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This school year

This school year is what most people would call a disaster. With all that happened this school
year, I think that our knowledge will suffer. The school was out for almost 3 months, I don't
think that we learned as much as we would.
The school year started almost great it was the first time in high school that I had only two
bad grades from last year first few months went great everything was coming our way but
then started news about something called coronavirus. At first, nobody was worried that
much but then Italy got effected. Then as some people would say “all hell broke loose”. It all
started when the coronavirus came to Croatia. This virus killed a lot of people and it is deadly
we cannot control the virus spreading but all we could do is stay at our home. The new
school year started lightly. We were just quarantined and on the 22nd of March catastrophe
hit Zagreb there was an earthquake of 5.5 magnitudes a lot of buildings suffered. Zagreb
took a lot of damage in that 30 seconds. A week later we were under full quarantine we
couldn't go out we were bored at home. in the middle of April, the tests started. At first, it
was kinda hard. Most things that we learn I was picking up at school so I was not used to this
kind of “hard” learning. At first most of my days I spent working around the house and doing
school work. I spent my free time riding a bike and walking my dog. In this school year, the
most interesting thing that happened is having extra time off from school and the benefit of
not traveling every day to Zagreb.
In conclusion, this school year wasn’t so bad but it could have been a lot better. It certainly
was not that fun being home all the time to be honest I miss school.

Josip Horvatić

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