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Class #34, April 3rd

1.  Midterm on Friday.

2.  Packback set #10 due Sun. April 7, 11:59 pm.
(Only need to do responses, not new topics.)
3.  HW #10 (on Ch. 11) due Fri. April 12, 11:59 pm.
4.  Extra credit opportunities: stand-by. Probably coming
5.  Dr. F is out of town, so no office hours this week;
contact him to reschedule. (Back for Friday’s test.)
Class #34, April 3rd
6. Today: finish Chapter 11, start Chapter 13.
Chapter 11

Angular Momentum
Chapter 11 – Angular Momentum
11.1 – Rolling Motion
11.2 – Angular Momentum
11.3 – Conservation of Ang. Mom.
11.4 – Precession of the Gyroscope

You can skip section 4; not on HW, not on test.

Some examples of
Conservation of Angular Momentum
Example: An artificial satellite is in an elliptical orbit
around Earth. Its point of closest approach is rP =
8.37x106 m from the center of Earth, and its point of
greatest distance is rA = 25.1x106 m. At perigee, vP =
8450 m/s. Find the speed at the apogee.
Example: An artificial satellite is in an elliptical orbit
around Earth. Its point of closest approach is rP =
8.37x106 m from the center of Earth, and its point of
greatest distance is rA = 25.1x106 m. At perigee, vP =
8450 m/s. Find the speed at the apogee.

Is angular momentum
Is there any external
torque on the system?
Is there any force on the satellite?
And is there any torque?

A.  Yes force, yes torque.

B.  Yes force, no torque.
C.  No force, yes torque.
D.  No force, no torque.
Example: An artificial satellite is in an elliptical orbit
around Earth. Its point of closest approach is rP =
8.37x106 m from the center of Earth, and its point of
greatest distance is rA = 25.1x106 m. At perigee, vP =
8450 m/s. Find the speed at the apogee.

Is angular momentum
Is there any external
torque on the system?

Only external force is

gravity, but no torque
since r and F vectors
are parallel.
Example: An artificial satellite is in an elliptical orbit
around Earth. Its point of closest approach is rP =
8.37x106 m from the center of Earth, and its point of
greatest distance is rA = 25.1x106 m. At perigee, vP =
8450 m/s. Find the speed at the apogee.

So L is conserved!

L before: mrvsinθ =
mrPvPsin90º =
Example: An artificial satellite is in an elliptical orbit
around Earth. Its point of closest approach is rP =
8.37x106 m from the center of Earth, and its point of
greatest distance is rA = 25.1x106 m. At perigee, vP =
8450 m/s. Find the speed at the apogee.

So L is conserved!

L before: mrvsinθ =
mrPvPsin90º =
L after : mrvsinθ =
mrAvAsin90º =
Example: An artificial satellite is in an elliptical orbit
around Earth. Its point of closest approach is rP =
8.37x106 m from the center of Earth, and its point of
greatest distance is rA = 25.1x106 m. At perigee, vP =
8450 m/s. Find the speed at the apogee.

mrPvP = mrAvA

vA = vP(rP/rA)

vA =
( 6
rP vP 8.37 ×10 m (8450 m s )
= = 2820 m s
rA 25.1×10 m
What if you wanted to use the other formula?
L is conserved, so Lbefore = Lafter

L = Iω
So: I AωA = I PωP

What is moment of inertia

for a particle? Just mr2.

What is ω for the satellite?

Recall: ω = v/r .
What if you wanted to use the other formula?
L is conserved, so Lbefore = Lafter

L = Iω
So: I AωA = I PωP

What is moment of inertia

for a particle? Just mr2.

What is ω for the satellite?

Recall: ω = v/r .
vA 2 vP
mr 2
= mrP
rA v A = rP vP
A platform is rotating at an angular speed of 2.2 rad/s. A block is
resting on this platform at a distance 0.30 m from the axis. The
coefficient of static friction between block and platform is 0.750.
With no external torque, the block is moved closer to the axis. How
close can the block get to the axis and not be flung off?
(Assume the platform has negligible moment of inertia.)
A platform is rotating at an angular speed of 2.2 rad/s. A block is
resting on this platform at a distance 0.30 m from the axis. The
coefficient of static friction between block and platform is 0.750.
With no external torque, the block is moved closer to the axis. How
close can the block get to the axis and not be flung off?
(Assume the platform has negligible moment of inertia.)

First: Are there external torques on the block? Is angular momentum

A platform is rotating at an angular speed of 2.2 rad/s. A block is
resting on this platform at a distance 0.30 m from the axis. The
coefficient of static friction between block and platform is 0.750.
With no external torque, the block is moved closer to the axis. How
close can the block get to the axis and not be flung off?
(Assume the platform has negligible moment of inertia.)

First: Are there external torques on the block? Is angular momentum


NO, no torques; YES, is conserved! There is a force on the

block moving it toward the axis, but that doesn’t exert a torque – it
doesn’t give the block any extra spin (compared to what it already
has by being on the platform).
A platform is rotating at an angular speed of 2.2 rad/s. A block is
resting on this platform at a distance 0.30 m from the axis. The
coefficient of static friction between block and platform is 0.750.
With no external torque, the block is moved closer to the axis. How
close can the block get to the axis and not be flung off?
(Assume the platform has negligible moment of inertia.)

SO – angular momentum is conserved --- L = Iω and the value of L at

the beginning will always be the value of L.
I = mr2
L = Iω = mr2ω = m•(0.30m)2•(2.2 rad/s) = 0.198•m

Or more simply, we can just say r2ω = 0.198.

A platform is rotating at an angular speed of 2.2 rad/s. A block is
resting on this platform at a distance 0.30 m from the axis. The
coefficient of static friction between block and platform is 0.750.
With no external torque, the block is moved closer to the axis. How
close can the block get to the axis and not be flung off?
(Assume the platform has negligible moment of inertia.)

Now what about deciding when the block gets flung off?
It will get flung off when the centripetal force exceeds the maximum
possible static friction force..... Since the friction force is what’s
holding it on! 2
(Fc = m = mrω 2 ) = (Ff = µs FN = µs mg)
A platform is rotating at an angular speed of 2.2 rad/s. A block is
resting on this platform at a distance 0.30 m from the axis. The
coefficient of static friction between block and platform is 0.750.
With no external torque, the block is moved closer to the axis. How
close can the block get to the axis and not be flung off?
(Assume the platform has negligible moment of inertia.)

Now what about deciding when the block gets flung off?
It will get flung off when the centripetal force exceeds the maximum
possible static friction force..... Since the friction force is what’s
holding it on! 2
(Fc = m = mrω 2 ) = (Ff = µs FN = µs mg)
rω 2 = µ s g
A platform is rotating at an angular speed of 2.2 rad/s. A block is
resting on this platform at a distance 0.30 m from the axis. The
coefficient of static friction between block and platform is 0.750.
With no external torque, the block is moved closer to the axis. How
close can the block get to the axis and not be flung off?
(Assume the platform has negligible moment of inertia.)

So at this point we have two equations:

rω 2 = µ s g = 7.35 m/s2

r 2ω = 0.198 m 2 /s

Solve for r to get the answer..... Should get 0.175 m.

EXAMPLE: Recall the video from last week of a person
holding weights and spinning on a rotating stool. Suppose
Joe holds the dumbbells out as shown, and a friend
temporarily applies a sufficient torque that causes him to
start rotating slowly. Then, while spinning, Joe brings the
dumbbells close to his body and he rotates faster. Why does
his speed increase? By bringing the dumbbells inward....

a) Joe exerts a torque on the stool.

b) Joe decreases the moment of inertia.
c) Joe increases the angular momentum.
d) Joe increases the moment of inertia.
e) Joe decreases the angular momentum.
EXAMPLE: Now suppose that Joe is spinning, but he then
drops the weights to the floor. What happens to his
rotational velocity ω ?

a) The rotational velocity increases.

b) The rotational velocity decreases,

but Joe continues to rotate.

c) The rotational velocity remains

the same.

d) The rotational velocity quickly

decreases to zero rad/s.
EXAMPLE: Now suppose that Joe is spinning, but he then
drops the weights to the floor. What happens to his
rotational velocity ω ?

a) The rotational velocity increases.

Is the “system”
b) The rotational velocity decreases, here just Joe or is it
but Joe continues to rotate. Joe+weights?

c) The rotational velocity remains L of “system” is

the same. conserved.

d) The rotational velocity quickly Joe himself loses

decreases to zero rad/s. moment of inertia,
but also loses L.
EXAMPLE: A solid sphere of radius R rotates about an
axis that is tangent to the sphere with an angular speed
ω. Under the action of internal forces, the radius of the
sphere suddenly increases to 2R. What is the final
angular speed of the sphere?

a) ω/4
b) ω/2
c) ω
d) 2ω 2
e) 4ω

before after
Chapter 13

Chapter 13 – Gravitation
13.1 – Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
13.2 – Gravitation Near Earth's Surface
13.3 – Gravitational Potential Energy
13.4 – Satellite Orbits and Energy
13.5 – Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
13.6 – Tidal Forces
13.7 – Einstein's Theory of Gravity
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

Every particle in the universe exerts an

attractive force on every other particle.

The force that each exerts on the other is

directed along the line joining the
For two particles that have masses m1 and m2 and are
separated by a distance r, the force vector is:
! m1m2
F12 = G 2 r̂12

For two particles that have masses m1 and m2 and are
separated by a distance r, the force vector is:
! m1m2
F12 = G 2 r̂12
unit vector
from 1 to 2
Force on 1
exerted by 2 G = 6.674 ×10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 kg 2
Newton’s Third Law applies here too, so:

! m1m2
F21 = G 2 r̂21
unit vector
from 2 to 1
Force on 2
exerted by 1
Newton’s Third Law applies here too, so:
! !
F21 = −F12
! !
| F21 | = | F12 |
r̂21 = −r̂12
! !
F12 F21
25 kg
12 kg

1.2 m
F =G 2
= 6.67 ×10 −11 2
N ⋅ m kg 2
) (12 kg )(25 kg )
(1.2 m )
= 1.4 ×10 N
Wait, what? Really? −8
1.4 ×10 N

Isn’t that kind of a small force?

Yes, yes it is. Gravitational forces between

everyday objects are pretty small, and totally
insignificant compared to other forces.
For example, how long would it take those
two masses to collide as a result of being
attracted by each other’s gravitational force?
For example, how long would it take those
two masses to collide as a result of being
attracted by each other’s gravitational force?

a (of 12-kg mass) = F/m = 1.2 × 10-9 m/s2.

a (of 25-kg mass) = F/m = 5.6 × 10-10 m/s2.
The accelerations would increase as the
masses approached each other, but if they
are initially separated by 1.2 meters, it’ll take
hours for them to traverse it.
When is gravity important?

When one (or both) of the masses is

F =G 2

= ( 6.67 ×10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 kg 2 )

( 7.35 ×10 22
kg )( 5.97 ×10 24
(3.84 ×10 m)

= 1.98 ×10 20 N
F ≈ 1029 N.

The gravitational force is calculated using

the distance between the centers of mass,
not the distance between their surfaces!
Do not use this distance

Use this distance

EXAMPLE: Two objects that are point masses are initially
separated by a distance d. The separation distance is then
decreased to d/3. How does the gravitational force between
these two objects change as a result of the decrease?

a) The force will not change since it is only dependent on

the masses of the objects.
b) The force will be nine times larger than the initial value.
c) The force will be three times larger than the initial value.
d) The force will be one third of the initial value.
e) The force will be one ninth of the initial value.
EXAMPLE: Two satellites of masses m and 2m are at
opposite sides of the same circular orbit about the Earth.
Which one of the following statements is true?

a) The magnitude of the gravitational force is greater for the

satellite of mass 2m than it is for the other satellite.
b) The magnitude of the gravitational force is the same for
both satellites; and it is greater than zero newtons.
c) Since the satellites are moving at a constant velocity, the
gravitational force on the satellites must be zero newtons.
d) The magnitude of the gravitational force is greater for the
satellite of mass m than it is for the other satellite.
e) The satellite of mass 2m must move faster in the orbit
than the other and eventually they will be on the same
side of the Earth.
Important: A glaring typo in your textbook, in Fig. 13.4:
Ed White was the first US astronaut to do a
spacewalk (and 2nd of all time), but it was on
Gemini 4 in 1965. He died in the Apollo 1 fire in
1967 – 14 years before the first Shuttle launch.
11.2 – Gravity Near Earth’s Surface

Recall the definition of weight:

The weight of an object on or above Earth is the

gravitational force that Earth exerts on the object.

(On or above another astronomical body, the weight is the

gravitational force exerted on the object by that body.)
On Earth, your weight is But what do we use for
the force exerted by the r in the gravity
Earth on you. formula?
F =G 2
To calculate your weight from the gravity formula, you would
need to know:
A.  The distance between your feet and the ground.
B.  The distance between your middle and the ground.
C.  The distance between your feet and the Earth’s center.
D.  The distance between your middle and Earth’s center.
Yes, it’s the distance between your middle and Earth’s center.

But Earth’s radius is about 6,371 km. The extra couple feet from
your feet to your middle aren’t going to make a whole heck of a
lot of difference.....
By the way..... Do you remember this concept from Chapter 5?

What is the magnitude of the force that you exert on Earth?

Is that force stronger, weaker, or the same as the force Earth
exerts on you?
A.  It’s stronger.
B.  It’s weaker.
C.  It’s the same.
By the way..... Do you remember this concept from Chapter 5?

What is the magnitude of the acceleration of Earth that results

form the force that you exert on it? Is that acceleration greater,
smaller, or the same as your acceleration if you were say falling
from some small height?
A.  It’s greater.
B.  It’s smaller.
C.  It’s the same.
Strange but true.

Forces are equal (Newton’s Third Law).

Accelerations are not equal (ratio of force and mass).
So how does this relate to “g”?

We remember from before:

W = mg
And now we also know:
W =G 2
g=G 2
g=G 2

= ( 6.674 ×10 −11

N⋅m 2
kg )
2 ( 5.972 ×10 kg) 24

(6.378 ×10 m) 6

= 9.798 m s

Should look familiar! Approximately 9.8 m/s2.

Though note that this uses the equatorial radius of

Earth, 6378 km.
6357 km

6378 km

Average radius is 6371 km

g at equator = 9.798 m s
g at pole = 9.857 m s
g at "average" radius = 9.820 m s
So you are ~0.6% heavier at the pole vs at the
equator. (E.g., about 1 pound in 150 pounds.)

g by convention = 9.81 m s
g in your textbook = 9.8 m s
But there is another effect that’s almost as
important: Rotation of Earth.
But there is another effect that’s almost as
important: Rotation of Earth.

• Earth is spinning, so
each of us is actually
doing uniform circular

• That means we must

have a centripetal force
acting on us.
But there is another effect that’s almost as
important: Rotation of Earth.

• Note that the center of

that circle is not at the
center of Earth!

• But the vector force of

gravity points to the
center of Earth.

• Textbook describes that

the effect on weight is at
max ~0.3%.
4.7 The Gravitational Force
What about your
weight on other

g=G 2
So for example why is there less gravity
on the Moon?
ME 2
gE = G 2 = 9.8 m/s
gM = G 2
So for example why is there less gravity
on the Moon?
ME 2
gE = G 2 = 9.8 m/s
MM M E × 0.012
gM = G 2 = G 2
RM (RE × 0.273)
So for example why is there less gravity
on the Moon?
ME 2
gE = G 2 = 9.8 m/s
MM M E × 0.012
gM = G 2 = G 2
RM (RE × 0.273)
= G 2 × 0.16 = gE × 0.16
So the Moon’s gravity is
about 16% Earth’s.
What if the Moon were actually 0.10 times
our radius....
ME 2
gE = G 2 = 9.8 m/s
MM M E × 0.012
gM = G 2 = G 2
RM (RE × 0.10)
= G 2 ×1.20 = gE ×1.20
Then gravity on the Moon would
actually be higher!
Common misconception:

“The Moon has less gravity because it is

smaller than Earth.”

“The Moon has less gravity because it is less

massive than Earth.”

Neither of these are the whole story.

How about on Uranus?
Mass is 14.54x Earth’s.
Radius is 4.01x Earth’s.
gU = G 2
Uranus’s gravity is
A.  14.5x Earth’s.
B.  3.6x Earth’s.
C.  0.90x Earth’s.
D.  0.25x Earth’s.
E.  0.06x Earth’s.
For Mon. April 8:
Read sections 2, 3, and 4 of Chapter 13.

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