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0 LAND USE (Bold/Century Gothic/Size 14)

3.1 Introduction (Bold/Century Gothic/Size 12)

Land use is one of the key sectors in Kuantan Redevelopment Waterfront City. It will discuss the
components of the current land use for the study area. This study also aims to identify the existing
land use, land use pattern and trend analysis, compatible land use, built up land use, land availability,
SWOT analysis and preliminary proposal. (Century Gothic/Size 11)

3.2 Aim


3.3 Objectives

There are several objectives for the land use sector such as:

i. To define the boundary and the background of the study area.

ii. To review the current land use and identify the potential with optimize the development of
land use.
iii. To determine the potential and constraints area for the development.
iv. To analyse the issue and prospect land use sector.
v. To proposed formation of land use and development concept as well as zoning plan and
proposed development in the study area.

Overall Report must:

* Space 1.5: Justify
3.4 Analysis and Findings (Bold/Century Gothic/Size 12)

3.4.1 Existing Land Use (Bold/Century Gothic/Size 11)

The total area of Kuantan City study area is 269.89 hectare. Based on Table 3.1 that stated below, it
shows the main land use in study area covered by commercial and transportation.

Table 3.1: Existing land use of Kuantan City study area (for Table use Single Spacing)
Land Use Area (Hectare) Percentage (%)
Residential 23.69 8.78
Commercial 90.76 33.63
Industrial 11.82 4.38
Institution and Public Facilities 48.45 17.95
Open Space and Recreation 7.30 2.70
Infrastructure and Utility 0.57 0.21
Transportation 85.34 31.62
Water Body 1.96 0.73
Total 269.89 100

Based on the table above, the land use of the commercial is the highest land use covered 90.76
hectares (33.63 percent), followed by transportation with area of 85.34 hectares (31.62 percent),
institution and public facilities about 48.45 hectares (17.95 percent), followed by residential with
23.69 hectares (8.78 percent), industrial with area of 11.82 hectares (4.38 percent), open space and
recreation with area of 7.30 (2.70 percent), water body with area 1.96 hectares (0.73 percent) and
infrastructure and utility with area of 0.57 hectares (0.21 percent).

Water Body; 1.96

Residential; 23.69


Commercial; 90.76

Infrastructure and
Space and
Recreation; 7.3
Institution and Industrial; 11.82
Public Facilities;

Figure 3.1: Percentage of existing land use of Kuantan City study area
(Century Gothic/Size 11)
Based on the area that has been stated above, the commercial is the dominant land use in the study
area. The location of the study area is located in the city centre offering business as the main
activities. Transportation and institution & public facilities also is the dominant land use as stated. It
can be seen from the layout of the city and increased the road capacity as the land use. Road
components will lead generating and increasing traffic capacity in the study area. Residential is also
the dominant land use in the study area.

1. Residential

Residential land use areas are 23.69 hectares (8.78%) of the study area. Housing types found in the
study area is planned residential. The type of housing building in the study area is the detached type
and semi-detached type. Based on the studies founded residential is the forth dominant land use in the
study area. The highest number of home units was recorded in Bandar Kuantan with approximately.

Figure 3.2: New residential at Jalan Wo Ah Jang (Terrace type)

However, the analysis shows that residential land use have development pressure on a modest scale
by the existence of the commercial activities (commercial and services), and recreational areas (open
spaces and recreational) within a radius of 500 meters to 1000 meters from residential land use.

2. Commercial

Commercial and services land uses covering 90.76 hectare (33.63 percent) from entire of the study
area, and is the largest land use in the study area. In overall, businesses in the Kuantan RTD area
consisting of business buildings such as 'free standing' buildings, terraces and others including
business complex. Apart from formal business activities there are also informal business activities
such as stall at Jalan Lebai Ali.
Figure 3.3: Commercial at Jalan Wo Ah Jang (Terrace Type)

Commercial and services is the main activity in the study area and supported by institutional and
community facilities land uses. This is due to its location of study area located in the town centre that
dominated by commercial and services land use. The results of the study found that commercial
activities included retail and services and operating during the day and at night, not a lot of business
activities carried out unless restaurants and entertainment centres that operated at night. This
condition affected the differences of traffic generation during the day and night.

3. Industrial

The study found that the study area has industrial activities that covering 11.82 hectare (4.38 percent)
of the total study area. Majority industrial activities at Jalan Padang Lalang are workshop and selling

Figure 3.4: Industrial activities (car sales) at Jalan Padang Lalang

Figure 3.5: Industrial activities (workshop) at Jalan Padang Lalang 3

There are 30 industrial units (22.95 acres) out of the total 942 industrial units in the Padang Lalang
Industrial Estate and this is the smallest number among other areas within the Kuantan Town Planning
Block. Result shows that industrial activities in the study area have made a material change from
commercial activity to industrial activities.

4. Institution and Community Facilities

Institution and community facilities land use in the study area is 48.45 hectares and 17.95 percent of
the study area. The land use categories in the institution and community facilities available in the
study area such as education, religious, health, security, government building, community facilities
and others.

Figure 3.6: Kuantan District Police Station Figure 3.7: Saint Thomas Church

The study founded that institution and community facilities land use in the study area was located
between commercial and majority in the town centre. The placement of the institution and community
facilities land use is compatible with the function of Kuantan City as the administrative centre of the
Kuantan district.
Figure 3.8: SK (P) Methodist Figure 3.9: Wisma KPKP

5. Open Space and Recreation

Open space and recreation areas covers 7.30 hectare (2.70 percent) of the total of study area. Based on
findings, the existence of open space and recreational was in the category of open space. Public parks
are available in the study area is shown in Padang MPK 1, Padang MPK 2 and others public parks
along the Kuantan River. The results of the analysis made, public parks can be exploited for
recreational activities such as recreation, river cruising, fishing and so on.

Figure 3.10: Padang MPK 1 Figure 3.11: Padang MPK 2

6. Infrastructure and Utilities

From the study, founded that the land use of infrastructure and utilities in the study area has covered
by 0.57 hectare or 0.21 percent of the study area.
Figure 3.12: Water Tank Figure 3.13: Compact Substation

The current infrastructure and utilities elements available in the study area include drainage,
electricity, telecommunication systems, solid waste management and sewerage. The placement of
infrastructure elements in the area is in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the study

7. Transportation

The road and transportation land use is the second largest land use covering an area of 85.34 hectares
or 31.62 percent of the total study area. The Kuantan City of the study area can be reached through a
number of efficient communication networks. The connection between the settlement centres in the
Kuantan District was contacted by a secondary distributor road comprising state roads such as C4
State Road connecting Kuantan City to Sungai Lembing, Jalan Negeri C13 and C17 connecting
Tanjung Lumpur to Ceruk Paluh.
Figure 3.14: Junction at Jalan Wo Ah Jang

Based on the study, Kuantan City grid iron layout becomes the road and transportation land use as the
dominant land use in the study area. Grid iron layout also leads to higher traffic generation within the
study area.

Figure 3.15: Commercial Road at Lorong Seri Teruntum

8. Water Body

The river (water body) has an area of 1.96 hectares or 0.73 percent of the total study area. This caused
the boundaries includes the river is a natural element found in the study area. The Kuantan River is an
important transportation element before the bridge that connects between Kuantan City and Tanjung
Lumpur was built. The river has the potential and strength of the attraction, especially recreational
Figure 3.16: Kuantan Esplanade

The Kuantan River is the backbone of the Kuantan District drainage system. The Kuantan River
catchment area covers an area of 1,630 km 2 from the upper reaches of Mukim Hulu Kuantan to the
mouth of the Kuantan River located in the South China Sea. Several areas in the Kuantan District are
often flooded due to the abundant waters of the rivers found within this area. The two main reasons
for this incident are that the physical capacity of the river is no longer able to accommodate the flow
of water and disturbance to the natural river water flow causes overwhelming overflows to the rivers
and nearby areas.

Table 3.2: River Flood Zone in Kuantan RTD Area (For Table use Single Spacing)
Flood River / drains that
Zone need attention
City 1. The clash between the tide of water and the river at the 1. Longkang Monsun
Centre mouth of the Kuantan River caused disruption to the Bandar
Zone natural drainage. 2. Sungai Galing
2. The amount of surface water is high due to heavy 3. Muara Sungai
housing and industrial land use. Kuantan
Source: RTD Kuantan, 2015
(Italic/Century Gothic/Size 9)

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