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Haematological Parameters and Factors Affecting Their Values

Article · March 2014

DOI: 10.12735/as.v2i1p37


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Nseabasi Etim
Akwa Ibom State University


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Agricultural Science
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2014), 37-47
ISSN 2291-4471 E-ISSN 2291-448X
Published by Science and Education Centre of North America

Haematological Parameters and Factors Affecting Their Values

NseAbasi N. Etim1*, Mary E. Williams1, Uduak Akpabio2, and Edem E. A. Offiong1
Department of Animal Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus, Akwa Ibom
State, Nigeria
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria
*Correspondence: NseAbasi N. Etim, Department of Animal Science, Akwa Ibom State University,
Obio Akpa Campus, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. E-mail:
DOI: 10.12735/as.v2i1p37

This article presents an overview of haematological parameters and factors affecting their values.
Blood act as a pathological reflector of the status of the exposed animals to toxicants and other
conditions. The examination of blood provides the opportunity to clinically investigate the presence
of metabolites and other constituents in the body of animals and it plays a vital role in the
physiological, nutritional and pathological status of an animal. Blood constituents change in relation
to the physiological status of an animal. These changes are important in assessing the response of
farm animals to various physiological situations. These changes are often caused by several factors;
some of which are genetic and others, non-genetic. Age, sex, breed and management systems are
among the factors that influence blood-based parameters of farm animals. It is important to
establish baseline indices for these parameters on the basis of these factors and determine the effects
of these factors on these indices.
Keywords: haematology, parameters, factors, values

1. Introduction
Haematology refers to the study of the numbers and morphology of the cellular elements of the
blood – the red cells (erythrocytes), white cells (leucocytes), and the platelets (thrombocytes) and
the use of these results in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease (Merck Manual, 2012).
Haemtological studies are useful in the diagnosis of many diseases as well as investigation of the
extent of damage to blood (Onyeyili, Egwu, Jibike, Pepple, & Ohaegbulam, 1992; Togun et al.,
2007). Haematological studies are of ecological and physiological interest in helping to understand
the relationship of blood characteristics to the environment (Ovuru & Ekweozor, 2004) and so
could be useful in the selection of animals that are genetically resistant to certain diseases and
environmental conditions (Mmereole, 2008; Isaac, Abah, Akpan, & Ekaette, 2013). Haematological
parameters are good indicators of the physiological status of animals (Khan & Zafar, 2005).
Haematological parameters are those parameters that are related to the blood and blood forming
organs (Waugh, Grant, & Ross, 2001; Bamishaiye, Muhammad, & Bamishaiye, 2009). Blood act as
a pathological reflector of the status of exposed animals to toxicant and other conditions
(Olafedehan et al., 2010). As reported by Isaac et al. (2013) animals with good blood composition
are likely to show good performance. Laboratory tests on the blood are vital tools that help detect

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any deviation from normal in the animal or human body (Ogunbajo, Alemede, Adama, &
Abdullahi, 2009). The examination of blood gives the opportunity to investigate the presence of
several metabolites and other constituents in the body of animals and it plays a vital role in the
physiological, nutrition and pathological status of an organism (Aderemi, 2004; Doyle, 2006).
According to Olafedehan et al. (2010) examining blood for their constituents can provide important
information for the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases in animals. Blood constituents change in
relation to the physiological conditions of health (Togun et al., 2007). These changes are of value in
assessing response of animals to various physiological situations (Khan & Zafar, 2005). According
to Afolabi, Akinsoyinu, Olajide, and Akinleye (2010), changes in haematological parameters are
often used to determine various status of the body and to determine stresses due to environmental,
nutritional and/or pathological factors.
This review examined the effects of breed, age, sex, management systems among others on the
haematological parameters of farm animals.

2. Haematological Components and Their Functions

Blood which is a vital special circulatory tissue is composed of cells suspended in a fluid
intercellular substance (plasma) with the major function of maintaining homeostasis (Isaac et al.,
2013). Haematological components, which consist of red blood cells, white blood cells or
leucocytes, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular
haemoglobin concentration are valuable in monitoring feed toxicity especially with feed
constituents that affect the blood as well as the health status of farm animals (Oyawoye &
Ogunkunle, 2004). Red blood cells (erythrocytes) serve as a carrier of haemoglobin. It is this
haemoglobin that reacts with oxygen carried in the blood to form oxyhaemoglobin during
respiration (Johnston & Morris, 1996; Chineke, Ologun, & Ikeobi, 2006). According to Isaac et al.
(2013) red blood cell is involved in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. Thus, a
reduced red blood cell count implies a reduction in the level of oxygen that would be carried to the
tissues as well as the level of carbon dioxide returned to the lungs (Ugwuene, 2011; Soetan,
Akinrinde, & Ajibade, 2013; Isaac et al, 2013).
The major functions of the white blood cell and its differentials are to fight infections, defend the
body by phagocytocis against invasion by foreign organisms and to produce or at least transport and
distribute antibodies in immune response. Thus, animals with low white blood cells are exposed to
high risk of disease infection, while those with high counts are capable of generating antibodies in
the process of phagocytocis and have high degree of resistance to diseases (Soetan et al., 2013) and
enhance adaptability to local environmental and disease prevalent conditions (Kabir, Akpa, Nwagu,
Adeyinka, & Bello, 2011; Okunlola, Olorunisomo, Aderinola, Agboola, & Omole, 2012; Iwuji &
Herbert, 2012; Isaac et al., 2013).
Blood platelets are implicated in blood clotting. Low platelet concentration suggests that the
process of clot-formation (blood clotting) will be prolonged resulting in excessive loss of blood in
the case of injury. Packed Cell Volume (PCV) which is also known as haematocrit (Ht or Hct) or
erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF), is the percentage (%) of red blood cells in blood (Purves,
Sadava, Orians, & Heller, 2003). According to Isaac et al. (2013) Packed Cell Volume is involved
in the transport of oxygen and absorbed nutrients. Increased Packed Cell Volume shows a better
transportation and thus results in an increased primary and secondary polycythemia. Haemoglobin
is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells of all vertebrates
(Maton et al., 1993) with the exception of the fish family, channichthyldae (Sidell & O’ Brien,
2006) as well as tissues of invertebrates. Haemoglobin has the physiological function of
transporting oxygen to tissues of the animal for oxidation of ingested food so as to release energy
for the other body functions as well as transport carbon dioxide out of the body of animals

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(Ugwuene, 2011; Omiyale, Yisa, & Ali-Dunkrah, 2012; Soetan et al., 2013; Isaac et al., 2013).
According to Peters, Gunn, Imumorin, Agaviezor, and Ikeobi (2011), previous reports stated that
Packed Cell Volume, haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin are major indices for
evaluating circulatory erythrocytes, and are significant in the diagnosis of anaemia and also serve as
useful indices of the bone marrow capacity to produce red blood cells as in mammals (Awodi, Ayo,
Atodo, & Dzende, 2005; Chineke et al., 2006). Furthermore, Chineke et al. (2006) posited that high
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) reading indicated either an increase in number of Red Blood Cells
(RBCs) or reduction in circulating plasma volume. Mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean
corpuscular haemoglobin concentration indicate blood level conditions. A low level is an indication
of anaemia (Aster, 2004).

3. Normal Haematological Values for Various Species of Farm Animals

Haematological values could serve as baseline information for comparison in conditions of nutrient
deficiency, physiology and health status of farm animals (Daramola, Adeloye, Fatoba, & Soladoye,
2005). According to Research Animal Resources [RAR] (2009) (see table 1) the values below are
subjectively averaged from a variety of sources. There is a great range of values. This may be
accounted for by variation in age, sex, breed or strain, sampling techniques, and testing
methodology. As such, the range limits are not firm boundaries and should be used as guidelines.

Table 1. Reference Values for Farm Animals

Swine Sheep Cow Rabbit Guinea Pig
PCV (%) 32 – 50 24 – 45 24 – 48 30 – 50 37 – 48
Hgb (g/dl) 10 – 16 8 – 16 8 – 15 10 – 15 11 – 15
MCV (fl) 50 – 68 23 – 48 40 – 60 78 – 95 67 – 77
MCH (pg) 17 – 23 8 – 12 11 – 17 - -
MCHC (g/dl) 30 – 36 31 – 38 30 – 36 27 – 37 30 – 34
WBC (x1000) 7 – 20 4 – 12 4 – 12 4.5 – 11 5 – 8.9
Diff (%)
Lymphocytes 40 – 60 40 – 70 40 – 70 40 – 80 39 – 72
Monocyte 2 – 10 0–6 1–6 1–4 2–6
Eosinophils 0 – 10 0 – 10 0–4 0–4 0–5
Basophils 0–2 0–3 0–2 1–7 0–3
Adapted from: Research Animal Resources [RAR] (2009)

Mitruka and Rawnsley (1977) reported the normal range of value for rabbits as follows: PCV: 30
– 35%, Hb: 9.3 – 19.3g/dl and RBC: 4.00 – 8.60x106mm3. Anonymous (1980) reported the
following range of values for rabbits: PCV: 31.0 – 50.0%, RBC: 5.0 – 8.0(x106/mm3), WBC: 3.0 –
12.5(x106/mm3), Hb: 8.0 – 17.0(g/dl). Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary Sciences [PCVS]
(1990) stated a standard WBC range of values of 2.5 – 12.5(x103mm3). White Blood Cells Count
(WBC) of 5 – 13(x109/l) is considered to be within the normal range by Burke (1994) for rabbit.
Poole (1987) reported a PCV range of 30 – 50% for rabbits.
Merck Manual (2012) documented the following range of values for cow (table 2):

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Table 2. Reference Value for Cow

Parameters Values
PCV (%) 30 – 45
PCV (X10) 24 – 34
Hb (g/dl) 10 – 15
6 3
RBC (x10 /mm ) 5.0 – 10.0
Reticulocytes 0 – 0.6
MCV (fl) 39 – 55
MCH (Pg) 13 – 17
MCHC (gldl) 30 – 36
Platelets 300 – 800
Adapted from: Merck Manual (2012)

4. Factors Influencing Haematological Parameters of Farm Animals

The genetic and non-genetic factors affecting haematological parameters of farm animals have been
observed (Agaie & Uko, 1998; Kleinbeck & McGlorie, 1999; Svoboda, Eichlerova, Horak, &
Hradecky, 2005; Xie et al., 2013). Several factors including physiological (Alodan & Mashaly,
1999), environmental condition (Vecerek, Strakova, Suchy, & Voslarova, 2002; Graczyk,
Pliszczak-Król, Kotonski, Wilczek, & Chmielak, 2003), dietary content (Odunsi, Onifade, &
Babatunde, 1999; Yeong, 1999; Kurtoğlu, Kurtoğlu, Celik, Keçeci, & Nizamlioğlu, 2005;
Iheukwumere and Herbert, 2002), fasting (Lamošová, Máčajová, & Zeman, 2004), age (Forlan,
Macari, Malheiros, Moraes, & Malheiros, 1999; Seiser et al., 2000), administration of drugs (Khan,
Szarek, Koncicki, & Krasnodebska-Depta, 1994), anti-aflatoxin treatment (Oguz, Kececi, Birdane,
Önder, & Kurtoglu, 2000) and continuous supplementation of vitamin (Tras et al., 2000) affect the
blood profile of healthy animal. Swenson (1970) and Addass, David, Edward, Zira, and Midau
(2012) also observed that factors such as age, nutrition, health of the animal, degree of physical
activity, sex and environmental factors affect blood values of animals. According to Daramola et al.
(2005) age and sex of farm animals affect haematological parameters. Schalm, Jain, and Carroll
(1975) reported that blood pictures of animals might be influenced by certain factors such as
nutrition, management, breeds of animal, sex, age, diseases and stress factors. Dukes (1955) and
Afolabi (2010) posited that haematological values of farm animals are influenced by age, sex,
breed, climate, geographical location, season, day length, time of day, nutritional status, life habit of
species, present status of individual and other factors. Carlson (1996), and Johnston and Morris
(1996) reported that besides physiological and environmental factor that might affect blood values
as: age of the animal, factors such as oestrus cycle, pregnancy and parturition, genetics, method of
breeding, breeds of animal, housing, feeding, fasting, extreme climatic conditions, stress, exercises,
transport, castration and diseases have been identified.

4.1 Genetic Factors

4.1.1 Breed and Genotype
In a study on haematological parameters of rabbit breeds and cross in humid tropics conducted by
chineke et al. (2006) it was reported genotype influence on PCV, WBC, MCH and ESR; RBC,
HBC and MCHC values were identical in all genotypes, pointing similar cellular haemoglobin
content in blood samples obtained. In a s study conducted by Peters et al. (2011) on variation in
haematological parameters of Nigerian native chickens; normal-feathered birds had higher mean
values compared to frizzled feather and native neck genotype. Peters et al. (2011) observed some

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strain differences which were consistent with Agaie and Uko (1998), Islam et al. (2004) and
Chineke et al. (2006) strengthening the argument for interest of genetic differences. According to
Peters et al. (2012), sufficient genetic variation therefore exists for haematological parameters
among Nigerian native chickens that may represent indicator traits for study.
Isaac et al. (2013) in a study on haematological properties of different breeds (Chinchilla, New
Zealand White and Dutch) of rabbit reported that Chinchilla had the highest value for WBC,
lymphocytes, monocytes, RBC, Hb, PCV and MCV. New Zealand White had the highest value in
MCHC and MCH while Dutch had the highest values in neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and
platelets. Isaac et al. (2013) further reported that there was no significant difference among the
breeds. Schalm (1975) reported significant breed differences in haematological values for New
Zealand White and wild jack rabbit. Durai, Maruthai, Arumugam, and Venugopal (2012) conducted
a study on haematological profile and erythrocyte indices of different breeds of poultry and
observed variation in results which was suggested to be due to differences in breeds. Durai et al.
(2012) further documented that the significant differences in haematological profile and erythrocyte
indices among the different breeds of poultry can be considered as reference values and may serve
as a guide to assess the state of health in the monitored birds. Ekiz and Yalcintan (2013) in a study
on haematological parameters in goats kids reported that breed had significant effect on PCV.
Schalm et al. (1975) stated that haematological studies of farm animals either showed significant or
no significant breed effect. Ologunowa et al. (2000) reported that no significant breed effect on the
blood parameters, in his study.

4.2 Non-Genetic Factors

4.2.1. Age and Sex
In a study conducted by Addass et al. (2012) on indigenous chickens, it was reported that age group
effect was observed on PCV, RBC and WBC where the 150d age group recorded highest WBC,
PCV; higher RBC value was observed for age group 90d. For WBC, the 90d age group had the
highest. A significant sex effect was also observed, with males having higher values of PCV and
RBC and females have shown higher value on WBC. A significant age effect was observed for
MCV and MCHC. Significant sex effect was evident with females having highest value on MCHC
while males had higher MCV. A significant sex effect was observed on Hb concentration. Addass et
al. (2012) reported that the majority of haemotological parameters for indigenous chickens increase
with advancing age, males generally report higher value than females. Peters et al. (2011) reported
that male chickens generally had higher mean values than their female counterpart across all
genotypes. Another study conducted by Egbe-Nwiyi, Nwaosu, and Salami (2000) revealed the
influence of age and sex on haematological values of goats and sheep; age and sex had remarkable
influence on the RBC counts of goats, age influenced the Hb and PCV values, age and sex greatly
influenced the MCV and age influenced MCHC. Age and sex influenced neutrophil (increased with
age) and eosinophil counts (gradually decreased with age and males had higher counts) in sheep.
Sex and age influenced the RBC values of sheep. PCV and MCHC values of sheep were influenced
by both sex and age. The MCV was influenced by age. Sex significantly influenced the total WBC
(the highest value in males and females were observed at 3 -5 years and 6-9 months respectively in
goats) and monocyte counts (which was higher in males and females). Daramola et al. (2005)
reported that age was observed to have a significant effect on HB, RBC and MCHC of West
African Dwarf goat which suggested that the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood was high in
adult goats. Daramola et al. (2005) observed that sex had significant effect on lymphocyte and
neutrophils; the male WAD goats had increased lymphocyte values compared to the female
animals, whereas the female had increased neutrophil values compared to the male animals, which
was similar to observations reported for Red Sokoto goats (Tambuwal, Agale, & Bangana, 2002).
Daramola et al. (2005) further documented that the PCV values obtained for female WAD goats in
other studies were comparable to those obtained for WAD goats which was in contrast to the values

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obtained for Red Sokoto goats in Nigeria (Tambuwal et al., 2002) in which male animals had higher
values than females.
In a study conducted by Isaac et al. (2013) on haematological properties of different sexes of
rabbits, it was observed that the males had the highest values of WBC, neutrophil, monocyte,
lymphocyte, basophils, RBC, Hb, Hct, Mcv, MCHC and platelets while females had the highest
values in MCH; there was no significant difference among the sexes. Özkan, Kaya, and Akgül
(2012) conducted a research on haematology of New Zealand white rabbits and observed no
significant differences between male and female animals for parameters analyzed except Hct, Hb
and granulocyte %. Chineke et al. (2006) reported a non-significant sex effect on the
haematological variables of rabbit except ESR where females recorded higher significant mean
values than males which corroborated earlier study conducted by Schalm et al. (1975) which found
no sex effect on rabbit and sheep haematology but contrasted with the sex significant effect reported
in dogs (where the males have higher significant mean values than the females) (Awah & Nottidge,
1998). Several haematological reports involving farm animals showed no sex effect (Nottidge,
Taiwo, & Ogunsanmi, 1999; Singh, Pal, Mandal, Singh, & Pathak, 2002; Chineke et al., 2006).
According to Chineke et al. (2006) age has significant influences on HBC, WBC, MCHC and ESR.
Similar age effect had been reported in various animal species (Schalm et al., 1975; Chineke et al.,
2006). As reported by Schalm et al. (1975) and Chineke et al. (2006) in horses, the MCV, MCH
and MCHC consistently increased with age but WBC was highest in the youngest group.
Ologunowa et al. (2011) reported that age and sex had no significant effects on blood parameters.

4.2.2 Influence of Management/Animal Husbandry Systems on Haematological Parameters

Addass et al. (2012) reported that management system had significant effect on PCV indicating a
higher effect on semi-intensively kept chicken recording higher values. According to Addass et al.
(2012) intensively kept chickens recorded higher values for most haematological parameters than
semi-intensively kept chickens. Olayemi, Farotimi, and Fagbohun (2000) conducted a study to
determine the haematology of the West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep under intensive and extensive
management systems in Nigeria. The intensively reared animals showed higher PCV, Hb
concentration and MCV than those under extensive management. Both groups of animals had
similar MCH, MCHC, Red Blood Cell, (RBC) Total White Blood Cell, lymphocyte, neutrophil,
eosinophil and monocyte counts. In another study conducted by Olayemi et al. (2000) on the
influence of management on the haematology of the white Fulani cattle. The intensively reared
animals showed higher Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Red and White cell counts but lower Mean
Corpuscular Haemoglobin than those under extensive management.
Furthermore, Coles (1986) and Schalm et al. (1975) reported that regardless of age, sex and
climate, sheep and goats reared under traditional husbandry system have low haematological values
compared to those reared under modern husbandry.

4.2.3 Others
Chineke et al. (2006) reported that apart from genotype, age, sex, differences in haematological
indices may be caused by nutritional, environmental and hormonal factors. According to Radostits,
Blood, and Gay (1994) low nutritional grassland, pasture, stress, parturition, climatic factors among
others greatly alter the blood values of goats and sheep, as well as other farm animals.

5. Conclusion
Haematological parameters and its knowledge can be used to assess the health as well as the
physiological status of farm animals under consideration. Changes of these parameters have been
studied in cattle, sheep and red Sokoto goats. There is great variation in the haematological

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parameters as observed between breeds, ages, sexes, management systems among others in farm
animals. These differences have further underlined the need to establish appropriate physiological
baseline values for livestock in Nigeria which could help in realistic evaluation of the management
practice, nutrition, diagnosis of health as well as in determining the physiological status of farm
animals. Moreover, it is important to establish a baseline indices for haematological parameters on
the basis of the factors studied and also carry out further studies to determine the effects of these
factors on these indices.

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