IESAW Proposal Final 11 Apr 2019 PDF

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ABOUT RISKA SOLUTIO ....................................................................................................... 3
Course Directory .................................................................................................................... 3
Bespoke Training ................................................................................................................... 3
In-house Training ................................................................................................................... 4
Certificate Courses ................................................................................................................. 4
SCOPE AND CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL ........................................................................ 5
PROPOSED COURSES ............................................................................................................ 5
An Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
SECURITY COURSES PORTFOLIO ASSUMPTIONS ..................................................... 6
The Training Proposal............................................................................................................ 7
Preliminary Pricing Schedule .................................................................................................. 10
Financial Terms and Conditions .......................................................................................... 11
Terms and Conditions of the Proposal ................................................................................. 11
Cost Assumptions ................................................................................................................ 12
CLOSURE ............................................................................................................................... 12

Course Directory
As a Risk Management Consulting company with a specific focus on the security industry we
are ideally positioned to provide training, technology and managerial services that perfectly
aligns with the Risk Mitigation strategy of our clients. Our experience and in-depth
knowledge of managing the physical risk exposure of large and critical infrastructure and
risk profiles of various industries in hostile environments. We are able to vertically integrate
and align Risk Mitigation recommendations down to training and deploying security staffs
and technologically enhance the mitigation strategies to provide a comprehensive and
exhaustive security blanket.

Our training courses and modules are all bespoke solutions and are developed with the
clear intention to seamlessly fit the client Mitigation Strategy. Our consultation portfolio
provides top management advice on Risk Identification, determining the risk profile and
vulnerabilities and recommending mitigation strategies. Mitigation strategies include
manpower and technology. The management of the development of the Risk Strategy,
details of the mitigation strategy and the implementation of the mitigation strategy are all
an integrated parcel offered to our clients.

Our training portfolio focusses on security related issues and covers the full organisational
spectrum from managerial level to entry level of manned security and from
recommendations as to technology required to overseeing the complete project, manpower
and technlogy.

All our training courses can be delivered at a basic, intermediate or advanced level,
dependent on the profile of the trainees and organisational requirements. Specialized
courses are presented on a modular basis if trainees cannot be removed from deployment
in large numbers. Such specialized courses are typically HAZMAT Level 1 and 2, First Aid
Level 1 and 2, Oil and Gas Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection.

Bespoke Training
Riska Solutio develop bespoke tailored courses that addresses the challenges and risks that
your business faces, providing a matching fit for your business requirement and the threat
profile of the particular site. Our Instructors are well qualified, very experienced in all fields
of training and instruction and presentation of courses are all done within the parameters of
Riska Solution uniform methodologies and internationally recognised standards.

We like to conduct a Training Needs Analysis in the first instance, and we will consult with
you to understand the skills gaps and define your business requirement, within the context
of the risks and threats you face in your particular location or industry. We will then design
and develop a training solution that bridges the skills gap and delivers the outcomes to
ensure risks are best countered and mitigated. Our value offering is that we will deliver on
subject matter expertise, quality of course content and course delivery whilst providing
essential support as all our courses are designed to meet the highest standard in line with
international security standards. Our bespoke solutions are preferably be delivered in your
location but can also be done or at our location.

In-house Training
Many companies have a need for In-House training as this is sometimes the most viable
solution to quickly address a short-term business challenge. We are capable to design and
deliver Train the Trainer solutions to create an internal capacity to deal with less
complicated and short-term training needs. Our solutions will fit the capacity and capability
of your internal training resources and manpower within the structure of your business.

Our Course Leaders and Chief Instructors are well qualified and have many years of
experience of addressing all needs in the security training industry of the Oil and Gas
industry. We will design, train and manage the In-house Training until such time as your
team is able to conduct this training independently and thereafter do regular training audits
to ensure material are updated, security trends are being implemented in the new courses
and trainers are evaluated. The audit has as objective an impartial evaluation of not only the
training material but also the course management and continuous improvement of training
delivery by evaluating the instructors.

If IESAW has such a need we are able to design this functionality for you.

Certificate Courses
Riska is aware that many Oil and Gas and Critical Infrastructure companies have significant
skills gaps in their security organisation and need a more integrated, overarching approach
to establishing expertise in specific fields of security. This in-depth knowledge of subject
matter on expert level cannot be achieved with short term courses.

We are able to develop and present an Oil and Gas Security Manager Certificate Program
that combines management skills with security skills and uses practical and easy to use tools
developed on the strong theoretical underpinning of Risk and Mitigation principles and
extensive experience of work in hostile environments that Oil and Gas and Critical

The approach to developing the Certificate Program includes combining expertise from
related security industry and managerial subject matter and experts and combining that
with the in-depth study of the client’s existing facility. The course will give the trainee a
comprehensive knowledge and understanding of not only the physical security world but
also the technologies available to the security industry, the management of risk and
management of security operations at a site.

The Certificate program is designed to ease the barriers to entry, reduces the need to arrive
with a substantial body of knowledge and puts the trainee into the workplace in reasonable
period time. The trainee’s continued mentoring and guidance can be continued as another
service on a frequency and intensity as required by the client.


This proposal is presented in three parts; the first the proposed courses, secondly the financial
section and lastly the full scope of courses in table format attached as a separate document
called Security Courses pb which will act as Annexure.

The proposal forms the basis of the future agreement that must be reached between the
parties before work commences. Failure to reach an agreement on the type of relationship,
confidentiality, intellectual property, proposed courses and modules and financials will lead
to the proposal becoming invalid and unenforceable. Both parties agree to act in good faith
with the intention of reaching an agreement that is beneficial to both parties.

Course and module durations are indicative and not directly related to the cost of the course
as training material development, evaluation papers, course management and project
management are all indirect costs. This proposal should therefore be seen as a budget price
with refinement and adjustments to be agreed upon in the written agreement. It is suggested
that the proposal will lead to the signing of a Letter of Intent or Memorandum of Agreement.


An Introduction
Riska Solutio presented a comprehensive list of courses and modules (Provided as a
separate document Security Courses pb) enhancing the proposal and giving details of the
various courses. Our modules enable client to achieve specialization and this serves as the
framework of reference for all our training solutions. The purpose of this presentation is to
provide a more focused list of courses for consideration. Several issues will impact on the
prices and it should be taken note of;
1. The trainee profiles are not known; literacy, previous experience, armed or unarmed
type guards and many more.
2. The facilities, training infrastructure, training aids are not known.
3. The location of training is not known, instructor’s safety, accommodation, travel,
visas and work permit, relief system and many more issues impact on the price.
Having said that, Riska is reluctant to price the proposal until the details of the above have
been sorted out. A more detailed discussion will be given in the Financial section of this

Security training is based on certain building blocks and failure to provide the appropriate
levels knowledge to trainees in the buildup to their total profile not only exposes the
company to unacceptable risks but also unnecessarily place the lives of security staff and
other employees at risk. Such an example could be the failure to recognize an explosive
device which is then allowed onto the protected site.

Lastly, we also wish to highlight that we offer team training to clients that can be done only
once the individuals of the team have been adequately trained. Such an example is the
Operations or Control Room that consists of several security staffs that must work as a team
under a manager or shift leader. This team training requires a set of Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP’s) that may or may not be available at the client site. Riska is able not only
to train the team on the proper functioning of the Operations/Control Room but also in
drafting the SOP’s if no such SOP’s are available.


1. Regardless of the Organisational level, the trainee must first successfully complete
Manned Guarding levels A to C before being considered for intermediate and
advanced training. All intermediate and advanced courses then pre-suppose the
successful completion of the entrance level of basic levels of each Organisational
2. If existing Supervisors and Managers are not to attend the below mentioned route, a
shortened and more compact course or modules for managers and supervisors can be
considered to acquaint them with the basic guarding skills required. This should
probably not be allowed for Oil and Gas and Airport deployments.
3. All extra subjects and courses (indicated in table in bold, blue font) courses are
presented in modular fashion, allowing trainees to attend courses as the work schedule
or recruitment levels require.
4. Course minimum attendees will be determined prior to project schedule being fixed.
Costing is done on the presumption that class sizes will not exceed 20 and class
minimum attendance numbers are met.
5. Accreditation was not a requirement but will apparently be considered at a later stage.
It is recommended that First Aid (Level 1 and 2) and HAZMAT (Level 1 and 2)
comply with international standards and that a certificate is issued to ensure uniform
standards of training.
6. Due to the many uncertainties Riska Solutio reserve the right to revisit the schedules,
numbers of trainees and financial offering made in this document.
7. Courses are designed to either be suitable for first entrants and is of longer duration or
for experienced security staff. The pricing table reflects the difference.
8. The two options of courses; New Entrants versus Experienced trainees necessitates
that the Experienced trainees pass the entrance assessment of Riska Solutio and
failure to pass will automatically place the applicant to the New Entrants category. It
is essential that this is strictly enforced as the whole course could be jeopardized by
trainees unable to cope with the increased pace and volume of work which is
characteristic of the Experienced Trainee Option.
9. Riska uses the attached Security Courses document of courses and modules to
construct courses that best suit your needs.

The Training Proposal1

Riska wishes to suggest a typical organizational design to explain the courses we offer

Security Manager or
Shift Supervisor for Oil and
Gas Industry

Control Room
CCTV or Control Room

Static and Patrolling Guards Static and Patrolling Guards Static and Patrolling Guards
Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3

A. Security Manager Course Oil and Gas Course

It is suggested that the incumbent undergoes training in the Course in full or if he has extensive
military or police experience then the course could be shortened to the content of the supervisor
course with several added modules to prepare him for the security task. The course has the
following subjects:

The duration is indicative and will be refined and agreed upon once the detailed course content, trainee profiles
and location facilities are determined.
• Shortened Security Course: (applicable if the trainee has no security experience)
• Additional Modules:

 Basic Risk and Site Assessments

 Introduction to Security Systems
 Managing Oil and Gas Security Sites
 Fire Awareness Level 2
 HAZMAT Level 1
 First Aid Level 1
 Basic Weapons Competency
 Basic Management

B. Control Room Team Course

This course is a team course and has been modified to provide each team member with the core
competencies to function as a team within the environment of the Control Room or Operations
Room of the particular site. All Control Room employees must complete the following modules:

• Basic Oil and Gas Security

• Introduction to Security Systems at Oil and Gas sites
• Managing Oil and Gas Security Sites
• Fire Awareness Level 2
• HAZMAT Level 1
• First Aid Level 1
• Basic Weapons Competency

C. Control Room Shift Supervisor Course

Having completed the above-mentioned Control Room course as part of the Control Room Team the
Control Room Supervisor must additionally complete the following modules:
• Quality Assurance
• Performance and Assessment
• Shift Scheduling

D. Control Room Operators Course2

Having completed the above-mentioned Control Room course as part of the Control Room Team the
Control Room CCTV Operators must also additionally complete the following modules:
• Securing Data and footage
• Giving evidence in a hearing or investigation
• Reporting system failures
• Principles and methodology of electronic surveillance

Client to decide whether he wants these modules to be done or not.
E. Oil and Gas Static and Patrolling Supervisor Course (See Annexure A – Security Manager Serial
number 2)
Supervisors should be rising through the ranks and should have excelled at the Manned Guard
Level C training to be chosen for supervisory training. If the client chooses not to enforce the
entry requirement due to the previous experience of nominated supervisor a shortened
refreshment course of 14 days is suggested with the following extra modules to qualify as

• Introduction to Security Systems

• Managing Oil and Gas Security Sites
• Investigations of Incident and Scene Management
• Fire Awareness Level 2
• HAZMAT Level 2
• First Aid Level
• Basic Management of Guard Force
• Reports

F. Oil and Gas Static Guards Course

These guards must complete the Manned Guard Level C course which includes all related security
topics, HAZMAT Level 1, First Aid Level 1, Fire Awareness Level 1 and Weapons competency. The
course duration is scheduled to fit the course content are specifically designed to fit the Oil and Gas
Industrial sites and risks. A shortened course can be considered if the nominated trainees have been
screened and found to have sufficient armed forces or security background to shorten training.
Typically, the course can then be shortened. It is essential that the candidates so identified are
objectively and independently checked and subjected to an entrance test to confirm that the
shortened course is justified.

G. Oil and Gas Patrolling Guards Course

These guards are normal guards but must first have completed the Manned Guard Level C course of
66 days, which includes all related security topics, HAZMAT Level 1, First Aid Level 1, Fire Awareness
Level 1 and Weapons competency. Additional training in;
• vehicle patrols and substation inspection with the provision that the driver is not a guard,
• if the driver is also a guard will need additional raining on top of his existing, valid,
unendorsed driver’s licence is required.

A shortened course can be considered if the nominated trainees have been screened and found to
have sufficient armed forces or security background to shorten training. Typically, the course can
then be shortened. It is essential that the candidates so identified are objectively and independently
checked and subjected to an entrance test to confirm that the shortened course is justified.
Preliminary Pricing Schedule
Serial # Deliverable Price New Entrants Price Suitably
1 Develop and Present Security USD 96 386 USD 57 832
Manager Course. Maximum
number of trainees 10, minimum
of 5.
2 Preparation and Presentation of USD 71 676 USD 43 060
Control Room Supervisor Course.
Maximum number of trainees 10,
minimum of 7.
3 Preparation and Presentation of USD 67 718 USD 40 631
Control Room Operator Course.
Maximum number of trainees 10,
minimum of 6.
4 Preparation and Presentation of USD 64 383 USD 32 191
Control Room Team Course and
Practical Exercises. Maximum
number of trainees 15, minimum
of 8.
5 Preparation and Presentation of USD 43 851 USD 21 926
Oil and Gas Static and Patrolling
Supervisor Course. Maximum
number of trainees 15, minimum
of 8.
6 Preparation and Presentation of USD 65 871 USD 32 936
Oil and Gas Static Guards
Maximum number of trainees 25,
minimum of 15.
7 Preparation and Presentation of USD 70 487 USD 35 244
Oil and Gas Patrolling Guards
Course. Maximum number of
trainees 25, minimum of 15.
8 Manage the Courses – Project USD 2 000 per day Planning, executing,
Leader/Management Fees manning, control
and reporting.
Logistical planning,
procurement of
Serial # Deliverable Price New Entrants Price Suitably
materials and quality
9 Provide Assessor and Modulator USD 1 500 per day 2 days per course,
Services per assessor and per included remarking,
Modulators (both sample drawing and
Subject Matter re-exam modulating
Experts) fees.
10 Professional Indemnity Insurance To be met or waived by client

Financial Terms and Conditions

1. Charges include all consultancy feeds, travel time, project insurance3, per diem and
telephone communications. Client responsible for direct costs (flights, visas, accommodation
and internal transport. Riska Solutio will invoice where applicable.
2. Riska Solutio requests the client to provide suitable office space, access to WIFI and copy
3. Contract commitment fee is 50% per course with following invoices payable within 7 days of
date of invoice.
4. Prices are valid for 90 days.


Terms and Conditions of the Proposal

Riska Solutio considers the details of this proposal as business confidential and as such it
remains the property of Riska Solutio. The signing of a Non-Disclosure and Non-
Circumvent Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement will be presented after IESAW has
expressed interest in pursuing this venture further.

Course Development implies the following deliverables:

1. Course Curriculum
2. Course Trainee Manual
3. Course Instructors Manual
4. Slide Shows
5. Evaluations
6. Certificate

Presentation of Courses implies the following deliverables:

1. Project Manager, support staff and Instructors provided by Riska Solutio.

Excluding professional indemnity.
2. Soft copies of documents provided by Riska Solutio. Client will provide sufficient hard copies,
facilities and equipment to conduct training with.
3. All logistical support such as furniture, transport, accommodation, meals, training equipment,
travel arrangements, per diem for instructors, visas, permits, letters of invitation is client
4. Additional modules, duration of courses and modules are to be agreed upon before
development starts.
5. Intellectual Property remains with Riska Solutio.
6. Sufficient and agreed upon mobilization is imperative to sound execution of the project.

Business Relationship implies the following conditions:

1. There is signed agreement between the two main parties IESAW and Riska Solutio, the details of
the business arrangement will be formally written up in a legal and bind contract between the
two parties.
2. There is a Non-circumvent, non-disclosure agreement between the two parties IESAW and Riska
Solutio before a contract is being drafted.
3. The financials have been agreed upon and although changes are inevitable it is accepted that
both parties first agreed to such amendments and an amendment is signed before any changes
are implemented.
4. Deposits paid are irrevocable and unredeemable, failure to pay deposits and fees on time will
lead to immediate suspension of work.
5. Libya’s political and social environment is unpredictable, and Riska Solution reserves the right,
without prejudice of right to payment for development and services rendered to that point, to
suspend service delivery until it is deemed safe to continue with the training.
6. Riska Solutio would like to collaborate with IESAW on other lines of business as per the
Consultancy Portfolio and this should be agreed separately as the relationship will be different
from this proposal. Typically, we would like to engage with IESAW on Risk Assessments and also
on Training Needs Analysis with IESAW as we believe we are ideally situated to be of value to
IESAW in these fields.

Cost Assumptions
1. Courses are all bespoke solutions are specifically developed for IESAW use.
2. No royalty for this proposal is to be paid.
3. Fees exclude Travel, Accommodation, visas and meals.
4. Fees exclude hard copies for trainees and instructors.
5. Fees exclude all consumables such as stationary, snacks, water and so forth.
6. Riska Solutio wishes to advise the client that a 50% down payment per course of the
proposal is required before work can commence. Balance of payment to be paid within 5
days of each course or module.

Riska Solutio is well-placed to not only provide IESAW with a comprehensive training
solution but also the Risk Consultancy services mentioned in the previous emails and
submissions. We are very keen to engage IESAW on a possible cooperation for such services
with IESAW Oil and Gas and Critical Infrastructure clients.

We trust that this will meet your approval and hope to engage with you in the near future.


Date: 11 April 2019

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