Keywords: Critical Thinking Abilitymathematics, Learning Styles

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Lusiani. 2018. The Differences Critical Thinking Ability Mathematics Students Eight grade
SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya Based on Learning Styles. Thesis Mathematics
Education Program, MIPA Education Department, Teacher Training and Education
Faculty, University of Palangka Raya. Advisors: (I) Dr. Sugiharto, M.Pd (II) Dr.
Jackson PasiniMairing, M.Pd.

Keywords: Critical Thinking AbilityMathematics, Learning Styles

The background of this study is to look at the importance of critical mathematical

thinking skills and there are differences in the way students obtain and absorb information.
There are students who easily understand the information while learning the group there are
also students who easily understand the information with described and there are students
who easily understand the information if learning to use props. How to acquire, absorb, and
process this information is called learning style. The purpose of this research is to know the
difference of critical thinking ability mathematics of Eight Grade student of Junior High
School 6 Palangka Raya based on learning style.
This research is a quantitative research and research type is expost facto. This research
is conducted on the research population of students of eight grade SMP Negeri 6 Palangka
Raya even semester of the academic year 2017/2018 consisting of 10 classes with the number
of students 251 students. The instrument used in this study is a learning style questionnaire
validated by two experts from the Counseling Guidance Study Program and critical thinking
skills test in the form of mathematical problems validated by two lecturers from Mathematics
Education Program and one mathematics teacher at SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya.
Based on the results of research from 251 students obtained many students who have
auditory learning style as much as 109 students, kinesthetic36 students, and visual 106
students. Students with auditorylearning styles that have a level of critical mathematical
thinking ability 0 to 4 in a row as much as 33.03%; 53.21%; 8.26%; 5.50%; and 0%.
Kinesthetic 58.33%; 36.11%; 5.56%; 0%; and 0%. Visual 48.11%; 39.62%; 8.49%; 3.78%;
and 0%. The percentage of students' mathematical critical thinking ability as a whole from 0
to 4 was 43.03%; 45.02%; 7.97%; 3.98%; and 0%. Hypothesis test used in this research is
Kruskal-Wallis rank test. The result of calculation obtained H = 7.05 and compared with Chi
Square with significance level α = 5%, df = 3-1 = 2 is χ (0,05; 2)=5,99. So Hcount = 7,05> 5,99 =
χ 2(0,05; 2) its Ho rejected. This means there is a difference in the ability to think critically based
on learning style math. Further test results state that the critical thinking ability of
mathematics with auditoryand kinesthetic learning styles is significantly different.
Mathematical critical thinking skills with auditoryand visual learning styles are not
significantly different. Mathematical critical thinking skills with visual and kinesthetic
learning styles are not significantly different

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