Curriculum: Course Introduction Module 1: Value Investing in A Nutshell

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Value Investing Fundamentals Course

 Course Introduction
 Module 1: Value Investing in a Nutshell
o Lecture 1: What is Value Investing?
o Lecture 2: 3 Steps to Implement the Value Investing Strategy
o Lecture 3: Price Is What You Pay, Value Is What You Get
o Lecture 4: Understanding Margin of Safety
 Module 2: Value Investing Principles
o Lecture 1: Understand What You Are Doing
o Lecture 2: Invest in a Cash Rich Business
o Lecture 3: Seek Out Businesses with Low Debt
o Lecture 4: Rely on High-Quality Management
o Lecture 5: Avoiding Losses is The First Priority
o Lecture 6: Invest for the Long-Term
o Lecture 7: Know When to Sell Your Stocks
 Module 3: How to Identify Economic Moats
o Lecture 1: What is an Economic Moat?
o Lecture 2: Why a Company’s Economic Moat is So Important
o Lecture 3: The Advantage of Lower Cost
o Lecture 4: The Advantage of Greater Size
o Lecture 5: The Possession of Unique Assets
o Lecture 6: The Benefits of the Network Effect
o Lecture 7: The Ability to Command High Switching Costs
 Final Words
o Your Next Steps
o Thank You!

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