In Sulu

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In Sulu, agal-agal has seriously contributing to the economy of the Tausug.

This sea weed is planted in

a strategic location usually near the shore because its survival relies on the sea current. When the
demand for sea weeds is increasing in the world market the mass cultivation for this plant in Sulu has


The Tausug men wears tight fitting pants and shirt, a sash around the waist and a
matching turban. Their clothes are made of cotton which they weave locally.
Oftentimes, men shave their heads or cut their hair short of signify their social
status. The women wear matching sarong of the Malay type. They wear brass
accessories to their blouses or use as necklace or bracelets. 
1. The clothing of the tausug is almost Arabic in design and this is due to the great influence of
islam in this place. Since the tausug are an ethnic group which is sea faring in nature, they
are exposed to silk and some designs similar to Chinese malongs of an unusual curvilinear
tradition while the rest can be seen from Arabic design.
2. 13. • BIYATAWI - is a blouse made of plain material like satin and is ornamented with
tambuku (gold or silver buttons) on the breast, shoulders, and cuffs. It is usually worn with
sawwal (loose trousers) of silk or brocade. A habul tiyahian is either slung across the
shoulder or allowed to hang on one arm (Amilbangsa)
3. 14. • PATADJUNG - is an all-purpose skirt worn by both men and women. It has various
other uses: as a turung or headcover, sash or waistband, blanket, ham-mock, and others.•
PIS SIABIT – this is the head gear worn by Tausug men. It can also be left to hang in the
4. 15. • SAWWAL KUPUT - or SAWWAL KANTIYU. They are tight and loose trousers they
wear.• BADJU LAPI - a collarless short-tailored jacket similar to the biyatawi. The sleeves of
the badju lapi are either long or "three- fourths" with slits at the wrists.
Sablay are mostly worn by modern Tausugs as an attire to weddings and other functions. The attire is
supposedly to have a lot of colours in it. Gold jewelry is also to be worn as accessories to the said

1. 1. Tiyula’ itum is acombination of the wordtula’ and itum. Tula’ iscooking with soup anditum is
black because ofthe burned coconut asthe main ingredientbeing mixed to the meat. Tiyula’
itum is always cooked in the famous occasions of the Tausug.
2. 2. LOKOT-LOKOT The lokot-lokot is made from rice flour, which is repeatedly pounded
until it becomes fine powder. Water and other ingredients are then added and blended to
create a thick mixture. The mixture is then poured in a strainer with holes called ulayan and
formed into rolls using two wooden spoons called the gagawi.
3. 3. When it’s goldenbrown in color, it isset aside to cool untilit hardens into thecrunchy rolled
floss offlour that is sweet.The sweetness of thelokot-lokot iscomparable to Car-Car’s ampao
but it isdenser.
5. 5. BAULU-Made of egg andflour.-Describe as a smallcake , mamon orMadeleine.-The baulu
is artisticbecause the batter isplaced on molds andbaked .
6. 6. PUTLI MANDI  Made of Malagkit flour  -circle purple in color -with grind coconut
outside -Sweet rice balls with coconut jams inside.
7. 7. PITIS -rectangle in shape -wrap in banana leaves -same ingredients with putli mandi
except no coconut in the outer -Sweet, sticky, violet rice flour boiled in coconut milk and
brown sugar.

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