Linear Algebra Through Geometry: Springer

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Thomas Banchoff

John Wermer

Linear Algebra
Through Geometry
Second Edition

With 92 Illustrations


Preface to the Second Edition vii

Acknowledgments >x

1.0 Vectors in the Line

2.0 The Geometry of Vectors in the Plane 3

2.1 Transformations of the Plane 23
2.2 Linear Transformations and Matrices 29
2.3 Sums a n d Products of Linear Transformations 39
2.4 Inverses a n d Systems of Equations SO
2.5 Determinants 61
2.6 Eigenvalues . 75
2.7 Classification of Conic Sections 85

3.0 Vector Geometry in 3-Space 98

3.1 Transformations of 3-Space 113
3.2 Linear Transformations and Matrices 117
3.3 Sums and Products of Linear Transformations 122
3.4 Inverses and Systems of Equations 133
3.5 Determinants 151
3.6 Eigenvalues 163
3.7 Symmetric Matrices 178
3.8 Classification of Quadric Surfaces 190
xii Linear Algebra Through Geometry

4.0 Vector Geometry in n-Space, n S: 4 197

4.1 Transformations of n-Space, n > 4 205
4.2 Linear Transformations and Matrices 213
4.3 Homogeneous Systems of Equations in n-Space 218
4.4 Inhomogeneous Systems of Equations in n-Space 226

5.0 Vector Spaces 235

5.1 Bases and Dimensions 238
5.2 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions 245
5.3 The Matrix Relative to a Given Basis 247

6.0 Vector Spaces with an Inner Product 253

6.1 Orthonormal Bases 255
6.2 Orthogonal Decomposition of a Vector Space 260

7.0 Symmetric Matrices in n Dimensions 263

7.1 Quadratic Forms in n Variables 269

8.0 Differential Systems 274

8.1 Least Squares Approximation 291
8.2 Curvature of Function Graphs - 296

Index ' " 303

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