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PD III Intersession Schedule

Tuesday, July 22nd.

Intersession #1: Assuming Clinical Responsibility: Disclosure,
Apology and Your
Role as a Physician.
Plenary: When Things go wrong: Voices of Patients and Families.
o 1:30p-3:00p
o TMEC Amphitheater
Tutorial: How do we Come to Terms with Mistakes, Adverse Events and
o 3:15p-5:00p
o Assigned tutorial rooms – posted at the Plenary

Tuesday, October 21st

Intersession #2: Living at the Edge of Science: Decision-making
Under Uncertainty.
Plenary: Decision-making Under Uncertainty
o 1:30p – 3:00p
o TMEC Amphitheater
Tutorial: How Do We Make Clinical Decisions and Tolerate Uncertainty
in Daily
o 3:15p-5:00p
o Assigned Tutorial rooms – posted at the plenary

Thursday, January 29th

Intersession #3: Systems Failure
Plenary: Systems Failure
o 1:30p-3:00p
o TMEC Amphitheater
Tutorial: The Whole is More than the Sum of Its Parts: How Can We
Work to Change the System of Care?
o 3:15p-5:00p
o Assigned tutorial rooms – posted at the plenary.

Thursday, April 23rd

Intersession #4: Is Medicine as a Business at Odds with Medicine as a
Plenary: Is Medicine as a Business at Odds with Medicine as a
Humanistic Pursuit? Personal Reflections of Clinical, Administrative and
Academic Leaders
o 1:30p-3:00p
o TMEC Amphitheater
Tutorial: Personal Values and Career Choice
o 3:15p-5:00p
o Assigned tutorial rooms – posted at plenary

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