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com – internet/real estate biz person in Charlotte, NC

Jim Cochrum – People who are shopping for ______ on eBay might also be interested (and
possibly willing to pay for) instant information on __________. &
Windows users make DVDs free
Outsource & & – free video encoder software – make video appear as image, text, large, small
Come up with domain names

 Focus on results –

 Puns –
 Slang –
 Symbolic – for horror movie site
 Vary real words – for googol (1 followed by 100 zeros)

Seventeen Psych Steps
1,2,3: preheadline, headline, subheadline – get ppls attention – preheadline happens prior to
headline –
4. state the problem – capture imaginations – state customer goal – establish yourself as
5. give the solution – alternatives to your product – yours is best –
6. tell a story or free sample – reciprocation – evoke emotion
7. benefits – bullets
8. social proof – testimonials
9. offer – can’t refuse - irresistible –
10. answer the unasked question – how can you make this offer –
11. bonuses – sweeten deal –
12. guarantee – take away risks – longer and stronger the better –
13. scarcity – sense of urgency – limited supply
14. ask for the order – tell them how to
15. state the consequences of not ordering - what happens if they don’t – if you don’t take care
of this (doctor)
16. signature
17. postscripts – ps to summarize all points/ restate offer – pps remind of what happens if they
don’t buy – ppps tell them to take action now
Mark Hendricks –

 Content & Design

 PageTitle – no keyword packing
 Incoming Links – text instead of domain link
 Blog
Example of JV’s work
How to play any song you love on the guitar – in one weekend flat!
Find out how to amaze your friends, your loved ones, and most of all, yourself by singing and
playing songs you love in as little as one weekend – even if you’ve never touched a guitar before,
are tone deaf, and suffer from major stage fright.
I promise, after just one weekend, with Stripped-Down Guitar, you will be inspired and thrilled
with how satisfying the guitar can be! And one you’ve gotten a taste of impressing your friends
and family by performing your favorite songs, you will be completely stoked!
Playing guitar Stripped-Down style is clear, concise, and geared to give you quick results that
will keep you engaged and excited about your developing skills.
In Stripped-Down Guitar, I reveal secrets like:

 My one-weekend, step-by-step “stripped-down” method to start playing the guitar.

 The two guitar accessories a beginner cannot do without.
 The best place to find the chords to your favorite songs on the Internet.
 The most important secret to choosing your first song to learn.
 Finger by finger instructions for making the most common guitar chords.
 The indispensible secret for actually getting your fingers to learn faster.
 The number one thing you need to know about guitar tab sites that I had to learn the very
hard way.
 The most important technique for freeing up space in your brain to learn more quickly.
 The little-known fact that make a decent singer out of anyone and the one secret that can
have you singing any song better…instantly!
 The four indispensable techniques for overcoming stage fright.
 How to deal with an unsympathetic audience member.
…so you can capture the magic of being a musician, even if you never dreamed you could!
Click to order…now!
Your satisfaction is assured through our no-risk, you can’t lose, 100 percent, no questions asked,
iron clad, money back guarantee.
What I’m saying is decide now if ….is right for you.
Try it out for …. Risk free
If it doesn’t help you overcome any stumbling blocks to learning to …., if it doesn’t guide you
step by step through…, if it doesn’t take you by the hand and teach you exactly how to get…and
how to…., if it doesn’t make progress on…easier than you ever dreamed possible, and if it
doesn’t inspire you to keep on learning and playing, then I don’t want your money…and I’ll
gladly give it all back.
You have nothing to lose!
So how much going to cost? Well, the regular price for…is… However, for a limited time, we
are running an intro offer and you can have it at a discount for only…That’s…perscent off – but
you must act now!
Plus, b/c you download the…you can have the info immediately, and get started learning to play
the guitar today!
Click to order….now!
The more you tell, the more you sell.

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