHA certified
company, having its factory in Okhla.
Celebrating its Golden Jubilee in
The company has 11 flat knitting
2017, one of the well-known export
machines, and with the capacity
houses of Tirupur, Jupiter Knitting
of 30,000 pieces of sweaters (high
Company recently added 100 more
fashion) per month, is expanding April 16-30 machines to enhance its capacity
by adding 4 more machines, with Innerwear for ‘briefs’ manufacturing. Now
an investment of Rs. 1 crore.
exporting the company has a total of 1,100
“It’s like an expansion as well as
companies are machines. T. Devendiran, GM
technical upgradation for us as we
constantly want to control our cost
expanding in briefed AO, “We are exporting most
and bring more innovation in our
Tirupur of our production to Europe and have
good orders for the next few months,
products. That’s why we are going
and expecting 20% growth as we
for Japanese machines,” shared
are focusing more on PD and IT
Vineet Sood, Proprietor.
intervention like ERP.”

60 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


R E W I N D 2 0 15


November 16-30 March 1-15 October 16-31


Sourcing from India since the last 3 decades, Going deep and niche is the growth strategy There are very few companies in Jaipur
Ikea picks up a lot of home textile products at Shayan – The Bedding Company. Just which are doing an annual turnover
and has almost 48 suppliers in the country. a year old, the company has a lineage of of Rs. 80 crore and having vertically
As of now, the company buying from 53 belonging to a group which is a traditional integrated setup. And out of them very few
countries sees South Asia as one of the exporter of home furnishings under the will be expecting double turnover in next
major buying destinations. Undeterred by name ‘East India’, as also running a buying few years. But Suprint Textiles seems to be
slow market, in last fiscal Ikea registered agency Expo India that specializes in home an exceptional company that has its own
growth of 12 per cent, which is phenomenal furnishing. Headed by the young Chetan processing house with ZLD processing,
as it was in single digit from the last many Shah, the company is catering only to value- having an equal stronghold on export as
years. With 23 years of industry experience added bed linen that too in white colour, well as domestic market, and similarly
and working with Ikea since 2007, mostly for the European market. Working on competent in home and garment segment.
Kamal Gaba, shared his views. Huge infrastructure, focus on product
a unique collaborative supply chain model,
development, timely diversification and a
Mumbai-based Shayan is now looking to
“Till now whatever we are sourcing enter the US and Indian markets with small
set strategy are some of the main reasons
from India, is mostly cotton-based that propel Suprint Textiles for growth,
tweaking in its products to suit both markets.
preparing it to double its business in the
and going forward we are moving next two years.
towards some synthetic products as “My mentor in Holland helped us
well. This is one of the main areas in defining a niche and today many “Jaipur still does not have high
to explore further. The solution as buyers who were earlier not sourcing class designers and nobody wants
of now we see is to import fabric from to India for such products are to come here. Similar situation is
from overseas and have a stitching showing interest, as our competition is with planning department. We have
factory here, to ask our suppliers from Italy, which is very expensive. We changed our outlook and are now
to put up a different unit for are seeing increased competition from hiring people in merchandising/
storage solutions.” – Kamal Gaba, Turkey and East European countries on planning up to Rs. One lakh per
Business Development Manager – price, as both are able to give better month because we know without
Textile Products, Furniture Fabrics costing and also have the advantage proper talent we can’t achieve our
& Covers, Purchasing Operations of proximity.”- Chetan Shah, Director, target.” – Jasmeet Sodhi, Director,
Areas South Asia Shayan – The Bedding Company Suprint Textiles | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 61


September 16-30 January 16-31 October 1-15


Unlike most of the export companies Of the 12 segments in Technical Textiles, The very structure of Cornell Overseas,
around the country, the reception at Hometech is one of the largest, and the Noida is tailor-made for uniqueness,
Delhi-based Daks India does not issue segment is growing with the boom in real as it is owned by an American, but
a simple visitor card, instead they give a estate and higher spending on home independently run by a lady from
specific colour smiley; and as you enter interiors. The Technical Textiles market India. The strength of the company
the office it is amazing to see every staff is expected to reach US $ 160.38 billion lies not only in its unique ownership,
member wearing a smiley, but in different by 2018 at a CAGR of 3.71 per cent over but also in its corporate structuring
colours. Along with being a kind of 2014-2019 and according to the Indian and attitude towards business, which
identity, the smiley represents happiness, Research General, in the global technical is very different from other export
to take work as fun and most importantly, textile market, Hometech (components companies. With an annual business
a spirit to do something different and of furniture, household textiles and floor of US $ 6.7 million (Rs. 40 crore), 60
creative, which is the biggest strength coverings) contributes about 7 per cent per cent of which is in clothing and
of the company working with many of the overall share. Even medium-level remaining 40 per cent in the home
top premium brands and continuously exporters in this segment are growing. segment, Cornell Overseas, not only
growing, expanding and reinventing itself. Surat-based Aalidhra Techtex is one such has a creative office, but also develops
Daks India started its journey as a buying company that offers blackout curtains copyright prints. The company, which
agent, moved on to make a mark as a (ultraviolet) and cushions with water and has a professional work culture, strong
quality garment manufacturer/exporter dust repellent finishes for the export market, R&D department and undertakes small
and now has 1,200 machines with and for the domestic market it offers but many sustainable initiatives, is led in
growing presence in backpack and home parachute, lining, and heavy fabrics for India by Harpreet Sindhu, Director.
segment. Passion for creativity is obvious luggage. The 25-year-old company, which
when talking to Vanduta Khurana, is part of the US $ 66.6 million (Rs. 400 “We are proud to be a PD-driven
President and Anil Khurana, CEO of crore) Aalidhra Group, has a total turnover
the company...
company and don’t pick up any
of US $ 5 million (Rs. 30 crore), is expecting
100 per cent growth in the coming years.
prints from the market; every
“We work in a pro-active way print we produce is copyright
so that we can get the loyalty of “The textile industry has a huge worldwide... We have a monthly
the buyers for long-term mutual scope for growth; the next generation reporting system, including
beneficial relationship. Similarly, should explore its potential. The production, finance, etc. and
we don’t believe in saying ‘No changing worldwide conditions are I am free to take decisions.
problem… We are completely also in our favour. We are using The kind of mutual trust that
transparent, honest and open with 60-70 per cent polyester and the rest April and I share, never fails to
buyers. We have built in a lot of cotton, but is flexible enough to cater amaze me, I am very fortunate,
check points and once we have to all kinds of buyers’ demand and is because she trusts me completely
taken an order, the team is always not rigid with any kind of product.” and I can trust my people here.”
looking how to give better value.” – Suresh Gondalia, Director, – Harpreet Sindhu, Director,
– Anil Khurana, CEO, Daks India Aalidhra Techtex Cornell Overseas

62 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


August 16-31
September 1-15
Home Furnishing hub Karur embracing change
Mahajan Overseas has the distinction with positivity of growth
of being the first ever Green factory
in Haryana, and is the first in India
which is truly dedicated to home Famed for its home textiles, Karur accounts for more than Rs. 6,000 crore-business annually, with
textile products only. Not yet counted 80 per cent exported across the globe. The 500 odd companies dotting the landscape of Karur
among the corporate giants of the in Tamil Nadu, a two hour drive from Tirupur — which played a significant role in the history and
home industry, Mahajan Overseas culture of the state and its people — has a niche in bed linens, kitchen linens, toilet linens, table
has always shown a very progressive linens and wall hangings.
attitude towards the business and
is today one of the best and most
respected players of the segment
from Panipat belt. Apparel Online
visited the new unit and was
impressed with the vision that this upfront
company, under the stewardship of
Pranab Mahajan, Director has for a
sustainable future.

“Almost 4 years ago when

we thought about expansion
and putting up a new factory, MK Rajendheren, CEO, Veera Home Tex
we felt why not something “Compared with other hubs, Karur
different to stay ahead of needs to improve collective efforts as
others, a difference that these are missing.”
Satheesh Ram, Marketing Director,
would give us satisfaction as Homebase Exports
well as advantage over the others. “Wider width is not a problem as we
And when we looked around have 4 looms (Out of total 11 rapier
and saw the fast developments looms), with the width of 120 inches.”
happening on the global front
regarding environment, we
decided for a Green factory, and
now many of our buyers who
have visited here have actually
increased the quantum of work.”
V. Ananthapadmanaban, CEO, Karur Textile
– Pranab Mahajan, Director, Manufacturers Exporters’ Association which is
Mahajan Overseas working from 1973 and has 143 members.
“Despite many challenges, we
are closely associated with local
administration and pursuing for textile
processing park and it is on initial
documentation stage. We are in yellow K. Ramesh, Director, Tex-Worths
category as we are into home textile “We are expecting almost 50
industry and don’t use very hazardous per cent growth this year as there
chemicals. It will take time and effort is reasonable growth in the US, but
but will come out...” Canada and Europe are still not
much positive.”

MD of Kuppu Exports
“We are following the designs/products
according to what the buyers wish...with
the kind of setup we have, it is difficult
to do very good PD in-house.” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 63


February 1-15 April 16-30

White Paper on Panipat: Panipat firms up facilities and focuses on Jaipur Home Industry: Emerging
expanding capacities as international markets revive as a strong and independent
sector in exports

W ith business booming, mainly in the export of blankets and made-ups, Panipat-based

home furnishing companies are confident about their future growth. Be it a million dollar aipur has always been perceived as a
company, a medium-sized company, or a small player, there is demand for their existing manufacturing base for womenswear,
product categories, and they are optimistic of renewed growth with the revival of the US market. accessories, jewellery, handicraft and
Though poor infrastructure, lack of training initiatives, and high interest rates continue to create furniture, but of late, the centre has
bottlenecks, companies are gearing up fast, with an increasing focus on product development, caught the eye of buyers looking for home
expanding their production capabilities. The city has more than 4,000 firms engaged in export furnishings also. In fact, while doing this
of home furnishing items worth US $ 1 billion (Rs. 6,000 crore) annually. The newly formed story, more than 18 home furnishing
Panipat Home Furnishing Cluster (PHFC) has been allotted one acre land, where they will install a exporters shared that they were too busy
multi-needle tufting machine, a ChromoJet printing machine and a 4-metre wide packing unit. to talk as they were sitting with buyers.
Thanks to the reasonably good flow of
orders which is keeping the Jaipur-based
home furnishing exporters busy, the
Ramesh Verma, home furnishing (soft goods) industry has
MD, Diamond Exports emerged out of the shadows of the garment
& Founder PHFC manufacturing industry, creating an identity
of its own.
“We have had
several meetings
with NSDC (National Atul Poddar, Partner,
Skill Development Exotic Pods Creations
Corporation) and are “There are many companies
hopeful that a training that are into home as well as
centre will start in the into garment manufacturing
next 3 months, where or any other segment, but
Asmita Dwivedi Paliwal, every kind of training that in no way takes away
Director, Abhiasmi
International (Paliwal
will be provided...” the strength of the home
Group) furnishing industry. In fact,
“As the market we increasingly find that our
environment is work is a source of inspiration
becoming more and for garment people...”
more challenging,
buyers too are looking Navneet Jhalani, Proprietor,
Marudhara Arts Inc.
for vendors with whom
they can consolidate “Earlier my buyers were
their businesses...” asking mostly special prints
of Jaipur, but now they are
also sourcing plain dye from
us which they could have
sourced from any other

Chaitanya Rawat, Manglam Arts

“We are equally into soft
Ashok Kapur, goods of home segment and
MD, Anunay Enterprises
as well in other items in hard
“In made-ups, printing
is our forte and we will goods. I can clearly notice
expand and strengthen the increasing move towards
it more. We will focus PD in last three years since I
more on product Prem Vij, Chairman, Harisons
joined the business...”
development for which & Harlaj Ltd. & President of
Panipat Exporters Association Hira Nand Khatri, CEO,
we will set up a new
“As majority of Panipat Khatri Texstyles
design studio with “My focus on PD is same
Sumeet Nath, Managing companies cater to the
3 new designers...” as it was some years ago,
Partner, Raj Overseas US, revival of the country’s
“Panipat can’t be market is pushing them in both design and colours,
specified for a towards further capacity but strength is still in block
particular product building and expansion. Yet, prints; buyers are coming and
as the city is making the city has still not come up will come mainly because
almost all categories of to the level it had reached of this strength and cost
made-ups...” prior to the recession...” advantage...”

64 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |

Apparel Online India 65 | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 65


R E W I N D 2 0 15


1 2 3

January 16-31 India, it has set up a testing facility with a fully equipped lab in
SGS hosts Interactive Technical Seminar and Tirupur, besides a lab in Bangalore, and has recently opened
Networking Dinner another testing facility in Delhi-NCR. MTS team, comprising of
SGS, the Switzerland-based inspection, verification, testing and Hogunn Park, COO, MTS and Dr. M.V.S Rao, Vice President –
certification company in an endeavour to drive awareness about South Asia, Modern Testing Services (India) Pvt. Ltd., share
sustainability issues in the textile chain, hosted an Interactive information during the facility’s inauguration in Noida...
Technical Session and Networking Dinner on ‘Product Safety &
February 16-28
Sustainability Issues in Global Textiles Markets’, in Noida (Delhi-
Talreja Textile Industries puts strategies in
NCR). Dr. Karen Kyllo, Deputy VP Global Softlines, SGS USA, 3
place; Focuses on nomination through a
an internationally renowned expert on Product Safety, Performance
and Sustainability in Textiles and a member of the AAFA Board of
compliant setup
Directors, AATCC Board of Directors, and the Consumer Advisor Though interlining may be a niche product, but it takes technical
on the US Cotton Board, shared her thoughts on some critical expertise and sound knowledge to deliver, and Talreja Textile
areas of concern to the industry as also future plans of SGS Industries Pvt. Ltd., an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, has
moving into 2015. been successfully doing it for the past six decades. A leading
manufacturer of Woven Fusible Interlinings,the company markets
February 1-15
its products through an established brand name ‘Talco', which is
Modern Testing Services (MTS) makes its mark yet synonymous with high-quality and reliability. Catering to export
again through quality service and advanced IT solutions markets, domestic markets and requirements of the defence
Founded by Dr. B.J. Park in 1985-86, Modern Testing Services sector, the Mumbai-based company is revamping its existing
(MTS) has soon spread its operations across 28 countries. It was facility, incorporating latest technology in interlinings and focusing
taken over by Bureau Veritas (BV) in 2000, but after six years and a on nominations from national and international brands, disclosed
non-competitive clause with BV, the company has re-started its Varun Fotedar, Vice President-Operations and Manish Rupani,
operations, which are based on its previous business model. In Director, Talreja Textile Industries Pvt. Ltd. to Team AO.

66 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


4 5

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February 16-28 focuses on quality, creativity and innovation through a highly

Jack Sewing Machine holds dealer conference; motivated team which drives the company’s success. Speaking
Declares India as the focus market for future growth exclusively to AO, Harsh Bassi, MD, Pioneer Group, shares
Technical support and after-sales service have been touted by every strategies for both domestic and international markets and what
technology provider and manufacturer as their top priority and the sets the company apart from its competition. “We speak the
only way to find success in the highly competitive global market. customer’s language. One part of our business is embroideries
But the industry rarely witnesses strong moves in this direction, and where mistakes can happen; after all it is not mechanical. One of
in one such move, Chinese sewing solution pioneer Jack Sewing the important things that we have taught our team is to be open to
Machine Co. Ltd. held the first agent conference in India at Hotel accepting faults.”
Crown Plaza, New Delhi on 4th February. Apparel Online interviews
March 16-31
Vincent Guo (VG), Director General Manager, Jack Sewing
Optimystix coming up with in-house dyeing,
Machine Co. Ltd. and Zhao Xin Qing, Chairman of Jack Sewing 7
OEKO-TEX Certification
Machine Co. Ltd.
Specialized in the manufacturing of zippers, metal buttons,
February 16-28 eyelets and braided ropes, Tirupur-based company Optimystix is
ATM Exports adds machines for embroidery, continuously moving ahead for customer satisfaction and achieving
laces and finishing of crochet fabric good growth also. Recently, the company has installed imported
Believing in growing slowly yet steadily and never losing sight of automatic and latest machines for more smooth, better quality
the prevailing market conditions, the forward-looking Faridabad- and advance making of its products. It is also coming up with a
based company ATM Exports has recently added machines for state-of-the-art continuous zip rolls making plant equipped with
making embroideries such as Aari, Chenille, Dori and Soutache dyeing facilities with a capacity of 20 lakh zippers per month.
Work; laces such as Neck-Laces, Jhallar-Laces and Jacquard- Optimystix is investing US $ 0.33 million (Rs. 2 crore) in the
Laces; and machinery for handling different kinds of yarns to give project which will be fully operational in the next 2 months, shared
a new look to crochet fabrics. With expertise in making crochet Heerender Kataria, MD of the company.
fabrics, cotton jacquard tapes, fine laces, embroideries, laser
April 1-15
cuts, neck patches and other trims, the company mostly works
with exporters who are looking to place bulk orders, and with some From Fabric to Garmenting: Rasik Vatika offers
small though serious players for whom quality is a priority, reveals one-stop solution in Fashion
Tanuj Goel, Director to AO. Amongst the topmost manufacturers and exporters of superior
quality fashion fabrics in Surat, Rasik Vatika Group of Companies
March 1-15
today offers complete solutions from fabric to garment. Traditionally,
A strong team and exceptional service backs the company has focused on fabric for the past 45 years but with
growth at Pioneer Embroideries changing times and market demand, the company has started
Mumbai-based embroidered fabrics, lace manufacturer and yarn its own garment unit and is very upbeat of growth potential as
major Pioneer Embroideries has established an impeccable an integrated unit. Vaibhav Arora, Director, Rasik Vatika
reputation and carved its niche in the market for over a decade shares the company’s future plans and how Surat is emerging as
now. Also, the owners of a retail brand ‘Hakoba’, the company a garmenting hub. | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 67


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11 12

April 16-30 May 1-15

Kotak Overseas looks towards 100 per cent growth; Intertek launches highly specialized leather and footwear
9 11
Provides complete gamut of products for bra testing laboratory in Chennai; New lab – one-stop shop
manufacturing for all leather and footwear testing
India’s leading player in accessories for the intimate apparel Not a company to rest on its achievements, Intertek, a leading
industry, Kotak Overseas has made a niche for itself in bra trims, provider of quality and safety services to industries around
manufactured both for the domestic and export market. Known for the world, is always looking for ways to support industry in
its high and consistent quality products, the company works closely its efforts to be globally compliant. In a continuation of those
with its customers to develop specific and customized products, efforts, the company recently inaugurated a comprehensive
continuously innovating based on latest international trend forecasts. leather and footwear testing facility in Chennai to support the
Nikhil Kotak, the young and enthusiastic CEO of Kotak Overseas country’s leather, footwear and leather goods industries. The
talks about the evolving intimate wear market with more mature and new laboratory will offer a full range of safety and performance
educated consumers and how the company has an edge in its field testing services to leather manufacturers in Southeast India. The
by manufacturing locally. lab was inaugurated by Padma Shri Mecca Rafeeque Ahmed,
Chairman of the Council for Leather Exports (CLE) and
April 16-30
Farida Group.
PARK Non-Woven enters garment interlinings
through QNF; Positive market response secures a May 1-15
successful future Anand Furnishers now working towards
Already established as a highly reliable brand in automobile and improvising cutting room furniture
non-woven industry, PARK Non-Woven Pvt. Ltd. has recently Designing, developing and manufacturing customized furniture
ventured into the garment industry through QNF Interlinings. Initially items since 1980, Delhi-based Anand Furnishers are now gearing
catering to interlinings for automotive industry, the company has up for its next round of R&D. Already having sewing room furniture
started approaching established export houses and is getting installations at premier export houses of the nation, the company is
a good response from the market, both in domestic and export. now looking at designing cutting tables that have seamless joints.
Robin Kapoor, Executive Director, PARK Non-Woven Pvt. Ltd. “Wherever there is a joint on a cutting table, the machine gets stuck
shares with AO about creating a brand that can compete in or something unpleasant happens because of improper levelling.
domestic and international markets. “QNF is an extension of our We are working towards alleviating that problem... “Our unit is fully
core business and also represents moving up the value chain. equipped with latest machinery and equipments to produce any
Within one-and-a-half years, we have been successful in getting kind of furniture item with utmost precision and accuracy,” informs
acceptance by the industry...." SS Anand, Director, Anand Furnishers.

68 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


13 15

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May 1-15 July 1-15

TAL Group awards STAFLEX as ‘valuable partner for YKK, the world’s best zipper...; Reinventing Indian
13 15
interlinings’; Ceremony held at TAL’s Grand Chinese New operations for a wider customer base
Year Annual Dinner Earning the confidence of many reputed fashion brands
Recognizing and acknowledging vendor partners in the success of a for decades and manufacturing roughly half of the zippers
company is a rare sight and though we have seen buyers award the used worldwide through 71 locations around the globe, is
manufacturers for their performances, it is not a common practice YKK, the Japanese zipper giant. Producing 7.2 billion zippers in
to award accessory and trim suppliers. Giving great pride to Staflex a year, manufactured to rigorous quality-control standards within
Interlinings, TAL Group – innovative garment manufacturer of 100% a vertically integrated production system, YKK’s products
cotton wrinkle free non-iron clothing, honoured NC Staflex Co. Pte. have earned the reputation of a global market leader. In an
Ltd. for their contribution in supporting TAL for its quality reputation exclusive conversation with AO, Noboru Matsumoto, MD,
for over 40 years. “We can always work towards nominations to YKK India Pvt. Ltd., talks about the strategic changes within
increase business, but when companies like TAL endorse us purely the Indian operations over the past two years since he took
on performance at a global platform, it is a great motivation,” says charge, and which have resulted in an upward growth for
Ernest V Raj, Managing Director, NC Staflex Co. Pte. Ltd., a the company.
Japanese company with its manufacturing setup in Singapore, and
July 16-31
who are pioneers in cotton fusible and non-fusible interlinings in the
global market since 1973. Birla Cellulose leverages the “Liva” proposition at
61st National Garment Fair
May 16-31
Birla Cellulose, the flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group,
Doshi Group: For sustainable fashion, innovative fibres recently launched ‘Liva’ – a new age fabric brand in line with
a must! Need for domestic players to use it for local consumer needs. Leading Bollywood diva, Kangana Ranaut is the
consumption brand ambassador of Liva and had been part of the Liva launch in
Increasingly it’s becoming possible to walk into a store, flip through Mumbai earlier this year. Made from natural cellulosic fibres using
a rack of hangers and find a pair of bamboo-made pants, shirts wood pulp, a natural resource, Liva lends fluidity, comfort and
constructed out of corn or dress made out of wood pulp. These fashion quotient in clothing. The company had earlier, in March
fibres often blended with luscious organic silks, cashmeres, etc. 2015, also launched a unique concept called ‘Liva Accredited
have become a staple for sustainable fashion, Sachin Doshi, Partner Forum’ (LAPF) of aggregated partners. LAPF is a
Director, Doshi Group, Mumbai, the sole marketing partner of community of spinners,fabricators, and processors who work closely
Anhui Tenbro Textile Co. Ltd.’s Tenbro brand, talks about the market with Birla Cellulose on innovation, quality & technology to deliver
for innovative sustainable fibres. Liva fabrics to consumers. | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 69


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August 1-15 August 1-15

Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Sainmarks Industries certified by GOTS
17 19
India launches its new Website Tirupur-based Sainmarks Industries, production associate
Taking its quest to be a benchmark in service, Bureau Veritas of Britannia Garment Packaging, UK which produces a
Consumer Products Services India has recently launched its range of hangtags and labels for retailers both domestic and
new country website at, which international, has recently been certified by the Global Organic
has a clean uncluttered design with enhanced features and Textile Standard (GOTS), recognized as the world’s leading
functionalities. “The new website offers quick and easy accessibility processing standard for products made from organic fibres.“With
to latest testing, inspection and factory and social audit services the choice of trims being considered as limited, we took a stride
offerings for consumer products industry primarily for electrical forward to put the trims as well into GOTS certified range,
and electronics, softlines and accessories, leather and footwear, said Aranganathan J (popularly known as AJ), Managing
toys and juvenile products, hardlines and food products,” said Director, Sainmarks.
Paromita Roy, Country Chief Executive of Bureau Veritas
September 1-15
Consumer Products Services in India.
MITHRA & CO. offering a gamut of trims
August 1-15 and embellishments under one roof
Coats launches thread for secure Operating in a highly competitive market of garment trims and
button attachment accessories,Tirupur-based Mithra & Co has created a niche with its
In a recent development, Coats Group plc, the world’s leading ‘Agni’ and ‘Lancer’ brand of sewing threads along with dealing in
industrial thread and consumer textile crafts business, is launching many different accessory categories to service its client base more
Secura, a fusible thread which helps secure buttons and also comprehensively. Tight control over quality, right from sourcing
other decorative applications such as sequins and beads. Secura of raw materials to finished products along with an ‘affordable’
is a polyester/polyester core spun thread which resists abrasion price band, ensures that the company has dedicated dealers who
and ensures excellent sewability.“Secura has been developed in distribute the product range pan-India, shares Kesavar Senthil,
response to feedback from our customers looking for ways to reduce MD of the company who is now looking to backward integrate into
returns of garments due to buttons, beads or sequins coming loose,” spinning to support his thread manufacturing for better control over
informs Rajiv Sharma, CEO, Industrial, Coats Group plc. quality and lead times.

70 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |




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September 16-30 October 16-31

Top Light Labels specializes in jacquard elastic; FREUDENBERG: From trends to solutions;
21 23
Niche categories provide an edge to the company India a growth market with diverse opportunities
A well-established name in manufacturing of labels and elastics Offering technically challenging products and services, Freudenberg
in the garment industry, Tirupur-based Top Light Labels is a Nonwovens India provides its customers with a total package of
trusted name for many familiar brands,internationally and locally. solutions in interlinings and nonwoven fabrics, catering to both
N. Velusamy,Chairman, Top Light Labels and his enterprising domestic and export markets needs with equal thrust. The company
daughter Kani Prabha Velusamy, representing Gen-Next of the is into many diverse segments including apparel, building material,
company, talk about the business and what new the company is medical, hygiene, technical specialities, shoe components, all of
doing. Always looking to keep abreast with latest market needs, Top which are critical for their business in India. G. Sivasailam, MD,
Light Labels has recently ventured into digital printing on elastics at Freudenberg Nonwovens India Pvt. Ltd. talks about their market
its factory, which was established in 2005. strength, quality standards, product offerings and the inevitably
important,innovation culture, consumer and fashion trends.
October 1-15
Kornit Digital creates synergy with screen printing November 1-15
for design exploration AMANN makes its mark in India; Quality products
The clamour for digital printing as the next big thing in garment and customer service sets it apart
value addition is getting bigger by the day. But, ironically many For more than 160 years, Amann Group has been one of the global
misconceptions have put brakes on the acceptance of the technique leaders in high quality sewing and embroidery threads ranging
at an industrial level and many in the garment industry still believe from regular use to high-tech applications. In India also, the Group
that it is too expensive and limiting to invest in currently. Breaking has made its mark through its level of customer service and high-
the myth that digital printing is going to replace screen printing and quality products. S. Suresh, CEO & CFO of Amann Sewing &
that the technology is ‘expensive’, Sanjib Baruah, Sales Channel Embroidery Threads Private Limited, shares the growth strategy
Manager for SAARC Region from Kornit Digital says, “It is not of the Group in India. Responding to market demands, Amann India
the case of either or survivor, it is about co-existence and getting is planning to upgrade its warehousing & logistics facility in Chennai
better value for users by optimising the core strengths of both as well as at Amann central warehouse in Germany that will enable
printing technologies.” Amann India to serve its customers more efficiently and promptly. | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 71


25 26 27

November 16-30 customers looking to produce designed products for the international
Schiffli giant Saurer Embroidery strategizes for next market, as also the Asian domestic market, the upcoming show will
phase of growth; Emphasis on better service, new bring together various stakeholders in the value chain.
markets and automation
December 16-31
Since its inception in 1995, Saurer Embroidery Systems (India) Pvt.
Danufil® Proshade® revolutionizes the textile industry
Ltd. has over the years emerged as a centre of excellence in schiffli 27
through partnership with Linz, DyStar and Kelheim
embroidery. Through an efficient management system with technical
expertise, backed by a huge infrastructure, Ankush Kapoor, As the leading spinning and weaving company in Europe, Linz Textil
Ashish Khanna and Aditya Khanna, the dynamic trio behind the GmbH has introduced an innovative yet challenging concept to sell
success of the company, share what makes them grow. in the Indian market, called the Danufil® Proshade®. Currently,
being represented in India by Stuti Exports Pvt. Ltd. which is
December 1-15 based in Mumbai, the company has launched an innovative new
Shima Seiki geared for first ever private show; viscose mélange yarn, which no one has yet ventured in India with.
Targets Asia The Linz Textil team of Matthias Lucan (Head of Research &
“Not all customers from Asia are able to make it to ITMA,” says Development) and Harald Schneebaur (Area Sales Manager),
Ikuto Umeda, Executive Director, Shima Seiki Mfg. Ltd., as one Pradeep Roongta (MD, Stuti Exports Pvt. Ltd.) and Michael
of the major reasons that the company is organizing a private show Rodrigues (GM – Fabric, Shakthi Knitting Ltd.) shared with
in Hong Kong in January. However, the show is not just for those AO details about this new revolutionary product and its growing
who missed out on the ITMA, it is much more. Focused for the Asian acceptance in the Indian market…


Tagging the BEST

Nilesh Impex India (P) Ltd.

(Manufacturers of Plastic Seal Tags)
8/88, Laxmi Nager, 50 Feet Road, Tirupur - 641 602, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Contact Person: R. Vijay Yadav - 94433 4238, Phone: 0421-4336765, 4336364

72 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |





Apparel Online India 74

74 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 |


January 16-31 as probable country manager. Currently, the products include sportswear like tee-shirts,
IKEA to double sourcing from India brand is working with almost a dozen buying polos, sweats, shorts and long sleeve knits. A
World’s largest furniture retailer, IKEA, is planning houses as well as many factories in India. source claimed that as of now some orders are
to double its sourcing of home furnishing products in the process with Bangalore/South India-based
July 16-31 companies while one Noida-based sportswear
from India by 2020 from Euro 315 million to Euro
Fifth Avenue expecting 100% growth manufacturer is also in touch with the company.
630 million. The company has been sourcing
in coming years; shifting its main
products from India for the past 27 years, working October 16-31
with 48 suppliers. “We are not only looking at
operations to Bangalore office
Nine Square: A new buying
existing home furnishing manufacturers but also Doing approximately US $ 88 million turnover per
house in Tirupur
at new companies to diversify into the product year, Chennai-based buying house Fifth Avenue
is expecting to double its turnover in the next 1½ Nine Square, a buying house in Tirupur, has just
category, who are looking at growing with us,”
years. It is working very systematically for this recently completed first year of its establishment.
avers Sandeep Sanan, Head of Sourcing,
Somu, one of the Partners in the company
IKEA South Asia. stupendous growth as it has enhanced focus last
shared with Apparel Online that the first year
year on the US market and is now expecting about
March 16-31 of business was good and to the expectations
30 per cent of total business from the same.
Superdry opening its direct sourcing of the partners. “As we are now entering into
office in Gurgaon July 16-31 the second season, our expectation is to grow
Babolat exploring sourcing options by about 30 to 40 per cent. Our team is also
Superdry, a UK-based brand owned by working to add new buyers as we have very
SuperGroup plc, which is currently sourcing from India
vast experience in various segments of apparel
29 per cent of its products from India and Sri Babolat, the famous French company best industry. Whereas our own manufacturing is
Lanka, is in the process to start its own office known for its strings and tennis rackets, is concerned, despite serving our buyers well, we
in Gurgaon. Hiring in QA, QC, merchandising exploring India for apparel sourcing. According want more control on quality and want to secure
and PD departments for the new office is in full to industry sources it started its own office in total satisfaction of buyers. It is more easy with
swing; however no name as yet has emerged Bangalore almost 1½ years ago and its main own manufacturing.” | JANUARY 1-15, 2016 | Apparel Online India 75

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