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Problem Solving and Data Analysis

17 – Standard Deviation
No Calculator
Discussion from Warm-Up
1. Find the five-number summary and mean for the data set below.

30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 45, 47, 49

Five-Number Summary: (30, 33, 39, 45, 49) Mean: 38.9

2. Find the five-number summary and mean for the data set below.

5, 11, 23, 30, 38, 40, 46, 55, 67, 74

Five-Number Summary: (5, 23, 39, 55, 74) Mean: 38.9

3. Compare and contrast the five-number summaries and the means for these two data sets. How do the
values in each data set compare to each other?

The means for these two data sets are the same, but the five-number summaries are different. The five-number
summary highlights the differences between the two data sets. The second set of values are more spread out
than the first as seen with the min and max.
Data Set 1: 30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 45, 47, 49

Data Set 2: 5, 11, 23, 30, 38, 40, 46, 55, 67, 74

Although the mean of each data set is the same, the values in the second set are more spread out. We
measure the spread of a data set with the standard deviation (also called variance).

Data Set 1 Standard Deviation = 6.69

Data Set 2 Standard Deviation = 22.59

How to calculator Standard Deviation is saved for AP Statistics.

The main focus now is that the larger standard deviation is due to the data points being more spread out.

The father the data points are away from the mean, the greater the standard deviation will be.

Also, if there are a lot of data points far away from the mean, there will be a large standard deviation.
Data Set 1: 30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 45, 47, 49
All 4 data sets
Data Set 3: 10, 11, 13, 25, 38, 40, 51, 65, 67, 69 have a mean
of 38.9.
Data Set 4: 35, 36, 36, 38, 38, 40, 40, 40, 42, 44

Which will have a larger standard deviation, Data Set 1 or Data Set 3?

Data Set 3 will have a larger standard deviation because it has several a larger spread of values. Most of the
values in Data Set 3 are farther away from the center.

Data Set 1 Standard Deviation: 6.69 Data Set 3 Standard Deviation: 23.58

Which will have a larger standard deviation, Data Set 1 or Data Set 4?

Data Set 1 will have a larger standard deviation because it has several a larger spread of values. Most of the
values in Data Set 4 are closer to the center.

Data Set 1 Standard Deviation: 6.69 Data Set 4 Standard Deviation: 2.85
From PSAT/SAT/ACT: An environmental biologist recorded the numbers of snail eggs in the first clutch (group)
laid at different temperatures, as shown in the histograms below.

Which graph
has a larger
spread of

At 22 degrees Celsius the snails laid a mean of 49 eggs. At 25 degrees Celsius the snails laid a mean of 31
eggs. Which statement best compares the standard deviations of the numbers of eggs?

A. Both sets vary too much to have a valid standard deviation.

B. The standard deviation is greater when the first clutch is at 22 degrees Celsius.
C. The standard deviation is greater when the first clutch is at 25 degrees Celsius.
D. The standard deviation at both temperatures are about the same.
The dot plot below depicts the heights in inches of players on a professional basketball team.

What would happen to the standard deviation of the data set if the lowest and highest heights were removed?

A. It would increase.
B. It would decrease.
C. It would remain the same.
D. There is not enough information to determine the impact on the standard deviation of the data set.

If the highest and lowest values are removed, the remaining data points will be closer together.

This would make the standard deviation smaller.

From PSAT/SAT/ACT: A class used catapults to launch 2 kinds of gummy candies. The dot plots below record
the distances the gummy candies travelled, in inches.

Lots of values in the middle

near the mean.

More values farther away

from the middle.

Which statement best compares the standard deviation and the means of the distances travelled of the 2 kinds
of candies?

A. The worm gummy distances have a greater standard deviation than the fish gummy distances.
B. The worm gummy distances have a smaller standard deviation than the fish gummy distances.
C. The worm gummy distances have approximately the same standard deviation as the fish gummy distances.
D. Impossible to decide without computing the standard deviation values.
From PSAT/SAT/ACT: The histograms below show the test results of two different 11th grade history classes on
the same exam.

Lots of More values farther away

values in the from the middle.
middle near
the mean.

Which statement best compares the standard deviations of the two data sets?

A. The standard deviation of the scores from class A is greater than the standard deviation of the scores from class B.

B. The standard deviation of the scores from class B is greater than the standard deviation of the scores from class A.

C. The standard deviation of the scores from class A is equal to the standard deviation of the scores from class B.

D. There is not enough information to compare the two standard deviations.

From PSAT/SAT/ACT: The change in students’ pulse rates after an activity was measured in beats per minute.
In one group of students, the activity was running. In the other group of students, the activity was sitting. Both
groups had roughly the same number of students. For the running group, the measurements were rounded to
the nearest 5 beats per minute.
More values farther away from the middle.

Lots of values in the middle

near the mean.
Standard Deviation
Which of the following statements correctly compares the variance of the change in pulse rate of both groups?

A. The variance of the running group is greater.

B. The variance of the sitting group is greater.
C. The variances of the groups are within 5 beats per minute of each other.
D. There is not enough information to compare the variances of the two groups.

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