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Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair

This document is Property of © 2019

This guide was designed for educational purposes for individuals seeking general knowledge,
understanding of credit and the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, Transunion).

Disputing Information On Your Credit Report & Immediately Improving Your Credit Score
Disputing information on your credit report “as fraud” is the key to improving your credit score
immediately. Anytime you report an item “as fraudulent” on your credit report, the item is
removed within 30 days. This also results in your credit score increasing.

General Disputes Versus Fraud Disputes

There is a difference when making a general dispute versus a fraudulent dispute. The dispute
process takes 30 days. If a dispute is resolved in your favor, the item is then deleted from your
credit report. General disputes remain on your credit report during the time of the dispute
investigation process where fraudulent disputes are generally removed sooner and remain off of
your credit report.

Disclosure: This guide was created to provide people with credit report repair education, the information necessary to remove items
from his/her credit report ​and the opportunity to an improved credit score.
Getting Items Removed From Your Credit Report
Although you can make a general dispute online, fraudulent disputes are required to be
disputed by phone by phone. Below are the different ways you can have items immediately
deleted from your credit report.

1.) Items are generally removed from your credit report within 3 to 7 days and some cases
immediately by reporting an item as “fraudulent” on your credit report by phone. It is
important to know that simply calling to dispute an item is not the same as a fraudulent
dispute. You must first view a copy of your credit report in order to dispute items on your
credit report when speaking to a representative.
2.) Sending FTC (Federal Trade Commision) documents is the second effective way to
have items immediately removed from your credit report. The federal trade commission
recently created and began offering an online portal/guide for people to easily report
credit report fraud. FTC pdf legal documents are automatically generated specifically to
send to the credit bureaus which generally result in the items being removed
3.) Police reports are another quick way to get items immediately removed from your credit
report. File a police report at a local police station (may also be available online) and
send a copy of the police report when making a fraud dispute by phone.

FTC (Federal Trade Commission) ID Theft Submission Guide & Document -

How Does it Work

Credit bureaus conduct a “investigation”. Generally If a company does not respond within the 30
day investigation period, the item must be removed from the credit report. Because most
companies do not respond within the 30 day investigation period, thisloophole presents an
opportunity for your credit score to automatically increase and the negative item removed if the
company (original debtor) does not respond.

What To Dispute?
Dispute Negative Accounts & Collections
It is important to only dispute items that are negatively impacting your credit report. So do not
immediately begin disputing everything on your credit report. Check for accounts in good
standing. These account establish good credit history. If most or are all of the accounts on your
report are negative, then go ahead and report all of the accounts.

Dispute All Inquiries

Inquiries automatically and immediately bring down your credit score. Disputing inquiries is the
quickest and easiest way to increase your credit score.

Do NOT Dispute For Student Loans

Disclosure: This guide was created to provide people with credit report repair education, the information necessary to remove items
from his/her credit report ​and the opportunity to an improved credit score.
If you have a government student loan, this will most likely help you especially if you are able to
get a deferment. If you’ve never done a deferment or the account is currently showing as past
due, then request a deferment with your student loans company and also dispute the account
with the credit bureaus as inaccurate to have them update the student loan account on the

Establishing Credit
The key to establishing credit is by having ​already established credit history​ on your credit
report. This can be confusing to understand because most people think that establishing credit
is the act of opening utility, cable, and/or mobile account and the misunderstanding that they are
reported to credit bureaus to help an individual establish. Utility accounts only affect your credit
report and are reported to your credit report, only when the accounts are not paid (thus effecting
and reducing your credit score). Major credit cards and car loans are reported to your credit
report immediately.

Dispute Department Numbers

The credit bureaus make it hard to find the correct department numbers necessary to actually
dispute information on your credit report. The most confusing part is when researching the credit
bureau dispute numbers and the fact that they all have multiple numbers with the same or
similar voice prompt menu in different places on the internet.

Below is list of numbers for each credit bureau and their perspective Fraud Department
extensions to speak to a representative.

Equifax - 1 (866) 349-5191 Option #5

Experian - 1 (800) 493-1058 Option #2, #1, #2, #3
(IMPORTANT: When contacting Experian, ask to be transferred because you would like to make a “Fraud Dispute”.
You will then be transferred to the Experian Special Services Fraud Department.)
Transunion - 1 (800) 916-8800 Option #2

Confidence & Knowing What To Say

Knowing what to say and how to say it is important when communicating with each credit
bureau representative, especially when calling to report fraudulent activity. So if the
representative says that they CANNOT submit the dispute, hang up and call back until you get a
representative who will help you with submitting a dispute.

The Proof In The Pudding Example

Screenshot: Recent Experian fraud dispute results showing credit score increase.

Disclosure: This guide was created to provide people with credit report repair education, the information necessary to remove items
from his/her credit report ​and the opportunity to an improved credit score.
Photo: A copy of a Transunion credit report showing deleted items dated 4/24/2018.

This document is Property of © 2019

Disclosure: This guide was created to provide people with credit report repair education, the information necessary to remove items
from his/her credit report ​and the opportunity to an improved credit score.

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