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Proceedings of the 20th Annual Znternational Conferenceof the ZEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.

20, No 5,1998


Trevor Joseph and Hung Nguyen, Member IEEE
Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia
Abstract controller and a small vocabulary voice recognition system.
Powered wheelchairs are traditionally used by people with The ultrasonic head control system consisted of three sets of
insuflcient upper body strength and dexterity to operate a transmitterheceiver units which were mounted on the fiame
manual wheelchair. However, the operation of these of the user’s head. They emitted inaudible sound waves which
wheelchairs can still be a diBcult and stressful task. Head were picked up and sent back when they hit an object. The
movement is a natural form of pointing and can be used to time’ of travel of the sound was measured and used to
directly replace the joystick whilst still allowing for similar calculate the distance from the transducer to the object. The
control. Through the use of artiJicia1intelligence, a trainable combination of all three transducers was used to determine
wheelchair controller can be designed which provides an the current position of the user’s head.
alternative control method with improved posture, ease of use
and attractiveness. A computer simulation of this head- In this paper, we describe the development of an alternative
controlled wheelchair has been successfilly designed and telemetric head movement device for the control of power
tested. It consists of a motion detector for head motion wheelchairs. In contrast to the other head pointing devices
measurement, a telemetry systemfor the elimination of wiring, where infrared or ultrasonic transmitters are used, we use
and neural networks to provide the system with the ability to radio fiequency technology and digital telemetry. This system
be trained for each individual operator irrespectively of their has been designed to enable disabled people to control a
disability. powered wheelchair easily, accurately and comfortably. It has
also been designed to adapt to each individual user using
Introduction neural networks.
Powered wheelchairs are normally used by people who do not
have sufficient upper body strength to operate a manual Methods
wheelchair. The operation of these wheelchairs is still a As shown in Figure 1, the entire system consists of four
difficult and demanding task. To overcome the problems modules: a motion detector and transmission module, a
associated with joystick control, a new variety of interfaces receiver and data acquisition module, a neural network
have been designed to aid in the use of the joystick. This module and a computer simulation module.
includes repositioning or adding mechanical attachments to
the end of the joystick so that it can be operated by a person’s
elbow or chin. Other replacements for the joystick include .
eyewink control (Crisman, 1991) and voice control (Mazo,
1995a). L

Head movement is a natural form of pointing and can be used

to directly replace the joystick whilst still allowing for similar
control. This method of wheelchair control has been used U
previously by sufferers of high level spinal lesions and motor
neurone disease. One head movement-sensing device (the Figure 1: System block diagram
Oxford Optical Pointer) was developed by Tew (1988). This
device used a photo quadrant sensor which is made up of four
photodiodes fabricated on one substrate. As a light spot from
’ For the motion detector and transmission module as shown in
Fig 2, we use the Microstrain triaxial accelerometer telemetry
an Mared emitting diode passed over the detector, the system. This module is responsible for accepting the head
relative proportion of photocurrents fiom each quadrant was motion input from the operator and transmitting it via the
used to determine the light source position. telemetry system. The position of the operator’s head is
sampled at a rate of 28 sampleshecond. The x, y and z
Recently, Coyle (1995) developed a system which uses a coordinates are measured. These coordinate values are
combination of technologies. This system used the standard incorporated into a data packet which consists of eight bytes.
hand controlled joystick, an ultrasonic non-contact head Pulse code modulation (PCM) is then used to modulate the

0-7803-5164-9/98/$10.000 1998 IEEE 2731

signal on the carrier frequency of 916.5 MHz (radio vectors are used to determine which direction the operator has
frequency). The PCM signal is then transmitted. moved hisher head.

The structure of the chosen neural network is shown in Figure

5. For the input layer, we choose 61 neurons which contain
60 head motion input values and one bias input (-1). The first
20 values are x-coordinates, the next 20 values are y-
coordinates and the last 20 values are z-coordinates. For the
Figure 2: Motion detector and transmission module output vector, eight neurons are required. Each output neuron
corresponds to one of the eight head motion directions that
In the receiver and data acquisition module as shown in the network must classify. They are north, south, east, west,
Figure 3, the PCM signal is received, filtered and northeast, northwest, southeast and , southwest. With eight
demodulated into the original packets. The x, y and z output neurons, the hidden iayer needs to consist of at least
coordinates of the motion are then extracted from each data six neurons plus one bias neuron.
packet. The checksum byte is compared with a sum of the
data bytes to check if an error in transmission has occurred. If Due to the necessary augmentation of inputs and of the
an error has occurred, the data is tagged for later analysis. hidden layer by one fixed input to account for bias (or offset),
The motion coordinates are then normalised to a value range this neural network should have 61 input neurons, 7 hidden
of zero-to-one which is required by the neural networks neurons, and 8 output neuron. There are two weight matrices
module. Here, twenty data coordinates are saved to disk to for
form part of the neural network training set. The receiver, - the neural network the hidden layer weight matrix
W(6x 61) and the output layer weight matrix W(8x7) .
filter and demodulation subsystem is part of the Microstrain
telemetry system. The remainder of this module needs to be
designed in software. In this paper, the neural network is trained using the back-
propagation learning algorithm in which synaptic strengths
are systematically modified so that the response of the
network increasingly approximates the command from the
user. This is an optimisation problem and the optimisation
algorithm we use here is simply negative gradient descent.
The learning algorithm modifies both the output layer weight
matrix W and the hidden layer weight matrix w
so that the
error value decreases.
Figure 3: Receiver and data acquisition module
Hidden Layer Output Layer
The neural network module as shown in Figure 4 is Weight Matrix
Weight Matrix
responsible for deciding what head motion the user has just F W
performed based on pattern recognition of the data received
from the motion detector.

Figure 4: Neural network module

This module consists of three functional submodules: training

algorithm, weight vector storage and testing algorithm. In the
first submodule, the neural network training algorithm is
implemented using the error back propagation and delta
learning training rule. In the second submodule, the neural Hidden Nodes Output Nodes
network weight vectors, which contain vital information
about the recognition of patterns and trends in the system, are
Figure 5: Feedforward multilayer neural network
stored or retrieved. In the third submodule, the weight

The major software design consideration for this system is the benefits for the disabled wheel chair operator: visual benefit
operating system used for the computer simulation. As the (no wiring, small motion detector), operator mobility and
DOS operating system is being used, there is a constraint on posture (full mobility, upright posture), individual operator
the programming language used to develop the software. training, and ease of installation.
Borland Turbo C++ for DOS was chosen as the best choice
for software development. References
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Conclusion [ 121 Witters DM, Ruggera PS (1994) Electromagnetic
We have developed successfully a telemetric head-movement Compatibility (EMC) of Powered Wheelchairs and
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recognition (around the 90% mark). The system has many


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