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Advanced ENGLISH Student Worksheet

Module 4 • New and Improved Grammar


Reported Speech

A Circle the sentence that reports the original sentence most accurately. TIP: Imagine that all these
things were said in the past. Don’t forget to check for changes in verb tenses, pronouns and
signifiers of time and place.

1. Carlos asked Tina, “What kind of invention are you working on now?”
a. Carlos asked what kind of invention Tina is working on at that time.
b. Carlos asked Tina what kind of invention she was working on at that time.
c. Carlos asked Tina what kind of invention he was working on now.

2. Ingrid told Mark, “Submit your application tomorrow.”

a. Ingrid told Mark to submit your application the following day.
b. Ingrid told Mark submit your application tomorrow.
c. Ingrid told Mark to submit his application the following day.

3. “I was thinking of using these magnets to keep the umbrella in place,” Tony explained to his project manager.
a. Tony explained to his project manager that he was thinking of using those magnets to keep the
umbrella in place.
b. Tony explained to his project manager that I had been thinking of using these magnets to keep the
umbrella in place.
c. Tony explained to his project manager that he had been thinking of using those magnets to keep the
umbrella in place.

4. The teacher told her class, “This famous inventor has changed the world with his inventions.”
a. The teacher told her class that this famous inventor had changed the world with his inventions.
b. The teacher told her class that that famous inventor had changed the world with his inventions.
c. The teacher told her class that that famous inventor has changed the world with his inventions.

5. “First, you must come up with an original idea,” Eva explained to Fabio.
a. Eva explained to Fabio that he first must come up with an original idea.
b. Eva explained to Fabio that she first had to come up with an original idea.
c. Eva explained to Fabio that he first had to come up with an original idea.

6. The little boy asked, “Who invented this funny alarm clock with wheels?”
a. The little boy asked who had invented that funny alarm clock with wheels.
b. The little boy asked who has invented that funny alarm clock with wheels.
c. The little boy asked who invented this funny alarm clock with wheels.

7. When Maria spoke to her brother, she insisted, “I know you like gadgets and you can get some great ones
here for good prices.”
a. Maria insisted that she knows his brother likes gadgets and she could get some great ones here for
good prices.
b. Maria insisted that she knew her brother liked gadgets and he could get some great ones there for
good prices.
c. Maria insisted that she knew her brother liked gadgets and he can get some great ones there for
good prices.

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Advanced ENGLISH Student Worksheet
Module 4 • New and Improved Grammar

Reported Speech

B Change the sentences from direct speech into reported speech.

1. The inventor advised Lucia, “Think of something that you need when you’re trying to come up with ideas
for a new invention.”
The inventor advised Lucia

2. Naoto told his mother, “We’ve just enlisted the help of some friends who will help us build our invention for
the science fair next month.”
Naoto told his mother

3. The teacher explained, “George Nissen loved gymnastics, which is why he invented the first trampoline and
built it in his parents’ garage.”
The teacher explained

4. Kim asked Chad, “What are you going to do for the science fair this year?”
Kim asked Chad

5. Carolina promised her brother, “If my invention is a big success, I will give you some of the money I make.”
Carolina promised her brother

6. Felipe stated, “My idea is to invent a toy that small children can play with without hurting themselves.”
Felipe stated

7. Jack asked Manuel, “Did you supply them with the materials they needed yesterday?”
Jack asked Manuel

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Advanced ENGLISH Student Worksheet
Module 4 • New and Improved Grammar

Reported Speech

C Complete Jill’s report of her conversation with Edward.

Edward: Do you know what you want to do when you finish school?
Jill: I want to be an inventor like you.
Edward: Why are you interested in becoming an inventor?
Jill: I love machines. At the moment I’m taking apart my brother’s old car motor to see how motors work.
Edward: I did the same when I was your age. I built and took apart lots of things.
Jill: How many things have you invented?
Edward: Well, I’ve taken out three patents this year alone.
Jill: So how can I make inventing my career?
Edward: Study engineering first. You will learn to design things, using science and math, which is the basis of

Edward asked me I told him

He then asked me in becoming an
inventor. So I told him I even explained
to see how motors work.

And you know what? Edward told me when he was my age. He added
So I asked him
He answered
Then I asked him how He advised me
He added , which is the basis of inventing.

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