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The Present Continuous

FORM : the auxiliary « to be » the at present simple

( am, is, are) + the Present participle of the main verb
[the gerund]

The Gerund = Base form of the verb + the suffix «ing»

* I am working on a very interesting project these days.

1. The gerund :

 A gerund is made by adding the suffix « ing » to the base form of the
verb : work-ing, learn-ing, read-ing, write-ing (writing), drive-ing

 A gerund can be :
1. a noun : I like reading novels.
2. an adjective: This trip is amazing.
3. a present participle: She’s not working today.

 The form of the gerund is the same for most verbs, however, there are
some exceptions :
For 1 syllable verbs ending with For 2 syllables verbs ending with 1
1 vowel & one consonant: vowel & 1 consonant, and the syllable
stress falls of the second syllable: (*)

 Double the final consonant,  Double the final consonant + ing:

then add the suffix « ing » : Pre|fer preferring
Per|mit permitting

 Don’t double the last consonant + ing:

To stop stopping O|pen opening
To grab grabbing En|ter entering

To fit fitting
 When the final consonant is « L »
,Double the last consonant + ing :
Tra|vel travelling
Can|cel cancelling
2. Uses:

1- To express an ongoin action at the time of speech:

Signal words : now, right now, at the moment , this week, these days…etc
Example : Students all over the world are studying online these days.
I’m reading a very intereting article on the benefits of fasting.

 The present simple vs The present continuous:

What’s the difference ? :
 My cousin works at the hospital. [Simple Present]
 My cousin is working on a project in a hospital this month. [Present Continuous]
The difference is simple :
My cousin works at the hospital (Always)
My cousin is working in a hospital until the project is finished. (in a month)

 Simple tenses express Permanent situations

 Continuous Tenses express Temporary situations
2- Planned future actions :
Signal words : Expressions of time that indicate the future. [next week, this summer,
on Tuesday…etc]
Example :- Are you doing anything interesting this summer?
- Yes, I am. I’m travelling to Spain. I’m going to Barcelona.

Note : It is also possible to use [to be going to + Base form] to express the planned
future :
-Are you going to do anything interesting this summer?
-I’m going to travel to Spain.I’m going to go to Barcelona.

Remark : [To be going to + base form] must be used with stative verbs (to be, to like,
to feel, to seem, to look…etc)
- I’m going to be at the airport in 20 mn. Not : I’m being at the airport in 20 mn.
- I’m baking a cake, you’re going to love it! Not: you’re loving it!

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