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Name ofthe Work:Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to Urban
Blodiversity Wing′ GHMC 1lSt Recall]一 Reg


EO:No.:Q‐ 10ノ UBD/GHMC/2020 Dt: .01。 2020。


indira Park′ LowerTank Bund Road′ Hvderabad.
EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pedains to Urban
Biodiversity, GHMC

Office of the Director′

Urban Biodiversity
Greater Hvderabad Municipa:Corporation


No.Q‐ 10/DUB/GHMC/2019… 20 Date: 03.01.2020.

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation invites Expression of lnterest (EOl) from any
Government lnstitutions / Colleges / Universities like Department of Horticulture, Forest and
Agricultural Departments and relevant departments for Execution of Quality Check and Control for
the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC subject to the terms and conditions
mentioned in the tender schedule.

Items Deta‖ s
Execution of Quality Check and Control for the
1 Name of work works pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing,
GHMC [1't Recall].
Office of the Director (Urban Bio-Diversity),
2 Name of the Office
lndira park, Lower Tankd Bund Road, Hyderabad.
3 Tender Notice No. & Date Q‐ 10/DUB/GHMC/2020 Dt:03.01.2020

4 Cost of EOI Document Rs.1000/- (Rupees One thousand only)

Rs.2000/- (Rupees Two thousand only) Non-
5 Bid Processing Fee
refundable under a ny circumstances.

6 EMD Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only)

EOI Document Down load

7 06.01.2020@11.00A.M.onwards
Start Date
Last date & time of receipt
8 16.01.2020 o,5.00P,M.
of bids
9 Opening of bids 17.01.2020@11.00A,M.
10 Address/E― mai‖ D dub ghmc@gmaii COm
11 Contact details 9121243927.

The Tender document (EOl) can be downloaded from the 'GHMC'website.

Signature of tenderer 恥 ∝ i面 wttβ HMC

EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to lJrban
Biodiversity, GHMC

Elieibilitv criteria:

Eligibility Condition Proof of documents to be submitted

Any Government lnstitutions / Colleges /

Universities like Department of
al Horticulture, Forest and Agricultural
Copies of relevant certificates /
Departments and relevant departments,
can participate in EOl.

General Terms and Conditions:

l. The Processing fee non refundable in any circumstances. The bid processing fee shall be
paid through Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Commissioner, GHMC from any
nationalized bank.

2. EOls submitted without EMDs shall be summarily rejected. No Exemption with regard to
EMD is entertained in this tender. EMDs should be paid through Demand Drafts only drawn

in favour of the Commissioner, GHMC., from any nationalized bank.

3. The Bidder should submit the Bid processing fee, EMD [Rs.10,000/-] by way of DD's in the

technical bid cover along with other tender documents at the time of submitting the
application on proper acknowledgement.

4. The EMD shall be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders except L1 and 12, soon after

finalizing the tenders, after receipt of requisition from the bidder.


Cost of EOI Document Rs.1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) should be paid at the time of

submission of EOI document by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the

Commissioner, GHMC.

Signature of tenderer
ot Rate ror Executpn or Quatitv check and controt tor the works pedans lo urban

PRocEDURE FoR suBMtsstoN oF Btps:

1. The Bidders shourd submit the Eor Documents

manualy in the Box provided in the office of
the Director, urban Bio-Diversity, rndira park, Lower Tank
Bund Road, Hyderabad on or before
the date and time as mentioned in the EOI Notice.

2' Bidders need to contact the Director, Urban Biodiversity, GHMC, Hyderabad
for any
information or clarification for submission of bids.
3' Bidders need to access for
information pertaining to Expression of lnterest
for Execution of Quarity check and contror for the works pertaans
to urban Biodiversity wang,

4' Bidders need to submit the required documents

as per the Tender conditions arong with their
profile in seared covers. The technicar bid
& financiar bids shourd be submitted separatery.
The bidders sha, sign on a, the
statements, documents, certificates, submitted
by them,
owning responsibility for their correctness authenticity.
5. The technicar bid evaruation of the tenders wifl
be done on the certificates / documents
submitted in the sealed tenders only towards qualification
criteria furnished by them and on
submission of hard copies and other documents
as called for in the tender.
6' The Price Bids shourd be submitted in a seared
cover separatery. The price-bids of such
tenderers, who are determined to have complied
with the eligibility / qualification criteria, w,ll
only be opened.

7' The application shafl be fifled in Engrish and

a[ entries must be typed and written in
blue/brack ink' lnitiars of the Authorised representative
of the appricant must attest a,
erasures and arterations made whire firing
the apprication. Fairure to compry with any of these
conditions may render the application invalid.

8' GHMC sha', not be responsibre for any costs or expenses incurred
by the appricant in
connection with the preparation and delivery
of the application.
9' GHMC reserves the rights to cancer, terminate,
change or modify this Eor process and /or
requrrements of the apprication stated in
the Eor, without assigning any reason or providing
any notice and without accepting any liability
for the same.
10. The Director, urban Biodiversity, GHM., Hyderabad
or his nominee at his office in the
presence of tenderers or their authorized
representatives, wi open the tenders on the dates

Signature of tenderer
odiversity, GHMC
EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to Urban
Biodiversig, GHMC

mentioned in Schedule. lf the Office happens to be closed on the dates, the opening of tenders
gets automatically postponed to the next working date, the time being unaltered, unless
extended by a notification published in website.

11. The EOI application in prescribed form duly completed and signed along with other necessary
documents should be submitted in a sealed cover duly highlighting as "EOl - for Execution of
Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC" along
with the name of the Firm and its address.

12. lncomplete application & unsigned application form/s or non-submission of the same will be

summarily rejected. Applications submitted with any pre-condition or additional conditions

other than the conditions prescribed and supplied by the GHMC will also be summarily

Signature of tenderer 脚 ett GHMC

Page 5 bf l9
EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of euality Check and Control for the works pedains to Urban
Biodiversity, GHMC


The Commissioner,
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation,

Sub: GHMC - Urban Biodiversity Wing - Execution of Quality Check and Control for
the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC [1't Recall] - Reg.

ln response to the tender invited ,"r,n" *"ve work, I / wesubmit my / ourapplication

as follows.

1. Name of the lnstitution I Colleee I

University etc., (in BLOCK LETTERS)

2. Address of the lnstitution / College /

a) Address for Correspondence
Tel. No(s). (Office)



3. PAN No. if available

4. Bank Account Number & Nature of


5. Name of the Bank, Branch & Address



Signature of tenderer iversity, GHMC

EO′ Soわ edure rOr FlxarrOn oF Rare For Executioη ο′Qυ arrry Cわ eck and COη rrO′ rOr me wOrks pera"s rO υrban
31odl■ 、GHVC


The Commissioner′
Greater HYderabad Municipal Corporation,



Sub: GHMC - Urban Biodiversity WinB - Execution of Quality Check and Control for
the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC [1't Recall] - Reg.

With reference to the tender invited by the Urban Biodiversity, Greater Hyderabad
Municipal Corporation for the above work, I / we hereby declare this as,

a) Read all the terms and conditions (supplied along with the tender schedule as enclosed
herewith) for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to Urban
Biodiversity Wing, GHMC.

b) Examined all the tender documents and hereby undertake to abide by the same or as may
be communicated from time to time

we, the undersigned also hereby declare that if I / we has/have quoted lowest rates
for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing,
GHMC., l/ We shall not claim right based on the rates quoted.

we having read the terms & conditions are ready for Execution of Quality Check and
I /
Control for the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC at the current rates offered
by me / us to GHMC.

l/ we further undertake that in case of cancellation of the tender for whatsoever

reason, and I / we shall abide by the action whatsoever initiated by GHMC.

This application form is part of the tender schedule submitted by me/we.

Signature of tenderer ,urbttersity,GHDIEC

EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to tJrban
Biodiversity, GHMC

The participating Government lnstitutions / Colleges/ Universities shall submit the bid
for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity
Wing, GHMC., as detailed below. The authority competent to finalize the tender will
take action to verify the documents and antecedents of the tenderers.
Elieibilitv Criteria:

1. The following documents shall be submitted along with the bid.

L.L Any Government !nstitutions / Colleges / Universities like Department of
Horticulture, Forest and Agricultural Departments and relevant departments,
can participate in EOl. Copies of relevant certificates / documents should be

Genera! Conditions:

h   h
e     e
The opening of applications will be held at the place, on the dates and as per
schedule as given in the Notification / Advertisement or as informed by GHMC in
presence of the applicants.

3 The financial bids submitted by the bidders who fulfill all the conditions of the tender

document and teqhnically qualified only will be considered/ opened.

4 While quoting the rates for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works
pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC, the rates shall be inclusive of all taxes and

other charges etc. as decided by GHMC within GHMC limits.

5 Based on the lowest rate quoted by the tenderer, the GHMC will issue order for
Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works pertains to Urban Biodiversity
Wing, GHMC. The discretion of allotment lies with GHMC.

6 The period of contract will be for one year from the date of issue of work order.

7 The Commissioner, GHMC reserves the right to cancel the tender without notice.
8. ln interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means
female, and vice-versa. Headings have no significance. Works have their normal meaning

Signature of tenderer Di ,*ffirersity, cHMC

EO′ Schedule rOr Ffxa″ Oη orRare ror ExecurrOrl οF Oualfry Cわ ec々 and Cο ηtro′ ror rrle wο rks ρerra′ ns rO υrbaρ

under the language of the contract unless specifically defined. The officer in charge will
provide instructions clarifying queries about the conditions of Contract.

9. The documents forming the contract shall be interpreted in the following order of
1) Agreement
2l Letter of Acceptance, notice to proceed with the works
3) Contractorrs Tender (Technical bid)
4l Conditions of contract
5) Specifications
6) Bill of quantities (price-bid)

7l Any other document listed as forming part of the Contract.

10. Officer-in-Charge's Decisions:

10.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the office r-in-ch arge will decide the
contractual matters between the Department and the Contractor in the role representing
the Department.

11. Deleqation:

11.1 The Officer-in-charge may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities to other
officers and may cancel any delegation by an official order issued.

12 Communications:
12.L Communications between parties, which are referred to in the conditions, are effective
only when in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in terms of
lnd ian Contract Act)

13 Sub-contractins:

13.1 No sub-Contracting or sub-letting is allowed.

14 Personnel of Contractor:
14.1The Contractor sha ll employ the required number of personnel.

15 Contractor/s Risks:

Signature of tenderer
EO′ Sc力 edure For Flxar10n oFRare For Execυ ″οn οFQυ allfy Checκ and cο ηfrolFor tte woル s ρe″aあ s fO t/rban
31odfverslfy C月 1″ C

15.1All risks of loss of or damage to physical property and of personnel injury and death,
which arise during and in consequence of the performance of the contract are the
responsibility of the Contractor.
15 Safetv:
16.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the site.
77 TechnicalSoecifications:
l'. The Licensee should execute Quality Check and Control for the developmental works
pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC, and should give their eCC report
specifically regarding the quantities by checking the work thoroughly and the quality of

work with respect to the specifications and quality of soil, planting material and lawns
etc. The report should be realistic with the observations made by the Agency with
reference to ground position and with specific reco m men dations.

2. The Licensee shall take up quality checking of the greenery works executed by the
Urban Biodiversity, GHMC with actual cost of work over Rupees one lakh and above as

and when requested bv the GHMC.

3. That the Urban Biodiversity, GHMC shall provide concept plans, sketches, estimates,
actual cost of the works done, work orders and extract of the measurement book
recorded by the concerned officers of Urban Biodiversity, GHMC to the Licensee
carrying out the quality check of the works within 3 months after completion of the
works by the GHMC for the QCC inspection.

4. That the Licensee shall visit the sites after completion of works along with the officer

concerned once for checking of quality of the proper execution of allotted projects.

5. That the License shall prepare quality report as per the proforma enclosed in respect of

all the works as per the request from the GHMC. The Licensee should submit the eCC

report within [20] days from the date of receipt of the requisition from the GHMC.

Signature of tenderer らuめ 臨 v釘 ゛り,GHMC

EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality check and
Controt tor the wo*s pettains to urban
Biodiversity, cHMC

6 That the Licensee sharr submit to GHMC (2) sets of quarity reports after the
quality check is done within the time frame fixed by the GHMC.
The Licensee
shall, if so requested by the GHMC suppry extra copies of a[ such reports
at no
extra cost. To ensure submission of the reports within the time frame fixed
the GHM9 the representative of the GHMC shall cooperate with the Licensee in
visiting the sites as per the date fixed.

7 That the Licensee sharr exercise arr responsible ski

, care and dirigence in the
discharge of the duties hereby covenanted to be performed by the Licensee
shall exercise such general Superintendence and inspections with regard
to the
said works as may be necessary.

8. Taxes applicable will be deducted from the bills of Licensee.

9. The GHMC reserves the right to terminate the contract and

this agreement at any
tim e.

l-0.The GHMC shall pay Licensee the fee for the services rendered
by the Licensee in
relation to the allotted projects carcurated at the minimum rates quoted
by the
Licensee on the value of works done.

11.The execution of euarity check and contror which is not confirming

to the specifications
shall be rejected outright and the tenderer shall have no right
to claim what so ever on
such work.

12. The decision of quality of execution of euarity check and Contror ries with GHMC and
shall be binding on the contractor / successful tenderer.

Signature of tenderer
猾 L研 」
‰ rⅢ βHMc
EO′ Schedule ror F7xar10n Or Rare rOr Execυ ″οηοr Oυ aljry Che。 たand COnfrO′ ror me wO“ s pe″arns fo υrban
31odlversし GHMC

13.The successful tenderer shall execute the Quality Check and Control at various work
spots under GHMC limits as per the instructions of Officers of GHMC.

14.The execution of Quality Check and Control by the successful tenderer shall be strictly as
per specifications mentioned in the BOQ.

18. Scope, Extent & lntent.

a The tenderer shall take up and carry out the work under the tender in every aspect

and the work shall include everything else necessary for the proper execution and

successful continuation of the work in accordance with the contract Documents and

to the discretion and satisfaction of the GHMC. The tenderer shall be fully
responsible and liable for everything and all matters in connection with or arising
out of or being a result or consequence of his carrying out or omltting to carry out
any part of the work.

b The tender documents are complementary and what is called for by any one shall be

binding as if called for by all, Wherever it is mentioned in the tender documents

that the contractor shall perform certain work or provide certain facilities, it is

understood that the Contractor shall do so at his own cost. Materials or work

described in words, which so applied have a well known technical or trade meaning

shall be held to refer to such recognized standards as are applicable.

c. The extent of work includes the components & Specifications of BOQ / Agreement.

The Tenderer shall execute of Quality Check and Control of works as per
specifications of the tender/contract agreement anywhere in GHMC limits as

directed by the Officer Concerned.

19. Execution of Asreement:

d. The successful tenderer shall execute an agreement on Rs.100/- non-.judicial stamp

paper within seven days from the date of issue of notice of confirmation of tender in

Signature of tenderer Director, 臨 d市 ∝ ゞ協 GHMC

EO′ Sched●re rOr Ffxa″ Oη OrRare rOrExecur10n OFQυ alrry C力 eck and cο ρrrO′ rOr me wο s pe″ aわ s′ οtrrban
3∝ れorsし GHMc

his favour as per the terms and conditions and other norms raid
down by Greater
Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.

e. lf the successful tenderer fails to sign the prescribed agreement or fairs to

start the
work within SEVEN DAys of order received to commence the work, the
Money Deposit paid by him shall be forfeited.

20. Transfer of Contract or Sub-leasing:

f Sub-leasing or transfer of this work by the successful tenderer

in whatever manner is
prohibited and unrawfur and riabre for cancelation
of contract / agreement besides
forfeiture of the Earnest Money Deposit and other amounts if any paid by the
agency / successful tenderer up to such period.

21.DLcrelonarv powers ofthe cOmm、 siOner,GHMC

The commissioner, GHMC reserves the right to accept or reject

any tenders without
assigning any reason. The decision of the commissioner,
GHMC wi be finar and

h ln case of any dispute arising during the process of tender,

during the period of
contract, the decision of the Commissioner, GHMC wiI
be the finar and binding on
the tenderer.

The decision of Commissioner, GHMC with regard to the quarity of the ,,execution of
Quality Check and Control,, will be final and binding.

j The commissioner, GHMC wi, have right to issue directions from time to time for
execution of euality Check and Control which are not contirming to
conditions and such directions are binding on
the part of the Tenderer.
The Commissioner, GHMC reserves the right
to withdraw or cancel agreement /
contract with seven days notice without assigning
any reason which sha, be binding
on the tenderer.

Signature of tenderer
EOI Schedula fot Fixation of Rate for Execution of Qualv Check and Control for the wotus pertains to Uhan
Biodiversity, GHMC

l. For violation of any terms and conditions by the tenderer, the Commissioner, GHMC

shall have the right to cancel the agreement / contract with seven days advance

notice and the action initiated by the Commissioner, GHMC shall be binding on the

m. The acceptance of tender shall rest with the Commissioner, GHMC., who does not
bind to accept the lowest tender and reserves to the right to reject any or all the
tenders received without assigning any reason(s) whatsoever. Non-acceptance of
any tender sha ll not make the tenderer(s) liable for compensation or damages.

22. Compliance of other laws & Acts

n. The Tenderer shall be wholly and solely responsible for full compliance with the
provisions under all tabour laws and I or regulations such as payment of wages Act

1948, Employees Liability Act 1938, Workmen's Compensation Act 1923, lndustrial
Disputes Act, 1947, the Maternity Benefit Act 1961, the Contract Labour
(Regulations and Abolition) Act 1970 and the Factories Act 1948 or any modifications

thereof or any other law relating thereto and rules there under introduced from
time to time. The Tenderer shall assume liability and shall indemnify the GHMC
from every expense, liability or payment by reason of the application of any labour
law, act, rules or regulations existing or to be introduced at a future date during the

term of the contract. ln general, in respect of all labour directly or indirectly

employed in the work for the performance of Tenderer's part of the contract, the
Tenderer shall comply with all the rules framed by the Government authorities
concerned from time to time for protection of the health and welfare of the

per the
minimum wages as defined in the relevant local labour regulations or as
provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and the
Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition of Central Rules 1971, wherever

Signature of tendercr Director, Urban BiodiversitY, GHMC
EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quatity Check and Control for the works pertains to tJrban
Biodiversity, GHMC

applicable. He shall also abide by the minimum wages and other regulations
applicable to the labour engaged in the work, as laid down by the concerned local

o. The tenderer shall include in the tender amount all expenses necessary to meet his
obligations for making contributions towards employee's benefits funds (such as

provident fund, ESI benefits, old age pension and / or any other benefits /
compensation legally payable) in compliance with all the statutory regulations and
requirements. All records in this connection shall be properly maintained by the
Tenderer and are to be produced for scrutiny by the concerned authorities
whenever called for.

23. !ndemnitv

p. The tenderer shall indemnify, defend and hold and keep indemnified, the GHMC
from and against all actions, suits, claims costs, liabilities and demands brought
made against the GHMC in respect of any matter or thing done or
omitted to be
done by the Tenderer or any of their employees, workmen, representatives,
servants or suppliers in the execution of or in connection with the
work or the
tenderer's performance under this contract and against any loss or
damage to the
GHMC in consequence of any action or suit being brought against
the tenderer or
any of his employees, workmen, representatives, agents, servants
or suppliers for
anything done or omitted to be done in execution of the work
under this contract,
including but not limited to non-compliance with the applicable
laws and regulations
of the government and local authorities, not obtaining the relevant licenses
permits, infringing any patents rights and specifically
regarding use, storage and
disposal of hazardous materials.

24. Standards of conduct

Signature of tenderer Dir,呼 or,Ur ersity,GHMc

EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works peftains to urban
Biodiversity, GHMC

q. The tenderer, in performing its obligations under this contract, shall establish and

maintain appropriate business standards, procedures and control, including those

necessary to avoid any real or apparent impact on the interests of the GHMC. The

GHMC will in no event reimburse the tenderer for any costs incurred for purposes

inconsistent with such policies.

25. Pavment terms & conditions:

r. Bills to the successful tenderer will be paid after completion of execution of Quality
Check and Control for the works executed by the Urban Biodiversity, GHMC and

after issuance of certificate by the officer concerned regarding proper execution of

the work to the satisfaction of GHMC as per specifications.

All the taxes, cess etc. applicable in the state of Telangana sha ll be deducted from
the contractor bills and shall be binding on the tenderer.

Any recovery advised by the officers of GHMC etc., due to non- fulfillment of
contract conditions shall be recovered from the contractors bills or EMD etc., as the

case may be.

26. Penalties / Forfeitures:

u ln case the tenderer withdraws during the continuance of contract period due to any

reason, the Earnest Money Deposit stands forfeited.

V lf it shall appear to the GHMC during the progress of the execution of Quality Check
and Control that any have been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskillful
workmanship or with materials of any inferior description or that any materials or

articles provided by the Tenderer for the execution of the QCC are unsound or of a

quality inferior to that contracted for or otherwise not in accordance with the
contract, the tenderer shall, on demand in writing from the GHMC specifying the
work, materials or articles complained of, notwithstanding that the same may have

Signature of tenderer , urn"$f#fiersity, GHMC

Page 6f19
ot Rate ror Execution ot Quatity check controt ror the wotus pedains to t)rban
E7}i"X;::";i';ation and

been passed and certified, forthwith rectify

and re-execute the work so specified in
whole, or in part as the case may require as
the case may be, at his own proper
charge and cost and in the event of his fairing
to do so within a period so specified by
the GHMC in his demand aforesaid, the GHMC
may rectify or re-execute the work,
the materiars or articres comprained of as the
case may be at the risk and expense in
all respects of the tenderer, and deduct the
expenses from the sums that may be
due at any time thereafter may become due
to the tenderer.
w. lf the GHMC deems it inexpedient to get corrected or rectified any work of the
Tenderer which is defective or damaged
or of substandard quality or is generally not
in accordance with the contract documents, then
an equitable and appropriate
penalty shafl be revied thereof on the
tenderer, and the GHMC,s decision in this
respect shall be final and binding on the

x. The successful tenderer has to execute

the euality Check and Control for the works
pertains to urban Biodiversity, GHMC.,
strictly within stipurated time as mentioned
in the work order or service rever agreement
fairing which the bidder wi, be revied
a penalty of l% ol the contract value
for every (03) days subject to maximum of
(09) days' rf the successfur bidder
fairs to execute the Qcc even after (09)
days the
contract wi'be terminated and the successfur
bidder wi, be brack risted and EMD
will be forfeited.
27. Settlement of disoutes:

27 .7 if any dispute of difference of any kind

whatsoever arises between the
department and the contractor in connectjon
with, or ar,sing out the contract,
whether during the progress of the works
or after their compretion and whether
before or the after the termination,
abandonment or breach of the contract,
shall in the first place, be referred
to and settled by the Drrector, Urban
Biodiversity, GHMC who shall, within
a period of thirty days after being
requested by the contractor to do
so, give written notice of his decision
to the
Signature of tenderer
EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works perlains to Urban
Biodiversity, GHMC

contractor. Upon receipt of the written notice of the decision of the Director,
Urban Biodiversity, GHMC the contractor shall promptly proceed without delay
to comply with such notice of decision.

Signature of tenderer
EOI Schedule for Fixation of Rate for Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works perlains to Urban
Biodiversi$, GHMC


Tender No.

Name of the Work : Execution of Quality Check and Controt for the works pertains to Urban
Biodiversity Wing, GHMC [1't Recalt] - Reg.

Name of the Tenderer


Telephone /Cell No

Description Maximum Rate
Execution of Quality Check and Control for the works 1.71%ofthe
1 pertains to Urban Biodiversity Wing, GHMC amount fOr Test
- Reg.
Checked items of
the b‖ ls.

Note: 1. Rates must be quoted in percentage, which includes all taxes.



Authorized Signatory.


Signature of tenderer Director,Uril11百 1に嘉versity,GIIIPIC

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