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Demographic trends Health

Population size (millions), 1990, 2015 12.1 32.5 Mortality rate (deaths per 1 000 live births)
Average annual growth rate (%), 1990, 2015 4.8 2.7 Infant, 1990, 2013 121.3 70.2
Urban population (% of pop.), 1990, 2015 17.8 26.3 Under-five, 1990, 2013 179.1 97.3
in cities over 1 million people 12.8 14.2 Children under-five underweight (%), 1997, 2004 44.9 32.9
in cities from 0.3 to 1 million people 0.0 2.4 Maternal mortality ratio, 1990, 2013 1200 400
in cities < 0.3 million people 5.0 9.7 (deaths per 100 000 live births)
Population density (pop. per km2), 1990, 2012 18.5 45.6 Antenatal care visit, at least one visit, 2011 - 47.9
Foreign population (% of pop.), 1990, 2013 0.5 0.3 (% of women with live births)
Net migration rate (migrants per 1 000 pop.) 30.9 3.1
Life expectancy at birth (in years) 51.8 59.8 Infant, child and maternal mortality rates, 1990 to 2013
Total fertility rate, 1990, 2015 7.5 4.7
(Live births per woman)
Adolescent fertility rate 163.9 87.8
(Live births per 1 000 women aged 15-19 years)
Rural and urban population by city size, 1990 to 2015

Population living with HIV

Total adults, number, 1990, 2013 409 4458
AIDS deaths, number, 1990, 2013 15.0 292
HIV prevalence rate (% pop. 15-49 yrs), 1990, 2013 0.0 0.0

Population age structure, 2015 and 2050 Total health expenditure

% of GDP, 2013 - 8.1
Current PPP dollars per capita, 2012 - 47.3
General government health expenditure
% of government expenditure, 2013 - 7.1
Current PPP dollars per capita, 2011 - 7.9

Gross enrolment (% of respective school age population)
Primary education, 1999, 2013 25.7 105.9
Secondary education, 2013 - 54.3
Poverty and inequalities Tertiary education, 2011 - 3.7
Population living in poverty (% of population) Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15 yrs and above)
below 1.25 dollars (2005 PPP) a day - - Female, 2015 - 24.2
below 2 dollars (2005 PPP) a day - - Male, 2015 - 52.0
below national poverty line, 2011 - 35.8
Public expenditure on education
Gini index (income equality coefficient), 2007 - 27.8 % of GDP, 2013 - 4.6
% of total government expenditure, 2014 - 18.1
Population with access to Public expenditure per pupil (% of GDP per capita)
Improved water sources (% of pop.) Primary - -
Rural, 1991, 2015 16 47 Secondary - -
Urban, 1991, 2015 43 78 Tertiary - -
Improved sanitation (% of pop.) Gross domestic expenditure on research/development
Rural, 1991, 2015 19 27 % of GDP - -
Urban, 1991, 2015 26 45 Current PPP dollars per capita - -

           Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2015
Air pollution and climate change Economic growth
Greenhouse gas emissions Gross domestic product (GDP)
Million tons CO2-eq., 1990, 2012 12.5 18.2 Constant, billion 2005 US dollars, 1990, 2014 5.7 13.6
% change per annum, 1990, 2012 1.4 1.0 Current US dollars per capita, 1990, 2013 300 705
Tons CO2-eq. per capita, 1990, 2012 1.0 0.6 2011 PPP per capita, 2013 - 1 876
Tons CO2-eq./1 000 US dollars GDP, 1990, 2012 3.5 0.9
CO2 emissions from fuel combustion Real GDP growth rate, 1990 to 2014
Million tons CO2-eq. - -
% change per annum - -
Tons CO2-eq. per capita - -
Grams CO2-eq./US dollar GDP - -

Renewable water available *, 1992, 2014 4 753 2 066
Domestic water withdrawal *, 2000, 2005 7.8 8.3
* (m³ per capita per annum)
2014: World Bank estimates

Energy Employment
Total primary energy supply (TPES) (kg of oil equivalent) Employment−to−populaon rao
Per capita - - % Population aged 15 and above, 1991, 2013 45.6 43.1
Per 1 000 GDP 2005 US dollars - - % Female aged 15 and above, 1991, 2013 13.3 14.0
Renewable energy (% of TPES) - - % Male aged 15 and above, 1991, 2013 76.4 70.3
Unemployment rate (% of labour force), 1991, 2013 4.9 8
Primary energy supply by source, 1990 to 2013 Female, 1991, 2013 10.7 12.2
Male, 1991, 2013 3.8 7.1
Youth unemployment rate
% of labour force aged 15-24, 1991, 2013 7.9 17.5

Fiscal balance
Government revenue (% of GDP), 2013 - 9.0
Government expenditure (% of GDP), 2013 - 22.8

Monetary measures
Inflation rate (% per annum), 2014 - 4.6
Exchange rate against US dollar, 1990, 2014 0.0 3.4
(% change per annum)

Biodiversity International trade

Areas protected Exports of merchandise (% of GDP), 1990, 2014 6.5 2.6
Marine (% of territorial water), 1990, 2014 0.0 0.0 Imports of merchandise (% of GDP), 1990, 2014 25.9 35.2
Terrestrial (% of surface area), 1990, 2014 0.4 0.5 Exports of services (% of GDP), 2013 - 13.4
Forest (% of land area), 1990, 2012 2.1 2.1 Imports of services (% of GDP), 2013 - 9.5

Natural disasters Total and intraregional exports and imports, 1990 to 2013
Deaths (number per annum), 1990, 2014 144 575
People affected (1 000 per annum), 1990, 2014 0 140
Economic damages (% of GDP), 1990, 2014 0.0 0.0

Mobile cellular subscriptions,* 2000, 2014 0.0 74.1
Internet users,* 2014 - 6.4
Fixed broadband internet subscribers,* 2014 - 0.0
* (per 100 population)

Railway density - - International financing

Road density, 2010 - 35.4 FDI inflows (% of GDP), 1990, 2014 0.0 0.2
Km of railway/road per 1 000 km² land area FDI outflows (% of GDP), 1990, 2014 0.0 0.0
Paved roads (% of roads), 2010 - 36.4 ODA received (% of GDP), 1990, 2013 3.4 24.4
Passenger cars (per 1 000 pop.), 2000, 2011 1.5 21.1 Personal remittances rec'd (% of GDP) , 2013 - 2.5
Road traffic deaths (per 100 000 pop.), 2013 - 15.5 Net external debt (% of GDP) , 2013 - 11.9

Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2015

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