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Rights and obligations of the residents

3.1. a) Residents are obliged to adequate usage of their rooms and all of the room’s
accessories (furniture, doors, windows, lights, bathroom equipment etc). The University
takes up no responsibility for any damages and injuries caused by inadequate usage.
Electric connectors may be used only according to the relevant rules; the University
takes up no responsibility caused by violation of these rules.
b) It is forbidden to use any high-power household electric device (especially any
electric cooking and heating devices, microwave, etc) in the rooms. In case of doubt, any
electric device may only be used in the rooms after expertise and permission of the
3.2. Residents are obliged to report any malfunction to the Reception service promptly.
3.3. Only activities, which are not disturbing the learning and normal lifestyle, are
allowed in the Hostel. During exam sessions, residents are obliged to turn increased
attention to avoid any form of activity which may disturb others and violate the rules of
cohabitation. For example, in these periods any form of noise (loud music etc.), which
may disturb the residents of the neighboring rooms, is forbidden during daytime too.
3.4. After 23:00, any activity causing unnecessary noise, and/or disturbing the silence
and learning of other residents, is forbidden. The disturbing activity must be reported to
the Reception Service, the case must be reported in a protocol, mentioning the names of
the perpetrators too. Any resident or visitor must identify him/herself upon request by
the Reception Service, and verify their authorization to stay in the Hostel. Based on the
protocol, disciplinary procedures may take place against violators of the House Rules.
3.5. During exam sessions, silence regulation is valid between 0-24 hours continuously.
It is forbidden to cause any unnecessary noise, and/or disturb the silence and learning
of other residents.
3.6. No events (parties etc.) are allowed in the Hostel.
3.7. Residents are allowed to put pictures, posters on the walls of their rooms, but only
without causing any damage. Before vacating the room, pictures and posters must be
removed. Advertisements are only allowed in the areas designated for it.
3.8. If a resident is leaving a hostel for a time exceeding 7 days, the Reception Service
must be informed about it. Absences of this kind do not effect the resident’s obligation to
pay the rent.
3.9. Notes and remarks about the Hostel and its functioning can be reported to the
Reception Service in a written form.
3.10. It is strictly forbidden to trade any products charged with excise tax in the Hostel
or its territory. Violation is considered as serious disciplinary demerit, and leads to
disciplinary procedure. Any other commercial activity needs the approval of the PTE
3.11. It is forbidden to remove, replace, change etc. the accessories and objects (f.e.
furniture, plants) in the communal areas.
3.12. Residents are obliged to restore the original condition of communal areas after
usage – with particular reference to the collection and removal of garbage.
3.13. Upon leaving the rooms, all electrical devices must be turned off, windows and
doors must be closed. The University is not responsible for any damage caused by failure
to do so.
3.14. Every room gets one (1) key upon moving in. If the key gets lost, the costs of its
replacement are 2000 HUF/resident. Residents are not allowed to change the locks of
the room doors.
3.15. Employees of the University are authorized – after notification of the resident, and
in the resident’s presence - to control the proper usage of the rooms. When no resident
is present, the control is only possible if the residents have been informed earlier about
its possibility (e.g. by information sheet placed on the message board at the beginning of
the semester, mentioning the date and description of the control). In latter case, a
protocol is to be made during control, signed by those present in person.
3.16. Room swaps within the Guesthouse are only possible with the notification and
cooperation of the Reception Service, and with the mutual (written) agreement of each
resident of the rooms in question. Otherwise, the residents are obliged to move back to
their original rooms. Failing to do so may lead to disciplinary procedures.
3.17. The kitchen on the 1st floor is available every day from 6 a.m. to 23 p.m. The kitchen
must NOT be left while cooking. Please wash the used utensils, and leave the kitchen
cleaned up after you finished cooking.
3.18. Jumping from the room balcony or going out on the roof is strictly forbidden,
dangerous, and may entail disciplinary action.
3.19. It is forbidden to use any device producing noise (laptops, music players, Bluetooth
speakers etc.) in the lobby, the balcony and outside the building. Staying in the lobby and
the balcony between 23 p.m. – 6 a.m. is not allowed.

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