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Sounding Board: A User-Centric and Content-Driven Social Chatbot

Hao Fang∗ Hao Cheng∗ Maarten Sap† Elizabeth Clark† Ari Holtzman†
Yejin Choi† Noah A. Smith† Mari Ostendorf∗
University of Washington



Abstract Turn User Sounding Board

1 Let's chat Hi! This is an Alexa Prize socialbot. How's your
We present Sounding Board, a social chatbot 2 I'm five. Glad to hear it! We could talk about robots,
arXiv:1804.10202v1 [cs.HC] 26 Apr 2018

that won the 2017 Amazon Alexa Prize. The Batman, or Superman. Say "next", to chat about
system architecture consists of several com- other things.
3 Superman. It looks like you wanna chat about Superman. I
ponents including spoken language process- was high up in the cloud when I realized: If
ing, dialogue management, language genera- people don't recognize Clark Kent as Superman
tion, and content management, with emphasis because of his glasses, does his eye doctor know
on user-centric and content-driven design. We his true identity?
4 I guess so. Did you know that Henry Cavill almost missed the
also share insights gained from large-scale on-
call for the role of Superman cause he was
line logs based on 160,000 conversations with playing "World of Warcraft"
real-world users. 5 Really, I Weird, right? Speaking of Superman, Did you see:
didn't know Superman? It was released in 1997. It's a
that. comedy.
1 Introduction 6 Yes, it was I'm glad you feel this is hilarious. Which part do
hilarious. you like best about this movie?
Researchers in artificial intelligence (AI) have long 7 The part Interesting. Meccartin and Raffi co-directed this
when he film. The movie has a 6.3 out of 10 on IMDB.
been interested in the challenge of developing a met Lewis which seems pretty good! do you like the movie's
system that can have a coherent conversation with Leah. director?
humans: early systems include Parry (Colby et al.,
1971), Eliza (Weizenbaum, 1966), and Alice (Wal- Figure 1: A sample dialog. Suspected speech recogni-
tion errors in the user utterances are underlined.
lace, 2009). The Loebner Prize1 is a Turing test for
conversational AI that has challenged researchers
since 1990. Recent work has addressed tasks where ing Board,2 demonstrates that it is feasible to build
passing the Turing test is not a concern. Goal- an agent that can engage in long-term conversation
oriented conversational systems facilitate natural when backed by rich content and knowledge of the
user interaction with devices via text and spoken user obtained through interaction. Sounding Board
language. These AI assistants typically focus on won the inaugural Amazon Alexa Prize with an
short interactions, as in commercial products such average score of 3.17 on a 5-point scale and an
as Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, Google As- average conversation duration of 10:22, evaluated
sistant, and Apple Siri. General conversational by a panel of independent judges.3
systems, called chatbots, have constrained social There are two key design objectives of Sounding
interaction capabilities but have difficulty generat- Board: to be user-centric and content-driven. Our
ing conversations with long-term coherence (Ser- system is user-centric in that users can control the
ban et al., 2017; Sato et al., 2017; Shao et al., 2017; topic of conversation, while the system adapts re-
Tian et al., 2017; Ghazvininejad et al., 2018). sponses to the user’s likely interests by gauging the
The Alexa Prize sets forth a new challenge: creat- user’s personality. Sounding Board is also content-
ing a system that can hold a coherent and engaging driven, as it continually supplies interesting and
conversation on current events and popular topics relevant information to continue the conversation,
such as sports, politics, entertainment, fashion and
technology (Ram et al., 2017). Our system, Sound- 2
1 2017-alexa-prize
enabled by a rich content collection that it updates ment. The DM tries to maintain dialog coherence
daily. It is this content that can engage users for by choosing content on the same or a related topic
a long period of time and drive the conversation within a conversation segment, and it does not
forward. A sample conversation is shown in Fig. 1. present topics or content that were already shared
We describe the system architecture in §2, share with the user. To enhance the user experience, the
our insights based on large scale conversation logs DM uses conversation grounding acts to explain
in §3, and conclude in §4. (either explicitly or implicitly) the system’s action
and to instruct the user with available options.
2 System Architecture The DM uses a hierarchically-structured, state-
based dialog model operating at two levels: a mas-
Sounding Board uses a modular framework as
ter that manages the overall conversation, and a
shown in Fig. 2. When a user speaks, the system
collection of miniskills that handle different types
produces a response using three modules: natu-
of conversation segments. This hierarchy enables
ral language understanding (NLU), dialog manager
variety within specific topic segments. In the Fig. 1
(DM), and natural language generation (NLG). The
dialog, Turn 3 was produced using the Thoughts
NLU produces a representation of the current event
miniskill, Turn 4 using the Facts miniskill, and
by analyzing the user’s speech given the current dia-
Turns 5–7 using the Movies miniskill. The hierar-
log state (§2.1). Then, based on this representation,
chical architecture simplifies updating and adding
the DM executes the dialog policy and decides the
new capabilities. It is also useful for handling high-
next dialog state (§2.2). Finally, the NLG uses the
level conversation mode changes that are frequent
content selected by the DM to build the response
in user interactions with socialbots.
(§2.3), which is returned to the user and stored as
context in the DM. During the conversation, the At each conversation turn, a sequence of pro-
DM also communicates with a knowledge graph cessing steps are executed to identify a response
that is stored in the back-end and updated daily by strategy that addresses the user’s intent and meets
the content management module (§2.4). the constraints on the conversation topic, if any.
First, a state-independent processing step checks
2.1 Natural Language Understanding if the speaker is initiating a new conversation seg-
ment (e.g., requesting a new topic). If not, a sec-
Given a user’s utterance, the NLU module extracts
ond processing stage executes state-dependent dia-
the speaker’s intent or goals, the desired topic or po-
log policies. Both of these processing stages poll
tential subtopics of conversation, and the stance or
miniskills to identify which ones are able to satisfy
sentiment of a user’s reaction to a system comment.
constraints of user intent and/or topic. Ultimately,
We store this information in a multidimensional
the DM produces a list of speech acts and corre-
frame which defines the NLU output.
sponding content to be used for NLG, and then
To populate the attributes of the frame, the NLU
updates the dialog state.
module uses ASR hypotheses and the voice user
interface output (Kumar et al., 2017), as well as
2.3 Natural Language Generation
the dialog state. The dialog state is useful for cases
where the system has asked a question with con- The NLG module takes as input the speech acts
straints on the expected response. A second stage and content provided by the DM and constructs a
of processing uses parsing results and dialog state response by generating and combining the response
in a set of text classifiers to refine the attributes. components.
Phrase Generation: The response consists of
2.2 Dialog Management speech acts from four broad categories: ground-
We designed the DM according to three high-level ing, inform, request, and instruction. For instance,
objectives: engagement, coherence, and user expe- the system response at Turn 7 contains three speech
rience. The DM takes into account user engage- acts: grounding (“Interesting.”), inform (the IMDB
ment based on components of the NLU output and rating), and request (“do you like the movie’s di-
tries to maintain user interest by promoting diver- rector?”). As required by the hosting platform, the
sity of interaction strategies (conversation modes). response is split into a message and a reprompt.
Each conversation mode is managed by a miniskill The device always reads the message; the reprompt
that handles a specific type of conversation seg- is optionally used if the device does not detect a
Figure 2: System architecture. Front-end: Amazon’s Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech
(TTS) APIs. Middle-end: NLU, DM and NLG modules implemented using the AWS Lambda service. Back-end:
External services and AWS DynamoDB tables for storing the knowledge graph.

response from the user. The instruction speech acts tent and topics that are appropriate for a general
are usually placed in the reprompt. audience. This requires filtering out inappropriate
Prosody: We make extensive use of speech syn- and controversial material. Much of this content
thesis markup language (SSML) for prosody and is removed using regular expressions to catch pro-
pronunciation to convey information more clearly. fanity. However, we also filtered content contain-
to communicate. We use it to improve the nat- ing phrases related to sensitive topics or phrases
uralness of concatenated speech acts, to empha- that were not inherently inappropriate but were of-
size suggested topics, to deliver jokes more ef- ten found in potentially offensive statements (e.g.,
fectively, to apologize or backchannel in a more “your mother”). Content that is not well suited in
natural-sounding way, and to more appropriately style to casual conversation (e.g., URLs and lengthy
pronounce unusual words. content) is either removed or simplified.
Utterance Purification: The constructed response
(which may repeat a user statement) goes through 3 Evaluation and Analysis
an utterance purifier that replaces profanity with a To analyze system performance, we study conver-
non-offensive word chosen randomly from a list of sation data collected from Sounding Board over a
innocuous nouns, often to a humorous effect. one month period (Nov. 24–Dec. 24, 2017). In this
period, Sounding Board had 160,210 conversations
2.4 Content Management with users that lasted 3 or more turns. (We omit the
Content is stored in a knowledge graph at the back- shorter sessions, since many involve cases where
end, which is updated daily. The knowledge graph the user did not intend to invoke the system.) At the
is organized based on miniskills so that query and end of each conversation, the Alexa Prize platform
recommendation can be carried out efficiently by collects a rating from the user by asking “on a scale
the DM. The DM drives the conversation forward of 1 to 5, how do you feel about speaking with this
and generates responses by either traversing links socialbot again?” (Ram et al., 2017). In this data,
between content nodes associated with the same 43% were rated by the user, with a mean score of
topic or through relation edges to content nodes 3.65 (σ = 1.40). Of the rated conversations, 23%
on a relevant new topic. The relation edges are received a score of 1 or 2, 37% received a score of
compiled based on existing knowledge bases (e.g., 3 or 4, and 40% received a score of 5.4 The data are
Wikipedia and IMDB) and entity co-occurrence used to analyze how different personality types in-
between content nodes. teract with the system (§3.1) and length, depth, and
Because Sounding Board is accessible to a wide 4
Some users give a fractional number score. These scores
range of users, the system needs to provide con- are rounded down to the next smallest integer.
ope con ext agr neu
% users 80.02% 51.70% 61.59% 79.50% 42.50%
# turns 0.048** not sig. 0.075** 0.085** not sig.
rating 0.108** not sig. 0.199** 0.198** not sig.

Table 1: Association statistics between personal-

ity traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, Figure 3: Average conversation score by conversation
agreeableness, neuroticism) and z-scored conversation length. Each bar represents conversations that contain
metrics. “% users” shows the proportion of users scor- the number of turns in the range listed beneath them
ing positively on a trait. “# turns” shows correlation and is marked with the standard deviation.
between the trait and the number of turns, and “rat-
ing” the correlation between the trait and the conver-
sation rating, controlled for number of turns. Sig- user ratings (r = 0.14) and because some turns
nificance level (Holm corrected for multiple compar- (e.g., repairs) may have a negative impact. There-
isons): ∗∗ p < 0.001. fore, we also study the breadth and depth of the
sub-dialogs within conversations of roughly equal
length (36–50) with high (5) vs. low (1–2) ratings.
breadth characteristics of the conversations (§3.2).
We automatically segment the conversations into
3.1 Personality Analysis sub-dialogs based on the system-identified topic,
and annotate each sub-dialog as engaged or not de-
The Personality miniskill in Sounding Board cal-
pending on the number of turns where the system
ibrates user personality based on the Five Factor
detects that the user is engaged. The breadth of
model (McCrae and John, 1992) through exchang-
the conversation can be roughly characterized by
ing answers on a set of personality probing ques-
the number and percentage of engaged sub-dialogs;
tions adapted from the mini-IPIP questionnaire
depth is characterized by the average number of
(Donnellan et al., 2006).
turns in a sub-dialog. We found that the average
We present an analysis of how different person-
topic engagement percentages differ significantly
ality traits interact with Sounding Board, as seen in
(62.5% for high scoring vs. 28.6% for low), but the
Table 1. We find that personality only very slightly
number of engaged sub-dialogs were similar (4.2
correlates with length of conversation (# turns).
for high vs. 4.1 for low). Consistent with this, the
However, when accounting for the number of turns,
average depth of the sub-dialog was higher for the
personality correlates moderately with the conver-
high conversations (4.0 vs. 3.8 turns).
sation rating. Specifically, we find users who are
more extraverted, agreeable, or open to experience 4 Conclusion
tend to rate our socialbot higher. This falls in line
with psychology findings (McCrae and John, 1992), We presented Sounding Board, a social chatbot
which associate extraversion with talkativeness, that has won the inaugural Alexa Prize Challenge.
agreeableness with cooperativeness, and openness As key design principles, our system focuses on
with intellectual curiosity.5 providing conversation experience that is both user-
centric and content-driven. Potential avenues for
3.2 Content Analysis future research include increasing the success rate
Most Sounding Board conversations were short of the topic suggestion and improving the engage-
(43% consist of fewer than 10 turns), but the length ments via better analysis of user personality and
distribution has a long tail. The longest conversa- topic-engagement patterns across users.
tion consisted of 772 turns, and the average con-
versation length was 19.4 turns. As seen in Fig. 3,
longer conversations tended to get higher ratings. In addition to the Alexa Prize financial and cloud
While conversation length is an important factor, computing support, this work was supported in part
it alone is not enough to assess the conversation by NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (awarded to
quality, as evidenced by the low correlation with E. Clark), NSF (IIS-1524371), and DARPA CwC
5 program through ARO (W911NF-15-1-0543). The
These insights should be taken with a grain of salt, both
because the mini-IPIP personality scale has imperfect relia- conclusions and findings are those of the authors
bility (Donnellan et al., 2006) and user responses in such a and do not necessarily reflect the views of sponsors.
casual scenario can be noisy.
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