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1) In a double-slit experiment, if the slit separation is increased, which of the following

happens to the interference pattern shown on the screen?

A) The minima get closer together.
B) The maxima stay at the same position.
C) The minima and maxima stay at the same position.
D) The minima stay at the same position.
E) The maxima get further apart.
1) In the two-slit experiment, monochromatic light of frequency 5.00 × 1014 Hz passes
through a pair of slits separated by 2.20 × 10-5 m. (c = 3.00 × 108 m/s)
(a) At what angle away from the central bright spot does the third bright fringe past the
central bright spot occur?
(b) At what angle does the second dark fringe occur?

4) Light of wavelength 575 nm passes through a double-slit and the third order bright
fringe is seen at an angle of 6.5° away from the central fringe. What is the separation
between the double slits?
A) 5.0 µm
B) 10 µm
C) 15 µm
D) 20 µm
E) 25 µm
9) A double slit illuminated with light of wavelength 588 nm forms a diffraction pattern
on a screen 11.0 cm away. The slit separation is 2464 nm. What is the distance between
the third and fourth bright fringes away from the central fringe?
A) 23.9 cm
B) 5.96 cm
C) 5.59 cm
D) 2.63 cm
15) Coherent monochromatic light of wavelength 632.8 nm passes through a pair of thin
parallel slits. The figure shows the central portion of the pattern of bright fringes viewed
on a screen 1.40 m beyond the slits. What is the distance between the two slits?

A) 0.0703 mm
B) 0.141 mm
C) 0.281 mm
D) 0.562 mm
E) 0.633 mm
16) Light of wavelength 519 nm passes through two slits. In the interference pattern on a
screen 4.6 m away, adjacent bright fringes are separated by 5.2 mm in the general vicinity
of the center of the pattern. What is the separation of the two slits?

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