SGTK-MMC 13aug

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Steps required to prepare a SGTK card for Filed purpose.

1) IP Configuration of SGTK card

2) Loading of Relevant SGTK Boot Image file.

3) Mounting the NVRAM and MMC

4) Transferring the root file system to MMC

5) LAG and EMS release Installation., Date setting

6) Tone Fusing to SGTK card.

7) Subscriber data creation, call testing

1) IP Configuration of SGTK card

Open a Linux terminal, for all the following execution Be root

su -
Password ::root123 (or “cdot123” :::five the password of the root.)

Through minicom login in SGTK card

MAXNG login=root

$cd /jffs2/conf/
vi net
(You have to create a file structure if conf is not there in /jffs2, then create net file)
Do the following entries, first confirm Gateway IP, Netmask IP, SGTK IP.

ifconfig eth0 down

ifconfig eth0 inet netmask
route add default gw

Check for the file Permission of /jffs2/conf/net

if it is not having the execution permission then type the following commands

$chmod 755 /jffs2/conf/net

$cd /jffs2/conf
before doing the following step please ensure the following thing
ping SGTK from PC should get pinged
ping PC from SGTK should get pinged

$ reboot

Hit any key to stop autoboot 10

then press the enter key

2) Loading of Relevant SGTK Boot Image file.


MAXNG_IMG_V02R05-TRIAL is the current file which is required as a boot image

LAPTOP/PC should be in same network and above file should be in following path Linux OS ,
$ cd /tftpboot
$ cp /root/Desktop/MAXNG_IMG_V02R05-TRIAL /tftpboot


Type "printenv" to see all the set parameter:::SGTK-U-BOOT-8280=> printenv , following data will appear 
bootcmd=bootm 0xfe800000
bootargs=root=/dev/ram rw
bootfile= MAXNG_IMG_V02R05-TRIAL
As by name it is shown boot file image is MAXNG_IMG_V02R05-TRIAL,

SGTK-U-BOOT-8280=>setenv serverip

SGTK-U-BOOT-8280=>setenv ipaddr
SGTK-U-BOOT-8280=>setenv bootfile MAXNG_IMG_V02R05-TRIAL

it would take less then 10 seconds, if

its not that fast ie some problem is there,(Please ensure that tftp
should be enabled in LAPTOP/PC.
now do the following.

SGTK-U-BOOT>> load_cflash
Erasing the code flash
Starting Flash Programming
This will burn the desired image to RAMDISK.
SGTK-U-BOOT>> lboot

  Image Name: Multi File Image (Kernel+Ramdisk
  Image Type: PowerPC Linux Multi-File Image (gzip compressed)
  Data Size: Bytes =7.4 MB
  Load Address: 00000000
  Entry Point: 00000000
  Image 0: 781454 Bytes = 763.1 kB
  Image 1:3266209 Bytes = 3.1 MB
  Verifying Checksum ... OK  
7.4 MB file size will confirm the MAXNG_IMG_V02R05-TRIAL image.

4) Mounting the NVRAM and MMC

For mounting the NVRAM

ones need to be in $ prompt

1) dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock2 count=8 bs=4096

2) mke2fs /dev/mtdblock2
3) mount /dev/mtdblock2 /nvram -text2

For mounting the MMC

if the above command is not working the n do the following
$cd /bin

5) Transferring the root file system to MMC


Sgtk_rfs.tar is required, copy this tar to /root/Desktop/SGTK/

1) logically mount the PC/LAPTOP, be root (In Linux OS only)

a) add the following entry in /etc/exports

vi exports, now make the following entry
/root/Desktop *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
exit the vi editor
b) exportfs -a
c) service portmap restart
d) service nfs restart
e) service network restart

2). In SGTK give the following commands from Ramdisk

$ cd mmc
$ mkdir rfs_mount
$ mount -o nolock -t nfs /mmc/rfs_mount
$ cd /mmc
$ tar -xvf /mmc/rfs_mount/SGTK/sgtk_rfs.tar

Wait for 5 mins to untar it.

6)LAG and EMS release Installation., Date setting

DATE Setting

The date can be verified by “date” command given at “$” prompt of Ramdisk. The date can be set
permanently ( will not be reset by reboot also) in the following way:

The example is shown to set date 13 july2010, thursday, and UTC time 13:35:50

$ setrtc
Year (YY) :10

Month (MM) :07

Date (DD) :15

Day of week (1-7) :4 ( monday = 1)

Hours (HH) :13 ( Note : Time should be in UTC , can be seen from p.c by “date -u” command)

Minutes (MM) :35

Seconds (SS) :50

Change date shown in mmc from HMT format to IST format:
The following procedure needs to be done only ONCE in any SGTK card
give the following commands :

$ chroot mmc
sh-3.00# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta /etc/localtime

date can be verified by giving “date” command in MMC.

LAG, EMS Release installation




Copy lagconf_1.4tar, lagrel_1.4tar in /root/Desktop/SGTK/LAG

copy agent.tar in /root/Desktop/SGTK/EMS

$cd /root/Desktop/SGTK/LAG

Untar it .using the following commands

$tar -xvf lagconf_1.4
$tar -xvf lagrel_1.4 tar

Create the following directory structure in mmc

telnet the SGTK
login root
$ chroot /mmc
sh$mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/lag/lag_mount

mount -o nolock -t nfs /usr/local/bin/lag/lag_mount

it will mount the current directory structure

Execute the following from /usr/local/bin/lag/lag_mount/SGTK

$ ./
$ ./install.script (Choose for TARGET ie option 2)

Now do the EMS installation.

$ cd ems2.1.2_18.1-lagsgtk
$ ./

Since this release contains PATCH for AGENT so we have to copy the AGENT PATCH by using the
following command.

cp /usr/local/bin/lag/lag_mount/SGTK/EMS/AGENT/agent_patch/lagagent

Sh exit

Add the following line

Entries to be given in /nvram/conf/net, before rebooting system

ifconfig eth0 down

ifconfig eth0 inet netmask up
route add default gw
echo "Starting ... "
chroot /mmc /etc/

exit the vi editor, give permission to that net file.

chmod 755 net

$ reboot

7)Tone Fusing to SGTK card



Copy tone file (Newalltones_digits_srec_srec) in the machine (In this case 
is copied in  /home/cdot/Desktop/tones/ lenlin52) 
1) Telnet <PIC> (PIC where tone is to be fused) 
   Shutdown  the processes running on the system (PIC/DSP) by the command: 
Exit from disk_on_chip and give system command “reboot” 
2) lsmod 
   Give  command when DSP driver is not running. 
3) rmmod dsp (DSPDTMF....) driver 
4)copy tone fusing file and dsp driver in /disk_on_chip/tmp of PIC/DSP. 
5)From  /disk_on_chip/tmp 
* insmod <dsp driver name> 
6) Obscure "DSP MINICOM"  ( this case DSP minicom obscured in lenlin52) 
   after connecting minicom (connector starts from 7th pin)  \ 
   then in monitor .. 
               * <prompt> su 
               * password : root 
               * <prompt> minicom 
7) In DSP MINICOM, DSP TST main menu will be displayed 
8)There  type 1 (option 1) then press return key. 
9)Then type 4 (option 4) and press return key. 
10) Then type 1 (option1 ) and press return key. 
11) Then type 1 (option 1) and press return key. 
12) Press <cntrl a z> and press return key. 
13) Type s and select “ASCII” 
14) Select GOTO button and press return key. 
15) A space appears on the screen . There type the path from where tone file is to be 
extracted. For example :  type the path :  </home/cdot/Desktop/tones> 
16) select the tone file  Newalltones_digits_srec_srec in  the path  defined. 
17) After loading message appears on the screen press return key. 
18) Tones start fusing and takes about 45 minutes . 
19) Once completed then restart the system after removing present dsp driver (rmmod dsp 

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