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ID.NUMBER : 29201011


The Impossible is a 2012 disaster drama film directed by Juan Antonio Garcia

Bayona and written by Sergio G.Sanchez.The main character of this film is performance

by Naomi Watts as (Maria Bennet), Ewan McGregor as (Henry Bennet), Tom Holland

as (Lucas), Samuel Joslin as (Thomas) and Oaklee Pendergast as (Simon) in this film.

This film bring a reenactment of the disaster Tsunami that happen in 2004 Indian Ocean

Tsunami in Thailand and it suggest me that this film definitely received a lot of positive

reviews from the critics all around the world for direction and acting. It’s and eye

opening film since it showed how they experienced the unexpected Tsunami that

destroyed everything in it’s path and innocent people. However, the strong family love

and bond of the family reunited them in the end. The genre of this film is more to thriller

and historical fiction and this movie also they created based on true story.

Based on what I saw in this film, I can say this film talking about a family faced

a disaster Tsunami during their vacation in Thailand. They were separated from each

other, Maria (Naomi Watts) and Lucas (Tom Holland) they injured. The father Henry

(Ewan McGregor) try to find another two sons were seperated which is Simon and

Thomas ( Samuel Joslin and Oaklee Pendergast). In this film, they were faced many

problem, at the end they meet together and luckily survived from the Tsunami. My

feelings when I saw disaster scene (Tsunami parts) destroyed all things like just a few

minutes the water came and all gone and i was shock, scared, and crying. Also

sympathy for the family and others people who got crashed. The house, coconut tree,

the hotel all is hit by Tsunami. You can felt their pain and fear as they were separated

form each other and their energy of them trying to find each other back until end. Henry
tried his best to find his child Lucas and Maria his wife, while sending his two sons to a

higher place to prepare and protect them from an expected Tsunami. Next, for the

cinematography scenes of this film was very surreal as director showed the disaster

Tsunami that engulfed everything. It’s very scary as I watched the Tsunami and I can

feel the fear all the victims must be going through. The props and CGI was very realistic

as the buildings and trees were destroyed. Other than that, the shot where they were at

the hospital shows the chaos that created by Tsunami. The make up effects of the

wounds and blood were fantastic and look real.

For the main characters, I can say that after the Tsunami , the scene that Maria

and Lucas try to help people and they found a kid , it was Daniel. She talk to Lucas to

find others victim and take them to a safe place before trying searching for their lost

family. Henry characters of the whole scene in this film was impressed me well because

the way he being responsible and not giving up to find his wife and the children. He also

asked Thomas to take of a good care his brother Simon and follow with another trip to

go the safe shelters at the mountain by Thailand rescue. The most powerful scene for

me is when Henry separated from Thomas and Simon and he go try to find his wife

Maria and Lucas his son at the hospital. Dramatic scene happen when Simon and

Thomas saw Lucas and Henry found them, they run hug each other after they reunite.

This scene is touching me and make my emotions crying a lot to see all the family

reunited back after what they faced many problems and how hard is to find each other

also survive in disaster Tsunami. In other way got possibility they not see each other

Something from this film that remind me we as human should be helping each other

no matter what. Scene of Lucas refuse to help Daniel, Maria changed his mind and said

what if Daniel is your brother ( Simon and Thomas) what would Lucas will do. After that

Lucas realise that he should help Daniel and other people who need a help. I also

remember that what happen in my life when I saw old Chinese lady with wheelchair

trying to across the street but nobody help her and she stuck there. That time I was late

to go college and I think again what my dad said, we must help people and we have to

show our kindness to others without asking for charge. I just go help her to cross the

street and that Chinese lady really kind to me and said she was there like 15minutes but

nobody wants to help her until I come and help her cross the street. She was crying and

offered money because I help her. I said don’t need the money. I’m helping everyone

without asking any return the favour. After that, I was happy to help people and I wanted

to do more as I could. We should practice human kindness towards each other, even

with someone that we don’t even know them because we all got humanity feelings. It’s a

good thing to learned to give our community become stronger and build a happy vibes

society in our surrounding. Moreover, in this film also got kindness that show us a

stranger guy also involved in this disaster Tsunami named Karl who help Henry and

lend his phone to him contact their relatives family.

What I can conclude from the movie was full of emotions, despair, pain, panic and

hope to fight for supremacy in this outstandingly made. This movie deserves to be rated

one of the movie of the year and the awards they received without any doubts. I enjoyed

the film because this film have a moral value that we can learned to help our community

and others. I would recommend it to everybody to watch the film to learn what

happened to the victims of the Tsunami.

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