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Empowering Individuals for Lasting Peace

From Inner Change to Global Change

Changing Poison into Medicine

The principle of changing poison into medicine means that we have the power to change our
sufferings into joy and good fortune, because we chant to the Gohonzon.

This can be understood to mean that any unfavourable situation can be changed into a
source of value and benefit through our Buddhist practice. More fundamentally, it is by
challenging and overcoming painful circumstances that we grow as human beings.

The process of changing poison into medicine begins when we approach hardships as an
opportunity for self-reflection and do our human revolution and strengthen our faith. The more
we are able to do this, the more we grow in vitality and wisdom, realising a truly expansive
state of life by remaining undefeated.

Suffering can thus serve as a springboard for a deeper experience of happiness. From
the perspective of Buddhism, inherent in all negative experiences is this profound positive
potential. However, if we are defeated by suffering or respond to challenging circumstances in
negative and destructive ways, the original “poison” is not transformed but remains poison.

Nichiren writes: “Misfortune will change into fortune. Muster your faith, and pray to this
Gohonzon. Then what is there that cannot be achieved?” (‘Reply to Kyo’o’, wnd-1, 412)

President Ikeda writes: “[D]isciples who persevere during the harshest winters of life
with courageous faith in the same spirit as their mentor will savour a brilliant springtime of
victory beyond anything they can imagine. This is the ultimate meaning of ‘changing poison into

When we encounter hardships, that is precisely the time to demonstrate the power of
faith and an opportunity to change karma. We inherently possess within us the fundamental
power to overcome any seemingly impossible situation or deadlock. With belief in our innate
power to “change poison into medicine”, we can change even the most intractable problems
and sufferings into wisdom and freely use them for value creation.

Mr. Toda encouraged a member who was struggling with various problems: “Rejoice
when you encounter hardships. This is the time to demonstrate the power of faith. It’s an
opportunity to change your karma. Buddhism teaches the infallible Law of ‘changing poison into
medicine’. You can regain any losses tenfold or a hundredfold in the form of great benefit.”

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