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Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90

Impaired T-cell dependent humoral response and its relationship

with T lymphocyte sensitivity to stress hormones in a chronic
mild stress model of depression
D.M. Silberman,a V. Ayelli-Edgar,a M. Zorrilla-Zubilete,b L.M. Zieher,b
and A.M. Genaroa,*
CEFYBO-CONICET, Serrano 669 3rd floor, CP 1414-Buenos Aires, Argentina
1ra C
atedra de Farmacologıa, Facultad de Medicina-UBA, Paraguay 2155, CP 1121-Buenos Aires, Argentina
Received 22 January 2003; received in revised form 13 May 2003; accepted 13 June 2003


The humoral response and the role of catecholamines and corticosterone were analyzed in a chronic mild stress (CMS) model of
depression. Mice subjected for more than 6 weeks to CMS showed a significant decrease in T-cell dependent antibody production.
However, T-cell independent humoral response was not altered. Serum corticosterone levels and splenic norepinephrine (NE)
contents showed an early increase but they were not altered after prolonged CMS exposure. Nevertheless, hormonal inhibitory effect
on T lymphocyte reactivity was higher in 6-week CMS mice compared to non-exposed animals. Thus, our results suggest that the
impaired T-cell dependent humoral response in a CMS model of depression is neither related to changes in glucocorticoids nor in
NE levels but is correlated with an increment of T-cell sensitivity to stress hormones. These findings would underlie the involvement
of catecholamines and glucocorticoid lymphocyte receptors in the immune alterations observed in stress and depression.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chronic mild stress; Depression; Corticosterone; Catecholamines; Lymphocyte receptors; Immune response

1. Introduction of depression in mice (Ayelli-Edgar et al., 2002). On the

other hand, other studies demonstrated some evidence of
Over the last years considerable evidence showed a immunocyte-mediated autoimmune reaction such as an
dynamic interaction between the brain and the immune increment in the levels of antibodies to phospholipids,
system (Miller, 1998). Many findings have suggested the nuclear and Epstein–Barr Virus; complement proteins
association between the clinical status of depression and C3 and C4 and acute-phase proteins (Maes et al., 1995).
an immunological dysfunction (Irwin, 1995; Ravindran Immune abnormalities in depression are difficult to
et al., 1998). Major depressive disorder has been associ- interpret due to the heterogeneity of the patients sample
ated with a suppression of several functions of the and to variables such as age, sex, and hospitalization
immune system, such as a reduction of lymphocyte status (Maes et al., 1997). Studies performed in an ani-
proliferation in response to mitogens (Herbert and mal model of depression allow getting an homogenous
Cohen, 1993; Leonard, 1995), impaired neutrophil and consistent array of results. Animal models of de-
phagocytosis and suppression of the cytotoxic activity of pression involve the application of various stressors and
natural-killer (NK) cells (Irwin, 1995). In fact, we have induce a state similar to the one observed in human
previously described a decrease in mitogen-induced depression. Depression is a complex psychological dis-
T-cell proliferation in a chronic mild stress (CMS) model order, which is defined by DSM-IV (American Psychi-
atric Association, 1994) by two core symptoms: loss of
Corresponding author. Fax: +54-11-4856-2751. interest or pleasure (anhedonia) and depressed mood.
E-mail address: (A.M. Genaro). Anhedonia can be modeled in animals, but not

0889-1591/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
82 D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90

depressed mood. It follows that anhedonia is the es- 2.3. Chronic mild stress model
sential symptom to be reproduced in an attempt to
simulate a depression-like state. Studies in rats and in Three experimental groups of 60 animals were used
mice have shown that chronic sequential exposure to through the experiments. Animals were singly housed
mild unpredictable stressors (CMS model) reduces the and maintained on a 12-h light/dark cycle under con-
consumption of, and the preference for, palatable sweet trolled temperatures (18–22°). Except as described be-
solutions (Monleon et al., 1995; Willner et al. (1992)). low, food and water were freely available. First, animals
Moreover, the CMS model also offers a realistic simu- were trained to consume a 1% sucrose solution. After a
lation of the etiology of depression, as chronic low- 2-day period of adaptation, animals were distributed
grade stress is an important factor in the onset of the into two subgroups ðn ¼ 30Þ and sucrose solution intake
illness (Overstreet and Steiner, 1998). baseline tests were performed (three tests per week) over
The adaptive response to stressors involves the acti- 15 days for all subjects. These tests involved a 3-h period
vation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) of food and water deprivation (from 11:00 AM to 2:00
axis and of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) PM) followed by the offering of a sucrose solution for
(Servatius et al., 2000). Products of both of these sys- 1 h. Intake was determined by weighing the bottles
tems (e.g., glucocorticoids and catecholamines) are able containing the sucrose solution at the beginning and at
to modulate the activity of several immune effector cells the end of each test. Sucrose solution consumption per
in a directed way (Chrousos, 1995; Elenkov et al., 2000). gram of body weight was calculated for each subject.
This occurs when neurohormones and neurotransmit- After this phase (2 weeks) one group was housed in
ters bind to their receptors on lymphocytes (Elenkov et normal conditions (non-exposed animals) and the other
al., 2000; Roszman and Brooks, 1997). Furthermore, it group was subjected throughout the experiment to
is assumed that both pathways (HPA axis and the SNS) chronic unpredictable mild stress (CMS-exposed ani-
probably act in a cooperative way in order to maintain mals). The stress scheme was slightly modified from that
homeostasis. previously used in rats by Willner et al. (1992) and in
The aim of the present work was to study the inter- mice by Monleon et al. (1995), and consisted of: 16-h
action between SNS–HPA-immune system in an animal period of water deprivation; two periods of continuous
model of depression. For this purpose, BALB/c mice overnight illumination; two periods (7 and 17 h) of 45°
were subjected to the above-mentioned CMS model cage tilt; one 17-h period in a soiled cage (100 ml water
from 1 to 10 weeks. The effect of CMS exposure on in sawdust bedding); one period (8 h) of food depriva-
behavioral parameters, antibody formation to T-cell tion; one 17-h period of paired housing (animals are
dependent and independent antigens, catecholamines always housed in the same pairs, but the location al-
and corticosterone levels and their effect on lymphocyte ternates between the home cages of each member of the
reactivity were analyzed. pair). All the individual stressors used had been classi-
fied as ‘‘mild’’ according to the Animals (Scientific
Procedures) Act of 1986 (UK legislation). The stressors
2. Materials and methods were scheduled throughout the week, in a similar man-
ner to that previously described (Monleon et al., 1995;
2.1. Drugs Willner et al., 1992) for 6 weeks (n ¼ 46) or for 1–10
weeks (n ¼ 44).
Phytohemagglutinin (PHA), epinephrine, norepi-
nephrine, and corticosterone were purchased from Sigma 2.4. Open field behaviour
Chemical. [3 H]Thymidine (20 Ci/mmol) was purchased
from New England Nuclear (NEN), Life Science prod- Open field test was performed between 4:00 and 6:00
ucts. Other materials were from standard commercial PM. Each animal was placed in the centre of a uni-
sources. formly lit open-field with rounded edges measuring
42  35  15 cm uniformly divided into 30 squares of
2.2. Mice 7  7 cm. The entire grid was divided into four equal
quadrants. Two observers, unaware of the group to
Inbred female BALB/c mice were purchased from the which each animal belonged, recorded the parameters
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologıa Agropecuaria (INTA). for 10 min. Exploratory behaviour involved sniffing and
Inbred female C3H mice were obtained from the Insti- general orientation to various parts of the test cage.
tuto de Oncologıa ‘‘A.H. Roffo.’’ All animals were be- Exploration that occurred within a given quadrant for
tween 60 and 100 days of age. The animals were cared in five or more consecutive seconds was defined as ‘‘non-
accordance with the principles and guidelines of the ambulatory exploration.’’ Exploration that occurred in
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, US two or more quadrants for five consecutive seconds was
National Research Council, 1996. defined as ‘‘ambulatory exploration.’’ We also assessed
D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90 83

locomotion, defined as the ‘‘number of lines crossed,’’ 2.8. Mitogen assay

and rearing.
Proliferation was determined by culturing 2  105
2.5. Immunizations cells per well in 96-well plates in 0.150 ml triplicate
aliquots in supplemented medium. Aliquots of 50 ll of
Sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and allogeneic cells PHA were added to the microcultures to yield a final
(from C3H mice) were used as immunogens to eval- concentration of 50 lg/ml. In control cultures, stimu-
uate T-cell dependent humoral response. Dextran lants were replaced by 50 ll of culture medium. Then
B512 (DxB512) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were cells were cultured at 37 °C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere for
used to determinate T-cell independent humoral re- different periods. Mitogenic activity was measured by
sponse. For allogeneic response, animals were injected adding 1 lCi [3 H]thymidine per well for the last 18-h
intradermically (id) with 107 cells in saline. For SRBC period of culture. The thymidine incorporation was
response, BALB/c mice were immunized intraperito- measured by scintillation counting after retention over
neally (ip) with 2.5% SBRC in saline. For LPS or GF/C glass-fiber filters (Whatman) of the acid-insoluble
DxB512 immunizations, each BALB/c mouse received macromolecular fraction. The means of triplicate de-
an ip injection of 10 lg of LPS or DxB512 in 0.1 ml terminations were calculated for each mitogen concen-
saline. Mice injected with vehicle alone were used as tration. Mitogen-stimulated cells displayed the expected
controls. kinetic proliferation, with a peak of proliferation at the
third day of culture. To analyze the influence of cate-
2.6. Antibody titers cholamine and corticosterone on proliferative responses,
co-incubation was carried out with epinephrine, nor-
Animals were sacrificed 1 week after immunization epinephrine or corticosterone, at concentrations ranging
and blood was collected into plain tubes (without of 1  109 –1  105 M.
anticoagulant). Serial dilutions of sera were made and
hemagglutination assays using C3H red cells, SRBC, 2.9. Catecholamines assay
LPS-coated SRBC, or DxB512-coated SRBC were
performed according to the method described by Catecholamine concentrations were determined in
Welsh and Batchelor (1978). Briefly, a 2% cell sus- spleen samples by the fluorometric assay described by
pension is made up in 0.25% carboxymethylcellulose in Laverty and Taylor (1968). Briefly, spleens were ho-
saline. Antisera are serially diluted with normal mouse mogenized in 12.5% sodium sulfite, 10% EDTA in 0.4 N
serum to ensure that there is a standard protein con- percloric acid. After 24 h at 4 °C the homogenate was
centration in all tubes. One volume of 25 ll of red cell centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatants
suspension is added to one volume of antiserum di- were brought to pH 8.2 and seeded in pre-washed alu-
lution in a series of round bottom wells cut into mina columns. The eluate was oxidized with iodine in an
transparent plastic block. The reagents are incubated alkaline medium. The fluorescence was recorded at 375
for 90 min at 37 °C and results are read macroscopi- nm in a spectrofluorometer using an excitation source of
cally: agglutinated red cells appear as a carpet spread 325 nm.
over the entire bottom of the wall, whereas non-
agglutinated cells form a small tight button. Antibody 2.10. Corticosterone determination
titers were determined as the higher dilution with
positive reaction. To avoid fluctuations on plasma corticosterone levels
due to circadian rhythmus, animals were bled at 12:00
2.7. Cell suspensions and culture conditions PM on the day of sacrifice. Blood from animals under
different experimental conditions was collected on ice in
Lymphoid cell suspensions from control and CMS 0.25 M EGTA and separated in a refrigerated centri-
mice spleens were obtained as previously described fuge. Plasma was stored at )80 °C until assay was
(Ayelli-Edgar et al., 2002). Briefly, spleens were removed performed. Corticosterone levels were determined using
and disrupted through a 1 mm metal mesh and cell highly sensitive double antibody radioimmunoassay kits
suspension was filtered through a 10 lm nylon mesh. (ICN Biomedical).
The suspension was depleted of non-lymphoid cells after
centrifugation over Ficoll/Hypaque. After three washes 2.11. Statistical analysis
in RPMI 1640, cells were re-suspended in RPMI 1640
supplemented with 10% of batched-tested non-stimula- StudentÕs t test for unpaired values was used to de-
tory fetal calf serum, 2 mM glutamine, 100 U/ml of termine the level of significance for normally distributed
penicillin, 100 lg/ml of streptomycin, and 50 lM data. Group differences were tested by one-way analysis
b-mercaptoethanol. of variance (ANOVA). Proliferation data were analyzed
84 D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90

by two-way ANOVA with fixed factors for experimental jected to CMS for 6 weeks spent significantly more time
groups and hormone concentrations. When multiple in ambulatory exploration than control animals
comparisons were necessary after ANOVA, the Stu- (t½1; 58 ¼ 17:1; p < :0001) (Fig. 2A). Conversely, the
dent–Newman–Keuls test was applied. When results time engaged in the non-ambulatory exploration was
were not normally distributed the non-parametric sta- significantly diminished in CMS animals compared with
tistic Mann–Whitney U test was performed. Differences controls (t½1; 58 ¼ 16:4; p < :0001) (Fig. 2B). More-
between means were consider significant if p < :05. over, the locomotive activity in CMS animals was about
2.5-fold higher than the activity observed in controls
(t½1; 58 ¼ 13:0; p < :0001) (Fig. 2C). Similarly, CMS
3. Results exposure induced a significant increment in the number
of rearing compared to control animals (t½1; 58 ¼
3.1. Sucrose intake and body weight 10:45; p < :0001) (Fig. 2D). Although behavioral
changes were evidenced notoriously in all animals after 5
In the sucrose solution training phase (baseline weeks of CMS exposure, some of them were observed
phase), sucrose intake did not show significant differ- after 3 weeks of CMS exposure (data not shown).
ences between control and CMS group (F ½2; 177 ¼
2:787, NS) (data not shown). Mean sucrose intake in the 3.3. Antibody response to T-cell dependent and T-cell
last baseline test  SEM was 10.9  0.31 ll/g. Similarly, independent antigens
variations in mice weight were not observed during this
phase (F ½2; 177 ¼ 2:146, NS] (data not shown). Mean To investigate the effects of CMS exposure on the
weight in the last baseline test  SEM was 30.7  0.2 g. humoral response, we examined antibody production
As it is shown in Fig. 1, none of these parameters sig- after immunization with T-cell dependent antigens (C3H
nificantly changed in control animals during this ex- cells and SRBC) and T-cell independent antigens (LPS
periment. On the other hand, in stressed animals, both and DxB512). We found that serum from animals ex-
parameters significantly decreased after the second week posed 6 weeks to CMS had a positive reaction at smaller
of stress exposure, reached their maximal peak during dilutions than those from control animals when SRBC
the fourth week and remained at these levels in the (Fig. 3A) or C3H cell (Fig. 3B) were used as the im-
subsequent weeks (Fig. 1). After 6 weeks of CMS ex- munogen (U ¼ 0:00, p < :0002 and U ¼ 9 p ¼ :0148,
posure, sucrose intake was significantly lower in stressed respectively). However, similar titers were obtained
animals than in non-exposed mice (t½1; 58 ¼ 25:3; when the challenge was performed with LPS (Fig. 3C) or
p < :0001) (test 18). Body weight of stressed animals DxB512 (Fig. 3D) (U ¼ 21:5; p ¼ :2786 and U ¼ 23,
was significantly lower respect to controls (t½1; 58 ¼ p ¼ :3823, respectively). In order to study the relation-
10:2; p < :0001). ship between the time of CMS exposure and the de-
crease in T-cell dependent antibody response, we
3.2. Open-field behavior evaluated the antibody production after SRBC chal-
lenge in animals exposed 2, 4, 6, and 10 weeks to the
As it is shown in Fig. 2, the CMS exposure signifi- CMS scheme. As depicted in Fig. 4, serum from animals
cantly altered the open-field behavior. Animals sub- subjected for 2 weeks to CMS did not show differences

Fig. 1. Sucrose intake and body weight in control and CMS animals. Fluid intake (panel A) and body weight (panel B) were determined in non-
exposed () and CMS-exposed (j) animals. Results showed represent the mean  SEM of determinations performed in 30 animals of each subgroup
of one representative experimental group in a 1-h test (three per week).
D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90 85

Fig. 2. Effect of CMS exposure on the open-field test. Non-ambulatory exploration (panel A), ambulatory exploration (panel B), locomotion (panel
C), and rearing (panel D) were determined in non-exposed (open bars) and 6 weeks CMS-exposed (dark bars) animals in a 10 min open-field test.
Results showed represent the means  SEM of determinations performed in 30 animals of each subgroup of one representative experimental group.

Fig. 3. T-cell dependent and independent antibody production in control and CMS animals. Antibody production was determined in serum of non-
exposed and 6-week CMS-exposed (CMS) animals inoculated with T-cell dependent antigens: SRBC (panel A) and C3H cells (panel B) and T-cell
independent antigens: LPS (panel C) and DxB512 (panel D) by hemagglutination test. Results show the inverse of the highest dilution of serum that
had a positive reaction determined in eight animals of each group.
86 D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90

cant difference when compared to controls (for 6 weeks,

t ¼ ½1; 14 ¼ :9093, p ¼ :3786, NS).

3.5. Spleen NE contents

To investigate catecholamine participation in the ef-

fect of stress on humoral response, splenic NE content
was determined after CMS exposure. As described in
Table 1, splenic NE content showed a similar pattern to
serum corticosterone levels presenting an early increase,
which was lost after 3 weeks of CMS exposure [1-week
CMS vs control; tð1; 10Þ ¼ 4:308, p ¼ :0015; 2 weeks,
Fig. 4. Time course relationship between CMS exposure and T-cell
tð1; 10Þ ¼ 3:793, p ¼ :0035; 3 weeks, tð1; 10Þ ¼ 4; 616,
dependent antibody production. Animals non-exposed and exposed
for the indicated time to the CMS scheme were inoculated with SRBC. p ¼ :001; and 6 weeks t ¼ ½1; 14 ¼ 1:191, p ¼ :2535,
After one week, serum was obtained and the antibody production was NS].
determined by hemagglutination test. Results show the inverse of the
highest dilution of serum that had a positive reaction determined in six 3.6. Catecholamines and corticosterone effects on lym-
animals of each group.
phocyte reactivity after mitogen stimulation

in the anti-SRBC titer respect to control (U ¼ 15:5; To investigate whether CMS exposure was associated
p ¼ :6931). After 4 weeks of CMS exposure antibody with changes in lymphocyte sensitivity to catecholamine
production was lower than the corresponding control and corticosterone, we evaluated the effect of these
value (U ¼ 5:5; p ¼ :0411). Antibody titer was signifi- hormones on mitogen-stimulated T-cell proliferation
cantly diminished in animals subjected for 6 or 10 weeks (Fig. 5). Addition of epinephrine to the cultures resulted
to CMS compared with control animals (U ¼ 0; in a biphasic effect on PHA-induced proliferation of
p < :002). No differences were found in the antibody control lymphocytes. However, on CMS lymphocytes
production against DxB512 antigen after 2–10 weeks the concentrations tested induced only an inhibitory
of CMS exposure (data not shown). effect (Fig. 5A). Two-way ANOVA revealed that epi-
nephrine significantly altered mitogen-induced T-cell
3.4. Serum corticosterone levels proliferation (F ½4; 40 ¼ 23:19; p < :0001) dependent on
catecholamine concentrations. Significant chronic stress
To analyze the correlation between serum cortico- effect (F ½1; 40 ¼ 88:93; p < :0001) was observed for
sterone levels and changes in humoral response, we de- proliferation when cells were incubated with exogenous
termined hormone levels after CMS exposure (Table 1). epinephrine. However, no significant interaction be-
Animals subjected to the CMS procedure showed a tween group and hormone concentration was observed
significant increase in hormone levels during the first 3 (F ½4; 40 ¼ 1:70; p ¼ :1689, NS). Post hoc analysis re-
weeks of exposure (CMS vs control; tð1; 10Þ ¼ 10:49, vealed that lymphocytes from CMS group exhibited
p < :0001; t ¼ 10:255, p < :0001; and t ¼ 2:411, p ¼ altered sensitivity to epinephrine effect compared to cells
:0366 for 1, 2, or 3 weeks of exposition, respectively). from control group. Thus, when added to normal cell
After 3 weeks, serum corticosterone levels returned to culture, 108 M of epinephrine-stimulated cell prolifer-
basal values and did not show any statistically signifi- ation in 21.2  5.0%. In contrast, the effect of 108 M of
epinephrine in CMS cell culture was an inhibition of
20.6  5.4% on cell proliferation, which is significantly
Table 1 different (t½1; 8 ¼ 5; 660; p ¼ :0005). The addition of
Catecholamine concentrations in splenic samples and serum cortico- 105 M of epinephrine to lymphocyte cultures resulted
sterone levels from control and CMS-exposed animals in a 17.8  3.1% inhibition on the proliferation of nor-
Time of CMS [Norepinephrine] [Corticosterone] mal lymphocytes and in a 39.0  3.2% inhibition on the
exposure (ng/mg) (ng/ml) proliferation of CMS lymphocytes, which is significantly
Non-exposed 10.9  1.0 181  8 higher (t½1; 8 ¼ 5:383; p ¼ :0007). Similar results were
1 week 19.0  1.8 480  39 obtained using norepinephrine (data not shown). On the
2 weeks 17.6  1.7 442  32 other hand, the addition of corticosterone resulted in a
3 weeks 18.8  1.8 231  25
4 weeks 11.7  1.1 190  19
dose-dependent modulation of both control and CMS
6 weeks 12.7  1.4 193  11 lymphocytes (Fig. 5B). Two-way ANOVA revealed that
Catecholamines and corticosterone analyses were performed in corticosterone significantly influence PHA-induced T-
non-exposed and 1–6 weeks CMS-exposed animals. Results represent cell proliferation (F ½4; 40 ¼ 91:12; p < :0001) depen-
the means  SEM of at least four animal of each group. dent on the steroid concentration. Significant chronic
D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90 87

Fig. 5. Effect of epinephrine and corticosterone on PHA-induced T-cell proliferative response. PHA-stimulated T cells from non-exposed (open bars)
or 6 weeks CMS-exposed animals (dark bars) were co-incubated with the indicated concentrations of epinephrine (panel A) and corticosterone (panel
B). After incubation as described in Section 2, [3 H]thymidine incorporation was determined. Results are expressed as a percentage of [3 H]thymidine
incorporation at the peak of proliferation in the absence of epinephrine or corticosterone (basal proliferation). Values for basal proliferation were:
38,543  5572 dpm for non-exposed T cells and 16,332  2671 for CMS-exposed T cells. Neither of both hormones affected the non-stimulated cells.
Data showed represent the means  SEM from five independent experiments of triplicate cultures performed with one animal of each group.

stress effect was observed for T-cell proliferation under sucrose solution. This finding is considered typical in the
these conditions (F ½1; 40 ¼ 56:12; p < :0001). More- depression-like state observed in rats. Similarly, de-
over, there was a statistically significant interaction creased locomotive activity in a novel field test is usually
between group and steroid concentration (F ½4; 40 ¼ observed in experimental depression (Willner, 1997).
4:38; p < :005). Post hoc analysis revealed that However, our open-field test results showed an incre-
lymphocytes from CMS group exhibited changes in ment in ambulatory behavior as well as in locomotive
corticosterone effects compared to the control group. activity and rearing in stressed mice. This discrepancy
The stimulatory effect was lower and the inhibitory ef- could be due to many factors, i.e., sensitivity to CMS
fect was higher on CMS lymphocytes than on control can be different according to the strain used and to the
lymphocytes. Thus, 108 M of corticosterone induced a animal suppliers, differences in CMS procedure details,
111.3  14.1% of stimulation in control cells whereas the etc. Likewise, the duration of the single housing period
effect on CMS lymphocytes was significantly lower, previous to the beginning of the CMS experiment could
32.0  7.0% of stimulation (t½1; 8 ¼ 5:253; p < :0008). influence the intensity of social interaction occurring
When 105 M of corticosterone was added an inhibitory during CMS which has been reported to be an impor-
effect of 36.0  3.5% was observed on normal lympho- tant element of this procedure (Willner, 1997). More-
cyte proliferation. The inhibition was significantly over, there are data documenting increased locomotive
higher (t½1; 8 ¼ 3:812; p ¼ :0052) on CMS-lymphocyte activity during the open-field test after CMS (Benelli
proliferation (53.8  3.2% of inhibition). It is important et al., 1999; Dun^cko et al., 2001). Besides, the psycho-
to note that, according to our previous results, basal motor agitation is a symptom can be present in human
PHA-induced proliferation was decreased in lympho- depression (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
cytes from animals exposed 6 weeks to CMS. Concerning the humoral response, CMS had a clear
effect on T-cell dependent antibody production without
disturbing T-cell independent response. A decrease in
4. Discussion antibody titer to T-cell dependent antigen is observed
after 4 weeks of CMS exposure. This impairment is
The present study shows that T-cell dependent hu- pronounced after 6 weeks. These findings are in agree-
moral response is diminished in mice subjected to a ment with our previous results showing an impaired T-
chronic mild stress model of depression. Furthermore, cell proliferative response (Ayelli-Edgar et al., 2002).
we found that T lymphocytes have an increased sensi- Although there are no reports on humoral response af-
tivity to the inhibitory effect of stress hormones (cate- ter antigenic challenge in depression, several studies
cholamine and corticosterone). The CMS model has have indicated an alteration of the antibody response to
been proposed as a relatively valid model of endogenous immunization in the context of stress. Thus, poorer
depression, which meets criteria for construct, face and antibody response to hepatitis B or influenza vaccine has
predictive validity (Willner, 1997; Willner et al., 1992). been observed in family caregivers of Alzheimer patients
The present data agree with Monleon et al. (1995) in as well as in others experiencing severe stress (Glaser
that stressors significantly reduced the intake of a 1% et al., 1992, 1998; Jabaaij et al., 1996; Kiecolt-Glaser
88 D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90

et al., 1996). Evidences of a decreased antibody pro- acute stress, which is caused by partial habituation,
duction and impaired isotype switching in response to coping and adaptation to the stressors (Mizoguchi et al.,
immunization with a thymus-dependent antigen have 2001). Something similar could happen with NE secre-
been reported in a genetic model of stress (Murray et al., tion. Indeed, we have observed an increase in serum
2001). Likewise, it was shown that chronic restraint corticosterone and catecholamine levels during the first
stress induced severe disruption of the functional ability weeks of CMS exposure, which return to basal values
of lymphocyte to proliferate and to produce cytokines, after three weeks of stress exposure. On the other hand,
and antibody titers against tetanus toxin (Tournier differences in corticosterone and catecholamines effects
et al., 2001). on lymphocyte reactivity were observed in animals that
It has been known for some time that stress and showed a significant impairment of antibody produc-
emotions are associated with neurochemical and hor- tion. Catecholamines showed a biphasic effect on
monal changes that in turn influence the reactivity of non-exposed lymphocytes depending on the tested con-
cells of the immune system (Maier et al., 1994). Acti- centration. While the lowest catecholamine concentra-
vation of both the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal tion induced a slight increment of proliferation, the
(HPA) axis and the sympathetic–adrenal–medullar axis highest concentration produced a strong inhibitory
play a prominent role in the response to psychological effect on lymphocytes of non-exposed mice. Only an
stress (Azpiroz et al., 1999; Maier et al., 1994). Cells of inhibitory effect was observed on CMS lymphocytes
the immune system, like cells in other organ systems, exposed to different concentration of catecholamines.
express receptors for hormones and neurotransmitters These results are in accordance with our previous find-
(Elenkov et al., 2000; Roszman and Brooks, 1997). ings showing that lymphocytes from animals subjected
Triggering of these receptors results in the modulation to CMS have an altered lymphocyte catecholamine re-
of immune reactivity. Glucocorticoids have profound activity due to a significant increase in b2 adrenergic
effects over the immune system development and func- receptors density (Ayelli-Edgar et al., 2003). On the
tion (Munck and Guyre, 1991). On the other hand, other hand, the addition of corticosterone to the cul-
strong evidence has been accumulated indicating the tures induced a biphasic effect on both normal and CMS
participation of the autonomic sympathetic system in lymphocytes. However, the stimulatory effect obtained
the modulation of lymphocyte activity via specific re- with low concentrations of corticosterone was higher in
ceptors that in turn regulate intracellular signals, such as normal lymphocytes and the inhibitory effect observed
cyclic nucleotides levels (Elenkov et al., 2000). More- for high concentrations was greater on CMS lympho-
over, it has been suggested that an inadequate commu- cytes. In humans, chronic psychosocial stress of care-
nication between the neuroendocrine and the immune givers of dementia patients has been associated with
system contribute to the pathophysiology of disorders reduced lymphocyte sensitivity to glucocorticoids when
with immune alteration (Kavelaars et al., 2000). Thus, stimulated in vitro with a T-cell mitogen (Bauer et al.,
we investigated the participation of catecholamines and 2001). However, Stark et al. (2001) working in a mouse
corticosterone in the disruption of T-cell dependent model found that a psychosocial stressor induced glu-
antibody response. The impaired antibody production cocorticoid resistance in mouse splenic macrophages but
observed after 4 weeks of CMS exposure was not cor- not in splenic T-cells. On the other hand, Bauer et al.
related with alteration of these stress hormone levels. (2001) showed that splenocytes collected from chroni-
This is in accordance with our previous results (Ayelli- cally stressed animals with stressor re-exposure are more
Edgar et al., 2003) reporting no significant variations in sensitive to exogenous application of dexamethasone
corticosterone and catecholamine levels between control and corticosterone than animals chronically stressed
and 8-week CMS exposed animals. Ayensu et al. (1995) without stressor re-exposure. In addition, this group
reported high corticosterone levels after 4 weeks of CMS (Bauer et al., 2003) reported that alterations in immune
exposure in rats. However, other authors have not function and steroid regulation associated with depres-
found elevated levels of this hormone after prolonged sion are not related to elevated basal levels of cortisol
stress situations (Azpiroz et al., 1999). In addition, and suggests that lymphocyte steroid resistance may be
Azpiroz et al. (1999), did not observe differences neither associated with treatment resistant depression. It is
in hypothalamic nor in hippocampal NE levels in ani- reasonable to think that complex interactions occur
mals under CMS conditions. These data suggest that during chronic stress exposure and depression and it is
there was not an adrenal (cortical or medullar) activa- very difficult to understand which is the particular al-
tion in CMS animals. It has been proposed that there is teration in the immune–neuroendocrine communication
an adaptive response of HPA axis in the presence of associated to a specific condition. In our model it is
high-prolonged glucocorticoid concentrations (Azpiroz possible that early increments of catecholamine and
et al., 1999; Pignatelli et al., 2000). Moreover, it was corticosterone levels may induce long-lasting changes
demonstrated that chronic stress induces an hypersup- in lymphocyte sensitivity to catecholamines and
pressive state for corticosterone secretion in response to corticosterone.
D.M. Silberman et al. / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 18 (2004) 81–90 89

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