Conference Calls: Accessing The Call Introducing Yourself and Others

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Conference Calls

November 2017

Accessing the call Introducing yourself and others

• Put in your access code. • Hello everyone, Jane here.
• Press the pound key/hash key. • Hello, it’s Jane.
• Is everyone online? • I think John is joining us, John are you there?
• Are we waiting for anyone else? • Yes I’m here, hello everyone.
• Jane are you here? • Can everyone hear me?
• Has John joined us yet?
• Who just joined?

Slides/Presentation Starting the meeting

• Can everyone see the slides? • Welcome to today’s conference call.
• Next slide please. • The purpose of today’s call is...
• I can’t see slide 3. • Has everyone seen the agenda?
• Has the presentation loaded? • We’ve got a lot to discuss today.
• No, it’s still loading. • We have 5 main topics for discussion.
• Can everyone see my screen?
• Have you downloaded the document?

Interrupting Managing behaviour

• Can I just come in here? • Please can we stick to the agenda.
• I have a question… • We are getting side tracked.
• May I say something? • Please can you mute yourself if you are not
• Could I just clarify something? talking.
• Could we just go back to slide 2? • Sorry, I was on mute.
• Can I make a suggestion? • Please use the “raise your hand” indicator if
you want to speak.
• Can we deal with that on next week’s call
• You are talking over each other, I can’t hear
what anyone is saying.
• Let’s move on. Telephone: +44 (0)1666 825060

Conference Calls
November 2017

Poor sound quality Comprehension problems

• Are you on mute? • Is everyone with me?
• There are a lot of background noises. You cut • Yes, I’ve got that.
out, can you say that again? • Could I just check I’ve understood?
• I’m having connection issues • John, is that your understanding?
• Have we lost John? • I’m sorry I didn’t really understand that, please
• There’s an echo on the line. can you say it again?
• Please adjust your speaker volume. • I didn’t catch that point John, can you say it
• There’s some interference on the line. again please?
• You are breaking up/cutting out. • Can you speak more slowly please?
• Please can everyone speak up. • Let’s deal with one thing at a time.

Ending the call General Advice for Conference Calls

• Thanks for your contribution everyone. • Ask native speakers to slow down.
• I think that’s everything. • Familiarise yourself with the technology before
• It’s 2.30pm, it’s time to finish. the call.
• We should stop now and come back to this on • Ask for written minutes after the call so you
Thursday. can check you’ve understood everything.
• It’s been a really useful discussion thank you. • Ask for an agenda before the call so you can
• I’ll send the minutes to you all later in the
week. • If you can’t hear, or don’t understand say so!
• Let’s review the action points before we finish. • Enter the call 5 minutes before hand so you
don’t arrive late and stressed.
• I’ll close the call now, thank you everyone.
• Can you email the slides to everyone please?
• We’ve run out of time, we need to stop.
• I need to go to another meeting, sorry
• It’s been a really fruitful discussion thank you.
• We’ve made some progress, but let’s come
back to this issue on the next call.
• That’s all we have time for, we’ll have to
discuss the remaining items next time.
• When’s the next call?
• Shall we book the time for the next call now? Follow us:

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