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Class 3 English C1.

A proposal to improve gender perspective in education

Gender identity has been a subject of debate for many generations. Throughout
history, we have increasingly seen the emancipation of women and their rights being
achieved little by little. Gender equality starts from the moment all genders are seen in the
same way in a society, hence the importance of addressing this issue as a key role in
One of the biggest problems in schools is the relationship between genders. Most
boys do not interact with girls and vice versa, which clearly leads to gender separation, when
it is known that this can cause a different perception of the genders. To solve this issue,
schools should create education programs that promote greater interaction between the two
genders. As a result, there will be greater interaction early on, which will lead to a better
understanding between them. If they are educated to be in contact early with different
genders, in the future there will be a greater equality of interaction.
There is also a concern about the education that parents give their children at home.
In many cases, what children do or say in everyday life stems from behaviour that parents
have. And this is how prejudiced thoughts like sexism can be born. To prevent that, there
should be a program of sessions provided by the state on gender identity and how to
address its issues so that parents can then at home pass on the right values to their
children. By doing this, parents would realize how important this issue is for their children.
Furthermore, something quite concerning is how teachers speak during the classes.
Clearly there are extreme cases, but sometimes one word can make a complete difference.
There are teachers who say words like "mankind" instead of "humankind" or
"policeman/policewoman" instead of "police officer". It would be advantageous if teachers
were trained on the issue of gender identity in education. In doing so, teachers also passed
on the right values to the future generation and thus reflected in their behaviour.
In the 21st century, it is more than crucial for people to see gender equality as
something normal in life. And that thinking begins in the education they give us at school or
at home. But to make this possible, teachers and parents first need to be taught how to pass
on the right values, whether by programmes to encourage gender interaction in schools, by
special sessions to parents or by gender identity training for teachers. I believe that by
complying with these measures we will come closer to gender equality gradually and make
society realise that there are no gender differences, because above all we are human

Guilherme Eduardo Oliveira Almeida Soares

Number : up20170479

Course: Línguas Aplicadas

Subject: English C1.2

Class 3

Up201704792 Guilherme Soares 1

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