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Information for Pokémon Crystal Bingos

By: TheSaltyKerfuffle
Last Edit: September 1st, 2019
Table of Contents
General Information……………………………………………………1
Randomizer Settings…………………………………………………..2-4
Speedchoice Settings……………………………………………….…5
Encounter Slot Information………………………………………..6-7
Maining a Pokemon……………………………………………………8-10
Plot Progression & Maps……………………………………………11-46
List of Potential Goals…………………………………………………47-52
Locations for Items on Card……………………………………….53-55
Secret Item Locations………………………………………………….56-58
Pokemaniac Locations………………………………………………..59-60
Status Moves vs Sudowoodo……………………………………….61
Max Phonebook…………………………………………………………..62
Berry Trees…………………………………………………………………..63
Trade Pokemon……………………………………………………………64
Pokemart Stock……………………………………………………………65-66
Normal TMs…………………………………………………………………67
Waterfall locked TMs & Bug Catching……………………..…..68
Clock Reset and Day Events………………………………………….69
Move Stats…………………………………………………………………..70-80
Pokémon Stats……………………………………………………………..81-87
General Tips and Things to Consider
• Definition for bingos:
o Cinco Bingo- First to get 5 Bingos (Rows, Cols, Diagonals) wins.
o Black Out – First to get all 25 goal wins.
o Lockout – First person who gets a goal will be the only person who can have that goal (unless
they give up the card). Winner can be declared when the ratio indicates no one can have more
than them. For example, in a 1v1, if someone gets 13 goals they can win no matter what.
o Blind – Runners can’t see the card and require a mediator to notify them of goals (accompanies
one of the above).

• All the information regarding Speedchoice will be based on Version 5.2.

• Don’t be intimidated by the size of this document (lots of pictures + 14 pages of just pokemon/move
stats). Take the content slowly, and just play bingos to get familiar with the content and how runs go
(while using this for quick searches). Just playing Crystal and getting used to the gameplay is the best
way to learn and improve

• Need to be running the current version of the Speedchoice Crystal Rom and its accompanying
Randomizer. Additionally, for tournaments, play using Gambatte (will need to acquire a BIOS file for
GameBoy). Have the right BingoSync room open and make sure the card is set to Current

• When looking for wild encounters use Sweet Scent (if caught/received after Ilex Forest) as its faster
than running in grass/surfing around. Additionally, for more effective menuing, put it as the first move
of a HM Slave which then should be your second Pokémon in the party.

• When searching the Pokédex for Pokémon to catch, it is easier to search by setting the Pokédex to A-Z
mode. (Done by hitting Select with it up, then hitting A on the “A to Z Mode”).

• For movement on the bike, it saves frames to keep moving when dodging spinners rather than
stopping and waiting for them to move (due to start up animations).

• Escape Ropes/Dig is generally faster option to leaving caves and dungeons (if you aren’t near the exits).
This is especially true for Goldenrod Underground/lower level of Goldenrod Department store and the
bottom floor of Burnt Tower after releasing the roamers. Additionally, this saves time at the top of the

• When racing other runners, remember to stay courteous to the other runners. Make sure not to be
rude when someone encounters horrible rng or talk over people too much. No one wants to race
someone who is rude/unbearable to race with. Also note that some runners may have preferences to
how casual/competitive the race is, which you should keep a note of for your behavior / information
giving in races.


Randomizer Settings
When randomizing the roms, make sure to use the setting “Cystal_Bingo_FullTM_RandomTradeItems” that
comes with the Rom and Randomizer. It will be correct if the settings look like (The Pokémon image does not

Speedchoice Settings
For the Settings of Speedchoice, generally you will only have to set the Preset to “BINGO” then hit A
(and enter your name). Some races may require changing other settings (in Black Out sake, need to have Early
Kanto). The settings include:
• Gender – Set to Female as it is faster due to compression
• Rocket Sections – This adjusts the availability of the Team Rocket Quest in Mahogany Town and the
Radio Tower in Goldenrod. Purging means that by talking to Lance it will be removed.
• Spinners – This adjusts the NPCS that randomly rotate around. Purging them means they will rotate
clockwise or counter clockwise (depends on the specific NPC). Hell and Why adjusts the number of
frames it takes them to change directions.
• Trainer Vision – Adjusts the NPCs field of view for battle, Max sets it so each trainer can see you from
the max possible distance.
• Nerf HMs – Adjusts the power of the moves Strength and Surf (to nerf them)
• Better Enc. (Encounter) Slots – Improves the percentages encounter slots on the grass
o Vanilla Grass: 30,30,20,10,5,4,1 [settings off]
o Better Grass: 20,20,15,15,10,10,10 [settings on]
o Surfing: 60,30,10
o Old Rod: 70/15/15
o Good Rod: 35/35/20/10
o Super Rod: 40/30/20/10
• Pokémon Gender – Allows you to see Pokémon Genders
• B/W EXP System – This will change the games EXP calculation to be based on Pokémon Black and
White’s system, which gives increased EXP when fighting Pokémon higher leveled than your own.
• Better Marts – This will change the stock of PokeMarts to include items like Pokeballs and Repels
earlier on.
• Good Early Wilds – This will force early routes to have Pokémon that have better stats, making it easily
to find a potential main.
• Race Goal – This will adjust when the done sequence activates. Manual means you have to hit the
Done Button yourself (Key Item in backpack). E4 has it trigger after defeating Lance. Red has it trigger
after defeating Red.
• Kanto Access – Adjusts when you would receive the boat Ticket from Professor Elm to go to Vermillion
City. Early means you will receive it after clearing the Rocket Sequence with Lance.
• Easy Tin Tower – Adjusts the requirement to receive the Rainbow Wing and be able to access the rest
of Tin Tower. With it on, you will only need to have fought the Static Suicune to enter [otherwise you
have to the 2 roamers].

What the screen before starting should look like for most Bingos.
CV will change for each rom (used to ensure runners are playing
with the same seed)

Encounter Slot Information
Whenever you use the pokedex to search for a Pokemon’s location, it will show you the areas where a
Pokemon will be in either the grass or surfing in that location [headbutt, fishing, rock smash, and other means
of obtaining pokemon DO NOT get shown in the pokedex for Crystal]. So when I say “Sweet Scent Slots”, I am
referring to the combination of potential grass and water slots in an area. When you are looking in an area for
Pokemon it is extremely useful to understand each route’s potential slot total.
• For grass and Cave ground there will be 7 slots [20/20/15/15/10/10/10 w/ better encounter slots on]

• For Surfing there will be 3 slots [60/30/10]

• Fishing Rods [certain locations share same slots, like Slowpoke Well and Union Cave]
o Old Rod has 3 slots [70/15/15]
o Good has 3 slots [35/35/20/10]
o Super Rod have 4 slots each [40/30/20/10]
o Fishing Slots the following areas all share the same fishing pool:
▪ Routes 34, 40, 19, Cherrygrove, Olivine, Cianwood, Union Cave B2F
▪ Routes 41, 20, 21, 26, 27, New Bark, Olivine Port, Pallet, Vermillion, Vermillion Port,
▪ Routes 42, 24 , 25, 9, 10, 28, Dark Cave (both sides), Union Cave 1F & B1F, Slowpoke
Well, Mt. Mortar (all)
▪ Routes 30, 31, 35, 43, 44, 22, 6, Ilex Forest, Violet City, Ecruteak, Blackthorn, Viridian,
Ruins of Alph, Mt. Silver (all?)
▪ Dragon’s Den
▪ Lake of Rage, Fuschia
▪ Route 45
▪ Whirl Island (all?)
▪ Routes 32, 12, 13
o So if you were to try and fish in Union Cave then go fish in Slowpoke Well, you would find the
same Pokemon.

• Headbutt has 6 slots with multiple variations. Each route can have a tree that produces nothing, a
regular tree, then a rare tree (not worth keeping track of as its determined by trainer ID)

• Rock Smash has 2 slots [90/10, global for all rocks]

• Bug Catching will have 10 total slots [All 10%’s, does not get revealed by the pokedex]

• Olivine City and Vermillion City have 2 different sets of dexable slots each. One for the town water,
then one for the port area water. When you see a pokemon dexed in this location, it can be in either
the town water or port. [6 Sweet Scent Slots]

• Total Slots for Caves, Forest, and Multi Floor Areas:
o Whirl Islands has 65 total Sweet Scent Slots.
o Tin Tower has 56 total Sweet Scent Slots.
o Mount Silver has 41 total Sweet Scent Slots.
o Mount Mortar has 38 total Sweet Scent Slots.
o Ice Path has 35 total Sweet Scent Slots.
o Union Cave has 30 total Sweet Scent Slots.
o Slowpoke Well has 20 Sweet Scent Slots.
o Ruins of Alph have 17 Sweet Scent Slots.
o Burnt Tower has 14 Sweet Scent Slots.
o Sprout Tower has 14 Sweet Scent Slots. One for the top floor, then one for floor 2 [with
optional spinner and ladder to the top room]. The ground floor DOES NOT have encounters.
o Tohjo Falls and Ilex Forest have 10 Sweet Scent Slots.

With all this in mind, say you find a pokemon on the card and try to look it up in the Pokedex and see it
on Route 39 and 43. Route 39 only has grass, meaning it will have 7 total Sweet Scent Slots. But Route 43 has
grass and water, meaning it has 10 total Sweet Scent Slots. So if you were to not have any previous encounter
knowledge for those Routes, you would have a safer bet finding the Pokemon on Route 39. [This may not
always be the case due to what percentage slot the Pokemon is placed in]
Additionally, this is why runners will get discourages and disregard a Pokemon if its locations turn up in
the undesirable locations, as it will involve checking through multiple floors and slots which can eat up
significant time. However, if the goal is found in one of the locations with 20 or fewer slots and the goal
simplifies your finishing requirements, it can be worth the potential time investment to search those slots.
In the early game, when you are searching for a main, it is also important to know that encounter rates
for routes near Violet have a higher chance of producing an encounter than Dark Cave, Sprout Tower, and
Ruins of Alph. This means it may be more beneficial to head to Route 36 first when you reach Violet and still
lack a main as opposed to Sprout Tower [has potential level 6 encounter] or Ruins of Alph.
If you have the radio card, you can tune in to the march channel to increase encounter rate [only if you
do not have Sweet Scent at that point].

Maining a Pokemon
Abandon any notion of what is a good Pokemon from previous playthroughs or from competitive
battling. Since this is a randomized setting, many Pokemon benefit and many Pokemon suffer, which
influences their capability of being mains.
For speed purposes, its faster to only run one Pokémon for battles so that it can get all the EXP and
not having to deal with time loss of switching out constantly. The main should be a Pokémon that has good
stats and a good move set to accompany it. This can get quite tricky as you may find multiple Pokémon that
have runnable conditions, or a Pokémon that is less than ideal but have a good moveset (or the reverse), or no
real good mains in general.

When looking at moves, you really want to consider the following:

• How much power does the move have?
o Obviously having high power is nice, but dependable moves can have base 70+ power too. If
the Pokemon only has weak sauce moves like Tackle or Peck, then it may not be worth it.
• How much accuracy does the move have?
o RNG is a horrible thing. You may think you will hit your move, but suddenly you miss 3 in a row.
Having too much in-accurate moves can really eat up your time. Anything below 80% accuracy
can be really problematic.
• How much PP does the move have?
o Having a move with good PP is nice as it reduces the need to Center/use items. Running
something that only has 10 PP total with its damaging moves means more wasted time using
the Pokemon Center/using items.
• What does the move cover type-wise and how does it work with the other 3 moves?
o Ideally you want to be able to hit every Pokemon at least neutrally. Additionally, you do not
want to have something that is walled by a type [Ghost for example] as that can be potentially
run killing.
• Is it STAB? [Same Type Attack Bonus, increases the power by 50%]
o STAB is an incredibly nice bonus to have on a move, and really increases a Pokemon’s killing
power. It makes move with less than ideal power really usable [move with like 65 Power]
• Is it a Physical or Special move?
o Sometimes you can get away with having a hybrid attacker, but you would not like to see
special moves on something with only 30 Special Attack [and vice versa]. Additionally, you
should always consider some potentially dangerous walls [Skarmory and Blissey]. If you are a
special attacker with 3 special moves and alright physical attack and have a slot for Headbutt, it
may be worth incase a Blissey pops up.
▪ Normal, Fighting, Rock, Ground, Poison, Ghost, Steel, Bug are all Physical
▪ Water, Fire, Electric, Psychic, Dark, Grass, Ice, Dragon are all Special
Most of the time you will not get a Pokemon with the perfect moveset, and you will have to take
something with a few good moves and slowly improve the moveset. Below are some moves to keep in mind
while looking at movesets or find a few TMs/level up moves.

Physical moves to consider:
Earthquake 100 Power | 100 Accuracy | 10 PP – Hits most things incredibly hard. Only hindered by flying types
being immune to it and lower PP [you can burn through 10 PP rather quickly].
Drill Peck 80 Power | 100 Accuracy | 20 PP – It hits many Pokemon and has great spamming power.
Double Kick 30x2 Power |100 Accuracy | 30 PP – Has insane utility [double proc chance on King’s Rock, can
break Substitutes then hit Pokemon with 2nd kick, killing a Pokemon with 1st kick skips text] for a perfect
accuracy move that is spammable [except for Ghost types].
Hi Jump Kick 85 Power | 95 Accuracy | 20 PP – Great power, but the 90% accuracy and hurting yourself is
something to consider when using this move [as RNG can dictate that 90% today is gonna feel like 40%]
Megahorn 120 Power | 85 Accuracy | 10 PP – Hits like a truck when it hits.
Shadow Ball 80 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP - Good stats and hits annoying Psychics and Ghosts
Rock Slide 75 Power | 90 Accuracy | 10 PP – Good power and flinch chance is nice, but can miss a lot.
Strength 80 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP – Not all HM’s are bad, especially not this one. This has great stats
across the board, is always accessible once you hit Olivine, and can be taught to anything.
Headbutt 70 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP – Getting this right in Ilex really benefits a lot of physically oriented
Pokemon. Has great stats all around and flinching is nice.
I’m gonna get lazy here and just mention the following: Slash (good stats, extra crits help), Tri-Attack
(good stats and status condition is nice), Stomp (good stats and flinching is nice), Body Slam (good stats and
paralysis is nice), Sludge Bomb (good stats and poisoning is nice, but poison type isn’t best to hit with), Rollout
(once it gets rolling [heh] it can win fights).
Swords Dance will trivialize many fights, as going to +2/+4/+6 Attack will turn mains into devastating attackers.
Even if the Pokémon has less than ideal physical attack.
• Having Flying + Fighting moves will hit nearly every Pokémon for at least neutral on the physical side
Special moves to consider:
Ice Beam 95 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP - Really solid stats all around, coverage is nice, and freezing can
win fights handily.
Thunderbolt 95 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP - Really solid stats all around, coverage is nice, paralysis can
come in clutch.
Surf 95 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP – Another solid HM that has solid stats and is always available once you
reach Ecruteak.
Flamethrower 95 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP - Really solid stats all around, coverage is nice, burning can
save the main. Only downside is that having Ice + Fire coverage is a bit redundant on a main.
Psychic 90 Power | 100 Accuracy | 10 PP – Very strong move overall and lowering special defense can be

Ice/Thunder/Fire Punch 75 Power | 100 Accuracy |15 PP – Essentially less powerful, but more PP than their
95 power counterparts.
Psybeam 65 Power | 100 Accuracy | 20 PP – Not as strong as psychic, but having confuse chance and good PP
is nice
Crunch 80 Power | 100 Accuracy | 15 PP – Solid stats, helpful for killing Psychic types and ghosts, special
defense drop can be helpful.
• Having Ice + Electric moves will hit nearly every Pokémon for at least neutral on the special side
If a move isn’t up here, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad to use. But there are probably more
preferable options for it [or I forgot to include it]. Now you may have noticed that I included far less special
moves in the list, that’s because for these, running a physically oriented Pokemon is usually better than a
special attacker. Additionally, you may notice the multitude of Normal-type moves in the physical list. This is
due to Normal types benefiting from having one weakness (fighting) and having access to 2 guaranteed solid
moves to their moveset [Headbutt and Strength], as well as generally having solid stats. So a lot of normal
types are solid mains options.
Do note that if you are running a Physical attacker that Gamefreak programmed gender’s to be based
on a Pokemon’s attack DV, so if you see a female Pokemon it will have the lower end of its attack DVs unless it
has a high female to male ratio or is 100% female. [So chanseys can have 0-15 attack, a female granbull can
have 0-11 attack DV]

Mains don’t have to be the starter or found in the grass. There are other means of obtaining a main, or
it may be the case that the current Pokemon isn’t worth running and needs to be replaced. Here are some
other ways of finding mains/replacements:
• Fishing with the Old Rod (After Violet Gym) will give you a chance to find Lvl 10 Pokemon that wont be
far behind in levels at the point.
• Randomly finding a Pokémon with Headbutt (best before Violet Gym) will give you a chance to find Lvl
10 Pokémon, which for early game will be great to run [this especially helps Pokémon that aren’t
especially strong]
• Randomly finding a Pokémon with Rock Smash (before Violet Gym) will give you a chance to get a Lvl
15 Pokémon [in Dark Cave smash rock]. The level advantage will help Pokémon that aren’t that strong,
but will tear through early game if the Pokémon is great.
• The level 10 Kenya has the chance to be a good main switch, as it will receive an EXP boost for being a
given Pokémon. This can also be true for the trades for Bellsprout and Abra. [This will require a bit
more work to raise their levels back up]
• The level 20 Pokémon that replaces Sudowoodo can sometimes be worth switching too if it is a great
Pokémon, since its level is good enough to handle Ecruteak and beyond.
• The level 40 Roamer, if found, can be main switchable (especially since Surf and Strength are available
around that time). The level difference can trivialize most remaining fights.

• Bingos tend to last between 1-2 hours depending on how well the card and rom combination pan out,
and will only cover a small portion of the game (almost never need to go to Kanto in Cinco Bingos). The
first “half” of bingos is simply progressing through the game until around the Lake of Rage event, which
then has the second “half” involving completing remaining goals to reach the end goal. The general
progression for the first half goes as follows:
Tips as you progress:

• You should remember to constantly consider your path to winning [like which 5 bingos you need in a
Cinco Bingo] as you are slugging through the early parts of the game. This will help your decision
making after the Lake of Rage event to know where to go from there, as well as knowing whether or
not you can skip some time consuming goals.
• If you encounter a Pokemon that is on the card in the wild, while it may allow other players to figure
out the location, its generally advised to catch it as opposed to running away and getting it later [never
know when it may be that 10% that got away]
• There are different ways to handle progression vs achieving goals as you run. You can choose to blitz,
where you ignore some potentially time-investing goals till later [ex: bug catching, fighting X trainers.
This usually still involves setting up the 3rd egg] and just rush to get Fly/Lake of Rage. Or you can take
the approach of doing things as they pop up in they occur in progress (so going to fight route trainers,
pokemaniacs, etc).

New Bark Town + Route 29

Set the day and time to best fit picking up the day related goals and then pick up the starter from Elm.
If one or more starters are on the card, it is recommended to choose them (or choose in a way that gives you
info on them. Note that rival will take the starter right of yours [left->middle->right->left]. It is also
recommended otherwise to take a starter with good overall stats to potentially be a main, or just one with
high speed to run away more easily from the early encounter. Make sure to check the starter’s item, as it will
be holding a random item [which could be on the card!]
Afterwards leave the lab and go left from New Bark Town. At Route 29 you just want to prioritize going
through the route with minimal encounters (since you will likely not have a Pokeball, unless the starter was
holding one). Progress to Cherrygrove, make sure to walk in the pokecenter and leave immediately in case you
wipe [Walking into a pokemon center sets your teleport/ wipe spot to that city, so whenever you hit a new
town except for Ecruteak & Olivine, its advised to walk into one] then shop at the mart. The items you buy is
up to preference on how you want to go about catching/healing/repeling, and you should get as close to $0 as
you can. Some possibilities for reference:
▪ 5 pokeballs, 2 Potions, 4 repels
▪ 10 pokeballs, 2 Potions, 1 repel
▪ 7 pokeballs, 3 Potions, 2 repels

Route 30 Map and Route 31 Map
After Cherrygrove progress into
Route 30 to talk to Mr.Pokemon
(upwards and to the right of the
route), then return to Cherrygrove
and fight rival (winning/losing
doesn’t matter for plot) and return
to Elms lab [make sure to talk to
elm after giving the policeman
rivals name. It is faster to just hit
start and A when naming rival
since we have instant text].
After all this you are able to go
top left on route 30 and eventually
reach Violet City.
During all this, you should keep
an eye out for potential mains in
the grass between the 3 routes (4
if you want to check Rt.46), since
you generally don’t repel this
early. Additionally, since you are
walking past Dark Cave, you can
check inside it [especially if you
have rock smash, which is worth
checking the LVL 15 Pokemon
inside it]

Dark Cave- Cherrygrove side (for Rock Smash)

Violet City Map

Upon hitting Violet City you have a few decisions to make:

• You can try to immediately try to tackle the gym, which the first trainer has a level 9 pokemon which is
a good way to see how successful you’ll be with the rest of the gym.
• If you are unsuccessful, just know you need exp, or if flash and/or 4 non-damaging moves are on the
card, then you can go up sprout tower to pick up some items and experience (as well as potential
goals). If you have the cash, make sure to buy an escape rope from the mart to save time walking back
(ignore if you have dig on a Pokemon)
• At this point if you still do not have a main, you can check Route 36, Sprout Tower, or Ruins of Alph
[best if you have teleport] for potential mains. This is only really advisable if you really do not have any
good options for mains, or if you do not have anything to carry you over till you get the Fishing Rod and
can potentially find a swap [try not to be too picky, since a lot of newcomers will mistake runnable
pokemon to be bad].
After beating the gym, you will have to pick up the Egg from the center then head down to route 32
[picking up the nice paralyzecure berry on your way out is a good idea].

Sprout Tower Map

Route 32 Map
All these fights are optional, and you can skip them.
The same is true for Union Cave and Route 33.
[Keep in mind goals on the card, since these
locations do have some potential ones/assist in

Union Cave Map

Route 33 Map & Azalea Map

Azalea pokemart should be the first destination you hit up, as it will provide you with some very useful
Super Potions, Repels, Escape Ropes, and Pokeballs that will help you on the rest of the run. Afterwards,
Azalea has you cleaning up the rocket mess, which involves going to Kurt [top left house] then fighting grunts
in the Slowpoke Well. Afterwards, Kurt will heal you after the final grunt [if you talk to him again he gives you
a Lure ball], and then you can finally fight the gym. If you fight left twin and go left, its generally faster. If you

go right twin and go right, you have more potential info. After you get the badge, you can progress to the rival
2 fight and Ilex Forest.

Ilex Forest Map

▪ Clear the farfetch’d puzzle and make your
way to goldenrod [MAKE SURE TO PICK UP

Route 34

Goldenrod Map

Once you hit Goldenrod you may have a lot of potential things to do (eggs, hair cut, etc.). But the most
important thing to do is getting the bike [the right path above the mart, then the house on the bottom left].
This enables you to move way faster.
Aside from doing any goals if you want [except for eggs, which you should set up ASAP if its on the card], you
go upwards through the gate [Guard gives you a gift pokemon holding a letter which is exchanged for TM50]
and through spinner hell. For speed purposes [unless you need to get phone numbers, in which the bug
catcher infront of the cut tree is beaten] you will go cut through National Park, then reach the Blue Girl near
the Sudowoodo tree. Talk to her then make your way back to Goldenrod, then beat Whitney’s gym.
Afterwards, go to the house next to the gym, talk to Blue Girl and then her sister to get the squirt bottle. Make
your way back to the sudowoodo tree, then talk to it to battle it. [Running/Killing/Catching all removes it from
the over world after you fight it] Taking the left path and going up will eventually lead you to Ecruteak City.

Route 35 Map [Spinner Hell] – Gold Star is a random TM [red dodges spinners]

National Park Map

Ecruteak Map

Morty’s Gym Map

Here you have quite a bit of fighting, and going into the Pokecenter takes
a few seconds (due to Bill cutscene) so try your best to manage PP and
health [if you can’t don’t worry about it, since Bill can give you a
pokemon that may be on the card]. From here you go to the Kimono
Girls, beat them up and talk to the npc with a hat for Surf. [This doesn’t
have to be done first, but generally is nice for EXP + a really good Special
Afterwards, go to burnt tower and fight rival and release the legendary
roamers. After all that, you can progress through Morty’s Gym and get
your 4th badge. Leave left and head to Olivine City.

Route 38 Map [path tries to get roamer encounter]

Route 39 Map

Olivine City Map

After making it through the two routes, you’ll eventually reach Olivine, which you pretty much only
want to buy Super Repels from and get Strength (fisherman in the building next to the Pokecenter) [forgetting
strength means you wont be able to do Chuck’s gym]. Afterwards you want to go left and surf down to
Cianwood. [Starting the Lighthouse event if it’s on the card can be nice before going to Cianwood if you lack
info / save some movement, but can also be a time sync otherwise (if you don’t need it to get 5 bingos for

Route 40 Map & Route 41 Map [excluded Whirl Islands for later part]

Cianwood Map
▪ Once you reach Cianwood, you will want to fight
the gym [Strength puzzle has you just push the left and
right blocks up, then the middle one to the side]. Once
Chuck’s done, pick up fly from his wife outside the gym. If
encounter Suicune on route 42 isn’t on the card, you can
then fly back to Ecruteak. If it is, then it is a good time to
bike to the top of town, trigger the suicune moving event,
and fight Eusine. After this you fly.
▪ If you want, since you have fly, you can also delay
doing the shiny to pick up some fast goals (like Mystic
Water) [this is a matter of preference]
▪ From Ecruteak, you will go right and through Route
42 /Mt Mortar (Mt.Mortar is faster if you know your
movement AND if you don’t need to encounter Suicune,
otherwise surfing to the right is fine).

Route 42 Map

Mahogany Map

Once you hit Mahogany, if Slowpoketail is on the card make sure to enter the rocket hideout and buy it
[CRUCIAL TO PICK UP BEFORE TALKING TO LANCE], then you can just progress upwards to Lake of Rage. After
dealing with the Shiny, you talk to Lance who clears the Team Rocket segments, gives you a few item, then
flies away majestically. From here you will work on the remaining goals you have, with the information you
have, and try to get bingos [finishing a bingo is often a difficult thing for runners to figure out, and will require
a lot of runs to improve with]

Mahogany Gym Fast Path Route 43

Lake of Rage Map

Route 44 Map

Ice Path Map
Floor 1


B1F (slots shared)

B2F Mahogany Side B2F Blackthorn Side

[should look like this if set up right] [these both have separate slots]

Blackthorn Gym Strength Puzzle
[Skipping First floor since its straight forward]

Route 45 Map

Route 46 Map

Ruins of Alph Puzzles
Doing these will require Surf and Strength. Start by going to the
B1F of Union (take ladder next to the rotating Pokémaniac).
Take the path below and mind the NPCS. (There is one
mandatory trainer next to Ho-Oh’s puzzle room). Below are the
images for the completion of Puzzles, and the black text below
them indicate how to open the treasure rooms (each contain 4

Tin Tower [Meme Tower]
With eary tin can enter after clearing Rocket Segment and defeating the elders and Suicune. Maps without the
line indicate the path is straight forward (such as taking the closest/only teleporter available)

Whirl Island [Meme Island]
Requires having beat Pryce (for whirlpool, which Lance gives after clearing Rocket Segment for you). Silver wing is
aqcuired in Pewter City

Defeat Rival 4 Routes
There are 2 ways to get to rival 4 (after talking to lance and clearing rocket stuff).
Goldenrod Undeground path, 2 fights required before Rival. [one of which is a Pokemaniac)

From Celadon Department B1F (0 fights and has more items along the way) [faster if ignore items and don’t
need Coin Case, fighting Pokemaniacs, or haircut]

Mount Silver Map [dark room, only for runs to Red]

List of Potential Goals
Pokémon related goals
Goals Notes towards them
Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortle Prior stage evolves into these at level 16
Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw Prior stage evolves into these at level 16, 14, and 18 respectively
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres
Mew, Mewtwo, or Celebi
Suicune, Raikou, or Entei Can be the roamers/static Suicune instead of catching them
Machoke, Graveler, or Haunter Prior stage evolves into these at level 28, 25, and 25 respectively
Electabuzz, Jynx, or Magmar Prior stage evolves into these at level 30
Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Prior stage evolves into these at level 20 [dependent on
Hitmontop Attack/Defense stat for what form]
Omanyte, Kabuto, or Aerodactyl There is no fossil reviving in G/S/C
Golbat, Koffing, or Grimer Zubat evolves at level 22
Gligar, Delibird, or Sneasel
Heracross, Pinsir, or Aipom
Dunsparce, Wobbuffet, or Girafarig
Beedrill or Butterfree Prior stage evolves into these at level 10
Pidgeotto or Raticate Prior stage evolves into these at level 18 and 20 respectively
Fearow or Noctowl Prior stage evolves into these at level 20
Mankey or Meowth
Cubone or Diglett
Onix or Scyther
Venonat or Paras
Sandslash or Arbok Prior stage evolves into these at level 22
Tangela or Lickitung
Weepinbell or Gloom Prior stage evolves into these at level 21
Clefable or Wigglytuff Prior stage evolves into these with a Moon Stone
Nidoking or Nidoqueen Prior stage evolves into these with a Moon Stone
Starmie or Cloyster Prior stage evolves into these with a Water Stone
Poliwrath or Slowking Prior stage evolves into these with a Water Stone
Arcanine or Ninetales Prior stage evolves into these with a Fire Stone
Sunflora or Exeggutor Prior stage evolves into these w/ a Sun and Leaf Stone respectively
Furret or Kadabra Prior stage evolves into these at level 15 and 16 respectively
Ledian or Ariados Prior stage evolves into these at level 18 and 22 respectively
Flaaffy or Skiploom Prior stage evolves into these at level 15 and 18 respectively
Azumarill or Quagsire Prior stage evolves into these at level 18 and 20 respectively
Phanpy or Teddiursa
Houndour or Snubbull

Miltank or Tauros
Mantine or Skarmory
Murkrow or Misdreavus
Yanma or Piloswine Swinub evolves at level 33
Ho-oh or Lugia Can also be the Static Ho-oh or Lugia (won’t get Silverwing until
Pewter City, which is generally worse than going to the static Ho-
Catch a Pokémon in Lugia's room Requires Whirlpool (Glacier Badge).
Catch a Pokémon in Tohjo Falls Just need surf to access [waterfall is only needed to go towards
Victory Road]
Encounter Suicune on Route 42 Can be from Eusine sidequest or encountered in a battle on Rt. 42.
For the Eusine sidequest all you need to do is activate the roamers,
beat Eusine in Cianwood (top side of town) then go to Rt.42 surf
across and cut the tree in front of it. [This can still be done after
clearing the rocket segment, but not after fighting the static
3 eggs Receive one from Aid in Violet, and one from old man in daycare.
Need to breed for last egg. Usually place Egg in PC to not hatch
them (and clear space).
Best ways to get a breeding pair is buying Game Corner Pokémon
(the 100 coin variant) if it can breed, or fishing if a spot is found
with breedable Pokémon (with reasonable gender ratio).
[hatching an egg would mean another egg needs to be made, as
you need to have 3 eggs. Hatching an egg after marking the goal
will remove the goal from possession]
A Shiny Pokémon Can be the Lake of Rage shiny or any random shiny.
Releasing/Trading away the shiny removes the goal.
Trade a Pokémon Generally done using any of the following: Bellsprout, Abra, Krabby,
Evolve 4 different Pokémon Does not count multi-evo pokemon (ex: evolving 2 eevees would
not count).
Stop same poke evolving 4 times Make sure to hit B.
Own 8 different water type Pokémon Does not matter if it’s the primary or secondary type, both count.
Own 7 different flying type Pokémon Does not matter if it’s the primary or secondary type, both count.
Own 6 different normal type Does not matter if it’s the primary or secondary type, both count.
A Dragon Type Pokémon Must be either Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite, or Kingdra
A Ghost Type Pokémon Must be either Ghastly, Haunter, Gengar, or Misdreavus
2 different baby Pokémon Togepi, Magby, Elekid, Smoochum, Pichu, Tyrogue, Cleffa, Igglybuff
2 different Eevee evolutions Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon
3 Lvl 30+ Pokémon Usually done by having the main be 30+, catching the Shiny at Lake
of Rage, and then going to route 45/ Blackthorn during the day and
finding one. Can also include the roamers/static Suicune, static Ho-
oh on tin tower. Releasing/trading one and dropping below 3
forfeits the goal.
90 Pokémon seen Can be determined by looking at the Pokédex.
20+ Pokémon owned Can be determined by looking at the Pokédex or by saving.
30+ Pokémon owned Can be determined by looking at the Pokédex or by saving.
Burn, Paralyze, Poison Sudowoodo Can be the level 20 pokemon that takes Sudo’s place or any actual
Sudo seen. Heal Bell does not remove this goal. Doesn’t matter if
the Sudo is caught, killed, or ran away from.
Further down will be a list of moves that can accomplish this goal.
Buy all 3 Game Corner Pokémon Need 2400 total coins, which is 48,000 Pokédollars (also need to
pick up coin case from Goldenrod Underground)
Give a Pokémon a haircut 500 Pokédollars, Goldenrod Underground any day except Monday
Release starter before Lv11 Timing does not matter (only the level matters).
Trading the Starter (if viable) will not count for the goal.
• By owning a Pokémon, it just requires you to have the Pokémon marked as caught in the Pokédex.
So, trading away, releasing, or evolving the Pokémon will not remove the goal. However, resetting
the save file to a state where the Pokémon was not obtained will remove the goal [as it would for
every goal in general].
• Some Pokémon above can be obtained through evolutions, which can be easier to manage
depending on the location of Pokémon (if info exists) and still counts towards the goals. This is
especially true for lower level evos (20 and below) and stone evos.
• Some Pokémon can be bred for, which is an incredibly slow process and should generally be avoided.

Fight related goals

Goals Notes towards them
Defeat Lapras Can be any random Lapras or the one in Union Cave (Fridays)
Defeat 2 Electrodes Can be any random Electrodes, or the ones in Rocket Hideout (B1F)
Defeat a legendary Pokémon
Defeat a Lv40+ Pokémon Usually will be Roamers/Static Suicune, Claire’s last pokemon, or
static Ho-Oh
Defeat all 8 Trainers on Route 32 The best way to remember Route 32 vs Route 35 in terms of the
card is to check for the “all” text. If its defeat ALL trainers on a
route, then its 32. Otherwise 35.
Defeat 8 Trainers on Route 35 If playing at night time, the police officer is available to fight, which
is faster to fight than the righter spinner (Juggler).
Defeat all 4 Trainers in National Park
Defeat 10 Pokémaniacs There are 11 total Pokémaniacs, so one can be skipped (Locations
of them are available further down this document)
Defeat Rival 4 Requires you talk to Lance to clear the Team Rocket shenanigans.
He will be in an area of the Underground Goldenrod, if you go to
the right path near the top of it (also can make your way through
the department store). This document has maps leading to him.
6 Badges Can be any combination of 6 badges
Mineral Badge From the Olivine City Gym [Jasmine], a slower badge to get. Need
multiple fights as well as going up the lighthouse twice.

Glacier Badge From the Mahogany City Gym [Pryce], a generally fast badge to get
(need to clear Rocket Segment). Only need to complete 1 additional
fight [path to take is further down].
Rising Badge From the Blackthorn City Gym [Claire], a slower badge to get.
Multiple high-level fights (needs Rocket Segment cleared and
Defeating this gym will block the Goldenrod Underground from the
department store side. So if you need to check the TM there, do it
prior to beating Clair.
Call a Lass Requires you to call them yourself (them calling you does not count
towards the goal). Their phone number can be removed after
calling them and the goal will remain.
Call a Blackbelt Requires you to call them yourself (them calling you does not count
towards the goal). Their phone number can be removed after
calling them and the goal will remain.
Max Phonebook Need to fill 8 slots (more details later). Removing a phone number
after having max phonebook will cause the goal to be removed.
Later on the guide has some trainers listed for phonebook, Ideally
you only have to fight ones w/ 1-2 Pokemon and can get it down by
Route 38 [can do it even earlier than that too].

Move related goals

Goals Notes towards them
Sleep inducing move Hypnosis, Lovely Kiss, Rest, Sing, Sleep Powder, Spore
non-HM Accuracy Reducing move Kinesis, Smokescreen, Sand Attack, Octazooka, Mudslap
Rock type move Ancient Power, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rollout, Sandstorm
Protect, Detect, Endure
4 non-damaging non-TM moves Usually done by catching a Pokémon with 3 moves and then
teaching its damaging move over with Flash [since its an HM not
4 moves sharing its type(s) Best done with a Normal/Flying type Pokémon (or regular Normal
pokemon) or Water/Flying type Pokémon.
• Releasing, trading away, or teaching over these moves will forfeit the goals (would need to relearn)

TM & HM related goals

Goals Notes towards them
TM05 (Roar) NPC behind a cut tree at route 32
TM10 (Hidden Power) NPC in the house at Lake of Rage (end of the forest maze)
TM13 (Snore) Moomoo farm, first talk to the Dad in the house, then feed the
Miltank 7 Berries (regular). Finally talk to the mother for the TM.
TM20 (Endure) Will be a random TM somewhere on the ground

TM21 or TM27 (Return/Frustration) Have a Pokémon with either max happiness or min sadness, then
on Sunday talk to the NPC next to the TM seller in Golden Rod Mart
(floor 5)
TM34 (Swagger) Will be a random TM somewhere on the ground
TM46 (Thief) Will be a random TM somewhere on the ground
TM50 (Nightmare) Returning Kenya to the NPC on route 31 (next to Bitter Berry Tree).
HM05 Flash Obtained after beating Elder Li on top of Sprout Tower (Violet).
HM02 Fly Obtained by Chuck’s wife (just outside Cianwood gym) after getting
the Storm Badge.
Don't use more than one TM Usually reserve the one TM to be for Sweet Scent (unless a
powerful TM is acquired or a Pokémon was caught that has Sweet
Scent). Using more than 1 means goal is removed, unless reset to a
point where more than 1 TM wasn’t used.
Own 20+ different TMS
• For the TM, they can either be in the Backpack, held by a Pokémon, or placed into the box. [Tossing,
Selling, or using the TMs will remove the goal until reset]

Item related goals

Goals Notes towards them
Poison Barb Usually obtained by talking to the Poison Barb girl on Route 32 (Friday only)
Charcoal Usually obtained by talking to the guy who lost the Farfetch’d (back in their house
in Azalea). Can also be bought for 9800 in Azalea.
Mystic Water Usually obtained by the guy across the water of Cherrygrove (requires surf)
Soft Sand Usually obtained by fighting 3 trainers along route 34 (requires Surf)
Slowpoketail Usually obtained in the first version of the Rocket Hideout in Mahogany Town.
This deal go away if you tell Lance to clear the Rocket Segment!
Exp. Share Usually obtained by giving Mr. Pokémon the Red Scale
King's Rock Usually obtained by the NPC in B1F of Slowpoke Well (left side)
Black Glasses Usually obtained by the NPC in Dark Cave (Blackthorn side), requires Surf and
Strength [Ice Path]
Berry Juice or Elixir Usually obtained by either having a Shuckle hold a berry and having it in the party
during battles (1/16 per battle) [NOTE: only occurs after visiting Goldenrod for
some reason]. Or having a Magikarp large enough and going to the NPC in the
house at Lake of Rage.
Everstone or Gold Usually obtained by getting 2nd place or 3rd place in Bug Catching
7 different type of Locations are in a different section below.
5 different Pokéball If no unique Pokéballs are found on the ground, then do:
Take Kurt’s ball after Well event (will be a Lure ball).
Then handing him a White Apricorn (makes Fast Ball) and waiting for the next day.
[if at least 1 unique ball is found, skip this]
Then having a Pokéball, Great Ball, and Ultra Ball [great and ultra can both be
bought in Blackthorn]
Radio Card Completing the Quiz at the Radio Tower.
Answers: Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No [A A B A B]
Itemfinder Obtained in Ecruteak City (house next to Gym)
Don't use Repels If a repel is used accidentally, would need to reset to a save where it wasn’t used.
• For the items, they can either be in the Backpack, held by a Pokémon, or placed into the box.
[Tossing, Selling, or using the items will remove the goal until reobtained or reset]

Other Goals
Goals Notes towards them
Win Bug-Catching Contest Earns you a Sun Stone (in case you miss the text accidentally). Want
to look for Pokémon at higher levels (18 is max) that have good
stats (values HP stat more).
Complete all 4 Ruins of Alph puzzles Requires Surf and Strength
No money on hand/mom Buy & sell enough stuff to get to 0 Pokédollars. Otherwise buy to
get close to it, then wipe until at 0 dollars. Typically done as the last
In general berries are very useful with getting this goal as they sell
for 5 and can help reach a selling amount that gives you 0 on hand.
Mahogany town is a very good destination to do this goal as letters
are sold [after LoR] for 50, and trainers nearby are helpful to wipe

Locations for Items on Card
Poison Barb (Route 32 - Girl will be where the red circle is on Fridays)

Mystic Water (Cherrygrove left side - surf to the guy where the red circle is)

Charcoal (Azalea, in the house – Talk to the boy NPC [right side of the room] after getting Cut)

Soft Sand (Route 34 – Surf down on the left until you find 3 trainers facing an opening, fight them and talk to
the middle one after beating her to get the item)

King’s Rock (Slowpoke Well - Strength the rock on the first floor to reach a ladder, then on the floor below Surf
to the left and talk to the NPC there)

Item Finder (Ecruteak City – House next to the gym, talk to the NPC in it)

Blackglasses (Dark Cave, Blackthorn side – traverse to meet an NPC in the top left corner of the room)
[orange path is for a TM]

Secret Item Locations
Checking these locations can use up some time, but it can be beneficial to pick up
potential items on the card as well as picking up healing items/items to sell [especially earlier
on]. Ignoring items under rock smash rocks, certain items that are out of the way , and Kanto
Route 30 (outside Mr.Pokemon) Route 32 (above bridge) Route 32 (above Pokecenter, not on Friday)

Azalea Town (above well) Ilex Forest (after cut) Ilex Forest (before headbutt guy)

Ilex Forest (near exit) Route 34 (in daycare space) Goldenrod Underground (in between shops)

Goldenrod Undeground Goldenrod Underground(door before Rival 4) National Park (travel behind fences)

Route 37 (before Ecruteak) Ecruteak City (near pond) Burnt Tower (near entrance)

Route 39 (in MooMoo Farms) Route 42 (outside Mortar) Mt.Mortar (near right side back door)

Lake of Rage (towards TM10) Lake of Rage (Right side of water) Rocket Hideout (towards TM)

Route 44 (grass in water) Ice Path (TM room) Ice Path (Room after TM room)

Route 45 (down the mountain)

All Pokémaniac locations
Union Cave 1F [Pre-Surf]
By the ladder to access a TM and the Ruins of
Alph. Has a level 10 Pokémon and is a spinner.

Union Cave B1F [Post-Surf]

After surfing across the lower water and
taking the ladder, will be near the player. Has
two level 24 Pokémon.

Union Cave B1F [Post-Surf]

Surf to the right of the room to see some land,
and they will be above the ladder which leads
to the room with Lapras. Has one level 26

Goldenrod Underground
Closer to the top entrance of the
Underground. Has two level 10 Pokémon.

Goldenrod Underground
Further down the underground, next to the
Coin Case. Has a level 12 Pokémon and is a

Mt. Mortar 1F (back)

Closer to the right entrance of mortar,
through one door. Has two level 17 Pokémon.

Route 42
Next to the right entrance of Mount Mortar.
Has two level 16 Pokémon.

Route 43
Near the middle of the route, along the grassy
path towards Lake of Rage. Has a level 19
Pokémon and is a spinner.

Route 43
Near the top of the route, just before entering
the Lake of the Rage. Has a level 19 Pokémon.

Route 43
Near the top of the route, just before entering
the Lake of the Rage. Has a level 19 Pokémon.

Route 44
Along the top of the route, just before the
entrance of Ice Path. Has a level 27 Pokémon
and is a spinner. Generally skipped.

Viable Status Moves for Sudowoodo
Burn [fire types can’t be burned] *
• Tri Attack (6.66%)*-still can burn fire types
• Ember (10%)
• Fire Blast (10% but 85% to hit)
• Fire Punch (10%)
• Flame Wheel (10%)
• Flamethrower (10%)
• Sacred Fire (50%)

Paralyze [electric moves can’t paralyze grounds types]

• Tri Attack (6.66%)
• Body Slam (30%)
• Dragon Breath (30%)
• Glare (75%)
• Lick (30%) [can’t hit normal]
• Spark (30%)
• Stun Spore (75%)
• Thunder (30%, but 70% to hit)
• Thunder Punch (10%)
• Thunder Shock (10%)
• Thunder Wave (100%)
• Thunderbolt (10%)
• Zap Cannon (99.6%, but 50% accuracy)

Poison [Steels and Poisons cant be Poisoned] *

• Poison Gas (55%)
• Poison Powder (75%)
• Poison Sting (30%)
• Sludge (30%)
• Sludge Bomb (30%, but 90% accuracy)
• Smog (40%, but 70% accuracy)
• Toxic (85%)
• Twineedle (20%)*-still can poison Steel types and Poison types

Max Phonebook
• Has 10 total slots, 2 of which are used for Elm and Mom
• 1 slot can be used for Bill (cutscene and talk to sister in goldenrod)

Route # Trainer and general location # Pokemon

30 Youngster -> optional Youngster below the mandatory one 1

(Above Cherrygrove)
31 Bug Catcher -> next to item and only trainer on route 4
(East of Violet)
32 Picknicker- > 2nd one going down, facing the wall 1
(before Union)
32 Fisherman -> last one on the bridge with level 10 poke 1
(before Union)
33 Hiker -> only hiker on the route (close to azalea entrance) 2
(after Union)
34 Picknicker -> Female, surrounded by grass 3
(below Goldenrod)
34 Camper -> Male, last trainer before entering Goldenrod 1
(below Goldenrod)
35 Juggler -> Right Rotator before National Park 4
(above Goldenrod)
35 Bug Catcher -> Next to cut tree 1
(above Goldenrod)
36 Schoolboy -> Closer to the Sudo 1
(Sudo route)
National Park Schoolboy -> Closer to East Exit 2
38 Lass -> Right after the Sailor 2
(West of Ecruteak) [used for calling a lass]
38 Schoolboy -> Top Left corner 1
(West of Ecruteak)
Lighthouse Sailor -> Optional on 2nd floor 2
44 Fisherman -> Above the lake 3
(East of Mahogany)
44 Bird Keeper -> Next to entrance of Ice Path 2
(East of Mahogany)
45 Blackbelt -> down quite a bit on the path 1
(below Blackthorn) [used for calling a blackbelt]
45 Hiker -> when going left initially, go straight down instead 1
(below Blackthorn) of turning right (can still reach the blackbelt too)

Berry Tree Locations
Berry Type Route # General Location
Berry 29 Right before entering Cherrygrove
(first route)
30 Next to the first house on the route. The man in
(above cherrygrove) the house also gives a berry [only once].
38 Next to optional trainer, lower path initially
(west of Ecruteak)
46 West of the entrance to the dark cave after going
(south Blackthorn) south of Blackthorn.
Bitter 31 Next to NPC who gives TM 50
(east Violet)
43 Left on initial water seen, requires Cut as well
(before Lake of
Burnt 44 Upper path from the entrance of the route
(east of Mahogany)
Gold National Park Prize for getting 3rd
Ice 36 Tree closest to the gate of National Park
(sudo route)
Mint 39 Tree next to the MooMoo Farm
Mystery 35 Surf to the tree
(above Goldenrod)
Paralyzecure 46 West of the entrance to the dark cave after going
(down blackthorn) south of Blackthorn.
Violet City As you are leaving south for Route 32
Poisoncure 30 Next to Mr.Pokemon’s House
(above Cherrygrove)
33 On the bottom right
(after Union)
• Miracle will be a random pickup/hold by pokemon (along with the rest above)
• For Snore, a possible idea is to set the initial day to 11:52 PM the day before you
need (if you need a time event) to restock early berry trees [2 extra on hand from
this]. If theres 2 consecutive day based goals, then just setting it to roll over normally
also achieves this.

Trade Pokémon
All requested Pokemon will be the same, but the received will be different (unless settings in randomizer were

Violet City house below Center Goldenrod Department Store Floor 5 Olivine City right of the Mart.

Blackthorn close to Ice Path exit Power Plant before engineers’ room Pewter City Pokemon Center

Route 14 behind cut tree


Poke Mart Stock
Cherrygrove City Goldenrod City Mart Floor 2 Goldenrod City Mart Floor 4
Top Merchant
Poke Ball 200 Potion 300 Fire Stone 2100
Potion 300 Super Potion 700 Water Stone 2100
Repel 350 Antidote 100 Leaf Stone 2100
Antidote 100 Paralyze Heal 200 Thunder Stone 2100
Paralyze Heal 200 Awakening 250 Sun Stone 2100
Awakening 250 Burn Heal 250 Moon Stone 2100
Ice Heal 250 Ice Heal 250 Protein 9800
Iron 9800
Violet City Goldenrod City Mart Floor 2 Carbos 9800
Bottom Merchant Calcium 9800
Poke Ball 200 Poke Ball 200 HP Up 9800
Potion 300 Great Ball 600
Escape Rope 550 Escape Rope 550
Repel 350 Repel 350 Goldenrod City Mart Floor 5
Antidote 100 Revive 1500
Paralyze Heal 200 Full Heal 600 TM 41 3000
Awakening 250 Poke Doll 1000 TM 48 3000
Ice Heal 250 Flower Mail 50 TM 33 3000
X Defend 550 TM 02* 2000
X Attack 500 Goldenrod City Mart Floor 3 TM 08* 1000
X Speed 350
X Speed 350 Goldenrod City Mart Floor 6
Azalea Town X Special 350 Vending Machine
X Defend 550 Fresh Water 200
Charcoal 9800 X Attack 500 Soda Pop 300
Poke Ball 200 Dire Hit 650 Lemonade 350
Potion 300 Guard Spec 700
Super Potion 700 X Accuracy 950
Escape Rope 550
Repel 350
Antidote 100
Paralyze Heal 200
Ice Heal 250
Ecruteak City Cianwood City

Poke Ball 200 Potion 300 Blackthorn City

Great Ball 600 Super Potion 700
Potion 300 Hyper Potion 1200 Great Ball 600
Super Potion 700 Full Heal 600 Ultra Ball 1200
Antidote 100 Awakening 1500 Hyper Potion 1200
Paralyze Heal 200 Max Potion 2500
Awakening 250 Mahogany Town Full Heal 600
Burn Heal 250 Pre-Rocket Quest Revive 1500
Ice Heal 250 Tinymushroom 500 Max Repel 700
Revive 1500 Slowpoketail 9800 X Defend 550
Pokeball 200 X Attack 550
Potion 300
Olivine City
Mahogany Town
Great Ball 600 Post-Rocket Quest
Super Potion 700 Ragecandybar 300
Hyper Potion 1200 Great Ball 600
Antidote 100 Super Potion 700
Paralyze Heal 200 Hyper Potion 1200
Awakening 250 Antidote 100
Ice Heal 250 Paralyze Heal 200
Super Repel 500 Super Repel 500
Surf Mail 50 Revive 1500
Flower Mail 50

Normal TM Locations
(name) means that’s what the tm originally is, but it will most likely be changed by randomizer. Bold
means they are field move TMs and never change.
• TMs 1,16,23,24,30,31,45,49 gym battles (8 total)
• TMs 33, 41, 48 Are sold in Goldenrod Department Store
• TM 02 Headbutt – Headbutt guy in Ilex and sold in Goldenrod
• TM 04 (Rollout) – Route 35 (above Goldenrod) after going down patch
of grass.
• TM 05 (Roar) – behind a cut tree on Route 32
• TM 08 Rocksmash – Route 36 after clearing Sudo
• TM 10 (Hidden Power) – House at Lake of Rage
• TM 11 (Sunny Day) – 3rd floor of Radio Tower after Shiny
• TM 12 Sweet Scent – Lady in the gate after ilex forest
• TM 13 (Snore) – Feed miltank 7 berries/Dark Cave Blackthorn side
• TM 18 (Rain Dance) – 2nd floor of slowpoke well, on right side
• TM 20 (Endure) – 2nd floor of Burnt Tower, behind strength
• TM 21/27 (Frustration/Return) – Sunday on the fifth floor of
Goldenrod department store (needs affection low/high)
• TM 22 (Solar Beam) – Waterfall locked (on Route 27 under the bridges
and requires whirlpool)
• TM 28 Dig – Along the border path of National Park
• TM 34 (Swagger) – 5th floor of Lighthouse
• TM 35 (Sleeptalk) – Deep underground of goldenrod department store
(after shiny).
• TM 36 (Sludgebomb) – Guard in the gate that rocket grunts force you
to pay to enter (after shiny).
• TM 39 (Swift) – TM on the 2nd floor of Union Cave
• TM 40 (Defense Curl) – Mt. Mortar from center entrance and requires
surf + waterfall
• TM 43 (Detect) – Lake of Rage through the tree maze, on the right
path instead of the Hidden Power house.
• TM 44 (Rest) – Basement floor of the Ice Cave
• TM 46 (Thief) – Rocket Hideout, ascend through the stairs to reach it.
• TM 50 (Nightmare) – Give Kenya to guy on Route 31.
Otherwise random pick ups/ held items by pokemon (or waterfall locked)

Waterfall Locked TMs
• TM22 (Solarbeam) – On Route27, after passing through Tohjo Falls waterfall,
is on the south side of the route (requires Whirlpool as well).
• TM26 (Earthquake) – Victory Road, on the third floor [westward] drop down
the hole.
• TM 37 (Sandstorm) [since gifted wont be different #] – lady in the house
after Tohjo Falls.
• TM 40 (Defense Curl) – Center entrance of Mount Mortar, surf and climb the
waterfall and go left drop from the second ledge to the right, travel to the
far right, Surf up the next pond, take a left, then drop from a ledge, and
climb up the stairs.
• TM 47 (Steel Wing) – The exit of Rock Tunnel by Lavender Town side.

Bug Catching Contest Formula

[There is a calculator available to skip trying to think about this math (requires a certain Java version)]

▪ 4 times the max HP of the Pokémon

▪ The sum of the Pokémon's other stats
▪ Up to 29 points based on the Pokémon's IVs
▪ 16 points if half of the Defense IV (rounded down) results in an odd number, 0
▪ 8 points if half of the Attack IV (rounded down) is odd, 0 otherwise
▪ 4 points if half of the Special IV (rounded down) is odd, 0 otherwise
▪ 1 point if half of the Speed IV (rounded down) is odd, 0 otherwise
▪ 1/8 of the current HP of the Pokémon, rounded down
▪ 1 point if the Pokémon is holding an item, 0 otherwise
1st = Sun Stone 2nd = Everstone 3rd = Gold Berry Lose = Berry
Generally to win the bugcatching, you just need to find a high leveled [14+] fully
evolved Pokemon with good HP (or a chansey/blissey). 2nd and 3rd place require
something that has decent stats [weakening it can also increase odds]

Clock Reset
Go to:
On the menu screen do the following inputs:

Day Events
• Bug Catching = Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
• Hair Cuts = Every day except for Monday
• Return/Frustrations = Sunday
• Herb Shop = Saturday and Sunday
• Bargain Shop (10% cheaper sell items) = Monday
• Poison Barb = Friday
• Lapras in Union = Friday (Can respawn if clock reset outside its room)
• Kurt ball making requires a day [completed at midnight]
Sometimes you will need to set your day and time to overlap the days. For
example, if the board has Bug Catching and Poison Barb, you could set it to
11:30pm at night on a Friday (or however long you are comfortable being able to
reach the Poison Barb and let it turn to Saturday before you reach National Park).

Move Stats
Absorb Grass 20 20 100% Heals for 1/2 of the damage inflicted on the target.
Acid Poison 30 40 100% 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage.
Acid Armor Poison 40 N/A N/A Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages.
Aeroblast Flying 5 100 95% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Agility Psychic 30 N/A N/A Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages.
Amnesia Psychic 20 N/A N/A Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages.
Ancientpower Rock 5 60 100% 10% chance to raise all stats by 1 stage.
Attract Normal 15 N/A 100% Infatuates Pokemon of the opposite gender, even if
they have a Substitute, causing a 50% chance for the
target's attack to fail.
Aurora Beam Ice 20 65 100% 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage.
Barrage Normal 20 15 85% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three
times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Barrier Psychic 30 N/A N/A Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages.
Baton Pass Normal 40 N/A N/A The user returns to its party, bypassing any
trapping moves and Pursuit; it passes all stat
modifiers (positive or negative), as well as
confusion, Focus Energy, Perish Song count, Mist,
Leech Seed, Ghost Curses, Mind Reader, Lock-On, Mean
Look, Spider Web and Substitute to the replacement
Pokemon. In-game, Baton Pass also passes partial
trapping moves (Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin and Wrap),
Foresight, Toxic if the replacement is poisoned and
Nightmare if replacement is asleep.
Beat Up Dark 10 10 100% Each healthy (i.e. not fainted nor inflicted with a
status condition) Pokemon in your party contributes
a typeless 10 base power hit determined solely by
their base Attack and Defense stats.
Belly Drum Normal 10 N/A N/A Raises Attack 6 stages but loses 50% of its max HP.
Bide Normal 10 2x 100% The user absorbs all damage for 2-3 turns and then
inflicts twice the absorbed damage on its target.
This move ignores the target's type but still cannot
hit Ghost-type Pokemon.
Bind Normal 20 15 75% Traps the target for 2-5 turns, causing damage equal
to 1/16 of its max HP each turn; this trapped effect
can be broken by Rapid Spin. The target can still
switch out if it uses Baton Pass.
Bite Dark 25 60 100% 30% chance to make the target flinch.
Blizzard Ice 5 120 70% 10% chance to freeze the target.
Body Slam Normal 15 85 100% 30% chance to paralyze the target.
Bone Club Ground 20 65 85% 10% chance to make the target flinch.
Bone Rush Ground 10 25 80% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three

times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Bonemerang Ground 10 50 90% Strikes twice.
Bubble Water 30 20 100% 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage.
Bubblebeam Water 20 65 100% 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage.
Charm Normal 20 N/A 100% Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages.
Clamp Water 10 35 75% Traps the target for 2-5 turns, causing damage equal
to 1/16 of its max HP each turn; this trapped effect
can be broken by Rapid Spin. The target can still
switch out if it uses Baton Pass.
Comet Punch Normal 15 18 85% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three
times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Confuse Ray Ghost 10 N/A 100% Confuses the target.
Confusion Psychic 25 50 100% 10% chance to confuse the target.
Constrict Normal 35 10 100% 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage.
Conversion Normal 30 N/A N/A The user's type changes to match the type of one of
its four attacks. This move fails if the user cannot
change its type under this condition.
Conversion 2 Normal 30 N/A 100% The user's type changes to one that resists the type
of the last attack that hit the user.
Cotton Spore Grass 40 N/A 85% Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages.
Counter Fighting 20 2x 100% Almost always goes last; if an opponent strikes with
a Physical attack before the user's turn, the user
retaliates for twice the damage it had endured.
Crabhammer Water 10 90 85% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Cross Chop Fighting 5 100 80% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Crunch Dark 15 80 100% 20% chance to lower the target's Sp Defense by 1.
Curse ??? 10 N/A N/A When used by a Ghost-type, the user sacrifices half
of its max HP to sap the target by 1/4 of its max HP
per turn. When used by anything else, the user's
Speed is decreased by 1 stage and its Attack and
Defense are increased by 1 stage.
Cut Normal 30 50 95%
Defense Curl Normal 40 N/A N/A Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage; after one use
of this move, the user's starting base power is
doubled for every use of Rollout.
Destiny Bond Ghost 5 N/A N/A Causes an opponent to faint if its next attack KOs
the user.
Detect Fighting 5 N/A N/A Almost always goes first. The user is protected from
all attacks for one turn, but the move's success
rate halves with each consecutive use of Protect,
Detect or Endure.
Dig Ground 10 60 100% On the first turn, the user digs underground,
becoming uncontrollable, and evades all attacks.
Earthquake, Magnitude and Fissure can hit
underground; the user may also be hit underground if
it was previously targeted by Lock-On or Mind
Reader. On the second turn, the user attacks.

Disable Normal 20 N/A 55% The target cannot choose its last move for 2-5
turns. Disable only works on one move at a time and
fails if the target has not yet used a move or if
its move has run out of PP. The target does nothing
if it is about to use a move that becomes disabled.
Dizzy Punch Normal 10 70 100% 20% chance to confuse the target.
Double Kick Fighting 30 30 100% Strikes twice.
Double Team Normal 15 N/A N/A Raises the user's Evasion by 1 stage.
Double-edge Normal 15 120 100% The user receives 1/4 recoil damage.
Doubleslap Normal 10 15 85% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three
times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Dragon Rage Dragon 10 Set 100% Always deals 40 points of damage.
Dragonbreath Dragon 20 60 100% 30% chance to paralyze the target.
Dream Eater Psychic 15 100 100% Heals by 1/2 of the damage inflicted on the target
but only works on a sleeping target.
Drill Peck Flying 20 80 100%
Dynamicpunch Fighting 5 100 50% Confuses the target.
Earthquake Ground 10 100 100% Power doubles when against Pokemon using Dig.
Egg Bomb Normal 10 100 75%
Ember Fire 25 40 100% Has a ~10% chance to burn the target.
Encore Normal 5 N/A 100% The target is forced to use its last attack for the
next 2-6 turns. The effects of this move will end
immediately if the target runs out of PP for the
repeated attack.
Endure Normal 10 N/A N/A Almost always goes first. The user is left with at
least 1 HP following any attacks for one turn, but
the move's success rate halves with each consecutive
use of Protect, Detect or Endure.
Explosion Normal 5 250 100% The Defense stat of other Pokemon is halved against
this attack, causes the user to faint.
Extremespeed Normal 5 80 100% Usually goes first.
Faint Attack Dark 25 60 100% Ignores Evasion and Accuracy modifiers and never
misses except against Protect, Detect or a target in
the middle of Dig or Fly.
False Swipe Normal 40 40 100% Leaves the target with at least 1 HP.
Fire Blast Fire 5 120 85% 10% chance to burn the target.
Fire Punch Fire 15 75 100% 10% chance to burn the target.
Fire Spin Fire 15 15 70% Traps the target for 2-5 turns, causing damage equal
to 1/16 of its max HP each turn; this trapped effect
can be broken by Rapid Spin. The target can still
switch out if it uses Baton Pass.
Fissure Ground 5 KO 30% The target faints; fails on higher-leveled Pokemon.
However, this move will hit Digging Pokemon.
Flail Normal 15 VAR 100% Base power increases as the user's HP decreases.
Flame Wheel Fire 25 60 100% 10% chance to burn the target; can be used while
frozen, which both attacks the target normally and
thaws the user.
Flamethrower Fire 15 95 100% 10% chance to burn the target.
Flash Normal 20 N/A 70% Lowers the target's Accuracy by 1 stage.

Fly Flying 15 70 95% On the first turn, the user flies into the air, and
evades most attacks. Gust, Twister and Thunder have
normal accuracy against a mid-air Pokemon, with Gust
and Twister also gaining doubled power. The user may
also be hit in mid-air if it was previously targeted
by Lock-On or Mind Reader. On the second turn, the
user attacks.
Focus Energy Normal 30 N/A N/A Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 1.
Foresight Normal 40 N/A 100% Until the target faints or switches, the user's
Accuracy modifiers and the target's Evasion
modifiers are ignored. Ghost-type targets also lose
their immunities against Normal and Fighting moves.
Frustration Normal 20 VAR 100% Power increases as user's happiness decreases;
maximum 102 BP.
Fury Attack Normal 20 15 85% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three
times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Fury Cutter Bug 20 10 95% The base power of this move doubles with each
consecutive hit; however, power is capped at a
maximum 160 BP and remains there for any subsequent
uses. If this move misses, or if the user selects
another move, base power will be reset.
Fury Swipes Normal 15 10 80% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three
times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Future Sight Psychic 15 80 90% This move, even if the user and/or the target switch
out, will strike the active target at the end of the
second turn after its use. This move cannot cause a
critical hit and its damage is calculated by using
the original user's Special Attack and the original
target's Special Defense. The move's damage is
typeless. Only one instance of Future Sight may be
active at a time; it also hits through Protect,
Detect and Endure. Foresight causes a miss.
Giga Drain Grass 5 60 100% Heals 1/2 of the damage inflicted on the target.
Glare Normal 30 N/A 75% Paralyzes the target.
Growl Normal 40 N/A 100% Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage.
Growth Normal 40 N/A N/A Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage.
Guillotine Normal 5 KO 30% The target faints; fails on higher-leveled Pokemon.
Gust Flying 35 40 100% Power doubles if the target is in mid-air via Fly.
Harden Normal 30 N/A N/A Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage.
Haze Ice 30 N/A N/A Eliminates stat modifiers from all active Pokemon.
Headbutt Normal 15 70 100% 30% chance to make the target flinch.
Heal Bell Normal 5 N/A N/A Every Pokemon in the party is cured of statuses.
Hi Jump Kick Fighting 20 85 90% If this attack misses the target, the user receives
1/8 recoil damage of what it would have inflicted.
Hidden Power Normal 15 VAR 100% Varies in power and type depending on the user's
DVs; maximum 70 BP.
Horn Attack Normal 25 65 100% Damages the target.

Horn Drill Normal 5 KO 30% The target faints; fails on higher-leveled Pokemon.
Hydro Pump Water 5 120 80%
Hyper Beam Normal 5 150 90% The user recharges during the next turn.
Hyper Fang Normal 15 80 90% 10% chance to make the target flinch.
Hypnosis Psychic 20 N/A 60% Puts the target to sleep.
Ice Beam Ice 10 95 100% 10% chance to freeze the target.
Ice Punch Ice 15 75 100% 10% chance to freeze the target.
Icy Wind Ice 15 55 95% Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage.
Iron Tail Steel 15 100 75% 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage.
Jump Kick Fighting 20 70 95% If this attack misses the target, the user receives
1/8 recoil damage of what it would have inflicted.
Karate Chop Fighting 25 55 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Kinesis Psychic 15 N/A 80% Lowers the target's Accuracy by 1 stage.
Leech Life Bug 15 20 100% Heals by 1/2 of the damage inflicted on the target.
Leech Seed Grass 10 N/A 90% The user steals 1/8 of the target's max HP until the
target is switched out, is KO'ed, or uses Rapid
Spin; does not work against Grass-type Pokemon or
Pokemon behind Substitutes.
Leer Normal 30 N/A 100% Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage.
Lick Ghost 30 20 100% 30% chance to paralyze the target.
Light Screen Psychic 30 N/A N/A All Pokemon in the user's party receive 1/2 damage
from Special attacks for 5 turns.
Lock-On Normal 5 N/A 100% This move ensures that the user's next attack will
hit against its current target. Even if the user
switches out, its replacement's next move will
always hit too. Lock-On fails against Pokemon in the
middle of using Protect, Detect, Dig or Fly, as
well as Pokemon behind a Substitute.
Lovely Kiss Normal 10 N/A 75% Puts the target to sleep.
Low Kick Fighting 20 50 90% 30% chance to make the target flinch.
Mach Punch Fighting 30 40 100% Usually goes first.
Magnitude Ground 30 VAR 100% Deals variable damage, between 10 base power and 130
base power, as well as double damage against Digging
Mean Look Normal 5 N/A N/A As long as the user remains in battle, the target
cannot switch out unless it uses Baton Pass. The
target will still be trapped if the user switches
out by using Baton Pass.
Meditate Psychic 40 N/A N/A Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage.
Mega Drain Grass 10 40 100% Heals by 1/2 of the damage inflicted on the target.
Mega Kick Normal 5 120 75%
Mega Punch Normal 20 80 85%
Megahorn Bug 10 120 85%
Metal Claw Steel 35 50 95% 10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage.
Metronome Normal 10 N/A N/A The user performs a randomly selected move; almost
any move in the game could be picked. Metronome
cannot generate itself, Sketch, Struggle or any move
that the user already knows.
Milk Drink Normal 10 N/A N/A Restores 1/2 of the user's max HP.
Mimic Normal 10 N/A 100% This move is temporarily replaced by the target's
last move; the replacement move will have 5 PP and

become part of the user's moveset until the user
switches out or the battle ends. Mimic copies
attacks even if they miss or the user has immunity
toward their type; it cannot copy itself, Struggle,
Transform, Sketch, Metronome or moves that the user
already knows, and it will fail if the target has
yet to use a move.
Mind Reader Normal 5 N/A 100% This move ensures that the user's next attack will
hit against its current target. Even if the user
switches out, its replacement's next move will
always hit too. Mind Reader fails against Pokemon in
the middle of using Protect, Detect, Dig or Fly, as
well as Pokemon behind a Substitute.
Minimize Normal 20 N/A N/A Raises the user's Evasion by 1 stage; however, Stomp
retains its normal accuracy and gains doubled power
against Minimized Pokemon.
Mirror Coat Psychic 20 2x 100% Almost always goes last; if an opponent strikes with
a Special attack before the user's turn, the user
retaliates for twice the damage it had endured.
Mirror Move Flying 20 Copy N/A The user performs the last move executed by its
target; if applicable, an attack's damage is
calculated with the user's stats, level and type(s).
This moves fails if the target has not yet used a
move. Mirror Move cannot copy itself, Metronome,
Mimic, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform or
moves that user already knows.
Mist Ice 30 N/A N/A Protects the user from negative stat modifiers
caused by other Pokemon, but not by itself, until it
switches out; can be Baton Passed by user.
Moonlight Normal 5 N/A N/A The user recovers 1/4 of its max HP during the
morning or day and 1/2 of its max HP during the
night. Healing is doubled during Sunny Day and
halved during Rain Dance and Sandstorm.
Morning Sun Normal 5 N/A N/A The user recovers 1/4 of its max HP during the day
or night and 1/2 of its max HP during the morning.
Healing is doubled during Sunny Day and halved
during Rain Dance and Sandstorm.
Mud-Slap Ground 10 20 100% Lowers the target's Accuracy by 1 stage.
Night Shade Ghost 15 VAR 100% Does damage equal to user's level.
Nightmare Ghost 15 N/A 100% This move only works on a sleeping target; as long
as the target remains asleep and in battle, 1/4 of
its max HP is sapped after each turn.
Octazooka Water 10 65 85% 50% chance to lower the target's Accuracy 1 stage.
Outrage Dragon 20 90 100% The user attacks for 2-3 turns and then gets
Pain Split Normal 20 VAR 100% Calculates the average of the user's and target’s
current HP; both Pokemon HP is set to this average.
Pay Day Normal 20 40 100% The player picks up extra money after battles; the
money received is equal to:
[user's level * 2 * number of times used].
Peck Flying 35 35 100%

Perish Song Normal 5 N/A N/A All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns unless they
are switched out.
Petal Dance Grass 20 70 100% The user attacks for 2-3 turns and then gets
Pin Missile Bug 20 14 85% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn. This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three
times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Poison Gas Poison 40 N/A 55% Poisons the target.
Poison Sting Poison 35 15 100% 30% chance to poison the target.
Poisonpowder Poison 35 N/A 75% Poisons the target.
Pound Normal 35 40 100%
Powder Snow Ice 25 40 100% Has a ~10% chance to freeze the target.
Present Normal 15 VAR 90% Randomly either attacks with a variable power,
between 40 base power and 120 base power, or heals
the target by 80 HP.
Protect Normal 10 N/A N/A Almost always goes first. The user is protected from
all attacks for one turn, but the move's success
rate halves with each consecutive use of Protect,
Detect or Endure.
Psybeam Psychic 20 65 100% 10% chance to confuse the target.
Psych Up Normal 10 N/A N/A Copies all of the target's current stat modifiers.
Psychic Psychic 10 90 100% 10% chance to lower target's Sp. Defense by 1 stage.
Psywave Psychic 15 VAR 80% Randomly inflicts set damage between a minimum of 1
HP and a maximum of [1.5x the user's level] HP.
Pursuit Dark 20 40 100% If the target switches out on the current turn, this
move strikes with doubled power before the switch.
Baton Passers still escape safely.
Quick Attack Normal 30 40 100% Usually goes first.
Rage Normal 20 20 100% The user's Attack rises by 1 stage if attacked
before its next move.
Rain Dance Water 5 N/A N/A For 5 turns: the power of Water attacks is increased
by 50%, the power of Fire attacks is decreased by
50%, Thunder becomes 100% accurate, the power of
Solarbeam is halved, and the healing power of
Morning Sun, Synthesis and Moonlight is halved.
Rapid Spin Normal 40 20 100% Removes Spikes and Leech Seed from the user's side
of the field; also frees the user from Bind, Clamp,
Fire Spin, Whirlpool and Wrap. These side effects do
not occur if the move misses.
Razor Leaf Grass 25 55 95% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Razor Wind Normal 10 80 75% The user prepares on turn 1 then attacks on turn 2.
Has a high critical hit ratio.
Recover Normal 20 N/A N/A Restores 1/2 of the user's max HP.
Reflect Psychic 20 N/A N/A All Pokemon in the user's party receive 1/2 damage
from Physical attacks for 5 turns.
Rest Psychic 10 N/A N/A The user is cured of status effects (and confusion),
and recovers full HP, but falls asleep for 2 turns.
Return Normal 20 VAR 100% Power increases as user's happiness increases;
maximum 102 BP.
Reversal Fighting 15 VAR 100% Base power increases as the user's HP decreases.

Roar Normal 20 N/A 100% Almost always goes last; in trainer battles, the
target is switched out for a random member of its
team. Escapes from wild battles.
Rock Slide Rock 10 75 90% 30% chance to make the target flinch.
Rock Smash Fighting 15 20 100% 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage.
Rock Throw Rock 15 50 90% Damages the target.
Rolling Kick Fighting 15 60 85% 30% chance to make the target flinch.
Rollout Rock 20 30 90% The user attacks uncontrollably for five turns; this
move's power doubles after each turn and also if
Defense Curl was used beforehand. Its power resets
after five turns have ended or if the attack misses.
Sacred Fire Fire 5 100 95% Has a ~50% chance to burn the target; can be used
while frozen, which both attacks the target
normally and thaws the user.
Safeguard Normal 25 N/A N/A Protects the user's entire team from status
conditions for five turns.
Sand-Attack Ground 15 N/A 100% Lowers the target's Accuracy by 1 stage.
Sandstorm Rock 10 N/A N/A Cancels all other weather moves. For 5 turns: each
active Pokemon, even when protected by a Substitute,
loses 1/16 of its max HP unless it is a Ground-,
Rock-, or Steel-type, and the healing power of
Morning Sun, Synthesis and Moonlight is halved.
Scary Face Normal 10 N/A 90% Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages.
Scratch Normal 35 40 100% Damages the target.
Screech Normal 10 N/A 85% Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages.
Seismic Toss Fighting 20 VAR 100% Does damage equal to user's level.
Selfdestruct Normal 5 200 100% The Defense stat of other Pokemon is halved against
this attack, causes the user to faint.
Shadow Ball Ghost 15 80 100% 20% chance to lower target's Sp.Defense by 1 stage.
Sharpen Normal 30 N/A N/A Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage.
Sing Normal 15 N/A 55% Puts the target to sleep.
Sketch Normal 1 N/A 100% The user permanently replaces Sketch with the last
move used by the target. Sketch cannot copy itself,
Explosion, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move,
Selfdestruct, Sleep Talk, Struggle or Transform.
Skull Bash Normal 15 100 100% The user prepares on turn 1, raising its Defense by
1 stage and then attacks on turn 2.
Sky Attack Flying 5 140 90% The user prepares on turn 1, then attacks on turn 2.
Slam Normal 20 80 75%
Slash Normal 20 70 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Sleep Powder Grass 15 N/A 75% Puts the target to sleep.
Sleep Talk Normal 10 Copy N/A Needs to be asleep. It randomly performs one of its
moves. If Rest is selected, user recovers its HP and
stays asleep for two more turns. Sleep Talk can
choose an attack that has run out of PP; the
generated attacks also do not cost PP, and it cannot
generate itself, Bide, Disabled attacks or two-turn
attacks with a charge-up turn like Fly or Skull
Bash. (Moves with a recharge turn can be generated.)
Sludge Poison 20 65 100% 30% chance to poison the target.
Sludge Bomb Poison 10 90 100% 30% chance to poison the target.

Smog Poison 20 20 100% 40% chance to poison the target.
Smokescreen Normal 20 N/A 100% Lowers the target's Accuracy by 1 stage.
Snore Normal 15 40 100% 30% chance to make the target flinch; fails if user
is awake.
Softboiled Normal 10 N/A N/A Restores 1/2 of the user's max HP.
Solarbeam Grass 10 120 100% The user prepares on turn 1 and then attacks on
turn 2. During Sunny Day, this move fires in 1 turn;
during Rain Dance, this move has half power.
Sonicboom Normal 20 Set 90% Always deals 20 damage.
Spark Electric 20 65 100% Has a ~30% chance to paralyze the target.
Spider Web Bug 10 N/A N/A As long as the user remains in battle, the target
cannot switch out unless it uses Baton Pass. The
target will still be trapped if the user switches
out by using Baton Pass.
Spike Cannon Normal 15 20 100% Attacks 2-5 times in one turn; This move has a 3/8
chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three
times, a 1/8 chance to hit four times and a 1/8
chance to hit five times.
Spikes Ground 20 N/A 100% Damages opponents, unless they are Flying-type,
every time they are switched in; saps 1/8 of the
opponent's max HP.
Spite Ghost 10 N/A 100% The target's most recent move is reduced by 2-5 PP;
this fails if the target has not yet performed a
move, if the target's last move has run out of PP,
or if the target can only use Struggle.
Splash Normal 40 N/A N/A Wins the Bingo
Spore Grass 15 N/A 100% Puts the target to sleep.
Steel Wing Steel 25 70 95% 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage.
Stomp Normal 20 65 100% 30% chance to make the target flinch; also retains
its normal accuracy and gains doubled power against
Minimized Pokemon.
Strength Normal 15 80 100%
String Shot Bug 40 N/A 95% Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage.
Struggle None 1 50 100% Used automatically when all other moves have run out
of PP or are otherwise inaccessible. The user
receives 1/4 recoil damage. Struggle is classified
as a typeless move and will hit any Pokemon for
normal damage.
Stun Spore Grass 30 N/A 75% Paralyzes the target.
Submission Fighting 20 80 80% The user receives 1/4 recoil damage.
Substitute Normal 10 N/A N/A The user takes one-fourth of its maximum HP to
create a substitute if they have enough HP. Until
the substitute is broken, it receives damage from
all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the
user from status effects and stat modifiers caused
by other Pokemon. The user is still affected by
Sandstorm and Attract from behind its Substitute. If
a Substitute breaks from a hit during a multistrike
move such as Fury Attack, the user takes damage from
the remaining strikes.

Sunny Day Fire 5 N/A N/A For 5 turns: freezing is prevented, the power of
Fire attacks is increased by 50%, the power of Water
attacks is decreased by 50%, Solarbeam fires
immediately, Thunder becomes 50% accurate, and the
healing power of Morning Sun, Synthesis and
Moonlight is doubled.
Super Fang Normal 10 Half 90% This move halves the target's current HP.
Supersonic Normal 20 N/A 55% Confuses the target.
Surf Water 15 95 100%
Swagger Normal 15 N/A 90% Confuses the target and raises its Attack by 2
Sweet Kiss Normal 10 N/A 75% Confuses the target.
Sweet Scent Normal 20 N/A 100% Lowers the target's Evasion by 1 stage.
Swift Normal 20 60 100% Ignores Evasion and Accuracy modifiers and never
misses except against Protect, Detect or a target in
the middle of Dig or Fly.
Swords Dance Normal 30 N/A N/A Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages.
Synthesis Grass 5 N/A N/A Recovers 1/4 of its max HP during the morning
or night and 1/2 of its max HP during the
day. Healing is doubled during Sunny Day and halved
during Rain Dance and Sandstorm.
Tackle Normal 35 35 95%
Tail Whip Normal 30 N/A 100% Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage.
Take Down Normal 20 90 85% The user receives 1/4 recoil damage.
Teleport Psychic 20 N/A N/A Escapes from wild battles; fails in trainer battles.
Thief Dark 10 40 100% Steals the target's held item unless already holding
an item
Thrash Normal 20 90 100% Attacks for 2-3 turns, then gets confused.
Thunder Electric 10 120 70% 30% chance to paralyze the target. Has 50% accuracy
during Sunny Day and 100% accuracy during Rain
Dance. Also has normal accuracy against mid-air
Pokemon have used Fly.
Thunder Wave Electric 20 N/A 100% Paralyzes the target.
Thunderbolt Electric 15 95 100% 10% chance to paralyze the target.
Thunderpunch Electric 15 75 100% 10% chance to paralyze the target.
Thundershock Electric 30 40 100% 10% chance to paralyze the target.
Toxic Poison 10 N/A 85% The target is badly poisoned, with the damage caused
by poison doubling after each turn. However, Toxic
poisoning will revert to normal poisoning if the
poisoned Pokemon is switched out.
Transform Normal 10 N/A N/A Morphs into a near-exact copy of the target. Stats,
stat modifiers, type, moves, Hidden Power data and
appearance are changed; the user's level and HP
remain the same and each move received has 5 PP.
Tri Attack Normal 10 80 100% 20% chance to burn, paralyze or freeze the target.
Triple Kick Fighting 10 10 90% Attacks three times in one turn, adding 10 BP for
each kick. If a kick misses, the move ends.
Twineedle Bug 20 25 100% Strikes twice; Has a ~20% chance to poison the
target, even if it is a Steel-type Pokemon.
Twister Dragon 20 40 100% 20% chance to make the target flinch; power doubles
while the target is in mid-air via Fly.

Vicegrip Normal 30 55 100%
Vine Whip Grass 10 35 100%
Vital Throw Fighting 10 70 100% This move usually goes last. It ignores Evasion and
Accuracy modifiers and never misses except against
Protect, Detect or a target using Dig or Fly.
Water Gun Water 25 40 100%
Waterfall Water 15 80 100%
Whirlpool Water 15 15 70% Traps the target for 2-5 turns, causing damage equal
to 1/16 of its max HP each turn; this trapped effect
can be broken by Rapid Spin. The target can still
switch out if it uses Baton Pass.
Whirlwind Normal 20 N/A 100% Almost always goes last; in trainer battles, the
target is switched out for a random member of its
team. Escapes from wild battles.
Wing Attack Flying 35 60 100%
Withdraw Water 40 N/A N/A Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage.
Wrap Normal 20 15 85% Traps the target for 2-5 turns, causing damage equal
to 1/16 of its max HP each turn; this trapped effect
can be broken by Rapid Spin. The target can still
switch out if it uses Baton Pass.
Zap Cannon Electric 5 100 50% Paralyzes the target.

Pokemon Base Stats
# Name Base Stats Evolution Learns F/M ratio(*=no breed, D=ditto required)
001 Bulbasaur 45 49 49 65 65 45 Evolves: LVL 16 Moves: 4,7,10,15,15,20,25,32,39,46 12.5/87.5
002 Ivysaur 60 62 63 80 80 60 Evolves: LVL 32 Moves: 4,7,10,15,15,22,29,38,47,56 12.5/87.5
003 Venusaur 80 82 83 100 100 80 Moves: 4,7,10,15,15,22,29,41,53,65 12.5/87.5
004 Charmander 39 52 43 60 50 65 Evolves: LVL 16 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49 12.5/87.5
005 Charmeleon 58 64 58 80 65 80 Evolves: LVL 36 Moves: 7,13,20,27,34,41,48,55 12.5/87.5
006 Charizard 78 84 78 109 85 100 Moves: 7,13,20,27,34,36,44,54,64 12.5/87.5
007 Squirtle 44 48 65 50 64 43 Evolves: LVL 16 Moves: 4,7,10,13,18,23,28,33,40,47 12.5/87.5
008 Wartortle 59 63 80 65 80 58 Evolves: LVL 36 Moves: 4,7,10,13,19,25,31,37,45,53 12.5/87.5
009 Blastoise 79 83 100 85 105 78 Moves: 4,7,10,13,19,25,31,42,55,68 12.5/87.5
010 Caterpie 45 30 35 20 20 45 Evolves: LVL 7 Moves: none 50/50
011 Metapod 50 20 55 25 25 30 Evolves: LVL 10 Moves: 7 50/50
012 Butterfree 60 45 50 80 80 70 Moves: 10,13,14,15,18,23,28,34,40 50/50
013 Weedle 40 35 30 20 20 50 Evolves: LVL 7 Moves: none 50/50
014 Kakuna 45 25 50 25 25 35 Evolves: LVL 10 Moves: 7 50/50
015 Beedrill 65 80 40 45 80 75 Moves: 10,15,20,25,30,35,40 50/50
016 Pidgey 40 45 40 35 35 56 Evolves: LVL 18 Moves: 5,9,15,21,29,37,47 50/50
017 Pidgeotto 63 60 55 50 50 71 Evolves: LVL 36 Moves: 5,9,15,23,33,43,55 50/50
018 Pidgeot 83 80 75 70 70 91 Moves: 5,9,15,23,33,46,61 50/50
019 Rattata 30 56 35 25 35 72 Evolves: LVL 20 Moves: 7,13,20,27,34 50/50
020 Raticate 55 81 60 50 70 97 Moves: 7,13,20,30,40 50/50
021 Spearow 40 60 30 31 31 70 Evolves: LVL 20 Moves: 7,13,25,31,37,43 50/50
022 Fearow 65 90 65 61 61 100 Moves: 7,13,26,32,40,47 50/50
023 Ekans 35 60 44 40 54 55 Evolves: LVL 22 Moves: 9,15,23,29,37,43 50/50
024 Arbok 60 85 69 65 79 80 Moves: 9,15,25,33,43,51 50/50
025 Pikachu 35 55 30 50 40 90 Evolves: Thunderstone Moves: 6,8,11,15,20,26,33,41,50 50/50
026 Raichu 60 90 55 90 80 100 Moves: none 50/50
027 Sandshrew 50 75 85 20 30 40 Evolves: LVL 22 Moves: 6,11,17,23,30,37,45 50/50
028 Sandslash 75 100 110 45 55 65 Moves: 6,11,17,24,33,42,52 50/50
029 NidoranF 55 47 52 40 40 41 Evolves: LVL 16 Moves: 8,12,17,23,30,38 100/0
030 Nidorina 70 62 67 55 55 56 Evolves: Moonstone Moves: 8,12,19,27,36,46 100/0 *
031 Nidoqueen 90 82 87 75 85 76 Moves: 23 100/0 *
032 NidoranM 46 57 40 40 40 50 Evolves: LVL 16 Moves: 8,12,17,23,30,38 0/100
033 Nidorino 61 72 57 55 55 65 Evolves: Moonstone Moves: 8,12,19,27,36,46 0/100
034 Nidoking 81 92 77 85 75 85 Moves: 23 0/100
035 Clefairy 70 45 48 60 65 35 Evolves: Moonstone Moves: 4,8,13,19,26,34,43,53 75/25
036 Clefable 95 70 73 85 90 60 Moves: none 75/25
037 Vulpix 38 41 40 50 65 65 Evolves: Firestone Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37 75/25
038 Ninetales 73 76 75 81 100 100 Moves: 43 75/25
039 Jigglypuff 115 45 20 45 25 20 Evolves: Moonstone Moves: 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39 75/25
040 Wigglytuff 140 70 45 75 50 45 Moves: none 75/25
041 Zubat 40 45 35 30 40 55 Evolves: LVL 22 Moves: 6,12,19,27,36,46 50/50
042 Golbat 75 80 70 65 75 90 Evolves: Friendship Moves: 6,12,19,30,42,55 50/50
043 Oddish 45 50 55 75 65 30 Evolves: LVL 21 Moves: 7,14,16,18,23,32,39 50/50
044 Gloom 60 65 70 85 75 40 Evolves: Leaf/Sun Stone Moves: 7,14,16,18,24,35,44 50/50
045 Vileplume 75 80 85 100 90 50 Moves: none 50/50
046 Paras 35 70 55 45 55 25 Evolves: LVL 24 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43 50/50
047 Parasect 60 95 80 60 80 30 Moves: 7,13,19,28,37,46,55 50/50
048 Venonat 60 55 50 40 55 45 Evolves: LVL 31 Moves: 9,17,20,25,38,33,36,41 50/50
049 Venomoth 70 65 60 90 75 90 Moves: 9,17,20,25,28,31,36,42,52 50/50
050 Diglett 10 55 25 35 45 95 Evolves: LVL 26 Moves: 5,9,17,25,33,41,49 50/50
051 Dugtrio 35 80 50 50 70 120 Moves: 5,9,17,25,37,49,61 50/50
052 Meowth 40 45 35 40 40 90 Evolves: LVL 28 Moves: 11,20,28,35,41,46 50/50
053 Persian 65 70 60 65 65 115 Moves: 11,20,29,38,46,53 50/50
054 Psyduck 50 52 48 65 50 55 Evolves: LVL 33 Moves: 5,10,16,23,31,40,50 50/50
055 Golduck 80 82 78 95 80 85 Moves: 5,10,16,23,31,44,58 50/50
056 Mankey 40 80 35 35 45 70 Evolves: LVL 28 Moves: 9,15,21,27,33,39,45,51 50/50
057 Primeape 65 105 60 60 70 95 Moves: 9,15,21,27,28,36,45,54,63 50/50
058 Growlithe 55 70 45 70 50 60 Evolves: Firestone Moves: 9,18,26,34,42,50 25/75
059 Arcanine 90 110 80 100 80 95 Moves: 50 25/75
060 Poliwag 40 50 40 40 40 90 Evolves: LVL 25 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43 50/50
061 Poliwhirl 65 65 65 50 50 90 Evolves: Waterstone, LVL 37 Moves: 7,13,19,27,35,43,51 50/50
062 Poliwrath 90 85 95 70 90 70 Moves: 35,51 50/50
063 Abra 25 20 15 105 55 90 Evolves: LVL 16 Moves: none 25/75
064 Kadabra 40 35 30 120 70 105 Evolves: LVL 37 Moves: 16,18,21,26,31,38,45 25/75
065 Alakazam 55 50 45 135 85 120 Moves: 16,18,21,26,31,38,45 25/75
066 Machop 70 80 50 35 35 35 Evolves: LVL 28 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49 25/75
067 Machoke 80 100 70 50 60 45 Evolves: LVL 37 Moves: 8,15,19,25,34,43,52,61 25/75
068 Machamp 90 130 80 65 85 55 Moves: 8,15,19,25,34,43,52,61 25/75
069 Bellsprout 50 75 35 70 30 40 Evolves: LVL 21 Moves: 6,11,15,17,19,23,30,37,45 50/50
070 Weepinbell 65 90 50 85 45 55 Evolves: Leaf Stone Moves: 6,11,15,17,19,24,33,42,54 50/50
071 Victreebel 80 105 65 100 60 70 Moves: none 50/50
072 Tentacool 40 40 35 50 100 70 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 6,12,19,25,30,36,43,49 50/50
073 Tentacruel 80 70 65 80 120 100 Moves: 6,12,19,25,30,38,47,55 50/50
074 Geodude 40 80 100 30 30 20 Evolves: LVL 25 Moves: 6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41 50/50

075 Graveler 55 95 115 45 45 35 Evolves: LVL 37 Moves: 6,11,16,21,27,34,41,48 50/50
076 Golem 80 110 130 55 65 45 Moves: 6,11,16,21,27,34,41,48 50/50
077 Ponyta 50 85 55 65 65 90 Evolves: LVL 40 Moves: 4,8,13,19,26,34,43,53 50/50
078 Rapidash 65 100 70 80 80 105 Moves: 4,8,13,19,26,34,40,47,61 50/50
079 Slowpoke 90 65 65 40 40 15 Evolves: LVL 37/Waterstone Moves: 6,15,20,29,34,43,48 50/50
080 Slowbro 95 75 110 100 80 30 Moves: 6,15,20,29,34,37,46,54 50/50
081 Magnemite 25 35 70 95 55 45 Moves: 6,11,16,21,27,33,39,45 N/A (D)
082 Magneton 50 60 95 120 70 70 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 6,11,16,21,27,35,43,53 N/A (D)
083 Farfetch'd 52 65 55 58 62 60 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,44 50/50
084 Doduo 35 85 45 35 35 75 Evolves: LVL 31 Moves: 9,13,21,25,33,37 50/50
085 Dodrio 60 110 70 60 60 100 Moves: 9,13,21,25,38,47 50/50
086 Seel 65 45 55 45 70 45 Evolves: LVL 34 Moves: 5,16,21,32,37,48 50/50
087 Dewgong 90 70 80 70 95 70 Moves: 5,16,21,32,43,60 50/50
088 Grimer 80 80 50 40 50 25 Evolves: LVL 38 Moves: 5,10,16,23,31,40,50 50/50
089 Muk 105 105 75 65 100 50 Moves: 23,31,33,37,45,45,60 50/50
090 Shellder 30 65 100 45 25 40 Evolves: Waterstone Moves: 9,17,25,33,41,49 50/50
091 Cloyster 50 95 180 85 45 70 Moves: 41 50/50
092 Gastly 30 35 30 100 35 80 Evolves: LVL 25 Moves: 8,13,16,21,28,33,36 50/50
093 Haunter 45 50 45 115 55 95 Evolves: LVL 37 Moves: 8,13,16,21,31,39,48 50/50
094 Gengar 60 65 60 130 75 110 Moves: 8,13,16,21,31,39,48 50/50
095 Onix 35 45 160 30 45 70 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 10,14,23,27,36,40 50/50
096 Drowzee 60 48 45 43 90 42 Evolves: LVL 26 Moves: 10,18,25,31,36,40,43,45 50/50
097 Hypno 85 73 70 73 115 67 Moves: 10,18,25,33,40,49,55,60 50/50
098 Krabby 30 105 90 25 25 50 Evolves: LVL 28 Moves: 5,12,16,23,27,34,41 50/50
099 Kingler 55 130 115 50 50 75 Moves: 5,12,16,23,27,38,49 50/50
100 Voltorb 40 30 50 55 55 100 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 9,17,23,29,33,37,39,41 N/A (D)
101 Electrode 60 50 70 80 80 140 Moves: 9,17,23,39,34,40,44,48 N/A (D)
102 Exeggcute 60 40 80 60 45 40 Evolves: Leafstone Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43 50/50
103 Exeggutor 95 95 85 125 65 55 Moves: 19,31 50/50
104 Cubone 50 50 95 40 50 35 Evolves: LVL 28 Moves: 5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41 50/50
105 Marowak 60 80 110 50 80 45 Moves: 5,9,13,17,21,25,32,39,46,53 50/50
106 Hitmonlee 50 120 53 35 110 87 Moves: 6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51 0/100
107 Hitmonchan 50 105 79 35 110 76 Moves: 7,13,26,26,32,38,44,50 0/100
108 Lickitung 90 55 75 60 75 30 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43 50/50
109 Koffing 40 65 95 60 45 35 Evolves: LVL 35 Moves: 9,17,21,25,33,41,45 50/50
110 Weezing 65 90 120 85 70 60 Moves: 9,17,21,25,33,44,51 50/50
111 Rhyhorn 80 85 95 30 30 25 Evolves: LVL 40 Moves: 13,19,31,37,49,55 50/50
112 Rhydon 105 130 120 45 45 40 Moves: 13,19,31,37,54,65 50/50
113 Chansey 250 5 5 35 105 50 Evolves: Friendship Moves: 5,9,13,17,23,29,35,41,49,57 100/0

114 Tangela 65 55 115 100 40 60 Moves: 4,10,13,19,25,31,34,40,46 50/50
115 Kangaskhan 105 95 80 40 80 90 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49 100/0
116 Horsea 30 40 70 70 25 60 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,43 50/50
117 Seadra 55 65 95 95 45 85 Evolves: LVL 40 Moves: 8,15,22,29,40,51 50/50
118 Goldeen 45 67 60 35 50 63 Evolves: LVL 33 Moves: 10,15,24,39,38,43,52 50/50
119 Seaking 80 92 65 65 80 68 Moves: 10,15,24,29,41,49,61 50/50
120 Staryu 30 45 55 70 55 85 Evolves: Waterstone Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43,50 N/A (D)
121 Starmie 60 75 85 100 85 115 Moves: 37 N/A (D)
122 Mr. Mime 40 45 65 100 120 90 Moves: 6,11,16,21,26,26,31,36,41,46 50/50
123 Scyther 70 110 80 55 80 105 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48 50/50
124 Jynx 65 50 35 115 95 95 Moves: 9,13,21,25,35,41,51,57 100/0
125 Electabuzz 65 83 57 95 85 105 Moves: 9,17,25,36,47,58 25/75
126 Magmar 65 95 57 100 85 93 Moves: 7,13,19,25,33,41,49,57 25/75
127 Pinsir 65 125 100 55 70 85 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43 50/50
128 Tauros 75 100 95 40 70 110 Moves: 4,8,13,19,26,34,43,53 0/100
129 Magikarp 20 10 55 15 20 80 Evolves: LVL 20 Moves: 15,30 50/50
130 Gyarados 95 125 79 60 100 81 Moves: 20,25,30,35,40,45,50 50/50
131 Lapras 130 85 80 85 95 60 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,43,50,57 50/50
132 Ditto 48 48 48 48 48 48 Moves: none N/A *
133 Eevee 55 55 50 45 65 55 Evolves: WTF stone/friendship Moves: 8,16,23,30,36,42 12.5/87.5
134 Vaporeon 130 65 60 110 95 65 Moves: 8,16,23,30,36,42,47,52 12.5/87.5
135 Jolteon 65 65 60 110 95 130 Moves: 8,16,23,30,36,42,47,52 12.5/87.5
136 Flareon 65 130 60 95 110 65 Moves: 8,16,23,30,36,42,47,52 12.5/87.5
137 Porygon 65 60 70 85 75 40 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 9,12,20,24,32,36,44 N/A (D)
138 Omanyte 35 40 100 90 55 35 Evolves: LVL 40 Moves: 13,19,31,37,49,55 12.5/87.5
139 Omastar 70 60 125 115 70 55 Moves: 13,19,31,37,40,54,65 12.5/87.5
140 Kabuto 30 80 90 55 45 55 Evolves: LVL 40 Moves: 10,19,28,37,46,55 12.5/87.5
141 Kabutops 60 115 105 65 70 80 Moves: 10,19,28,37,40,51,65 12.5/87.5
142 Aerodactyl 80 105 65 60 75 130 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,43,50 12.5/87.5
143 Snorlax 160 110 65 65 110 30 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,36,43,50,57 12.5/87.5
144 Articuno 90 85 100 95 125 85 Moves: 13,25,37,49,61,73 N/A *
145 Zapdos 90 90 85 125 90 100 Moves: 13,25,37,49,61,73 N/A *
146 Moltres 90 100 90 125 85 90 Moves: 13,25,37,49,61,73 N/A *
147 Dratini 41 64 45 50 50 50 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,43,50,57 50/50
148 Dragonair 61 84 65 70 70 70 Evolves: LVL 40 Moves: 8,15,29,38,47,56,65 50/50
149 Dragonite 91 134 95 100 100 80 Moves: 8,15,22,29,38,47,55,61,75 50/50
150 Mewtwo 106 110 90 154 90 130 Moves: 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 N/A
151 Mew 100 100 100 100 100 100 Moves: 10,20,30,40,50 N/A
152 Chikorita 45 49 65 49 65 45 Evolves: LVL 16 Moves: 8,12,15,22,29,36,43,50 12.5/87.5

153 Bayleef 60 62 80 63 80 60 Evolves: LVL 32 Moves: 8,12,15,23,31,39,47,55 12.5/87.5
154 Meganium 80 82 100 83 100 80 Moves: 8,12,15,23,31,41,51,61 12.5/87.5
155 Cyndaquil 39 52 43 60 50 65 Evolves: LVL 14 Moves: 6,12,19,27,36,46 12.5/87.5
156 Quilava 58 64 58 80 65 80 Evolves: LVL 36 Moves: 6,12,21,31,42,54 12.5/87.5
157 Typhlosion 78 84 78 109 85 100 Moves: 6,12,21,31,45,60 12.5/87.5
158 Totodile 50 65 64 44 48 43 Evolves: LVL 18 Moves: 7,13,20,27,35,43,52 12.5/87.5
159 Croconaw 65 80 80 59 63 58 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 7,13,21,28,37,45,55 12.5/87.5
160 Feraligatr 85 105 100 79 83 78 Moves: 7,13,21,28,38,47,58 12.5/87.5
161 Sentret 35 46 34 35 45 20 Evolves: LVL 15 Moves: 5,11,17,25,33,41 50/50
162 Furret 85 76 64 45 55 90 Moves: 5,11,18,28,38,48 50/50
163 Hoothoot 60 30 30 36 56 50 Evolves: LVL 20 Moves: 6,11,16,22,28,34,48 50/50
164 Noctowl 100 50 50 76 96 70 Moves: 6,11,16,25,33,41,57 50/50
165 Ledyba 40 20 30 40 80 55 Evolves: LVL 18 Moves: 8,15,22,22,22,29,36,43,50 50/50
166 Ledian 55 35 50 55 110 85 Moves: 8,15,24,24,24,33,42,51,60 50/50
167 Spinarak 40 60 40 40 40 30 Evolves: LVL 22 Moves: 6,11,17,23,30,37,45,53 50/50
168 Ariados 70 90 70 60 60 40 Moves: 6,11,17,25,34,43,53,63 50/50
169 Crobat 85 90 80 70 80 130 Moves: 6,12,19,30,42,55 50/50
170 Chinchou 75 38 38 56 56 67 Evolves: LVL 27 Moves: 5,13,17,25,29,37,41 50/50
171 Lanturn 125 58 58 76 76 67 Moves: 5,13,17,25,33,45,53 50/50
172 Pichu 20 40 15 35 35 60 Evolves: Friendship Moves: 6,8,11 50/50 *
173 Cleffa 50 25 28 45 55 15 Evolves: Friendship Moves: 4,8,13 75/25 *
174 Igglybuff 90 30 15 40 20 15 Evolves: Friendship Moves: 4,9,14 75/25 *
175 Togepi 35 20 65 40 65 20 Evolves: Friendship Moves: 7,18,25,31,38 12.5/87.5 *
176 Togetic 55 40 85 80 105 40 Moves: 7,18,25,31,38 12.5/87.5
177 Natu 40 50 45 70 45 70 Evolves: LVL 25 Moves: 10,20,30,40,50 50/50
178 Xatu 65 75 70 95 70 95 Moves: 10,20,35,50,65 50/50
179 Mareep 55 40 40 65 45 35 Evolves: LVL 15 Moves: 9,16,23,30,37 50/50
180 Flaaffy 70 55 55 80 60 45 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 9,18,27,36,45 50/50
181 Ampharos 90 75 75 115 90 55 Moves: 9,18,27,30,42,57 50/50
182 Bellossom 75 80 85 90 100 50 Moves: 55 50/50
183 Marill 70 20 50 20 50 40 Evolves: LVL 18 Moves: 3,6,10,15,21,28,36 50/50
184 Azumarill 100 50 80 50 80 50 Moves: 3,6,10,15,25,36,48 50/50
185 Sudowoodo 70 100 115 30 65 30 Moves: 10,19,28,37,46 50/50
186 Politoed 90 75 75 90 100 70 Moves: 35,51 50/50
187 Hoppip 35 35 40 35 55 50 Evolves: LVL 18 Moves: 5,5,10,13,15,17,20,25,30 50/50
188 Skiploom 55 45 50 45 65 80 Evolves: LVL 27 Moves: 5,10,13,15,17,22,29,36 50/50
189 Jumpluff 75 55 70 55 85 110 Moves: 5,10,13,15,17,22,33,44 50/50
190 Aipom 55 70 55 40 55 85 Moves: 6,12,19,27,36,46 50/50
191 Sunkern 30 30 30 30 30 30 180 Evolves: Sunstone Moves: 4,10,19,31,46 50/50

192 Sunflora 75 75 55 105 85 30 Moves: 4,10,19,31,46 50/50
193 Yanma 65 65 45 75 45 95 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43 50/50
194 Wooper 55 45 45 25 25 15 Evolves: LVL 20 Moves: 11,21,31,41,51,51 50/50
195 Quagsire 95 85 85 65 65 35 Moves: 11,23,35,47,59,59 50/50
196 Espeon 65 65 60 130 95 110 Moves: 8,16,23,30,36,42,47,52 12.5/87.5
197 Umbreon 95 65 110 60 130 65 Moves: 8,16,23,30,36,42,47,52 12.5/87.5
198 Murkrow 60 85 42 85 42 91 Moves: 11,16,26,31,41 50/50
199 Slowking 95 75 80 100 110 30 Moves: 6,15,20,29,34,43,48 50/50
200 Misdreavus 60 60 60 85 85 85 Moves: 6,12,19,27,36,46 50/50
201 Unown 48 72 48 72 48 48 Moves: none N/A *
202 Wobbuffet 190 33 58 33 58 33 Moves: none 50/50
203 Girafarig 70 80 65 90 65 85 Moves: 7,13,20,30,41,54 50/50
204 Pineco 50 65 90 35 35 15 Evolves: LVL 31 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,43,50 50/50
205 Forretress 75 90 140 60 60 40 Moves: 8,15,22,29,39,49,59 50/50
206 Dunsparce 100 70 70 65 65 45 Moves: 5,13,18,26,30,48 50/50
207 Gligar 65 75 105 35 65 85 Moves: 6,13,20,28,36,44,52 50/50
208 Steelix 75 85 200 55 65 30 Moves: 10,14,23,27,36,40,49 50/50
209 Snubbull 60 80 50 40 40 30 Evolves: LVL 23 Moves: 4,8,13,19,26,34,43 75/25
210 Granbull 90 120 75 60 60 45 Moves: 4,8,13,19,28,38,51 75/25
211 Qwilfish 65 95 75 55 55 85 Moves: 10,10,19,28,37,46 50/50
212 Scizor 70 130 100 55 80 65 Moves: 6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48 50/50
213 Shuckle 20 10 230 10 230 5 Moves: 9,14,23,28,37 50/50
214 Heracross 80 125 75 40 95 85 Moves: 6,12,19,27,35,44,54 50/50
215 Sneasel 55 95 55 35 75 115 Moves: 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65 50/50
216 Teddiursa 60 80 50 50 50 40 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,43,50 50/50
217 Ursaring 90 130 75 75 75 55 Moves: 8,15,22,29,39,49,59 50/50
218 Slugma 40 40 40 70 40 20 Evolves: LVL 38 Moves: 8,15,22,29,46,43,50 50/50
219 Magcargo 50 50 120 80 80 30 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,48,60 50/50
220 Swinub 50 50 40 30 30 50 Evolves: Lvl 33 Moves: 10,19,28,37,46,55 50/50
221 Piloswine 100 100 80 60 60 50 Moves: 10,19,28,33,42,56,70 50/50
222 Corsola 55 55 85 65 85 35 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43 75/25
223 Remoraid 35 65 35 65 35 65 Evolves: LVL 25 Moves: 11,22,22,22,33,44,55 50/50
224 Octillery 75 105 75 105 75 45 Moves: 11,22,22,22,25,38,54,70 50/50
225 Delibird 45 55 45 65 45 75 Moves: none 50/50
226 Mantine 65 40 70 80 140 70 Moves: 10,18,25,32,40,49 50/50
227 Skarmory 65 80 140 40 70 70 Moves: 13,19,25,37,49 50/50
228 Houndour 45 60 30 80 50 65 Evolves: LVL 24 Moves: 7,13,20,27,35,43 50/50
229 Houndoom 75 90 50 110 80 95 Moves: 7,13,20,30,41,52 50/50
230 Kingdra 75 95 95 95 95 85 Moves: 8,15,22,29,40,51 50/50

231 Phanpy 90 60 60 40 40 40 Evolves: LVL 25 Moves: 9,18,25,33,41,49 50/50
232 Donphan 90 120 120 60 60 50 Moves: 9,17,25,33,41,49 50/50
233 Porygon2 85 80 90 105 95 60 Moves: 9,12,20,24,32,36,44 N/A
234 Stantler 73 95 62 85 65 85 Moves: 8,15,23,31,40,49 50/50
235 Smeargle 55 20 35 20 45 75 Moves: 11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91 50/50
236 Tyrogue 35 35 35 35 35 35 Evolves: LVL 20(based on Attack&Defense) Moves: none 12.5/87.5 *
237 Hitmontop 50 95 95 35 110 70 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49 0/100
238 Smoochum 45 30 15 85 65 65 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 9,13,21,25,33,37,45,49 100/0 *
239 Elekid 45 63 37 65 55 95 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 9,17,25,33,41,49 25/75 *
240 Magby 45 75 37 70 55 83 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49 25/75 *
241 Miltank 95 80 105 40 70 100 Moves: 4,8,13,19,26,34,43,53 100/0
242 Blissey 255 10 10 75 135 55 Moves: 4,7,10,13,18,23,28,33,40,47 100/0
243 Raikou 90 85 75 115 100 115 Moves: 11,21,31,41,51,61,71 N/A *
244 Entei 115 115 85 90 75 100 Moves: 11,21,31,41,51,61,71 N/A *
245 Suicune 100 75 115 90 115 85 Moves: 11,21,31,41,51,61,71 N/A *
246 Larvitar 50 64 50 45 50 41 Evolves: LVL 30 Moves: 8,15,22,29,36,43,50,57 50/50
247 Pupitar 70 84 70 65 70 51 Evolves: LVL 40 Moves: 8,15,22,29,38,47,56,65 50/50
248 Tyranitar 100 134 110 95 100 61 Moves: 8,15,22,29,38,47,61,75 50/50
249 Lugia 106 90 130 90 154 110 Moves: 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 N/A *
250 Ho-Oh 106 130 90 110 154 90 Moves: 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 N/A *
251 Celebi 100 100 100 100 100 100 Moves: 10,20,30,40,50 N/A *



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