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Business Opportunity Document

PROPOSAL <Product name / Code name / > <Version number>


Market Opportunity
What is compelling about this market opportunity? What is the market segment? How big is the segment? Do you
know the revenue potential? Characterize the impact of a “Do Nothing” position related to this proposal.

Market Problems
What are the business problems? Are they urgent or critical? Why? If not urgent today, when will they become
urgent? Are the problems pervasive? Are people willing to pay to solve the problems? Are the problems currently
being solved or have you uncovered unmet needs? If there are current solutions, why should the company create
another solution? This section should also specifically call out any overlapping or adjacent problem areas that will
not be included in the scope of any ensuing MRD.

Problem 1
Describe problem concisely without missing out any important points. Share any market data you may have in
the market research section (e.g. customer names, statistics, figures).

Problem 2

Problem 3

Distinctive Competence
How does this opportunity leverage your firm’s distinctive competence? How does this fit with corporate strategy?
Characterize how the anticipated solution may leverage any other company technologies or avenues to market.
Company competencies:
- Competency 1.
- Competency 2.
How can we leverage them? Do we need to augment them?

Technology Assessment
Is the need driven by a technology shift? What are the technical issues or opportunities? Can you leverage
technology you already have or can obtain?

Competitive Landscape
For existing products: Highlight known competitive landscape and probable competitive threats or opportunities.

For new products or major releases of existing products, briefly describe the competitive landscape and what
advantage you would have against the competition. Are there any relevant product certifications or
benchmark/competitions? Who has products or might enter the market? Why is your firm likely to be more
successful than these competitors? How will competitors benefit if your firm decides to “do nothing” regarding this
Market Research
Describe the research you conducted.

1. Primary Research – In-person interviews of xx customers, yy prospects, Survey / Focus Group /

Ethnography / Lead User Studies / PACs
2. Secondary Research – Reading on analyst sites, internet, competitors’ sites, feedback from
3. etc.
This document may be revised based on results from future research.

Timing Considerations
Provide guidance of issues driving the organization to make a decision now. This section should give consideration
to development cycles, GTM horizon and any anticipated market events/transitions.

Go-To-Market considerations
Provide guidance on routes to market, bundling, packaging, software modules.

Specific Market Requirements

If known, describe specific minimum market requirements. This section should include and standards or regulatory
compliance issues that should be considered part of the program.

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of high-level requirements :-

1. Market Requirement 1

Describe very briefly.

2. Market Requirement 2

Describe very briefly.

3. Market Requirement 3

Describe very briefly.

Prepared By:

Reviewed By:__________________________________________________________________________

Date of Review:___________________________

Decision Taken
Summary of Decision Taken (proceed with MRD/ additional research/ do not proceed):

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