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Unit 6 Holiday


Brenda, Chris’ sister, works for Air Europe. Now, she is taking a break with her co-workers Sheila,
Frank, and Dick, meantime they are having a cup of coffee and talking about their future plans.

Sheila ● Frank ▲ Brenda ■ Dick ♦

● Will you be around over the holidays?
Talk about plans
▲ No, I won’t. I’m going to spend the summer in Las Brujas Key.
● Where’s that?
▲ In Villa Clara. It’s close to the small city of Caibarien. What are you
going to do?
● I don’t have any plans. I’m afraid I will be too busy with my
■ When are you going to go to Las Brujas Key?
▲ Probably, I will go in the summer.
Talk about
■ I don’t know how a key is. What’s the weather like there in the seasons and
summer? the weather

▲ It’s hot and sunny, so I’m going to go windsurfing.

■ How are you going to get there?
▲ By bus. By the way, what is it like out?
■ It’s nice.

♦ You look happy today, Brenda.

■ I’m having a party tonight. Do you want to come?
♦ That’s great! What are you doing tonight, Frank?
▲ I’m going to a concert with my new girlfriend.
♦ Really? This is good news! I want to know… what’s her name?…how old is she?... when…
▲ Her name is Carmine… and…

■ And what does she look like?
Talk about someone’s
▲ She’s tall and slender. She has curly hair and brown eyes. She is very and personality
■ And, what’s she like?
▲ I’m not sure yet. But I think she is intelligent, nice and honest.
Well, I probably won’t see you before I leave, so have a good summer. Wish someone well
● Thanks. You too.

Find out another way to say it in the text:

a) Have fun. ________________
b) You are? ________________
c) I have no plans. ________________
d) How’s the weather? ________________
e) When are you going to Las Brujas Key? ________________
f) It’s pleasant. ________________
g) Come along. ________________

Complete according to the information from the text.

a) Frank is going to _______________.
b) Brenda looks _________________.
c) Tonight Brenda __________________.
d) Frank has ________________.
e) Las Brujas Key is _____________ of Cuba.
f) Frank’s going to get ______________.
g) Tonight Frank ___________________.

Say Right (R), Wrong (W) or I don’t know (IDK). Explain all of them: “It’s ________ because…”.
a) ___ Frank is going to an island.
b) ___ Frank likes to practice summer sports.
c) ___ Sheila doesn’t have plans for vacations.
d) ___ Dick was happy about Frank’s new news.
e) ___ Frank’s girlfriend is really intelligent.
f) ___ The party is for Brenda’s boyfriend birthday.
g) ___ Carmine is tall and elegant.
h) ___ Dick’s co-workers are a little gossipy.

Retell the story. Follow these questions:

– Who are the characters?
– Where are they?
– What are they doing?
– What are they talking about?

Talk about plans Column B
● Will you be around over the holiday? ___ Thanks. You too.
▲ No, I won’t. What are you going to do? ___ I’m serious.
● I don’t have any plans. ___ It’s not too cool. It’s quite warm.
___ No, I’m going camping.
Wish someone well
___ Maybe, tomorrow.
● Well, I probably won’t see you before I leave, ___ They’re really funny.
so have a good summer.
___ She’s hardworking and honest.
▲ Thanks. You too.
___ He’s of medium height and well-built.
Talk about seasons and the weather
2. Read the following dialogue. Identify the
● When are you going to travel? functions. Then rewrite the dialogue in the
▲ Next summer. correct order.
● What’s the weather like in summer? / How’s ___ Yes. Come along.
the weather in summer? ___ What are you going to do this weekend?
▲ It’s hot and sunny.
___ Well, perhaps I’ll go fishing with my
husband. It’s going to be pleasant and
Talk about someone’s personality
warm this weekend.
● What’s Dick like? ___ Good night everybody. See you on
▲ He is friendly, sociable and cheerful. But he is Monday.
a little bossy and fairly stubborn sometimes. ___ He’s fairly thin and short. He isn’t
● What about you? What are you like? well-built.
▲ Well, I’m a very nice person, friendly and ___ He’s very funny and energetic but quite
cheerful too. stubborn and he lose easily his patience.
● But? ___ Do you like fishing?
▲ Sometimes I’m not an optimistic person. ___ Not too much but my husband does. And
you know, at the end I have fun he’s a
Talk about someone’s appearance terrible fisher.
___ What does he look like?
● What does Brenda look like?
▲ She’s beautiful with curly black hair. She has ___ Maybe it’s too hard for him to fish.
hazel eyes. She’s quite tall. She looks elegant. ___ Oh, thanks, you too, but I’m going
● And What do you look like? nowhere so far.
▲ I have blue eyes. And I am of average weight ___ Maybe he doesn’t have the skills. What’s
and height. I think I’m good-looking. he like?
● How modest! ___ Yes, maybe. Well see you on Monday.
Have a nice weekend.
1. Match column A to column B: ___ Jane… wait! Are you going to take the
Column A
a) What’s your mother like? 3. Complete the conversation and act it out.
b) When is Bertha travelling?
Paul ● Laura ▲
c) What’s it like in winter?
d) What does Robert look like? ● How are you doing, Laura?
e) Well, I probably won’t come before you ▲ Fine, thanks ____________________?
leave, so have a good trip. ● Good, thank you. By the way, ___________?
f) Will you be around over vacation?
g) What are you like? ▲ No, I won’t. I’m going to Cienfuegos.
h) What do your sisters look like? ● When are you going to travel?

▲ _________________________. Plan
● How’s the weather there in summer?
a) Describe and give information about who
▲ __________________________.
you live with
● ___________________________? b) Describe and give information about your
▲ By car. By the way, _________________? travelling relatives or friends
● I don’t have any plan but my brother is c) Write about your plans make reference to
coming. your favorite leisure area
▲ __________________? d) Describe what you can do there
● He’s heavy and tall. He has brown hair and e) Stick a picture of your close family and your
eyes. favorite place to go on holiday.
● Well, _________ vacation.
▲ Thanks. You too.

4. Write the questions or the answers according

to your own experience. GRAMMAR FOCUS
● ______________________________?
▲ Yes, I will.
● Where’s that? Talk about future
▲ _______________ . ______________? We use future with Will for actions may or may
● I don’t have any plans. ______________ not happen; for actions / events / situations
there? which will definitely happen in the future and
▲ It’s cold and windy. which we cannot control. We use future with Be
● Who are going with? going to for plans, intentions or ambitions we
▲ __________________. have in the future.
● _______________________? We use will when we make a prediction based
▲ They’re friendly and cheerful. I like to on what we think, believe or imagine. We use
travel with them. be going to when we make a prediction bases
on what we can see (evidence) or know.
5. Oral. In pairs. Have a conversation with your
partner about next vacation. Be creative and
put in practice what you learned. It will be cloudy tomorrow
It is going to be cloudy tomorrow.
– Talk about plans and a place in particular.
To express prediction Be careful! You’ll hurt yourself!
– Describe seasons and weather.
– Talk about someone’s personality and Watch out! You’re going to hurt
– Wish someone well. Why did you buy this paint?
I’m going to paint my bedroom
6. Writing. Write in your journal about your
To express a prior tomorrow.
family and what you are going to do
plan only use
together in holidays. be going to I talk to Bob yesterday. He’s tired
of taking the bus to work.
He’s going to buy a car.

The phone’s ringing.

I’ll get it
To express willingness
only use will I don’t understand the problem.
Ask your teacher about it. She’ll
help you.

Note: We can use present continuous tense to liberal illiberal
talk about actions already arranged in the near
future, e.g.: What are you doing tonight? = careful careless
What are you going to do tomorrow?; and with
mature immature
movement verbs, e.g.: I’m moving to a new
house = I’m going to move to a new house; I’m
going to Las Vegas next Sunday = I’m going to 7. Select the correct form of the verbs in
go to Las Vegas next Sunday; When are you parentheses. Then practice the conversation
going to go to Las Brujas Key? = When are you with your partner.
going to Las Brujas Key?
● What __________________ (are you going
Describe people and things to do / are you doing) next Weekend, Andy?
▲ Nothing special. Maybe I ______________
We use adjectives to describe people and things. (am going / will go) to a baseball game or
Place adjectives before a noun but after an I _____________ (will stay / am going to
indefinite compound, e.g.: A pretty girl is asking stay) at home. Why?
for you; Someone pretty is asking for you. ● I ________________ (am going to visit / will
visit) my parents. Do you want to come
Order of adjectives Fact Adjectives along?
▲ sure.
size small, short, big, tall…

weight fat, heavy, thin, light…

8. Match column A with B:

square, round, rectangular,

Column A
triangle, well-built… a) My husband has an appointment with the
dark / light / brown, cream, doctor.
color b) Sue travels very often.
pink, fair…
c) What are you doing this afternoon?
plastic, cotton, silk, woollen,
china, nylon… d) What are you going to do tonight?
Column B
We generally form the opposite of some ___ She is leaving at noon tomorrow.
adjectives adding prefixes un-, in-, im-, il-, dis-, ___ After lunch I am meeting a friend of
etc.; and suffixes -less, et cetera. mine.
___ We are going shopping. Would you like
Adjectives Opposite
to come?
adequate inadequate ___ I’m having dinner in an Italian restaurant.
active inactive ___ She’s seeing Dr. Ferreiro next Tuesday.

hospitable inhospitable 9. Put the verbs in brackets in to the present

continuous as future. Follow the example.
certain uncertain
● _______________ (Gerard / come) with you
attractive unattractive
comfortable uncomfortable ▲ No, ___________. (be / not)

honest dishonest ● Is Gerard coming with you tonight?

▲ No, he isn’t.
obedient disobedient
a) ● When __________________ your cousin
legal illegal
______________ (go) to high school?

▲ She ______________ (go) to university in d) ● It’s hot in here.
September. ▲ I agree, I (turn) ______________ the air
b) ● What time ______________ (the match / conditioner on.
start) tomorrow? ● That’s a good idea.
▲ At six o’clock. e) ● Where _________ Chris __________ (be)
c) ● Marjory _________________ (have) her tomorrow morning?
birthday party tonight. ▲ He (be) _______ at the meeting. I think
▲ Yeah! I ______________ (give) her a pair Luck (come) __________ too.
of gold earrings as a gift. f) ● These letters are in German, and I don’t
d) ● The Millers ______________ (move) to know how to speak a word in German.
their new apartment this weekend. Can you help me?
▲ What is it like? ▲ Sure. I (translate) _______ them for you.
● Well, I think the children _____________
11. Are you going to do any of these things next
(not have) fun there because it doesn’t
weekend? Write sentences. Compare them
have a yard.
with your partner. Mention other activities
e) ● What time _______________ (the ferry / if necessary.
reach) The Isle of Youth tomorrow
go to see a movie go swimming
▲ Maybe, it _______________ (arrive) at
five o’clock. stay home read a good book
f) ● Ms, when ________ the flight to Rome
watch TV go for a walk
______________ (leave)?
▲ The flight to Rome ________________ clean the house call a friend
(leave) at midnight.
study the new lesson visit a friend
10. Complete the conversations use the correct
form of future.
12. Imagine what to do in these situations.
a) ● When ____________ Betty ___________ Write about it as in the example.
(finish) the university?
It’s raining cats and dogs. I’m going to stay
▲ She (graduate) ________ in July. After
home and read.
that, she (star) ___________ work at a
construction company. a) Mother is sick. ______________________.
b) ● I think I ___________ (go) to Holguin b) It’s hot and humid. __________________.
during the break. Why don’t you come
c) Oh, my God. A thief is trying to go
through my neighbors’ window.
▲ Oh, I don’t know. Where ______ (stay)? ________________.
● We ____________ (find) a cheap hotel d) It’s a beautiful day. ___________________.
e) James, my best friend passed away.
▲ I ___________ (have to) think about it.
When do you need to know?
f) It’s Saturday. It’s 7:00 a.m. ______.
▲ Sometime this week.
g) Wow, my birthday is next Thursday.
▲ O.K. I __________ (call) you.
c) ● Can you give Bob a message for me?
h) It’s Sunday. It’s midnight ________.
▲ Sure. I (see, probably) ______________
him at the party later. i) There’s no food in the house _________.

13. Carol is thinking about her plans for the
evening. Complete using the following
a) Stop at the theater (yes).
b) Stay at home (no). Describing people’s personalities
c) Call her husband (yes).
Use quality adjectives to describe personalities,
d) Do the laundry (yes).
character and nature.
e) Make dinner (no).
f) Eat out (yes). ● What are you like? / What sort of person are
On her way home from work, Carol ________
▲ I’m funny and talkative. I like to make people
to see what show is playing on. laugh. I like to talk a lot.
Tonight, she ____________________ because ● What about your parents? What are they like?
when she gets home, she ________________ ▲ Well, my mother is a fairly introvert person
and shy. She doesn’t like to meet people or
to find out if he wants to go out later. Then,
talk. But my father is friendly and talkative.
she ______________ early. She decides that He’s really outgoing.
she _______________________ because she
___________________ in her favorite Chinese Useful expression
restaurant after the theater.
a bit a little fairly quite really very
14. Comment about your future plans. Write:
Read and discuss the explanations:
a) Three things that you’re going to do
today. Funny is someone who likes to make people
b) Three arrangements that you have made laugh. The opposite is serious.
for next week. Talkative is someone who likes to talk
c) Three things that you think will happen very much every moment. The opposite is quiet.
before your next birthday. Introvert is someone who doesn’t like to
be with other people. The opposite is extrovert.
15. Complete the following chart as possible:
Friendly is someone who is nice, kind and
pleasant. The opposite is unfriendly.
Antonym /
Synonym Adjective Outgoing = talkative + friendly

uncommon Describing people’s appereance

mortal What does she look like?
inattentive She’s pretty.
She has long, wavy dark
excellent / ideal hair / Her hair is long, wavy
and dark.
She has dark eyes / Her eyes
able incompetent are dark.
What does he look like?
He’s handsome.
He has short, straight,
blond* hair / his hair is
short, straight and blond.

He has blue eyes / His eyes 17. What do the adjectives above stand for?
are blue. Write the adjective with the correct
*blond = blonde meaning.
What do your friends look a) _________ Someone who doesn’t tell the
truth. Tell lies and break the law.
They are good-looking.
b) _________ Someone who enjoys giving
They have short curly black
hair / their hair is short, money to people and helps them.
curly and black. c) _________ Something that is repugnant or
They have black eyes / their someone who shows malice. Unpleasant.
eyes are black. d) _________ It is related to the relationship
What does she look like? between friends. Someone who is kind
She’s beautiful. and pleasant.
She has red hair / her hair is e) _________ People who do what they have
red. to do or promise.
She has fair eyes / Her eyes f) _________ A person who isn’t lively or
are fair.
cheerful and doesn’t like to be with other
A He’s tall and thin. people.
B He’s fat and short. g) _________ A person who is unkind
C He’s of average weight or unpleasant and don’t like to make
and height.
A B D and E are well-built. D
has beautiful hips. E has a
h) _________ A person who can make other
strong constitution. D has a people laugh and have a good time.
dark complexion / skin. E i) _________ A person who has a generous
has a fair complexion / skin. and warm nature.
j) _________ A person who feels unhappy or
C D suspicious about a rival’s love.

18. Try to explain what these adjectives stand

for as in the previous exercise.
a) honest ____________________________.
E b) mean ___________________________.
c) nice ___________________________.
16. Find out the opposite of the following d) extrovert ___________________________.
adjectives. Determine positive and negative e) serious ___________________________.
adjectives according to your opinion. f) unkind ___________________________.
friendly g) trusting ___________________________.
nice trusting
unkind shy 19. Talk about it.
mean kind
extrovert Do you know anyone with the qualities on
introvert exercise 17? Who are they? Explain as in the
funny nasty
dishones example.
honest generous My son is funny because he makes people
sociable unreliable laugh and have a good time.
jealous serious
unfriendly 20. Read the following conversation. Then act
out similar conversations substituting the

person: girlfriend / boyfriend / sister /
brother / the teacher….
● What does your father look like?
▲ He’s taller than I am He’s got curly brown
hair, and he wears glasses.
● And what’s he like?
▲ He’s sort of quiet, but he’s very nice.

Appearance: blond hair, long straight red

hair, bald, tall, short, fat…
Personality: friendly, outgoing, nice, easygoing,
shy, moody…

21. In pairs. Describe the people in the pictures

orally. Suppose you know them well. – What’s the weather like?
– How can the weather influence on your
– What could or couldn’t you do in each

24. Do you know these people?

Talk about your favorite soap-opera. Describe Daysi Granados

your favorite characters. Pánfilo
Pablito FG
22. What do you do when the weather is good? Adele
What do you do when it is bad? Lee Min Ho
Antonio Banderas
When… I…
a) What can you tell about these people?
It’s snowing ride my bike
b) Make a dialogue with your partner in
It’s sunny and warm go out for a walk
which you talk about one of them as
It’s hot practice sports
possible. Follow the plan.
It’s cold go swimming
It’s raining visit a museum – Native country / main features / weather
It’s cloudy and foggy stay in bed – Birth town
It’s windy and cloudy read a book – Age / date of birth
– occupation / professional performance
23. Describe what you can see in the pictures – personality
and answer. – appearance


25. Read the following text and do the exercises.

“The Caribbean”
The Caribbean is a blending of many world cultures. Its music, singing and dancing reflect all the
traditions and rituals that influenced West Indian life over nearly five centuries.

West Indian intellectuals are attracted by the Cuban
Revolution since 1959 and through the multiple cultural Gulf of

events that take place in Cuba every year; they come into M
contact with Latin American intellectuals. Contacts among O REPUBLIC
them were inexistent before. JAMAICA HAITI
The various celebration of Carifesta is another way of EL SALVADOR
inter-relating Caribbean countries. VENEZUELA GUYANA
In spite of their diversity, West Indian writers, singers and COLOMBIA
dancers are united by a common past with the traumatic SURINAME GUIANA

experience of slavery and colonialism and concern about

serious problems of their societies.
Other important aspect in the cultural history of the Caribbean countries is the language. The
transformation of the language in the West Indies can be divided into the following stages. In the
first stage, African dialects predominated with a few English words. The second stage, the learning
of English by the slaves was increased by their contact with Irish and Scottish indenture servants.
(Taken from Tesis de Maestría de Beatriz Leonor Ruiz Mena)

A. Say if the following ideas are Right or Wrong. Write down the part of the information in the
text that justifies your choice:
a) Many world cultures form the Caribbean. ______
b) Cuban Revolution didn’t influence cultural movement in The Caribbean. ______
c) Carifesta’s celebrations take place in the Caribbean. ______
d) Slavery and colonialism belong to the present of the Caribbean. _____
e) Language in the West Indies has received the influence on African dialects, Irish and Scottish.

B. Write down the main features that characterize the Caribbean countries.
a) _________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________________
e) _________________________________________________________________

26. Find out more information about one of the Caribbean countries and write a composition
about it in no less than 60 words. Then read it in class.

Unit 7 Let’s Go Out…


Susan is preparing herself to travel to Pinar del Rio, but Rachel, Brenda’s cousin, invites her to go

Brenda ● Susan ▲ Rachel ■

● Are you going out, Susan?

▲ Yeah. I’m going to visit some friends in Pinar del Rio.
Do you want to come along?
Invite someone informally
● I’d like to, but I have other plans.
Give an excuse
■ Why don’t we go camping? Maybe we could go windsurfing,
hiking or climbing. Suggest an alternative
▲ That’s a good idea! Should we take some food with us?
Make a suggestion
■ Yes, It’s more expensive at the camping site.
● Well, but there we have to buy some cookies, mayonnaise and soda.
■ Sure, I know it is easier not to cook, but we must carry hot food from home.
▲ I agree. By the way, what activities would you like to do best?
● I think climbing is as exciting as windsurfing. Make
a comparison
■ For me, windsurfing is more exciting than climbing.
▲ I think climbing is the most dangerous of the three.
● O.K. we will decide what to do when we get there. Let’s start packing.

Find out another way to say it in the text:

a) That’s cool!
b) In my opinion
c) We have to take some food.
d) Are you going to go out?
e) Do you want to join us?

Select the correct answer according to the text:
a) ___ Susan is going to visit her (relatives / some friends) in Pinar del Rio.
b) ___ They could (read a good book / hike) at the camping site.
c) ___ Food is (cheaper / more expensive) at the camping site
d) ___ Windsurfing is (as exciting as / more exciting than) climbing for Brenda.
e) ___ Susan thinks climbing is (the most dangerous / the less dangerous).

Answer according to the text:

a) Who invites Susan to go camping?
b) How do they think they can spend their time there?
c) What kind of food do they need to carry on and buy?
d) Make a guess. Could Rachel be a Chris’ relative? Explain.
Think about it. You are going to the beach or a camping with some friends. What do you pack
first, and second… and why?

Invite someone informally / give an excuse That’s a good idea.

Should I take my sister / brother with me?
● Are you going to go out?
▲ Yeah, I want to invite some friends. Do you 2. Write the questions to the answers.
want to come along? / Do you want to come
with me? / Would you like to come? / Do you ● ____________________________?
want to join us? ▲ Yes, I’m going out.
● I’d like to, but I have plans. ● ____________________________?
▲ I’d like but I’m tired.
Suggest an alternative ● ____________________________?
▲ That sounds great.
● Why don’t we go camping instead? Maybe
we could go windsurfing. 3. Two friends meet on the street and are having
▲ That’s a good idea / That sounds good / That’s a conversation. Complete the conversation
great / That’s cool / O.K. and then act it out with your partner.

Make a comparison ● __________________________?

▲ Yes, I’m going to visit my parents.
● What do you think of these activities?
● __________________________?
▲ For me, Climbing is as exciting as windsurfing.
● No, I disagree. I think windsurfing is more ▲ I’d like to, but I have work to do.
exciting than climbing. ___________________ coming weekend.
▲ Well in my opinion. it’s better to stay at ● That’s a good idea. Should we take the
home. I don’t like to do exercises. bus?
▲ Yes, it’s __________ than the train.
1. Arrange the following conversations.
4. Oral. In pairs. Read the following situation.
a) Are you going to go out?
Choose A or B and play the role.
I’d like to, but I have plans.
Yes, I am. Student A
Do you want to come along? You invite a friend to go out, but she / he has
b) Why don’t we go to a concert. Maybe we plans. Suggest an alternative giving two
have a good time there. places and activities. Be creative and use the
Sure. studied functions as possible.

Student B easy Easier than
pretty Prettier than
A friend of yours invites you to go out but ending in -y
noisy Noisier than
you give her / him an excuse, then accept the
Adjectives with
suggestion and make a comparison about two or more intelligent
More intelligent
the two places or activities. Be creative and than
use the studied functions as possible.

5. Writing. Make a tourist brochure. Advertise We use the superlative form (the -est and the
a touristic place and compare it with other most) to compare more than two people, things,
ones. Make your plan with your teacher’s places, etc. E.g.: My neighborhood is the noisie est
help. Be creative. of all / Rachel is the most intelligent of the family.
Use the -est for adjectives with one or two
Remember that:
syllables. Use the most for adjectives with two
brochure: a small book with pictures that or more syllables.
gives us information about something.
Look at the chart:

Adjectives Superlative
cheap The cheapest
GRAMMAR FOCUS large The largest
big The biggest
easy The easiest
pretty The prettiest
How to describe and compare ending in -y
noisy The noisiest
Using as… as Adjectives with
The most
two or more intelligent
We use as... as to make a comparison of intelligent
similarity. E.g.: Susan is 1,70 m; Rachel is 1,70 m
too. Susan is as tall as Rachel.
Some adjectives are irregular. They have their
We use not as... as to form a comparison of individual comparative and superlative forms.
difference. E.g.: Brenda is an intelligent girl; but
Rachel is very intelligent. Brenda is not as Look at the chart:
intelligent as Rachel.
Adjectives Comparative Superlative
Using comparative and superlative
Good Better than The best
We use the comparative form (-er than and Bad Worse than The worst
more… than) to compare two people, things, Much More than The most
Many More than The most
places, etc. E.g.: My neighborhood is noisie
er than Little Less than The least
yours / Rachel is more intelligent than Brenda. far Farther than The farthest
Use -er than for adjectives with one or two
syllables. Use more… than for adjectives with
6. Complete the following sentences using as… as
two or more syllables.
or not as… as and the adjective in parentheses:
Look at the chart: List: fast, comfortable, sweet, red, expensive,
important, pretty, tall, cruel.
Adjectives Comparative
cheap Cheaper than
John is as tall as his mother.
large Larger than a) These roses are ___________ blood.
big Bigger than
b) A lemon is ______________ an orange.

c) Tigers are almost ____________ lynxes. f) Inglaterra Hotel is _____ Copacabana
d) Ronny and Liz are _________ their parents. Hotel. (old)
e) This dress is ___________ that one. g) Black pepper isn’t __________ chilli. (spicy)
f) Money is ____________ health.
g) Wooden chairs are _________ sofas. 9. Compare the following. Use the adjectives
h) This rocking chair is almost ____________ from the list.
the bed.
List: deep, noisy, heavy, hard, comfortable,
7. Write the comparative forms for the following large.
adjectives: a) Spanish grammar / English grammar.
b) A river / an ocean
Comparative Superlative c) The Atlantic Ocean / the Pacific Ocean
d) Rock music / jazz
e) My cushioned sofa / your chair

heavy 10. Complete the following sentences. Use the

adjectives in parentheses:

The Nile is the longest river in the world.
a) For us money is __________ humankind’s
creation of all the times. (bad)
far b) I think good health is _________ thing in
old life. (important)
short c) Australia is ______ continent in the world.
d) February is _________ month of the year.
interesting (short)
thin e) Turquino Peak is ___________ in Cuba.
expensive (high)
f) _________ way to travel is by plane. (fast)

elegant 11. Complete the statements. Choose the

adjectives from the chart. Several answers
are possible.
a) This song is _________ of all the time.
b) Encyclopedias are __________ dictionaries.
8. Compare using the adjectives in parenthesis.
Notice the example. c) That road is __________ of all.
d) Is this ______ film you could see? I don’t
This car is more comfortable than that car. think so.
e) Your job isn’t ____________ mine.
a) Your apartment is _________ mine. (large)
f) Travelling by plain isn’t _____________ by
b) Sugar is ____________ honey. (delicious) ship.
c) It’s ______ today _____ it was yesterday. g) Your brother is ________, but your sister
(warm) is _______ one.
d) Money is ___________ love. (important) h) I think dust mites are _________ arachnids
e) Iron is __________ wood. (heavy) in the world.

i) For me potatoes chips aren’t _________
j) I can buy __________ car in ten year. LANGUAGE TRAINING
k) Are horses ________________ means of
13. Work in teams. Answer and share your
l) Oh, Honey, this gift is ____________ of all. answers:
m) She looks as ____________ bride today.
a) What is the longest river in Cuba?
n) Last month was _________ this one. b) What is the largest sea in the world?
o) I can’t eat it! It’s ___________ cake in the c) What is the largest mountain in Cuba?
world. d) What is the most exciting beach in your
slow good small expensive e) What is the best Cuban writer in your
weak dangerous brave hard
f) What is the most exciting sports in your
cheap happy complete sad opinion?
healthy hot pretty bad g) What is the hottest month of the year in
h) What is the coolest one?
12. A friend of yours is visiting Cuba for i) What’s the best Cuban baseball team?
vacation. He wants to stay at a nice hotel. In
pairs, look at the pictures of the following 14. Make sentences about the following. Use
hotels and make comparisons. Use the one of + superlative + plural noun.
adjectives suggested in the chart above or
A long river in the world: The Mississippi is
others you like.
one of the longest rivers in the world.
a) A big city in Cuba.
b) A beautiful country in the world.
c) An important thing in life.
d) A good place to visit in your province or
e) A dangerous sport.
f) A serious world problem.

15. Talk about it:

– Describe your house or apartment and
make a comparison with your friend’s.
– Describe your neighborhood and make a
Useful adjectives comparison with the other ones of your
new old modern

comfortable large expensive You may use the following

small far ancient colorful colorless

big expensive good / bad service fresh hot

quiet enjoyable boring wide narrow

economical delicious good / bad quality loud / noisy quiet

excellent terrible amusing new / modern / repaired Old / ancient / broken

Large / big Small / little 17. Look at the pictures. Describe and compare
comfortable uncomfortable

a lot of traffic a little traffic

friendly / helpful Unfriendly / helpless

discreet gossipy

lovely despicable

16. Describe the members of your family and

make comparisons among them.

You can use the following

sweet / nice nasty

cooperative uncooperative

generous / unselfish / selfless mean / selfish

polite / tactful tactless

modest self-centered

broad-minded narrow-minded

calm / relaxed irritable

outgoing reserved

quiet chatty

optimist (about live) pessimistic

funny / amusing boring

very active / lively inactive / lifeless

lovely despicable

gentle aggressive

cheerful misery


18. Read and do the exercises.

July 24 / 2012
After a long trip we arrived in Baracoa. I knew from a history
book that this was the first Spanish settlement in Cuba,
founded in December in 1512. But I didn’t know that Baracoa
is an Indian word meaning elevated land. It was good to
taste the nice chocolate desserts and cucuruchos.

July 25 / 2012
On the way to Santiago, we had stopover in Guantánamo,
for the illegal US naval base near Caimanera, 21 km south of
the city of Guantanamo.
We went to the Mirador de Melones to have a whole view of the base and had a nice time.
Late at night we entered Santiago, which is Cuba’s second city. Carnival was on and we enjoyed
dancing behind Los Hoyos Conga, then we danced in Trocha and finally moved to Red Hotel.
(Adapted from a Tourist Brochure)

A. Suggest a title to the reading: “_______________________________________”.

B. Tick the sentences which are true according to the text. Explain the false ones:
___ Clare arrived in Santiago de Cuba on July 24th.
___ Baracoa was the first Spanish settlement in Cuba.
___ There is an illegal US naval base near Caimanera.
___ They had a wonderful time in Guantanamo.
___ They stayed at Casa Granda Hotel in Santiago de Cuba.
C. Answer these questions according to the reading:
a) What did Clare Patterson write?
b) Are Clare’s parents Cuban?
c) When did she visit the east part of the country?
d) Where did the word Baracoa come from?
e) What did she do in Baracoa?
f) What important festivity was taking place in Santiago de Cuba?
19. Make a composition answering the following questions: Did you go to any unforgettable or
interesting place in your province last…?
Use different ways of comparison, and then read it in class to share your experiences with your

Unit 8 Eating Out


The Kingston family is spending some days in the Isle of Youth. Today they decide to eat lunch
in a restaurant.

Susan ● Mr. Kingston ▲ Mrs. Kingston ♦ Waiter 1 ■ Waiter 2 

● I’m starving.
▲ Well, let’s have lunch. Where can we go?
♦ I think La Isla de Cuba restaurant is near here and it’s open.

(At the restaurant)

■ May I take your order?
Order food
▲ We need a few more time. in a restaurant

■ O.K. Take your time. I’ll come back later.

■ Are you ready to order?
● I’ll have a lobster cocktail to start and a steak, please.
■ Would you like French fries or green mixed salad with that? Give options politely

● French fries, please.

▲ I’d like a cream of tomato soup and a breast of chicken in white
wine sauce.
■ How about you, Mrs.?
♦ I’ll have roast beef with mixed salad.
■ Anything to drink?
▲ Bring us two beers and a coke, please.
Say what a restaurant
■ We are out of cokes. is out of
♦ How about some fizzy lemonade?
■ Sorry, there is no lemonade either. There aren’t any fizzy drinks.
▲ I can’t believe it! Susan let’s buy some ones somewhere else.

(In the kitchen of the restaurant)
Instruct someone polite
■ Someone ordered these French fries. Could you give them to that
table over there?
♦ Waiter please. Could you bring me the bill?

(In the restaurant)

■ So that’s $ 8,95. And here’s your change.
▲ Excuse me. I think I gave you a twenty.
Get the correct change
■ Oh, then I owe you ten dollars. I’m very sorry.
▲ No problem.
■ Can you help me with this table?
Ask for help informally
 Sorry. I can’t right now. I’m busy.

Choose the expression in the text for each function. Possible answers are possible:
a) Apologize.
b) Give the change.
c) Make a suggestion.
d) Talk about existence.
e) Talk about preferences.
f) Ask for help.
g) Refuse something.

Say Right (R), Wrong (W) or I don’t know (IDK). Explain all of them saying: “It’s _______ because …”.
a) ___ Susan was very hungry.
b) ___ Mr. Kingston ordered lamb chops with fresh vegetables and a tomato and onion salad.
c) ___ The Kingstons had beers and cokes in the restaurant.
d) ___ Susan asked for another fork.
e) ___ They were out of lamb chops.
f) ___ The waiter gave Mr. Kingston the correct change.

Answer according to the information from the text:

a) What’s the family’s name?
b) Where are they?
c) What does Mr. Kingston ask for lunch?
d) Who likes green mixed salad?
e) How much was the bill?
f) How kinds of fizzy drinks were there in the restaurant?

Do that:
– Retell what happened in the restaurant (take notes first).
– Compare that fact with your present reality.

Ask for something you need formally C. Rewrite the dialogue and perform it with
four of your classmates.
● Could you bring us some more water?
▲ Certainly. Do you need anything else? Column A
■ Yes. Could you bring me another fork? This is a) Whose shrimp pizza is it?
dirty. b) Anything to drink?
▲ Certainly. I’ll be right back. c) Let’s go out for dinner.
d) What would you like, Andrew?
Order for food e) May I take your order?
f) Sorry we’re out of fizzy drinks. We
● May I take your order? only have mango juice. What about you,
▲ Yes, (I’ll have) a lobster.
▲ (I’d like) a cocktail to start. g) Could you help me with this table?
▲ No, not yet. We need a little more time. h) What about you, Robert?

Talk about possessions Column B

● Whose mixed salad is it? ___ I’d like a Mojito cocktail and a Cubanito
▲ It’s mine.
for my wife.
● Whose Cokes are they? ___ It’s his.
▲ They’re both hers.
___ Could you please take it in a few minutes?
___ Yes, that’s a great idea.
Instruct someone politely ___ Well, I’ll get cheese cream as the first
course and then a large shrimp pizza.
● Someone ordered these hamburgers. Could ___ I can’t. I’m busy.
you give them to that table over there, ___ I’d like cheese cream too and spaghettis.
please? ___ Fizzy orange is cool. It’s too hot today.
▲ Sure.
2. In groups of three. Practice this conversation.
Give the correct change Then practice it again substituting the orders
using the menu below.
● So, that’s 6,95 and here is your change.
● Good morning. Are you ready to order?
▲ Excuse me, I think I gave you a ten.
▲ Yes, I’d like spaghetti Bolognese with garlic
● I’m sorry. I owe you a three and a nickel.
bread, please.
▲ No problem.
● Would you like to add an extra cheese
portion or Chef’s salad with that?
Ask for help informally ▲ An extra cheese portion and apple juice,
● Could you help me with those tables?
● And what about you, sir?
▲ Sure.
■ I’ll have grilled chicken.
● Thanks, I really appreciate it. What about you
● How do you like your grilled chicken?
Bob? Could you?
■ Well done, please.
▲ Leave that tray there. I’ll take it right away.
● O.K. Would you like mashed or baked
● Thanks.
■ Mashed potato, please.
1. The following is a complete dialogue. Do the
items. ● Soup or salad to begin?
■ I’ll have pasta salad with mayonnaise as
A. Identify the functions in columns A and B. dressing, please.
B. Match the statements. ● O.K. I’ll be back in a few minutes.

La Isla de Cuba Restaurant 4. Oral. In groups of three. Imagine you are in
each of the following situations. Play the role
Menu with two of your classmates.
Today’s Specialty. Price: 4,25 CUC Situation A
Roast pork, congree, yucca, green mixed salad.
You and your partner are in a cafeteria to
Soups: vegetable soup, garlic soup, vegetable have something for lunch. You have to take
chicken noodle, Ajiaco Cubano. some fast food for your co-workers.
Pastas: spaghetti Bolognese, spaghetti with
Situation B
cheese and tomato sauce, lasagne.
It is your birthday. Your family gives you
Main dish: grilled chicken, roast chicken, fried
a surprise inviting you to a self-service
chicken, grilled fish, beef steak.
Side dishes: coleslaw,* green salad, fruit salad,
onion rings, pasta salad, mashed potato, baked Situation C
potato. You are an important manager of a clothing
Beverages: coffee, herbal tea, dark tea, beer, company. You arrange a business meeting in
fizzy drinks, wine. a famous restaurant.
Desserts: vanilla cake, chocolate cake, apple pie,
5. Writing. Write in your journal about the most
ice-cream, pudding.
special meal you had one day.
– Describe the place. Write about the service
Some ways to order meat
quality, the cleaning and personal hygiene.
rare medium well done – Describe the menu and compare with other
ones you know.
– Say what you ate, how it was and the prices.
* coleslaw = cabbage salad: a salad made with Compare with other places as possible.
shredded raw cabbage usually in a mayonnaise – Finally, write a commentary on the place
dressing. in general and make a recommendation.
3. Complete the conversation with your own 6. Writing and oral. Make your own business.
a) Create a poster in which you advertise the
Mr. and Mrs. Kingston are deciding what to delicious menu and labor conditions of
have for dinner at Cochinito Restaurant. your cafeteria, “Paladar”, or restaurant.
Mr. ▲ Mrs. ● Include an unforgettable slogan.
b) Then, perform a role as the owner, employee
▲ Are you ready to order, Dear? or a customer and make a dialogue with
● No, Honey _____________ your partner.
▲ The T-bone sounds good.
● Hmm, __________________?
▲ I think so. I just love steak. What about you?
● _______________________ GRAMMAR FOCUS
▲ So we want two T-bone steaks, potato
chips and mix salad for two. ____________?
How to express quantity
● I think a good red wine will be the exact
choice. We use some, any, no and a lot of with countable
▲ I agree. Let’s order. and uncountable nouns.

There is some sugar in the bowl. Possessive Possessive
There are some eggs in the refrigerator. adjectives pronouns
Is there any tomato sauce in the fridge?
my mine
There isn’t any oil to cook.
I got no money. your yours
I have a lot of books in the shelf.
his his
There is a lot of milk in the bottle.
We use a few and many with plural countable her hers
nouns; a few is less than few. We use a little and its -
much with uncountable nouns; a little is less
than little. our ours

Notice the chart: their theirs

Expressions of Countable Uncountable 7. Underline the correct alternative.

quantity nouns nouns
a) Could I have (many / any / some) more
(not) any / no not any / no not any / no rice cheese cream?
some apples some rice b) They didn’t get (much / some / many)
a lot of some apples a lot of rice money in the bank.
lot of a lot of apples lots of rice
lots of apples
c) There’s (many / a few / no) milk in the
a few a few apples d) Sorry, but there’s not (many / a lot of /
many many apples
some) time to talk
a little a little rice e) I’ve saved you (a little / a few / many) sweets.
much much rice f) Would you like (a little / a few / a lot)
orange juice?
g) What (much / many / a lot of) red roses!
Intensifying what you mean h) You never give me (some / any / no) help!
i) I think, there are (a few / a little / not
We use too to emphasize or intensify a quality,
much) flowers in the base now.
or to express more than is desirable or necessary,
e.g.: He is too young to talk on the phone; and ome, any, a lot of or no.
8. Fill in the gaps with so
we use enough to express an adequate quantity
of something, which is as much or as many we a) Rose looks tired. I think she should take
need or tolerate, e.g.: He got enough money to _________ rest.
eat out. b) Karla knows how to do that she needs
_________ help at all.
More examples:
c) There’s coffee in here. Let’s have ________.
She didn't look too sad despite that.
d) Did they sell _________ clothing?
They're too generous.
Those dishes are too flamboyant for our e) There’s not ________ guava juice in the
taste. cafeteria.
We have enough time to go for a drive. f) The dog is thirsty. Give him ______, please.
g) There aren’t _______ new cell phones to
Expressing possession sell.
Remember: possessive adjectives and possessive h) We bought __________ eggs to make the
pronouns show that something belongs to wedding cake. It has to be huge.
somebody. i) Do you have _______ red onions to lend?

9. Fill in some, any, no, a few, a little, much or money your money-box
a lot of.
Cuban teachers working abroad
a) There is _____ sparkling juice. tea cup of tea
b) There is_____ lobster on the menu.
meat grocery store
c) Would you like _______ oyster cocktails?
sheep farmyard
d) He never has _______ spare time to run.
e) ● Is there ___________ milk left in that
bottle for the baby? 12. Use too or enough to complete the following
▲ Don’t get mad. I’ll get __________ right
away. a) My doctor told me not to drink _____
f) ________ of them eat spinach. It’s healthy. much coffee at work.
g) There are ______ bottles of ketchup in the b) That’s _____ for me. I’m pleased.
restaurant. They are enough for a week. c) These papers aren’t _______ there are ___
h) ● How many cans of span are there? many students.
▲ There aren’t __________ left. I’m afraid d) The cat is ______ thin. He’s not ____ well.
there are only ______ left. e) We need a car but we don’t have ______
money yet.
10. Fill in logically. f) If you drink ______ much beer, you’ll get
At the party
g) Sandra feels ____ tired. She worked ____
Raul ▲ Anna ● much yesterday and didn’t rest ____.
▲ Ana, the party is lively. People look happy. 13. Make affirmative, negative and interrogative
● Yes, those over there are having ________ statements using the prompts as in the
punch again and... example.
▲ I know the children are taking ________
Heavy-truck-push alone
cookies and running to the garden.
A truck is too heavy to push it alone.
● Did they eat _______ food today?
a) Sugar-lemonade-for us
▲ Well, they only took _________ soup to be
b) short-reach-hat apple
ready for the party.
c) easy-that exercise-Albert?
● Oh, I see. Look at the garden. I think she’s d) Elegant-party-the hostess
drinking ________ wine. e) restless-little boy-chess
▲ You know she likes it. Let’s her take
______ more. A day is a day! 14. Express possession. Complete the conversation.
All my family is together in the yard. We are
11. In pairs. Ask and answer questions. Look at
as always having a rest before dinner time.
the example but be creative.
● Silvia are those shoes new _______?
● How much honey is there in a honeycomb?
▲ A lot. ▲ No, they’re ______. I lent them to her.
● You see Dad. All new things are _____.
honey honeycomb ▲ Don’t say that. ____ red shoes are not
children day-care center
that old.
● You bought them two months ago.
eggs homemade pudding
▲ I bought ___ shoes a year ago, and Tony
salt mayonnaise
needs new shoes. Father bought ______

shoes five months ago. And whose shoes grilled
lettuce lamb salami rice
are these? cod
■ _______ of course. I bought them three beep
years ago.
Everybody went towards him and kissed
him. He’s such a great Dad and husband!

ham potato
apple bread water
sandwich chips

15. Match the words with their correct meaning.

There’s one word without its meaning. Find
it out and write its meaning in the chart. 17. Look at the picture below. Make dialogues
asking for what there is / are on it. Express
a container for serving quantity.
food, usually a bowl
a restaurant that serves
dish food which we can eat
quickly or take away
a restaurant where you
cafeteria collect your food yourself
from a counter
a flat or shallow object,
usually round and made
course of earthenware, china,
lass, plastic, or metal,
from which food is eaten
a place where we can buy
plate take-out (meals to take a) When you are in a restaurant what is
away) usually or not on your table? Notice the
a place in a school, office example.
self-service factory, etc. where people
(restaurant) can buy and eat cheap There isn’t any beer because I don’t drink
meals beer.
one of two or more
take-out different dishes or types 18. Rejoin the phrases from the chart in the
(restaurant) of food that are served in article.
sequence during a meal

sandwich bar a small restaurant that “What Do The Stars Eat?”

serves light meals
a place in England that
Film stars are everyone’s favourite subject.
cafe serves alcoholic drinks People love to talk about what they’re
and sometimes food wearing, who they’re dating. And how
fast food restaurant ?
much money they make. __________________
Chefs and caterers on film sets have the
answer. “Every actor has different eating
16. Word relationship. Complete the table as in habits,” says chef John Sharp. “Some stars
the example. Use a dictionary if it is necessary. love meat, while others are strict

vegetarians who don’t eat meat, eggs, or Some stars love junk food, while others are constantly
fish____________________________”. on a diet and eat only healthy foods

Ninety-nine per cent of the time, actresses says caterer Susan Tate
are on a diet and insist on eating only
But don’t you wonder about what they eat?
low-fat foods. During the filming of Now
and Then, Demi Moore ate nothing but and loves fatty bacon sandwiches with lettuce, mayonnaise
Basmati rice, steamed baby spinach, green and lots of butter.
beans with lemon, and turkey sandwiches
on wholemeal bread. ____________________. A. Answer about the text:
Other stars love to eat junk food, and never a) What kinds of foods do stars eat? Explain
count calories during their meals. Eddy what each one consist of.
Murphy’s favorite food is Kentucky Fried b) What are the advantages and disadvantages
Chicken. Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t worry of each kind of food? Make a list and
about how healthy her diet is, ____________. discuss.
One thing for sure is that cooking for the c) What ailments are related to our diet?
stars in never easy, because they are often Explain your answers briefly.
fussy eaters. “They want food fixed exactly d) What of these kinds of foods do you like
the way they like it and always have the best? Do you worry about eating
healthy food? Why or why not?
something to complain about, __________ ”. e) Can you explain the difference between
_______________, but few of these caterers food and foods?
ever think about changing jobs. “I love my
work,” says Susan Tate. “Where else can I B. Try this!
see what Michelle Pfeiffer eats for breakfast Write a shorter article in which you show the
or what Al Pacino has for snack?” advantages and disadvantages of some kinds
(Adapted from Enterprise Text Book 2) of foods. At the end express your overall

During the filming of Twister, Helen Hunt only ate

low-calorie foods, including poached eggs, dry toast, and
steam brown rice with vegetables.

Cooking for stars is hard work


19. Read the following article and do the exercises.

“It’s natural for human to eat meat”

“A diet with meat in is a lot healthier than a vegetarian one”, says Kerry.
“I mean, you don’t get much protein from vegetables Vegetarians always look a bit skinny and I
should imagine a lot of them miss out on their protein and fruits, do you? And lots of them need
to take vitamin tablets and things.
I love meat and I’ll eat any kind-except possibly rabbit. That is because I see rabbits as pets. I think
being a vegetarian is a bit halfhearted, to tell you the truth. A bit hypocritical you should be a

complete vegan or a meat-eater. Lots of vegetarian wear leather and
it seems to me as if they can’t make up their minds. The only stand I
make is not to wear fur. I’d never wear a fur jacket because certain
animals are killed for their fur and nothing else. If you kill a cow, you
eat the meat and wear the skin. That’s O.K. because it’s natural for
human to eat meat”.
“Animals kill animals and humans are animals, so they kill animals
to stay alive”.
(Adapted from Intermediate Matters Book)
A. Find out:
a) Why Kerry feels that eating meat is healthier.
b) If she eats all kinds of meat.
c) If she wears fur.
d) How she can eat animals when she is an animal lover.
B. Answer these questions.
a) Is it healthy to eat meat?
b) Why doesn’t Kerry eat rabbits?
c) What is Kerry’s opinion about vegetarian?
d) Is Kerry happy when she eats meat? Why?
C. Discuss in groups.
a) What kind of food do you eat?
b) What do you think you eat too much of?
c) What do think you don’t eat enough of?
d) Do you think you have a healthy diet? Give your reasons.
e) Do you agree with Kerry, who thinks that it’s natural for human to eat meat.
D. Work in pairs and give details about yourself and your partner. Say:
a) How much meat or fish you eat on a typical day.
b) How many things you eat
c) How much you drink
d) What you eat a lot of
e) What you eat a little of
f) Whether you think you have a healthy diet (Give reasons).

20. Using the words below complete the text.

List: potatoes, meat, beer, carrots, chips, fish, gravy, peas, wine.
For dinner we will have boiled potatoes with ______ some boiled ______ and lots of ________.
Of course we’ll drink red ________!
We’ll have a nice big fried _______ with lots ________ and some boiled _______ we’ll drink cold

21. Write down what you eat and drink at mealtimes and for snacks in a typical day, then interview
a partner and add details of his / her eating habits and how healthy they are. Discuss in class.

Unit 9 How Long Have You Been Here?


Susan was working in Santiago de Cuba. Now she is at the airport in her way to Havana, and met
her old friend Richard.

Susan ● Richard ▲

● What a nice surprise! We haven’t seen each other for a long time.
Greet a person you
▲ You’re right. I’ve been very busy, but what are you doing here in haven’t seen in years
Santiago de Cuba?
● I’ve just spent a few days with some friends and working.
Talk about places
▲ Have you ever been here before or is this your first trip to you’ve been
Santiago de Cuba?
● No, It isn’t. How about you? Have you been here before?
▲ I’m living here.
● How long have you lived here?
Ask about the duration of
▲ For 5 years. My sister Elsie is coming! She visits us twice a year.
Have you met each other?
Introduce someone
● No, I don’t believe we have. By the way, Richard, what have you
done? Where have you been?
Talk about things you’ve
done recently
▲ Well… I have worked as a sport commentator for the British
channel BBC1 in the Caribbean, so I’ve been to Jamaica and
Guyana, too. There I met my wife and we have lived in Santiago
de Cuba since we got married. Talk about places you’ve
worked and lived
● How long have you been married?
▲ Since 2009. What about you?
● I have worked as a Spanish teacher for an overseas mission for
about two years.

▲ Oh, my sister is there. Well, it was a pleasure to meet you again.
● Me too, bye.

Choose the correct alternative:

a) Susan and Richard haven’t seen each other
__ for about 10 years.
__ since they got married.
__ for a long time.
b) Susan was visiting
__ her parents.
__ some friends.
__ her uncle.
c) Richard has lived in Santiago de Cuba
__ for about two years.
__ since he was born.
__ for a month.
d) Richard met his wife
__ in Santiago de Cuba.
__ in Jamaica.
__ in Guyana.
e) Melissa has worked for an overseas mission
__ as a nurse.
__ as a Spanish teacher.
__ as a tourist guide.

Say Right (R), Wrong (W) or I don’t know (IDK). Explain all of them saying: “It’s _____________
a) ____ Susan spent a few days only with her friends in Santiago de Cuba.
b) ____ Richard and Susan aren’t friends.
c) ____ Susan and Elsie already met each other.
d) ____ Richard has taught English in Jamaica.
e) ____ Elsie has worked for an overseas company since she graduated.

Answer the questions

a) How long was Susan in Santiago de Cuba?
b) Where does Richard live?
c) Are Richard and Susan working together?
d) What did Susan do two years ago?
Retell the story. Take first some notes of the main ideas.

Greet a person you haven’t seen in years ___ Introduce someone.
___ Talk about things you’ve done recently.
● What a nice surprise! We haven’t seen for a
long time. 2. Two friends run into each other after haven’t
▲ You’re right. I’ve been very busy. seen for a long time. Complete the
I’ve been in Venezuela conversation and act it out.
for two years.
I’ve travelled around the ● Gee! I haven’t seen you for a long time.
world. ___________ ?
▲ Very well, thanks. _______________ ?
Introduce someone ● Good, __________________ ?
▲ I’ve been in Varadero.
● My sister Elsie is coming! Have you two met
each other? / Have you known each other? ● _________________?
▲ No, I don’t believe we have. ▲ I’ve worked as a waiter in a restaurant. By
Yes, we have. the way, ____________ ?
● I’ve been in Angola working as a
Greetings translator.____________ ?
● How have you been? ▲ I’ve been a waiter since 1993. _________ ?
▲ Fine, thank you. How about you? ● I’ve got married two years ago. How
● Pretty good. about you?
▲ I’m single now, but I think I’m going to get
Ask about duration of an action married very soon. Well, I’ve got to go.
● How long have you lived here? Good luck.
▲ For 5 years.
● You too. Have a nice day!

3. Organize the following dialogue:

Talk about things you’ve done recently
___ Did you meet many people there?
● What have you done recently Lily? Where ___ Don’t worry. Continue studying and you
have you been? could become a very good English teacher.
▲ Well... I have worked as an announcer in a
___ For three months.
Spanish channel, that’s why I’ve been in Spain
and Portugal too. ___ How could you speak with them?
___ How long were you there?
1. Match A with B. There are two options for each ___ In fact I realized you have improved your
function. In pairs, act out the conversation. English. You are speaking fluently and
___ Thanks again. Sorry, it has been late. See
a) I’ve worked as a teacher. you around.
b) How long have you lived here?
___ Thanks, I have studied hard but I have
c) How have you been?
had some problems in spelling and writing.
d) Have you met each other?
e) We haven’t seen for a long time. ___ Hi, Alec. I’ve not seen you for two months.
f) How long have you been married? ___ That’s O.K., bye bye.
g) Have you known each other? ___ Well, I studied a little Chinese to solve my
h) I’ve been in Santiago de Cuba and Jamaica. household problems. But indeed, I spoke
English most of the time.
___ Yeah! I’ve been in China working as a
___ Greet a person you haven’t seen in years. mason for a construction company.
___ Ask about duration of an action. ___ Yes, in fact I made two best friends.

4. Answer the questions with your own Expressing affirmative statements
Auxiliaries: have = ‘ve has = ’s
a) Have you ever been in Matanzas?
b) Where have you been recently? Aux. Past participle
c) Do you like it? Why? I have
d) Are you married or single?
You have
e) How long have you been married or cooked
single? She / He / It has
f) Do you work or study? We / You / They have
g) Where have you worked or studied?
h) What have you done recently?
Expressing negation
5. Oral. In pairs. You are walking on the street Auxiliaries: have not = haven’t has not = hasn’t
and you meet an old friend that you haven’t
seen for two years. Catch up on the things Aux. + not Past participle
you’ve done recently, where you’ve worked,
lived. I haven’t

You haven’t
6. Writing. Make a list in your journal about cooked
She / He / It hasn’t
things you have or haven’t done recently.
We / You / They haven’t
– Where have you been the last three
Expressing interrogative
– What have you done?
– What haven’t you done and have to do? have I
– What has your close friend or family done
has She / he / it cooked…?
with you?
have We / you / they

Yes / no questions Short answers

Have you gone out Yes, I have.

GRAMMAR FOCUS recently? No, I haven’t.

Has Marian studied English Yes, she has.

How to talk about what we before? No, she hasn’t.
do or did recently
Have Max and Mary liked Yes, they have.

We use the present perfect to talk about actions the Italian food? No, they haven’t.
that happened at an unstated indefinite time in
the past, that is we don’t specify the exact Information questions Answers
moment when they happened, e.g.: We have
moved into this neighbourhood recently; I’ve worked at National
Where have you worked?
actions that start in the past and continue in the
present, e.g.: I have made a new friend; and also What has Max done since He has bought and sold
1999? restaurants.
to talk about actions that recently finished but
their result are visible in the present, e.g.: Betsy How long have they fixed
They’ve done it for a long
has eaten all the food. The refrigerator and time, because they’re very
the car?
shelves are empty.

Time expressions: Expressions of time for the b) The baby has slept for ____________ and
present perfect include: since, for, how long, we have been resting since ____________.
ever, never, yet, already, just, so far, recently. We can’t when he awakes.
Notice the examples: c) Rafael has worked there since __________.
Now he’s thirty.
We’ve known them since 2009.
I have already booked in the restaurant. I’ve just d) The baker has made bread for _________.
phone them. e) Our classmates haven’t don’t their
Has Monica sent the letters yet? exercises for __________, that’s why the
Have they ever worked overseas? teacher has given them two full sheets of
How long have you travelled abroad? exercises.
f) The dressmaker has sewed for _________.
7. Complete the following chart with the correct
form. Her mother has taught her since _______.

a) Enlarge your list with your teacher’s help. 9. Use the correct time expression logically.
Check the pronunciation and the meaning. Notice the example.
List: since, for, how long, ever, never, yet,
Simple form Past Past participle already, just, so far, recently.
They have been to Japan.
decided They have been to Japan recently.
bought a) I have opened the window.
speak b) Mum has cooked dinner.
c) Have they visited your sick friend?
d) Have you slept on the floor?
text e) She has passed three tests.
booked f) We have waited two hours.
g) Grandpa hasn’t worked 1989.
h) Luck and Mary have been married ten
sewed years ago.
i) What has Mark done?
j) Liz hasn’t done her homework.
seen k) Alec and George have painted their
feed house last month.
10. Complete the sentences with the correct
set verb from the list.
had List: invite, be, live, travel, work.
a) I __________ here since I was a child.
made b) Susan _________ as a teacher since 2002.
done c) She ________ a text book writer for two
d) Mr. and Mrs. Kingston ______ to Santiago
8. Finish the sentences using the correct time de Cuba in their lives, but Richard _______
expression. them to come this summer.

a) They have had that car for ____________ 11. Complete the following dialogues. Use the
and she has driven it since ______________. verbs in parenthesis in the correct tense.

a) ● How long _________ you _______ here? a) ● Have your parents written to you?
(be) ▲ Yes, _________________ last month.
▲ I _______ here since 2015. (be)
b) ● Has the baby taken his meal?
b) ● What ________ Rose ______ for these
▲ Yes, _______________ at 1:00.
months? (do)
▲ She _______ hard in a new project. c) ● Have you done the homework?
(work) ▲ Yes, ________________ yesterday.
c) ● Where _________ your kids ______ in d) ● Has your mother baked the steaks yet?
Matanzas? (stay) ▲ Yes, ___________________ early.
▲ They _________ at their aunt’s. (stay)
e) ● Has Sarah bought her new bike?
d) ● How many times _____ he ________?
▲ Yes, ___________________________ last
▲ Mmm, many times.
f) ● Have Tony and George sold their
e) ● Are you sure the dressmaker ______ sandwich bar?
these sweaters? (sew)
▲ Yes, ________________ last Friday.
▲ Well, yes. But he ______ it well. (not do)

f) ● ______ you already ______ the dog for 14. Complete with the simple past or the present
a walk? (take) perfect. Several answers are possible.
▲ No, I ________ yet. (do)
List: have, go, sell, do, practice, buy, bake,
g) ● How much money ______ they ______ play (2), move, be, plant (2), arrive, travel.
in that game? (spend)
▲ A lot, they ______ around $ 1 000. (lose) a) Tom ________ with snow for the first time
h) ● Where _____ you ______ our umbrella? last vacation. He _________ with it in his
(lose) whole lifetime. (never)
▲ Sorry Dad. I think I ___ on the bus.
b) I _________ two gifts so far.
c) Luck ____________ some strawberry pies
12. Choose the correct verb from the list. yesterday.
Complete using present perfect in the
correct form. d) Jane _____ her first tree last summer. She
______ a tree before. (not)
List: help, go, be, drink, see, come, eat.
e) ● When _____ you ______ to Varadero?
a) I ___________ that film yet.
▲ Never, I ________ (never) there.
b) _____ our cat ever _______ fish?
c) I don’t remember if we _____already f) Silvia and Terry _____ their car last month.
______ to that place. g) Peter and I _____ (not) a pet since we
d) ______ they ever _______ to Venezuela? ______ here.
e) Sorry, but we _____ never _______ here.
h) I ______ to Cuba last year. I _____ (not)
f) ______ your husband ever _______ you
since 1994.
with the housework?
g) I’m sure Betty ______ not _______ rum yet. i) Our son already _____ his homework with
Mary’s help.
13. Complete the sentences as in the example.
j) How long _____ Roxy ______ that dance?
● Has Elena arrived yet? I don’t know. I think she ________ (not) it
▲ Yes, she arrived two hours ago.
for five hours at least.

15. Two gossipy neighbors are talking. Put the a) What can you do with your eyes?
verbs into the present perfect or simple past. b) Some people do that to enjoy parties or
discos. (two verbs)
List: come, fly, learn, be, translate, enjoy, c) What a mason does.
travel, stay, create, go. d) What we usually do to have our house
● She ______ her visit to Poland last year. beautiful for New Year’s Day. (two verbs)
She’s lucky. She _____________ to seven e) We should do that to avoid stress.
f) What we have to do to improve our
countries so far. English.
▲ What _____ she ______ so much? g) What horsewomen do.
h) What teachers do.
● Because she _________ a new system to
i) What we do with our baby.
melt some minerals. j) What our couple usually do on St
▲ ________ she ________ alone? Valentine’s Day.
k) What happens when someone comes first
● No, that time she __________ with her
in a competition.
husband. They ________ for two months. l) What we do when there are two solutions
They __________ a lot of Polish and he to the same problem.
________ some books for a Polish Editorial Do That.
since they __________ back.
a) Write the past and past participle of the
16. In pairs. Share turns. verbs.
b) Complete the conversation using the
A: Tell your partner when your birthday was correct form of the verbs from the
and report what you did that day. word-soup. You can use any grammatical
B: Listen carefully to his / her report to brief structure studied so far.
the class and after tell what you have ● I _______ you last weekend at Harry’s
always done or never don’t that day. party.
▲ Oh, yeah. We had a wonderful time.
Sarah showed her artistic skills there.
● How come?
LANGUAGE TRAINING ▲ Well, I _________ to music while she
_________ when all of the sudden
there was a dancing contest
17. Find out 14 verbs in the word-soup according encouraged by her, and surprisingly
to the information below. she ________ the first place. But I
didn’t see you there. What have you
D A N C E E W J M L been doing?
S E Z A R S N U F O ● Well I’ve been too busy these days, so
T T C L D E O Z H O I’m really tired. Father hired a good
mason. He_______ a laundry room in
U E R I D E L K L K the back yard. At the meantime father
D A Y S D D G A G A _________ the entire house while I
________ each room, so no time for
▲ You’re terribly under stress. How
E O C N Z I I X F E ______ you __________ yourself?
B U I L D I N A J R ● Well, I’d like to go for a walk but I
_________ for the Math exam. It’s the
hardest for me.

▲ When you pass the text go on my shouldn’t have enough time to look
farm. It’s very healthy ______________ after dogs or cats because of the children.
on horseback. My gentle, white So I’ve decided to buy some fish and
stallion will make you feel like flying. orchids.
● Perhaps next week. This weekend my ___ Kisses.
assignment is _________ my little sister ___ Christmas Eve is next month, and several
and ____________ her the colors and friends of Robert and mine will be
vowels. Father _________ she will learn staying with us until New Year’s Day.
that before going to kindergarten. If I Yeah! I know I have to prepare many
get that he ___________ me a bike. things and foods.
c) Ask five questions related to the previous ___ Mum, have you ever been to La Moca? I
conversation. Share to the class. need your help if you could…
___ Dear Mum.
18. Time to play. In teams.
___ But the best orchids are in Pinar del Rio
Create similar definitions or questions to and I’ve no time to travel there. Perhaps,
guess other verbs. Then, make other teams it’s a good time to know La Moca and
to identify the possible ones and make visit some famous places. However I
sentences. Notice the example: haven’t saved enough money yet.
Team A. What a farmer does to grow plants ___ I have even bought a large piñata for
/ What do farmers do to grow plants? / To them. However I haven’t gotten anything
collect vegetables or fruits in the country / for adult yet.
To put seeds on the ground… (Made by Lic. Gloria Armas)
Team B: to harvest
Team C: to plant* A. Write about it.
Team D: to sow** Imagine you are Mairelys’ mother or father
Team E: My uncle has a farm. He plants and reply to your daughter’s letter. Take into
onions. He has planted onions for five years. account the following ideas.
Team F: He harvested one ton of onions last
year. never go to La Moca
*to plant (vegetables) already make plans
to sow (cereals), pt. sowed, p.p. sowed or
work a lot for a month
just buy some gifts for women
19. Read the following letter from Mairelys to decide what to buy for men yet
her mum. Rejoin the sentences and put the
paragraph in the correct order. think how to help you

see your friend Yahima

___ Mairelys.
text a message to your cousin
___ I remember now I haven’t made the list Marjory since last week
to share the household chores. So far,
text me back yet
I’ve only written my activities.
___ I’ve just made a list of meals to stock up ask your husband for help
the kitchen cupboards for these days,
but I haven’t decided the main dish yet. B. Try this!
I’ve bought a lot of amusing presents It’s now January 8 and you send another
for the kids. letter to your parents telling what happened
___ I was thinking on getting some special in that holiday week and what you will do
plants or pets for them, but I know they for the next one.


20. Read this text carefully and be ready to do the exercises.

Have you ever really considered the meaning of the word freedom?
The meaning seems to be greatly stimulated by this word, but what
exactly does it mean? Freedom to work? Freedom to speak?
Freedom to have money? Freedom to study? Freedom to think?
Freedom to kill? Freedom to die? Let’s look at them one at a time.
Freedom to work-but not when there is strike or when one does not
have the right qualifications.
Freedom to speak-but not if you are in a concentration camp.
Freedom to make money-so that you can pay taxes.
Freedom to study-so that you can gain a diploma, as long as you cram your mind with the expert’s
latest theories.
Freedom to think-provided you are careful what you say to your boss.
Freedom to kill-in order to defend your homeland, but not if you want to strangle the man next
Freedom to die-but not by your own hands.
Revolution to gain the so called freedom for one group or another, have taken place throughout
the history of man, but what about the freedom of the people against whom the revolt took place?
Each generation searches from new freedoms without realizing that their forefathers fought and
worked to improve conditions so that their children would have a better standard of living and a
greater freedom. It is predictable that eventually every hard won freedom will become part of
the system and therefore no longer the freedom.
Freedom is like a voracious beast of prey that devours its young. It is like a boomerang throw by
an aborigine. It comes back to where it started. The ultimate solution, I suppose, will be man’s
freedom from him.
Having written all this, I still do not know what freedom means. Do you?
(Taken from Folleto de Lectura, Tesis de Maestría Josefa Febrero Fernandez)

A. The author tells about…

a) Freedom and slavery in society ______
b) The meaning of freedom _____
c) The first man who talked about freedom ______
B. Think and comment in class.
a) After having read the text, did you change your initial opinion?
b) Do you think human beings are responsible with the different kinds of freedom mentioned
in the text?

c) Are you responsible with your freedom? Explain
d) Do you agree with the ultimate solution that the author gives? Why or why not?
C. What does the word freedom mean to you? Be ready to share your opinion with your

21. Write a composition in no less than 60 words saying the most important things you have done
lately and the things you haven’t done yet. Make a plan first.


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Base Form Meaning in Spanish Past* Past Participle

ask preguntar asked asked
answer responder answered answered
apologize disculparse apologized apologized
agree estar de acuerdo agreed agreed
accept aceptar accepted accepted
arrive arrivar arrived arrived
appear aparecer appeared appeared
admire admirar admired admired
attend asistir attended attended
bring traer brought brought
build construir built built
buy comprar bought bought
be ser o estar was / were been
begin comenzar began begun
become convertir(se) became become
break romper broke broken
believe creer believed believed
belong pertenecer belonged belonged
close cerrar closed closed
clean limpiar cleaned cleaned
complain quejarse complained complained
call llamar called called
continue continuar continued continued
cry llorar, gritar cried cried
carry cargar, llevar a cabo carried carried

complete completar completed completed
cost costar cost cost
cut cortar cut cut
catch agarrar caught caught
come venir came come
choose escoger, seleccionar chose chosen
change cambiar changed changed
copy copiar copied copied
discover descubrir discovered discovered
dream soñar dreamed dreamed
destroy destruir destroyed destroyed
dance bailar danced danced
develop desarrollar developed developed
describe describir described described
defend defender defended defended
depend depender depended depended
disappoint decepcionar disappointed disappointed
do hacer did done
drink beber drank drunk
drive manejar drove driven
eat comer ate eaten
earn ganar earned earned
enjoy disfrutar enjoyed enjoyed
end finalizar ended ended
expect esperar expected expected
explain explicar explained explained
fire incendiar, despedir fired fired
fight luchar fought fought
fill llenar filled filled
follow seguir followed followed
form formar formed formed
fail fallar, suspender failed failed
fly volar flew flown
finish terminar finished finished
fix componer, fijar fixed fixed
forbid prohibir forbade forbidden

Base Form Meaning in Spanish Past* Past Participle
forget olvidar forgot forgotten
feed alimentar fed fed
feel sentir felt felt
find encontrar found found
fall caer fell fallen
found fundar founded founded
go ir went gone
give dar gave given
grow crecer grew grown
get obtener got got
graduate graduar(se) graduated graduated
greet saludar greeted greeted
hurt herir hurt hurt
have tener had had
hate odiar hated hated
hear oír heard heard
hold sostener held held
increase incrementar increased increased
introduce presentar, introducir introduced introduced
invent inventar invented invented
invite invitar invited invited
keep guardar, mantener kept kept
kill asesinar killed killed
kiss besar kissed kissed
listen escuchar listened listened
live vivir lived lived
leave abandonar, dejar left left
learn aprender learned learned
love amar loved loved
like gustar liked liked
lose perder lost lost
look mirar looked looked
last durar lasted lasted
make hacer made made
mean significar meant meant
miss perder, extrañar missed missed

move mudar(se), mover(se) moved moved
name nombrar named named
need necesitar needed needed
open abrir opened opened
overcome superar overcame overcome
order ordenar ordered ordered
put poner, situar put put
pay pagar paid paid
practice practicar practiced practiced
play jugar, tocar un instrumento musical played played
please agradar, satisfacer pleased pleased
possess poseer possessed possessed
place situar, poner placed placed
pass pasar, aprobar passed passed
paint pintar painted painted
repeat repetir repeated repeated
remember recordar remembered remembered
rain llover rained rained
return retornar, volver returned returned
read /i/ leer read /e/ read /e/
ring sonar rang rung
rest descansar rested rested
refuse rechazar refused refused
run correr run run
see ver saw seen
start iniciar started started
sing cantar sang sung
speak hablar spoke spoken
sell vender sold sold
sleep dormir slept slept
send enviar sent sent
sweep barrer swept swept
sit sentar(se) sat sat
spend pasar, gastar spent spent
shut cerrar shut shut
solve resolver solved solved
sign firmar signed signed

Base Form Meaning in Spanish Past* Past Participle
study estudiar studied studied
say decir said said
tell decir told told
take coger took taken
teach enseñar taught taught
think pensar thought thought
travel viajar traveled traveled
try tratar, probar tried tried
touch tocar touched touched
use usar used used
understand entender understood understood
wash lavar washed washed
watch mirar, vigilar watched watched
worry preocupar(se) worried worried
work trabajar worked worked
win ganar won won
wait esperar waited waited

* The verbs that end in -ed in past are called regular verbs.
* The verbs that do not end in -ed in past are called irregular verbs.


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