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Sodium atom absorb at a wavelength of 589 nm.

What is
the energy difference between (in J) between the ground
and excited state?
At a temperature of 2500 K, what is the ratio of excited
state to ground state population (N*/N0) if the relative
degeneracy (g*/g0) is 2 ?

ΔE = hc/λ = 3.37 x 10-19 J

N*/N0 = A e-DE/kT = 1.15 x 10-4

A = g*/g0
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy


Source of radiation is Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL)

FES vs AAS instrument
Differences between AAS and FES

Emission intensity is Absorption is measured
Emission intensity a No. of Absorption intensity a No. of
atoms in excited state atoms in ground state
Emission intensity depends Absorption intensity does not
on flame temperature depend on flame temperature
Does not obeys Beer’s law Beer’s law is obeyed
AAS: Instrumentation



Monochromator is not required between HCL and flame?

What is the role of chopper?

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Fuel + oxidant


Light Source Detector


Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Atomic absorption spectra
Atomizer: Laminar-flow (pre-mix) Burner

Flow-spoiler: Removes large

drops from aerosol

Vaporing chamber

Convert the large droplet into small one

Laminar-flow (pre-mix) Burner

• Sample, fuel and oxidant are thoroughly pre-mixed

before reaching the burner opening
• Gases move in non-turbulent fashion – laminar flow
• ~ 5 % of nebulized sample reaches to the flame
• Advantages:
• Small sample volume of 0.5-1.0 mL is required
• Efficient atomization
• Flame is non-turbulent, noiseless and stable
• Disadvantages
– When sample contains two solvents, more volatile solvent
evaporates leaving sample in less volatile solvent
– Therefore, smaller number of atoms would reach to the flame
Various steps in atomizer
Temperature of Premix flame
• Isolate analytical lines photons passing through
the flame
• Remove scattered light of other wavelengths
from the flame
Function of Chopper
I0 I

S1 = I + Ie
HCL Atomizer

Thus wrong signal due to Ie, Thus, A = log(I0 + Ie)/(I + Ie)

hence, Ie must be eliminated in place of A = log (Io/I)
Usually, Ie > > I


HCL Chopper Atomizer S2 = Ie

Correct Signal (S) = S1 – S2 = I + Ie – Ie = I

I0 I

HCL Chopper Atomizer S1 = I + Ie


HCL Chopper Atomizer S2 = Ie

Correct Signal (S) = S1 – S2 = I + Ie – Ie = I

Function of Chopper

Pulsating signal

I + Ie Ie I + Ie Ie

• Breaks steady radiation from the HCL into the intermittent

• Pulsating signal is generated by photodetector.
• Absorption is measured without any interference

This correction method for background emission in flames is

called source modulation.
Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL) : Radiation source

► The Hollow cathode is composed off the element to be analysed

► Emitted radiation by HCL has the same wave length required for
the excitation of element to be analysed
► Different lamp is required for each element
(Multi- element lamps are also available)
Hollow Cathode Lamp: Give the radiation in following steps

1. Ionization of inert gas: Ar + e-  Ar+ + e-

• In presence of 300-400 V

2. Sputtering : M(s) + Ar+  M(g) + Ar

• Gaseous ion will eject the atoms from cathode

3. Excitation : M(g) + Ar+  M*(g) + Ar

4. Emission : M*(g)  M(g) + h (used to excite the atoms)

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Degree of absorption:
Total amount of light absorbed = (πe2/mc2)Nf
e = electronic charge, m = mass of electron
c = speed of light, N = total No. of atoms that can absorb light
f = Ability of each atom to absorb light
π, e, m, and c are constants, therefore

Total amount of light absorbed = constant x Nf

Since f is also constant for the same substance
A  C (N)
Therefore, absorption is independent of temperature and wavelength
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

• The analyte concentration is determined from the

amount of absorption.

• Direct application of Beer-Lambert in AAS is difficult

due to matrix effect.

• Concentration is measured with the help of a

working (calibration) curve derived from standards of
known concentration.
Atomic Spectroscopy for Metal Analysis

• Simple solutions (e.g. water): Standard curve technique

• Complex solutions (matrix): Standard addition technique

– Add small volumes higher concentration standards

(change in volume is considered negligible)
– Graph of concentration vs. absorbance
– Concentration of sample is x-intercept
– Overcomes problem of matrix effects
AAS: Standard Curve Technique

According to Beer-Lambert’s law:

A = ε.C.l

Unknown concentration

Calibration plot
Lead is extracted from a sample of blood and analyzed at 283 nm and gave
an absorbance of 0.340 in an AA spectrometer. Using the data provided,
graph a calibration curve and find the concentration of lead ions in the
blood sample.
[Pb+2] (ppm) Absorbance Calculated Pb (II) concentraions (ppm) Absorbance
0.000 0.000 0.357 0.340
0.216 • The data provided in the
0.300 0.310
0.400 0.425 problem appears in the
0.500 0.520
upper left hand corner
Lead (II) Calibration Curve
of this MS EXCEL
• The graph was used to
y = 1.0505x
calculate the best fit line.
R2 = 0.9988
0.400 • The equation was then

used to calculate the

concentration of Pb (II)
0.200 ions with an absorbance
of 0.340.
• The result, 0.357 ppm, is
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600
displayed above the
[Pb+2] (ppm) graph.
AAS - Standard Addition method
• Signal intensity of unknown sample X is taken
• A series of solutions of known concentration are prepared and
signal is obtained by aspirating them in flame
• Plot is drawn between the signal intensity against conc.
• From the plot, the conc. of unknown can be determined by
extrapolating the plot on conc. axis.

1 mL pipette

mg mL-1
1 mL 2 mL 3 mL 4 mL 5 mL
50.00 mL volumetric flasks
Standard Addition Curve

X + 4X1
X + 3X1 o

Absorbance X + 2X1 o
X + X1


Conc. of unknown (x) Concentration

A series of solutions is made up by adding 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4
and 0.5 mL of a 10 mg L-1 lead standard to 100 mL aliquots
of the unknown solution. The following results were

Volume std. (mL) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Abs 0.27 0.37 0.53 0.65 0.75 0.88

Plot a calibration graph and determine the concentration of the unknown

Assuming constant volume of 100 mL, the
concentration increase in the 5 solutions are 10 20, 30,
40, and 50 μg L-1.
(e.g. 0.5 mL of 10 mg/L = 5 x 10-3 mg in 100 mL = 5
μg/0.1 L = 50 μg L-1)
Unknown = 21.8 g μL-1 lead
Advantages of AAS
• AAS - specific – Atom of a particular element can absorb radiation
of their own wavelength – No spectral interference
• Much larger No. of atoms contribute in AAS signal so results are
more authentic.
• Variation in flame temperature has less effect

Disadvantages of AAS
• Different (HCL) lamp for each element is required
• Elements which for stable oxides eg. Al, Ti, W, Mo, do not
give very good results

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