Nursing Care 2 PDF

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Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection Assessment & Treatment

Adult Female Presents with 1 or more of the Following Symptoms:

Dysuria, Frequency or Urgency

Are Complicating Factors Present and or Symptoms of or risk for other GU diseases?

No Yes Requests
RN checks for UA Dip to see a clinician
CVA Tenderness & Temp hold for C&S

Negative CVA Positive CVA Clinician Evaluation Clinician Evaluation

& Temp< 100.4 &/or Temp. > 100.4
Symptoms/Risks GU Diseases Complicating Factors
Recent onset or change in Recent Chills
Review Medical History Clinician Evaluation vaginal discharge, odor, itching Flank pain: mid back, severe, new occurring
& Medicine Allergies or dyspareunia with onset of these symptoms
Vulvar sores, ulcers or bumps Temp > 100.4
risk for STD with new partner Nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain
Uncomplicated Complicated History, Contact with infected partner Symptoms lasting > 7 days
Meds &/or Allergies Bleeding after SIC
Significant Medical History
RN may Treat Diabetes
Macrodantin Clinician Evaluation Immune Compromised
Cipro Kidney Stones or Kidney Infection
(Offer) Pyridium Urologic Surgery or Abnormality
Hospitalization or Catheterization in last
Patient Education 2 Weeks
Give handout on UTI cause & prevention More than 4 UTI's in last year
Return to clinic if symptoms worsen or do not improve in 3 days UTI within 1 Month
Advise on family planning & STI prevention. If needed make appointment Currently Pregnancy or Possibility of

UIT Flow Chart 08.30.11

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