EE426 - Digital Control System Lab: Assignment 1

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EE426 – Digital Control System Lab

Assignment 1
Spring 2020
Name: ___________ Roll Number: ______________

Maximum Marks: 10 Due Date: February 17, 2020


 Partially or fully copied assignments will be marked as zero.

 Only handwritten solution on A4 page will be accepted.
 Solve all the questions in the given sequence and all the parts of a question must be in
proper order. You will be penalized for random and out of sequence answers.
 Clearly indicate all the calculations in your solution. No points will be awarded in case of
missing calculations.
 You can submit your assignment before due date else only in Lab.
 Late submission due to any reason will result -2 for just one day else not

CLO Taxonomy
No. Level

1 Follow instructions to complete your tasks for various open and 3

closed loop digital system.

Question CLO
Statement Marks
No. No.

1 Trace the output response for the two systems given in fig. 1 1 10
using desired software.

CLO Statement↓ Score→ Exemplary (5) Proficient (4) Developing (3) Beginning (2) Novice (1)
1. Arranged the equipment accordingly
Follow instructions 2. Performed the procedure accordingly
3. Explains the results properly
to complete your
4. Has taken sufficient readings to Follow any 4 Follow any 3 Follow any 2 Follow any
1 tasks for various 3
complete the given tasks points. points. points. 1 point.
open and closed 5. Did not followed wrong mean to
loop digital system. present his/her work

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