J6K8-5700 - Shop Manual Link Belt 8050

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2651 Palumbo Drive
Lexington, KY 40509
(859) 263-5200



The crane serial number is on the Crane Rating Manual or Capacity Plate which is located
inside the operator’s cab. The serial number should always be furnished when ordering
parts for the crane or when corresponding with the Distributor or Factory concerning the
crane. Providing the serial number is the only way of ensuring the correct parts and/or
information can be furnished.

In the event the serial number is not readable, a number is stamped on the upper revolving
frame which can be used to help to identify the crane. On cable cranes this number is on
the right hand boom foot mounting lug. On hydraulic cranes the number is stamped just
below the boom hoist cylinder mounting lugs.
DATE 10/16/17


S/N- 73959418 S/N- ZBEA074008
AEM: BOOK- MC-1407
O/M BOOK- 1288060117 VIDEO- DVD-CR


****************************************** ******************************************
****************************************** BEAM CYLINDER, R & I
R & I SM01-046-034.00 JACK CYLINDER, RECON
SM01-007-012.00 STEER CYLINDER, RECON SM01-046-035.00 JACK CYLINDER, R & I
SM01-007-018.00 STEER CYLINDER, R & I SM01-048-028.00 ROTATING JOINT, R & I
SM01-018-059.00 TRANSMISSION, R & I SM01-048-029.00 ROTATING JOINT, RECON
SM01-029-017.00 REAR AXLE & SUSPENSION, SM01-069-005.00 TIRE & RIM, R & I
R & I SM01-075-076.00 STARTER, R & I
SM01-039-009.00 HYD RESV FILTER, R & I SM01-075-086.00 ALTERNATOR, R & I
SM01-043-003.00 O/R SOLEN VLV STACK, RECN (50 RING)
DATE 10/16/17


****************************************** ******************************************
SM01-080-049.00 PUMP DISCONNECT, R & I
(MULTIPLE SECTION) ******************************************
SM01-081-049.00 2-SECTION HYD PUMP, R & I SM07-001-024.00 PILOT CONTROL
SM01-081-050.00 2-SECTION HYD PUMP, R & I SM07-003-006.00 SOLENOID VALVES, RECON
****************************************** SM07-004-134.00 UPPER HYDRALICS COMP, R&I
SM03-003-014.00 COUNTERWEIGHT, R & I SM07-006-076.00 TWO SPEED VALVE, RECON
SM07-006-081.00 SWING MOTOR, RECON
****************************************** SM07-006-096.00 WINCH MOTOR, R & I
SM04-005-031.00 SWING BRAKE, R & I SM07-006-100.00 SWING MOTOR, R & I
****************************************** SM07-008-091.00 WINCH COUNTERBALANCE
SM05-006-025.00 WINCH, RECON VALVE, R & I
SM05-006-029.00 WINCH, R & I SM07-008-113.00 BOOM TELESCOPE FOOT
****************************************** SM07-008-118.00 SWING BRK PEDAL VLV, RECN
DATE 10/16/17


****************************************** ******************************************
SM07-022-025.00 STEERING COLUMN, R & I


SM17-001-054.00 FOUR SECTION BOOM, R & I
(35.5-110' FULL POWER)
(35.5-110' FULL POWER)
SM17-002-022.00 BOOM TELE CYL, RECON.
SM17-002-027.00 BOOM TELESCOPE
SM17-009-006.00 FOUR SHEAVE HEAD


SM18-000-002.00 BEARING, GEAR, SHAFT, &
SM18-007-030.00 REELING DRUM, R & I
SM18-018-004.00 A/C COMPRESSOR, RECON.
SM18-018-013.00 A/C COMPRESSOR, R & I
Service Manual 0213 SM00---000---000.00
previously, and the SM Code title shown on the
How To Use This Manual, Keysheet to find the specific procedure required to
General Service Instructions, service the crane.
Throughout this manual, reference is made to the left,
And Safety Procedures right, front, and rear, pertaining to directions and
The following information is provided to help guide the locations. These reference directions are relative to the
user of this manual. An explanation of how this manual operator, sitting in the operator’s seat, with the upper
is organized, as well as general information and safety directly over the front of the carrier, unless otherwise
considerations which should be understood when stated. (Crawler mounted cranes: upper over the front
performing any service or maintenance procedure, is of the crane with travel motors to the rear.)
given. This information is general in nature and should Danger, warning, and caution captions as well as
supplement any of the specific procedures in this special notes are used throughout this manual and on
manual along with a constant awareness of safety and the crane to emphasize important and critical
common sense.
instructions. If any instruction, caution, warning, or
How To Use This Manual danger labels, decals, or plates become lost,
This Service Manual is a collection of written damaged, or unreadable, they must be replaced.
procedures which are used to service and maintain a Information contained on such labels, decals, and
specific crane model. The index, which is called a plates is important and failure to follow the information
“Keysheet”, is used to organize the procedures within they contain could result in an accident. Replacement
this manual and serve as a Table Of Contents as well. labels, decals, and plates can be ordered through a
Each procedure, in this manual, is written so that it can Link-Belt Distributor. For the purpose of this manual,
stand alone and typically covers only one procedure. danger, warning, and caution captions and notes are
Procedures are given a numerical designation, or “SM defined as follows:
Code” Number, (Example: SM01---005---034.00) which
is unique to that procedure and that procedure only.
The following is a listing of the general area definitions DANGER
which are designated by the first digits in the SM Code An operating procedure, practice, etc. which, if
Number sequence: not correctly followed, may result in severe
General Area Descriptions personal injury, dismemberment, or loss of life.
SM01 --- Rubber Tire Lower
SM02 --- Crawler Lower
SM03 --- Upper Revolving Frame & Machinery WARNING
SM04 --- Vertical Shafts An operating procedure, practice, etc. which,
SM05 --- Horizontal Shafts if not correctly followed, may result in
SM06 --- Upper Engine personal injury.
SM07 --- Hydraulic Power Supply
SM08 --- Angle Boom
SM09 --- Tubular Boom
SM10 --- Tagline Winder CAUTION
SM11 --- Fairleader An operating procedure, practice, etc. which,
SM12 --- Shovel Attachment if not correctly followed, may result in damage
SM13 --- Trench Hoe, Logger & Scrapper Attachment to or destruction of equipment or property.
& Prop Handler
SM14 --- Cab & House Assembly
SM15 --- Rotascope Attachment (Discontinued)
SM16 --- Wire Rope Requirements Note: An operating procedure step, condition, etc.
SM17 --- Hydraulic Boom And Attachments which is essential in order for the process to be
SM18 --- Special Attachments completed properly.
SM19 --- Diesel Pile Hammer (Discontinued)
SM20 --- Tower, Climbing Assembly, Traveling Base
& Gantry (Discontinued)
SM21 --- Log Skidder (Discontinued)
SM22 --- Hydraulic Hammer (Discontinued)
This symbol may appear in manuals or on a label on
The procedures in this manual are collated by SM the crane to alert personnel that additional
Code Number sequence. Use the Keysheet in the front instructions are included in the crane Operator’s
of this manual, the general area descriptions shown Manual.

1 of 6
SM00---000---000.00 0213 Service Manual

Figure 1
Keep hands and tools clear of moving parts.

Figure 3
Pinch Point Label
Diesel exhaust fumes can be
harmful. Start and operate
engine in a well ventilated area. 3. First aid supplies and a fire extinguisher should be
If it is necessary to operate in an on the job site to assist in an unexpected situation.
enclosed area, vent the exhaust The location of these items should be known to all
to the outside. Properly
maintain the exhaust system to as well as access to a telephone for emergencies.
its original design. 4. Work in a clean, dry, firm, level area whenever pos-
sible. Choosing the correct work site can make a
big difference on how well the job goes.
Figure 2
Diesel Exhaust Fumes. 5. Use caution around flammable materials. Be
aware of all the materials in the work area which are
a threat. Also make others aware of volatile materi-
Service Safety And Set Up als; post signs if necessary.
Guidelines 6. Release all trapped pressure in air and hydraulic
circuits before disconnecting any line or compo-
The following is a list of safety and set up nent. Shutdown the crane, exhaust all pressure
considerations which may apply to any service or from the crane’s air reservoir(s) and work the hy-
maintenance procedure. Review the entire list and draulic control levers back and forth before servic-
understand the type of things you must consider to ing the crane.
perform a safe service procedure and then apply these 7. Do not disconnect any hydraulic line from a crane
guidelines to each specific service or maintenance which has its attachment in the air. Trapped pres-
procedure. sure may be all that is suspending it. Disconnect-
ing a line could release the trapped pressure,
causing the attachment to fall. Lower the attach-
DANGER ment to the ground or on to its rest before servicing
Do not operate the crane unless you are the crane.
qualified. Unauthorized operation by 8. Do not work on a crane which is in motion. Fans,
untrained personnel could result in an belts, gear trains, etc. can catch an unexpecting
accident. Crane operation is to be performed person and quickly dismember them.
by a certified operator only. 9. Do not climb on the attachment or other hard to
reach areas. If the steps and/or ladders which are
Service Safety installed on the crane do not provide adequate ac-
1. Read and understand the service or maintenance cess to the area of the crane which needs servic-
procedure to be performed before beginning work. ing, use a step ladder or other approved device.
By reading the procedure ahead of time, you can 10. Pinch points exists between the upper and lower
be sure to have the replacement parts and tools on frames. Death or dismemberment may result from
hand that are required to complete the job. personnel caught in these points. Learn where
2. Wear protective gear to prevent injury; hard hat, these pinch points are and stay clear of the rotating
safety glasses, gloves, steel toed shoes, etc. upper frame.

2 of 6
Service Manual 0213 SM00---000---000.00

Figure 5
Figure 4 Allow engine to cool before removing the
Use a guard when inflating tires. radiator cap.

11. If working in a confined area, be sure to provide ad- 3. If the crane is equipped with outriggers, it may be
equate ventilation when running the engine(s), us- safer as well as an advantage to raise and level the
ing toxic solvents, welding, or any other operation crane on outriggers to provide easier access to
which contaminates the fresh air supply. areas underneath. Do not work under a crane that
12. Post a sign in the operator’s cab to alert others that is improperly supported.
the crane is under service. Starting the crane while 4. Shutdown the engine(s) per the instructions given
it is being serviced could severely injure someone. in the Operator’s Manual.
Crane damage could also occur if systems are op- 5. Post a sign in the operator’s cab to alert others that
erated prematurely. Imagine starting the engine(s) the crane is being serviced.
before the oil is replaced. 6. Engines, transmissions, hydraulic systems, etc.
13. Secure access panels, doors, and machinery generate extreme heat during operation. Temper-
hoods when in the open position to ensure they do atures can reach levels which may cause serious
not fall or slam shut due to wind or accidental dis- burns. Allow the crane to cool before attempting to
ruption. service it.
14. Crane parts may be heavy. Always use an ap-
propriate lifting device to support work. Do not at-
tempt to lift an object without knowing its weight.
Get help if necessary.
15. Always use a safety rim cage when inflating or de- Engine coolant is hot. Failure to allow
flating tires. Worn or misassembled parts can “ex- engine(s) to sufficiently cool before draining
plode” from the assembly causing serious injury. coolant could result in severe burns or other
Use a safety rim cage, clip on air chuck, and stand personal injury. Allow the engine(s) and
aside when inflating or deflating tires. radiator(s) to cool before draining coolant
Crane Set Up And Disassembly from the radiator(s).
1. Properly park the crane as described in the Opera- 7. Pressure is generated inside the engine’s cooling
tor’s Manual. Park the crane in an area which pro- system due to the heat transfer process from the
vides the most comfortable working conditions. engine(s) to the radiator(s). Do not attempt to
However, do not park the crane where it will be an open or drain the radiator(s) until it/they has/have
obstruction or an intrusion to traffic, coworkers, or had sufficient time to cool. Disconnecting hoses
to the public. Keep in mind that a major service before the engine(s) and radiator(s) has/have
procedure, or a repair part which requires a long cooled is even more dangerous. Wait until the en-
lead time, could have the crane disabled for an ex- gine(s) and radiator(s) have cooled and then drain
tended period of time. the radiator(s) before disconnecting any hoses.
2. Keep in mind the mess which is sometimes caused Properly store or dispose of used coolant.
by a crane under repair. Oil or other fluid leaks
should be contained or prevented. Consider your
responsibility of maintaining a safe clean work area
and a healthy environment for all.

3 of 6
SM00---000---000.00 0213 Service Manual
10. Hydraulic systems, while operating, are under high
pressure. Even after the crane is shutdown these
pressures can remain trapped in the hydraulic
lines and system components. Some hydraulic
systems utilize an air pressurized reservoir which
maintains pressure on the system after the crane is
shutdown. It is critical that all residual pressure,
which is trapped in the system, be neutralized be-
fore disconnecting any line or hydraulic compo-
nent. Use the following techniques to exhaust
trapped hydraulic pressure from the system:
a. Lower the attachment to the boom rest, onto
blocking, or onto the ground and shutdown
Figure 6 the engine(s).
Do not use an open flame near the battery. b. Open the drain valves on the air system reser-
voir(s), if equipped, to bleed the air system
c. Relieve any residual or precharge pressure by
WARNING pushing the button on the pressure relief valve,
on the hydraulic reservoir, if equipped. Other-
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be wise, loosen the filler cap 1/4 turn.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
d. Turn the ignition switch to the ON POSITION,
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
e. Operate the steering control(s) back and forth
recommendations concerning solvents and
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
cleaning solutions.
cranes equipped with emergency steering
system, it will take several rotations of steering
8. Thoroughly clean the area of the crane which is to
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
be serviced. Dirt or other contamination could en-
f. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
ter the hydraulic, air, lubricating system, etc. and
switches, if equipped, back and forth several
cause immediate and/or long term problems.
Cleaning the service area not only prevents con-
g. Turn ignition switch to the OFF POSITION.
tamination problems but it also makes working on
h. When pressure is fully relieved, close the drain
the crane easier and sometimes problems are
valves on the air system reservoir(s), if
more recognizable.
9. Before beginning any removal or disassembly pro-
cedure, take a moment to observe critical features
of the assembly which may greatly simplify the
installation or assembly process. Label electrical, WARNING
hydraulic, air, or other connections. Index mark Air lines may contain high pressure. Opening
pump, motor, and valve sections. Lightly spray lines and fittings before relieving air pressure
paint or count the threads of adjustment screws. may result in serious injury. Shutdown the
Simple steps such as these can minimize the effort engine(s) and drain the air system
needed to put the crane back in service. reservoir(s) before opening any line or fitting.

11. Air system circuits, like hydraulic circuits, contain

WARNING high pressures also. Although the threat of a hot
working fluid does not exist, highly pressurized
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be lines and components can possibly “fly off” if lines
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause are disconnected before the system pressure is re-
severe burns and/or other serious injury. lieved. Open the drain valve on the air system res-
Shutdown the engine(s) and exhaust all ervoir(s) to exhaust system pressure before work-
trapped hydraulic pressure from the system ing on the crane.
before removing any line or component.

4 of 6
Service Manual 0213 SM00---000---000.00
6. Do not position the ground connection where seals
or bearing, as in transmissions or valves, will be
WARNING between it and the welded parts.
Use care not to cause sparks at the battery 7. Remove any flammable materials from the area.
terminals while disconnecting or connecting 8. Use the appropriate setting on the welder for the
the battery. Battery gasses are volatile and size of the welding operation. Do not use more
could be ignited by a spark or flame causing than 200 Volts continuously.
the battery to explode. Keep the area around
the battery well ventilated and disconnect the Cleaning And Inspection
negative side of the battery first, with the
ignition switch “OFF”, to minimize hazard.

Battery posts, terminals, and related

accessories contain lead and lead Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
compounds. Eating or smoking with lead hazardous. Serious personal injury may
residue on hands may cause lead poisoning. result from misuse of these products. Read
Wash hands after handling lead products. and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
12. When working on electrical circuits, disconnect the cleaning solutions.
battery to minimize shock, burn, spark, or other
hazard. When disconnecting the battery, confirm 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
that the ignition switch is in the “OFF” position. Dis- an approved cleaning solvent, air dried and care-
connect the negative side of the battery first to fully inspected for damage, wear and corrosion.
minimize the potential for sparks at the battery. 2. All LoctiteR or other sealant residue should be re-
Battery gases which are exposed to such sparks, moved from threads of hardware and parts that are
could cause an explosion. Likewise when con- going to be reused.
necting the battery, confirm that the ignition switch 3. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
is in the “OFF” position and install the positive rings, and o-rings, should be replaced.
cable(s), first and the negative connection(s) last. 4. Replacement of bearings and bushings is general-
13. It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic ly a good preventive maintenance measure. Even
components to lay the parts out in the order that though a bearing or bushing seems to be intact
they were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this and is functioning properly, its life span is limited.
order during disassembly, cleaning, and inspec- Replacing a simple bearing or bushing while the
tion will aid in the assembly process. opportunity is at hand could save a complete com-
ponent failure later.
Welding 5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
1. When making repairs which require welding, dis- sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
connect any electronic equipment (such as rated any major component.
capacity limiters and engine computers) to prevent
damage to them. Use the battery disconnect Crane Assembly
switch(es), if equipped. 1. Loosely assemble parts to ensure all parts are in
2. Be aware of systems adjacent to areas being place and fasteners started before beginning
welded. Residual heat from the welding process torquing procedure. Always use a cross torquing
could cause damage to other components. Heat sequence to ensure even and uniform installation.
may also vaporize materials which may become
toxic or volatile.
3. Remove paint from areas to be welded to prevent WARNING
toxic fumes. Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
4. The grounding connection should be within 3 feet compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
(1 m) of the welded parts. personal injury may result from misuse of these
5. Connect the ground to the lower, if welding on the products. Read and follow all manufacturer’s
lower, or to the upper if welding on the upper. Elec- recommendations concerning these products.
trical current through the turntable bearing could
cause an arc which could damage it.

5 of 6
SM00---000---000.00 0213 Service Manual
2. Unless otherwise stated, torque all fasteners per
the instructions given in SM Code Area 18---000.
3. When installing hydraulic hoses, lines, and fittings,
use two wrenches to ensure the hoses and lines
are not twisted. One wrench must be on the male
fitting, the other wrench on the female fitting.
4. Unless otherwise stated, torque all hydraulic fittings
per the instructions given in SM Code Area 07---018.
5. Check all fluid levels before returning the crane to
service; hydraulic reservoir oil level, transmission
fluid level, engine(s) oil level, etc. Add oil as re-
quired. See Operator’s Manual and/or engine(s)
manufacturer’s manual(s) for correct type of fluids
and procedures.
6. Always replace guards, grilles, and other types of
protective shields. Also, be sure that any systems
which were disconnected such as load indicating
systems, anti-two block devices, control cables,
etc. are functioning properly before returning the
crane to service.
7. Start the appropriate engine and let it idle for five
minutes. Inspect the connections on the hydraulic,
Figure 7 air, transmission, etc. lines for leaks. Repair if
Proper disposal is important. needed.
8. Check that all hydraulic, air, and electrical func-
tions are operating normally before returning the
crane to service.
9. After crane is assembled, refer to the Operator’s
Manual for any periodic type of adjustments which
may have been affected by the service procedure.
10. Properly dispose of any used oils, solvents, clean-
ers, etc.

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Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
Front And Rear Axles,
Recondition WARNING
Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
This procedure covers the recondition of the front and concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
rear axle assemblies without differential lock. See SM Serious personal injury may result from
Keysheet Area 01---002 for recondition of axles with dif- misuse of these products.
ferential lock. For front axle removal and installation
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 01---004. For rear 1. The breather and all other openings should be
axle removal and installation procedure, see SM Key- tightly covered or closed to prevent the possibility
sheet Area 01---029. of solvent from entering the assembly. Thoroughly
clean the exterior of the axle with an approved
Safety Instructions cleaning solvent. Allow to air dry.

Note: The disassembly and assembly proce-

dures of both right and left hand wheel end
WARNING planetary assemblies are identical.
Read and understand the following safety
2. If required, remove rear steer indicator. Rear axle
instructions before attempting to perform any
of the tasks. The subassemblies are heavy.
3. If required, remove steering cylinders. Refer to SM
Removal from the axle housing causes the
Keysheet Area 01---007 for correct procedure.
unit to become unstable. Potential for severe
injury is present if all safety instructions are Refer to Figure 1.
not strictly followed. 4. Remove cotter pins (45) and castle nuts (44) from
tie rod end (48).
Note: Each axle assembly weighs approxi- 5. Using a tie rod flare tool, separate tie rod end (48)
mately 3,000 lb (1 360kg). Each axle assembly from steering knuckle housing (26) and remove tie
including steer cylinders weighs approximately rod (46) assembly.
3,140 lb (1 425kg). Note: Two types of tie rod ends are available. In
1. Mount axle assembly on supports with the differen- either case to aid the assembly process, count
tial carrier assembly facing up. Secure to supports and record the number of revolutions that are
with C---clamps or similar means. required to remove tie rod end (48) from tie rod
2. When handling subassemblies, always keep the (46).
load well balanced, and as level as possible. Move 6. Remove the rod end using one of the following
slowly and keep the load under control. Do not at- steps as required:
tempt to handle subassemblies without assis- a. Loosen locknut (47) and remove tie rod end
tance. (48).
3. When lifting subassemblies, use only a lifting de- b. Loosen nut (54) and remove tie rod end (48)
vice which has the proper capacity to handle the from tie rod (46). If required, remove nut (54),
load. All rigging used must be in good, sound lockwasher (55), capscrew and washer (57),
condition and be the proper size for the job to be and tie rod clamp (56) from tie rod (46).
performed. Note: Axle housing (42) and differential carri-
4. Failure to follow these instructions during rigging er housing (109) oil capacity is 40 pt (19L).
operations may result in damage to equipment or Planetary hub housing (36) oil capacity is 8 pt
injury to personnel. (3.75L) each.
Disassembly Of The Front And Rear 7. Remove plugs (20,35,62,65) and breather (63).
Steer Axle Assemblies Using a suitable container, drain axle housing (42),
differential carrier housing (109), and planetary
During the disassembly process, inspect both cup and hub housing (36) thoroughly before disassembly.
cone of all tapered roller bearings. If either component Properly store or dispose of used oil.
is damaged, they must be replaced as a set. Label and
tag assembly location whenever a bearing is to be re-

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SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual

5 6 7 8 9
2 12
A 41
14 40
16 39
17 37
19 31
34 42
59 A
27 43
24 44
23 45
22 58
B 57 56 46 B
52 48
50 47 Optional
53 49 48
1. O --- rings 16. Thrust Button 31. Grease Fitting 46. Tie Rod
2. Shafts 17. Setscrews 32. Capscrew & Nut 47. Locknut
3. Thrust Washers 18. Planetary Carrier Housing 33. Bearing Cone 48. Tie Rod End
4. Planetary Gears 19. Capscrews & Lockwashers 34. Bearing Cup 49. Grease Fitting
5. Thrust Washers 20. Plug 35. Plug 50. Lower Kingpin Cap
6. Thrust Button 21. Nuts & Lockwashers 36. Planetary Hub Housing 51. Seal
7. Jam Nut 22. Spindle 37. Bearing Cup
52. Shim Pack
8. Locktab 23. Studs 38. Bearing Cone
53. Capscrews
9. Adjustment Nut 24. Bushing 39. Seal
10. Wheel Studs 25. Seal 40. Brake Rotor 54. Nut
11. Planetary Hub 26. Steering Knuckle Housing 41. Capscrews & Lockwashers 55. Lockwasher
12. Planetary Ring Gear 27. Shim Pack 42. Axle Housing 56. Tie Rod Clamp
13. Thrust Washer 28. Seal 43. Axle Shaft Assembly 57. Capscrew & Washer
14. Sun Gear 29. Upper Kingpin Cap 44. Castle Nut 58. Locktab
15. Snap Ring 30. Capscrews 45. Cotter Pin 59. Capscrews

Figure 1
Front and Rear Axle Assembly

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Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00

62 63

66 64 78

68 60 79
69 61 77 80
70 76
75 81
74 82
72 83
112 88
111 89
110 90
109 96
108 98
106 99
105 100
104 101

60. Expansion Plugs 74. Thrust Washer 88. Thrust Stop 101. Locknut
61. Bushings 75. Differential Side Gear 89. Locknut 102. Deflector
62. Plug 76. Differential Spider 90. Snap Ring 103. Seal
63. Breather 77. Capscrews 91. Bearing 104. Bearing Cup
64. Studs 78. Nuts & Lockwashers 92. Shim Pack 105. Pinion Housing
65. Plug 79. Bearing Adjuster 93. Pinion 106. Gasket
66. Bushing 80. Bearing Cup 94. Bearing Cone 107. Bearing Cup
67. Seal 81. Bearing Cone 95. Bearing Spacer 108. Nuts & Lockwashers
68. Capscrews 82. Differential Case Flange Half 96. Capscrews & Lockwashers 109. Differential Carrier Housing
69. Lockwashers 83. Ring Gear 97. Bearing Cone 110. Bearing Adjuster
70. Bearing Caps 84. Thrust Washer 98. Input Flange 111. Bearing Cup
71. Dowel Pins 85. Differential Side Gear 99. O --- ring 112. Bearing Cone
72. Capscrews & Lockwashers 86. Differential Pinion Gears 100. Washer 113. Cotter Pins
73. Differential Case Plain Half 87. Thrust Washers

Front and Rear Axle Assembly, Continued

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SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual
d. Remove o---rings (1) from shafts (2).
CAUTION Note: For assembly purposes, record the
Use care while disassembling wheel ends. position of tangs located on thrust washers
Brake linings contaminated with excessive (3,5) to indents in planetary carrier housing
amounts of grease/lubricants cannot be (18).
salvaged or cleaned. e. Remove thrust washers (3,5) and planetary
gears (4).
16. Remove thrust buttons (6,16), snap ring (15), sun
Note: Match mark the planetary carrier housing gear (14), and thrust washer (13).
(18) to planetary hub housing (36) for assembly
purposes. Note: Some axle assemblies have a jam nut and
some have a locktab (58) secured by
8. Remove all but two, side by side capscrews and capscrews (59) used for securing adjustment
lockwashers (19) retaining planetary carrier hous- nut (9).
ing (18) assembly to planetary hub housing (36).
9. Rotate planetary hub housing (36) assembly until
the last two capscrews and lockwashers (19) are
located at the top. Loosen but do not remove, the WARNING
last two capscrews and lockwashers (19). Brake Lining Fiber Warning
10. Install three capscrews and lockwashers (19) into
jack holes provided in planetary carrier housing Older brake linings may contain asbestos
(18) and install until bond is broken on joint be- fibers, a cancer and lung disease hazard.
tween planetary carrier housing (18) and to plane- Brake linings manufactured today contain
tary hub housing (36). Remove capscrews and non-- asbestos fibers, whose long -- term
lockwashers (19) used as jacks. effects to health are unknown. Use caution
11. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the when handling either asbestos or
planetary carrier housing (18) assembly and re- non-- asbestos materials used in brake
move all the slack. linings. Refer to OSHA regulations for proper
12. Remove remaining two capscrews and handling of these materials. Material Safety
lockwashers (19). Data Sheets (MSDS) regarding brake lining
materials can be obtained from your local
Planetary ring gear (12) is not secured to the
planetary hub (11). Care should be taken to
prevent this gear from accidentally falling out
Use care while disassembling brakes. Brake
when planetary carrier housing (18) assembly
linings contaminated with excessive amounts
is removed. Potential for severe injury is
of grease/lubricants cannot be salvaged or
present if safety precautions are not

13. Remove planetary carrier housing (18) subassem- Refer to Figure 2.

bly. 17. Remove brake caliper:
14. Remove planetary ring gear (12). a. Remove capscrews (10), washers (11), and re-
15. If required, disassemble planetary car- move brake caliper assembly.
rier housing subassembly: 18. Disassembly of brake caliper:
a. Remove setscrews (17).
Note: If shoe and lining assemblies (12) are go-
b. For assembly purposes, match mark shafts (2)
ing to be reused, protect them from being con-
to planetary carrier housing (18).
taminated by lubricants, brake fluid, or other
c. Using a shop press, remove shafts (2) from
planetary carrier housing (18).
a. Remove capscrews (13), plates (14), and shoe
and lining assemblies (12).
b. Remove plug (9), cap (8), and piston (4) from
housing (1).

4 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
c. Remove dust seal (3), back up ring (5), and o--- 24. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the
rings (6,7). steering knuckle housing (26) assembly and re-
d. If required, remove bleeder screw (2). move all the slack.
Refer to Figure 1. 25. Record measurement and label location of shim
pack (52). Remove capscrews (53), lower kingpin
19. If required, disassemble planetary car- cap (50), and shim pack (52). If required, remove
rier housing and brake rotor: grease fitting (49) from lower kingpin cap (50).
a. Remove jam nut (7) and locktab (8) that secure 26. Remove steering knuckle housing (26) from axle
adjustment nut (9). housing (42).
b. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to 27. If required, remove studs (23), capscrew and nut
the planetary hub housing (36) and brake rotor (32), and seals (28,51).
(40) assembly and remove all the slack. 28. Remove seal (67) from axle housing (42).
c. Remove adjustment nut (9). 29. Inspect bushings (61,66) for wear and/or damage.
d. Install the appropriate capscrews into jack Replace if required. Use a shop press and the cor-
holes provided in planetary hub (11). Screw in rect size driver to remove bushings (61,66) and ex-
until bearing cone (33) and planetary hub (11) pansion plugs (60).
assembly can be removed from planetary hub 30. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the
housing (36). Tag location of bearing cone (33) differential carrier housing (109) subassembly and
for assembly purposes. Remove capscrews remove all the slack.
used as jacks. 31. Remove nuts and lockwashers (108) securing dif-
e. If required, remove bearing cone (33) from ferential carrier housing (109) subassembly to axle
planetary hub (11). housing (42).
f. Remove planetary hub housing (36) and brake 32. Remove differential carrier housing (109) subas-
rotor (40) assembly. sembly.
20. If required, disassemble planetary hub 33. If required, remove studs (64) from axle housing
housing and brake rotor subassembly: (42).
a. Remove capscrews and lockwashers (41) and 34. If differential carrier housing (109) subassembly is
brake rotor (40). to be disassembled, mount in a stand similar to
b. Tag location of bearing cone (38) for assembly stand illustrated in Figure 3.
purposes. Remove seal (39) and bearing cone 35. If required, disassemble differential
(38). carrier housing subassembly:
c. If they must be removed, tag location of bear- a. Using a dial indicator, measure and record ring
ing cups (34,37) for assembly purposes. Re- gear (83) to pinion (93) backlash and total end-
move bearing cups (34,37) and wheel studs play of differential bearings.
(10) from planetary hub housing (36).
21. If required, remove and disassemble
spindle and steering knuckle housing CAUTION
subassemblies: If bearing caps (70) are not installed in the
a. Remove nuts and lockwashers (21) and correct locations, the bores and threads will
spindle (22) subassembly from steering not match the differential carrier housing
knuckle housing (26). (109). It will be difficult to assemble the
b. Remove seal (25). bearing caps (70) on the differential carrier
c. Inspect bushing (24) for wear and/or damage. housing (109) and damage to components
If it must be removed, use a shop press and the may occur. Do not force the bearing caps (70)
correct size driver to remove bushing (24). into position.
22. Remove axle shaft assembly (43).
23. Record measurement and label location of shim b. For assembly purposes, match mark bearing
pack (27). Remove capscrews (30), upper kingpin caps (70) and differential carrier housing (109).
cap (29), and shim pack (27). If required, remove c. Remove cotter pins (113) and loosen
grease fitting (31) from upper kingpin cap (29). capscrews (68) and bearing adjusters

5 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual

13 4

11 10

1. Housing 6. O --- ring 11. Washers

2. Bleeder Screw 7. O --- ring 12. Shoe & Lining Assemblies
3. Dust Seal 8. Cap 13. Capscrews
4. Piston 9. Plug 14. Plates
5. Back Up Ring 10. Capscrews

Figure 2
Brake Components

d. Remove capscrews (68), lockwashers (69), b. For assembly purposes, label location of bear-
and bearing caps (70). Dowel pins (71) may ing cones (81,112). Remove bearing cones
stay with either bearing caps (70) or differential (81,112).
carrier housing (109). If required, remove c. For assembly purposes, match mark differen-
dowel pins (71). tial case plain half (73) to differential case
e. For assembly purposes, label the location of flange half (82). Remove capscrews and
bearing cups (80,111). Remove bearing ad- lockwashers (72), differential case plain half
justers (79,110), bearing cups (80,111), and (73), thrust washer (74), differential side gear
ring gear (83) subassembly. (75), differential spider (76), thrust washers
36. If required, disassemble ring gear sub- (87), differential pinion gears (86), differential
assembly: side gear (85), and thrust washer (84) from dif-
a. For assembly purposes, match mark ring gear ferential case flange half (82).
(83) to differential case flange half (82). Re-
move nuts and lockwashers (78), capscrews
(77), and ring gear (83).

6 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00

Plates 8 in (203.2mm) X 0.75 in Handle 7 in (177.8mm) long with slot

(19.1mm) X 1.25 in (31.8mm) wide with a in one end to fit clamp screw.
tongue to fit slot in bar. Weld plates to
Drill 0.375 in (9.5mm) hole
through handle and screw.

Screw 3.5 in (88.9mm)

long X 0.625 in (15.9mm)
Dia. with flats on end to fit Bar 2 in (50.0mm) Dia. X 9 in
handle and 2.5 inches (228.6mm) long with one end
(63.5mm) length of thread slotted to fit plate.
on other end. Shape and size holes
to fit differential
carrier housing.
Plug 4 in (101.6mm) X 7 in
(177.8mm) long with one end
turned 3 in (76.2mm) long to fit Weld all around
pipe. Drill 2 in (50.8mm) hole and after pressing
mill 0.188 (4.76mm) wide slot 2 in plug into pipe.
(50.8) from top.
23.5 in (596.9mm)
from center to
4 in (101.6mm) Dia. Pipe center at pipes.

Chamfer end of pipe

for welding.

Figure 3
Differential Carrier Stand

37. If required, disassemble pinion subas- Note: Locknut (101) is torqued to

sembly: 900-- 1,100 ft lb (1 220---1 490Nm). Make
sure that input flange (98) is secured with a
flange bar before trying to remove locknut
CAUTION (101).

Use a soft faced mallet or puller to loosen and a. Connect a flange bar to input flange (98). (Re-
remove input flange (98). Do not use a fer to Figure 4 for flange bar usage.)
hammer or hard object which could damage b. Remove locknut (101), washer (100), o---ring
the components and cause run-- out or (99), input flange (98), and deflector (102).
alignment problems after assembly.

7 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual
2. Do not clean parts in a hot solution tank with water,
2 3 alkaline solutions, or gasoline.
1 3. Steam cleaning of assembled drive units is not rec-
ommended after they have been removed from the
axle housing. When this method of cleaning is
used, water is trapped in the cored passages of the
castings and the close clearances between parts
as well as on the parts. This can lead to rusting of
4 critical parts of the assembly and the possibility of
circulating rust particles in the lubricant.
4. Assembled drive units cannot be properly cleaned
by steam cleaning, dipping, or slushing. Complete
drive unit disassembly is necessary for thorough
1. Differential Carrier Stand 3. Torque Wrench 5. Completely assembled axles may be steam
2. Differential Carrier Housing 4. Flange Bar cleaned on the outside only, to facilitate initial re-
Figure 4 moval and disassembly, provided all openings are
Flange Bar closed. Breathers and all other openings must be
tightly covered or closed to prevent the possibility
c. Remove capscrews and lockwashers (96), of water entering the assembly.
pinion (93), and pinion housing (105) subas- 6. Parts should be thoroughly dried immediately after
sembly. cleaning. Use soft, clean, lint free, absorbent pa-
d. If equipped, remove gasket (106). per towels or rags free of abrasive material, such as
e. Measure thickness, record, and label shim lapping compound, metal filings, or contaminated
pack (92) for assembly purposes. Remove oil. Bearings should not be dried by spinning with
shim pack (92) from differential carrier housing compressed air.
(109). 7. Parts that have been cleaned, dried, inspected,
f. Using a shop press and a correct size driver, and are to be immediately reassembled should be
remove pinion (93) from pinion housing (105). coated with light oil to prevent corrosion. If these
g. Label location of bearing cone (97) for assem- parts are to be stored for any length of time, they
bly purposes. Remove seal (103) and bearing should be treated with a good rust preventive and
cone (97) from pinion housing (105). wrapped in special paper or other material de-
h. Label location of bearing cone (94) for assem- signed to prevent corrosion.
bly purposes. Remove bearing spacer (95), Note: It is impossible to over-- stress the impor-
bearing cone (94), snap ring (90), and bearing tance of careful and thorough inspection of
(91) from pinion (93). drive unit parts prior to assembly. Thorough
i. Label location of bearing cups (104,107) for visual inspection for indications of wear or
assembly purposes. Remove bearing cups stress, and the replacement of such parts as are
(104,107) from pinion housing (105). necessary may eliminate costly and avoidable
Cleaning And Inspection axle failure.
8. Inspect all bearings, cups, and cones, including
those not removed from parts of the drive unit, and
WARNING replace if rollers or cups are worn, pitted, or dam-
aged in anyway. Remove parts needing replace-
Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations ment with a suitable puller or in a press with
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions. sleeves. Avoid the use of drifts and hammers.
Serious personal injury may result from They may easily damage or distort component
misuse of these products. parts.
9. Inspect the planetary reduction, planet gears, sun
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved gear, and ring gear assembly for wear or damage.
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free Gears which are scored, pitted, ridged, or exces-
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- sively worn should be replaced.
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
any other foreign material during assembly.

8 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
10. Inspect planetary reduction for the following: d. Two methods of checking the preload rolling
a. Pitted, scored, or worn thrust washers. torque of the pinion bearings are available:
b. Worn or ridged planet gear pins.
c. Worn, scored, or chipped planet gears. Note: If a press is not available, or if the
11. Inspect axle shafts for signs of torsional fractures or press does not have a pressure gauge, use
other indications of impending failure. the input flange method to adjust the
12. Replace all worn or damaged parts. Replace all preload.
hex nuts with rounded corners, distorted washers,
snap rings, o---rings, and oil seals at the time of 1. Press method
overhaul. Specification:
13. Remove nicks, mars, and burrs from machined or New pinion bearings: 5---45 in lb
ground surfaces. Threads must be clean and free (0.56 ---5.08Nm) rolling torque.
to obtain accurate adjustment and correct torque. Used pinion bearings: 10---30 in lb
A fine mill file or India stone is suitable for this pur- (1.13 ---3.39Nm) rolling torque.
pose. Studs must be tight prior to assembling the A. Place the pinion (93) and pinion
parts. housing (105) in a shop press gear
14. Ensure that all nuts and capscrews are tightened head, teeth down.
to the correct torque. B. Install a sleeve of the correct size
against the inner race of bearing cone
Assembly Of The Front And Rear (97).
C. Apply and hold 54,000 lb / 27 tons
Steer Axle Assemblies (24 494kg / 24.5metric tons). As pres-
Lubricate all seals, o---rings, gears, threads, and bear- sure is being applied, rotate pinion
ings used in the final drive axle assembly with the cor- housing (105) several times to ensure
rect lubricant (unless otherwise specified) prior to as- normal bearing contact.
sembly. See Operator’s Manual for correct type. D. While pressure is held against the
assembly, wind a cord around the
Refer to Figure 5. pinion housing (105) several times.
1. If required, assemble pinion subassem- E. Attach a spring scale to the end of the
bly: cord.
a. Using a shop press, install bearing cups Note: Do not read starting torque.
(104,107) in pinion housing (105). Read only the torque value when
b. Using a shop press, install bearing (91). Install the pinion housing (105) is rotating.
snap ring (90), bearing cone (94), and bearing Starting torque will give a false
spacer (95) on pinion (93). reading.
F. Pull the cord with scale steadily in a
horizontal line. As the pinion housing
CAUTION (105) rotates, read the value indicated
Do not force bearing cone (97) into bearing on the scale. Make a note of reading.
cup (104). Rotate pinion housing (105) during G. Measure the diameter of the pinion
process. When a light resistance is felt, stop housing (105) where the cord was
pressing bearing cone (97). wound. Divide the dimension in half
to get the radius. Make a note of the
radius dimension.
Note: The bearing spacer (95) controls the H. Use the following procedure to calcu-
preload adjustment of pinion bearings. late the pinion bearings preload roll-
ing torque.
c. Place pinion (93) in a shop press with bearing Pounds pulled X Radius = ? in lb.
cone (94) facing upward. Install pinion hous- Preload rolling torque X .113 = ? (Nm)
ing (105) with bearing cup (107) down onto preload rolling torque.
bearing cone (94). Use shop press to install
bearing cone (97) down into bearing cup

9 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual
Example: Note: Do not read starting torque.
Spring Scale Reading=7.5 lb (3.4kg). Read only the torque value when
Pinion housing diameter = 6.62 in the pinion (93) is rotating. Initial
(16.8cm). torque will give a false reading.
Pinion housing (105) radius = 3.31 in H. Install an in lb torque wrench to the
(8.4cm). locknut (101). While rotating the pin-
7.5 lb X 3.31 in = 24.8 in lb preload ion (93) steadily, read and record the
rolling torque X .113 in = (2.8Nm) value indicated on the torque wrench.
preload rolling torque. I. If the preload rolling torque of pinion
I. If the preload rolling torque of pinion bearings is not within specifications,
bearings is not within specifications, do the following procedure then re-
do the following procedure then re- peat steps A to H in the Input Flange
peat steps A to H in the Press Method. Method.
To increase preload rolling torque, To increase preload rolling torque,
install a thinner bearing spacer (95). install a thinner bearing spacer (95).
To decrease preload, install a thicker To decrease preload, install a thicker
bearing spacer (95). bearing spacer (95).
2. Input flange method Note: Locknut (101) is torqued to
Specification: 900-- 1,100 ft lb (1 220---1 490Nm).
New pinion bearings: 5---45 in lb Make sure that input flange (98) is
(0.56 ---5.08Nm) rolling torque. secured with a flange bar before try-
Used pinion bearings: 10---30 in lb ing to remove locknut (101).
(1.13 ---3.39Nm) rolling torque. J. If preload rolling torque of pinion bear-
Note: If the fit between input flange ings is within specifications, connect a
(98) splines and pinion (93) splines flange bar to input flange (98). (Refer
are tight, use a soft faced mallet to to Figure 4 for flange bar usage.) Re-
help with the installation. move locknut (101), washer (100),
and input flange (98).
A. Install the input flange (98), washer
2. Remove lockwashers and capscrews (96), pinion
(100), and locknut (101).
(93), and pinion housing (105) subassembly from
B. Temporarily install the differential car-
the differential carrier stand, shown in Figure 3.
rier housing (109) in the differential
3. Apply a light coat of PermatexR Aviation Grade
carrier stand, shown in Figure 3.
sealant to O.D. of seal (103). Using a shop press
C. Temporarily install the pinion (93) and
and the correct size driver, install seal (103), with lip
pinion housing (105) subassembly in
facing outward, into pinion housing (105) until it is
the differential carrier housing (109).
flat against the bottom of the bore.
Do not install shim pack (92) under
4. Use the following procedure if a new pinion (93)
the pinion housing (105).
and ring rear (83) set is installed, or if the depth of
D. Install lockwashers and capscrews
the pinion (93) has to be adjusted.
(96). Tighten capscrews (96) hand
tight. Note: Always make sure that pinion (93) and
Note: Locknut (101) is torqued to ring gear (83) is a matched set. Set
900-- 1,100 ft lb (1 220---1 490Nm). identification numbers and/or letters should
Make sure that input flange (98) is always be either stamped and/or etched onto
secured with a flange bar before try- each part.
ing to torque locknut (101). a. Measure the thickness of the old shim pack
E. Connect a flange bar to input flange (92) that was removed from under the pinion
(98). (Refer to Figure 4 for flange bar housing (105). Record the measurement for
usage.) later use.
F. Torque the locknut (101) to b. Look at the pinion cone (“PC”) variation num-
900---1,100 ft lb (1 220 ---1 490Nm). ber (located on the bottom “gear head (teeth)
G. Remove flange bar. end) on the old pinion (93) that is being re-
placed. Record the number for later use.

10 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
Note: The pinion cone (“PC”) number can 2. Old Shim Pack Thickness .030 0.76
be either 1,000ths of an inch or 100ths of a
millimeter. See the following examples. Old PC Number, PC=---2 +.002 +.05

PC+3, PC---3, +3 or ---3 equal 0.003 in. Standard Shim Pack Thickness .032 0.81
PC+0.03, PC---0.03mm, +0.03mm or New PC Number, PC+5 +.005 +.13
---0.03mm equal 0.03mm
New Shim Pack Thickness .037 0.94
To change inches to millimeters, multiply inch-
es by 25.4 3. Old Shim Pack Thickness .030 0.76
To change millimeters to inches, multiply milli-
meters by 0.039 Old PC Number, PC=+2 ---.002 ---.05

Standard Shim pack Thickness .028 0.71

Note: The value calculated in step c or d is
the thickness of the standard shim pack, New PC Number, PC---5 ---.005 ---.13
without a variation.
New Shim Pack Thickness .023 0.58
c. If the old pinion cone (“PC”) number is a plus
(+), subtract the number from the old shim 4. Old Shim Pack Thickness .030 0.76
pack thickness that was measured in step a.
d. If the old pinion cone (“PC”) number is a minus Old PC Number, PC=---2 +.002 +.05
(---), add the number to the old shim pack
thickness that was measured in step a. Standard Shim Pack Thickness .032 0.81
e. Look at the pinion cone (“PC”) variation num-
New PC Number, PC---5 ---.005 ---.13
ber on the new pinion that will be installed. Re-
cord the number for later use. New Shim Pack Thickness .027 0.68
Note: The value calculated in step f or g is
the thickness of the new shim pack that will Note: The use of two alignment studs installed
be installed. See examples. 180_ apart in differential carrier housing (109)
f. If the new pinion cone (”PC”) number is a plus will assist in the following assemble proce-
(+), add the number to the standard shim dures.
pack thickness that was calculated in step c. or
Note: Use a minimum of three shims in a pack.
If the pack is made from different thickness
g. If the new pinion cone (”PC”) number is a mi-
shims, install the thinnest on both sides of the
nus (---), subtract the number to the standard
pack for maximum sealing.
shim pack thickness that was calculated in
step c. or d.
Examples For Setting Up Pinion
Inches mm Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
1. Old Shim Pack Thickness .030 .76 concerning lubricants, sealants, joint and
thread locking compounds, etc. Serious
Old PC Number, PC=+2 ---.002 ---.05 personal injury may result from misuse of
these products.
Standard Shim Pack Thickness .028 .71

New PC Number, PC+5 +.005 +.13 5. Apply light coat of Dow CorningR silicone rubber
sealant 732 Black or General ElectricR
New Shim Pack Thickness .033 .84 RTV ---1473 Black to each side of shim pack (92).
Align the oil slots and install shim pack (92) over
alignment studs and onto differential carrier hous-
ing (109).

11 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual
6. If equipped, align oil slots and install gasket (106) b. Safely lift the ring gear (83) from the tank of hot
over alignment studs onto shim pack (92). If not oil, using a suitable lifting tool.
equipped with gasket (106), apply a bead of Dow c. Align and install the ring gear (83) on the dif-
CorningR silicone rubber sealant 732 Black or ferential case flange half (82) immediately af-
General ElectricR RTV ---1473 Black around entire ter it is heated. If it does not fit easily, heat it
mounting surface of shim pack (92) on pinion again. Repeat step a. through c.
housing (105). d. Align match marks and fastener holes of the
7. Align oil slots and install pinion housing (105) sub- ring gear (83) and differential case flange half
assembly over alignment studs. If necessary, use (82).
a soft faced mallet to help align and assemble into e. Install capscrews (77) from the ring gear (83)
position. side.
8. Remove alignment studs. f. Apply LoctiteR 277 to threads of capscrews
9. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 277 to threads of (77) and install washers and nuts (78). Torque
capscrews. Install lockwashers and capscrews nuts to 180---230 ft lb (244 ---312Nm) using a
(96). Torque capscrews to 150---230 ft lb criss---cross pattern.
(200 ---310Nm) using a criss---cross pattern. g. Using a shop press and the correct size driv-
Note: If the fit between input flange (98) splines er, check tags for location and install bearing
and pinion (93) splines are tight, use a soft cones (81,112) on differential case flange half
faced mallet to help with the installation. Use (82) and differential case plain half (73).
care not to roll and/or damage lip on seal (103) Note: Apply a liberal amount of multi-- pur-
during assembly process. pose grease to all internal components of
10. Install deflector (102), input flange (98), o---ring the differential case flange half (82) and dif-
(99), washer (100), and locknut (101). ferential case plain half (73).

Note: The locknut (101) is torqued to h. Install thrust washer (84) and differential side
900-- 1,100 ft lb (1 220---1 490Nm). Make sure gear (85) in differential case flange half (82).
that input flange (98) is secured with a flange i. Install differential pinion gears (86) and thrust
bar before trying to torque locknut (101). washers (87) on differential spider (76), and
place on differential side gear (85) in differen-
11. Connect a flange bar to input flange (98). (Refer to tial case flange half (82).
Figure 4 for flange bar usage.) j. Install thrust washer (74) and differential side
12. Torque the locknut (101) to 900---1,100 ft lb gear (75) in differential case plain half (73).
(1 220 ---1 490Nm). k. Holding differential side gear (75), thrust wash-
13. Remove flange bar. er (74), and differential case plain half (73) to-
14. If required, assemble ring gear (83) subassembly: gether, turn over and align match marks on dif-
Note: Do not press a cold ring gear (83) on ferential case plain half (73) to match marks on
differential case flange half (82). A cold ring differential case flange half (82) and assemble
gear will damage the differential case together.
flange half (82) because of the tight fit. Met- l. Apply LoctiteR 277 to threads of capscrews
al particles between the parts will cause and install lockwashers and capscrews (72).
gear run-- out that exceeds the specification Torque capscrews to 180---230 ft lb
of .008 in (0.2mm). (244 ---312Nm) using a criss---cross pattern.

Wear safety clothing and gloves that will
protect you from burns and/or serious
personal injury while handling the hot ring
gear (83).

a. Expand the ring gear (83) by heating it in a tank

of oil to a temperature of 160_F---180_F
(71_C ---82_C) for 10---15 minutes.

12 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
15. If required, assemble differential carrier B. Adjust the dial indicator so that the
housing subassembly: plunger or pointer is against the back
surface of the ring gear (83).

Use care when aligning ring gear (83) teeth to
pinion (93) teeth. Damage to components Whenever adjustments are going to be made
may occur. to the differential bearings, always use a tool
that engages two or more opposite notches in
a. Check tags for location of bearing cups the bearing adjusters (79,110). A “T” bar
(80,111). Align and install bearing adjusters wrench can be used for this purpose. If the
(79,110), bearing cups (80,111), and ring gear tool does not correctly fit into the notches,
(83) subassembly into bearing caps (70) damage to the lugs on bearing adjusters
mounting ears. (79,110) will occur.
b. If required, install dowel pins (71) into either
bearing caps (70) or differential carrier housing Note: At no point should pry bars
(109). touch differential bearings during
C. Loosen bearing adjuster (110) so that
CAUTION a small amount of end play shows on
dial indicator. Move the differential
If bearing caps (70) are not installed in the and ring gear (83) side to side, with
correct locations, the bores and threads will pry bars, while reading the dial indica-
not match the differential carrier housing tor.
(109). It will be difficult to assemble the D. Tighten bearing adjuster (110) so that
bearing caps (70) on the differential carrier no end play shows on the dial indica-
housing (109) and damage to components tor. Move the differential and ring gear
may occur. Do not force the bearing caps (70) (83) side to side, as needed.
into position. E. Tighten each bearing adjuster (79)
and (110) one notch from the zero end
c. Align match marks and install bearing caps play measured in step D.
(70), lockwashers (69), and capscrews (68). F. Continue by checking run---out of the
Do not force bearing caps (70) into position. ring gear (83).
Install capscrews (68) hand tight. 2. Micrometer method
d. If bearing caps (70) do not fit into position, Specification:
check the alignment of match marks between Expansion between bearing caps:
bearing caps (70) and differential carrier hous- 0.006---0.013 in (0.15 ---0.33mm).
ing (109). Remove bearing caps (70) and re- A. Turn both bearing adjusters (79,110)
peat step c. hand tight against the differential
e. Two methods of checking the differential bear- bearings.
ing preload is available: B. Use a micrometer of the correct size
Note: Make sure that there is some back- and measure the distance between
lash between pinion (93) and ring gear (83). opposite surfaces (180_ apart) of the
At no point during either process should bearing caps (70). Make a note of the
ring gear (83) be tight against pinion (93). measurement.
C. Tighten each bearing adjuster (79)
1. Dial indicator method and (110) one notch.
Specification: D. Measure and record the distance
Preload of differential bearings: again. Compare the dimension with
15---35 in lb (1.7 ---3.9Nm) rolling torque. the distance measured in step B. The
A. Attach a dial indicator to the mounting difference between the two dimen-
flange of the differential carrier hous- sions is the amount the bearing caps
ing (109). (70) have expanded.

Note: See Example Page 16.

13 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual

5 6 7 8 9
2 12
A 41
14 40
16 39
17 37
19 31
34 42
59 A
27 43
24 44
23 45
22 58
B 57 56 46 B
52 48
50 47 Optional
53 49 48
1. O --- rings 16. Thrust Button 31. Grease Fitting 46. Tie Rod
2. Shafts 17. Setscrews 32. Capscrew & Nut 47. Locknut
3. Thrust Washers 18. Planetary Carrier Housing 33. Bearing Cone 48. Tie Rod End
4. Planetary Gears 19. Capscrews & Lockwashers 34. Bearing Cup 49. Grease Fitting
5. Thrust Washers 20. Plug 35. Plug 50. Lower Kingpin Cap
6. Thrust Button 21. Nuts & Lockwashers 36. Planetary Hub Housing 51. Seal
7. Jam Nut 22. Spindle 37. Bearing Cup
52. Shim Pack
8. Locktab 23. Studs 38. Bearing Cone
53. Capscrews
9. Adjustment Nut 24. Bushing 39. Seal
10. Wheel Studs 25. Seal 40. Brake Rotor 54. Nut
11. Planetary Hub 26. Steering Knuckle Housing 41. Capscrews & Lockwashers 55. Lockwasher
12. Planetary Ring Gear 27. Shim Pack 42. Axle Housing 56. Tie Rod Clamp
13. Thrust Washer 28. Seal 43. Axle Shaft Assembly 57. Capscrew & Washer
14. Sun Gear 29. Upper Kingpin Cap 44. Castle Nut 58. Locktab
15. Snap Ring 30. Capscrews 45. Cotter Pin 59. Capscrews

Figure 5
Front and Rear Axle Assembly

14 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00

62 63

66 64 78

68 60 79
69 61 77 80
70 76
75 81
74 82
72 83
113 87
112 88
111 89
110 90
109 96
108 98
106 99
105 100
104 101

60. Expansion Plugs 74. Thrust Washer 88. Thrust Stop 101. Locknut
61. Bushings 75. Differential Side Gear 89. Locknut 102. Deflector
62. Plug 76. Differential Spider 90. Snap Ring 103. Seal
63. Breather 77. Capscrews 91. Bearing 104. Bearing Cup
64. Studs 78. Nuts & Lockwashers 92. Shim Pack 105. Pinion Housing
65. Plug 79. Bearing Adjuster 93. Pinion 106. Gasket
66. Bushing 80. Bearing Cup 94. Bearing Cone 107. Bearing Cup
67. Seal 81. Bearing Cone 95. Bearing Spacer 108. Lockwashers & Nuts
68. Capscrews 82. Differential Case Flange Half 96. Lockwashers & Capscrews 109. Differential Carrier Housing
69. Lockwashers 83. Ring Gear 97. Bearing Cone 110. Bearing Adjuster
70. Bearing Caps 84. Thrust Washer 98. Input Flange 111. Bearing Cup
71. Dowel Pins 85. Differential Side Gear 99. O --- ring 112. Bearing Cone
72. Lockwashers & Capscrews 86. Differential Pinion Gears 100. Washer 113. Cotter Pins
73. Differential Case Plain Half 87. Thrust Washers

Front and Rear Axle Assembly, Continued

15 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual
Example: g. Checking backlash of the ring gear
The distance before tightening bearing Specification:
adjusters (79,110) = 15.315 in Range of backlash setting: 0.008---0.018 in
(389.00mm). (0.20 ---0.46mm).
The distance after tightening bearing Optimum setting for new gear set: 0.012 in
adjusters (79,110) = 15.324 in (0.030mm).
(389.23mm). Optimum setting for used gear set: Set to
15.324 in (389.23mm) --- 15.315 in nearest setting to dimension recorded
(389.00mm) = .009 in (0.23mm). during disassembly but remain within
If the dimension is within specification, specification range.
continue by checking run---out of the
ring gear (83). If the dimension is less Note: During the checking of the tooth
than specification, repeat steps C. contact pattern, the backlash can be ad-
and D. as needed. justed within the specification limits, if
f. Checking run ---out of the ring gear needed, to change the location of the
Specification: pattern.
0.008 in (0.20mm) maximum.
1. Attach a dial indicator to the mounting
1. Attach a dial indicator to the mounting
flange of the differential carrier housing
flange of the differential carrier housing
2. Adjust the dial indicator so that the plunger
2. Adjust the dial indicator so that the plunger
or pointer is against the outermost tooth
or pointer is against the back surface of the
surface of the ring gear (83).
ring gear (83).
3. Adjust the dial of the indicator to zero “0”.
3. Adjust the dial of the indicator to zero (0).
4. Hold the pinion (93) in position.
4. Rotate the differential and ring gear (83)
5. While reading the dial indicator, rotate the
while reading the dial indicator. The
differential and ring gear (83) a small
run---out of the ring gear (83) must not
amount back and forth, against the teeth
exceed 0.008 in (0.20mm).
of the pinion (93). If the backlash reading
5. If run---out of the ring gear (83) exceeds
is within specification, continue by check-
specification, remove the differential and
ing tooth contact pattern. If the backlash
ring gear (83) assembly from the differen-
reading is not within specification, adjust
tial carrier housing (109).
backlash as needed.
6. Check the differential parts including the
differential carrier housing (109) for the Note: To increase backlash, move ring
problem causing the run---out to exceed gear (83) away from pinion (93). To de-
specifications. Repair and/or replace crease backlash, move ring gear (83)
parts as required. towards pinion (93).
7. After the parts are repaired and/or re-
placed, install the differential and ring gear 6. To increase backlash, loosen bearing ad-
(83) subassembly back into differential juster (79) and tighten bearing adjuster
carrier housing (109). See procedures in (110) one notch at a time until correct
this SM. backlash is obtained. Repeat steps 1 thru
8. Repeat preload adjustment of differential 5 every time the bearing adjusters (79,110)
bearings. See procedures in this SM. are moved.
9. Recheck run---out of ring gear (83). 7. To decrease backlash, loosen bearing ad-
juster (110), and tighten bearing adjuster
(79) one notch at a time until correct back-
lash is obtained. Repeat steps 1 thru 5 ev-
ery time the bearing adjusters (79,110) are

16 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
h. Tooth contact pattern D. Good Pattern Under Load: When the
1. Adjust the backlash before adjusting for gear set is under load, a good pattern
contact pattern: will extend approximately the full
Specifications: length of the tooth, heaviest starting at
Range of backlash setting: 0.008---0.018 in the toe and fading towards the heel.
(0.20---0.46mm). The top of the pattern will be heaviest
Optimum setting for new gear set: 0.012 in nearer the top of the tooth, but will ex-
(0.030mm). tend approximately all the way up and
Optimum setting for used gear set: Set to down.
nearest setting to dimension recorded i. Install cotter pins (113) between lugs on bear-
during disassembly but remain within ing adjusters (79,110) and through the boss of
specification range. bearing caps (70). Bend the two ends of the
cotter pins (113) around the boss.
Note: The location for a good hand
rolled contact pattern for a used gear
set will be smaller in area but MUST
match the wear pattern in the ring gear
(83). Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning lubricants, sealants, joint and
2. Apply a marking compound to approxi- thread locking compounds, etc. Serious
mately 12 teeth of the ring gear (83). Ro- personal injury may result from misuse of
tate the ring gear (83) so that the 12 teeth these products.
are next to the pinion (93).
3. Rotate the ring gear (83) back and forth so j. Install the thrust stop (88) and locknut (89).
that the 12 teeth that are coated with mark- Install thrust stop (88) until it makes contact
ing compound go through the pinion (93) with the ring gear (83). Install the locknut (89)
teeth at least six times to get the contact until it makes contact with the differential car-
pattern. Repeat if needed to get a more rier housing (109). Back thrust stop (88) out
clear pattern. two or three turns. Apply a small bead of Dow
4. Look at pattern on ring gear (83) and CorningR silicone rubber sealant 732 Black
compare to patterns in Figure 6. or General ElectricR RTV --- 1473 Black to ex-
A. Good Hand Rolled Pattern: Toward posed threads and install back in until it
the toe of the gear tooth and in the makes contact with the ring gear (83). Back
center between the top and bottom of thrust stop (88) out 1/2 turn “180_” and tight-
the tooth. Setup is acceptable. en down locknut (89). Torque locknut (89) to
B. High Pattern: Setup must be 150 --- 190 ft lb (203 ---258Nm).
changed, decrease the thickness of 16. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the
shim pack (92) between the differen- axle housing (42) and remove all the slack. Mount
tial carrier housing (109) and pinion axle housing (42) on supports with the differential
housing (105). When thickness of carrier mounting surface facing up. Secure to sup-
shim pack (92) is decreased, the pin- ports with c---clamps or similar means.
ion (93) will move toward the ring gear Note: Inspect bushings (61,66) for damage and
(83). Backlash will have to be re- size after installation. Repair or replace if re-
checked. If backlash is out of specifi- quired.
cation, reset using procedures found
in this SM. 17. If required, install bushings (61,66) and expansion
C. Low Pattern: Setup must be changed, plugs (60) into axle housing (42) using the proper
increase the thickness of shim pack drivers.
(92) between the differential carrier Note: Inspect seal (67) for damage after instal-
housing (109) and pinion housing lation. Repair or replace if required.
(105). When thickness of shim pack
(92) is increased, the pinion (93) will
move away from the ring gear (83).
Backlash will have to be rechecked. If
backlash is out of specification, reset
using procedures found in this SM.

17 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual
18. Apply a light coat of PermatexR Aviation Grade
A sealant to O.D. of seals (67) and using the correct
size driver. Install with the lips facing outward into
axle housing (42).
19. If required, apply LoctiteR 277 to threads of studs
(64) and install into axle housing (42).
Note: Make sure that all studs (64) are encircled
along with full diameter of mounting surface
with silicone rubber sealant.
Heel 20. Apply a .125 in (3.2mm) bead of Dow CorningR sili-
cone rubber sealant 732 Black or General Elec-
Good Hand Rolled Pattern tricR RTV ---1473 Black to the mounting surface of
axle housing (42) where the differential carrier
housing (109) fastens.
B Toe
21. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the
differential carrier housing (109) subassembly and
remove all the slack.
22. Align differential carrier housing (109) subassem-
bly to studs (64) and lower down on axle housing
23. Install lockwashers and nuts (108) securing differ-
Heel ential carrier housing (109) subassembly to axle
housing (42). Torque using a criss---cross pattern
to 110---165 ft lb (150 ---225Nm).
High Pattern 24. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the
axle housing (42) and remove all the slack. Reposi-
tion axle housing (42) on supports with axle mount-
C Toe ing pads facing upward.
25. Assemble steering knuckle assembly:
a. If required, install capscrew and nut (32) into
steering knuckle housing (26).
b. If required, apply a light coat of LoctiteR 277 to
threads of studs (23) and install them into
steering knuckle housing (26).
c. Apply a light coat of PermatexR Aviation Grade
Heel sealant to O.D. of seal (25) and using the cor-
rect size driver. Install with lip facing outward
into steering knuckle housing (26) lower king-
Low Pattern pin bore.
d. Lubricate bushings (61) bores with grease
D Toe (0---617---B Specification or equivalent).
e. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to
the steering knuckle housing (26) and remove
all the slack.

Note: Make sure that tie rod end (48) boss

on steering knuckle housing (26) faces the
same direction as the input flange (98).

f. Install steering knuckle housing (26) over axle

Heel housing (42).
Good Pattern Under Load
Figure 6
Examples of Contact Patterns

18 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
Note: It may be necessary to install Example:
capscrews (30) and tighten in small incre-
ments, keeping the upper kingpin cap (29) Step a. Current end play = 0.020 in (0.51mm).
straight with respect to the steering knuckle
housing (26) bore. Step b. Conclude readjustment necessary.
g. Install the upper kingpin cap (29) with the origi- Step c. Current total shim pack thickness
nal shim pack (27). 0.066 in (1.64mm).
h. Apply a light coat LoctiteR 277 to threads and
install capscrews (30). Step d. 0.066 --- 0.020 inch = 0.046 divided by 2
= 0.023 in.
Note: Use care not to damage lip on seal
(1.68 --- 0.51mm = 1.17 divided by 2 =
(51) while installing lower kingpin cap (50).
i. Install the lower kingpin cap (50) with the origi-
nal shim pack (52). Step e. “New” lower shim pack (52) = 0.023 in
j. Apply a light coat LoctiteR 277 to threads and (0.59mm).
install capscrews (53).
k. Torque capscrews (30,53) to 270---350 ft lb Step f. “New” upper shim pack (28) = 0.023 +
(488 ---637Nm). 0.005 = 0.028 in
l. If required, install grease fittings (31,49) facing (0.59 + 0.13 = 0.60mm).
inward toward center of axle.
Note: Inspect bushing (24) for damage and size
26. Adjustment of steering knuckle assem- after installation. Repair or replace if required.
27. If required, install bushing (24) into spindle (22).
The steering knuckle vertical end play specifi- 28. Apply a light coat of PermatexR Aviation Grade
cation is 0.005---0.013 in (0.27 ---0.33mm). sealant to O.D. of seal (25). Using the correct size
a. Measure the vertical end play of the steering driver, install in spindle (22).
knuckle and record. This may be determined
Note: If u-- joint installation is required, refer to
by using a feeler gauge or dial indicator to
SM Area 1-- 22 “U-- Joint Installation”.
measure the gap with the knuckle assembly
forced maximum upward (using a hydraulic Note: Use care not to damage seal (25) while
jack or pry bar). installing spindle (22) over axle shaft assembly
b. If end play is within specification, no readjust- (43).
ment is necessary. If end play is out of specifi-
cation, continue with the following steps. 29. Install axle shaft assembly (43) and spindle (22).
c. Remove the upper and lower kingpin caps 30. Install lockwashers and nuts (21) on studs (23).
(29,50). Measure and record the total current Torque using a criss---cross pattern.
shim pack thickness (upper shim pack (27) 31. If required, assemble planetary hub
plus lower shim pack (52). housing subassembly:
d. Subtract actual end play (value recorded from a. If required, install wheel studs (10) in planetary
step a.) from the total shim pack thickness (val-
hub housing (36).
ue recorded in step c.) and divide this result by
b. Install bearing cups (34,37), bearing cone
two. (38), and plug (35) in planetary hub housing
e. Make the “new” lower shim pack (52) thick- (36).
ness the same value from the step d. calcula- c. Apply a light coat of PermatexR Aviation Grade
tion. If this thickness cannot be met exactly, sealant to O.D. of seal (39). Using the correct
choose the nearest thicker pack. size driver, install seal (39) in planetary hub
f. Make the “new” upper shim pack (27) thick-
housing (36).
ness the same value from the step d. calcula- d. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 277 to threads of
tion plus .005 inch (0.13mm). If this thickness capscrews (41). Install brake rotor (40) and
cannot be met exactly, choose the nearest lockwashers and capscrews (41) on planetary
thicker pack. hub housing (36).
32. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the
planetary hub housing (36) subassembly and re-
move all the slack.

19 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual
Note: Use care not to roll the lip and/or damage An alternate method for determining planetary
oil seal (39) while installing the planetary hub hub housing (36) rolling torque is to wrap sev-
housing (36) subassembly. eral loops of cord around the hub barrel, attach
a spring scale, and pull out at a steady rate.
33. Install planetary hub housing (36) subassembly Torque in units of ft lb = (lb pull X inches of bar-
onto the spindle (22). rel radius) ­ 12.
34. Install bearing cone (33) in planetary hub housing
(36). d. Tighten adjustment nut (9) and recheck the
35. Install adjustment nut (9) on spindle (22) and tight- planetary hub housing (36) rolling torque. The
en up against the planetary hub housing (36). increase in rolling torque from that determined
in step “c” (no preload position) should be 5---9
Note: After adjustment nut (9) makes contact ft lb (6.8 ---12.2Nm).
with planetary hub housing (36), rotate plane-
tary hub housing (36) before and during any fur- Example:
ther tightening of adjustment nut (9).
The initial rolling torque from step “c” with zero ad-
justment nut (9) torque = 8 ft lb (10.9Nm).
36. Adjusting wheel bearing torque:
Note: Some axle assemblies have a jam nut and The final rolling torque after nut adjustment:
some have a locktab secured by capscrews Minimum = 8 + 5 = 13 ft lb
used for securing adjustment nut (9). (10.9 + 6.8 = 17.7Nm).
New Bearings --- Locktab Design Maximum = 8 + 9 = 17 ft lb
a. Seat the wheel bearings and related compo- (10.9 + 12.2 = 23.1Nm).
nents by tightening the adjustment nut (9) to
Note: Flat head capscrews must be used in
400 ft lb (542Nm) torque, while planetary hub
lockplates incorporating countersunk
housing (36) subassembly is rotated in both di-
rections. Rap the planetary hub housing (36)
several times with a brass or plastic mallet, e. Apply LoctiteR 277 to threads of capscrews
then retorque to 400 ft lb (542Nm). Repeat pro- (59). Install locktab (58) and capscrews (59).
cedure until adjustment nut (9) will not ad- Torque capscrews (59) to 64 ft ---lb (87Nm).
vance with application of 400 ft lb (542Nm) of
torque. New Bearings --- Double Nut Design
b. Back off adjustment nut (9) to where it is just f. Seat the wheel bearings and related compo-
hand tight, this will relieve preload on wheel nents by installing the adjustment nut (9) with
bearings. Torque on adjustment nut (9) should the locking protrusion facing outward.
be 0 ft lb (0.0Nm). Torque the adjustment nut (9) to 400 ft lb
Note: Do not read starting torque. Read only (542Nm), while planetary hub housing (36)
the torque value when the planetary hub hous- subassembly is rotated in both directions.
ing (36) is rotating. Starting torque will give a Strike the planetary hub housing (36) several
false reading. times with a brass or plastic mallet, then re ---
torque to 400 ft lb (542Nm). Repeat proce-
c. Determine and record the planetary hub hous- dure until adjustment nut (9) will not advance
ing (36) rolling torque. Torque value must be with application of 400 ft lb (542Nm) of
obtained while hub is rotated at a steady rate torque.
(not starting torque). It is recommended to use g. Back off adjustment nut (9) to where it is just
a flat bar, with a nut welded in the center, at- hand tight, this will relieve preload on wheel
tached to the planetary mounting face of the bearings. Torque on adjustment nut (9) should
planetary hub housing (36) and a torque be 0 ft lb (0.0Nm).
wrench to obtain rotation and torque reading.
Note: Do not read starting torque. Read only
the torque value when the planetary hub hous-
ing (36) is rotating. Starting torque will give a
false reading.

20 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
h. Determine and record the planetary hub hous- The final rolling torque after nut adjustment:
ing (36) rolling torque. Torque value must be
obtained while hub is rotated at a steady rate Minimum = 8 + (5 ­ 2) = 10.5 ft lb
(not starting torque). It is recommended to use (10.9 + (6.8 ­ 2) = 14.3Nm).
a flat bar, with a nut welded in the center, at-
Maximum = 8 + (9 ­ 2) = 12.5 ft lb
tached to the planetary mounting face of the
(10.9 + (12.2 ­ 2) = 17Nm).
planetary hub housing (36) and a torque
wrench to obtain rotation and torque reading.

An alternate method for determining planetary WARNING

hub housing (36) rolling torque is to wrap sev-
eral loops of cord around the hub barrel, attach Brake Lining Fiber Warning
a spring scale and pull out at a steady rate. Older brake linings may contain asbestos
Torque in units of ft lb = (lb pull X inches of bar- fibers, a cancer and lung disease hazard.
rel radius) ­ 12. Brake linings manufactured today contain
i. Tighten adjustment nut (9) slightly (approxi- non-- asbestos fibers, whose long -- term
mately 25 ft lb (34Nm). effects to health are unknown. Use caution
j. Install the locktab (8) with the washer tang into when handling either asbestos or
the slot on the spindle (22) and up against the non-- asbestos materials used in brake
adjustment nut (9). linings. Refer to OSHA regulations for proper
k. Install the jam nut (7) and torque it to 800 handling of these materials. Material Safety
ft lb (1 085Nm). Data Sheets (MSDS) regarding brake lining
materials can be obtained from your local
Note: The rolling torque check for “in-
crease” must be performed after the jam nut
(7) is tightened since the bearing preload is
increased by the jam nut tightening. Refer to Figure 7.

l. Re---check the planetary hub housing (36) 37. Assemble brake caliper:
rolling torque. The “increase “ from step “h.”
Note: Use only UconR assembly fluid, or
(no load position) should be 5---9 ft lb
equivalent, to lubricate parts during assem-
(6.8 ---12.2Nm).
m. If “increase” is out of this range, remove the
jam nut and lock ring washer and readjust the a. Install dust seal (3), back up ring (5), and o---
adjustment nut (9) in the appropriate direction. rings (6,7) on piston (4).
Install lock ring washer and jam nut. Repeat
steps “i through l”. Note: Use of a compression tool may be re-
n. Once the correct rolling torque has been ob- quired to install piston (4) with all the seals
tained, bend the locktab (8) over two adjoin- on it.
ing flats of adjustment nut (9) and two ad-
joining flats on jam nut (7). b. Install piston (4), cap (8), and plug (9) in hous-
ing (1).
Reused Wheel Bearings c. Install shoe and lining assemblies (12), plates
(14), and capscrews (13).
For both locktab and double nut designs, the d. If required, install bleeder screw (2).
procedure is the same as for new bearings, ex- 38. Install brake caliper:
cept the “increase” in planetary hub housing a. Align and install brake caliper assembly.
(36) rolling torque should be 1/2 the value spe- b. Install washers (11), and capscrews (10).
cified for new bearings.
Refer to Figure 5.
Example: 39. Install thrust washer (13), sun gear (14), and snap
ring (15) over and on axle shaft assembly.
The initial rolling torque from step “c” with zero ad-
justment nut (9) torque = 8 ft lb (10.9Nm).

21 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual

13 4

11 10

1. Housing 6. O --- ring 11. Washers

2. Bleeder Screw 7. O --- ring 12. Shoe & Lining Assemblies
3. Dust Seal 8. Cap 13. Capscrews
4. Piston 9. Plug 14. Plates
5. Back Up Ring 10. Capscrews

Figure 7
Brake Components

40. If required, assemble planetary carrier b. Install o---rings (1) on shafts (2).
housing subassembly: Note: Apply a light coat of PermatexR Avi-
Note: Apply a liberal amount of multi-- pur- ation Grade sealant to o -- rings (1) and large
pose grease to all internal components of end of shafts (2) prior to assembly.
the planetary carrier housing (18).
c. Align match marks and install shafts (2) in plan-
Note: Tangs on thrust washers (3,5) must etary carrier housing (18) through thrust wash-
be located in indents in planetary carrier ers (3,5) and planetary gears (4), using a shop
housing (18). press and correct driver.

a. Install thrust washers (3,5) and planetary

gears (4) in planetary carrier housing (18).

22 of 24
Service Manual 0907 SM01---002---023.00
d. Apply LoctiteR 242 to threads and install set- 46. Align planetary gears (4) to sun gear (14) and plan-
screws (17). etary ring gear (12) and install planetary carrier
housing (18) subassembly.
47. Install capscrews and lockwashers (19).
WARNING 48. Install plugs (35,65) and breather (63).
Planetary ring gear (12) is floating in this axle, Note: Axle housing (42) and differential carri-
and is not secured to the planetary hub (11). er housing (109) oil capacity is 40 pt (19L).
Care should be taken to prevent this gear from Planetary hub housing (36) oil capacity is 8 pt
accidentally falling out when planetary carrier (3.75 L) each.
housing (18) assembly is not in position to
hold it. Potential for severe injury is present if 49. Fill axle housing (42), differential carrier housing
safety precautions are not observed. (109), and planetary hub housing (36) with oil. Re-
fer to Operator’s Manual for correct type and pro-
41. Align to planetary hub (11) and install planetary cedures.
ring gear (12). 50. If required, install plugs (20,62).
42. Properly secure an appropriate lifting device to the 51. Install rear steer indicator. Rear axle only. Refer to
planetary carrier housing (18) assembly and re- Operator’s Manual for adjustments.
move all the slack. 52. If required, install steering cylinders. Refer to SM
43. Install thrust buttons (6,16). Keysheet Area 01---007 for correct procedure.
44. Install thrust washer (13), sun gear (14), and snap
ring (15). Note: Install tie rod end (48) to the same num-
ber of revolutions recorded on disassembly for
initial installation. If adjustment is required for
WARNING toe-- in and toe-- out, refer to the Operator’s
Manual for correct procedures.
Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning lubricants, sealants, joint and 53. Install locknut (47) on tie rod end (48) and tie rod
thread locking compounds, etc. Serious end (48) on tie rod (46).
personal injury may result from misuse of 54. Install tie rod end (48) through boss of steering
these products. knuckle housing (26) and install castle nut (44) and
cotter pin (45).
45. Apply a continuous thin bead, approximately 55. If required, install tie rod clamp (56), capscrew and
0.125 in (3.18mm) of Dow CorningR silicone washer (57), lockwasher (55), and nut (54) on tie
rubber sealant 732 Black or General ElectricR rod (46). Do not tighten at this time.
RTV --- 1473 Black completely around mounting 56. If required, install tie rod end (48) on tie rod (46).
surface of planetary carrier housing (18) as- Tighten capscrew and washer (57), lockwasher
sembly and around inner edge of all fastener (55), and nut (54).
holes to assure complete sealing and prevent

23 of 24
SM01---002---023.00 0907 Service Manual

24 of 24
Service Manual 1299 SM1-4-10.0
Front Axle, R & I d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth reĆ
peatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
This procedure covers the removal and installation of cranes equipped with emergency steering
the front axle assembly. For recondition procedure, system, it will take several rotations of steering
see SM Area 1-2. wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
Removal 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posiĆ
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. tion and move the function lockout switch to the
2. Stabilize the crane for service: Park the crane out DISABLE" position.
of the way on a firm and level surface, engage the 7. Remove tires and rims (not shown) from the front
park brake or properly block the tires, engage the axle assembly (6). Refer to SM Area 1-69 for corĆ
travel swing lock, level the crane on fully extended rect procedures.
outriggers, and/or fully lower the boom, as reĆ 8. Remove capscrews (9) and c-clamps (8) from inĆ
quired. put flange (7).
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hyĆ Note: Using tape, secure u-joint end caps to
draulic pump. u-joint spindle to prevent loss of needle bearĆ
ings and prevent contamination.

WARNING 9. Disconnect drive tube (not shown) from input

flange (7) and compress toward transmission. SeĆ
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be cure drive tube (not shown), up and out of the way.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Using tape, secure u-joint end caps (10) to u-
result from misuse of these products. Read joint spindle.
and follow all the manufacturer's 10. Disconnect the brake lines (5) from the brake caliĆ
recommendations concerning solvents and pers (4). Cap the brake lines (5) and plug the ports
cleaning solutions. on the brake calipers (4) to prevent contamination.
11. If front axle assembly (6) is to be removed without
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an steer cylinders (2). Refer to SM Area 1-7 for steer
approved cleaning solvent to prevent contaminaĆ cylinders (2) removal procedures.
tion from entering the hydraulic oil circuits. Allow 12. If front axle assembly (6) is to be removed with the
the area to air dry. steer cylinders (2) attached, label for assembly
purpose and disconnect the hydraulic hoses (3)
from the steer cylinders (2). Cap the hydraulic
WARNING hoses (3) and ports of the steer cylinders (2) to preĆ
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be vent excessive oil loss and contamination.
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic DANGER
pressure from the system before removing Properly secure the axle assembly before
any line or component. lowering it to the ground. When the mounting
capscrews and locknuts are removed, the
5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure: front axle assembly is free to rotate. Failure to
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic secure the axle may result in serious personal
reservoir by pushing the button on the presĆ injury.
sure relief valve, located on the hydraulic reserĆ
Note: The axle assembly weighs approximately
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
3,200 lb (1 453kg). The front axle assembly inĆ
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ
cluding steer cylinders weighs approximately
out switch to the OPERATE" position.
3,298 lb (1 497kg).
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
switches back and forth several times. 13. Adequately support the axle assembly (6) with an
appropriate lifting device. Secure the front axle asĆ
sembly (6) in a manner which will prevent it from roĆ
tating forward or backward during removal.
14. Remove capscrews, washers, and locknuts (1).
15. Remove axle assembly (6) out from under crane.

1 of 4
SM1-4-10.0 1299 Service Manual


1 2 3 3 2 1

4 5 6 5 4



1. Capscrews, Washers, & 3. Hydraulic Hoses 6. Axle Assembly 9. Capscrews

Locknuts 4. Brake Calipers 7. Input Flange 10. U-joint End Caps
2. Steer Cylinders 5. Brake Lines 8. C-Clamps

Figure 1
Front Axle & Suspension Assembly

2 of 4
Service Manual 1299 SM1-4-10.0
Cleaning And Inspection 2. Carefully raise the axle assembly (6) while aligning
the mounting bolt holes in the axle with the mountĆ
ing bolt holes in the carrier.

WARNING Note: Two capscrews per side toward the inside

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be of the axle must be installed from the bottom up.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
3. Install capscrews, washers, and locknuts (1).
result from misuse of these products. Read
Torque locknuts to 795-895 ft lb (1 078-1 214Nm).
and follow all the manufacturer's
4. If the axle assembly (6) is installed with the steer
recommendations concerning solvents and
cylinders (2) attached, connect the hydraulic
cleaning solutions.
hoses (3) to the steer cylinders (2) as labeled durĆ
ing removal.
1. All components, except brake pads, should be
5. If the axle assembly (6) is installed without steer
thoroughly cleaned with an approved cleaning solĆ
cylinders (2) attached, install steer cylinders (2).
vent, air dried, and carefully inspected.
Refer to SM Area 1-7 for steer cylinders (2) instalĆ
2. Inspect brake pads and rotors for heat damage,
lation procedures.
wear, and warping. Replace if any of these sympĆ
6. Connect the brake lines (5) to the brake calipers
toms exists.
(4). Bleed the brake calipers (4) and brake lines (5)
3. All LoctiteR, or other sealant residue, should be reĆ
to eliminate any air that may have entered the sysĆ
moved from threads of hardware and parts that are
going to be reused.
7. Remove tape securing u-joint end caps (10) to u-
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ
joint spindle. Align and connect drive tube (not
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
shown) to the input flange (7). Secure drive tube
any major component.
(not shown) to the input flange (7) by using c-
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic and brake
clamps (8) and capscrews (9). Refer to SM Area
lines. Repair or replace as required.
1-22 U-joint Installation" for correct procedures.
Installation 8. Install tires and rims (not shown) on front axle asĆ
sembly (6). Refer to SM Area 1-69 for correct proĆ
9. Check oil level of wheel end planetaries and differĆ
DANGER ential on front axle assembly (6). Add oil as reĆ
Properly secure the axle assembly to an quired. Refer to Operator's Manual for correct type
appropriate lifting device, before attempting and procedure.
to install it under the crane. If not properly 10. Lubricate steer cylinders (2). Refer to Lubrication
secured, the front axle assembly is free to Chart" and Operator's Manual for correct lube
rotate. Failure to secure the axle may result in type.
serious personal injury. 11. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. InĆ
spect the connection on the steer cylinders for
Note: The axle assembly weighs approximately leaks. No leaks are allowed. Repair if needed.
3,200 lb (1 453kg). The front axle assembly inĆ 12. Complete the installation by testing all related funcĆ
cluding steer cylinders weighs approximately tions of the brakes and front axle assembly (6) for
3,298 lb (1 497kg). proper operation. Normal operation of hydraulic,
electrical, and monitoring systems should be conĆ
1. Adequately support the axle assembly (6) with an
firmed. A general inspection of components and
appropriate lifting device. Secure the front axle asĆ
systems in the areas adjacent to the repair should
sembly (6) in a manner which will prevent it from roĆ
also be performed to ensure related damage or
tating forward or backward during installation.
wear is not present.

3 of 4
SM1-4-10.0 1299 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0102 SM1-7-12.0

Piston Gland

Serial Number
Location A"

Locknut Gland Breakaway Cylinder Retracted
Serial Test Pressure
Torque Torque Pressure Stroke Length
Loc ft lb Nm ft lb Nm psi kPa psi kPa in cm in cm
335- 454- 100- 136-
F1J0116 A 3,750 25 855 75 517 7.5 19.1 20.25 51.4
385 522 200 271
335- 454- 100- 136-
F1J0120 A 3,750 25 855 75 517 7.5 19.1 20.25 51.4
385 522 200 271
100- 136-
D3A0267 A 490 664 3,750 25 855 75 517 7.8 19.8 20.44 51.9
200 271
J6J0100 A 525 712 400 542 3,750 25 855 75 517 8.5 21.6 20.63 52.4
J7J0315 A 550 745 400 542 3,750 25 855 75 517 12.0 30.5 27.50 69.9
Table A
Cylinder Identifications

Steering Cylinder, Cylinder

Serial Number Dry Weight Wet Weight
Recondition Prefix

This procedure covers the recondition of steering lb kg lb kg

cylinders which utilize an internally threaded case to F1J0116 49 22.2 51 23.1
accommodate a threaded gland. For removal and
installation procedures, refer to SM Keysheet Area F1J0120 49 22.2 51 23.1
D3A0267 60 27.2 63 28.6
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not J6J0100 33 15.0 36 16.3
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind. J7J0315 54 24.5 59 26.8

Disassembly Table B
Cylinder Weights
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order WARNING
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
the assembly process. hazardous. Serious personal injury may result
Refer to Table A to identify cylinder serial number, then from misuse of these products. Read and
to Table B for specific cylinder weights, as required. follow all the manufacturer's recommendations
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.

1 of 6
SM1-7-12.0 0102 Service Manual

5 6 7 5 A 10

9 8


1. Locknut 6. Piston Seal 11. Back Up Ring

2. Rod 7. Square Ring Seal* 12. Gland
3. Case 8. O-ring 13. O-ring**
4. Grease Fitting 9. Piston 14. Wiper
5. Wear Rings 10. O-ring 15. Rod Seal
* In some applications, an o-ring is used in place of seal.
** Utilization of o-ring varies between models. O-ring may not be present in all models.

Figure 1
Steering Cylinder

2 of 6
Service Manual 0102 SM1-7-12.0
1. Plug all open ports in cylinder, and thoroughly Cleaning And Inspection
clean exterior surface of cylinder with an approved
cleaner to prevent contamination during
2. A flow of oil from the supply and/or return ports of
the cylinder case (3) may be produced when the Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
cylinder rod (2) is extended. Remove the plugs hazardous. Serious personal injury may
which were installed in the cylinder during the result from misuse of these products. Read
cleaning process, and place a container, of and follow all the manufacturer's
adequate size, below the open ports. recommendations concerning solvents and
3. Extend the cylinder rod (2) until the piston (9) cleaning solutions.
contacts the gland (12). Drain any hydraulic oil into
an appropriate container. Plug ports and properly 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
store or dispose of used oil. cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
4. Retract the cylinder rod approximately 4 in surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every
(10.2cm) to reduce binding which may damage precaution possible to keep all parts free of dust,
seals during disassembly. dirt, or any other foreign material during assembly.
5. Using a spanner wrench, rotate gland (12), 2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
counterclockwise, until its threads disengage from should be removed from threads of hardware and
case (3). parts that are going to be reused.
6. Remove gland (12), rod (2), and piston (9), as an 3. Carefully inspect all parts for damage, wear,
assembly. corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metal.
Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine file,
hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any
CAUTION damaged component as required. For additional
Use care not to damage the chrome finish on inspection guidelines, refer to the following:
the rod. Any nicks or scratches could result in a. Case: Visual linear lines may be present,
cylinder leakage. Weld splatter may also however, the bore should be smooth and free
cause damage. When using a vise, clamp to of any sharp edges.
portions on the rod which are not chrome b. Rod: Inspect for any damaged chrome
plated, or protect the chrome surface with a surfaces. Visual linear lines may be present.
soft material before clamping. The chrome surface should be smooth and
free of sharp edges. Any nicks or surface
7. Secure rod (2) in a padded vise, and remove damage can result in leakage. Replace rod as
locknut (1) and piston (9) from rod (2). required.
8. Remove wear rings (5), piston seal (6), and square c. Piston And Gland: Inspect sealing areas.
ring seal (7) from piston (9). Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine
9. Remove o-ring (8) from rod (2). file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. If any
10. Carefully slide gland (12) over threaded end and off further damage is present, replace the
of rod (2). component as required.
11. Remove o-rings (13,10), back up ring (11), rod d. Seals: Replace all rubber and polymer seals
seal (15), and wiper (14) from gland (12), as whenever disassembling the cylinder. Include
applicable. all rings, seals, and wipers.
12. Remove grease fitting (4) from rod (2), as required. 4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.

3 of 6
SM1-7-12.0 0102 Service Manual
Assembly 6. Install o-ring (8) over threaded end of rod (2). Take
care not to cut o-ring (8) on rod (2) threads.
Lubricate all back up rings, o-rings, wear rings, 7. Make sure that the groove for the o-ring (8) is
wipers, rod seals, piston seals, pistons, and case oriented correctly on the piston (9), and install
bores with clean hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See piston (9) assembly over threaded end of rod (2).
Operator's Manual for correct type. 8. Install locknut (1) onto rod (2). Torque locknut (1)
to specifications found in Table A.
Refer to Table A to identify cylinder serial number, then 9. Install piston ring compressors, as necessary, to
to Table B for specific cylinder weights, as required. compress piston seal (6). Leave piston ring
compressors installed for several minutes to
maximize the amount of time needed to install the
WARNING piston (9) on the rod (2). Do not remove the
compressors until you are ready to install the
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious piston (9) in the case (3). (Once the compressors
are removed, the piston seal (6) will remain
personal injury may result from misuse of
compressed for a short while.)
these products. Read and follow all
10. Apply a small amount of Amoco Rycon® 2 grease,
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
or equivalent, to the threads of the gland (12). Do
these products.
not grease excessively.
11. Slowly and carefully install piston (9), rod (2), and
Note: The rod seal and wiper must be correctly gland (12) assembly into case (3), making sure
oriented to prevent leakage. Refer to Figure 1 that the piston seal (6) and wear ring (5) are not
for proper installation. damaged by the threads in the case (3).
12. Using a spanner wrench, slowly install gland (12)
1. Install rod seal (15) and wiper (14) into gland (12). into case (3), making sure the threads are not
2. Install o-rings (13,10) and back up ring (11) onto damaged or crossed during installation. Torque
gland (12), as applicable. gland (12) to specifications in Table A.
13. Install grease fitting (4) in rod (2), as required.
CAUTION Cylinder Test Procedures
Use care not to damage the chrome finish on
Low Pressure External Leakage & Static Friction
the rod. Any nicks or scratches could result in
cylinder leakage. Weld splatter may also
1. Fill the fully retracted cylinder with hydraulic oil.
cause damage. When using a vise, clamp to
Refer to the Operator's Manual for the correct
portions on the rod which are not chrome
grade of oil to use.
plated, or protect the chrome surface with a
2. Using only the pressure level which is required to
soft material before clamping.
move the cylinder rod at a steady rate, cycle the
cylinder full stroke, each direction, a minimum of
3. Install gland (12) assembly over threaded end of
five times to remove entrapped air. If the cylinder
rod (2). Use care not to damage wiper (14) and rod
squeaks or sticks, disassemble the cylinder and
seal (15) when installing them over threads.
replace the defective part and repeat the entire test
Note: To ease installation it may be necessary to procedure.
warm the piston seal and wear rings in hydraulic 3. With the cylinder at mid stroke, relieve the pressure
oil until they become flexible. and examine the cylinder for any external leakage.
No leakage is acceptable. If leakage exists,
4. Carefully install square ring seal (7) and piston seal disassemble the cylinder and replace the defective
(6) on piston (9), by walking them onto the piston parts. Repeat the entire test procedure, as
wear ring (5) groove and then into their own required.
groove. 4. Fully retract the cylinder.
5. Install wear rings (5) onto piston (9).

4 of 6
Service Manual 0102 SM1-7-12.0
5. Gradually increase the pressure, approximately High Pressure Leakage Test
100 psi/min (689kPa/min), on the extend side of the 1. Extend the cylinder to full stroke and pressurize to
cylinder until movement of the rod is initiated. The the test pressure" specified in Table A. Hold this
pressure required to initiate movement of the pressure for a minimum of one minute. Leakage
cylinder rod, termed breakaway pressure", across the piston should not exceed 0.33 cc/min.
should not exceed that listed in Table A. If so, 2. Relieve the pressure and examine the cylinder for
disassemble the cylinder and replace the defective external leakage. No leakage is acceptable. If
part. Repeat the entire test procedure, as required. leakage exists, disassemble the cylinder and
6. Once the breakaway pressure is determined, the replace the defective parts. Repeat the entire test
pressure needed to maintain movement of the procedure, as required.
cylinder rod, termed running pressure", should 3. Fully retract the rod and pressurize to the test
not exceed 80% of the breakaway pressure or pressure" specified in Table A. Hold this pressure
diminish to less than 20% of the breakaway for a minimum of one minute. Leakage across the
pressure as the cylinder is extended. If the running piston should not exceed 0.33 cc/min.
pressure exceeds these guidelines, disassemble 4. Again, relieve the pressure and examine the
the cylinder and replace the defective parts. cylinder for external leakage. No leakage is
Repeat the entire test procedure, as required. acceptable. If leakage exists, disassemble the
cylinder and replace the defective parts. Repeat
the entire test procedure, as required.
5. If cylinder is not to be installed on crane
immediately, plug all ports to prevent
contamination and properly store.

5 of 6
SM1-7-12.0 0102 Service Manual

6 of 6
Service Manual 1199 SM1-7-18.0

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Capscrew & Locknut 3. Steer Cylinder 5. Capscrew & Locknut

2. Rod End 4. Hydraulic Lines 6. Case End

Figure 1
Steer Cylinder Assembly

Steer Cylinder, R & I

This procedure covers the removal and installation of
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
the steer cylinder. For recondition procedure, see SM
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
Area 1-7.
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
Removal engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
pressure from the system before removing
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
any line or component.
2. Stabilize the crane for service: Park the crane out
of the way on a firm and level surface, engage the 5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure:
park brake or properly block the tires, engage the a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
travel swing lock, level the crane on fully extended reservoir by pushing the button on the presĆ
outriggers, and/or fully lower the boom, as reĆ sure relief valve, located on the hydraulic reserĆ
quired. voir.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hyĆ b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
draulic pump. START THE ENGINE. Move the function
lockout switch to the OPERATE" position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
WARNING switches back and forth several times.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth reĆ
hazardous. Serious personal injury may peatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
result from misuse of these products. Read cranes equipped with emergency steering
and follow all the manufacturer's system, it will take several rotations of steering
recommendations concerning solvents and wheel before steering becomes hard.)
cleaning solutions. e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posiĆ
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an tion and move the function lockout switch to the
approved cleaning solvent to prevent contaminaĆ DISABLE" position.
tion from entering the hydraulic oil circuits. Allow 7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
the area to air dry. hydraulic lines (4). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
ports and lines (4) to prevent excessive oil loss and
contamination of the system.

1 of 2
SM1-7-18.0 1199 Service Manual
Use care not to damage the chrome finish on
the cylinder rod. Any nicks or scratches could WARNING
result in cylinder leakage. Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
Note: Steer cylinder weighs approximately 49 lb
(22kg) wet and 46 lb (21kg) dry. these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
8. Support steer cylinder (3) on both ends. these products.
9. Remove capscrew and locknut (1) from rod end
Note: Steer cylinder weighs approximately 49 lb
10. Remove capscrew and locknut (5) from case end
(22kg) wet and 46 lb (21kg) dry.
11. Carefully remove steer cylinder (3) from crane. 1. Position steer cylinder (3) on crane.
2. Install capscrew and locknut (5) through case end
Cleaning And Inspection (6). Tighten locknut until joint is tight, then back
locknut off 1/4 turn. Joint must be free to rotate.
3. Install capscrew and locknut (1) through rod end
WARNING (2). Tighten locknut until joint is tight, then back
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be locknut off 1/4 turn. Joint must be free to rotate.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 4. Properly lubricate joint. Refer to the Lubrication
result from misuse of these products. Read Chart for the correct lubricant type.
and follow all the manufacturer's 5. Install hydraulic lines (4) to steer cylinder (3).
recommendations concerning solvents and 6. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as reĆ
cleaning solutions. quired. See Operator's Manual for correct type
and procedure.
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with 7. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. InĆ
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ spect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
fully inspected. leaks. Repair if needed.
2. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from 8. Bleed any trapped air from the steer cylinder (3) by
threads of hardware and parts that are going to be rotating the steering wheel back and forth several
reused. times.
3. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ 9. Complete the installation by testing all related funcĆ
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace tions of the steer cylinder (3) for proper operation.
any major component. Normal operation of hydraulic and electrical sysĆ
4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are tems should be confirmed. A general inspection of
connected to the steer cylinder being serviced. components and systems in the areas adjacent to
Repair or replace if required. the repair should also be performed to ensure reĆ
lated damage or wear is not present.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0306 SM01 --- 018 --- 059.00
Transmission, R & I 6. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
This procedure covers the removal and installation of mination. Allow the area to air dry.
the transmission. For recondition procedure, see SM
Keysheet Area 01---018.

Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
level surface. pressure from the system before removing
b. Shift the transmission to neutral, and engage any line or component.
the park brake.
c. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 7. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows:
d. Swing the upper directly over the rear of the a. Release any residual pressure in the hydraulic
carrier, and engage the swing park brake or reservoir by slowly loosening the filler/breather
travel swing lock, as required. cap, located on the top of the hydraulic
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- reservoir, until pressure is fully relieved.
quired. b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
3. Shutdown the engine. START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
4. If equipped with pump disconnect, disengage the out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
main hydraulic pump. c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
switches back and forth several times.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
WARNING repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
cranes equipped with emergency steering
Use care not to cause sparks at the battery
terminals while disconnecting the cables. system, it will take several rotations of steering
Battery gasses are volatile and could be wheel before steering becomes hard.)
ignited by a spark or flame, causing the e. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
battery to explode. Keep the area around the 8. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
battery well ventilated and disconnect the tion and move the function lockout switch to the
“DISABLE” position.
negative side of the battery first, with the
ignition switch “OFF”, to minimize hazard. Refer to Figure 1.
9. Remove any sheet metal necessary to gain access
Battery posts, terminals, and related to the transmission (2).
accessories contain lead and lead
compounds. Eating or smoking with lead
residue on hands may cause lead poisoning. WARNING
Wash hands after handling lead products.
Transmission fluid may be hot and could
5. Turn the battery disconnect switches to the “OFF” cause serious injury. Allow the transmission
position, or disconnect the battery cables from the to cool before draining or disconnecting any
battery, negative cables first. See the Operator’s lines.
Manual for additional information.
10. Drain transmission (2) fluid into a suitable contain-
er. See the Operator’s Manual for the correct pro-
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.

1 of 6
SM01 --- 018 --- 059.00 0306 Service Manual


4 5

1 2 3


D 2

1. Drive Tube 5. Engine 9. Capscrews & Washers 13. Hydraulic Pump

2. Transmission 6. Capscrews & Washers 10. Studs, Washers, & Locknuts 14. Capscrews
3. Drive Tube 7. Solenoid Valves 11. Flywheel Housing 15. Flywheel
4. Temperature Sender 8. Hydraulic Pump 12. Spacer 16. Drive Plate

Figure 1
Transmission Assembly

2 of 6
Service Manual 0306 SM01 --- 018 --- 059.00

8 9 10 11 B

2 13 12 5

14 C 17 18 19 20 D

Approximate location
of access plug 21

26 23

25 24
2 12 16

17. Capscrews 21. Capscrews 25. Washers

18. Washers 22. Washers 26. Carrier Frame
19. Transmission Mounts 23. Locknuts
20. Isolators 24. Locknuts

3 of 6
SM01 --- 018 --- 059.00 0306 Service Manual
Note: Drive tube (1) weighs approximately 24. Remove the locknuts (24), capscrews (17), and
130 lb (59kg) and drive tube (3) weighs washers (18,25) from the transmission mounts
approximately 60 lb (27kg). (19) and carrier frame (26).
25. Slowly begin pulling the transmission (2) away
11. Using appropriate lifting devices to handle the from the engine (5). Remove the spacer (12) as the
drive tubes (1,3), disconnect the drive tubes (1,3) transmission (2) is pulled away from the flywheel
from the transmission (2) and secure out of the housing (11).
way. 26. Once the drive plate (16) is clear of the flywheel
12. Remove the hydraulic pumps (8,13) from the trans- housing (11) and the transmission (2) is clear of all
mission (2). Refer to SM Keysheet Area 01---081 for obstructions, remove the transmission (2) from the
the correct procedures. crane.
13. If equipped, remove the pump disconnect (not 27. If required, remove the isolators (20) from the
shown). Refer to SM Keysheet Area 01---080 for carrier frame (26) by removing the locknuts (23),
the correct procedure. capscrews (21), and washers (22).
14. Remove the capscrews and washers (6), and se-
cure the solenoid valves (7) out of the way. Cleaning And Inspection
15. Remove the temperature sender (4) from the trans-
mission (2).
16. Label for assembly purposes, and disconnect all
remaining electrical connections from the trans-
mission (2). Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
17. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect all re- hazardous. Serious personal injury may
maining hydraulic lines from the transmission (2). result from misuse of these products. Read
Cap/plug the open hydraulic ports and lines to pre- and follow all the manufacturer’s
vent excessive oil loss and contamination of the recommendations concerning solvents and
system. cleaning solutions.
18. For assembly purposes, index mark the transmis-
sion (2), spacer (12), and flywheel housing (11). 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
Note: The transmission weighs approximately fully inspected.
1,000 lb (454kg) and the engine weighs 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
approximately 1,300 lb (590kg). should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
19. Using appropriate lifting devices, independently reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
support the weights of the transmission (2) and the pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
engine (5). The engine (5) must be supported at with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
the flywheel housing (11). mance of products.
20. Remove the access plug from the flywheel housing 3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
(11) to gain access to the capscrews (14). Refer to tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
Figure 1, View C for an approximate location of the replace as required. Take extra precaution to en-
access plug. sure the drive plate, flywheel mounting surface,
and tapped holes are clean and dry. Use Loctite
Note: The flywheel and drive plate will have to
7070 Cleaner to properly clean these areas.
be rotated 360˚ in order to gain access to all of
the capscrews (14). 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
21. Through the access hole in the flywheel housing 5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines and elec-
(11), remove the capscrews (14) securing the drive trical wires that were disconnected. Repair or re-
plate (16) to the flywheel (15). place if required.
22. Ensure the transmission (2) is properly secured to 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
the lifting device. sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
23. Remove the capscrews and washers (9) and lock- any major component.
nuts, washers, and studs (10) that secure the
transmission (2) to the flywheel housing (11).

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Service Manual 0306 SM01 --- 018 --- 059.00
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 4
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all 3
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning 2
these products. 1

If parts are hard to assemble, do not force 1. Studs
2. 4 in (10.16cm) X .375--- 24 Guide Stud
them together using excessive force. Do not 3. Flywheel Housing
use mounting hardware to draw the 4. Drive Plate
components together, internal components
must be free to turn and not bind. Figure 2
Stud Locations

Refer to Figure 2.
7. Apply a thin coating of Loctite 242 to the threads
1. Install the studs (1) in the flywheel housing (3).
of the studs (10) and capscrews (9).
Refer to Figure 2 for the proper locations.
8. Carefully position the transmission (2) against the
Refer to Figure 1. spacer (12), and install the washers and locknuts
2. Rotate the flywheel (15) to align a drive plate (16) (10) on the studs (10).
nut with the access hole in the flywheel housing 9. Install the capscrews and washers (9).
(11). 10. Torque the locknuts (10) and capscrews (9), in a
Refer to Figure 2. criss cross pattern, to 30---40 ft lb (41 ---54Nm).
3. Install a 4 in (10.16cm) X .375---24 guide stud (2) in 11. Install the capscrews (17), washers (18,25), and
the drive plate (4) nut that is visible through the ac- locknuts (24) to secure the transmission mounts
cess hole. (19) to the carrier frame (26). Torque the
capscrews (17) to 280 ft lb (380Nm).
Refer to Figure 1.
4. If removed, position the isolators (20) to the carrier Refer to Figure 2.
frame (26), and install the capscrews (21), washers 12. Remove the 4 in (10.16cm) X .375---24 guide stud
(22), and locknuts (23). Torque the capscrews (21) (2) from the drive plate (4).
to 60 ft lb (81Nm). Refer to Figure 1.
5. Align the index marks made on the spacer (12) and 13. Apply a thin coating of Loctite 242 to the threads
flywheel housing (11), and install the spacer (12) of the capscrews (14).
on the studs (10) and against the flywheel housing
(11). Note: Rotate the flywheel, as required, to install
all of the capscrews (14). Do not tighten the
Note: The transmission weighs approximately capscrews (14) until all have been installed.
1,000 lb (454kg).
14. Install the capscrews (14) to secure the drive plate
6. Using an appropriate lifting device to handle the (16) to the flywheel (15). Torque the capscrews
transmission (2), align the index marks made on (14) to 25---30 ft lb (34 ---41Nm).
the transmission (2) and spacer (12), the guide 15. Install the access plug in the flywheel housing (11).
stud (2,Figure 2) with a mounting hole in the fly- 16. Install the temperature sender (4) in the transmis-
wheel (15), and the transmission (2) pilot sleeve to sion (2).
the pilot hole in the flywheel housing (11).

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SM01 --- 018 --- 059.00 0306 Service Manual
17. Install the solenoid valves (7) using the capscrews Note: Allow sufficient time for the Loctite 242
and washers (6). to properly cure before starting the engine.
18. If equipped, install the pump disconnect (not Refer to the Loctite product packaging for
shown). Refer to SM Keysheet Area 01---080 for applicable curing times.
the correct procedure.
19. Install the hydraulic pumps (8,13). Refer to SM 25. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
Keysheet Area 01---081 for the correct procedures. Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
20. Install all remaining electrical connections and Repair leaks as required.
hydraulic lines that were removed from the 26. Install any sheet metal that was removed.
transmission (2). 27. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the transmission for proper operation.
Note: Drive tube (1) weighs approximately Normal operation of the hydraulic and electrical
130 lb (59kg) and drive tube (3) weighs systems should be confirmed. A general
approximately 60 lb (27kg). inspection of the components and systems in the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be
21. Using appropriate lifting devices, connect the drive performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
tubes (1,3) to the transmission (2). See SM present.
Keysheet Area 01---022 for additional drive tube
22. Ensure the transmission (2) drain plug is installed,
and properly fill the transmission (2). See the Oper-
ator’s Manual for the correct type and procedure.
23. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See the Operator’s Manual for the
correct type and procedure.

Use care not to cause sparks at the battery
terminals while connecting the cables.
Battery gasses are volatile and could be
ignited by a spark or flame, causing the
battery to explode. Keep the area around the
battery well ventilated and connect the
positive side of the battery first, with the
ignition switch “OFF”, to minimize hazard.

Battery posts, terminals, and related

accessories contain lead and lead
compounds. Eating or smoking with lead
residue on hands may cause lead poisoning.
Wash hands after handling lead products.

24. Turn the battery disconnect switches to the “ON”

position, or connect the battery cables to the bat-
tery, positive cables first. See the Operator’s
Manual for additional information.

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Service Manual 0206 SM01−018−060.00

Transmission, Recondition
This procedure covers the recondition of the Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
transmission. For removal and installation hazardous. Serious personal injury may
procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 01−018. result from misuse of these products. Read
The following pages are taken directly from the service and follow all the manufacturer’s
literature produced by the transmission manufacturer. recommendations concerning solvents and
Multiple models are covered by this information. cleaning solutions.
Based on the specific application of this transmission,
Link-Belt® literature will supersede any discrepancies Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the
in operation, lubrication, maintenance, or service, transmission to prevent contamination from entering it
implied by the transmission manufacturer. Any before beginning the disassembly process.
concerns regarding such inconsistencies should be
reviewed with a Link-Belt® distributor.

If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not CAUTION

use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force Before towing the vehicle, be sure to lift the
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind. rear wheels off the ground or disconnect the
driveline to avoid damage to the transmission
It is a good practice when disassembling complex during towing. If the crane has 4 wheel drive,
components to lay the parts out in the order that they disconnect both front and rear drivelines.
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order Because of the design of the hydraulic
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in system, the engine cannot be started by
the assembly process. pushing or towing.

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Service Manual 0717 SM01-029-017.00
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
Rear Axle & Suspension, START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
R&I out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
This procedure covers the removal and installation of switches back and forth several times.
the axle assembly and suspension. For recondition d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth re-
procedure, see SM Area 1- 2. peatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
cranes equipped with emergency steering
Removal system, it will take several rotations of steering
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. wheel before steering becomes hard.)
2. Stabilize the crane for service: Park the crane out e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
of the way on a firm and level surface, engage the 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
park brake or properly block the tires, engage the tion and move the function lockout switch to the
travel swing lock, level the crane on fully extended “DISABLE” position.
outriggers, and/or fully lower the boom, as re- 7. Remove tires and rims (not shown) from the axle
quired. assembly (1). Refer to SM Area 1- 69 for correct
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy- procedures.
draulic pump. 8. Remove capscrews (7) and c- clamps (8).
Note: Secure u- joint end caps to u- joint
spindle w/tape to prevent loss of needle bear-
WARNING ings and prevent contamination.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 9. Disconnect drive tube (not shown) from axle as-
hazardous. Serious personal injury may sembly input flange (9). Secure drive tube (not
result from misuse of these products. Read shown) up and out of the way. Using tape, secure
and follow all the manufacturer’s u- joint end caps (10) to u- joint spindle.
recommendations concerning solvents and 10. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
cleaning solutions. brake lines (23) from the brake calipers (22). Cap
the brake lines (23) and plug the ports on the brake
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an calipers (22) to prevent loss of fluid and contamina-
approved cleaning solvent to prevent contamina- tion.
tion from entering the hydraulic oil circuits. Allow 11. Unplug electrical connection from the rear steer in-
the area to air dry. dicator (16).
12. Remove capscrews, washers, and locknuts
(18) and rear steer indicator (16).
WARNING 13. Remove capscrews and rear steer indicator
post (17).
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be 14. If axle assembly (1) is to be removed without steer
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause cylinders (20), refer to SM Area 1- 7 for correct pro-
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the cedures for removing steer cylinders (20).
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic 15. If axle assembly (1) is to be removed with the steer
pressure from the system before removing cylinders (20) installed, label for assembly pur-
any line or component. poses and disconnect the hydraulic lines (21) from
the steer cylinders (20). Cap the hydraulic lines
5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure: (21) and ports of the steer cylinders (20) to prevent
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic excess oil loss and contamination.
reservoir by pushing the button on the pres-
sure relief valve, located on the hydraulic reser-

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SM01-029-017.00 0717 Service Manual


1 2 3 4 5 6



1. Axle Assembly 5. Capscrews & Locknuts 8. C - clamps

2. Capscrews, Washers, & Locknuts 6. Capscrews & Locknuts 9. Axle Assembly Input Flange
3. Capscrews & Locknuts 7. Capscrews 10. U- joint End Cap
4. Suspension Links

Figure 1
Rear Axle Assembly

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Service Manual 0717 SM01-029-017.00



11 12

19 18

21 20 21 20 21

22 23 23 22

11. Brackets 16. Rear Steer Indicator 20. Steer Cylinders

12. Capscrews & Locknuts 17. Capscrews & Rear Steer Indicator Post 21. Hydraulic Lines
13. Suspension Cylinders 18. Capscrews, Washers, & Locknuts 22. Brake Calipers
14. Suspension Link 19. Brackets 23. Brake Lines
15. Capscrews & Locknuts

Rear Axle Assembly, Continued

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SM01-029-017.00 0717 Service Manual
3. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
DANGER sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.
Properly secure the axle assembly before 4. Inspect the integrity of the electican connections
lowering it to the ground. When the and hydraulic and brake lines/hoses that are con-
capscrews and locknuts are removed, the nected to the axle assembly. Repair or replace if
axle assembly is free to rotate. Failure to required.
secure the axle may result in death or serious
personal injury. Installation
Note: The axle assembly weighs approximately
3,733 lb (1 695kg). The axle assembly including WARNING
steer cylinders weighs approximately 3,831 lb Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
(1 739kg). compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
16. Adequately support the axle assembly (1) with an personal injury may result from misuse of
appropriate lifting device. Secure the axle assem- these products. Read and follow all
bly (1) to the lifting device in a manner which will manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
prevent the axle from rotating forward or backward these products.
on the lifting device during installation.
17. Remove capscrews and locknuts (3,5,15) to dis-
connect axle assembly (1) from suspension links Note: Install all capscrews from the top.
(4,14) and suspension cylinders (13). 1. If required, align brackets (11,19) to axle assem-
Note: If suspension links are not going to be re- bly (1) and install capscrews, washers, and lock-
moved, make sure they are secured to the carri- nuts (2). Torque the locknuts to 850- 950 ft lb
er in a fashion to ensure plenty of clearance for (1 153 - 1 288Nm).
removal of axle assembly. 2. If required, install suspension links (4,14) and
capscrews and locknuts (6,12). Tighten locknuts
18. If required, either secure suspension links (4,14) to until the joint is tight, then back off locknut 1/4
the carrier or remove them by removing capscrews turn.
and locknuts (6,12).
19. Carefully lower the axle assembly (1) to the ground
and remove from crane. DANGER
20. If required, label for assembly purposes and re-
Properly secure the axle assembly to an
move capscrews, washers, and locknuts (2) and
adequate support with an appropriate lifting
brackets (11,19) from axle assembly (1).
device, before installing it into the crane. If not
Cleaning And Inspection properly secured, the axle assembly is free to
rotate. Failure to secure the axle may result in
death or serious personal injury.

WARNING Note: The axle assembly weighs approximately

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 3,733 lb (1 695kg). The axle assembly including
hazardous. Serious personal injury may steer cylinders weighs approximately 3,831 lb
result from misuse of these products. Read (1 739kg).
and follow all the manufacturer’s
3. Adequately support the axle assembly (1) with an
recommendations concerning solvents and
appropriate lifting device. Secure the axle assem-
cleaning solutions.
bly (1) to the lifting device in a manner which will
prevent the axle from rotating forward or backward
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
on the lifting device during installation.
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
fully inspected.
2. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from
threads of hardware and parts that are going to be

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Service Manual 0717 SM01-029-017.00
4. Carefully raise the axle assembly (1) while aligning 13. Install tires and rims (not shown) on axle assembly
the mount holes of suspension links (4,14) and (1). Refer to SM Area 1- 69 for correct procedures.
suspension cylinders (13) with the mount holes in 14. Check axle assembly (1) and planetaries oil levels.
brackets (11,19). Add oil as required. Refer to the Operator’s Manual
5. Install capscrews and locknuts (3,5,15). Tighten for correct type and procedure.
locknuts until the joint is tight, then back off locknut 15. Lubricate joints of suspension links (4,14). Refer to
1/4 turn. Operator’s Manual for correct specification.
6. If axle assembly (1) is installed with the steer cylin- 16. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as re-
ders (20) attached, connect the hydraulic lines (21) quired. Refer Operator’s Manual for correct type
to the steer cylinders (20) as labeled. and procedure.
7. If axle assembly (1) is installed without steer cylin- 17. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. In-
ders (20) attached, install steer cylinders (20). Re- spect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
fer to SM Area 1- 7. leaks. Repair if needed.
8. Connect the brake lines (23) to the brake calipers 18. Bleed the steer cylinders.
(22) as labeled. 19. Adjust the rear steer indicator. Refer to the Opera-
9. Install rear steer indicator (16) and capscrews, tor’s Manual for the procedure
washers, and locknuts (18). 20. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
10. Install capscrews and rear steer indictor post (17). tions of the axle assembly (1) for proper operation.
11. Plug in electrical connections for rear steer indica- Normal operation of hydraulic and electrical sys-
tor (16). tems should be confirmed. A general inspection of
12. Remove tape from u- joint end caps (10) and align components and systems in the areas adjacent to
drive tube (not shown) to the input flange (9). Se- the repair should also be performed to ensure re-
cure drive tube (not shown) to the input flange (9) lated damage or wear is not present.
using c- clamps (8) and capscrews (7). Refer to
SM Area 1- 22 for correct procedures and torques.

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SM01-029-017.00 0717 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0307 SM01 --- 039 --- 003.00
Hydraulic System Cleaning
Procedure WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
The hydraulic system of a crane can become hazardous. Serious personal injury may
contaminated very rapidly when a component in the result from misuse of these products. Read
system fails and breaks up. The contaminants from the and follow all the manufacturer’s
failed component must be removed from the hydraulic recommendations concerning solvents and
system before they cause failure of other components cleaning solutions.
in the system. To remove as much of the contaminants
in the system as possible, the following procedure is 2. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
recommended. approved cleaning solvent to prevent contamina-
tion from entering the oil circuits. Allow the area to
air dry.
3. Remove, disassemble, clean, and reassemble all
WARNING hydraulic components. (Control valves, cylinders,
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be motors, etc.) Refer to the appropriate section of
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause Service Manual for specific removal and recondi-
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the tion procedures.
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic 4. Disconnect all hydraulic lines and drain as much oil
pressure from the system before removing as possible.
any line or component. 5. Install all the hydraulic components on the crane
and connect all the lines. Refer to the appropriate
1. Relieve any pressure in the hydraulic system and section of Service Manual for specific installation
drain the hydraulic system oil from the reservoir. procedures.
Follow the procedure as outlined in Operator’s 6. Follow the procedures in Operator’s Manual to
Manual. change all hydraulic oil filters and refill the hydraulic
7. Start the crane and inspect all connections for
8. After 50 hours of operation, all hydraulic oil filters
must be changed again. Refer to Operator’s
Manual for the correct procedure.

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SM01 --- 039 --- 003.00 0307 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0810 SM01---039---005.00

12 11 A

1 2 3 4 5 A 6 7

4 5 7

13 11 10 9 8

1. Capscrews & Lockwashers 6. By--- Pass Valve Assembly 10. Plate & Stud Assembly
2. Cap 7. Can 11. Gasket
3. O --- ring 8. Diffuser 12. Locknuts
4. Housing 9. Filter Element 13. Spring
5. O --- ring

Figure 1
Hydraulic Reservoir Filter Assembly

Refer to Figure 1.
Hydraulic Reservoir Filter 1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the hy-
Assembly, Recondition draulic reservoir filter assembly to prevent contam-
ination from entering it.
This procedure covers the recondition of the
hydraulic reservoir filter assembly. For removal and
installation procedures, see SM Area 01---039. WARNING
The internal components of the hydraulic
Disassembly reservoir filter assembly are under load from
spring (13). A sudden release of capscrews
(1) and/or locknuts (12) could cause the unit
WARNING to pop up rapidly and cause serious injury.
Remove capscrews (1) and locknuts (12)
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may slowly until tension is relieved from spring
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
2. Remove capscrews and lockwashers (1) slowly to
recommendations concerning solvents and
relieve tension on spring (13).
cleaning solutions.
3. Remove cap (2), o---ring (3) and spring (13). Dis-
card o---ring (3).
4. Remove locknuts (12).

1 of 2
SM01---039---005.00 0810 Service Manual
5. Remove housing (4), o---ring (5), gasket (11) and Assembly
plate and stud assembly (10). Discard o---ring (5)
and gasket (11). Unless stated otherwise, lubricate o---rings and
6. Remove by---pass valve assembly (6) and filter ele- housing bores with hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See
ment (9) from can (7). Discard filter element (9). Operator’s Manual for correct type.
7. If required, remove diffuser (8) from can (7).

Cleaning And Inspection

Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
WARNING personal injury may result from misuse of
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be these products. Read and follow all
hazardous. Serious personal injury may manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
result from misuse of these products. Read these products.
and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and Refer to Figure 1.
cleaning solutions. 1. If required, apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to
threads of diffuser (8) and install on can (7).
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved 2. Install filter element (9) and by---pass valve assem-
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free bly (6) in can (7).
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- 3. Install o---ring (5) in housing (4).
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt or 4. Install gasket (11) on plate and stud assembly (10).
any other foreign material during assembly. 5. Install plate and stud assembly (10), housing (4)
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, and locknuts (12).
wear, corrosion, deep scratches and scuffed met- 6. Install o---ring (3) on cap (2).
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine 7. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to threads of
file, hone, emery cloth or crocus cloth. Inspect capscrews. Install spring (13), cap (2) and
springs carefully for fatigue and cracks. Replace capscrews and lockwashers (1).
any damaged component as required. Replace all 8. If hydraulic reservoir filter assembly is not to be im-
o---rings and gaskets. mediately installed on crane, plug all open ports to
3. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from prevent contamination and properly store.
threads of hardware and parts that are going to be
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1005 SM01 --- 039 --- 009.00


1. Reservoir 4. Capscrews 6. Capscrews

2. Filter 5. Hydraulic Line 7. Gasket
3. Split Flange

Figure 1
Hydraulic Reservoir Assembly

Hydraulic Reservoir e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-

Filter, R & I 3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy-
draulic pump.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the hydraulic reservoir filter. For recondition
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 01---039. WARNING
Removal Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. result from misuse of these products. Read
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: and follow all the manufacturer’s
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and recommendations concerning solvents and
level surface. cleaning solutions.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires. 4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
lock, as required. mination. Allow the area to air dry.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.

1 of 4
SM01 --- 039 --- 009.00 1005 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause WARNING
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic hazardous. Serious personal injury may
pressure from the system before removing result from misuse of these products. Read
any line or component. and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
5. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: cleaning solutions.
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by loosening the filler cap 1/4 turn. 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- fully inspected.
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger should be removed from threads of hardware and
switches back and forth several times. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
d. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position. reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi- pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
tion and move the function lockout switch to the with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
“DISABLE” position. mance of products.
Refer to Figure 1. 3. Remove all remaining gasket material from the fil-
7. Remove the capscrews (4) and split flange (3) se- ter head and reservoir.
curing the hydraulic line (5) to the filter (2). 4. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
8. Remove the o---ring (not shown) from the face of tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
the hydraulic line (5). replace as required.
9. Remove the capscrews (6) securing the filter (2) to 5. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
the top of the reservoir (1). rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
10. Break the gasket (7) seal between the filter (2) and 6. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic line that was
the reservoir (1). removed. Repair or replace if required.
7. Inspect the filter element for contamination. Any
Note: Use care not to bend any of the mating dirt or foreign particles on the element may indicate
surfaces when separating the filter and reser- excessive system contamination and imminent
voir. component failure. Replace filter element as re-
11. Carefully remove the filter (2) from the reservoir (1). 8. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
Note: Do not allow any gasket material to fall sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
into the reservoir. any major component.

12. Adequately cover the opening to the reservoir (1)

to prevent contamination.

2 of 4
Service Manual 1005 SM01 --- 039 --- 009.00
Installation 4. Secure the filter (2) to the reservoir (1) by evenly
installing the capscrews (6). Tighten the cap-
screws (6) in a criss---cross pattern.
5. Install a new o---ring (not shown) in the end of the
WARNING hydraulic line (5).
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking 6. Apply a light coat of Loctite 242 to the threads of
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious the capscrews (4).
personal injury may result from misuse of 7. Align the end of the hydraulic line (5) with the filter
these products. Read and follow all (2) and install the split flange (3) and capscrews
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning (4).
these products. 8. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
Refer to Figure 1. type and procedure.
1. Align the holes in the gasket (7) with the mounting 9. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. In-
holes in the top of the reservoir (1). spect the hydraulic connections for leaks. Repair
2. Install the filter (2) into the opening in the top of the leaks as required.
reservoir (1). 10. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
tions of the hydraulic reservoir for proper opera-
Note: Be sure to orient the filter so that the port tion. Normal operation of the hydraulic system
for the hydraulic line is properly positioned. should be confirmed. A general inspection of the
components and systems in the areas adjacent to
3. Apply a light coat of Loctite 242 to the threads of the repair should also be performed to ensure re-
the capscrews (6). lated damage or wear is not present.

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SM01 --- 039 --- 009.00 1005 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0905 SM01---043---001.00
Solenoid Valves, General
Recondition 1
This procedure covers the recondition of solenoid 2
valves in general.

Disassembly 3

Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Serious personal injury may result from
misuse of these products.

1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the valve

assembly with approved cleaning solvent.

Do not clamp valve housing in any form of 6
vice unless jaws are protected by a soft
material. Brass or wood are preferred.
10 7
2. Place the valve housing (10) in a vise.
3. Note position of prongs (5) on coil (4), to ensure
proper alignment during assembly. 8
4. Remove nut (1), washer (2), coil housing (3), coil
(4), and plate (6) from valve cartridge stem (8).
5. Remove valve cartridge stem (8) from valve hous-
ing (10).
6. Remove and discard o--rings (7,9).

Cleaning And Inspection

Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Serious personal injury may result from
misuse of these products.

1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved

cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or any 1. Nut 6. Plate
other foreign material during assembly. 2. Washer 7. O--ring
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, wear, 3. Coil Housing 8. Valve Cartridge Stem
corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metal. Re- 4. Coil 9. O--ring
5. Prongs 10. Valve Housing
place any damaged component as required. Al-
ways use new o--rings. Figure 1
Solenoid Valve Assembly

1 of 2
SM01---043---001.00 0905 Service Manual
Assembly 3. Install o--rings (7,9) onto valve cartridge stem (8).
4. Install valve cartridge stem (8) assembly into valve
Lubricate o--rings and threads with clean hydraulic oil housing (10).
prior to assembly. Refer to the Operator’s Manual for
the correct type.
Torque is critical to operation of valve.
Do not clamp solenoid valve housing in any 5. Torque valve cartridge stem (8) assembly to torque
form of vice unless jaws are protected by a value specified in chart below.
soft material. Brass or wood are preferred. 6. Align prongs (5) on coil (4), as they were prior to dis-
assembly and torque nut (1) to torque value speci-
1. Place valve housing (10) in a vise. fied in chart below.
2. Install plate (6), coil (4), coil housing (3), washer (2), 7. If solenoid valve assembly is not to be installed on
and nut (1) onto valve cartridge stem (8). crane immediately, plug all ports to prevent contam-
ination from entering and store properly.
Note: Do not torque nut at this time. Nut will be
torqued after installation.

Torque Specification Chart

Solenoid Thread Size Solenoid Installation Torque Coil Installation Torque

.438 -- 20 UNF 10--14 ft lb (14--19Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

.750 -- 16 UNF 15--19 ft lb (20--26Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

.875 -- 14 UNF 20--24 ft lb (27--33Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

1.000 -- 14 UNF 25--29 ft lb (34--39Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

1.250 -- 14 UNF 30--34 ft lb (41--46Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

1.313 -- 12 UNF 35--38 ft lb (47--52Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

1.500 -- 12 UNF 39--43 ft lb (53--58Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

1.625 -- 12 UNF 44--47 ft lb (60--64Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

2 of 2
Service Manual 1299 SM1-43-3.0
Outrigger Solenoid Valve
Stack, Recondition 16 17 18 19

This procedure covers the recondition of the

outrigger solenoid valve stack. For removal and 15
installation procedures, see SM Area 1-38 or 1-43.
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force 13
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind.
12 20
Disassembly 21
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic
components to lay the parts out in the order that they 10
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in 9
the assembly process. 8


Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 5

hazardous. Serious personal injury may 4
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions. 2 1

1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the outrigĆ 22

ger solenoid valve stack to prevent contamination 1 23
from entering it. 25
Note: Separating valve sections may not be reĆ 27
quired. If replacing solenoid or spool seals
only, proceed to step 6. 1. End Brackets 15. Spring Guide
2. Nuts 16. Solenoid
2. Remove nuts (2) from the threaded rods (24) at eiĆ 3. Valve Body 17. Capscrew
4. Spool 18. End Plate
ther end of the valve stack assembly. 5. Spring Base Washer 19. Ground Lead Wire
3. Remove end bracket (1) from the threaded rods 6. Spring 20. O-ring
(24). 7. O-rings 21. O-ring
8. Cone 22. Seal Plate
Note: Note seal plate (22) and o-ring (23) posiĆ 9. Plunger 23. O-ring
tions to ensure proper installation. 10. Inner Flux Sleeve 24. Threaded Rods
11. Guide Tube 25. Spring
12. Spring 26. Plug
4. Remove valve body (3) and seal plates (22) from 13. Outer Flux Sleeve 27. O-ring
threaded rods (24). 14. Push Pin
5. Remove o-ring (23).
Figure 1
Outrigger Solenoid Valve Stack

1 of 2
SM1-43-3.0 1299 Service Manual
6. Remove the capscrews (17) holding the solenoid Assembly
(16) to the valve body (3). Remove the end plate
(18) and ground lead wire (19), as required. Lubricate all o-rings, spools, threads, and housing
bores with hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See
Note: While removing the inner flux sleeve (10) Operator's Manual for correct type.
and outer flux sleeve (13), note their order of asĆ
sembly. The two flux sleeves must be reassemĆ
bled in the same order or the valve will not operĆ
ate correctly. WARNING
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
7. Remove the solenoid (16); remove the spring
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
guide (15) and push pin (14) from the solenoid (16)
personal injury may result from misuse of
and remove o-rings (20,21).
these products. Read and follow all
8. Remove the outer flux sleeve (13) and spring (12).
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
9. Remove guide tube (11) from the valve body (3).
these products.
10. Remove the cone (8) and plunger (9) from the
guide tube (11). Remove o-rings (7) from cone 1. Install the spring (25), o-ring (27), and plug (26).
(8). 2. Install the spool (4), spring base washer (5), and
11. Remove the inner flux sleeve (10). spring (6).
12. Remove the spring (6), spring base washer (5),
and spool (4) from the valve body (3). Note: Refer to notes taken when removing inner
13. Remove plug (26), spring (25), and o-ring (27). flux sleeve (10) and outer flux sleeve (13). The
14. Repeat steps 4 through 13 for remaining solenoid two flux sleeves must be reassembled in the
valve stacks, as required. same order for valve to operate correctly.
Cleaning And Inspection 3. Install the inner flux sleeve (10).
4. Install o-rings (7) on cone (8).
5. Install the plunger (9) and cone (8) in the guide
tube (11).
WARNING 6. Install guide tube (11) in the valve body (3).
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 7. Install the spring (12) and outer flux sleeve (13).
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 8. Install o-rings (20,21) on spring guide (15) and
result from misuse of these products. Read push pin (14).
and follow all the manufacturer's 9. Install spring guide (15) and push pin (14) in the soĆ
recommendations concerning solvents and lenoid (16).
cleaning solutions. 10. Position the solenoid (16) on the valve body (3) and
install end plate (18).
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved 11. Install ground lead wire (19), as required.
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free 12. Install capscrews (17).
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precauĆ
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or Note: Refer to notes taken when removing seal
any other foreign material during assembly. plate (22) and o-ring (23) to ensure proper
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, installation.
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metĆ
13. Install o-ring (23).
al. Replace any damaged component as required.
14. Repeat steps 1 through 13 for remaining solenoid
Replace all o-rings.
valve stacks.
3. All LoctiteR or other sealant residue should be reĆ
15. Install seal plates (22) and valve bodies (3) on
moved from threads of hardware and parts that are
threaded rods (24).
going to be reused.
16. Install end bracket (1) on the threaded rods (24).
17. Install nuts (2) on the threaded rods (24).
18. If outrigger solenoid valve stack is not to be immeĆ
diately installed on crane, plug all open ports to
prevent contamination and properly store.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0105 SM01 --- 043 --- 004.00

10 11

13 14
19 21
20 22 23
* Some assemblies utilize a different style spring base.
1. Capscrews 7. Spring 13. O --- ring 19. O --- ring
2. End Plate 8. Inner Flux Sleeve 14. Guide 20. O --- ring
3. Ground Wire 9. Guide Tube Assembly 15. Plunger 21. Plug
4. Solenoid Case 10. Spring 16. Pin 22. Mounting Brackets
5. Solenoid 11. Spring Base* 17. Guide Tube 23. Threaded Rods & Locknuts
6. Outer Flux Sleeve 12. Spool 18. Female Cone 24. Control Valve Body

Figure 1
Solenoid Control Valve Assembly

Four Way Solenoid Valve,

Recondition WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
This procedure covers the recondition of the four way hazardous. Serious personal injury may
solenoid valve. For specific removal and installation result from misuse of these products. Read
procedures, see SM Area 01---043. General removal and follow all the manufacturer’s
and installation procedures for hydraulic components recommendations concerning solvents and
can be found in SM Keysheet Areas 01---079. cleaning solutions.
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force 1. Note orientation of mounting brackets (22) and re-
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind. move threaded rods and locknuts (23) and mount-
ing brackets (22).
Disassembly 2. Remove plug (21), as required.
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic 3. Remove capscrews (1) securing end plate (2) and
components to lay the parts out in the order that they solenoid (5) to the control valve body (24).
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order 4. Remove ground wire (3), if equipped.
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in 5. Separate solenoid (5) from solenoid case (4), as re-
the assembly process. quired.

1 of 2
SM01 --- 043 --- 004.00 0105 Service Manual
Note: When removing flux sleeves, note their Assembly
order of disassembly. The flux sleeves must be
assembled in the same order that they were Lubricate o---rings, spool, and bores with hydraulic oil
disassembled or the valve will not operate prior to assembly. See Operator’s Manual for correct
correctly. type.
6. Remove outer flux sleeve (6), spring (7), inner flux
sleeve (8), and guide tube assembly (9).
7. Remove spring (10) and spring base (11). WARNING
Note: Use care when removing spool from Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
valve body. Do not force spool. Machined sur- compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
faces between spool and body are very close. personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
8. Carefully remove spool (12). manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
9. If necessary, disassemble guide tube assembly these products.
a. Remove o---ring (20) from female cone (18). 1. If necessary, install solenoid case (4) onto solenoid
b. Remove guide (14) from guide tube (17). (5).
c. Remove plunger (15) and pin (16) from guide 2. If necessary, assemble guide tube assembly (9):
tube (17). a. Install o---rings (19,20) on female cone (18).
d. Remove female cone (18) from guide tube b. Install female cone (18) in guide tube (17).
(17). c. Install pin (16) and plunger (15) in guide tube
e. Remove o---rings (19,13) from female cone (17).
(18) and guide (14). d. Install o---ring (13) on guide (14).
e. Install guide (14) in guide tube (17).
Cleaning And Inspection
Note: Do not force spool into valve body. Ma-
chined surfaces between spool and body are
very close. Spool should slide easily into place
WARNING once it is properly aligned.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 3. Carefully install spool (12) into control valve body
hazardous. Serious personal injury may (24).
result from misuse of these products. Read 4. Slide spring base (11) and spring (10) onto spool
and follow all the manufacturer’s (12).
recommendations concerning solvents and 5. Install inner flux sleeve (8), spring (7), outer flux
cleaning solutions. sleeve (6), and guide tube assembly (9) in solenoid
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved 6. Align solenoid (5) assembly to control valve body
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free (24). Carefully press guide tube assembly (9) so
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- that o---ring (20) seats in control valve body (24).
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or 7. Install end plate (2), ground wire (3), and cap-
any other foreign material during assembly. screws (1).
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, 8. Install plugs (21), as required.
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed met- 9. Align mounting brackets (22) to control valve body
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine (24) and install threaded rods and locknuts (23).
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace Torque locknuts (23) to 300 in lb (34Nm).
any damaged component as required. Replace all 10. If four way solenoid valve is not to be immediately
o---rings. installed on crane, plug all open ports to prevent
3. All LoctiteR or other sealant residue should be re- contamination and properly store.
moved from threads of hardware and parts that are
going to be reused.
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1199 SM1-43-29.0
Combination Steering/
Control Valve, R & I 3
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the combination steering/control valve. For
recondition procedure, see SM Area 1-43.
This procedure is intended to be general in nature. The
number and orientation of hydraulic lines may vary.

1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service: Park the crane out
of the way on a firm and level surface, engage the
park brake or properly block the tires, engage the
travel swing lock, level the crane on fully extended 1. Steering/Control Valve 3. Washers
outriggers, and/or fully lower the boom, as reĆ 2. Locknuts 4. Hydraulic Lines
Figure 1
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hyĆ Combination Steering/Control Valve
draulic pump.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
switches back and forth several times.
WARNING d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth reĆ
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be peatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
hazardous. Serious personal injury may cranes equipped with emergency steering
result from misuse of these products. Read system, it will take several rotations of steering
and follow all the manufacturer's wheel before steering becomes hard.)
recommendations concerning solvents and e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
cleaning solutions. 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posiĆ
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an DISABLE" position.
approved cleaning solvent to prevent contaminaĆ 7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect any
tion from entering the hydraulic oil circuits. Allow electrical connections (not shown) from the steerĆ
the area to air dry. ing/control valve (1).
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
hydraulic lines (4). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
WARNING ports and lines (4) to prevent excessive oil loss and
contamination of the system.
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
9. Remove the locknuts (2) and washers (3).
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
10. Remove the steering/control valve (1) from the
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
pressure from the system before removing Cleaning And Inspection
any line or component.

5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure:

a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic WARNING
reservoir by pushing the button on the presĆ Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
sure relief valve, located on the hydraulic reserĆ hazardous. Serious personal injury may
voir. result from misuse of these products. Read
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT and follow all the manufacturer's
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ recommendations concerning solvents and
out switch to the OPERATE" position. cleaning solutions.

1 of 2
SM1-43-29.0 1199 Service Manual
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with 1. Properly position steering/control valve (1) and
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ install the washers (3) and locknuts (2).
fully inspected. 2. Install electrical connections (not shown) to steerĆ
2. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from ing/control valve (1).
threads of hardware and parts that are going to be 3. Install hydraulic lines (4).
reused. 4. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as reĆ
3. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ quired. See Operator's Manual for correct type
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace and procedure.
any major component. 5. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. InĆ
4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines and elecĆ spect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
trical wires that are connected to the steering/conĆ leaks. Repair if needed.
trol valve. Repair or replace if required. 6. Complete the installation by testing all related funcĆ
tions of the steering/control valve (1) for proper opĆ
Installation eration. Normal operation of hydraulic and electriĆ
cal systems should be confirmed. A general inĆ
spection of components and systems in the areas
WARNING adjacent to the repair should also be performed to
ensure related damage or wear is not present.
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
these products.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1299 SM1-43-30.0
Combination Steer Control Note: When removing flux sleeves, note their
order of disassembly. The flux sleeves must be
Valve, Recondition assembled in the same order that they were
disassembled or the valve will not operate
This procedure covers the recondition of the correctly.
combination steer control valve. For removal and
installation procedures, see SM Area 1-43. 9. Remove outer flux sleeve (6), spring (7), inner flux
sleeve (8), and guide tube assembly (9).
Although this assembly contains two separate valve 10. Remove spring (10) and spring base (11).
arrangements, the following procedure will cover the
recondition of both of them. Each of the solenoids are Note: Use care when removing spool from
similar and can be reconditioned using this procedure, valve body. Do not force spool. Machined surĆ
as required. faces between spool and body are very close.
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not 11. Carefully remove spool (12).
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force 12. If necessary, disassemble guide tube assembly
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind. (9):
a. Remove o-ring (13) from guide (14).
Disassembly b. Remove guide (14) from guide tube (17).
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic c. Remove plunger (15) and pin (16) from guide
components to lay the parts out in the order that they tube (17).
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order d. Remove female cone (18) from guide tube
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in (17).
the assembly process. e. Remove o-rings (19,20) from female cone
13. Repeat steps 6 thru 12 for remaining solenoids.
WARNING Cleaning And Inspection
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's WARNING
recommendations concerning solvents and Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
cleaning solutions. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the comĆ and follow all the manufacturer's
bination steer control valve to prevent contaminaĆ recommendations concerning solvents and
tion from entering it. cleaning solutions.
2. Index mark the control valve bodies (21,27) to enĆ
sure proper orientation during assembly. 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
3. Remove threaded rods and locknuts (26) and cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
mounting brackets (24). surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precauĆ
4. Separate control valve body (27) from control valve tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
body (21) and remove o-ring (22). any other foreign material during assembly.
5. Remove plugs (23,25), as required. 2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
6. Remove capscrews (1) securing end plate (2) and wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metĆ
solenoid (5) to control valve body (21,27). al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine
7. Remove ground wire (3), if equipped. file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace
8. Separate solenoid (5) from solenoid case (4), as reĆ any damaged component as required. Replace all
quired. o-rings and quad rings.
3. All LoctiteR or other sealant residue should be reĆ
moved from threads of hardware and parts that are
going to be reused.
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

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SM1-43-30.0 1299 Service Manual


6 21
10 11

13 14

* Some assemblies utilize a different style spring base.

1. Capscrews 8. Inner Flux Sleeve 15. Plunger 22. O-ring

2. End Plate 9. Guide Tube Assembly 16. Pin 23. Plug
3. Ground Wire 10. Spring 17. Guide Tube 24. Mounting Brackets
4. Solenoid Case 11. Spring Base* 18. Female Cone 25. Plug
5. Solenoid 12. Spool 19. O-ring 26. Threaded Rods & Locknuts
6. Outer Flux Sleeve 13. O-ring 20. O-ring 27. Control Valve Body
7. Spring 14. Guide 21. Control Valve Body

Figure 1
Combination Steer Control Valve Assembly

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Service Manual 1299 SM1-43-30.0
Assembly Note: Do not force spool into valve body. MaĆ
chined surfaces between spool and body are
Lubricate o-rings, spool, and bores with hydraulic oil very close. Spool should slide easily into place
prior to assembly. See Operator's Manual for correct once it is properly aligned.
3. Carefully install spool (12) into control valve body
4. Slide spring base (11) and spring (10) onto spool
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking 5. Install outer flux sleeve (6), spring (7), inner flux
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious sleeve (8), and guide tube assembly (9) in solenoid
personal injury may result from misuse of (5).
these products. Read and follow all 6. Align solenoid (5) assembly to control valve body
manufacturer's recommendations concerning (21,27).
these products. 7. Install end plate (2), ground wire (3), and capĆ
screws (1).
1. If necessary, install solenoid case (4) onto solenoid 8. Repeat steps 1 thru 7 for remaining solenoids.
(5). 9. Install plugs (23,25), as required.
2. If necessary, assemble guide tube assembly (9): 10. Install o-ring (22).
a. Install o-rings (19,20). 11. Following index marks, align control valve bodies
b. Install female cone (18) in guide tube (17). (21,27) and mounting brackets (24).
c. Install pin (16) and plunger (15) in guide tube 12. Install threaded rods and locknuts (26). Torque
(17). locknuts (26) to 300 in lb (34Nm).
d. Install guide (14) in guide tube (17). 13. If combination steer control valve is not to be immeĆ
e. Install o-ring (13) on guide (14). diately installed on crane, plug all open ports to
prevent contamination and properly store.

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SM1-43-30.0 1299 Service Manual

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Service Manual 1199 SM1-43-32.0

1 2 3



1. Hydraulic Line * 4. Washers 7. Hydraulic Lines

2. Outrigger Function Control Valve 5. Washers 8. Electrical Connectors
3. Mounting Studs 6. Locknuts
* Direction of hydraulic line varies from front to rear. Front shown, rear opposite.

Figure 1
Outrigger Directional Control Valve

Outrigger Function Control

Valve, R & I WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
This procedure covers the removal and installation of hazardous. Serious personal injury may
the outrigger function control valve. Though there are result from misuse of these products. Read
two of them, removal and installation is basically the and follow all the manufacturer's
same. For recondition procedure, see SM Area 1-43. recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
approved cleaning solvent to prevent contaminaĆ
2. Stabilize the crane for service: Park the crane out
tion from entering the hydraulic oil circuits. Allow
of the way on a firm and level surface, engage the
the area to air dry.
park brake or properly block the tires, engage the
travel swing lock, level the crane on fully extended
outriggers, and/or fully lower the boom, as reĆ
quired. WARNING
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hyĆ Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
draulic pump. hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
pressure from the system before removing
any line or component.

1 of 2
SM1-43-32.0 1199 Service Manual
5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure: 2. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic threads of hardware and parts that are going to be
reservoir by pushing the button on the presĆ reused.
sure relief valve, located on the hydraulic reserĆ 3. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ
voir. sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT any major component.
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ 4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines and elecĆ
out switch to the OPERATE" position. trical wires that are connected to the outrigger
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger function control valve. Repair or replace if reĆ
switches back and forth several times. quired.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth reĆ
peatedly until steering becomes hard. (On Installation
cranes equipped with emergency steering
system, it will take several rotations of steering
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posiĆ Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
tion and move the function lockout switch to the compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
DISABLE" position. personal injury may result from misuse of
7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the these products. Read and follow all
electrical connectors (8). manufacturer's recommendations concerning
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the these products.
hydraulic lines (7). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
ports and lines (7) to prevent excessive oil loss and 1. Place washers (4) on mounting studs (3).
contamination of the system. 2. Properly position outrigger function control valve
9. Support outrigger function control valve (2) and reĆ (2) on mounting studs (3).
3. Install washers (5) and locknuts (6).
move locknuts (6) and washers (5).
10. Remove outrigger function control valve (2) from 4. Install hydraulic lines (7)
the crane. 5. Connect the electrical connectors (8).
11. Remove washers (4) from mounting studs (3). 6. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as reĆ
quired. See Operator's Manual for correct type
Cleaning And Inspection and procedure.
7. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. InĆ
spect the connections on the hydraulic lines (7) for
WARNING leaks. Repair if needed.
8. Complete the installation by testing all related funcĆ
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be tions of the outrigger function control valve (2) for
hazardous. Serious personal injury may proper operation. Normal operation of hydraulic
result from misuse of these products. Read and electrical systems should be confirmed. A
and follow all the manufacturer's general inspection of components and systems in
recommendations concerning solvents and the areas adjacent to the repair should also be perĆ
cleaning solutions. formed to ensure related damage or wear is not
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ
fully inspected.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0108 SM01 --- 043 --- 056.00
Outrigger Directional c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
switches back and forth several times.
Control Valve, R & I d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
This procedure covers the removal and installation of cranes equipped with emergency steering
the outrigger directional control valve. For recondition system, it will take several rotations of steering
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 01---43. wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
Removal 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. position and move the function lockout switch to
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: the “DISABLE” position.
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level Refer to Figure 1.
surface. 7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block hydraulic lines (2) from the outrigger directional
the tires. control valve (1). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing ports and lines (2) to prevent excessive oil loss and
lock, as required. contamination of the system.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect any
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- electrical connectors (4) from the outrigger
quired. directional control valve (1).
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main 9. Support the outrigger directional control valve (1)
hydraulic pump. and remove the locknuts and washers (3).
10. Remove the outrigger directional control valve (1)
from the crane.
WARNING Cleaning And Inspection
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s WARNING
recommendations concerning solvents and Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
cleaning solutions. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an and follow all the manufacturer’s
approved cleaning solvent to prevent recommendations concerning solvents and
contamination. Allow the area to air dry. cleaning solutions.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with

WARNING an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and
carefully inspected.
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
should be removed from threads of hardware and
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
pressure from the system before removing
compounds or sealants, clean threads and
any line or component.
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
performance of products.
5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
3. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
that are connected to the outrigger directional
control valve. Repair or replace if required.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
personnel for directions whether to repair or
out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
replace any major component.

1 of 4
SM01 --- 043 --- 056.00 0108 Service Manual

1 2 3

1. Outrigger Directional Control Valve 3. Washers & Locknut

2. Hydraulic Lines 4. Electrical Connector

Figure 1
Outrigger Directional Control Valve

2 of 4
Service Manual 0108 SM01 --- 043 --- 056.00
Installation 4. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
and procedure.
5. Check for correct fluid levels in any related
WARNING components such as pump drives, gear reduction
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking units, engine crankcase, radiator, etc. Refer to the
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious crane or engine Operator’s Manual for correct
personal injury may result from misuse of type/quantity of fluids and proper procedure.
these products. Read and follow all 6. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning 7. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
these products. Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
leaks. Repair if needed.
Refer to Figure 1. 8. Complete the installation by testing all related
1. Properly position the outrigger directional control functions of the outrigger directional control valve
valve (1) to the crane and install washers and for proper operation. Normal operation of
locknuts (3). hydraulic and electrical systems should be
2. Connect the hydraulic lines (2) to the outrigger confirmed. A general inspection of components
directional control valve (1). and systems in the areas adjacent to the repair
3. Connect any electrical connectors (4) to the should also be performed to ensure related
outrigger directional control valve (1). damage or wear is not present.

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SM01 --- 043 --- 056.00 0108 Service Manual

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Service Manual 1299 SM1-44-18.0

Check valve with relief feature

MUST be located In this position.

1 4 5 6 7 A

14 13 12 11 10 9 8

1. Cylinder Case 5. O-ring 9. O-ring 12. Back Up Ring

2. Tube Assembly 6. Piston 10. Back Up Ring 13. O-ring
3. Hose Assemblies 7. Check Valve - W/Relief 11. Back Up Rings 14. O-ring
4. Check Valve 8. O-ring

Figure 1
Outrigger Lock Valve Cartridge

Lock Valve Cartridge, R & I 3. Extend the subject outrigger jack until the pontoon
just contacts the ground. Do not allow the jack cylĆ
This procedure covers the removal and installation of inder to exert any pressure on the ground.
the lock valve cartridge. Recondition procedure is inĆ 4. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
clusive. hydraulic pump.
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. WARNING
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
and follow all the manufacturer's
the tires.
recommendations concerning solvents and
c. Engage the swing park brake and/or travel
cleaning solutions.
swing lock, as required.
d. Fully retract and position the boom, as reĆ
5. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
approved cleaning solvent to prevent
contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
circuits. Allow the area to air dry.

1 of 4
SM1-44-18.0 1299 Service Manual
12. Remove the o-rings (8,10) and back up ring (9)
WARNING from the check valve (7).

Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be

hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic Use extreme care when removing the piston
pressure from the system before removing from the cylinder case. Hydraulic
any line or component. components are machined to close
tolerances and are damaged easily.
6. To relieve hydraulic system pressure:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic 13. Use a clean, non-metallic tool to remove the pisĆ
reservoir by pushing the button on the ton (6) from the cylinder case (1).
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic 14. Remove the back up rings (11) and o-ring (5) from
reservoir. the piston (6).
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT 15. If the lock valve cartridges are not going to be imĆ
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ mediately installed back in the cylinder case, plug
the open hydraulic ports to prevent contamination
out switch to the OPERATE" position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger of the system.
switches back and forth several times. Cleaning And Inspection
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
cranes equipped with emergency steering
system, it will take several rotations of steering WARNING
wheel before steering becomes hard.) Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral result from misuse of these products. Read
position and move the function lockout switch to and follow all the manufacturer's
the DISABLE" position. recommendations concerning solvents and
Refer to Figure 1. cleaning solutions.
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
hydraulic tube assembly (2) and hose assemblies 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
(3) from the cylinder case (1). Cap/plug the open an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ
hydraulic ports and lines to prevent excessive oil fully inspected.
loss and contamination of the system. 2. Thoroughly clean the cylinder case as well, using
only clean hydraulic oil. Flushing the ports and pisĆ
ton bore with a solvent may contaminate the cylinĆ
CAUTION der and ultimately the hydraulic system.
3. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from
Label the positions of the two check valves threads of hardware and parts that are going to be
before removing. Mislocating the check reused.
valves in the cylinder case will cause the valve 4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
to malfunction. personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.
9. Remove the check valve (4) from the cylinder case 5. All soft parts", such as, back up rings, and o-
(1). rings, should be replaced.
10. Remove the o-rings (13,14) and back up ring (12) 6. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses
from the check valve (4). that are connected to the jack cylinder being
11. Remove the second check valve (7) from the cylinĆ serviced. Repair or replace if required.
der case (1). Note the difference between this
check valve (7) and the first.

2 of 4
Service Manual 1299 SM1-44-18.0
Positions of the two check valves are critical.
WARNING Mislocating the check valves in the cylinder
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking case will cause the valve to malfunction. See
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious Figure 1 for proper orientation of the check
personal injury may result from misuse of valves
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer's recommendations concerning 4. Install the check valve (7) in the cylinder case (1).
these products. Torque the check valve (7) to 25 ft lb (34Nm)
5. Install the o-rings (13,14) and back up ring (12) on
the check valve (4).
Lubricate all back up rings, o-rings, pistons, and
6. Install the check valve (4) in the cylinder case (1).
housing bores with hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See
Torque the check valve (4) to 25 ft lb (34Nm)
Operator's Manual for correct type.
7. Connect the hydraulic tube assembly (2) and hose
Refer to Figure 1. assemblies (3) to the cylinder case (1).
1. Install the back up rings (11) and o-ring (5) on the 8. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
piston (6). required. See Operator's Manual for correct type
and procedure.
9. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
CAUTION Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
leaks. Repair if needed.
Use extreme care when installing the piston in
10. Complete the installation by testing all related
the cylinder case. Hydraulic components are
functions of the jack cylinder for proper operation.
machined to close tolerances and are
Normal operation of hydraulic and electrical
damaged easily. Threaded surfaces are
systems should be confirmed. A general
sharp. O-rings can be damaged as they are
inspection of components and systems in the
installed over threaded areas, causing the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be
assembly to leak.
performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
2. Use a clean, non-metallic tool to position the pisĆ
ton (6) in the cylinder case (1).
3. Install the o-rings (8,9) and back up ring (10) on
the check valve (7).

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SM1-44-18.0 1299 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0102 SM1-45-14.0
Outrigger Beam Cylinder, 7. If equipped, remove o-ring (2) from gland (1).

Recondition CAUTION
This procedure covers the recondition of the Do not grip on any of the cylinders machined
outrigger beam cylinders which utilize threads to surfaces. Excessive force while clamping
secure the gland to the cylinder case. For could result in misalignment and/or serious
recondition procedures on other types of outrigger damage to parts. Take extreme care not to
beam cylinders and/or removal and installation mar or damage the rod. Do not clamp in any
procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 1-45. form of vise unless the jaws are protected by a
soft material.
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force 8. Place rod eye in a padded vise or anchor it in such
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind. a way as to prevent rod (5) from rotating. Protect
Disassembly the chrome finish on rod (5) from being damaged.
9. Remove locknut (10) and piston (8) from rod (5).
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic 10. If equipped, remove spacer (6) from rod (5).
components to lay the parts out in the order that they 11. If equipped, remove wear rings (9) from piston (8).
are disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order 12. Remove piston seal (11) and o-ring (12) from
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in piston (8).
the assembly process. 13. Remove o-ring (7) from piston (8).
14. Remove gland (1) from rod (5).
15. Remove wiper seal (16), u-cup seal (15), wear
rings (3), back up ring (14), and o-ring (13) from
WARNING gland (1), as equipped.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Cleaning and Inspection
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and WARNING
cleaning solutions.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Note: Refer to Table A for capacity of cylinder. result from misuse of these products. Read
1. Open both extend and retract ports and drain any and follow all the manufacturer's
excess hydraulic oil, remaining within the cylinder, recommendations concerning solvents and
into an appropriate container. Properly store or cleaning solutions.
dispose of the used oil.
2. Cap/plug any openings in the cylinder. Thoroughly 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
clean the exterior surface of the cylinder to prevent cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
contamination from entering it. Allow cylinder to air surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every
dry. precaution possible to keep all parts free of dust,
dirt, or any other foreign material during assembly.
Note: Refer to Table A for approximate weight 2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
of cylinder. wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed
3. Using an auxiliary lifting device, place cylinder on a metal. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a
clean, sturdy bench for disassembly. fine file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth.
4. Fully retract piston (8) and rod (5) into case (4) to Replace any damaged component as required.
reduce binding which may occur during Replace all seals, o-rings, wear rings, and back
disassembly of gland (1) from case (4). up rings.
Note: If a spanner wrench is not available, a 3. All Loctite®, Permatex®, or other sealant residue
chain wrench can be used to loosen and should be removed from threads of hardware and
remove gland. mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
5. Insert a spanner wrench into machined holes in compounds or sealants, clean threads and
gland (1). Rotate gland (1) until all threads surfaces with Loctite® 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
disengage from case (4). performance of products.
6. Carefully slide rod (5), gland (1), and piston (8), as
an assembly, out of case (4).

1 of 4
SM1-45-14.0 0102 Service Manual

A 1



1 C 7
14 8





1. Gland 5. Rod 9. Wear Rings * 13. O-ring

2. O-ring* 6. Spacer * 10. Locknut 14. Back Up Ring
3. Wear Rings* 7. O-ring 11. Piston Seal 15. U-cup Seal
4. Case 8. Piston 12. O-ring 16. Wiper Seal
* Some cylinder assemblies do not utilize these items.

Figure 1
Outrigger Beam Cylinder Assembly

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Service Manual 0102 SM1-45-14.0
Case Wet Dry Oil Capacity Oil Capacity Test
Length Weight Weight Retracted Extended Pressure
in cm lb kg lb kg gal L gal L psi kPa

49.6 126.0 62.0 28.2 55.0 25.0 0.6 2.3 0.9 3.4 4,500 31 028
62.7 159.3 82.0 37.3 74.0 33.6 0.8 3.0 1.2 4.5 4,500 31 028
75.6 192.0 93.0 42.2 86.0 39.0 0.9 3.4 1.5 5.6 4,500 31 028
83.1 211.1 99.0 45.0 91.0 41.3 1.1 4.2 1.7 6.4 4,500 31 028
88.8 225.6 207.0 94.0 195.0 88.3 1.7 6.4 3.4 12.9 4,375 30 165
94.6 240.3 117 53.1 109 49.4 1.1 4.2 1.9 7.2 4,500 31 028
99.0 251.5 230.0 104.4 216.0 98.0 1.9 7.2 3.6 13.6 4,500 31 028
112.3 285.2 261.0 118.5 245.0 111.2 2.2 8.3 4.4 16.7 4,375 30 165
Table A
Cylinder Specifications

4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory 2. Install wear rings (3), u-cup seal (15) and wiper
personnel for directions whether to repair or seal (16) in gland (1), as equipped.
replace any major component. 3. If equipped, install o-ring (2) on gland (1).
Note: Use care to prevent damage to lip of
Assembly wiper seal during assembly.
4. Install gland (1) on rod (5).
5. If equipped, install spacer (6) on rod (5).
WARNING 6. Install o-ring (12) and piston seal (11) on piston
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking (8) as shown in Figure 1, Detail D".
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious Note: After piston seal has been installed on
personal injury may result from misuse of piston, a sizing tool such as a piston ring
these products. Read and follow all compressor should be clamped over the outer
manufacturer's recommendations concerning diameter of the piston and left for a minimum of
these products. 5 minutes. This will give the Teflon R piston seal
time to return to its original size.
Lubricate all wear rings, o-rings, back up rings, and 7. Install o-ring (7) in piston (8).
cylinder case bore with hydraulic oil prior to assembly. 8. If equipped, install wear rings (9) on piston (8).
See Operator's Manual for correct type. 9. Install piston (8) on rod (5).
Soak new piston seal, wiper seal, and u-cup seal in
clean hydraulic oil which has been heated to a temperĆ
ature of 100-120 _F (39-49_C). Allow adequate time CAUTION
for the parts to reach the temperature of the hydraulic Do not grip on any of the cylinders machined
oil which will greatly ease their assembly. surfaces. Excessive force while clamping
Make sure that o-rings, back up rings, and seals are could result in misalignment and/or serious
not twisted after assembly. damage to parts. Take extreme care not to
mar or damage the rod. Do not clamp in any
1. Install o-ring (13) and back up ring (14) on gland form of vise unless the jaws are protected by a
(1). soft material.
Note: It may be necessary to form the u-cup
seal into a C-shape" as shown in Figure 1, 10. Place rod eye in a padded vise or anchor it in such
Detail E" and held in that position to start a way as to prevent rod (5) from rotating. Protect
installation. the chrome finish on rod (5) from being damaged.
11. Apply Loctite® 242 to threads of locknut (10) and
Note: Make sure that the wiper seal and u-cup install locknut (10) on rod (5). Torque to
seal are fully seated into grooves of gland. specification found in Table B.

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SM1-45-14.0 0102 Service Manual
2. Cycle the cylinder full stroke each direction a
Case Length Locknut Torque Gland Torque minimum of ten times to remove entrapped air,
using only the pressure level which is required to
in cm ft lb Nm ft lb Nm move the cylinder rod at a steady rate. If the
cylinder squeaks or sticks, disassemble the
49.6 126.0 280 380 100 135 cylinder and replace the defective part and repeat
the entire test procedure.
62.7 159.3 250 340 100 135 3. Stop the rod at mid stroke and examine the
cylinder for any external leakage. No leakage is
75.6 192.0 290 390 100 135 acceptable. If any leakage is found, disassemble
the cylinder and replace the defective parts and
83.1 211.1 300 400 100 135 repeat the entire test procedure.
4. Fully retract the cylinder.
88.8 125.6 500 680 100 135 5. Slowly increase the pressure on the extend side of
the cylinder to a maximum of 75 psi (517kPa). The
94.6 240.3 290 390 100 135 cylinder rod should begin to extend prior to
reaching the maximum pressure stated. Note the
99.0 251.5 600 810 100 135 pressure required to initiate movement of the
cylinder rod, termed breakaway pressure". If
112.3 285.2 500 680 100 135 breakaway pressure exceeds 75 psi (517kPa),
disassemble the cylinder and replace the defective
Table B
part and repeat the entire test procedure.
Cylinder Specifications
6. Once the breakaway pressure is obtained, the
pressure needed to maintain movement of the
12. Place case (4) in a padded vise or anchor it in such cylinder rod, is termed running pressure".
a way as to prevent it from rotating. Protect the Running pressure should not exceed 80% of the
tube of case (4) from being damaged.
breakaway pressure and should diminish to 20%
Note: Use care to prevent damage to piston of the breakaway pressure as the cylinder is
seal during installation. extended. If running pressure exceeds these
13. Install piston (8), rod (5), and gland (1), as an guidelines, disassemble the cylinder and replace
assembly, into case (4) until gland (1) is almost to the defective parts and repeat the entire test
the case (4). procedure.
Note: Use care not to damage threads during High Pressure Leakage Test
installation of gland. 1. Extend the rod to full stroke and pressurize to the
test pressure specified in Table A. Hold this
14. Turn gland (1) into case (4) one full turn at a time, pressure for a minimum of one minute. Leakage
followed by a backing off" of 1/4 turn each time to across the piston should not exceed 1cc/min/in of
prevent o-ring (13) and back up ring (14) from diameter of the cylinder.
wadding up" in the groove due to friction. Repeat
this procedure until gland (1) is fully installed into Example: Allowable leakage for a 6 in (15.24cm)
case (4). diameter cylinder held at test pressure for 2
Note: If a spanner wrench is not available, a minutes equals 12cc.
chain wrench can be used to tighten gland to
case. 2. Fully retract the rod and pressurize to the test
pressure specified in Table A. Hold this pressure
15. Using a spanner wrench, tighten gland (1) to case for a minimum of one minute. Leakage across the
(4). Torque to specification found in Table B. piston should not exceed 1cc/min/in of diameter of
Cylinder Test Procedures the cylinder.
3. Once again examine the cylinder for any external
Low Pressure Leakage & Static Friction Test leakage. No leakage is acceptable. If any leakage
1. Fill the fully retracted cylinder with hydraulic oil. is found, disassemble the cylinder and replace the
Refer to Table A and the Operator's Manual for the defective parts and repeat the entire test
correct amount and grade of oil to use. procedure.
4. If cylinder is not to be installed on crane
immediately, plug all open ports to prevent
contamination and properly store.

4 of 4
Service Manual 1014 SM01 - 045 - 073.00
Note: Refer to Table A for approximate
Outrigger Beam Cylinder, outrigger beam cylinder weight.
Recondition 3. Using an appropriate lifting device, place outrigger
beam cylinder on a clean, adequate supporting
This procedure covers the recondition of the surface. Restrain cylinder in such a way as to pre-
Outrigger Beam Cylinder. For removal and vent it from falling or moving during the disas-
installation procedures, refer to SM Keysheet Area sembly and assembly process.
01- 045.
Refer to Figure 1.
Disassembly 4. Fully retract piston (11) and rod (17) to reduce
binding which may occur during removal of head
It is a good practice when disassembling components (15).
to lay parts out in the order that they are disassembled. 5. Remove plugs (24) and setscrews (25) securing
Keeping parts in this order during disassembly, sensor assembly (4) to case (26).
cleaning, and inspection will aid in the assembly 6. Remove self-tapping screws (1) securing flange (2)
process. to case (26).
7. Disconnect the connector insert (3) from flange (2)
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
by depressing retaining tangs on connector insert
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, and do not force
(3) and sliding it out from bottom of flange (2). Posi-
parts together. They must be free to rotate/operate and
tion connector insert (3) into case (26) so it will not
not bind.
bind or catch as components are removed.

Note: If head is difficult to remove or moves

WARNING erratically, tap tube adjacent to head with brass
or plastic mallet during removal.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result 8. Insert a spanner wrench into machined holes in top
from misuse of these products. Read and of head (15). Rotate head (15) counterclockwise
follow all manufacturer’s recommendations until all threads disengage the case (26).
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Note: Ensure sensor assembly, connector,
connector wires, and shaft are not damaged
during removal.
WARNING 9. Carefully slide rod (17), head (15), piston (11), and
Hydraulic cylinders are designed to hold sensor assembly (4) out of case (26) as an
hydraulic fluid under high pressure. In addition, assembly.
cylinders may contain holding valves and other 10. Slide sensor assembly (4) out of rod (17).
means that could cause pressure to remain
locked in the cylinder. Incorrect handling can
create an unsafe situation. Be sure all
appropriate measures are taken to relieve
residual pressure from cylinder prior to Use care not to damage chrome finish on rod.
disassembly. Any nicks or scratches could result in cylinder
leakage. Excessive force while clamping could
result in misalignment and/or serious damage
Note: Refer to Table A for approximate to parts. Weld splatter may also do damage.
outrigger beam cylinder oil capacity. When using a vise, clamp to portions on rod
which are not chrome plated, or protect chrome
1. Drain any excess hydraulic oil remaining within surface with a soft material before clamping.
outrigger beam cylinder into an appropriate con-
tainer. Properly store or dispose of used oil. 11. Place rod (17) end in a padded vise or anchor it in
2. Cap/plug any openings in outrigger beam cylinder. such a way as to prevent rod (17) from rotating.
Thoroughly clean exterior surface of outrigger Protect chrome finish on rod (17) from being
beam cylinder to prevent contamination. damaged.

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SM01 - 045 - 073.00 1014 Service Manual




21 7
20 8


18 12



17 16

1. Self-Tapping Screws 8. Wear Ring 15. Head 21. Magnetic Ring

2. Flange 9. Setscrew 16. Rod Wiper 22. O-ring
3. Connector Insert 10. Plugs 17. Rod 23. Magnetic Retainer
4. Sensor Assembly 11. Piston 18. Seal 24. Plugs
5. Wear Ring 12. O-ring 19. Wear Rings 25. Setscrews
6. Seal 13. Back Up Ring 20. Magnetic Retainer 26. Case
7. O-ring 14. O-ring

Figure 1
Outrigger Beam Cylinder Assembly

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Service Manual 1014 SM01 - 045 - 073.00

Case Length Weight Oil Capacity

(Retracted) Test Pressure
Wet Dry Retracted Extended

in cm lb kg lb kg gal L gal L psi kPa

87.63 222.6 99 45 93 42 0.84 3.18 1.65 6.25 4,500 31 028

Table A
Cylinder Specifications

12. Remove wear rings (5,8) from piston (11). 3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
13. Remove seal (6) and o- ring (7) from piston (11). wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep
14. Remove setscrews (9) and plugs (10) from piston scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
(11). burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
15. Slide piston (11) off rod (17). cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace damaged
16. Remove o- ring (22) from inside piston (11). components using the following guidelines:
17. Remove magnetic retainer (23), magnetic ring a. Rod: Scratches or pits should not cut into base
(21), and magnetic retainer (20) from rod (17). metal or be longer than 0.5 in (1.27cm).
18. Slide head (15) off rod (17), and remove o- ring Scratches les than 0.5 in (1.27cm) long and
(12) and backup ring (13) from head (15). primarily circumferential are acceptable,
19. Remove o- ring (14) from head (15). provided they can not cut the rod sel. Chrome
20. Remove rod wiper (16) and seal (18) from head should be present over entire surface of rod,
(15). lack thereof is not acceptable.
21. Remove wear rings (19) from head (15). b. Head: Visually inspect inside bore for
scratches or polishing. Deep scratches are
Cleaning And Inspection unacceptable. Polishing indicates uneven
loading. When polishing is evident, bore
should be checked for “out-of-roundness”. If
WARNING out-of-roundness exceeds 0.007 in
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be (0.178mm), head should be replaced.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result c. Piston: Visually inspect outside surface for
from misuse of these products. Read and scratches or polishing. Deep scratches are
follow all manufacturer’s recommendations unacceptable. Polishing indicates uneven
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions. loading. When polishing is evident, piston
should be checked for “out-of-roundness”. If
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved out-of-roundness exceeds 0.007 in
cleaning solvent. Thoroughly rinse inside of case (0.178mm), piston should be replaced.
with high pressure, then wipe dry with a lint free d. Case: Visually inspect inside bore for scratches
rag. Place remaining parts on a clean, lint free sur- or pits. Deep scratches are unacceptable.
face and allow to air dry. Exercise every precaution Scratches or pits are acceptable provided they
possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or any cannot cut piston seal. Scratches should be in
other foreign material. circumferential direction. If scratches longer
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue than 0.5 in (1.27cm) are present, repair or
should be removed from threads of hardware and replace case.
mounting surfaces of parts to be reused. Prior to e. Seals: All “soft parts”, such as seals, back up
applying new thread locking compounds or rings, and o-rings, should be replaced.
sealants, clean threads and surfaces with Loctite 4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
7070 Cleaner to ensure best performance of personnel for directions whether to repair or
products. replace any major component.

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SM01 - 045 - 073.00 1014 Service Manual

Note: Form seal, as shown, to prevent seal

from twisting during installation
Figure 2
“C-Shape” Seal Installation

Assembly Figure 3
Connector Insert Wire Coils

WARNING 4. Install wear rings (19) inside head (15).

5. Install o-rings (12,14) and back up ring (13) on
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
head (15).
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of these Note: Allow head/seal assembly to sit for at least
products. Read and follow all manufacturer’s one hour to allow the seals to elastically restore.
recommendations concerning these products.
6. Slide head (15) onto rod (17).
Lubricate case bore, head, piston, and all “soft parts” 7. Install o-ring (7) and seal (6) on piston (11).
with clean hydraulic oil prior to assembly. Refer to 8. Install wear ring (5) on piston (11).
Operator’s Manual for correct type. 9. Install o- ring (22) inside piston (11).
10. Place magnetic retainer (20), magnetic ring (21),
Refer to Figure 1. and magnetic retainer (23) into end of rod (17).
11. Slide piston (11) on rod (17).
12. Apply Loctite 243 to threads of setscrews (9), and
CAUTION install plugs (10) and setscrews (9).
Use care not to damage chrome finish on rod. 13. Install wear ring (8) onto piston (11).
Any nicks or scratches could result in cylinder 14. Slide sensor assembly (4) into rod (17).
leakage. Excessive force while clamping could 15. Place case (26) in a padded vise, or anchor it in
result in misalignment and/or serious damage such a way as to prevent it from rotating. Protect
to parts. Weld splatter may also do damage. case (26) from being damaged.
When using a vise, clamp to portions on rod 16. Put a slight twist to sensor assembly (4) wires to
which are not chrome plated, or protect chrome form a single strand.
surface with a soft material before clamping. 17. Install rod (17), with head (15), piston (11), and
sensor assembly (4) attached, into case (26). Use
1. Place rod (17) end in a padded vise or anchor it in care to avoid damaging wear ring (5) and seal (6)
such a way as to prevent rod (17) from rotating. on internal threads of case (26).
Protect chrome finish on rod (17) from being 18. When assembly is almost completely installed into
damaged. case (26), retrieve connector insert (3) wires and
2. Using round- nose pliers, twist seal (18) into a pull them up through the hole.
“C- shape” as shown in Figure 2. Install seal (18) 19. Ensure grooves in sensor assembly (4) properly
inside head (15), allowing it to snap into groove in align with setscrew (25) holes in case (26). Apply
head (15). Loctite 243 to threads of setscrews (25), and in-
3. Using round- nose pliers, twist rod wiper (16) into stall setscrews (25) and plugs (24).
a “C- shape” as shown in Figure 2. Install rod 20. Apply a light coat of Thread-Ezet Ultra, or equiva-
wiper (16) inside head (15), allowing it to snap into lent, to threads of head (15).
groove in head (15).

4 of 6
Service Manual 1014 SM01 - 045 - 073.00
required, disassemble cylinder, replace defective
part, and repeat entire test procedure.
CAUTION 4. Fully retract cylinder.
Threaded surfaces are sharp. Seals and 5. Slowly increase pressure on extend side of cylin-
o-rings can be damaged as they are installed der to a maximum of 75 psi (517kPa). Cylinder rod
over or through threaded areas, causing should begin to extend prior to reaching maximum
assembly to leak. Mask threads or otherwise pressure stated. Note pressure required to initiate
protect seals during installation. movement of the cylinder rod, termed “breakaway
pressure”. If breakaway pressure exceeds 75 psi
21. Insert head (15) into case (26). Use care to avoid (517kPa), disassemble cylinder, replace defective
damaging o-rings (12,14) and back up ring (13) on part, and repeat entire test procedure.
internal threads of case (26). 6. Once breakaway pressure is obtained, pressure
22. Rotate head (15) clockwise until it is fully seated in needed to maintain movement of cylinder rod, is
case (26). Using a spanner wrench, tighten head termed “running pressure”. Running pressure
(15) 1/8 to 1/4 turn beyond fully seated. should not exceed 80% of breakaway pressure
23. Push connector insert (3) into flange (2) until retain- and should diminish to 20% of breakaway pres-
ing tangs snap into place. sure as cylinder is extended. If running pressure
Note: Over- twisting may cause damage to exceeds these guidelines, disassemble cylinder,
wires. replace defective part, and repeat entire test
24. Gently curl connector insert (3) wires along ID of
cavity as shown in Figure 3. Wires should replicate High Pressure Leakage Test
characteristics of a coil spring. 1. Extend rod to full stroke and pressurize to “Test
25. Position flange (2) on case (26), and install self- Pressure” specified in Table A. Hold this pressure
tapping screws (1). Flange (2) should sit flush with for a minimum of one minute. Leakage across pis-
milled surface when installed correctly. ton should not exceed 0.33 cc/min.
2. Fully retract rod and pressurize to “Test Pressure”
Cylinder Test Procedures specified in Table A. Hold this pressure for a mini-
mum of one minute. Leakage across piston should
Low Pressure Leakage & Static Friction Test not exceed 0.33 cc/min.
1. Fill fully retracted cylinder with hydraulic oil. Refer 3. Once again, examine cylinder for any external leak-
to Operator’s Manual for correct type. age. No leakage is acceptable. If required,
2. Using only pressure level which is required to disassemble cylinder, replace defective parts, and
move cylinder rod at a steady rate, cycle cylinder a repeat entire test procedure.
full stroke in each direction a minimum of ten times 4. If outrigger beam cylinder is not to be immediately
to remove entrapped air. If cylinder squeaks or installed on crane, plug all open ports to prevent
sticks, disassemble cylinder, replace defective contamination and properly store.
part, and repeat entire test procedure.
3. Stop rod at mid stroke and examine cylinder for
any external leakage. No leakage is acceptable. If

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SM01 - 045 - 073.00 1014 Service Manual

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Service Manual 1007 SM01 --- 046 --- 034.00

A 3



4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Piston Rod Assembly 4. Wear Ring 7. O --- ring 10. Rod Seal
2. Gland 5. T--- seal 8. Back Up Ring 11. Rod Wiper
3. Cylinder Case 6. Wear Ring 9. Step Seal

Figure 1
Jack Cylinder Assembly

Jack Cylinder, Recondition

This procedure covers the recondition and testing of Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
jack cylinders with a threaded gland and welded on hazardous. Serious personal injury may
piston. See SM Keysheet Area 01---046 for other result from misuse of these products. Read
designs. For removal and installation procedure, see and follow all the manufacturer’s
SM Keysheet Area 01---046. recommendations concerning solvents and
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not cleaning solutions.
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must operate freely and not bind. Note: For cylinder weight and potential oil capacity,
refer to Table A.
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic 1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the jack
components to lay the parts out in the order that they cylinder to prevent contamination from entering it.
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
the assembly process.

1 of 4
SM01 --- 046 --- 034.00 1007 Service Manual
Case Weight Weight Oil Oil Maximum
Weight Working Test Holding
Length Wet Wet Capacity Capacity Breakaway
Dry Pressure Pressure Pressure
(See Figure 1) Extended Retracted Extended Retracted Pressure
in (cm) lb (kg) lb (kg) lb (kg) gal (L) gal (L) psi (kPa) psi (kPa) psi (kPa) psi (kPa)
36.25* 211 223 216 1.66 0.66 3,000 5,000 3,840 75
(92) (96) (101) (98) (6.28) (2.50) (20 684) (34 475) (26 476) (517)

36.25† 230 243 235 1.84 0.70 3,000 5,000 4,200 75

(92) (104) (110) (107) (6.97) (2.65) (20 684) (34 475) (28 959) (517)

36.25‡ 250 265 255 2.04 0.73 3,000 5,000 4,600 75

(92) (114) (120) (116) (7.72) (2.76) (20 685) (34 475) (31 717) (517)

45.00 204 217 210 1.87 0.83 1,600 5,000 4,000 50

(114) (93) (98) (95) (7.08) (3.14) (11 032) (34 475) (27 579) (345)
46.00 208 222 214 1.87 0.83 1,600 5,000 4,000 50
(117) (94) (101) (97) (7.08) (3.14) (11 032) (34 475) (27 579) (345)
48.00 280 297 287 2.40 0.91 3,000 5,000 4,200 75
(122) (127) (135) (130) (9.08) (3.44) (20 685) (34 475) (28 959) (517)

* 5.50 in (14.0cm) outside diameter case.

† 5.75 in (14.6cm) outside diameter case.
‡ 6.00 in (15.2cm) outside diameter case.

Table A
Cylinder Specifications

Cleaning And Inspection

Do not clamp cylinder rod in any form of vise
unless jaws are protected by a soft material. WARNING
Nicks, scratches, dents, or weld splatter could Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
permanently damage the cylinder rod, hazardous. Serious personal injury may
allowing leakage. result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
2. Secure cylinder case (3) in a padded vise. recommendations concerning solvents and
3. Using a spanner wrench, fully loosen gland (2) cleaning solutions.
from cylinder case (3).
4. Remove gland (2) and piston rod assembly (1) 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
together from cylinder case (3). cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
5. Carefully remove gland (2) from cylinder rod surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every
assembly (1). precaution possible to keep all parts free of dust,
6. Remove rod wiper (11), rod seal (10), step seal (9), dirt, or any other foreign material during assembly.
back up ring (8), and o---ring (7) from gland (2). 2. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue
should be removed from threads of hardware and
Note: The cylinder rod and piston are a welded the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
assembly. Do not attempt to disassemble these reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
components. compounds or sealants, clean threads and
surfaces with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
7. Remove wear rings (4,6) and t ---seal (5) from piston performance of products.
rod assembly (1). 3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed
metal. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a
fine file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth.

2 of 4
Service Manual 1007 SM01 --- 046 --- 034.00
4. Replace any damaged component as required.
5. Replace all seals, wipers, o---rings, and wear rings.
6. Inspect the integrity of the welds which secure the
piston to the rod. Repair or replace as required.
7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.


Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious Form the rod seal into a “C-- shape” as shown.
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all Figure 2
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning Rod Seal Installation
these products.
6. Install gland (2) in cylinder case (3) and torque to
Note: For cylinder weights, refer to Table A.
400 ft lb (542Nm).
Lubricate seals, o---rings, wear rings, rod wiper, t ---seal, 7. Test jack cylinder. See testing instructions found
piston rod assembly, and cylinder case I.D. with later in this document.
CosmolubeR #2 or equivalent prior to assembly. 8. If jack cylinder is not to be immediately installed on
1. Install t ---seal (5) and wear rings (4,6) on piston rod crane, plug all open ports to prevent contamination
assembly (1). and properly store.

Note: It may be necessary to form the rod seal Cylinder Test Procedures
into a “C-- shape”, as shown in Figure 2, to
start installation. Low Pressure Leakage & Static Friction Test
1. Fill the fully retracted cylinder with hydraulic oil.
2. Install o---ring (7), back up ring (8), step seal (9), Refer to Table A and the Operator’s Manual for the
rod seal (10), and rod wiper (11) on gland (2). correct amount and grade of oil to use.
3. Carefully install gland (2) on piston rod assembly 2. Cycle the cylinder, full stroke each direction, a
(1). minimum of five times to remove entrapped air,
using only the pressure level which is required to
CAUTION move the cylinder rod at a steady rate. If the
cylinder squeaks or sticks, disassemble the
Threaded surfaces are sharp. Seals and
cylinder and replace the defective part and repeat
o -- rings can be damaged as they are installed
the entire test procedure.
over or through threaded areas, causing the
3. Stop the rod at mid stroke and examine the
assembly to leak. Mask the threads or
cylinder for any external leakage. No leakage is
otherwise protect seals during installation.
acceptable. Disassemble the cylinder and replace
the defective parts, as required, and repeat the
4. Slide piston rod assembly (1) and gland (2) into
entire test procedure.
cylinder case (3), being careful not to damage
4. Fully retract the cylinder.
seals on internal threads of cylinder case (3).
5. Gradually pressurize the extend port, at a pressure
increase of one to ten percent of the cylinder
CAUTION working pressure per minute, until rod movement
is initiated. Pressure to initiate rod movement or
Do not clamp cylinder rod in any form of vise
“breakaway” pressure, shall not exceed cylinder
unless jaws are protected by a soft material.
breakaway pressure as listed in Table A.
Nicks, scratches, dents, or weld splatter could
permanently damage the cylinder rod,
allowing leakage.

5. Secure cylinder case (3) in a padded vise.

3 of 4
SM01 --- 046 --- 034.00 1007 Service Manual
6. Once the breakaway pressure is determined, the 3. Fully retract the cylinder.
pressure needed to maintain movement of the 4. Pressurize retract port to the “Test Pressure”
cylinder rod, is termed “running pressure”. specified in Table A. Hold this pressure for a
Running pressure should not exceed 80% of the minimum of one minute. If leakage across the
breakaway pressure and should diminish to no piston exceeds 0.33 cc/min, disassemble the
less than 20% of the breakaway pressure as the cylinder, replace the defective parts, and repeat
cylinder is extended. If running pressure exceeds the entire test procedure.
these guidelines, disassemble the cylinder and 5. Once again relieve pressure and examine the
replace the defective parts and repeat the entire cylinder for any external leakage. No leakage is
test procedure. acceptable. If leakage is found, disassemble the
cylinder, replace the defective parts, and repeat
High Pressure Leakage Test the entire test procedure.
1. Extend cylinder full stroke and pressurize extend 6. If the cylinder is not to be installed on crane
port to the “Test Pressure” specified in Table A. immediately, plug all ports to prevent
Hold this pressure for a minimum of one minute. If contamination and properly store.
leakage across the piston exceeds 0.33 cc/min,
disassemble the cylinder, replace the defective
parts, and repeat the entire test procedure.
2. Relieve pressure and examine the cylinder for
structural failure. No leakage is acceptable. If
leakage is found, disassemble the cylinder,
replace the defective parts, and repeat the entire
test procedure.

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Service Manual 0306 SM01 --- 047 --- 034.00



1. Cartridge 3. O --- ring 5. Back Up Ring

2. Body 4. Seal 6. O --- ring

Figure 1
Relief Valve

Relief Valve, Recondition d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.

e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-
This procedure covers the recondition of the relief quired.
valve. For removal and installation procedures, see the 3. Shutdown the engine.
general instructions “Lower Hydraulic Components, 4. If equipped with pump disconnect, disengage the
R & I” found in SM Keysheet Area 01---079. main hydraulic pump.

The relief valve may be reconditioned without removing

the entire valve from the crane. However, proper crane
setup and hydraulic pressure relief procedures must
first be performed as follows: Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required.
result from misuse of these products. Read
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
and follow all the manufacturer’s
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and
recommendations concerning solvents and
level surface.
cleaning solutions.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires.
5. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
lock, as required.
mination. Allow the area to air dry.

1 of 4
SM01 --- 047 --- 034.00 0306 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
pressure from the system before removing hazardous. Serious personal injury may
any line or component. result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
6. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: recommendations concerning solvents and
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic cleaning solutions.
reservoir by pushing the button on the
pressure relief valve located on the hydraulic 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
reservoir (if equipped), or slowly loosening the cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
filler/breather cap, located on the top of the surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
hydraulic reservoir, until pressure is fully tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
relieved. any other foreign material during assembly.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- should be removed from threads of hardware and
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
switches back and forth several times. pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On mance of products.
cranes equipped with emergency steering 3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
system, it will take several rotations of steering wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep
wheel before steering becomes hard.) scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
e. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position. burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi- cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com-
tion and move the function lockout switch to the ponent, as required.
“DISABLE” position. 4. Through the nose of the cartridge, manually oper-
ate the inner working parts several times. Use a
Disassembly piece of plastic tubing to avoid damaging soft
seats, sharp edges, finished surfaces, or the
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic screen protecting the pilot orifice. All parts should
components to lay the parts out in the order that they move freely. If possible, this inspection should be
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order done with the cartridge submerged in clean miner-
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in al spirits. After flushing, blow the cartridge dry with
the assembly process. clean, filtered air.
Refer to Figure 1. 5. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
1. Remove the cartridge (1) from the body (2). rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
2. Remove the o---rings (3,6), seal (4), and back up 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
ring (5) from the cartridge (1). sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

2 of 4
Service Manual 0306 SM01 --- 047 --- 034.00
Assembly 3. Dip the entire cartridge (1) in clean hydraulic oil.
See the Operator’s Manual for the correct type.
4. Install the cartridge (1) in the body (2). Torque the
cartridge (1) to 45---50 ft lb (60 ---65Nm).
WARNING 5. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See the Operator’s Manual for the
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
correct type and procedure.
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
6. If equipped with pump disconnect, engage the
personal injury may result from misuse of
pump disconnect.
these products. Read and follow all
7. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
these products.
Repair leaks as required.
8. Ensure the relief valve pressure is correctly set.
Refer to Figure 1. See the Operator’s Manual for the correct
1. Lubricate the back up ring (5), seal (4), and o--- adjustment procedure.
rings (3,6) with clean hydraulic oil. See the Opera- 9. Complete the installation by testing all related
tor’s Manual for the correct type. functions of the relief valve for proper operation.
Normal operation of the hydraulic system should
Note: Observe the special cross-- section of the
be confirmed. A general inspection of the
seal (4). The seal (4) must be oriented as shown
components and systems in the areas adjacent to
in Figure 1.
the repair should also be performed to ensure
2. Install the back up ring (5), seal (4), and o---rings related damage or wear is not present.
(3,6) on the cartridge (1).

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SM01 --- 047 --- 034.00 0306 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0501 SM1-48-29.0
Rotating Joint, Recondition 7. Using an auxiliary lifting device, position rotating
joint with the rotor (6) end down.
- 14 Way Note: Index marks may have already been
placed on rotor and housing during removal of
This procedure covers the recondition of the rotating rotating joint from the crane.
joint. For removal and installation procedures, see
SM Keysheet Area 1-48. 8. Place index marks to locate the top plate (4) and
rotor (6) to housing (5).
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not 9. Remove capscrews and washers (13) securing top
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force plate (4) to housing (5).
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind. 10. Remove top plate (4) and wear ring (9) from rotor
Disassembly (6).

Note: It may be necessary to tap the rotor with a

It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic
soft face mallet in order to break the housing
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in 11. Using an auxiliary lifting device, carefully remove
the assembly process. housing (5) from rotor (6).
1. Remove Collector Ring, see SM Keysheet Area 12. Remove square ring seals (10), piston seals (11),
1-76. u-cup seals (8), bearing (7), and rotor seal (12)
2. Drain any excess hydraulic oil, remaining within from rotor (6).
the rotating joint, into an appropriate container. 13. Remove capscrews and washers (1) and brackets
Properly store or dispose of the used oil. (2) from housing (5).
3. Plug all open ports in the rotating joint to prevent 14. Remove capscrews and washers (14) and bracket
contamination from entering during cleaning, disĆ (15) from rotor (6).
assembly, and assembly.
Cleaning And Inspection
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
and follow all the manufacturer's hazardous. Serious personal injury may
recommendations concerning solvents and result from misuse of these products. Read
cleaning solutions. and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and
4. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the rotatĆ cleaning solutions.
ing joint with an approved cleaning solvent and alĆ
low to air dry. 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
5. Remove temperature sender (16) and grease fitĆ cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
ting (3) from housing (5). surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precauĆ
6. Match mark each plug to its port on the rotor (6) tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
and remove plugs and o-rings, shown in detail any other foreign material during assembly.
F", from rotor (6). 2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metĆ
Note: The rotating joint assembly weighs al. Pay particular attention to the grooves in the roĆ
approximately 500 lb (227kg). Separately, the tor and the port openings in the housing. Remove
housing weighs approximately 230 lb (104kg) any burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone,
and the rotor weighs approximately 270 lb emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damĆ
(123kg). aged component as required. Replace all seals,
o-rings, bearings, and wear rings.

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SM1-48-29.0 0501 Service Manual

11 A
10 E

6 5 3 A

7 2

10 11




1. Capscrews & Washers 7. Bearings (2 Places) 12. Rotor Seal
2. Bracket 8. U-cup Seals (2 Places) 13. Capscrews & Washers
3. Grease Fitting 9. Wear Ring 14. Capscrews & Washers
4. Top Plate 10. Square Ring Seals (13 Places) 15. Bracket
5. Housing 11. Piston Seals (13 Places) 16. Temperature Sender
6. Rotor

Figure 1
Rotating Joint Assembly

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Service Manual 0501 SM1-48-29.0


8 4

10 3



Port 9

16 Port 11

Port 14
Port 6
Port 13
Port 1

Port 4



Port 2
Port 10
Port 3 Port 12

Port 5
Port 7
Port 8

3 of 6
SM1-48-29.0 0501 Service Manual
3. All Loctite, Permatex , or other sealant residue
should be removed from threads of hardware and CAUTION
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be Use extreme care not to nick or cut soft parts.
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ Any nicks or cuts will cause the rotating joint
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces to leak. If this occurs, damaged components
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ will require replacement.
mance of products.
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ Do not stretch the components any further
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace than necessary or they will not compress well
any major component. enough to allow the housing to slide over the
7. Carefully work rotor seal (12), with lip-seal facing
up, down rotor (6) and into the last groove at the
port end of the rotor (6) as shown in detail D".
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking Note: Ensure that the piston seals and square
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious ring seals are properly identified. The Teflon 
personal injury may result from misuse of material that is used to make the piston seals is
these products. Read and follow all a hard material and the square ring seals are
manufacturer's recommendations concerning made of a softer, rubber-like compound.
these products.
8. Install a square ring seal (10) and a piston seal (11)
in the next groove as shown in detail D".
1. Apply a thin coat of Loctite 242 to the threads of
9. Install a u-cup seal (8), with lip-seal facing up, in
capscrews (1).
the next groove as shown in detail D".
2. Align bracket (2) to rotor (6) and install capscrews
10. Coat bearings (7) with Cosmolube 2, or equivaĆ
and washers (1). Torque capscrews (1) to
lent. The lubricant will serve two purposes, to lubriĆ
120-135 ft lb (163-183Nm).
cate the bearings (7) and at the same time act as
3. Apply a thin coat of Loctite 271 to the threads of
an adhesive to hold it compressed and in place.
capscrews (14).
Wipe clean any excess lubricant after installation.
4. Align brackets (15) to housing (5) and install capĆ
11. Install a bearing (7) in the next groove as shown in
screws and washers (14). Torque capscrews (14)
detail C".
to 230-250 ft lb (312-339Nm).
12. Install a square ring seal (10) and a piston seal (11)
Note: The rotating joint assembly weighs in the next eleven grooves as shown in detail B".
approximately 500 lb (227kg). Separately, the 13. Install a bearing (7) in the next groove as shown in
housing weighs approximately 220 lb (100kg) detail A".
and the rotor weighs approximately 260 lb 14. Install a u-cup seal (8), with lip-seal facing down,
(118kg). in the next to last groove as shown in detail A".
15. Install a square ring seal (10) and a piston seal (11)
5. Soak the new wear ring (9), piston seals (11), and in the last groove as shown in detail A".
rotor seal (12) in clean hydraulic oil which has been 16. After all square ring seals (10) and piston seals (11)
heated to a temperature of 100-120 F are installed, install as many piston ring compresĆ
(39-49C). Allow adequate time for the parts to sors as necessary to compress all sets of piston
absorb the temperature and hydraulic oil which will seals (11) and the rotor seal (12). Leave the piston
greatly ease their assembly. Refer to the OperaĆ ring compressors installed for several minutes to
tor's Manual for the correct grade of hydraulic oil to allow a maximum amount of time to install the rotor
use. Do not allow any seal to be twisted in the (6) in the housing (5). Once the compressors are
groove after installation removed, the piston seals (11) will remain comĆ
6. Using an auxiliary lifting device, position rotor (6) pressed for a short while.
with ports down.

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Service Manual 0501 SM1-48-29.0
23. Using auxiliary lifting device, place rotating joint asĆ
CAUTION sembly on its side.
Make sure piston seals, bearings, and rotor 24. Following match marks made during disassembly,
seals remain compressed as they pass install o-rings and plugs shown in detail F" into
across the side port openings in the housing. rotor (6).
If they expand in the port openings, damage
will occur, causing leaks.

17. Slowly lower housing (5) onto rotor (6). The piston Pressure test the rotating joint assembly, using clean
seals (11), bearings (7), and rotor seal (12) may hydraulic oil, to ensure that no damage has occurred to
have to be compressed as each one is started into the seals during assembly. The port numbers for each
the housing (5). It may be necessary to tap the port are stamped on the end of the rotor (6).
housing (5) with a soft face mallet to get it started.
All tests require pressure be maintained for 1.5 to 2
18. Once the rotor (6) is started into the housing (5),
minutes. Check for any leakage across seals and
use a hydraulic press to slowly push the parts toĆ
repair as required:
gether. The piston seals (11), bearings (7), and roĆ
tor seal (12) may have to be compressed again as a. Port numbers 5 and 12 should be tested at
1,000 psi (6 895kPa).
they pass by the large port openings on the side of
b. All of the remaining ports should be tested at
the housing (5).
4,000 psi (27 579kPa).
19. Coat both sides of wear ring (9) with Cosmolube
c. Ports number 1 and 12 should also be checked
2, or equivalent. Install wear ring (9), with groove
at a minimal pressure of 50 psi (345kPa) for
facing down on housing (5).
20. Position top plate (4) on rotor (6), milled side of top 1-2 minutes.
d. Torque test rotating joint. The acceptable
plate (4) facing down. Use index marks placed on
range of torque required to turn the rotor is
top plate (4) during disassembly.
200-800 ft lb (271-1 084Nm).
21. Align index marks on top plate (4), housing (5), and
rotor (6). If rotating joint is not to be immediately installed on
22. Apply a light coat of Loctite 242 to the threads of crane, plug all open ports to prevent contamination
capscrews (13) and install capscrews and washĆ and properly store.
ers (13).

5 of 6
SM1-48-29.0 0501 Service Manual

6 of 6
Service Manual 0907 SM01 --- 050 --- 014.00

1 2 3 4 A

1. Carrier Frame 3. Studs 5. Oil Cooler Lines

2. Washers & Locknuts 4. Remote Transmission Oil Cooler

Figure 1
Remote Transmission Oil Cooler

Remote Transmission Oil 5. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
Cooler, R & I “DISABLE” position.

This procedure covers the removal and installation of

the remote transmission oil cooler. WARNING
Removal Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. result from misuse of these products. Read
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: and follow all the manufacturer’s
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and recommendations concerning solvents and
level surface. cleaning solutions.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires. 6. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
c. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
d. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- mination. Allow the area to air dry.
e. Swing the upper over the side of the carrier.
f. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
lock, as required.
3. Shutdown the engine.
4. If equipped with pump disconnect, disengage the
main hydraulic pump.

1 of 2
SM01 --- 050 --- 014.00 0907 Service Manual
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
WARNING tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
replace as required.
Transmission fluid may be hot. Failure to 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
allow the transmission to sufficiently cool rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
before draining could cause burns or other 5. Inspect the integrity of the oil cooler lines. Repair or
serious injury. Shutdown the engine and replace if required.
allow the transmission to cool before draining 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
or disconnecting any lines. sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.
Refer to Figure 1.
7. Remove any sheet metal necessary to gain access Installation
to the remote transmission oil cooler (4).

Note: The oil cooler lines may contain a signifi-

cant amount of oil. Keep the oil cooler lines ele-
vated to prevent excessive oil loss until they are Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
capped/plugged. compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the these products. Read and follow all
oil cooler lines (5) from the remote transmission oil manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
cooler (4). Cap/plug the open hydraulic ports and these products.
lines (5) to prevent excessive oil loss and contami-
nation of the system. Refer to Figure 1.
9. Support the weight of the remote transmission oil 1. Position the remote transmission oil cooler (4) on
cooler (4), and remove the locknuts and washers the carrier frame (1).
(2) from the studs (3) on the carrier frame (1). 2. Secure the remote transmission oil cooler (4) to the
10. Remove the remote transmission oil cooler (4) from carrier frame (1) by installing the washers and lock-
the crane. nuts (2) on the studs (3).
Cleaning And Inspection 3. Apply a thin coating of Loctite 242 to the threads
of the oil cooler lines (5) pipe thread fittings, and
connect the oil cooler lines (5) to the remote trans-
mission oil cooler (4).
WARNING 4. Check the transmission oil level. Add oil as re-
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be quired. See the Operator’s Manual for the correct
hazardous. Serious personal injury may type and procedure.
result from misuse of these products. Read 5. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
and follow all the manufacturer’s required. See the Operator’s Manual for the
recommendations concerning solvents and correct type and procedure.
cleaning solutions. 6. If equipped with pump disconnect, engage the
main hydraulic pump.
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with 7. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care- Inspect the oil cooler line connections for leaks.
fully inspected. Repair leaks as required.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue 8. Complete the installation by testing all related
should be removed from threads of hardware and functions of the remote transmission oil cooler for
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be proper operation. A general inspection of the
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- components and systems in the areas adjacent to
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces the repair should also be performed to ensure
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor- related damage or wear is not present.
mance of products.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0807 SM01---066---000.00
Wire Location in Circuit 1


Circuit Designation 6 5 4

Example: Wire number 243---A BLU indicates: 1. Circuit Breaker 4. Indicator Light
Category 2, circuit 43, conductor 2. Thermal Switch 5. Buzzer
A, blue wire. 3. Wire Connector 6. Ground Bolt

Figure 1 Figure 2
Wire Number Explanation Wire Number Suffix Sequence

2. Category 2: Engine and Transmission Control

Electrical System Wire (Blue) 200 Series numbers are used to identify
wires in circuits used in the operation and control of
Identification Code the engine and transmission.
3. Category 3: Monitoring Group (Yellow) 300 series
In order to simplify electrical troubleshooting numbers are used to identify wires in circuits used
techniques, the electrical system of this crane uses a in monitoring crane operation. Circuits that
“Wire Identification Code”. The following information contain gauges or instrumentation are included in
outlines the “Code” used to identify the wires in a this category. (See Category 8 also.)
crane’s electrical system. 4. Category 4: Lighting and Horns (Green) 400
Series numbers are used to identify wires in the
Wire Harness interior and exterior lighting circuits of the crane, as
well as the horn and back up alarm circuits.
Each wire, in any given wire harness within the 5. Category 5: Equipment Control (Brown) 500
electrical system, has a colored insulating coating. Series numbers are used to identify wires in circuits
This coating is labeled with a wire number. The color concerned with the operation and control of
and wire number, when fully understood, will allow the functions that are unique to the crane. (See
positive identification of a wire and its specific use in the Category 7 also.)
circuit. Each wire has four basic identifying elements. 6. Category 6: Accessories (Violet) 600 series
Refer to Figure 1. numbers are used to identify wires in circuits
concerned with the operation and control of
Category operator accessory equipment such as heaters,
defrosters, windshield wipers, etc.
The first character of each wire number corresponds to
7. Category 7: Equipment Control (Brown) 700
a general category. Seven basic categories exist and
series numbers are simply an extension of
are described as follows:
Category 5. (See Category 5 also.)
1. Category 1: Primary Power (Red or Orange) 100 8. Category 8: Monitoring Group (Yellow) 800 series
series numbers are used to identify wires which are numbers are simply an extension of Category 3.
used to provide the originating source of power to (See Category 3 also.)
all circuits within the electrical system.

1 of 12
SM01---066---000.00 0807 Service Manual
Wire Location In Circuit 3. Wires that are at constant ground potential are col-
ored BLACK.
The fourth character of the wire number is a letter suffix
which is used to relate a particular wire’s location rela- Circuit Designation
tive to the rest of the circuit. The letter suffix, which is
assigned sequentially, generally starts from the circuits The second and third characters of each wire number
power source, changes at each of the circuits working specifically identify the circuit within any given catego-
components, and ends once a wire reaches ground ry. See the category listings found later in this docu-
potential. Refer to Figure 2. ment for specific wire number designations.
Note: The letter suffix does not change when two Note: All wire numbers listed in category listings
wires are joined by a wire connector. are typical and may not necessarily apply to one
Color given crane.

The color of the wire, like the wire number, has a very Jumper Wires
specific meaning. It can be used to identify, as well as,
describe the function of the wire in a given circuit. All A jumper wire is defined as any wire not included in a
wires are colored according to the category that de- wire harness. These wires are not labeled with a wire
fines their corresponding circuit, with the following ex- number. They are labeled however, with the actual wire
ceptions: part number which can be used to order a replacement
1. Wires which are directly connected to the system wire.
power source, and are at constant battery poten-
All jumper wires will be colored white with the same ex-
tial, are colored RED. These wires remain “HOT” at
ceptions, red, orange and black as described for the
all times.
wire harness.
2. Wires that are at battery potential only when the
ignition switch is in the “ON” position are colored

Category 1
Primary Power Circuits
Wire Number Description
000 Spare Collector Ring Connection
101 Battery Charge
102---110 Battery Distribution
111---119 Distribution Controlled By Main Switch
120---121 Main Switch Solenoid
122---123 Chassis Ground
124 Wheel Anti---Lock Power Supply
125 Remote Control Power Supply
126---127 Distribution Controlled By Main Switch
128---129 Ground
130 Battery Distribution
131 Distribution Controlled By Upper Switch
132 Controller Power
133---137 Ground
138 24 Volt Power
139---140 Ground
141---143 Distribution Controlled By Transmission

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Service Manual 0807 SM01---066---000.00
Category 2
Engine And Transmission Control Circuits
Wire Number Description
201---203 Starter Solenoid
204---205 Starter Motor
206---207 Engine Stop
208---209 Emergency Engine Stop
210 Throttle Lock
211 Throttle Control
212---229 Engine Controls
230 Check/Stop Engine Power
231---240 Transmission Shift Select
241---242 Master Clutch Control
243 Ether Control
244 Outrigger Throttle Control
245 High Idle Solenoid
246---254 Torque Convertor Control
255---256 Speed Limiting
257 Fuel Heater
258---267 Transmission Controls
268---269 Throttle Actuator
270---272 Throttle Supply
273---276 Transmission Supply
277 Transmission Cooler Fan
278 J1939 CAN High
279 J1939 CAN Low
280 J1939 CAN Shield

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SM01---066---000.00 0807 Service Manual
Category 3
Monitoring Circuits (Also See Category 8)
Wire Number Description
301---302 Instrument Supply
303---304 Fuel Level
305---306 Engine Oil Pressure
307---308 Engine Coolant Temperature
309 Fuel Pressure
310 Voltmeter
311---312 Tachometer/Engine Speed Indicator
313 Hourmeter
314 Transmission Oil Temperature
315---316 Engine Oil Temperature
317---318 Torque Convertor Oil Pressure
319 Speedometer
320---321 Hydraulic Oil Temperature
322---326 Hydraulic Filter Indicator
327 Low Hydraulic Charge Pressure
328---329 Master Clutch Indicator Light
330 Gear Case Lube Indicator
331---334 Drum Rotation Indicator
335 Swing Lock Indicator
336---338 Low Air Pressure Indicator
339 Auxiliary Steer Indicator
340 Emergency Brake Indicator
341 Skid---Trol Power & Fault Indicator
342 Boom Length Indicator
343 Hoist Brake Alarm
344 Cab Control Shutdown Indicator
345 Dual Function Instrument Supply
346 Load Moment Indicator --- Power Supply
347 Load Moment Indicator --- Logic Control
348 Load Moment Indicator --- Swing Rotation Indicator
349 Load Moment Indicator --- Function Interlock & Alarm
350 Wheel Anti---Lock System Fault Indicator
351 Remote Control Brake Pressure Monitoring
352 Bumper Outrigger Overload Alarm
353---356 Drum Rotation Indicator
357 Power “ON” Indicator
358 Anti---Two Block

4 of 12
Service Manual 0807 SM01---066---000.00
Category 3 --- Continued
Monitoring Circuits (Also See Category 8)
Wire Number Description
359---360 Drum Limit Light
361 Engine Overheat Alarm
362---363 Air Pressure
364 Free---Fall System Indicator
365 Oil Level Alarm
366 Ladder Rung Alignment Indicator
367 Open Door Indicator
368 Controller Power Indicator --- Base
369 Controller Power Indicator --- Platform
370 Outrigger Interlock Indicator --- Left Side
371 Outrigger Interlock Indicator --- Right Side
372 Over Front Indicator And Warning Buzzer
373 Oil Pressure Alarm
374 Load Moment Indicator --- Swing Rotation Indicator
375---376 Low Air Pressure Indicator
377---378 Free---Fall System
379 Engine Monitor --- Upper
380 Light Test
381 Position Indicator
382---383 Engine Monitor --- Carrier
384---388 Swing Potentiometer Indicator
389 Emergency Brake Boost Flow Indicator
390 Counterweight Removed/Attached Indicator
391 Auxiliary Steer Indicator
392 Suspension Lockout Indicator
393---395 Rear Axle Steer Lock Pin Indicator
396 Park Brake Indicator
397---398 Axle Differential Lock Indicator
399 Steer Indicator Gauge

Monitoring Circuits Continued As Category 8

5 of 12
SM01---066---000.00 0807 Service Manual
Category 4
Lighting And Horns Circuits
Wire Number Description
401 Distribution Controlled By Light Switch
402---403 Headlights
404---405 Clearance Lights
406 Tail And Clearance Lights --- Carrier Left Side
407 Tail And Clearance Lights --- Carrier Right Side
408 BackUp Lights And Alarm
409 Backup Solenoid
410 Brake Light Switch(es)
411---412 Interior Cab Lights
413 Emergency And Turn Flasher
414 Front Turn Light --- Carrier Right Side
415 Rear Turn And Stop --- Carrier Right Side
416 Front Turn Light --- Carrier Left Side
417 Rear Turn And Stop --- Carrier Left Side
418---422 Exterior Lights
423 Tower Obstruction Light
424 Interior House Lights
425---426 Horn
427 Instrument Lights
428 Light Solenoid
429---430 Travel Alarm
431 Boom Telescope Override
432 Lift And Tilt Alarm
433 Instrument Lights
434 Rotating Beacon
435 Swing Alarm
436 Backup Light
437 Backup Alarm
438 Brake Light Switch
439 Emergency And Turn Signal Flasher
440 Tail And Clearance Lights --- Upper
441 Front Turn Light --- Upper Right Side
442 Rear Turn And Stop --- Upper Right Side
416 Front Turn Light --- Upper Left Side
417 Rear Turn And Stop --- Upper Left Side
445 Daytime Running Lights

6 of 12
Service Manual 0807 SM01---066---000.00
Category 5
Equipment Control Circuits (Also See Category 7)
Wire Number Description
501---502 Outrigger Power Supply
503---505 Outrigger Solenoid Control
506 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Left Front Jack
507 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Left Front Beam
508 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Right Front Beam
509 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Right Front Jack
510 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Right Rear Jack
511 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Right Rear Beam
512 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Left Rear Beam
513 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Left Rear Jack
514 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Retract
515 Outrigger Control Circuit --- Extend
516---518 Outrigger Directional/Flow Divider Valve Supply
519 Hydraulic Reservoir Pressure
520 Two---Speed Hoist
521 Free---Fall Valve
522 Axle Oscillator Control
523 Combination Steering Control
524---525 Four---Wheel Drive Control
526 Reserve Air Control
527 Pump Disconnect
528 Oscillation Override
529---531 Remote Steering Control
532---534 Remote Steer Directional/Flow Divider Valve Supply
535 Telescope Override
536 Blocking Valve Control
537---540 Hydraulic Pin Puller Control
541---542 Hydraulic Pin Puller Power Supply
543 Two---Speed Swing
544 Two---Speed Travel
545---548 Two---Speed Planetary
549 House Lock Disengage
550---551 Cab Motion
552 Boom Hoist Cutout
553 Drum Hoist Cutout
554 Boom Lowering Cutout
555 Travel/Third Drum Selector

7 of 12
SM01---066---000.00 0807 Service Manual
Category 5 --- Continued
Equipment Control Circuits (Also See Category 7)
Wire Number Description
556 House Lock Engage
557 Cab Motion
558 Drum Cutout Override
559 Boom Cutout Override
560---563 Axle Control
564 Tower Balance Arm Cutout Bypass
565---566 Fairleader Control
567 Cab Pressure Control
568 Hoist Convertor Control
569 Boom Hoist Brake Dump
570 Boom Hoist Cutout
571 Travel/Third Drum Selector
572---573 Drum Bypass
574 Automatic Brake
575 Park Brake
576 Drum Lowering Cutout
577 Two---Speed Hoist
578 Control Override
579 Remote Control
580 Accumulator Charge Pressure
581 Boom hoist
582 Boom Telescope
583 Swing Lock
584---585 Boom Hoist Auxiliary
586 Swing Auxiliary
587---592 Outrigger Control
593---595 Blocking Valve
596---599 Free---Fall

Equipment Control Circuits Continued As Category 7

8 of 12
Service Manual 0807 SM01---066---000.00
Category 6
Accessories Circuits
Wire Number Description
601---602 Heater
603---604 Defroster
605---607 Windshield Wiper
608---610 Windshield Washer
611 Cab Vent Fan
612---613 Air Conditioner
614---615 Propane Engine Preheater
616 Air Dryer
617 Cigarette Lighter
618---621 Air Conditioner
622 12 Volt Accessory Outlet
623 Remote Control Mirror
624 Heater
625 Seat Control

9 of 12
SM01---066---000.00 0807 Service Manual
Category 7
Equipment Control Circuits (Also See Category 5)
Wire Number Description
701 Free---Fall
702 Tow Winch --- Out
703 Tow Winch --- In
704 Load Sensing
705 Oil Cooler Control
706 Pump Disconnect
707 Rear Axle Steer Lock --- Upper Control
708 Rear Axle Steer Unlock --- Upper Control
709 Axle Oscillation Control
710---712 Axle Differential Lock
713 Rear Axle Steer Lock --- Carrier Control
714 Rear Axle Steer Unlock --- Carrier Control
715 Winch Interference Control
716 Steer Reversing
717 Park Brake
718 Tow Winch --- Auxiliary
719 Rear Axle Steer Locking
720---723 Boom Telescope Control Box
724 Front Winch Disengage
725 Rear Winch Disengage
726 Steer Lock
727 Boom Hoist Pump Control
728 Winch Pump Control
729 Boom Hoist Winch Disengage
730 Lower Jacking/Upper Pilot Control
731 Counterweight Removal
732 Axle Oscillation Control
733 Anti---Lock Brake System (ABS) Controller
734 J1939 CAN --- High
735 J1939 CAN --- Low
736 J1939 CAN --- Shield
737 Boom Latching Power Supply
738---740 Boom Latching Control

10 of 12
Service Manual 0807 SM01---066---000.00
Category 8
Monitoring Circuits (Also See Category 3)
Wire Number Description
801 Ammeter
802 Pyrometer Temperature
803---804 Instrument Power Supply
805 Throttle Indicator
806 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar --- Red
807 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar --- Amber
808 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar --- Green
809---810 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar Power Supply
811 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Data Signal --- AA
812 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Data Signal --- BB
813 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Reset Signal
814 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Power Supply
815 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Ground
816 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Shield
817 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Reeling Drum And Anti---Two Block (ATB)
818 Four Wheel Drive Engaged Indicator
819 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Bypass
820 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Counterweight Sensing
821 Suspension Height Indicator
822 Anemometer
823 Outrigger Length Reel --- Left Front Beam
824 Outrigger Length Reel --- Right Front Beam
825 Outrigger Length Reel --- Left Rear Beam
826 Outrigger Length Reel --- Right Rear Beam
827 Swing Sensor

11 of 12
SM01---066---000.00 0807 Service Manual
Electrical System Schematic Symbols
Switches Senders
Maintained Contact
Normally Open Pressure Sensitive
Maintained Contact
Normally Closed
Liquid Level
Momentary Contact

Mechanically Actuated Thermal Sensitive

Pressure Sensitive
Opens As Pressure Rises
Pressure Sensitive
Closes As Pressure Rises
Momentary Contact
Normally Open Relays Heating Element
Momentary Contact Coil
Normally Closed
Contacts NO
Make Before Break

Mechanically Linked Contacts NO

Valve Solenoid
Contacts NC
Variable Resistance Contacts
With Off Position Common

Closes With Increase In Flow Circuit Protectors Ground

Opens With Increase In Flow Fuse Chassis

Circuit Breaker Gauge

Audible Signals Lights
Manual Reset

Circuit Breaker
Thermal Reset

Battery Motor
Backup Alarm Head, Tail, Dome,
Brake, Etc.
Figure 3
Electrical Symbols Legend

12 of 12
Service Manual 1014 SM01 - 066 - 038.00
Battery, R & I
This procedure covers removal and installation of
batteries. Use care not to cause sparks at battery
terminals while disconnecting cables. Battery
gasses are volatile and could be ignited by a
CAUTION spark or flame, causing battery to explode.
Keep area around battery well ventilated and
Disconnecting battery with engine in disconnect negative side of battery first, with
operation may result in damage to alternator ignition switch “OFF”, to minimize hazard.
due to momentary high voltage and current
generated by rapid collapse of magnetic field
surrounding alternator field windings. Always
shutdown engine before disconnecting
Battery posts, terminals, and related
accessories may contain lead and lead
Removal compounds. Eating or smoking with lead
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. residue on hands may cause lead poisoning.
2. Stabilize crane for service as follows: Wash hands after handling lead products.
a. Park crane out of way on a firm and level
surface. Refer to Figure 1.
b. Engage park brake and/or properly block tires. 5. Switch battery disconnect switches (11) to “OFF”
c. Engage swing park brake or travel swing lock, position.
as required. 6. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect
d. Level crane on fully extended outriggers. negative battery cable (2) and negative battery
e. Fully retract and position boom, as required. disconnect cable (4) from negative battery
3. Shutdown engine and disengage main hydraulic terminals (3).
pump. 7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect
positive battery cable (9) and positive battery
disconnect cable (5) from positive battery
WARNING terminals (6).
8. Remove locknuts and washers (8) and battery hold
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may down brackets (7).
result from misuse of these products. Read Note: Each battery weighs approximately 55 lb
and follow all manufacturer’s (25kg).
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions. 9. Using an appropriate lifting device, remove
batteries (1) from crane.
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
approved cleaning solvent to prevent
contamination. Allow area to air dry.

Ignition switch should be shut off at least 30
seconds prior to disconnecting batteries. This
time allows computer to save needed data and
protects alternator from a voltage surge.
Always allow at least 30 seconds for engine and
computer to properly shutdown.

1 of 4
SM01 - 066 - 038.00 1014 Service Manual

3 A


Turn disconnect switches to “OFF”
position prior to welding on crane.
Ignition switch should be shut off at
least 30 seconds prior to turning
disconnect switches to the “OFF”

3 8 OFF


1. Batteries 5. Battery Disconnect Cable - Positive 9. Battery Cable - Positive

2. Battery Cable - Negative 6. Positive Battery Terminals 10. Battery Mat
3. Negative Battery Terminals 7. Battery Hold Down Brackets 11. Battery Disconnect Switches
4. Battery Disconnect Cable - Negative 8. Locknuts & Washers

Figure 1

2 of 4
Service Manual 1014 SM01 - 066 - 038.00
Cleaning And Inspection
Battery posts, terminals, and related
WARNING accessories may contain lead and lead
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be compounds. Eating or smoking with lead
hazardous. Serious personal injury may residue on hands may cause lead poisoning.
result from misuse of these products. Read Wash hands after handling lead products.
and follow all manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and Refer to Figure 1.
cleaning solutions.
Note: Each battery weighs approximately 55 lb
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with (25kg).
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and
carefully inspected. 1. Using an appropriate lifting device, properly
2. Inspect integrity of battery cables. Repair or position batteries (1) on battery mat (10). Ensure
replace if required. batteries sit level once installed.
3. Inspect terminals to ensure they are not deformed 2. Position battery hold down brackets (7) across
or broken. Replace if required. batteries (1), and install washers and locknuts (8).
4. Clean battery terminals and inside surfaces of 3. Align and connect positive battery cable (9) and
cable ends. positive battery disconnect cable (5) to positive
5. Clean battery mat and surface area under battery terminals (6).
batteries. 4. Align and connect negative battery cable (2) and
6. Check electrolyte level in battery, if applicable. If negative battery disconnect cable (4) to negative
cells are low, fill to recommended level with distilled battery terminals (3).
water. 5. Apply a light coat of grease to exposed surfaces
7. In event of severe defects, contact factory of battery cables (2,4,5,9) and terminals (3,6) to
personnel for directions whether to repair or prevent oxidation.
replace any major component. 6. Switch battery disconnect switches (11) to “ON”
Installation 7. Complete installation by testing all related
functions for proper operation. Normal operation
of electrical system should be confirmed. A
general inspection of components and systems in
WARNING areas adjacent to repair should also be performed
Use care not to cause sparks at battery to ensure related damage or wear is not present.
terminals while disconnecting cables. Battery
gasses are volatile and could be ignited by a
spark or flame, causing battery to explode.
Keep area around battery well ventilated and
disconnect negative side of battery first, with
ignition switch “OFF”, to minimize hazard.

3 of 4
SM01 - 066 - 038.00 1014 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 1001 SM1-69-5.0

1 2

1. Rim And Tire Assembly 2. Rim Cage

Figure 2
Figure 1 Use A Rim Cage When Inflating Or Deflating
Exhaust Air From Tire Before Removing Tires

6. Always double check to be sure rim components

Tire And Rim, R & I are properly installed before inflating the tire. MisĆ
assembled parts could fly off during inflation.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
7. When inflating a tire, use an air hose with a clip-on
the tire and rim.
chuck and in-line pressure gauge. Be sure the air
hose is long enough to permit the person inflating
Safety Instructions the tire to stand clear of the rim cage.
1. Always remove the valve core and exhaust all air 8. Inflate the tire to 10 psi (69kPa) and check the rim
pressure from the tire prior to removing it. Rim components for proper fit before completely inflatĆ
components are under extreme pressure and ing the tire. If the assembly is not correct, comĆ
could fly off. Refer to Figure 1. pletely deflate the tire and correct the problem. Do
2. Use a rim cage and stand clear when deflating and not hammer on an inflated rim and tire assembly.
inflating tires. A damaged or misassembled rim asĆ Properly matched and assembled rim compoĆ
sembly may burst. The operator should stand well nents will seat without tapping.
away from the potentially explosive force. Refer to 9. Once it is determined that the tire and rim are propĆ
Figure 2. erly assembled, inflate the tire to the pressure
3. After deflating the tire, check the valve stem by runĆ listed on the Tire Inflation Label". Do not overinĆ
ning a piece of wire through the stem to ensure it is flate the tire.
not clogged and the tire is completely deflated. Ice 10. Always check rims and wheel ends for damage
may form as the air leaves the tire or foreign materiĆ during normal tire inspection. Early detection of
al may clog the stem. potential component failure may prevent serious
4. Do not re-inflate a tire that has been run flat or exĆ injury.
tremely underinflated. De-mount the tire and inĆ 11. Tire inflation pressure and lug nut torques must
spect tire, rim components, and wheel for damage. also be checked on a regular basis. Refer to the
These components may have been damaged or Operator's Manual for specifications and recomĆ
dislocated during the time the tire was underinĆ mended time schedules.
flated. 12. Do not attempt to rework, weld, heat, or braze and
5. When assembling the tire and rim assembly, use damaged rim component. Heating may weaken
only parts of the same type and correct size. MisĆ the part and result in complete failure of the comĆ
matched parts may appear to fit, but when the tire ponent and possible personal injury.
is inflated they may flay apart with explosive force.

1 of 4
SM1-69-5.0 1001 Service Manual
Approximate Weight Of
Tire Size Rim And Tire Assembly
lb kg
14.0 X 24 410 186 2
16.0 X 24 580 263 4
17.5 X 25 500 227 5
18.0 X 25 950 431 7
20.5 X 25 1,030 467
21.0 X 25 1,315 596
23.5 X 25 1,100 499
11 10 9
26.5 X 25 1,475 669
1. Tire 7. Valve Stem
29.5 X 25 1,605 728 2. Flanges 8. Axle
3. Bank 9. Mounting Studs
Table A 4. Lock Ring 10. Lug Nuts
Rim And Tire Assembly Weights 5. Rim 11. Washers-If Equipped
6. O-ring

Figure 3
Typical Tire And Rim Assembly

435-480 ft lb 360-470 ft lb Exhaust all air pressure from the tire before
(590-651Nm) (489-637Nm) removing it from the crane. Use a rim cage
and stand clear when deflating tire. Rim
Table B
components are under extreme pressure and
Final Torque Values For Lug Nuts
may fly off. Failure to exhaust air pressure, or
use a rim cage, could result in a fatal accident.
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. Refer to Figure 3.
2. Stabilize the crane for service: Park the crane out 6. Remove the core from the valve stem (7). Allow the
of the way on a firm and level surface. Level crane air pressure to completely exhaust from the tire (1).
on fully extended outriggers. 7. After tire is deflated, run a piece of wire through the
3. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posiĆ valve stem (7) to ensure it is not clogged and the
tion and move the function lockout switch to the tire is completely deflated. Remove the rim cage.
DISABLE" position. 8. Remove all but four lug nuts (10), and washers (11)
4. Shutdown the engine. if equipped, from mounting studs (9). The remainĆ
Refer to Figure 2. ing lug nuts (10) should be equally spaced around
5. Place a rim cage (2) in front of the tire and rim asĆ the rim (5).
sembly (1) before deflating tire. 9. Inspect the tire (1) to determine the specific tire
size. See Table A for the approximate weight of the
tire and rim assembly.
10. Properly support the tire and rim assembly with an
appropriate lifting device.
11. Remove the remaining lug nuts (10), and washers
(11) if equipped, from mounting studs (9).
12. Carefully remove the tire and rim assembly from
the axle (8).

2 of 4
Service Manual 1001 SM1-69-5.0
1 2 3

1 1 1

4 3 4 6
6 4

2 3 2 3
5 2

5 5
1. 12 Stud Sequence 2. 20 Stud Sequence 3. 24 Stud Sequence
Figure 4
Torquing Sequences

Installation 5. Install the washers (11), if equipped, and lug nuts

(10) on the mounting studs (9). Tighten the lug
Refer to Figure 3. nuts (10) evenly to ensure the rim (5) is properly
seated on the axle (8).
6. Tighten the lug nuts (10) to one-half of their recĆ
DANGER ommended torque value. See Figure 4 for proper
Exhaust all air pressure from the tire before torquing sequence and Table B for the recomĆ
installing it on the crane. Use a rim cage and mended torque values.
stand clear when inflating tire. Rim 7. Repeat the proper torquing sequence and tighten
components are under extreme pressure and the lug nuts (10) to the final recommended torque
may fly off. Failure to exhaust air pressure, or value.
use a rim cage, could result in a fatal accident. Refer to Figure 2.
1. Check the tire (1) to ensure that it is fully deflated. 1. Properly position a rim cage (2) in front of the tire
Inspect the flanges (2), bank (3), o-ring (6), lock and rim assembly (1).
ring (4), and rim (5) for damage and improper asĆ
WARNING Use a rim cage and stand clear when inflating
or deflating tires. Rim components are under
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be extreme pressure and may fly off. Failure to
hazardous. Serious personal injury may use a rim cage could result in a fatal accident.
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's 2. Inflate the tire to the pressure specified on the Tire
recommendations concerning solvents and Inflation Label.
cleaning solutions. 3. Start the engine, fully retract the outriggers, and
drive the crane approximately 1 mile (1.6km).
2. Thoroughly clean the mounting surfaces of the rim
Tighten the lug nuts (10 in Figure 3) again using
(5) and axle (8). Remove any dirt, rust, excess
the proper torquing sequence (Refer to Figure 4)
paint, or other foreign materials. Also clean, but do
and recommended torque values (Refer to Table
not lubricate, the lug nuts (10) and mounting studs
3. Inspect the tire (1) to determine the specific tire Note: Lug nut torque values should be checked
size. The tire size is on the tire. See Table A for the every 10 hours for the first 50 hours of operation
approximate weight of the tire and rim assembly. after tire and rim assembly has been installed.
4. Properly support the tire and rim assembly with a Tighten any lug nuts, as required, to the recomĆ
lifting device. Lift tire and rim assembly and careĆ mended torque value. Check the lug nut torque
fully position it on the axle (8). every 50 hours of operation thereafter.

3 of 4
SM1-69-5.0 1001 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 1114 SM01 - 075 - 076.00
Starter, R & I
This procedure covers removal and installation of
starter. For recondition procedure, refer to starter
manufacturer’s service manual.

1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
2. Stabilize crane for service as follows:
a. Park crane out of way on a firm and level
b. Apply park brake, and/or properly block tires.
c. Apply swing park brake or engage travel swing
lock, as required.
d. Level crane on fully extended outriggers.
e. Fully retract and position boom, as required.
3. Shutdown engine, and disengage main hydraulic Figure 1
pump, as equipped. Refer to Operator’s Manual Do not use an open flame near battery.
for correct procedure. Allow engine and hydraulic
oil to cool. Refer to Figure 2.
6. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect
battery cables (4,5) and ground cable (3) from
WARNING starter (2).
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 7. Support starter (2), and remove capscrews (1) that
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result secure starter (2) to engine flywheel housing.
from misuse of these products. Read and 8. Remove starter (2) and gasket (not shown) from
follow all manufacturer’s recommendations flywheel housing.
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Cleaning And Inspection
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
approved cleaning solvent to prevent contamina-
tion. Allow area to air dry.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result
WARNING from misuse of these products. Read and
Use care not to cause sparks at battery follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
terminals while disconnecting battery. concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Battery gasses are volatile and could be 1. Clean all connections with an approved cleaning
ignited by a spark or flame causing battery to
explode. Keep area around battery well
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
ventilated. With ignition switch “OFF”,
should be removed from threads of hardware and
disconnect negative side of battery first to
minimize hazard. mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be re-
used. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
Battery posts, terminals, and related pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
accessories contain lead and lead with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
compounds. Eating or smoking with lead mance of products.
residue on hands may cause lead poisoning. 3. Clean mounting surfaces of starter and engine
Wash hands after handling lead products. flywheel housing with an approved cleaning solvent.
Be sure to remove all old gasket material.
5. Disconnect battery cables from battery terminals,
4. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear,
negative cables first.
fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair
or replace as required.

1 of 4
SM01 - 075 - 076.00 1114 Service Manual




1. Capscrews 4. Battery Cable - Negative

2. Starter 5. Battery Cable - Positive
3. Ground Cable - To Engine

Figure 2

2 of 4
Service Manual 1114 SM01 - 075 - 076.00
5. Inspect integrity of cables, wires, and connectors
that supply starter. Repair or replace if required.
6. In event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or Use care not to cause sparks at battery
replace any major component. terminals while connecting battery. Battery
gasses are volatile and could be ignited by a
Installation spark or flame causing battery to explode.
Keep area around battery well ventilated.
Refer to Figure 2. With ignition switch “OFF”, connect positive
1. Apply Loctite 242, or equivalent, to threads of side of battery first to minimize hazard.
capscrews (1).
2. Align gasket (not shown) on mounting flange of
starter (2).
3. Position starter (2) to engine flywheel housing, and WARNING
install capscrews (1). Battery posts, terminals, and related
4. Connect battery cables (4,5) and ground cable (3) accessories contain lead and lead
to starter (2). compounds. Eating or smoking with lead
5. Secure any cables or wires with cable ties, as residue on hands may cause lead poisoning.
required, to prevent damage. Wash hands after handling lead products.

6. Connect battery cables to battery terminals, posi-

tive cables first.
7. Complete installation by starting engine and
testing all electrical functions for proper operation.

3 of 4
SM01 - 075 - 076.00 1114 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0615 SM01 - 075 - 077.00

No Illustration Required

1 of 2
SM01 - 075 - 077.00 0615 Service Manual
Engine Cooling Package,
Service information not available at time of publication.
Updated information to follow with later revision.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0715 SM01 - 075 - 086.00

No Illustration Required

1 of 2
SM01 - 075 - 086.00 0715 Service Manual
Alternator, R & I
Service information not available at time of publication.
Updated information to follow with later revision.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1001 SM1-76-31.0
7 8

1. Collector Ring 3. Capscrew & Lockwasher 5. Rotating Joint 7. Drive Plate

2. Spacer 4. Upper Wire Harness 6. Lower Wire Harness 8. Capscrews

Figure 1
Center Section Assembly

Collector Ring, R & I b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of c. Engage the travel swing lock.
the collector ring. For Recondition procedure see SM d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
Keysheet Area 1-76. e. Fully retract and raise the boom.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
Removal hydraulic pump.
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. 4. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
position and move the function lockout switch to
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level the DISABLE" position.

1 of 2
SM1-76-31.0 1001 Service Manual
Use care not to cause sparks at the battery
terminals while disconnecting the battery. WARNING
Battery gases are volatile and could be ignited Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
by a spark or flame, causing the battery to compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
explode. Keep the area around the battery personal injury may result from misuse of
well ventilated. With the ignition switch OFF", these products. Read and follow all
disconnect the negative side of the battery manufacturer's recommendations concerning
first to minimize hazard. these products.

5. Check that the ignition switch is in the OFF" posiĆ 1. Install a pull string" through the rotating joint (5)
tion and label the battery connections at the batĆ and attach it to the end of the lower wire harness (6)
tery. Disconnect the battery cables from the batĆ of the collector ring (1).
tery (negative side first), or turn the battery disconĆ 2. Begin guiding the lower wire harness (6) down
nect switches to the OFF" position. through the rotating joint (5).
6. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the 3. Secure the drive plate (7) to the rotating joint (5) usĆ
upper and lower wire harnesses (4,6). ing capscrews (8). The drive plate (7) will only align
7. Supporting the collector ring (1), remove capscrew in the correct position.
and lockwasher (3) and spacer (2). 4. Rotate/Position the collector ring (1) to the rotating
8. Remove the capscrews (8) that secure the collecĆ joint (5).
tor ring (1) to the rotating joint (5). 5. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to threads of
9. Carefully guide lower wire harness (6) through the capscrew (3). Install the spacer (2) and capscrew
center of the rotating joint (5) while removing the and lockwasher (3).
collector ring (1) from the crane. 6. Connect the upper and lower wire harnesses (4,6).
Cleaning And Inspection
WARNING Use care not to cause sparks at the battery
terminals while connecting the battery.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Battery gases are volatile and could be ignited
hazardous. Serious personal injury may by a spark or flame, causing the battery to
result from misuse of these products. Read explode. Keep the area around the battery
and follow all the manufacturer's well ventilated. With the ignition switch OFF",
recommendations concerning solvents and connect the positive side of the battery first to
cleaning solutions. minimize hazard.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with 7. Check that the ignition switch is in the OFF" posiĆ
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ tion and connect the battery cables to the battery
fully inspected. (positive side first), or turn the battery disconnect
2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue switches to the ON" position.
should be removed from threads of hardware and 8. Complete the installation by testing all related
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be functions of the collector ring for proper operation.
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ Normal operation of hydraulic and electrical
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces systems should be confirmed. A general
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ inspection of components and systems in the
mance of products. areas adjacent to the repair should also be
3. Inspect the integrity of the wire harnesses that are performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
connected to the collector ring. Repair or replace if present.
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0913 SM01 - 076 - 086.00
Collector Ring Assembly,
(50 Ring)
This procedure covers the recondition of the collector
ring. For removal and installation procedures, see
SM Keysheet Area 01- 076.

If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not

1 2
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind.

Note: The photographs shown throughout this doc-

ument were taken for general purpose use and may
not depict the exact model of collector ring being
1. Clamp 2. Screw
Figure 2
Collector Ring Disassembly
Refer to Figure 2.
It is a good practice when disassembling complex 3. Remove the screw (2) and clamp (1).
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
are disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in 2
the assembly process.
1 3 4

3 2

1. Tube 5. Screws
2. Cable Ties 6. Clamps
3. Knife Connector 7. Swing Potentiometer
4. Wire Harness

1. Nuts 3. Cover Figure 3

2. Seal Washers Collector Ring Disassembly
Figure 1
Collector Ring Disassembly Refer to Figure 3.
4. Remove the cable ties (2).
1. Place the torque tube (8,Figure 12) in a padded 5. Slide the tube (1) down the wire harness (4).
vise. Do not over tighten the vise. 6. Disconnect the knife connector (3).
Refer to Figure 1. 7. Loosen the screws (5) and turn the clamps (6) to
2. Remove the nuts (1), seal washers (2), and cover clear the swing potentiometer (7).
(3). 8. Remove the swing potentiometer (7).

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SM01 - 076 - 086.00 0913 Service Manual


1. Bushing 2. Mounting Plate
Figure 6
Collector Ring Disassembly
1. Swing Potentiometer 3. Drive Shaft
2. Setscrews 4. Roll Pin Refer to Figure 6.
14. If required, remove the bushing (1) from the mount-
Figure 4
Collector Ring Disassembly ing plate (2).

Refer to Figure 4.
9. If required, remove the setscrews (2) and drive 1
shaft (3) from the swing potentiometer (1).
10. If required, remove the roll pin (4) from the drive
shaft (3). 2

1 2 3

1. Screws 2. Torque Plate

Figure 7
Collector Ring Disassembly

Refer to Figure 7.
1. Mounting Plate 3. Nuts & Washers 15. Remove the screws (1) and torque plate (2).
2. Nuts & Washers

Figure 5
Collector Ring Disassembly

Refer to Figure 5.
11. Remove the nuts and washers (2).
12. Remove the mounting plate (1).
13. Remove the nuts and washers (3).

2 of 12
Service Manual 0913 SM01 - 076 - 086.00
1. Rub Disc 3. Studs
2. Washers
Figure 8 9
Collector Ring Disassembly

Refer to Figure 8. 8
16. Remove the rub disc (1), washers (2), and studs
(3). 7
Refer to Figure 9.

Note: Do not remove the crimp connectors by

1. Crimp Connectors 8. Setscrews
cutting the wires. Use pliers to squeeze them
2. Spacers 9. Connector
open. 3. Brush & Arm Assemblies 10. Cable Ties
4. Springs 11. Slip Ring Core Assembly
17. Carefully remove the crimp connectors (1) from the 5. Nut 12. Outboard Bearing
wires at the top of the outboard bearing (12), as 6. Base Plate 13. Set Collars & Washers
required. 7. Brush Harness Assembly 14. Studs
18. Remove the set collars and washers (13) holding Figure 9
the outboard bearing (12) in place. Slide the out- Collector Ring Disassembly
board bearing (12) over the wires and off the studs
22. If the slip ring core assembly (11) requires
19. Remove any cable ties (10) as required.
Note: Do not “over stretch” the springs when re- a. Loosen the setscrews (8).
moving the brush and arm assemblies. b. Remove the springs (4) and spread the brush
and arm assemblies (3) far enough apart for
20. Remove the spacers (2) and brush and arm as- the slip ring core assembly (11) to clear them.
semblies (3) from the studs (14). c. Remove the slip ring core assembly (11).
21. Label for assembly purposes, and disconnect the
brush harness assembly (7) from the brush and
arm assemblies (3), being replaced.

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SM01 - 076 - 086.00 0913 Service Manual

3 4 1 2 3

1. Spring 3. Screw, Nut, & Roller 1. Allen Head Screw 3. Switch

2. Switch 4. Switch Plate 2. Spring 4. Screw, Nut, & Roller
Figure 10 Figure 11
Collector Ring Disassembly Collector Ring Disassembly

Refer to Figure 10. Refer to Figure 11.

23. If required to remove the switch (2), record the pos- 26. If removal is required, record the position of the
ition of the spring (1) for assembly purposes. Re- spring (2) for assembly purposes. Loosen the
move the switch (2) and spring (1) from the stud. Allen head screw (1), and remove switch (3) and
24. If required, remove the screw, nut, and roller (3) spring (2) from stud.
from the switch (2). 27. If required, remove the screw, nut, and roller (4)
25. If required, remove the switch plate (4) after all from switch (3).
spacers and brush and arm assemblies have been Refer to Figure 12.
removed. 28. If the center harness assembly (7) requires
replacement, carefully slide the center harness as-
sembly (7) out the bottom of the torque tube (8).
29. If required, remove the studs (15), washers (10),
and nuts (11) from the base plate (9).
30. If required, remove the nylon bushing (4) from the
base plate (9).
31. If required, loosen the nut (5,Figure 9) securing the
connector (6) to the base plate (9). Remove the
brush harness assembly (5) out through the base
plate (9) and nut (5,Figure 9).

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Service Manual 0913 SM01 - 076 - 086.00

18 11.58 in



15 2 Assembly Height
(Core Stack)


9 5

8 6

1. Cover 6. Connector 11. Nuts 16. Crimp Connectors

2. Outboard Bearing 7. Center Harness Assembly 12. Brush & Arm Assemblies 17. Rub Disc
3. Slip Ring Core Assembly 8. Torque Tube 13. Spacers 18. Locknuts
4. Nylon Bearing 9. Base Plate 14. Set Collars 19. Washers
5. Brush Harness Assembly 10. Washers 15. Studs

Figure 12
Collector Ring Assembly

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SM01 - 076 - 086.00 0913 Service Manual
Ring No. Wire Gauge Wire No. Wire Color Amps 12V DC Height in (cm) Function
10 104A Red 100.0 1.375 (3.49) Power Distribution
1 10 105A Red Power Distribution
10 106A Red Power Distribution
10 122A Black 100.0 1.375 (3.49) Upper Ground
17 H2 Black Outrigger Length Sensor Ground
10 123A Black Upper Ground
10 123B Black Upper Ground
3 10 110E Red 45.0 0.469 (1.19) Air Conditioning Option
4 14 001A White 15.0 0.281 (0.71) Spare (For Service)
5 14 002A White 15.0 0.281 (0.71) Spare (For Service)
6 14 235B Blue 15.0 0.281 (0.71) Transmission Shifter
7 14 401E Green 15.0 0.281 (0.71) Light Distribution Circuit
8 16 121F Orange 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Ignition Run
17 H2 Red Outrigger Length Sensor Power
9 16 102C Blue 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Ignition Start
10 16 232A Blue 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Transmission Shifter
11 16 233A Blue 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Transmission Shifter
12 16 234B Blue 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Transmission Shifter
13 16 304A Yellow 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Fuel Level Sender
14 16 CAT 306A Blue 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Engine Oil Pressure
15 16 308A Yellow 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Water Temperature
16 16 312A Yellow 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Tachometer
17 16 314A Yellow 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Transmission Temperature
18 16 339B Yellow 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Rear Steer Indicator
19 16 414A Green 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Right Turn Signal
20 16 416A Green 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Left Turn Signal
21 16 506A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Left Front Jack
22 16 207A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Left Front Beam
23 16 508A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Right Front Beam
24 16 509A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Right Front Jack
25 16 510A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Right Rear Jack
26 16 511A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Right Rear Beam
27 16 512A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Left Rear Beam
28 16 513A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Left Rear Jack
29 16 514A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Retract
30 16 515A Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outriggers, Extend
31 16 522B Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Oscillation Lock Override
32 16 523B Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Steering, Rear Wheel
33 16 523C Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Steering, 4-Wheel
34 16 523D Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Steering, Crab
35 16 524D Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) 4-Wheel Drive
36 16 575B Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Park Break
37 16 733G Brown 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Blocking Valve
38 16 CAT 035A Black 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Switch Return/Throttle Pedal Ground
39 16 CAT 120D Orange 2.0 0.134 (0.34) Ignition Key Switch
40 16 CAT 307A Blue 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Throttle Pedal Signal
41 16 CAT 381A Blue 2.0 0.134 (0.34) Throttle Lock
42 16 CAT 404A Blue 2.0 0.134 (0.34) Check Engine Light
43 16 CAT 420A Blue 2.0 0.134 (0.34) Stop Engine Light
44 16 CAT 823A Blue 2.0 0.134 (0.34) Wait To Start Light
45 16 CAT 120F Orange 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Throttle Pedal 8V Power
46 20 H2 White 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outrigger Length Sensor
47 16 CAT 955A Blue 2.0 0.134 (0.34) Throttle Ramp Up (Set)
48 20 H2 Blue 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outrigger Length Sensor
49 16 CAT 967A Blue 2.0 0.134 (0.34) Throttle Ramp Down (Resume)
50 20 H2 Shield 7.5 0.134 (0.34) Outrigger Length Sensor
10.105 (25.67) Rings Height
0.375 (0.95) Cam Switch Assembly
0.375 (0.95) Core Base With Set Screws
Note: Rings are numbered from the top of assembly down. 0.657 (1.67) Top Out Board Bearing
0.063 (0.16) Flange On Base Casting Bearing
11.57 (29.41) Assembly Height
Table A
Wiring Code

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Service Manual 0913 SM01 - 076 - 086.00
Switch Wire Wire Wire Function
Number Gauge Number Color
C 16 522A Orange Power to Switch
16 522B* Brown Oscillation Cylinder
16 430E* Brown Travel Alarm
NC No Connection
Note: 522B is internal to the collector ring and is not shown on
the upper wire harness.
* 522B and 430E are to be crimped into the same terminal. 3 1
Table B 2
Actuator Switch Wiring Code
3 1
5 2
Cleaning And Inspection

WARNING Wire Wire Wire

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Terminal Gauge Number Color Function
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result 1 20 386A Red Power
from misuse of these products. Read and 2 20 384A White Swing Signal “A”
follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations 5 20 385A Green Swing Signal “B”
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
3 20 387A Black Ground

1. If required, use compressed air to remove any dirt Table C

and/or debris. Exercise every precaution possible Potentiometer Wiring Code
to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or any other for-
eign material during assembly. 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed met- any major component.
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace Assembly
any damaged component as required. Refer to Figure 12.
3. If corrosion exists, it may be necessary to clean the
rings using a standard non-residue solvent. After Note: Do not allow the studs to protrude
the rings have air dried, lightly sand the brushes through the bottom of the base plate.
and rings with a fine grade of sandpaper and dust
off with compressed air. 1. If required, install the washers (10) and nuts (11) on
4. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue the studs (15) and install the studs (15) in the base
should be removed from threads of hardware and plate (9).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be 2. If required, install the nylon bearing (4) in the base
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- plate (9).
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces 3. If the center harness assembly (7) was removed,
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor- install the center harness assembly (7) through the
bottom of the torque tube (8).
mance of products.
4. If required, install the brush harness assembly (5)
5. Inspect the integrity of the wire harnesses that are
through the base plate (9) and nut (5,Figure 9).
connected to the collector ring. Repair or replace if Tighten the nut (5,Figure 9) securing the connec-
required. tor (6) to the base plate (9).

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SM01 - 076 - 086.00 0913 Service Manual

3 4 1 2 3

1. Spring 3. Screw, Nut, & Roller 1. Allen Head Screw 3. Switch

2. Switch 4. Switch Plate 2. Spring 4. Screw, Nut, & Roller
Figure 13 Figure 14
Collector Ring Assembly Collector Ring Assembly

Refer to Figure 13. Refer to Figure 14.

5. If required, install the switch plate (4) before the 8. If required, install the screw, nut, and roller (4) on
spacers and brush and arm assemblies are the switch (3).
installed. 9. If required, install the spring (2) and switch (3) over
6. If required, install the screw, nut, and roller (3) on and onto the stud. Align the spring (2) ends to the
the switch (2). holes in the base plate. Tighten the Allen head
7. If required, install the switch (2) and spring (1) over screw (1).
and onto the stud. Align the spring (1) ends to the
holes in the base plate.

8 of 12
Service Manual 0913 SM01 - 076 - 086.00
c. Tighten the setscrews (8).
d. Install the springs (4) on the brush and arm as-
14 semblies (3), as required.
Note: Carefully install the brushes without
13 “over stretching” the springs.
2 11. Install the spacers (2) and brush and arm assem-
12 blies (3) on the studs (14) in the same order they
were removed. Refer to “Table A”, “Table B”, and
“Table C” for the correct wiring code information.
3 12. Connect the brush and arm assembly (3) to the
brush harness assembly (7).
13. Ensure that all brush and arm assemblies (3) are
10 snapped in tight and making full contact with their
5 corresponding brass ring on the slip ring core (11).
Also check that all springs (4) are hooked correctly
to their brush and arm assembly (3).
Note: The outboard bearing must seat evenly
on the ring core.
14. Install the outboard bearing (12) over the wires and
onto the studs (14).
Note: Ensure that no gaps exist between the
brush and arm assemblies.

1. Crimp Connectors 8. Setscrews 15. Install the washers and set collars (13) securing the
2. Spacers 9. Connector outboard bearing (12) to the studs (14).
3. Brush & Arm Assembly 10. Cable Ties 16. Install any cable ties (10) as required. Remove the
4. Springs 11. Slip Ring Core tails of the cable ties (10).
5. Nut 12. Outboard Bearing
6. Base Plate 13. Set Collars & Washers
7. Brush Harness Assembly 14. Studs
Figure 15 WARNING
Collector Ring Assembly Failure to follow wiring code specified in
Table A, Table B, and Table C may result in
Refer to Figure 15. serious personal injury and/or damage to the
10. If the slip ring core assembly (11) was removed: crane.
a. Ensure the springs (4) are removed and
spread the brush and arm assemblies (3) far 17. Carefully connect the wires as recorded during
enough apart for the slip ring core assembly disassembly, and install new crimp connectors (1)
(11) to clear them. to the wires at the top of the outboard bearing (12),
b. Carefully feed the center harness assembly as required. Refer to Table A, Table B, and Table C
(7,Figure 12) through the center of slip ring for the correct wiring code information.
core assembly (11) and install the slip ring core

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SM01 - 076 - 086.00 0913 Service Manual

1. Bushing 2. Mounting Plate
3 Figure 18
Collector Ring Assembly
1. Rub Disc 3. Studs
2. Washers Refer to Figure 18.
20. If required, install the bushing (1) in the mounting
Figure 16 plate (2).
Collector Ring Assembly

Refer to Figure 16.

18. Install the studs (3), washers (2), and rub disc (1).

1 2 3 4 5

1. Mounting Plate 4. Nuts & Washers

2. Rub Disc 5. Nuts & Washers
3. Torque Plate

Figure 19
1. Screws 2. Torque Plate Collector Ring Assembly
Figure 17 Refer to Figure 19.
Collector Ring Assembly 21. Install the nuts and washers (5).
22. Install the mounting plate (1).
Refer to Figure 17. 23. Install the nuts and washers (4) by hand.
19. Align and install the torque plate (2) and screws (1). 24. Check the assembled height (core stack), ensur-
ing all parts are properly seated. Refer to
Figure 12, Detail “A”.
25. Tighten the nuts and washers (4,5) after the as-
sembled height is established.
26. Using feeler gauges, confirm equal clearance
around total circumference of the mounting plate
(1) to the torque plate (3).
27. If required, repeat Steps 23 thru 26 to obtain the as-
sembled height (core stack).

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Service Manual 0913 SM01 - 076 - 086.00

3 1 2

1. Swing Potentiometer 3. Drive Shaft
2. Setscrews 4. Roll Pin

Figure 20 1. Clamp 2. Screw

Collector Ring Assembly
Figure 22
Collector Ring Assembly
Refer to Figure 20.
28. If required, install the roll pin (4) in the drive shaft
Refer to Figure 22.
35. Install the clamp (1) and screw (2).
29. If required, install the drive shaft (3) and setscrews
(2) in the swing potentiometer (1).
2 3 2
1 3 4

1. Tube 5. Screws
2. Cable Ties 6. Clamps 1. Nuts 3. Cover
3. Knife Connector 7. Torque Plate 2. Seal Washers
4. Wire Harness 8. Swing Potentiometer
Figure 23
Figure 21 Collector Ring Assembly
Collector Ring Assembly
Refer to Figure 23.
Refer to Figure 21.
36. Install the cover (3), seal washers (2), and nuts (1).
30. Align and install the swing potentiometer (8) in the 37. If the collector ring is not to be immediately
torque plate (7). installed on the crane, place it in a clean, closed
31. Turn the clamps (6) to secure the swing potentiom- container to prevent damage and contamination,
eter (8) and tighten the screws (5). and properly store.
32. Connect the knife connector (3).
33. Slide the tube (1) onto the wire harness (4) and
over the knife connector (3).
34. Install the cable ties (2), as required. Remove the
tails of the cable ties (2).

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SM01 - 076 - 086.00 0913 Service Manual

12 of 12
Service Manual 1199 SM1-78-17.0

1 2 3 4 5 6

9 8 7
1. Hydraulic Lines 4. Solenoid 6. Frame 8. Suspension Bracket
2. Capscrew 5. Oscillation Cylinder 7. Locknut 9. Capscrew
3. Locknut

Figure 1
Axle Oscillation Cylinder Assembly

Axle Oscillation Cylinder,

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
This procedure covers the removal and installation of hazardous. Serious personal injury may
the axle oscillation cylinder. For recondition procedure, result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
see SM Area 1-78.
recommendations concerning solvents and
Removal cleaning solutions.

1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. 4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: approved cleaning solvent to prevent
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
surface. circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires.
c. Engage the swing park brake and/or travel WARNING
swing lock, as required. Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
e. Fully retract and lower the boom, as required. burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
3. Lower the outrigger jacks until the pontoons make engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
contact with the ground. pressure from the system before removing
any line or component.

1 of 4
SM1-78-17.0 1199 Service Manual
f. Open the bleeders on the axle oscillation
A cylinders and the accumulator and drain into a
suitable container.
6. To relieve hydraulic system pressure:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by pushing the button on the
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
b. Turn the ignition switch to the ON" position,
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
switches back and forth several times.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
A cranes equipped with emergency steering
1 system, it will take several rotations of steering
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
2 7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
5 position and move the function lockout switch to
the DISABLE" position.
4 Refer to Figure 1.
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
hydraulic lines (1). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
ports and lines (1) to prevent excessive oil loss and
contamination of the system.
3 9. Remove the solenoid (4) from the oscillation
cylinder (5).
1. Solenoids 4. Axle Oscillation Manifold 10. Remove capscrew (9) and locknut (7) from
2. Wires 5. Needle Valve suspension bracket (8).
3. Spool Valve
Note: The oscillation cylinder weighs approxiĆ
Figure 2 mately 73 lb (33kg).
Hydro-gas Rear Suspension Option
11. Using an auxiliary lifting device and slings, support
the oscillation cylinder (5).
Refer to Figure 2. 12. Remove capscrew (2) and locknut (3) from frame
5. If crane is equipped with hydro-gas rear suspenĆ (6).
sion, relieve accumulator system hydraulic presĆ 13. Carefully remove oscillation cylinder (5) from
sure: crane.
a. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect
wires (2) from solenoids (1). Cleaning And Inspection
b. Open the needle valve (5) on the axle oscillaĆ
tion lockout manifold (4).
c. With the engine at idle, extend one front WARNING
outrigger beam over relief and rotate the spool
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
valve (3) on the axle oscillation lockout hazardous. Serious personal injury may
manifold (4) clockwise to the retract position. result from misuse of these products. Read
d. Once any movement is noted in the rear axle, and follow all the manufacturer's
rotate the spool valve (3) counter-clockwise recommendations concerning solvents and
to the neutral position. cleaning solutions.
e. Shutdown the engine.
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
Note: Axle oscillation cylinder pressure will an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ
not release unless the solenoid valve on the fully inspected.
cylinder has been actuated as described in 2. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from
the previous steps. threads of hardware and parts that are going to be

2 of 4
Service Manual 1199 SM1-78-17.0
3. In the event of severe defects, contact factory 2. Align oscillation cylinder (5) rod end to suspension
personnel for directions whether to repair or bracket (8) and install capscrew (9) and locknut
replace any major component. (7).
4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are 3. Install solenoid (4) and hydraulic lines (1) to
connected to the oscillation cylinder. Repair or oscillation cylinder (5).
replace if required. Refer to Figure 2.
4. If equipped with hydro-gas rear suspension,
Installation install wires (2) to solenoids (1).
5. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See Operator's Manual for correct type
WARNING and procedure.
6. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
leaks. Repair if needed.
personal injury may result from misuse of
7. Check and adjust axle oscillation system as
these products. Read and follow all
required. See Operator's Manuals for correct
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
these products.
8. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the axle oscillation cylinder for proper
Refer to Figure 1. operation. Normal operation of hydraulic and
electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
Note: The oscillation cylinder weighs approxiĆ inspection of components and systems in the
mately 73 lb (33kg). areas adjacent to the repair should also be
performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
1. Using an auxiliary lifting device and slings, align present.
oscillation cylinder (5) to frame (6) and install
capscrew (2) and locknut (3).

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SM1-78-17.0 1199 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0702 SM1-78-18.0
Oscillation Cylinder, 8. Remove wear rings (9,13), seal housing (12), and
o-rings (10) from piston (14).
Recondition 9. Remove quad ring (11) from seal housing (12).
10. Remove back up rings (7) and o-ring (8) from pisĆ
This procedure covers the recondition of the ton (14).
oscillation cylinder. For removal and installation 11. Remove wear ring (16), step seal (18), o-ring (17),
procedures, see SM Area 1-78. double lip seal (19), rod wiper (20), o-ring (22),
and back up ring (21) from gland (15).
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force Cleaning And Inspection
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind.

Disassembly WARNING
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
components to lay the parts out in the order that they hazardous. Serious personal injury may
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order result from misuse of these products. Read
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in and follow all the manufacturer's
the assembly process. recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.

1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved

WARNING cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every
hazardous. Serious personal injury may precaution possible to keep all parts free of dust,
result from misuse of these products. Read dirt, or any other foreign material during assembly.
and follow all the manufacturer's 2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
recommendations concerning solvents and should be removed from threads of hardware and
cleaning solutions. parts that are going to be reused.
3. Carefully inspect all parts for damage, wear,
1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the oscillaĆ corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metal.
tion cylinder to prevent contamination from enterĆ Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine file,
ing it. hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any
2. Remove solenoid valve (1), plug and o-ring (2), damaged component as required. For additional
and bleeder plug (3). For solenoid valve (1) reĆ inspection guidelines, refer to the following:
condition procedure, see SM Area 1-43. a. Case: Visual linear lines may be present,
3. Use a spanner wrench to remove gland (15) until however, the bore should be smooth and free
its threads disengage the cylinder case (5). of any sharp edges.
b. Rod: Inspect for any damaged chrome
surfaces. Visual linear lines may be present.
CAUTION The chrome surface should be smooth and
Do not grip on any of the rod surfaces free of sharp edges. Any nicks or surface
machined surfaces. Excessive force while damage can result in leakage. Replace rod as
clamping could result in misalignment and/or required.
serious damage to parts. Take extreme care c. Piston And Gland: Inspect sealing areas.
not to mar or damage any machined surface. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine
Do not clamp in any form of vise unless jaws file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. If any
are protected by a soft material. further damage is present, replace the
component as required.
4. Remove rod (4), gland (15), and piston (14) from d. Seals: Replace all rubber and polymer seals
cylinder case (5), as an assembly. whenever disassembling the cylinder. Include
5. Remove the locknut (6) from piston (14). all rings, seals, and wipers.
6. Remove piston (14) from rod (4). 4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
7. Remove gland (15) from rod (4). personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.

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SM1-78-18.0 0702 Service Manual


6 11
7 10
2 A
8 9



16 22
17 21



1. Solenoid Valve 7. Back Up Rings 13. Wear Ring 18. Step Seal
2. Plug & O-ring * 8. O-ring 14. Piston 19. Double Lip Seal
3. Bleeder Plug 9. Wear Ring 15. Gland 20. Rod Wiper
4. Rod 10. O-rings 16. Wear Ring 21. Back Up Ring
5. Cylinder Case 11. Quad Ring 17. O-ring 22. O-ring
6. Locknut 12. Seal Housing
* If equipped.

Figure 1
Oscillation Cylinder Assembly

Lubricate all back up rings, o-rings, quad rings, rod,
and rod with Cosmolube® 2-EP multi purpose grease,
or equivalent, prior to assembly.

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Service Manual 0702 SM1-78-18.0
9. Slowly and carefully install the piston (14), rod (4),
WARNING and gland (15) assembly into the cylinder case (5)
making sure that none of the soft parts are being
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking damaged by the threads in the cylinder case (5).
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 10. Screw gland (15) into cylinder case (5) making
personal injury may result from misuse of sure the threads are not being damaged or
these products. Read and follow all crossed during installation.
manufacturer's recommendations concerning 11. Using a spanner wrench, torque the gland (15) to
these products. 400 ft lb (542Nm).
12. Install bleeder plug (3), plug and o-ring (2), and
1. Assemble the gland (15): solenoid valve (1).
a. Install rod wiper (20). 13. Pressure test the steer cylinder. Refer to Cylinder
b. Install double lip seal (19). Test Procedures" found later in this document.
c. Install o-ring (17) and step seal (18). 14. If cylinder is not to be installed on crane immediateĆ
d. Install wear ring (16). ly, plug all ports to prevent contamination and
e. Install back up ring (21) and o-ring (22). properly store.
2. Assemble the piston (14):
a. Install o-ring (8) and back up rings (7). Cylinder Test Procedures
b. Install quad ring (11) in seal housing (12).
c. Install o-rings (10) and seal housing (12). Low Pressure External Leakage And
d. Install wear rings (9,13). Static Friction Test
1. Fill the fully retracted cylinder with hydraulic oil. ReĆ
fer to the Operator's Manual for the correct grade of
CAUTION oil to use.
Threaded surfaces are sharp. Use care to 2. Using only the pressure level which is required to
prevent damage to soft parts" during move the cylinder rod at a steady rate, cycle the
installation of components onto rod and cylinder full stroke, each direction, a minimum of
during installation of rod and piston assembly five times to remove entrapped air. If the cylinder
into case. squeaks or sticks, disassemble the cylinder and
replace the defective part and repeat the entire test
3. Apply a thin layer of masking tape to the threads of procedure.
the rod (4). Slide gland (15) onto rod (4). Use care 3. With the cylinder at mid stroke, relieve the pressure
not to damage soft parts when installing them over and examine the cylinder for any external leakage.
the threads of the rod (4). No leakage is acceptable. If leakage exists, disasĆ
4. Install piston (14) onto rod (4). Use care not to semble the cylinder and replace the defective
damage soft parts when installing piston (14). parts. Repeat the entire test procedure, as reĆ
5. Remove the masking tape from the rod (4). quired.
6. Apply clean hydraulic oil to the threads of the lockĆ 4. Fully retract the cylinder.
nut (6) and rod (4). 5. Gradually increase the pressure, approximately
100 psi/min (689kPa/min), on the extend side of the
cylinder until movement of the rod is initiated. The
CAUTION pressure required to initiate movement of the cylinĆ
Do not grip on any finished surface of the rod. der rod, termed breakaway pressure", should not
Excessive force while clamping could result in exceed that listed in Table A. If so, disassemble the
serious damage to parts. Take extreme care cylinder and replace the defective part. Repeat the
not to mar or damage any machined surface. entire test procedure, as required.
Do not clamp in any form of vise unless jaws 6. Once the breakaway pressure is determined, the
are protected by a soft material. pressure needed to maintain movement of the cylĆ
inder rod, termed running pressure", should not
7. Install locknut (6) onto rod (4). Torque the locknut exceed 80% of the breakaway pressure or diminish
(6) to 960 ft lb (1 302Nm). to less than 20% of the breakaway pressure as the
8. Apply Cosmolube® 2 multi purpose grease, or cylinder is extended. If the running pressure exĆ
equivalent, to the threads of gland (15). Do not ceeds these guidelines, disassemble the cylinder
grease excessively. and replace the defective parts. Repeat the entire
test procedure, as required.

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SM1-78-18.0 0702 Service Manual

Piston Gland

Serial Number

Cylinder BreakĆ
Locknut Gland Cylinder Retracted
Serial Test Pressure away
Torque Torque Stroke Length
Number Pressure
ft lb Nm ft lb Nm psi kPa psi kPa in cm in cm
E8J0332 960 1 302 400 542 5,000 34 474 120 827 4.0 10.2 16.00 40.6
F7J0338 960 1 302 400 542 5,000 34 474 120 827 4.0 10.2 19.00 48.3
F7J0474 960 1 302 400 542 5,000 34 474 120 827 4.0 10.2 19.00 48.3
5,000 Ext. 34 474
J7J0586 960 1 302 400 542 120 827 4.5 11.4 20.19 51.3
3,500 Ret. 24 132
Table A
Cylinder Identifications

High Pressure Internal Leakage Test 5. Again, relieve the pressure and examine the cylinĆ
1. Extend the cylinder to full stroke and pressurize to der for external leakage. No leakage is acceptable.
the test pressure" specified in Table A. Hold this If leakage exists, disassemble the cylinder and reĆ
pressure for a minimum of one minute. Leakage place the defective parts. Repeat the entire test
across the piston should not exceed 0.33 cc/min. procedure, as required.
2. Relieve the pressure and examine the cylinder for 6. If cylinder is not to be installed on crane immediateĆ
external leakage. No leakage is acceptable. ly, plug all ports to prevent contamination and
3. If leakage exists, disassemble the cylinder and reĆ properly store.
place the defective parts. Repeat the entire test
procedure, as required.
4. Fully retract the rod and pressurize to the test
pressure" specified in Table A. Hold this pressure
for a minimum of one minute. Leakage across the
piston should not exceed 0.33 cc/min.

Cylinder Serial Dry Weight Wet Weight ExĆ Wet Weight Volume Volume
Number tended Retracted Extended Retracted
lb kg lb kg lb kg gal L gal L
E8J0332 42.4 19.23 45.2 20.50 44.2 20.05 0.22 0.83 0.18 0.68
F7J0338 70.0 31.75 72.8 33.02 72.4 32.84 0.38 1.44 0.33 1.25
F7J0474 70.0 31.75 72.8 33.02 72.4 32.84 0.38 1.44 0.33 1.25
J7J0586 81.1 36.78 84.8 38.46 84.4 38.28 0.51 1.93 0.45 1.70
Table B
Cylinder Weights and Oil Volumes

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Service Manual 0406 SM01 --- 078 --- 027.00

Double Ended
Check Valve Piston
With Thermal
Relief RET




PRES (Tank)


Ball Handle

Figure 1
Axle Oscillation Lockout Manifold

Axle Oscillation Lockout and check valves. Seal orientation of the valves is also
covered. Refer to SM Keysheet Area 01---078 for
Manifold, Illustrated removal and installation procedures.

This SM code is intended to be used for port

identification purposes and proper location of control

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SM01 --- 078 --- 027.00 0406 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0807 SM01 --- 078 --- 032.00


1 4

2 3

1. Hydraulic Lines 3. Capscrews & Washers

2. Carrier Frame 4. Axle Oscillation Lockout Valve

Figure 1
Axle Oscillation Lockout Valve

Axle Oscillation Lockout d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.

e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-
Valve, R & I quired.
3. Shutdown the engine.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of 4. If equipped with pump disconnect, disengage the
the axle oscillation lockout valve. For recondition main hydraulic pump. See the Operator’s Manual
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 01---078. for the correct procedure.

1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. WARNING
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level hazardous. Serious personal injury may
surface. result from misuse of these products. Read
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block and follow all the manufacturer’s
the tires. recommendations concerning solvents and
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing cleaning solutions.
lock, as required.

1 of 2
SM01 --- 078 --- 032.00 0807 Service Manual
5. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
approved cleaning solvent to prevent an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
contamination. Allow the area to air dry. fully inspected.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
should be removed from threads of hardware and
WARNING the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
mance of products.
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
3. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
pressure from the system before removing
connected to the valve being serviced. Repair or
any line or component.
replace if required.
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
6. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
personnel for directions whether to repair or
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
replace any major component.
reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic Installation
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. WARNING
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
switches back and forth several times. compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth personal injury may result from misuse of
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On these products. Read and follow all
cranes equipped with emergency steering manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
system, it will take several rotations of steering these products.
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
Refer to Figure 1.
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
1. Apply Loctite 242 to the threads of the capscrews
position and move the function lockout switch to
the “DISABLE” position.
2. Position the axle oscillation lockout valve (4) to the
Refer to Figure 1. carrier frame (2), and install the capscrews and
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the washers (3)
hydraulic lines (1). Cap/plug the open hydraulic 3. Connect the hydraulic lines (1) to the axle oscilla-
ports and lines (1) to prevent excessive oil loss and tion lockout valve (4).
contamination of the system. 4. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
9. Support the axle oscillation lockout valve (4), and required. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
remove the capscrews and washers (3). and procedure.
10. Remove the axle oscillation lockout valve (4) from 5. If equipped with pump disconnect, engage the
the carrier frame (2) and off the crane. main hydraulic pump. See the Operator’s Manual
for the correct procedure.
Cleaning And Inspection 6. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
leaks. Repair if needed.
WARNING 7. Complete the installation by testing all related
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be functions of the axle oscillation system for proper
hazardous. Serious personal injury may operation. Normal operation of hydraulic and
result from misuse of these products. Read electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
and follow all the manufacturer’s inspection of components and systems in the
recommendations concerning solvents and areas adjacent to the repair should also be
cleaning solutions. performed to ensure related damage or wear is not

2 of 2
Service Manual 0408 SM01 --- 079 --- 055.00
Lower Hydraulic
Components, R & I WARNING
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
(Suction, Pressure, & Return Lines) hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
This procedure is general in nature and covers the engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
removal and installation of the lower hydraulic pressure from the system before removing
components and illustrations for carrier frame any line or component.
components. Specific procedures for major
component removal and installation may be available. 5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
Refer to SM Keysheet for titles and code numbers of a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
additional procedures. reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
Removal reservoir.
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
surface. c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block switches back and forth several times.
the tires. d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
lock, as required. cranes equipped with emergency steering
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. system, it will take several rotations of steering
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- wheel before steering becomes hard.)
Refer to Figure 1.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
6. If required, label for assembly purposes and
hydraulic pump.
disconnect any electrical connectors pertaining to
and directly connected to the hydraulic
component being removed.
WARNING 7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect any
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be hydraulic lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings
hazardous. Serious personal injury may pertaining to and directly connected to the
result from misuse of these products. Read hydraulic component being removed. Cap/plug
and follow all the manufacturer’s any open lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings to
recommendations concerning solvents and prevent excessive oil loss and contamination of the
cleaning solutions. system.
8. Adequately support the component with an
4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with appropriate lifting device, as required.
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent 9. Remove any mounting hardware that may be
contamination. Allow the area to air dry. securing the hydraulic component to the crane.
10. Using an auxiliary lifting device, if required, remove
the hydraulic component from the crane.

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SM01 --- 079 --- 055.00 0408 Service Manual

Figure 1
Lower Hydraulic Components

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Service Manual 0408 SM01 --- 079 --- 055.00

Lower Hydraulic Components -- Continued

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SM01 --- 079 --- 055.00 0408 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection Installation

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
hazardous. Serious personal injury may compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
result from misuse of these products. Read personal injury may result from misuse of
and follow all the manufacturer’s these products. Read and follow all
recommendations concerning solvents and manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
cleaning solutions. these products.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with Refer to Figure 1.

an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and 1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, if required, align
carefully inspected. the hydraulic component to the crane.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue 2. Apply Loctite 242 to mounting hardware, as
should be removed from threads of hardware and required.
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be 3. Install the mounting hardware and torque per
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking specification in SM Keysheet Area 18---000.
compounds or sealants, clean threads and
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best Note: When installing air or hydraulic lines,
performance of products. hoses, tubes, and fittings, use two wrenches to
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, ensure that they are not twisted. One wrench
fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair must be on the male fitting, and the other
or replace as required. wrench on the female fitting.
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. 4. Attach hydraulic lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings.
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses Torque per specifications in SM Keysheet Area
that are connected to the hydraulic component. 07---018.
Repair or replace if required. 5. Connect any electrical connectors that were
6. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and disconnected.
connectors that supply the hydraulic component. 6. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
Repair or replace if required. required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory type and procedure.
personnel for directions whether to repair or 7. Check for correct fluid levels in any related
replace any major component. components such as pump drives, gear reduction
units, engine crankcase, radiator, etc. Refer to the
crane or engine Operator’s Manual for correct
type/quantity of fluids and proper procedures.
8. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
9. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
10. Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
Repair leaks as required.
11. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the hydraulic component for proper
operation. Normal operation of the hydraulic, air,
and electrical systems should be confirmed. A
general inspection of the components and
systems in the areas adjacent to the repair should
also be performed to ensure related damage or
wear is not present.

4 of 4
Service Manual 0408 SM01 --- 079 --- 056.00
Lower Hydraulic 5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
Components, R & I reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
(Outrigger, Steering, & Axle reservoir.
Oscillation) b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
This procedure is general in nature and covers the re- out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
moval and installation of lower hydraulic components. c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
Specific procedures for major component removal and switches back and forth several times.
installation may be available. Refer to SM Keysheet for d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
titles and code numbers of additional procedures. repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
cranes equipped with emergency steering
Removal system, it will take several rotations of steering
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. wheel before steering becomes hard.)
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level position and move the function lockout switch to
surface. the “DISABLE” position.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block Refer to Figure 1.
the tires. 7. If required, label for assembly purposes and
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing disconnect any electrical connectors pertaining to
lock, as required. and directly connected to the hydraulic
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. component being removed.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- 8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect any
quired. hydraulic lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main pertaining to and directly connected to the
hydraulic pump. hydraulic component being removed. Cap/plug
any open lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings to
prevent excessive oil loss and contamination of the
WARNING system.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 9. Adequately support the component with an
hazardous. Serious personal injury may appropriate lifting device, as required.
result from misuse of these products. Read 10. Remove any mounting hardware that may be
and follow all the manufacturer’s securing the hydraulic component to the crane.
recommendations concerning solvents and 11. Using an auxiliary lifting device, if required, remove
cleaning solutions. the hydraulic component from the crane.

4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with

an approved cleaning solvent to prevent
contamination. Allow the area to air dry.

Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
pressure from the system before removing
any line or component.

1 of 4
SM01 --- 079 --- 056.00 0408 Service Manual

1 A

1. Oscillation Lockout Manifold 3. 4 Way Solenoid Valve 5. Combination Steering Control Valve
2. Relief Valve 4. Outrigger Solenoid Valve --- Front 6. Outrigger Solenoid Valve --- Rear

Figure 1
Lower Hydraulic Components

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Service Manual 0408 SM01 --- 079 --- 056.00

2 A





5 C

Lower Hydraulic Components -- Continued

3 of 4
SM01 --- 079 --- 056.00 0408 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection Installation

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
hazardous. Serious personal injury may compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
result from misuse of these products. Read personal injury may result from misuse of
and follow all the manufacturer’s these products. Read and follow all
recommendations concerning solvents and manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
cleaning solutions. these products.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with Refer to Figure 1.

an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and 1. Using an auxiliary lifting device if required, align the
carefully inspected. hydraulic component to the crane.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue 2. Apply Loctite 242 to mounting hardware, as
should be removed from threads of hardware and required.
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be 3. Install the mounting hardware and torque per
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking specification in SM Keysheet Area 18---000.
compounds or sealants, clean threads and
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best Note: When installing air or hydraulic lines,
performance of products. hoses, tubes, and fittings, use two wrenches to
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, ensure that they are not twisted. One wrench
fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair must be on the male fitting, and the other
or replace as required. wrench on the female fitting.
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. 4. Attach hydraulic lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings.
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses Torque per specifications in SM Keysheet Area
that are connected to the hydraulic component. 07---018.
Repair or replace if required. 5. Connect any electrical connectors that were
6. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and disconnected.
connectors that supply the hydraulic component. 6. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
Repair or replace if required. required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory type and procedure.
personnel for directions whether to repair or 7. Check for correct fluid levels in any related
replace any major component. components such as pump drives, gear reduction
units, engine crankcase, radiator, etc. Refer to the
crane or engine Operator’s Manual for correct
type/quantity of fluids and proper procedures.
8. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
9. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
10. Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
Repair leaks as required.
11. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the hydraulic component for proper
operation. Normal operation of the hydraulic, air,
and electrical systems should be confirmed. A
general inspection of the components and
systems in the areas adjacent to the repair should
also be performed to ensure related damage or
wear is not present.

4 of 4
Service Manual 0506 SM01 --- 080 --- 049.00
Pump Disconnect, R & I 6. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows:
a. Release any residual pressure in the hydraulic
This procedure covers the removal and installation of reservoir by slowly loosening the filler/breather
the pump disconnect. For recondition procedure, see cap, located on the top of the hydraulic
SM Keysheet Area 01---080. reservoir, until pressure is fully relieved.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
Removal START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and switches back and forth several times.
level surface. d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
the tires. cranes equipped with emergency steering
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing system, it will take several rotations of steering
lock, as required. wheel before steering becomes hard.)
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. e. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- 7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
quired. position and move the function lockout switch to
3. Shutdown the engine. the “DISABLE” position.
4. Disengage the main hydraulic pump. See the Refer to Figure 1.
Operator’s Manual for the correct procedure. 8. Remove hydraulic pump (4). Refer to SM Keysheet
Area 01---081 for proper procedure.
9. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
WARNING hydraulic line (7) from the pump disconnect (6).
Cap/plug the open hydraulic port and line (7) to
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be prevent excessive oil loss and contamination of the
hazardous. Serious personal injury may system.
result from misuse of these products. Read 10. Remove cotter pin (10) and pin (9) to separate
and follow all the manufacturer’s clevis (12) from pump disconnect lever (11).
recommendations concerning solvents and 11. Slightly loosen jam nuts (14) and remove pump
cleaning solutions. disconnect cable (3) from pump disconnect
bracket (15) and wire securely out of the way.
5. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
12. Remove capscrew, washer, and locknut (5) and
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent separate pump disconnect (6) from pump
contamination. Allow the area to air dry. disconnect lever (11).
13. Remove capscrews (1) and remove pump
disconnect bracket (15) and pump disconnect
WARNING lever (11) from pump disconnect (6).
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause Note: Plate (16) will be removed as part of
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the pump disconnect lever (11).
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic 14. Remove locknut (2) and remove pump disconnect
pressure from the system before removing (6) from crane.
any line or component. 15. Remove o---ring (8) from pump disconnect (6).

1 of 4
SM01 --- 080 --- 049.00 0506 Service Manual

5 6

4 A


B 8

15 1
12 3
11 C




Hydraulic Pump not
shown in view C

1. Capscrews 7. Hydraulic Line 12. Clevis

2. Locknut 8. O --- ring 13. Jam Nut
3. Pump Disconnect Cable 9. Pin 14. Jam Nuts
4. Hydraulic Pump 10. Cotter Pin 15. Pump Disconnect Bracket
5. Capscrew, Washer, & Locknut 11. Pump Disconnect Lever 16. Plate
6. Pump Disconnect

Figure 1
Pump Disconnect

2 of 4
Service Manual 0506 SM01 --- 080 --- 049.00
Cleaning And Inspection 2. Properly position pump disconnect (6) on crane
and install locknut (2).
3. Properly position pump disconnect bracket (15)
and install capscrew (1).
WARNING 4. Properly position plate (16) and pump disconnect
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be lever (11) and install capscrew (1).
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 5. Install capscrew, washer, and locknut (5) to
result from misuse of these products. Read connect pump disconnect lever (11) to pump
and follow all the manufacturer’s disconnect (6).
recommendations concerning solvents and 6. Properly position pump disconnect cable (3) and
cleaning solutions. tighten jam nuts (14).
7. Properly align clevis (12) to pump disconnect lever
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with (11). If adjustment is required, loosen jam nut (13)
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and and rotate clevis (12) as necessary to achieve
carefully inspected. proper distance and tighten jam nut (13)
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue 8. With clevis (12) properly aligned, install pin (9) and
should be removed from threads of hardware and cotter pin (10).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be 9. Install hydraulic line (7).
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking 10. Install hydraulic pump (4). Refer to SM Keysheet
compounds or sealants, clean threads and Area 01---081 for proper procedure.
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best 11. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
performance of products. required. See the Operator’s Manual for the
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, correct type and procedure.
fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair 12. Check for correct fluid levels in any related
or replace as required. components such as pump drives, gear reduction
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up units, engine crankcase, radiator, etc. Refer to the
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. crane or engine Operator’s Manual for correct
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic line that is type/quantity of fluids and proper procedure.
connected to the pump disconnect. Repair or 13. Engage the main hydraulic pump. See the
replace if required. Operator’s Manual for the correct procedure.
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory 14. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
personnel for directions whether to repair or Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
replace any major component. Repair leaks as required.
15. Complete the installation by testing all related
Installation functions of the pump disconnect for proper
operation. Normal operation of the hydraulic and
electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
WARNING inspection of the components and systems in the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious present.
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
these products.

Refer to Figure 1.
1. Place o---ring (8) on pump disconnect (6).

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SM01 --- 080 --- 049.00 0506 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0608 SM01---081---009.00
Hydraulic Pump, CAUTION
Recondition Integrity of machined surfaces is critical.
Excessive force while prying could result in
Models P20/30/31/50/51 misalignment or damage to parts. If prying off
The following procedure contains instructions for the pump sections becomes necessary, take
recondition of multiple section type pumps. The extreme care not to mar or damage machined
illustration shown in Figure 1 is a two section pump. surfaces.
Repeat the intermediate steps of this procedure as
many times as necessary to accommodate the specific Note: As pump sections are disassembled, leave
number of pump sections used in each application. the dowel pins installed, if equipped. There is no
For removal and installation procedure see SM Area need to remove the dowel pins unless they are to be
01---081. replaced.
A tool list is also detailed on Page 8 of this document 5. Remove the port end cover (36). If necessary, pry it
to facilitate the repair of these units. loose. The dowel pins (29) will remain with either
the port end cover (36) or the gear housing (30).
Disassembly Do not remove the dowel pins (29) unless they are
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic damaged.
components to lay the parts out in the order that they 6. Remove the thrust plate (32) from the gear housing
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order (30). Remove the pocket seals (33) from the thrust
during disassembly, cleaning and inspection will aid in plate (32).
the assembly process. 7. Remove the drive gear (12) and driven gear (13)
from the gear housing (30).

WARNING Note: Drive gears and driven gears are a

matched set. Do not intermix gear sets. Label
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be each of the gears to ensure proper match up
hazardous. Serious personal injury may during assembly.
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s 8. Remove the gear housing (30) from the bearing
recommendations concerning solvents and carrier (19).
cleaning solutions. 9. Remove the gasket seals (28,31) and thrust plate
(14) from the gear housing (30). Remove the pock-
1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the hy- et seals (15) from the thrust plate (14).
draulic pump to prevent contamination from enter- 10. Remove the connecting shaft (17) from the drive
ing it. gear (10).
11. Remove the bearing carrier (19) from the gear
housing (25).
Do not grip on any of the pump’s machined Note: Repeat Steps 6 through 11 as required to
surfaces. Excessive force while clamping disassemble a hydraulic pump of three or more
could result in misalignment and major sections.
damage to parts. Take extreme care not to
12. Remove the thrust plate (23) from the gear housing
mar or damage any machined surface.
(25). Remove the pocket seals (22) from the thrust
plate (23).
Refer to Figure 1.
13. Remove the drive gear (10) and driven gear (11)
2. Place the pump in a vise with the shaft end pointing
from the gear housing (25).
down. Close the vise on the outer edges of the
14. Remove the gear housing (25) from the shaft end
mounting flange of the shaft end cover (4).
cover (4).
3. Index mark all pump sections with a punch, for
15. Remove the gasket seals (24,27) and thrust plate
alignment purposes during assembly.
(9) from the gear housing (25). Remove the pocket
4. Remove the nuts (39) and washers (38) from the
seals (8) from the thrust plate (9).
studs (37).

1 of 8
SM01---081---009.00 0608 Service Manual

11 12
7 13



23 38
27 35


1. Snap Ring 9. Thrust Plate 17. Connecting Shaft 25. Gear Housing 33. Pocket Seals
2. Outboard Bearing 10. Drive Gear 18. Ring Seals 26. Dowel Pin 34. Bearings
3. Lip Seal 11. Driven Gear 19. Bearing Carrier 27. Gasket Seal 35. Ring Seals
4. Shaft End Cover 12. Drive Gear 20. Ring Seals 28. Gasket Seal 36. Port End Cover
5. Plug* 13. Driven Gear 21. Bearings 29. Dowel Pin 37. Stud
6. Ring Seals 14. Thrust Plate 22. Pocket Seals 30. Gear Housing 38. Washer
7. Bearings 15. Pocket Seals 23. Thrust Plate 31. Gasket Seal 39. Nut
8. Pocket Seals 16. Bearings 24. Gasket Seal 32. Thrust Plate
* Location varies depending on pump rotation direction.

Figure 1
Hydraulic Pump Assembly (Models P20/30/31/50/51)

2 of 8
Service Manual 0608 SM01---081---009.00
16. Remove the snap ring (1) and use a bearing puller Pressure pushes the gears against the hous-
to remove the outboard bearing (2) from the shaft ing on the low pressure side. As the hubs and
end cover (4). bearings wear, the cut out becomes more pro-
17. Place the shaft end cover (4) in a vise with the shaft nounced. Excessive cut out in a short period of
end down. Tap the lip seal (3) out of the shaft end time indicates excessive pressure or oil con-
cover (4). tamination. If the relief valve settings are within
18. Remove the bearings (7,16,21,34) and ring seals prescribed limits, check for shock pressures or
(6,18,20,35) from the shaft end cover (4), bearing tampering. Withdraw oil sample and check it
carrier (19) and port end cover (36) with a bearing and the tank for contamination.
puller. Where cut out is moderate, under 0.005 inch
Note: Ring seals are placed behind the drive (0.127mm), the housing may be turned over
gear bearings only. and reused. However, the inlet and outlet ports
19. Note the location and remove the plug (5) from the must be the same size.
shaft end cover (4) only if it is damaged. b. Gears: Any wear on the gear hubs or
detectable by touch or in excess of 0.002 inch
Cleaning and Inspection (0.050mm) necessitates replacement.
Scoring, grooving, or burring of outside
diameter of teeth requires replacement.
Nicking, grooving, or fretting of teeth surfaces
WARNING also necessitates replacement.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be c. Drive Gear Shafts: Replace if there is any wear
hazardous. Serious personal injury may detectable by touch in the seal areas. Maxi-
result from misuse of these products. Read mum allowable wear is 0.002 inch (0.050mm).
and follow all the manufacturer’s Wear in the shaft seal areas indicates oil con-
recommendations concerning solvents and tamination. Wear or damage to splines neces-
cleaning solutions. sitates replacement.
d. Thrust Plates: The thrust plates seal the gear
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved section at the sides of the gears. Wear here will
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free allow internal slippage, that is, oil will bypass
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- within the pump. Maximum allowable wear is
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt or 0.002 inch (0.050mm). Replace thrust plates if
any other foreign material during assembly. they are scored, eroded, or pitted. Check the
2. Stone off the mating surfaces between pump sec- center of the thrust plates where the gears
tions with a medium grit carborundum stone. mesh. Erosion here indicates oil contamina-
Deburr bearing bores with a fine file. tion. Pitted thrust plates indicate cavitation or
3. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue oil aeration. Discolored thrust plates indicate
should be removed from threads of hardware and overheating, probably lack of sufficient oil.
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be e. Dowel Pins: If either the dowel pin or dowel
reused. Clean off old gasket material from be- hole is damaged, the pin or machined casting
tween pump sections. Prior to applying new or both, must be replaced. If more than rea-
thread locking compounds or sealants, clean sonable force is required to seat dowels, the
threads and surfaces with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to cause may be poorly deburred or dirty parts,
ensure best performance of products. misalignment of the dowel in the hole, or im-
4. Inspect all parts for damage, wear and corrosion; proper pin to hole fit.
replace as required. Use the following guidelines f. Bearings: If gears are replaced, bearings must
to inspect individual components: also be replaced. Bearings should fit into bore
with a light press fit. If bearings can fall out,
a. Gear Housing: Wear in excess of 0.005 inch
bore is oversize.
(0.127mm) in the cut out necessitates replace-
g. Seals And Gaskets: Replace all rubber and
ment of the gear housing. Place a straight-
polymer seals whenever disassembling the
edge across bore. If a 0.005 in (0.127mm)
pump. Include all pocket seals, shaft seals,
feeler gauge will slip under the straightedge in
the cut out area, replace the gear housing. and gasket seals.
5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

3 of 8
SM01---081---009.00 0608 Service Manual
Unless stated otherwise, lubricate all seals, gaskets,
and housing bores with clean hydraulic oil prior to
assembly. See Operator’s Manual for correct type.

Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
these products.
Refer to Figure 1.
1. Place the shaft end cover (4) in a vise with the shaft
end down. Figure 2
Install Ring Seals With Groove Facing Out

CAUTION 6. If equipped, fully seat each of the dowel pins

Do not grip on any of the pump’s machined (26,29) by tapping it with a soft face hammer. If re-
surfaces. Excessive force while clamping placing the dowel pins (26,29), be certain the holes
could result in misalignment and major and dowel pins (26,29) are clean and free of burrs.
damage to parts. Take extreme care not to 7. Coat the outer diameter of the lip seal (3) and its re-
mar or damage any machined surface. cess in the shaft end cover (4) with a thin coat of
PermatexR Aviation Form---A ---GasketR, or equiva-
2. Examine the plug (5) to be sure it is tightly in place.
If the plug (5) is being replaced, install it tightly into
8. Place the lip seal (3) with the metal side out into its
the shaft end cover (4). Peen the edge of each recess in the shaft end cover (4). Press it into place
mounting hole 0.03---0.06 inch (0.8 ---1.5mm) with a with an arbor press until it is flush with the face of
1.50 in (38mm) diameter steel ball. the recess.
3. If the ring seals (6,18,20,35) were removed from 9. Wipe any excess sealant out of the shaft end cover
the shaft end cover (4), the port end cover (36),
and/or bearing carrier (19), they should be re-
10. If equipped, install the outboard bearing (2) into
placed at this time. Place the ring seals
the shaft end cover (4). This is a light press fit and
(6,18,20,35) in the bottom of the drive gears may require the use of an arbor press. Install the
(10,12) bearing bores. Be sure that the flat side of snap ring (1).
the ring seals (6,18,20,35) are against the mating 11. Place the shaft end cover (4) in a vise with the shaft
surface in the casting with the groove in the ring end down.
seals (6,18,20,35) facing out. See Figure 2.
12. Cut two, pocket seals (8) 7/32 in (5.5mm) long from
Note: Ring seals are placed behind the drive the pocket seal strip. Grease the pocket seals (8)
gear bearings only. well and insert them into the center slots on the
bearing (7) side of the thrust plate (9).
13. With the pocket seals (8) facing down, place thrust
CAUTION plate (9) over the bearings (7) with the relief groove
Do not hammer the bearings into the bores. in the thrust plate (9) facing the outlet side of the
Uneven installation will damage the bearings. pump as shown in Figure 3.
Use an arbor press or other suitable tool. 14. Tap the thrust plate (9) with a soft ---faced hammer
around the edge until the thrust plate (9) is about
4. Install the bearings (7,16,21,34) in the shaft end 1/32 in (0.8mm) from the machined surface. Do
cover (4), bearing carrier (19) and port end cover not tap the center of the thrust plate (9).
(36) with an arbor press.
5. Deburr the face of the shaft end cover (4), bearing
carrier (19) and port end cover (36), as required.

4 of 8
Service Manual 0608 SM01---081---009.00
15. Cut four pocket seals (8) 1/4 in (6.4mm) long from
the pocket seal strip. Push a pocket seals (8) into
each of the remaining slots in the thrust plate (9)
until it touches the outer diameter of the bearing
16. Use a razor blade to trim the exposed portion of the
pocket seals (8). The pocket seals (8) should be 1
flush with the outside diameter of the thrust plate
17. Mask the splines of the drive gear (10) to prevent
damage to the lip seal (3) during installation. 2

Use care when installing the splines of the
drive gear through the lip seal. Damage to the
lip seal will result in seal leakage. Mask the 1. Relief Groove 2. Thrust Plate
splines or otherwise protect the lip seal from Note: Install the thrust plate with the relief groove on the high pres-
sure (outlet) side of the pump.
damage before installing the drive gear.
Figure 3
18. Lightly grease the shaft of the drive gear (10). In- Thrust Plate Relief Groove
sert the drive gear (10) into the shaft end cover (4)
and through the lip seal (3) with a twisting motion. 25. Be sure to line up the dowel holes over the dowel
Be careful not to damage the lip seal (3). Push pins (26). When the parts are parallel, squeeze
down carefully until the drive gear (10) rests them together or alternately tap over each dowel
against the thrust plate (9). until the parts are together. Use care not to dam-
19. Install the driven gear (11) into the shaft end cover age the gasket seal (24).
(4). 26. Install the connecting shaft (17) in the spline of the
20. Grease the new gasket seals (24,27) and insert drive gear (10).
them into the groove in each side of the gear hous- 27. Carefully install the drive gear (12) and driven gear
ing (25). (13) in the bearings (16) of the bearing carrier (19).
21. Install the gear housing (25) on the shaft end cover Be sure the splines of the drive gear (12) are fully
(4). Be sure the index marks placed on the pump engaged with the connecting shaft (17) and fully
during disassembly are aligned. If equipped, align seated against the thrust plate (14).
the dowel pins (26) with their matching holes and 28. Grease the new gasket seals (28,31) and insert
tap the gear housing (25) evenly with a soft ham- them into the groove in each side of the gear hous-
mer until it rests tightly against the shaft end cover ing (30).
(4). Be careful not to damage the gasket seals 29. Install the gear housing (30) on the bearing carrier
(24,27) or thrust plate (9). (19). Be sure the index marks placed on the pump
22. Coat the drive gear (10) and driven gear (11) with during disassembly are aligned. If equipped, align
clean hydraulic oil to provide initial lubrication the dowel pins (29) with their matching holes and
when the pump is started. Refer to the Operator’s tap the gear housing (30) evenly with a soft ham-
Manual for the correct type. mer until it rests tightly against the bearing carrier
23. Install the thrust plates (14,23) and pocket seals (19). Be careful not to damage the gasket seals
(15,22) on each side of the bearing carrier (19), as (28,31).
described in Steps 12 through 16. 30. Coat the drive gear (12) and driven gear (13) with
24. Position the bearing carrier (19) over the gear clean hydraulic oil to provide initial lubrication
housing (25) so that the bearings (21) receive the when the pump is started. Refer to the Operator’s
journals of the drive gear (10) and driven gear (11). Manual for the correct type.
Be sure the index marks between sections are
aligned and the ring seals (18,20) are located to Note: Repeat Steps 23 through 30 as required to
support the drive gears (10,12). assemble a hydraulic pump of 3 sections or more.

31. Install the thrust plate (32) and pocket seals (33) on
the port end cover (36), as described in Steps 12
through 16.

5 of 8
SM01---081---009.00 0608 Service Manual
Drop Off Volume Based On Operating Pressure
Delivery Rate*
1,000 psi (6895kPa) 1,500 psi (10342kPa) 2,000 psi (13790kPa) 2,500 psi (17237kPa)
gal/min L/min
gal/min L/min gal/min L/min gal/min L/min gal/min L/min
5---14 19 ---53 2.0---3.0 7.6 ---11.4 2.5---3.5 9.5 ---13.2 3.0---4.0 11.4 ---15.1 3.5---4.5 13.2 ---17.0
15---25 57 ---95 2.5---3.5 9.5 ---13.2 3.0---4.0 11.4 ---15.1 3.5---5.0 13.2 ---18.9 4.0---5.5 15.1 ---20.8
26---50 98 ---189 3.0---4.0 11.4 ---15.1 4.0---5.0 15.1 ---18.9 4.0---6.0 15.1 ---22.7 4.5---6.5 17.0 ---24.6
*Pump Delivery At 1,800 rpm and 100 psi (689kPa).

Table A
32. Install the port end cover (36) by gently slipping the Test Procedure
thrust plate (32) on the journals of the drive gear
(12) and driven gear (13). Be sure to line up the Make certain that there is an adequate supply of oil for
dowel holes over the dowel pins (29). When the the pump; at least 1.0 gal (4L) of oil for each gpm
parts are parallel, squeeze them together or alter- (4Lpm) of pump capacity.
nately tap over each dowel until the parts are to-
If one section of a tandem pump is being tested, make
gether. Use care not to damage the gasket seal
sure that all other sections not being tested are
adequately supplied with oil. If any of the other
33. Be sure the thrust plate (32) is seat against the gear
sections run dry, or if plugs are left in ports, major and
set (12).
permanent damage will result.
34. Apply LoctiteR 242 to the threads of the studs (37)
and install them through the pump sections and The oil should be a good quality hydraulic oil rated at
into the shaft end cover (4). The end of the stud 150 SSU at 100˚F (38˚C)., with the oil temperature held
(37) should be fully engaged with the shaft end at 120˚F (49˚C), ± 50˚F (10˚C). (Test procedures are
cover (4) but should not extend through it. described in detail in SAE handbooks; see Hydraulic
35. Install the washers (38) and nuts (39) on the studs Power Pump Test Procedure, SAE J745c.)
(37). Tighten the nuts (39) alternately, in a criss---
The feed line must be of adequate size with no more
cross pattern, until snug.
than 5” mercury (17kPa) vacuum adjacent to the pump
36. Rotate the shaft of the drive gear (10) with a 6 in
inlet. As a rule, the feed line must provide a feed flow
(15cm) wrench to be certain there is no binding in
velocity not in excess of 8 ft/sec (2.5m/sec).
the pump. Disassemble and repair, if required.
37. If no binding exists, final torque on fasteners to 200 Feeding hot oil into a cold pump may cause the pump
ft lb (271Nm). to seize. Jog the pump by momentarily starting and
38. Once again, check for internal binding by repeat- stopping repeatedly the driving engine or motor to
ing Step 36. gradually equalize pump and oil temperatures.
39. If hydraulic pump is not to be immediately installed
Run the pump at least two minutes at no load and
on crane, plug all open ports to prevent contamina-
moderate speed (not over 1500 rpm). If the pump
tion and properly store.
becomes excessively hot, shutdown immediately and
locate the problem source.
Gradually increase pressure on pump, in 500 psi
(3447kPa) increments until the desired test pressure
has been reached. This should take about five

6 of 8
Service Manual 0608 SM01---081---009.00
Delivery should run close to figures listed on the Recommended Start---Up Procedure
crane’s hydraulic schematic, which are averaged from
testing several pumps. A 5% lower reading may be For New or Rebuilt Pump
used as a rated minimum if new or relatively new parts Before installing a new or rebuilt pump, back off the
have been used. When rebuilding the pump with parts circuit relief valve until the spring tension on the
from the original pump, which, while worn, appear adjusting screw is relieved. This will avoid the
satisfactory for reuse, a 10% or 15% lower reading may possibility of immediate damage to the replacement
be permitted, depending on the performance unit in the event that the relief valve setting had been
expected from the equipment. One’s own experience increased beyond the recommended operating
will prove the best guide here. pressure, prior to removing the old unit. Refer to the
Many repairmen measure the output at normal Operator’s Manual for specific instructions on relief
operating speed and at zero pressure, then again at valve settings.
1000 psi (6895kPa) (or the operating pressure of the Before connecting any lines to the pump, fill all ports
equipment) and allow an approximate volume with clean hydraulic oil to provide initial lubrication.
decrease as listed in Table A. The table listing shows This is particularly important if the unit is located above
the drop off in flow that can be expected at various the hydraulic reservoir. Refer to the Operator’s Manual
operating pressures for a pump rebuilt with used parts. for the correct type of hydraulic oil to use.
P20/30/31/50/51 pumps are generally tested to 2000
psi (13790kPa). After connecting the lines and mounting the
replacement unit, operate the pump for at least two
At test speeds other than 1800 rpm, gpm (L/m) delivery minutes at no load and at low speed (400 rpm
will vary almost proportionately, but the same minimum). During this break ---in period, the unit
(drop---off) figures should be used. should run free and not develop an excessive amount
Be sure to run the pump in the direction for which it was of heat. If the unit operates properly, speed and
designed and built. Driving the pump in the wrong pressure can then be increased to normal operating
direction will build up pressure behind the shaft seal, settings.
damaging it and necessitating replacement. Reset the circuit relief valve to its proper setting while
After completing testing procedures, the pump is the pump is running. Refer to the Operator’s Manual
ready for installation and immediate duty operation on for specific instructions on relief valve settings.
equipment. Again, it must be remembered that to
prevent seizure, hot oil must not be fed into a cold

7 of 8
SM01---081---009.00 0608 Service Manual
Seal Removal Tool
Refer to Figure 4.
Easily made from an old screwdriver. Heat tip and
bend as shown. Grind tip to fit notch behind the shaft

0.250 in

Figure 4
Seal Removal Tool

Tool List
1. Arbor press
2. Awl
3. 1 1/2” Dia. steel ball
4. Bearing puller (Owatonna Tool Co. MD ---956 or
5. Clean lint free cloth
6. Deburring tool (an old file with cutting teeth ground
7. Machinist hammer
8. Soft hammer
9. PermatexR, Aviation Form---A ---GasketR,
non---hardening sealant, or equivalent
10. Medium grit carborundum stone
11. Seal removal tool (See Figure 4)
12. Oil and grease
13. Snap ring pliers
14. Prick punch
15. Sharp razor blade utility knife
16. Scale (1/32” graduations)
17. Small screwdriver
18. Torque wrench
19. Vise with 6 inch minimum opening
20. Bar for lip seal installation:

Note: For P20 use 1 3/4” dia x 2” bar

For P30/31 use 1 3/4” dia x 2” bar
For P50/51 use 2 1/2” dia x 2” bar

8 of 8
Service Manual 1008 SM01---081---014.00
Hydraulic Gear Pump, 4. Remove the nuts (35) and washers (33) from the
studs (34).
Models 315/330 And 350/365 CAUTION
Integrity of machined surfaces is critical.
The following procedure contains instructions for the Excessive force while prying could result in
recondition of multiple section type gear pumps. The misalignment or damage to parts. If prying off
illustration shown in Figure 1 is a 2 section pump. pump sections becomes necessary, take
Repeat the intermediate steps of this procedure as extreme care not to mar or damage machined
many times as necessary to accommodate the specific surfaces.
number of pump sections used in your application. For
removal and installation procedure see SM Area
01---081. Note: As pump sections are disassembled, leave
the dowel pins installed. There is no need to re-
A tool list is also detailed on Page 8 of this document move the dowel pins unless they are to be replaced.
to facilitate the repair of these units.
5. Remove the port end cover (32). If necessary, pry it
Disassembly loose. The dowel pins (25) will remain with either
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic the port end cover (32) or the gear housing (26).
components to lay the parts out in the order that they Do not remove the dowel pins (25) unless they are
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order damaged.
during disassembly, cleaning and inspection will aid in 6. Remove the thrust plate (28) from the gear housing
the assembly process. (26). Remove the channel seal (29) from the thrust
plate (28).
7. Remove the gear set (11) from the gear housing
8. Remove the gear housing (26) from the bearing
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be carrier (16).
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 9. Remove the gasket seals (24,27) and thrust plate
result from misuse of these products. Read (12) from the gear housing (26). Remove the chan-
and follow all the manufacturer’s nel seal (13) from the thrust plate (12).
recommendations concerning solvents and 10. Remove the connecting shaft (15) from the drive
cleaning solutions. gear (9).
11. Remove the bearing carrier (16) from the gear
1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the hy- housing (21).
draulic pump to prevent contamination from enter-
ing it. Note: Repeat Steps 6 through 11 as required to
disassemble a hydraulic pump of 3 sections or
Do not grip on any of the pump’s machined 12. Remove the thrust plate (19) from the gear housing
surfaces. Excessive force while clamping (21). Remove the channel seal (18) from the thrust
could result in misalignment and serious plate (19).
damage to parts. Take extreme care not to 13. Remove the drive gear (9) and driven gear (10)
mar or damage any machined surface. from the gear housing (21).
14. Remove the gear housing (21) from the shaft end
Refer to Figure 1. cover (4).
2. Place the pump in a vise with the shaft end pointing 15. Remove the gasket seals (20,23) and thrust plate
down. Close the vise on the outer edges of the (8) from the gear housing (21). Remove the chan-
mounting flange of the shaft end cover (4). nel seal (7) from the thrust plate (8).
3. Index mark all pump sections with a punch, for
alignment purposes during assembly.

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SM01---081---014.00 1008 Service Manual
10 11




20 35
21 34
22 33
23 32

1. Snap Ring 8. Thrust Plate 15. Connecting Shaft 22. Dowel Pin 29. Channel Seal
2. Outboard Bearing 9. Drive Gear 16. Bearing Carrier 23. Gasket Seal 30. Bushings
3. Lip Seal 10. Driven Gear 17. Bushings 24. Gasket Seal 31. Plugs*
4. Shaft End Cover 11. Gear Set 18. Channel Seal 25. Dowel Pin 32. Port End Cover
5. Check Valves* 12. Thrust Plate 19. Thrust Plate 26. Gear Housing 33. Washer
6. Bushings 13. Channel Seal 20. Gasket Seal 27. Gasket Seal 34. Stud
7. Channel Seal 14. Bushings 21. Gear Housing 28. Thrust Plate 35. Nut
* Quantity and locations may vary.
Figure 1
Hydraulic Gear Pump Assembly (Models 315/330 and 350/365)

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Service Manual 1008 SM01---081---014.00
16. Remove the snap ring (1) and use a bearing puller Pressure pushes the gears against the hous-
to remove the outboard bearing (2) from the shaft ing on the low pressure side. As the hubs and
end cover (4). bearings wear, the cut out becomes more pro-
17. Place the shaft end cover (4) in a vise with the shaft nounced. Excessive cut out in a short period of
end down. Tap the lip seal (3) out of the shaft end time indicates excessive pressure or oil con-
cover (4). tamination. If the relief valve settings are within
18. Remove the bushings (6,14,17,30) from the shaft prescribed limits, check for shock pressures or
end cover (4), bearing carrier (16) and port end tampering. Withdraw oil sample and check it
cover (32) with a bearing puller. and the tank for contamination.
19. Remove the check valves (5) and/or plugs (31) Where cut out is moderate, under 0.007 inch
from the shaft end cover (4) and/or port end cover (0.177mm), the housing may be turned over
(32) only if they are damaged or need cleaning. and reused. However, the inlet and outlet ports
must be the same size.
Cleaning and Inspection b. Gears: Any wear on the gear hubs or
detectable by touch or in excess of 0.002 inch
(0.050mm) necessitates replacement.
WARNING Scoring, grooving or burring of outside
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be diameter of teeth requires replacement.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Nicking, grooving or fretting of teeth surfaces
result from misuse of these products. Read also necessitates replacement.
and follow all the manufacturer’s c. Drive Gear Shafts: Replace if there is any wear
recommendations concerning solvents and detectable by touch in the seal areas. Maxi-
cleaning solutions. mum allowable wear is 0.002 inch (0.050mm).
Wear in the shaft seal areas indicates oil con-
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved tamination. Wear or damage to splines neces-
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free sitates replacement.
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- d. Thrust Plates: The thrust plates seal the gear
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt or section at the sides of the gears. Wear here will
any other foreign material during assembly. allow internal slippage, that is, oil will bypass
2. Stone off the mating surfaces between pump sec- within the pump. Maximum allowable wear is
tions with a medium grit carborundum stone. 0.002 inch (0.050mm). Replace thrust plates if
Deburr bearing bores with a fine file. they are scored, eroded or pitted. Check the
3. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue center of the thrust plates where the gears
should be removed from threads of hardware and mesh. Erosion here indicates oil contamina-
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be tion. Pitted thrust plates indicate cavitation or
reused. Clean off old gasket material from be- oil aeration. Discolored thrust plates indicate
tween pump sections. Prior to applying new overheating, probably insufficient oil.
thread locking compounds or sealants, clean e. Dowel Pins: If either the dowel pin or dowel
threads and surfaces with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to hole is damaged, the pin or machined casting
ensure best performance of products. or both, must be replaced. If more than rea-
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- sonable force is required to seat dowels, the
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace cause may be poorly deburred or dirty parts,
any major component. misalignment of the dowel in the hole, or im-
5. Inspect all parts for damage, wear and corrosion; proper pin to hole fit.
replace as required. Use the following guidelines f. Bushings: If gears are replaced, bushings
to inspect individual components: must also be replaced. Bushings should fit
into bore with a heavy press fit. If bushings can
a. Gear Housing: Wear in excess of 0.007 inch fall out, bore is oversize.
(0.17mm) in the cut out necessitates replace- g. Seals And Gaskets: Replace all rubber and
ment of the gear housing. Place a straight- polymer seals whenever disassembling the
edge across bore. If a 0.007 in (0.177mm) pump. Include all channel seals, shaft seals
feeler gauge will slip under the straightedge in and gasket seals.
the cut out area, replace the gear housing. h. Check Valves: Examine the small check valves
in the shaft end cover to make sure they are in-
tact and functioning properly.

3 of 8
SM01---081---014.00 1008 Service Manual
5. Deburr the face of the shaft end cover (4), bearing
carrier (16) and port end cover (32), as required.
6. Fully seat each of the dowel pins (22,25) by tapping
Flat Side Thrust Plate
of Seal it with a soft face hammer. If replacing the dowel
pins (22,25), be certain the holes and dowel pins
(22,25) are clean and free of burrs.
7. Coat the outer diameter of the lip seal (3) and its re-
cess in the shaft end cover (4) with a thin coat of
PermatexR Aviation Form---A ---GasketR or equiva-
Figure 2
Channel Seal Installation
8. Place the lip seal (3) with the metal side out into its
Assembly recess in the shaft end cover (4). Press it into place
with an arbor press until it is flush with the face of
Unless stated otherwise, lubricate all seals, gaskets the recess.
and housing bores with clean hydraulic oil prior to 9. Wipe any excess sealant out of the shaft end cover
assembly. See Operator’s Manual for correct type. (4).
10. If equipped, install the outboard bearing (2) into
the shaft end cover (4). This is a light press fit and
WARNING may require the use of an arbor press. Install the
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking snap ring (1).
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 11. Grease the new gasket seals (20,23) and insert
personal injury may result from misuse of them into the groove in each side of the gear hous-
these products. Read and follow all ing (21).
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning 12. Install the gear housing (21) on the shaft end cover
these products. (4). Be sure the index marks placed on the pump
during disassembly are aligned. (The large
Refer to Figure 1. rounded core within the gear housing (21) should
1. Place the shaft end cover (4) in a vise with the shaft be on the inlet side of the pump.) Align the dowel
end down. pins (22) with their matching holes and tap the gear
housing (21) evenly with a soft hammer until it rests
CAUTION tightly against the shaft end cover (4). Be careful
not to damage the gasket seals (20,23).
Do not grip on any of the pump’s machined 13. Install the channel seal (7) into the grooves on the
surfaces. Excessive force while clamping thrust plate (8), with the flat side of the channel seal
could result in misalignment and serious (7) facing out. Refer to Figure 2.
damage to parts. Take extreme care not to 14. Gently slip the thrust plate (8) through the gear
mar or damage any machined surface. housing (21) and into place on the shaft end cover
2. If the check valves (5) and/or plugs (31) are being (4). The channel seal (7) should be seated on the
replaced, install them tightly into the shaft end shaft end cover (4), with the relief groove in the
cover (4) or port end cover (32). Peen the edge of thrust plate (8) facing the outlet side of the pump,
each mounting hole 0.03---0.06 inch (0.8 ---1.5mm) as shown in Figure 3.
with a 1.50 in (38mm) diameter steel ball. 15. Mask the splines of the drive gear (9) to prevent
3. Examine the check valves (5) and/or plugs (31) to damage to the lip seal (3) during installation.
be sure they are tightly in place and functioning
CAUTION Use care when installing the splines of the
drive gear through the lip seal. Damage to the
Do not hammer the bushings into the bores. lip seal will result in seal leakage. Mask the
Uneven installation will damage the bushings. splines or otherwise protect the lip seal from
Use an arbor press or other suitable tool. damage before installing the drive gear.
4. Install the bushings (6,14,17,30) in the shaft end
cover (4), bearing carrier (16) and port end cover
(32) with an arbor press.

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Service Manual 1008 SM01---081---014.00
16. Lightly grease the shaft of the drive gear (9). Insert
the drive gear (9) into the shaft end cover (4) and
through the lip seal (3) with a twisting motion. Be
careful not to damage the lip seal (3). Push down
carefully until the drive gear (9) rests against the
thrust plate (8). Insert the driven gear (10).
17. Coat the drive gear (9) and driven gear (10) with 1
clean hydraulic oil to provide initial lubrication
when the pump is started. Refer to the Operator’s
Manual for the correct type.
18. Install the channel seal (18) into the grooves on the 2
thrust plate (19), with the flat side of the channel
seal (18) facing out.
19. Gently slip the thrust plate (19) on the journals of
the drive gear (9) and driven gear (10) with the
channel seal (18) facing up. The relief groove in the 1. Relief Groove 2. Thrust Plate
thrust plate (19) must face the outlet side of the
Note: Install the thrust plate with the relief groove
pump. (Refer to Figure 3.) Be sure the thrust plate on the high pressure (outlet) side of the pump.
(19) is seated against the drive gear (9) and driven
gear (10). Figure 3
20. Position the bearing carrier (16) over the gear Thrust Plate Relief Groove
housing (21) so that the bushings (17) receive the
journals of the drive gear (9) and driven gear (10).
Be sure to line up the dowel holes over the dowel Note: Repeat Steps 20 through 25 as required to
pins (22). When the parts are parallel, squeeze assemble a hydraulic pump of 3 sections or more.
them together or alternately tap over each dowel
until the parts are together. Use care not to dam- 26. Carefully install the gear set (11) in the gear hous-
age the gasket seal (20). ing (26). Be sure the splines of the gear set (11) are
21. Install the connecting shaft (15) in the spline of the fully engaged with the connecting shaft (15) and
drive gear (9). the gear set (11) is fully seated against the thrust
22. Grease the new gasket seals (24,27) and insert plate (12).
them into the groove in each side of the gear hous- 27. Install the channel seal (29) into the grooves on the
ing (26). thrust plate (28), with the flat side of the channel
23. Install the gear housing (26) on the bearing carrier seal (29) facing out.
(16). Be sure the index marks placed on the pump 28. Gently slip the thrust plate (28) on the journals of
during disassembly are aligned. (The large the gear set (11) with the channel seal (29) facing
rounded core within the gear housing (26) should up. The relief groove in the thrust plate (28) must
be on the inlet side of the pump.) Align the dowel face the outlet side of the pump. (Refer to
pins (25) with their matching holes and tap the gear Figure 3.) Be sure the thrust plate (28) is seat
housing (26) evenly with a soft hammer until it rests against the gear set (11).
tightly against the bearing carrier (16). Be careful 29. Apply LoctiteR 242 to the threads of the studs (34)
not to damage the gasket seals (24,27). and install them through the pump sections and
24. Install the channel seal (13) into the grooves on the into the shaft end cover (4). The end of the stud
thrust plate (12), with the flat side of the channel (34) should be fully engaged with the shaft end
seal (13) facing out. cover (4) but should not extend through it.
25. Gently slip the thrust plate (12) through the gear 30. Install the port end cover (32) over the journals of
housing (26) and into place on the bearing carrier the gear set (11). Align the dowel pins (25) with
(16). The channel seal (13) should be seated on their matching holes and tap the port end cover
the bearing carrier (16), with the relief groove in the (32) evenly with a soft hammer, until it rests tightly
thrust plate (12) facing the outlet side of the pump against the gear housing (26). Be careful not to
as shown in Figure 3. damage the gasket seal (27).
31. Install the washers (33) and nuts (35) on the studs
(34). Tighten the nuts (35) alternately until snug.

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SM01---081---014.00 1008 Service Manual
Pump Delivery Rate* Drop Off Volume Based On Operating Pressure
1,000 psi (48kPa) 2,000 psi (96kPa) 3,000 psi (144kPa)
gal/min L/min
gal/min L/min gal/min L/min gal/min L/min
10---30 38 ---114 1.5---3.0 5.7 ---11.4 2.0---3.5 7.6 ---13.2 2.5---4.0 9.5 ---15.1
30---50 114 ---189 2.0---3.0 7.6 ---11.4 2.5---4.0 9.5 ---15.1 3.0---4.5 11.4 ---17.0
50---70 189 ---265 2.5---3.5 9.5 ---13.2 3.0---5.0 11.4 ---18.9 3.5---5.5 13.2 ---20.8
*Pump Delivery At 1,800 rpm and 100 psi (4.8kPa).

Table A
32. Rotate the shaft of the drive gear (9) with a 6 in Run the pump at least two minutes at no load and
(15cm) wrench to be certain there is no binding in moderate speed (not over 1500 rpm). If the pump
the pump. becomes excessively hot, shutdown immediately and
33. If no internal binding exists, torque the nuts (35) us- locate the problem source.
ing a cross torquing procedure, as follows:
Gradually increase pressure on pump, in 500 psi
315 Model 140 ft lb (190Nm)
(25kPa) increments until the desired test pressure has
330 Model 200 ft lb (270Nm)
been reached. This should take about five minutes.
350 Model 200 ft lb (270Nm)
365 Model 450 ft lb (610Nm) Delivery should run close figures listed on the hydraulic
34. Once again, check for internal binding by repeat- schematic, which are averaged from testing several
ing Step 32. pumps. A 5% lower reading may be used as a rated
35. If hydraulic pump is not to be immediately installed minimum if new or relatively new parts have been used.
on crane, plug all open ports to prevent contamina- When rebuilding the pump with parts from the original
tion and properly store. pump, which, while worn, appear satisfactory for
reuse, a 10% or 15% lower reading may be permitted,
Test Procedure depending on the performance expected from the
equipment. One’s own experience will prove the best
Make certain that there is an adequate supply of oil for guide here.
the pump; at least 1.0 gal (4L) of oil for each gpm
(4Lpm) of pump capacity. Many repairmen measure the output at normal
operating speed and at zero pressure, then again at
If one section of a tandem pump is being tested, make 1000 psi (50kPa) (or the operating pressure of the
sure that all other sections not being tested are equipment) and allow a volume decrease
adequately supplied with oil. If any of the other approximating the listing shown in Table A. It is a
sections run dry, or if plugs are left in ports, serious and suggested reference only which makes allowance for
permanent damage will result. reused parts.
The oil should be a good quality hydraulic oil rated at At test speeds other than 1800 rpm, flow will vary
150 SSU at 100˚F (38˚C)., with the oil temperature held almost proportionately, but the same (drop---off)
at 120˚F (49˚C), plus or minus 50˚F (10˚C). (Test figures should be used.
procedures are described in detail in SAE handbooks;
see Hydraulic Power Pump Test Procedure, SAE Be sure to run the pump in the direction for which it was
J745c.) designed and built. Driving the pump in the wrong
direction will build up pressure behind the shaft seal,
The feed line must be of adequate size with no more damaging it and necessitating replacement.
than 5” mercury (17kPa) vacuum adjacent to the pump
inlet. As a rule, the feed line must provide a feed flow After completing testing procedures, the pump is
velocity not in excess of 8 ft/sec (2.5m/sec). ready for installation and immediate duty operation on
equipment. Again, it must be remembered that to
Feeding hot oil into a cold pump may cause the pump prevent seizure, hot oil must not be fed into a cold
to seize. Jog the pump by momentarily starting and pump.
stopping repeatedly the driving engine or motor to
gradually equalize pump and oil temperatures.

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Service Manual 1008 SM01---081---014.00
Recommended Start---Up Procedure This is particularly important if the unit is located above
the hydraulic reservoir. Refer to the Operator’s Manual
For New or Rebuilt Pump for the correct type of hydraulic oil to use.
Before installing a new or rebuilt pump, back off the After connecting the lines and mounting the
circuit relief valve until the spring tension on the replacement unit, operate the pump for at least two
adjusting screw is relieved. This will avoid the minutes at no load and at low speed (400 rpm
possibility of immediate damage to the replacement minimum). During this break ---in period, the unit
unit in the event that the relief valve setting had been should run free and not develop an excessive amount
increased beyond the recommended operating of heat. If the unit operates properly, speed and
pressure, prior to removing the old unit. Refer to the pressure can then be increased to normal operating
Operator’s Manual for specific instructions on relief settings.
valve settings.
Reset the circuit relief valve to its proper setting while
Before connecting any lines to the pump, fill all ports the pump is running. Refer to the Operator’s Manual
with clean hydraulic oil to provide initial lubrication. for specific instructions on relief valve settings.

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SM01---081---014.00 1008 Service Manual
C 0.015 in


Pump A B C Make From

OTC Collet No.
0.250 in in mm in mm in mm
(6.35mm) P315
.900 22.8 .800 20.3 .100 2.5
.890 22.7 .790 20.1 .090 2.3
.980 24.8 .875 22.2 .100 2.5
P330 33863
.970 24.7 Ref. Ref. .090 2.3
Figure 4
Seal Removal Tool 1.122 28.4 1.000 25.4 .072 1.8
P350 33864
1.122 28.4 0.990 25.2 .052 1.4

Tool List P365

1. Arbor press
Figure 5
2. Awl Bushing Removal Tool
3. 1 1/2” Dia. steel ball
4. Bearing puller (Owatonna Tool Co. MD ---956 or
Bushing Removal Tool
5. Bushing removal tool (See Figure 5) Refer to Figure 5.
6. Clean lint free cloth The bushings in pumps may be removed from their
7. Deburring tool (an old file with cutting teeth ground bores using blind hole collet ---type bushing pullers
off) similar to those manufactured by Owatonna Tool Co.
8. Machinist hammer Figure 5 illustrates the modifications necessary to
9. Soft hammer adapt the OTC collets to this task. Equivalent pullers
10. Permatex Aviation Form---A ---Gasket No. 3 non--- from other suppliers may be modified in similar fashion.
hardening sealant or equivalent
11. Medium grit carborundum stone A.I.S.I. 8620 Bearing Quality Steel
12. Seal removal tool (See Figure 4) Heat Treated
13. Oil and grease A
14. Snap ring pliers 0.06 in
(1.52mm) 0.06 in
15. Prick punch (1.52mm) 32
16. Bushing installation tool (See Figure 6)
17. Scale (1/32” graduations)
18. Small screwdriver C D
19. Torque wrench 30
20. Vise with 6 inch minimum opening
21. Bar for lip seal installation 30
Note: For 315 use 1 5/8” dia x 2” bar Grind Relief Allowable
For 330 use 1 3/4” dia x 2” bar Pump A B C D (Stock)
For 350 use 2 1/2” dia x 2” bar
in mm in mm in mm in mm
For 365 use 2 1/2” dia x 2” bar 2.38 60.4 1.21 30.7 0.937 23.79
P315 1.250 31.75
2.25 57.2 1.09 27.7 0.935 23.75
Seal Removal Tool 3.06 77.7 1.53 38.8 1.054 26.77
P330 1.250 31.75
Refer to Figure 4. 2.94 74.7 1.41 35.9 1.052 26.73

Easily made from an old screwdriver. Heat tip and 3.06 77.7 1.53 38.8 1.282 32.56
P350 1.625 41.28
2.94 74.7 1.41 35.9 1.280 32.52
bend as shown. Grind tip to fit notch behind the shaft
seal. P365
3.06 77.7 1.79 45.4 1.492 37.89
1.750 44.45
2.94 74.7 1.67 42.5 1.490 37.85

Figure 6
Bushing Installation Tool

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Service Manual 0506 SM01 --- 081 --- 049.00

7 4


1. Transmission Assembly 3. Capscrews 5. Split Flanges & O --- rings 7. Gasket

2. Capscrews 4. Hydraulic Lines 6. 2--- Section Hydraulic Pump

Figure 1
2-- Section Hydraulic Pump

2-- Section Hydraulic Pump, 3. Shutdown the engine.

4. If equipped with pump disconnect, disengage the
R&I main hydraulic pump. See the Operator’s Manual
for the correct procedure.
(Boom Hoist & Winch)
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the 2---section hydraulic pump. For recondition WARNING
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 01---081. Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Removal result from misuse of these products. Read
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. and follow all the manufacturer’s
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: recommendations concerning solvents and
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and cleaning solutions.
level surface.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block 5. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
the tires. an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing mination. Allow the area to air dry.
lock, as required.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-

1 of 4
SM01 --- 081 --- 049.00 0506 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause WARNING
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic hazardous. Serious personal injury may
pressure from the system before removing result from misuse of these products. Read
any line or component. and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
6. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: cleaning solutions.
a. Release any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by slowly loosening the filler/breather 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
cap, located on the top of the hydraulic an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
reservoir, until pressure is fully relieved. fully inspected.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- should be removed from threads of hardware and
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
switches back and forth several times. pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On mance of products.
cranes equipped with emergency steering 3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
system, it will take several rotations of steering tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
wheel before steering becomes hard.) replace as required.
e. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position. 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi- rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
tion and move the function lockout switch to the 5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
“DISABLE” position. connected to the 2---section hydraulic pump. Re-
8. Install a low pressure suction pump to the hydrau- pair or replace if required.
lic reservoir to minimize oil loss, or drain the hy- 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
draulic reservoir. See the Operator’s Manual for sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
the correct procedure for draining the reservoir. any major component.
Refer to Figure 1.
9. Remove any sheet metal or enclosures required to Installation
gain access to the 2---section hydraulic pump (6).
10. For assembly purposes, label the hydraulic lines
(4) connected to the 2---section hydraulic pump WARNING
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
11. Remove the capscrews (3) and split flanges and
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
o---rings (5) from the hydraulic lines (4).
personal injury may result from misuse of
12. Remove the hydraulic lines (4) from the 2---section
these products. Read and follow all
hydraulic pump (6). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
ports and lines (4) to prevent excessive oil loss and
these products.
contamination of the system.

Note: The 2-- section hydraulic pump weighs

Note: The 2-- section hydraulic pump weighs
approximately 125 lb (57kg).
approximately 125 lb (57kg).
13. Using an auxiliary lifting device, support the weight
of the 2---section hydraulic pump (6), and remove Refer to Figure 1.
the capscrews (2). 1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, position the
14. Remove the 2---section hydraulic pump (6) from 2---section hydraulic pump (6) to the transmission
the crane. Remove the gasket (7). assembly (1).

2 of 4
Service Manual 0506 SM01 --- 081 --- 049.00
2. Install the gasket (7) between the 2---section 8. If equipped with pump disconnect, engage the
hydraulic pump (6) and transmission assembly (1). main hydraulic pump. See the Operator’s Manual
3. Secure the 2---section hydraulic pump (6) to the for the correct procedure.
transmission assembly (1) by installing the caps- 9. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
crews (2). Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
4. Align the hydraulic lines (4) to the 2---section Repair leaks as required.
hydraulic pump (6), and install the o---rings and 10. Install any sheet metal or enclosures that were re-
split flanges (5) and capscrews (3). moved.
5. If installed, remove the suction pump from the hy- 11. Complete the installation by testing all related
draulic reservoir. functions of the 2---section hydraulic pump for
6. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as proper operation. Normal operation of the
required. See the Operator’s Manual for the hydraulic system should be confirmed. A general
correct type and procedure. inspection of the components and systems in the
7. Check for correct fluid levels in any related areas adjacent to the repair should also be
components such as pump drives, gear reduction performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
units, engine crankcase, radiator, etc. Refer to the present.
crane or engine Operator’s Manual for correct
type/quantity of fluids and proper procedure.

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SM01 --- 081 --- 049.00 0506 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0506 SM01 --- 081 --- 050.00


1. Transmission Assembly 3. 2--- Section Hydraulic Pump 5. Hydraulic Lines 7. Gasket

2. Capscrews 4. Capscrews 6. Split Flanges & O --- rings

Figure 1
2-- Section Hydraulic Pump

2-- Section Hydraulic Pump, 3. Shutdown the engine.

4. If equipped with pump disconnect, disengage the
R&I main hydraulic pump. See the Operator’s Manual
for the correct procedure.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the 2---section hydraulic pump. For recondition Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 01---081. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
Removal and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required.
cleaning solutions.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and
5. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
level surface.
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
mination. Allow the area to air dry.
the tires.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
lock, as required.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-

1 of 4
SM01 --- 081 --- 050.00 0506 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause WARNING
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic hazardous. Serious personal injury may
pressure from the system before removing result from misuse of these products. Read
any line or component. and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
6. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: cleaning solutions.
a. Release any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by slowly loosening the filler/breather 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
cap, located on the top of the hydraulic an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
reservoir, until pressure is fully relieved. fully inspected.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- should be removed from threads of hardware and
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
switches back and forth several times. pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On mance of products.
cranes equipped with emergency steering 3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
system, it will take several rotations of steering tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
wheel before steering becomes hard.) replace as required.
e. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position. 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi- rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
tion and move the function lockout switch to the 5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
“DISABLE” position. connected to the 2---section hydraulic pump. Re-
8. Install a low pressure suction pump to the hydrau- pair or replace if required.
lic reservoir to minimize oil loss, or drain the hy- 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
draulic reservoir. See the Operator’s Manual for sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
the correct procedure for draining the reservoir. any major component.
Refer to Figure 1.
9. Remove any sheet metal or enclosures required to Installation
gain access to the 2---section hydraulic pump (3).
10. For assembly purposes, label the hydraulic lines
(5) connected to the 2---section hydraulic pump WARNING
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
11. Remove the capscrews (4) and split flanges and
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
o---rings (6) from the hydraulic lines (5).
personal injury may result from misuse of
12. Remove the hydraulic lines (5) from the 2---section
these products. Read and follow all
hydraulic pump (3). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
ports and lines (5) to prevent excessive oil loss and
these products.
contamination of the system.
13. Support the weight of the 2---section hydraulic
pump (3), and remove the capscrews (2). Refer to Figure 1.
14. Remove the 2---section hydraulic pump (3) from 1. Position the 2---section hydraulic pump (3) to the
the crane. Remove the gasket (7). transmission assembly (1), and install the gasket
(7) between the 2---section hydraulic pump (3) and
transmission assembly (1).

2 of 4
Service Manual 0506 SM01 --- 081 --- 050.00
2. Secure the 2---section hydraulic pump (3) to the 7. If equipped with pump disconnect, engage the
transmission assembly (1) by installing the main hydraulic pump. See the Operator’s Manual
capscrews (2). for the correct procedure.
3. Align the hydraulic lines (5) to the 2---section 8. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
hydraulic pump (3), and install the o---rings and Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
split flanges (6) and capscrews (4). Repair leaks as required.
4. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as 9. Install any sheet metal or enclosures that were re-
required. See the Operator’s Manual for the moved.
correct type and procedure. 10. Complete the installation by testing all related
5. Check for correct fluid levels in any related functions of the 2---section hydraulic pump for
components such as pump drives, gear reduction proper operation. Normal operation of the
units, engine crankcase, radiator, etc. Refer to the hydraulic system should be confirmed. A general
crane or engine Operator’s Manual for correct inspection of the components and systems in the
type/quantity of fluids and proper procedure. areas adjacent to the repair should also be
6. If installed, remove the suction pump from the hy- performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
draulic reservoir. present.

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SM01 --- 081 --- 050.00 0506 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0501 SM3-1-70.0
Upper Revolving Frame And 1 2 3

Turntable Bearing, R & I

The upper frame rotates over the carrier by means of a
turntable bearing. The outer race of the bearing is
bolted to the carrier deck, while the inner race is bolted
to the upper frame. The outer race contains external
gear teeth which mesh with the speed reducer pinion
to swing the upper. The crane must be undecked in orĆ
der to fully inspect and/or replace the turntable bearĆ
A portable hydraulic power source, capable of producĆ
ing 200 psi (1 379kPa), will be required to manually reĆ
lease the spring park brake during the upper revolving
frame removal and installation procedure.
This procedure covers the following: 1. Upper Frame 3. Carrier
2. Capscrews & Washers
S Upper Revolving Frame, Removal and Installation
S Turntable Bearing, Removal and Installation Figure 1
Upper Frame
Upper Revolving Frame Removal
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level
surface. Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
the tires. burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
lock, as required. pressure from the system before removing
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. any line or component.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as reĆ
5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
hydraulic pump.
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
WARNING START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be out switch to the OPERATE" position.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
result from misuse of these products. Read switches back and forth several times.
and follow all the manufacturer's d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
recommendations concerning solvents and repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
cleaning solutions. cranes equipped with emergency steering
system, it will take several rotations of steering
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an wheel before steering becomes hard.)
approved cleaning solvent to prevent e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
circuits. Allow the area to air dry.

1 of 10
SM3-1-70.0 0501 Service Manual

See Table 1 For Approximate Component Weights.

7 ft-9.5 in
Approximate Approximate
Center of Distance
Gravity From Center
Line Of RotaĆ
tion Center Line Of Rotation

1. Counterweight
2. Boom Hoist Cylinder Mounting Pin
3. Upper Frame

Figure 2
Balance Points And Sling Locations

6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral Description lb kg

position and move the function lockout switch to
the DISABLE" position. Upper Frame 3,000 1 362
7. Remove the boom assembly. Refer to SM KeyĆ Cab Assembly 1,000 454
sheet Area 17-1 for the correct procedure.
8. Remove the boom hoist cylinder. Refer to SM KeyĆ Turntable Bearing 1,250 568
sheet Area 17-3 for the correct procedure. Auxiliary Winch 1,300 590
9. Plug and/or cap all open ports and hoses to preĆ (Optional)
vent contamination of hydraulic system and excesĆ Auxiliary Counterweight 1,300 590
sive oil loss. (Optional)
Refer Figure 3.
Main Winch 1,300 590
10. Remove the park brake hose (2) located on the top
section of the swing brake (5). Winch Rope 700 318
11. Connect the portable hydraulic power source to (Approximately 700 ft
the park brake hose (2) fitting located on the top per Winch)
section of the swing brake (5). Main Counterweight 12,500 5 675
Refer Figure 2.
Miscellaneous 1,500 681
12. Install and secure the boom hoist cylinder mountĆ Hardware
ing pin (2) in the upper frame (3). This will be used
as a lifting point during the disassembly and asĆ Table 1
sembly processes. Upper Assembly Component Weights

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Service Manual 0501 SM3-1-70.0


4 1

2 3 4 A

1. Swing Motor Hose 4. Swing Reduction Unit

2. Park Brake Hose 5. Swing Brake
3. Service Brake Hose 6. Swing Motor

Figure 3
Swing Brake

Note: Using Table 1, calculate the approximate

weight to be lifted. Use an adequate lifting deĆ
vice and slings to support the load being lifted.

WARNING 1. Carrier Frame 4. Carrier Wire Harness

The rigging used must be of sufficient size to 2. Collector Ring Wire Harness 5. Connectors
support the entire weight of the upper frame. 3. Clamp
Failure to observe this warning may result in Note: Some wire harness connections may be protected by
equipment damage and/or severe personal sheet metal cover.
injury. Use only a lifting device of proven
Figure 4
capacity when handling the upper frame. Typical Wire Harness Connection
13. Attach the slings to an appropriate lifting device
Refer Figure 1.
and remove any slack in the rigging. Rig the upper
14. Manually release the swing park brake using the
frame (3) for removal. Locate a sling around both
portable hydraulic power source and position the
ends of the counterweight (1) and one around the
upper frame (1) directly over the front of the carrier
boom hoist cylinder mounting pin (2).
(3) and engage the travel swing lock.
15. Punch mark the heads of the capscrews (2) that
are fully visible and not obstructed by the upper
DANGER frame (1). These will be the last capscrews (2) to
Pinch points exist between the upper be removed before lifting the upper frame (1) off
revolving frame and the carrier. Death or the carrier (3).
dismemberment may result from personnel 16. Manually release swing brake and rotate the upper
caught in these points. Learn where these frame (1), as required, until capscrews and washĆ
pinch points are located and stay clear of the ers (2) that were not marked in the previous step,
rotating upper frame. are accessible. Engage the 360° swing park

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SM3-1-70.0 0501 Service Manual

Use care not to cause sparks at the battery
terminals while disconnecting the battery.
Battery gasses are volatile and could be
ignited by a spark or flame, causing the
battery to explode. Keep the area around the
battery well ventilated and disconnect the
negative side of the battery first, with the
ignition switch OFF", to minimize hazard.

19. Check that the ignition switch is in the OFF" posiĆ

tion. Turn the battery disconnect switch OFF" or
disconnect the negative cable(s) from batteries.
Refer to Figure 4.
20. Label each connector (5) to ensure proper installaĆ
21. Unplug connectors (5). Remove the clamp (3) and
any cable ties which are restraining the collector
ring wire harness (2). Secure the loose end of the
1 collector ring wire harness (2) to the side of the roĆ
tating joint (1,Figure 5).
6 Refer to Figure 5.
5 22. Label each of the hydraulic lines (4), on the rotating
joint (1), to ensure proper installation.
23. Disconnect the hydraulic lines (4) from the bottom
of the rotating joint (1). Cap lines (4) and plug ports
to prevent contamination and excessive loss of oil.
4 24. Remove the capscrew, spacer, and locknut (6) atĆ
taching the support bar (2) to the mounting bracket
3 (5) on the rotating joint (1). Tie support bar (2) out
of the way.
1. Rotating Joint 5. Mounting Bracket
2. Support Bar 6. Capscrew, Spacer, Refer to Figure 1.
3. Collector Ring Wire Harness & Locknut 25. Remove the remaining capscrews and washers
4. Hydraulic Lines * (2). Retain two of the capscrews. (They will be
* Number Of Lines May Vary.
used later during installation.)
Figure 5
Refer to Figure 6.
Rotating Joint
26. Slowly and carefully lift the upper frame (3) from the
carrier. Set the upper frame (3) on firm, sturdy supĆ
17. Remove the unmarked capscrews and washers
ports (1). Do not allow the rotating joint (2) to conĆ
(2), using a torque multiplier and/or breaker bar.
tact the ground or supporting device.
18. Repeat steps 16 and 17 until all unmarked capĆ
screws and washers (2) are removed.

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Service Manual 0501 SM3-1-70.0

78.6 in
53 in
1 3 2 1

1. Supports 2. Rotating Joint 3. Upper Frame

Figure 6
Upper Frame Removed

Turntable Bearing Removal 4. Once the turntable bearing (4) is properly supĆ
ported, remove the capscrews and washers (3)
holding it to the upper frame (7).
5. Carefully lower the turntable bearing (4) and reĆ
DANGER move it from under the upper frame (7).

The upper frame must be safely supported Cleaning And Inspection

before working near or under it. Failure to
properly support the upper frame may result
in it falling, causing severe personal injury,
death, or equipment damage.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Refer to Figure 6. result from misuse of these products. Read
1. Carefully inspect the upper frame (3) to ensure that and follow all the manufacturer's
it is properly supported. recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
Note: Using Table 1, calculate the approximate
weight to be lifted. Use an adequate lifting deĆ
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
vice and slings to support the load being lifted.
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ
fully inspected.
Refer to Figure 7. 2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
2. Support the turntable bearing (4) by some means should be removed from threads of hardware and
capable of handling it safely once the capscrews the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
and washers (3) are removed. reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ
Note: It may be necessary to remove some of pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
the capscrews, holding the turntable bearing to with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ
the upper frame, in order to properly position mance of products.
the supporting device. Up to 10 capscrews may 3. All soft parts", such as seals, gaskets, back up
be removed before supporting the turntable rings, and o-rings should be replaced.
bearing. 4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses
that are connected to the rotating joint. Repair or
3. Disconnect the grease line (6) from the fitting (5) on replace as required.
the inside diameter of the turntable bearing (4).

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SM3-1-70.0 0501 Service Manual

0.024-0.048 in (0.61-1.22mm) A
4 For Full 360_ Rotation

2 Gear Tooth Fully Engaged

7 6 5 4 3 A 2 1

1. Planetary Reduction Unit 5. Fitting

2. Pinion 6. Grease Line
3. Capscrews & Washers 7. Upper Frame
4. Turntable Bearing

Figure 7
Turntable Bearing Backlash Adjustment

5. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and 1. Inspect the turntable bearing and locate either a
connections. S" or G" stamped on it. This letter is used to idenĆ
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory tify the hardness gap" in the bearing's outer race.
personnel for directions whether to repair or Mark the turntable bearing in such a manner that
replace any major component. the gear tooth adjacent to the stamped letter can
be readily identified from any angle. (Spray paint
Turntable Bearing Installation works well.)
Refer to Figure 7.
2. If a new turntable bearing (4) is being installed, reĆ
DANGER move the fitting (5) from the old bearing and install
it in the new one. Be sure fitting (5) is aligned in the
The upper frame must be safely supported correct position.
before working near or under it. Failure to
Note: Using Table 1, calculate the approximate
properly support the upper frame may result
weight to be lifted. Use an adequate lifting deĆ
in it falling, causing severe personal injury,
vice and slings to support the load being lifted.
death, or equipment damage.
3. Carefully position the turntable bearing (4) under
the upper frame with the hardness gap" towards
the rear of the crane and align the mounting holes.
Properly align the pinion (2) with the gear teeth of
the turntable bearing (4).

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Service Manual 0501 SM3-1-70.0

1 2

5.0 in

1. Mounting Surface 2. Tapped Holes 3. Guide Pins 4. Carrier

Figure 8
Guide Pin Installation

Note: Use new capscrews, do not reuse the old Upper Revolving Frame Installation
ones. (Due to the enormous torque put on these
critical capscrews, their structural integrity is
lost after they are removed.)
4. Install the capscrews and washers (3) using Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
LoctiteR pipe sealant HVV. Tighten the capscrews hazardous. Serious personal injury may
until they are snug. result from misuse of these products. Read
5. Before torquing the capscrews, check the engageĆ and follow all the manufacturer's
ment of the pinion (2) with the turntable bearing (4). recommendations concerning solvents and
The backlash between the two gears teeth is to be cleaning solutions.
0.024 - 0.048 in (0.61 - 1.22mm). Adjust the turnĆ
table bearing, as required, to obtain the proper
backlash for the full 360_ rotation of the gears. Refer to Figure 8.
6. Once proper backlash is obtained, torque cap- 1. Thoroughly clean the tapped holes (2), in the
screws (3) to 1,500 - 1,650 ft lb (2 034 - 2 237Nm). mounting surface (1) of the carrier (4), to prepare
7. Rotate the outer race of the turntable bearing (4), them for the capscrews which are to be installed
as required, to position the gear tooth marked in using a sealant. Also clean the mounting surface
step 1, directly to the Rear" of the lower frame. (1). Allow to air dry.
8. Connect the grease line (6) to the fitting (5) on the 2. Remove the heads from two of the capscrews
inside diameter of the turntable bearing (4). Check which were used to mount the upper frame to the
the orientation of fitting (5) for easy access. carrier (4). These two headless capscrews will be
used as guide pins (3) to align the upper frame to
the carrier (4).

7 of 10
SM3-1-70.0 0501 Service Manual
3. Install the guide pins (3) 180_ apart in the mounting 8. Install new capscrews and washers (2), using LocĆ
surface (1) of the carrier (4). Install them so the titeR pipe sealant HVV, in all holes that are accessiĆ
tops of the guide pins (3) are 5.0 in (12.7cm) from ble. Tighten the capscrews (2) until snug.
the mounting surface (1) of the carrier (4). Note: Remove the guide pins and replace them
Refer to Figure 2. with new capscrews as soon as they are accesĆ
4. Rig the upper frame (3) for installation. Locate a sible.
sling around both ends of the counterweight (1) 9. Without rotating the upper frame (1), install as
and one around the boom hoist cylinder mounting many of the capscrews and washers (2) as posĆ
pin (2). sible. Torque all of the capscrews (2) to
1,500-1,650 ft lb (2 034-2 237Nm).
Note: Using Table 1, calculate the approximate
weight to be lifted. Use an adequate lifting deĆ Refer to Figure 5.
vice and slings to support the load being lifted. 10. Align the support bar (2) with the mounting bracket
(5) on the bottom of the rotating joint (1). Rotate
the upper slightly, as necessary, to obtain alignĆ
ment. Install the capscrew, spacer, and locknut
WARNING (6). Torque locknut (6) to 435-480 ft lb
The rigging used must be of sufficient size to (590-650Nm).
support the entire weight of the upper frame. 11. Connect the hydraulic lines (4) to the rotating joint
Failure to observe this warning may result in (1).
equipment damage and/or severe personal Refer to Figure 4.
injury. Use only a lifting device of proven 12. Make proper connections between the collector
capacity when handling the upper frame. ring wire harness (2) and the carrier wire harness
(4). Be sure connectors (5) are properly engaged.
5. Attach the slings to an appropriate lifting device 13. Install the clamp (3) and secure the collector ring
and remove any slack in the rigging. wire harness (2) with cable ties as required.
6. Slowly and carefully lift the upper frame (3) above
the carrier. Position the upper with the cab facing
directly over the front of the carrier and the hardĆ
ness gap" on the turntable bearing towards the
rear of the crane. Align the travel swing lock pin Use care not to cause sparks at battery
with the carrier boss and slowly lower the upper. terminals while connecting battery. Battery
Align the guide pins (3,Figure 8) to the nearest gasses are volatile and could be ignited by a
holes in the turntable bearing and lower the upper spark or flame, causing battery to explode.
frame down onto the carrier. Keep area around battery well ventilated and
connect negative side of battery last, with
ignition switch OFF", to minimize hazard.
WARNING 14. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON"
Do not put your fingers into the tapped holes. position or connect the negative cable(s) to the
Rotation of the upper frame could sever them. batteries.
Use one of the mounting capscrews rather
than your finger to align the holes.

Refer to Figure 1.
7. Align the mounting holes in the upper frame (1) Pinch points exist between the upper
with the tapped holes in the mounting surface of revolving frame and the carrier. Death or
the carrier (3). If necessary, slightly rotate the upĆ dismemberment may result from personnel
per frame using the lifting device. Engage the travĆ caught in these points. Learn where these
el swing lock. pinch points are located and stay clear of the
rotating upper frame.
Note: Use new capscrews, do not use the old
ones. (Due to the enormous torque put on these
critical capscrews, their structural integrity is
lost after they are removed.)

8 of 10
Service Manual 0501 SM3-1-70.0
Refer to Figure 1. Refer Figure 3.
15. Manually rotate the upper frame (1), as required, to 20. Remove the portable hydraulic power source conĆ
install the remaining capscrews and washers (2) nected to the park brake hose (2) fitting located on
as described in steps 8 and 9. the top section of the swing brake (5).
Note: As soon as all of the capscrews and 21. Install the park brake hose (2) to the fitting located
washers are installed, and swing function is opĆ on the top section of the swing brake (5).
erational, thoroughly lubricate turntable bearĆ 22. Engage the main hydraulic pump and start the enĆ
ing. Rotate upper frame in 10_ increments and gine. Allow the engine to idle for five minutes. InĆ
pump grease into turntable bearing until it can spect the connections on the rotating joint for
be seen venting seal. Lubricate it in this manner leaks. Repair as required.
through two complete revolutions of the upper 23. After installation is complete. Bleed all air from
frame. Also coat all of the exterior gear teeth of both the park brake and service brake systems usĆ
the turntable bearing with grease. Refer to the ing the respective bleeders.
Operator's Manual for correct type of grease. 24. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the turntable bearing and upper
16. Remove the boom hoist cylinder mounting pin revolving frame for proper operation. Normal
(2,Figure 2) from the upper frame (3,Figure 2). operation of hydraulic and electrical systems
17. Install the boom assembly. Refer to SM Keysheet should be confirmed. A general inspection of
Area SM17-1 for correct procedure. components and systems in the areas adjacent to
18. Install the boom hoist cylinder. Refer to SM KeyĆ the repair should also be performed to ensure
sheet Area 17-3 for correct procedure. related damage or wear is not present.
19. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add hyĆ
draulic oil if necessary. Refer to the Operator's
Manual for correct type and procedure.

9 of 10
SM3-1-70.0 0501 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0501 SM3-3-14.0

Counterweight Part Number

And Actual Weight Stamped
On This Surface


2 1

1. Upper Frame 3. Capscrews 5. Handles

2. Capscrews & Washers 4. Washers & Locknuts 6. Main Counterweight

Figure 1
Main Counterweight

Main Counterweight, R & I 3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
hydraulic pump.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the main counterweight. Once the counterweight is
removed, the cranes capacity is altered and the values WARNING
in the Crane Rating Manual are no longer valid. Do not Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
make any lifts with the crane if the counterweight is hazardous. Serious personal injury may
altered or removed. result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
Removal recommendations concerning solvents and
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. cleaning solutions.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level 4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
surface. approved cleaning solvent. Allow the area to air
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block dry.
the tires. 5. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing position and move the function lockout switch to
lock, as required. the DISABLE" position.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 6. Remove winch(es), as necessary, to facilitate main
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as reĆ counterweight (6) removal. Refer to SM Keysheet
quired. Area 5-6 for proper procedure.

1 of 2
SM3-3-14.0 0501 Service Manual
7. Remove washers and locknuts (4) and handles (5). 3. Carefully inspect the upper frame for fatigued
8. Replace capscrews (3) with eyebolts (not shown) mounting surfaces and cracked welds.
to assist in lifting process. 4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
Note: The main counterweight weighs approxiĆ replace any major component.
mately 12,500 lb (5 670kg). The actual weight is
stamped on the mounting surface of the main Installation

DANGER Do not attach lifting device or slings to the
Do not attach lifting device or slings to the handles. Serious personal injury or death
handles. Serious personal injury or death may result. Remove handles and install
may result. Remove handles and install eyebolts to assist in lifting.
eyebolts to assist in lifting.
Note: The main counterweight weighs approxiĆ
9. Using an auxiliary lifting device, attach slings to mately 12,500 lb (5 670kg). The actual weight is
main counterweight (6) and take up just enough stamped on the mounting surface of the main
slack to support main counterweight (6). Applying counterweight.
too much upward force will make removal of
capscrews and washers (2) difficult. 1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, lift and properly
10. With main counterweight supported, remove align main counterweight (6) to upper frame (1).
capscrews and washers (2). Slowly and carefully
remove main counterweight (6) from upper frame
Cleaning And Inspection Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
WARNING these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be these products.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read 2. Apply Loctite ® 242 to threads of capscrews (2), and
and follow all the manufacturer's install capscrews and washers (2). Torque capĆ
recommendations concerning solvents and screws (2) to 1,500-1,600 ft lb (2 034-2 169Nm).
cleaning solutions. 3. Remove eyebolts (not shown) and install
capscrews (3).
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with 4. Position handles (5) on main counterweight (6),
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and and secure by installing washers and locknuts (4).
carefully inspected. 5. Install winch(es), as necessary. Refer to SM
2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue Keysheet Area 5-6 for proper procedure.
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
compounds or sealants, clean threads and
surfaces with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
performance of products.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1007 SM04 --- 005 --- 031.00



1. Swing Motor* 3. Swing Brake* 5. Hydraulic Hoses

2. Capscrews 4. Swing Reduction Unit 6. Gasket

* The actual swing brake or motor may vary from illustration.

Figure 1
Swing Assembly

Swing Brake, R & I 3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
hydraulic pump.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the swing brake. It also gives instructions for bleeding
the swing brake, following installation. For recondition WARNING
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 04---005. Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Removal result from misuse of these products. Read
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. and follow all the manufacturer’s
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: recommendations concerning solvents and
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level cleaning solutions.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block 4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
the tires. approved cleaning solvent to prevent
c. Engage the swing park brake. contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
e. Fully retract and raise the boom.

1 of 4
SM04 --- 005 --- 031.00 1007 Service Manual
10. Separate the swing motor (1) from the swing brake
WARNING (3) and remove the swing motor (1).
11. Remove the o---ring (not shown) which is located
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be between the swing motor (1) and swing brake (3).
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause 12. Separate the swing brake (3) from the swing
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the reduction unit (4).
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic 13. Remove the gasket (6) which is located between
pressure from the system before removing the swing brake (3) and the swing reduction unit
any line or component. (4).
14. If the swing motor (1) is going to be removed for an
5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows: extended period of time, provide some means to
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic protect the inside of the swing brake (3) and swing
reservoir as equipped by: reduction unit (4) from moisture, dust, dirt, or any
S Pushing the button(s) on the pressure relief other contaminants.
valve, located on the hydraulic reservoir.
Or Cleaning And Inspection
S Slowly loosening the filler/breather cap,
located on the top of the hydraulic reservoir,
until pressure is fully relieved.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger result from misuse of these products. Read
switches back and forth several times. and follow all the manufacturer’s
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth recommendations concerning solvents and
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On cleaning solutions.
cranes equipped with emergency steering
system, it will take several rotations of steering 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
wheel before steering becomes hard.) an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position. carefully inspected.
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral 2. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue
position and move the function lockout switch to should be removed from threads of hardware and
the “DISABLE” position. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
Refer to Figure 1. compounds or sealants, clean threads and
7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the surfaces with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
hydraulic hoses (5) from the swing motor (1) and performance of products.
swing brake (3). Cap/plug the open hydraulic 3. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
ports in the swing motor (1), swing brake (3) and rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
hydraulic hoses (5) to prevent excessive oil loss 4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic hoses that are
and contamination of the system. connected to the swing motor assembly. Repair or
8. Place index marks on the swing motor (1), swing replace if required.
brake (3), and swing reduction unit (4) to ensure 5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
proper orientation during installation. personnel for directions whether to repair or
9. Remove the capscrews (2) which secure the swing replace any major component.
motor (1) and swing brake (3) to the swing
reduction unit (4).

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Service Manual 1007 SM04 --- 005 --- 031.00
Installation Note: If a new swing motor is to be installed,
transfer index marks to new swing motor prior to

WARNING 5. Position the swing motor (1) on top of the swing

Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking brake (3). Be sure to orient the swing motor (1)
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious correctly by aligning the index marks placed on the
personal injury may result from misuse of swing motor (1) and swing brake (3) during
these products. Read and follow all removal.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning 6. Apply Loctite 242, or equivalent, to the threads of
these products. the capscrews (2).
7. Install the capscrews (2) which secure the swing
motor (1) and swing brake (3) to the swing
Refer to Figure 1.
reduction unit (4).
1. Remove any remnants of material left from the
8. Connect the hydraulic hoses (5) to the swing motor
temporary enclosure used to protect the swing (1) and swing brake (3).
brake (3) and swing reduction unit (4). 9. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
2. Align the gasket (6), used between the swing required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
brake (3) and the swing reduction unit (4), with the type and procedure.
mounting holes in the swing reduction unit (4).
10. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
Note: If a new swing brake is to be installed, Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
transfer index marks to new swing brake prior to Repair leaks as required.
installation. 11. Bleed any air from the swing brake (3). Use the
instruction found later in this document for the
3. Position the swing brake (3) on top of the swing correct procedure.
reduction unit (4). Be sure to orient the swing 12. Complete the installation by testing all related
brake (3) correctly by aligning the index marks functions of the swing system for proper operation.
placed on the swing brake (3) and swing reduction A general inspection of the components and
unit (4) during removal. systems in the areas adjacent to the repair should
4. Lubricate and install the o---ring (not shown) which also be performed to ensure related damage or
is located between the swing motor (1) and swing wear is not present.
brake (3).

3 of 4
SM04 --- 005 --- 031.00 1007 Service Manual
5. Thoroughly clean the outside surface of the swing
1 2 brake with an approved cleaning solvent to pre-
vent contamination from entering the oil circuits.
Allow the area to air dry.
Refer to Figure 2.
6. Attach one end of a rubber hose (2) to each of the
bleeder fittings (1,4). Ensure that each rubber
hose (2) fits securely on the bleeder fittings (1,4).
7. Fill a clean, clear container (3) with clean hydraulic
fluid and place open end of each rubber hose (2)
into container (3).
8. Start the engine and release the park brake.

To Bleed the Service Portion

9. With the engine running at idle speed and the park
5 4 3 brake released, slowly loosen the bleeder fitting
1. Bleeder Fitting --- Parking Brake 10. With one person stationed in cab and another ob-
2. Rubber Hose
3. Container serving the container, the person in the cab should
4. Bleeder Fitting --- Service Brake now apply and release the swing brake pedal while
5. Swing Brake the other observes the container (3) for air bubbles
after loosening bleeder fitting (4). Repeat process,
Figure 2
as necessary, until no air bubbles are observed.
Swing Brake Bleeding Procedure
11. Securely close the bleeder fitting (4) and tighten to
9---12 ft lb (12 ---16Nm).

Bleeding The Swing Brake To Bleed the Parking Portion

12. Apply park brake with engine at idle and slowly
Removal of any trapped air within the brake assembly
loosen bleeder fitting (1).
is essential for proper operation of the swing and
13. With one person stationed in cab and another ob-
service park brake. The following procedure requires
serving the container, the person in the cab should
two people.
now apply and release the swing park brake, utiliz-
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. ing the swing park break switch, while the other ob-
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: serves the container (3) for air bubbles after loos-
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level ening bleeder fitting (1). Repeat process, as nec-
surface. essary, until no air bubbles are observed.
b. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing 14. Securely close the bleeder fitting (1) and tighten to
lock, as required. 9---12 ft lb (12 ---16Nm).
c. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 15. Remove the rubber hoses (2) from bleeder fittings
d. Fully retract and raise the boom. (1,4).
3. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi- 16. Properly dispose of used hydraulic oil.
tion and move the function lockout switch to the 17. Check for normal operation of the swing function
“DISABLE” position. before returning the crane to service.
4. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy-
draulic pump.

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.

4 of 4
Service Manual 0212 SM04 --- 005 --- 035.00

Figure 1
Swing Brake

Swing Brake, Recondition

This procedure covers the recondition of the swing Use care when clamping not to crush or cause
brake. The components illustrated in Figure 2 may damage to the swing brake. Do not clamp the
vary slightly from what are found in the unit being swing brake in any form of vise unless the
serviced. For removal and installation procedures,
jaws are protected by a soft material.
see SM Keysheet Area 04---005 or SM Keysheet Area
Refer to Figure 2.
Disassembly 1. Secure the swing brake in a suitable fixture with the
shaft (23) pointing down.
It is a good practice when disassembling complex
2. Remove the plug (6), coupling (5), elbow (4),
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order breather (2), and bleeders (3,30), as required.
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in 3. For assembly purposes, index mark the power
the assembly process. plate (9) and housing (28).

If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not

use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force WARNING
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and Use extreme caution when disassembling the
not bind. swing brake. The springs are under tension
and will cause the power plate to pop off the
housing as soon as the capscrews are
WARNING removed. Remove the capscrews slowly, in
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be an alternating pattern, keeping them even,
hazardous. Serious personal injury may until the power plate can be safely removed.
result from misuse of these products. Read 4. In an alternating pattern, slowly remove the caps-
and follow all the manufacturer’s crews and washers (1), keeping them even until
recommendations concerning solvents and the spring pressure is removed from the power
cleaning solutions. plate (9) and it can be safely removed.

1 of 4
SM04 --- 005 --- 035.00 0212 Service Manual

1 2 7

Inlet Port 8

4 B

3 Inlet Port (Parking)

9 Surface of piston must be flush 10 11 12 B

to 0.120” (3.05mm) below
surface of power plate

30 13



27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19

1. Capscrews & Washers* 9. Power Plate 17. Primary Service Disc 24. Retaining Ring
2. Breather 10. Back Up Ring 18. Primary Disc 25. O --- ring
3. Bleeder 11. O --- ring 19. Springs* 26. Service Piston
4. Elbow** 12. Piston 20. Bearing 27. O --- ring
5. Coupling** 13. O --- ring 21. Oil Seal 28. Housing
6. Plug** 14. Back Up Ring 22. Retaining Ring 29. Gasket
7. Torque Pins 15. Rotating Discs 23. Shaft 30. Bleeder
8. Springs 16. Stationary Discs
* Quantities may vary.
** Not used in all models.

Figure 2
Swing Brake Assembly

2 of 4
Service Manual 0212 SM04 --- 005 --- 035.00
5. Remove the power plate (9) from the housing (28). Cleaning And Inspection
6. Remove the gasket (29) from between the power
plate (9) and housing (28).

Note: The amount of springs may vary accord-

ing to the unit being serviced. For assembly
purposes, record the quantity of springs as they Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
are removed. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
7. Remove the springs (19) from the housing (28). and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
Note: Service kits may contain more parts than cleaning solutions.
the unit being serviced requires. For assembly
purposes, record the order, orientation, and 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
quantity of the discs as they are removed. cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
8. Remove the rotating discs (15), stationary discs
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
(16), primary service disc (17), and primary disc
any other foreign material during assembly.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
9. Remove the torque pins (7) and springs (8) from
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the housing (28).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
Note: Further disassembly is not recommended un- reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
less the bearing, oil seal, or shaft need replace- pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
ment. If the bearing or oil seal are removed for any with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
reason, both must be replaced. Follow Steps 10 mance of products.
thru 17 for removal if required. 3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep
10. Remove the oil seal (21) from the housing (28). scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
11. Remove the retaining ring (22) from the shaft (23). burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
12. Remove the shaft (23) from the housing (28). Use a cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com-
shop press if required. ponent, as required, using the following guide-
13. Place the housing (28) on a workbench with the lines:
service piston (26) pointing down. Remove the a. Housings: Replace housing if cracks or poros-
service piston (26) from the housing (28) by apply- ity exist. Replace if deep scratches, cracks, or
ing 15 psi (103kPa) air pressure to the inlet port. scuffs are found on mounting or sealing sur-
14. Remove the o---rings (25,27) from the service pis- faces. Replace if bearing bore is oversized,
ton (26). damaged, or worn.
15. Place the power plate (9) on a workbench with the b. Bearing and oil seal: If the bearing or oil seal
piston (12) pointing down. Remove the piston (12) are removed for any reason, both must be re-
from the power plate (9) by applying 15 psi placed.
(103kPa) air pressure to the inlet port. c. Discs: The rotating discs lining and mating
16. Remove the o---rings (11,13) and back up rings surfaces of the stationary discs must be thor-
(10,14) from the piston (12). oughly clean and free of debris. Worn or
17. Remove the retaining ring (24) securing the bear- scarred rotating discs must be replaced.
ing (20) in the housing (28). Gently tap the bearing d. Seals and gaskets: Replace all o---rings, back
(20) with a plastic mallet to remove it from the hous- up rings, oil seals, and gaskets.
ing (28). 4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

3 of 4
SM04 --- 005 --- 035.00 0212 Service Manual
Assembly the power plate (9) until the surface of the piston
(12) at the cutouts is flush to 0.120 in (3.05mm) be-
low the surface of the power plate (9).
6. Install the o---rings (25,27) on the service piston
7. Install the service piston (26) in the housing (28).
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
Use a shop press if required.
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
8. Using a shop press, install the shaft (23) into the
personal injury may result from misuse of
housing (28) until it rests against the bearing (20).
these products. Read and follow all
9. Install the retaining ring (22) to secure the shaft (23)
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
in place.
these products.
10. Install the oil seal (21) in the housing (28) with the
lip facing away from the bearing (20).
Lubricate the cylinder of the power plate, the piston, 11. Install the springs (8) and torque pins (7) in the
and all back up rings and o---rings with clean hydraulic housing (28).
oil prior to assembly. See Operator’s Manual for the
correct type of hydraulic oil. Note: Refer to the notes made during disas-
sembly for the correct order, orientation, and
Refer to Figure 2.
quantity of discs.
1. Secure the housing (28) in a suitable fixture.
2. Pressing only on the inner race of the bearing (20), 12. Install the primary disc (18), primary service disc
use a shop press to install the bearing (20) in the (17), stationary discs (16), and rotating discs (15).
housing (28).
3. Install the retaining ring (24) to secure the bearing Note: Refer to the notes made during disas-
(20) in the housing (28). sembly for the correct quantity of springs.
4. Install the o---rings (11,13) and back up rings
(10,14) in the piston (12). 13. Install the springs (19) in the housing (28).
14. Place the gasket (29) in the housing (28).
15. Position the power plate (9) on the housing (28),
aligning the index marks made during disassem-
The depth the piston is installed into the 16. Install the capscrews and washers (1) until hand
power plate is critical. Complete loss of tight. Tighten the capscrews (1) sequentially, one
braking will result should the piston not move turn at a time, until the power plate (9) is properly
smoothly within the power plate. Install the seated. Torque the capscrews (1) to 80---90 ft lb
piston so that the surface of the piston at the (112 ---126Nm).
cutouts is flush to 0.120 in (3.05mm) below the 17. Install the bleeders (3,30), breather (2), elbow (4),
surface of the power plate. coupling (5), and plug (6), as required.
18. If the swing brake is not to be immediately installed
5. Visually align the center of the cutouts in the piston on the crane, plug all open ports to prevent con-
(12) with the torque pin (7) holes in the power plate tamination and properly store.
(9). Using a shop press, install the piston (12) into

4 of 4
Service Manual 0508 SM04 --- 010 --- 026.00

1 2 3

6 5 4

1. Swing Reduction Unit 3. Swing Motor 5. Capscrews

2. Swing Brake 4. Capscrews & Washers 6. Pinion Cover

Figure 1
Swing Assembly

Swing Reduction Unit, R & I Cleaning And Inspection

This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the swing reduction unit. For recondition procedure,
see SM Keysheet Area 04---010.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
Removal hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
Refer to Figure 1. and follow all the manufacturer’s
1. Index mark swing reduction unit (1) housing, relat- recommendations concerning solvents and
ive to the upper frame, to ensure proper orientation cleaning solutions.
of oil fill and drain plugs during installation.
2. Remove swing motor (3) and swing brake (2). Re- 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
fer to SM Keysheet Areas 04---005 and/or 07---006 an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
for specific instructions. fully inspected.
3. Remove capscrews and washers (4) and pinion 2. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from
cover (6). threads of hardware and parts that are going to be
4. Remove capscrews (5). reused.
3. Inspect gear teeth on pinion and turntable bearing
Note: The swing reduction unit weighs approxi-
for damage.
mately 250 lb (113kg).
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
5. Using an auxiliary lifting device, lift swing reduction personnel for directions whether to repair or
unit (1) up and out of the crane. replace any major component.

1 of 2
SM04 --- 010 --- 026.00 0508 Service Manual
Refer to Figure 1.
2 1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, properly position
swing reduction unit (1) on the upper frame. (Be
sure that fill and drain pugs are properly oriented
as shown in Figure 2.)
2 2. Apply Loctite No. 242 to threads and install caps-
crews (5).
3. Tighten the capscrews (5) evenly in a criss---cross
pattern to a final torque of 435---480 ft lb
1 (590 ---650Nm).
4. Align pinion cover (6) and install capscrews and
washers (4).
5. Install swing brake (2) and swing motor (3). Refer
to SM Keysheet Area 04---005 and/or 07---006 for
complete instructions.
6. Check oil level in reduction unit. Add oil as re-
FRONT OF CRANE quired. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
and procedure.
7. Grease the turntable bearing. See Operator’s
Manual for correct type and procedure.
1. Check/Fill Plug
2. Drain Plug
8. Check backlash on pinion. See Upper Revolving
Frame and Turntable Bearing, R & I in SM Keysheet
Figure 2 Area 03---001 for proper procedure and adjust-
Fill And Drain Plugs Orientation ment.


Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
these products.

Note: The swing reduction unit weighs approxi-

mately 250 lb (113kg).

2 of 2
Service Manual 0507 SM04 --- 010 --- 027.00
3 6



14 19
16 18
1. Pinion Shaft 8. Bearing Cone 15. Primary Sun Gear
2. Oil Seal 9. Thrust Washer 16. Thrust Washer
3. Bearing Cone 10. Lockwasher 17. Cover
4. Bearing Cup 11. Bearing Nut 18. Magnetic Plug
5. Drain Plug 12. Ring Gear 19. Fill Plug
6. Hub 13. Secondary Carrier Assembly* 20. Capscrew
7. Bearing Cup 14. Primary Carrier Assembly* 21. Washer
* Primary and Secondary Carrier Assemblies are not serviceable.

Figure 1
Swing Reduction Unit

Swing Reduction Unit, Recommended specialty tools:

Socket . . . . . . . . Link ---Belt Part Number 3A 22202
Recondition Cross Bar . . . . . Link ---Belt Part Number 3A 22203

This procedure covers the recondition of the swing Disassembly

reduction unit. For removal and installation
It is a good practice when disassembling complex
procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 04---010.
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
parts together, they must be free to rotate and not bind. the assembly process.

1 of 4
SM04 --- 010 --- 027.00 0507 Service Manual
1. Scribe an alignment mark down the full length of Refer to Figure 1.
the outside of the swing reduction unit. This will en- 13. One tab of lockwasher (10) will be engaged in the
sure proper alignment of components during as- slot of bearing nut (11); bend back tab to release
sembly. bearing nut (11). Using tool (3A 22202), remove
the bearing nut (11), lockwasher (10), and thrust
Note: The swing reduction unit weighs approxi- washer (9).
mately 250 lb (114kg).
Note: The bearing cones have been designed
with a press fit with respect to the pinion shaft.
Note: The swing reduction unit oil capacity is
Considerable force will be required to remove
approximately 2 qt (2L).
bearing cones from the pinion shaft.
Refer to Figure 1. 14. Bolt tool (3A 22203) to hub (6). Drive pinion shaft
2. Position unit upright on pinion end and drain the oil (1) out of the hub (6) and bearing cones (3,8) by
from the unit by removing drain plug (5). Properly turning bolt in center of tool (3A 22203). Care
dispose of used oil. Clean and replace the drain should be taken to avoid damaging splines and
plug (5). threads of pinion shaft (1).
15. Remove oil seal (2) and bearing cones (3,8) from
hub (6).
WARNING 16. Inspect bearing cups (4,7) in hub (6). Remove only
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be if replacement is required.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Cleaning And Inspection
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions. WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
3. Plug the motor input shaft hole in cover (17) and hazardous. Serious personal injury may
thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the swing result from misuse of these products. Read
reduction unit with an appropriate solvent to pre- and follow all the manufacturer’s
vent contamination from entering it. recommendations concerning solvents and
4. Remove drain plug (5), magnetic plug (18), and fill cleaning solutions.
plug (19).
5. Remove the capscrews (20) and washers (21) from 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
the cover (17). cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
6. Remove cover (17) from the assembly. surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
7. Remove thrust washer (16) from the cover (17). tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
8. Remove primary sun gear (15) from the primary any other foreign material during assembly.
carrier assembly (14). 2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
9. Remove primary carrier assembly (14). wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed met-
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine
Note: It may be necessary to remove the ring
gear before removing the secondary carrier as- file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace
sembly. any damaged component as required.
3. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue
10. Remove the secondary carrier assembly (13). should be removed from threads of hardware, gas-
11. If not previously removed, remove ring gear (12) ket surfaces, and parts that are going to be reused.
from hub (6). 4. Primary and secondary carrier assemblies are not
serviceable. Carefully inspect gears, shafts, thrust
Refer to Figure 2.
washers, and housing for wear, cracks, pitting, or
12. If applicable, remove capscrews (1), retainer (2),
spalling. If repair is required, they must be re-
and pinion gear (3) from pinion shaft (4).
placed as assemblies.

2 of 4
Service Manual 0507 SM04 --- 010 --- 027.00
5. If either piece, pinion shaft or pinion gear on earlier
production units needs replacement, replace with
current one piece pinion shaft and pinion gear as- Used in Early Production Units.
6. Replace bearing cups and cones as sets.
7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace 4
any major component.


Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking 3
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all 1. Capscrew 3. Gear
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning 2. Retainer 4. Pinion Shaft

these products. Figure 2

Two Piece Pinion Shaft
Lubricate bearings, oil seal lip, primary and secondary
carrier assemblies, and inside of ring gear with clean oil Note: Do not install lockwasher (10) at this time.
prior to assembly. See Operator’s Manual for correct
type. 6. Install thrust washer (9) and bearing nut (11).
7. Place tool (3A 22203) over pinion shaft (1) and bolt
Replace all bearing cups and cones as sets. or pin it to the hub (6).
8. Check initial rolling torque by installing an inch
SilasticR RTV #732, General ElectricR Silemate RTV #
pound torque wrench on tool (3A 22203). Turn hub
1473, or # 1503, or equivalent are recommended for
(6) slowly and steadily with the torque wrench.
sealing gasket surfaces. Sealant should be applied in
Note the average torque. An initial bearing rolling
a continuous bead, which should be centered on the
torque of greater than 50 in lb (5.6Nm) means that
surface but should move to the inside of the hole at
the bearing cone (8) was pressed on too tightly
each bolt hole location.
during the installation process. If so, back off the
Current production one piece pinion shaft is a direct bearing cone (8) by pressing pinion shaft (1) out of
replacement for the two piece pinion shaft and gear bearing cone (8) until initial preload is relieved. See
used on earlier production units. step 14 in the disassembly section for procedure.

Refer to Figure 1. Note: In order to seat the bearings, rotate the

1. If required, using a shop press, press bearing cups hub by hand as nut is being tightened. Up to 250
(4,7) into each side of the hub (6). ft lb (339Nm) of torque may have to be applied
2. Apply a light coat of PermatexR Aviation Form---A --- to bearing nut in order to press bearing cone
GasketR, or equivalent, to the O.D. of oil seal (2). into position.
3. Install bearing cone (3) into bearing cup (4) at oil
seal (2) end of hub (6) and press oil seal (2) into 9. Torque bearing nut (11) with tool (3A 22202) until a
hub (6). bearing rolling torque of 44---48 in lb (4.9 ---5.4Nm)
4. Lubricate lips of oil seal (2) with clean oil and install is achieved. This may require several trials of
hub (6) onto pinion shaft (1). Keep hub (6) cen- pressing the bearing cone (8) by torquing the bear-
tered to prevent damage to oil seal (2). Refer to ing nut (11) and then checking the rolling torque.
Operator’s Manual for correct oil type. 10. After bearing rolling torque of 44---48 in lb
5. Install bearing cone (8) over pinion shaft (1). Press (4.9 ---5.4Nm) has been achieved, remove bearing
bearing cone (8) down until rollers just touch bear- nut (11) and install lockwasher (10).
ing cup (7). Take care not to press the bearing 11. Install bearing nut (11) and torque to 65---75 ft lb
cone (8) too far. (88 ---102Nm).

3 of 4
SM04 --- 010 --- 027.00 0507 Service Manual
12. Secure bearing nut (11) by bending one of the should turn freely by hand after everything is
lockwasher (10) tabs into one of the slots on the installed into ring gear (12).
bearing nut (11). If none of the tabs align with a slot
after torque has been achieved, the bearing nut Note: Thrust washer can be secured to cover
(11) may be tightened until the closest slot aligns with a small amount of grease or RTV sealant.
with the closest tab on the lockwasher (10).
20. Apply a bead of SilasticR RTV #732 or equivalent,
Refer to Figure 2. to cover face of ring gear (12). Install thrust washer
(16) with tangs engaged in cover (17).
Note: Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to 21. Align the alignment marks, studs, and bolt holes.
threads of capscrews. Install cover (17) to ring gear (12).
13. If two piece pinion shaft (4) was reinstalled, install 22. Remove alignment studs from hub (6).
gear (3), retainer (2) and capscrews (1). Note: Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to
Refer to Figure 1. threads of capscrews.
14. Install two alignment studs into hub (6) 180_ apart.
15. Apply a bead of SilasticR RTV #732, or equivalent, 23. Evenly install capscrews (20) and washers (21).
Tighten in a criss---cross pattern and final torque
to the face of hub (6) that mates with the ring gear
capscrews (20) to 45---50 ft lb (61 ---67Nm).
(12). 24. Install drain plug (5) into hub (6).
16. Align the alignment marks, studs, and bolt holes.
Install ring gear (12) to hub (6). Note: The swing reduction unit weighs approxi-
17. Align and mesh the secondary carrier assembly mately 250 lb (114kg).
(13) I.D. splines with the splines on the pinion shaft
and pinion gear assembly (1) and the planet gears
Note: The swing reduction unit oil capacity is
with the ring gear (12) teeth. Install the secondary
approximately 2 qt (2L).
carrier assembly (13) into the ring gear (12).
18. Align, mesh, and install the sun gear (15) in the 25. Position unit upright on the pinion end and fill the
secondary carrier assembly (13) planetary gears. unit with oil. See Operator’s Manual for correct
19. Align the primary planet gears with the sun gear type, amount, and procedure.
(15) while also aligning the primary planet gears 26. Install plugs (18,19).
with ring gear (12). Install primary carrier assembly 27. If swing reduction unit is not to be immediately
(14) into ring gear (12). The primary sun gear (15) installed on crane, cover and properly store.

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0

CH 210 A 36 110-01-1
Construction Max Design Gear Motor Drum Option
Hoist Rating Model Ratio Size Size

CH Construction Hoist
210 21,000 lb (93 450N) First Layer Line Pull
A Model Series Relating To Design Change
36 Total Gear Reduction
110 Hydraulic Motor Displacement In cubic inches
(Example: 110 = 11.0 cu in per revolution)
01 Drum Size
1 Permits Testing And Inspection Per API2C
(Offshore Cranes)
Serial Number and Model Number
are stamped into the motor end
bracket as shown above.

Figure 1
Identification Plate

Winch, Recondition Before doing any work on these units, all instructions
should be read completely and understood. Some
illustrations in this procedure may show details or
This procedure covers the recondition of Braden
attachments that are different from your winch. Also,
hydraulic planetary winch model CH210. For
some components have been removed for illustrative
troubleshooting or removal and installation
purposes. Illustrations in this procedure are of a
procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 5-6.
typical" unit. Some winches may differ slightly in

Approximate Approximate
Winch Crane Serial Weight Oil Capacity
Model No. Prefix
pounds kilograms pints liters
CH210 D7 or F2 825 375 36 17
CH210 E9 1,300 590 36 17
CH210 F7 or J6 1,300 590 36 17
CH210 J7 1,150 522 36 17
Table A
Weights And Oil Capacities

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SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual
Unit Disassembly
It is a good practice when disassembling complex
components to lay the parts out in the order they were
disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order during
disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in the
assembly process.

If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not

use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and
not bind.

4. Install a short piece of pipe, threaded with 1 inch

pipe thread, into the larger threads of the drain
hole, to direct the oil flow through the support end
plate and out of the drum. If the drain holes were
not aligned before the winch was removed from its
mounting, the oil can be drained through the fill/
vent plug in the drum support by turning the winch
up on the drum support end.

1. Remove the wire rope from the winch drum and

align the drain plug in the drum with the hole in the
support end plate before removing the hoses and
mounting bolts. See SM Keysheet Area 5-6 for
complete removal procedure.

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 5. Remove the drain plug through the pipe. Drain the
result from misuse of these products. Read oil from the winch drum. Refer to the Operator's
and follow all the manufacturer's Manual for the correct procedure. Properly store or
recommendations concerning solvents and dispose of the used oil.
cleaning solutions.

2. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the winch

to prevent contamination from entering it.
3. Refer to Figure 1 for location and explanation of the
winch model and serial number. Table A gives the
approximate weight and oil capacity, of the unit,
based on the drum size.

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0
9. Remove the over-running clutch assembly (26)
from the center of the brake cylinder assembly
(27). Refer to Over-running Clutch Assembly
Service" later in this procedure for additional inforĆ
10. Index mark the relative position of the brake cylinĆ
der assembly (27) to the motor end plate (28) to enĆ
sure correct orientation of the hydraulic port during

6. Begin the disassembly by standing the winch on

the end opposite the winch motor. Tag and remove
the hydraulic hoses that connect the brake valve
and the motor to the brake release port. (A manĆ
ifold is used in the case of a two-speed motor.)

11. Remove the capscrews (24) and lockwashers (25)

and remove the brake cylinder assembly (27) from
the motor end plate (28). Remove and discard the
v-ring (30) seal that was under the brake cylinder
assembly (27). Do not remove the capscrews and
lockwashers (31) holding the motor adaptor to the
brake cylinder assembly (27) at this time. Refer to
Brake Cylinder Service" later in this procedure.

Refer to Figure 2.
7. Remove the capscrews and lockwashers (32) seĆ
curing the winch motor (22); lift the motor (22) off
the winch. Remove the o-ring (23) installed on the
outside of the motor pilot.

12. Remove the motor end plate (28) from the drum

8. Remove the capscrews (12) and lockwashers (13)

from the two tie plates (14), and remove the tie
plates (14).

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SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual


6 10

4 11
1 13

17 28



1. Seal 9. Seal 17. Thrust Washer 25. Lockwashers

2. O-ring 10. Plug 18. Ring Gear 26. Over-Running Clutch
3. Drum Closure 11. Drum Support 19. Ring Gear Adaptor 27. Brake Cylinder Assembly
4. Retaining Rings 12. Capscrews 20. Sun Gear - Primary 28. Motor End Plate
5. Primary Carrier Assembly 13. Lockwashers 21. Ball Bearing 29. Plug
6. Thrust Washer 14. Tie Plates 22. Motor 30. V-ring
7. Drum 15. Secondary Carrier Assembly 23. O-ring 31. Capscrews & Lockwashers
8. Ball Bearing 16. Sun Gear - Secondary 24. Capscrews 32. Capscrews & Lockwashers

Figure 2
Winch Assembly

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0
Refer to Figure 2. 6. The thrust washer contact areas should be free
13. There are two 1/2 inch NC tapped holes in the from any surface irregularity that may cause excesĆ
drum closure (3). Install two capscrews or sive abrasion or friction. Inspect thrust washers for
threaded eye-bolts to aid in removing the drum signs of excessive wear, heat damage, or metal
closure (3) from the drum (7). Remove the o-ring transfer; replace as necessary.
(2) from the outer diameter of the drum closure (3). 7. At regular service intervals, the roller bearings in
14. There are also two 1/2 inch NC tapped holes in the the planet carrier assemblies should be inspected
ring gear adaptor (19). Install two capscrews or to insure beyond any doubt that they will function
threaded eye-bolts into these holes and lift the properly when installed. The rollers should not exĆ
ring gear adaptor (19) and ring gear (18) out of the hibit any surface irregularities. If the rollers show
drum (7). The primary sun gear (20), primary carriĆ any sign of spalling, corrosion, discoloration, maĆ
er assembly (5), and secondary carrier assembly terial displacement, or abnormal wear, the bearĆ
(15) can now be lifted out of the drum (7). ings should be replaced. Likewise, the cage
15. Lift the drum (7) off of the drum support (11). should be inspected for unusual wear or deformaĆ
tion, particularly the cage bars. If there is any damĆ
Cleaning And Inspection age that will impair the cage's ability to separate,
retain, and guide the rollers properly, the bearing
should be replaced.
WARNING 8. Inspect the ring gear, planet, and sun gear teeth for
nicks, spalling, or excessive wear. Replace if wear
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be in contact areas is greater than 0.015 inch.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may (0.4mm) when compared to unworn area of teeth.
result from misuse of these products. Read 9. If the winch was disassembled only to replace
and follow all the manufacturer's damaged seals after a short period of service, it is
recommendations concerning solvents and not necessary to replace the bearings. Experience
cleaning solutions. and common sense, along with a good inspection,
will determine if parts can be used again.
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved 10. Always coat o-rings, bearings, and the rubber
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free parts of seals with oil or grease during assembly.
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precauĆ 11. Use a sealing compound on the outside diameter
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or of seals, such as Permatex Form-A-Gasket No.
any other foreign material during assembly. 2, or equivalent.
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
12. Always apply a light coat of thread sealing comĆ
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metĆ pound on pipe fittings and plugs, such as Loctite
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine 571, or equivalent. Do not use sealing tape . Be
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace careful not to get sealing compound inside parts
any damaged component as required. and passages which conduct oil.
3. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue 13. The shafts and carrier should be checked where
should be removed from threads of hardware and there is roller or thrust washer contact. The same
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
surface and material conditions that are detrimenĆ
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ tal to the life of the bearing and thrust washer also
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces apply to the contact areas on the shaft and carrier.
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ 14. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ
mance of products. sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
4. Always replace all soft parts" such as o-rings, any major component.
seals, and v-rings.
5. Inspect sealing surfaces on the drum support and
brake cylinder and repair any damaged areas if
possible, or replace components as required.

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SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual
Unit Assembly 3. Turn the drum (7) over, and set it down on the drum
support (11). Be careful not to damage the seal (1)
when lowering the drum (7) onto the drum support
4. Lower the secondary carrier assembly (15) into the
drum (7) and engage the three lugs on the carrier
into the three holes in the drum (7). Be sure the carĆ
rier is firmly seated against the web in the drum (7).
5. Install the thrust washer (6) into the recess in the
secondary carrier assembly (15), then install the
sun gear (16) into the center of the secondary planĆ
et gears.
Refer to Figure 2. 6. Install the primary carrier assembly (5) on top of the
1. Place the drum support (11) assembly on a clean
secondary carrier assembly (15), engaging the
work surface with the drum support (11) facing up. splines in the primary carrier assembly (5) with the
Lubricate the ball bearing (8) and sealing surfaces secondary sun gear (16). Install the thrust washer
on the drum support (11) with the same oil used to (17) onto the primary carrier assembly (5).
lubricate the winch planetary. See the Operator's 7. If the ring gear (18) and ring gear adaptor (19) had
Manual for the correct type of oil. Install a new v- been disassembled, reassemble them at this time,
ring (30) onto the drum support (11). using two retaining rings (4).
8. Install two 1/2 inch NC capscrews or threaded eye
bolts into the two tapped holes in the ring gear
adaptor (19). Using the capscrews or eye bolts,
install the ring gear (18) into the drum (7). Rotate
the ring gear (18) back and forth to engage the inĆ
ternal splines with the primary carrier assembly (5)
and secondary carrier assembly (15). When corĆ
rectly installed, the bottom of the ring gear adaptor
(19) will be resting on the thrust washer (17), which
is on the primary planet carrier assembly (5).
9. Install a new ball bearing (21) in the drum closure
(3), if replacement is necessary, making certain to
press it against the shoulder in the bottom of the
2. Install a new ball bearing (8) in the drum (7), if reĆ bearing bore.
placement is necessary, making certain to press it 10. Coat the outside diameter of a new seal (1) with
against the shoulder in the bottom of the bearing Permatex® Form-A-Gasket® No. 2, or equivaĆ
bore. Coat the outside diameter of a new seal (9) lent. Turn the spring side of the seal (1) toward the
with Permatex® Form-A-Gasket® No. 2, or equivĆ ball bearing (21), and press the seal (1) into the
alent. Turn the spring side of the seal (9) toward the seal bore, leaving it flush with the surface of the
ball bearing (8), and press the seal (9) into the seal drum closure (3).
bore, leaving it flush with the surface of the drum 11. Lubricate a new o-ring (2) and install it into the
bore. groove on the outside diameter of the drum closure

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0
Drum Drum 19. Continue to tighten the capscrews (24) in a criss-
0.034 inch
Closure cross pattern one turn at a time until the motor end
plate (28) is drawn tightly up against the brake cylĆ
inder assembly (27). Torque capscrews (24) to
their correct value. See SM Keysheet Area 18-0
for Capscrew Torques".
20. Install the two tie plates (14) between the two end
plates of the winch, using all the capscrews (12)
and lockwashers (13). Be sure the curved sides of
the tie plates (14) are toward the top of the winch.
Torque all capscrews (12) to their correct value.
See SM Keysheet Area 18-0 for Capscrew
21. Install the over-running clutch (26) into the center
12. Lubricate the outside diameter of the drum closure of the brake pack. Refer to Figure 5 for correct oriĆ
(3) and install it into the drum (7). When correctly entation of the over-running clutch (26). Input
installed, the drum closure (3) will be approximateĆ Spline Side", shown in Figure 5, is the end of the
ly 0.034 inch (0.9mm) above the drum flange. If the over-running clutch (26) facing outward, toward
drum closure (3) cannot be installed as shown, one the motor (22). It may be necessary to rotate the
or more components may be out of position or not drum (7) slightly in either direction to align the
properly seated. The most common causes of this clutch splines with the primary sun gear (20). The
problem are the thrust washers (6,17) being out of internal retaining ring in the over-running clutch
position, or the secondary carrier assembly (15) is (26) should be seated against the primary sun gear
not fully seated into the drum (7). DO NOT proceed (20) when correctly installed.
with assembly until the source of the problem has 22. Lubricate and install a new o-ring (23) onto the piĆ
been identified and corrected. lot for the motor (22). Engage the motor shaft with
13. Place the motor end plate (28) on the drum (7), the inner race of the over-running clutch (26) and
aligning it approximately with the drum support lower the motor (22) into place.
(11) and centering it on the drum (7). 23. Install motor capscrews and lockwashers (32) and
14. Lubricate and install a new v-ring (30) onto the torque to correct value. See SM Keysheet Area
motor end plate (28). 18-0 for Capscrew Torques".
15. Lubricate the sealing surface of the brake cylinder 24. Connect all hydraulic lines removed during disasĆ
assembly (27) and carefully install the brake cylinĆ sembly, then tighten all connections.
der assembly (27) through the motor end plate (28) 25. After the winch assembly is complete, check all
into the drum (7). Rotate the brake cylinder assemĆ capscrews and fittings to make certain they have
bly (27) back and forth to align the splines with been properly installed and tightened correctly. Fill
those on the ring gear adaptor (19). the winch with the recommended oil listed in OperĆ
16. Position the brake release port in the same location ator's Manual.
as removed, using the index marks scribed on the 26. Before returning the winch to full service, a light
parts during disassembly. load should be lifted and held a few feet off the
17. Install the primary sun gear (20) through the center ground to be sure the static brake is functioning
of the brake cylinder assembly (27), engaging the properly. The winch should also be able to slowly
teeth on the three primary planet gears. lower the load in a smooth and controlled manner.
18. Install the capscrews (24) and lockwashers (25) If the winch does not perform either of these funcĆ
through the brake cylinder assembly (27) into the tions correctly, refer to SM Keysheet Area 5-6 for
motor end plate (28). Hand tighten all capscrews Winch, Troubleshooting" for additional informaĆ
(24) until they are snug against the motor adaptor. tion.

7 of 16
SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual
2. Use a punch to drive the spiral pins (2) from the
1 planet gear shafts (4). DO NOT reuse the spiral
pins (2).
3. Now you can remove the planet shafts (4), rollerĆ
bearings (6), thrust washers (3,7) and planet gears
4. Thoroughly clean all parts and inspect for damage
7 and wear. The bearing rollers should not exhibit
6 any irregularities. If the rollers show any sign of
5 spalling, corrosion, discoloration, material disĆ
4 placement, or abnormal wear, the bearing should
3 be replaced. Likewise, the cage should be inĆ
spected for unusual wear or deformation, particuĆ
1. Carrier 5. Planet Gears larly the cage bars. If there is any damage that will
2. Spiral Pins 6. Roller Bearings
impair the cage's ability to separate, retain, and
3. Thrust Washers 7. Thrust Washers
4. Shafts guide the rollers properly, the bearing should be reĆ
placed. The thrust washer contact areas should be
Figure 3 free from any surface irregularities that may cause
Primary Planetary Carrier Assembly abrasions or friction. The gears and shafts should
be inspected for abnormal wear or pitting; replace
if necessary
Primary Planet Carrier Service

Refer to Figure 3.
1. Install a roller bearing (6) into a planet gear (5) and
Refer to Figure 3. place a thrust washer on each side of the planet
1. Remove the planet gears (5) by first driving the spiĆ gear (5). Position this assembly into an opening in
ral pins (2) into the center of the planet gear shafts the carrier (1). Slide a planet gear shaft (4) through
(4). the carrier (1), thrust washer (3), roller bearing (6)
and remaining thrust washer (7).

8 of 16
Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0


2. Carefully align the pin hole in the carrier (1) with the 10
hole in the shaft (4) and drive a new spiral pin (2) 9
into place. ALWAYS use NEW spiral pins (2). 7
When properly positioned, 50% of the spiral pin (2) 6
will engage the planet gear shaft (4) and 50% will
remain in the carrier (1).
1. Shafts 6. Loose Rollers
2. Carrier 7. Planet Gears
3. Thrust Plate 8. Bearing Spacers
4. Spiral Pins 9. Loose Rollers
5. Thrust Washers 10. Thrust Washers

Figure 4
Secondary Planet Carrier Assembly

Secondary Planet Carrier Service


3. Note that the spiral pin (2) is slightly recessed into

the carrier (1) when properly installed. With a cenĆ
ter punch, stake the carrier (1) next to the spiral pin
hole as shown. This will distort the hole and preĆ
vent the spiral pin (2) from backing out during opĆ
eration. Repeat these steps for each of the three
planet gears (5).

Refer to Figure 4.
1. Remove the planet gears (7) by first driving the spiĆ
ral pins (4) into the center of the planet gear shafts

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SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual
3. Apply a liberal coat of oil soluble grease to the bore
of the planet gear (7). Stack a row of loose rollers
(9) into the planet gear (7), using the grease to hold
them in position. There are 22 loose rollers (6,9) in
each of the two rows within planet gear (7). Install a
bearing spacer (8). Stack a second row of loose
rollers (6) on top of the bearing spacer (8). Place a
second thrust washer (5) on the planet gear (7).
4. Carefully slide the planet gear (7), loose rollers
(6,9) and thrust washers (5,10) into the carrier (2).
Install a planet gear shaft (1) into the carrier (2) and
through the planet gear (7) and loose rollers (6,9).

2. Use a punch to drive the spiral pins (4) from the

planet gear shafts (1). DO NOT reuse the spiral
pins (4).
3. Now you can remove the planet gear shafts (1),
bearings spacers (8), thrust washers (5,10), planet
gears (7) and thrust plate (3).
4. Remove the loose rollers (6,9) from the planet
gears (7).
5. Thoroughly clean all parts and inspect for damage
and wear. The bearing rollers should not exhibit
any irregularities. If the rollers show any sign of 5. Carefully align the spiral pin hole in the carrier (2)
spalling, corrosion, discoloration, material disĆ with the hole in the planet gear shaft (1) and drive a
placement or abnormal wear, they should be reĆ new spiral pin (4) into place. ALWAYS use NEW
placed. The thrust washer contact areas should be spiral pins (4). When properly positioned, 50% of
free from any surface irregularities that may cause the spiral pin (4) will engage the planet gear shaft
abrasions or friction. The gears and shafts should (1) and 50% will remain in the carrier (2).
be inspected for abnormal wear or pitting; replace
if necessary.


6. Note that the spiral pin (4) is slightly recessed into

Refer to Figure 4. the carrier (2) when properly installed. With a cenĆ
1. Place the carrier (2) on a clean work surface with ter punch, stake the carrier (2) next to the spiral pin
the spiral pin holes down. Install the thrust plate (3) hole as shown. This will distort the hole and preĆ
into the center of the carrier (2). vent the pin from backing out in operation.
2. Apply a liberal coat of oil soluble grease to a thrust 7. Repeat this procedure for each of the planet gears
washer (10) and center it on one side of a planet (7).
gear (7). Place the planet gear (7) on a clean work
surface with the thrust washer (10) down.

10 of 16
Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0

Input Spline Side Input Spline Side

Input spline to rotate Correct location Input spline to rotate

freely in CCW direction of internal freely in CCW direction
when viewed from retaining ring. when viewed from
input spline side. input spline side.

14 Tooth Internal Spline 13 Tooth Internal Spline

Figure 5
Over-Running Clutches

Over-Running Clutch Service 1

Shown above is the correct assembly of the two types
of over-running clutch assemblies used in the winch.
Certain parts within the over-running clutch are NOT
SOLD individually as replacement parts. If any of these 5
parts require replacement, the entire over-running 6
clutch assembly must be replaced. Refer to the 7
Crane's Parts Manual to confirm the availability of 8
replacement parts before disassembly.

Carefully note the relative orientation between the inner

and outer races, and the direction of free rotation of the
inner race. The clutch MUST be assembled correctly
for proper winch operation.
1. Retaining Ring 5. Inner Race
2. Ball Bearing 6. Retaining Ring
3. Over-Running Clutch 7. Ball Bearing
4. Outer Race 8. Retaining Ring

Figure 6
Over-Running Clutch Assembly

11 of 16
SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual
The polished surfaces of the inner and outer
race and the over-running cams must be DANGER
perfectly smooth to insure positive Failure to assemble the over-running clutch
engagement of the clutch. The slightest assembly with all parts oriented correctly may
defect may reduce clutch effectiveness. This result in reduced brake effectiveness. This
may lead to loss of load control and result in may lead to loss of load control and result in
property damage, injury, or death. It is property damage, injury or death.
generally recommended to replace the entire
clutch assembly if any component is
defective. For these reasons, the Refer to Figure 6.
over-running clutch assembly should be 1. Check that the retaining ring (6) is properly
disassembled for inspection only if the winch installed inside the inner race (5).
has exhibited any unusual operation that 2. Install ball bearing (2) on the inner race (5).
would point toward a clutch malfunction, or 3. Install the over-running clutch (3) onto the inner
the over-running clutch assembly shows race (5). Rotate the inner race (5) slightly to get the
external signs of mechanical damage or wear. over-running clutch (3) started onto the inner race
4. Install the other ball bearing (7) onto the inner race
Disassembly (5).
Refer to Figure 6. 5. Install retaining ring (1) into the outer race (4).
1. Remove one of the retaining rings (1,8) from the 6. Carefully slide the inner race (5), with ball bearings
outer race (4). (2,7) and over-running clutch (3), into the outer
2. Push the inner race (5), ball bearings (2,7), and race (4).
over-running clutch (3) through the outer race (4). 7. Install the other retaining ring (8) into the outer race
3. Use a small punch and hammer to tap one of the (4).
ball bearings (2 or 7) off of the inner race (5). The
over-running clutch (3) can now be removed from
the inner race (5).
4. If required, remove the retaining ring (6) from inĆ
side the inner race (5).
5. Closely inspect the over-running clutch (3) and
the polished surfaces of the inner race (5) and outĆ
er race (4) for wear, cracks, pitting, corrosion, or
mechanical damage. Closely inspect the ball
bearings (2,7) for any signs of damage, wear, corĆ
rosion, pitting, or heat discoloration. Replace
damaged parts, as required.

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0


1. Capscrew 5. O-ring 8. Spacer 11. Pressure Plate 14. Spring Spacer
2. Lockwasher 6. Brake Discs 9. Piston Seal 12. Springs 15. Plug
3. Motor Adaptor 7. Friction Discs 10. Back Up Ring 13. O-ring 16. Brake Cylinder
4. Back Up Ring

Figure 7
Brake Cylinder Assembly

Brake Cylinder Service discard the piston seal (9) from the brake cylinder
(16). Remove the steel back up ring (10).
Disassembly 4. Remove the pressure plate (11), springs (12), and
spring spacer (14) from the brake cylinder (16).

The motor adaptor is under spring tension
from the brake springs. Loosen each of the
capscrews one turn at a time until spring
tension is released.

Refer to Figure 7.
1. Stand the brake assembly on the splined end, with
the motor adaptor (3) up. Using a criss-cross patĆ
tern, loosen each capscrew (1) one turn at a time
5. Thoroughly clean and inspect all parts at this time.
until spring (12) tension is released. Remove the
Check sealing surfaces on both the motor adaptor
capscrews (1) and lockwashers (2).
(3) and brake cylinder (16). Be sure the brake reĆ
2. Remove the motor adaptor (3). Lift out all the brake
lease port is open and free of contamination.
discs (6), friction discs (7), and the spacer (8).
3. Remove and discard the o-ring (5) and back up
ring (4) from the motor adaptor (3). Remove and

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SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual

Piston Seal

Back Up Ring

6. Place friction discs (7) on flat surface and check for

distortion with a straight edge. Friction material
Refer to Figure 7.
should appear even across entire surface with
1. Place the motor adaptor (3) on a clean work surĆ
groove pattern visible. Replace friction discs (7) if
face with the motor mounting surface down. Apply
splines are worn to a point, disc is distorted, friction
a light coat of oil to a new back up ring (4) and o-
material is burned or worn unevenly, or groove
ring (5) and install them into the groove on the moĆ
depth is less than 0.003 inch (0.08mm).
tor adaptor (3). Back up rings are always placed
on the low pressure side of the o-ring. In this
case, the back up ring (4) is toward the motor
mounting surface. Lightly oil the brake cylinder
piston seal (9) and install it onto the motor adaptor
(3) with the seal lip down.
2. Install a steel brake disc (6) into the motor adaptor
(3), followed by a friction disc (7). Continue to alterĆ
nately install brake discs (6) and friction discs (7)
until there are eight brake discs (6) and seven fricĆ
tion discs (7). A steel brake disc (6) will be on top.
3. Install the spacer (8) on top of the last steel brake
disc (6).
7. Check brake spring (12) free length. Minimum free
length is 1-7/16 inches (36.5mm). Check springs
(12) for any signs of cracking or failure. If a brake
spring (12) must be replaced for any reason, then 0.080-0.160 inch
ALL brake springs (12) must be replaced. (2-4mm)

Failure to replace brake springs as a set may
result in uneven brake application pressure,
brake spring failure, and reduced brake
effectiveness. This may lead to loss of load 4. To check brake stack height, place pressure plate
control and result in property damage, injury, (11) on top of brake spacer (8). Hold pressure
or death. plate (11) down firmly by hand and measure gap
(in three places) between motor adaptor (3) and
pressure plate (11). Average gap must measure
between 0.080-0.160 inch (2-4mm).

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-25.0
5. If the gap exceeds the maximum limit, there may 9. Apply petroleum jelly or an oil soluble grease to the
be too many discs in the stack-up or the discs are sealing surface of the brake cylinder (16) and the
distorted. If the gap is less than the minimum, piston seal (9). Turn the brake cylinder (16) over
there may be too few discs or the discs are worn and lower it onto the motor adaptor (3), being careĆ
beyond their serviceable limit and should be reĆ ful not to damage the piston seal (9) or o-ring (5)
placed. When the gap is within the minimum and on the motor adaptor (3). Be careful the o-ring (5)
maximum values, remove the pressure plate (11) does not fall out of place, and the oil passages are
and all brake discs (6) and friction discs (7). LubriĆ aligned. The alternate assembly method, menĆ
cate all friction discs (7) with the same oil to be tioned in preceeding note, could also be used.
used in the winch planetary. Refer to the OperaĆ 10. Turn the entire assembly over and install the capĆ
tor's Manual for the correct type of lubricant to use. screws (1) and lockwashers (2). After the capĆ
Install all brake discs (6), friction discs (7), and screws (1) make contact with the motor adaptor
brake plate spacer (8) as described in Steps 2 and (3), evenly tighten them one turn at a time until the
3. motor adaptor (3) is drawn tight against the brake
6. Place the brake cylinder (16) on a clean work surĆ cylinder (16), then torque to the recommended valĆ
face with the splined end down. Install the spring ue. See SM Keysheet Area 18-0 for Capscrew
spacer (14), then the springs (12). Torques".

Brake Cylinder Pressure Test

DANGER 1. Install a -6 ORB fitting into the brake release port
on the motor adaptor (3). Connect a hand pump
Always use the molded spring spacer to with an accurate 0-2,000 psi (0-13,800kPa)
properly position the springs in the brake
gauge and shut-off valve to this fitting. Apply
cylinder. Failure to install the spring spacer
may allow the springs to contact each other 1,000 psi (6,900kPa) to the brake cylinder (16) and
and become damaged. This could result in close the shut-off valve. Let the unit stand for five
loss of load control, property damage, injury, minutes. If there is any loss of pressure, the brake
or death. cylinder (16) should be disassembled for inspecĆ
tion of the sealing surfaces, piston seal (9), and o-
7. Install the pressure plate (11) into the brake cylinĆ ring (5). When the source of the pressure leak has
der (16). Be careful that none of the springs (12) fall been determined and corrected, reassemble the
over. Install the steel back up ring (10). brake cylinder (16) and repeat the test.
8. Apply petroleum jelly or an oil soluble grease to a 2. WHILE PRESSURE IS APPLIED AND THE BRAKE
new o-ring (13) and install it in the brake cylinder IS RELEASED, install the over-running clutch (26,
(16). Figure 2) assembly into the brake pack. Turn the
over-running clutch (26, Figure 2) back and forth
Note: The close fitting back up ring may be deĆ to align the splines on all the friction discs (7). ReĆ
pressed slightly to one side to lodge it in the lease the pressure on the brake cylinder (16) and
brake cylinder bore and temporarily hold the remove the over-running clutch (26, Figure 2).
pressure plate and springs in place while the The brake cylinder assembly is now complete and
brake cylinder is inverted and lowered over the ready to be installed in the winch.
motor adaptor.
As an alternate method, the motor adaptor and
brake plates can be turned over and installed
into the brake cylinder, holding the brake plates
and spacer in place through the center opening.
Be careful to not pinch your fingers between the
spacer plate and the pressure plate.

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SM5-6-25.0 0602 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-26.0
Winch Troubleshooting 2. Thoroughly clean area to be serviced with an
approved cleaning solvent to prevent
This procedure covers troubleshooting guidelines for contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
Braden winch CH210 model. For removal and circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
installation or recondition procedure, see SM Keysheet
Area 5-6.
It is suggested that before doing any work on these Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
units, all instructions should be read completely and hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
understood. Some illustrations in this procedure may burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
show details or attachments that are different from your engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
winch. Also, some components have been removed pressure from the system before removing
for illustrative purposes. Illustrations in this procedure any line or component.
are of a typical" unit.
3. Hydraulic pressure within lines and components
General Safety Rules must be exhausted before opening the system. To
relieve hydraulic system pressure:
Safety for operators and ground personnel is of prime a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
concern. Always take the necessary precautions to enĆ reservoir by pushing the button(s) on the
sure the safety of others as well as yourself. To ensure pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
safety, the crane and winch must be operated by a reservoir or by loosening the cap, located on
qualified, well trained operator. Care and concern, by the hydraulic reservoir, 1/4 turn until pressure
the operator, for the equipment and a thorough knowlĆ is fully relieved.
edge of the crane's performance capabilities, are esĆ b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
sential for safe, efficient, and trouble free performance. START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ
The following recommendations are offered as a genĆ out switch to the OPERATE" position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
eral safety guide. Instructions given in the Operator's
switches back and forth several times.
Manual and local rules and regulations also apply.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
1. Be certain crane is properly prepared for servicing: repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level cranes equipped with emergency steering
surface. system, it will take several rotations of steering
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block wheel before steering becomes hard.)
the tires or track. e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
c. Engage the swing park brake or two position 4. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
swing lock, as equipped. position and move the function lockout switch to
d. Adequately support or fully lower the boom, as the DISABLE" position.
required. 5. Be sure personnel are clear of work area and
e. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main aware of pending activities BEFORE operating the
hydraulic pump. crane or winch.
f. Check that all control levers are in the neutral 6. Read all warning and caution tag information
position and move the function lockout switch provided for safe operation and service of winch.
to the DISABLE" position. 7. Inspect rigging and winch at the beginning of each
work shift. Defects should be corrected immediĆ
WARNING 8. Keep equipment in good operating condition.
Perform scheduled maintenance and inspections
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be as listed in the the Operator's Manual.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 9. An equipment warm-up procedure is recomĆ
result from misuse of these products. Read mended for all start-ups and essential at ambient
and follow all the manufacturer's temperatures below 40°F (4°C). Refer to Warm-
recommendations concerning solvents and up Procedure" listed in the Operator's Manual.
cleaning solutions. 10. Operate winch line speeds to match job condiĆ

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SM5-6-26.0 0602 Service Manual

CH 210 A 36 110-01-1
Construction Max Design Gear Motor Drum Option
Hoist Rating Model Ratio Size Size

CH Construction Hoist
210 21,000 lb (93 450N) First Layer Line Pull
A Model Series Relating To Design Change
36 Total Gear Reduction
110 Hydraulic Motor Displacement In cubic inches
(Example: 110 = 11.0 cu in per revolution)
01 Drum Size
1 Permits Testing And Inspection Per API2C
(Offshore Cranes)

Serial Number and Model Number

are stamped into the motor end
bracket as shown above.
Figure 1
Identification Plate

11. Use leather gloves when handling wire rope. 20. Do not attempt to clean, oil, or perform any mainteĆ
12. Do not attempt to handle wire rope when the hook nance on a crane with the engine running, unless
end is attached. Keep all parts of body and clothĆ instructed to do so per the Operator's or Service
ing clear of head sheaves, wire rope, cable rollers, Manual.
and winch drum. 21. Do not operate winch controls unless you are
13. When winding wire rope on the winch drum, do not properly positioned at the operator's station and
attempt to maintain tension by allowing wire rope you are sure personnel are clear of the work area.
to slip through hands. Use Hand-Over-Hand" 22. Ensure that personnel who are responsible for
technique. hand signals are clearly visible and that the signals
14. Do not use wire rope with broken strands. Replace to be used are thoroughly understood by everyĆ
damaged or worn wire rope. one. Refer to the Standard Hand Signal Chart" in
15. Do not weld on any part of the winch. the Operator's Manual.
16. Use hydraulic oil and gear lubricant based on temĆ 23. Ground personnel should stay in view of the operĆ
perature conditions. Refer to the Operator's ManuĆ ator and clear of winch drum. Do not allow ground
al for the correct grades of lubricant to use. personnel near a winch line under tension. A safe
17. Keep hydraulic system clean and free from contaĆ distance of at least 1-1/2 times the length of the
mination at all times. unspooled cable should be maintained.
18. Do not use knots to secure or attach wire rope. AlĆ 24. Do not exceed the maximum pressure, psi (kPa),
ways use the proper attachment methods as exĆ or flow, gpm (Lpm), stated in the winch specificaĆ
plained in the Operator's Manual. tions for hydraulically driven winches.
19. Use only the correct size anchor for the same size 25. Do not allow anyone to stand under a suspended
of wire rope and pocket in drum. Original equipĆ load.
ment wire rope anchors are capable of supporting 26. Avoid sudden shock" loads or attempting to jerk"
the rated load when installed properly. For addiĆ load free. This type of operation may cause heavy
tional safety, ALWAYS maintain a minimum of five loads, in excess of rated capacity, which may result
(5) wraps of wire rope on the drum. in failure of cable or winch.

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-26.0







Figure 2 Figure 3
Hoisting Stopped Holding Load

When the control valve is placed in the lowering

Description Of Winch position, the spool valve remains closed until sufficient
The winch is made up of the following assemblies: pilot pressure is applied to the end of the spool to shift it
against spring pressure and open a passage. After the
S Hydraulic Motor And Brake Valve
spool valve cracks open, the pilot pressure becomes
S Drum, Drum Closure, Ball Bearings And Oil Seals
flow dependent and modulates the spool valve
S Support End Plate And Bearing Support
opening which controls the lowering speed.
S Motor End Plate And Motor Adapter
S Tie Plates The static brake system has three operating
S Brake Clutch Assembly components:
S Brake Cylinder And Multiple-disc Brake Parts
S Spring Applied, Hydraulically Released Multiple
S Primary Planetary Reducer
Friction Disc Brake Pack
S Secondary Planetary Reducer
S Brake Clutch Assembly
S Ring Gear And Adapter
S Hydraulic Piston And Cylinder

Theory Of Operation The static brake is released by the brake valve pilot
pressure at a pressure lower than that required to open
Dual Brake System - Description the pilot operated spool valve. This sequence assures
that dynamic braking takes place in the brake valve
The dual brake system consists of a dynamic brake
and little, if any, heat is absorbed by the friction brake.
system and a static brake system. The dynamic brake
system has two operating components: The friction brake is a load holding brake only and has
S Brake Valve Assembly nothing to do with dynamic braking or rate of descent
S Hydraulic Motor of a load.
The brake valve is basically a counterbalance valve. It
contains a check valve to allow free flow of oil to the
motor in the hoisting direction and a pilot operated,
spring loaded spool valve that blocks the flow of oil out
of the motor when the control valve is placed in neutral.

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SM5-6-26.0 0602 Service Manual

2 3 4 5

Check Valve
Unseated Spool

Spring Applied,
Hydraulically Released

1 7




Low 8

The brake valve is basically a counterbalance valve. It contains a check valve to allow free flow of oil
to the motor in the hoisting position and a pilot operated, spring loaded spool valve that blocks the flow
of oil out of the motor when the control valve is placed in neutral.

1. Hydraulic Reservoir 3. Drum 5. Brake Valve 7. Control Valve

2. Winch Brake 4. Case Drain 6. Motor 8. Pump

Figure 4
Hoisting Sequence

The brake clutch is splined to the primary sun gear Dual Brake System - Operation
shaft between the motor and the primary sun gear. It
When hoisting a load, the brake clutch which connects
will allow this shaft to turn freely in the direction to raise
the motor shaft to the primary sun gear, allows free
a load and lock up to force the brake discs to turn with
rotation. The sprag cams lay over and permit the inner
the shaft in the direction to lower a load. See Figure 2
race to turn free of the outer race. See Figure 2. The
and Figure 3.
friction brake remains fully engaged. The winch, in
The hydraulic cylinder, when pressurized, will release raising a load, is not affected by any braking action.
the spring pressure on the brake discs, allowing the See Figure 4.
brake discs to turn freely. When the lifting operation is stopped, the load attempts
to turn the primary sun gear in the opposite direction.
Spring pressure prevents the brake discs from turning
This reversed input causes the sprag cams to instantly
until the hydraulic cylinder and piston are pressurized,
roll upward and firmly lock the shaft to the fully
releasing the brake.
engaged friction brake. See Figure 3.

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-26.0
2 3 4 5 6

Check Valve
Seated Spool

Spring Applied,
Hydraulically Released

Sprag Winch Winch

Clutch Drum Motor
1 7




Low 8

When the control valve is placed in the lowering position, the spool within the brake valve remains
closed until sufficient pilot pressure builds and is applied to the end of the spool. Adequate pressure
to overcome the spring will shift the spool and open the passage.

1. Hydraulic Reservoir 3. Drum 5. Brake Valve 7. Control Valve

2. Winch Brake 4. Case Drain 6. Motor 8. Pump

Figure 5
Initial Lowering Sequence

When the winch is powered in reverse, to lower the When lowering a load very slowly for precise
load, the motor cannot rotate until sufficient pilot positioning, no oil flow actually occurs through the
pressure is present to open the brake valve. See winch motor. The pressure will build up to a point where
Figure 5 and Figure 6. The friction brake within the the brake will release sufficiently to allow the load to
winch will completely release at a pressure lower than rotate the motor through its own internal leakage. This
that required to open the brake valve. The extent to feature results in a very slow speed and extremely
which the brake valve opens will determine the amount accurate positioning.
of oil that can flow through it and the speed at which the The friction brake receives very little wear in the
load will be lowered. Increasing the flow of oil to the lowering operation. All of the heat generated by the
winch motor will cause the pressure to rise and the lowering and stopping of a load is absorbed by the
opening in the brake valve to enlarge, speeding up the hydraulic oil where it can be readily dissipated.
descent of the load. Decreasing this flow causes the
pressure to lower and the opening in the brake valve to
decrease thus slowing the descent of the load.

5 of 10
SM5-6-26.0 0602 Service Manual
2 3 4 5 6

Check Valve
Seated Spool

Spring Applied,
Hydraulically Released

Sprag Winch Winch

Clutch Drum Motor
1 7




Low 8

Adequate pilot pressure to the brake valve will shift the spool and open the passage, once enough back
pressure is available to lower the load smoothly. After the brake valve spool opens, the pilot pressure
becomes flow dependent and modulates the spool valve opening which controls the lowering speed.

1. Hydraulic Reservoir 3. Drum 5. Brake Valve 7. Control Valve

2. Winch Brake 4. Case Drain 6. Motor 8. Pump

Figure 6
Continued Lowering Sequence

Winch Operation in the free rotating direction of the sprag clutch, driving
the gear train and winch drum. The friction brake
The input section of the drive assembly is bolted to the
remains fully engaged.
motor end support and cannot rotate. The drive
housing is the output member of the gear set and is In the lowering direction, oil flow through the motor is
bolted to the winch drum. The motor shaft is directly initially blocked by a spool in the brake valve. Oil
coupled to the primary sun gear through the inner race pressure supplied to the motor through the control
of the brake clutch. The motor turns the primary sun valve is piloted to the friction brake and the brake valve
gear which drives three successive planetary gear spool. The friction brake is released at a lower
sets, turning the drive housing and the winch drum. pressure than that required to shift the brake valve
spool. When pressure is sufficient to shift the brake
In the hoisting direction, hydraulic oil flows through a
valve spool, oil is allowed to flow through the motor,
large check valve in the brake valve and turns the motor
rotating the winch gear train and drum.

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Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-26.0

If a winch ever exhibits any sign of erratic operation, or load control difficulties
DANGER (i.e. load creeping or chattering), appropriate troubleshooting tests and repairs
should be performed immediately. Continued operation in this manner may reĆ
sult in property damage, serious personal injury, or death.


A Pilot Orifice

The winch will not lower the load or not lower 1. The problem could be a plugged or
the load smoothly. loose pilot orifice. The pilot orifice is a
small pipe plug with a hole drilled
through it. It is located behind the pilot
port fitting on the brake valve. (Applies
to motor and brake valve assemblies
as shown only.) If it becomes plugged,
it will prevent the pilot pressure, from
the manifold, from opening the brake
valve. If it becomes loose, it will allow
an unregulated amount of oil in to
operate the brake valve which causes
erratic brake valve operation.

Remove the pilot hose and fitting from the

brake valve, then use a 5/32 inch Allen®
wrench to remove the pilot orifice. The diameĆ
ter of the orifice is approximately 0.020 inch
(0.5mm). Clean and install the pilot orifice
tightly in the brake valve.

2. The friction brake may not be releasing Check brake cylinder seal as follows:
as a result of a defective brake
A. Disconnect the swivel tee from the brake
cylinder seal.
release port. Connect a hand pump with
Note: If the brake cylinder seal is accurate 0-2,000 psi (0-13 790kPa)
defective you will usually find oil gauge and shut-off valve to the 4 J.l.C.
leaking from the winch vent plug. fitting in the brake release port.
B. Apply 1,000 psi (6 895kPa) to the brake.
Close shut-off valve and let stand for
five (5) minutes.
C. If there is any loss of pressure in five (5)
minutes, the brake cylinder should be
disassembled for inspection of the
sealing surfaces and replacement of the
seals. If available, refer to Winch
Counterbalance Valve, Recondition"
found in SM Keysheet Area 7-8.

3. Friction brake will not release as a Disassemble brake to inspect brake discs.
result of damaged brake discs. Check stack-up height as described in
Winch, Recondition" found in SM Keysheet
Area 5-6.

7 of 10
SM5-6-26.0 0602 Service Manual
Oil leaks from vent plug. 1. Same as A2. Same as A2.

2. Motor seal may be defective as a result System back pressure must not exceed
of high system back pressure or 150 psi (1 034kPa). Inspect hydraulic system
contaminated oil. for a restriction in the return line from the
control valve to the reservoir. Be sure control
valve and plumbing are properly sized to
winch motor.
Oil analysis may indicate contamination has
worn motor shaft and seal. Thoroughly flush
entire hydraulic system and install new filters
and oil. Install new motor seal.

The brake will not hold a load with the control 1. Excessive system back pressure Same as remedy 2 of Trouble B2.
lever in neutral. acting on the brake release port.

2. Friction brake will not hold due to worn Same as Remedy 3 of Trouble A3.
or damaged brake discs.

3. Brake clutch is slipping. Improper planetary gear oil may cause the
brake clutch to slip. Drain old gear oil and
flush winch with solvent. Thoroughly drain
solvent and refill winch with recommended
planetary gear oil listed in the Operator's

Brake clutch may be damaged or worn. DisĆ

assemble and inspect brake clutch. Refer to
Winch, Recondition" in SM Keysheet Area

The winch will not hoist the rated load. 1. The winch may be mounted on an Reinforce mounting surface.
uneven or flexible surface which
If necessary, use shim stock to level winch.
causes distortion of the winch base
Refer to Winch, R & I" in SM Keysheet Area
and binding of the gear train. Binding
in the gear train will absorb horse-
power needed to hoist the rated load First loosen, then evenly tighten all winch
and cause heat. mounting bolts to recommended torque.

2. System relief valve may be set too low. Check winch relief pressure as specified in
Relief valve needs adjustment or the Operator's Manual.
Note: If pressure does not increase in proĆ
portion to adjustment, relief valve may be
contaminated or worn out. In either case,
the relief valve may require disassembly or

8 of 10
Service Manual 0602 SM5-6-26.0
TROUBLE D" CONTINUED FROM 3. Be certain hydraulic system temper- Same as remedies for Trouble D1 & D2.
PREVIOUS PAGE ature is not more than 180° F (82°C). Same as remedies for Trouble E2.
Excessive hydraulic oil temperatures
increase motor internal leakage and
reduce motor performance.

4. Winch line pull rating is based on 1st Refer to winch performance charts, located in
layer of wire rope. the Crane Rating Manual, for additional inforĆ

5. Rigging and sheaves not operating Perform rigging service as shown in the
efficiently. Operator's Manual.

The winch runs hot. 1. Same as D1. Same as remedies for Trouble D1.

2. Be certain that the hydraulic system

temperature is not more than 180° F
(82°C). Excessive hydraulic oil tem-
peratures may be caused by:

A. Plugged heat exchanger. Thoroughly clean exterior and flush interior.

B. Too low or too high oil level in Fill/drain to proper level.

hydraulic reservoir.

C. Same as D2. Same as remedies for Trouble D2.

D. Hydraulic pump not operating Prime mover low on horsepower or RPM'S.

efficiently. Tune/adjust prime mover.
Check suction line for damage.
If pump is belt driven, belts are slipping. ReĆ
place/tighten belts.
Pump worn. Replace pump.

3. Excessively worn or damaged internal Disassemble winch to inspect/replace worn

winch parts. parts. See Winch, Recondition" SM KeyĆ
sheet Area 5-6 for the correct procedure.

9 of 10
SM5-6-26.0 0602 Service Manual
Winch chatters" while raising rated load. 1. Same as D2. Same as remedies for Trouble D2.

2. Hydraulic oil flow to motor may be too Same as remedies for Trouble E2.

3. Controls being operated too quickly. Conduct operator training as required.

The wire rope does not spool smoothly on the 1. The winch may be mounted too close Check mounting distance and fleet angle.
drum. to the main sheave, causing the fleet Reposition winch as required.
angle to be more than 1-1/2 degrees.

2. The winch may not be mounted Refer to Winch, R & I". See SM Keysheet
perpendicular to an imaginary line Area 5-6.
between the center of the cable drum
and the first sheave.

3. Could possibly be using the wrong lay Consult a Link-Belt® Distributor for recomĆ
rope. There is a distinct advantage in mendation of wire rope that best suits your
applying rope of the proper direction application.
of lay. When the load is slacked off, the
several coils on the drum will stay
closer together and maintain an even
layer. If rope of improper lay is used,
the coils will spread apart each time the
load is removed. Then, when winding
is resumed, the rope has a tendency to
criss-cross and overlap on the drum.
The result is often a flattened and
crushed rope.

4. The winch may have been overloaded, Replace wire rope and conduct operator or
causing permanent set in the wire rigger training as required.

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Service Manual 0303 SM5-6-29.0

CH 210 A 36 110-01-1
Construction Max Design Gear Motor Drum Option
Hoist Rating Model Ratio Size Size

CH Construction Hoist
210 21,000 lb (93 450N) First Layer Line Pull
A Model Series Relating To Design Change
36 Total Gear Reduction
110 Hydraulic Motor Displacement In cubic inches
(Example: 110 = 11.0 cu in per revolution)
01 Drum Size
Serial Number and Model Number
are stamped into the motor end 1 Permits Testing And Inspection Per API2C
bracket as shown above. (Offshore Cranes)

Figure 1
Identification Plate

Winch, R & I
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
Braden Hydraulic Planetary Winch Model CH210. For
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
recondition or removal and installation of other model
result from misuse of these products. Read
winches, see SM Keysheet Area 5-6.
and follow all the manufacturer's
Removal recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: 5. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level approved cleaning solvent to prevent
surface. contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
b. Engage the park brake. circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
lock, as required.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as reĆ WARNING
quired. Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
3. If required, remove the wire rope from the winch hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
being serviced. See the Operator's Manual for furĆ burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
ther information on wire rope and rigging. engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
4. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main pressure from the system before removing
hydraulic pump. any line or component.

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SM5-6-29.0 0303 Service Manual
4 5 6 7

2 8


1. Upper Frame 4. Hydraulic Lines 7. Winch 10. Capscrews & Washers

2. Wire Connector 5. Capscrews & Washers 8. Hydraulic Hoses 11. Mounting Blocks
3. Motor 6. Planetary Brake 9. Winch Frame
Figure 2
Winch Plumbing

6. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows: 10. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic hydraulic lines (4), as required. Cap/plug the open
reservoir by pushing the buttons on the hydraulic ports and lines (4) to prevent excessive
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic oil loss and contamination of the system.
Note: The winch motor weighs approximately 90 lb
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ
out switch to the OPERATE" position. 11. Support the motor (3) with an appropriate lifting deĆ
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger vice.
switches back and forth several times. 12. Remove the capscrews and washers (5) securing
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth the motor (3) to the planetary brake (6).
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On 13. Disengage the motor (3) from the planetary brake
cranes equipped with emergency steering (6) and allow the motor (3) to rest on the hydraulic
system, it will take several rotations of steering hoses (8).
wheel before steering becomes hard.) 14. Remove the o-ring (not shown) installed on the piĆ
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position. lot of the motor (3).
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
position and move the function lockout switch to Note: The winch assembly weighs approximately
the DISABLE" position. 1,300 lb (590kg).
Refer to Figure 2. 15. Support the winch (7) with an appropriate lifting deĆ
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the vice.
wire connector (2) for the drum rotation indicator 16. Remove the capscrews and washers (10) securing
mounted on the end of the motor (3). the winch (7) to the mounting blocks (11) on the
9. The main hydraulic hoses (8) will remain connecĆ upper frame (1).
ted and support the winch motor (3) once it is disĆ 17. Carefully balance the winch (7) and remove it from
engaged from the planetary brake assembly (6) of the crane.
the winch (7). 18. If required, protect the open end of the winch (7),
with a temporary enclosure, to prevent moisture or
other contamination from entering the system.

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Service Manual 0303 SM5-6-29.0
Cleaning And Inspection 2. Align the holes in the winch frame (9) with those in
the mounting blocks (11).
3. Apply LoctiteR 242 to the capscrews (10) and
install the capscrews and washers (10).
WARNING 4. Evenly tighten the capscrews (10) in a criss-cross
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be pattern. Torque the capscrews (10) to 795-875 ft
hazardous. Serious personal injury may lb (1 080-1 185Nm).
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's Note: The winch motor weighs approximately 90 lb
recommendations concerning solvents and (40kg).
cleaning solutions.
5. Support the motor (3) with an appropriate lifting deĆ
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
6. Lubricate the o-ring (not shown) used to seal the
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ
pilot of the motor (3) with clean hydraulic oil. See
fully inspected.
the Operator's Manual for the correct type.
2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
7. Install the o-ring (not shown) on the pilot of the
should be removed from threads of hardware and
motor (3).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
8. Align the motor (3) with the pilot and mounting
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ
holes in the planetary brake (6). Engage the input
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
shaft of the motor (3) with the planetary brake (6).
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ
9. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to the threads of
mance of products.
the capscrews (5). Install and fully tighten the capĆ
3. All soft parts", such as seals, gaskets, back up
screws and washers (5) in a criss-cross pattern.
rings, and o-rings, should be replaced.
10. Connect the hydraulic lines (4) to the motor (3) and
4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines and
planetary brake (6).
hoses that are connected to the winch being serĆ
11. Install the wire connector (2) to the drum rotation
viced. Repair or replace if required.
indicator on the motor (3).
5. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and conĆ
12. Check oil level in the winch planetary. Add oil as
nectors that are connected to the winch being serĆ
required. See Operator's Manual for correct type
viced. Repair or replace if required.
and procedure.
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ
13. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
required. See Operator's Manual for correct type
any major component.
and procedure.
14. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
Installation 15. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
leaks. Repair if needed.
WARNING 16. If required, install the wire rope on the winch being
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking serviced. See the Operator's Manual for further inĆ
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious formation on wire rope and rigging.
personal injury may result from misuse of 17. Complete the installation by testing all related
these products. Read and follow all functions of the winch and brake for proper
manufacturer's recommendations concerning operation. Normal operation of hydraulic and
these products. electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
inspection of components and systems in the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be
Refer to Figure 2.
performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
Note: The winch assembly weighs approximately present.
1,300 lb (590kg).

1. Attach the winch assembly (7) to an appropriate

lifting device.

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SM5-6-29.0 0303 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0306 SM06 --- 008 --- 009.00
Throttle Treadle Assembly,
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the throttle treadle assembly. For recondition
procedure, if available, see SM Area 06---008. 1 3
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service: Park the crane out
of the way on a firm and level surface, engage the
park brake or properly block the tires, engage the
travel swing lock, level the crane on fully extended
outriggers, and/or fully lower the boom, as re- 5 4
3. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
“DISABLE” position. 1. Base Plate 3. Connector 5. Clamp & Screw
4. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy- 2. Treadle 4. Capscrews
draulic pump. Figure 1 SD00279
5. Remove clamp and screw (5) from base plate (1). Throttle Treadle Assembly
6. Unplug connector (3) from socket.
7. Remove capscrews (4).
8. Remove treadle (2) and base plate (1) as an as- Installation

Cleaning And Inspection

Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
WARNING compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be personal injury may result from misuse of
hazardous. Serious personal injury may these products. Read and follow all
result from misuse of these products. Read manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
and follow all the manufacturer’s these products.
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions. 1. Align treadle (2) and base plate (1), as an assem-
bly, to mounting holes in cab floor.
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with 2. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to the threads of
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care- the capscrews (4).
fully inspected. 3. Install capscrews (4).
2. All LoctiteR residue should be removed from 4. Install clamp and screw (5) in base plate (1).
threads of hardware and parts that are going to be 5. Plug connector (3) into socket.
reused. 6. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
3. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- tions of the throttle treadle assembly for proper op-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace eration. Normal operation of and electrical sys-
any major component. tems should be confirmed. A general inspection of
4. Inspect integrity of wire harness and connectors. components and systems in the areas adjacent to
Repair as required. the repair should also be performed to ensure re-
lated damage or wear is not present.

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SM06 --- 008 --- 009.00 0306 Service Manual

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Service Manual 1005 SM06 --- 025 --- 021.00
Operator’s Cab A/C Coil & 3. Shutdown the engine.
4. Evacuate the refrigerant from the air conditioning
Heater Core, R & I system by reclaiming the refrigerant into an ap-
proved closed container.
Maintenance and repair procedures for any air
Refer to Figure 1.
conditioning (A/C) or refrigeration system should only
5. Remove the screws(5) which secure the fan (4) to
be performed by a certified technician. Safety and
the top of the console (3).
environmental concerns must be considered due to
6. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
the working fluid used in these types of systems.
electrical connection (not shown) from the fan (4)
Refrigerant used in the air conditioning system must
and remove the fan (4) from the console (3).
not be allowed to escape into the atmosphere. Rather,
7. Remove the screws (2) and cover panel (1) from
it must be recovered into a closed container or
the console (3).
“reclaimed” to ensure the safety of individuals and the
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
electrical connection (not shown) from the
evaporator coil and heater core assembly (6).

Refrigerants are under pressure and can be
hazardous. A sudden release of refrigerant
could cause chemical burns, frostbite or other Engine coolant is hot. Failure to allow engine,
serious injury. Shutdown the engine and radiator, and heater to sufficiently cool before
properly “reclaim” the refrigerant from system draining coolant could result in burns or other
before removing any line or component. Read personal injury. Allow the engine and radiator
and follow all of the manufacturer’s to cool before removing pressure cap and
recommendations concerning use and storage hoses or draining coolant from the radiator.
of refrigerants.
9. Allow sufficient time for the engine and radiator to
This procedure covers the removal and installation of cool before removing pressure cap and hoses or
the operator’s cab evaporator coil and heater core draining coolant from the radiator.
assembly. For an exploded view illustration of the 10. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
assembly, see SM Keysheet Area 06---025. For general A/C hoses (8) from the evaporator coil and heater
precautions regarding air conditioning service, see SM hoses (7) from the heater core. Cap/plug the open
Keysheet Area 18---018. ports and hoses (8,7) to prevent excessive coolant
loss or contamination of the system.
Removal 11. Allow any excess coolant to drain into an
appropriate container. Properly store or dispose of
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required.
the used fluid.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
12. Remove the capscrews and washers (11) securing
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and
the evaporator coil and heater core assembly (6) to
level surface. Engage the park brake and/or
the mounting bracket (10).
properly block the tires.
13. Remove the locknuts and washers (9) securing the
b. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
evaporator coil and heater core assembly (6) to the
c. Position the upper frame, as required, to opti-
inside of the console (3).
mize access to hose connections on the bot-
14. Remove the evaporator coil and heater core
tom of the operator’s cab. Engage the swing
assembly (6) from the operator’s cab.
park brake or travel swing lock, as required.
d. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-

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SM06 --- 025 --- 021.00 1005 Service Manual



6 10

1. Cover Panel 5. Screws 9. Washers & Locknuts

2. Screws 6. Evaporator Coil & Heater Core Assy 10. Mounting Bracket
3. Console 7. Heater Hoses 11. Capscrews & Washers
4. Fan 8. A/C Hoses

Figure 1
Operator’s Cab Evaporator Coil & Heater Core Assembly

2 of 4
Service Manual 1005 SM06 --- 025 --- 021.00
Cleaning And Inspection Installation

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
hazardous. Serious personal injury may compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
result from misuse of these products. Read personal injury may result from misuse of
and follow all the manufacturer’s these products. Read and follow all
recommendations concerning solvents and manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
cleaning solutions. these products.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with Refer to Figure 1.

an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care- 1. Position the evaporator coil and heater core
fully inspected. assembly (6) within the console (3) and mounting
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue bracket (10).
should be removed from threads of hardware and 2. Install the washers and locknuts (9) to secure the
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be evaporator coil and heater core assembly (6) to the
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- inside of the console (3).
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces 3. Install the capscrews and washers (11) securing
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor- the the evaporator coil and heater core assembly
mance of products. (6) to the mounting bracket (10).
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or Note: If required, place two washers between
replace as required. the mounting bracket and evaporator coil and
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up heater core assembly at each location. The re-
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. maining washers will be located on the outside
5. Inspect the integrity of the hoses that are con- of the mounting bracket against the heads of the
nected to the evaporator coil and heater core as- capscrews.
sembly. Repair or replace if required.
6. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and con- 4. Connect the hoses (7,8) to the appropriate
nectors that attach to the evaporator coil and heat- locations on the evaporator coil and heater core
er core assembly. Repair or replace if required. assembly (6).
7. Inspect the integrity of the weatherstripping on the 5. Connect the electrical connection (not shown) to
cover panel and console. Repair or replace if re- the evaporator coil and heater core assembly (6).
quired. 6. Install the cover panel (1) on the console (3) and
8. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- secure with screws (2).
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace 7. Make the electrical connection (not shown) to the
any major component. fan (4) and position the fan (4) on the console (3).
8. Install the screws(5) which secure the fan (4) to the
top of the console (3).
9. Charge the air conditioning system with refriger-
10. Check the engine coolant level. Add coolant as re-
quired. See the Operator’s Manual for the correct
type and procedure.
11. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
12. Test all related functions of the operator’s cab air
conditioning and heater to ensure proper opera-
tion and installation. See the Operator’s Manual for
the correct operating procedures.
13. Inspect all connections for leaks. Repair leaks as

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SM06 --- 025 --- 021.00 1005 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 1212 SM06 --- 025 --- 022.00
See SM Keysheet Area 18---018 for general
Heater Core And precautions regarding air conditioning service.
Air Conditioning Evaporator
Coil, Illustrated CAUTION
Heat exchange fins on the heater core are very
The intent of this document is to illustrate the service delicate. Even a minor bump can cause a
parts of the air conditioning coil and heater core deformation of the fins which reduces the
assembly and provide some basic precautionary
efficiency of the heater and adds potential for
information. For removal and installation procedures,
leaks. Be very careful not to deform the heater
see SM Keysheet Area 06---025.
core fins during heater removal, installation,
Note: Maintenance and repair procedures for any and storage.
air conditioning or refrigeration system should only
be performed by a certified technician. Safety and It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic
environmental concerns must be considered due to components to lay the parts out in the order that they
the working fluid used in these types of systems. were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
Refrigerant used in the air conditioning system during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
must not be allowed to escape into the atmosphere. the assembly process.
Rather, it must be recovered into a closed container
or “reclaimed” to ensure the safety of individuals
and the environment.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
Precautionary Information hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
WARNING recommendations concerning solvents and
Refrigerants are under pressure and can be cleaning solutions.
hazardous. A sudden release of refrigerant
could cause chemical burns, frostbite, or
Prior to disassembly, allow any excess coolant to drain
other serious injury. Shutdown the engine and
from the unit into an appropriate container. Properly
properly “reclaim” the refrigerant from the
store or dispose of the used fluid.
system before removing any line or
component. Read and follow all of the
manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning use and storage of refrigerants.

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SM06 --- 025 --- 022.00 1212 Service Manual

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



27 14


23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15

1. Nuts 8. Nuts 15. Capscrews 22. Foam

2. Screws 9. Foam 16. Screws 23. Foam
3. Washers 10. Foam 17. Housing 24. Evaporator Coil
4. Housing 11. Foam 18. Brackets 25. Screws
5. Foam 12. Thermostat Switch 19. O --- rings 26. Washers
6. Blower 13. Wire Harness 20. Valve Block 27. Screws
7. Capscrews 14. Tubing --- 12” 21. Evaporator Coil

Figure 1
Heater Core And Air Conditioning Evaporator Coil, Illustrated

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Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00


6 3
7 5

1. Control Unit 5. Exhaust Outlet Pipe 8. Circulation Pump

2. Heat Exchanger 6. Fuel Inlet Tube 9. Combustion Air Inlet Connection Pipe
3. Burner Housing 7. Coolant Inlet Connection Pipe 10. Combustion Air Fan
4. Coolant Outlet Connection Pipe

Figure 1
Webasto Diesel Coolant Heater

Diesel Coolant Heater, Troubleshooting

General Information
Troubleshooting & Troubleshooting is normally limited to the isolation of
Recondition defective components and provides information on
defective wiring and connections. The following
This procedure covers the troubleshooting and possible causes for problems have not been taken into
consideration and must always be included as a
reconditioning of Webasto diesel coolant heaters.
possible cause for malfunctions:
For removal and installation procedures, see SM
Keysheet Area 06---025. S Power supply to heater is less than 10.5 volts at
main power connections. See Figure 2 for refer-
ence to power connections.
WARNING S Blown or missing fuses. See the Crane Operat-
or’s Manual and electrical schematic for location
The diesel coolant heater may be hot. Failure and identification of fuses.
to allow sufficient time for cooling could result S Proper duct work connections and placement of
in burns or other personal injury. Allow the insulation in the cab.
heater to cool before servicing. S The heater is in “Lockout” mode. See Heater
Lockout Resetting on Page 3.
S Fuel supply (no fuel, shutoff valve closed, incor-
Note: For best performance of the heater, kerosene rectly installed or obstructed fuel filter). Refer to
is the recommended fuel in ambient temperatures Figure 3.
below 20˚F ( ---7˚C). S Contaminated or improper fuel (Use #1, #2, or
arctic grade diesel fuel or kerosene). Kerosene
is the recommended fuel for use in ambient tem-
peratures below 20˚F ( ---7˚C).

1 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual


Coolant X5
Circulation Temperature
Pump Sensor
BRN X5 2-Way


Combustion X4
Air Fan Connector
BRN X4 2-Way

1 2


Ceramic X3 1 2
Ignitor/Flame Connector
Sensor BLU X3 2-Way 1 X3


620S RED

12 Volt X2 X1

Power Supply Connector 1

602R BLK X2 2-Way 2

602M VIO *
1 Top Of Heater
602U VIO
With Connectors
Diagnostic Connector
Connector 4 6-Way
1-Way † 5
602N BRN

* This wire may be located in Terminal 3 on some earlier model cranes. Improved heater performance
may be achieved by relocating this wire to Terminal 1. See Wire Harness Rework on Page 12 for the
complete procedure for relocating this wire.
† Some cranes may not have a diagnostic connector included in the external diesel heater wire harness.
This connector and wire number 602U VIO is necessary to implement a Personal Computer in the
troubleshooting process. If this wire assembly is not available, a diagnostic wire and connector can
be added to the existing wire harness using Link-Belt part number N4R0150. See Wire Harness Rework
found on Page 12 for the complete rework procedure.

Figure 2
Webasto Diesel Coolant Heater Electrical Schematic

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Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00
Theory of Operation
Heater Operation
When the heater is turned on and operating normally,
after the coolant temperature reaches 144˚F (62˚C)
the heater switches to the energy saving part load
operation. A rise in coolant temperature up to 162˚F
(72˚C) causes the heater to enter a control idle period.
The circulation pump and the operation indicator light
remain on during control idle. After cool---down of the
coolant to 140˚F (60˚C), the heater resumes part load 1
operation. Another rise in coolant temperature to 2
162˚F (72˚C) causes the heater to enter the control idle 3
period again. A drop in the coolant temperature during
part load operation due to an increased demand in
heat will cause the heater to switch to full load 1. Heater Fuel Tank 3. Shutoff Valve
operation at 133˚F (56˚C). 2. Fuel Filter 4. Fuel Pump

Heater Shutdown Figure 3

Typical Fuel Line Components
When the switch is turned off, combustion terminates
and shutdown (after---run) phase starts. The
The following procedure will clear the lockout mode
circulation pump and the combustion air fan continue
and reset the heater for normal operation.
operating during the shutdown phase to cool the
heater down and will be automatically switched off after 1. Shutdown the engine but leave the ignition key in
cool down. The duration time and the combustion air the on position.
fan speed during the shutdown phase depend on the 2. Ensure that the heater control switch, in the cab, is
heater operating condition at the time the heater is in the off position; wait 5 seconds. See the Crane
turned off. Operator’s Manual for complete heater operating
Shutdown time normally lasts 180 seconds (3 minutes)
3. Turn heater control switch, in the cab, to the on po-
when deactivated in full load operation and 100
sition; wait at least 5 seconds.
seconds (1.6 minutes) when deactivated in part load
4. Disconnect power from the heater unit by one of
operation. Some units’ shutdown periods are
the following methods:
programmable and may vary.
a. Unplug the “X2” connector from the heater
Heater Lockout Resetting unit. Refer to Figure 2 for the heater electrical
The diesel coolant heater is designed with a lockout b. Turn the battery disconnect switches to the
safety feature built into the control unit. After three “OFF” position.
consecutive, unsuccessful startup attempts, the c. Remove the appropriate fuse for the diesel
heater will lock itself out from any further start attempts. heater from the fuse panel in the cab.
The heater may also enter the lockout mode after 5. Wait at least 5 seconds.
experiencing an overheat condition. 6. Reconnect the power to the heater unit.
7. Cycle the heater control switch, in the cab, off for 5
seconds and then back to the on position.
8. Again, disconnect power from the heater unit; wait
at least 5 seconds.
9. Again, reconnect the power to the heater unit. The
heater should attempt to start within 10 seconds
after the power is connected.
10. The lockout mode should now be cancelled and
the diesel coolant heater should operate normally
or be ready to analyze with the troubleshooting
procedures outlined.

3 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual

Personal Computer

1-- Way Diagnostic Connector

PC Diagnostics Wire 602U VIO
Interface Cable OR
(Part of Kit 3N 1330) Retrofitted N4R0150

Interface Cable
(3N 1331) 6-- Way
Heater’s External Installed
Wire Harness On Top Of

Figure 4
Typical Diagnostic Cable Connection

Personal Computer Diagnostics The PC Diagnostic Interface Kit (Link-Belt part number
It is possible to read and remove (reset) stored fault 3N 1330) comes complete with PC interface cable,
codes from the diesel coolant heater’s electronic software, and instructions. Also required is an
memory. This is achieved through the use of a interface cable adaptor which must be ordered
diagnostic interface kit connected to the diesel coolant separately; (Link-Belt part number 3N 1331).
heater and a compatible personal computer (PC) Note: The diesel heater’s external wire harness
having the necessary software installed. must be equipped with wire number 602U VIO and
its 1-- way diagnostic connector. This wire as-
In addition to working with stored fault codes, the PC sembly is where the interface cable and adaptor are
Diagnostic Interface Kit provides several other installed. Some wire harnesses do not have this
functions such as reading values while the heater is in wire assembly and must be reworked with Link-Belt
operation or testing individual components. Printing part number N4R0150 in order to accommodate the
out fault codes is also possible when the computer is PC Diagnostic Setup. See Wire Harness Rework on
connected to a compatible printer. Page 12 for complete rework instructions.

For further capabilities and instructions, see the

instruction manual supplied with the PC Diagnostic
Interface Kit.

4 of 18
Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00


Did heater attempt to start? Check for 12Volts at heater Repair or replace harness,
(Combustion fan running) connector X1, pin 1 or pin 3, connectors, fuse, or switch,
as equipped, with switch on. as required.

Check for 12Volts at heater Repair or replace harness,

connector X2, pin 1 with connectors, or fuse, as
switch on. required.

Check for ground at heater Repair or replace harness,

connector X2, pin 2. connectors, as required.

Replace heater.

Is combustion air intake free Repair or replace air intake

from damage and tube or remove obstruction,
obstruction? as required.

Is combustion exhaust pipe Repair or replace exhaust

free from damage and pipe or remove obstruction,
obstruction? as required.

Figure 6

Figure 5
Troubleshooting -- Continues in Figure 6

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SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual


Figure 5

Is fuel available to fuel Check fuel tank, shutoff Repair or replace fuel tank,
pump? valve, in--- line filters, lines, shutoff valve, or in--- line
and supply lines for filters, as required.
contamination or blockage.

Does fuel pump operate Connect voltmeter Fuel pump Repair or

(clicking sound) during to fuel pump connections replace wire
start--- up cycle approximately leads. Does the sound and harness, as
30 seconds after switching signal blink slowly harness free required
heater on? after 30 seconds of damage?
from switching
heater on?

Replace heater.

Is combustion air intake free Repair or

from damage and replace air
obstruction? intake, as

Reconnect fuel pump and Replace fuel pump.

turn heater on. After 30
seconds from switching
heater on, lightly tap fuel
pump. Does fuel pump
begin to operate (click)?

System should resume Check fuel tank, in--- line filters,

normal operation. Pump and supply lines for
may have been stuck due to contamination or blockage.
Continues dirt in fuel or long periods of
In time with no operation.
Figure 7

Figure 6
Troubleshooting -- Continues In Figure 7

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Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00


Figure 6

Disconnect fuel line from Are fuel lines and filters free of Replace fuel filter. Replace or
heater fuel inlet port. Turn obstructions? Are fuel lines repair damaged or obstructed
heater on and observe fuel free of air? Are fuel lines free of fuel lines. Tighten loose fuel
expelled from fuel line: damaged, pinched sections, line clamps. Purge air from
12 in (30cm) with fuel pump and leaks? Are fuel line clamps lines. Fill fuel tanks with fuel.
1.5 in (4cm) gravity feed or tight? Is there sufficient fuel in
pump w/dampener the fuel tank?

Replace fuel pump.


Does coolant pump operate Remove center Remove Replace

when heater is on (can feel plastic cover coolant pump coolant pump.
or hear pump running.)? from heater. and cover
Disconnect screws. Clean
coolant pump pump thor-
connector X3. oughly.
Apply 12 Volts Assemble and
directly to the reconnect
pump (+ to pump. Does
black and --- to pump operate?
brown). Does
pump operate?
Figure 8
pump and test
Replace heater.
run heater

Figure 7
Troubleshooting -- Continues In Figure 8

7 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual


Figure 7

Does heater start and operate Check coolant hoses for any
normally but performs poorly? obstructions, kinked hoses, low
coolant level and proper hose

Possible intermittent problem. Check coolant hoses and fuel

Should problem reoccur, re- lines for any obstructions,
peat the troubleshooting kinked hoses, and proper hose
procedure. routing. Ensure all electrical
connectors are tight and clean.


Figure 8

8 of 18
Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00
General Information
It is a good practice when disassembling components
to lay the parts out in the order that they were
disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order during 1
disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in the
assembly process.

If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not 7

use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and 6 4
not bind.

Combustion Air Fan
5. Circulation Pump
6. Screw
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 3. Cover 7. Clamp
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 4. Clamp
result from misuse of these products. Read Figure 9
and follow all the manufacturer’s Replacement Of Circulation Pump
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
Combustion Air Fan Removal
Circulation Pump Removal 1. Remove the circulation pump (5,Figure 9). See
“Circulation Pump Removal” found earlier in this
Refer to Figure 9. document.
1. Remove the cover (3), and disconnect the electri-
cal connector from the circulation pump (5). Refer to Figure 10.
2. Loosen the clamp (4). 2. Disconnect the electrical connector from the com-
3. Remove the screw (6) and clamp (7). bustion air fan (1).
4. Remove the circulation pump (5) from the combus- 3. Remove the screws (8) that secure the combustion
tion air fan (2). air fan (1) to the burner housing (13).
4. Carefully remove the combustion air fan (1), using
5. If required, remove the collar (1) and clamp (4).
caution not to damage the fuel inlet tube (4).
Circulation Pump Installation 5. Remove the gasket (2) and seal grommet (9).
Refer to Figure 9. Combustion Air Fan Installation
1. Properly clean and inspect the circulation pump (5)
per the instructions given in “Cleaning And Inspec- Refer to Figure 10.
tion” found later in this document. 1. Properly clean and inspect the combustion air fan
(1) per the instructions given in “Cleaning And In-
2. If removed, slide the clamp (4) and collar (1) on the
circulation pump (5). spection” found later in this document.
3. Correctly orient the circulation pump (5) to the 2. Install the seal grommet (9) in the combustion air
combustion air fan (2), and secure with the clamp fan (1).
(7) with screw (6). Torque the screw (6) to 3. Position the combustion air fan (1) to the burner
2.6±0.2 ft lb (3.5±0.3Nm). housing (13), and install the gasket (2).
4. Tighten the clamp (4). 4. Slide the combustion air fan (1) onto the fuel inlet
5. Connect the circulation pump (5) electrical con- tube (4) and against the burner housing (13).
nection, and install the cover (3). 5. Secure the combustion air fan (1) to the burner
housing (13) by installing the screws (8). Torque
the screws (8) to 2.6±0.2 ft lb (3.5±0.3Nm).
6. Install the circulation pump (5,Figure 9). See “Cir-
culation Pump Installation” found earlier in this

9 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual









1. Combustion Air Fan 5. Glow Plug/Flame Sensor 9. Seal Grommet 12. Heat Exchanger
2. Gasket 6. Cable Grommet 10. Cover 13. Burner Housing
3. Burner Insert 7. Screws 11. Control Unit 14. Gasket
4. Fuel Inlet Tube 8. Screws
Figure 10
Diesel Coolant Heater Assembly

10 of 18
Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00
Burner Insert (With Glow Plug/Flame Cleaning And Inspection
Sensor) Removal
1. Remove the circulation pump (5,Figure 9). See
“Circulation Pump Removal” found earlier in this
document. WARNING
Refer to Figure 10. Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
2. Remove the combustion air fan (1). See “Combus- hazardous. Serious personal injury may
tion Air Fan Removal” found earlier in this docu- result from misuse of these products. Read
ment. and follow all the manufacturer’s
3. Push the cable grommet (6) of the glow plug/flame recommendations concerning solvents and
sensor (5) out of the burner housing (13). cleaning solutions.
4. Remove the screws (7) securing the burner insert
(3) to the burner housing (13). 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
5. Remove the gasket (14). cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
Burner Insert (With Glow Plug/Flame tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
Sensor) Installation any other foreign material during assembly.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
Refer to Figure 10. should be removed from threads of hardware and
1. Properly clean and inspect the burner insert (3) per the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
the instructions given in “Cleaning And Inspection” reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
found later in this document. pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
2. Align the gasket (14) on the burner housing (13). with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
3. Position the burner insert (3) to burner housing mance of products.
(13), and install the screws (7). Torque the screws 3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
(7) to 2.6±0.2 ft lb (3.5±0.3Nm). wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep
4. Press the cable grommet (6) of the glow plug/flame scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal.
sensor (5) into the burner housing (13). 4. Inspect the wiring harness and connectors for cor-
5. Install the combustion air fan (1). See “Combus- rosion, loose contacts, and wrong crimping. Re-
tion Air Fan Installation” found earlier in this docu- pair or replace as required.
ment. 5. Check the air intake port for obstructions. Carefully
6. Install the circulation pump (5,Figure 9). See “Cir- check the air intake tube for restrictions and dam-
culation Pump Installation” found earlier in this age. Repair or replace if damaged.
document. 6. Check the exhaust outlet pipe for corrosion.
7. Inspect connection pipes for damage, restrictions,
and loose connections. Repair or replace if dam-
8. Inspect the coolant circulation pump for leakage.
Repair or replace if damaged.
9. All “soft parts”, such as the gaskets and seal grom-
mets should be replaced.
10. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

11 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual
Wire Harness Rework
The performance of the diesel heater can be improved 1 2 3 4
on earlier model cranes by relocating wire number
602M VIO from Terminal 3, in the 6---Way connector
(X1, Figure 2) , to Terminal 1. See the following 3 2 1
procedure Wire 602M VIO Relocation for the complete

Further improvement to this same wire harness can be

made by adding a diagnostic wire assembly to
Terminal 2 in the same 6---Way connector. Some wire 6 5 4
harnesses do not have this wire assembly and must be
retrofitted with Link-Belt part number N4R0150 in order 1. Wire Seals 3. Plugs
to accommodate the PC Diagnostic Setup. See 2. Wires 4. Connector
Retrofitting The Diagnostic Link Connector on Page 15 Figure 12
for the complete procedure. 6-- Way Wire Connector
Wire 602M VIO Relocation
3. The connector (4) has six Terminals available to ac-
The wire connectors used on diesel heater’s external commodate wires (2) , and wire seals (1). Unused
wire harnesses are AMPt type connectors. They Terminals will employ plugs (3); the color of the
utilize a locking feature to prevent wires from pulling plugs (3) can vary but hold no significance. Each
loose inadvertently. Use the following procedure to Terminal is identified by the adjacent number en-
remove and install wires in the diesel heater’s 6---Way graved into connector (4)

1 6


1 2 3 2

1. Heater 3. 6--- Way Connector

2. External Wire Harness

Figure 11
Typical Heater Wire Harness 1. Terminal 1 2. Plug

Figure 13
1. Locate the external wire harness (2) and 6---Way Plug Removed From Wire Connector
connector (3) on the top of the heater (1).
2. Unplug the 6---Way connector (3) from the top of 4. Remove the plug (2) from from Terminal 1 (1).
the heater (1).

12 of 18
Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00
1 2
1 2 3 4

1. Top Of Connector 4. Release Slot

2. Unlocked Position Hole 5. Lock
3. Locked Position Hole

Figure 16
1. Latch 2. Lock
Locking Mechanism in “UNLOCKED” Position
Figure 14
Connector Locking Mechanism 7. Slide the lock (5) so that the latch is positioned in
the unlocked position hole (2). It is crucial that the
5. Before any wires can be removed or added to the
latch is not moved beyond the unlocked position
connector, the lock (2) must be moved to the re-
hole (2). Doing so leaves the wires locked and un-
leased position. The latch (1) maintains the selec-
ted position. It also serves as the indicator that is
read from the top of the connector. The lock (2) il- 1 2
lustrated in Figure 14 has been greatly over exten-
ded for the purpose of clearly showing the latch (1).

1 2 3 4

1. Latch 3. Wire 602M VIO
2. Barb
1. Top Of Connector 4. Release Slot
2. Unlocked Position Hole 5. Lock Figure 17
3. Locked Position Hole
Depress Barb To Release Wire
Figure 15
Locking Mechanism in “LOCKED” Position 8. Ensure that the latch (1) is in the unlocked position
(See Figure 16). Using a small pointed instrument,
6. Using a small screwdriver, press down on the lock press on the barb (2) while pulling on wire 602M
(5) through the release slot (4). VIO (3).

13 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual

1 2 3
4 5 6

4 5

1 2 3

1 3


1. Connector 3. Wire 602M VIO

1. Terminal 1 3. Terminal 3 2. Wire Seal
2. Plug 4. Wire 602M VIO Figure 20
Figure 18 Insert Wire In New Location
Plug and Wire Removed
11. Insert wire 602M VIO (3) into Terminal 1 of the con-
9. Remove wire 602M VIO (4) from the connector. nector (1). Be sure that the barb on wire 602M VIO
(3) is oriented toward the outside of the connector
(1) and that the wire seal (2) is fully seated.

1 2 3 4

5 6

2 3

1. Connector 2. Plug
1. Top Of Connector 4. Release Slot
Figure 19 2. Unlocked Position Hole 5. Lock
Insert Plug In New Location 3. Locked Position Hole

Figure 21
10. Insert the plug (2) into Terminal 3 of the connector Locking Mechanism in “LOCKED” Position
(1). Be sure to fully seat the plug (2).
12. Using a small screwdriver, press down on the lock
(5) through the release slot (4) and move the latch
to the locked position hole (3).

14 of 18
Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00
1 2 3

Order Link-Belt part

number N4R0150

Figure 24
Diagnostic Wire Retrofit

Retrofitting The Diagnostic Link Connector

For PC diagnostics, the diesel heater’s external wire
harness must be equipped with wire number 602U VIO
and its 1---way diagnostic connector. This wire
1. Wire Seal 3. Plug
2. Wire 602M VIO assembly is where the interface cable and adaptor are
installed. Some wire harnesses do not have this wire
Figure 22 assembly and must be retrofitted with Link-Belt part
Ensure Wire & Plug Are Seated And Locked number N4R0150 in order to accommodate the PC
Diagnostic Setup.
13. Ensure the plug (3) and wire seal (1) of wire 602M
VIO (2) are fully seated in each terminal port and
locked in place. The wire connectors used on diesel heater’s external
14. Plug the reworked connector back into the top of wire harnesses are AMPt type connectors. They
the diesel heater. Perform a functional test on the utilize a locking feature to prevent wires from pulling
heater to ensure it is working properly before re- loose inadvertently. Use the following procedure to
turning the crane to service. remove and install wires in the diesel heater’s 6---Way
1 2 3 4

3 2 1

6 5 4

1. Wire Seals 3. Plugs

2. Wires 4. Connector
1 2 3
Figure 23
6-- Way Wire Connector
1. Heater 3. 6--- Way Connector
2. Wire Harness

Figure 25
Typical Heater Wire Harness

1. Locate the wire harness (2) and 6---Way connector

(3) on the top of the heater (1).
2. Unplug the 6---Way connector (3) from the top of
the heater (1).

15 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual
3. The connector (4) has six terminals available to ac-
commodate wires (2) , and wire seals (1). Unused 1 2 3 4
terminals will employ plugs (3); the color of the
plugs (3) can vary but hold no significance. Each
terminal is identified by the adjacent number en-
graved into connector (4)

5 1

3 5
1 1. Top Of Connector 4. Release Slot
2. Unlocked Position Hole 5. Lock
3. Locked Position Hole

Figure 28
Locking Mechanism in “LOCKED” Position
1. Plug 2. Terminal 2

Figure 26 6. Using a small screwdriver, press down on the lock

Insert Wire Connector (5) through the release slot (4).

4. Remove the plug (1) from Terminal 2 (2). 1 2 3 4

1 2

1. Top Of Connector 4. Release Slot

2. Unlocked Position Hole 5. Lock
1. Latch 2. Lock 3. Locked Position Hole
Figure 27 Figure 29
Connector Locking Mechanism Locking Mechanism in “UNLOCKED” Position

5. Before any wires can be removed or added to the

7. Slide the lock (5) so that the latch is positioned in
connector, the lock (2) must be moved to the re-
the unlocked position hole (2). It is crucial that the
leased position. The latch (1) maintains the selec-
latch is not moved beyond the unlocked position
ted position. It also serves as the indicator that is
hole (2). Doing so leaves the wires locked and un-
read from the top of the connector. The lock (2) il-
lustrated in Figure 27 has been greatly over exten-
ded for the purpose of clearly showing the latch (1).

16 of 18
Service Manual 0309 SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00
2 5



1 2 3
1. Connector 3. Wire N4R0150
2. Wire Seal

Figure 32
Ensure Wire Is Fully Seated
1. Plug 4. Wire Seal
2. Terminal 2 5. Connector 10. Ensure wire seal (2) of wire N4R0150 (3) is fully
3. Wire N4R0150 seated in the terminal port of the connector (1) and
Figure 30 locked in place.
Insert Wire (N4R0150) In Connector 11. Plug the reworked connector back into the top of
the diesel heater. Perform a functional test on the
8. Insert wire N4R0150 (3) into Terminal 2 (2) of the heater to ensure it is working properly before re-
connector (5). Be sure that the barb on wire is ori- turning the crane to service.
ented toward the outside of the connector (5) and
that the wire seal (4) is fully seated.

1 2 3 4

1. Top Of Connector 4. Release Slot

2. Unlocked Position Hole 5. Lock
3. Locked Position Hole

Figure 31
Locking Mechanism in “LOCKED” Position

9. Using a small screwdriver, press down on the lock

(5) through the release slot (4) and move the latch
to the locked position hole (3).

17 of 18
SM06 --- 025 --- 026.00 0309 Service Manual

18 of 18
Service Manual 1006 SM06 --- 025 --- 029.00
Diesel Coolant Heater, R & I 5. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
position and move the function lockout switch to
This procedure covers the removal and installation of the “DISABLE” position.
the diesel coolant heater. For recondition procedure,
see SM Keysheet Area 06---025.
Use care not to cause sparks at the battery
WARNING terminals while disconnecting the battery.
Battery gasses are volatile and could be
The diesel coolant heater may be hot. Failure ignited by a spark or flame causing the battery
to allow sufficient time for cooling could result to explode. Keep the area around the battery
in burns or other personal injury. Allow the well ventilated and disconnect the negative
heater to cool before servicing. side of the battery first, with the ignition switch
“OFF”, to minimize hazard.
Engine coolant may be hot and could cause
burns. Avoid prolonged and repeated skin Battery posts, terminals, and related
contact with antifreeze. Such prolonged, accessories contain lead and lead
repeated contact can cause skin disorders or compounds. Eating or smoking with lead
other bodily injury. Keep out of reach of residue on hands may cause lead poisoning.
children. Wash hands after handling lead products.

Coolant is toxic. Keep away from children and 6. Turn the battery disconnect switches to the “OFF”
pets. If not reused, dispose of in accordance position, or disconnect the battery cables from the
with local environmental regulations. battery, negative cables first. See the Operator’s
Manual for battery disconnect switch operation.
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: WARNING
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and The diesel coolant heater system is
level surface. pressurized. Do not remove the fill cap when
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block the system is hot. Heated coolant spray or
the tires. steam can cause personal injury. Wait until
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing the system has cooled and slowly remove the
lock, as required. fill cap.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as 7. Remove any grills, guards, and covers as
required. necessary to gain access to the diesel coolant
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main heater assembly.
hydraulic pump. Refer to Figure 1.
8. Relieve the diesel coolant heater system pressure
by removing the fill cap (10) from the coolant
WARNING reservoir (8). Install the fill cap (10) once the
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be pressure has been relieved.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 9. Disconnect the electrical connections from the
result from misuse of these products. Read diesel coolant heater (6).
and follow all the manufacturer’s 10. For assembly purposes, label the heater hoses (3)
recommendations concerning solvents and and fuel line (2).
cleaning solutions. 11. Loosen the hose clamps (4), and disconnect the
heater hoses (3) from the diesel coolant heater (6).
4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with Cap/plug the open ports and hoses (3) to prevent
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent excessive coolant loss and contamination of the
contamination. Allow the area to air dry. system.

1 of 4
SM06 --- 025 --- 029.00 1006 Service Manual



1. Upper Frame 4. Hose Clamps 7. Fuel Pump 10. Fill Cap

2. Fuel Line 5. Hose Clamp 8. Coolant Reservoir 11. Heater Fuel Tank
3. Heater Hoses 6. Diesel Coolant Heater 9. Locknuts & Washers

Figure 1
Diesel Coolant Heater

2 of 4
Service Manual 1006 SM06 --- 025 --- 029.00
12. Loosen the hose clamp (5), and disconnect the fuel Installation
line (2) from the diesel coolant heater (6). Cap/plug
the open port and fuel line (2) to prevent excessive
fuel loss and contamination of the system.
13. Remove locknuts and washers (9) and remove the WARNING
diesel coolant heater (6) from the crane. Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
Cleaning And Inspection personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
WARNING these products.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Refer to Figure 1.
result from misuse of these products. Read 1. Properly position the diesel coolant heater (6) and
and follow all the manufacturer’s install washers and locknuts and (9).
recommendations concerning solvents and 2. Connect the heater hoses (3) to the diesel coolant
cleaning solutions. heater (6). Tighten the hose clamps (4) to 45 in lb
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with 3. Connect the fuel line (2) to the diesel coolant heater
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care- (6). Tighten the hose clamp (5) to 45 in lb (5Nm).
fully inspected. 4. Connect the electrical connections to the diesel
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue coolant heater (6).
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- WARNING
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces Use care not to cause sparks at the battery
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor- terminals while connecting the battery.
mance of products. Battery gasses are volatile and could be
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa- ignited by a spark or flame causing the battery
tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or to explode. Keep the area around the battery
replace as required. well ventilated and connect the negative side
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up of the battery last, with the ignition switch
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. “OFF”, to minimize hazard.
5. Inspect the integrity of the fuel lines that are con-
nected to the diesel coolant heater. Repair or re- 5. Turn the battery disconnect switches to the “ON”
place if required. position, or connect the battery cables to the
6. Inspect the integrity of the heater hoses that are battery, positive cables first. See the Operator’s
connected to the diesel coolant heater. Repair or Manual for battery disconnect switch operation.
replace if required. 6. Check the coolant level in the coolant reservoir (8).
7. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and con- Add coolant as required. See the Operator’s
nectors that supply the diesel coolant heater. Re- Manual for the correct type and procedure.
pair or replace if required. 7. Check the fuel level in the heater fuel tank (11). See
8. Inspect the fuel pump and filter, replace as re- the Operator’s Manual for the correct type and
quired. procedure.
9. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

3 of 4
SM06 --- 025 --- 029.00 1006 Service Manual
Note: The temperature of the coolant must be 10. Ensure the coolant level is at the proper operating
below 86˚ F (30˚ C) for start-- up. level. Add coolant as required. See the Operator’s
Manual for the correct procedure.
8. Set the heater/air conditioner selector switch to the 11. With the diesel coolant heater “ON”, check for:
heater position (as equipped), turn the tempera- a. Circulating pump operation
ture control knob to the highest heat position, and b. Initiation of start ---up sequence
turn the heater “ON”. See the Operator’s Manual c. Successful start ---up and operation
for the correct procedure. 12. Turn the heater “OFF”, and inspect the installation
once more for leaks.
Note: It may take a second start-- up attempt to
13. Complete the installation by testing all related
fire the diesel coolant heater. If a second
functions of the diesel coolant heater for proper
attempt is required, cycle the “ON/OFF” switch
operation. A general inspection of the
to reset the control unit.
components and systems in the areas adjacent to
9. With the diesel coolant heater “ON”, air will purge the repair should also be performed to ensure
from the system. Refill the coolant reservoir (8), as related damage or wear is not present.
needed, during the purging cycle. Inspect the 14. Replace any grills, guards, and covers that were
heater hose and fuel line connections for leaks. removed to gain access to the diesel coolant
Repair leaks as required. heater assembly.

4 of 4
Service Manual 0412 SM06---047---000.00
Wire Location in Circuit 1


Circuit Designation 6 5 4

Example: Wire number 243---A BLU indicates: 1. Circuit Breaker 4. Indicator Light
Category 2, circuit 43, conductor 2. Thermal Switch 5. Buzzer
A, blue wire. 3. Wire Connector 6. Ground Bolt

Figure 1 Figure 2
Wire Number Explanation Wire Number Suffix Sequence

2. Category 2: Engine and Transmission Control

Electrical System Wire (Blue) 200 Series numbers are used to identify
wires in circuits used in the operation and control of
Identification Code the engine and transmission.
3. Category 3: Monitoring Group (Yellow) 300 series
In order to simplify electrical troubleshooting tech- numbers are used to identify wires in circuits used
niques, the electrical system of this crane uses a “Wire in monitoring crane operation. Circuits that
Identification Code”. The following information out- contain gauges or instrumentation are included in
lines the “Code” used to identify the wires in a crane’s this category. (See Category 8 also.)
electrical system. 4. Category 4: Lighting and Horns (Green) 400
Series numbers are used to identify wires in the
Wire Harness interior and exterior lighting circuits of the crane, as
well as the horn and back up alarm circuits.
Each wire, in any given wire harness within the electri- 5. Category 5: Equipment Control (Brown) 500
cal system, has a colored insulating coating. This coat- Series numbers are used to identify wires in circuits
ing is labeled with a wire number. The color and wire concerned with the operation and control of
number, when fully understood, will allow the positive functions that are unique to the crane. (See
identification of a wire and its specific use in the circuit. Category 7 also.)
Each wire has four basic identifying elements. Refer to 6. Category 6: Accessories (Violet) 600 series
Figure 1. numbers are used to identify wires in circuits
concerned with the operation and control of
Category operator accessory equipment such as heaters,
defrosters, windshield wipers, etc.
The first character of each wire number corresponds to
7. Category 7: Equipment Control (Brown) 700
a general category. Seven basic categories exist and
series numbers are simply an extension of
are described as follows:
Category 5. (See Category 5 also.)
1. Category 1: Primary Power (Red or Orange) 100 8. Category 8: Monitoring Group (Yellow) 800 series
series numbers are used to identify wires which are numbers are simply an extension of Category 3.
used to provide the originating source of power to (See Category 3 also.)
all circuits within the electrical system.

1 of 14
SM06---047---000.00 0412 Service Manual
Wire Location In Circuit 3. Wires that are at constant ground potential are col-
ored BLACK.
The fourth character of the wire number is a letter suffix
which is used to relate a particular wire’s location rela- Circuit Designation
tive to the rest of the circuit. The letter suffix, which is
assigned sequentially, generally starts from the circuits The second and third characters of each wire number
power source, changes at each of the circuits working specifically identify the circuit within any given catego-
components, and ends once a wire reaches ground ry. See the category listings found later in this docu-
potential. Refer to Figure 2. ment for specific wire number designations.
Note: The letter suffix does not change when two Note: All wire numbers listed in category listings
wires are joined by a wire connector. are typical and may not necessarily apply to one
Color given crane.

The color of the wire, like the wire number, has a very Jumper Wires
specific meaning. It can be used to identify, as well as,
describe the function of the wire in a given circuit. All A jumper wire is defined as any wire not included in a
wires are colored according to the category that de- wire harness. These wires are not labeled with a wire
fines their corresponding circuit, with the following ex- number. They are labeled however, with the actual wire
ceptions: part number which can be used to order a replacement
1. Wires which are directly connected to the system wire.
power source, and are at constant battery poten-
All jumper wires will be colored white with the same ex-
tial, are colored RED. These wires remain “HOT” at
ceptions, red, orange and black as described for the
all times.
wire harness.
2. Wires that are at battery potential only when the
ignition switch is in the “ON” position are colored

Category 1
Primary Power Circuits
Wire Number Description
000 Spare Collector Ring Connection
101 Battery Charge
102---110 Battery Distribution
111---119 Distribution Controlled By Main Switch
120---121 Main Switch Solenoid
122---123 Chassis Ground
124 Wheel Anti-Lock Power Supply
125 Remote Control Power Supply
126---127 Distribution Controlled By Main Switch
128---129 Ground
130 Battery Distribution
131 Distribution Controlled By Upper Switch
132 Controller Power
133---137 Ground
138 24 Volt Power
139---140 Ground
141---143 Distribution Controlled By Transmission
144 Trailer ABS Power Supply

2 of 14
Service Manual 0412 SM06---047---000.00
Category 2
Engine And Transmission Control Circuits
Wire Number Description
201---203 Starter Solenoid
204---205 Starter Motor
206---207 Engine Stop
208---209 Emergency Engine Stop
210 Throttle Lock
211 Throttle Control
212 Engine Torque Limit
213 Fuel Cooler
214 EMP Air Pump
215 Idle Validation
216---229 Other Engine Controls
230 Check/Stop Engine Power
231---240 Transmission Shift Select
241---242 Master Clutch Control
243 Ether Control
244 Outrigger Throttle Control
245 High Idle Solenoid
246---254 Torque Convertor Control
255---256 Speed Limiting
257 Fuel Heater
258---267 Other Transmission Controls
268 Throttle Actuator
269 Other Control
270 Throttle Supply
271 Intake Air Heater
272 Other Control
273---276 Transmission Supply
277 Transmission Cooler Fan
278 J1939 CAN High
279 J1939 CAN Low
280 J1939 CAN Shield
281 RPM Limiting

3 of 14
SM06---047---000.00 0412 Service Manual
Category 3
Monitoring Circuits (Also See Category 8)
Wire Number Description
301---302 Instrument Supply
303---304 Fuel Level
305---306 Engine Oil Pressure
307---308 Engine Coolant Temperature
309 Fuel Pressure
310 Voltmeter
311---312 Tachometer/Engine Speed Indicator
313 Hourmeter
314 Transmission Oil Temperature
315---316 Engine Oil Temperature
317---318 Torque Convertor Oil Pressure
319 Speedometer
320---321 Hydraulic Oil Temperature
322---326 Hydraulic Filter Indicator
327 Low Hydraulic Charge Pressure
328---329 Master Clutch Indicator Light
330 Gear Case Lube Indicator
331---334 Drum Rotation Indicator
335 Swing Lock Indicator
336---338 Low Air Pressure Indicator
339 Auxiliary Steer Indicator
340 Emergency Brake Indicator
341 Skid-Trol Power & Fault Indicator
342 Boom Length Indicator
343 Hoist Brake Alarm
344 Cab Control Shutdown Indicator
345 Dual Function Instrument Supply
346 Load Moment Indicator - Power Supply
347 Load Moment Indicator - Logic Control
348 Load Moment Indicator - Swing Rotation Indicator
349 Load Moment Indicator --- Function Interlock & Alarm
350 Wheel Anti-Lock System Fault Indicator
351 Remote Control Brake Pressure Monitoring
352 Bumper Outrigger Overload Alarm
353---356 Drum Rotation Indicator
357 Power “ON” Indicator
358 Anti-Two Block

4 of 14
Service Manual 0412 SM06---047---000.00
Category 3 --- Continued
Monitoring Circuits (Also See Category 8)
Wire Number Description
359---360 Drum Limit Light
361 Engine Overheat Alarm
362---363 Air Pressure
364 Free-Fall System Indicator
365 Oil Level Alarm
366 Ladder Rung Alignment Indicator
367 Open Door Indicator
368 Controller Power Indicator - Base
369 Controller Power Indicator - Platform
370 Outrigger Interlock Indicator - Left Side
371 Outrigger Interlock Indicator - Right Side
372 Over Front Indicator And Warning Buzzer
373 Oil Pressure Alarm
374 Load Moment Indicator - Swing Rotation Indicator
375---376 Low Air Pressure Indicator
377---378 Free-Fall System
379 Engine Monitor - Upper
380 Light Test
381 Position Indicator
382---383 Engine Monitor - Carrier
384---388 Swing Potentiometer Indicator
389 Emergency Brake Boost Flow Indicator
390 Counterweight Removed/Attached Indicator
391 Auxiliary Steer Indicator
392 Suspension Lockout Indicator
393---395 Rear Axle Steer Lock Pin Indicator
396 Park Brake Indicator
397---398 Axle Differential Lock Indicator
399 Steer Indicator Gauge

Monitoring Circuits Continued As Category 8

5 of 14
SM06---047---000.00 0412 Service Manual
Category 4
Lighting And Horn Circuits
Wire Number Description
401 Distribution Controlled By Light Switch
402---403 Headlights
404---405 Clearance Lights
406 Tail And Clearance Lights - Carrier Left Side
407 Tail And Clearance Lights - Carrier Right Side
408 Backup Lights And Alarm
409 Backup Solenoid
410 Brake Light Switch(es)
411---412 Interior Cab Lights
413 Emergency And Turn Flasher
414 Front Turn Light - Carrier Right Side
415 Rear Turn And Stop - Carrier Right Side
416 Front Turn Light - Carrier Left Side
417 Rear Turn And Stop - Carrier Left Side
418---422 Exterior Lights
423 Tower Obstruction Light
424 Interior House Lights
425---426 Horn
427 Instrument Lights
428 Light Solenoid
429---430 Travel Alarm
431 Boom Telescope Override
432 Lift And Tilt Alarm
433 Instrument Lights
434 Rotating Beacon
435 Swing Alarm
436 Backup Light
437 Backup Alarm
438 Brake Light Switch
439 Emergency And Turn Signal Flasher
440 Tail And Clearance Lights - Upper
441 Front Turn Light - Upper Right Side
442 Rear Turn And Stop - Upper Right Side
443 Front Turn Light - Upper Left Side
444 Rear Turn And Stop - Upper Left Side
445 Daytime Running Lights

6 of 14
Service Manual 0412 SM06---047---000.00
Category 5
Equipment Control Circuits (Also See Category 7)
Wire Number Description
501---502 Outrigger Power Supply
503---505 Outrigger Solenoid Control
506 Outrigger Control Circuit - Left Front Jack
507 Outrigger Control Circuit - Left Front Beam
508 Outrigger Control Circuit - Right Front Beam
509 Outrigger Control Circuit - Right Front Jack
510 Outrigger Control Circuit - Right Rear Jack
511 Outrigger Control Circuit - Right Rear Beam
512 Outrigger Control Circuit - Left Rear Beam
513 Outrigger Control Circuit - Left Rear Jack
514 Outrigger Control Circuit - Retract
515 Outrigger Control Circuit - Extend
516---518 Outrigger Directional/Flow Divider Valve Supply
519 Hydraulic Reservoir Pressure/Fine Metering
520 Two-Speed Hoist
521 Free-Fall Valve
522 Axle Oscillator Control
523 Combination Steering Control
524---525 Four-Wheel Drive Control
526 Reserve Air Control
527 Pump Disconnect
528 Oscillation Override
529 Remote Steering Control
530 Remote Steering Control (Rear Winch Up*)
531 Remote Steering Control (Rear Winch Down*)
532 Remote Steer Directional & Diverter Valve Supply (Front Winch Up*)
533 Remote Steer Directional & Diverter Valve Supply (Front Winch Down*)
534 Remote Steer Directional & Diverter Valve Supply (Swing Left*)
535 Telescope Override (Swing Right*)
536 Blocking Valve Control
537 Hydraulic Pin Puller Control (Boom Hoist Up*)
538 Hydraulic Pin Puller Control (Boom Hoist Down*)
539---540 Hydraulic Pin Puller Control
541---542 Hydraulic Pin Puller Power Supply
543 Two-Speed Swing
544 Two-Speed Travel
* Alternate description for some cranes with serial number prefixes J8 or R3 only.

7 of 14
SM06---047---000.00 0412 Service Manual
Category 5 --- Continued
Equipment Control Circuits (Also See Category 7)
Wire Number Description
545---548 Two-Speed Planetary
549 House Lock Disengage
550---551 Cab Motion
552 Boom Hoist Cutout
553 Drum Hoist Cutout
554 Boom Lowering Cutout
555 Travel/Third Drum Selector
556 House Lock Engage
557 Cab Motion
558 Drum Cutout Override
559 Boom Cutout Override
560---563 Axle Control
564 Tower Balance Arm Cutout Bypass
565---566 Fairleader Control
567 Cab Pressure Control
568 Hoist Convertor Control
569 Boom Hoist Brake Dump
570 Boom Hoist Cutout
571 Travel/Third Drum Selector
572---573 Drum Bypass
574 Automatic Brake
575 Park Brake
576 Drum Lowering Cutout
577 Two-Speed Hoist
578 Control Override
579 Remote Control
580 Accumulator Charge Pressure
581 Boom Hoist
582 Boom Telescope
583 Swing Lock
584---585 Boom Hoist Auxiliary
586 Swing Auxiliary
587---592 Outrigger Control
593---595 Blocking Valve
596---599 Free-Fall

Equipment Control Circuits Continued As Category 7

8 of 14
Service Manual 0412 SM06---047---000.00
Category 6
Accessories Circuits
Wire Number Description
601---602 Heater
603---604 Defroster
605---607 Windshield Wiper
608---610 Windshield Washer
611 Cab Vent Fan
612---613 Air Conditioner
614---615 Propane Engine Preheater
616 Air Dryer
617 Cigarette Lighter
618---621 Air Conditioner
622 12 Volt Accessory Outlet
623 Remote Control Mirror
624 Heater
625 Seat Control
626 AM/FM Radio

9 of 14
SM06---047---000.00 0412 Service Manual
Category 7
Equipment Control Circuits (Also See Category 5)
Wire Number Description
701 Free-Fall
702 Tow Winch - Out
703 Tow Winch - In
704 Load Sensing
705 Oil Cooler Control
706 Pump Disconnect
707 Rear Axle Steer Lock - Upper Control
708 Rear Axle Steer Unlock - Upper Control
709 Axle Oscillation Control
710---712 Axle Differential Lock
713 Rear Axle Steer Lock - Carrier Control
714 Rear Axle Steer Unlock - Carrier Control
715 Winch Interference Control
716 Steer Reversing
717 Park Brake
718 Tow Winch - Auxiliary
719 Rear Axle Steer Locking
720 Boom Telescope Control Box (Offset Fly Control*)
721 Boom Telescope Control Box (Offset Fly*)
722---723 Boom Telescope Control Box
724 Front Winch Disengage
725 Rear Winch Disengage
726 Steer Lock
727 Boom Hoist Pump Control
728 Winch Pump Control
729 Boom Hoist Winch Disengage
730 Lower Jacking/Upper Pilot Control
731 Counterweight Removal
732 Axle Oscillation Control
733 Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Controller
734 J1939 CAN 1 - High
735 J1939 CAN 1 - Low
736 J1939 CAN 1 - Shield
737 Boom Latching Power Supply
738---744 Boom Latching Control
745---746 Axle Oscillation Control
* Alternate description for some cranes with serial number prefixes J8 or R3 only.

10 of 14
Service Manual 0412 SM06---047---000.00
Category 7 --- Continued
Equipment Control Circuits (Also See Category 5)
Wire Number Description
747 Side Frame Control
748 J1939 CAN 2 - High
749 J1939 CAN 2 - Low
750 J1939 CAN 2 - Shield (Rear Winch Function Controller*)
751 J1939 CAN 3 - High (Swing Function Controller*)
752 J1939 CAN 3 - Low (Front Winch Function Controller*)
753 J1939 CAN 3 - Shield (Boom Hoist Function Controller*)
754 Auger
755 Boom Hoist Up
756 Boom Hoist Down
757 Swing Left
758 Swing Right
759 Front Winch Up
760 Front Winch Down
761 Rear Winch Up
762 Rear Winch Down
763 Horsepower Dissipation
764 Fly Extend
765 Fly Retract
766 Fan Pump Control
767 Front Winch Controller
768 Rear Winch Controller
769 Swing Controller
770 Steer Assist Circuit
771 Free Swing
772 Greaser
773 Winch, Boom Pressure Relief (Dump)
774 Fan Clutch Control
775 Hill Start Aid
790 IQAN Controller Ground
791 Right Forward Travel
792 Right Reverse Travel
793 Left Forward Travel
794 Left Reverse Travel
* Alternate description for some cranes with serial number prefixes J8 or R3 only.

11 of 14
SM06---047---000.00 0412 Service Manual
Category 8
Monitoring Circuits (Also See Category 3)
Wire Number Description
801 Ammeter
802 Pyrometer Temperature
803---804 Instrument Power Supply
805 Throttle Indicator
806 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar - Red
807 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar - Amber
808 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar - Green
809---810 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) External Light Bar Power Supply
811 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Data Signal - AA傆
812 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Data Signal - AB傆
813 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Reset Signal
814 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Power Supply
815 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Display Ground
816 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Shield
817 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Reeling Drum & Anti-Two Block (ATB)
818 Four-Wheel Drive Engaged Indicator
819 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Bypass
820 Load Moment Indicator (LMI) Counterweight Sensing
821 Suspension Height Indicator
822 Anemometer
823 Outrigger Length Reel - Left Front Beam
824 Outrigger Length Reel - Right Front Beam
825 Outrigger Length Reel - Left Rear Beam
826 Outrigger Length Reel - Right Rear Beam
827 Swing Sensor
828 Seat Belt Indicator
829 Primary Steer Indication - Front
830 Secondary Steer Pump Indication - Rear
831 Tilt Sensor
832---833 Display/Monitor Supply
834 USB Port
835 Ground Driven Steer Pump Indication
836 Camera System

12 of 14
Service Manual 0412 SM06---047---000.00
Electrical System Schematic Symbols
Switches Senders
Maintained Contact
Normally Open Pressure Sensitive
Maintained Contact
Normally Closed
Liquid Level
Momentary Contact

Mechanically Actuated Thermal Sensitive

Pressure Sensitive
Opens As Pressure Rises
Pressure Sensitive
Closes As Pressure Rises
Momentary Contact
Normally Open Relays Heating Element
Momentary Contact Coil
Normally Closed
Contacts NO
Make Before Break

Mechanically Linked Contacts NO

Valve Solenoid
Contacts NC
Variable Resistance Contacts
With Off Position Common

Closes With Increase In Flow Circuit Protectors Ground

Opens With Increase In Flow Fuse Chassis

Circuit Breaker Gauge

Audible Signals Lights
Manual Reset

Circuit Breaker
Thermal Reset

Battery Motor
Backup Alarm Head, Tail, Dome,
Brake, Etc.
Figure 3
Electrical Symbols Legend

13 of 14
SM06---047---000.00 0412 Service Manual
Electrical System Schematic Symbols

Node Bus Bar (Fuse Block) Shielded/Twisted Wire Thermostat Sensor


NO -

Figure 3
Electrical Symbols Legend -- Continued

14 of 14
Service Manual 1208 SM07 --- 001 --- 024.00

A 1
2 A
3 6


1. Cap 3. Clamp & Locknuts 5. Hydraulic Lines

2. Accumulator 4. Bracket 6. Charging Valve

Figure 1

Pilot Control Accumulator, 4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an

approved cleaning solvent to prevent
R&I contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the pilot control accumulator. The pilot control
accumulator is not serviceable. It must be removed WARNING
and reinstalled as a complete assembly.
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
Removal hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: pressure from the system before removing
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level any line or component.
b. Engage the park brake or properly block the 5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure:
tires. a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
c. Engage the swing park brake and/or travel reservoir by pushing the button on the
swing lock, as required. pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
d. Fully retract and lower the boom, as required. reservoir.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
hydraulic pump. START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
WARNING switches back and forth several times.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
hazardous. Serious personal injury may repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
result from misuse of these products. Read cranes equipped with emergency steering
and follow all the manufacturer’s system, it will take several rotations of steering
recommendations concerning solvents and wheel before steering becomes hard.)
cleaning solutions. e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
position and move the function lockout switch to
the “DISABLE” position.

1 of 4
SM07 --- 001 --- 024.00 1208 Service Manual
Refer to Figure 1. Installation
7. Label for assembly purposes and slowly loosen
then disconnect the hydraulic lines (5). Cap/plug
the open hydraulic ports and lines (5) to prevent ex-
cessive oil loss and contamination of the system. WARNING
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
WARNING personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
When relieving the precharge on the manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
accumulator, the gas will become cold as it
these products.
exits. Serious personal injury may result from
misuse of this products. Read and follow all
the manufacturer’s recommendations. Refer to Figure 2.
1. Turn accumulator (1) upside down and remove any
8. Remove the cap (1) and relieve the accumulator (2) plug from the fluid port (11).
precharge by depressing the charging valve (6) 2. Coat inside of accumulator (1) with clean hydraulic
until the pressure has been fully relieved. Replace oil prior to installation to provide initial lubrication
cap (1). for the bladder (10). Refer to Operator’s Manual for
9. Support the accumulator (2) and remove the correct type.
clamp and locknuts (3) which hold the accumula- Refer to Figure 1.
tor (2) to the bracket (4). 3. Properly position accumulator (2) against bracket
10. Remove the accumulator (2) from the crane. (4) and install clamp and locknuts (3).
4. Install the hydraulic lines (5).
Cleaning And Inspection 5. If required, charge the accumulator (2). Refer to in-
structions found later in this document.
6. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
WARNING required. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be and procedure.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 7. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
result from misuse of these products. Read Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
and follow all the manufacturer’s leaks. Repair if needed.
recommendations concerning solvents and 8. Complete the installation by testing all related
cleaning solutions. functions of the accumulator (2) for proper
operation. Normal operation of hydraulic and
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care- inspection of components and systems in the
fully inspected. areas adjacent to the repair should also be
2. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
connected to the accumulator. Repair or replace if present.
3. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.

2 of 4
Service Manual 1208 SM07 --- 001 --- 024.00

3 4

2 5

A 6

A 9



1. Accumulator 5. Regulator Assembly 9. Charging Valve

2. Regulator Valve 6. Cap 10. Bladder
3. Regulator Gauge 7. Chuck 11. Fluid Port
4. Supply Gauge 8. Adaptor *
* An Adaptor May Be Required To Connect Chuck To Valve.
Figure 2
Typical Accumulator Charging Regulator Arrangement

Charging The Accumulator

The accumulator is pressurized with dry nitrogen and
may be charged with the unit installed or removed from Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
the crane. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. result from misuse of these products. Read
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: and follow all the manufacturer’s
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level recommendations concerning solvents and
surface. cleaning solutions.
b. Engage the park brake or properly block the
tires. 4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
c. Engage the swing park brake and/or travel approved cleaning solvent to prevent
swing lock, as required. contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
e. Fully retract and lower the boom, as required.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
hydraulic pump.

3 of 4
SM07 --- 001 --- 024.00 1208 Service Manual
11. Note the reading on the supply gauge (4). The dry
WARNING nitrogen tank must contain sufficient volume and
pressure to charge the accumulator (1) to 100 psi
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be (690kPa).
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause 12. Connect chuck (7) to the charging valve (9) and
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the turn the t ---handle clockwise to open the charging
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic valve (9).
pressure from the system before removing 13. When charging a new accumulator (1), open the
any line or component. regulator valve (2) slowly until the regulator gauge
(3) reads 5 psi (34kPa).
5. To relieve hydraulic system pressure: 14. Slowly open the regulator valve (2) until the
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic regulator gauge (2) reads 100 psi (690kPa).
reservoir by pushing the button on the 15. Turn the t ---handle of the chuck (7)
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic counterclockwise to close the charging valve (9)
reservoir, if equipped. and then close the valve on the dry nitrogen tank.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT 16. Remove the chuck (7) from the charging valve (9)
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- and inspect the charging valve (9) for leaks. There
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. will be a slight discharge of nitrogen when the
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger chuck (7) is removed.
switches back and forth several times. 17. If leaks are present, repair as required.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth 18. If no leaks are present, install the cap (6) on the
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On accumulator (1).
cranes equipped with emergency steering 19. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
system, it will take several rotations of steering required. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
wheel before steering becomes hard.) and procedure.
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position. 20. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
position and move the function lockout switch to leaks. Repair if needed.
the “DISABLE” position. 21. Complete the installation by testing all related
Refer to Figure 2. functions of the accumulator (1) for proper
7. Remove cap (6). operation. Normal operation of hydraulic and
8. Close the regulator valve (2) and the valve on the electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
dry nitrogen tank. inspection of components and systems in the
9. Connect the regulator assembly (5) to the dry areas adjacent to the repair should also be
nitrogen tank. performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
10. Open the valve on the dry nitrogen tank. The present.
regulator gauge (3) should read 0 psi (0kPa). If
required, close the regulator valve (2) to achieve
the zero pressure at the regulator gauge (3).

4 of 4
Service Manual 0905 SM07---003---006.00
Solenoid Valves, General
Recondition 1
This procedure covers the recondition of solenoid 2
valves in general.

Disassembly 3

Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Serious personal injury may result from
misuse of these products.

1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the valve

assembly with approved cleaning solvent.

Do not clamp valve housing in any form of 6
vice unless jaws are protected by a soft
material. Brass or wood are preferred.
10 7
2. Place the valve housing (10) in a vise.
3. Note position of prongs (5) on coil (4), to ensure
proper alignment during assembly. 8
4. Remove nut (1), washer (2), coil housing (3), coil
(4), and plate (6) from valve cartridge stem (8).
5. Remove valve cartridge stem (8) from valve hous-
ing (10).
6. Remove and discard o--rings (7,9).

Cleaning And Inspection

Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Serious personal injury may result from
misuse of these products.

1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved

cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or any 1. Nut 6. Plate
other foreign material during assembly. 2. Washer 7. O--ring
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, wear, 3. Coil Housing 8. Valve Cartridge Stem
corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metal. Re- 4. Coil 9. O--ring
5. Prongs 10. Valve Housing
place any damaged component as required. Al-
ways use new o--rings. Figure 1
Solenoid Valve Assembly

1 of 2
SM07---003---006.00 0905 Service Manual
Assembly 3. Install o--rings (7,9) onto valve cartridge stem (8).
4. Install valve cartridge stem (8) assembly into valve
Lubricate o--rings and threads with clean hydraulic oil housing (10).
prior to assembly. Refer to the Operator’s Manual for
the correct type.
Torque is critical to operation of valve.
Do not clamp solenoid valve housing in any 5. Torque valve cartridge stem (8) assembly to torque
form of vice unless jaws are protected by a value specified in chart below.
soft material. Brass or wood are preferred. 6. Align prongs (5) on coil (4), as they were prior to dis-
assembly and torque nut (1) to torque value speci-
1. Place valve housing (10) in a vise. fied in chart below.
2. Install plate (6), coil (4), coil housing (3), washer (2), 7. If solenoid valve assembly is not to be installed on
and nut (1) onto valve cartridge stem (8). crane immediately, plug all ports to prevent contam-
ination from entering and store properly.
Note: Do not torque nut at this time. Nut will be
torqued after installation.

Torque Specification Chart

Solenoid Thread Size Solenoid Installation Torque Coil Installation Torque

.438 -- 20 UNF 10--14 ft lb (14--19Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

.750 -- 16 UNF 15--19 ft lb (20--26Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

.875 -- 14 UNF 20--24 ft lb (27--33Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

1.000 -- 14 UNF 25--29 ft lb (34--39Nm) 7--11 ft lb (10--15Nm)

1.250 -- 14 UNF 30--34 ft lb (41--46Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

1.313 -- 12 UNF 35--38 ft lb (47--52Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

1.500 -- 12 UNF 39--43 ft lb (53--58Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

1.625 -- 12 UNF 44--47 ft lb (60--64Nm) 12--16 ft lb (16--22Nm)

2 of 2
Service Manual 0608 SM07 --- 004 --- 061.00
Upper Hydraulic 6. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
Components, R & I reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
(Upper Frame) reservoir.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
This procedure is general in nature and covers the
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
removal and installation of components mounted to
out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
the upper frame and illustrates the routing of the
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
hydraulic lines. Specific procedures for major
switches back and forth several times.
component removal and installation may be available.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
Refer to SM Keysheet for titles and code numbers of
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
additional procedures.
cranes equipped with emergency steering
Removal system, it will take several rotations of steering
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: 7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level position and move the function lockout switch to
surface. the “DISABLE” position.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires. Refer to Figure 1.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing 8. Disconnect any control cables, etc. pertaining to
lock, as required. and directly connected to the hydraulic
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. component that is to be removed.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- 9. If required, label for assembly purposes and
quired. disconnect any electrical connectors pertaining to
3. Shutdown the engine. and directly connected to the hydraulic
4. If equipped with a pump disconnect, disengage component being removed.
the main hydraulic pump. 10. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect any
hydraulic lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings
pertaining to and directly connected to the
WARNING hydraulic component being removed. Cap/plug
any open lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings to
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be prevent excessive oil loss and contamination of the
hazardous. Serious personal injury may system.
result from misuse of these products. Read 11. Adequately support the component being
and follow all the manufacturer’s removed.
recommendations concerning solvents and 12. Remove any mounting hardware that secures the
cleaning solutions. hydraulic component to the crane.
13. Remove the hydraulic component from the crane.
5. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
approved cleaning solvent to prevent
contamination. Allow the area to air dry.

Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
pressure from the system before removing
any line or component.

1 of 4
SM07 --- 004 --- 061.00 0608 Service Manual


1. Shuttle Valve 4. Swing Telescope Valve 6. Swing Park Brake Valve

2. Swing Motor 5. Boom Hoist Valve 7. Pilot Oil Supply Valve
3. Accumulator Charge Valve

Figure 1
Upper Hydraulic Components

2 of 4
Service Manual 0608 SM07 --- 004 --- 061.00
Cleaning And Inspection Installation

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
hazardous. Serious personal injury may compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
result from misuse of these products. Read personal injury may result from misuse of
and follow all the manufacturer’s these products. Read and follow all
recommendations concerning solvents and manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
cleaning solutions. these products.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with Refer to Figure 1.

an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and 1. Align the hydraulic component to the crane.
carefully inspected. 2. Apply Loctite 242 to mounting hardware, as
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue required.
should be removed from threads of hardware and 3. Install the mounting hardware and torque per
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be specification in SM Keysheet Area 18---000.
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
compounds or sealants, clean threads and Note: When installing hydraulic lines, hoses,
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best tubes, and fittings, use two wrenches to ensure
performance of products. that they are not twisted. One wrench must be
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, on the male fitting, and the other wrench on the
fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair female fitting.
or replace as required.
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up 4. Attach hydraulic lines, hoses, tubes, and fittings.
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. Torque per specifications in SM Keysheet Area
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses 07---018.
that are connected to the hydraulic component. 5. Connect any electrical connectors that were
Repair or replace if required. disconnected.
6. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and 6. Connect control cables, etc. that were removed.
connectors that supply the hydraulic component. 7. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
Repair or replace if required. required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory type and procedure.
personnel for directions whether to repair or 8. If equipped with pump disconnect, engage the
replace any major component. main hydraulic pump.
9. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
10. Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
Repair leaks as required.
11. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the hydraulic component for proper
operation. Normal operation of the hydraulic and
electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
inspection of the components and systems in the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be
performed to ensure related damage or wear is not

3 of 4
SM07 --- 004 --- 061.00 0608 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0617 SM07-004-134.00

No Illustration Required

1 of 2
SM07-004-134.00 0617 Service Manual
Upper Hydraulic
Components, R & I
(Single Winch Plumbing)
Service information not available at time of publication.
Updated information to follow with later revision.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic

Swing Motor, Recondition components to lay the parts out in the order that they
(Parker Hannifin Torqlinkt Series) were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
This procedure covers the recondition of the swing the assembly process.
motor. For removal and installation procedures, see
SM Keysheet Area 07−006.

The following pages are taken directly from the service WARNING
literature produced by the swing motor manufacturer. Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
Multiple models are covered by this information. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
Based on the specific application of this motor, and follow all the manufacturer’s
Link−Belt literature will supersede any discrepancies recommendations concerning solvents and
in operation, lubrication, maintenance, or service, cleaning solutions.
implied by the motor manufacturer. Any concerns
regarding such inconsistencies should be reviewed
with a Link−Belt distributor. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the swing
motor to prevent contamination form entering it before
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not beginning the disassembly process.
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind.

SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

Service Manual SM1512−002

Parker Motors

Effective: May, 1997

Torqlinkt TB, TD, TF,

TG & TH Series
Low Speed
High Torque
Hydraulic Motors
Service Procedure

Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

Definitions / Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Design Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4−5
Troubleshooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Troubleshooting Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Tools and Material Required for Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Conversions / Torque Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Exploded Assembly View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Disassembly & Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11−18
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19−28
Rotor Set Component Assembly Procedure (One Piece Stator) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Rotor Set Component Assembly Procedure (Two Piece Stator) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30−31
Final Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Hydraulic Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Oil Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Tips for Maintaining the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized
distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical
expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information
concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating
conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and
testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems assuring that
all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.

The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs,
availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at
any time without notice.

1 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
General Information

A NOTE provides key information to make a procedure easier or

NOTE quicker to complete.

A CAUTION refers to procedure that must be followed to avoid

CAUTION damaging the Torqlinkt unit or other system components.



This Service Manual has been prepared by Parker Hannifin Corp. for reference and use by mechanics who have
been trained to repair and service hydraulic motors and systems on commercial and non−commercial equipment
applications. Parker Hannifin Corp. has exercised reasonable care and diligence to present accurate, clear and
complete information and instructions regarding the techniques and tools required for maintaining, repairing and
servicing the complete line of TB, TD, TF, TG, & TH Torqlinkt Units. However, despite the care and effort taken in
preparing this general Service Manual, Parker makes no warranties that (a) the Service Manual or any explanations,
illustrations, information, techniques or tools described herein are either accurate, complete or correct as applied to
a specific Torqlinkt unit, or (b) any repairs or service of a particular Torqlinkt unit will result in a properly functioning
Torqlinkt unit.

If inspection or testing reveals evidence of abnormal wear or damage to the Torqlinkt unit or if you encounter
circumstances not covered in the Manual, STOP − CONSULT THE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER’S SERVICE

It is the responsibility of the mechanic performing the maintenance, repairs or service on a particular Torqlinkt unit
to (a) inspect the unit for abnormal wear and damage, (b) choose a repair procedure which will not endanger his/her
safety, the safety of others, the equipment, or the safe operation of the Torqlinkt, and (c) fully inspect and test the
Torqlinkt unit and the hydraulic system to insure that the repair or service of the Torqlinkt unit has been properly
performed and that the Torqlinkt and hydraulic system will function properly.

2 of 34
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
General Information

Service Manual for Series TB, TD, TF, TG, TH
This service manual has one purpose: to guide you in maintaining, troubleshooting, and servicing the TB, TD, TF,
TG, & TH Torqlinkt (low−speed, high−torque hydraulic motor).

Material in this manual is organized so you can work on the Torqlinkt and get results without wasting time or being
confused. To get these results, you should read this entire manual before you begin any work on the Torqlinkt.

This manual also contains troubleshooting information and checklist. If you must service the Torqlinkt, the
checklist will help you to determine where the problem may be.

The three−column format of the Disassembly and Inspection, and Assembly sections will make it easier for you to
conduct major work on the Torqlinkt. Column 1 illustrates the procedure with photographs. Column 2 gives a brief
key for each procedure. Column 3 explains in detail the procedure you should follow. Read all material carefully and
pay special attention to the notes, cautions, and warnings.

A page with the Torqlinkt exploded assembly view is provided in this manual. The component part names and item
numbers assigned on this exploded assembly view correspond with names and item numbers (in parentheses)
used in the disassembly and assembly procedures set forth in this manual.

Service parts are available through the Original Equipment Manufacturer.

As you gain experience in servicing the Torqlinkt, you may find that some information in this manual could be
clearer or more complete. If so, let us know about it. Do not try to second guess the manual. If you are stuck, contact
us. Servicing the Torqlinkt should be a safe and productive procedure, in order for the unit to deliver the reliable,
long−life operation engineered into it.

3 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
Torqlinkt Design Features

Torqlinkt TB Series features include:

S The roller vane rotor set design offers a
low−friction, wear compensation which
maximizes the useful performance life of

NEEDLE THRUST S Zero leak commutation valve provides

greater, more consistent volumetric
BEARING efficiency.
S Design flexibility − TB offers the widest
selection of shaft options, displacements
and mounting flanges in the industry.
S Patented 60−40 spline member arrange−
ment transmits more torque with less
S Full flow lubrication maximizes cooling and
may provide up to 50% longer life than
motors not having this feature.
S Higher pressure rating provide greater
SEAL torque than competitive brands.
BUSHING S Full interchangeability with other motors
which are designed according to industry
S Compatible with most hydraulic systems
with regard to pressure, torque and speed.
MATCHED COMMUTATOR SET S A unique high−pressure shaft seal that
eliminates the need for case drains.
S Up to 13 horse power output.

COUPLING SHAFT Torqlinkt TD Series features include:

S Roller vanes to reduce friction and internal
HIGH PRESSURE SEAL leakage and to maintain efficiency.
S Zero leak commutation valve provides
greater, more consistent volumetric
S Wheel mount version available.
DRIVE LINK S More starting torque than competitive
motors in applications where the shaft is
side loaded. (Competitive brands require
more pressure to start the motor.)
S A needle−roller mounted coupling shaft
and steel−caged thrust bearing which can
withstand 1000−pound thrust loads.
S Side load capacity is 1600 lbs. (727.3 kg)
maximum at center of output shaft.
DIRT &WATER S A unique high−pressure shaft seal that
SEAL eliminates the need for case drains, check
valves and extra plumbing.
S Up to 17 horsepower output.
S Greater durability due to superior lubrica−
BEARING tion and minimum drive spline wear.
S Patented 60−40 spline member arrange−
MATCHED ROTOR SET ment transmits more torque with less

4 of 34
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
Torqlinkt Design Features

Torqlinkt TF Series features include:

COUPLING SHAFT S Heavy−duty thrust and roller bearings

for up to twice side−load capacity to the
HIGH PRESSURE SEAL previous motor.
S Roller vanes to reduce friction and
NEEDLE THRUST BEARING internal leakage, and to maintain
HOUSING S A patented orbiting commutation system
for less wear and longer life.
DRIVE LINK −12 S A patented 60:40 arrangement of internal
OR 14−TOOTH and external spline members to transmit
SPLINES more torque with less weight.
S A unique high−pressure shaft seal that
eliminates the need for case drains,
check valves and extra plumbing.
S A unique manifold designed to improve
operating efficiency.
S Up to 1000 lbs. (453.6 kg) end−thrust
capacity in either direction.
S A design that is less sensitive to
DIRT & WATER contamination than competitive motors.
SEAL S Up to 36 horsepower output.
S Greater durability because of superior
NEEDLE RADIAL lubrication and minimum drive spline
S Superior low speed performance.
MATCHED ROTOR SET S Zero leak commutation valve provides
greater, more consistent volumetric

Torqlinkt TG & TH Series features

S Roller vanes to reduce friction and
HIGH PRESSURE SEAL internal leakage and to maintain
COUPLING SHAFT efficiency.
S A patented orbiting commutation system
HOUSING for less wear and longer life.
DRIVE LINK −12 S A patented 60:40 arrangement of internal
TOOTH SPLINES and external spline members to transmit
more torque with less weight.
S A unique high−pressure shaft seal that
eliminates the need for case drains,
check valves and extra plumbing.
S A manifold designed to improve
operating efficiency.
S Heavy−duty thrust and roller bearings
for up to twice the side−load capacity to
the previous motor.
DIRT & WATER S Up to 1000 lbs. (453.6 kg) end−thrust
SEAL capacity in either direction.
S A design that is less sensitive to
contamination than competitive motors.
S Up to 49 horsepower output.
S Greater durability because of superior
MATCHED ROTOR SET lubrication and minimum drive spline
MATCHED COMMUTATOR SET S Zero leak commutation valve provides
greater, more consistent volumetric

5 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
General Information
Troubleshooting Guide

NOTE Before troubleshooting any system problem, check service literature published by the
equipment and/or component manufacturers. Follow their instructions, if given, for
checking any component other than the Torqlinkt unit.

Preparation Hydraulic Components

Make your troubleshooting easier by preparing as If you think the problem is caused by a hydraulic
follows: component, start by checking the easy−to−reach
S work in a clean, well−lighted place;
Check all hoses and lines for cracks, hardening, or
S have proper tools and materials nearby; other signs of wear. Reroute any useable hoses that
are kinked, severely bent, or that rest against hot
S have an adequate supply of clean petroleum
engine parts. Look for leaks, especially at couplings
based solvent.
and fittings. Replace any hoses or lines that don’t
meet system flow and pressure ratings.
FLAMMABLE, BE EXTREMELY Next, go to the reservoir and filter or filters. Check
CAREFUL WHEN USING ANY fluid level and look for air bubbles. Check the fil-
SOLVENT, EVEN A SMALL ter(s). A filter with a maximum 50 micron filtration is
EXPLOSION OR FIRE COULD recommended for the Torqlinkt system.
Visually check other components to see if they are-
loosely mounted, show signs of leaks, or other dam-
AND OTHER MAXIMUM AIR Excessive heat in a hydraulic system can create
PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS. problems that can easily be overlooked. Every sys-
tem has its limitation for the maximum amount of
temperature. After the temperature is attained and
passed, the following can occur:
Preliminary Checks S oil seal leaks

Hydraulic systems are often trouble−free. Hence, the S loss of efficiency such as speed and torque
problem an operator complains of could be caused S pump loss of efficiency
by something other than the hydraulic components.
S pump failure
Thus, once you have determined that a problem ex- S hoses become hard and brittle
ists, start with the easy−to−check items, such as: S hose failure

S parts damaged from impact that were not properly A normal temperature range means an efficient hy-
repaired, or that should have been replaced; and draulic system. Consult the manuals published by
equipment and/or component manufacturers for
S improper replacement parts used in previous ser-
maximum allowable temperature and hydraulic tests
that may be necessary to run on the performance of
S mechanical linkage problems such as binding, bro- the hydraulic components. The Torqlinkt is not rec-
ken, or loose parts or slipping belts ommended for hydraulic systems with maximum
temperatures above 200°F (93.3°C).

6 of 34
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
General Information

Troubleshooting Guide
Trouble Cause Remedy

Oil leakage 1. Hose fittings loose, worn or Check & replace damaged fittings
damaged. or O Rings. Torque to manufac−
turer’s specifications.

2. Oil seal rings (4) deteriorated by Replace oil seal rings by

excess heat. disassembling Torqlinkt unit.

3. Special bolt (1, 1A, 1B or 1C) loose (a) Loosen then tighten single bolt to
or its sealing area deteriorated by torque specification.
corrosion. (b) Replace bolt.

4. Internal shaft seal (16) worn or Replace seal. Disassembly of

damaged. Torqlinkt unit necessary.

5. Worn coupling shaft (12) and Replace coupling shaft and seal by
internal seal (16). disassembling Torqlinkt unit.

Significant loss of speed 1. Lack of sufficient oil supply. (a) Check for faulty relief valve and
under load adjust or replace as required.
(b) Check for and repair worn pump.
(c) Check for and use correct oil for
temperature of operation.

2. High internal motor leakage. (a) Replace worn rotor set by

disassembling Torqlinkt unit.

3. Severely worn or damaged Replace rotor set, drive link and

internal splines. coupling shaft by disassembling
Torqlinkt unit.

4. Excessive heat. Locate excessive heat source

(usually a restriction) in the system
and correct the condition.

Low mechanical efficiency or 1. Line blockage. Locate blockage source and repair
undue high pressure required or replace.
to operate Torqlinkt unit.
2. Internal interference. Disassemble Torqlinkt unit, iden−
tify and remedy cause and repair,
replacing parts as necessary.

3. Lack of pumping pressure. Check for and repair worn pump.

4. Excessive binding or loading in Locate source and eliminate

system external to Torqlinkt unit. cause.

CAUTION If the hydraulic system fluid becomes overheated [in excess of 200°F (93.3°C)], seals in
the system can shrink, harden or crack, thus losing their sealing ability.

7 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
General Information

Tools and Materials Required for Servicing

S Clean, petroleum−based solvent

S Emery paper
S Vise with soft jaws
S Air pressure source
S Arbor press
S Screw driver
S Masking tape
S Breaker bar
S Torque wrench−ft. lbs. (N m)
S Sockets: 1/2 or 9/16 inch thin wall, 1 inch
S Allen Sockets: 3/16, 3/8 inch
S Adjustable crescent wrench or hose fitting wrenches
S SAE 10W40 SE or SF oil
S Special bearing mandrel for TB & TD Torqmotors (SEE FIGURE 1)
S Special bearing mandrel for TH Torqmotors (consult factory)
S Special bearing mandrel for TF & TG Torqmotors (SEE FIGURE 2)
S Feeler gage .005 inch (.13 mm)
S TB & TD Torqmotors require blind hole bearing puller for 1.06 inch (26.9 mm) and 1.62 inch (41.1 mm) diame-
ter bearing/bushing.
S TH Torqmotors require blind hole bearing puller for a 1.575 inch dia. (40.0 mm) and 2.130 inch dia. (54.1 mm)
S TF & TG Torqmotors require blind hole bearing puller for 1.400 inch dia. (35.6 mm) and 2.130 inch dia. (54.1
mm) bearings.
S Clean corrosion resistant grease. Part # 406018 is included in each seal kit. Recommended grease is Parker
Specification #045236 or Mobil Mobilith SHC® 460

NOTE The available service seal kits include the recommended grease as a grease pack #406018

CAUTION Mixing greases that have different bases can be detrimental to bearing life.

8 of 34
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
General Information


.020 .51 1.060 26.92

.021 .53 1.295 32.89
.029 .74 1.297 32.94
.030 .76 1.396 35.46
.111 2.81 1.398 35.51
.119 3.02 1.620 41.15
.152 3.86 1.622 41.20
.160 4.06 1.983 50.37
.296 7.52 1.985 50.42
.304 7.72 2.120 53.85
.460 11.68 2.122 53.90
.470 11.94 2.233 56.72
.500 12.70 2.235 56.77
.585 14.86 2.483 63.07
.595 15.11 2.485 63.12
.660 16.76 2.500 63.5
.675 17.15 2.88 73.2
1.058 26.87

Torque Chart
Part Name Item Number Torque
bolt 5/16 24 UNF 2A 1, 1A, 1B or 1C 22−26 ft. lbs. (30−35 N m)
bolt 3/8 24 UNF 2A 1, 1A, 1B or 1C 45−55 ft. lbs. (60−76 N m)
bolt 5/8 18 UNF 2A 12D 140−180 ft. lbs. (190−244 N m)
nut 3/4 16 UNF 2B 12B (TB, TD) 175−255 ft. lbs. (237−305 N m)
nut 1−20 UNEF 2B 12B (TF, TG) 300−400 ft. lbs. (407−542 N m)
nut 1−1/8 18 UNEF 2B 12B (TG) 300−400 ft. lbs. (407−542 N m)

.304 .675
.296 .660
.470 .119
.460 .111
.160 .595 .030 x 45 TYP
.152 .585 (4 Places)
.470 .029
.460 .021

.030 x 45 TYP
2.483 Dia

(4 Places)
1.983 Dia.

2.88 Dia Min.

2.233 Dia
2.5000 Dia Min.

1.396 Dia

1.295 Dia.
1.058 Dia.

2.120 Dia

1.620 Dia.

15 TYP
(2 Places)
15 TYP
Knurl .500
.500 (2 Places)
Min. Knurl
(Fabricate if considered necessary) (Fabricate if considered necessary)

9 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
General Information
Torqlinkt Exploded Assembly View − Typical

This Component
Included in TF & TG
Torqlinkt Units Only.




Alternate Construction
Alternate Construction Shuttle Valve End Cover
TG and TH Rotor Set NOTE: Assemble Seal Flat Side Out as Shown in Enlarged
(48.0 and 58.5 c.i. only) View of Sectioned Segments of Items Number 5 and 3

Item No. Description

1. Special Bolts (5 or 7)
1A. Special Bolts (7)
1B. Special Bolts (7) 11. Thrust Bearing 20. Dirt & Water Seal
1C. Special Bolts (7) 12. Coupling Shaft 21. Plug (2)
12A. Key 22. O−Ring (2) Alternate Construction
2. End Cover Manifold Port
3. Commutator Seal 12B. Nut 23. Spring End Cover
4. Seal Ring (5) 12C. Washer 24. Valve (Shuttle or Relief)
5. Commutator 12D. Bolt 25. Backup Shim
6. Commutator Ring 12E. Lockwasher
7. Manifold 12F. Retaining Ring
8. Rotor Set 13. Bearing/Bushing, Inner
8A. Rotor 14. Thrust Washer
8B. Stator or Stator Half 15. Thrust Bearing
8C. Vane (7) 16. Shaft Seal
8D. Stator Half 17. Backup Ring
8E. Vane (7) 18. Housing
9. Wear Plate 18A. O−Ring (2)
19. Bearing/Bushing, Outer Alternate Construction
10. Drive Link Relief Valve End Cover

10 of 34
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
Disassembly and Inspection

Disassembly Preparation
S Before you disassemble the Torqlinkt unit or any of its components read this entire manual. It provides
important information on parts and procedures you will need to know to service the Torqlinkt.
S Determine whether the Torqlinkt you are about to disassemble is the Small Frame Series TB or TD or the
Large Frame Series TF, TG, or TH so you can follow those procedures that pertain to that Series Torqlinkt.
The first two letters of the spec number on the Torqlinkt identification tag is the Series designation. Also
determine the type of end construction from the alternate views shown on the exploded view.
S The Small Frame Series TB & TD Torqlinkt units will have a 3.66 inch (92.9 mm) main body outside diameter
and five 5/16−24 UNF 2A cover bolts. The Large Frame Series TF, TG, & TH Torqlinkt units will have a 5
inch (127.9 mm) main body outside diameter and seven 3/8 24 UNF 2A cover bolts.
S Refer to the Tools and Materials Required for Services" section for tools and other items required to service
the Torqlinkt and have them available.
S Thoroughly clean off all outside dirt, especially from around fittings and hose connections, before discon−
necting and removing the Torqlinkt. Remove rust or corrosion from coupling shaft.
S Remove coupling shaft connections and hose fittings and immediately plug port holes and fluid lines.
S Remove the Torqlinkt from system, drain it of fluid and take it to a clean work surface.
S Clean and dry the Torqlinkt before you start to disassemble the unit.
S As you disassemble the Torqlinkt clean all parts, except seals, in clean petroleum−based solvent, and blow-
them dry.




CAUTION Never steam or high pressure wash hydraulic components. Do not force or abuse
closely fitted parts.

S Keep parts separate to avoid nicks and burrs.

S Discard all seals and seal rings as they are removed from the Torqlinkt. Replace all seals, seal rings and any
damaged or worn parts with genuine Parker or OEM approved service parts.

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
Disassembly and Inspection

(Reference Exploded Assembly View) 1. Place the Torqlinkt in a soft jawed vice, with
coupling shaft (12) pointed down and the vise jaws
clamping firmly on the sides of the housing (18)
Place Motor in a mounting flange or port bosses. Remove manifold
vise port O−Rings (18A) if applicable.

Figure 3



Figure 4

Scribe alignment 2. Scribe an alignment mark down and across the

mark & loosen Torqlinkt components from end cover (2) to hous−
valve plugs ing (18) to facilitate reassembly orientation where
required. Loosen two shuttle or relief valve plugs
(21) for disassembly later if included in end cover.
3/16 or 3/8 inch allen wrench or 1 inch hex socket
required. SEE FIGURE 3 & 4.

Figure 5

Remove special 3. Remove the five or seven special ring head bolts
bolts & inspect (1, 1A, 1B, or 1C) using an appropriate 1/2 or 9/16
bolts inch size socket. SEE FIGURE 5. Inspect bolts for
damaged threads, or sealing rings, under the bolt
head. Replace damaged bolts. SEE FIGURE 6.

Figure 6

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
Disassembly and Inspection
Remove end 4. Remove end cover assembly (2) and seal ring
cover & inspect (4). Discard seal ring. SEE FIGURE 7.

NOTE Refer to the appropriate alternate cover con−

struction" on the exploded view to determine the
end cover construction being serviced.

Remove plugs 5. If the end cover (2) is equipped with shuttle valve
Figure 7 and valves or relief valve (24) components, remove the two
previously loosened plugs (21) and o−rings (22).

CAUTION Be ready to catch the shuttle valve or relief valve

components that will fall out of the end cover
valve cavity when the plugs are removed.

NOTE O−ring (22) is not included in seal kits but serviced

separately if required.

Figure 8
NOTE The insert and if included the orifice plug in the
end cover (2) must not be removed as they are
serviced as an integral part of the end cover.

Wash & inspect 6. Thoroughly wash end cover (2) in proper solvent
end cover and blow dry. Be sure the end cover valve aper−
tures, including the internal orifice plug, are free of
contamination. Inspect end cover for cracks and
the bolt head recesses for good bolt head sealing
surfaces. Replace end cover as necessary. SEE

NOTE A polished pattern (not scratches) on the cover

Figure 9 from rotation of the commutator (5) is normal.
Discoloration would indicate excess fluid tempera−
ture, thermal shock, or excess speed and require
system investigation for cause and close inspection
of end cover, commutator, manifold, and rotor set.

Remove & 7. Remove commutator ring (6). SEE FIGURE 10.

inspect Inspect commutator ring for cracks, or burrs.

Figure 10

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
Disassembly and Inspection

Remove & 8. Remove commutator (5) and seal ring (3)

inspect Remove seal ring from commutator, using an air
commutator hose to blow air into ring groove until seal ring is
lifted out and discard seal ring. Inspect commuta−
tor for cracks or burrs, wear, scoring, spalling or
brinelling. If any of these conditions exist, replace
commutator and commutator ring as a matched
set. SEE FIGURE 11 & 12.
Figure 11 Remove 9. Remove manifold (7) and inspect for cracks sur−
manifold face scoring, brinelling or spalling. Replace mani−
fold if any of these conditions exist. SEE FIGURE
13. A polished pattern on the ground surface from
commutator or rotor rotation is normal. Remove
and discard the seal rings (4) that are on both sides
of the manifold.

NOTE The manifold is constructed of plates bonded

together to form an integral component not sub−
ject to further disassembly for service. Compare
configuration of both sides of the manifold to
ensure that same surface is reassembled against
the rotor set.
Figure 12
Remove & 10. Remove rotor set (8) and wearplate (9), togeth−
inspect rotor er to retain the rotor set in its assembled form,
set & maintaining the same rotor vane (8C) to stator
wearplate (8B)contact surfaces. SEE FIGURE 14. The drive link
(10) may come away from the coupling shaft (12)
with the rotor set, and wearplate. You may have to
shift the rotor set on the wearplate to work the
drive link out of the rotor (8A) and wearplate. SEE
FIGURE 15. Inspect the rotor set in its assembled
form for nicks, scoring, or spalling on any surface
and for broken or worn splines. If the rotor set
Figure 13
component requires replacement, the complete
rotor set must be replaced as it is a matched set.
Inspect the wearplate for cracks, brinelling, or
scoring. Discard seal ring (4) that is between the
rotor set and wearplate.

NOTE The rotor set (8) components may become disas−

sembled during service procedures. Marking the
surface of the rotor and stator that is facing UP,
with etching ink or grease pencil before removal
from Torqlinkt will ensure correct reassembly of
rotor into stator and rotor set into Torqlinkt.
Marking all rotor components and mating spline
components for exact repositioning at assembly
will ensure maximum wear life and performance of
Figure 14
rotor set and Torqlinkt.

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
Disassembly and Inspection

NOTE Series TG Torqlinkt motors may have a rotor set

with two stator halves (8B & 8D) with a seal ring (4)
between them and two sets of seven vanes (8C &
8E). Discard seal ring only if stator halves become
disassembled during the service procedures.

NOTE A polished pattern on the wear plate from rotor

Figure 15
rotation is normal.

Check rotor, 11. Place rotor set (8) and wear plate (9) on a flat
vance clearance surface and center rotor (8A) in stator (8B) such
that two rotor lobes (180 degrees apart) and a roller
vane (8C) centerline are on the same stator center−
line. Check the rotor lobe to roller vane clearance
with a feeler gage at this common centerline. If
there is more than .005 inches (0.13 mm) of clear−
ance, replace rotor set. SEE FIGURE 16.
Figure 16
NOTE If rotor set (8) has two stator halves (8B & 8D) and
two sets of seven vanes (8C & 8E) as shown in
the alternate construction TG rotor set assembly
view, check the rotor lobe to roller vane clearance
at both ends of rotor.

Remove & 12. Remove drive link (10) from coupling shaft (12)
inspect drive link if it was not removed with rotor set and wear plate.
Inspect drive link for cracks and worn or damaged
splines. No perceptible lash (play) should be noted
between mating spline parts. SEE FIGURE 17.
Remove and discard seal ring (4) from housing (18).

Figure 17

Remove thrust 13. Remove thrust bearing (11) from top of cou−
bearing pling shaft (12) if Torqlinkt is a Series TF; TG; or
TH. Inspect for wear, brinelling, corrosion and a full
complement of retained rollers. SEE FIGURE 18.

Figure 18

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
Disassembly and Inspection

Check coupling 14. Check exposed portion of coupling shaft (12) to

shaft for rust or be sure you have removed all signs of rust and cor−
corrosion rosion which might prevent its withdrawal through
the seal and bearing. Crocus cloth or fine emery
paper may be used. SEE FIGURE 19. Remove any
key (12A), nut (12B), washer (12C), bolt (12D), lock
washer (12E), or retaining ring (12F).

Figure 19

Remove & 15. Remove coupling shaft (12), by pushing on the

inspect coupling output end of shaft. SEE FIGURE 20. Inspect cou−
shaft pling shaft bearing and seal surfaces for spalling,
nicks, grooves, severe wear or corrosion and discol−
oration. Inspect for damaged or worn internal and
external splines or keyway. SEE FIGURE 21. Replace
coupling shaft if any of these conditions exist.

Figure 20 NOTE TH Series is only series with 1.5" diameter shaft.

NOTE Minor shaft wear in seal area is permissible. If

wear exceeds .020 inches (0.51 mm) diametrically,
replace coupling shaft.

NOTE A slight polish is permissible in the shaft bearing

areas. Anything more would require coupling shaft

Remove seal 16. Remove and discard seal ring (4) from housing
ring from (18).
Figure 21

Remove & 17. Remove thrust bearing (15) and thrust washer
inspect thrust (14) if the unit is a Series TB or TD. Inspect for
washer & thrust wear, brinelling, corrosion and a full complement of
bearing retained rollers. SEE FIGURE 22.

NOTE Large Frame Series TF, TG & TH Torqlinkt

motors have a thrust bearing (15) sandwiched
between two thrust washers (14) that cannot be
removed from housing (18) unless bearing (13) is
Figure 22 removed for replacement.

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
Disassembly and Inspection

Remove seal & 18. Remove seal (16) and back up washer (17) from
washer or Small Frame, TB & TD housing (18). Discard both.
washers SEE FIGURE 23.

Remove seal (16), backup washer (17), and backup

washer (25) from Large Frame, Series TF & TG
Torqlinkt housing by working them around
unseated thrust washers (14) and thrust bearing
(15) and out of the housing. Discard seal and
Figure 23 washers. SEE FIGURE 24.

NOTE The original design units of Large Frame, Series

TF, TG & TH Torqlinkt did not include backup
washer (25), but must include backup washer (25)
when reassembled for service.

Figure 24

Remove seal 19. Remove housing (18) from vise, invert it and
remove and discard seal (20). A blind hole bearing
or seal puller required. SEE FIGURE 25.

Figure 25

Inspect housing 20. Inspect housing (18) assembly for cracks, the
assembly machined surfaces for nicks, burrs, brinelling or
corrosion. Remove burrs that can be removed
without changing dimensional characteristics.
Inspect tapped holes for thread damage. SEE FIG−
URE 26. If the housing is defective in these areas,
discard the housing assembly.

Figure 26

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
Disassembly and Inspection

Inspect housing 21. If the housing (18) assembly has passed

bearing/bushing inspection to this point, inspect the housing bear−
ings/bushings (19) and (13) and if they are captured
in the housing cavity the two thrust washers (14)
and thrust bearing (15). The bearing rollers must be
firmly retained in the bearing cages, but must
rotate and orbit freely. All rollers and thrust washers
must be free of brinelling and corrosion. SEE FIG−
URE 27. The TB Series bushing (19) or (13) to cou−
Figure 27
pling shaft diameter clearance must not exceed
.010 inch (.025 mm). A bearing, bushing, or thrust
washer that does not pass inspection must be
replaced. SEE FIGURE 28. If the housing has
passed this inspection the disassembly of the
Torqlinkt is completed.

Figure 28

NOTE The depth or location of bearing/bushing (13) in

relation to the housing wear plate surface and the
depth or location of bearing/bushing (19) in rela−
tion to the beginning of bearing/bushing counter
bore should be measured and noted before
removing the bearings/bushings. This will facilitate
the correct reassembly of new bearings/bushings.

Figure 29

Remove bear− 22. If the bearings, bushing or thrust washers must

ings or bushings be replaced use a suitable size bearing puller to
& thrust washers remove bearing/bushings (19) and (13) from hous−
ing (18) without damaging the housing. Remove
thrust washers (14) and thrust bearing (15) if they
were previously retained in the housing by bearing
(13). SEE FIGURES 30 & 31.

Figure 30


Figure 31

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

S Replace all seals and seal rings with new ones each time you
reassemble the Torqlinkt unit. Lubricate all seals and seal rings with
SAE 10W40 oil or clean grease before assembly.

NOTE Individual seals and seal rings as well as a com−

plete seal kit are available. SEE FIGURE 32. The
parts should be available through most OEM parts
distributors or Parker approved Torqlinkt distrib−
utors. (Contact your local dealer for availability).
Figure 32, TF, TG seal kit
NOTE Unless otherwise indicated, do not oil or grease
parts before assembly.

S Wash all parts in clean petroleum−based solvents before assembly.

Blow them dry with compressed air. Remove any paint chips from
mating surfaces of the end cover, commutator set, manifold rotor
set, wear plate and housing and from port and sealing areas.





Press in outer 1. If the housing (18) bearing components were

bearing/bushing removed for replacement, thoroughly coat and
pack a new outer bearing/bushing (19) with clean
corrosion resistant grease recommended in the
material section. Press the new bearing/bushing
into the counterbore at the mounting flange end of
the housing, using the appropriate sized bearing
mandrel such as described in Figure 1 or Figure 2
which will control the bearing/bushing depth.
Figure 33
Small Frame Series TB and TD Torqlinkt housings
require the use of bearing mandrel shown in Figure
1 to press bearing/bushing (19) into the housing to
a required depth of .151/.161 inches (3.84/4.09
mm) from the end of the bearing counterbore. SEE

Large Frame Series TF and TG Torqlinkt housings

require the use of the bearing mandrel shown in
Figure 2 to press bearing (19) into the housing to a
required depth of .290/.310 inches (7.37/7,87 mm)
Figure 34
from the outside end of the bearing counterbore.

Large Frame Series TH Torqlinkt housings require

the use of a bearing mandrel. Consult factory for

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

NOTE Bearing mandrel must be pressed against the let−

tered end of bearing shell. Take care that the
housing bore is square with the press base and
the bearing/bushing is not cocked when pressing
a bearing/bushing into the housing.

CAUTION If the bearing mandrel specified in the Tools

and Materials Required for Servicing" section is
Figure 35 not available and alternate methods are used to
press in bearing/bushing (13) and (19) the bear−
ing/bushing depths specified must be achieved
to insure adequate bearing support and correct
relationship to adjacent components when
assembled. SEE FIGURE 35.

CAUTION Because the bearing/bushings (13) and (19) have

a press fit into the housing they must be dis−
carded when removed. They must not be

Figure 36

Press in inner 2. The Small Frame Series TB and TD Torqlinkt

bearing/bushing inner housing bearing/bushing (13) can now be
pressed into its counterbore in housing (18) flush to
.03 inch (.76 mm) below the housing wear plate
contact face. Use the opposite end of the bearing
mandrel that was used to press in the outer bear−
ing/bushing (19). Reference Figure 1, Tools and
Materials Required for Servicing" section. SEE FIG−
URE 36.
Figure 37
The Large Frame Series TF, TG & TH Torqlinkt
housing (18) requires that you assemble a new
back up ring (17) and a new seal (16), with the lip
facing to the inside of motor (see Figure 69B), new
thrust washer (14), new thrust bearing (15) and a
new second thrust washer (14) in that order before
pressing in the inner housing bearing (13). SEE
FIGURE 37 & 38. When these components are in
place, press new bearing (13) into the housing (18)
to a depth of .105/.125 inches (2.67/3.18) below
the housing wear plate contact face. Use the
opposite end of the bearing mandrel used to press
in outer bearing (19). Reference Figure 2, in the
Figure 38
Tools and Materials Required for Servicing" sec−
tion. SEE FIGURE 39.

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

Press in dirt & 3. Press a new dirt and water seal (20) into the
water seal housing (18) outer bearing counterbore.

Figure 39

The Small Frame Series TB and TD Torqlinkt dirt

and water seal (20) must be pressed in until its’
flange is flush against the housing. SEE FIGURE

Figure 40

The Large Frame Series TF, TG & TH Torqlinkt dirt

and water seal (20) must be pressed in with the lip
facing out and until the seal is flush to .020 inches
(.51 mm) below the end of housing. SEE FIGURE

Figure 41

Place housing 4. Place housing (18) assembly into a soft jawed

assembly into vise with the coupling shaft bore down, clamping
vice against the mounting flange. SEE FIGURE 42.

Figure 42

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

Assemble back− 5. On Small Frame, Series TB & TD Torqlinkt

up washer & assemble a new backup washer (17) and new seal
seal (16) with the seal lip facing toward the inside of
Torqlinkt (see Figure 69AB), into their respective
counterbores in housing (18) if they were not
assembled in procedure 2.

Large Frame, Series TF, TG & TH Torqlinkt hous−

ing (18) that did not require replacement of the
Figure 43 bearing package will require that the two cap−
tured" thrust washers (14) and thrust bearing (15)
be unseated and vertical to the counterbore and
the new backup ring (17), new backup shim (25),
and new seal (16) be worked around the thrust
bearing package and placed into their respective
counterbores. The seal lip must face out of the seal
counterbore and toward the inside of Torqlinkt
(see Figure 69A). Be sure the thrust bearing pack−
age is reseated correctly after assembly of the seal
and backup washer. SEE FIGURE 43 & 44.

CAUTION Original design Large Frame, TF, TG & TH

Torqlinkt that do not have backup washer (25)
Figure 44 when disassembled must be assembled with a
new backup washer (17), new backup washer
(25), and new seal (16).

Assemble thrust 6. Assemble thrust washer (14) then thrust bearing

washer & bear− (15) that was removed from the Series TB or TD
ing Torqlinkt. SEE FIGURE 45.

NOTE Small Frame Series TB and TD Torqlinkt require

one thrust washer (14) with thrust bearing (15).
The coupling shaft will be seated directly against
the thrust bearing.
Figure 45

Apply masking 7. Apply masking tape around splines or keyway

tape to shaft on shaft (12) to prevent damage to seal. SEE FIG−
URE 46.

Figure 46

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

Install coupling 8. Be sure that a generous amount of clean corro−

shaft sion resistant grease has been applied to the lower
(outer) housing bearing/bushing (19). Install the
coupling shaft (12) into housing (18), seating it
against the thrust bearing (15) in TB and TD Series
housings and against the second thrust washer
(14) in TF and TG Series housings. SEE FIGURE
Figure 47 CAUTION The outer bearing (19) is not lubricated by the
system’s hydraulic fluid. Be sure it is thoroughly
packed with the recommended grease, grease
specification #045236, E/M Lubricant #K−70M.

NOTE Mobil Mobilith SHC ® 460

NOTE A 102 Tube (P/N 406010) is included in each seal


NOTE The coupling shaft (12) will be flush or just below

the housing wear plate surface on Small Frame,
Series TB and TD Torqlinkt units when properly
Figure 48
seated while the coupling shaft (12) on Large
Frame, Series TF, TG & TH Torqlinkt will be
approximately .10 inch (2.54 mm) below the hous−
ing wear plate surface to allow the assembly of
thrust bearing (11). The coupling shaft must rotate
smoothly on the thrust bearing package.

Install thrust 9. Install thrust bearing (11) onto the end of cou−
bearing pling shaft (12) only if you are servicing a TF, TG &
TH Series Torqlinkt. SEE FIGURE 49.

Insert seal ring 10. Apply a small amount of clean grease to a new
seal ring (4) and insert it into the housing (18) seal
ring groove. SEE FIGURE 50.
Figure 49

NOTE One or two alignment studs screwed finger tight

into housing (18) bolt holes, approximately 180
degrees apart, will facilitate the assembly and
alignment of components as required in the fol−
lowing procedures. The studs can be made by
cutting off the heads of either 3/8−24 UNF 2A or
5/16−24 UNF 2A bolts as required that are over .5
inch (12.7 mm) longer than the bolts (1, 1A, 1B, or
1C) used in the Torqlinkt.
Figure 50

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

Install drive link 11. Install drive link (10) the long splined end down
into the coupling shaft (12) and engage the drive
link splines into mesh with the coupling shaft
splines. SEE FIGURE 51.

NOTE Use any alignment marks put on the coupling

shaft and drive link before disassembly to assem−
ble the drive link splines in their original position in
the mating coupling shaft splines.
Figure 51

Assemble wear 12. Assemble wear plate (9) over the drive link (10)
plate and alignment studs onto the housing (18). SEE

Figure 52

Assemble seal 13. Apply a small amount of clean grease to a new

ring seal ring (4) and assemble it into the seal ring
groove on the wear plate side of the rotor set sta−
tor (8B). SEE FIGURE 53.
Install the 14. Install the assembled rotor set (8) onto wear
assembled rotor plate (9) with rotor (8A) counterbore and seal ring
set side down and the splines into mesh with the drive
link splines. SEE FIGURE 54.
Figure 53

NOTE It may be necessary to turn one alignment stud

out of the housing (18) temporarily to assemble
rotor set (8) or manifold (7) over the drive link.

NOTE If necessary, go to the appropriate, Rotor Set

Component Assembly Procedure."

NOTE The rotor set rotor counterbore side must be

down against wear plate for drive link clearance
and to maintain the original rotor−drive link spline
Figure 54 contact. A rotor set without a counterbore and
that was not etched before disassembly can be
reinstalled using the drive link spline pattern on
the rotor splines if apparent, to determine which
side was down. The rotor set seal ring groove
faces toward the wear plate (9).

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

Assemble seal 15. Apply clean grease to a new seal ring (4) and
ring in manifold assemble it in the seal ring groove in the rotor set
contact side of manifold (7). SEE FIGURE 55.

NOTE The manifold (7) is made up of several plates

bonded together permanently to form an integral
component. The manifold surface that must con−
tact the rotor set has it’s series of irregular shaped
cavities on the largest circumference or circle
Figure 55 around the inside diameter. The polished impres−
sion left on the manifold by the rotor set is anoth−
er indication of which surface must contact the
rotor set.

Assemble mani− 16. Assemble the manifold (7) over the alignment
fold studs and drive link (10) and onto the rotor set. Be
sure the correct manifold surface is against the
rotor set. SEE FIGURE 56.

Figure 56

Assemble seal in 17. Apply grease to a new seal ring (4) and insert it
manifold in the seal ring groove exposed on the manifold.

Figure 57

Assemble com− 18. Assemble the commutator ring (6) over align−
mutator ring ment studs onto the manifold. SEE FIGURE 58.

Figure 58

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

Assemble seal & 19. Assemble a new seal ring (3) flat side up, into
commutator commutator (5) and assemble commutator over the
end of drive link (10) onto manifold (7) with seal
ring side up. SEE FIGURE 59, 60.

Figure 59

Figure 60

Assemble shut− 20. If shuttle valve components items #21, #22,

tle valve parts #23, #24 were removed from the end cover (2) turn
into end cover a plug (21) with a new o−ring (22), loosely into one
end of the valve cavity in the end cover. Insert a
spring (23) the valve (24) and the second spring
(23) into the other end of the valve cavity. Turn the
second plug (21) with a new o−ring (22) loosely into
the end cover valve cavity. 3/16 inch Allen wrench
required. SEE FIGURE 61.
Figure 61

Assemble relief 21. If relief valve components items #21, #22, #24
valve parts in were removed from the end cover (2) assemble a
end cover new o−ring (22) on the two plugs (21). Assemble a
two piece relief valve (24) in each of the plugs, with
the large end of the conical spring into the plug
first and the small nut of the other valve piece in
the small end of the conical spring. Turn each of
the plug and relief valve assemblies into the end
cover loosely to be torqued later. 3/8 inch Allen or
Figure 62
1 inch Hex socket required SEE FIGURE 62

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

Assemble seal 22. Assemble a new seal ring (4) into end cover (2)
ring & end cover and assemble end cover over the alignment studs
and onto the commutator set. SEE FIGURE 63, 64.
If the end cover has only 5 bolt holes be sure the
cover holes are aligned with the 5 threaded holes
in housing (18). The correct 5 bolt end cover bolt
hole relationship to housing port bosses is shown
in FIGURE 65.
Figure 63

NOTE If the end cover has a valve (24) or has five bolt
holes, use the line you previously scribed on the
cover to radially align the end cover into its origi−
nal position.

Figure 64

Figure 65

Assemble cover 23. Assemble the 5 or 7 special bolts (1, 1A, 1B or

bolts 1C) and screw in finger tight. Remove and replace
the two alignment studs with bolts after the other
bolts are in place. Alternately and progressively
tighten the bolts to pull the end cover and other
components into place with a final torque of 22−26
ft. lbs. (30−35 N m) for the five TB & TD Series 5/16
24 threaded bolts or 45−55 ft. lbs. (61−75 N m) for
the seven TF & TG Series 3/8−24 threaded bolts.
Figure 66
SEE FIGURE 66, 67, 68.

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SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

NOTE The special bolts required for use with the relief or
shuttle valve (24) end cover assembly (2) are
longer than the bolts required with standard and
cover assembly. Refer to the individual service
parts lists or parts list charts for correct service
part number if replacement is required.

Figure 67

Figure 68

Torque the valve 24. Torque the two shuttle valve plug assemblies
plugs (21) in end cover assembly to 9−12 ft. lbs. (12−16
N m) if cover is so equipped. SEE FIGURE 69.

Torque the two relief valve plug assemblies (21)

in end cover assembly to 45−55 ft. lbs. (61−75 N
m) if cover is so equipped.

Figure 69

Thrust Washer Housing Thrust Housing

Seal Seal
Bearing Backup Thrust Backup
Washer Bearing Washer
Shaft Shaft

Figure 69A Figure 69B


WOODRUFF KEY (12A), NUT (12B), WASHER (12C), BOLT (12D),

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Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
Rotor Set Component Assembly Procedure

One Piece Stator Construction

A disassembled rotor (8A) stator (8B) and vanes (8C) that cannot be readily assembled by hand can be
assembled by the following procedures.

Assemble stator 1. Place stator (8B) onto wear plate (9) with seal
ring (4) side down, after following Torqlinkt
assembly procedures 1 through 13. Be sure the
Insert two bolts seal ring is in place. SEE FIGURE 70.

2. If assembly alignment studs are not being uti−

lized, align stator bolt holes with wear plate and
housing bolt holes and turn two bolts (1) finger
Figure 70 tight into bolt holes approximately 180 degrees
apart to retain stator and wear plate stationary.

Assemble rotor 3. Assemble the rotor (8A), counterbore down if

applicable, into stator (8B), and onto wear plate (9)
with rotor splines into mesh with drive link (10)
splines. SEE FIGURE 71.

NOTE If the manifold side of the rotor was etched during

Torqlinkt disassembly, this side should be up. If the
rotor is not etched and does not have a counter−
bore, use the drive link spline contact pattern
Figure 71 apparent on the rotor splines to determine the
rotor side that must be against the wear plate.

Assemble vanes 4. Assemble six vanes (8C), or as many vanes that

will readily assemble into the stator vane pockets.

CAUTION Excessive force used to push the rotor vanes

into place could shear off the coating applied to
the stator vane pockets.
Figure 72
5. Grasp the output end of coupling shaft (12) with
Assemble full
locking pliers or other appropriate turning device
complement of
and rotate coupling shaft, drive link and rotor to
seat the rotor and the assembled vanes (8C) into
stator (8B), creating the necessary clearance to
assemble the seventh or full complement of seven
vanes. Assemble the seven vanes using minimum
force. SEE FIGURE 73.

Remove two 6. Remove the two assembled bolts (1) if used to

assembled bolts retain stator and wear plate.
Go to Torqlinkt assembly procedure #15, to con−
Figure 73
tinue Torqlinkt assembly.

29 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual
Rotor Set Component Assembly Procedure

Two Piece Stator Construction

A disassembled rotor set (8) that cannot be readily assembled by hand and has a two piece stator can be
assembled by the following procedures.

Assemble stator 1. Place stator half (8B) onto wear plate (9) with
halves seal ring (4) side down, after following Torqlinkt
assembly procedures 1 through 13. Be sure the
seal ring is in place.

Insert two align− 2. Align stator bolt holes with wear plate and hous−
ment studs ing bolts and turn two alignment studs finger tight
into bolt holes approximately 180 degrees apart to
retain stator half and wear plate stationary.

Assemble rotor 3. Assemble rotor (8A), counterbore down if applic−

able, into stator half (8B), and onto wear plate (9)
with rotor splines into mesh with drive link (10)

NOTE Use any marking you applied to rotor set compo−

nents to reassemble the components in their origi−
nal relationship to ensure ultimate wear life and

Assemble vanes 4. Assemble six vanes (8C), or as many vanes that

will readily assemble into the stator vane pockets.

CAUTION Excessive force used to push the rotor vanes

into place could shear off the coating applied to
the stator vane pockets.

5. Grasp the output end of coupling shaft (12) with

Assemble full
locking pliers or other appropriate turning device
complement of
and rotate coupling shaft, drive link and rotor to
seat the rotor and the assembled vanes (8C) into
stator half (8B), creating the necessary clearance
to assemble the seventh or full complement of
seven vanes. Assemble the seven vanes using
minimum force.

Assemble seal 6. Place second stator half (8D) on a flat surface

ring in stator half with seal ring groove up. Apply a small amount of
grease to a new seal ring (4) and assemble it into
stator half ring groove.

30 of 34
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00
Rotor Set Component Assembly Procedure

Assemble sec− 7. Assemble the second stator half (8D) over the
ond stator half two alignment studs and rotor (8A) with seal ring
side down onto the first stator half (8B) aligning
any timing marks applied for this purpose.

CAUTION If the stator half (8B) is a different height (thick−

ness) than stator half (8D) the stator vanes (8C)
or (8E) of the same length (height) as the stator
half must be reassembled in their respective sta−
tor half for the rotor set to function properly.

Assemble vanes 8. Assemble six vanes (8E), or as many vanes that

will readily assemble into the stator vane pockets.

Assemble full 9. Grasp the output end of coupling shaft (12) with
complement of locking pliers or other appropriate turning device
vanes and rotate coupling shaft, drive link and rotor to
seat the rotor and the assembled vanes (8E) into
stator (8D), creating the necessary clearance to
assemble the seventh or full complement of seven
vanes. Assemble the seven vanes using minimum

Go to Torqlinkt assembly procedure #15, to con−

tinue Torqlinkt assembly.

31 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

Final Checks
S Pressurize the Torqlinkt with 100 p.s.i. dry air or nitrogen and submerge in solvent to check for external
S Check Torqlinkt for rotation. Torque required to rotate coupling shaft should not be more than 50 ft. lbs. (68
N m)
S On TB & TD Series Torqlinkt, pressure port with A" cast under it on housing (18) is for clockwise coupling
shaft rotation as viewed from the output end of coupling shaft. Pressure port with B" cast under it is for
counter clockwise coupling shaft rotation.
S On TF, TG, & TH Series Torqlinkt, pressure port with B" cast under it on housing (18) is for clockwise cou−
pling shaft rotation as viewed from the output end of coupling shaft. Pressure port with A" cast under it is
for counter clockwise coupling shaft rotation.
S Use test stand, if available, to check operation of the Torqlinkt.

Hydraulic Fluid
Keep the hydraulic system filled with one of the following:
S 10W40 SE or SF manufacturers suggested oil.
S Hydraulic fluid as recommended by equipment manufacturer, but the viscosity should not drop below 50
SSU or contain less than .125% zinc anti−wear additives.

CAUTION Do not mix oil types. Any mixture, or an unapproved oil, could deteriorate the seals.
Maintain the proper fluid level in the reservoir. When changing fluid, completely drain
old oil from the system. It is suggested also that you flush the system with clean oil.

Minimum recommended filtration: 25 micron with a Beta ratio of at least 2.

Oil Temperature
Maximum operating temperature 200°F (93.3° C).

32 of 34
Service Manual 0706 SM07−006−081.00

Tips for Maintaining the Torqlinkt Hydraulic System

S Adjust fluid level in reservoir as necessary.
S Encourage all operators to report any malfunction or accident that may have damaged the hydraulic system
or component.
S Do not attempt to weld any broken Torqlinkt component. Replace the component with original equipment
S Do not cold straighten, hot straighten, or bend any Torqlinkt part.
S Prevent dirt or other foreign matter from entering the hydraulic system. Clean the area around and the filler
caps before checking oil level.
S Investigate and correct any external leak in the hydraulic system, no matter how minor the leak.
S Comply with manufacturer’s specifications for cleaning or replacing the filter.

CAUTION Do not weld, braze, solder or any way alter any Torqlinkt component.

CAUTION Maximum operating pressure must not exceed recommended Torqlinkt pressure

CAUTION Always carefully inspect any system component that may have been struck or damaged
during operation or in an accident. Replace any component that is damaged or that is

CAUTION Do not force any coupling onto the Torqlinkt coupling shaft as this could damage the
unit internally.

Parker extends close technical cooperation and assistance. If problems occur which you cannot solve, please
contact your local Parker approved Distributor or Parker Technical Support:

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
2745 Snapps Ferry Road
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
Tel. (423) 639−8151
FAX(423) 787−2418
Web site: http://www.parker.com
DG# 68292 7/97 5M

33 of 34
SM07−006−081.00 0706 Service Manual

34 of 34
Service Manual 0303 SM7-6-96.0

CH 210 A 36 110-01-1
Construction Max Design Gear Motor Drum Option
Hoist Rating Model Ratio Size Size

CH Construction Hoist
210 21,000 lb (93 450N) First Layer Line Pull
A Model Series Relating To Design Change
36 Total Gear Reduction
110 Hydraulic Motor Displacement In cubic inches
(Example: 110 = 11.0 cu in per revolution)
01 Drum Size
Serial Number and Model Number
are stamped into the motor end 1 Permits Testing And Inspection Per API2C
bracket as shown above. (Offshore Cranes)

Figure 1
Identification Plate

Winch Motor, R & I

This procedure covers the removal and installation of
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
the winch motors used on Braden Hydraulic Planetary
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Winch Model CH210. For removal of motors from other
result from misuse of these products. Read
model winches or for motor recondition, see SM
and follow all the manufacturer's
Keysheet Area 7-6.
recommendations concerning solvents and
Removal cleaning solutions.
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. 5. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: approved cleaning solvent to prevent
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
surface. circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
b. Engage the park brake.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
lock, as required.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. WARNING
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as reĆ Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
quired. hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
3. If required, remove the wire rope from the winch burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
being serviced. See the Operator's Manual for furĆ engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
ther information on wire rope and rigging. pressure from the system before removing
4. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main any line or component.
hydraulic pump.

1 of 4
SM7-6-96.0 0303 Service Manual

4 5 6 7

2 8

1. Split Flanges & Capscrews 3. Motor 5. Capscrews & Washers 7. Winch

2. Wire Connector 4. Hydraulic Lines 6. Planetary Brake Assembly 8. Hydraulic Hoses

Figure 2
Winch Plumbing

6. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows: 9. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic hydraulic lines (4), as required. Cap/plug the open
reservoir by pushing the buttons on the hydraulic ports and lines (4) to prevent excessive
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic oil loss and contamination of the system.
reservoir. 10. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT hydraulic hoses (8) from the motor (3) by removing
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ the split flange and capscrews (1). Cap/plug the
out switch to the OPERATE" position. open hydraulic ports and hoses (8) to prevent exĆ
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger cessive oil loss and contamination of the system.
switches back and forth several times.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth Note: The winch motor weighs approximately 90 lb
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On (40kg).
cranes equipped with emergency steering
11. Support the motor (3) with an appropriate lifting deĆ
system, it will take several rotations of steering
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
12. Remove the capscrews and washers (5) securing
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
the motor (3) to the planetary brake (6).
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
13. Disengage the motor (3) from the planetary brake
position and move the function lockout switch to
(6) and remove the motor (3) off the winch (7).
the DISABLE" position.
14. Remove the o-ring (not shown) installed on the piĆ
Refer to Figure 2. lot of the motor (3).
8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the 15. If required, protect the open end of the winch (7),
wire connector (2) for the drum rotation indicator with some type of temporary enclosure, to prevent
mounted on the end of the motor (3). moisture or other contamination from entering the

2 of 4
Service Manual 0303 SM7-6-96.0
Cleaning And Inspection Note: The winch motor weighs approximately 90 lb

2. Support the motor (3) with an appropriate lifting deĆ

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 3. Install the o-ring (not shown) on the pilot of the
hazardous. Serious personal injury may motor (3).
result from misuse of these products. Read 4. Align the motor (3) with the pilot and mounting
and follow all the manufacturer's holes in the planetary brake (6). Engage the input
recommendations concerning solvents and shaft of the motor (3) with the planetary brake (6).
cleaning solutions. 5. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to the threads of
the capscrews (5). Install and fully tighten the capĆ
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with screws and washers (5) in a criss-cross pattern.
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ 6. Connect the hydraulic hoses (8) to the motor (3) by
fully inspected. installing the split flange and capscrews (1). Be
2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue sure to install the o-rings (not shown) on the end
should be removed from threads of hardware and of the hoses (8).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be 7. Connect the hydraulic lines (4) to the motor (3) and
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ planetary brake (6).
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces 8. Install the wire connector (2) to the drum rotation
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ indicator on the motor (3).
mance of products. 9. Check oil level in the winch planetary. Add oil as
3. All soft parts", such as seals, gaskets, back up required. See Operator's Manual for correct type
rings, and o-rings, should be replaced. and procedure.
4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines and 10. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
hoses that are connected to the winch being serĆ required. See Operator's Manual for correct type
viced. Repair or replace if required. and procedure.
5. Inspect the integrity of the electrical wires and conĆ 11. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
nectors that are connected to the winch being serĆ 12. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
viced. Repair or replace if required. Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ leaks. Repair if needed.
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace 13. If required, install the wire rope on the winch being
any major component. serviced. See the Operator's Manual for further inĆ
formation on wire rope and rigging.
Installation 14. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the winch and brake for proper
operation. Normal operation of hydraulic and
WARNING electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
inspection of components and systems in the
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking areas adjacent to the repair should also be
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious performed to ensure related damage or wear is not
personal injury may result from misuse of present.
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
these products.

Refer to Figure 2.
1. Lubricate the o-rings (not shown) used to mount
the split flanges (1) and to seal the pilot of the motor
(3) with clean hydraulic oil. See the Operator's
Manual for the correct type.

3 of 4
SM7-6-96.0 0303 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0205 SM07 --- 006 --- 100.00


1. Swing Motor 3. Swing Brake 5. Hydraulic Hoses

2. Capscrews 4. Swing Reduction Unit

Figure 1
Swing Motor Assembly

Swing Motor, R & I 3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
hydraulic pump.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the swing motor. For recondition procedure, see SM
Keysheet Area 07---006. WARNING
Removal Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. result from misuse of these products. Read
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: and follow all the manufacturer’s
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level recommendations concerning solvents and
surface. cleaning solutions.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires. 4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing approved cleaning solvent to prevent
lock, as required. contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. circuits. Allow the area to air dry.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-

1 of 4
SM07 --- 006 --- 100.00 0205 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause WARNING
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic hazardous. Serious personal injury may
pressure from the system before removing result from misuse of these products. Read
any line or component. and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows: cleaning solutions.
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by pushing the button(s) on the 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and
reservoir. carefully inspected.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT 2. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- should be removed from threads of hardware and
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
switches back and forth several times. compounds or sealants, clean threads and
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth surfaces with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On performance of products.
cranes equipped with emergency steering 3. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
system, it will take several rotations of steering rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
wheel before steering becomes hard.) 4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic hoses that are
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position. connected to the swing motor assembly. Repair or
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral replace if required.
position and move the function lockout switch to 5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
the “DISABLE” position. personnel for directions whether to repair or
Refer to Figure 1. replace any major component.
7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
hydraulic hoses (5) from the swing motor (1). Installation
Cap/plug the open hydraulic ports in the swing
motor (1) and hydraulic hoses (5) to prevent
excessive oil loss and contamination of the system. WARNING
8. Place index marks on the swing motor (1) and
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
swing brake (3) to ensure proper orientation during
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
9. Remove the capscrews (2) which secure the swing
these products. Read and follow all
motor (1) to the swing brake (3).
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
10. Separate the swing motor (1) from the swing brake
these products.
(3) and remove the swing motor (1) from the crane.
11. Remove the o---ring (not shown) which is located
between the swing motor (1) and swing brake (3). Refer to Figure 1.
12. If the swing motor (1) is going to be removed for an 1. Remove any remnants of material left from the
extended period of time, provide some means to temporary enclosure used to protect the swing
protect the inside of the swing brake (3) and swing brake (3) and swing reduction unit (4).
reduction unit (4) from moisture, dust, dirt, or any 2. Lubricate and install the o---ring (not shown) which
other contaminants. is located between the swing motor (1) and swing
brake (3).

Note: If a new swing motor is to be installed,

transfer index marks to new swing motor prior to

2 of 4
Service Manual 0205 SM07 --- 006 --- 100.00
3. Position the swing motor (1) on top of the swing 7. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
brake (3). Be sure to orient the swing motor (1) required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
correctly by aligning the index marks placed on the type and procedure.
swing motor (1) and swing brake (3) during 8. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
removal. Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
4. Apply Loctite 242, or equivalent, to the threads of Repair leaks as required.
the capscrews (2). 9. Complete the installation by testing all related
5. Install the capscrews (2) which secure the swing functions of the swing system for proper operation.
motor (1) to the swing brake (3). A general inspection of the components and
6. Connect the hydraulic hoses (5) to the swing motor systems in the areas adjacent to the repair should
(1). also be performed to ensure related damage or
wear is not present.

3 of 4
SM07 --- 006 --- 100.00 0205 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0706 SM07---008---063.00
1 2 3 4 5


8 7
1. Relief Valve Assembly 3. Spool 5. Plug 7. Spring 9. Plug
2. O --- ring 4. O --- ring 6. Housing 8. O --- ring
Figure 1
Priority Flow Control Valve Assembly

Priority Flow Control Valve

Assembly, Recondition WARNING
Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
This procedure covers the recondition of the priority concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
flow control valve assembly. Specific removal and Serious personal injury may result from
installation procedure may be available for some mod- misuse of these products.
els in SM Keysheet Area 07---008, or see Upper Hydrau-
lic Components, R & I in SM Keysheet Area 07---008 or 2. Inspect spool, springs and housing bores for wear,
07---004. pitting, chipping, nicks, cracks, corrosion, scoring
and scuffed metal. Remove any burrs or sharp
Disassembly edges with a fine flat stone. Replace any damaged
During disassembly of hydraulic components, it is component as required. Replace all o---rings.
good practice to lay components aside in order re- 3. After inspection, dip components in clean hydrau-
moved. lic oil (see Operator’s Manual for correct type) and
1. Remove relief valve assembly (1) from housing (6). wrap in clean lint ---free cloth or paper to protect
Note: Relief valve assembly (1) is not a service- them until they are assembled.
able component. If service is required, it must
be replaced as an assembly.
Lubricate all components with clean hydraulic oil (see
2. Remove and discard o---ring (2) from relief valve
Operator’s Manual for correct type) prior to assembly.
assembly (1).
3. For assembly purposes, label and remove plugs 1. Install o---rings (4,8) onto plugs (5,9).
(5,9), spring (7) and spool (3) from housing (6). 2. Install spool (3), spring (7) and plugs (5,9) into
4. Remove and discard o---rings (4,8) from plugs housing (6). Torque plugs (5,9) to 40---60 ft lb
(5,9). (54 ---81Nm).
3. Install o---ring (2) onto relief valve assembly (1),
Cleaning And Inspection and install relief valve assembly (1) into housing
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved (6). Torque to 25---40 ft lb (34 ---54Nm).
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean lint free
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt or
any other foreign material during assembly.

1 of 2
SM07---008---063.00 0706 Service Manual

2 of 2
Service Manual 1102 SM7-8-91.0

1 A 2 A

6 5 4 3

1. Winch Assembly 4. O-ring

2. Hydraulic Lines 5. Capscrews & Lockwashers
3. Winch Motor 6. Counterbalance Valve

Figure 1
Winch Assembly

Winch Counterbalance
Valve, R & I WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
(W/O Pressure Reducing Valve) hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
This procedure covers the removal and installation of and follow all the manufacturer's
the winch counterbalance valve. For recondition recommendations concerning solvents and
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 7-8. cleaning solutions.
Removal 4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. approved cleaning solvent to prevent contaminaĆ
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: tion from entering the oil circuits. Allow the area to
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and air dry.
level surface.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires.
c. Engage the swing park brake.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as reĆ
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hyĆ
draulic pump. pressure from the system before removing
any line or component.

1 of 2
SM7-8-91.0 1102 Service Manual
5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure: 2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic should be removed from threads of hardware and
reservoir by pushing the button on the the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ
reservoir. pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ mance of products.
out switch to the OPERATE" position. 3. O-ring should be replaced.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger 4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
switches back and forth several times. connected to the winch motor and counterbalance
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth valve. Repair or replace if required.
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On 5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
cranes equipped with emergency steering personnel for directions whether to repair or
system, it will take several rotations of steering replace any major component.
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position. Installation
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posiĆ
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
DISABLE" position.
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
DANGER compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
Do not disconnect any hydraulic lines with a these products. Read and follow all
load suspended. Disconnecting hydraulic lines manufacturer's recommendations concerning
with a load suspended could cause the load to these products.
fall. Lower, detach, and secure load before
beginning service.
Note: To ease the installation process, apply a
7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the light coat of multi-purpose grease to o-ring
hydraulic lines (2) from counterbalance valve (6). used between the counterbalance valve and
Cap/plug the open hydraulic ports and lines (2) to winch motor.
prevent excessive oil loss and contamination of the
1. Position o-ring (4) in counterbalance valve (6).
2. Align counterbalance valve (6) to winch motor (3).
8. Remove capscrews and lockwashers (5) from
Be sure that o-ring (4) remains properly seated.
counterbalance valve (6).
3. Install capscrews and lockwashers (5) and torque
9. Remove counterbalance valve (6) from winch moĆ
to 64-72 ft lb (87-98Nm) using a criss-cross patĆ
tor (3).
10. Remove o-ring (4) located between counterbalĆ
4. Connect hydraulic lines (2) to counterbalance
ance valve (6) and winch motor (3).
valve (6).
Cleaning And Inspection 5. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as reĆ
quired. See Operator's Manual for correct type
and procedure.
6. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. InĆ
WARNING spect the connections on hydraulic lines for leaks.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Repair if needed.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 7. Complete the installation by testing all related funcĆ
result from misuse of these products. Read tions of the counterbalance valve and winch motor
and follow all the manufacturer's for proper operation. Normal operation of hydrauĆ
recommendations concerning solvents and lic system should be confirmed. A general inspecĆ
cleaning solutions. tion of components and systems in the areas adjaĆ
cent to the repair should also be performed to enĆ
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with sure related damage or wear is not present.
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ
fully inspected.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1102 SM7-8-91.0

Code New Group

Service Manual Code Title Date
SM7-8-91.0 GJ6D0004, 5 Winch CBV, R & I w/o Press Red Valve 0402

Model(s) Groups Drawings Computer Maintenance Description

F7, J6 GJ6D0004 GJ6D0004-E 1 Add to Master SM Keysheet

F7, J6 GJ6D0005 GJ6D0005-E 2 Item to SM Code
3 Part Master Maintenance
4 Product Structure Maintenance

Comments Check List

SM Code Outside Page
PPC: 5-6-113.0, 5-6-114.0 Title vs Folder
Spell Check
For Recondition See SM Keysheet Area 7-8-14.0
Line Weights
This code was previously written, but never used in its 1100 version. Correct Date
Cvr Sht Up-to-Date
Use illustration from SM7-6-77.0 and text similar to SM7-8-80.0 Cvr Sht is Last Page
SM Code No. vs Folder
Italics - Metric Equiv.
Dim.'s Don't Break In Line
Page #'s Are Correct
Fig List-Initial Caps
JEFF All Items Accounted For
Area Ref, In 1st Para
Leader Line Contact Points
Destroy Old Artwork

Vendor : Phone: Fax: Writer*/Proofreaders Date

Contact Date Comments Baugh
3 of 2
Service Manual 0505 SM07 --- 008 --- 107.00

1 11

2 12



4 15

5 16

6 17
8 20

10 21
1. Cap 6. Wire 10. Pin 14. Retainer 18. Push Pins
2. Rotation Indicator 7. Boot 11. Capscrews 15. Anchor Plate 19. Body
3. Screws 8. Cable Tie 12. Jam Nut 16. Mounting Plate 20. Plug
4. Handle 9. Jam Nut 13. Swivel Plate 17. Capscrews 21. O --- ring
5. Screws

Figure 1
Controller Valve Assembly

Dual Axis Controller Valve,

Recondition WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
This procedure covers the recondition of the
result from misuse of these products. Read
hydraulic controller valve. For removal and
and follow all the manufacturer’s
installation procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 7---8.
recommendations concerning solvents and
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not cleaning solutions.
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to operate and not 1. Drain any excess hydraulic oil, remaining within
bind. the valve, into an appropriate container. Properly
store or dispose of the used oil.
Disassembly 2. Cap/plug any openings in the valve. Thoroughly
clean the exterior surface of the valve to prevent
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic contamination from entering it.
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
Refer to Figure 1.
are disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
3. Carefully work the cable tie (8) up, toward the han-
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
dle (4), over the boot (7); remove the cable tie (8).
the assembly process.

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SM07 --- 008 --- 107.00 0505 Service Manual

2 A
3 ID No: 9126181 657

4 15

Spring Pack
9 Identification No.

1. Retaining Ring 5. Spool 8. Retainer 11. Washer 14. Spring Pack

2. Spring Retainer 6. O --- ring 9. Washer 12. Retaining Ring 15. Return Spring
3. Spring 7. Seal 10. Retainer 13. Push Pin Assembly 16. Body
4. Push Pin

Figure 2
Push Pin And Spring Pack Assemblies

4. Separate the boot (7) from the body (19) to access 9. Loosen the jam nut (12) and unscrew the swivel
the jam nuts (9,12). plate (13) from the anchor plate (15); remove the
5. Loosen the jam nut (9) and unscrew the handle (4) swivel plate (13).
from the swivel plate (13); remove the handle (4). 10. Remove the capscrews (11) and separate the re-
6. Remove the jam nut (9) and boot (7) from the han- tainer (14) and anchor plate (15) from the body
dle (4). (19).
7. If required, remove the cap (1) from the handle (4) 11. Remove the capscrews (17) and/or pins (10), as
and remove the screws (3,5). Separate the rota- equipped, and separate the mounting plate (16)
tion indicator (2) from the handle (4). from the body (19).
12. If required, remove the plug (20) from the body (19)
and separate the o---ring (21) from the plug (20).
CAUTION Refer to Figure 2.
All parts in plunger and spool assemblies are 13. Remove the spring packs (14), return springs (15),
mated to their corresponding port in control and push pin assemblies (13) from the body (16).
valve housing. If any assembly or part in the 14. Using the spring retainer (2), compress the spring
assembly is replaced or separated from the (3) and remove the retaining rings (1) from the
proper port, the complete control valve must push pins (4).
be replaced. 15. Remove the spring retainers (2) and springs (3)
from the push pins (4).
8. Label for assembly purposes, each push pin (18) 16. Slide the push pins (4) through the spools (5) and
and its location within the body (19). remove the retaining rings (12), if required.
17. Remove the retainers (8,10), washers (9,11), seals
Note: As the valve is disassembled, leave the push
(7), and o---rings (6) from the spools (5).
pins engaged in the body.

2 of 4
Service Manual 0505 SM07 --- 008 --- 107.00
Cleaning And Inspection Refer to Figure 2.
1. Install the washers (9,11), seals (7), and retainers
(8,10) in the spools (5).
2. Install the o---rings (6) on the spools (5).
WARNING 3. If required, install the retaining rings (12) on the
push pins (4).
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
4. Slide the push pins (4) through the spools (5).
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
5. Install the springs (3) and spring retainers (2) on
result from misuse of these products. Read
the push pin (4).
and follow all the manufacturer’s
6. Using the spring retainer (2), compress the springs
recommendations concerning solvents and
(3) and install the retaining rings (1) on the push
cleaning solutions.
pins (4).
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved 7. Install the return springs (15), spring packs (14),
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free and push pin assemblies (13) in the body (16).
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- Refer to Figure 1.
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or 8. If required, install the o---ring (21) on the plug (20)
any other foreign material during assembly. and install the plug (20) in the body (19).
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, 9. Align the mounting plate (16) with the body (19)
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed met- and install the capscrews (17) and/or pins (10), as
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine equipped. Torque the capscrews (17) to 40 in lb
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace (5Nm).
any damaged component as required. Replace all 10. Align the anchor plate (15) and the retainer (14)
seals, o---rings, and back up rings. with the mounting holes in the body (19). Install the
3. Spring packs must be replaced as an entire as- capscrews (11) and torque the capscrews (11) to
sembly. When ordering spring pack replace- 40 in lb (5Nm).
ments, the identification number located on the top 11. Apply clean, all purpose grease to the top of each
of the assembly may be required to positively iden- of the push pins (18) and to the universal joint of the
tify the part. Refer to Figure 2. anchor plate (15).
4. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue 12. Screw the swivel plate (13) on to the anchor plate
should be removed from threads of hardware and (15) until it just contacts the tops of the push pins
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be (18). Do not allow the swivel plate (13) to compress
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- the push pins (18).
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces 13. Install and tighten the jam nut (12) to 20 ft lb
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor- (30Nm).
mance of products. 14. If required, install the rotation indicator (2) in the
5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- handle (4) and secure it with the screws (3,5).
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace Install the cap (1) on the handle (4).
any major component. 15. Install the boot (7) and jam nut (9) on the shaft of
the handle (4).
Assembly 16. Screw the handle (4) into the swivel plate (13) and
tighten the jam nut (9) to 20 ft lb (30Nm).
17. Carefully work the boot (7) down the handle (4) and
stretch it over the edge of the swivel plate (13).
WARNING 18. Install the cable tie (8) to secure the boot (7) in
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking place.
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 19. If the valve is not to be immediately installed on
personal injury may result from misuse of crane, plug all open ports to prevent contamination
these products. Read and follow all and properly store.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
these products.

Lubricate all back up rings, o---rings, seals, spools, and

housing bores with hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See
Operator’s Manual for correct type.

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SM07 --- 008 --- 107.00 0505 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0804 SM07−008−113.00

1. Boom Telescope Foot Control Valve 3. Capscrews

2. Floor Plate 4. Hoses & Fittings

Figure 1
Operator’s Cab Floor Plate

Boom Telescope Foot

Control Valve, R & I WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
This procedure covers the removal and installation of hazardous. Serious personal injury may
the boom telescope foot control valve. For recondition result from misuse of these products. Read
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 07−008. and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
Removal cleaning solutions.
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: 4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
level surface. mination. Allow the area to air dry.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing WARNING
lock, as required. Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
quired. engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
f. Swing upper over the side to ease access to pressure from the system before removing
control valve. any line or component.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy-
draulic pump.

1 of 2
SM07−008−113.00 0804 Service Manual
5. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: 3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
reservoir by loosening the filler cap 1/4 turn. replace as required.
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT 4. All soft parts", such as seals, gaskets, back up
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- rings, and o−rings, should be replaced.
out switch to the OPERATE" position. 5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic hoses. Repair
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger or replace if required.
switches back and forth several times. 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
d. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position. sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi- any major component.
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
DISABLE" position. Installation
Refer to Figure 1.
7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect
hoses and fittings (4) from control valve (1). Cap/ WARNING
plug open hydraulic ports and hoses (4) to prevent Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
excessive oil loss and contamination of the system. compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
8. Remove capscrews (3) securing control valve (1) personal injury may result from misuse of
to floor plate (2). these products. Read and follow all
9. Remove control valve (1) from crane. manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
Cleaning And Inspection these products.

Refer to Figure 1.
1. Align control valve (1) to floor plate (2).
WARNING 2. Secure control valve (1) to floor plate (2) by instal-
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be ling capscrews (3).
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 3. Connect fittings and hoses (4) to control valve (1).
result from misuse of these products. Read 4. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
and follow all the manufacturer’s required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
recommendations concerning solvents and type and procedure.
cleaning solutions. 5. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. In-
spect the hydraulic connections for leaks. Repair
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with leaks as required.
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care- 6. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
fully inspected. tions of the boom telescope foot control valve for
2. All Loctite®, Permatex®, or other sealant residue proper operation. Normal operation of the hydrau-
should be removed from threads of hardware and lic, air, and electrical systems should be confirmed.
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be A general inspection of the components and sys-
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- tems in the areas adjacent to the repair should also
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces be performed to ensure related damage or wear is
with Loctite® 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor- not present.
mance of products.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1208 SM07 --- 008 --- 114.00
Foot Pedal Control Valve, 4. Remove rubber cover (1) from pedal (2).
5. Remove nuts (18) and screws (17) from pedal (2).
Recondition 6. To gain access to setscrew (3), slide boot (4) down
off of pedal (2).
This procedure covers the recondition of the foot 7. Remove setscrew (3) and shaft (16) from pedal (2).
pedal control valve. For removal and installation 8. Remove pedal (2) and boot (4).
procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 07---008. 9. Remove capscrews (8), and separate boot plate
(5) from remaining components.
Disassembly 10. Remove screws (6,15) which secure lever axle (14)
to housing (10).
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic 11. Remove lever axle (14) and plate (7) from housing
components to lay the parts out in the order that they (10).
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order 12. Remove housing (10) from vise.
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in 13. Carefully remove plungers (13), spools (12), and
the assembly process. springs (9) from housing (10).
14. If required, remove plugs (11) from housing (10).
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force Cleaning And Inspection
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and
not bind.

WARNING Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be hazardous. Serious personal injury may
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result from misuse of these products. Read
result from misuse of these products. Read and follow all the manufacturer’s
and follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations concerning solvents and
recommendations concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
cleaning solutions.
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
1. Drain any excess hydraulic oil, remaining within cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
the assembly, into an appropriate container. Prop- surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
erly store or dispose of the used oil. tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
2. Cap/plug any openings in the assembly. Thor- any other foreign material during assembly.
oughly clean the exterior surface of the assembly 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
to prevent contamination from entering it. should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
CAUTION pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
Excessive force while clamping could result in mance of products.
misalignment and/or serious damage to 3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
parts. Take extreme care not to mar or wear, fatigue or stress fractures corrosion, deep
damage any machined surface. Do not clamp scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
in any form of vise unless jaws are protected burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
by a soft material. cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com-
ponent, as required.
Refer to Figure 1. 4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
3. Secure housing (10), pedal (2) side up, in a vise sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
with padded jaws. any major component.

1 of 4
SM07 --- 008 --- 114.00 1208 Service Manual

18 1



15 4






1. Rubber Cover 6. Screws 11. Plugs 15. Screws

2. Pedal 7. Plate 12. Spools 16. Shaft
3. Setscrew 8. Capscrews 13. Plungers 17. Screws
4. Boot 9. Springs 14. Lever Axle 18. Nuts
5. Boot Plate 10. Housing

Figure 1
Foot Pedal Control Valve Assembly

2 of 4
Service Manual 1208 SM07 --- 008 --- 114.00
Assembly 2. Secure housing (10), pedal (2) side up, in a vise
with padded jaws.
Lubricate spools, plungers, and housing bores with 3. Carefully install springs (9), spools (12), and plung-
clean hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See Operator’s ers (13) in housing (10).
Manual for correct type.
Note: Refer to Figure 1 for proper orientation of
the spools and plungers.

WARNING 4. Align plate (7) and lever axle (14) to housing (10),
and install screws (15,6).
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
5. Center boot plate (5) around lever axle (14), and
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
install capscrews (8).
personal injury may result from misuse of
6. Position boot (4) around lever axle (14).
these products. Read and follow all
7. Align pedal (2) to lever axle (14), and install shaft
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
these products.
8. Secure shaft (16) to pedal (2) by installing setscrew
Refer to Figure 1. 9. Install screws (17) through pedal (2) against actu-
1. If required, install plugs (11) in housing (10). ating levers of the lever axle (14).

Note: Install the screws by hand, until they just

CAUTION make contact with the actuating levers.
Excessive force while clamping could result in 10. Install nuts (18) to secure screws (17) in place.
misalignment and/or serious damage to 11. Install boot (4) around base of pedal (2) and boot
parts. Take extreme care not to mar or plate (5).
damage any machined surface. Do not clamp 12. Install rubber cover (1) on pedal (2).
in any form of vise unless jaws are protected 13. If the foot pedal control valve is not to be immedi-
by a soft material. ately installed on crane, plug all open ports to pre-
vent contamination and properly store.

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SM07 --- 008 --- 114.00 1208 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0804 SM07−008−118.00
Swing Brake Pedal Valve,
This procedure covers the recondition and testing of 1
the swing brake pedal valve. For removal and
installation procedures, see SM Keysheet Area
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
the assembly process.
Tank Outlet
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not Brake Outlet
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force Pressure Inlet
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and
not bind.

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
1. Pedal & Base Assy 3. Valve Assy
result from misuse of these products. Read 2. Capscrews & Washers
and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and Figure 1
cleaning solutions. Swing Brake Pedal Valve Assembly

1. Drain any excess hydraulic oil, remaining within 6. Carefully remove cup (8) and seal (9) from housing
the valve, into an appropriate container. Properly (10).
store or dispose of the used oil.
2. Cap/plug any openings in the valve. Thoroughly Note: Care must be taken to not scratch or mar
clean the exterior surface of the valve to prevent the housing bore.
contamination from entering it.
7. Remove plug (14) and spring (12) from housing
Refer to Figure 1. (10).
3. Separate pedal and base assembly (1) from valve 8. Remove o−ring (13) from plug (14).
assembly (3) by removing capscrews and washers 9. Carefully remove spool (11) from housing (10).
Note: Remove the spool from the bottom end of
Refer to Figure 2.
the housing. Note the orientation of the spool to
4. If equipped, remove boot (1) from piston (2) and
facilitate assembly. Care must be taken to not
housing (10).
damage the spool or housing bore.
5. Remove piston (2), springs (3,4,5), shim(s) (6),
and retainer (7) from housing (10).

Note: For assembly purposes, note the number

of shims that are removed from the housing.

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SM07−008−118.00 0804 Service Manual

8 1*



12 6



1. Boot* 5. Spring* 9. Seal 12. Spring

2. Piston 6. Shim(s) 10. Housing 13. O−ring
3. Spring 7. Retainer 11. Spool 14. Plug
4. Spring 8. Cup

* Not all models use these parts

Figure 2
Valve Recondition

2 of 4
Service Manual 0804 SM07−008−118.00
Cleaning And Inspection Assembly
Lubricate spool, housing bore, and all sealing
components with clean hydraulic oil prior to assembly.
WARNING See Operator’s Manual for correct type.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read WARNING
and follow all the manufacturer’s
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
recommendations concerning solvents and
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
cleaning solutions.
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
1. Thoroughly clean all parts with an approved clean-
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
ing solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free surface
these products.
and allow to air dry. Exercise every precaution pos-
sible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or any other
foreign material during assembly. Refer to Figure 2.
2. All Loctite®, Permatex®, or other sealant residue 1. Carefully slide spool (11) through plug (14) open-
should be removed from threads of hardware and ing in housing (10).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
Note: Pay attention to the direction in which the
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
spool is installed. The spool must slide freely
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
into the bore. If either part is damaged, replace
with Loctite® 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
the entire unit.
mance of products.
3. Carefully inspect all components for damage, 2. Install o−ring (13) on plug (14).
wear, fatigue or stress fractures corrosion, deep 3. Install spring (12) and plug (14) into housing (10).
scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any Torque plug (14) to 35−40 ft lb (47.5−54.2Nm).
burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery 4. Carefully install cup (8) and seal (9) into housing
cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com- (10).
ponent, as required.
4. All soft parts", such as seals, gaskets, back up Note: Pay attention to the direction and order
rings, and o−rings, should be replaced. that the cup and seal are installed.
5. Replace capscrews used secure valve assembly
to pedal and base assembly. 5. Install retainer (7), shim(s) (6), and springs (5,4,3)
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- in piston (2).
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace 6. Carefully install piston (2) into housing (10).
any major component. 7. If originally equipped, install boot (1) on housing
(10) and piston (2).
Refer to Figure 1.
8. Align valve assembly (3) to pedal and base assem-
bly (1), and install capscrews and washers (2).
Torque capscrews (2) to 18−22 ft lb
9. Test the brake pressure in the valve. See Pedal
Valve Test Procedure" found later in this document.
10. If swing brake pedal valve is not to be immediately
installed on crane, plug all open ports to prevent
contamination and properly store.

3 of 4
SM07−008−118.00 0804 Service Manual
Pedal Valve Test Procedure Refer to Figure 1 for port identification.
12. Disconnect any connection to the brake outlet port
To test the pedal valve after assembly, it may be on the pedal valve.
installed on the crane or adapted to a hydraulic test 13. Adapt a 0−3,000 psi (0−4 068kPa) pressure
stand capable of producing 2,500 psi (3 390kPa). gauge to the brake outlet port.
Maximum operating pressure on the pedal valve is 14. Connect the hydraulic pressure supply line to the
3,000 psi (4 068kPa). pressure inlet port and a return line to the tank out-
let port.
Note: If the pedal valve is installed on the crane, ad-
15. Generate pressure to the test circuit and manually
just the relief valve in the supply circuit to 700 psi
actuate the pedal valve. Observe the pressure
(950kPa). Refer to the Operator’s Manual for the re-
lief valve location and proper adjustment proce-
16. The brake outlet pressure of the pedal valve should
be 500−600 psi (678−813kPa).
17. If required, disassemble the pedal valve and add or
subtract shims (6,Figure 2) to achieve the proper
pressure at the brake outlet port. Reassemble the
WARNING pedal valve and repeat this test.
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause Note: If the relief valve in the pedal valve circuit was
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the adjusted to accommodate this test procedure, be
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic sure to reset the relief valve. Refer to the Operator’s
pressure from the system before removing Manual for the relief valve location and proper ad-
any line or component. justment procedure.

11. Relieve and pressure trapped in the pedal valve hy-

draulic circuit or test stand circuit. Refer to SM Key-
sheet Area 00−000 for safety instructions.

4 of 4
Service Manual 0506 SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00

6 7 8 9 10 A


11 12 B

3 2

15 14 13
1. Outlet Section 4. Tie Rods 7. O --- ring 10. Section Seal 13. Section Seal
2. Work Sections 5. Washers & Locknuts 8. O --- ring 11. O --- ring 14. O --- ring
3. Inlet Section 6. Section Seal 9. O --- ring 12. O --- ring 15. Section Seal

Figure 1
Winch Control Valve

Winch Control Valve, General Valve Disassembly

This procedure covers the recondition of the winch
control valve. For removal and installation Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 07---008. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic and follow all the manufacturer’s
components to lay the parts out in the order that they recommendations concerning solvents and
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order cleaning solutions.
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
the assembly process. 1. Drain any hydraulic oil remaining within the valve
into an appropriate container. Properly store or
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not dispose of the used oil.
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force 2. Cap/plug any openings in the valve. Thoroughly
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and clean the exterior surface of the valve to prevent
not bind. contamination.

1 of 8
SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00 0506 Service Manual
1 2

5 6 7 8 B

4 9

11 10

14 13 12

1. Relief Valve 4. Plug 7. Spool 10. Stroke Limiter 13. Spool

2. Plug 5. Plug 8. Plug 11. Cap 14. Outlet Housing
3. Expander Plugs 6. Plug 9. Spring 12. Plug

Figure 2
Outlet Section

2 of 8
Service Manual 0506 SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00

3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 A

14 15 16 17

19 18

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
1. Capscrews 9. Plug 17. End Cap 25. Spool
2. Check Assembly 10. O --- ring 18. Stripper Bolt 26. Housing
3. Seat 11. Spring 19. Spring Retainer 27. O --- ring
4. Poppet 12. Cap 20. Spring 28. Seal Retainer
5. Spring 13. Poppet 21. Spring Retainer 29. O --- ring
6. Spring Guide 14. Tube 22. O --- ring 30. Tube
7. Shims 15. Stroke Limiter 23. Seal Retainer 31. O --- ring
8. O --- ring 16. O --- ring 24. O --- ring 32. End Cap

Figure 3
Work Sections

3 of 8
SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00 0506 Service Manual
Refer to Figure 1. Work Section Disassembly
3. For assembly purposes, index mark the outlet sec-
tion (1), work sections (2), and inlet section (3). Refer to Figure 3.
4. Remove the locknuts and washers (5) from the tie 1. Remove the check assembly (2) and plug (9) from
rods (4). the housing (26).
5. Separate the outlet section (1), work sections (2), 2. Remove the cap (12), spring (11), and poppet (13).
and inlet section (3). Remove the o---ring (10) from the cap (12).
6. Remove the section seals (6,10) and o---rings 3. Remove the capscrews (1) securing the end cap
(7,8,9) from the work sections (2). (17) to the housing (26).
7. Remove the section seals (13,15) and o---rings 4. Remove the end cap (17) and tube (14) from the
(11,12,14) from the inlet section (3). housing (26). Remove the o---ring (16) from the
8. Refer to “Cleaning And Inspection” found later in end cap (17).
this document.
9. Disassemble each individual valve section (1,2,3),
as required. Refer to the appropriate procedure CAUTION
found later in this document. Use extreme care not to damage the spool
during disassembly. Do not clamp in any form
Outlet Section Disassembly of vise unless jaws are protected by a soft
Refer to Figure 2. material.
1. Remove the relief valve (1) and plug (2) from the
outlet housing (14). 5. Remove the stripper bolt (18) and spool (25) as-
2. Remove the plugs (4,5,8,12) and spools (7,13) sembly from the housing (26).
from the outlet housing (14). Remove the plug (6) 6. Carefully remove the stripper bolt (18), spring re-
from the spool (7). tainer (21), spring (20), stroke limiter (15), and
3. Remove the cap (11), spring (9), and stroke limiter spring retainer (19).
(10). 7. Remove the o---ring (8) from the stripper bolt (18).
4. If required, remove the expander plugs (3) from the 8. Remove the seal retainer (23) from the spool (25).
outlet housing (14). Remove the o---rings (22,24) from the seal retainer
5. Refer to “Cleaning And Inspection” found later in (23).
this document. 9. Remove the shims (7), spring guide (6), spring (5),
poppet (4), and seat (3) from the spool (25).
Outlet Section Assembly 10. Remove the capscrews (1) securing the end cap
(32) to the housing (26).
Lubricate all o---rings, seals, spools, and housing 11. Remove the end cap (32), tube (30), and seal re-
bores with clean hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See tainer (28) from the housing (26).
the Operator’s Manual for the correct type. 12. Remove the o---ring (31) from the end cap (32).
13. Remove the o---rings (27,29) from the seal retainer
Refer to Figure 2. (28).
1. If removed, install the expander plugs (3) in the out- 14. Repeat Steps 1 thru 13 for each remaining work
let housing (14). sections.
2. Install the stroke limiter (10), spring (9), and cap 15. Refer to “Cleaning And Inspection” found later in
(11). Torque the cap (11) to 75±8 ft lb this document.
3. Install the plug (6) in the spool (7). Torque the plug Work Section Assembly
(6) to 35±5 in lb (4.1±0.6Nm).
4. Install the spools (7,13) in the outlet housing (14). Lubricate all o---rings, seals, spools, and housing
5. Install the plugs (4,5,8,12) in the outlet housing bores with clean hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See
(14). Torque the plugs (4,5,8,12) to 75±8 ft lb the Operator’s Manual for the correct type.
6. Install the plug (2) in the outlet housing (14). Refer to Figure 3.
Torque the plug (2) to 220±20 in lb (26.0±2.4Nm). 1. Install the o---rings (27,29) on the seal retainer (28),
7. Install the relief valve (1) in the outlet housing (14). and the o---ring (31) on the end cap (32).
Torque the relief valve (1) to 500±50 in lb 2. Install the seal retainer (28), tube (30), and end cap
(59.0±5.9Nm). (32) to the housing (26), and secure with the
capscrews (1). Torque the capscrews (1) to
100±10 in lb (11.8 ---1.18Nm).

4 of 8
Service Manual 0506 SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00

1 B 2

5 A

4 3


1. Plug 3. Plug 5. Expander Plug

2. Orifice/Screen Assembly 4. Inlet Housing 6. Expander Plug

Figure 4
Inlet Section

5 of 8
SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00 0506 Service Manual
3. Install the poppet (4) in the seat (3). If installing a Inlet Section Disassembly
new poppet (4) or seat (3), press the poppet (4)
into the seat (3) using 100 lb (444.8N) of force. Refer to Figure 4.
4. Apply Loctite 680 with Primer “T” to the seat (3) 1. Remove the plugs (1,3) and orifice/screen assem-
and threads of the spool (25). bly (2) from the inlet housing (4).
5. Install the seat (3) and poppet (4) in the spool (25). 2. If required, remove the expander plugs (5,6) from
Torque the seat (3) to 50±5 in lb (5.9±0.6Nm). the inlet housing (4).
6. Install the spring (5) on the poppet (4) inside the 3. Refer to “Cleaning And Inspection” found later in
spool (25), and position the spring guide (6) this document.
around the poppet (4).
7. Install the o---rings (22,24) on the seal retainer (23). Inlet Section Assembly
8. Install the seal retainer (23) on the spool (25).
9. Install the o---ring (8) on the stripper bolt (18). Lubricate all o---rings, seals and housing bores with
10. Install the shims (7) in the spool (25). clean hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See the
11. Stack the spring retainer (19), stroke limiter (15), Operator’s Manual for the correct type.
spring (20), and spring retainer (21) on the stripper Refer to Figure 4.
bolt (18). 1. If removed, install the expander plugs (5,6) in the
12. Install the stripper bolt (18) in the spool (25), using inlet housing (4).
care not to pinch the spring retainer (21). Torque 2. Install the orifice/screen assembly (2) in the inlet
the stripper bolt (18) to 175±18 in lb housing (4). Torque the orifice/screen assembly
(20.6±2.1Nm). (2) to 220±20 in lb (26.0±2.4Nm).
3. Install the plug (3) in the inlet housing (4). Torque
the plug (3) to 75±8 ft lb (101.7±10.8Nm).
CAUTION 4. Install the plug (1) in the inlet housing (4). Torque
Use extreme care not to damage the spool the plug (1) to 44±5 ft lb (59.7±6.8Nm).
during assembly. Do not clamp in any form of
vise unless jaws are protected by a soft
Cleaning And Inspection

13. Install the stripper bolt (18) and spool (25) assem-
bly in the housing (26).
14. Install the o---ring (16) on the end cap (17). Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
15. Position the tube (14) and end cap (17) to the hous- hazardous. Serious personal injury may
ing (26), and secure with the capscrews (1). result from misuse of these products. Read
Torque the capscrews (1) to 100±10 in lb and follow all the manufacturer’s
(11.8 ---1.18Nm). recommendations concerning solvents and
16. Install the poppet (13) in the housing (26). cleaning solutions.
17. Install the o---ring (10) on the cap (12).
18. Position the spring (11) on the poppet (13), and 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
install the cap (12). Torque the cap (12) to 75±8 ft lb cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
(101.7±10.8Nm). surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
19. Install the plug (9) in the housing (26). Torque the tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
plug (9) to 80±8 in lb (9.4±0.9Nm). any other foreign material during assembly.
20. Install the check assembly (2) in the housing (26). 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
Torque the check assembly (2) to 60±6 ft lb should be removed from threads of hardware and
(81.4±8.1Nm). the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
21. Repeat Steps 1 thru 20 for each remaining work reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
section. pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
mance of products.

6 of 8
Service Manual 0506 SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00
3. Carefully inspect all components for damage, Lubricate all seals and o---rings with clean hydraulic oil
wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep prior to assembly. See the Operator’s Manual for the
scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any correct type.
burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com- Refer to Figure 1.
ponent, as required. 1. Install the o---rings (11,12,14) and section seals
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals and o---rings, should (13,15) in the inlet section (3).
be replaced. 2. Install the o---rings (7,8,9) and section seals (6,10)
5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- in the work sections (2).
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace 3. Align the outlet section (1), work sections (2), and
any major component. inlet section (3) using the index marks made during
General Valve Assembly 4. Install the tie rods (4) through each of the valve sec-
tions (1,2,3), leaving an equal amount of threads
exposed on each side.
5. Install the washers and locknuts (5) on the tie rods
WARNING (4). Torque the locknuts (5) to 500±50 in lb
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking (59.0±5.9Nm).
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 6. If the winch control valve is not to be immediately
personal injury may result from misuse of installed on the crane, plug all open ports to pre-
these products. Read and follow all vent contamination and properly store.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
these products.

7 of 8
SM07 --- 008 --- 127.00 0506 Service Manual

8 of 8
Service Manual 0606 SM07 --- 008 --- 129.00

9 10 11 A

8 1

7 2

6 3


1. Mid Inlet Section 4. Tie Rods 7. Inlet Section 10. Square Ring Seal*
2. Work Section 5. Nuts 8. Work Section 11. Section Seal*
3. Outlet Section 6. Washers 9. Section Seal* 12. Section Seal*
* Section seals are located between each of the valve sections.

Figure 1
Typical Parker VG20 Series Control Valve

Hydraulic Control Valves, It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic

components to lay the parts out in the order that they
Recondition are disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
(Parker VG20 Series) the assembly process.
This procedure is general in nature and covers the
recondition of Parker VG20 Series control valves. For
general removal and installation procedures for CAUTION
upper hydraulic components, see SM Keysheet Area Hydraulic components are machined to close
07---004. tolerances. Use extreme care in handling not
Valve disassembly should only be attempted on a to crush or cause damage if clamped in a vise.
workbench, in a clean environment. The workbench, Do not clamp the control valve or its
mechanic’s hands, and all tools must be clean. components in any form of vise unless the
Disassembled valve parts must be protected from jaws are protected by a soft material.
moisture, airborne dust, and all other types of
contaminants. Handle valve parts with extreme care Valve spools are custom fit to respective bores with
to prevent damaging mating surfaces. Minor burrs or extremely close tolerances. Spools for one section
nicks can cause leakage. should not be interchanged with another.

1 of 6
SM07 --- 008 --- 129.00 0606 Service Manual

1 2 3

1. Relief Valve 2. Housing 3. Plug

Figure 2
Typical Inlet Section Components

Control Valve Disassembly 4. Position the control valve so it sits on the inlet sec-
tion (7) with the tie rods (4) positioned vertically.
5. Remove the nuts (5) and washers (6) from the tie
WARNING rods (4).
6. Separate and remove the outlet section (3), work
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be section (2), mid inlet section (1), work section (8),
hazardous. Serious personal injury may and inlet section (7) from the tie rods (4), as re-
result from misuse of these products. Read quired. Remove the section seals (9,11,12) and
and follow all the manufacturer’s square ring seals (10) from the valve sections
recommendations concerning solvents and (1,2,3,7,8) as they are separated.
cleaning solutions.
Inlet Section Disassembly
1. Drain any hydraulic oil remaining within the control The inlet section illustrated in Figure 2 is general in
valve into an appropriate container. Properly store nature and depicts only some of the options available
or dispose of the used oil. with Parker VG20 Series control valves. For a more
2. Cap/plug any openings in the control valve. Thor- accurate representation of the control valve being
oughly clean the exterior surface of the control serviced, refer to the crane Parts Manual.
valve to prevent contamination.
Refer to Figure 2.
Note: Separating the valve sections is only neces- 1. Remove the relief valve (1) from the housing (2).
sary if there is leakage between the sections. When
disassembling the valve sections, be careful not to Note: If service other than external seal
lose any of the section seals or square ring seals replacement is required, replace the entire
that are mounted between them. relief valve.

2. Remove the o---rings from the relief valve (1).

To separate the valve sections, complete Steps 3 thru 6. 3. Remove the plug (3) from the housing (2).
Refer to Figure 1. 4. Remove the o---ring from the plug (3).
3. For assembly purposes, index mark each of the 5. Refer to “Cleaning And Inspection” found later in
valve sections (1,2,3,7,8). this document.

2 of 6
Service Manual 0606 SM07 --- 008 --- 129.00
2 3

1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

1. Relief Valve 8. Spring Retainer 15. Seal Retainer 22. O --- ring
2. Spool 9. O --- ring 16. O --- ring 23. O --- ring
3. Housing 10. Stripper Bolt 17. O --- ring 24. Seal Retainer
4. Spring Retainer 11. End Cap 18. O --- ring 25. Tube
5. Relief Valve 12. Spring 19. Plug 26. Capscrews
6. Tube 13. Spring 20. Spring 27. O --- ring
7. Capscrews 14. Stroke Limiter 21. Poppet 28. End Cap

Figure 3
Typical Work Section Components

Work Section Disassembly 4. Remove the end cap (11) and tube (6) from the
The work section illustrated in Figure 3 is general in housing (3). Remove the o---ring (9) from the end
nature and depicts only some of the options available cap (11).
with Parker VG20 Series control valves. For a more
accurate representation of the control valve being
serviced, refer to the crane Parts Manual. Repeat these CAUTION
procedures for each of the work sections needing Use extreme care not to damage the spool
service. during disassembly. Do not clamp in any form
Refer to Figure 3. of vise unless jaws are protected by a soft
1. Remove the plug (19), spring (20), and poppet material.
(21). Remove the o---ring (18) from the plug (19).
5. Remove the stripper bolt (10) and spool (2) assem-
Note: If service other than external seal bly from the housing (3).
replacement is required, replace the entire 6. Carefully remove the stripper bolt (10), spring re-
assembly. tainer (4), springs (12,13), stroke limiter (14), and
spring retainer (8).
2. Remove the relief valves (1,5) from the housing (3). 7. Remove the seal retainer (15) from the spool (2).
3. Remove the capscrews (7) securing the end cap Remove the o---rings (16,17) from the seal retainer
(11) to the housing (3). (15).

3 of 6
SM07 --- 008 --- 129.00 0606 Service Manual

1 2 3 4 5

1. Plug 3. Housing 5. O --- ring

2. Gasket 4. Back Up Ring

Figure 4
Typical Mid Inlet Section Components

8. Remove the capscrews (26) securing the end cap Mid Inlet Section Disassembly
(28) to the housing (3). The mid inlet section illustrated in Figure 4 is general in
9. Remove the end cap (28), tube (25), and seal re- nature and depicts only some of the options available
tainer (24) from the housing (3). with Parker VG20 Series control valves. For a more
10. Remove the o---ring (27) from the end cap (28). accurate representation of the control valve being
11. Remove the o---rings (22,23) from the seal retainer serviced, refer to the crane Parts Manual.
12. Refer to “Cleaning And Inspection” found later in Refer to Figure 4.
this document. 1. Remove the plug (1) from the mid inlet housing (3).
13. Repeat Steps 1 thru 12 for each remaining work 2. Remove the gasket (2), o---ring (5), and back up
ring (4) from the plug (1).
section, as required.
3. Refer to “Cleaning And Inspection” found later in
this document.
4. Repeat Steps 1 thru 3 for each remaining mid inlet
section, as required.

4 of 6
Service Manual 0606 SM07 --- 008 --- 129.00
Cleaning And Inspection Refer to Figure 3.
1. Install the o---rings (22,23) on the seal retainer (24),
and the o---ring (27) on the end cap (28).
2. Install the seal retainer (24), tube (25), and end cap
WARNING (28) to the housing (3), and secure with the
capscrews (26). Torque the capscrews (26) to
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
100±10 in lb (11.8±1.18Nm).
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
3. Install the o---rings (16,17) on the seal retainer (15).
result from misuse of these products. Read
4. Install the seal retainer (15) on the spool (2).
and follow all the manufacturer’s
5. Stack the spring retainer (8), stroke limiter (14),
recommendations concerning solvents and
springs (12,13), and spring retainer (4) on the strip-
cleaning solutions.
per bolt (10).
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved 6. Install the stripper bolt (10) in the spool (2), using
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free care not to pinch the spring retainer (4). Torque the
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- stripper bolt (10) to 175±18 in lb (20.6±2.1Nm).
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
any other foreign material during assembly.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue CAUTION
should be removed from threads of hardware and Use extreme care not to damage the spool
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be during assembly. Do not clamp in any form of
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- vise unless jaws are protected by a soft
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces material.
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
mance of products. 7. Install the stripper bolt (10) and spool (2) assembly
3. Carefully inspect all components for damage, in the housing (3).
wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep 8. Install the o---ring (9) on the end cap (11).
scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any 9. Position the tube (6) and end cap (11) to the hous-
burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery ing (3), and secure with the capscrews (7). Torque
cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com- the capscrews (7) to 100±10 in lb (11.8±1.18Nm).
ponent, as required. 10. Install the poppet (21) in the housing (3).
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up 11. Install the o---ring (18) on the plug (19).
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. 12. Position the spring (20) on the poppet (21), and install
5. Ensure the mating surfaces of each section are ab- the plug (19). Torque the plug (19) to 75±8 ft lb
solutely free of contamination (dirt, paint, paint (102±11Nm).
chips, etc.). 13. Install the relief valves (1,5) in the housing (3).
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- Torque the plug (19) to 75±8 ft lb (102±11Nm).
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
14. Repeat Steps 1 thru 13 for each remaining work
any major component.
Mid Inlet Section Assembly Inlet Section Assembly
Lubricate all o---rings, back up rings, gaskets, and
Lubricate all o---rings and housing bores with hydraulic
housing bores with hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See
oil prior to assembly. See Operator’s Manual for
Operator’s Manual for correct type.
correct type.
Refer to Figure 4.
Refer to Figure 2.
1. Install the gasket (2), o---ring (5), and back up ring
1. Install the o---ring on the plug (3).
(4) on the plug (1).
2. Install the plug (3) in the housing (2). Torque the
2. Install the plug (1) in the housing (3).
plug (3) to 160±6 ft lb (217±8Nm).
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each remaining mid inlet
3. Install the o---rings on the relief valve (1).
4. Install the relief valve (1) in the housing (2). Torque
Work Section Assembly relief valve (1) to 75±8 ft lb (102±11Nm).
Lubricate all o---rings, back up rings, spools, and
housing bores with hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See
Operator’s Manual for correct type.

5 of 6
SM07 --- 008 --- 129.00 0606 Service Manual
Control Valve Assembly 4. Install the section seals (9,11,12) and square ring
seal (10), in the grooves in the inlet section (7) face.
5. Slide the first work section (8) on the tie rods (4)
and against the inlet section (7).
WARNING 6. Install the section seals (9,11,12) and square ring
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking seal (10), in the grooves in the work section (8)
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious face.
personal injury may result from misuse of 7. Slide the mid inlet section (1) on the tie rods (4) and
these products. Read and follow all against the work section (8).
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning 8. Install the section seals (9,11,12) and square ring
these products. seal (10), in the grooves in the mid inlet section (1).
9. Slide the next work section (2) on the tie rods (4)
and against the mid inlet section (1).
Lubricate all seals and housing bores with hydraulic oil
10. Install the section seals (9,11,12) and square ring
prior to assembly. See Operator’s Manual for correct
seal (10), in the grooves in the work section (2)
11. Slide the outlet section (3) onto the tie rods (4) and
If the valve sections were separated, complete Steps
against the work section (2).
1 thru 13 for reassembly. Otherwise, skip directly to
Step 13. Note: Incorrect torque and torquing on an
uneven surface can cause the valve spools to
Note: Care should be taken not to pinch the section
bind. Ensure the control valve assembly is
seals when restacking the valve.
seated securely on a flat surface before
completing final torque adjustments.
Refer to Figure 1.
1. Install the nuts (5) and washers (6) on one end of 12. Install the washers (6) and nuts (5) on the tie rods
the tie rods (4). (4) until snug against the outlet section (3). In a
2. Install the tie rods (4) through the outside face of criss---cross pattern, torque the nuts (5) to 500 in lb
the inlet section (7) with the washers (6) and nuts (59Nm).
(5) to the outside. 13. If the control valve is not to be immediately installed
3. Place the inlet section (7) on a clean workbench, on the crane, plug all open ports to prevent con-
outside face down and tie rods (4) up. tamination and properly store.

6 of 6
Service Manual 0405 SM07 --- 008 --- 131.00
Pilot Oil Supply Valve, 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
Recondition surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau-
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
This procedure covers the recondition of the pilot oil any other foreign material during assembly.
supply valve. For general removal and installation 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
procedures for upper hydraulic components, see SM should be removed from threads of hardware and
Keysheet Area 07---004 or 07---008. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
Disassembly pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
mance of products.
WARNING 3. Carefully inspect the valve body for damage, wear,
fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
hazardous. Serious personal injury may burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
result from misuse of these products. Read cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace as required.
and follow all the manufacturer’s 4. Inspect each valve for visible contaminants and, if
recommendations concerning solvents and found, carefully remove any obvious particles.
cleaning solutions. 5. Through the nose of the each valve, manually oper-
ate the inner working parts several times. Use a
1. Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the pilot oil piece of plastic tubing to avoid damaging soft
supply valve to prevent contamination. seats, sharp edges, and finished surfaces. All
Refer to Figure 1. parts should move freely. If possible, this inspec-
2. Remove the shuttle valves (1) from the valve body tion should be done with the valve submerged in
(2). clean mineral spirits.
3. Remove the o---rings (6,7,10) and back up rings 6. After flushing the valve, blow dry with clean, filtered
(5,8,9) from the shuttle valves (1). air.
4. Remove the pressure reducing valve (4) from the 7. All “soft parts”, such as back up rings and o---rings,
valve body (2). should be replaced.
5. Remove the o---rings (11,13) and back up rings 8. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
(12,14) from the pressure reducing valve (4). sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
6. Remove the check valve (3) from the valve body any major component.
7. Remove the o---rings (16,17,19) and back up rings Assembly
(15,18,20) from the check valve (3).

Note: Further disassembly of the valve cartridges is

not recommended. WARNING
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
Cleaning And Inspection compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
WARNING these products.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Refer to Figure 1.
result from misuse of these products. Read 1. Install the o---rings (16,17,19) and back up rings
and follow all the manufacturer’s (15,18,20) on the check valve (3).
recommendations concerning solvents and 2. Install the o---rings (11,13) and back up rings
cleaning solutions. (12,14) on the pressure reducing valve (4).

1 of 2
SM07 --- 008 --- 131.00 0405 Service Manual



A 2 F
5 15

6 16
11 G

B 12 G
7 17
8 18

9 19

10 20

1. Shuttle Valves 6. O --- ring 11. O --- ring 16. O --- ring
2. Valve Body 7. O --- ring 12. Back Up Ring 17. O --- ring
3. Check Valve 8. Back Up Ring 13. O --- ring 18. Back Up Ring
4. Pressure Reducing Valve 9. Back Up Ring 14. Back Up Ring 19. O --- ring
5. Back Up Ring 10. O --- ring 15. Back Up Ring 20. Back Up Ring

Figure 1
Pilot Oil Supply Valve

3. Install the o---rings (6,7,10) and back up rings 7. Install the shuttle valves (1) in the valve body (2).
(5,8,9) on the shuttle valves (1). 8. Torque the valves (3,4,1) to 30---35 ft lb
4. Dip the valves (1,4,3) in clean hydraulic fluid. See (40 ---50Nm).
the Operator’s Manual for the correct type. 9. If operational problems still exist, replace the mal-
5. Install the check valve (3) in the valve body (2). functioning valve with a new, factory---tested valve.
6. Install the pressure reducing valve (4) in the valve
body (2).

2 of 2
Service Manual 1005 SM07 --- 008 --- 137.00
Swing Brake Pedal Valve, c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
switches back and forth several times.
R&I d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
This procedure covers the removal and installation of cranes equipped with emergency steering
the swing brake pedal valve. For recondition system, it will take several rotations of steering
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 07---008. wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
Removal 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. tion and move the function lockout switch to the
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: “DISABLE” position.
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level Refer to Figure 1.
surface. 7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block hydraulic lines (4) from the swing brake pedal valve
the tires. (1). Cap/plug the open hydraulic ports and lines
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing (4) to prevent excessive oil loss and contamination
lock, as required. of the system.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 8. Remove the capscrews (2) securing the swing
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- brake pedal valve (1) to the floor plate (3).
quired. 9. Remove the swing brake pedal valve (1) from the
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main crane.
hydraulic pump.
Cleaning And Inspection

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be WARNING
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
result from misuse of these products. Read hazardous. Serious personal injury may
and follow all the manufacturer’s result from misuse of these products. Read
recommendations concerning solvents and and follow all the manufacturer’s
cleaning solutions. recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta- 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
mination. Allow the area to air dry. an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
fully inspected.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
WARNING should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
mance of products.
pressure from the system before removing
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
any line or component.
tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
replace as required.
5. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows:
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
connected to the swing brake pedal valve. Repair
or replace if required.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
any major component.

1 of 4
SM07 --- 008 --- 137.00 1005 Service Manual

3 B

2 B


View From Underneath The Cab

1. Swing Brake Pedal Valve 3. Floor Plate

2. Capscrews 4. Hydraulic Lines

Figure 1
Swing Brake Pedal Valve

2 of 4
Service Manual 1005 SM07 --- 008 --- 137.00
Installation 3. Connect the hydraulic lines (4) to the swing brake
pedal valve (1).
4. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
WARNING type and procedure.
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking 5. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. In-
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious spect the hydraulic connections for leaks. Repair
personal injury may result from misuse of leaks as required.
these products. Read and follow all 6. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning tions of the swing brake pedal valve for proper op-
these products. eration. Normal operation of the hydraulic system
should be confirmed. A general inspection of the
Refer to Figure 1. components and systems in the areas adjacent to
1. Align the swing brake pedal valve (1) to the floor the repair should also be performed to ensure re-
plate (3). lated damage or wear is not present.
2. Secure the swing brake pedal valve (1) to the floor
plate (3) by installing the capscrews (2).

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SM07 --- 008 --- 137.00 1005 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0606 SM07 --- 008 --- 142.00
Accumulator Charging 7. Loosen the nut (25), and remove the screw (26)
from the housing (44). Remove the o---ring (27)
Valve, Recondition from the screw (26).
8. Remove the spring (28), poppet or steel ball (29),
This procedure covers the recondition and seat (30), o---ring (31), washer (32), filter (33), and
diagnostics of the accumulator charging valve. For washer (34) from the housing (44).
removal and installation procedures, see SM 9. Measure the depth the screw (9) is installed.
Keysheet Area 07---008. Measure from the face of the housing (44) to the
top of the screw (9). Record this measurement for
Disassembly use during assembly.
10. Remove the screw (9) from the housing (44).
It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic 11. Remove the spring (11), retainer (12), and ball (13).
components to lay the parts out in the order that they Be sure to keep ball (13) separate from ball (20) for
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order assembly purposes.
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
the assembly process. Note: Be careful not to damage the screw
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force 12. Using a drive pin punch, remove the pin (10) from
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and the screw (9).
not bind. 13. Remove the plug (24) from the housing (44).
Remove the o---ring (23) from the plug (24).
14. Remove the spring (22), stop (21), and ball (20)
WARNING from the housing (44).
15. Place the housing (44) on a bench with the plug
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be (24) end down. The spool (19) may fall out at this
hazardous. Serious personal injury may point.
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s Note: Be careful not to scratch or mar the valve
recommendations concerning solvents and seats on the insert.
cleaning solutions.
16. Using a 0.25---0.31 in (6.35 ---7.87mm) diameter
1. Drain any hydraulic oil remaining within the valve wood or plastic dowel, carefully remove the insert
into an appropriate container. Properly store or (18) and spool (19) from the housing (44). The
dispose of the used oil. insert (18) must come out the plug (24) side of the
2. Cap/plug any openings in the valve. Thoroughly housing (44).
clean the exterior surface of the valve to prevent
Note: Not all models use back up rings (14,16).
Refer to Figure 1. 17. Remove the spool (19) from the insert (18).
Remove the o---rings (15,17) and back up rings
Note: The plug (1) is under spring tension. (14,16) from the insert (18), as equipped.
Remove the plug (1) slowly to allow the tension 18. Remove the plug (43) from the housing (44).
to relieve as the plug (1) is being removed. Remove the o---ring (42) from the plug (43).
3. Slowly remove the plug (1) from the housing (44). Note: Be careful not to scratch or mar the hous-
Remove the o---ring (2) from the plug (1). ing or sleeve bore.
4. Remove the spring (4) and rod (3) from the housing
(44). 19. Remove the spring (41), poppet (40), sleeve (38),
5. Remove the plug (8) from the housing (44). poppet (36), and spring (35) from the housing (44).
Remove the o---ring (7) from the plug (8). 20. Remove the o---rings (37,39) from the sleeve (38).
6. Remove the spool (6) through the plug (1) end of
the housing (44). Remove the seal (5) from the
spool (6).

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SM07 --- 008 --- 142.00 0606 Service Manual

26 42
28 41
30 40
32 39
34 38

24 37
22 36
20 35
17 44
1 16
2 14


1. Plug 12. Retainer 23. O --- ring 34. Washer

2. O --- ring 13. Ball 24. Plug 35. Spring
3. Rod 14. Back Up Ring 25. Nut 36. Poppet
4. Spring 15. O --- ring 26. Screw 37. O --- ring
5. Seal 16. Back Up Ring 27. O --- ring 38. Sleeve
6. Spool 17. O --- ring 28. Spring 39. O --- ring
7. O --- ring 18. Insert 29. Poppet Or Steel Ball 40. Poppet
8. Plug 19. Spool 30. Seat 41. Spring
9. Screw 20. Ball 31. O --- ring 42. O --- ring
10. Pin 21. Stop 32. Washer 43. Plug
11. Spring 22. Spring 33. Filter 44. Housing

Figure 1
Accumulator Charging Valve

2 of 4
Service Manual 0606 SM07 --- 008 --- 142.00
Cleaning And Inspection Refer to Figure 1.
1. Install the o---ring (7) on the plug (8). Install the plug
(8) in the housing (44), and torque to 50---60 ft lb
WARNING 2. Install the seal (5) on the spool (6), making sure the
seal (5) does not twist in the groove.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
3. Insert the spool (6) in the housing (44).
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
4. Install the spring (4) and rod (3) in the housing (44).
result from misuse of these products. Read
5. Install the o---ring (2) on the plug (1). Install the plug
and follow all the manufacturer’s
(1) in the housing (44), and torque to 50---60 ft lb
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
Note: Not all models use back up rings (14,16).
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free 6. Install the o---rings (15,17) and back up rings
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- (14,16) on the insert (18). Install the insert (18) in
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or the housing (44). Use a 0.50 in (12.70mm) diame-
any other foreign material during assembly. ter wood dowel to seat the insert (18).
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue 7. Turn the housing (44) so the plug (24) side is facing
should be removed from threads of hardware and upward. Install the spool (19) in the insert (18), with
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be the long shoulder end toward the plug (24).
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com- 8. Install the ball (20) on the insert (18). Install the
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces stop (21) over the ball (20) and the spring (22) over
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor- the stop (21).
mance of products. 9. Install the o---ring (23) on the plug (24). Carefully
3. Carefully inspect all components for damage, install the plug (24) in the housing (44), centering
wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep the spring (22) as it is installed. Torque the plug
scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any (24) to 35---40 ft lb (47 ---54Nm).
burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery 10. Turn the housing (44) so the plug (8) side is facing
cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com- upward. Install the ball (13). Be sure the ball (13) is
ponent, as required. centered in the bottom of the hole in the housing
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up (44).
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. 11. Install the retainer (12) and spring (11) in the hous-
5. The pin, filter, and poppets should be replaced. ing (44).
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace Note: Be careful not to damage the screw
any major component. threads.

Assembly 12. Install the pin (10) in the screw (9). Be sure the pin
(10) is aligned properly and evenly driven into the
screw (9).
13. Thread the screw (9) into the housing (44) to the
WARNING depth recorded during disassembly.
14. Install the o---ring (27) on the screw (26).
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
15. Install the washer (34), filter (33), washer (32),
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
o --- ring (31), seat (30), poppet or steel ball (29),
personal injury may result from misuse of
spring (28), and screw (26) in the housing (44).
these products. Read and follow all
Torque the screw (26) to 18 --- 22 ft lb
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
(24 --- 30Nm).
these products.
16. Install the nut (25) on the screw (26), and torque to
32---38 ft lb (43 ---52Nm).
Lubricate all back up rings, o---rings, seals, spools, and 17. Install the o---rings (37,39) on the sleeve (38).
housing bores with clean hydraulic oil prior to 18. Install the spring (35), poppet (36), sleeve (38),
assembly. See the Operator’s Manual for the correct poppet (40), and spring (41) in housing (44).

3 of 4
SM07 --- 008 --- 142.00 0606 Service Manual
Symptom Diagnosis
1. Poppet (29) leaking
2. O --- ring (31) leaking
Accumulator Charging Cycle Repeats Frequently
When Accumulator Is Not Normally
y Being
g Dis- 3. O --- ring (17) leaking
h d In
I Service
S i
4. Ball (20) is leaking
5. Inoperative seat on insert (18)

Accumulator Starts To Charge But Does Not Reach 1. O --- ring (15) leaking
High Limit 2. Seal (5) has been damaged or worn
1. Dirt in filter (33)

Accumulator Charging
g g Time Too Long
g 2. Poppet (29, 36, or 40) stuck, partially closed
3. Seat (30) partially plugged
1. Broken spring (11)
2. Broken spring (4)

Accumulator Fails To Start Charging

g g 3. O --- ring (2) inoperative
4. Spool (6) stuck
5. Dirt in filter (33)
1. Insert (18) worn
Very R
id Cycling
C li Of Charging
Ch i Valve
V l
2. Poppets (36 or 40) stuck, partially closed

Accumulator Pressures Are Not Isolated From One 1. O --- rings (37 or 39) leaking
To Another 2. Inoperative poppets (36 or 40)
Table A
Service Diagnostics

19. Install the o --- ring (42) on the plug (43). Install the 20. If the accumulator charging valve is not to be im-
plug (43) in the housing (44), and torque to mediately installed on the crane, plug all open
40 --- 50 ft lb (68 ---81Nm). ports to prevent contamination and properly store.

4 of 4
Service Manual 1005 SM07 --- 008 --- 146.00

2 3 A

1. Wire Harness 2. Accumulator Charging Valve 3. Hydraulic Lines

Figure 1
Accumulator Charging Valve

Accumulator Charging d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.

e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-
Valve, R & I quired.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy-
This procedure covers the removal and installation of draulic pump.
the accumulator charging valve. For recondition
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 07---008.

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: result from misuse of these products. Read
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level and follow all the manufacturer’s
surface. recommendations concerning solvents and
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block cleaning solutions.
the tires.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing 4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
lock, as required. an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
mination. Allow the area to air dry.

1 of 2
SM07 --- 008 --- 146.00 1005 Service Manual
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
WARNING an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
fully inspected.
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause should be removed from threads of hardware and
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
pressure from the system before removing pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
any line or component. with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
mance of products.
5. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: 3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
reservoir by pushing the buttons on the replace as required.
pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
reservoir. rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT 5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- connected to the accumulator charging valve. Re-
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. pair or replace if required.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger 6. Inspect the integrity of the wire harness that sup-
switches back and forth several times. plies the accumulator charging valve. Repair or re-
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth place if required.
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On 7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
cranes equipped with emergency steering sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
system, it will take several rotations of steering any major component.
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position. Installation
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
“DISABLE” position.
Refer to Figure 1.
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
7. Disconnect the wire harness (1). compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
8. For assembly purposes, label the hydraulic lines
personal injury may result from misuse of
(3) connected to the accumulator charging valve
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
9. Support the weight of the accumulator charging
these products.
valve (2).
10. Disconnect the hydraulic lines (3) from the accu-
mulator charging valve (2). Cap/plug the open hy- Refer to Figure 1.
draulic ports and lines (3) to prevent excessive oil 1. Align the accumulator charging valve (2) to the hy-
loss and contamination of the system. draulic lines (3).
11. Remove the accumulator charging valve (2) from 2. Connect the hydraulic lines (3) to the accumulator
the crane. charging valve (2).
3. Connect the wire harness (1).
Cleaning And Inspection 4. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
type and procedure.
WARNING 5. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. In-
spect the hydraulic connections for leaks. Repair
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be leaks as required.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 6. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
result from misuse of these products. Read tions of the accumulator charging valve for proper
and follow all the manufacturer’s operation. Normal operation of the hydraulic and
recommendations concerning solvents and electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
cleaning solutions. inspection of the components and systems in the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be per-
formed to ensure related damage or wear is not

2 of 2
Service Manual 0706 SM07 --- 008 --- 157.00
Winch Control Valve, R & I 5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
This procedure covers the removal and installation of reservoir by pushing the buttons on the
the winch control valve. For recondition procedure, pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
see SM Keysheet Area 07---008. reservoir.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
Removal START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level switches back and forth several times.
surface. d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
the tires. cranes equipped with emergency steering
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing system, it will take several rotations of steering
lock, as required. wheel before steering becomes hard.)
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
quired. position and move the function lockout switch to
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main the “DISABLE” position.
hydraulic pump. Refer to Figure 1.
7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
hydraulic lines (1). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
WARNING ports and lines (1) to prevent excessive oil loss and
contamination of the system.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Note: The winch control valve weighs
result from misuse of these products. Read approximately 95 lb (43kg).
and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and 8. Using an auxiliary lifting device, support the winch
cleaning solutions. control valve (3). Remove the capscrews,
washers, and locknuts (2) which secure the winch
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an control valve (3) to the upper frame (4).
approved cleaning solvent to prevent 9. Remove the winch control valve (3) from the crane.
contamination. Allow the area to air dry.

Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
pressure from the system before removing
any line or component.

1 of 4
SM07 --- 008 --- 157.00 0706 Service Manual

1. Hydraulic Lines 3. Winch Control Valve

2. Capscrews, Washers, & Locknuts 4. Upper Frame

Figure 1
Winch Control Valve

2 of 4
Service Manual 0706 SM07 --- 008 --- 157.00
Cleaning And Inspection Installation

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
hazardous. Serious personal injury may compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
result from misuse of these products. Read personal injury may result from misuse of
and follow all the manufacturer’s these products. Read and follow all
recommendations concerning solvents and manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
cleaning solutions. these products.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with Refer to Figure 1.

an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and
carefully inspected. Note: The winch control valve weighs
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue approximately 95 lb (43kg).
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be 1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, properly position
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking the winch control valve (3) to the upper frame (4).
compounds or sealants, clean threads and Install the capscrews, washers, and locknuts (2).
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best 2. Install the hydraulic lines (1).
performance of products. 3. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
3. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up required. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced. and procedure.
4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses 4. Check for correct fluid levels in any related
that are connected to the winch control valve. components such as pump drives, gear reduction
Repair or replace if required. units, engine crankcase, radiator, etc. Refer to the
5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory crane or engine Operator’s Manual for correct
personnel for directions whether to repair or type/quantity of fluids and proper procedure.
replace any major component. 5. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
6. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
leaks. Repair if needed.
7. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the winch control valve for proper
operation. Normal operation of hydraulic and
electrical systems should be confirmed. A general
inspection of components and systems in the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be
performed to ensure related damage or wear is not

3 of 4
SM07 --- 008 --- 157.00 0706 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0611 SM07 --- 008 --- 190.00
Refer to Figure 2.
Flow Divider Valve, 7. Depending upon the spool valve (1, 2, or 3),
Recondition remove the backup ring (7, or 11) closest to the
end of the valve stem and port 1.
This procedure covers the recondition of the flow 8. Continue removing o-rings (8, 9, 10 or 15, 16, 17)
divider valve. For removal and installation proced- and backup rings (7, 6, 5, or 11, 12, 13) as
ures of the valve, refer to the general instructions in necessary, in the order of their position nearest the
“Upper Hydraulic Components, R & I”, SM Keysheet end of the valve stem and/or port 1.
Area 07---004. 9. Remove the top seal (4) from the 4-way solenoid
spool valve (3).
Disassembly 10. Remove the top seal (14) from spool valves (1, 2).

It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic Note: The internal components of the spool
components to lay the parts out in the order that they valves are not available for field replacement.
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order Replace the entire valve, as required.
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
the assembly process. Cleaning And Inspection
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and
not bind. Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result
from misuse of these products. Read and
follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations
WARNING concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
from misuse of these products. Read and cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions. precaution possible to keep all parts free of dust,
dirt, or any other foreign material during assembly.
1. Drain any excess hydraulic oil remaining within the 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
flow divider valve into an appropriate container. should be removed from threads of hardware and
Properly store or dispose of the used oil. the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
2. Cap/plug any openings in the flow divider valve. reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the flow pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
divider valve to prevent contamination. with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
Refer to Figure 1. mance of products.
3. Note the order and position of spool valves (3, 5, 6, 3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
and 7). wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep
scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
Note: 3-way spool valves, PTS1-- 16 (5) and burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
PTS4-- 16 (6) are similar in appearance but cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com-
function differently. It is critical that these ponent, as required, using the following guide-
valves are installed into the proper ports of the lines:
valve body (1). Before removal, mark these a. Housings: Replace housing if cracks or poros-
valves and their respective ports on the valve ity exist. Replace if deep scratches, cracks, or
body (1). scuffs are found on mounting or sealing sur-
4. Remove the 4-way solenoid spool valve (3), the 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, back up rings, and
3-way spool valves (5, 6), and the flow divider spool o-rings, should be replaced.
valve (7) from the valve body (1). 5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
5. Remove plugs (2) from the valve body (1). personnel for directions whether to repair or
6. Remove all o-rings (8) from open ports on the valve replace any major component.
body (1).

1 of 4
SM07 --- 008 --- 190.00 0611 Service Manual

1 2 3

7 6 5

1. Valve Body 4. Drain Plug 7. Flow Divider Spool Valve, FDC1--- 16

2. Plugs 5. 3-Way Spool Valve, PTS1--- 16 8. O-rings
3. 4-Way Solenoid Spool Valve, SV9--- 10 6. 3-Way Spool Valve, PTS4--- 16

Figure 1
Flow Divider Valve

Assembly Refer to Figure 2.

1. Install the top seal (4) on the valve stem of 4-way
solenoid spool valve (3).
WARNING 2. Install the top seal (14) on the valve stem of spool
valves (1, 2).
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking 3. Install the o-ring (17) at the top end of the valve
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious stem on spool valves (2).
personal injury may result from misuse of 4. Continue installing o-rings (10, 9, 8 or 17, 16, 15)
these products. Read and follow all and backup rings (5, 6, 7, or 13, 12, 11) as
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning necessary, in the reverse order of their removal.
these products.
Refer to Figure 1.
5. Install o-rings (8) as required, into open ports of the
Lubricate all back up rings, o---rings, spools, and valve body (1).
housing bores with clean hydraulic oil prior to 6. Install the 4-way solenoid spool valve (3) into its
assembly. See Operator’s Manual for correct type. proper port on the valve body (1) and torque to
25---30 ft lb (34 ---41Nm).

2 of 4
Service Manual 0611 SM07 --- 008 --- 190.00

1 3 SV9---10
FDC1---16 PTS1---16

Port 4
Port 3 Port 4
Port 3
Port 2
11 12
15 16
Port 2
Port 1
11 4

Port 1 Port 4
Port 3
Port 2

Port 1

1. Flow Divider Spool Valve, FDC1--- 16 6. Back Up Rings 12. Back Up Rings
2. 3-Way Spool Valves, PTS1--- 16 or 7. Back Up Rings 13. Back Up Rings
PTS4--- 16 8. O-ring 14. Top Seal
3. 4-Way Solenoid Spool Valve, SV9--- 10 9. O-ring 15. O-ring
4. Top Seal 10. O-ring 16. O-ring
5. Back Up Rings 11. Back Up Rings 17. O-ring

Figure 2
Spool Valves: Ports & Seals

7. Install all spool valves (5, 6, and 7) into their 9. If the flow divider valve is not to be immediately
respective ports on the valve body (1) and torque installed on the crane, plug all open ports to
to 80---90 ft lb (108 ---122Nm). prevent contamination and properly store.
8. Install all plugs (2) into valve body (1).

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SM07 --- 008 --- 190.00 0611 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 1212 SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00
Hydraulic System Tube
Outside of Outside of
Fittings Sleeve
of Sleeve
The best hydraulic machine system is only as good as
the operator’s maintenance of the tube fittings. Flare Flare

“T” of
The basic causes of fluid system leakage are human Sleeve
error and lack of education resulting in improper
assembly or mismatched parts. Use of properly Maximum Minimum
matched parts, correct tube preparation, correct Flare Flare
installation procedure, and time table inspection will go
Figure 1
far toward maintaining leak free hydraulic system Proper Tube Flare
machinery operation.

All trapped hydraulic pressure must be 37°
exhausted from the system before removing
any line or component. A sudden release of
hot oil could cause burns or other serious
injury. 2

Tube Preparation 3
As a general rule, a properly prepared tube should be
cut off square and internal and external burrs should be
removed from both flareless and flared tube fitting
1. 37° Fitting
2. 37° Tube Flare
Although incorrectly formed flares may seem to make
3. Proper Fit
up satisfactorily and pass initial pressure tests, they
cannot be depended upon for continuous service. Figure 2
Typical 37° Flare
If the tube is properly prepared and a flaring tool
properly used, the flare will normally be correct. Inspect leaking flared tube fittings for following:
Angle, length, and diameter of flare must conform to 1. Flare too short. Full clamping area of fitting not uti-
the fitting being used. Identify fitting, and flare the tube lized resulting in thinning. This causes leakage or
accordingly. breakage due to pullout strains.
2. Flare too long. Flare will stick and jam on nut
Correct length and diameter of flares for 37 degree threads when assembled.
3---piece fittings should extend beyond the countersink 3. Incorrect flare angle for fitting where used.
of the inside diameter of the toe of the sleeve, but not
beyond the outside diameter of the sleeve. Diameter of Note: Do not intermix 37 degree and 45 degree
maximum flare is equal to the outside diameter of the fittings. Parts are not interchangeable and will
sleeve; diameter of the minimum flare is equal to the leak. Refer to Figure 2.
countersink of the inside diameter of the sleeve. Refer 4. Flare not square and concentric and/or tube not
to Figure 1. properly prepared before flaring.
5. Damaged or distorted flares.

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SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00 1212 Service Manual
Note: Do not attempt to repair damaged flares. This fitting can be visually identified as to type, without
Cut off and reflare if tube is of sufficient length, disassembly, by the sleeve extending out on the tube
otherwise replace tube. from the back of the nut.

Flaring tools are available from the Link-Belt Parts Reassemble as follows:
Department. Tool “PX 0110” should be used to flare 1. Assemble nut and sleeve on tube.
3/16” through 5/8” tube and tool “PX 0355” should be 2. Re—flare tube.
used to flare 3/4” tube. 3. Check flare angle, diameter, and length in relation
to tube before tightening nut.
Tube Fittings 4. Tighten nut.
Note: The same information for the 37 degree
Inspect leaking fitting for the following:
flare fittings also applies to 45 degree fittings.
1. Proper assembly and nut tightness. Remember, do not intermix the 37 and 45 de-
2. Foreign material in tube or fitting. gree fittings.
3. Tube damage or improper preparation of tube for
flaring. Lenz O---ring:
4. Correct flaring for that particular fitting.
5. Damaged or mismatched parts. Three piece fitting consisting of a body assembly
(body, o---ring, and teflon back ---up washer), tapered
Note: Replace fittings or fitted parts by
split ring, and nut. The o---ring and teflon washer are
manufacturer, size and type. A variety of fittings
replaceable in the body. Refer to Figure 4.
may be found in the same hydraulic system.
Due to similarity, careful identification is re-

Representative types of reusable tube fittings to be

found in Link-Belt machinery are as follows:

37 Degree Flare:
Three piece fitting consisting of a body, nut, and
sleeve, requiring 37 degree tube flaring. Refer to 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 3.
1. Tube 4. Washer
2. Tapered Split Ring 5. O --- ring
3. Nut 6. Body

Figure 4
Lenz O-- ring Fitting

Tube locking is accomplished by tightening the nut

over the tapered split ring and compressing the
1 2 3 4 tapered split ring against the tube. It is independent of
the seal. Sealing is accomplished by the o---ring.
1. Tube 3. Nut
2. Sleeve 4. Body
This fitting can be visually identified as to type, without
Figure 3 disassembly, by the split flange which is flush with and
37° Flare Fitting visible from the back of the nut.

Reassemble as follows:
Locking and sealing is accomplished by tightening the 1. Check tube for burrs and de---burr if required.
nut and compressing the tube against the body. Note
that the nut turns on the sleeve rather than the tube
providing a “triple---lock” action.

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Service Manual 1212 SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00
2. Slide nut and tapered split ring on tube with large 5. Thread the fitting into the port until the washer bot-
end of split ring facing the fitting. toms out on the spot face.
3. Replace and lubricate o---ring. 6. Position the elbow by turning the fitting counter-
4. Insert the tube into the body past the o---ring. clockwise up to 359 degrees.
5. Position the split ring against the fitting. 7. Tighten jam nut, maintaining the elbow position.
6. Hand tighten the nut. Tighten per Chart B.
7. With a wrench, tighten the nut without turning the Note: The importance of lubricating the o -- ring,
fitting body. and backing up the washer and o -- ring, cannot
be overstressed.
Straight Thread O---ring Seal:
Three piece fitting consisting of a body, washer, and
jam nut assembly and an o---ring. The o---ring is
replaceable. Refer to Figure 5. 1 2

6 5 4 3

1. Port Spot Face 4. Washer

2. Fitting Body 5. O --- ring
3. Jam Nut 6. O --- ring Gland
1 2 3 4
Figure 6
Correct Assembly of O-- ring
1. O --- ring 3. Jam Nut
2. Washer 4. Fitting Body
When the o---ring is dry, rotary motion of assembly can
Figure 5 cause friction, pinching the o---ring between the
Straight Thread O-- ring Fitting washer and the spot face. Refer to Figure 7.

Sealing is accomplished by threading the fitting into

the port, compressing the o---ring into the “gland” 1 2 3
formed in assembly, between the port and the flat
surface of the fitting. Locking is accomplished by
tightening the jam nut against the washer to the spot 4
face. Refer to Figure 6.

Note: Lubrication of the o -- ring and correct as-

sembly procedure are extremely important on
this type fitting.
Reassemble as follows:
1. Replace and lubricate o---ring. 1. O --- ring 4. Fitting Body
2. Make sure that port and fitting threads are clean 2. Washer 5. O --- ring Gland
3. Jam Nut 6. Port Spot Face
and free from damage.
3. Position washer and o---ring as far back on the flat Figure 7
surface of the fitting as possible. Incorrect Assembly of Fitting Due to
4. Position jam nut against washer. Non-- lubrication of O-- ring

3 of 10
SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00 1212 Service Manual
If the washer and o---ring are not backed up before 1 2 3 4 5
assembly, there is not sufficient room for o---ring
compression into the reduced gland area. This causes
the o---ring to pinch off between the washer and the
spot face or catch between the fitting and port threads.
Refer to Figure 8.

1 2 3 4

1. Sleeve 4. Washer
2. Shoulder 5. Flange
3. Bolt 6. O --- ring
Correct Gland Area Figure 9
Reduced Gland Area 4-- Bolt Split Flange Fitting

1. O --- ring 4. Fitting Body The flange halves are designed to overhang the
2. Washer 5. O --- ring Gland shoulder containing the o---ring seal to insure that the
3. Jam Nut 6. Port Spot Face shoulder will make contact with the mating surface
Figure 8 before the flange halves. Refer to Figure 10.
Incorrect Assembly of Fitting Due to Improper
Back-- up of O-- ring and Washer Prior to
Assembly 1 2 3 4 5

This fitting depends on compression of jam nut,

washer, face of the boss, and the body threads for
locking. The washer can not bottom properly if the
o---ring is pinched, resulting in a loose and usually
leaking connection. If the jam nut is not locked
because of o---ring obstruction, the jam nut will loosen Exaggerated
6 Overhang
and the whole fitting will become loose and leak.

4---Bolt Split Flange Connection:

This connection is face sealing and is extremely 1. Sleeve 4. Washer
sensitive to bolt torquing. The shoulder, which 2. Shoulder 5. Flange
3. Bolt 6. O --- ring
contains the o---ring, must fit firmly against the matting
surface. The flange is held against the sleeve shoulder Figure 10
with even torque tension on all four bolts. Refer to 4-- Bolt Split Flange Connection
Figure 9.

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Service Manual 1212 SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00
Because of the overhang, the flanges tend to tip up 4. Make sure that the sleeve is lined up with the port
when the bolt at one end is excessively tightened and that the shoulder containing the o---ring fits
before the bolt at the other end. Tightening the bolt at flush against the mating surface before installing
the other end can cause the flange to bow, tip up in a the flange halves.
see---saw fashion, or bend around and away from the 5. Lubricate bolts and install lockwashers. Lock-
sleeve shoulder resulting in bent bolts or bent flanges. washers should be installed with the cupped side
This results in loss of flange to shoulder contact and toward the flange.
leakage. Refer to Figure 11. 6. Position flanges over sleeve shoulders and install
7. Finger tighten all four bolts evenly and alternately.
Make sure that flanges do not hang up on bolt
threads during tightening. Do not tighten one bolt
before going on to another until all bolts are finger
8. Refer to Chart A and tighten bolts to recom-
mended torque level using a hand torque wrench.
Bowed Flanges Do not fully tighten any one bolt before going on to
another until recommended torque is attained on
all bolts.
Note: Air wrenches tend to tip flanges.
9. Check installed flanges for distortion.
Tipped Flanges Note: Capscrews must be tightened to the val-
ues given in Chart A to insure proper flange
connections. Lubricate all threads with oil be-
fore tightening.

Proper alignment of sleeve to port prior to assembly is

of extreme importance to assure correct assembly and
a leak free connection.
Bent Flanges
Align bent or replacement sleeve to port as follows:

Figure 11 1. Clamp one end of tube in place and align other end
Incorrect Flange Installations for best fit possible.
2. Using a torch with a large heating tip, heat the tube
cherry red in the area previously bent when origi-
If leakage is suspected, check bolt torque level and/or
nally formed.
flanges for distortion.
Note: Adhere to All Safety Precautions.
Note: Torque wrench reading could be at the re-
3. Heat a large area before attempting to bend tube
quired level but shoulder tension could be dis-
for the largest possible radius bend. Always heat
sipated due to bent bolts and distorted flanges.
the tube in such a way that bending the tube will
Reassemble as follows: stretch the heated metal rather than compressing
it. This will keep the tube from upsetting or wrin-
1. Check flange halves for bending or bowing and kling. Do not overheat.
make sure that bolts are not bent or threads dam- 4. Clamp or hold sleeve in position and allow the tube
to cool slowly in the air.
2. Replace and lubricate o---ring to insure compres-
5. Recheck the alignment. If necessary, reheat and
sion in flange seal groove.
rebend tube.
3. Make sure that all mating surfaces are clean and

5 of 10
SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00 1212 Service Manual
6. Install flanges and check for unobstructed fit 3. To simplify installation of the self restrained gasket,
over the shoulders. install the lower half of the gasket first, leaving the
split area of the steel retention ring free at the top of
Marman Flexmaster Self---Restrained the tube. (Shown by dotted line in Figure 13.)
Joint: Stretch the gasket and split area of the pipe or tube
into position.
Consists of two couplings, two gaskets with notched 4. Center sleeve over the pipe ends and position gas-
retention rings, two gasket retainers, and one sleeve. kets and retainers flush against the sleeve.
Refer to Figure 12. 5. Make sure that sleeve overlaps pipe ends by 1/4 in
(6.35mm) minimum on 2 in (50.8mm) and smaller
1 diameter pipe and by 1/2 in (12.7mm) minimum on
2 in (50.8mm) or larger diameter pipe. (Refer to
Figure 13, dimension A.)
6. Assemble both couplings and tighten nuts until 0
in to 1/4 in (0 --- 6.35mm) gap is obtained between
coupling ends. (Refer to Figure 13, dimension B.)
7. Make sure that coupling encompasses all compo-
nents before tightening. Do not tighten either cou-
pling until the entire joint is assembled.
5 4 3 2
1. Retainer 4. Sleeve
2. Coupling 5. Tube
3. Gasket w/ Retaining

Figure 12
Flexmaster Self -- Restrained Fitting

This joint cannot be visually identified without

disassembly from the Marman 6500 series joint. The 1 2 3 5 4
difference between the two joints is a notched retention Assembly Sequence
ring used in the special Buna rubber gasket for the
Flexmaster Self---Restrained joint.

Lock and sealing action is by compression of the CL

gaskets during tightening of the couplings which
exerts pressure on the gasket and the notched, split
retention rings which in turn grip the pipe or tube.

Note: This is a sealing joint and is not intended B

to support pipe or tube end load. A
Reassemble as follows: Assembly Layout

1. Clean and align both pipe ends.

2. Install retainer, gasket, and sleeve on opposing
Figure 13
pipe end. Flexmaster Assembly
Note: Assembly can be made easier by dipping
the gaskets in water prior to use. Do not use pe-
troleum or non-- drying lubricant.

6 of 10
Service Manual 1212 SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00
Marman Flexmaster Model 6500: Check all hydraulic system tube fittings upon receiving
a new machine. Pay particular attention to hard to
Consists of two couplings, two gaskets, two gasket
reach fittings which might be missed or ignored during
retainers, and one sleeve. Refer to NO TAG.
subsequent “on the job” routine inspections.

1 Adhere strictly to recommended time table inspection

schedules. Do not assume that a fitting will remain tight
with no evidence of loosening or leakage. Check all
fittings and tighten, if necessary, during each
scheduled inspection.

Maintain an “open eye” policy for evidence of leakage

at all times. Consider any evidence of leakage as a red
flag. Check and tighten, or replace, leaking fittings or
fitting parts immediately to avoid resultant hydraulic
5 4 3 2 system component damage.
1. Retainer 4. Sleeve
2. Coupling 5. Tube Consider every fitting as a working component of the
3. Gasket w/ Retaining
Ring hydraulic system. Become acquainted with the
characteristics of every fitting used in the particular
Figure 14 hydraulic system.
Flexmaster Model 6500
When replacing fittings or fitting parts:
This joint can not be visually identified without 1. Make sure that the tube is properly prepared.
disassembly, from the Marman Flexmaster 2. Make sure that the flare is properly formed for that
Self---Restrained joint. The Self---Restrained and particular fitting.
Model 6500 joints are identical except that the notched 3. Replace fitting or fitting parts by manufacturer, size
retaining ring in the gasket is not used in the Model and type.
6500 joint. 4. Follow correct assembly procedures for each par-
Lock and sealing action is by compression of the ticular fitting.
gaskets during tightening of the couplings which exert 5. Use Loctite on pipe threaded fittings only.
pressure on the gasket which in turn grips the pipe or 6. Use a torque wrench where torque specifications
tube. apply.

Installation procedure is identical to procedure as Loctite 242

outlined for the Flexmaster Self---Restrained joint.
As a product improvement, Loctite has on the market
Note: This is a sealing joint and is not intended a pipe thread sealant, Loctite 242, that does not
to support pipe or tube end load. require the use of a primer. Fittings can now be used in
the “as received” condition. (See instructions below for
Preventative Maintenance using the sealant.)

Using Loctite 242 will aid in preventing hydraulic pipe

There is no shortcut to hydraulic machinery tube fitting
fittings from leaking and it should prove to be easier
preventive maintenance. It is impossible to detect a
and quicker to apply. Therefore, it is recommend that
potential leaking joint or fitting until the trouble actually
Loctite 242 be used in place of the existing Loctite
begins. There is no way of telling if a fitting is loose
pipe sealant (Link-Belt specification 806004) where the
without tightening it. Leaks can develop in a new
thread is the sealing mechanism.
machine or any time during continuous service from
fittings which appear secure and leak free.

The seemingly time consuming preventive

maintenance inspections can result in avoiding costly
hydraulic system component damage and/or loss of
costly operational efficiency.

7 of 10
SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00 1212 Service Manual
The following quantities of Loctite 242 can be Recommended Torque Values For
obtained from the Link-Belt Parts Department.
Hydraulic Fittings
Item Number Quantity (Bottle)
In conjunction with using Loctite 242 to prevent
806033001 250cc hydraulic fittings from leaking, our engineering
806033002 50cc department has issued recommended torque values
for various sizes of split flange connections, 37° flared
806033003 10cc tube connections, o---ring boss fittings and pipe swivel
adaptors. These torque specifications are being
The following instructions are for using Loctite 242 adhered to during the assembly of the machine. (See
Pipe Thread Sealant. It is to be used on all connections Charts A, B, C, and D for torque specifications.)
where threads are the sealing mechanism.
1. New fittings may be used in the “as received” con- Yellow Crackling Paint
2. Be certain used fittings are free of dirt, oil, grease, As a quality control measure, a small strip of “crackling
paint, and other contaminants by cleaning male paint”, yellow or orange in color, is applied across
and female threads with solvent (806006) and al- critical connections after the connections have been
lowing to dry. tightened to proper torque value. This crackling paint
3. Shake sealant thoroughly and apply to male will later serve as an indicator to show if the connection
threads of the joint. Use application nozzle on the has loosened after the machine has been operated for
bottle to apply enough sealant to fill the first three a period of time.
threads. Avoid excessive application.
4. After tightening threads, allow to cure for one hour. If upon examination of the connection, the strip of paint
Note: has cracked or broken, this would then be a good
indication that the connection has seen some stress
a. Locquic primers must be used on non---me- and has loosened. Therefor, retighten the connection
tallic parts. to the proper torque value to alleviate or prevent a
b. Locquic primers may be used on metallic sur- potential leak.
faces where a rapid cure is desirable.

8 of 10
Service Manual 1212 SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00
Bolt Diameter Torque Major Torque
SAE Metric in lb ft lb Nm O.D. in lb ft lb Nm
Standard Thread
Thread 1/8 5/16---24 36 3 4
5/16 M8 156 13 17 3/16 3/8---24 96 8 11
3/8 M10 276 23 31 1/4 7/16---20 96 8 11
7/16 --- --- 420 35 47 5/16 1/2---20 132 11 15
1/2 M12 660 55 74 3/8 9/16---18 225 19 25
5/8 M16 1,320 110 149 1/2 3/4---16 360 30 40
3/4 M20 2,400 200 271 5/8 7/8---14 456 38 51
3/4 1 1/16---12 648 54 73
SAE Capscrew Head
7/8 1 3/16---12 735 61 82
1 1 5/16---12 900 75 101
1 1/4 1 5/8---12 1,350 113 153
Grade 5 Grade 8
1 1/2 1 7/8---12 1,896 158 214
2 2 1/2---12 2,700 225 305

Metric Capscrew Head

Grade 5 Grade 8

Note: Do not overtighten reducing fittings. See

SAE 4 Bolt Flange installation instructions.
Tightening Sequence
1---2---3---4 Chart B
O-- ring Boss Fittings

Note: Bolts mus be Grade 5 or better.

Chart A
SAE Split Flange Clamp Bolts

9 of 10
SM07 --- 018 --- 001.00 1212 Service Manual
Major Torque Major Torque
Tube Tube
Thread Thread
O.D. in lb ft lb Nm O.D. in lb ft lb Nm
Diameter Diameter
1/8 5/16---24 36 3 4 1/8 13/32 225 19 25
3/16 3/8---24 96 8 11 1/4 17/32 270 23 31
1/4 7/16---20 132 11 15 3/8 11/16 360 30 40
5/16 1/2---20 180 15 20 1/2 27/32 516 43 58
3/8 9/16---18 276 23 31 3/4 1 1/16 735 61 82
1/2 3/4---16 456 38 51 1 1 5/16 900 75 101
5/8 7/8---14 648 54 73 1 1/4 1 21/32 1,163 97 131
3/4 1 1/16---12 900 75 101 1 1/2 1 29/32 1,650 113 153
7/8 1 3/16---12 1,056 88 119 2 2 3/8 2,700 225 305
1 1 5/16---12 1,200 100 135
1 1/4 1 5/8---12 1,896 158 214
1 1/2 1 7/8---12 2,700 225 305
2 2 1/2---12 3,996 333 451
Note B
See Note A

Note A: Use above torques on this type of swivel

nut only. Do not use Loctite.
Note B: No torque values for this type of pipe
thread. Use Loctite 242.
Chart D
Pipe Swivel Adaptor
Note: Do not overtighten reducing fittings. See
installation instructions.
Chart C
JIC 37 Degree Flare Swivel Nut

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Service Manual 0501 SM7-22-22.0
4 6


14 9
13 10




20 21 22
1. O-ring 7. Housing 13. Spool 18. End Cap
2. Bearing Race 8. Seal 14. Spacer Plate 19. O-ring
3. Needle Bearing 9. Springs** 15. Drive 20. Gerotor Housing
4. Bearing Race 10. Spacers** 16. Pin 21. Gerotor Star
5. Seal 11. Retainer 17. Capscrews 22. O-ring
6. Valves* 12. Sleeve
Note: * All housing valves are factory adjusted and are not be removed.
** Quantity and arrangement may vary.

Figure 1
Steering Control Valve Assembly

Steering Control Valve, Disassembly

Recondition It is a good practice when disassembling complex
components to lay the parts out in the order that they
This procedure covers the recondition of the steering are disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
control valve. For removal and installation during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 7-22. the assembly process.

If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not

use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind.

1 of 6
SM7-22-22.0 0501 Service Manual


1.0 in


1. Steering Control Valve 2. Vise (With Padded jaws)

Figure 2
1 2 3
Correct Mounting Arrangement

1. Housing 3. Roll Pin

2. Ball

WARNING Figure 3
Manual Steering Check Valve Location
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and CAUTION
cleaning solutions. Clamp only on the port face sides of the
steering control valve. Excessive force while
clamping could result in distortion of the
Note: Cleanliness is of extreme importance. housing and serious damage to internal parts.
Perform all work in a clean area. Before Do not clamp in any form of vise unless jaws
disassembly, use a wire brush to remove any are protected by a soft material. Refer to
foreign material and debris from around the Figure 2 for correct mounting arrangement.
exterior joints of the unit.

1. Cap/plug any openings in steering control valve. Refer to Figure 2.

Thoroughly clean exterior surface of steering 2. Secure steering control valve (1), gerotor end up,
control valve to prevent contamination from in a padded vise (2).
entering. Refer to Figure 1.
3. Remove capscrews (17) and end cap (18) from
gerotor housing (20).
CAUTION 4. Remove o-ring (19) from gerotor housing (20).
Although not all illustrations depict the 5. Remove gerotor housing (20) from drive (15).
steering control valve mounted in a padded 6. Remove o-rings (1,22) and spacer plate (14).
vise, it is recommended that the steering 7. Remove drive (15), spool (13), and sleeve (12), as
control valve remain mounted in the vertical an assembly, from housing (7).
position throughout the reconditioning 8. Remove retainer (11), spacers (10), and springs
procedures. The pin that links the sleeve, (9) from sleeve (12).
spool, and drive could possibly slip and lock 9. Remove pin (16) and separate drive (15), spool
these parts in the housing before (13), and sleeve (12).
disassembly can be completed. Refer to 10. Remove bearing race (2), needle bearing (3),
Figure 2 for correct mounting arrangement. bearing race (4), and seal (5) from housing (7).

2 of 6
Service Manual 0501 SM7-22-22.0
1 1 1
3 3
5 5
7 7 2
86 6
4 4

2 3
Standard Torque Medium Torque
Figure 4
Spring & Spacer Installation Sequence
1 2 3

4 1. Gerotor Housing 4. Drive
2. Gerotor Star 5. Housing
3. Spacer Plate 6. Pin

5 Figure 6
Timing Alignment

1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved

cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
1. Retainer 4. Spacers
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every
2. Spacers 5. Sleeve precaution possible to keep all parts free of dust,
3. Springs 6. Spool dirt, or any other foreign material during assembly.
Figure 5 2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
Retainer, Spring, & Spacer Installation wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed
metal. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a
fine file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth.
11. Remove housing (7) from vise.
Replace any damaged component as required.
12. Remove seal (8) from housing (7).
3. The sealing surfaces on the spool must be free
Note: All housing valves are factory adjusted from scratches, dents, and other defects that could
and are not to be removed. be detrimental to seal performance and life.
4. Lubricate the spool and inside of the sleeve with
Refer to Figure 3. clean hydraulic oil. The spool must rotate freely
13. Remove roll pin (3) and ball (2) from housing (1). with only fingertip force.
Cleaning And Inspection 5. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
WARNING reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
compounds or sealants, clean threads and
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be surfaces with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
hazardous. Serious personal injury may performance of products.
result from misuse of these products. Read 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
and follow all the manufacturer's personnel for directions whether to repair or
recommendations concerning solvents and replace any major component.
cleaning solutions.

3 of 6
SM7-22-22.0 0501 Service Manual
2. Secure housing (7) in a padded vise with gerotor
1 6 end up, as illustrated in Figure 2.
3. Install seal (5), bearing race (4), needle bearing (3),
and bearing race (2) in housing (7).
4. Properly assemble drive (15), spool (13), and
sleeve (12) assembly as follows:
a. Install drive (15) in spool (13), spool (13) in
3 4 sleeve (12), and align pin (16) holes.
b. Install pin (16) through sleeve (12), spool (13),
5 2 and drive (15).
Refer to Figure 5.
c. Partially install retainer (1) so spacers (2,4) and
springs (3) can be installed by tilting retainer
(1) up on one end as illustrated.
7 Note: Refer to Figure 4 for correct installaĆ
tion sequence of spacers and springs.
Figure 7
Torque Sequence d. Insert spacers (2,4) and springs (3) into slots in
spool (6) and sleeve (5) in correct sequence.
Assembly e. Secure spacers (2,4) and springs (3) by fully
installing retainer (1).

Note: Timing of drive with respect to gerotor

WARNING housing is critical. Ensure drive is properly
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking marked with alignment of pin. Refer to Figure 6.
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
5. Install sleeve (12), spool (13), and drive (15)
personal injury may result from misuse of
assembly in housing (7). Sleeve (12) must rotate
these products. Read and follow all
freely in housing (7) with only fingertip force.
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
6. Install o-ring (1) and spacer plate (14) on housing
these products.
7. Install o-ring (22) on spacer plate (14).
Note: Lightly lubricate all o-rings with Refer to Figure 6.
Mobilith® SCH 220 high temperature grease, or 8. Separate gerotor star (2) from gerotor housing (1).
equivalent, to ease assembly. The amount of 9. Align capscrew holes in gerotor housing (1),
lubricant should be kept to a minimum to avoid spacer plate (3), and housing (5).
spreading lubricant on the surfaces that form 10. Temporarily install two capscrews, approximately
the interfaces between the end cap and gerotor 180° apart, to maintain alignment of capscrew
housing and the gerotor housing and spacer holes.
plate. 11. Observe orientation of timing mark scribed on
splined end of drive (4).
Refer to Figure 1. 12. Before engaging gerotor star (2) with splines on
1. Install seal (8) in housing (7). drive (4), be sure timing marks on drive (4) align
with valley (minor diameter) of gerotor star (2).
Refer to Figure 1.
CAUTION 13. Install o-ring (19) and end cap (18) on gerotor
Clamp only on the port face sides of the housing (20).
housing. Excessive force while clamping
could result in distortion of the housing. Do
not clamp in any form of vise unless jaws are
protected by a soft material. Refer to Figure 2
for correct mounting arrangement.

4 of 6
Service Manual 0501 SM7-22-22.0
Refer to Figure 3. Displacement Maximum
14. Install ball (2) and roll pin (3) in housing (1). Displacement
Code Input Torque
Refer to Figure 1. in3/rev cm 3/rev in lb Nm
Note: Evenly torque all capscrews to an initial
3.6 60 40 30 3.4
torque of 125 in lb (14Nm). Torque all
capscrews to a final torque of 293-307 in lb 4.5 75 43 30 3.4
(34Nm) per the torquing sequence shown in
5.9 95 45 30 3.4
Figure 7.
7.3 120 48 30 3.4
15. Apply a small bead of Loctite® 571 sealant, or
equivalent, around bottom surface of heads of 8.9 146 50 35 3.9
capscrews (17). 9.7 159 51 35 3.9
16. Secure end cap (18) to housing (7) by installing
capscrews (17). Properly torque capscrews (17) 11.3 185 52 40 4.5
as noted above. 14.1 231 54 45 5.1
17. Rotate input drive (15) at spline. Assembly should
rotate smoothly with less than 60% input torque 17.9 293 57 50 5.6
than specified in Table 1 when warmed to
22.6 370 59 70 7.9
140-150° F (60-66°C).
18. Pressure test steering control valve at 4,000 psi 28.2 462 61 80 9.0
(27 579kPa). Ensure that housing (7), spacer
Table 1
plate (14), gerotor housing (20), and end cap (18) Manual Input Torque Limits
form pressure tight seal with no external leakage.
19. If steering control valve is not to be immediately
installed on crane, plug all open ports to prevent
contamination and properly store.

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SM7-22-22.0 0501 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0206 SM07 --- 022 --- 023.00
Steering Control Valve, R & I 6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
position and move the function lockout switch to
This procedure covers the removal and installation of the “DISABLE” position.
the steering control valve. For recondition procedure, Refer to Figure 1.
see SM Keysheet Area 07---022. 7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
hydraulic lines (5) from the steering control valve
Removal (6). Cap/plug the open hydraulic ports and lines
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. (5) to prevent excessive oil loss and contamination
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: of the system.
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and 8. Remove the screws (1), and separate the lower
level surface. pedestal housing sections (2) to gain access to the
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block mounting plate (3).
the tires.
Note: For installation purposes, note the
c. Swing the upper over the side of the carrier,
and engage the swing park brake or travel orientation of the steering control valve before it
swing lock, as required. is removed.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 9. Support the steering control valve (6), and remove
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- the capscrews (4).
quired. 10. Remove the steering control valve (6) from the
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main crane.
hydraulic pump.
Cleaning And Inspection
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be WARNING
hazardous. Serious personal injury may Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
result from misuse of these products. Read hazardous. Serious personal injury may
and follow all the manufacturer’s result from misuse of these products. Read
recommendations concerning solvents and and follow all the manufacturer’s
cleaning solutions. recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
contamination. Allow the area to air dry. an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and
carefully inspected.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
WARNING should be removed from threads of hardware and
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the compounds or sealants, clean threads and
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
performance of products.
pressure from the system before removing
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear,
any line or component.
fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair
or replace as required.
5. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows:
4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
a. Release the hydraulic system precharge
rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
pressure by slowly loosening the filler/breather
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
cap located on the hydraulic reservoir until
connected to the steering control valve. Repair or
pressure is fully relieved.
replace if required.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
personnel for directions whether to repair or
out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
replace any major component.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
switches back and forth several times.
d. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position.

1 of 4
SM07 --- 022 --- 023.00 0206 Service Manual


3 4


1. Screws 3. Mounting Plate 5. Hydraulic Lines

2. Lower Pedestal Housing Sections 4. Capscrews 6. Steering Control Valve
Note: The illustration may vary slightly from the crane being serviced.

Figure 1
Steering Control Valve

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Service Manual 0206 SM07 --- 022 --- 023.00
Installation 3. Position the lower pedestal housing sections (2)
together, and install the screws (1).
4. Connect the hydraulic lines (5) to the steering
control valve (6).
WARNING 5. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking required. See the Operator’s Manual for the
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious correct type and procedure.
personal injury may result from misuse of 6. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
these products. Read and follow all Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning Repair leaks as required.
these products. 7. Complete the installation by testing all steering
related functions for proper operation. Normal
operation of the hydraulic system should be
Refer to Figure 1. confirmed. A general inspection of the
1. Position the steering control valve (6) to the components and systems in the areas adjacent to
mounting plate (3), making sure the steering the repair should also be performed to ensure
control valve (6) engages with the steering column related damage or wear is not present.
2. Install the capscrews (4) to secure the steering
control valve (6) to the mounting plate (3).

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SM07 --- 022 --- 023.00 0206 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0206 SM07 --- 022 --- 025.00



A 6 5

1. Screws 3. Cab Floor 5. Capscrews & Washers

2. Lower Pedestal Housing Sections 4. Steering Column 6. Mounting Plate
Note: The illustration may vary slightly from the crane being serviced.

Figure 1
Steering Control Valve

Steering Column, R & I 3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
hydraulic pump.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the steering column.
Removal Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: result from misuse of these products. Read
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and and follow all the manufacturer’s
level surface. recommendations concerning solvents and
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block cleaning solutions.
the tires.
c. Swing the upper over the side of the carrier, 4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
and engage the swing park brake or travel an approved cleaning solvent to prevent
swing lock, as required. contamination. Allow the area to air dry.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-

1 of 2
SM07 --- 022 --- 025.00 0206 Service Manual
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear,
WARNING fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair
or replace as required.
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the 5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic connected to the steering control valve. Repair or
pressure from the system before removing replace if required.
any line or component. 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
5. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: replace any major component.
a. Release the hydraulic system precharge
pressure by slowly loosening the filler/breather Installation
cap located on the hydraulic reservoir until
pressure is fully relieved.
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
out switch to the “OPERATE” position. Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
switches back and forth several times. personal injury may result from misuse of
d. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position. these products. Read and follow all
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
position and move the function lockout switch to these products.
the “DISABLE” position.
7. From underneath the operator’s cab, disconnect Refer to Figure 1.
the steering column wire harness. 1. Position the steering column (4) to the cab floor (3),
Refer to Figure 1. making sure the steering column (4) engages with
8. Remove the screws (1), and separate the lower the steering control valve.
pedestal housing sections (2) to gain access to the 2. Install the capscrews and washers (5) to secure
mounting plate (6). the mounting plate (6) to the cab floor (3).
9. Support the steering column (4), and remove the 3. Position the lower pedestal housing sections (2)
capscrews and washers (5). together, and install the screws (1).
10. Remove the steering column (4) from the crane. 4. Connect the steering column wire harness.
5. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
Cleaning And Inspection required. See the Operator’s Manual for the
correct type and procedure.
6. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
WARNING Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
Repair leaks as required.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 7. Complete the installation by testing all steering
hazardous. Serious personal injury may related functions for proper operation. Normal
result from misuse of these products. Read operation of the hydraulic system should be
and follow all the manufacturer’s confirmed. A general inspection of the
recommendations concerning solvents and components and systems in the areas adjacent to
cleaning solutions. the repair should also be performed to ensure
related damage or wear is not present.
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and
carefully inspected.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
compounds or sealants, clean threads and
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
performance of products.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0502 SM7-26-8.0
Brake Treadle Valve, Cleaning And Inspection
This procedure covers reconditioning of the brake WARNING
treadle valve. For removal and installation procedure, Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
see SM Area 7-26. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
Disassembly and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and
Note: Housings and spools are manufactured cleaning solutions.
as matched sets. Do not remove a spool from
one housing and place it in another. These parts 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
(housings and spools) must be replaced as cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
sets. surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precauĆ
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
1. Remove capscrews and washers (2) and treadle
any other foreign material during assembly.
pedal assembly (1) from housing (15).
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
2. Remove boot (3) from piston (4) and housing (15).
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metĆ
Note: Record and tag the number of shim(s). al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace
3. Remove piston (4), springs (5,6,7), shim(s) (8), any damaged component as required. Spools are
and retainer (9) from housing (15). fitted to there respected housing, if one or the other
needs replacement, the both must be replaced.
Note: Use care not to scratch or mar housing 3. Replace all rubber and polymer seals and o-rings
bore. Tag and label cup and seal in retrospect whenever disassembling the brake treadle valve.
to the housing and direction that they were reĆ 4. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
moved. should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
4. Carefully remove cup (10) and seal (11) from housĆ
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ
ing (15).
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
5. Remove plug (25), retainer (24), and spring (22)
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ
from housing (17). Remove o-ring (23) from plug
mance of products.
5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ
6. Remove plug (19) from housing (17). Remove o-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
ring (18) from plug (19).
any major component.
7. Separate the housings (15,17) by removing the
capscrews and washers (20,21). Remove o-rings
(13,16) from housings (15,17).

Note: Use care not to scratch or mar housing

bores when removing spools. Tag and label
spools in retrospect to the housing and direcĆ
tion that they were removed.

8. Carefully remove spools (12,14) from housings


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SM7-26-8.0 0502 Service Manual


1 14

2 12


20 10

21 11


A 23



1. Treadle Pedal Assembly 8. Shim(s) 14. Spool 20. Washers

2. Capscrews & Washers 9. Retainer 15. Housing 21. Capscrews
3. Boot 10. Cup 16. O-ring 22. Spring
4. Piston 11. Seal 17. Housing 23. O-ring
5. Outer Spring 12. Spool 18. O-ring 24. Retainer
6. Center Spring 13. O-ring 19. Plug 25. Plug
7. Inner Spring
* - Not All Models Use These Parts.
Figure 1
Brake Treadle Valve Assembly

2 of 4
Service Manual 0502 SM7-26-8.0
Assembly Note: Spool must slide freely into housing

5. Lubricate spool (12), note direction, and carefully

WARNING slide it into housing (17).
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking 6. Install o-ring (23) on plug (25).
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 7. Install spring (22), retainer (24), and plug (25) in
personal injury may result from misuse of housing (17). Torque plug (25) to 35-40 ft lb
these products. Read and follow all (47.5-54.2Nm).
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
Note: Use care not to scratch or mar housing
these products.
Lubricate all o-rings, spools, and housing bores with 8. Note direction and carefully install new seal (11)
hydraulic oil prior to assembly. See Operator's Manual and cup (10) in housing (15).
for correct type. 9. Install springs (5,6,7), shim(s) (8), and retainer (9)
1. Install o-rings (13,16) in housings (15,17). in piston (4).
10. Carefully install piston (4) assembly in housing
Note: Spool must slide freely into housing (15).
bore. 11. Install a new boot (3) on housing (15) and piston
2. Lubricate spool (14), note direction, and carefully 12. Install treadle pedal assembly (1) on housing (15)
slide it into housing (15). using new capscrews and washers (2). Torque
Note: Ensure that housings align correctly and capscrews to 18-22 ft lb (24.4-29.8Nm).
that o-rings remain in their proper pockets. Note: After service the brake treadle valve must
3. Apply a light coat of LoctiteR242 to threads of develop 2000 psi ± 100 psi (138 bar ± 6.9 bar)
capscrews (21). Align housings (15,17) and install when applied. If this specification is not met,
capscrews and washers (20,21). Torque capsĆ disassemble the valve and add or subtract
crews to 22-25 ft lb (27.1-33.9Nm). shims to meet specification.
4. Install o-ring (18) on plug (19), and install plug 13. If brake treadle valve is not to be immediately
(19) in housing (17). installed on crane, plug all open ports to prevent
contamination and properly store.

3 of 4
SM7-26-8.0 0502 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 1005 SM07 --- 026 --- 010.00
Brake Treadle Valve, R & I 7. When pressure is fully relieved, close the drain
valves on the air system reservoir.
This procedure covers the removal and installation of Refer to Figure 1.
the brake treadle valve. For recondition procedure, see 8. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
SM Keysheet Area 07---026. air lines (5) from the brake treadle valve (4).
Cap/plug the open ports and air lines (5) to prevent
Removal contamination of the system.
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: Note: Fittings may have to be removed to allow
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level enough clearance to remove the brake treadle
surface. valve through the cab floor.
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block 9. If required, remove the fittings (3). Cap/plug any
the tires. open ports to prevent contamination of the system.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing 10. Remove the capscrews and washers (1) securing
lock, as required. the brake treadle valve (4) to the cab floor (2).
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 11. Remove the brake treadle valve (4) from the cab
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re- floor (2).
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main Cleaning And Inspection
hydraulic pump.

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be hazardous. Serious personal injury may
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result from misuse of these products. Read
result from misuse of these products. Read and follow all the manufacturer’s
and follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations concerning solvents and
recommendations concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
cleaning solutions.
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent fully inspected.
contamination. Allow the area to air dry. 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
5. Check that all control levers are in the neutral should be removed from threads of hardware and
position and move the function lockout switch to the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
the “DISABLE” position. reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
WARNING mance of products.
Air lines may contain high pressure. Opening 3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
lines and fittings before relieving air pressure tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
may result in serious injury. Shutdown the replace as required.
engine and drain the air system reservoir 4. Inspect the integrity of the air lines that are
before opening any line or fitting. connected to the brake treadle valve. Repair or
replace if required.
6. Open the drain valves on the air system reservoirs 5. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
to bleed the air system pressure. sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
any major component.

1 of 4
SM07 --- 026 --- 010.00 1005 Service Manual


1. Capscrews & Washers 3. Fittings 5. Air Lines

2. Cab Floor 4. Brake Treadle Valve
Figure 1
Typical Cab Floor

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Service Manual 1005 SM07 --- 026 --- 010.00
Installation 3. Install the fittings (3) and air lines (5) to the brake
treadle valve (4), as required.
4. Apply a soap solution to the air line connections.
Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
WARNING 5. Activate the brake treadle valve (4) several times
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking and inspect the air connections for leaks. Air leaks
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious will form bubbles in the soap solution where leaks
personal injury may result from misuse of are present. Repair leaks as required.
these products. Read and follow all 6. Complete the installation by testing all related
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning functions of the brake treadle valve for proper
these products. operation. Normal operation of the air system
should be confirmed. A general inspection of
Refer to Figure 1. components and systems in the areas adjacent to
1. Properly position the brake treadle valve (4) to the the repair should also be performed to ensure
cab floor (2). related damage or wear is not present.
2. Secure the brake treadle valve (4) to the cab floor
(2) by installing the capscrews and washers (1).

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SM07 --- 026 --- 010.00 1005 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0301 SM17-1-36.0

1 2 3 4 4 6

8 7 5
1. Boom Foot Pin 3. Hydraulic Boom 5. Front Shoe Support 7. Cylinder Support
2. Upper Frame 4. Side Window Shoe 6. Head Machinery 8. Boom Hoist Cylinder

Figure 1
Boom Nomenclature

Hydraulic Boom Inspection

The following information is provided for the identificaĆ
tion and inspection of diamond embossed hydraulic
boom sections manufactured by Link-Belt ConstrucĆ
tion Equipment (LBCE). LBCE cannot assume responĆ
sibility for repairs of any kind made to hydraulic boom A
Identification Tag
sections because it will neither control nor inspect the
repairs. This document is for reference purposes only.
Packet Number A
For information concerning tubular fly and jib attachĆ
Part Number
ments for hydraulic cranes, refer to SM Keysheet Area
D7M0016 445
It is very important to maintain the hydraulic boom secĆ
tion in good working condition. Damaged hydraulic P002929
boom sections can allow major deflection of the 0695058
boom's corner members, known as chord angles,
which may result in boom failure. The alloy steels used OB 01 TW
in the manufacture of hydraulic boom sections necesĆ
sitates the use of special procedures.
Boom Section
Inspection procedures should be performed by qualiĆ Serial Number
fied individuals with knowledge and experience in steel
fabrication. It is of the utmost importance to study Figure 2
these instructions and follow them closely. IdentificaĆ Typical Identification Tags
tion of terms used throughout this SM are given in
Figure 1. Documentation & Analysis
1. The specific inspection criteria on the Hydraulic
Identification Boom Field Inspection Form" must be followed in
The part number and serial number, of each boom secĆ order to evaluate the boom section properly. A
tion, is located on an identification tag. On the tip secĆ sample of the form is shown on pages 6-11.
tion, it is located on the side plate of the head machinĆ 2. The information gathered should be given to a
ery. On all other sections it is located on the bottom of LBCE Representative or Product Specialist at the
the front shoe support. Figure 2 shows an example of factory for evaluation.
an identification tag.

1 of 12
SM17-1-36.0 0301 Service Manual

Spacer Blocks

Chord Angle

Figure 3 Figure 4
Set Boom Section On Blocking Chord Angle Squareness

General Inspection 3. Set boom section up on blocking or sawhorses of

equal height approximately 4 ft (1.2 m) from each
All inspection procedures suggested in this document end of the subject boom section. Make sure the
must be performed on a non-working boom which width of the blocking or sawhorses is greater than
has been disassembled and separated into individual the width of the boom section. See Figure 3.
sections. For boom disassembly procedure, see SM 4. Observe closely those areas where the paint has
Keysheet Area 17-1. These sections are then to be been chipped, wrinkled, or missing, or contains
positioned and secured in such a manner that the work faint rust lines or marks.
can be performed in a safe, proper fashion. 5. Other types of damage, such as dents in the top,
bottom, or side plates, brackets with dents or
The inspection equipment needed is such standard
cracked welds, interference between boom secĆ
items as: portable light
tions, etc. requires review by a LBCE representaĆ
wire brush
tive to determine if boom section can be repaired.
6. The nature and dimensional location of any deforĆ
10X magnifying glass
mity should be recorded on the Hydraulic Boom
marker (chalk, crayon, etc.)
Field Inspection Form".
string line
two magnetic blocks of equal size
magnetic particle compound
Chord Angle Squareness
dye penetrant After the initial general inspection, the chord angle
other nondestructive testing equipment squareness should be taken into consideration. It can
be checked by using a small square or large square
1. Thoroughly clean entire boom section of all mud, with spacer blocks, of equal size, as shown in Figure 4.
dirt, grease, oil, etc., so adequate inspection may The nature and dimensional location of any deformity
be performed. should be recorded on the Hydraulic Boom Field InĆ
2. Throughout the inspection, you will be asked to spection Form".
collect data from different locations on the boom Subsequent damage discovered and documented to
section. Positions of TOP", BOTTOM", LEFT", this point, will assist in the analysis of further deformiĆ
and RIGHT" are to be interpreted as if the boom ties which may be found during the remaining inspecĆ
were installed on the crane, viewing the boom from tions. The true magnitude of damage and the repairĆ
the operator's seat. ability of boom sections may be determined by the inĆ
spection data taken here. Statements taken from the
operator and/or oiler, as to the situation which caused
the damage, are also essential.

2 of 12
Service Manual 0301 SM17-1-36.0

Straight Edge
10 ft 10 ft 10 ft
(3.1m) (3.1m) (3.1m)
Measure Here Measure Here


Level Spacer
Spacer Spacer
Block Block

Figure 6
Angle Roll

Chord Angle Roll Inspection

Angle roll defines the parallel relationship between secĆ
Figure 5 tion angle chords. This should be done on the top and
Boom Section Twist bottom of the boom section, as shown in Figure 6. ReĆ
peat this procedure every 1 ft (0.3m) over the entire
Boom Section Twist Inspection length of the boom section, recording the results on the
Hydraulic Boom Field Inspection Form".
Boom section twist is the axial relationship from the
rear of the section to the front of the section. This inĆ 1. Starting at the base of the section, divide and label
spection also helps to determine if the boom section is the boom section in 12 inch (30cm) segments.
straight. To inspect for twist, the boom section should 2. Be sure to mark all four corners of the boom secĆ
be right side up on blocking or sawhorses. Inspect in tion along the entire length of each chord angle.
four places per Hydraulic Boom Field Inspection 3. Each location consists of the four corresponding
Form" and record values. Refer to Figure 5 for examĆ marks at each linear position down the section.
ple. 4. Number each location down the length of the
boom section.
1. Position level on two equal size spacer blocks at 5. Measurements will be taken across the top and the
Location A-A. bottom of the section at each location marked.
2. Adjust the position of the boom section to achieve 6. Starting at the base of section, position spacer
level reading at Location A-A. blocks and straight edge on the first marks (top).
3. Maintain boom section position during the remainĆ 7. Record the two measurement as illustrated above.
der of inspection. 8. Move straight edge and spacer blocks to correĆ
4. Move level and spacer blocks to next location. sponding location on the bottom of the section.
5. Add shim(s), as required, between spacer block 9. Measure and record the dimensions.
and level (one side only), to achieve level reading. 10. Move straight edge and spacer blocks to next locaĆ
6. Record the position and thickness of the shim(s) tion down the length of boom section (top).
used to the appropriate diagram above. 11. Repeat Steps 7 through 10 every 12 inches (30cm)
7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 every 10 ft (3.1m) down down the length of the boom section.
the length of the boom section.

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SM17-1-36.0 0301 Service Manual


Top View Boom

Right Bow Left Bow

Figure 7
Minor Axis Bow

Minor Axis Bow 4. Measurements will be taken at the top and the botĆ
tom of the section down the entire length of the
Minor axis bow is when the boom section is bowed to boom section.
the left or right. To inspect the boom section for this 5. Position spacer blocks, of equal size, at each end
condition, the boom section must be in the upright of chord angle.
position. Take measurements every 3 ft (1m) and reĆ 6. Pull a string over each spacer block and tie it to the
cord measurements on the Hydraulic Boom Field InĆ very end of the boom section.
spection Form". Note the example in Figure 7. 7. The string must be taught and span clearly beĆ
tween the spacer block at each end of the chord
1. Position boom section on its bottom surface so the angle.
head machinery or collar clears the ground. SeĆ 8. Measure and record the distance between the
cure the boom section to sturdy saw horses or chord angle and the string at each of the marked
blocking locations.
2. Starting at the base of the section, divide and mark 9. Relocate the spacer blocks and string to the next
the boom section in 3 ft (1m) segments. chord angle.
3. Be sure to mark all four corners of the boom secĆ 10. Repeat Steps 5 through 9 for each of the four
tion along the entire length of each chord angle. chord angles.

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Service Manual 0301 SM17-1-36.0


Side View Of Boom

Negative Camber

Positive Camber

Figure 8
Major Axis Camber

Major Axis Camber 4. Measurements will be taken on both sides of the

section down the entire length of the boom section.
Major axis camber is when the boom section is bowed 5. Position spacer blocks, of equal size, at each end
up or down. To inspect the boom section for this condiĆ of chord angle.
tion the boom section must be positioned on its side. 6. Pull a string over each spacer block and tie it to the
Take measurements every 3 ft (1m) and record meaĆ very end of the boom section.
surements on the Hydraulic Boom Field Inspection 7. The string must be taught and span clearly beĆ
Form". Note the example in Figure 8. tween the spacer block at each end of the chord
1. Position boom section on its LEFT side so the head angle.
machinery or collar clears the ground. Secure the 8. Measure and record the distance between the
boom section to sturdy saw horses or blocking. chord angle and the string at each of the marked
2. Starting at the base of the section, divide and mark locations.
the boom section in 3 ft (1m) segments. 9. Relocate the spacer blocks and string to the next
3. Be sure to mark all four corners of the boom secĆ chord angle.
tion along the entire length of each chord angle. 10. Repeat Steps 6 through 9 for each of the four chord

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SM17-1-36.0 0301 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0204 SM17-001-054.00
4 Section Boom, R & I b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ
(35.5-110') out switch to the OPERATE" position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
This procedure covers the removal and installation of switches back and forth several times.
the 4 section boom. For recondition procedure, as well d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
as, hose and hose wheel cable repair, see SM repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
Keysheet Area 17-001. Although Figure 1 depicts an cranes equipped with emergency steering
RTC Model, this procedure also covers HTC Models. system, it will take several rotations of steering
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
Removal e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
7. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
2. Remove any attachments, hookblock, and rigging,
position and move the function lockout switch to
as required.
the DISABLE" position.
3. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
8. On cranes equipped with an electronic boom
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level
length/angle indicator, anti-two block, and/or
boom floodlight, disconnect wire harness from
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
these devices, as required.
the tires.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing Refer to Figure 1.
lock, as required. 9. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. hydraulic lines (3). Cap/plug the open hydraulic
e. Fully retract and position the boom horizontally ports and lines (3) to prevent excessive oil loss and
at a 0° boom angle. contamination of the system.
4. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
hydraulic pump.
WARNING The auxiliary lifting device and rigging must
have the rated capacity to safely handle the
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be boom weight at all angles and radii required to
hazardous. Serious personal injury may lower it to the ground. Failure to adhere to this
result from misuse of these products. Read danger may result in crane damage, severe
and follow all the manufacturer's personal injury, or death.
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
Note: The approximate balance point, sling
5. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an position, and boom weight are shown in
approved cleaning solvent to prevent Figure 1.
contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
circuits. Allow the area to air dry. 10. Position an auxiliary lifting device directly above
balance point of boom (2), and rig boom (2) for a
double sling lift.
WARNING Note: The boom hoist cylinder weighs approxiĆ
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be mately 1,800 lb (816kg).
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the 11. Using a second auxiliary lifting device, support
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic weight of boom hoist cylinder (8).
pressure from the system before removing 12. Remove capscrew (7) and keeper pin (5) securing
any line or component. pin (6) of boom hoist cylinder (8) to mounting lugs
6. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by pushing the buttons (if equipped)
on the pressure relief valve, located on the
hydraulic reservoir or loosening the filler cap
1/4 turn, as equipped.

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SM17-001-054.00 0204 Service Manual

Boom Weight  15,000 lb (6 804kg)

All dimensions are given as reference
only. Rigging needs to be located, as
necessary, to provide a level lift. Raise
the load slightly, evaluate the loads Approximate
condition, lower the load, and adjust Balance Point
the rigging, as necessary.
Centerline Of
Boom Foot Pin

17 ft 2 in
11 ft 11 ft
(3.4m) (3.4m) A


5 6 7 8

1. Saw Horse/Blocking 4. Upper Frame 7. Capscrew

2. Boom 5. Keeper Pin 8. Boom Hoist Cylinder
3. Hydraulic Lines 6. Pin 9. Mounting Lugs

Figure 1
4 Section Boom Assembly (RTC & HTC Models)

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Service Manual 0204 SM17-001-054.00
Note: Use care not to damage grease fittings
0.19 in 0.19 in
during pin removal. (4.83mm) (4.83mm)

1 2 3 4 5

Do not stand under the boom or boom hoist
cylinder. Once the pin is removed, the boom
hoist cylinder may drop slightly.

13. Using a brass drift, drive pin (6) out of boom hoist
cylinder (8) rod eye.
14. Lower boom hoist cylinder (8) onto saw horse/
blocking (1).
Refer to Figure 2.
15. Remove cotter pins (2) and pin (1).
16. Carefully raise auxiliary lifting device enough to reĆ 6 6
1. Pin 4. Boom Foot Pin
lieve weight of boom (3) from boom foot pin (4). 2. Cotter Pins 5. Upper Frame
3. Boom 6. Shims
Note: To ensure proper installation, be sure to
note the quantity and location of the shims as Figure 2
they are removed. Use care not to damage the Boom Foot Pin Installation
grease fittings while removing the boom foot
pin. 4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
connected to the boom and boom hoist cylinder.
17. Using a brass drift, remove boom foot pin (4) from Repair or replace if required.
upper frame (5) and boom (3). As boom foot pin (4) 5. Thoroughly inspect the boom. Refer to SM
clears each side of boom (3), note and remove Keysheet Area 17-001 for correct procedure.
shims (6). 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
18. Carefully remove boom (3) from crane. personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.
Cleaning And Inspection
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be DANGER
hazardous. Serious personal injury may The auxiliary lifting device and rigging must
result from misuse of these products. Read have the rated capacity to safely handle the
and follow all the manufacturer's boom weight at all angles and radii required to
recommendations concerning solvents and lower it to the ground. Failure to adhere to this
cleaning solutions. danger may result in crane damage, severe
personal injury, or death.
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and careĆ
fully inspected. Note: The approximate balance point, sling
2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue position, and boom weight are shown in
should be removed from threads of hardware and Figure 1.
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ Refer to Figure 1.
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces 1. Position an auxiliary lifting device directly above
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ balance point of boom (2), and rig boom (2) for a
mance of products. double sling lift.
3. Inspect and replace boom foot pin bushings, as reĆ

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SM17-001-054.00 0204 Service Manual
Refer to Figure 2. Refer to Figure 1.

Note: Center the boom in the upper frame so Note: The boom hoist cylinder weighs approxiĆ
that equal clearance is obtained on each side of mately 1,800 lb (816kg).
the boom.
9. Using an auxiliary lifting device, carefully align
2. Carefully lift and position boom (3) to upper frame boom hoist cylinder (8) to mounting lugs (9) on
(5), making sure to align boom foot pin (4) mountĆ boom (2).
ing holes.
Use care not to damage grease fittings during
pin installation.
WARNING 10. Coat pin (6) with Keystone® No-Weld, or equivaĆ
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking lent.
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 11. Using a brass drift, drive pin (6) into boom hoist cylĆ
personal injury may result from misuse of inder (8) rod eye until keeper pin (5) is properly
these products. Read and follow all aligned.
manufacturer's recommendations concerning 12. Install keeper pin (5) through pin (6) and secure by
these products. installing capscrew (7).
13. Lubricate boom hoist cylinder (8) mounting pin (6).
See Operator's Manual for correct type and proceĆ
Note: Do not allow the boom foot pin to enter dure.
the boom until the shims have been properly 14. On cranes equipped with an electronic boom
installed. Use care not to damage grease fitĆ length/angle indicator, anti-two block, and/or
tings during boom foot pin installation. boom floodlight, connect wire harness to these deĆ
vices, as required.
3. Coat boom foot pin (4) with SAE 30 oil, and begin
15. Install hydraulic lines (3).
installing it into upper frame (5).
16. Remove any remaining rigging from boom (2) and
Note: Shim both sides equally so that the clearĆ boom hoist cylinder (8).
ance does not exceed 0.06 in (1.52mm) per 17. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
side. required. See Operator's Manual for correct type
and procedure.
4. Using notes taken during removal and maximum 18. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
clearance limitations as mentioned above, install 19. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
shims (6) between boom (3) and upper frame (5). Inspect the connections on the hydraulic lines for
Boom (3) must be centered between upper frame leaks. Repair if needed.
(5). 20. Raise boom (2) and remove saw horse/blocking
5. Continue driving boom foot pin (4) through upper (1).
frame (5) and boom (3) until pin (1) hole in boom 21. Raise/Lower and extend/retract boom (2) several
foot pin (4) is aligned with pin (1) hole in upper times to distribute lubricant and bleed air from
frame (5). hydraulic lines and cylinders.
6. Install pin (1) into boom foot pin (4) until both cotter 22. Install any attachments, hook block, and rigging,
pins (2) can be installed. as required. See Operator's Manual for correct
7. Install cotter pins (2) to secure pin (1) and boom procedures.
foot pin (4) in place. 23. Complete the installation by testing all related
8. Properly lubricate boom foot pin (4). See OperaĆ functions of the boom for proper operation.
tor's Manual for correct type and procedure. Normal operation of hydraulic and electrical
systems should be confirmed. A general
inspection of components and systems in the
areas adjacent to the repair should also be
performed to ensure related damage or wear is not

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Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00
Four Section Boom,
This procedure covers the recondition of the four
section, 35.5 − 110 ft (10.8−33.6m) boom assembly.
For removal and installation procedures see SM
Keysheet Area 17−001.
The procedures under Disassembly" and Assembly"
should be followed when complete boom disassembly
is required. If maintenance is required only on the hose
and hose wheel cable inside the boom, it usually can
be done without disassembling the entire boom. See
Hose And Hose Wheel Cable Repair Without Disas-
sembling The Boom" on page 19 of this Document.
Safety Instructions Right

Read and understand the following safety
instructions before attempting to perform any
of the tasks. Potential for severe injury is
present if all safety instructions are not strictly

Refer to Figure 1.
Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate
weight and balance points of the boom
assembly. Figure 1
1. Secure base section to sturdy stands with straps Place blocking through the diamond shaped
before working on boom. hole, closest to the base section of the boom
2. Insert blocking material through the diamond before putting your hands or tools inside a
shaped holes in the boom to prevent movement of boom section. Blocking material (metal or
the individual sections before putting your hands wood) must be of sufficient strength to prevent
or tools inside the boom. Unsuspected movement unsuspected movement of the individual boom
of the boom sections could sever fingers, hands, sections during maintenance/servicing
arms or other extremities. operations.
3. When handling boom sections, always keep the
load well balanced, and as level as possible. Move 5. During disassembly operations, no section should
slowly and keep the load under control. Do not be extended beyond a point where less than 5−6 ft
attempt to handle boom sections or telescope (1.5−1.8m) remains in the section from which it is
cylinders without assistance. being removed. Failure to follow these instructions
4. When lifting boom sections, use only a lifting during disassembly operations may result in dam-
device which has the proper capacity to handle the age to equipment or injury to personnel.
load. All rigging used must also be in good, sound 6. Always relieve any hydraulic pressure, that may be
condition and be the proper size for the job to be trapped in the system, before removing any
performed. Refer to Figure 3 for appropriate hydraulic line or component. A sudden release of
weights. hot oil could cause burns or other serious injury.
7. Do not climb or walk on the boom. Use a ladder or
similar device to reach necessary areas.

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SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual
Disassembly 11. Slide the sections out of the base section (12) far
enough to align access hole in the base section
To Remove The Inner Mid, Outer Mid, And (12) with wear shoe (41) on the inner mid section
Tip Sections From The Base Section (11). Remove capscrews (43), plates (42), and
wear shoe (41) from the inner mid section (11).
Refer to Figure 2. 12. Using the sling and auxiliary lifting device, slide the
sections out approximately 22 ft (6.7m) from base
1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig a sling around
section (12).
the inner mid section (11) toward the head machin-
13. Disconnect hose wheel cable (3) from the inner
ery (1).
mid section hose wheel cable anchor (4).
2. Remove cover from ATB switch (5) and disconnect
14. Disconnect hose wheel cable (3) from the base
reeling drum cable (29) connectors.
section hose wheel cable anchor (2).
Note: Clamp reeling drum cable at the base
section eyebolt before it is disconnected so that Note: Tie a strong, small diameter 60 ft (18.2m)
it cannot retract back onto the reeling drum. long length of rope to the end of hose before
This will facilitate assembly process. disconnecting from fitting, to facilitate
3. Clamp reeling drum cable (29) off at the base sec-
tion eyebolt (8) and remove clamps (6). Unwrap 15. Disconnect hose (24) from fitting (93) located at
reeling drum cable (29) from bolt (7) and feed rear of base section (12). Plug/cap hose (24) and
through tip, outer mid, and inner mid eyebolts (8). fitting (93) to prevent excess oil loss and contami-
4. Coil and secure reeling drum cable (29) to the base nation.
section eyebolt (8). Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate
5. Remove capscrews, washers, and access plate balance point and weight of the three sections
(25) from the base section (12). and both cylinders.
Note: Rotate fittings inward if necessary. 16. Block up sections at the head machinery (1) and rig
slings around the inner mid section (11) for a
6. Cap fittings (91) from bottom cylinder (14) to pre- double sling lift. Position the slings so that the
vent loss of oil and contamination. sections are balanced and will pick up without
7. Remove the cotter pins and pins (26) connecting tilting.
the bottom cylinder (14) to base section (12). 17. Lift the sections until they lightly contact the top
Note: When removing any wear shoes, mark inside of the base section (12).
them so they can be installed back in the same 18. Remove the capscrews, washers, and spacers
locations where they were removed. (21), shims (20), and wear shoes (19) from the
base section (12).
Note: The jam nut and adjustment setscrews 19. Remove hose wheel cable (3), hose wheel pulley
may have to be loosened to remove wear shoes. assembly (23), and loose end of hose (24) out
8. Remove the capscrews and nuts (30), retainers through front of base section (12).
(31), wear shoes (36), and bars (34) from both 20. If required, disassemble hose wheel pulley assem-
sides of the base section (12). bly (23):
Note: The jam nuts and adjustment setscrews a. Remove cotter pins and pin (84), pulley (82),
may have to be loosened to remove wear shoes. and hose wheel cable (3) from bracket (87).
b. Remove cotter pins and pin (86), hose (24),
9. Remove the capscrews, washers, nuts, and retain- and pulley (83) from bracket (87).
ers (15), wear shoes (22), and bars (18) from both c. Use a shop press to remove bearing (85) from
sides of the base section (12). pulley (83).
10. Remove the capscrews and washers (99), set- d. Remove capscrews (88) and wear pad (89)
screws and jam nuts (100), plates (101), wear from bracket (87).
shoes (102), plates (104), and wedges (103) from
inner mid section (11). Note: Use caution not to damage hose when
sliding the sections out of the base section.
Note: For assembly purposes, record orienta-
tion of chamfers on wear shoes. 21. Slide the sections the remainder of the way out of
the base section (12), while pulling on hose (24) at
the same time.

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Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00
Note: Remove the rope from the end of hose. 6. Remove capscrews (107) and plates (108).
Allow rope to remain in base section. This will
facilitate assembly process.
22. Set and secure the sections on firm, sturdy block- CAUTION
ing. Exercise care to prevent damage to the
23. Disconnect hose (24) from fitting (94) located on in- counterbalance cartridge during removal of
ner mid section (11). Plug/cap hose (24) and fitting the bottom cylinder.
(94) to prevent contamination and excessive oil
loss. 7. Rig a sling around the bottom cylinder (14) at the
counterbalance cartridge (96) end.
To Remove The Bottom Cylinder From
Note: Bottom cylinder must extend a minimum
The Inner Mid, Outer Mid, And Tip
of 15 ft (4.6m) out of the sections to rig for a
Sections double sling lift.
1. Remove tube (95) and hose (90) from top cylinder 8. Slide bottom cylinder (14) out far enough to enable
(13) ports. Plug and rotate fittings (97) to prevent a double sling lift.
loss of oil and contamination.
2. Remove hose (90) and fitting (92) from bottom cyl- Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate
inder (14) ports. Plug bottom cylinder (14) ports to weight and balance point of the bottom cylinder.
prevent loss of oil and contamination. 9. Block bottom cylinder (14) up on counterbalance
cartridge (96) end and rig slings for a double sling
lift. Position the slings so that the bottom cylinder
WARNING (14) is balanced and will pick up without tilting.
Insert a steel bar or blocking through the 10. Remove bottom cylinder (14) from the sections.
diamond shaped holes in the boom sections Set and secure onto firm, sturdy blocking.
before putting tools, hands, arms, or other 11. If required, remove capscrews and washers (51)
extremities through them. Serious injury and bracket (52) from bottom cylinder (14).
could occur if the sections move for any
To Remove The Outer Mid And Tip From
reason. Refer to Figure 1.
The Inner Mid Section
1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig a sling around
Note: A 2 in (50.8mm) crow’s−foot wrench is
the outer mid section (10) toward the boom head
available to loosen or remove jam nuts and nuts
machinery (1).
on extend cables. Link−BeltR part number
2. Remove the cotter pins and pins (27) connecting
the top cylinder (13) to inner mid section (11).
3. Loosen extend cables (115): Note: When removing any wear shoes, mark
a. Remove capscrews, washers, and guard them so they can be installed back in the same
(111). locations where they were removed.
b. Loosen and remove jam nuts (112).
c. Loosen nuts (114) until extend cables (115) are
Note: The adjustment jam nuts and setscrews
relaxed. Do not remove nuts (114) at this time.
may have to be loosened to remove wear shoes.
4. Loosen retract cable (50):
a. Loosen and remove jam nuts (48). 3. Remove the capscrews and nuts (30), retainers
b. Loosen nuts (47) until retract cable (50) is re- (31), wear shoes (36), and bars (34) from both
laxed. Do not remove nut (47) at this time. sides of the inner mid section (11).
Note: Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig a Note: The adjustment jam nuts and setscrews
sling and support bottom cylinder through may have to be loosened to remove wear shoes.
diamonds before removing locknuts, washers, 4. Remove the capscrews, nuts, and retainers (15),
and capscrews. wear shoes (22), and bars (18) from both sides of
5. Remove locknuts, washers, and capscrews (53). the inner mid section (11).

Note: Lower bottom cylinder until it rest on tip

section and remove the sling.

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SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual

15 A 10 15 B 9 15 C
11 22
16 17 16 17 16 17
22 Install With Notch Install With Notch
Facing Inward Facing Inward

19 20 20
18 11 10
21 21
21 12 19 18 19 18

Base Section Wear Inner Mid Section Wear Outer Mid Section Wear
Shoes Shoes Shoes

1 4 3
1 9 10 11 12 13


C B A D G E 14

1. Head Machinery 8. Eyebolts 16. Jam Nuts

2. Base Section Hose Wheel Cable 9. Tip Section 17. Setscrews
Anchor 10. Outer Mid Section 18. Bars
3. Hose Wheel Cable 11. Inner Mid Section 19. Wear Shoes
4. Inner Mid Section Hose Wheel 12. Base Section 20. Shims
Cable Anchor 13. Top Cylinder 21. Capscrews, Washers, & Spacers
5. ATB Switch 14. Bottom Cylinder 22. Wear Shoes
6. Clamps 15. Capscrews, Washers, Nuts, &
7. Bolt Retainers

Figure 2
Four Section Boom Assembly

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Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00

31 34 D 37 E F

33 39 43 42 41


32 40 9,10,11
30 10,11,12 10,11,12 35
Wear Shoes 3 Places.
Wear Shoes 6 Places Wear Shoes 4 Places Note: Orientation Of

L 23 24 25

M 29 28 27 94 26 93 91
23. Hose Wheel Pulley Assembly 30. Capscrews & Nuts 37. Capscrews, Washers, & Nuts
24. Hose 31. Retainers 38. Retainers
25. Capscrews, Washers, & Access 32. Setscrews 39. Setscrews
Plate 33. Jam Nut 40. Bars
26. Cotter Pins & Pins 34. Bars 41. Wear Shoes
27. Cotter Pins & Pins 35. Wear Shoes 42. Plates
28. Reeling Drum 36. Wear Shoes 43. Capscrews
29. Reeling Drum Cable

Four Section Boom Assembly−Continued

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SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual

44 45 9 46 62 48 47 59 49 13 G




54 72 71 69 115 66 H 53 52 51 14

60 7.31 in
(185.7mm) 81
0.75 in
59 (19.0mm) 71
71 73
59 70 70
13 80 74
61 76
69 69
62 62 79 75
65 63 68
115 64 115 64 115 67

44. Wear Shoe 57. Slider Bracket 70. Shims

45. Bracket 58. Capscrews 71. Lock Plates
46. Capscrews & Washers 59. Capscrews & Washers 72. Pin
47. Nut 60. Wear Shoes 73. Lock Plates
48. Jam Nut 61. Wear Shoe 74. Grease Fittings
49. Bracket 62. Capscrews & Washers 75. Pins
50. Retract Cable 63. Retainer 76. Capscrews
51. Capscrews & Washers 64. Spacers 77. Sheave & Bushing Assemblies
52. Bracket 65. Retainer 78. Shims
53. Locknuts, Washers, & Capscrews 66. Pin 79. Wear Shoe
54. Wear Shoe 67. Sheave & Bushing Assemblies 80. Capscrews
55. Capscrews 68. Spacers 81. Brackets
56. Capscrews & Washers 69. Capscrews

Four Section Boom Assembly−Continued

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Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00

3 23 L N
24 9
96 11
84 86 85 83 94
82 93 92

103 11 99 S
88 89 100

115 113 114 112 R 12

11 P Q
9 105
T 90 106

116 117 118 50 T K

9 95 108
120 10

94 92 110 109

82. Pulley 96. Counterbalance Cartridge 109. Retract Sheave Bracket Assemblies
83. Pulley 97. Fittings 110. Capscrews
84. Cotter Pins & Pin 98. Counterbalance Cartridge 111. Capscrews, Washers, & Guard
85. Bearing 99. Capscrew & Washer 112. Jam Nuts
86. Cotter Pins & Pin 100. Setscrew & Jam Nut 113. Shim
87. Bracket 101. Plate 114. Nuts
88. Capscrews 102. Bottom Rear Wear Shoe 115. Extend Cables
89. Wear Pad 103. Wedge 116. Retract Cable Retainer
90. Hose 104. Plate 117. Capscrews
91. Fittings 105. Capscrews 118. Shim (Not Shown)
92. Fitting 106. Plates 119. Capscrews
93. Fitting 107. Capscrews 120. Wear Shoe
94. Fitting 108. Plates 121. Cable Guide Weldments
95. Tube

Four Section Boom Assembly−Continued

7 of 20
SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual
Note: The adjustment setscrews may have to be Note: For assembly purposes, label
loosened to remove wear shoes. location of shims, sheaves, and bushings
5. Remove the capscrews, washers, and nuts (37),
retainers (38), wear shoes (35), and bars (40) from
both sides of the inner mid section (11). Note: Use care not to damage grease
fittings while removing sheaves and
Note: For assembly purposes, record orienta- bushing assemblies.
tion of chamfers on wear shoes.
a. Remove capscrews (76), lock plates (73), pins
6. Slide the outer mid section (10) and tip section (9) (75), shims (78), capscrews (80), wear shoes
out of the inner mid section (11) far enough to align (79), and sheave and bushing assemblies (77)
access hole with wear shoe (41) on the outer mid from brackets (81).
section (10). Remove capscrews (43), plates (42), b. If required, use a shop press to remove bush-
and top rear wear shoe (41) from the outer mid sec- ings from sheaves.
tion (10). 6. Remove extend cables (115) and retract cable (50)
7. Using the slings and auxiliary lifting device, slide from tip section (9):
the sections out 22 ft (6.7m) from the inner mid a. Remove nuts (114) and shim (113) from tip
section (11). section (9).
b. If equipped, remove shim (118).
Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate c. Remove capscrews (117), retract cable
balance point and weight of the two sections support (116), capscrews (119), and wear
and top cylinder. shoe (120) from tip section (9).
8. Rig slings around the outer mid section (10) for a d. Lift retract cable (50) up and out of cable guide
double sling lift. Position the slings so that the sec- weldments (121) located in tip section (9).
tions are balanced and will pick up without tilting. 7. Using an auxiliary lifting device, slowly pull top
9. Lift the sections until they lightly contact the top cylinder (13) while pulling the retract and extend
inside of the inner mid section (11). cables (50,115) at the same time, out of tip section
10. Remove the capscrews, washers, and spacers (9). Stop when capscrews and washers (56) and
(21), shims (20), and wear shoes (19) from the in- slider bracket (57) are accessible through the last
ner mid section (11). set of diamond cutouts in the sections.
11. Slide the sections the remainder of the way out of Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate
the inner mid section (11). Set and secure them balance point and weight of the top cylinder.
onto firm, sturdy blocking.
8. Block top cylinder (13) up on counterbalance
To Remove The Top Cylinder Assembly cartridge (98) end and rig slings around the top
From The Outer Mid And Tip Sections cylinder (13) for a double sling lift. Position the
slings so that the top cylinder (13) is balanced
1. Remove capscrews (105) and plates (106) from
and will pick up without tilting.
outer mid section (10).

Exercise care to prevent damage to the Insert a steel bar or blocking through the
counterbalance cartridge during removal of diamond shaped holes in the boom sections
the top cylinder. before putting tools, hands, arms, or other
extremities through them. Serious injury
2. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig a sling around
could occur if the sections move for any
the top cylinder (13) at the counterbalance
reason. Refer to Figure 1.
cartridge (98) end.
3. Pull top cylinder (13) out approximately 2−3 ft
9. Remove capscrews and washers (56).
10. Remove slider bracket (57) from bracket (45).
4. Remove capscrews (110) and retract sheave
Leave slider bracket (57) laying in the tip section (9).
bracket assemblies (109).
11. Slide the top cylinder (13) the remainder of the way
5. If required, disassemble retract sheave bracket
out of the sections. Set and secure onto firm,
assemblies (109):
sturdy blocking.

8 of 20
Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00
12. If required, disassemble extend sheave assembly 7. Rig slings around the tip section (9) for a double
and cable support assembly: sling lift. Position the slings so that the section is
a. Remove retainers (63,65), pin (66), extend balanced and will pick up without tilting.
cables (115), and spacers (64). 8. Lift the section until it lightly contacts the top inside
b. Remove nuts (47) and retract cable (50). of the outer mid section (10).
9. Remove the capscrews, washers, and spacers
Note: For assembly purposes, label (21), shims (20), and wear shoes (19) from the out-
location of shims, spacers, sheave, and er mid section (10).
bushing assemblies. 10. Slide the tip section (9) the remainder of the way
c. Remove capscrews (69), lock plate (71), pin out of the outer mid section (10). Set and secure it
(72), shims (70), spacers (68), and sheave and onto firm, sturdy blocking.
bushing assemblies (67) from bracket (45). 11. Remove slider bracket (57) from tip section (9).
d. If required, use a shop press and correct size 12. Inspect wear shoes (44,54) per specifications
driver to remove bushings from sheaves. found in Figure 5. If required, remove capscrews
e. If required, remove capscrews and washers (55,58) and wear shoes (44,54).
(46) and bracket (45) from top cylinder (13).
f. Remove capscrews and washers (59), wear
Cleaning And Inspection
shoes (60), capscrews and washers (62), and
wear shoe (61) from bracket (49).
g. Remove bracket (49) from top cylinder (13). WARNING
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
To Remove The Tip Section From The
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Outer Mid Section result from misuse of these products. Read
1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig a sling around and follow all the manufacturer’s
the tip section (9) at the head machinery (1). recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.
Note: The adjustment jam nuts and setscrews
may have to be loosened to remove wear shoes. 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
2. Remove the capscrews (30), retainers (31), wear
fully inspected.
shoes (36), and bars (34) from both sides of the
2. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue
outer mid section (10).
should be removed from threads of hardware and
Note: The adjustment jam nuts and setscrews the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
may have to be loosened to remove wear shoes. reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
3. Remove the capscrews, washers, nuts, and retain- with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
ers (15), wear shoes (22), and bars (18) from both mance of products.
sides of the outer mid section (10). 3. All soft parts", such as seals, gaskets, back up
Note: The adjustment setscrews may have to be rings, and o−rings should be replaced.
loosened to remove wear shoes. 4. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines/hoses
that are connected to the boom. Repair or replace
4. Remove the capscrews, washers, and nuts (37), as required.
retainers (38), wear shoes (35), and bars (40) from 5. For information concerning the inspection of
both sides of the outer mid section (10). hydraulic boom sections, refer to SM Keysheet
Area 17−1.
Note: For assembly purposes, record orienta- 6. For information concerning the recondition of
tion of chamfers on wear shoes. boom telescope cylinders, refer to SM Keysheet
5. Remove capscrews (43), plates (42), and wear Area 17−2.
shoes (41) from the tip section (9). 7. Inspect wear shoe thickness per Figure 5.
6. Using the sling and auxiliary lifting device, slide the 8. Inspect cables. Refer to the Operator’s Manual for
tip section (9) out 22 ft (6.7m) from the outer mid correct procedures and specifications.
section (10). 9. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate replace any major component.
balance point and weight of the tip section.

9 of 20
SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual
Part Approximate Weight

Tip Section Assembly 2,425 lb (1 100kg)

Outer Mid Section Assembly 2,000 lb (908kg)
Inner Mid Section Assembly 2,990 lb (1 358kg)
Base Section Assembly 3,740 lb (1 698kg)
Bottom Cylinder Assembly 1,715 lb (779kg)
Top Cylinder Assembly 2,145 lb (974kg)
Total Boom Weight 15,015 lb (6 817kg)

A = Center Of Gravity (Approximate Balance Point)

Approximate B = Sling Position For Double Sling Lift (Approximate)
Balance Point


ÄÄÄ Tie Down
Part Dimension A" } Dimension B" }

Inner Mid, Outer Mid, And Tip Sections With Both Cylinders 17 ft 11 in (5.5m) 8 ft 11 in (2.7m)
Outer Mid And Tip Sections With Top Cylinder Assembly 16 ft 4 in (5.0m) 8 ft 2 in (2.5m)
Tip Section Assembly 12 ft 1 in (3.7m) 6 ft (1.8m)
Top And Bottom Cylinders (Retracted) 13 ft 3 in (4.0m) * 6 ft 7 in (2.0m)
* For telescope cylinder only, distance A" is measured from center of the rod eye.
} All dimensions are given as reference only. Rigging needs to be relocated, as necessary, to provide a
level lift. Raise the load slightly, evaluate the loads condition, lower the load and adjust the rigging.
Repeat this procedure, as required, until load is level and stable in the rigging.
Figure 3
Approximate Weight And Balance Points

Before beginning any assembly procedures,
WARNING read, understand, and follow all steps of the
Safety Instructions" on Page 1 of this SM
Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning lubricants, sealants, joint and
thread locking compounds, etc. Serious
personal injury may result from misuse of Apply LoctiteR 242 to all mounting hardware.
these products.

10 of 20
Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00
Torque all mounting hardware per specifications 14. Install bars (40), wear shoes (35), retainers (38),
found in SM Keysheet Area 18−0 unless otherwise and capscrews, washers, and nuts (37) into both
specified. sides of the outer mid section (10).
15. Center the tip section (9) in the outer mid section
Lubricate all boom components as outlined in (10) before making the following adjustments.
Operator’s Manual.
Note: Apply a light coat of LoctiteR 242 to
To Install The Tip Section Into The Outer threads of setscrew just before final adjust-
Mid Section ment.

16. Adjust jam nuts (16,33) and setscrews (17,32,39),

Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate balance
in or out, to move wear shoes (22,36,35) to obtain
point and weight of the tip section.
clearances per Figure 5. Lock jam nuts (16,33) af-
ter obtaining specified clearance.
Refer to Figure 4.
1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig slings around To Install The Top Cylinder Assembly Into
the tip section (9) for a double sling lift. Position the The Tip And Outer Mid Sections
slings so that the section is balanced and will pick
up without tilting. 1. If required, assemble extend sheave assembly and
2. If required, install wear shoes (44,54) on slider cable support assembly:
bracket (57) using capscrews (55,58). Wear a. Install bracket (49) over and onto top cylinder
shoes (44) may have to be installed after slider (13).
bracket (57) is placed in tip section (9).
3. Place slider bracket (57) into tip section (9). Posi- Note: Install cylinder wear shoes as
tion slider bracket (57) at the 6th diamond cutout illustrated in Detail (H) located in Figure 4.
from the rear of the tip section (9). b. If required, install wear shoes (60,61), caps-
4. Slide the tip section (9) into the outer mid section crews and washers (59,62) into bracket (49).
(10) as far as the slings will permit. c. Install retract cable (50), nut and jam nut
5. Lift the section until it lightly contacts the top inside (48,47), extend cables (115), spacers (64), pin
of the outer mid section (10). (66), and retainers (63,65) into bracket (49).
6. Inspect thickness of wear shoes (19) per specifica- Do not tighten nut and jam nut (48,47) at this
tion in Figure 5. Replace if necessary. time.
Note: Install wear shoes with notch facing in- d. Install bracket (45) on top cylinder (13) and
ward. secure with capscrews and washers (46).
e. If required, use a shop press and correct size
7. Install shims (20), wear shoes (19), and spacers, driver to install bushings into sheaves.
washers, and capscrews (21) into the outer mid Note: Install sheave and bushing
section (10). Torque capscrews to 30 ft lb assemblies, spacers, shims, and pin back
(40.7Nm). into their original locations.
8. Change rigging to a single sling at the head
machinery (1). Slide the tip section (9) all the way f. Install shims (70), spacers (68), sheave and
into the outer mid section (10). bushing assemblies (67), and pin (72).
9. Inspect thickness of wear shoe (41) per specifica- Note: After installation of shims, spacers,
tion in Figure 5. Replace if necessary. sheaves and bushings assemblies, and pin,
10. Through the access hole in the outer mid section the dimension should be 7.31 in (185.7mm)
(10), install the wear shoe (41) with chamfers fac- as illustrated in Detail (J) in Figure 4.
ing towards the head machinery (1) and foot pin.
11. Install plates (42) and capscrews (43) to the tip sec- g. Install lockplate (71) and capscrews (69).
tion (9).
2. Route the extend cables (115) around the sheave
12. Install the bars (18), wear shoes (22), and caps-
and bushing assemblies (67).
crews, washers, nuts, and retainers (15) into both
sides of the outer mid section (10).
13. Install the bars (34), wear shoes (36), retainers
(31), and capscrews and nuts (30) into both sides
of the outer mid section (10).

11 of 20
SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual

15 A 10 15 B 9 15 C
11 22
16 17 16 17 16 17
22 Install With Notch Install With Notch
Facing Inward Facing Inward

19 20 20
18 11 10
21 21
21 12 19 18 19 18

Base Section Wear Inner Mid Section Wear Outer Mid Section Wear
Shoes Shoes Shoes

1 4 3
1 9 10 11 12 13


C B A D G E 14

1. Head Machinery 8. Eyebolts 16. Jam Nuts

2. Base Section Hose Wheel Cable 9. Tip Section 17. Setscrews
Anchor 10. Outer Mid Section 18. Bars
3. Hose Wheel Cable 11. Inner Mid Section 19. Wear Shoes
4. Inner Mid Section Hose Wheel 12. Base Section 20. Shims
Cable Anchor 13. Top Cylinder 21. Capscrews, Washers, & Spacers
5. ATB Switch 14. Bottom Cylinder 22. Wear Shoes
6. Clamps 15. Capscrews, Washers, Nuts, &
7. Bolt Retainers

Figure 4
Four Section Boom Assembly

12 of 20
Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00

31 34 D 37 E F

33 39 43 42 41


32 40 9,10,11
30 10,11,12 10,11,12 35
Wear Shoes 3 Places.
Wear Shoes 6 Places Wear Shoes 6 Places Note: Orientation Of

L 23 24 25


M 29 28 27 94 26 93 91

23. Hose Wheel Pulley Assembly 30. Capscrews & Nuts 37. Capscrews, Washers, & Nuts
24. Hose 31. Retainers 38. Retainers
25. Capscrews, Washers, & Access 32. Setscrews 39. Setscrews
Plate 33. Jam Nut 40. Bars
26. Cotter Pins & Pins 34. Bars 41. Wear Shoes
27. Cotter Pins & Pins 35. Wear Shoes 42. Plates
28. Reeling Drum 36. Wear Shoes 43. Capscrews
29. Reeling Drum Cable

Four Section Boom Assembly−Continued

13 of 20
SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual

44 45 9 46 62 48 47 59 49 13 G




54 72 71 69 115 66 H 53 52 51 14

60 H 7.31 in
0.75 in
59 (19.0mm)
71 73
59 70
13 70 80 74
61 72
69 69
62 62 79 75
65 63 68
115 64 115 64 115 10

44. Wear Shoe 57. Slider Bracket 70. Shims

45. Bracket 58. Capscrews 71. Lock Plates
46. Capscrews & Washers 59. Capscrews & Washers 72. Pin
47. Nut 60. Wear Shoes 73. Lock Plates
48. Jam Nut 61. Wear Shoe 74. Grease Fittings
49. Bracket 62. Capscrews & Washers 75. Pins
50. Retract Cable 63. Retainer 76. Capscrews
51. Capscrews & Washers 64. Spacers 77. Sheave & Bushing Assemblies
52. Bracket 65. Retainer 78. Shims
53. Locknuts, Washers, & Capscrews 66. Pin 79. Wear Shoe
54. Wear Shoe 67. Sheave & Bushing Assemblies 80. Capscrews
55. Capscrews 68. Spacers 81. Brackets
56. Capscrews & Washers 69. Capscrews

Four Section Boom Assembly−Continued

14 of 20
Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00

3 23 L N
24 9
96 11
84 86 85 83 94
82 92

103 11 99 S
88 89 100

115 113114 112 R 12

11 P Q
9 105
T 90

116 117 118 50 T K

9 95 108
120 10

94 92 110 109

82. Pulley 96. Counterbalance Cartridge 109. Retract Sheave Bracket Assemblies
83. Pulley 97. Fittings 110. Capscrews
84. Cotter Pins & Pin 98. Counterbalance Cartridge 111. Capscrews, Washers, & Guard
85. Bearing 99. Capscrew & Washer 112. Jam Nuts
86. Cotter Pins & Pin 100. Setscrew & Jam Nut 113. Shim
87. Bracket 101. Plate 114. Nuts
88. Capscrews 102. Bottom Rear Wear Shoe 115. Extend Cables
89. Wear Pad 103. Wedge 116. Retract Cable Retainer
90. Hose 104. Plate 117. Capscrews
91. Fittings 105. Capscrews 118. Shim (Not Shown)
92. Fitting 106. Plates 119. Capscrews
93. Fitting 107. Capscrews 120. Wear Shoe
94. Fitting 108. Plates 121. Cable Guide Weldments
95. Tube

Four Section Boom Assembly−Continued

15 of 20
SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual
5. Install slider bracket (57) using capscrews and
Maximum Wear Shoe Clearances nuts (56).
Location Clearances/Thickness
Bottom Side Wear 0.03 in (0.76mm)
Shoes (All) CAUTION
Top Side Wear Shoes 0.09 in (2.29mm) Exercise care to prevent damage to the
(All) counterbalance cartridge during installation of
the top cylinder.
Minimum Wear Shoe Thickness
6. Block up the top cylinder (13) on the counterbal-
Location Clearances/Thickness
ance cartridge (98) end and change rigging to a
Top Wear Shoes 0.50 in (12.7mm) single sling around the counterbalance cartridge
(All) (98) end.
Bottom Wear Shoes 0.50 in (12.7mm) 7. Slide the top cylinder (13) into the sections until
(All) approximately 2−3 ft (0.6−0.9m) remains out of
the sections.
Side Wear Shoes 0.50 in (12.7mm)
(All) 8. Route extend cables (115) through holes in rear of
tip section (9) and install shim (113) and nuts (114).
Cylinder Slider Pads 0.50 in (12.7mm)
(All) Note: Remove tape used to temporarily secure
cables to top cylinder through diamonds in
Cylinder Wear Shoes 0.38 in (9.7mm) boom. Check to ensure that cables are routed
(All) correctly and are not crossed over each other.
Figure 5 9. Install loop end of retract cable (50) into cable
Wear Shoe Specifications guide weldments (121) located in tip section (9).
10. If equipped, install shim (118).
Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate 11. Install wear shoe (120) and capscrews (119).
balance point and weight of the top cylinder. 12. Install retract cable retainer (116) and capscrews
3. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig slings around (117).
the top cylinder (13) for a double sling lift. Position 13. If required, assemble retract sheave bracket
the slings so that the top cylinder (13) is balanced assemblies:
and will pick up without tilting. a. If required, use a shop press and correct size
driver to install bushings into sheaves.
Note: To aid in the installation of the extend b. Loop retract cable (50) through brackets (81).
cables, align them using care that they do not
Note: Install shims, sheaves, and bushing
criss−cross and temporarily secure them to the
assemblies back into their original
top cylinder using tape.
4. Slide the top cylinder (13) along with the retract c. Loop retract cable (50) around sheave and
and extend cables (50,115) into the sections to a bushing assemblies (77). Assemble sheave
point where slider bracket (57) and capscrews and bushing assemblies (77), shims (78),
and nuts (56) can be installed through the brackets (81), pins (75), lock plates (73), wear
diamond cutouts in the sections. shoes (79), and capscrews (76,80).
14. Slide the remaining 2−3 ft (0.6−0.9m) of top
cylinder (13) the remainder of the way into the
WARNING sections, aligning the end of cylinder with outer
mid section (10) mounting boss.
Insert a steel bar or blocking through the
15. Install plates (106) and capscrews (105) onto outer
diamond shaped holes in the boom sections
mid section (10).
before putting tools, hands, arms, or other
extremities through them. Serious injury Note: Use care not to damage grease fittings
could occur if the sections move for any while installing sheave and bushing
reason. Refer to Figure 1. assemblies.

16 of 20
Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00
16. Align and install retract sheave bracket assemblies 17. Adjust setscrews (17,32), jam nuts (16,33), and
(109) to outer mid section (10) and secure using setscrews (39), in or out, to move wear shoes
capscrews (110). (22,36,35) to obtain clearances per Figure 5. Lock
jam nuts (16,33) after obtaining specified clear-
To Install The Outer Mid And Tip Sections ances.
Into The Inner Mid Section
To Install The Bottom Cylinder Into The
Note: Refer Figure 3 for the approximate Inner Mid, Outer Mid, And Tip Sections
balance point and weight of the sections.
1. If required, install bracket (52) using washers
1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig slings around and capscrews (51) to end of bottom cylinder
the sections for a double sling lift. Position the (14).
slings so that the sections are balanced and will
pick up without tilting. Note: Refer to Figure 3 for the approximate
2. Slide the sections into the inner mid section (11) as balance point and weight of the bottom cylinder.
far as the slings will permit.
3. Lift the sections until they lightly contact the top 2. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig slings around
inside of the inner mid section (11). the bottom cylinder (14) for a double sling lift. Posi-
4. Inspect thickness of wear shoes (19) per specifica- tion the slings so that the bottom cylinder (14) is
tion in Figure 5. Replace if necessary. balanced and will pick up without tilting.
Note: Install wear shoes with notch facing in- 3. Slide the bottom cylinder (14) into the sections as
ward. far as the slings will permit.

5. Install wear shoes (19) and spacers, washers,

and capscrews (21) into the inner mid section
(11). Torque the capscrews to 30 ft lb (40.7Nm).
Exercise care to prevent damage to the
6. Change rigging to a single sling at the head
counterbalance cartridge during installation of
machinery (1).
the bottom cylinder.
7. Slide the sections in far enough to align the access
hole for installation of the top rear wear shoe (41) 4. Block up the bottom cylinder (14) on the counter-
on the outer mid section (10). balance cartridge (96) end and change rigging to a
8. Inspect thickness of wear shoe (41) per specifica- single sling around the counterbalance cartridge
tion in Figure 5. Replace if necessary. (96) end.
9. Through the access hole in the inner mid section
(11), install the wear shoe (41) with chamfers fac-
ing towards the head machinery (1) and foot pin.
10. Install plates (42) and capscrews (43) onto the out- WARNING
er mid section (10). Insert a steel bar or blocking through the
11. Slide the sections the remainder of the way into the diamond shaped holes in the boom sections
inner mid section (11). before putting tools, hands, arms or other
12. Align and install pins and cotter pins (27) connect- extremities through them. Serious injury
ing the top cylinder (13) to the inner mid section could occur if the sections move for any
(11). reason. Refer to Figure 1.
13. Install the bars (18), wear shoes (22), and retain-
ers, capscrews, washers, and nuts (15) into both 5. Slide bottom cylinder (14) into the sections, align-
sides of the inner mid section (11). ing the end of bottom cylinder (14) with the inner
14. Install the bars (34), wear shoes (36), retainers mid section (11).
(31), and capscrews and nuts (30) into both sides 6. Install plates (108) and capscrews (107).
of the inner mid section (11).
15. Install bars (40), wear shoes (35), retainers (38), Note: Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig a
and capscrews, washers, and nuts (37) into both sling to support and align bottom cylinder
sides of the inner mid section (11). through a set of diamonds before installing
16. Center the outer mid section (10) in the inner mid capscrews, washers, and locknuts.
section (11) before making the following adjust-

17 of 20
SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual
7. Align and install bracket (49) to bracket (52). c. Route hose wheel cable (3) around pulley (82)
Secure with capscrews, washers, and locknuts, and install pulley (82) in hose wheel pulley as-
(53). sembly (23). Secure with pin and cotter pins
8. Install fittings (97), tube (95), and hose (90) to top (84).
cylinder (13). d. If required, install wear pad (89) and
9. With sections fully retracted, turn nuts (47) clock- capscrews (88) on bracket (87).
wise and torque retract cable (50) to 20.4 ft lb
(27.7Nm). Secure jam nut (48). Note: Use care not to damage hose when
sliding the sections into the base section.
Note: A 2 in (50.8mm) crow’s−foot wrench is
available to adjust and tighten jam nuts and nuts Note: Tie the strong, small diameter 60 ft (18.2m)
on extend cables. Link−BeltR part number long length of rope that was left in the base
D7M0199. section during disassembly to the loose end of
Note: When properly torqued, extend cables
should sag equally, approximately 1 in Note: Hose wheel pulley assembly must be
(25.4mm) and have approximately 1,100 lb positioned between inner mid section and base
(499kg) tension. Do not over torque. section as illustrated in Detail M".
4. Slide the sections into the base section (12) as far
10. With sections fully retracted and retract cable as the slings will permit, without covering hose
(50) torqued per step 9, adjust extend cables wheel cable anchor (4).
(115) by turning nuts (114) to achieve 25 ft lb 5. Lift the sections until they lightly contact the top
(33.9Nm) torque. inside of the base section (12).
11. Install and secure jam nuts (112) to nuts (114). 6. Secure hose wheel cable (3) to hose wheel cable
12. Install guard, washers, and capscrews (111). anchor (4).
To Install The Inner Mid, Outer Mid, And 7. Install hose (24), hose wheel pulley assembly
(23), and hose wheel cable (3) between inner mid
Tip Sections Into The Base Section section (11) and base section (12) as illustrated
in Detail M". Apply tension on front end with
Note: Refer Figure 3 for the approximate hose wheel cable (3) and tension on rear end
balance point and weight of the sections. with rope.
1. Using an auxiliary lifting device, rig slings around Note: Use a wrench on hose and fitting to make
the sections for a double sling lift. Position the sure that hose does not twist.
slings so that the sections are balanced and will 8. Connect hose (24) to fitting (93) on base section
pick up without tilting. (12). Remove the rope from hose (24) and boom
Note: Use a wrench on hose and fitting to make assembly.
sure that hoses do not twist. 9. Secure hose wheel cable (3) to the base section
hose wheel cable anchor (2).
Note: Attach hose to fitting such that the natural 10. Inspect thickness of wear shoes (19) per specifica-
curvature of the hose will conform to pulley tion in Figure 5. Replace if necessary.
once inside the boom. 11. Install shims (20), wear shoes (19), and spacers,
washers, and capscrews (21) into the base section
2. Install hose (24) to fitting (94) located on inner mid (12). Torque capscrews to 30 ft lb (40.7Nm).
section (11). 12. Change rigging to a single sling at the head
3. If required, assemble hose wheel pulley assembly machinery (1).
(23) and hose (24) subassembly: 13. Slide the sections in far enough to align the access
a. Use a shop press to install bearing (85) into hole for installation of the top rear wear shoe (41).
pulley (83). 14. Inspect thickness of wear shoe (41) per specifica-
Note: Orientate bracket as illustrated in tion in Figure 5. Replace if necessary.
Detail M". 15. Through the access hole on top of base section
(12), install wear shoe (41) with chamfers facing to-
b. Route hose (24) around pulley (83) and install wards the head machinery (1) and foot pin.
pulley (83) into bracket (87). Secure with pin
and cotter pins (86).

18 of 20
Service Manual 1004 SM17−001−055.00
16. Install plate (42) and capscrews (43) on the inner Hose And Hose Wheel Cable Repair
mid section (11).
17. Install access plate, washers, and capscrews (25). Without Disassembling The Boom
18. Slide the sections the remainder of the way into the
base section (12).
19. Align and install pins and cotter pins (26) connect-
ing the bottom cylinder (14) to the base section
20. Install fittings (91) to bottom cylinder (14). Before beginning any assembly procedures,
21. Install wedges (103), plates (104), wear shoes read, understand, and follow all steps of the
(102), plates (101), setscrews and jam nuts (100), Safety Instructions" on Page 1 of this
and capscrews and washers (99) in inner mid sec- Document.
tion (11).
22. Install the bars (18), wear shoes (22), and retain-
Two people will be required to perform the
ers, capscrews, washers, and nuts (15) into both
following procedures.
sides of the base section (12).
23. Install the bars (34), wear shoes (36), and retainers 1. Park the crane on a firm and level surface. Shift the
and capscrews (30) into both sides of the base transmission into neutral, and engage the park
section (12). brake.
24. Center the inner mid section (11) in the base 2. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
section (12) before making any adjustments. Refer to Figure 4.
25. Adjust setscrews (17,32), jam nuts (16,33), and
3. Remove capscrews, washers, and access plate
setscrews (39), in or out, to move wear shoes
(22,36) to obtain clearances per Figure 5. Lock 4. Extend inner mid section (11) out far enough to
jam nuts (16,33) after obtaining specified clear- gain access to hose wheel cable anchor (4).
ances. 5. Disconnect the hose wheel cable (3) from the inner
26. Adjust jam nuts and setscrews (100), in or out, to mid section hose wheel cable anchor (4) and base
move wear shoes (102) to obtain clearances per
section hose wheel cable anchor (2).
Figure 5. Lock jam nuts after obtaining specified
6. Retract inner mid section (11) until fitting (94) aligns
clearances. and is accessible through hole in base section (12),
27. Roll out reeling drum cable (29) and route through approximately 3 ft (0.9m) from being fully retracted.
eyebolts (8) on inner mid (11), outer mid (10), and 7. Fully retract the tip and outer mid sections (9,10)
tip (9) sections. and lower the boom over the front of the carrier.
28. Wrap reeling drum cable (29) around bolt (7) on tip
8. Shutdown the engine.
section (9) five times and install clamps (6).
29. Remove cover from ATB switch (5), and connect
reeling drum cable (29) connectors.
30. Connect reeling drum cable (29) connectors, and WARNING
install cover on ATB switch (5). All trapped hydraulic pressure must be
31. Remove clamps that were installed on reeling exhausted from the system before removing
drum cables (29) at the reeling drum (28). any line or component. A sudden release of
hot oil could cause burns or other serious

19 of 20
SM17−001−055.00 1004 Service Manual
9. To relieve hydraulic system pressure: Refer to Figure 4.
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic 1. Rig a sling around the head machinery (1) and use
reservoir by pushing the button on the pres- an auxiliary lifting device to lift it until the inner mid
sure relief valve, located on the hydraulic reser- section (11) lightly contacts the inside top of the
voir. base section (12).
b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT 2. Hose (24) must be plugged to prevent
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock- contamination from entering it during installation.
out switch to the OPERATE" position.
Note: Tie the strong, small diameter, 60 ft
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
(18.2m) long length of rope that is laying in the
switches back and forth several times.
base section to ends of hose.
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth re-
peatedly until steering becomes hard. (On Note: Hose wheel pulley assembly must be
cranes equipped with emergency steering positioned between inner mid section and base
system, it will take several rotations of steering section as illustrated in Detail (M) located in
wheel before steering becomes hard.) Figure 4.
10. Tie a strong, small diameter 60 ft (18.2m) long
3. Install hose (24), hose wheel pulley assembly
length of rope to both ends of hose (24).
(23) and hose wheel cable (3) between inner mid
11. Remove hose (24) from fitting (94). Plug/cap
section (11) and base section (12) as illustrated
hoses and fittings to prevent oil loss and
in Detail (M) located in Figure 4.
12. Rig slings around the head machinery (1) and use Note: Do not criss−cross hose.
an auxiliary lifting device to lift it until the inner mid 4. Pull the ropes at rear of the boom, until hose (24)
section (11) lightly contacts the inside top of the ends are aligned to fittings (93,94).
base section (12).
13. Remove the capscrews, washers, and spacers Note: Use a wrench on hose and fittings to
(21), shims (20), and wear shoes (19) from the make sure that hose does not twist.
base section (12). 5. Connect hose (24) to fitting (94) first at the bottom
14. Pull the hose wheel cable (3) until the hose wheel of the inner mid section (11) through the access
pulley assembly (23), and hose (24) can be re- hole in the base section (12), then install hose (24)
moved from between the inner mid section (11) to fittings (93) on base section (12).
and base section (12). Allow the rope to remain in 6. Remove rope from hose (24).
the boom for assembly purpose. 7. Install shims (20), wear shoes (19), and
15. Repair/replace components as required. capscrews, washers, and spacers (21) into the
base section (12). Torque capscrews to 30 ft lb
8. Lower the inner mid section (11) on to the wear
shoes (19).
WARNING 9. Extend boom, while pulling on hose wheel cable
Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations (3) out far enough to attach to hose wheel cable
concerning lubricants, sealants, joint and anchor (4).
thread locking compounds, etc. Serious 10. Install capscrews, washers, and access plate (25).
personal injury may result from misuse of 11. Extend and retract the boom several times to work
these products. any air out of the system and to make sure that
hose (24) does not rub or become entangled.
12. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. Refer to Operator’s Manual for correct
WARNING type and procedure.
13. Test all boom functions and inspect for oil leaks
Before beginning any assembly procedures,
prior to returning crane to service. Repair as nec-
read, understand, and follow all steps of the
Safety Instructions" on Page 1 of this SM

20 of 20
Service Manual 1212 SM17---002---022.00

Approximate Position of Cylinder Piston

1. Straps 3. Gland 5. Rod End

2. Case 4. Rod

Figure 1
Typical Cylinder & Cylinder Support

Boom Telescope Cylinder, Recondition

This procedure covers recondition of boom telescope cylinders with the piston threaded onto the rod. For recondi-
tion procedures, for other types of telescope cylinders, refer to SM Keysheet Area 17---002. For removal and installa-
tion procedures, refer to Boom, Recondition in SM Keysheet Area 17---001.
Refer to Figure 1.
1. Firmly support the cylinder at the rod end (5) and 4. Plug open ports of the cylinder. Thoroughly clean
three places equally spaced along case (2). Refer exterior surface of cylinder with an approved clean-
to Table A to determine the weight of the cylinder. er to prevent contamination during disassembly.
2. Adjust the height of the support at the rod end (5) to 5. Place a container, of adequate size, below the
be sure rod (4) is centered in gland (3). open ports. Remove the plugs which were
3. Secure case (2) to supports with straps (1), to pre- installed in the cylinder during the cleaning pro-
vent it from rolling or sliding during disassembly. cess. Refer to Table A to determine how much oil
may be contained in the cylinder.
6. Fully extend, then fully retract, the rod (4) to com-
WARNING pletely drain the oil. Properly store or dispose of
used oil.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 7. Extend the rod (4) approximately half way. The
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result
length of the exposed portion of the rod (4) should be
from misuse of these products. Read and
equal to half the length of the cylinder case (2). Ad-
follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations just the support under the rod (4), as required, to en-
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions. sure the rod (4) is centered within the gland (3).

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SM17---002---022.00 1212 Service Manual

1 2 3 A 4 B 5 6 7

C D 8 9 10 1 2


12 13 4 A 14 B C D

4 15 16 17 9 19 9 20 21

1. Case 7. Counterbalance Valve 12. O-ring 17. Wiper

2. Rod 8. Wear Ring 13. Back Up Ring 18. O-ring
3. Wear Ring 9. Piston 14. O-ring 19. Back Up Rings
4. Gland 10. Stop Tube 15. Step Seal 20. Piston Seal
5. O-ring 11. Setscrew 16. Rod Seal 21. O-ring
6. O-rings & Back Up Rings
Figure 2
Boom Telescope Cylinder

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Service Manual 1212 SM17---002---022.00
Case Wet Retracted Wet Extended Oil Capacity Oil Capacity Test
Diameter Weight Weight Retracted Extended Pressure
in cm lb kg lb kg gal L gal L psi kPa
5.03 12.78 935 425 1,016 462 12.30 46.56 23.50 88.95 4,200 28 959
5.38 13.67 1,134 515 1,220 554 12.80 48.45 24.70 93.49 4,500 31 027
6.20 15.75 1,499 681 1,643 746 22.60 85.55 42.50 160.87 4,500 31 027
6.25 15.88 1,716 780 1,864 847 21.70 82.14 42.30 160.11 5,000 34 475
6.50 16.51 1,863 846 2,035 924 24.70 93.49 48.40 183.20 5,000 34 475
6.75* 17.15 2,154 978 2,366 1 075 30.32 114.77 59.65 225.78 4,000 27 580
6.75† 17.15 1,933 878 2,123 964 26.70 101.06 52.90 200.23 5,000 34 475
7.00 17.78 2,300 1 043 2,532 1 148 34.00 128.70 66.00 250.00 5,000 34 475
7.19 18.26 1,936 879 2,182 991 15.2 57.53 49.2 186.22 5,000 34 475
* Cylinder from diamond embossed boom
† Cylinder from formed boom

Table A
Cylinder Specifications

Refer to Figure 2.
8. Remove the counterbalance valve (7) from the rod
(2), and remove the o-rings and back up rings (6) CAUTION
from the counterbalance valve (7). Use care not to damage the chrome finish on
the piston rod. Any nicks or scratches could
result in cylinder leakage. Weld splatter may
CAUTION also do damage. When using a vise, clamp to
The cylinder must be adequately supported portions of the rod which are not chrome
and the rod centered within the gland before plated, or protect the chrome surface with a
attempting to disassemble the cylinder. An soft material before clamping.
improperly supported cylinder will sag at the
gland, causing irreparable damage to the 13. Rotate piston (9) until its threads disengage from
threads, as the gland is removed. the rod (2).
14. Remove the back up rings (19) and o-ring (18) from
9. Use a spanner wrench to rotate gland (4) until its the piston (9).
threads disengage case (1). 15. Remove stop tube (10) from the rod (2).
10. Using an auxiliary lifting device, carefully slide the 16. Slide the gland (4) off the rod (2).
rod (2), gland (4), stop tube (10), and piston (9) out 17. Remove the wear ring (3), o---ring (12), back up
of case (1), and place in an area where it can be ring (13), o-ring (14), step seal (15), rod seal (16),
disassembled without damaging the chrome on wiper (17), and o-ring (5) from the gland (4).
the rod (2) or individual parts.
11. Remove wear rings (8), piston seal (20), and o-ring
(21) from piston (9).
12. Remove the setscrew (11) from the piston (9).

3 of 6
SM17---002---022.00 1212 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection 4. The rod should be thoroughly inspected for dam-
age such as dents, deep scratches, and/or dam-
aged chrome plating. All sharp edges on both
ends of the rod should be carefully removed with a
WARNING fine file or hone to prevent damage to seals during
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
5. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result
wear, fatigue or stress fractures, corrosion, deep
from misuse of these products. Read and
scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations
burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged or
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved worn components, as required.
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free 6. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every rings, and o-rings, should be replaced.
precaution possible to keep all parts free of dust, 7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
dirt, or any other foreign material during assembly. personnel for directions whether to repair or
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue replace any major component.
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking
compounds or sealants, clean threads and
surfaces with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best
performance of products.
3. The cylinder case bore should be thoroughly in-
spected for signs of “scoring” or deep scratches.

4 of 6
Service Manual 1212 SM17---002---022.00
Crane Serial Number
ft lb Nm
Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations D3 150---160 203 ---216
concerning lubricants, sealants, joint and
thread locking compounds, etc. Serious D7 150---160 203 ---216
personal injury may result from misuse of F2 150---160 203 ---216
these products.
F7 150---160 203 ---216
J6 150---160 203 ---216
Lubricate o-rings, back up rings, wear rings, and cylin-
der case bore with CosmolubeR No. 2 or equivalent J7 330---375 448 ---508
prior to assembly. Use care to avoid getting the lubri-
cant on the threaded portions of the cylinder case, rod, J9 150---160 203 ---216
piston, and gland. R2 150---160 203 ---216
Refer to Figure 2. R8 150---160 203 ---216
Soak new piston seal (20), wiper (17), rod seal (16), S1 330---375 448 ---508
and step seal (15) in clean hydraulic oil, which has
been heated to a temperature of 100---120 _F S4 150---160 203 ---216
(38 ---48_C). Allow adequate time for the parts to reach Table B
the temperature of the hydraulic oil which will greatly Counterbalance Valve Installation Torques
ease their assembly.
1. Install the wear ring (3), o-ring (12), back up ring 8. Apply a light coat of Loctite 242 to the threads set-
(13), o-ring (14), step seal (15), rod seal (16), wiper screw (11). Install setscrew (11) in the piston (9).
(17), and o-ring (5) on the gland (4). 9. Install the wear rings (8), o-ring (21), and piston
seal (20) on the piston (9).

CAUTION Refer to Figure 1.

Threaded surfaces are sharp. Use care to
prevent damage to seals or o-rings during CAUTION
installation of components onto rod or during The cylinder must be adequately supported
installation of rod and piston assembly into and the rod centered within the gland before
case. attempting to assemble the cylinder. An
2. Install a thin layer of masking tape over the threads improperly supported cylinder will sag at the
of the rod (2). gland, causing irreparable damage to the
3. Carefully slide the gland (4) onto rod (2) taking care threads, as the gland is installed.
not to damage the seals. A slight oscillating motion 10. Place three equally spaced supports along case (2).
should be used to enable the lips of seals to slip 11. Secure case (2) to the supports with straps (1), to
onto and past the rod shoulder. Slide the gland (4) prevent it from rolling or sliding during assembly.
at least half way up rod (2).
4. Slide stop tube (10) onto the rod (2). Refer to Figure 2.
5. Install o-ring (18) and back up rings (19) into the 12. Using an auxiliary lifting device, carefully slide the
piston (9). rod (2), gland (4), stop tube (10), and piston (9) into
6. Apply a light coat of Loctite 242 to the threads of the case (1). Use care to avoid damaging the seals
the piston (9). and o-rings on the gland (4) and piston (9) assem-
7. Carefully slide the piston (9) on rod (2). Use care to bly as they are installed in the case (1).
avoid damaging the o-ring (18) and back up rings 13. Slowly rotate gland (4) into case (1) making sure
(19). Start threads by rotating piston (9) by hand. the threads are not being damaged as the gland
After piston (9) is started, use a spanner wrench to (4) is installed. Using a spanner wrench, torque to
torque to 750---800 ft lb (1 017 ---1 084Nm). 400---450 ft lb (542 ---610Nm).

5 of 6
SM17---002---022.00 1212 Service Manual
14. Carefully retract the rod (2) into the case (1). High Pressure Leakage Test
15. Install the counterbalance valve (7) in the rod (2) 1. Extend cylinder full stroke and pressurize extend
using new o-rings and back up rings (6). Torque to port to the “Test Pressure” specified in Table A.
correct specification found in Table “B”. Hold this pressure for a minimum of one minute. If
16. Test the reconditioned cylinder for leaks and prop- leakage across the piston exceeds 0.33 cc/min,
er operation. See Cylinder Test Procedure found disassemble the cylinder, replace the defective
on Page 6. parts, and repeat the entire test procedure.
2. Relieve pressure and examine the cylinder for
Cylinder Test Procedures structural failure. No leakage is acceptable. If leak-
age is found, disassemble the cylinder, replace the
Low Pressure Leakage & Static Friction Test
defective parts, and repeat the entire test proce-
1. Fill the fully retracted cylinder with clean hydraulic
oil. Refer to Table A and the Operator’s Manual for
3. Fully retract the cylinder.
the correct amount and grade of oil to use.
4. Pressurize retract port to the “Test Pressure” speci-
2. Cycle the cylinder, full stroke each direction, a mini-
fied in Table A. Hold this pressure for a minimum of
mum of five times to remove entrapped air, using
one minute. If leakage across the piston exceeds
only the pressure level which is required to move
0.33 cc/min, disassemble the cylinder, replace any
the cylinder rod at a steady rate. If the cylinder
defective parts; repeat the entire test procedure.
squeaks or sticks, disassemble the cylinder and
5. Once again relieve pressure and examine the cyl-
replace the defective part and repeat the entire test
inder for any external leakage. No leakage is ac-
ceptable. If leakage is found, disassemble the cyl-
3. Stop the rod at mid stroke and examine the cylin-
inder, replace any defective parts; repeat the entire
der for any external leakage. No leakage is accept-
test procedure.
able. If leakage is found, disassemble the cylinder
6. If the cylinder is not to be installed on crane im-
and replace any defective parts, as required; re-
mediately, plug all ports to prevent contamination
peat the entire test procedure.
and properly store.
4. Fully retract the cylinder.
5. Gradually pressurize the extend port, at a pressure
increase of one to ten percent of the cylinder work-
ing pressure per minute, until rod movement is initi-
ated. Pressure to initiate rod movement or “break-
away” pressure, shall not exceed 120 psi (827kPa).
6. Once the breakaway pressure is determined, the
pressure needed to maintain movement of the cyl-
inder rod, is termed “running pressure”. Running
pressure should not exceed 80% of the breakaway
pressure or diminish to no less than 20% of the
breakaway pressure as the cylinder is extended. If
running pressure exceeds these guidelines, disas-
semble the cylinder and replace any defective
parts; repeat the entire test procedure.

6 of 6
Service Manual 0701 SM17-2-26.0


1. Head Machinery
2. Tip Section
3. Outer Mid Section
4. Inner Mid Section
5. Base Section

Figure 1
Typical Four Section Boom Nomenclature

Boom Telescope Cylinder, Two separate procedures are contained within this
document to analyze the condition of the boom
Troubleshooting telescope cylinders. Perform tests in the following
This procedure covers troubleshooting of the boom
telescope cylinders to determine if a problem exists, S Counterbalance Valve Leakage Test
and whether the malfunction of the cylinder is due to S Cylinder Internal Leakage Test
the counterbalance valve or internal seal leakage. For
recondition procedures, see SM Keysheet Area 17-2. In order to perform the Cylinder Internal Leakage Test,
adequate time must be taken to effectively rule out the
Crane operation, during these troubleshooting
effects of thermal contraction. Thermal contraction, in
procedures, must be performed by a trained operator.
this case, is the natural phenomenon where hydraulic
All normal considerations and precautions that apply
oil will loose volume and pressure as the temperature
to typical operations must be taken. Do not exceed
decreases. Preparing the crane at the end of the work
capacity ratings or working range limitations, as
day and performing the troubleshooting procedures
specified in the Crane Rating Manual.
the following morning will maximize the integrity of the
Before beginning, collect information to try and results.
determine which of the two telescope cylinders
appears to be malfunctioning. If possible, interview the Equipment Required
operator to document the symptoms of the problem. Minimal items will be required to perform
Determine which cylinder is suspect by noting which troubleshooting procedures. Outside the normal
boom section(s) seem effected: selection of hand tools, obtain the following items:
Inner Mid Section Drifts In - Bottom Cylinder S ORFS Female Cap Fitting (SAE size -12)*
Outer Mid Section Drifts In - Top Cylinder S ORFS Male Union Fitting (SAE size -1212)*
Tip Section Drifts In - Top Cylinder S 5,000-10,000 lb (2 270-4 540kg) Test Weight
Further information gathered regarding recent S Hookball And Rigging To Handle Test Weight
maintenance or repairs and a thorough inspection of all S Measuring Tape
lines and components directly related to the telescope S Boom Telescope Test Data Form (F00073)Ĕ
function may yield a quick solution to the apparent * O-ring Face Seal (ORFS) fittings are required for
problem. Counterbalance Valve Leakage Test only.
Ĕ See Page 5 of 6. Form available through your distributor.

1 of 6
SM17-2-26.0 0701 Service Manual

Extend Port DANGER

Stay clear of the test load. Inadvertent
movement of the test load could occur at any
time while it is suspended. Make all ground
personnel aware of the potential danger and
properly lower and secure the test load once
the troubleshooting procedure is complete.

4. Using the winch and boom hoist circuits, (do not

Extend use telescope function), as required, lift and susĆ
Port pend the test load approximately 3 ft (1m) above
the ground.
5. Shutdown the engine.

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and
Figure 2 cleaning solutions.
Telescope Extend Port Connections
6. Thoroughly clean the telescope cylinder hydraulic
line connections at the rear of the boom, with an
Counterbalance Valve Leakage Test approved cleaning solvent, to prevent
contamination from entering the hydraulic oil
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. circuits. Allow the area to air dry. Refer to Figure 2.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level
surface. WARNING
b. Position the test weight as follows: Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
RTC Model-directly in front of the carrier. hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
HTC Model-directly to the rear of the carrier. burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
c. Engage the park brake and/or properly block engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
the tires. pressure from the system before removing
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. any line or component.
e. Fully retract the boom and position the upper
as follows: 7. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
RTC Model-directly over front of the carrier. reservoir by pushing the button on the
HTC Model- directly over rear of the carrier. pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
f. Engage the travel swing lock. reservoir.
g. Boom up to a 60° boom angle. b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
h. Extend the suspect telescope cylinder approxĆ START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ
imately 12 inches (30cm). out switch to the OPERATE" position.
3. Determine the exact weight of the test load and acĆ c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
quire the rigging necessary to safely lift and susĆ switches back and forth several times.
pend the load, using one or two parts line.

2 of 6
Service Manual 0701 SM17-2-26.0
d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth Cylinder Internal Leakage Test
repeatedly until steering becomes hard. (On
cranes equipped with emergency steering In order to perform the Cylinder Internal Leakage Test,
system, it will take several rotations of steering adequate time must be taken to effectively rule out the
wheel before steering becomes hard.) effects of thermal contraction. Thermal contraction, in
e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position. this case, is the natural phenomenon where hydraulic
8. Check that all control levers are in the neutral oil will loose volume and pressure as the temperature
position and move the function lockout switch to decreases. Preparing the crane at the end of the work
the DISABLE" position. day and performing the troubleshooting procedures
9. Position an appropriate container below the hyĆ the following morning will maximize the integrity of the
draulic connections, at the rear of the boom, to colĆ results.
lect any hydraulic oil which is lost during the test
The Counterbalance Valve Leakage Test" should be
performed prior to beginning the following procedure:
10. Label for assembly purposes and slowly disconĆ
nect the hydraulic line from the elbow located in the Part 1 (End Of Day)
extend port of the suspect cylinder. Refer to
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
Figure 2. Leave the elbow installed. 2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
11. Allow the residual oil, left in the hydraulic line and a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level
open port, to drain into the collection container. surface.
12. Cap the open hydraulic line to prevent excessive oil b. Position the test weight as follows:
loss and contamination of the system.
13. Wipe the area around the open port clean so any RTC Model-directly in front of the carrier.
flow of oil coming from the open port can be evaluĆ HTC Model-directly to the rear of the carrier.
ated. c. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
14. Observe any flow of oil coming out of the extend the tires.
port for at least five minutes. Count the number of d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
drops of oil lost over the time frame. Allowable e. Fully retract the boom and position the upper
leakage is no more than five drops per minute. as follows:
15. Record the number of drops per minute. See Page RTC Model-directly over front of the carrier.
5 for a sample of the Boom Telescope Test Data" HTC Model-directly over rear of the carrier.
form. f. Engage the travel swing lock.
g. Boom up to a 75° boom angle.
h. Equally extend the boom sections, as reĆ
DANGER quired, to position the hookball directly above
Do not remove the boom telescope cylinder the center of gravity of the test load.
counterbalance valve without first fully 3. Determine the exact weight of the test load and acĆ
lowering the boom. If the boom is extended, quire the rigging necessary to safely lift and susĆ
removing the counterbalance valve will allow pend the load, using one or two parts line.
the boom to retract uncontrollably. Refer to
SM Keysheet Area 17-2 for complete
removal and installation instructions. DANGER
Stay clear of the test load. Inadvertent
16. If the flow of oil exceeded the allowable amount movement of the test load could occur at any
mentioned above, repair or replace the boom teleĆ time while it is suspended. Make all ground
scope counterbalance valve and repeat this test personnel aware of the potential danger and
procedure. Refer to SM Keysheet Area 17-2 for properly lower and secure the test load once
Boom Telescope Counterbalance Valve, R & I". the troubleshooting procedure is complete.
17. Install the hydraulic line to the extend port.
18. Engage the main hydraulic pump. 4. Lift and suspend the test load approximately 3 ft
19. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. (1m) above the ground.
Inspect the connections on the hydraulic line for 5. With the load suspended, adjust the boom, as reĆ
leaks. Repair if needed. quired, so all sections are equally extended while
20. Extend and retract the boom several cycles to achieving a 20 ft (6.10m) load radius.
remove any air trapped in the circuit. 6. Note and record the boom length.

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SM17-2-26.0 0701 Service Manual
1 2 3 4 5

Outer Mid Section Inner Mid Section

Extension Length Extension Length

1. Head Machinery 3. Outer Mid Section 5. Base Section

2. Tip Section 4. Inner Mid Section 6. Collars

Figure 3
Measuring Locations

7. Set test load on the ground, maintaining the 20 ft Note: The hydraulic oil temperature gauge, in
(6.10m) load radius, using only the winch function. the operator's cab, starts to register the oil temĆ
8. Lower the boom to +3° to +5° angle, using only perature at 100°F (38°C). Temperatures below
boom hoist function. Do not alter the boom length. the indicated range should be recorded as
9. Disconnect and secure the test load. Shutdown <100°F (38°C)".
the engine. 7. Record the measurements taken in Step 6. Also,
10. The crane must remain in this position overnight. record the ambient temperature and the hydraulic
oil temperature. (Use the hydraulic oil temperature
Part 2 (First Thing Next Morning) gauge in the Operator's cab.)
1. After the telescope cylinder has had time to reach
8. Boom up, (do not use the telescope function), as
the ambient temperature (overnight), boom up to a
required, and suspend the test load 3 ft (1m) above
75° boom angle to allow the boom sections to
the ground, at a 20 ft (6.10m) load radius.
settle. This will compensate for any thermal
9. Shutdown the engine.
contraction that may have occurred overnight. Do
10. Allow the test load to remain suspended, with the
not use the telescope function.
engine shutdown, for 1 hour.
2. Boom down, (do not use the telescope function),
11. After the 1 hour time period, start the engine and
as required, to rig the test load and suspend it at a
set the test load on the ground, using only the
20 ft (6.10m) load radius.
winch function.
3. Using only the winch and boom hoist circuits,
12. Boom down to horizontal. Do not alter the length of
suspend the test load 3 ft (1m) above the ground
the boom or use the telescope function.
for five minutes. Do not alter the boom length.
13. Recheck the extended lengths of the inner and
4. After five minutes, set the test load on the ground.
outer mid sections, (same measurements taken in
Do not alter the boom length.
Step 6).
5. Boom down to horizontal. Watch for any tendency
for the boom to extend slightly when approaching Minor reductions in the length of these dimensions
horizontal, due to loss of rod side oil during any can be expected. However, reductions greater
thermal contraction. If any section does extend, than 0.25 inch (6mm) per section is an indication of
boom up again to resettle sections before excessive internal seal leakage.
returning to horizontal. 14. The information gathered should be given to a disĆ
6. At the horizontal position, measure the extended tributor representative or Product Specialist at the
lengths of the inner and outer mid sections; from factory for final evaluation and recommendations.
collar to collar, as shown in Figure 3. From this
point on, be sure not to alter the length of the boom
or use the telescope function.

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Service Manual 0701 SM17-2-26.0


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SM17-2-26.0 0701 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0701 SM17-2-27.0
Boom Telescope 3 4
Counterbalance Valve, R & I
This procedure covers the removal and installation of 2
either of the boom's telescope counterbalance valves.
While considered service items, counterbalance valve
cartridges are not designed to be disassembled in the
field. If, for any reason, the counterbalance valve does
not perform as required, remove, clean, and install it
per the following instructions. If the counterbalance 1
valve continues to perform poorly, it must be replaced.

1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
the tires.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing 1. Counterbalance Valve - Inner Mid Section
lock, as required. 2. Rod End - Bottom Telescope Cylinder
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. 3. Counterbalance Valve - Tip & Outer Mid Section
e. Fully retract and lower the boom. 4. Rod End - Top Telescope Cylinder
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main Figure 1
hydraulic pump. Telescope Counterbalance Valves

5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure as follows:

WARNING a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be reservoir by pushing the button on the
hazardous. Serious personal injury may pressure relief valve, located on the hydraulic
result from misuse of these products. Read reservoir.
and follow all the manufacturer's b. Turn the ignition switch to ON", but DO NOT
recommendations concerning solvents and START THE ENGINE. Move the function lockĆ
cleaning solutions. out switch to the OPERATE" position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an switches back and forth several times.
approved cleaning solvent to prevent d. Rotate the steering wheel back and forth
contamination from entering the hydraulic oil repeatedly until steering becomes difficult.
circuits. Allow the area to air dry. (On cranes equipped with emergency steering
system, it will take several rotations of steering
wheel before steering becomes hard.)
WARNING e. Turn ignition switch to the OFF" position.
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be position and move the function lockout switch to
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause the DISABLE" position.
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic Refer to Figure 1.
pressure from the system before removing 7. Label for assembly purposes, the location of the
any line or component. counterbalance valves (1,3), as required, to ensure
proper installation.

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SM17-2-27.0 0701 Service Manual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cleaning And Inspection

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.

1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with

an approved cleaning solvent, air dried.
2. Inspect the counterbalance valve cartridge for visĆ
ible contaminants; if found, carefully remove any
Nose obvious particles.
1. Back Up Ring 5. O-ring 3. Through the nose of the cartridge, manually operĆ
2. O-ring 6. O-ring ate the inner working parts several times. Use a
3. Back Up Ring 7. Back Up Ring
4. Back Up Ring 8. Body piece of plastic tubing or a wooden dowel to avoid
damaging soft seats, sharp edges, finished surĆ
Figure 2 faces, or the screen protecting the pilot orifice. All
Counterbalance Valve Cartridge parts should move freely. If possible, this inspecĆ
tion should be done with the cartridge submerged
in clean mineral spirits.
4. After flushing, blow dry the cartridge with clean filĆ
DANGER tered air.
5. Check the port opening in the telescope cylinder
Do not remove the boom telescope cylinder rod end to be sure that it is clean and ready to reĆ
counterbalance valve without first fully ceive the counterbalance valve cartridge.
lowering the boom. If the boom is extended, 6. All soft parts", such as o-rings and back up rings,
removing the counterbalance valve will allow should be replaced.
the boom to retract uncontrollably. 7. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
8. Remove the counterbalance valves (1,3) from the replace any major component.
rod ends (2,4).
9. Cap/plug the open hydraulic ports to prevent oil Installation
loss and contamination of the system.

Note: Do not disassemble the counterbalance

valves. Internal elements are factory set and WARNING
are not field serviceable. Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
Refer to Figure 2. personal injury may result from misuse of
10. Remove the back up rings (1,3,4,7) and o-rings these products. Read and follow all
(2,5,6) from the body (8) manufacturer's recommendations concerning
these products.

Refer to Figure 2.
1. Lubricate the o-rings (2,5,6) and back up rings
(1,3,4,7) with clean hydraulic oil. Refer to the OperĆ
ator's Manual for the correct grade to use.
2. Install the o-rings (2,5,6) and back up rings
(1,3,4,7) on the counterbalance valve cartridge
body (8), as shown in Figure 2.

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Service Manual 0701 SM17-2-27.0
3. Dip the nose of the body (8) in clean hydraulic oil to 7. Engage the main hydraulic pump.
lubricate the internal working components, mountĆ 8. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
ing threads, back up rings (1,3,4,7), and o-rings Inspect the counterbalance valve cartridge for
(2,5,6). See the Operator's Manual for the correct leaks. Repair as required.
type to use. 9. Extend and retract the telescope cylinder several
Refer to Figure 1. times to remove any air trapped in the system.
4. Properly install the counterbalance valves (1,3) in 10. Complete the installation by testing all related
the rod ends (2,4). functions of the telescope cylinder for proper
5. Torque the counterbalance valves (1,3) to operation. Normal operation of hydraulic system
150-160 ft lb (200-215Nm). should be confirmed. A general inspection of
6. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as components and systems in the areas adjacent to
required. See Operator's Manual for correct type the repair should also be performed to ensure
and procedure. related damage or wear is not present.

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SM17-2-27.0 0701 Service Manual

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Service Manual 1112 SM17---003---013.00

Approximate Position of Cylinder Piston


1. Straps 3. Gland 5. Rod End

2. Case 4. Rod

Figure 1
Typical Cylinder Support

2. Adjust the height of the support at the rod end (5) to

Boom Hoist Cylinder, be sure rod (4) is centered in gland (3).
Recondition 3. Secure case (2) to supports with straps (1), to pre-
vent it from rolling or sliding during disassembly.
This procedure covers the recondition of the boom
hoist cylinder. For removal and installation proce-
dures, refer to SM Keysheet Area 17---003. WARNING
Table B illustrates the design of the spanner wrench Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
needed to disassemble and properly torque the piston concerning solvents and cleaning solutions.
during assembly. Serious personal injury may result from
Disassembly misuse of these products.
Refer to Figure 1.
4. Plug open ports of the cylinder. Thoroughly clean
1. Firmly support the cylinder at the rod end (5) and exterior surface of cylinder with an approved clean-
three places equally spaced along case (2). Refer er to prevent contamination during disassembly.
to Table A to determine the weight of the cylinder.

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SM17---003---013.00 1112 Service Manual

1 2 A
5 A B

8 6 7

B C 3 4
3 14 15

A E 8 9

11 16 17

10 11 12 D 13
11 18 19 20

1. Bearing(s) 6. Back Up Ring 11. Gland 16. O-ring

2. Wear Rings 7. O-ring 12. Wear Ring 17. Back Up Ring
3. Piston 8. Rod 13. O-ring * 18. Step Seal *
4. Stop Tube * 9. Bearing(s) 14. Piston Seal 19. Rod Seal
5. Nylon Plug * 10. Case 15. O-ring 20. Wiper
* Some cylinder assemblies do not utilize these items.

Figure 2
Boom Hoist Cylinder

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Service Manual 1112 SM17---003---013.00
Case Outside Wet Retracted Wet Extended Oil Capacity Oil Capacity Test
Diameter Weight Weight Retracted Extended Pressure
in cm lb kg lb kg gal L gal L psi kPa
8.25 20.96 865 393 926 420 7.48 28.31 16.01 60.60 5,250 36 198
* 9.75 24.77 1,720 780 1,846 837 14.40 54.51 31.80 120.38 4,500 31 027
‡ 9.75 24.77 1,040 472 1,102 500 13.40 50.72 21.90 82.89 4,350 29 993
10.00 25.40 1,243 564 1,317 598 14.00 52.99 24.20 91.60 4,725 32 578
† 10.00 25.40 1,839 835 1,975 897 14.60 55.26 33.40 126.45 5,250 36 198
* 11.00 27.94 1,517 689 1,594 724 18.40 69.64 29.10 110.14 4,350 29 993
‡ 11.00 27.94 2,228 1 012 2,385 1 083 21.60 81.76 43.30 163.89 4,900 33 786
† 11.00 27.94 2,515 1 142 2,714 1 232 17.20 65.10 44.70 169.19 5,000 34 475
11.25 28.58 2,590 1 176 2,810 1 276 18.50 70.02 49.50 187.36 4,500 31 027
11.50 29.21 2,692 1 222 2,938 1 334 16.20 61.32 50.20 190.01 5,000 34 475
14.50 36.83 3,880 1 760 4,180 1 896 30.80 116.60 71.70 271.41 5,000 34 475
15.75 40.00 4,156 1 887 4,492 2 040 45.14 170.85 89.64 339.29 5,000 34 475
16.38 41.60 4,627 2 099 5,271 2 391 21.70 82.14 110.80 419.42 ** **
* Cranes which use one boom hoist cylinder.
‡ Cranes which use two boom hoist cylinders.
† Boom hoist cylinder with integral counterbalance valves, (cartridges mounted in cylinder case vs. manifold block).
** Retracted Test Pressure 3000 psi (20 684kPa), Extended Test Pressure 7500 psi (51 710kPa ).

Table A
Cylinder Specifications

5. Prepare to extend the cylinder rod which may pro- Refer to Figure 2.
duce a flow of oil from the supply and/or return 8. Use a spanner wrench to rotate gland (11) until its
ports of the cylinder case. Remove the plugs threads disengage case (10).
which were installed in the cylinder during the
cleaning process. Place a container, of adequate
size, below the open ports. Refer to Table A to de- CAUTION
termine how much oil may be contained in the cyl- Use care not to damage the chrome finish on
inder. the piston rod. Any nicks or scratches could
6. Fully extend, then fully retract the rod (4) to com- result in cylinder leakage. Weld splatter may
pletely drain the oil. Properly store or dispose of also do damage. When using a vise, clamp to
used oil. portions of the rod which are not chrome
7. Extend rod (4) approximately half way. The length plated, or protect the chrome surface with a
of the exposed portion of the rod (4) should be soft material before clamping.
equal to half the length of the cylinder case (2). Ad-
just the support under the rod (4), as required, to 9. Using an auxiliary lifting device, carefully slide the
ensure the rod (4) is centered within the gland (3). rod (8), gland (11), stop tube (4) if equipped, and
piston (3) out of case (10) and place in a vice in an
area where it can be disassembled without dam-
CAUTION aging the chrome on the rod (8) or individual parts.
The cylinder must be adequately supported 10. Use special tool shown in Table B to rotate piston
and the rod centered within the gland before (3) until its threads disengage from the rod (8).
attempting to disassemble the cylinder. An 11. Remove and discard wear rings (2), piston seal (14),
improperly supported cylinder will sag at the and o-ring (15) from the piston (3).
gland, causing unrepairable damage to the 12. Remove the back up ring (6) and o-ring (7) from the
threads, as the gland is removed. rod (8).

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SM17---003---013.00 1112 Service Manual
13. Remove nylon plugs (5) from rod (8), if equipped. Assembly
14. Remove the stop tube (4), if equipped from the rod
15. Slide gland (11) off the rod (8).
16. Remove and discard o-ring (16), back up ring (17), WARNING
rod seal (19), o-ring (13) if equipped, and wiper Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations
(20) from the gland (11). concerning lubricants, sealants, joint and
17. Remove the wear ring (12), step seal (18) and ny- thread locking compounds, etc. Serious
lon plug (5), if equipped, from the gland (11). personal injury may result from misuse of
18. Remove the bearing(s) (1) from the case (10) and these products.
the bearing(s) (9) from the rod (8) if worn or dam-
aged. Lubricate seals, o-rings, back up rings, wear rings, cyl-
Cleaning and Inspection inder case bore, and bearings with CosmolubeR No. 2
or equivalent prior to assembly. Use care to avoid get-
ting the lubricant on the threaded portions of the cylin-
der case, rod, piston, and gland.
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be Refer to Figure 2.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may result Soak new piston seal (14), wiper (20), rod seal (19) and
from misuse of these products. Read and if equipped, step seal (18), in clean hydraulic oil which
follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations has been heated to a temperature of 100---120_F
concerning solvents and cleaning solutions. (39 ---49_C). Allow adequate time for the parts to reach
the temperature of the hydraulic oil which will greatly
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved ease their assembly.
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- 1. Press the bearing(s) (1) into the case (10) and the
bearing(s) (9) into the rod (8).
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
any other foreign material during assembly.
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed met-
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine Threaded surfaces are sharp. Use care to
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace prevent damage to seals or o-rings during
any damaged component as required. Replace all installation of components on to rod or during
seals, o-rings, and back up rings. installation of rod and piston assembly into
3. The cylinder case (10) bore should be thoroughly case.
cleaned with an approved cleaner and carefully in-
2. Install the o-ring (16), back up ring (17), rod seal
spected for signs of “scoring” or deep scratches.
(19), o-ring (13) if equipped, and wiper (20) in the
In the event of major defects, contact factory per-
gland (11).
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
3. Install the wear ring (12), and step seal (18) and ny-
the cylinder case.
lon plug (5) if equipped, in the gland (11).
4. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue
4. Install the wear rings (2), o-ring (15), and piston
should be removed from threads of hardware and
seal (14) in the piston (3).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
5. Install a thin layer of masking tape over the threads
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
of the rod (8).
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
6. Carefully slide the gland (11) onto rod (8) taking
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
care not to damage the seals. A slight oscillating
mance of products.
motion should be used to enable the lips of seals
5. In the event of major defects, contact factory per-
to slip onto and past the shoulder of the rod (8).
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
Slide the gland (11) at least half way up rod (8).
any major component.

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Service Manual 1112 SM17---003---013.00
Use ASTM A514---90
Material, or Equivalent. 7.75
R 1.0
2 Places 0.625 --- 11 NC
2 Places 1.25 Grade 8 Capscrew Head


1.0 A
Half Of Dimension “A”

1.5 Maximum 0.125 Weld

Notes: S All dimensions are in inches.

S Machining Tolerances are as follows: 0.625 --- 11NC Grade 8
.X ±0.1 (Minimum Thread Length of 2.00)
.XX ±0.015
.XXX ±0.003
S Additional sets of holes may be added to
accommodate other pistons, as space allows.

Induction Harden to RC 50---60



Boom Hoist Cylinder With Crane Serial Number Prefix Dimension “A” ±0.03 in
69 & 71 6.00
53, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 70, D6, D7, E1, E8, E9, F2, F3, F7, F8, J9, N3, 7.00
N4, P9, R2, R8
J6, L8 7.25
J7 11.25
J8, R3, S1 12.75
S2 13.25
Table B
Piston Removal And Installation Tool

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SM17---003---013.00 1112 Service Manual
7. Slide stop tube (4) if equipped, onto the rod (8). only the pressure level which is required to move
8. Install o-ring (7) and back up ring (6) onto the rod the cylinder rod at a steady rate. If the cylinder
(8). squeaks or sticks, disassemble the cylinder and
9. If equipped, install the nylon plugs (5) in the holes replace any defective parts and repeat the entire
in the rod (8) and trim flush with the outer diameter test procedure.
of the threads. 3. Stop the rod at mid stroke and examine the cylin-
10. Apply Loctite 242 to the threads of the piston (3). der for any external leakage. No leakage is accept-
11. Carefully slide the piston (3) on rod (8) using care able. If leakage is found, disassemble the cylinder
to avoid damaging the o-ring (7) and back up ring and replace the defective parts, as required; re-
(6). Start threads by rotating piston (3) by hand. peat the entire test procedure.
After piston (3) is started, finish tightening using 4. Fully retract the cylinder.
special tool shown in Table B. 5. Gradually pressurize the extend port, at a pressure
12. Torque the piston (3) to 1,200 ft lb (1 627Nm). increase of one to ten percent of the cylinder work-
ing pressure per minute, until rod movement is initi-
Refer to Figure 1. ated. Pressure to initiate rod movement or “break-
13. Place three equally spaced supports along case away” pressure, shall not exceed 120 psi (827kPa).
(2). 6. Once the breakaway pressure is determined, the
14. Secure case (2) to the supports with straps (1), to pressure needed to maintain movement of the cyl-
prevent it from rolling or sliding during assembly. inder rod, is termed “running pressure”. Running
pressure should not exceed 80% of the breakaway
pressure or diminish to no less than 20% of the
CAUTION breakaway pressure as the cylinder is extended. If
The cylinder must be adequately supported running pressure exceeds these guidelines, disas-
and the rod centered within the gland before semble the cylinder and replace any defective
attempting to assemble the cylinder. An parts; repeat the entire test procedure.
improperly supported cylinder will sag at the
gland, causing unrepairable damage to the High Pressure Leakage Test
threads, as the gland is installed. 1. Extend cylinder full stroke and pressurize extend
port to the “Test Pressure” specified in Table A.
Hold this pressure for a minimum of one minute. If
Refer to Figure 2.
leakage across the piston exceeds 0.33 cc/min,
15. Using an auxiliary lifting device, carefully slide the disassemble the cylinder, replace the defective
rod (8), gland (11), stop tube (4) if equipped, and parts, and repeat the entire test procedure.
piston (3) into the case (10). Use care to avoid 2. Relieve pressure and examine the cylinder for any
damaging the seals and o-rings on the gland (11) structural failure or leaks. No leakage or structural
and piston (3) as the assembly is installed in the failure is acceptable. If leakage is found, disas-
case (10). semble the cylinder, replace the defective parts,
16. Slowly rotate gland (11) into case (10) by hand, en- and repeat the entire test procedure.
suring the threads are not being damaged as the 3. Fully retract the cylinder.
gland is installed. Torque the gland (11) to 400 ft lb 4. Pressurize retract port to the “Test Pressure” speci-
(542Nm). fied in Table A. Hold this pressure for a minimum of
17. Carefully retract the rod (8) into the case (10). one minute. If leakage across the piston exceeds
18. Test the cylinder for leaks and proper operation 0.33 cc/min, disassemble the cylinder, replace any
per the following procedure. defective parts; repeat the entire test procedure.
5. Once again, relieve pressure and examine the cyl-
Cylinder Test Procedures inder for any external leakage. No leakage is ac-
ceptable. If leakage is found, disassemble the cyl-
Low Pressure Leakage & Static Friction Test
inder, replace any defective parts; repeat the entire
1. Fill the fully retracted cylinder with clean hydraulic
test procedure.
oil. Refer to Table A and the Operator’s Manual for
6. If the cylinder is not to be installed on crane im-
the correct amount and grade of oil to use.
mediately, plug all ports to prevent contamination
2. Cycle the cylinder, full stroke each direction, a mini-
and properly store.
mum of five times to remove entrapped air, using

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Service Manual 0709 SM17 --- 003 --- 034.00
Boom Hoist Cylinder, R & I 7. Relieve hydraulic system pressure:
a. Open the drain valve, on cranes equipped with
This procedure covers the removal and installation of air systems, to bleed the air system pressure.
boom hoist cylinders where the boom hoist b. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
counterbalance valve is an integral part of the boom reservoir by pushing the button (if equipped)
hoist cylinder. For other types of boom hoist cylinders, on the pressure relief valve, located on the
see SM Keysheet Area 17---003. For recondition hydraulic reservoir or by slowly loosening the
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 17---003. filler cap until pressure is fully relieved.
c. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
Removal START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: d. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and switches back and forth several times.
level surface and apply the park brake. e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
b. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. f. When pressure is fully relieved, close the drain
c. Remove all attachments and rigging. See the valves on the air system reservoir, if equipped.
Operator’s Manual for the correct procedures. 8. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
d. Position the upper directly over the front of the tion and move the function lockout switch to the
carrier and engage the travel swing lock. “DISABLE” position.
e. Fully retract and position the boom so it can be
adequately supported once the boom hoist
cylinder is removed. DANGER
Note: HTC Models may use the boom rest Do not stand under boom or boom hoist
to support the boom. cylinder. When hydraulic lines are
3. Adequately support the full weight of the boom disconnected or mounting pins are removed,
with an appropriate stand or lifting device. cylinder may drop slightly. After pin is
Note: Boom assembly weighs approximately removed, boom will only be supported by the
15,500 lb (7 031kg). boom rest.
4. Shutdown the engine.
5. If equipped with pump disconnect, disengage the 9. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
main hydraulic pump. hydraulic lines (5) from the counterbalance valve
(6) by removing capscrews (8) and split flanges
(7). Remove o---ring (not shown). Cap/plug the
WARNING open hydraulic ports and lines (5) to prevent exces-
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be sive oil loss and contamination of the system.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 10. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect the
result from misuse of these products. Read load sensing lines (15) from the counterbalance
and follow all the manufacturer’s valve (6). Cap/plug the open ports and lines (15) to
recommendations concerning solvents and prevent excessive oil loss and contamination of the
cleaning solutions. system.

6. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an Note: Boom hoist cylinder weighs approxi-
approved cleaning solvent to prevent contamina- mately 1,975 lb (896kg). If necessary, insert an
tion from entering the air and/or oil circuits. Allow eye bolt (3/4-- 10 UNC) into lifting point (1).
the area to air dry.
11. Rig slings for auxiliary lifting device to support the
boom hoist cylinder (9). Be sure rigging and auxil-
WARNING iary lifting device are capable of supporting the
weight of the boom hoist cylinder (9).
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
pressure from the system before removing
any line or component.

1 of 4
SM17 --- 003 --- 034.00 0709 Service Manual

1 2 3

A 4

5 6 7 8 15 A

14 13 12 11 10 9

1. Lifting Point 6. Counterbalance Valve 11. Pin

2. Lug On Boom 7. Split Flange 12. Bar
3. Capscrew & Keeper Pin 8. Capscrews 13. Capscrew
4. Pin 9. Boom Hoist Cylinder 14. Upper Frame
5. Hydraulic Lines 10. Capscrews & Washers 15. Load Sensing Lines

Figure 1
Boom Hoist Cylinder Removal And Installation

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Service Manual 0709 SM17 --- 003 --- 034.00
12. Remove grease fitting (not shown) from pin (4). 1. If necessary, insert an eye bolt (3/4---10 UNC) into
13. Remove capscrew and keeper pin (3) from pin (4). lifting point (1).
14. Remove capscrews and washers (10).
15. Remove capscrew (13) and bar (12).
16. Using a brass drift, drive the pin (4) out of the rod
eye of the boom hoist cylinder (9) and lug on boom
Do not stand under boom or boom hoist
cylinder. When hydraulic lines are
17. Using a brass drift, drive the pin (11) out of the case
disconnected or mounting pins are removed,
of the boom hoist cylinder (9) and upper frame
cylinder may drop slightly. After pin is
removed, boom will only be supported by the
18. Remove boom hoist cylinder (9) from upper frame
boom rest.

Cleaning And Inspection 2. Rig slings for auxiliary lifting device to raise the
boom hoist cylinder (9). Be sure rigging and auxil-
iary lifting device are capable of supporting the
WARNING weight of the boom hoist cylinder (9).
3. Align the boom hoist cylinder (9) to upper frame (14).
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be 4. Using a brass drift, install the pin (11) into the case of
hazardous. Serious personal injury may the boom hoist cylinder (9) and upper frame (14).
result from misuse of these products. Read 5. Using the auxiliary lifting device, raise the boom
and follow all the manufacturer’s hoist cylinder (9) and align hole in cylinder rod eye
recommendations concerning solvents and with lug on boom (2).
cleaning solutions. 6. Using a brass drift, install the pin (3) through the
rod eye of the boom hoist cylinder (9) and lug on
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with boom (2).
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care- 7. Align bar (12) and install capscrews and washers
fully inspected. (10).
2. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue 8. Install capscrew (13).
should be removed from threads of hardware and 9. Install capscrew and keeper pin (3) in pin (4).
parts that are going to be reused. 10. Install grease fitting (not shown) in pin (4).
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa- 11. Lubricate o---rings (not shown) with clean hydrau-
tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or lic oil and place in each side of counterbalance
replace as required. valve (6). Refer to Operator’s Manual for correct oil
4. O---rings should be replaced. type.
5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are 12. Align hydraulic hoses (5) and split flanges (7).
connected to the counterbalance valve. Repair or 13. Install capscrews (8).
replace if required. 14. Connect load sensing lines (15).
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per- 15. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as re-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace quired. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
any major component. and procedure.
16. If equipped with pump disconnect, engage the
Installation main hydraulic pump.
17. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. In-
spect the hydraulic connections for leaks. Repair
WARNING leaks as required.
18. Cycle the boom hoist cylinder (9) several times to
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking bleed excess air from system.
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious 19. Test all related functions of the boom hoist cylinder
personal injury may result from misuse of (9) and rated load indicator system for proper op-
these products. Read and follow all eration. Normal operation of hydraulic and electri-
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning cal systems should be confirmed. A general in-
these products. spection of components and systems in the areas
adjacent to the repair should also be performed to
Note: Boom hoist cylinder weighs approxi- ensure related damage or wear is not present.
mately 1,975 lb (896kg).

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SM17 --- 003 --- 034.00 0709 Service Manual

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Service Manual 0816 SM17 - 003 - 035.00
Boom Hoist
Counterbalance Valve, R & I 5
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
the valve cartridges in the boom hoist counterbalance
valve. In this procedure, the counterbalance valve is an
integral part of the boom hoist cylinder. For other types
of boom hoist counterbalance valves, see SM
Keysheet Area 17- 3. 3

1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. * Alpha designation is stamped on the cartridge hex.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: 1. Cartridge - CBEH- LCN*
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and 2. Counterbalance Valve
level surface. 3. Boom Hoist Cylinder
4. Cartridge - CBEA- LAN*
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block 5. Velocity Fuse
the tires.
Figure 1
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
Boom Hoist Counterbalance Valve
lock, as required.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.

Note: The boom and boom hoist cylinder

can weigh as much as 17,500 lb (7 927kg).
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be
e. Fully retract and position the boom, as hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause
required. If possible, position the boom in the burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the
boom rest, if equipped. Otherwise, use an engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic
appropriate lifting device to adequately pressure from the system before removing
support the boom and boom hoist cylinder. any line or component.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main
hydraulic pump. 5. Relieve hydraulic system pressure:
a. Open the drain valve, on cranes equipped with
air systems, to bleed the air system pressure.
WARNING b. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by pushing the button (if equipped)
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
on the pressure relief valve, located on the
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
hydraulic reservoir or by loosening the filler
result from misuse of these products. Read
cap 1/4 turn.
and follow all the manufacturer’s
c. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
recommendations concerning solvents and
START THE ENGINE. Move the function
cleaning solutions.
lockout switch to the “OPERATE” position.
d. Work the crane control levers and outrigger
4. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an
switches back and forth several times.
approved cleaning solvent to prevent
e. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
contamination from entering the oil circuits. Allow
f. When pressure is fully relieved, close the drain
the area to air dry.
valves on the air system reservoir, if equipped.
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral
position and move the function lockout switch to
the “DISABLE” position.

1 of 2
SM17 - 003 - 035.00 0816 Service Manual
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear,
1 2 fatigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair
or replace as required.
4. Replace all back up rings and o- rings.
5. Do not attempt to disassemble or adjust the coun-
terbalance valve cartridges. These components
are factory set and contain no serviceable parts be-
yond the seals.
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory
personnel for directions whether to repair or
replace any major component.

1. Cartridge
2. O - rings
3. Back Up Rings WARNING
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
Figure 2 compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
O- ring Placement
personal injury may result from misuse of
these products. Read and follow all
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
DANGER these products.
Once the counterbalance valve cartridges are
removed, the boom hoist cylinder will no Refer to Figure 2.
longer be able to support the boom. Properly 1. Install o- rings (2) and back up rings (3) on
support, and stay clear of, the boom during cartridges (1) in the order shown.
cartridge removal.

Refer to Figure 1. WARNING

7. Label for assembly purposes and remove Boom hoist counterbalance valve cartridges
cartridges (1,4) and velocity fuse (5) from must be installed in the correct ports.
counterbalance valve (2). Plug the open ports to Cartridges are factory set and malfunction of
prevent excessive oil loss and contamination of oil the boom hoist cylinder will occur if cartridges
circuits. are reversed.
Refer to Figure 2.
8. Remove o- rings (2) and back up rings (3) from Refer to Figure 1.
cartridges (1). 2. Install cartridges (1,4) in counterbalance valve (2).
Cleaning And Inspection Torque cartridges (1,4) to 45- 55 ft lb (61 - 75Nm).
3. Install velocity fuse (5) in counterbalance valve
(2).Torque cartridge (5) to 15 ft lb (20Nm).
4. Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
WARNING required. See Operator’s Manual for correct type
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be and procedure.
5. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks.
result from misuse of these products. Read
Repair leaks as required.
and follow all the manufacturer’s 6. Cycle boom hoist cylinder several times to remove
recommendations concerning solvents and any excess trapped air.
cleaning solutions. 7. Complete the installation by testing all related
functions of the boom hoist cylinder for proper
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with operation. Normal operation of hydraulic system
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and should be confirmed. A general inspection of
carefully inspected. components and systems in the areas adjacent to
2. All LoctiteR, PermatexR, or other sealant residue the repair should also be performed to ensure
should be removed from threads of hardware and related damage or wear is not present.
parts that are going to be reused.

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Service Manual 1102 SM17-9-6.0

1 2 3 4 5 6


Proper orientation of
shafts is critical. Top
surface of both shafts
is marked with T" or
center punch mark.

23 9

22 10



18 17 16

1. Spacer - 0.50 (13mm) 8. Clip Pin 14. Clip Pin 20. Bottom Shaft
2. Pins, Washers, & Hair Pins 9. Tapered Pin 15. Tapered Pin 21. Spacer - 0.50 (13mm)
3. Rollers 10. Capscrew & Locknut 16. Shims - 14 Ga. 22. Sheaves
4. Sheaves 11. Spacer - 0.50 (13mm) 17. Shims - 14 Ga. 23. Boom Head
5. Spacer -4.0 in (10cm) 12. T-Handle 18. Grease Fittings 24. Spacer - 1.38 in (3.5cm)
6. Shims - 14 Ga. 13. Swivel Nut 19. Capscrew 25. Grease Fittings
7. Top Shaft

Figure 1
Four Sheave Boom Head Machinery

Four Sheave Boom Head Machinery, Recondition

This procedure covers the recondition of a four sheave of boom head machineries, see SM Keysheet Area
boom head machinery with nylon or steel head 17-9. Refer to SM Keysheet Area 17-1 for complete
sheaves. For recondition of five sheave or other types boom recondition.

1 of 4
SM17-9-6.0 1102 Service Manual

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer's
recommendations concerning solvents and
cleaning solutions.

6. Thoroughly clean area to be disassembled with an

approved cleaning solvent. Allow the area to air
3 dry.
Refer to Figure 1.
7. Remove the pins, washers, and hair pins (2) which
secure the rollers (3) to the boom head (23); reĆ
0.19 in move the rollers (3).
5mm 8. Remove the clip pins (8,14) and tapered pins (9,15)
4 from the top shaft (7) and bottom shaft (20).
9. Remove the swivel nut (13) and t-handle (12) from
the bottom shaft (20).
10. Remove the capscrew and locknut (10) from the
top shaft (7).
1. Grease Fitting 3. Ball Bearings 11. Remove the capscrew (19) from the bottom shaft
2. Sheave 4. Center Web*
*Steel sheaves utilize a retaining ring vs. the center web.

Figure 2 Note: The holes used in the top and bottom

Sheave Assembly shafts, to mount the fly, are drilled at a slight
angle. The top surface of the shaft is marked
Disassembly with the letter T" or a center punch mark to enĆ
1. Lower, detach, and secure load, as required. sure proper orientation of the shaft during asĆ
2. Properly store or remove the fly from the boom and sembly.
remove the wire rope from the head machinery. 12. Count and record the number of shims (6) used beĆ
See the Operator's Manual for the correct proceĆ tween the spacer (5) and the inside surface of the
dures. boom head (23) on the left side of the boom.
3. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: 13. Drive the top shaft (7) out of the boom head (23).
a. Park the crane out of the way on a firm and level As the top shaft (7) is being removed, the spacers
surface. (1,5,24), sheaves (4), and shims (6) will come off
b. Engage the park brake. the top shaft (7).
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing 14. Count and record the number of shims (16) used
lock, as required. between the spacer (11) and the inside surface of
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers. the boom head (23) on the left side of the boom.
e. Extend and lower the boom, as required, to 15. Drive the bottom shaft (20) out of the boom head
ease access to the boom head machinery. ReĆ (23). As the bottom shaft (20) is being removed,
fer to the Crane Rating Manual to ensure allowĆ the spacers (11,21), sheaves (22), and shims
able working range limitations are not exceedĆ (16,17) will come off the bottom shaft (20).
4. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hyĆ
draulic pump.
5. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posiĆ
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
DISABLE" position.

2 of 4
Service Manual 1102 SM17-9-6.0
16. If required, remove the grease fittings (18,25) from Assembly
the boom head (23).

Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
Do not remove both ball bearings from one
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
side of the sheave. The ball bearings within
personal injury may result from misuse of
the sheaves are separated by a retaining ring
these products. Read and follow all
or center web made into the sheave. Remove
manufacturer's recommendations concerning
each ball bearing separately by evenly
these products.
tapping it from the center outward.

Refer to Figure 2.
Refer to Figure 2.
1. If removed, install the grease fittings (1) in the
17. If required, tap the ball bearings (3) out of the
sheaves (2), as shown. Grease fitting (1) must
sheaves (2). Each ball bearing (3) must be evenly
point outward and extend 0.19 inch (5mm) to perĆ
tapped from the center outward to avoid damaging
form properly.
the center web (4) or retaining ring (not shown).
2. If equipped, install the retaining rings (not shown)
18. If required, remove the grease fittings (1) from the
in the sheaves (2).
sheaves (2).
19. If equipped, remove the retaining rings (not
shown) from the sheaves (2).
Cleaning And Inspection Do not install both ball bearings from one side
of the sheave. The ball bearings within the
sheaves are separated by a retaining ring or
WARNING center web made into the sheave. Install each
ball bearing separately by pressing it in from
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
one side and then the other.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read 3. If required, press the ball bearings (3) into the
and follow all the manufacturer's sheaves (2), until flush with the outer face of the
recommendations concerning solvents and sheave (2). Each ball bearing (3) must be pressed
cleaning solutions. in from each side separately, to avoid damaging
the center web (4) or retaining ring (not shown).
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
an approved cleaning solvent and air dried. Refer to Figure 1.
2. Carefully inspect all components for damage, 4. If required, install the grease fittings (18,25) in the
wear, corrosion, deep scratches, and scuffed metĆ boom head (23).
al. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine 5. Lubricate the bottom shaft (20) with grease. Refer
file, hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace to the Operator's Manual for the correct type.
any damaged component as required. 6. Partially insert the bottom shaft (20) into the right
3. All LoctiteR, Permatex R, or other sealant residue side of the boom head (23).
should be removed from threads of hardware and 7. Install spacer (21) onto the bottom shaft (20).
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
Note: The grease fittings in the sheaves should
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking comĆ
face the closest outward direction; two to the
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
left and two to the right.
with LoctiteR 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perforĆ
mance of products. 8. Install one sheave (22) and then one shim (17)
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory perĆ while continuing to insert the bottom shaft (20) into
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace the boom head (23).
any major component. 9. Alternate the installation of sheave (22) then shim
(17) until all four bottom sheaves (22) are on the
bottom shaft (20). However, do not fully install the
bottom shaft (20) through the boom head (23).

3 of 4
SM17-9-6.0 1102 Service Manual
13. Install the tapered pin (15) through the boom head
(23) and bottom shaft (20). Install the clip pin (14)
through the tapered pin (15).
14. Install the capscrew (19) in the bottom shaft (20).
15. Install the swivel nut (13) and t-handle (12) in the
bottom shaft (20).
0.075 inch 16. Lubricate the top shaft (7) with grease. Refer to the
(2mm) Operator's Manual for the correct type.
Maximum 17. Partially insert the top shaft (7) into the right side of
the boom head (23).
18. Install spacer (1) onto the top shaft (7).
19. Install one sheave (4) onto the top shaft (7) while
continuing to insert the top shaft (7) through the
boom head (23).
20. Install the middle spacer (24), sheave (4), and long
spacer (5) on the top shaft (7). However, do not fulĆ
ly install the top shaft (7) through the boom head
21. Use the shims (6), as required, to minimize the gap
between the long spacer (5), on the top shaft (7),
and the inside surface of the boom head (23). MaxĆ
imum gap should be 0.075 inch (2mm). Refer to
Figure 3.
22. Check that the orientation mark on the top shaft (7)
is facing up. Rotate top shaft (7), as required.
Shim as required.
23. Install the tapered pin (9) through the boom head
0.075 in (2mm) Maximum Gap (23) and top shaft (7). Install the clip pin (8) through
Top & Bottom Shafts the tapered pin (9).
24. Install the capscrew and locknut (10) through the
Figure 3 spacer (5) and top shaft (7).
Shim Installation 25. Install the rollers (3), using the pins, washers, and
hair pins (2) to secure them to the boom head (23).
10. Install the spacer (11) on the bottom shaft (20). 26. Properly grease the top shaft (7), bottom shaft (20),
11. Use the shims (16), as required, to minimize the and all the sheaves (4,22) of the head machinery.
gap between the spacer (11), on the bottom shaft See the Operator's Manual for the correct type of
(20), and the inside surface of the boom head (23). grease to use.
Maximum gap should be 0.075 inch (2mm). Refer 27. Reeve wire rope on the head machinery. See the
to Figure 3. Operator's Manual for reeving information.
28. Complete the installation by testing all related funcĆ
Note: The holes used in the top and bottom
tions of the boom head machinery for proper opĆ
shafts, to mount the fly, are drilled at a slight
eration. Sheaves should rotate smoothly with no
angle. The top surface of the shaft is marked
interference between grease fittings or sheaves.
with the letter T" or a center punch mark to enĆ
Adjust or repair, as required.
sure proper orientation of the shaft during asĆ

12. Check that the orientation mark on the bottom

shaft (20) is facing up. Rotate the bottom shaft
(20), as required.

4 of 4
Service Manual 1003 SM18-000-002.00
Bearing, Gear, Shaft, & Cleaning Rough Parts
(Cast Housings, Covers, Brackets, Etc.)
Housing Inspection
This procedure is general in nature and to be used as
a supplement to the cleaning and inspection
procedures outlined within specific reconditioning Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
instructions. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
Cleaning Ground & Polished Parts and follow all the manufacturer's warnings
(Gear Teeth, Shafts, Spool Landings, Etc.) and recommendations concerning these
chemical solutions. Work only in a well
ventilated area and use the proper protective
WARNING equipment, such as safety glasses, rubber
gloves, breathing protection, etc. when
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be cleaning parts.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read 1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
and follow all the manufacturer's warnings cleaning solvent or in a hot tank with a diluted alkaĆ
and recommendations concerning these line solution. In some cases kerosene or diesel fuel
chemical solutions. Work only in a well can be used as a cold" solvent. Use only apĆ
ventilated area and use the proper protective proved agents in the hot tank.
equipment, such as safety glasses, rubber 2. Do not use gasoline or any other highly volatile
gloves, breathing protection, etc. when solutions as a solvent.
cleaning parts. 3. Parts cleaned in a hot tank must be allowed adeĆ
quate time to reach temperature and dissolve
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved grease and dirt. Afterwards, parts must be rinsed
cleaning solvent. In some cases kerosene or thoroughly with clean water until all traces of the
diesel fuel can be used for this purpose. However, alkaline solution are removed.
do not use gasoline or any other highly volatile 4. Use a tool with a flat blade to remove sealant mateĆ
solution. rial from parts, if required. Be careful not to damaĆ
ge mounting or sealing surfaces of the parts.
5. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine file,
CAUTION hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. However, do
Use only solvent cleaners to clean ground or not overwork parts past the point of exceeding finĆ
polished metal parts. Hot solution tanks or ished tolerances.
water and alkaline solutions will damage 6. Place parts on a clean, lint free surface and allow to
these parts. Isopropyl alcohol, kerosene, or air dry. Exercise every precaution possible to keep
diesel fuel can be used for this purpose. all parts free of dust, dirt, or any other foreign mateĆ
rial during assembly.
2. Do not clean ground or polished parts with water or 7. Filtered compressed air may also be used to accelĆ
steam. Do not immerse ground or polished parts erate the drying process. However, do not allow
in a hot solution tank or use strong alkaline soluĆ the compressed air to place the parts in motion;
tions. Smooth sealing surfaces may be damaged parts can be damaged. Roller bearings are an exĆ
by these methods. ample of parts which can be ruined by spinning
3. Use a tool with a flat blade to remove sealant mateĆ with compressed air.
rial from parts, if required. Be careful not to damĆ
age the polished or smooth surfaces of the parts. Cleaning Undercarriage Components
4. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, (Axle and Transmission Housings, Etc.)
hone, emery cloth, or crocus cloth. However, do
not overwork parts past the point of exceeding finĆ For certain components it is impractical to clean with
ished tolerances. solutions or within a hot tank. The exterior surfaces of
5. Place parts on a clean, lint free surface and allow to the undercarriage fall into this category.
air dry. Exercise every precaution possible to keep 1. The outside surfaces of large undercarriage comĆ
all parts free of dust, dirt, or any other foreign mateĆ ponents can be pressure washed or steam
rial during assembly. cleaned to remove grease and road dirt.

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SM18-000-002.00 1003 Service Manual

Acceptable Not Acceptable

2 1
1. Worn Radius (Sharp Edge)
1. Wear Marks
2. Worn Surface (Enlarged Diameter)

Figure 1 Figure 3
Bearing Rollers Bearing Cones

Inspecting Parts
It is very important to completely inspect all parts
before assembling critical components. Carefully
2 inspect all components for damage, wear, corrosion,
deep scratches, and scuffed metal. Replacement of
1 damaged or worn parts will prevent failure of the
assembly later.

Tapered Roller Bearings

1. Inspect the cup, cone, rollers, and cage of all taĆ
pered roller bearings in the assembly. If any of the
following conditions exist, the bearing must be reĆ

S The center of the large diameter end of the rollers

3 is worn level with or below the outer surface. ReĆ
1. Crack 3. Pitting fer to Figure 1.
2. Wear Groove S The radius at the large diameter end of the rollers
Figure 2 is worn to a sharp edge. Refer to Figure 1.
Bearing Cups And Rollers S A visible roller groove is apparent in the cup or
cone inner race surfaces. The groove can be
seen at the small and/or large diameter end of
2. Before using a pressure washer or steam cleaner,
parts. Refer to Figure 2.
plug, cap, or otherwise seal all openings in the asĆ
S Deep cracks or breaks in the cup, cone inner
sembly. Examples of openings are breathers or
race, or roller surfaces. Refer to Figure 2.
vents in air chambers.
S Bright wear marks on the outer surface of the rollĆ
3. Drying is not usually of concern with these parts
er cage. Refer to Figure 3.
since they are routinely exposed to the elements.
S Damage on rollers and on surfaces of the cup
However, if the painted surfaces of these compoĆ
and cone inner race that touch the rollers. Refer
nents become compromised, be sure to repair any
to Figure 4 and Figure 5.
wear or damage to the paint before corrosion beĆ

2 of 4
Service Manual 1003 SM18-000-002.00
Differential Case Halves
1 1

1. Etching & Pitting

Figure 4
Differential Gear Nest Assembly
Bearing Cups And Rollers
2 3


1. Inspect Inside Surfaces

2. Pinions & Thrust Washers
3. Side Gears & Thrust Washers
1. Spalling & Flaking 4. Inspect Spider (Cross)

Figure 5 Figure 6
Bearing Cones Differential Gear Set

5. Inspect hypoid pinions and gears for wear or damĆ

Gears age. Gears that are worn or damaged must be reĆ
1. Inspect teeth for signs of wear. Concentric grooves
6. Always replace thrust washers, differential side
or notches indicate advanced wear of heat treated
gears, and pinion gears in full matched sets. A
surfaces or interference of parts.
higher stress on original parts and early failure of
2. Contact patterns of gear teeth should be checked
the entire assembly will result if a new part is used
for evidence of incorrect alignment and adjusted,
in combination with parts that are older or worn.
as required.
7. Inspect differential assemblies, shown in Figure 6,
3. Look for pitting or cracking along gear contact
as follows:
lines. Scuffing, deformation, or discoloration are
signs of excessive exposure to heat, usually due to S Inside surfaces of both case halves.
improper lubrication. S Both surfaces of all thrust washers.
4. Hypoid drive pinions and ring gears are machined S The four trunnion ends of the spider (cross).
in matched sets. When a drive pinion or ring gear of S Teeth and splines of both differential side gears.
a hypoid set needs to be replaced, both drive gear S Teeth and bore of all differential pinions.
and pinion must be replaced at the same time.

3 of 4
SM18-000-002.00 1003 Service Manual

Figure 7 Figure 8
Careful Inspections Payoff Housing Inspection

Shafts Housings
1. Inspect shafts for wear and cracks along their 1. Examine housings for cracks or leaks. They must
length and on each spline. be free of cracks, scoring, and wear.
2. Inspect all machined surfaces for smoothness. 2. Look for loose studs or cross-threaded holes.
Sealing surfaces along shafts will not perform if 3. Look for elongation of drilled holes.
damage is present. 4. Check for wear on surfaces machined for bearing
3. Look for pitting or cracking along spline contact and seal fits and nicks or burrs in mating surfaces.
lines. Scuffing, deformation, or discoloration are 5. Inspect inner surfaces and pockets within castings
signs of excessive exposure to heat, usually due to for moisture or alkaline residue. Be sure hidden
improper lubrication. areas are clean and dry before beginning assemĆ
4. Shafts with an integral flange must be checked for bly.
squareness and any elongation of mounting holes
in the flange.
5. Straightness is usually the most critical element of
a working shaft; particularly when high speeds of
rotation (rpms) are involved.

4 of 4
Service Manual 0305 SM18 --- 000 --- 003.00

Crane System Schematics

Crane system schematic diagrams are available
through your distributor. Many cranes included
these schematic diagrams, as part of the crane’s
manual package, during its initial delivery. Contact
your distributor, with the crane’s serial number, to
order the air, electrical, and hydraulic system
schematic diagrams package which applies to the
specific crane.

1 of 2
SM18 --- 000 --- 003.00 0305 Service Manual

2 of 2
Service Manual 0116 SM18 - 007 - 030.00

No Illustration Required

1 of 2
SM18 - 007 - 030.00 0116 Service Manual
Reeling Drum, R & I
Service information not available at time of publication.
Updated information to follow with later revision.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0617 SM18-007-038.00

No Illustration Required

1 of 2
SM18-007-038.00 0617 Service Manual
Reeling Drum,
Troubleshooting & Recon.
Service information not available at time of publication.
Updated information to follow with later revision.

2 of 2
Service Manual 1299 SM18-18-1.0
Air Conditioning Service 8. Refrigerant oil, contained in a hermetic compresĆ
sor which has had a burnout, may be very acidic.
Precautions This oil should not be allowed to touch the skin. It
may cause acid burns.
Maintenance and repair procedures for any air 9. Always check for recommended operating presĆ
conditioning or refrigeration system should only be sures for each refrigerant and install gauges to find
performed by a certified technician. Safety and the pressures in the system.
environmental concerns must be considered due to 10. Do not mix different types of refrigerants within a
the working fluid used in these types of systems. system. Check refrigerant R" number before
Refrigerant used in the air conditioning system must charging, to avoid mixing refrigerants.
not be allowed to escape into the atmosphere. Rather, 11. When switching refrigerants within a system, the
it must be recovered into a closed container or lubrication used in the system must also be
reclaimed" to ensure the safety of individuals and the changed. Chemical residue from the original reĆ
environment. frigerant will reside in the lubricant and adversely
effect the new refrigerant.
12. If moisture is allowed to enter a refrigerating sysĆ
WARNING tem, it is likely to cause considerable damage to
the system. All parts of refrigerating mechanisms
Refrigerants are under pressure and can be
hazardous. A sudden release of refrigerant must be kept dry at all times. Containers of oil must
could cause chemical burns, frostbite or other always be kept tightly sealed to avoid the possibilĆ
serious injury. Shutdown the engine and ity of absorbing moisture from the air.
13. Always charge refrigerant into the low side of the
properly reclaim" the refrigerant from
system. Liquid refrigerant entering a compressor
system before removing any line or
may damage the compressor or cause it to burst.
component. Read and follow all of the
14. Make sure that a refrigerant service cylinder is not
manufacturer's recommendations
concerning use and storage of refrigerants. completely filled with liquid refrigerant. If a service
cylinder is completely filled with liquid refrigerant
and then allowed to become warm, the hydrostatic
Review Of Safety pressure inside the cylinder may burst it.
15. Refrigerant cylinders should always be stored in a
1. When a leak is suspected, make certain that the
cool dry place. Carefully assemble fittings and tubĆ
room is thoroughly ventilated before working on
ing to cylinders. Damaged threads are dangerous
the unit. Breathing refrigerants can be deadly.
and costly. Do not use refrigerant storage cylinĆ
2. Refrigerants can be very irritating to the eyes and
ders for any other purpose.
lungs. Service technicians must always avoid exĆ
posure to refrigerants.
3. Wear goggles and gloves at all times when servicĆ
Environmental Considerations
ing the system, especially when charging or disĆ The ozone layer is a thin layer of the earth's upper
charging. These will help protect the eyes, skin, atmosphere, primarily consisting of ozone (O3) gas,
and hands in case of a sudden leak. approximately 30 miles (48 km) above the earth's
4. Liquid refrigerant on the skin will freeze the skin surface. It is often called a screen or shield from the
surface and cause frostbite". If this should hapĆ sun's harmful rays. The ozone layer functions as a filter
pen, quickly wash away the refrigerant with water from the sun and protects human, plant and sea life
and immediately seek medical attention. from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.
5. Many refrigerants do not have a strong odor and it Products, such as refrigerants, which contain
might be possible to work in an area without being chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) dismantle the ozone layer
aware that there is a considerable amount of refrigĆ by acting as a catalyst which abnormally breaks down
erant vapor present. ozone's molecular structure, converting it into other
6. Many refrigerants are heavier than air and will reĆ by-products which do not possess ozone's sun
place the fresh air in a room. Danger of asphyxiĆ blocking abilities. Reckless dumping of CFCs into the
ation is possible. atmosphere must be prevented to avoid further
7. Refrigerants which contain fluorocarbon must not destruction of the earth's atmosphere. Conscientious
be exposed to an open flame. Dangerous gases handling, reclaiming, and recycling of CFCs is
are produced which could result in personal injury. everyone's responsibility to ensure a healthy
environment now and for generations to come.

1 of 2
SM18-18-1.0 1299 Service Manual

2 of 2
Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0

Air Conditioning Compressor,

This procedure covers the recondition of the air It is a good practice when disassembling complex
conditioning compressor. For removal and components to lay the parts out in the order that they
installation procedures, see SM Area 18-18. were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in
The following pages are taken directly from the service the assembly process.
literature produced by the compressor manufacturer.
Multiple compressor models may be covered by this
information. Proper identification of the compressor is
crucial to obtain the correct information to follow from
the charted specifications included in this procedure. Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Based on the specific application of this compressor, result from misuse of these products. Read
Link-Belt literature will supersede any discrepancies and follow all the manufacturer's
in operation, lubrication, maintenance, or service, recommendations concerning solvents and
implied by the compressor manufacturer. Any cleaning solutions.
concerns regarding such inconsistencies should be
reviewed with a Link-Belt distributor.
Thoroughly clean the exterior surface of the
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not compressor to prevent contamination from entering it
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force before beginning the disassembly process.
parts together, they must be free to turn and not bind.

SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
Service Notes:
Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0

1. Compressor Models 11. Field Replaceable Parts

1.1 Model Conversions 11.1 Compressor
2. Compressor Nomenclature 11.2 Clutch
2.1 Identification 12. Service Operations - General Information
3. Cautionary Information 12.1 General Service Information
3.1 Pressure Release 13. Service Operations - Oil Charging
3.2 Recovery of Refrigerant 13.1 Compressor Repaired Internally and
3.3 Handling of Refrigerant Reinstalled in the System
3.4 Ventilation 13.2 Sanden Compressor Replaced by a New
3.5 Avoid Use of Compressed Air Sanden Compressor of the Same Type
3.6 Warranty for Recycled Refrigerant 13.3 Sanden Compressor Used to Replace a
4. R134a Information Compressor of a Different Type
4.1 R134a / PAG Oil Handling Precautions 13.4 Oil Charge Determination for Long Hose
4.2 Table of Saturation Temperatures and Applications
Pressures 13.5 Oil Retained in System Components
5. Compressor Identification 14. Service Operations - Clutch
5.1 Label 14.1 Armature Assembly Removal
5.2 Manufacturing Date Codes Stamped on 14.2 Rotor Assembly Removal
Compressor - Manufactured in USA Only 14.3 Field Coil Assembly Removal
6. Compressor Specifications 14.4 Field Coil Assembly Installation
6.1 Belt Tension 14.5 Rotor Assembly Installation
6.2 Speed Rating 14.6 Armature Assembly Installation
6.3 Basic Compressor Specifications 15. Service Operations - Shaft Seal
6.4 Assembly Torques 15.1 Replacement of Lip Type Shaft Seal
6.5 Acceptable Mounting Angles (SD5H14, SD7B10, SD7H13, SD7H15)
7. Cylinder Head / Porting Guide 16. Service Operations - Cylinder Head / Valve Plate
7.1 SD R134a Compressor Series 16.1 Cylinder Head Removal
8. Service Tools 16.2 Valve Plate Removal
8.1 Special Service Tools 16.3 Valve Plate and Cylinder Head Installation
8.2 Standard Tools 17. Service Operations - Thermal Protector Switch
9. Service Procedures 17.1 TPS Testing
9.1 Troubleshooting Chart 17.2 TPS Replacement
10. Inspection Procedures 18. Service Operations - High Pressure Relief Valve
10.1 Leak Checking 18.1 HPRV Replacement
10.2 Oil Level Measurement (In Vehicle) 19. Converting R-12 Systems to R134a
10.3 Shaft Turning Smoothness Inspection 19.1 Recommended Procedures for Sanden
10.4 Clutch Inspection R-12 Compressors Retrofitted with R134a
10.5 Unusual Noise Not Due to Compressor 19.2 Sanden's Procedure for Conversion from
10.6 Unusual Noise Due to Compressor R-12 to R134a
10.7 Valve Plate Test
** Service Oil Information

This service manual has been prepared by Sanden International (USA), Inc. It Includes information on application,
troubleshooting, and repair of automotive air conditioning compressors manufactured by Sanden Corporation and
its subsidiaries, in accordance with the appropriate SAE standards for mobile air conditioning. Service operations
not described in this manual are not authorized for Sanden compressors. For further information contact your
nearest Sanden representative.

1 of 32
SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
Compressor Models

1.1 Model Conversions

TYPE R-12 R134a

5 Cylinder SD-505 SD7B10 / SD5H09
SD-507 SD5H11
SD-508 SD5H14
SD-510 SD7H15HD and SD5H14HD
7 Cylinder SDB-706 SD7B10
SD-708 SD7H13
SD-709 SD7H15
SDB-709 SD7B15


2.1 Identification

R-12 Compressors

SD -- 7 09

Sanden reciprocating Number of Cylinders Approximate displacement, in

wobble plate cubic inches

SD 7 H 15 HD

Sanden Number of Port location Approximate Heavy Duty (HD)

reciprocating Cylinders displacement, or Sealed
wobble plate (H if on head, B if in cubic Heavy Duty (SHD)
compressors on body) centimeters clutch
(divided by 10)

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Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0

3.1 Pressure Release

Before disconnecting any lines, always make sure refrigerant has been removed from the A/C system by recovering
it with the appropriate recovery equipment.

When working on compressors, separate from the system, always be sure to relieve internal pressure first. Internal
compressor pressure can be relieved by removing the oil plug ( if necessary) or by removing shipping caps / pads
from both ports.

3.2 Recovery of Refrigerant

Never discharge refrigerant to the atmosphere. Always use approved refrigerant recovery / recycling equipment to
capture refrigerant which is removed from the A/C system. Do not mix refrigerants in the same piece of equipment;
one should be designated for R-12 and another for R134a.

3.3 Handling of Refrigerant

Always wear eye and hand protection when working on an A/C system or compressor. Liquid refrigerant can cause
frostbite and / or blindness.

3.4 Ventilation

Keep refrigerants and oils away from open flames. Refrigerants can produce poisonous gasses in the presence of a
flame. Work in a well-ventilated area.

3.5 Avoid Use of Compressed Air

Do not introduce compressed air into an A/C system due to the danger of contamination.

3.6 Warranty for Recycled Refrigerant

The warranty offered by Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc., on air conditioning compressors when used with
recycled refrigerant will be the same as for new refrigerant provided that the following SAE standards are met:

R-12 R-134a
Refrigerant Purity J1990 J2099
Recycling Machine J1989 J2210

Recycling machines must be validated to the appropriate SAE standard by Underwriters Laboratories. Recycled
refrigerant from other sources must meet the appropriate ARI standards. Failure to comply with these provisions
may void any warranty on the compressor.

R134a Information

4.1 R134a / PAG Oil Handling Precautions

As a conscientious member of the global community, Sanden Corporation with its subsidiaries is committed to the
elimination of CFC-based refrigerants. This manual focuses on service information for Sanden compressors
intended for use with R134a and PAG oils.

3 of 32
SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
4.1 (Cont.)
1. Always follow safety precautions described in Section 3.
2. Do not discharge R134a into the atmosphere. Even though its ozone depletion potential is zero, it does have
global warming potential. Recovery and recycling are mandated by the Clean Air Act. Use recovery equipment
designated only for R134a. Never introduce another refrigerant into the R134a equipment.
3. Never mix R134a with other refrigerants or A/C systems failure is likely to occur.
4. Use only Sanden specified PAG lubricants for R134a systems using Sanden compressors. If other lubricants
are used, A/C system failure is likely to occur.
5. Never introduce R134a or PAG oil into a system not designed for them except when following the appropriate
retrofit procedure described in Section 19.
6. The Sanden specified PAG oils used in R134a systems absorb atmospheric moisture very quickly. Moisture in
the A/C system can cause major damage or failure.
S Never leave PAG oil exposed to air for a prolonged time. Tightly reseal the oil container immediately after
each use.
S During A/C system repair, cap all fittings as soon as opened and leave capped until just before they are
S If a repair is performed on an R134a compressor or system, evacuate the system for at least 45 minutes
before recharging to ensure the removal of moisture which may have been absorbed by the PAG oil in the
compressor and system.
4.2 Table of Saturation Temperatures and Pressures

Temp. (°F) Pressure (psig) Temp. (°F) Pressure (psig) Temp. (°F) Pressure (psig)
-40 -7.2 in. Hg 25 22 105 135
-30 -4.8 in. Hg 30 26 110 147
-20 -1.7 in. Hg 40 35 115 159
-15 0 50 45 120 172
-10 2 60 57 130 200
-5 4 70 71 140 231
0 6 80 85 150 264
5 9 85 95 160 301
10 12 90 104 180 3
15 15 95 114 200 485
20 18 100 124 210 549

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Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0

5.1 Label

Manufacturing location code

00-006 Japan
70-79 USA
80-89 Singapore

Serial Number
Month of manufacture (1-12)
Year of manufacture (last digit)

5.2 Manufacturing Date Codes Stamped on Compressor - Manufactured in USA Only

Manufacturing date codes are stamped on the mounting Sanden internal I.D. code
or boss at the front left of the compressor as seen when
facing the clutch, with oil plug or adaptor up.

Year of manufacture (first digit):

(i.e. 3 indicates manufacture in 1993)
Month of manufacture (last digit):
Jan. - Sept.: 1-9
Oct.: X
Nov.: Y
Dec.: Z

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SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual

6.1 Belt Tension

Grooves Tension, lb (kgf)

A 121 ± 5 (55 ± 2)
B 132 ± 5 (60 ± 2)
C 132 ± 5 (60 ± 2)
M 132 ± 5 (60 ± 2)
PV4 132 ± 5 (60 ± 2)
PV6 198 ± 5 (90 ± 2)

(PolyVee tension based on 33 lb (15kgf) per groove).

6.2 Speed Rating

Maximum RPM
Model Clutch Type
Constant Downshift
SD5H14 Std. 6,000 7,000
SD5H14 HD 4,000 6,000
SD7B10 All 6,000 7,000
SD7H13 All 6,000 8,000
SD7H15 Std. 6,000 8,000
SD7H15 HD 4,000 6,000
SD7H15 SHD 4,000 4,000

6.3 Basic Compressor Specifications

Typical Weight, lb. (kg.) Standard Oil Charge

Di l
Model Refrigerant Amount Rotation
Oil System
Cu.in. (cc) Compressor Clutch Assembly fl. oz.
Type Type

SD5H14 R134a 8 4 (138)
8.4 11 2 (5
11.2 (5.1)
1) 6 0 (2
6.0 (2.7)
7) 17 2 (7.8)
17.2 (7 8) SP 20
No Way

SD7B10 R134a 6 1 (100)
6.1 5 9 (2
5.9 (2.7)
7) 3 3 (1
3.3 (1.5)
5) 9 2 (4
9.2 (4.2)
2) SP 10
SP-10 TXV (Clockwise

SD7H13 R134a 7 9 (129)
7.9 9 3 (4
9.3 (4.2)
2) 4 6 (2
4.6 (2.1)
1) 13 9 (6.3)
13.9 (6 3) SP 20
SP-20 TXV (Clockwise

(135±15) CW
SD7H15 / HD R134a 9 5 (155)
9.5 9 9 (4
9.9 (4.5)
5) 5 3 (2
5.3 (2.4)
4) 15 2 (2.4)
15.2 (2 4) SP 20
SP-20 (Clockwise
8.1±0.5 only)
(135±15) CW
SD7H15 /
R134a 9 5 (155)
9.5 9 9 (4
9.9 (4.5)
5) 7 7 (3
7.7 (3.5)
5) 17 6 (8.0)
17.6 (8 0) SP 20
SP-20 (Clockwise
SHD 8.1±0.5
CCOT only)

6 of 32
Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0
6.4 Assembly Torques

Item ft-lb N-m kgf-cm

Armature retaining nut, 1/2" - 20 22.4±2.9 30.4±3.9 310±40
Armature retaining nut, M8 13.0±2.2 17.7±2.9 180±30
Cylinder head bolts, M6 10±2.2 13.7±2.9 140±30
Cylinder head bolts, M8 25.3±3.6 34.3±4.9 350±50
Oil filler plug 14.5±13.6 19.6±4.9 200±50
Hose fitting 1" - 14 rotolock 26.7±2.9 36.3±3.9 370±40
7/8" Tube-O 23.9±2.9 32.4±3.9 330±40
3/4" Tube-O 17.3±2.5 23.5±3.4 240±35
Pad fitting bolt, M10 28.9±2.9 39.2±3.9 440±40
Pad fitting bolt, 3/8" - 24 28.9±2.9 39.2±3.9 440±40
Pad fitting bolt, M8 26.3±2.9 34.3±3.9 350±40
Clutch lead wire clamp screw 11±3 inSlb 1.3±0.3 13±3
High pressure relief valve 7.2±1.4 9.8±2.0 100±20
Thermal protector switch clamp bolt 7.2±2.2-1.4 9.8±2.9-2.0 100±30-20
Clutch dust cover screws (6 - M5) 6.5±1.4 9±2 90±20
Clutch dust cover screws (3 - 1/4" - 20) 2.7±0.9 3.6±1.2 37±12

6.5 Acceptable Mounting Angles

All SD - R134a Compressors

Oil Filler Plug

90° 90°

7 of 32
SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual

7.1 SD R134a Compressor Series

For SD5H14, SD7H13, SD7H15 and SD7H15HD / SHD Units

Hose Port Information SD Compressor Series
Sanden Position on
Service Kit Name Cylinder Suction Port Discharge Port TPS or 7H15
Part No. head 5H14 7H13 7H15
Dimension/Type Dimension/Type Switch? HD/SHD

9580-9630 C Vertical Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock No X

TDB FL Vertical Tube-O #10 (7/8") Tube-O #8 (3/4") No X

9034-9630 K Horizontal Tube-O #10 (7/8") Tube-O #8 (3/4") No X

9699-9630* M Horizontal Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock No X

9150-9630* Q Horizontal GM Pad, 3/8" - 24 Bolt GM Pad, 3/8" - 24 Bolt No X

9695-9630* QH Horizontal GM Pad, 3/8" - 24 Bolt GM Pad, 3/8" - 24 Bolt Yes X

9298-9630* U Vertical Pad - M10 x 1 Bolt Pad - M10 x 1 Bolt No X

9517-9630* UB Vertical Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt No X

9516-9630* UB Horizontal Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt No X

7412-9630 CB Vertical Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock No X X X

7832-9630 JD Vertical Tube-O #10 (7/8") Tube-O #8 (3/4") No X X X

7863-9630 JE Vertical Tube-O #10 (7/8") Tube-O #8 (3/4") No X X X

7862-9630 KG Horizontal Tube-O #10 (7/8") Tube-O #8 (3/4") No X X X

7406-9630* MD Horizontal Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock Tube-O 1" - 14 rotolock No X X X

7433-9630 QC Horizontal GM Pad, 3/8" - 24 Bolt GM Pad, 3/8" - 24 Bolt No X X X

7484-9630 QD Horizontal Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt No X X X

7200-9631 UK Vertical Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt Pad - M10 x 1.25 Bolt No X X X

A) Sanden R134a compressors do not offer the option of charging valves on the compressor.

B) * Indicates that a compressor featuring this cylinder head should not be mounted with the suction port at the

8 of 32
Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0

8.1 Special Service Tools

These tools can be obtained from your local tool supplier.

1. Oil Dipstick 5. Lip Seal / SD7 Seal Plate Tool 9. Rotor Installation Driver
2. Armature Plate Spanner 6. Armature Driver 10. O-Ring Hook
3. Armature Plate Puller 7. Rotor Puller Jaws
4. Rotor Puller Set 8. Shaft Seal Protective Sleeve

8.2 Standard Tools

1. External Snap Ring Pliers 4. Gasket Scraper

2. Internal Snap Ring Pliers 5. Graduated Cylinder
3. Feeler Gauges

9 of 32
SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual

9.1 Troubleshooting Chart

This chart refers specially to the Sanden compressor. During diagnosis follow the inspection procedures in the
sequence shown until a defect is found. Then perform the repair in the Cause and Remedy Section. If this repair
does not fully solve the problem, proceed to the next inspection step.
Symptom Problem Diagnosis and Inspection Cause and Remedy

10 of 32
Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0

10.1 Leak Checking

1. Visual Inspection - Although oil seepage does not necessarily indicate leakage of refrigerant, it should be
considered a sign that a leak may exist. Look for the following items:
S Oil seepage in shaft seal area (between clutch and compressor) - repairable.
S Pinching or extrusion of front housing O-ring - nonrepairable.
S Oil around cylinder head (gaskets, service valves, fittings) - repairable.
S Oil around oil plug - repairable.
S Stripped threads - nonrepairable.
S Oil around crack in compressor body - nonrepairable.

2. Soap Bubble Detection - Any leak showing up as bubbles on the compressor will require repair.

3. Shop Type Electronic Detectors

S Ensure that the detector being used is sensitive to R134a refrigerant. Many leak detectors intended for
R-12 cannot detect R134a leaks.
S Use the leak detector in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
S The leak rate at any portion of the compressor should not exceed 1.0 oz./yr. Make sure that a suspected
leak is an actual flow of refrigerant, not a small pocket of refrigerant trapped in a recess. Cleaning the
suspect area with soap and water (never a solvent) or blowing off the area with compressed air can help
confirm a suspected leak.
S Leak check procedures should be in accordance with SAE J1628.

4. Leak Detection Dyes - The use of leak detection dyes is not recommended by Sanden as their chemical comĆ
positions are proprietary and their effects on Sanden oils and elastomers are unknown at this time.

10.2 Oil Level Measurement (In Vehicle)

Oil level in the compressor should be checked when a system component has been replaced, when an oil leak is
suspected, or when it is specified as a diagnostic procedure.
1. Run the compressor for 10 minutes with the engine at idle.
2. Recover all refrigerant from the system, slowly so as not to lose any oil.
3. Determine the mounting angle of the compressor from horizontal (i.e., oil plug or adapter on top). This is most
readily done by using a machinist's universal level, if access to the compressor permits.

11 of 32
SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
10.2 (Cont.)
4. Remove the oil filler plug. Using a socket wrench on the armature retaining nut, turn the shaft clockwise until the
counterweight is positioned as shown.

oil filler hole
or adaptor
2 o'clock

10 o'clock

Position of
Mounting Angle Right Mounting Angle Left
(as facing clutch)

5. Insert oil dipstick up to the stop, as shown in the figure above, with the angle pointing in the correct direction.

4.115 in.
.118 in. (3mm)
Typical for
20 Notches


6. Remove dipstick and count number of notches covered by oil.

7. Add or subtract oil to meet the specifications shown in the table.

8. Reinstall oil plug. Seat and O-ring must be clean and not damaged. Torque to 11-15 ftSlb (15-20 NSm,
150-200 kgfScm).

Acceptable oil level in increments

Mounting Angle (Degrees)
SD5H14 SD7H15
0 3-5 5-7
10 4-6 6-8
20 5-7 7-9
30 6-8 8-10
40 7-9 9-11
50 8-10 10-12
60 8-10 11-13
90 8-10 16-18

12 of 32
Service Manual 0999 SM18-18-4.0
10.3 Shaft Turning Smoothness Inspection

1. If on vehicle, remove refrigerant from A/C system and disconnect hoses.

2. If on bench, uncap fittings.

3. Using a socket wrench on the armature retaining nut, turn the shaft clockwise only.

4. If severe rough spots or catches are felt while turning shaft, the compressor has been damaged internally and
must be replaced.

10.4 Clutch Inspection

1. Measure voltage at clutch. Low voltage at the clutch may be due to poor ground or power connection, or probĆ
lems with the vehicle electrical system. Check for tight fit of field coil retaining snap ring.

2. Measure current draw when clutch is engaged. Normal current should be 3.6 - 4.2A at 12VDC.
S Overcurrent- Short circuit within field coil or in compressor circuit.
S No current - Open circuit.
S If a short or open is found in the field coil, it must be replaced.

3. Air Gap
S Clutch air gap should be 0.016 - 0.031 in (0.4 - 0.8 mm). Measure with a feeler gauge.
S Adjust as per Section 14.6

4. Suspected Clutch Rotor Bearing Noise

S Remove drive belt.
S With clutch disengaged, rotate pulley by hand. If excessive roughness or wobble is found, replace the
clutch rotor assembly.

10.5 Unusual Noise Not Due to Compressor

Unusual noises may be caused by components other than the compressor.

1. Compressor Mounting - Check for:

S Loose belt - see belt tension specifications.
S Broken bracket or compressor mounting ear. Replace broken component.
S Missing, broken, or loose mounting bolts. Replace, reinstall, or tighten.
S Flush fit of compressor to bracket and vehicle engine. Replace any part not properly fitted.
S Loose or wobbling crankshaft pulley. Check for damage to pulley, incorrect center bolt torque or center bolt
bottoming. Repair to vehicle manufacturer's specifications.
S Bad idler pulley bearing. Replace if necessary.

2. Other Engine components - Check for noise in:

S Alternator bearing
S Air pump (if present)
S Water pump bearing
S Valves
S Timing belt or chain
S Power steering pump (if present)
S Loose engine mount bolts.

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10.6 Unusual Noise Due to Compressor

1. Suction pressure less than about 5 psig can cause unusual noise. Charge refrigerant to proper amount and test
by applying heat to evaporator to increase suction pressure.

2. Clutch bearing--See clutch Inspection in section 10.4.

3. Oil level--insufficient oil can cause unusual noise. See Oil Level Check Procedure in Section 10.2.

4. Valve Noise--test for valve plate assembly failure per Valve Plate Test Procedure in Section 10.7.

10.7 Valve Plate Test

1. Suction or discharge valve breakage will cause a clacking sound at idle.

2. If head gasket failure occurs, discharge pressure will be low and suction pressure will be high at idle.

3. Valve and gasket condition can be checked as follows:

S Connect gauge set to suction and discharge service valves.
S Run compressor for 5 minutes at idle and stop.
S Observe time for discharge pressure and suction pressure to equalize. If less than 2 minutes, in a TVX
system, a valve or gasket may be damaged. CCOT systems will equalize more quickly.


11.1 Compressor

1. Shaft Key* 7. Valve Plate Assembly* 13. TPS Clip (Optional)

2. Felt Ring* 8. Head Gasket* 14. TPS Screw (Optional)
3. Shaft Seal Snap Ring* 9. Cylinder Head* 15. Shaft Seal Kit - 2, 3 & 4
4. Lip Seal with O-ring* 10. Cylinder Head Bolt 16. Valve Plate Kit - 6, 7 & 8
5. Oil Plug 11. Pressure Relief Valve (Optional) 17. Cylinder Head Kit - 8 & 9
6. Block Gasket* 12. Thermal Protector Switch 18. Gasket Kit - 6 & 8

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11.2 Clutch

20A Armature Dust Cover Screw (SD-5) 23 Armature Plate* 27 Rotor Assembly*
20B Armature Dust Cover Screw (SD-7) 24 Clutch Shims* 28 Field Coil Assembly Snap Ring*
21A Armature Dust Cover (SD-5) 25 Rotor Snap Ring* 29 Field Coil Assembly
21B Armature Dust Cover (SD-7) 26A Rotor Bearing Dust Cover (SD-5) 30 Accessory Kit - 1, 22, 24, 25 & 28
22 Shaft Nut* 26B Rotor Bearing Dust Cover (SD-7) 31 Armature / Rotor Assembly Kit -
23 & 27

Service Operations - General Information

12.1 General Service Information

It is recommended that a new receiver-drier or accumulator-drier be installed if a compressor is replaced or an

internal repair is made.

1. Keep dirt and foreign material from getting on or into the compressor or the A/C system. The area around the
A/C hose fittings should be carefully cleaned with a non-petroleum based solvent before the connections are
broken. All parts to be reused or installed should be cleaned with a non-petroleum based solvent and blown
dry with clean compressed air or lint-free cloths.

2. Trouble-free installation and operation of an SD compressor require:

S Correct pulley alignment.
S Correct fit of compressor mounting surfaces to the bracket and correct fit of the bracket to the engine.
Clearance between compressor and bracket should not exceed 0.2mm (0.008in) per ear for ear-mount
compressors or 0.4mm (0.016in) total for 2 ears.
S Correct torque of all mounting bolts and nuts.
S Correct drive belt tension.

3. Never operate the compressor at high speed or for a prolonged time without a sufficient refrigerant charge in the
system. Probable results are overheating, internal damage and seizure.

4. If an internal repair is performed on an R134a compressor, evacuate the A/C system for at least 45 minutes beĆ
fore recharging to remove moisture which may have been absorbed by the PAG oil in the compressor.

5. Parts which require lubrication before assembly, such as O-rings, should be lubricated with clean 5GS refrigerĆ
ant oil.

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SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
Service Operations - Oil Charging

13.1 Compressor Repaired Internally and Reinstalled in the System

1. Before any internal repair is done, drain the oil from

the compressor.
S Remove the oil plug and drain as much oil as
possible into a suitable container.
S Remove the caps (if present) from suction and
discharge ports.
S Drain oil from the suction and discharge ports
into a suitable container while turning the shaft
clockwise only with a socket wrench on the
armature retaining nut.

2. Measure and record the amount of oil drained from

the compressor.

3. Inspect the oil for signs of contamination such as

discoloration of foreign material.

4. Perform repair to the compressor.

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13.1 (Cont.)

5. Add the same amount of new oil to the compressor

as was measured in step 2. Be sure to use the corĆ
rect oil for the compressor as shown in Section 6.3.
6. Reinstall oil plug. Seal and O-ring must be clean
and not damaged. Torque to 11-15 ft·lb (15-20
N·m, 150-200 kgf·cm). Be careful not to cross
thread the oil plug.
7. It is recommended that the oil quantity be conĆ
firmed after reinstallation of the compressor to the
vehicle as per Section 10.2.

13.2 Sanden Compressor Replaced by a New Sanden Compressor of the Same Type

1. Drain oil from the old compressor; measure and record the amount as per the procedure in section 12.1.

2. Drain oil from the new compressor as per section 13.1

3. Add new oil of the correct type to the new compressor as shown in section 6.3. Use the same quantity as was
removed from the old compressor in step 1.

4. Reinstall oil plug. Seal and O-ring must be clean and not damaged. Torque to 11-15 ft·lb (15-20 N·m,
150-200 kgf·cm).

5. It is recommended that the oil quantity be confirmed after installation of the new compressor to the vehicle per
section 10.2.

13.3 Sanden Compressor Used to Replace a Compressor of a Different Type

This section applies to replacement of another manufacturer's compressor or to the replacement of a Sanden
compressor by a different model Sanden compressor. In this case, the procedure of Section 13.2 should be
followed, except that the oil quantity must be confirmed after installation of the new compressor to the vehicle as
shown in Section 10.2.

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13.4 Oil Charge Determination for Long Hose Applications

13.4.1 TXV Systems, Less than 56 oz. (1600g) Refrigerant Charge

1. The desired oil charge for the systems with unusuĆ

ally long hoses, such as trucks, tractors, etc., can
be determined based on the total refrigerant
charge when less than 56 oz. (1600g) refrigerant is

2. Calculate the desired oil charge as below:

SD5H14: Oil amount (fl.oz.) = (Refrigerant

charge in oz. x 0.125) + 1.35. Oil amount (cc) =
(Refrigerant charge in grams x 0.125) + 40.

SD7H15: Oil amount (fl.oz.) = [(Refrigerant

charge in oz. x 0.06) + 2.2] ÷ 0.9. Oil amount (cc) =
[(Refrigerant charge in grams x 0.06) + 60] ÷ 0.9.

3. For a new compressor to be used in this type of

system, subtract the standard oil charge shown in
Section 6.3 from the desired total oil charge to deĆ
termine how much oil should be added to the comĆ

4. Remove the oil filler plug and charge the compresĆ

sor with the amount of additional oil determined in
step 3. Use only new oil of the correct type as
shown in Section 6.3.

5. Reinstall oil plug. Seat and O-ring must be clean

and not damaged. Torque to 11-18 ft·lb (15-25
N·m, 150-200 kgf·cm).

13.4.2 TXV Systems, More than 56 oz. (1600g) of Refrigerant

For systems with more than 56oz. (1600g) refrigerant, on-vehicle testing is required to determine oil
1. Charge system with refrigerant.

2. Set up the vehicle as follows:

S Doors open.
S Maximum blower speed.
S Ambient temp. at least 75°F (24°C).

3. Run the compressor at one of the speeds listed in

the table below for 10-15 minutes.

4. While maintaining engine speed, turn off A/C sysĆ

tem and immediately turn off engine.

5. Recover refrigerant from the system.

6. Remove compressor from vehicle.

7. Remove the oil plug and drain as much oil as posĆ

sible into a suitable container.

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13.4.2 (Cont.)

8. Drain oil from the suction and discharge ports into

a suitable container while turning the shaft clockĆ
wise only with a socket wrench on the armature reĆ
taining nut.

9. Measure and record the volume of the oil drained

from the compressor.

10. Approximately 0.5 fl.oz. (15cc) will remain in the

compressor as a film coating the internal surfaces.
Add 0.5 fl.oz. (15cc) to the recorded volume of the
oil. This is the calculated amount of oil in the comĆ

11. The amount of oil in the compressor after running

for 10-15 minutes should be as per the table at
right, if the proper amount of oil was in the system.
Determine from the table what the correct amount
of oil should be for the particular speed used in
step 3. (The table shown applies to SD5H14 comĆ Oil in compressor
pressors. Other compressors will exhibit a lesser Comp RPM
fl.oz. cc
oil amount dependent upon type. It is important
that a quantity of oil remains in the crankcase after 1,000 3.4 100
the test.) 2,000 2.5 75
12. Compare the desired amount of oil as determined 3,000 1.7 50
in step 11 with the calculated actual amount of oil in 4,000 1.3 40
the compressor, which was determined in step 10.
If the amount of oil actually in the compressor 5,000 1.2 35
[amount drained plus 0.5 fl.oz. (15cc)] is less than S Vehicle doors open
the desired amount of oil, add oil as necessary to S Maximum blower speed
the container and pour back into the compressor, If S Ambient temperature at least 75°F
the amount of oil actually in the compressor is too
much, remove oil from the container until the corĆ
rect amount is reached, and pour back into comĆ
pressor. the amount of oil poured back into the
compressor should equal the desired amount
(from the table), minus 0.5 fl.oz. (15cc). Use the
correct oil type as per Section 6.3.

13. Reinstall oil plug. Seal and O-ring must be clean

and not damaged. Torque to 11-15 ftSlb
(15-20 NSm, 150-200 kgfScm).

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SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
13.5 Oil Retained in System Components Typical oil amount
fl.oz. cc
For reference, the amount of oil typically retained in Evaporator 2.0 60
other system components after running at 100 rpm
compressor speed is shown at right. These volumes Condenser 1.0 30
will of course vary with different designs of the Receiver - Drier 0.5 15
components and compressor speeds prior to shut Accumulator 2.0 60
Hoses (normal length) 0.3 10


14.1 Armature Assembly Removal

14.1a Keyed Shaft Armature Removal

(Note: Keyed shaft can be identified in that the holes for the armature plate spanner will have
threads in them.)

1. If armature dust cover is present, remove the 3 or 6

bolts holding it in place and remove cover. If auxiliaĆ
ry sheet metal pulley is present, remove the screws
holding it in place. Then remove pulley.

2. Insert pins of armature plate spanner into threaded

holes of armature assembly.

3. Hold armature assembly stationary while removing

retaining nut with 3/4", 19mm or 14mm socket
wrench, as appropriate.

4. Remove armature assembly using puller. Thread 3

puller bolts into the threaded holes in the armature
assembly. Turn center screw clockwise until armaĆ
ture assembly comes loose.

5. If shims are above shaft key, remove them now. If

shims are below shaft key, the key and bearing
dust cover (if present) must be removed before
shims can be removed.

6. Remove bearing dust cover (if present). Use cauĆ

tion to prevent distorting cover when removing it.

7. Remove shaft key by tapping loose with a flat blade

screwdriver and hammer.

8. Remove shims. Use a pointed tool and a small

screwdriver to prevent the shims from binding on
the shaft.

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14.1b Spline Shaft Armature Removal

(Note: Spline shaft can be identified in that the holes for the armature plate spanner will not have
threads in them.)

1. If armature dust cover is present, remove the 3 or 6

bolts holding it in place and remove cover. If auxilĆ
iary sheet metal pulley is present, remove the
screws holding it in place. Then remove pulley.
2. Insert pins of armature plate spanner into threaded
holes of armature assembly.
3. Hold armature assembly stationary while removing
retaining nut with 3/4", 19mm, or 14mm socket
wrench, as appropriate.
4. Lift off armature plate with fingers. If armature does
not come off easily, spray an anti seize oil into shaft
to loosen. Armature plate can also be loosened by
gently prying between rotor and armature plate
with two flat screwdrivers.
5. If shims are above shaft key, remove shims. If
shims are below shaft key, the key and bearing
dust cover (if present) must be removed before the
shims can be removed.
6. Remove bearing dust cover (if present). Use cauĆ
tion to prevent distorting cover when removing it.
7. Remove shims. Use a pointed tool and a small
screwdriver to prevent the shims from binding on
the shaft.

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SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
14.2 Rotor Assembly Removal

1. If bearing dust cover has not been removed, reĆ

move it now. See step 6 of Section 14.1, for ArmaĆ
ture Assembly Removal.
2. If internal snap ring for bearing is visible above the
bearing, remove it with internal snap ring pliers.
3. Remove rotor snap ring.
4. Remove shaft key.
5. Remove rotor pulley assembly:
S Insert the lip of the jaws into the snap ring
S Place rotor pulley shaft protector (Puller set)
over the exposed shaft.
S Align thumb screws to puller jaws and finger
tighten. Turn puller center bolt clockwise using
a socket wrench until rotor pulley is free.

14.3 Field Coil Assembly Removal

1. Loosen lead wire clamp screw with #2 Phillips

screwdriver until wire(s) can be slipped out from
under clamp.
2. Undo any wire connections on the compressor
which would prevent removal of the field coil asĆ
3. Remove snap ring.
4. Remove the field coil assembly.

14.4 Field Coil Assembly Installation

Reverse the steps of Section 14.3. Protrusion on underside of coil ring must match hole in front housing to prevent
movement and correctly locate lead wire(s).

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14.5 Rotor Assembly Installation
1. Place compressor on support stand, supported at
rear end of compressor. If the compressor must be
clamped in a vise, clamp only on the mounting
gears, never on the body of the compressor.

2. Set rotor squarely over the front housing boss.

3. Place the rotor installer ring into the bearing bore.

Ensure that the edge rests only on the inner race of
the bearing, not on the seal, pulley, or outer race of
the bearing.

4. Place the driver into the ring and drive the rotor
down onto the front housing with a hammer or arĆ
bor press. Drive the rotor against the front housing
step. A distinct change of sound can be heard
when using the hammer to install the rotor.
5. Reinstall rotor bearing snap ring, if it has been reĆ
moved, with internal snap ring pliers.
6. Reinstall rotor retaining snap ring with external
snap ring pliers. If a bevel is present on the snap
ring, it should face up (away from the body of the
7. Reinstall rotor bearing dust cover (if present) by
gently tapping it into place.

14.6 Armature Assembly Installation

1. Install shaft key with pliers.

2. Install clutch shims. NOTE: Clutch air gap is deterĆ

mined by shim thickness. When installing a clutch
on a used compressor, try the original shims first.
When installing a clutch on a compressor that has
not had a clutch installed before, first try 0.04",
0.02", and 0.004" (1.0, 0.5, 0.1 mm) shims.

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SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
14.6 (Cont.)

3. Align keyway in armature assembly to shaft key.

Using driver and a hammer or arbor press, drive
the armature assembly down over the shaft until it
bottoms on the shims. A distinct sound change will
be noted if driving with a hammer.

4. Replace retaining nut and torque to specification.

1/2-20: 20-25 ftSlb

(27-34 NSm, 270-350 kgScm)

M8: 11-15 ftSlb

(15-21 NSm, 150-210 kgfScm)

5. Check air gap with feeler gauge. Specification is

0.016" -0.031" (0.4 -0.8mm). If gap is not even
around the clutch, gently tap down at the high
spots. If the overall gap is out of spec., remove the
armature assembly and change the shims as necĆ

6. Replace armature dust cover (if used) and torque 3

or 6 bolts to specification below.

3 - 1/4-20 bolts (SD-5): 2-4 ftSlb

(2-5 NSm, 25-50 kgfScm)

6 - M5 bolts (SD-7): 5-8 ftSlb

(7-11 NSm, 70-110 kgfScm)

*Note: Over torque of SD508/SH14 dust cover bolts

will cause air gap to become out of spec.

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15. Replacement of Lip Type Shaft Seal (SD5H14, SD7B10, SD7H13, SD7H15)

Note: Lip seal assembly and felt ring must never be reused. Always replace these components.

1. Be sure all gas pressure inside the compressor has

been relieved.

2. Remove armature dust cover (if used), armature

assembly, rotor bearing dust cover (if used), shaft
key, and clutch shims as per section 14.1.

3. Insert the points of a pair of snap ring pliers into the

holes of the felt ring retainer and pry out the retainer
and felt ring.

4. Remove seal snap ring with internal snap ring pliĆ


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15. (Cont.)

5. Use lip seal removal and installation tool to remove

lip seal assembly. Twist the tool until the 2 lips on
the tool engage the slots in the lip seal housing and
pull the seal out with a twisting motion.

6. Clean out shaft seal cavity thoroughly. Debris can

be removed using a non-petroleum based solĆ
vent and lint free cloth. The area should then be
blown out with clean, dry compressed air. Make
sure all foreign material is completely removed.

7. Place shaft seal protective sleeve over compressor

shaft. Inspect the sleeve to ensure that it has no
scratches and is smooth so that the lip seal will not
be damaged. Make sure there is no gap between
the end of the sleeve and the seal surface on the

8. Engage the lips of the seal removal and installation

tool with the slots in the new lip seal housing. Make
sure the lip seal assembly, especially the O-ring,
is clean. Dip the entire lip seal assembly, on the
tool, into clean 5GS refrigerant oil. Make sure the
seal assembly is completely covered with oil.

9. Install lip seal over shaft and press firmly to seat.

Twist the tool in the opposite direction to disenĆ
gage it from the seal and withdraw the tool.

10. Reinstall shaft seal snap ring with internal snap ring
pliers. Beveled side should face up (outward/away
from compressor body). Ensure that snap ring is
completely seated in groove. It may be necessary
to tap the snap ring lightly to seat it in the groove.

11. Tap new felt ring assembly into place.

12. Reinstall clutch shims, shaft key, rotor bearing dust

cover (if used), and armature assembly as deĆ
scribed in Section 14.6

13. Check and adjust air gap as necessary as shown in

Section 14.6.

14. Reinstall armature dust cover (if used) as deĆ

scribed in Section 14.6.

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16.1 Cylinder Head Removal

1. Be sure all internal compressor pressure has been


2. Inspect cylinder head for fitting or thread damage.

Replace if damaged

3. Remove cylinder head bolts.

4. Use a small hammer and gasket scraper to sepaĆ

rate the cylinder head from the valve plate. Be
careful not to scratch the gasket surface of the cylĆ
inder head.

5. Carefully lift the cylinder head from the valve plate.

6. It is recommended that both the head gasket (beĆ

tween the cylinder head and the valve plate) and
the block gasket (between the valve plate and the
cylinder block) be replaced any time the cylinder
head is removed. However, if no service is required
to the valve plate, it may be left in place. If the valve
plate comes loose from the cylinder block, the
block gasket must be replaced.

7. Carefully remove old head gasket from top of valve

plate with gasket scraper. Be careful not to disturb
the valve plate to cylinder block joint if valve plate
has been left in place. If valve plate comes loose
from cylinder block, proceed to Section 16.2, Valve
Plate Removal, and replace block gasket.

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SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual
16.2 Valve Plate Removal

1. Using a small hammer and gasket scraper, carefulĆ

ly separate valve plate from cylinder block. Be
careful not to damage sealing surface of cylinĆ
der block.
2. Inspect reed valves and retainer. Replace valve
plate assembly if any part is damaged.
3. Carefully remove any gasket material remaining on
valve plate, cylinder block or cylinder head. Do not
damage sealing surfaces on components.

16.3 Valve Plate and Cylinder Head Installation

1. Large gasket: OD of block gasket is 4-3/4"

(120mm) and sealing face of block does not have a
4-1/2" (114.7mm) diameter step.
2. Small gasket: OD of gasket is 4-1/2" (114.7mm)
and sealing face of the cylinder block has a 4-1/2"
(114.7mm) diameter step.
3. Coat new block gasket with clean 5GS refrigerant
4. Install block gasket. Align new gasket to location
pin holes and orifice(s). Notch (if present) should
face same direction as oil plug or adapter.
5. Place valve plate on cylinder block with discharge
valve, retainer and nut facing up (away from cylinĆ
der block) and location pins properly located in
6. Use vacuum pump and small tube to remove residĆ
ual oil from each bolt hole. If this step is not perĆ
formed, hydraulic pressure can be created when
the cylinder head bolts are tightened. This presĆ
sure can break the cylinder block.
7. Coat head gasket with clean 5GS refrigerant oil.
8. Install head gasket cover location pins, checking
for correct orientation.
9. Install cylinder head.
10. Install cylinder head bolts and tighten in a star patĆ
tern. Torque first to approximately 14 ftSlb (19.6
NSm, 200 kgfScm), then finish by torquing to 24-27
ftSlb (32.4-36.3 NSm, 330-370kgScm).

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17.1 TPS Testing

Some models of SD compressors are equipped with a bi-metal type thermal protector switch (TPS) to
protect against abnormally high temperatures. Contact Sanden Application Engineering for additional

1. Check continuity at room temperature. If switch is open at room temperature, remove and
2. Check actuating temperature. Remove TPS and place in container of PAG oil. Heat oil using
an electric hot plate while monitoring oil temperature. TPS should open at 116 ± 5°C (241 ±
9°F). If it does not function properly, replace it.

17.2 TPS Replacement

1. Disconnect all electrical connections.

2. Remove TPS retaining clip bolt.
3. Spray around TPS with commercial non-petroleum based solvent (volatile type such as 1,1,1-
trichloroethane or approved substitute), to loosen silicone.
4. Remove TPS with pliers. Use care to prevent deforming the TPS housing because this can
change the temperature setting.
5. Clean silicone out of TPS well with flat bladed screwdriver. Wipe out the TPS well with a
cloth. Make sure well area is clean and dry.
6. Apply a dot of silicone RTV (Dow Corning #8390 or 1340 recommended) approximately 1/4"
(6mm) in diameter and 1/8" (3mm) high at the bottom of the TPS well.
7. Install TPS, making sure lead wires are oriented to the clearance notch.
8. Install TPS retaining clip and bolt. Hold clip tight against stop while torquing bolt to 6-9 ftSlb
(8-13 NSm, 80-130 kgfScm)
9. Reconnect electrical connections and check function.


18.1 HPRV Replacement

Some models of Sanden compressors are fitted with a high pressure relief valve (HPRV) to protect against
damage from abnormally high discharge pressures.

1. Note: When replacing a failed HPRV with a new one, be sure to identify whether the A/C
system is for R-12 or R134a. The HPRV and the small O-ring at the threaded portion are both
different for R134a. Contact your supplier for additional information.
2. Be sure all gas pressure has been released from inside the compressor.
3. Remove HPRV.
4. Coat O-ring of a new HPRV with clean 5GS refrigerant oil. Seat and O-ring must be clean
and not damaged.
5. Install new HPRV and torque to 6-9 ftSlb (8-12 NSm, 80-120 kgfScm).

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SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual

19.1 Recommended Procedures for Sanden R-12 Compressors Retrofitted with R134a

The use of R134a in mobile A/C systems designed for R-12 refrigerant use causes higher discharge
pressures (as much as 10-15%) and necessitates changing the compressor lubricant from mineral oil (5GS)
to PAG oil (Sanden's SP-10 or SP-20) to ensure compatibility.

These changes result in greater wear to the internal components of the compressor. Therefore, to ensure
consistent and expected reliability, Sanden does not recommend using R134a in systems and compressors
designed for R-12.

Sanden recognizes the realities of the automotive service markets and consumer preferences. If a retrofit is
required, please follow the vehicle manufacturer's published retrofit procedures. Ensure all work done complies
with SAE recommended practices as described in J1660 &J1661:

S Repair any problems or leaks before retrofitting.

S Affix labels to the vehicle showing conversion status.
S Observe all safety recommendations.

If an OEM retrofit procedure is not available, Sanden recommends the following procedure:

19.2 Sanden's Procedure for Conversion from R-12 to R134a

1. If the R-12 vehicle air conditioning system is optional, run it at idle with the A/C blower on high speed
for five (5) minutes to maximize the amount of oil in the compressor.
2. Recover all R-12 refrigerant from the vehicle's A/C system.
3. Remove the compressor from the vehicle.
4. Remove the compressor oil plug and then drain as much mineral oil as possible from the compressor
5. Drain mineral oil from the cylinder head suction and discharge ports while turning the shaft with a
socket wrench on the clutch armature retaining nut.
6. Remove the existing R-12 receiver-drier or accumulator-drier from the vehicle and discard. Allow as
much oil as possible to drain from the A/C hoses.
7. Change any O-rings on the receiver-drier or accumulator-drier joints to approved HNBR O-rings;
replace any other O-rings that have been disturbed.
8. Replace the receiver-drier or accumulator-drier with a new R134a compatible one containing XH7 or
XH9 desiccant.
9. If a CCOT system is being repaired due to compressor damage, or foreign material is found in the oil
drained from the system, this foreign material must be removed from the system. At this time an in-line
filter should be installed in the liquid line. Allow as much oil as possible to drain from the A/C
lines when installing the filter. Change any O-rings disturbed in the installation of the filter to
approved HBNR O-rings.
10. Perform any necessary repairs to the compressor or A/C systems.
11. Using the original refrigerant oil quantity specification, add SP-20 or SP-10 oil to the compressor (SP-10
for TR, SDV-710, SDB-705, SDB-706 and SDB-709; SP-20 for all other SD compressors).
12. Replace the compressor oil plug O-ring with an HNBR O-ring.
13. Reinstall the compressor oil plug. The plug seat and O-ring must be clean and free of damage. Torque
the plug to 11-15 ftSlb (15-20 NSm, 150-200 kgfScm)

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19.2 (Cont.)

14. Change any seals at the compressor ports to approved HNBR seals.
15. Reinstall the compressor to the A/C system. Evacuate the A/C system for at least forty-five (45)
minutes to a vacuum of 29 in. Hg, using R-12 equipment, to remove as much R-12 as possible from the
residual mineral oil.
16. Remove all R-12 service equipment and disable the R-12 service fittings to prevent any refrigerant
other than R134a from being used. Permanently install R134a quick connect service fittings to the A/C
17. Connect R134a service hoses and other equipment. Re-evacuate the system for thirty (30) minutes
using the R134a equipment.
18. Charge the A/C system with R134a. Generally, about 5% (by weight) less than the R-12 charge
amount is required. Leak check the system per SAE J1628 procedure.
19. If the A/C system is a CCOT type, which has been repaired due to damage or the discovery of foreign
material in the oil drained from the system, run the system for sixty (60) minutes to capture this
material in the filter installed in step 9. Recover the refrigerant, remove and dispose of the filter,
reconnect the lines, evacuate for at least forty-five (45) minutes, and recharge the A/C system. This
step should not be necessary for TXV systems, since the drier is fitted with an internal filter.
20. Check the A/C system operating parameters. The system should function correctly within acceptable
limits of temperatures and pressures. This will ensure that the correct amount of R134a has been
21. In extreme circumstances when expected cooling performance cannot be achieved and high discharge
pressures are experienced, it may be necessary to add more condensing capacity to the A/C system. An
electric fan(s) and/or larger capacity condenser can be used.
22. Replace all R-12 compressor labels with retrofit labels per SAE J1660 in order to provide information
on the R134a retrofit which has been performed.

Retrofit PAG oil amount fluid ounces (cc)

Expansion valve systems Orifice tube systems
SD-505 3.4±0.5 (100±15) No Standard
SD-507 5.5±0.5 (165±15) No Standard
SD-508 7.2±0.5 (210±15) 9.5±0.5 (280±15)
SD-510 No Standard 8.1±0.5 (240±15)
SDB-706 No Standard No Standard
SD-708 4.6±0.5 (135±15) No Standard
SD-709 4.6±0.5 (135±15) 8.1±0.5 (240±15)

31 of 32
SM18-18-4.0 0999 Service Manual


Sanden provides field service containers of SP-20 PAG oil
for Sanden SD-series compressors in convenient 250cc
cans. These cans are designed to withstand moisture
ingression. Always keep the cap of the can tightly closed
when not handling the oil.

Cans are packed in "six-packs" and available through your

Sanden representative. Material safety data is also available.

Sanden limits the warranty of SD compressors for field

service with the condition that only Sanden-approved SP-20
is utilized.

"Six-Pack" of 250 cc cans of SP-20 oil -Sanden Number


32 of 32
Service Manual 0305 SM18 --- 018 --- 013.00

1 2 3 A 6 7 B

5 4 5 8
1. Capscrew, Washers, & Locknut 4. Motor 7. Condenser Line
2. Drive Belt 5. Compressor 8. Capscrew, Spacer, & Washer
3. Bracket 6. Evaporator Line

Figure 1
Air Conditioning Compressor

Air Conditioning Removal

Compressor, R & I 1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required.
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows:
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and
This procedure covers the removal and installation of
level surface.
the air conditioning compressor. For recondition
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block
procedure, see SM Keysheet Area 18---018. Before
the tires.
performing any procedures, review SM18---018---001.00
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
“Air Conditioning Service Precautions” for safety
lock, as required.
d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.
The evacuation, charging, and maintenance of the air e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-
conditioning system must be performed by a qualified quired.
air conditioning technician. At no time should lines, 3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy-
fittings, or components be loosened or removed after draulic pump.
the system has been charged without the assistance of
a qualified air conditioning technician.

1 of 4
SM18 --- 018 --- 013.00 0305 Service Manual
9. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect
WARNING evaporator line (6) and condenser line (7) from
compressor (5). Cap/plug open ports and lines
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be (6,7) to prevent excessive oil loss and contamina-
hazardous. Serious personal injury may tion of system.
result from misuse of these products. Read 10. Remove capscrew, washers, and locknut (1).
and follow all the manufacturer’s 11. Remove drive belt (2) from compressor (5) pulley.
recommendations concerning solvents and 12. Support compressor (5), and remove capscrew,
cleaning solutions. spacer, and washer (8).
13. Remove compressor (5) from bracket (3) and off of
4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with crane.
an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
mination. Allow the area to air dry. Cleaning And Inspection
5. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi-
tion and move the function lockout switch to the
“DISABLE” position.
6. Remove any sheet metal required to gain access to
the air conditioning compressor. Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
result from misuse of these products. Read
WARNING and follow all the manufacturer’s
recommendations concerning solvents and
Refrigerants are under pressure and can be cleaning solutions.
hazardous. A sudden release of refrigerant
could cause chemical burns, frostbite, or other 1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with
serious injury. Shutdown the engine and an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
properly “reclaim” the refrigerant from system fully inspected.
before removing any line or component. Read 2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
and follow all of the manufacturer’s should be removed from threads of hardware and
recommendations concerning use and storage the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
of refrigerants. reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
mance of products.
WARNING 3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
Avoid skin and eye contact with refrigerant.
replace as required.
Wear appropriate personal protective safety
4. Inspect the integrity of the evaporator and con-
equipment such as long sleeves, gloves, and
denser lines. Repair or replace if required.
goggles when working with refrigerant.
5. Inspect the integrity of the electrical connectors
Failure to do so may result in personal injury.
that supply the compressor. Repair or replace if re-
7. Properly reclaim refrigerant from system. quired.
6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
Refer to Figure 1. sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
8. Disconnect electrical connection from compressor any major component.

2 of 4
Service Manual 0305 SM18 --- 018 --- 013.00
Installation 3. Install drive belt (2) around compressor (5) pulley
and corresponding pulley on motor (4).
4. Rotate compressor (5) to achieve tension on drive
belt (2), making sure drive belt (2) is properly
WARNING seated in both pulleys.
Avoid skin and eye contact with refrigerant. 5. Fully tighten capscrews (1,8).
Wear appropriate personal protective safety 6. Connect evaporator line (6) and condenser line (7)
equipment such as long sleeves, gloves, and to compressor (5).
goggles when working with refrigerant. 7. Connect electrical connection to compressor (5).
Failure to do so may result in personal injury. 8. Charge the system with the proper refrigerant. Re-
fer to the I.D. plate located on the compressor or
the equipment manufacturer’s literature for the
The evacuation, charging, and maintenance of the air correct type of refrigerant to use.
conditioning system must be performed by a qualified
air conditioning technician. At no time should lines, Note: The system must be evacuated with a
fittings, or components be loosened or removed after vacuum pump prior to charging the system.
the system has been charged without the assistance of This procedure is the responsibility of the air
a qualified air conditioning technician. conditioning technician and must be done for
the maximum performance of and longevity of
the system.
WARNING 9. Once the system has been properly charge, oper-
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking ate the air conditioning for thirty minutes in an am-
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious bient temperature of at least 65˚F (36˚C). Check
personal injury may result from misuse of for leaks during this time and repair as required.
these products. Read and follow all 10. Install any sheet metal that was removed.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning 11. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
these products. tions of the air conditioning compressor for proper
operation. A general inspection of components
Refer to Figure 1. and systems in the areas adjacent to the repair
1. Position compressor (5) to mounting surface, and should also be performed to ensure related dam-
loosely install capscrew, spacer, and washer (8). age or wear is not present.
2. Align compressor (5) to bracket (3), and loosely
install capscrew, washers, and locknut (1).

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SM18 --- 018 --- 013.00 0305 Service Manual

4 of 4
Service Manual 0305 SM18 --- 018 --- 014.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 A

1. Compressor 4. Drive Belt 7. Mounting Bracket

2. Capscrew, Washers, & Locknut 5. Capscrews & Washers 8. Drive Motor
3. Bracket 6. Hydraulic Line 9. Hydraulic Lines

Figure 1
Air Conditioning Hydraulic Drive Motor

Air Conditioning Hydraulic d. Level the crane on fully extended outriggers.

e. Fully retract and position the boom, as re-
Drive Motor, R & I quired.
3. Shutdown the engine and disengage the main hy-
This procedure covers the removal and installation of draulic pump.
the air conditioning hydraulic drive motor. For
recondition procedure, see SM Keysheet Area
18---018. Before performing any procedures, review WARNING
SM18---018---001.00 “Air Conditioning Service Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
Precautions” for safety instructions. hazardous. Serious personal injury may
Removal result from misuse of these products. Read
and follow all the manufacturer’s
1. Lower, detach, and secure the load, as required. recommendations concerning solvents and
2. Stabilize the crane for service as follows: cleaning solutions.
a. Park the crane, out of the way, on a firm and
level surface. 4. Thoroughly clean the area to be disassembled with
b. Engage the park brake and/or properly block an approved cleaning solvent to prevent conta-
the tires. mination. Allow the area to air dry.
c. Engage the swing park brake or travel swing
lock, as required.

1 of 2
SM18 --- 018 --- 014.00 0305 Service Manual
3. Thoroughly inspect all parts for damage, wear, fa-
WARNING tigue or stress fractures, and corrosion. Repair or
replace as required.
Hydraulic oil is under pressure and may be 4. All “soft parts”, such as seals, gaskets, back up
hot. A sudden release of hot oil could cause rings, and o---rings, should be replaced.
burns or other serious injury. Shutdown the 5. Inspect the integrity of the hydraulic lines that are
engine and exhaust all trapped hydraulic connected to the drive motor. Repair or replace if
pressure from the system before removing required.
any line or component. 6. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
5. Relieve the hydraulic system pressure as follows: any major component.
a. Relieve any residual pressure in the hydraulic
reservoir by loosening the filler cap 1/4 turn. Installation
b. Turn the ignition switch to “ON”, but DO NOT
START THE ENGINE. Move the function lock-
out switch to the “OPERATE” position.
c. Work the crane control levers and outrigger WARNING
switches back and forth several times. Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
d. Turn ignition switch to the “OFF” position. compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
6. Check that all control levers are in the neutral posi- personal injury may result from misuse of
tion and move the function lockout switch to the these products. Read and follow all
“DISABLE” position. manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
these products.
Refer to Figure 1.
7. Label for assembly purposes and disconnect hy-
draulic lines (6,9) from drive motor (8). Cap/plug Refer to Figure 1.
open hydraulic ports and lines (6,9) to prevent ex- 1. Position drive motor (8) to mounting bracket (7).
cessive oil loss and contamination of system. 2. Secure drive motor (8) to mounting bracket (7) by
8. Loosen capscrew, washers, and locknut (2) to re- installing capscrews and washers (5).
lieve tension on drive belt (4). 3. Install drive belt (4) around drive motor (8) pulley
9. Remove drive belt (4) from drive motor (8) pulley. and corresponding pulley on compressor (1).
10. Support drive motor (8), and remove capscrews 4. Rotate compressor (1) to achieve tension on drive
and washers (5). belt (4), making sure drive belt (4) is properly
11. Remove drive motor (8) from mounting bracket (7) seated in pulleys.
and off of crane. 5. Tighten capscrew, washers, and locknut (2) to
secure compressor (1) to bracket (3).
Cleaning And Inspection 6. Connect hydraulic lines (6,9) to drive motor (8).
7. Check the hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as
required. See the Operator’s Manual for correct
WARNING type and procedure.
8. Start the engine and let idle for five minutes. In-
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be spect the hydraulic connections for leaks. Repair
hazardous. Serious personal injury may leaks as required.
result from misuse of these products. Read 9. Complete the installation by testing all related func-
and follow all the manufacturer’s tions of the air conditioning compressor for proper
recommendations concerning solvents and operation. A general inspection of components
cleaning solutions. and systems in the areas adjacent to the repair
should also be performed to ensure related dam-
1. All components should be thoroughly cleaned with age or wear is not present.
an approved cleaning solvent, air dried, and care-
fully inspected.
2. All Loctite, Permatex, or other sealant residue
should be removed from threads of hardware and
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
with Loctite 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
mance of products.

2 of 2
Service Manual 0804 SM18−018−015.00
Air Conditioning Hydraulic
Drive Motor, Recondition Do not grip on any of the hydraulic motors
machined surfaces. Excessive force while
This procedure covers the recondition of the air clamping could result in misalignment and/or
conditioning hydraulic drive motor. For removal and serious damage to parts. Take extreme care
installation procedures, see SM Keysheet Area not to mar or damage any machined surface.
18−018. Do not clamp in any form of vise unless jaws
Note: Some of the photographs depicted in are protected by a soft material.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 contain multiple section mo-
tors. These photographs are general in nature. The 4. Secure shaft end cover (11), shaft (3) pointing
disassembly and assembly procedures have been down, in a vise with padded jaws.
written to specifically address the single section 5. For assembly purposes, index mark all sections
motor used for this application. (11,14,15).
6. Remove capscrews (17) and washers (16).
7. Lift or pry port end cover (15) from gear housing
Disassembly (14).

It is a good practice when disassembling hydraulic Note: If prying is necessary, be careful not to
components to lay the parts out in the order that they damage the machined surfaces.
were disassembled. Keeping the parts in this order
during disassembly, cleaning, and inspection will aid in 8. Remove square ring seal (2) and thrust plate (1).
the assembly process. 9. Carefully remove gear shaft set (3) from gear hous-
ing (14).
If parts are hard to disassemble and assemble, do not
use a hammer unless it has a soft face, do not force Note: Avoid tapping the gear teeth against
parts together, they must be free to rotate/operate and hardened surfaces.
not bind.
10. Lift or pry gear housing (14) from shaft end cover

WARNING Note: If prying is necessary, be careful not to

Solvents and cleaning solutions can be damage the machined surfaces.
hazardous. Serious personal injury may 11. Remove square ring seal (5) and thrust plate (4).
result from misuse of these products. Read 12. Reposition shaft end cover (11) in vise, mounting
and follow all the manufacturer’s face up, to allow for removal of snap ring (9) and
recommendations concerning solvents and bearing (8).
cleaning solutions. 13. Using snap ring pliers, remove snap ring (9) from
shaft end cover (11).
1. Drain any excess hydraulic oil, remaining within 14. Using a bearing puller, remove bearing (8) from
the drive motor, into an appropriate container. shaft end cover (11).
Properly store or dispose of the used oil. 15. Remove seal retainer (12) from shaft end cover
2. Cap/plug any openings in the drive motor. Thor- (11).
oughly clean the exterior surface of the drive motor 16. Using a seal removal tool, remove lip seal (7) from
to prevent contamination from entering it. shaft end cover (11).
Refer to Figure 1 & Figure 2. 17. Remove seals (6) from from thrust plates (1,4).
3. Remove key (10) from gear shaft set (3). 18. Remove dowel pins (13), as required.

1 of 6
SM18−018−015.00 0804 Service Manual

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


17 16 15 14 13 12 11

1. Thrust Plate 6. Seals 10. Key 14. Gear Housing

2. Square Ring Seal 7. Lip Seal 11. Shaft End Cover 15. Port End Cover
3. Gear Shaft Set 8. Bearing 12. Seal Retainer 16. Washers
4. Thrust Plate 9. Snap Ring 13. Dowel Pins 17. Capscrews
5. Square Ring Seal
Figure 1
Air Conditioning Hydraulic Drive Motor Cross Section

2 of 6
Service Manual 0804 SM18−018−015.00

Steps 3−5 Step 6 Steps 7−8

Step 9 Steps 10−11 Steps 12−13

Steps 14−15 Step 16 Steps 8 & 11

Step 17 Step 18

Figure 2
Disassembly Steps

3 of 6
SM18−018−015.00 0804 Service Manual
Cleaning And Inspection e. Thrust Plates: Check the center of the thrust
plates where the gears mesh. Erosion here in-
dicates oil contamination. Pitted thrust plates
indicate cavitation or oil aeration. Discolor-
WARNING ation usually indicates overheating, likely due
to insufficient oil. Replace if they are scored,
Solvents and cleaning solutions can be
eroded, or pitted. A maximum of 0.002 in
hazardous. Serious personal injury may
(0.051mm) wear is allowable.
result from misuse of these products. Read
f. Seal and gaskets: Replace all rubber and poly-
and follow all the manufacturer’s
mer seals, including all o−rings, channel
recommendations concerning solvents and
seals, shaft seal, and gasket seals.
cleaning solutions.
4. In the event of severe defects, contact factory per-
sonnel for directions whether to repair or replace
1. Thoroughly clean all metal parts with an approved
any major component.
cleaning solvent. Place parts on a clean, lint free
surface and allow to air dry. Exercise every precau- Assembly
tion possible to keep all parts free of dust, dirt, or
any other foreign material during assembly.
2. All Loctite®, Permatex®, or other sealant residue
should be removed from threads of hardware and WARNING
the mounting surfaces of parts that are going to be
Lubricants, sealants, joint and thread locking
reused. Prior to applying new thread locking com-
compounds, etc. can be hazardous. Serious
pounds or sealants, clean threads and surfaces
personal injury may result from misuse of
with Loctite® 7070 Cleaner to ensure best perfor-
these products. Read and follow all
mance of products.
manufacturer’s recommendations concerning
3. Carefully inspect all components for damage,
these products.
wear, fatigue or stress fractures corrosion, deep
scratches, cracks, and scuffed metal. Remove any
burrs or sharp edges with a fine file, hone, emery
cloth, or crocus cloth. Replace any damaged com-
ponent, as required, using the following guide- CAUTION
lines: Do not grip on any machined surfaces.
a. Gear Housing: Place a straight edge across Excessive force while clamping could result in
the bore. If a 0.007 in (0.178mm) feeler gage misalignment and/or serious damage to
can slip under the straight edge in the cutout parts. Take extreme care not to mar or
area, replace the gear housing. damage any machined surface. Do not clamp
b. Dowel Pins: If either the dowel pin or dowel in any form of vise unless jaws are protected
hole is damaged, the pin, machined casting, by a soft material.
or both, must be replaced. If more than rea-
sonable force is required to seat the dowels, Refer to Figure 1 & Figure 3.
the cause may be poorly deburred or dirty 1. Secure shaft end cover (11), mounting face up, in a
parts, misalignment of the dowel in the hole, or vise with padded jaws.
improper pin to hole fit.
c. Gears: If any evidence of scoring is present on Note: Before installing dowel pins, ensure that the
the gear hubs, replace the gear set. Scoring, holes are clean and free from burrs.
grooving, or burring of the outside diameter of
the gear teeth requires that the gear set be re- 2. Start dowel pins (13) straight into holes by hand,
placed. Any nicking, grooving, or fretting of then tap lightly with a soft hammer to properly seat.
the gear teeth surfaces also requires that the 3. Coat outer edge and recess of lip seal (7) with Per-
gear set be replaced. matex® Aviation Form−A−Gasket® No. 3 non−
d. Drive Shaft: Replace if any wear is detectable hardening sealant or equivalent.
in the seal area, splines, or keyway. Wear in
the shaft seal area indicates oil contamination.

4 of 6
Service Manual 0804 SM18−018−015.00

Steps 1−2 Steps 3−5 Step 6

Step 7 Step 9 Step 12

Step 13 Steps 14−16 Step 17

Steps 18−19 Steps 20−22

Figure 3
Assembly Steps

5 of 6
SM18−018−015.00 0804 Service Manual
Note: Be careful not to pinch the square ring

12. Install seals (6) into grooves in thrust plates (1,4).

Flat Side Thrust Note: Ensure the flat side of seal is facing away
of Seal Plate from the thrust plate. Refer to Figure 4 for an ex-

13. Gently install thrust plate (4) through gear housing

(14), into place against shaft end cover (11).

Note: The seal side of the thrust plate should

face the shaft end cover.

14. Coat gear shaft set (3) with clean hydraulic oil.
15. Slide driven gear of gear shaft set (3) through gear
Figure 4 housing (14) into shaft end cover (11).
Channel Seal Installation 16. Using a slight twisting motion, guide drive gear
shaft (3) through end of shaft end cover (11) until
integral gear rests against thrust plate (4).
4. With metal side facing up, press lip seal (7) into
mounting flange side of shaft end cover (11) using Note: Avoid damaging the lip seal. To avoid
an arbor press and bar. Press until flush with re- damage, it may be necessary to use a steel
cess, and wipe off any excess sealant. sleeve to guide the drive gear shaft through the
shaft end cover.
Note: Be careful not to damage the lip of the lip
seal. 17. Slide thrust plate (1) over gear (3) journals and into
gear housing (14).
5. Install seal retainer (12) into shaft end cover (11)
against lip seal (7). Note: The seal side of the thrust plate should
6. Install bearing (8) into its recess in shaft end cover face out.
18. Position port end cover (15) over gear (3) journals.
Note: This is a light press fit. It may be neces-
sary to tap the bearing into the bore. Note: Align index marks made during disas-
7. Using snap ring pliers, install snap ring (9) to retain
bearing (8) in shaft end cover (11). 19. Tap port end cover (15) lightly with a soft mallet until
8. Lubricate square ring seals (5,2) with clean hy- it rests tightly against gear housing (14).
draulic oil. Refer to the Operator’s Manual for cor-
rect type. Note: Be careful not to pinch the square ring
9. Install square ring seals (5,2) in both sides of gear seals.
housing (14). 20. Install washers (16) and capscrews (17).
10. Position gear housing (14) over shaft end cover 21. Rotate gear shaft set (3) to check for binding. Re-
(11) and dowels (13). pair if required.
Note: Align index marks made during disas- 22. Evenly tighten capscrews (17), in a criss−cross
sembly. pattern, to a final torque of 200 ft lb (280Nm).
23. If the air conditioning hydraulic drive motor is not to
11. Tap gear housing (14) lightly with a soft mallet until be immediately installed on the crane, plug all
it rests tightly against shaft end cover (11). open ports to prevent contamination and properly

6 of 6

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