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Created by: Meghan Keenan

Sodexo Dietetic Intern Fall2019

Penmen Fuel: Nutrition Overview

Carbohydrates (CHO)
 Our body’s primary fuel source  breaks down into glucose
 Complex CHO = sustained energy, takes longer to break down
 Simple CHO = fast energy, quick breakdown and glucose release
 Want to get complex CHO at every meal, 50-60% of diet should come from CHO
 Recovery: #1 GOAL is to restore muscle glycogen levels

 Breaks down into amino acids (AKA body’s building blocks)  Builds and repairs muscle
 Aim for 20-30 grams at each meal, 10-35% of diet should come from protein (1.4-1.7

 Fuel for sustained endurance exercise (lower intensity), long term energy stores, key to
hormone balance, needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK), anti-inflammatory
 20-30% of diet should come from fat  less than 30% may impair endurance and

Fruits and Vegetables

 Provide great vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to protect body from oxidative stress

Calculate your own fluid needs!

Current weight (lb) ___________ /2 = (a) ___________

Weight lost at practice _________ x 20 = (b)

_____________ oz needed for recovery

Total needed/day of hydrating fluids = (a+b) ____________


Total oz / water bottle size (16-32 oz) = ___________ total

bottles of fluid/day

Hydrating fluids: water, Powerade, diluted juice,

coconut water, tea, coffee
Easy Training/Weight

 1/2 plate = fruits or vegs

 1/4 plate = lean protein
 1/4 plate = whole grains
 1 tbsp of fat

Moderate Training:

 1/3 plate = fruits or vegs

 1/3 plate = lean protein
 1/3 plate= grains
 1 tbsp of fat

Hard Training/Race Day:

 1/4 plate = fruits or vegs

 1/2 plate = grains
 1/4 plate = lean protein
 2 tbsp of fat

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