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Case Scenario

You are the Director of Marketing for a toy manufacturer in the United States. You currently have five
people on your team: you, a department administrator, two graphic designers, and a web designer.
You are bringing on three new employees to your five person team: an assistant director to focus
on global marketing, a social media coordinator, and an administrative assistant. Think through what
you will need to do to onboard these three new people.

Fill out the following information for each of your new employees, creating a point for each thing you
need to do or think about. Write at least three points for each employee for each question, though
more are welcome.

Assistant Director of Marketing

What do I need to know about this person?

Input from any known in the previous organization of the upcoming Assistant Director or a feedback
from referral mentioned by the Assistant Director or some of ex-employee who have worked with
him/her before can help to understand the below mentioned things in a better way. Even the CV of
the Assistant Director tells a lot about the person on the whole.

1. Working Style: Since the New Recruit is coming for a senior position and there might are
some resources reporting to him/her. So understanding the Working style of the Assistant
Director is very important. Though its difficulty to gauge the working style of someone before
they join, but a little bit of input from all the above mentioned sources will help to understand
the working style.

2. Manpower Reporting: Since Assistant Director for Global Marketing is a senior position and
a critical role to work upon. So we need to know from him/her and decide internally that is
there any kind of additional manpower required for reporting to the Assistant Director for
smooth conduct of the office Operations.

3. Office Service Escape: To understand the expectations in terms of what the Assistant
Director will expect for his office set to have in terms of the Stationary and Electronic and
other gadgets required for the day to day Operations .Having a good service escape as per
the expectation of the Assistant Director should be considered up to a level which can be
easily accommodated and provided to create a feel good factor.
Who does this person need to meet with?

1. Human Resources Team : The Assistant Director first of all should meet the HR Head or the
HR Manager for Induction and other formalities to kick-start the onboarding Process.

2. Senior Leadership: Since the position for which the Assistant Director is joining is a very senior
position and which is handling the Global Marketing Operations so he/she should be definitely
meeting the Senior Leadership including you itself. Depending upon the Organization Structure
and hierarchy the interaction should be conducted. Be it with the Co-founder/CEO/Managing

3. Immediate Team Reporting: The Interaction with the Immediate Team with whom the Assistant
Director will be working on daily basis should be made possible. Such that both the parties
understand each other well.

How can my team be involved with the onboarding?

1. Office Set Up : The Team can help in the setting up of the Office for the soon to be joining
Assistant Director so that everything is in place before the Assistant Director takes up the
position in the office.

2. Documentation & Hand-Holding: Hand-holding is very much required for such a senior
person joining the team. So somebody who knows the organization really well and is a good
communicator and also good in documenting the things is very essential for him/her to
quickly understand the standard operating procedures.

3. Out-of-Office Support : The Assistant director might require some out of office support in
terms of his accommodation set-up and local grocery help .So one of the team member can
go one step ahead and an extend an help for some of the non-official work initially till the
time he/she gets used to the local market.

What does this person need to know from me right now?

1. KRA and KRI’s: What would be the Immediate KRA/KPI for him/her in order to cater to
the Global Marketing Operations .This will make him/her understand about what is
expected out of his/her performance.

2. Reporting Structure: What will be the reporting structure in terms of whether he/she will
be reporting to someone or not or will anybody be reporting to him /her so that
accordingly the communication mode is set-up.
3. Policies & SOP: A basic an initial understanding of the culture, values, policies and
standard –operating procedures of the organization and also the department he/she will
be working for.

What else should I consider?

1. Additional Domestic Support : Any additional support which he/she might require post the
office hours for his own personal domestic stuff because initially they would be new to the
area .So it should be ensured that somebody from the team is deputed for the domestic
support where ever required.

2. Cross-Functional department Interaction: In addition to the Interaction with the Senior

Leadership Team and also the immediate departmental members where he/she will be
working, it should be ensured that interaction among several other departments is also
conducted to understand who inter-departmental employees interacts with each other. Also
the Interaction the Member/Employees/Vendors/Channel Partners of the Toy Company since
the Operations are to be carried out globally.

3. Ensuring Proper Induction : It should also be taken care-off that Proper Induction was
done by HR and his team so that he/she is aware of the overall working of the organization
and not only the respective department that the Assistant Director will be working for.

Social Media Coordinator

What do I need to know about this person?

Input from any known in the previous organization of the upcoming Social Media Coordinator
or a feedback from referral mentioned by the him/her or some of ex-employee who have
worked with him/her before can help to understand the below mentioned things in a better
way. Even the CV of the Social Media Coordinator will tell a lot about the person on the

1. Gadgets Required: Since the New Recruit is coming for a Social Media Coordinator position
so it is required to be known well in advance of the type of devices or Gadgets that he/she
will require for carrying out for the Social Media Campaign for the Company.

2. Additional Supporting Staff Required: Since Social Media Coordinator requires a lot of
Support of Graphic Designers and Web designers for and a creative work to work upon. So
we need to know from him/her and decide internally that is there any kind of additional
manpower required to work along with the Social Media Coordinator.
3. Type of Culture & Working Style : A little input on type of working style and the culture the
Social Media Coordinator has worked for his/her previous organization will help to
understand us better about him/her so that if required and manageable the things can me
modified so that he/she feels part of the organization at a very early stage and they become
interested in their work with full passion. Creative people require proper space and freedom
and flexibility to carry out their operations.

Who does this person need to meet with?

1. Human Resources Team : The Social Media coordinator first of all should meet the HR Head or
the HR Manager for Induction and other formalities to kick-start the onboarding Process.

2. Senior Leadership: Since the position for which the Social Media Coordinator is joining is a
very critical position and which is handling the Social Handles of the organization of a Toy
Company so he/she should be definitely meeting the Senior Leadership including you itself.
Depending upon the Organization Structure and hierarchy the interaction should be conducted.
Be it with the Co-founder/CEO/Managing Director. This will make him/her understand the what
things the leadership team would like to be projected to the outside world to promote them as a
good brand.

3. Immediate Team Reporting: The Interaction with the Immediate Team with whom the Social
Media Coordinator will be working on daily basis should be made possible. Such that both the
parties understand each other well.

How can my team be involved with the onboarding?

1 Office Set Up : The Team can help in the setting up of the Office for the soon to be joining
Social Media Marketer so that everything is in place before the he/she takes up the position in
the office.

2 Documentation & Hand-Holding: Hand-holding is very much required for such Social Media
person joining the team. So somebody who knows the organization really well and is a good
communicator and also good in documenting the things is very essential for him/her to quickly
understand the standard operating procedures.

4. Out-of-Office Support : Social Media Marketer might require some out of office support in terms
of his accommodation set-up and local grocery help .So one of the team member can go one
step ahead and an extend an help for some of the non-official work initially till the time he/she
gets used to the local market.
What does this person need to know from me right now?

1. KRA and KRI’s: What would be the Immediate KRA/KPI for him/her in order to carry out the
Social Media Campaign for the Company .This will make him/her understand about what is
expected out of his/her performance.

2. Reporting Structure: What will be the reporting structure in terms of whether he/she will be
reporting to someone or not or will anybody be reporting to him /her so that accordingly the
communication mode is set-up.

3. Policies & SOP: A basic an initial understanding of the culture, values, policies and standard
–operating procedures of the organization and also the department he/she will be working
for. What is to put on the social handles and what is to be avoided is very much required to
be told.

What else should I consider?

1.Additional Domestic Support : Any additional support which he/she might require post the
office hours for his own personal domestic stuff because initially they would be new to the
area .So it should be ensured that somebody from the team is deputed for the domestic support
where ever required.

2. Cross-Functional department Interaction: In addition to the Interaction with the immediate

departmental members where he/she will be working, it should be ensured that interaction
among several other departments is also conducted to understand how inter-departmental
employees interact with each other. Since the Social Media Coordinator might require some
inputs from other department to carry out work.

3. Ensuring Proper Induction : It should also be taken care-off that Proper Induction was done
by HR and his team so that he/she is aware of the overall working of the organization and not
only the respective department that the Social Media Coordinator will be working for.
Administrative Assistant:

What do I need to know about this person?

Input from any known in the previous organization of the upcoming Administrative Assistant
or a feedback from referral mentioned by the him/her or some of ex-employee who have
worked with him/her before can help to understand the below mentioned things in a better
way. Even the CV of the Administrative Assistant will tell a lot about the person on the whole.

1. Type of Culture & Working Style : A little input on type of working style and the culture the
Administrative Assistant has worked for his/her previous organization will help to understand
us about him/her better so that if required and manageable the things can me modified so
that he/she feels part of the organization at a very early stage and they become interested in
their work with full passion.

2. Stationary Required: Since the New Recruit is coming for an Administrative Coordinator
position so it is required to be known well in advance of the type of stationary or Gadgets that
he/she will require for carrying out for the day to day operations of the department.

3. Vehicle Support /Petty Cash Requirement: Based on the type of daily and monthly
expenses of the department the administrative assistant would be required to carry out his/her
work for which he/she will require some Petty cash to meet out the expense for the work to be
carried out. So does he/she possesses his Mobile /Own Vehicle /Credit-Debit Card or is it
required to provide additionally to him/her so that the daily operations are not put on stop mode
due to non-availability these reasons.

Who does this person need to meet with?

1. Human Resources Team : The Administrative Assistant first of all should meet the HR
Head or the HR Manager for Induction and other formalities to kick-start the onboarding

2. Immediate Team Reporting: The Interaction with the Immediate Team with whom the
Administrative Assistant will be working on daily basis should be made possible. Such that
both the parties understand each other well.

3. Cross-Functional Department Coordinators or Heads: The Interaction with the inter-

departmental coordinators or the Heads is also required so that he/she understands who to
reach out in case of any work related task.
How can my team be involved with the onboarding?

1 Office Set Up : The Team can help in the setting up of the Office for the soon to be joining
Administrative Assistant so that everything is in place before the he/she takes up the position in
the office.

2 Documentation & Hand-Holding: Hand-holding is very much required for Administrative

Assistant. So either the already present department Coordinator or somebody who knows the
organization really well and is a good communicator and also good in documenting the things is
very essential for him/her to quickly understand the standard operating procedures. This will
make him understand the things very quickly.

3.Out-of-Office Support : Administrative Assistant might require some out of office support in
terms of his accommodation set-up and local grocery help .So one of the team member can go
one step ahead and an extend an help for some of the non-official work initially till the time
he/she gets used to the local market.

What does this person need to know from me right now?

1. KRA and KRI’s: What would be the Immediate KRA/KPI for him/her in order to carry out
the day to day Operations of the department .This will make him/her understand about what
is expected out of his/her performance.

2. Reporting Structure: How many people are working in the department? What is the
hierarchy? To whom will the administrative assistant will report to?

3. Policies & SOP: A basic an initial understanding of the culture, values, policies and
standard –operating procedures of the organization and also the department he/she will be
working for. Whom to approach with in the department and outside the department in case
of any work or issue.

What else should I consider?

1.Additional Domestic Support : Any additional support which he/she might require post the
office hours for his own personal domestic stuff because initially they would be new to the
area .So it should be ensured that somebody from the team is deputed for the domestic support
where ever required.

2. Cross-Functional department Interaction: In addition to the Interaction with the immediate

departmental members where he/she will be working, it should be ensured that interaction
among several other departments is also conducted to understand how inter-departmental
employees interact with each other. It is required because there a lot of administrative things
which are linked with the working of department for e.g. HR in relation to leaves, Accounts
related to Salaries and Petty cash, Purchase department related to additional things required for
carrying out the office work.

3. Ensuring Proper Induction: It should also be taken care-off that Proper Induction was done
by HR and his team so that he/she is aware of the overall working of the organization and not
only the respective department .Administrative assistant has to ensure proper rules and decorum
is followed in the department .So for that he/she needs to understand the policies first.

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