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I’m a human being living in boundless ataraxia.


powerful prayer that initiates the miracle:

“Holy Spirit, please help me to forgive MYSELF for having unknowingly

used___(person, pain, sickness, lack, anxiety, self-judgment, anger,
etc)____to attack myself, and to separate from your Love as my Holy Self.

All Is Well

What is is heaven; this is it …..trying to free yourself from pain

leads to suffering.

All is well; God alone exists.

The angels always help you.

Turn your attention from objects which reflect the light to the light itself.

Grasping for happiness is the cause of all trouble. All trouble vanishes when
you abide in bliss, in the heart.

f one is ready, the message is simple. Stop. Turn around. Have a shift of knowing.
Instead of knowing only the objective world - inclusive of the five senses, thoughts,
emotions and sensations, all passing experiences - come to know yourself as the
knowing of all of that, which is not an experience and does not change. It is peace
already. This is a 180 degree turn around, from subject/object, to pure subject with
no object, in which all objects ever-changingly appear. It is the self-effulgent light of
knowing, knowing only itself. It is existence knowing itself. It is I knowing myself. It is
knowing and being, which are one and the same, no separation, not two.


Instead of just believing that you are only this body-mind organism, this contracted,
limited self, expand your vision of who you are.
Have a “shift of knowing.”
Recognize that who you are essentially is the knowing of all that.

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